#but between roommates surgery and other shit i just
himbopunk · 11 months
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shh late night stamp/block wips
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intosnarkness · 3 months
So my cat died today.
(tw:pet illness, death)
idk I might try and write the whole story later, but 15 years is a lot to try and boil down. (NB, I got him when he was 2, which you might have figured out because he was 17.)
But long story short, in February of 22 I was in Florida setting up an expo for work when the vet called me. Nat had taken the boys for a dental cleaning, and Peri lost like, a pound in a few weeks.
I was 900 miles away and could do nothing as they did scans and blood tests and I hid behind a shipping crate and cried.
They found a mass in his stomach and he's been on steroids since. We didn't know what it was, because I didn't want to do the exploratory on a cat his age. The vet agreed. I thought at the time that I had 3 months left. I got 18.
Recently Pman has had less appetite. This came to a head on Wednesday when I got home from work to feed the cats and he didn't come when I opened the can. He was also leaving more and more food uneaten.
I called the vet yesterday but it didn't feel emergent so when i got voicemail I gave up. Called again around 11 this morning and they asked me to bring him in ASAP. I had a Feeling then that today was going to end with a cremation.
Nat was headed home early from work because they're doing construction on his building and he was Done so I called and asked him to take Peri in. He agreed.
When he got to the house, Peri had found a bobbin for embroidery floss at some point between when I left at 7:45am and when he got home at 11:45am and eaten the thread off of it.
Nat called me and I just.. left. I just got up and left work and called the people I needed to call from the car to tell them I had a pet emergency and was leaving for the day. Nat and I met at the vet.
The issues came down to this:
When a cat eats string, your concern is it being in the intestine. If you pull on the string you can tear the intestine with the pressure. If you don't know how long it's been, you need to scope the cat or do exploratory surgery.
Our vet did not have anyone to scope the cat. They called every other vet in town, apparently. Time ticked by. They found one about 40 minutes away.
At this point it was close to 1:30. In the best scenario, it had been at least 2 hours since the thread entered his system. It would be another hour before we could get the scope in him. I kept saying to Nat, as we sat and waited, that there was no world where it wasn't in the intestine by the time we got him there. This is when I started to really fucking lose it.
If the string was in the intestine, they were going to have to do exploratory abdominal surgery on a 17-year-old cat to get it out. I remember what his recovery was like when he was 3 and did this. I was not sure it was fair to do that to a cat as old as him. I was pretty sure I had murdered my best friend with embroidery floss, which is going to be funny in retrospect but right now it isn't.
I know Peri has eaten string before. I remember the night he did it in the Laurel apartment like it was yesterday. I was usually vigilant about not leaving shit around for him to eat. The number of times I nagged Nat about spools of thread, or shoelaces, or twist ties. I looked at that bobbin yesterday and thought "I should put that away before Peri gets at it." I did not put it away. I was starting to convince myself that I killed my cat. That this whole thing was my fault. Poor Nat sitting next to me in this vet room. He is not an affectionate person. He does not touch. I doubt we have ever hugged. Here we are, and I'm holding my cat and crying. He mustered up all his courage and touched my shoulder. We stan one emotionally unavailable roommate.
As it turned out, it didn't matter. The x-ray revealed that the mass in his stomach had moved to his chest. His lungs were scalloped around the edges and there was fluid around his heart.
Nat and I both cried and killed an entire box of tissues. Peri let me hold him and he even gave us some moops. The vet told me to just keep talking. And the only thing I remember saying was that he had been such a good mommy to those ferals we fostered because he did such a good job of raising me, first.
So best boy, lover of Popsicle sticks, Wrong Tail haver, spottiest cat and cattiest spot, Peri Pants McGee, the Periman, Pman, Mr. Mooperman, and any other name I called him over the last 15 years was the best cat that most of you never got to meet.
His favorite thing in the world was when I put a blanket over my legs and then he laid on the blanket. He liked to lick my toes and ankles, which was the worst. He was a very good reason to stay alive on certain days when that didn't seem to be a priority. He was my best friend, and I love him.
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finnglas · 10 months
In order to explain my cats' latest obsession, I have to give you some history. Behind a cut, warnings for Cat Illness.
In 2015, both K and I were working a lot and I felt bad that my>our cat, Luna, was being left alone for hours on end. So we decided to get a second cat - thus, Evie joined the family. Now, being that Evie was about 2 years old and Luna was about 5 years old, they didn't really enjoy the Sudden Roommate Situation [SRS]. It took a lot longer than normal for the introductory methods to work. (They still tolerate each other more than anything but they seem to have made their peace, eight years on.)
Anyway, we got Evie in November of 2015 and in January of 2016 I lost my job and Luna also developed an ongoing UTI due to the stress of the SRS. (Between this and the Politics Situation at the time, I was so stressed I skipped my period for almost seven months. I don't think any of us have recovered.) Anyway, so Luna had to go on antibiotics, and the antibiotics gave her diarrhea, so we also put her on probiotics, but the probiotics (I learned later) gave her worse diarrhea, and the stress of constant upset stomach meant that she kept having ongoing UTIs which meant ongoing antibiotics/probiotics, etc., in a vicious cycle. I'm still mad at that vet because they refused to slow down to consider me asking "what if the fact that it's making her sick is contributing to the infection" and kept just assigning more rounds of antibiotics that I couldn't afford. Yeah that credit card JUST got paid off two months ago.
A N Y W A Y. The result of all this is that it tore poor Luna's stomach up to the point that she couldn't eat any kind of dry treat or kibble. Literally, one Greenie treat would instantly give her the shits. This means that both cats have been on wet-food-only for like, seven years. It's expensive, and not great for their teeth, but also Luna wasn't shitting herself constantly so you take what you can get. I occasionally tried samples of kibble that advertised themselves as Sensitive Stomach Formulae over the years but none of them were successful.
Fast forward to two weeks ago, when I was at my parents' for my dad's surgery and Kellie stayed home with the cats. She had to go get some more wet food for them during this time and while at the pet store, she eyed a bag of kibble that said it was for Sensitive Stomachs and had a strong impulse to Try It. So she got a small bag. Texted me about it. I said "You're awfully brave trying that while I'm not home to give her a bath when her back end winds up covered in poop at 2am."
But miracle of all miracles: Luna can tolerate this kibble. We started very very small - less than 1/8 of a cup once a day - and have been working our way up. We are at 1/6 of a cup once a day now, and there has been no stomach upset!
This is great news for multiple reasons, but one of them is that we can now have an automatic feeder which means that we can take short overnight trips without needing a cat-sitter. For long trips, of course, we'd still want someone checking in on them and giving them their supplement of wet food.
We have one such short overnight trip coming up in two weeks, so I took advantage of Black Friday sales on one of my favorite pet brands (their water fountain also came from PetLibro) and ordered them a two-bowl pet feeder. It came in yesterday (love Black Friday being a week long now) and I set it up last night. I tested it at the time by having it dispense 1/12 of a cup of kibble. Worked great! tipped most of it back into the granary and let the kitties have a couple of pieces as a treat.
WELL. They now cannot enter the room without paying tribute to the Fickle God of Kibble, aka Sammy the Automatic Feeder, just in case he has decided to dispense more kibble.
They just had their first scheduled 9am feeding, and both of them ran around like they were losing their minds before diving in mouth-first, so I am deeply amused and will be watching these developments with interest.
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horce-divorce · 8 months
i'm so over this delta 8 shit. like yeah it's better than not having anything but it's not weed and it's not doing the same thing. i miss weed so much. d8 makes me cough so bad, it's weak as hell even when it's really good stuff, and it seemingly has 0 cbd compounds unless you buy the more expensive, cbd added/"live resin" type stuff. it doesn't help my pain at all, and its so much more expensive than weed no matter how you slice it. plus we always need more of it bc it's so weak. those 1g carts from Michigan were lasting Bel and I about 3 days each between the two of us. we go through a whole 2g cart of d8 in that amount of time or less. it's ridiculous.
and the thing is, when i lived here before, yeah, i had like 3 or 4 weedguys i could rotate between to get real stuff anyway. not so anymore. i've been gone for almost 4 years and they've really been cracking down on drugs around here in the interim. it's given the d8 market a massive foothold, but it's seriously been impossible to find a regular weedguy. every time we've almost found a lead, we start hearing about raids or the guy goes MIA. we'd basically either have to drive to the border ourselves at this point, or just cave and use the d8 that's available locally. and we're broke, so we've been doing the latter, obviously lol
weed has been keeping me off a feeding tube for years. my doctors in michigan told me outright to keep using it because they didn't want to prescribe me opioids. and then i move back to the only state in this whole area where weed is still illegal lmao. d8 has been keeping me off a tube lately, but tbqh i don't think it will continue to. my MALS attacks have been getting more frequent (which makes my POTS a lot worse), I'm eating less again, and even when i do manage to eat, it takes so much out of me and is still so painful, I usually end up having to sleep afterwards. i'm losing so much of my day just for having the audacity to feed myself and it's making me depressed again. i'm even on an antidepressant this time!!! it's also helping a little bit with the pain, but not enough to matter in the long run. i'm still gonna end up on a tube at this rate.
i'm also just sick of living in wisconsin so that makes me cranky, too. i love who i live with, being with my boyfriend and my roommate is great, but i've spent like 16 years living in wisconsin against my will already and somehow I KEEP fucking ending up back here, always against my will, and it's always pissed me off, but now it ALSO has the audacity to be the one (1) state in the whole area that won't let me have the one medication all my doctors have agreed is saving my life. every other state touching us, on every single side, has weed. canada has weed. 24 fucking states have legalized it. but no, wisconsin has to stick it's heels in the mud and keep that boot on our necks at ANY cost, especially over a change that would benefit literally everyone and increase revenue overall. i fucking hate it here.
america as a whole needs to get it's head out of it's ass about pain management. not just cannabis, but opioids and any other alternatives, too. but of course, the cruelty is the point. they want us to be suffering. they want to torture us. they want us to be stuck in ineffective health management loops until we die. more profit for insurance companies and hospitals, less "handouts" needed back, less conscientious objectors and protestors and political dissidents to be bothersome, less noisy disabled voices calling for justice in the world.
i am determined to keep trying to manage my MALS for as long as I can without getting surgery and, hopefully, without being on opioids (not because I buy into the fearmongering, but because of how strict the rules are about being prescribed them, about the lists you end up on, the random piss tests, and all the other bureaucratic crap that comes along with it). and if we end up staying here long-term, then yeah I will be doing everything i can to try and get weed legalized here to.
but i'm just pissed. and tired. i'm sick of having to fight for my stupid little life from every single facet, like, i'm fighting for my life and kicking screaming throwing up etc and it barely even amounts to a squeak in the grand scheme of things.
welp. too bad. i'm surviving out of spite. oh, i don't matter? cool, then it won't matter if I stay alive a bit longer and keep taking those pithy handouts, i guess! thanks! 🤪
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 13 - Surgery
Harrison was never going to be finished with his surgeries. They'd just about finish one thing, and then another specialty was in the mix. As much as he irritated him, Harrison was glad he had Fao, even if their low moods dragged the other down. It was someone who understood what had happened, who was still going through all the shit he was too. The nurses didn't get it, and neither did the therapists or psychs that they were dragged to see. 
Steve was there, too, and he did the best he could to help Harrison. He'd had some experience when it came to the medical discharge, his own time in the RAF cut short by a crash. That had been some years ago, and he knew he was out of touch with what his son was going through. As much as Harrison pretended he didn’t need his dad, Steve, without a shadow of a doubt, knew better. He'd taken the time off work, moving his clinics to telephone and videocalls to stay with Harrison. 
The latest operation had apparently been scheduled for the end of the week, and Harrison couldn't help but feel it had been dumped on him. Fao wasn’t much help, only serving to wind him up further. That was the worst bit of sharing a room with Fao, they'd wind each other up and neither could leave. Fao didn't have the strength, and Harrison didn't have the leg. He'd spent the day curled up under his blankets, his hood pulled tight and refusing to talk to anyone. 
Fao had not long finished his physio, tired and sore. Harrison had been closed off all day, hadn’t said a word to him since they’d argued after the ward round. He couldn’t blame him, it was overwhelming being told you needed more surgery, but the room was quiet and he was lonely. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke. 
He waited a moment too long, torn between pretending he was asleep and clearing the air. "What?"
“‘M sorry.”
He sighed. “It’s weird when it’s quiet in here. I don’t like it.” He said softly. 
"Get a new roommate then."
“I’m sorry I upset you this morning.”
"Yeah, whatever."
“Is Steve coming in today?” He asked, trying again to make conversation.
"I don't know."
Fao knew he wasn’t going to get much further. “Alright.” He murmured, shifting in bed to get comfortable, reaching for his phone to text Finn. No point tiring himself out talking to Harrison if he didn’t want to talk back.
"Why do you care anyway? You made it clear you wanted rid of me this morning."
He made a noise. “I don’t want rid of you.”
Harrison scoffed. "You could've fooled me."
“I was a dick, I know. But I don’t want rid of you.”
"Yeah, whatever. I want rid of me too."
“I know how you feel.”
"Yeah, right."
“You know I do, you know my head’s fucking me over.”
"I know." He softened.
“Sorry for being a dick, but I definitely want you around.”
"I'm being a dick too."
“You’ve earned it, short notice surgery being dumped on you.”
"I don't want more shit done to this leg." He admitted quietly. 
“It’s shit, eh? They’re doing it to give you the best possible long term outcome, though.”
"Why would I care about that, though? I don’t want to be here long term."
Fao sighed. “Because feeling like this apparently doesn’t last forever.”
He scoffed. "Yeah, nice bullshit."
“Say if you are here in six months, a year - and if I am, you better fucking be as well - surely you’ll want a prosthetic, want to be able to walk?”
"There’s no point being here though. I've lost everything."
“Still got me, still got Steve.”
"I didn't get to go to Marcus' funeral."
“When we get out of here we’ll go see him.”
"There’s no point. He's gone." He tried to take a steadying breath. "I was gonna marry him."
“I’d bought a ring for Alex, y’know?” Fao said quietly. “You can still go and see him, talk to him, make your peace. It helps.”
"How the fuck is that supposed to help?"
