#make some of the patches that ive put on my ocs lol
himbopunk · 11 months
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shh late night stamp/block wips
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do u have any ocs 👉👈 a moot of mine asked and now i wanna know if u have one!!!!!
okok so the main ones areeeee probably broanch (and all the other characters in sywpq by extension) and donovan but ive got some others
donovan doesn't have much lore but shes pretty much just 15 year old art kid who likes bunnies and drawing anime gore she makes those stickman fight animations in her free time and probably is somewhat scene now that i think about it??? that girl is blasting millionaires in the back of the classroom loud enough for everyone to hear lmao
i had a dream where i was having a panic attack in class and she calmed me down and gave me her hat and was very niceys so i made her real because she was nice lol
donovan is also not her real name but she thinks her real name is stupid so she doesnt go by it and she took the name off a book or something
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^^ she
and then i put the sywpq stuff under the cut cus its long lol
ok so SYWPQ
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fair warning i wrote most of the lore when i was like 11 so its a bit stupid but eh
broanch is this girl from an alien race (called steyaes) that split off of humans a really long time ago and has kind of just been hopping planets ever since
the patch of galaxy they ended up in was very barren of resources so this species kinda spent a lot of time just floating around in the void in a sorta hibernation like state or hopping between asteroids and small planets, whatever they could find, and using the limited resources before jumping off to look for another
theres also a thing that like. evolved?? or something??? in thats essentially jsut magic they have magic powers. imagine like a video game stamina bar that empties as the character uses it to manifest objects and attacks and yeah thats pretty much it (it takes a lot of energy to use so it's not used often for anything more major than like. controlling small objects, manifesting clouds {saoirse does that a lot}, electrical shocks, etc, but it can be used for larger things like combat)
(broanch's power stuff is more suited to combat while saoirse's and juneau's are more for controlling water and air)
she had a shitty childhood, parental neglect n all that, and spent a lot of time playing by herself and with this pair of sisters she befriended (saoirse and juneau), and pretending that she was in charge of various different things and this eventually manifested into her really wanting to host some type of tv show
when she was around 16 she ran off cus. shitty home life. and since steyaes are one of the relatively stronger human-adjacent species she ended up taking up various jobs bounty hunting or going off looking for rabid animals that were causing issues so she can kill them or whatever
she kinda just went around doing whatever for a couple years until eventually
one day she and saoirse were on this random planet they found that didnt really have much going for it but they were just kinda talking doing whatever, when humans found it
at this point in the universe humans do know theres other civilizations out there and have talked to them but they all kinda tend to keep to themselves so the humans on the ship are a lil surprised to find someone here
since this planet is otherwise entirely empty theyre like "ok cool this is ours" but broanch basically just goes "nuh uh i was here first" and starts fighting with nasa cus this planet is HERS actually ueah totally uh huh
....and then i dont exactly remember what happens at this part cus again i made most of this when i was 11. but. basically they dont really resolve the fight but because its happening there's loads of tv coverage and broanch is immediately like "WOW IM ON TV :DDDD" and decides that now is when she should finally bring her tv show host dreams to fruition
since she's only known for being on this planet she decides to use it as the prize for her new gameshow and then also decides (purely to piss off nasa) that the show is going to be run as a club at a random highschool cus why not lmao
the show is called "So Ya Want Planet Q?" and the contestants are all 16-18 year old students at a highschool in bumfuck nowhere america
she did not tell them going into this that is was a gameshow and advertised the club as an "afterschool hangout thing"
episodes are recorded live through saoirse running around with a camera and the show functions similar to something like total drama or bfdi (i made this entire thing in the trenches of my bfb hyperfixation lmfao) except instead of elimination by vote theres a point system, and the games change pretty much every episode, ranging from fairly normal stuff like trivia to a literal bomb defusing thing at one point
broanch is the main host and does all the talking and saoirse is the cohost and helps set up challenges and man cameras, and acts as the voice of reason to broanch's stupidity
saoirse's spent more time on earth and knows more about social norms and culture and shit so she's also the "resident human expert" because broanch has no fucking idea what shes doing
saoirse and juneau im still working on fleshing out but theyre pretty much just. normal. idk
saoirse's the cohost obviously and while juneau does help with the show occasionally she generally thinks its a bad idea so doesn't very often
i have a few other misc characters but those are the two i draw the most :D ive got another thingie called like plantii or somethign but again that was mostly made when i was 11 and also all the lore is on my laptop profile that im still locked out of :(( ill find it eventually though
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bloodrevel · 3 months
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I saw saw @galesdevoteewife's post about her Tav & decided I wanted to do it too :) I'm tagging everyone who wants to do this & pls tag me if you do, I love seeing people's Tavs! <3
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Senna, my scrunkly half wood elf ranger/druid/favoured of mielikki blorbo who was quite literally raised by wolves :) <3
I. what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
She generally smells like wolf fur, fresh earth, herbs and Felsul flower oil when she can make or buy it (Felsul are common in the Cloakwood where she grew up but she can't always find them while on the road).