“It just does, I don’t know. I talk to her like she’s there, have a smoke. Makes me miss her less.”
He scoffed again. "Fao, that's worse than the shit they tell us here."
“Yeah, and it’s fucking true.”
"Sure it is."
“It is, though. You know full well I wouldn’t bullshit you.”
"I couldn't even say goodbye to him. He was right beside me and I couldn’t move to find him. He was all fucking alone."
“You’d been hurt.” Fao said softly. “Of course you weren’t able to move. It’s not your fault, not at all.”
With difficulty, Harrison rolled onto his back, his arms across his chest as he stared at the ceiling. "He was right beside me."
“You were in an explosion.”
"Yeah, I remember that part." He huffed. "I never fucking liked surgery and I got to see more of my leg than I ever wanted."
“It’s fucking shit, isn’t it?”
"At least I don't have to see inside it for this surgery coming up."
“Yeah, you’ll get the luxury treatment.”
"Fucking forced nap. It's the only goddamn sleep I get here."
“God, I know.”
"Steve's meant to be coming in, too. They're on about a fucking intervention because I'm not eating enough. They don't seem to get it fucking hurts."
“I know it hurts, and the food isn’t exactly good either. But you’re losing weight.”
He scoffed. "Be easier to weightbear when it comes to it."
“So you admit you do want to be walking again.”
"Hey!" Harrison protested, a slight smile on his face. "You arsehole!"
“Yeah, I know.”
"I swear you definitely did that on purpose."
“You’re the one who slipped up.”
"It was your fault." He smirked, a tiny bit of Harrison coming back into it. "You laid the trap and I fell into it."
Fao laughed to himself. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
"You're an arsehole." He grinned, pushing himself to sit up. 
“Takes one to know one.”
"You're so mean to me." He teased. "I should go find another roommate."
“Good luck finding someone who’ll put up with your shit.”
"Steve would."
“You gonna hospitalise him so he can be your roommate?”
"He's just gonna stay with me."
“He would as well.” 
"I miss him."
“He’ll be in soon, won’t he?”
"He doesn't know I'm going for another op."
“Gonna tell him tonight?”
"He said he'd be in this afternoon."
“Want me to get out of your hair when you tell him?”
Harrison frowned. "Why?"
“Give you some privacy. I can probably convince one of the HCAs to take me out for a smoke if I bat my eyelids.”
"You've practically watched them change my catheter. I'm not bothered."
“Well, just say the word.”
"Not like you've listened to fuck off before."
“I’m serious, though.” 
"Appreciate it." He said softly. "What are you up to, anyway?"
“Mm, recovering from Physio.”
"I think they're the devil itself." Harrison huffed. "They're actually the worst."
Harrison knew he was going to end up with a feeding tube; they'd warned him plenty. Steve knew too, slightly more than he'd let on, and decided to come in while they gave Harrison the forms to sign in the hopes he'd be able to convince his son. 
As always, Harrison was more agreeable with Steve around, but things quickly went sideways. The initial talk of just a feeding tube with some sedation had somehow changed into a full operation for his leg. As much as Harrison refused and complained and almost kicked off, Steve stayed calm, letting him get it out of his system before taking to him properly. It had ben scheduled for the morning after, and Harrison had never felt so out of his depth. Once the operation was completed, and provided he'd been stable, he'd be allowed back to the ward with Fao, but there was still a possibility he might end up in ICU. Of course that didn't go down well with him, so deals were made. Steve could stay the night so he'd be there first thing, and if any complications arose that made Harrison need ICU or HDU, then Fao would be allowed to visit him for an hour a day until he was back to his room.
Fao hadn’t been happy about the arrangement either, but knew there was nothing that could be done about it. If Hars needed HDU or ICU, he needed them, and he’d be in the right place. They’d shuffled things around, changed scheduling from the end of the week until the next morning, and Fao knew how that just pulled the rug out from under you. 
It was nice, having Steve there that night. Sheila and Fred hadn’t been able to get in to visit, so the company was nice. It was a little strange, Fao had to admit, seeing Steve asleep on the little camp bed across from him when he woke in the night. As per usual, he slept like shit, especially that night, worried about Harrison. It was a significant surgery, after all. Early the next morning, the nurses were in, fussing to get him ready. 
Harrison, of course, was being an ass. "I'm not having it done. I've changed my mind."
Steve frowned, squeezing his son’s hand. “It’s alright, it’ll be over before you know it.”
He didn’t get much more time protest before the porters came to collect him. They’d agreed to let Steve come with him, only until anaesthetics, but it was enough to keep him vaguely settled. Of course, Fao couldn’t go, and so he had to say his goodbye quickly. It was awkward, reaching over the bed to pull him in for a hug, but he did, telling his friend everything was going to be okay, that he’d see him soon. He didn’t want to let go, but he had to, and they wheeled him away to theatres. It was going to be a long, long day.
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futuregleaming · 1 year
A Promise
The procedure was progressing smoothly, all things considered. Being stuck in this trash heap was boring at times, but Leiko had managed to convince her gracious host to procure her a way to at least keep up with the news above ground. Receiving only, that was her condition. Sprocket wasn't about to allow any signals to be sent out of her workshop.
But hey, at least she could listen to the World Cup.
Leiko was beginning to look a lot more metallic by this point, both arms up to her shoulders, as well as everything from the waist down was now synthetic. She might have to apologize to Bea for that one if she ever met her again, but it was a necessary sacrifice. Their message could not stand unless the leadership itself was fully devoted.
Her newfound cybernetic strength just so happened to make her a prime candidate as an assistant to Sprocket however, as she was able to lift and move pieces of equipment or salvage that was otherwise impossible for the scrawny engineer. It was during one such occasion that an uncharacteristic conversation was held.
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"Sooooo, I don't normally ask this kinda shit, but color me curious. I've gotten so many people in here for operations just like yours, but they always come and go for each appointment. Now, I'm not sayin' I don't enjoy havin' ya' around, but what gives? Why all the secrecy? Why not let anyone else know you're here?"
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"Hrk," Leiko grunted as she set down the machine, leaning against it to turn to face the other.
"You've been slowly swapping out my body piece by piece for the last few months without ever once asking my name, and all of a sudden now you're wondering why I'm doing this?"
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"Hey. For the record, I still don't wanna know your name. Makes it easier to deny shit. But yeah, I guess ya' could say you're a special case. First time in all my years I ever had a roommate down here."
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"Okay, first of all, don't call me your roommate like I'm gonna be here forever. Second, if you must know, it's because I'm pretty famous. If people caught wind of what I was doing, they'd start asking questions, and that could end up ruing everything I'm trying to do."
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"Ah, famous huh? Gotcha, well say no more. I'd rather not know how. Still though, doesn't really answer why you came to me of all people. I mean, a celebrity like you could'a gone to any doc in the city to get chromed up. Typically the type of people that show up here are up to some shady shit. Now don't break my heart and tell me Miss "Paparazzi Bait" is secretly a dirty criminal."
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"Didn't you just say you wanna keep it easy to 'deny shit'? I thought you advertised that you didn't ask any questions, or was that just a marketing scheme?"
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"Hey, I ain't askin' ya' to tell more than you want to, I'm just doing my due diligence as a woman of science and investigatin' a new phenomenon. Tell ya' the truth, not interested in the specifics. You're right, plausible deniability is my shtick. But if you'll answer just one thing for me, why are ya' goin' through all this? I don't wanna know your plan, just your motivation. What keeps ya' goin' through surgery after surgery?"
It was a very pointed question, and one Leiko didn't have an answer to immediately. She was silent for a few moments, casting her gaze downward. She looked at her hand, the first augment she'd acquired, and flexed her fingers.
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"I have a duty to uphold," she responded, not looking up. Her fingers then tightened into a fist.
"And a promise to keep...."
The statement lingered between the two for what felt like a long time before Sprocket broke out in laughter. It wasn't until she got it out of her system that she finally replied.
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"Wow, that answer was so worth breaking my own rules. It was like some shit from one'a those Ciar soap operas." She turned back toward her workbench, waving off her client.
"You should probably get back to bed, Miss Celebrity. Wouldn't want ya' to unwind a gear or somethin'."
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Leiko's brow furrowed in annoyance as her glare bored a hole in the back of the mechanic's skull. Creation, she was starting to lose her wits being stuck down here. She wanted to push the issue, but thought better of it, conceding and returning to her room with a resigned, "Whatever...."
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finsterhund · 2 years
Canada fucking Post rang my doorbell and apparently tried to deliver a neighbor's package to my house.
I cannot fucking believe this. I have dyscalclia and I know the difference between numeral digits for fucks sake. No wonder they fucking lost a package earlier this year. God. I'm excitedly waiting for the things my friends sent me and my own little present that I got giftwrapped "from Cazza" and I hear the doorbell and it's someone else's package and now I'm worried that this has kept happening and my neighbors are all losing packages.
Some good news is that the government is potentially unlocking my roommate's bank in a few days? But he needs to fucking pay off his taxes. It's bullshit he owes them so much and fuck the government but shit sucks. I'm just relieved it's going to be less of my problem as selfish as that is. But maybe I can afford to be selfish all things considered.
I'm still really mad tbh. Taxes are such a stupid thing. Forced to pay to exist in a country you never consented to being born in.
If it were up to me blah blah blah sovereign citizens cave man hunter gatherers bigfoot blah blah blah we get it Andy.
So I need to let off some steam. I'm not really sick anymore just sore throat still. My stomach hurts real bad from stress though. I've still gotta be a money mule for a few more days but if anything that means I get to to outside and to places. I like going to places. It sucks though because my bank is currently in overdraft so every time I use it I'm charge a 5 dollar fee. I really need to go in to the bank and ask them to change my overdraft plan so I'm charged once a month rather than once every day I use it.
No relaxation for Andy. Worst time of the year.
Part of me hopes I die in surgery at this point if I'm being brutally honest. It just feels so pointless to keep trying.
I need to refill my meds too soon and I have blood work early January.
Humans are supposed to depend on each other to survive that's how we evolved to look after each other but I constantly feel like I'm a liability to everyone else and that everyone in person around me is a liability to me. No support network. I should fucking be used to that but it's so antithetical to the human experience I guess I never will.
Miss Cazza so much. If she didn't have cancer she could have passed the public access test and gotten certified and we could have maybe moved to the farmhouse or something. I'm glad we don't have the ability to look into alternate universes I really would kill myself then.
Currently a bag of nerves waiting until my roommate is ready to go and do his chores around town. I need to go because I don't want to just give him my bank card lol
Maybe I'm too tolerant but I'm too tired at this point. Who fucking cares. I'm mentally 12 and I can't survive on my own so I can't afford to be picky.
People try to give me shit for staying here but they don't seem to understand I don't have a choice.
Wish my grandparents were still alive
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Evan Buckley / Waiting
Series: Neighbors (Evan Buckley x Reader)
Summary: After the fire engine crushed his leg, Buck was left waiting -- but he didn't know what he was waiting for -- turns out it was you (imagine being buck's neighbor).
Word Count: 1,373
Warnings: just cute fluff, spoilers for the season 2 finale, mild spoilers for 'buck begins' (04x05),
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That was one thing Buck was never good at.
He couldn’t wait for his parents to love him — he had to get hurt to get their attention. He couldn’t wait for Maddie to leave Doug — he had to find himself on his own (admittedly with some help from the jeep). He couldn’t wait for Abby to get back from finding herself — he had to leave his first love behind.
And he couldn’t wait for his bone to heal — he couldn’t leave the most important thing he’d ever done in his life.
Maddie didn’t get it — and he grits his teeth, but why would she? She was the one who always did the leaving, wasn’t she?
Not like him, he rolled over on his side gingerly. he couldn’t get left behind.
Not again.
But this was a waiting game now because his surgery was scheduled a few days out — but he could wait a few days. His fingers drummed against his couch, but not much longer.
Eddie and Chris had been over yesterday, but everyone was at work now — saving lives, and he was stuck here to his couch, staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore the itch in his cast and the sticky heat of his apartment.
It had been a while since he had felt like the world was passing him by, and right now, it really did. Out of his window, he could see it go — people walking the streets, his team shooting him messages in between their calls, Maddie checking up on him during her breaks — and he was here.
He was always here.
Hell, he was even stuck on the first floor — an eternal roommate in his own place. And he wondered, as he glanced towards the window again, when would he would stop feeling like a bystander in his own life?
And he sits up, frowning.
It takes more than a moment for Buck to get to his feet, grabbing crutches to help him along to the door, scowling at the walking aides — something that had been as easy as breathing, now as difficult as scaling entire buildings.
And that ease had been taken from him.
He opened his door, peering outside — but on the other hand, at least he had an apartment to come home to.
He frowns at the sight before him — several boxes piled up along the length of the hallway — are those boxes blocking the elevator — and then his gaze snaps back to you — your back pressed to the wall beside the door across the hall. But you pay him no mind — only typing furiously on your phone, sweat glinting off your furrowed brow, your lips twisted in a frown.
“Hey,” and your head snaps up, a glare in your eyes that nearly makes him recoil, until your gaze softens, eyes flickering from his cast back to his face, “you okay?”
You shake your head, offering a weak smile, “I feel like I should be asking you that,” and he flinches, “shit sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Well, I’m doing as well as you could expect,” he sighs, making his way out of the doorway, and sees boxes lining the hall, blinking twice, “moving in or moving out?”
“Moving in, and it wasn’t supposed to be into the hallway,” you rest your head against the wall, “the landlord is going to be another hour or more, unless there’s L.A. traffic on the freeway of course, because who has ever heard of that?” you groan, before your eyes fall back to him, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain to a complete stranger.”
“Well, I’d say we’re more neighbors than strangers at this point,” and he smiles at you, as you chuckle, giving him the first real smile from you he’s seen — “do you want to come in?” and you hesitate, “I mean we can keep the door open,” and he feels his cheeks burn as you raise your eyebrows, “so you can keep an eye on your stuff, I wasn’t—”
You laugh, “You’re sweet,” and he hopes you don’t notice the red burning at his neck, “if you don’t mind?”
“Not like I have big plans today,” he shrugs, jerking his head for you to follow him inside, “plus it would be nice to have some company.”
And his heart squeezes as he glances back at you — especially if it's you.
“You stole a firetruck to hook up?” you shake your head, leaning back against the chair you sat in, “I hope it must have been a special occasion to warrant a felony?”
“If you count a desperate need to hook up with a woman I met on a call special,” he offers a weak smile while you shake your head, mouthing ‘no.’ He laughs, sipping at his coffee, “I’ve changed a lot since then, and it’s because of my job, because of the team,” and his face drops, sighing, “and I don’t know if I’m gonna get that back now.”
You frown, your eyes drifting to his leg, “If you don’t mind me asking, how bad—”
“It’s going to take some time to heal, longer than expected,” he’s shaking his head, “I want to get a surgery to speed up my recovery, in fact, I’m planning on it,”
“But?” and he slumps in his chair.
“My sister thinks I should just wait to see if it heals, but I don’t know,” he leans forward, “you see, this job — it’s given me everything — my friends, family, purpose. If this surgery can get me back there faster, then why wouldn’t I do it?”
“I can’t say I know what that’s like,” you purse your lips, “but Buck, it’s your decision to make at the end of the day. The only thing I know is that life is far too short to make your decisions based on what someone else wants. If your doctor says it’s safe, if you think it’s safe, and then you have to weigh the benefits of getting the surgery versus not,” and then you shake your head, “sorry that is probably the most wishy-washy answer you’ve gotten.”
“No, no, actually,” he blinks at you, before his lips form a half-smile, “do you know you’re the first person who hasn’t told me what to do?”
You snort, “Your friends sound nice, but a little bossy, huh?”
He laughs at that, a noise from his chest that makes your heart flutter, “A little, but like you said, their hearts are in the right place,” he shrugs, before he frowns, “I’m sorry, I feel like I’m talking a lot.”
“Don’t apologize,” you wave him off, “I like listening to you,”
“You do?” and you tilt your head.
“You seem surprised,”
“No, no, I just—” he shrugs, “It usually takes a bit for people to get me I guess,”
“Well, I think I got you the moment you invited me into your apartment,” and he furrows his brow, “you’re sweet.”
He chuckles, “I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that about me,”
“Oh, how do people usually describe you?”
“Reckless, headstrong, stubborn,” and then he lifts his gaze to meet yours, mischievous, “charming, handsome.”
It’s your turn to laugh, before you nod, sipping at your drink, eyes not leaving his, “I can buy that,”
Oh, now can you?
“Well—” he leans forward, but then your phone buzzes, and you tear your eyes away from him, "the landlord's finally here."
"Finally," he gives a weak smile, and he tucks his disappointment away, "well good luck moving in. I'd help but—" his eyes flicker down from his cast and then back up.
"Well you could help?" And he tilts his head, "keep me company?"
He laughs a little, "You spent three hours talking with me and you're not sick of me yet?"
"Well you are charming after all," you throw a smile over your shoulder, as you head towards the door, "you coming?"
And he smiles, and as he rises, adjusting his crutches under his arms, he couldn't help but think he wouldn't mind waiting — if it was always with you.
"I'm coming."
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tsukkiseasalt · 3 years
Eyes That Won’t Wonder
description: after the death of your former patient you are assigned to Mr. Wakatoshi, a quiet, handsome, older gentleman who quite frankly doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself or his dick in his pants.
warning this story will contain: smut, smut & more smut. specifically breeding, anal, dirty talk, friends fucking, camboy bokuto, himbo bokuto, &so much more!
“Is this what you wanted, to be bent over in a filthy public bathroom and used as a human cum disposal?” He grunted into your ear, voice thick and full with lust.
This isn't what you had at all expected when you had gotten assigned to him, and in all honesty you didn’t even think you’d like him; nonetheless, you agreed with him. “Y-yes sir.”
 “Who would have ever thought the sweet girl that I met not even five months would be so fucking eager to get fucked and filled in such a place like this?” His words caused your head to spin. An array of struggled moans slipped past his thick fingers which he had shoved between your puffy red pout and down your throat which had previously been occupied by his cock. 
“It’s ok though doll, I’ve wanted this too.” He groaned, snapping his hips forward. 
His free hand that was knotted into your hair yanked you up and forced you to look in the mirror in front of you. You didn't even recognize yourself like this, but this is what you wanted after all right.
The morning sun that filtered through the curtains danced on your cheeks while you scrolled aimlessly on your phone. 
“Hey, hey, hey.!.” You heard as the door opened revealing your bubbly bright eyed roommate. A small smile graced your face as he laid down beside you wrapping a thick arm around you. 
“Hey.” You said putting your phone down looking down at him.
“You ready for today?” He asked rubbing circles on your thighs, fingertips rough on your skin.
You shrugged as you watched him, “I guess so, it's been kinda hard since Washijō passed.”
Bokuoto’s usual smile turned into a slight frown as you mentioned your old patient turned friend. “He’s not suffering anymore.” He said quietly, trying to comfort you. 
“ I know, I just miss the old geezer sometimes.” You mumble letting your fingers glide through his two-toned locks. “But the report says that the new guy, Ushi-something, is only in his late 50’s.”
Bokuto now wore a puzzled expression on his face. “That’s not exactly old.”
“I know, but hey at least he’s not on his deathbed.” You say knocking on your wooden nightstand.
He laughed at the gesture and rolled off you. “It’s almost 7, so you should probably start getting ready if you're gonna be there by 7:30.” 
“I know but the bed is so comfortable.” You whined stretching out over the entirety of the space.
“I bet it won't be so comfortable after your in it everyday when you get fired for missing your first day back in three weeks.” He sassed hands on his hips. 
“Shouldn’t you be getting fucked in the ass or something?” You questioned whipping your head around to look at him.
He gasped and threw a shirt that was on the floor at you. “I do the fucking thank you very much!” He exclaimed dramatically as he sauntered out of your room.
“Tell that lie to someone who’s going to believe you miss butt-plug.” You yelled rolling off the bed and onto the floor with a thump. “Ow.”
“I hate you!” He screamed. “I’m getting a new roommate!”
“ Good luck finding someone who will disinfect your toys while you're at the gym.” You retaliate, digging through your dresser to find your scrubs.
“You did that out of your own free will.” He said, popping his head into your door throwing something at you. Your scrubs.
“Thanks love.” You smile.
“Still hate you.” He says crossing his arms in your doorway. You amble over to him and get on your tiptoes planting a wet kiss on his cheek. “Still hate me now.”
“Y-yes, what the fuck was that supposed to do?” He asked, wiping his cheek.
“I dunno, worked in highschool.” You shrugged, pulling your shirt off revealing your chest along with the rest of your unclothed body. 
“Getting naked won't work either.”
“Why? Am I not sexy anymore?” You fake pouted, pulling your bra on along with your top.
“No, still very sexy, I've just developed an immunity for it.” He said matter of factly. 
“Hmmm.” You mumbled pulling up your pants. “Guess i'll just have to find a new way to get you to love me.” You mumbled purposely grazing his cock as you pushed past him to get to the bathroom. “But if I do say so myself, it doesn't feel like you’ve developed an immunity. Felt hard as a rock to me.” 
“Hey hey hey, don’t get me all worked up just to leave for work.” He mumbled, reaching a long arm out to pull you to him by your waist. You could feel his breath against your lips as his skilled fingers worked into your waistband and started to knead your ass like it was bread dough.
“No no, you hate me, remember.” You say reaching around grabbing his hand and forcing him to stop. 
“I was just kidding bro, please don’t do this. I haven’t gotten to touch you in forever please mamas.” He pleaded, emphasizing the last word, seeing as to how he knew it was your weakness. 
“Don’t you have a boyfriend.” You mumbled tilting your head back ever so slightly so he could plant light kisses in all the places he knew you liked them most. 
“Open relationship.” He mumbled into your skin. “And kaashi specifically said i can have you whenever i pleased.”
“Oh really.” You moaned as he sucked on the flesh just beneath your earlobe.
“Yep, he actually wanted you to shoot a scene with us.” He groaned, grinding his length into your stomach. 
“Fuck, Bo, I’m gonna be late.” You moaned as he rubbed around your tight pucker before pushing past the tight muscles.
“No you're not, I can do this while you get ready.” He whispered lowly in your ear. 
“Fuck, fine.” You moan, hands grabbing at his hair. He lifts you and takes you to the bathroom placing you down in front of the sink. You moan as he pulls your pants down immediately falling to his knees, tongue darting out to lap your hole. “Oh my fuck.” You whine, grabbing your toothbrush. You have to really focus and resist the urge to spread your cheeks so he could have better access to you in order to put the toothpaste on the toothbrush.
“Yum.” He groans and brings his hands to spread you out almost as though he had read your mind. You shove your hips back further into his face as you brush your teeth, struggling to keep your head up. 
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” He says getting up and grabbing the bottle of lube off the counter. He squirts some on his fingers and massages it into your hole and pulls his sweats down to lather the remainder of it onto his cock. You spit as he pushes into you. Slowly but surely he thrusts into you, hands harshly gripping your ass. 
“Fuck.” You whine, hands gripping the edge of this sink as you struggle to keep you composure.
“That’s what I'm doing.” He mumbles wickedly in your ear. You cry out as he begins hitting your g-spot repeatedly. 
“Gunna, c-cum.” You manage your head falling onto the countertop. He speeds up his thrust and you can feel him begin to twitch in you motioning that he’s now chasing his own release. 
“Fuckkkk!” You exclaim legs quivering as you squirt all onto your bottoms and the floor beneath you. 
“Shit.” He groans slamming into you one final time before he pulls out and finishes on your ass.
You both huff as you catch your breath. 
“Dammit now I gotta change, and I still havent done my makeup.” You sigh pulling your head off the cool porcelain. 
“Here.” He says handing you a moist towel. “You clean yourself up and I'll go get your other scrubs.” 
You nod to him kinda as a silent thank you and then he disappears to get your other uniform. You step out of your drenched bottoms and pull your top over your head tossing them in the basket in the corner. You gently wipe the remaining lube from your ass and your juices from your legs before tossing the towel in the basket as well.
“Here.” He says handing you an identical uniform to the one you just took off. You hurriedly slide them on and rush back to your room to get your phone.
“Have you seen my bag…” You trail off as you see him standing with it in hand beside the door. 
“Thanks.”You say, grabbing it. “And do the laundry.”
“You can't ask nicely?” He huffs causing you to roll your eyes.
“Do the fucking laudry or ill shove that so far down your fucking throat itll come out of that pretty plump little behind of yours.” You say sweetly pointing at that large purple dildo sitting on the couch.
“You think my ass is plump huh?” He smirks, leaning against the door.
“Laundry.” You say sternly.
“Fine.” He mumbles now rolling his eyes. He opens the door allowing you out. 
“Be safe.” He waves as you open your car door.
“Kk, don’t burn the house down.” You wave back. 
“No promises.” He says smiling innocently before slamming the door. 
Shaking your head you get in and set off in the direction that the GPS instructs. 
“Nice, made it in time and with time to spare.” You mumble to yourself sliding your watch onto your wrist. You pulled up to the gate, typed in the numbers that were scribbled at the bottom of the paper, and thankfully it opened without a struggle. You slowly drove up the long driveway admiring the array of greenery that was along the path. 
“Goodness.” You gawked once you caught sight of the house. It was huge. “Who the hell even is this guy?” You mumble parking in front. You pull out the paper and scan over it. There isn’t much beside the fact that he had back surgery two years back. That was odd, he was only 59, and only had one major issue. Usually the company wouldn't even send someone out unless that patient was in their late 60’s and had major health issues- Washijō for example, he was 83, had two bum knees as well as a new hip. Compared to him this new guy- Ushijima Wakatoshi- was a spring chicken in your eyes.
Shrugging you grabbed your bag and headed for the front door, again admiring the beauty of the home. You grab the knocker and give it two big hits and wait. Moments later you hear the lock on the other side turning. The door opens revealing a handsome man with golden eyes, olive hair and a tall build. 
“You must be Mr. Wakatoshi’s son, I hope I'm not pronouncing that incorrectly, I’m his new home health aid” You smile, eyes wandering down to his bare chest. He’s almost in as great shape as Bo & he’s probably twice his age. You think to yourself, eyes glancing at his biceps before making eye contact with him again. 
He lets out a sound that resembles a cough and you realize that's his laugh. “You pronounced it just fine, and no, I’m Mr. Wakatoshi.” If not for the words you would have been drooling at the low rasp that was his voice.
“What, what!” You shriek.
i was really hornknee when i came up with this concept. lets see where it gets me :)
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Dr. Stevens and His Sugar Baby
Older, wiser, and divorcee Erik. He’s practically conquered many other roles in his lifetime: fuck boy, husband, military man, etc. He wants a new challenge to give him that spark he’s looking for. Online he meets this naive but ambitious (black reader!) college student from Texas. Erik fills that sugar daddy/daddy-dom!/embarrassment kink.
Warnings: SMUT, Sugar daddy Erik, Daddy dom Erik, AU, exhibitionism, GXG, spanking, breeding kink.
Sorry for the late update! posting on Tumblr is a damn headache smh. Here it is! LIKE COMMENT REBLOG. 
Part one  Part two Part three 
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Dr. Erik Stevens. He is a board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopaedic surgeon who also specializes in sports medicine. Dr. Stevens specialties also include knee replacement surgery, advanced arthroscopy, general orthopaedics, ACL and meniscus tears, cartilage injuries and restorations, trauma and fracture care, and a number of things that makes him one of the best doctors here at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. He is affiliated with multiple hospitals within this area and he has been in practice for fifteen years...
The slideshow presentation in the lobby of Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center displayed all the doctors in the hospital and their specialties in celebration of Doctor’s Day. A picture of Dr. Erik Stevens pops up with all of his awards bullet pointed. In this picture his shoulder length salt-and-pepper dreads are down, gold-rimmed glasses on his still very youthful face, white lab coat stretched over his bulging biceps, and a pair of mint green surgical scrubs on. He has a lop-sided, charming smile stretched across his lips and his perceptive onyx eyes popping out behind his glasses as if staring straight into your soul. 