II. what would their blood taste like to vampires?
Crisp, a little sweet, and a little tart, like an apple.
III. how would they kiss their LI?
Sen doesn't do anything by halves; she kisses passionately, fiercely, with wild abandon. She doesn't hold anything back and gives all of herself when she loves someone.
IV. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
She loves being warm and cosy and cuddling. Without Gale she always sleeps snuggled up with her wolf, Fey, but when she sleeps with Gale it's with her face nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder, his arms wrapped around her and their legs tangled together, or they switch between being the big spoon or little spoon depending on the night/what they feel like.
And Fey is still included of course! If she's sleeping facing Gale, her wolf sleeps at her back. If she's sleeping with her back against Gale, she's cuddling Fey and her face is snuggled into her fur <3
V. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
Her tent is a simple muted green, made to blend in with the forest. Inside she has a raggedy patchwork blanket, a bedroll, an old velvet pillow for Fey, a small wooden box of needle and thread for patching up her clothes, some ink pots, quills and a stack of journals. Outside she has a few small plant pots where she grows herbs and tea leaves and whatever weed she smokes in her dad's old pipe lol
VI. if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
These Feywild dice I found on the nexus (they're what I use in game)
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VII. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
She collects random things that catch her eye like rocks, gems and feathers, as well as herbs, and she's also very sentimental so if anyone gives her anything, she keeps it (like the story Mirkon wrote her after she saved him, for example). When she gets into a relationship with Gale she starts collecting recipes to cook with him, plus all the poetry he writes for her, as well as poetry she comes across that she thinks he'll like (she doesn't write poetry herself).
VIII. if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
She's part of the Astarion/Gale book club. She loves books on flora and fauna, and she's curating her own florilegium with descriptions and illustrations of all the herbs, plants, flowers and animals she comes across on her travels.
IX. if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
Oh it'd be Lae'zel for sure. They're both very headstrong and confident and think their way is the right way, so in the beginning they butt heads and challenge each other a lot. Each grows to respect the other for their determination and strength over time, and they end up forming a strong bond because of it.
Woe be upon ye who tries to shove them into that shirt though, you'll end up on the wrong end of a Gith sword AND stuck with a hide full of arrows.
X. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
She only uses speak with animals, Gale uses speak with dead.
XI. what are their thoughts on clowns?
She's never seen one until the Circus of the Last Days, and she's not at all interested in them/doesn't really get it. She just does one of her little head tilts and looks at them like... hmm...what odd people...and then gets distracted by the dryad, who she absolutely moons over.
XII. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
It's probably Astarion and Shadowheart, and they're probably either complaining about how much of an annoyingly cheery, energetic morning person she is, or mocking her obvious lovesickness over Gale.
XIII. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
Wolf antics, Gale's complaints whenever they have to sneak, Gale's comments while on the battlefield, Gale in general (their senses of humour are well aligned), Astarion's histrionics, Astarion and Shadowheart's snarky conversations, Karlach's jokes, Wyll's utter intolerance for poorly performed music, Lae'zel's mispronunciation of common words.
She laughs heartily, warmly, and without restraint - pretty much the way she does everything.
XIV. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
She's not much of a "hey wanna hear this joke" kind of person, but she undoubtedly has things that are uniquely funny to her and her companions based on the experiences they had together, as you do when you spend a lot of time / go through a lot with people. Like, "Hey, remember that time..."
XV. what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Her dress: a lovely dress made of a soft, well-worn green cloth, with flowers stitched into the bodice and an intricate woven belt around the waist (it doesn't have a description so I wrote this one).
Her boots: made of intertwining branches that wrap around the foot like nature's embrace.
XVI. what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
Again it doesn't have a description, but I imagine it'd say something like "Plain, simple cotton undergarments".
XVII. how do they celebrate their birthday?
She doesn't know when it is, so she celebrates the day her dad adopted her instead, which was Ches 3. She spends the day gathering berries and baking a pie with them, as that's what her dad used to do for her every year.
XVIII. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
She probably wouldn't watch TV much, but I think she'd enjoy nature documentaries, and she'd get Gale to watch with her and then blab random facts at him the whole time.
XIX. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
I'm in the middle of working on one, the title of and first song on it is Raised by Wolves by The Interrupters, and sums Senna up perfectly: My teeth got sharper, my skin got tough So I forgive you for your giving up For your giving up It doesn't matter, my life was shattered And my heart's got holes You left a child out in the wild And I was raised by wolves I was raised by wolves, ah-ooh I was raised by wolves, ah-ooh
Yeah, when you left and said goodbye Under the moonlight, we had to learn to stay alive In the wild
XX. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
In her pockets she just carries some coins and hair ties, and in her backpack she carries her current leatherbound journal, a pot of ink, a couple quills, a folded piece of parchment that has been read many times (it's her favourite poem Gale wrote for her), maps, some healing potions, a satchel of herbs and other alchemy ingredients, trap disarming tools, travel rations (including a wedge of cheese with a big bite taken out of it), a waterskin, and a mess kit.
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