2017 Awardees, 2018 Awardees, 2019 Awardees, 2020 Awardees, Best Doctors, Best Doctors in California, Best doctors in New York, Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Specialist, Leaders in Medicine
“Damn, he’s done a lot.”
Selena took a bite out of her Lorna Doone cookie before giving the rest of the pack to Sienna. Both girls are sitting on a sofa in the lobby, notes and flashcards scattered between them with their opened backpacks resting on the floor. Sienna dragged her tongue over the side of her upper teeth to clean up the cookie residue. Her chestnut eyes looked up at the slide show, a woman Gynecologist showing up on now. She purposely ignored Dr. Stevens appearance on the screen because if she so much as looked at his picture, it would make her fucking horny and Dr. Stevens himself wouldn’t be able to suck her swollen clit once it got too stiff in her panties. 
“What is chronic fatigue syndrome?” Selena asked while reading from a neon orange flashcard. 
“It’s a condition that involves a variety of different symptoms which can make it difficult to diagnose. One of the most common symptoms is extreme tiredness and brain fog.”
Selena reads on further, “what is one thing that can help manage the symptoms?” 
“Uhm,” Sienna lifted her head in thought, “diet and lifestyle changes.” 
“Good. You were struggling to remember that one at first. What time is it?”
Sienna grabs her cell phone from between her legs.
“Time sure does fly when you don’t want that shit to,” Selena starts to clean up all of her colorful flashcards, “Hey...I was wondering...well, if you’re not busy and all that...if we could study at your place tomorrow after class? I know we were supposed to do the group thing but I rather just study with you. Everytime I do I retain the information better.”
“You know I’m down. I prefer it that way myself,” Sienna smiles at Selena, “Depending on how late it gets you can stay over too.”
“Good, because I don’t need to be in my apartment when my roommate's girlfriend comes over.”
With all their things packed, Selena and Sienna leave the hotel lobby lounge area for the OR. They both decided to meet up earlier at the hospital to get some studying done since yesterday after class they procrastinated. Their Nutrition quiz was next Tuesday and Sienna needed to bring her grade back up to a B since it’s sitting at a 79.8 from the last exam they had. 
“They’re back together and she’s over there every single night, which I get because they’re together but it’s the sex…”
Sienna and Selena enter the elevators down to the OR, just them two so Selena can finish her story. 
“Every damn day, girl. Headboard banging on the wall and everything.” 
“Your roommate is a guy, right? I know you told me but I forgot.”
The elevator landed and the doors slowly opened, Selena exiting first. 
“Yeah. Russell from Microbiology that I grew up with. Anyway...I can never get any studying done when she’s over so I end up going back to the campus to study in the library.”
“You know you can always come over and study at my place, even spend the night too if the sound of cheeks clapping becomes too much.”
Selena playfully shoved Sienna before they both entered the women’s locker room. 
“Please let there be scrubs for me to fit this time!” Sienna complained. 
“You’re worried about the size. I’m worried about whether they're clean or not.” 
They found empty lockers and placed their backpacks there before going to search for scrubs. 
“What size are you again?” Selena asked. 
“A large in top and an extra large in the bottom.”
Selena scrunched her face, “Extra large in the bottom?” Her eyes fell on Sienna’s hips in her black leggings, “Yeah...you do got a lot of ass back there.”
“I gotta fit it somewhere! But even the extra large doesn’t fit me right.” 
Selena found a pair for Sienna and a medium for herself. They make their way back over to the lockers and start to undress. With Sienna’s back turned, she could see Selena in the tiny locker mirror taking off her sweat pants and T-shirt. Her slim thick frame came into view and Sienna couldn’t peel her eyes away from how smooth and bubbly her ass looked with her pink, purple, and lime green striped panties stretching across. She has a blue butterfly tramp stamp tattoo with fancy cursive lines situated above her back dimples. Selena takes her fingers to pull her panties from between her cheeks before grabbing her scrub bottoms from the bench. 
“Not gonna lie though. Hearing my roommate have sex has me fuck-a-strated.”
Sienna tore her eyes away to take off her hoodie, “Fuck-a-strated? Never heard that.”
“I’m too fine and my pussy is too good to not be having sex right now. I miss doing meetups from Twitter with some local chicks who were down…”
Sienna’s chest grew hot from Selena’s words. 
“I’ve been wanting to trib some phat coochie so bad lately—“
“Oh my Godddddd Selena!” Sienna turned around, “Stop it I don’t need to be horny during clinical hours especially when I have to assist with these stressful ass OR cases.” 
“Your favorite doctor has been busy lately. I know you’re relieved.”
She wasn’t relieved. Not at all. The first night her and her daddy had sex Sienna didn’t want to leave his beautiful penthouse. She stayed behind and basically let her daddy fuck her pussy whenever he felt like it. Sienna noticed how proprietorial Erik is. The sex is really possessive. He told Sienna how her little throat fits perfectly in his palm, how wet she is for him as he slides his fat dick in and out of her. He bit her—covering her in marks to remind her that she belonged to him. He told her how she’s such a good girl for him and only him, and he made her repeat it back. Erik would slide his fingers into her mouth as he groaned, whispering to her how her holes are meant to be filled by his daddy dick and no one else’s. He specifically told her that her little pussy belongs to his older big daddy dick and how these young niggas ain’t even close to what he can provide. After he took her home the next morning, they haven’t been able to schedule another time to fuck again and spend time with each other. Before she exited his car that morning, Erik held out his hand to her, stern eyes unblinking. 
Give me your phone,  baby girl.
Sienna didn’t hesitate. This is her daddy, he’s much older, stronger, and dominant than her. She couldn’t talk back to him or question him. If he asked for her phone, she would give it to him, no questions asked. She gave him her Lock Screen code and he instantly went to her OnlyFans. 
You’re my sugar baby so ain’t no need in messaging these other men for potential sugar daddies, you hear me?
He pulled up one of her posts. The picture was cute of her in a white wig that reminded him of Storm and all white lingerie with lace thigh high socks and a cute white teddy bear with a pink bow. 
[where is all the older BBD at? I only want older BBD!! get in my messages 👅👅👅] 
Erik deleted the post. 
The only older big black dick you’re getting is this motherfucker between my thighs. 
He went to another post. 
[I need a BBD daddy to come pound this tight phat pussy 😩😩😩]
Hm. You're already getting big black dick, ain’t you?
He looked at her with hard eyes and a tight jaw. Sienna nodded her head quickly with a shuddering breath escaping her mouth. His thumb deleted the post real quick. 
What else you got on here...talking bout’ I need a big black dick daddy...I need some tight wet young pussy...perfect fit ain’t it? My big daddy dick...and your tight little pussy?
She responded with a desperate yes. 
Ima check this OnlyFans on the regular...maybe I should be fucking you on here instead...let these motherfuckers know who that little puss belong to. 
It didn’t take but a second for her to agree to his words. Too bad it didn’t come to fruition. Oh, how Sienna wished it did. She couldn’t go without rubbing her pussy, fucking her pussy, riding her pillow, and sending her daddy pictures of the mess she made. 
The pictures are fucking delicious, baby girl...but I’d rather you send daddy some audio of that wet pussy. I wanna hear phat mama talking to me...telling me how bad she wants me...how bad she misses all this grown man dick working her up to a creamy mess.
That’s what Sienna did. Any chance she got, she would send him audio of her wet pussy for him to listen to. Her daddy is indeed a man of his word, as he should be since Sienna is his sugar baby. Erik gave her 4,300 through Venmo. That was above what an average sugar baby would get monthly. This didn’t even include gifts and trips. Sienna needed this money and she thanked her daddy graciously even though it wasn’t the way she preferred to thank him. Getting on her knees to suck him off sounded better. Sienna plans on finishing school for her Master’s eventually and she will need to pay for that schooling, her expensive apartment rent since she lived alone, her car payment, credit card bills, other bills, food, and many other things that required money. She didn’t know how long this would last with Erik but she hoped it would at least until she graduated with her Master’s. Of course she loved the sex and he is so so so handsome. Without the money in the picture, Sienna would really miss Erik as a whole. 
“Girls! Hello! Did y’all clock in yet?”
Lori approached them excitedly with a pin attached to her scrub top reading Doctor’s Day in greed letters. 
“Not yet,” Selena says while walking quickly to the nurses station to use one of the computers. Sienna was right behind her. 
“Doctor’s day is today and they already did a nice breakfast for the morning staff so tonight we’ll be having dinner from Flavas Jamaican Grill. It’s Dr. Stevens' favorite and a cousin of his owns the spot. There will be cake as well.” 
Both girls were definitely looking forward to that since they didn’t pack a dinner. Sienna’s stomach was already rumbling just thinking about it.
“It will start around 6:40 since Dr. Stevens has a little free time then before his next case. I’ll sign those.” 
Lori pulled a pen from her scrub top pocket and grabbed Selena’s paper to sign her name, verifying that they clocked in. She did the same for Sienna before putting her pen away. 
“Alright, Taylor is helping to restock a few rooms. Jeff used a leave day from what your teacher told me. There are a few cases starting soon if you want to join. If not, help is always needed out here.” 
Both girls look up at the LCD screen. Sienna can see that there is an elbow case with Dr. Christina Allen, a shoulder arthroscopy with Dr. Ashish Agrawal, a knee replacement with Dr. Nisha Acharya, and then there is a trauma with Dr. Erik Stevens. 
“I think I’ll do the trauma with Dr. Stevens.” 
“Really?” Lori says, visibly taken aback by Sienna’s request, “Are you sure? Dr. Stevens didn’t personally come to me requesting you.”
Selena chuckled a little before giving Sienna a playful smile. Sienna arched a brow at her amused look. 
“I agree with Lori. Are you trying to prove something?” Selena asks. 
“I’m just saying...in order for me to get more experience and have confidence…I can’t keep dodging his cases.” Sienna says with a shrug. 
“And I agree with you 100%. I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Sienna. Dr. Stevens can be very intense, you know first hand.”
“It could be good for you. I don’t think you’ve done a trauma case yet, right?” Selena questions. 
“No, I haven’t. I could use the experience.” Sienna packed away her attendance sheet and placed her clinical binder down before leaving to get ready for the OR case. 
“I’ll be in to observe you Sienna,” Lori said while Sienna walked away. 
Sienna entered the spacious, operating room with well-lit surgical lights, viewing screens and monitors. The special air handlers filtered the air of the room and maintained a slightly elevated pressure. The patient is already on the operating table with the anesthesia machine’s tubes connected. She came in a little too late since everyone was already working. Lori was waiting for her on the opposite side of the table near the surgical technician. Scrubbed down and ready to go, Sienna walks further into the operating room. Dr. Stevens' muffled voice guided her like she was in a state of hypnosis. It’s been a week since she’d seen him in person. A week since she’d smelled his warm and spicy scent. A week since she traced the ink of his tribal tattoo that traveled from his left pectoral all the way down to his left forearm. A week since she grabbed up his fat dick with her tiny hand and slapped the heft of it on her tongue and circled the bulbous head to smear her spit and his pre-cum before slurping it off. A week since she’d woken up with daddy’s dick deep inside her, pumping harder and faster, Sienna wishing he would fill her fertile body with his delicious cum.
He stood tall, scrubbed down himself, talking rather hurriedly while operating on the patient. The patient was in a gruesome motorcycle accident. He had an open fracture of the femur, the entire shaft of bone breaking through his skin and soft tissue. Finally, Sienna made it around to the other side while avoiding contamination of the aseptic area to stand next to Lori. When her big, molasses-brown eyes landed on Dr. Stevens, a nervous shiver seemed to slither up her spine. Whenever he looks at her with those onyx eyes, she gets lost into them as if staring into a darkened cave, wondering what’s on the other side. He only looked at her briefly, his eyes lowering to focus on mending the fracture. He’s bloody, obviously stressed out, and extremely focused. Sienna could understand, even though she wished he would say something to her—hello, how are you, even her name. Just so she can swoon over the sound of his voice—the baritone of his voice at times gentle while at other times immensely gruff. Sienna watched him and Lori clean out the wound before trying to set it back in place. 
“Lori, what do you need me to do?” Sienna asked. 
“Whenever Dr. Stevens needs better overhead light, or if he needs a specific instrument or screws—“
“Pass the goldstein retractor. It’s clean enough for me to be able to see.” He said with a demanding voice, his eyes falling upon Lori and Sienna.
 Dr. Stevens has a face guard on but this time Sienna can see his lips. She quickly averted her eyes away from those plush lips to turn towards the surgical tools, the technician handing over the retractor. She was shown a demonstration on how to use it but now she couldn’t quite remember which way to apply it. 
“Uhm, Lori, do you loosen it here? I’ve never done this before—“
“Lori. I need the retractor in now—fuck he’s bleeding out heavily again. Suction this out, one of you. I’ll handle the retractor.”
He forcefully held out his hand, impatience written all over his face. Sienna felt her skin prickle at how abrupt and abrasive his voice is. 
“Sienna, the suction,” Lori reminds her. 
Sienna takes over with clearing the overflowing blood so that Dr. Stevens can properly see. Once that was finished, Sienna watched Dr. Stevens put the retractor in place, the device holding the skin and soft tissue back so he could focus on the fracture. 
“Alright, I need the intramedullary rod and the mead mallot...I have to insert this through the top of the femur closest to the hip...towards the knee.”
Sienna passed Dr. Stevens one of the titanium rods in question. Dr. Stevens already used the orthopaedic drill to create a canal large enough for the rod to fit inside. He lined the rod up with the canal at the top of the femur, making sure it’s the perfect size before continuing. 
“Alright, I’ll take the mallot now, Diana can you plug in a new portable suction this one is getting too full.” 
Diana, one of the circulating nurses rushed to change out the suction. 
“Lori I need you to make sure the patient's leg is secured enough on that end. The bone is already damaged and damn near splintered I’m trying to get this done without messing things up even more.” 
“It’s secure—“
“I need you to physically check.” Dr Stevens replied, cutting Lori off. She frustratingly went to check. 
“Are you okay, Lori? Need to take a break? Want your student to take over for you? You have more experience than she does. I expect you to move quickly, like you can do this blindfolded.”
Sienna could see the irritation all over Lori’s face and she even looked like she wanted to cry. Sienna’s hands became cold and clammy—signs of her beginning to panic if he were to talk to her like that. She kept her eyes focused on him to see if he would ask her to do anything. Slowly, Dr. Stevens started gently hammering the rod through the canal, stopping every now and then to make sure it was smoothly going in place. 
“I need more light, student.” 
Sienna reached up quickly to grab the handle of the surgical light above the table, focusing it enough for him to see. When he called her student her eyes darted from left to right with embarrassment. What happened to calling her Sienna? 
“How are we looking, Student?” 
“I’m...I’m-I’m sorry?” Sienna spoke with a timid, soft-spoken voice. 
“The patient's condition? Aren’t you checking the monitor?”
She swallowed spit, “From time to time...yes, Dr. Stevens.”
The rod was halfway in now. Dr. Stevens looked at her with intimidating eyes. 
“You know what you can be doing right now instead of standing there looking at me? You can be sponging the wound a little because he’s bleeding out from the force.” 
“Oh,” Sienna grabbed one of the sterile sponges to clear away some blood.
“It’s not oh, it’s yes sir or yes doctor.”
Sienna shifted a little to try and calm how horny she was becoming. Before he became her sugar daddy, Sienna would have seethed from his constant cold-hearted way of speaking. Now, she felt nervous, excited, and horny at the same time. In the back of her mind she was thinking he could be sucking her clit until her legs are shaking uncontrollably then hold them down and suck her clit harder. It wasn’t the appropriate time to think about that but his aggression during a surgical case did nothing but turn her on to the max. He knows how much she loves being ordered around, barked at, and humiliated like a brainless little girl with no sense of direction. Especially if it’s from an older, mature, seasoned man like Dr. Stevens. 
“Yes, Dr. Stevens.” 
Sienna began sponging the blood away while also operating the suction. Lori didn’t get in the way too much since Dr. Stevens had something to say about her work ethic. 
“Alright, now for the hard part. I’m going to need you to pass me some screws so I can mend the diaphysis.”
“What size?” 
“8.5 mm. And I need the drill as well.” 
“I’ll get the drill,” Lori says before grabbing it and passing it over to Dr. Stevens.
“Where is the music? It’s too quiet for me.” 
King Promise- Sisa began playing. 
“The screws, please.” 
Dr. Stevens held out his hand for the screws and Sienna passed them over. Dr. Stevens examined the size of them before blowing out air from his broad nose frustratingly. 
“These are 7.4 not 8.5. What’s up with your hearing? Did you not hear me when I said 8.5?!” 
“I asked for 8.5 though,” Sienna replied with her voice cracking from nerves. Her hands were beginning to shake and from the way Dr. Stevens looked at her with his eyes the same color of a raven’s wings, one more mistake and she’ll be sent out of the OR so fast she wouldn’t be able to step foot in another case of his. However, that’s what someone from the outside looking in would say. Sienna knew he was doing this on purpose. He was most likely sexually frustrated since he hadn’t been able to so much as lay a finger on her skin for a week. He couldn’t even bury his face into her young pussy or fuck her with his grown man dick while she moaned daddy. And here she was standing across from him, looking at him helplessly with her big brown eyes, timid voice sounding so cute that it has his dick solid as a brick when it really shouldn’t be.
“Lori, maybe I should go and let you take over,” Sienna says with a weak voice, “I keep messing things up.”  
“No. You’re staying in this case. How do you expect to learn—watch your step with the sterile field Diana—“ he turned back to Sienna, “How do you expect to learn the ins-and-outs of the OR if you’re constantly giving up because you can’t handle a little pressure?” 
Sienna hung her head and lifted her left shoulder in a half shrug then she jutted out her hip, head tilted with an annoyed expression on her face. In her mind, she was saying yes daddy like a good girl. That no came out so deep and curt. It was enough to put Sienna in her place—let her know that the matter is closed and she will be staying behind to finish the case out no matter how long it took. 
“That’s exactly why you’ll be working every single OR case of mine when you’re here until you get it right,” He shook his head, “Now why don’t you make yourself useful and get me the correct screws so I can start mending this, yeah?”
Sienna wordlessly takes the 7.4 mm screws, replacing them with the 8.5 mm that the surgical technician gave her. Sienna even checked the size herself to make sure it’s correct. Once that was confirmed, Sienna handed over the screws. When Dr. Stevens reached out his hand, Sienna dropped the screws into his open palm and when she drew her hand back she swiped the tips of her fingers against his. Dr. Stevens took in a deep breath and let it out harshly before chuckling mirthlessly. Sienna felt her pussy pulsate after that. 
“What’s your name again...student?”
Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths with her eyes peering into his. 
“Sienna...I’ll need to remember that for next time when I require your assistance.” 
The sound of the orthopaedic drill overshadowed her panting breaths as Dr. Stevens began to apply the screws. 
The trauma orthopedic case took three hours and fifteen minutes exactly. Once Sienna removed her OR gown, sterile gloves, shoe covers, cap, and face shield, she washed her hands and headed back to the pre op area to help out the nurses there. Sienna noticed how empty the area was minus a few nurses she didn’t recognize. Walking further towards the back where the lounge area was, Sienna could see an assembly line of staff with plates in their hands. Selena and a nurse named Kizzy are in the back of the line talking with plates. Sienna approached them with a relieved smile, thanking Selena for grabbing a plate for her. 
“I can smell the food from out here. How did it go?” Selena asked while giving Sienna a half-smile. 
“Well, let’s see...I was yelled at, embarrassed in front of everybody, and my anxiety was all jacked up...does that sum it up for you?”
Kizzy laughed. 
“You decided to go in that case, girl. Maybe you shouldn’t anymore. He seems to pick on you every time.”
“I can’t avoid him,” Sienna started moving with the line, “He wants me to work cases with him every time I’m here…” 
Inwardly, there is a mental image of Sienna twerking in celebration of being anywhere near him at clinicals for hours but on the outside she pulled the most convincing angered expression. 
“I was about to say you could have Joanne talk to him but they’re friends from what I know so she won’t be able to help you.” 
“When I was a student three years ago, Dr. Stevens never gave me as much grief as you. He was hard on you, yes, but not to the point where I was angry or uncomfortable to work with him.” Kizzy said. 
Once they made it into the lounge, a long, black,  rectangular, portable folding table could be seen filled with compartment eco-friendly takeout containers, soft drinks, cups, napkins, fruit salad, and a couple of cakes. The smell of the spices from the food caused Sienna’s mouth to water but not as much as seeing Dr. Stevens himself filling up his plate with a big friendly smile. He’s in his mint green scrubs, white Nike pro long sleeve top underneath, a Apple Watch series 5 with a gold strap on his left wrist, and white Nike Air Monarch IV on his feet. His shoulder length dreads looked to be freshly retwisted and his gold-rimmed glasses were off and resting in the breast pocket of his scrubs. A tall woman with flawless deep brown skin, topaz eyes, and full lips is talking to him. Her gleaming white teeth were on full display each time she laughed at whatever seemed to be comical coming from Dr. Stevens mouth. She’s wearing navy blue scrubs with black patent Dansko nursing shoes on her feet. The closer they got, the more Sienna could hear their conversation. She wanted badly to roll her eyes but instead she casually listened while waiting to pile food on her plate, playing it off by examining her short, plain nails. 
“I love plantains. I didn’t know your family was from Jamaica, Erik.”
“My dad is Jamaican, my momma isn’t. And as you can see from my plate I love plantains too.” 
“Which is your favorite? beef or chicken patties?
“Beef, hands down. You should try it, Teairra.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” 
Sienna discreetly watched Teairra fill her plate with two beef patties while looking at Erik’s hands. She’s checking for a ring. 
“Are you gonna eat any cake?” Teairra asked while giving Erik a once over. She waited for him to finish chewing a plantain.
“I’m allergic to strawberries so I can’t have the strawberry shortcake but I will eat the fudge cake with whipped cream that looks good.” 
“Awww, damn, that’s too bad. Strawberries are so good.” 
“They look juicy,” Erik chuckles. 
Teairra’s eyebrows rose before she chuckled herself. Sienna didn’t like how close the woman was and she didn’t like the way Erik said juicy. He could have simply said they look delicious, but juicy? The only juicy thing he should be worried about is the wet sugar dripping from Sienna’s phat pussy. 
“I’m gonna eat jerk chicken. I love the spice. Ooh! And they got extra jerk sauce on the side.” 
Sienna dropped her eyes away from Erik and looked at the selection of Caribbean food. She started adding curry chicken wings to her plate, vegetable medley, red peas and rice, coco bread, some plantains, and she even drizzled a little extra curry sauce. Grabbing some napkins, Sienna followed Selena over to an empty table with Kizzy and Lori to sit her plate down so she could grab herself some lemonade. On her way back, Erik was grabbing a bottle of water for himself. When he turned to walk away his eyes landed on Sienna. They gleamed at her as if he were smiling with his eyes. He sized her up and waited for her to approach the table. Act natural, Sienna told herself. 
“Sienna, right?” 
She fought to beam up at him happily. Instead she gave him a forced smile. She held out her hand to shake his. He grabbed it firmly before quickly letting it go. Erik cleared his throat and looked away to open his bottled water. 
“Tough case today. Glad you took my advice and stuck around. The pressure is good for you, makes you a better nurse, prepares you for the field. I should know, I went through the same thing if not worse.”
Sienna rested a hand on her poked out hip, Erik’s eyes landing there for a second before he focused on her face again. 
He chuckled, “Lori isn’t hard on you like she should be. Every weakness contains within itself a strength. I see your drive, I know you want to kill it in there. You gotta believe in that though. It’s the only way you’ll succeed.”
Sienna nodded her head, rubbing her left shoulder timidly. She couldn’t look at him without struggling to breathe. He smelled so good and he looked fucking sexy in his scrubs. Not to mention the way his voice soothed her ears. She liked Erik a lot. His protective nature, his disciplinary side, the freak in him, how professional and successful he is. All of that made her pussy wet. Erik scratched the back of his neck, unable to help his eyes trailing up and down her body. 
“Remember what I said, Sienna. You have potential,” he licks his lips before walking closer towards her, “if you need anything...advice, if you just want to talk...you remember where my office is, right? Just come there when I’m available…”
Sienna parted her lips to speak to him since being in the OR with him. 
“Yeah, sure. Thanks, Dr. Stevens.” 
Erik watched the way she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. His jaw clenched and he nodded his head at her before walking away. Sienna finally let out a breath. Back at her seat with her lemonade, she started eating her food, thankful to be filling her belly. 
“What was that all about?” Selena asked while licking jerk sauce from her fingers. 
“It appears Dr. Stevens is a man of wisdom now. He was giving me advice.” Sienna rolled her eyes into her head. 
“Wow,” Lori sat wide-eyed, “that was nice of him. You might end up with a recommendation to be hired here if you keep working with him. I know he’s a hard ass,” she lowered her voice on that last part, “But he sees potential in you, THAT'S great.”
“You got this, girl. Prove to him that you can do it.” 
Selena placed her hand over Sienna’s and rubbed it softly, her dark brown eyes fringed with long lashes staring at her as if she were wonderstruck. Sienna gave her a small smile before breaking eye contact to stare at her food. When Selena’s hand uncovered hers she suddenly missed the warmth and softness of it. 
“Teairra is trying so hard. She’s been trying hard for almost a year now.” 
Sienna followed Lori’s gaze behind her, spotting Teairra sitting with Dr. Stevens and a few other doctors. The woman was visibly transfixed by Erik, her crossed leg swinging back and forth beneath the table, tapping his leg every single time. 
“He’s in the middle of a divorce from his wife Faith. They’ve been separated for some time but as soon as word got around that he was getting a divorce Teairra made her presence known and now she’s trying to fill the new slot as his woman.” 
Sienna knew of Erik’s divorce but he didn’t talk much about it. Sienna guessed it’s because the situation is touchy and too personal for him to discuss. All he told her was that he’s waiting to receive a copy of the final judgment in the mail  so that he can call the courthouse with jurisdiction over his divorce and get the information. Sienna asked him what her name is and he said Faith. After that he didn’t go into further detail. 
“He doesn’t look interested though,” Kizzy said while eating her vegetable medley. 
Sienna reached into the back pocket of her scrub pants and unlocked her phone. Opening her messages, Sienna clicked on the text thread between her and Erik. The last conversation they had was the evening before but it wasn’t sexual. He was getting to know her a little. Houston Texas born and raised, no siblings, father was an army man who died in the Iraq war when she was 14, and her mom who also died because of cancer almost two years ago. Sienna’s grandma on her father's side is still alive but she’s Jehovah’s Witness and every time Sienna tries to keep in touch with her she’s never home. Most of  her aunts, uncles, and cousins are distant as well except for her auntie Tegra and her two cousins Neshiya and Nijah. She talked to them often to keep in touch, promising to come visit when she can. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: My mom was born in Houston before she moved to Oakland. I haven’t been to Houston in a while, I miss the family reunions but that stopped when my great grandmother passed away five years ago. You know I would love to text all night but it’s getting late, Sienna. Goodnight baby girl, get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow hopefully. 
Sienna started typing out a new message. 
Daddy, I don’t like the way she’s all up on you. Are you trying to make me jealous?
“I’m finished. I’m gonna head back and see how things are. You guys finish up,” Lori stands from the table with her trash. 
“Me too. I’ll be leaving in like another hour anyway,” Kizzy followed behind Lori. 
Sienna glanced over her shoulder to see if Erik was looking at his phone. He seemed to be scrolling on his Apple Watch, probably reading the text message through there. Suddenly, he stands from the table, grabbing his trash and waving goodbye before walking away. Not once did he look at her as he exited the lounge. 
“Aren’t you happy we don’t have clinicals this Friday since JCO is coming? Bitch, I know I am. We can study tomorrow night and then sleep in until Friday morning. I made myself a nail appointment to get my feet done and then I have to do some shit for my mom.”
“I’m going to the grocery store on Friday and do some cleaning up around the apartment. It's a damn mess. How is your mom?”
Selena rolled her eyes, “A fucking headache, girl. Her and her boyfriend. That’s why I happily got out of there.”
“I’m happy you did too,” Sienna glanced at her phone, no text from Erik yet. She exhaled. 
“Girl are you gonna eat the rest? There's plenty left, I'm sure you can take it home.” 
Sienna looked down at her half-eaten plate, “Yeah, I’m suddenly full now. Let’s get back and finish this out so we can leave.”
Just a few hours before it’s time to leave, Sienna received a text message from Erik. She couldn’t pull out her phone where she was so she excused herself to the bathroom. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: I miss you
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: and your pretty pussy. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: there’s no need in being jealous of someone that daddy isn’t even fucking with, baby girl. 
Sienna blushed from his texts. 
Why did you have to tell her that the strawberries look juicy? You should have seen her face, daddy. She liked the way you said that.
Sienna watched the text bubbles. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: you’re nosy, aren’t you? 😏 and no, I didn’t focus too hard on her expression. Maybe I should have since you’re so jealous. A jealous fucking brat. 
I can’t help feeling the way I feel when I haven’t even seen you in days. You’re supposed to talk to me like that 🥺
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: Awww, I am? I don’t think you deserve it after that little performance in the OR. How many times do I have to talk to you, Sienna? I’ve been so stressed out with work and not being able to fuck you and then you decide to make my job harder. Where are you?
I’m in the bathroom. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: Come to my office. 
Okay daddy. 
Sienna left the bathroom and headed towards Dr. Stevens office. Once she got there, Sienna knocked twice, her eyes moving from left to right to make sure there wasn’t anyone eavesdropping. The door opened and there stood Dr. Stevens looking down on her with a straight face. 
“Sienna. I see you decided to take my advice...come in.” 
He stepped back to allow her to enter. The same office that her secret was revealed in. He closed the door behind her and closed his blinds. Silence settled between them as he walked around to sit on the edge of his desk, Sienna still standing. 
“...Hey, baby girl,” Erik says with low lustful eyes and a dimpled smile. 
“Hi, daddy.” 
Erik takes off his glasses, folding them gently before putting them on his desk. He exhaled with relief before taking his hand to finger comb his dreads back from his face. 
“Come give daddy a hug.” 
Sienna quickly fell into his arms, her arms draped around his shoulders. Erik rubbed her back up and down while kissing her cheek. Sienna whimpered. 
“It’s okay, baby girl, I know how much you missed daddy. Missed me so much that you couldn’t even focus today in the OR. Missed me so much that you got jealous of Teairra.”
“Mhm,” Sienna says with a sweet voice. 
Erik pulled Sienna away while grabbing her arms. She looked at him through her lashes.
“I hope you started spending my money I sent you, girl.”
Sienna smiled the cutest smile, “I did. I bought some lingerie, some new toys, a few outfits.”
“I expect to see this lingerie. I should be the first one before you post it to your OnlyFans,” Erik stroked her chin, “Daddy has to approve of it first before you tease your subscribers.”
“Of course, daddy,” Sienna bites her lip, “daddy…”
“Yeah?” His hands grabbed her ass, pulling her closer. 
“Can I show you how wet my pussy is? Just for a second?” 
“Sienna...you know it won’t be for a second. As soon as you spread your thighs to let me take a look I’m gonna want to stick my tongue in it.” 
Sienna giggled, “That’s what I want daddy...that shows me how much you crave this little pussy.” 
Erik licked his lips, his eyes still on her but his hands pulling at the drawstring of her scrub pants, loosening them, “I fucking love your young pussy...that pussy is yummy, tight, and I can teach you how daddy likes to get up in it with this dick…”
Sienna didn’t waste any time straddling Erik while he sat on the edge of his desk with her arms draped over his shoulders and her lips pressed firmly against his. They started tongue kissing heavily while Erik lifted Sienna’s shirt so he could put his large hand down her scrub pants to feel how wet she is. 
“Damn...you weren’t lying when you said this puss stay wet.” 
His fingers pinched Sienna’s phat pussy lips before taking those same fingers to rub up and down her wet crotch. 
“I love a bitch that stays wet.” 
Erik takes his pointer finger to flick her clit through her panties, Sienna grinding her hips against his erection so she can feel how hard her daddy is for her. 
“If you want your clit licked just ask. You know if you want something you gotta ask. How is daddy supposed to know what you want from me when you got your mouth closed? Let me know...so I can take care of you.”  
“Daddy...pretty please...can you suck up my clit?” Sienna kissed along Erik’s cheek softly, her kisses tickling him, “Use my clit…”
“I’d love to make out with your pussy, baby.” 
“Suck it...lick it...and wait for me to squirt?” 
Erik’s face frowned with ecstasy from her words. Sienna loved to see his entire body react to just the slightest words that escaped her mouth. She felt like she had some power over this grown ass man with his hand rubbing her phat pussy. Sienna’s delicate hand rested over his dick through his scrub pants. She squeezed his shaft and when she felt it jump in her hand she gasped. 
“Damn, daddy, that dick is thick as fuck. Are you gonna fuck me with this? I’d love to get all that fat dick down my throat, daddy. I need this big dick in my pussy. I’ll do anything to please you daddy. You spoil me...I’ll spoil you with this tight pussy and mouth.”
Sienna yanked the drawstrings to Erik’s scrub pants, loosening them with her hand before guiding her hand inside. That definitely feels like a fun dick to suck and fuck. Even the cum it shoots is sweet too. She desperately wants to taste his cum and swallow his cum. Sienna wants to suck his whole dick until he can’t cum again. This man made her weak in the knees. While Erik pulled her panties to the side, Sienna thought about how his long, meaty dick stretched her open for the first time. It was as if she could feel her pussy lips stretching to fit him inside. She so fucking wanted his dick in that moment. If it didn’t fit at first, he made it. If she didn’t take every inch or thrust, he would slam inside her like he should, not letting up then. He doubled down and didn’t stop till she was begging for more. He took his time going in at first but as soon as he had her creaming the way he wanted Erik pounded the fuck out of her. She could feel him tense up, feel his balls growing heavier and tighter, and his hips slamming into her as the desire to cum increased. 
“You better watch the way you’re talking to me Sienna I’ll have this whole hospital hearing you, girl...got my dick so fucking hard right now...that pussy is so wet...damn, this pussy made my dick hard quick.”
“Let me make it harder, daddy.” 
Sienna slipped away from Erik, pulling her scrub pants and black panties off. Erik watched her undress from the waist down before she went around to sit on his desk chair, bringing her hips towards the edge of the chair before hanging her legs over the arms of the chair. She takes both of her hands to spread her pussy open, swiveling in the desk chair from side to side with an adorable smile on her face and batting her lashes. Erik sucked his bottom lip into his mouth while he stared at the view so eagerly spread out for him. He scrunched his face with hankering desire when Sienna started rubbing her clit for him. 
“Your pussy is so pretty. Just like you.” 
“Yeah?” She smiled at him. 
“Yes,” Erik returned the smile while tapping the fingers on his left hand against his hardwood desk, “I can see your pussy dripping on my chair…”
Sienna gazed between her legs down at the black leather, “Oh,” Sienna clutched her chest with her hand, feigning shock, “am I in trouble for staining your good chair, daddy?”
Erik strokes his chin, “We’ll see how much trouble you’re in when I get over there, pretty girl.” 
Erik stood from his desk, walking around to stand in front of Sienna. She suddenly stopped swiveling and separated her pussy lips further. His scrub bottom hung loosely around his hips revealing the waistband to his briefs. He got down on his knees, his hands reaching out to stroke her inner thighs longingly. He slapped them then with a bite of his lip before taking his fat tongue to swipe over her clit. That clit is blood filled, engorged, and dripping. Erik could only imagine how slippery that would be to slide into. Erik is reminded of how much of an absolute pleasure it is to eat Sienna’s pussy. The gentle and honeyed way she moaned for him made Erik cover that whole pussy with his mouth and taste every drop as his tongue laped deep inside searching for more. He was drooling all over her pussy. 
“Daddy, yes,” Sienna whined, “let me hold your head while I ride that face daddy so you can get all my juices.” 
Sienna grabbed a fist full of Erik’s soft locs and pushed her pussy further into his mouth. He would slurp her up then stick his tongue up her pussy and thrust. She kept her eyes on him, not afraid to look away. This sexy man eating her pussy had her lost for words. He didn’t need to do any talking, that mouth was busy enough. She loved his lips, she loved how thick and flexible his tongue is when it licked and wiggled in all the right places. Staring at him with her forehead creased, mouth hanging open, and eyes welling up with tears, Sienna really needed him to fuck her nasty—beat her Kitty up. 
“This...pussy...is about-to-to cum all in your mouth...daddy, you ready to drink it all up?” Sienna threw her head back, the hand on the back of Erik’s head shaking. 
All Erik did in response was slurp faster, her pussy making all kinds of sounds. Sienna’s eyes crossed and just like she asked for, her pussy started squirting. That pussy made a mess of the chair, the carpeting, and Erik’s beard. When he withdrew his face from in between her legs, his lips dripped with her juices. He sucked it off his lip while watching her pussy leak. When it finally stopped his mouth was back on that pussy, sucking some more so he could watch her cream now. That wild tongue swirled her engorged clit and right before his eyes a long, slimy trail of her cream dripped from her pussy. Eagerly with Sienna’s moans in his ears, Erik lapped it up only to produce more. 
“Daddy making that pussy cum again? This my little pussy, Sienna?” Erik spoke to her between licks and sucks, “Daddy getting that nut out this wet little pussy? This pussy is sticky wet, baby girl, look at what this pussy is doing to my floor…”
Sienna tried her best to focus but her pussy was so tingly and sensitive from his stiff tongue that she couldn’t worry about anything else even if she tried. He had her delirious with his pussy eating. 
“You had me wishing I had these creamy fucking pussy lips sliding all over my mouth...taking you over the edge and drink all that mess...mmm hell yes…”
Sienna was feeding him the fresh cum from her pussy—grinding her hips, breathing heavily, moaning. She was making herself cum all in his mouth at this point. 
“Mm, mm, mm, put all that in my mouth, baby. Yummy, yummy, yummy, baby girl. Good girl keep giving daddy that fucking pussy.” 
“Yes...yes...yes...” Sienna said over and over. 
Erik’s eyes blazed when Sienna came for him one last time. If he wasn’t at work he would have his head buried between her legs all damn day. Her legs felt like linguini, that's how much Erik sucked her soul out. He stood up between her legs, rushing to pull his scrub pants down with his glossy face shining in the lamp light on his desk. Sienna’s blurry eyes could see his V-cut and then his clipped pubic hairs came into view. As soon as his dick appeared Sienna sat up and got down on her knees. There’s no way he’s going to put up a fight when Sienna tried to fit his dick down her throat, but to be fair there’s no way this sexy, older man can say no to a chance to use her young wet mouth. 
“I love your big, long dick daddy.” 
“Oh yeah?” Erik kept his eyes on hers while adjusting a mirror on his desk so that Sienna can see herself. 
“This big long dick loves you too...I want you to watch yourself suck my dick. I didn’t forget how much you love watching yourself. Take care of this dick for me.”
“Yes, sir.” 
Sienna wrapped her fingers lightly around the base of his dick while flicking her tongue in his slit. She watched herself closely—the movement of her tongue, the spit that dribbled from her mouth, and how veiny and fat he is. 
“Anything you want, daddy.” 
“Anything? That’s what I love to hear, princess. That’s why you deserve to be spoiled.”
Sienna has all ten of her fingers securing the base of Erik’s dick since it’s so heavy. She wrapped her lips around him and started sucking without pause, head bobbing up and down while she looked at herself. Erik’s hands were in her hair that’s pinned up in the back with her claw hair clip. He took the clip out so he can wrap her wig hair securely around his hand. He could see her reflection in that mirror too. 
“Suck that dick, princess.” 
Sienna’s pussy pulsates. 
“Nah, I said suck this dick, girl.” 
Sienna’s mouth went lower. 
“See? all that practice was worth it. I told you that eventually, with enough effort, that even you could get more of daddy down your throat.”
All that choking and gagging, every last retch, all the spit and drool she coughed up all over herself, all those tears, the running eyes, it was all worth it because now she can throat him better. 
“Sienna...Here,” Erik withdrew his dick from her mouth and held it up so she could taste his balls, “Start sucking, little girl.” 
Sienna opened wide and lightly sucked on his balls with her eyes blinking up at him. There weren’t enough words in the world to describe the sensation of Sienna’s young mouth sucking, licking, and spitting all over him. She has a tight, warm, wet mouth meant for dick. He caught himself wondering days ago how many older men she had sucked like this. She said she didn’t fuck her last daddy but who else before that? This kink of hers to have older men fuck her throat and pussy had to have come from somewhere. Who else received a blow job from this dick sucking princess? Regardless, it didn’t really matter because she’s sucking him now. 
“Daddy has a lot of cum for you…”
“Please daddy, I need your cum down my throat. I want that dick back in my mouth now.” 
“Is that how you ask?” Erik’s eyes glinted, “When you ask nicely you get what you want. Don’t make me spank that pussy I’ll have you walking around this hospital with those phat lips stinging. I think you better try that again.” 
Sienna licked her already moist lips before putting on the sweetest most sincere voice for him.
“Daddy...can you fuck my face, please? Can I have that dick in my mouth pretty please?”
He wasn’t going to say no especially with the way she sounded asking him. Erik held his dick out for her and Sienna traced the vein on the underside of his dick with her tongue before sucking him back up. Erik let’s go of his dick to rest his hand on the back of her pretty head again. Sienna was back to watching herself, keeping her mouth snugly fit around her daddy’s dick as he directed her head back and forth. His dick is flesh covered steel and Sienna’s mouth is soft and wet like her pussy. He never imagined he would squirm because of a young girl slurping him up but here he was, hips jerking each time she took him between her lips. 
“That’s right, baby, suck daddy’s dick. Make daddy cum, baby. You wanna relieve all this stress daddy’s little baby? I’ve been so busy and I’ve been wanting you all week and I couldn’t have you…mmmh, yes,” Erik felt a tingling sensation and heat creep up to the tip of his dick when he stared into that mirror on his desk, locking eyes with Sienna. 
“Suck that dick baby, good job, girl. Keep going pretty girl, you’re about to make daddy cum hard, baby, keep going, that’s it, Mhm, you gotta lick and suck on the tip if you wanna make me cum fast, good girl…”
Sienna loved to be in this position. It gives her the perfect view and eye contact. She’s able to see his face when his expressions change, feel his body when he moves and when he moans. The way his head and those eyes roll back...mmm...what a beautiful view from where she is. The eye contact is key and she knew that’s what made him come undone in the end. Erik gripped the edge of his desk with one hand and thrust his hips forward into her mouth with all his dick. She could feel his dick throbbing and pitter-pattering in her mouth like a rapid heart beat. That hot, sweet cum oozed down her throat and she used his dick like a straw to suck the rest out of him. The way he was gripping that dick and making it swing up and down it almost had Sienna bending over so he could find her sticky entrance and use it to keep that dick nice and warm while she clenched him. She didn’t know how long she was on her knees staring at that curved dick covered in spit but his voice pulled her back to reality. 
“Up on your feet, princess. I wish it could be longer but you’ve been away for a while and you should be getting back, okay? I have something for you.” 
Erik walked over to his backpack that he usually carries with him into work. He opens a side pocket, reaching inside to pull out a slender Cartier red box. Sienna gawked at it and her eyes really bugged out when Erik opened the box to reveal what’s inside. Her gasp of excitement made him smile handsomely. It’s a Cartier Trinity Bracelet in white, yellow, and pink gold with diamonds. 
“I was going to wait until this weekend to give it to you but I can’t wait anymore. I need to see it on your wrist right now.”
Erik removed the bracelet from the box, resting the box on his desk before unclamping it. Sienna held her slender wrist out for Erik and he gently wrapped it around from beneath her wrist first then he secured it. With his fingers, Erik rotated the bracelet so that she could see just how beautiful it was. Sienna brushed her fingers over the bracelet, still in awe of how timeless and elegant it looked. She looked up through her lashes at Erik and his eyes twinkled. He really liked seeing her in anything expensive he purchased. She’s still wearing the belly ring he bought her with his name on it. In such a short time this man treated her like he’d known her for years. Sienna could tell that this excited him—a divorced man trying to find what really made him happy and what really made him enjoy his success and money. He found it. A young, vibrant piece of ass with brains and beauty that he can spend all that money on and take care of. And Sienna was going to let him. Erik grabbed her wrist and kissed it before pulling her towards him, his large arms wrapping around her upper back, pulling her in for a tight hug. 
“Wear this...always...okay?” 
“I promise,” Sienna said. She could hear his heart racing, “Daddy...what would you like for me to spend your money on?”
Erik’s dick jumped against Sienna’s waist. 
“I want you to buy a very pretty dress so that I can take you out to dinner with me. A sexy pair of heels so I can admire the way your pretty feet look in them. And some crotchless panties so I can have easier access to your pussy in my office while you’re at clinicals.” 
“Anything else, daddy?” 
“Whatever else you want, Sienna. Then, you can show me what you bought. I’d really like that.” 
She breathed in his scent, “Okay, daddy.” 
Erik stepped away from Sienna to redress. Both of them decent, Erik walked over to his window to peek through the blinds. So far, he couldn’t see anyone. 
“Alright, I think it’s safe for you to leave, baby girl. How much time do you have remaining?”
Sienna checked her phone, “Thirty minutes.” 
“I’m sorry I kept you for so long. I don’t want you to get in trouble. I just needed to see you.” 
Sienna blushes, “It’s been a week, I missed you too.” 
Standing in front of him with her hand on the knob, Sienna got on her tiptoes to nibble on Erik’s bottom lip. 
“See you soon, daddy.” 
“Bye bye, pretty girl.” 
Erik strokes her chin, giving her one final kiss that neither of them wanted to end before Sienna reluctantly pulled away to sneak out of his office. Erik watched her walk away from him through his blinds with his dick pulsating against his thigh and the possessive part of his mind begging him to go after her. 
Sienna knew she  was going to be late for class the second she got home, showered, brushed her teeth, and got in bed naked. It was 1:30 AM by the time she settled down for sleep. Sienna scrolled through her phone, tossed and turned, all because she couldn’t focus with Erik on her mind. Sienna had hoped she would catch him in the parking garage but he was still working on a new case by the time she clocked out. Sienna and Selena left and it was a good thing that Sienna didn’t leave before her because Selena’s car didn’t start. Sienna helped her friend jump-start her car before following her to her place to make sure she made it safely before going to her apartment. Selena walked up to Sienna’s car when she got out of her car and gave her a hug through the window and a kiss on her cheek. Sienna could still feel how soft Selena’s lips are and she can still smell the peppermint oil in her long wavy hair. It filtered through her nose and chilled her body to the point where her nipples poked out. 
Waking up that morning, Sienna couldn’t differentiate between who made her pussy so soaked. Was it Erik or Selena? Maybe it was both. On the drive over to school Sienna kept stroking her left cheek, still able to feel the warmth from Sienna’s lips there. Okay, she can admit, Selena turns her on heavily. It’s been a while since Sienna messed around with a girl. While she pulled into a parking space, Sienna thought about the girl from Houston. Malaysia. A girl she hadn’t spoken to in a year that she grew up with. They were friends who occasionally messed around. She would spend the night at Malaysia’s house and from there they would eat each other’s pussies. It was a secret between them both, no one knew. Selena gave Sienna the same feeling that Malaysia did. A desire that has her stomach in knots and her thighs clenching. 
Show me that pussy baby 
That’s what Malaysia would whisper to Sienna while they laid on her bed with the TV on in the background. Sienna would roll over on her back, Malaysia leaning over her on her elbow while she watched Sienna lower her sleep shorts or her panties to reveal that pussy. 
If I eat this phat pussy will you promise to be quiet? 
Malaysia’s mom was home at the time and Sienna can get a little loud. It’s not her fault, Malaysia’s pussy eating skills were the blame. Malaysia was a giver. Sienna never had to ask, Malaysia always craved eating her pussy. Sienna wondered how she was doing now, last time she heard Malaysia had a son. Sienna made it to class in the middle of lecture and she hated that because she could feel her professor's eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She had to knock on the door since her professor didn’t like people entering the class while she’s teaching. She took her usual seat next to a drowsy looking Selena who has her hood up and chin resting on her folded arms. Her thick mane of wavy hair looked untamed beneath her hood and Sienna could see her friend struggling to keep her eyes opened. 
“What did I miss?” Sienna whispered while taking out her textbook. 
“Nothing much. The beginning of class was spent answering questions. Is that a cinnamon bun I smell?”
Sienna locked eyes with Selena. 
“Yep. You want to share?”
“Bitch, you don’t even have to ask me. I’m taking that shit anyway.”
The way she said that had Sienna squirming. 
“Where’s it at?” Selena whispered, her hand squeezing Sienna’s thigh. Sienna’s eyes trailed down to her lap before looking over at Selena with her head resting on the desk and a sneaky smile on her face. This Latina is sexy as fuck and this wasn’t the place to be turned on. 
“Since you take shit go in my bag and grab it.” 
Selena chuckled before quietly unzipping Sienna’s backpack to retrieve the sticky pastry. The paper bag made a crumbling noise but luckily the professor was talking to a student and it was rather loud. With the cinnamon bun box in her lap, Selena opened it gently, tore a piece off, and stuffed it between her teeth. Her pink lips stretched over the dough and she lowered her head to take a bite. 
“Mmm,” She said.
Sienna bit off a piece herself. 
“So...I’m coming to your place after class, right?”
“Yeah,” Sienna licked frosting off her lips. 
“Good because I already packed an overnight bag.” 
“Look at you. You couldn’t wait to come over.”
Selena gave Sienna a half-smile, “I get to spend time with my bitch, of course I’m looking forward to it. I still appreciate you for following me home last night. I ain’t mean to grab you up through your window but that was nice of you.” 
“You know it’s no problem, babe.”
The lecture dragged on and then it was time to take a break. Selena and Sienna went to the bathroom before returning to class. Sienna stood at the bathroom mirror fixing her hair and putting her LA cap back on. She heard the toilet flesh in the stall behind her and out came Selena with her grey leggings hanging low on her hips while she adjusted her hoodie since it was bunched up around her waist. It was that hourglass waist that had Sienna’s eyes on lock. That peanut butter skin had to taste just as good as it looks. Sienna’s phone vibrated in her denim jacket pocket and the way her chest grew tight she had a feeling as to who it could be. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: Daddy woke up thinking about you. Surprise 😘
Sienna had to chew on her bottom lip to control the urge to moan. Erik is sitting up against his headboard, the afternoon sun making his russet skin glow and his sheets are bunched up around his naked waist. He’s smiling at her, his thick lips moist and his bright white teeth blinding. She almost fainted in that bathroom. 
That’s a sexy surprise, daddy LOL. I wish I could have that right now. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: Are you busy today? I’m off for the next few days and I want to see you. 
“I’m waiting on you, girl.” 
Selena was in the middle of pulling all her hair up into a bun. 
“I’m ready.” 
Both girls exited the bathroom, Sienna leaving first. 
I’m studying with Selena later at my place 😩
A hard slap landed on Sienna’s ass and she paused in the hallway, her sneakers making a loud skidding noise across the floor. Selena giggled behind her guiltily. 
“That ass is looking too good. I had to slap it.” 
“Hoe...why are you always catching me off guard with that shit? Let me be prepared first,” Sienna rubbed her booty. 
“It’s better when you least expect it though,” Selena said before giving Sienna a flirtatious wink. 
Before she could respond, her phone buzzed. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: damn 😔 I really wanted to see you. Why don’t you tell your friend to go home afterward? I can come over, we can fuck, I can make you something to eat, massage your feet.
We have a quiz coming up...I’ll feel bad telling her to go. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: well, if she ain’t gonna leave then I’ll just show up and we can take that shit to my car It doesn't matter to me, Sienna. I need to see you. 
Sienna looked up and Selena was already in class. 
How about I text you later to let you know. I want to see you too. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: okay. I’ll be at the gym later so just let me know. Don’t keep me waiting though. 
I promise, I won’t. 
Dr. Daddy🍆💦💞: ❤️
Sienna sent a pink heart back before pocketing her phone and entering the class. After another hour, class dismissed and Sienna and Selena decided to grab some food before going back to the apartment. Taqueria Dos Charros is Selena’s favorite place to grab food near campus after class. Sienna has been there a few times and the tacos are superb. Sienna followed behind Sienna’s royal blue Nissan through traffic. It took them an extra ten minutes to arrive because of how crazy the rush hour traffic is. Finding free parking, both girls make their way into Taqueria Dos Charros. 
“I already know what I want. Some carne asada tacos.”
“I want what I had the last time. Those spicy shrimp tacos.” 
Standing at the register, they greet the cashier before placing their orders. 
“We’ll also like the queso con chorizo.”
Selena paid the tab and they found a booth near the back to sit. 
“You didn’t have to pay for my food, Sienna.”
“No worries, I have it,” Sienna takes off her denim jacket revealing her Led Zeppelin band tee. She took a sip of her water with a lemon wedge to quench her thirst. 
“That’s a pretty bracelet.”
Selena took Sienna’s hand in hers to get a closer look. She twirled the pretty jewelry around her wrist to admire the entire bracelet. 
“Woah, this is Cartier.” Selena blinked at Sienna with bewildered eyes, “Girl...this bracelet runs for 3,000 how the hell did you afford this?!”
“How do you know how much it runs for?”
“Because I love glamorous jewelry. Diamonds, gold, all that. It’s like a dream of mine for my man or woman to buy me something from Cartier. Did you buy this yourself?”
No, my sugar daddy did. 
“No. It was gifted to me,” Sienna rests her hand in her lap. 
Selena raised a brow at her lack of information but she didn’t pry further, she simply sipped her water. 
“Well, whoever got it for you sure as hell loves you. It wouldn’t be some random thing to buy Cartier. But, seeing as you won’t tell me, I’ll leave it alone until you do.”
“Which translates I’ll keep asking questions until you get sick of it.” Sienna said with a playful roll of her eyes. 
Selena laughed, “Curious, that’s what I am...curious.”
“And why the fuck is that?”
“Because,” Sienna twisted her pink, glossy lips to fight a smile, “I wanna know who my bitch is dating. I didn’t know you were in a relationship. Is it the same person you were blushing over in class a week ago?”
“Damn, why are you so pressed?!” Sienna jokes. 
Selena gave a half shrug and a slight chuckle in response. Sienna scrutinized her with narrow eyes before exhaling. She knew why Selena wanted to know and it wasn’t because of how expensive the bracelet is. It’s because she’s feeling the same temptation that Sienna is. She’s curious and attracted to Sienna. She’s probably wondered plenty of times how her pussy looked and tasted. She already smacks her ass like she owns it. Next thing will be playful titty grabs. The food arrived and both girls ate in comfortable silence. Afterwards, Sienna checked the time on her phone. It was after 4:00 PM and with the traffic picking up they wouldn't be at her place until almost 5:00. 
On their way over, Selena followed Sienna. They pulled up to the apartment complex, Selena parking a few cars down from Sienna. When Selena mentioned that she packed an overnight back Sienna assumed it would be a small carry-on bag but instead she has a duffle bag filled with clothes. Sienna gave her a puzzled expression before laughing at her. It was just for one night, what could she possibly need? They took the elevator up and the second they entered the apartment they kicked off their shoes. Selena looked around the studio apartment like it was her first time there. The best thing about the apartment is the breathtaking views of the cityscape, Bay, and Coit Tower. The canted bay windows were decorated with jade plants and a few books. Her small kitchen was straight ahead as soon as you walked into the apartment. The living room area is decorated with two small green velvet sofas with a copper velvet sofa situated near the windows, a white coffee table placed over an abstract black and white area rug. The floor is hardwood all throughout except for the kitchen which has this porcelain wood ceramic tile. 
“Thirsty?” Sienna asked as she led the way towards her bedroom. 
“I brought some wine. Figured we could chill and drink that after we study and I can bake my chocolate chip and Oreo cookies!”
Sienna giggled at how excited Selena sounded. It reminded her of the sleep overs she used to have when she was in middle school. All the girls she considered her friends back then played with Bratz Dolls and watched Power Puff Girls. 
“So, that’s what’s in that duffle bag of yours, huh? Junk food and wine. You know we’ll end up distracted, right?” 
“We won’t! I promise…” 
Selena looked around Sienna’s room with quizzical eyes. It was enchanted and colorful like a Princess. Pink, green, blue, and yellow LED fairy lights lined the walls, a white upholstered bed with a pink velvet comforter and white satin sheets, an enormous 7 foot cuddly teddy bear sitting in the corner on each side of her bed—one dark brown and the other light brown with green bows around the necks. A white vanity dresser with studio lights sat against the wall near her bathroom and it is filled with makeup, facial creams, exfoliators, and body butters. Her TV is situated on a shelf high up on the wall facing her bed and a body length mirror rested beneath it. Her carpet is white and fluffy against Selena’s sock toes and it smelled light, fresh, warm, and sweet from the lavender and chamomile plug-ins. 
“I’m going to take a shower before we start. I can bring you a towel and washcloth when I get out and you can hop in after me.”
Selena plopped down on Sienna’s bed, folding her legs Indian style. 
“That’s cool with me, girl. Just hurry up so I can get in!”
“Don’t rush me!” Sienna yelled from her bathroom. 
Selena took down her thick, voluminous wavy hair and fluffed it out with her fingers before falling back against Sienna’s fluffy silk pillows. When she descended, her right elbow coming down hard on what felt like a keyboard, the indentation of the separate keys uncomfortable against her elbow. 
Selena blinked twice, looked away, then turned back to the screen and blinked twice again. She did that to make sure what she is currently staring at on Sienna’s Mac screen is really what it appears to be. 
There is a header image of Sienna with a tiara on her head, a full face of glamorous makeup, a Diamond cross chain necklaces situated between her ample cleavage with hot pink popsicle pasties over her nipples, a slingshot monokini with yellow and pink straps, and hot pink thigh high fishnet stockings so snugly fitted that the plentiful flesh of her thighs peeked through the tiny holes. 
He call me his little princess, I call him my sponsor 👑 💕
Selena would have never guessed that Sienna of all people would have an OnlyFans. Selena shifted on the bed. She parted her lips and took deeper breaths the more she scrolled; her fingers unable to stop. There are videos of her showing off the sexy and adorable little outfits she wore, videos of her masturbating and using sexy toys, pictures of her bending over with cute Lisa Frank stickers on her naked body while wearing colorful wigs, pictures with her wearing more tiaras, collars, ball gags, and nipple clamps—all in pretty colors. What really has Selena watering at the mouth is Sienna naked, clean shaven mound. The resolution of the images made the definition of her pussy pop. Pretty press-on nails spreading her fat pussy lips and an innocent smile on her face. Dreamy eyes the color of maple syrup staring into the camera. Her wet, pink pussy glistened with the viscous, clear fluid that weeps from her vagina. Other pictures of her pussy revealed just how creamy she can get. The cream glossed her fingers and spread all over her swollen lips and pink folds. 
“Damn, girl,” Selena groaned and cupped her left breast while thumbing her nipple through her shirt. 
The best pictures and videos are the ones with Sienna arching over her bed with her pussy in the camera. She would wiggle her hips in the videos and wave at the camera. The anal plugs sparkled each time she would shake her ass in the camera. Selena could feel her own pussy dripping and her panties sticking to her folds. Selena couldn’t get over how smooth and soft Sienna’s pussy looked. She envisioned herself straddling Sienna with her nipples in her mouth and her pussy rubbing against hers. Sienna’s clit is nice and sucklable. She thought about how that clit would feel against her own. That pretty pussy and those pretty titties. Sienna even moaned in this whiny, whimpering way that had Selena panting. She didn’t know how she was going to be able to sit next to Sienna for the rest of the night and not think about pushing her down on the bed and suck and lick her pussy all night. She’s a nasty ass girl with a fat pussy and Selena wanted to sample all of that. They can be friends and eat each other’s pussies, right? She could only hope. 
Maybe sooner than later.
Selena’s head raised briskly and her dark brown eyes went wide from being caught. It’s not like she could play it off, the laptop was angled in a way where Sienna can see exactly what she was doing. Of course, at the precise moment that Selena’s horny body is raging, Sienna has a towel wrapped around her body with her skin still dampened. 
“Uhm…” Selena lowered her head, “It was an accident.”
She looked back up at Sienna to see if she was angry. Her face was expressionless so she couldn’t tell if she was just as shocked or enraged. 
“I’m so sorry,” Selena  pushed away the laptop, “I didn’t mean to go snooping, it's just…”
She couldn’t find the words to say. What she really wanted to say was her pussy put her in a trance and she couldn’t stop even if she tried. 
“I was coming out to grab something to sleep in because I forgot.” 
Sienna approached Selena and sat on the bed. 
“You don’t have to apologize...really.” 
Sienna brought the laptop back over, turning it around so they both could see it. Selena’s breath hitched when she stared at a video of Sienna fucking herself with a pink 8 inch dildo. She could hear her pussy. Suddenly, her hoodie felt too hot against her skin and it became difficult to breathe. 
“See something you like?” Sienna asked, staring at Selena, patiently waiting for a response. 
“...yeah.” Selena chewed on her bottom lip. 
When Sienna had walked back into her room and caught Sienna looking at her OnlyFans she was surprised at first and maybe  even a little embarrassed but as her eyes focused on the way Selena was twirling her erect nipple through her hoodie she then realized how turned on her friend is. If she hadn’t left the bathroom any sooner, Selena might have been playing all in her pussy to her OnlyFans. Now, here she is sitting on the bed, staring into Selena’s glazed over eyes. Her cheeks turned rosey red and she kept shifting on the bed, probably because her pussy was reacting to Sienna’s nudes. When she asked Selena if she’d seen something she liked, her friend sucked her pouty, pink lip into her mouth and replied with the softest, turned on voice she’d ever heard.
“I saw you rubbing your nipple.” 
Sienna’s eyes traveled down to Selena’s chest. 
“You must have big nipples. That hoodie material is thick.” 
Selena’s brows elevated before she giggled nervously, “They are…”
“Can I see?” Sienna asked, “You saw mine...it’s only fair that I get to see yours.” 
Selena licked her already moist lips before placing some of her wavy hair behind her ear. 
“Yeah, you can see mine.” 
Selena got on her knees on the bed, both of her hands pulling her hoodie up and over her head to reveal a heather grey sports bra underneath. She tossed the hoodie to the floor, sat on her knees, and unzipped the front of her sports bra. She did all of this while locking eyes with Sienna. A mixture of shyness and lust clouded Selena’s dark brown orbs. She pulled her arms from the sports bra and added that to the floor as well. Selena’s breasts looked to be a B-cup with tawny colored nipples. Sienna and Selena both admired how stiff her nipples are. Selena brought her fingers to her breasts, squeezing them before pinching her nipples. Sienna’s pussy grew wetter and wetter. Sienna’s eyes cascaded down to Selena’s leggings. She reached forward and tugged on them playfully, causing Selena to blush. 
“What you like about my OnlyFans?” 
“How adorably sexy you look...and that pretty pussy.” 
Sienna licked her lips, “This pretty pussy?”
Sienna stood from the bed, taking one hand to loosen her towel. The towel fell from her now dry body to reveal the titties, pussy, and ass that Selena drooled over on her laptop. 
“I already know you’ve been wanting to see what I got, bitch,” Sienna teased. 
“You’re sexy as fuck. I can’t help myself.” 
“I’ve been checking you out too—“
“Oh yeah?”
“Hell yeah. I wanna know what that pussy looking like too…”
Things turned up so quickly. One minute they’re about to study, next minute they’re expressing their attraction towards each other. Sienna wasn’t shy about it, if Selena wants to taste, feel, and admire she’ll let her. 
“It’s pretty too,” Selena says before standing from the bed to remove her leggings and panties. The waist to hip ratio on this girl alone had Sienna’s pussy ready to explode. She’s clean shaven minus the landing strip and she also has a Christina piercing with a pink Diamond. Laying back against the bed, Selena brought her knees to her chest, raised her legs high so her toes pointed towards the ceiling, and spread her thighs like an eagle's wings, that gorgeous pussy spreading too. Baby pink inner folds dripping wet and dying to be slurped up. 
“Turn around,” Sienna ordered with an angelic voice. 
Selena got to her knees and turned around with an arch in her back. Sienna walked up to her from behind, reaching out her hands to stroke her ass before taking her fingers to rub Selena’s pussy. She gently yanked and massaged her inner folds, Selena moving her hips in a seductive circle while moaning softly. 
“Damn...that pussy fat.” Sienna whispered with a sultry voice, “I just might study you instead tonight.” 
“Only if you let me get up close with my tongue in that pussy too.” 
They both giggled, both of them naturally falling into this new journey within their friendship. 
“You sure you can just be my friend and get your pussy ate? When I eat pussy, bitch, I go hard,” Selena said with this sexy confidence that has Sienna’s pussy swollen and wetter than before. 
“First of all, bitch, less talking. Show me what you can do, okay?”
“Then get on the bed!” Selena replies before turning around to pull Sienna down with her. Sienna’s titties bounced from the sudden movement and she ended up falling on the bed with a bounce of her body. She crawled on further and went to lay on her back with her knees bent, staring down at Selena’s pretty face anxiously waiting for her to part her legs. 
“Let’s see what you can do sneaky,” Sienna joked before sitting up on her elbows. Her legs went in opposite directions and right before Selena’s eyes again is the pussy she was mesmerized about. 
“You better do something before my pussy explode I am soooo fucking horny right now.” 
“I gotchu, girl,” Selena takes her hand to flip her hair away from her face, “I’m just as impatient as you are.” 
Arching her body like a cat, Selena had her hand between Sienna’s thighs. 
“Keep those legs open, Sienna,” Selena instructed. 
Selena began to stroke the length and width of Sienna’s pussy from top to bottom. She took long, broad strokes that seemed to stimulate Sienna’s entire pussy. Selena placed her middle finger in Sienna’s pussy and used her index finger to gently clamp Sienna’s inner lips against her middle finger. She compressed them together and began slightly tugging on them. When she released her grip waves of pleasure sent a stream of wetness pouring out of Sienna in all directions. Bringing her face between Sienna’s thighs, Selena started darting her tongue in and out of her pussy with such force that Sienna presumed her tongue was a tiny dildo with how stiff it is. 
“Oh, fuck,” Sienna wasn’t prepared for that, “Damn, girl.” 
Sienna’s clit kept jumping and it wasn’t even getting any attention yet. Selena is a master at spreading Sienna’s inner lips open with her index finger while running her middle finger up and down her pussy in long strokes. She was doing all of this while sticking her tongue in Sienna from time to time. When she felt that Sienna’s inner lips were engorged enough, Selena rubbed her from the bottom of her clit, without touching it, but each time she seemed to get closer and closer, Sienna would feel this spark as if her clit was anticipating it too. Sienna is letting out light moans. Selena tasted her fingers and her eyes closed longingly as if Sienna’s pussy is candy coated like a guilty pleasure. 
“Damn, your pussy is so wet for me, you like that shit, huh?” Selena asked with a much deeper voice from how turned on she is. 
She took one look at the way Sienna’s pussy swelled and dripped and next thing she knew Selena’s lips wrapped around her clit and started sucking. She would move away from her clit to kiss everywhere else, then come back to it, move away, then come back to it. That shit felt so good. After sucking it for a little she started licking it in long strokes and Sienna can feel her tongue working it’s way around the lips of Sienna’s pussy. 
“Put that tongue back on my clit that shit is so fucking good.” 
Selena moved back to Sienna’s clit and she ran her tongue down each side of her clit and tickled it underneath. She didn’t miss a spot and Sienna had her head thrown back enjoying every bit of it. Grabbing Selena’s thick mane of hair into her grip, Sienna started rocking her hips back and forth and Selena pushed down harder with her mouth. She didn’t come up for air once. Whenever she enclosed that whole mouth around Sienna’s clit Sienna could feel trickles of liquid dribble down her pussy. It was light sucks but damn her pretty ass lips had a grip that made Sienna go cross-eyed. She kept glancing up at Sienna’s face with her doe eyes. 
“You pretty bitch look at you eating my pussy! Eat that pussy girl!”
Sienna was moaning and driving her pussy into her face. 
“Yes! Do it like that. Mm! Ima cum! Mm! Mm! Make that pussy cum!”
Selena French kissing and sucking her clit reminded Sienna of how Erik does it. His big lips would wrap around her clit and inner folds and then that fat tongue of his would slither and wiggle. The loud smacking noises Selena was making also reminded Sienna of Erik. Sienna twirled and tugged on her nipples. The mixture of pleasure caused Sienna to erupt all over Selena’s face. 
Sienna had to push Selena’s head away. 
“Come here. I wanna taste you so bad. I want you to cum all over my lips.” 
Sienna didn’t waste time getting behind Selena to see that pussy from the back. She pushed Selena’s back down so that she could arch more for her. Selena’s pussy was leaking so much that it stained her inner thighs. Sienna laps up the slickness on Selena’s inner thighs first and wetly makes her way to her center. Selena’s muffled moans echo deep in Sienna’s ears, vibrating her walls, sending Selena into pure carnal pleasure. 
“Ima swallow every drop that drips on my tongue,” Sienna said lustrously between licks. Selena looks over her shoulder and bites her lip. 
“This pussy, *tsk tsk* it’s so good you gotta give me this puss whenever I crave it.” 
“Yessss, anytime you want it baby.” 
Sienna spoke nasty things about how tasty Selena’s pussy is against her folds. She sucked on her finger and slowly entered it inside of Selena. Sienna can hear Selena’s pussy talking and it caused her to enter another finger and thrust her directly over her g spot. Sienna’s tongue couldn’t go without flicking that clit. It was just hanging there right along with her pink lips. She had to get that clit on her tongue right fucking now. Fingers still in Selena’s pussy, Sienna turned onto her back to rest beneath her then with her free hand she pushed her hips down for her to sit on her face. 
“Ooooooooooo! SHIT!” 
Selena’s mouth unhinged and she weakly grabbed at the sheets. 
“Ima cum just like that, fuck! Keep sucking me! Please don’t stop!”
Sienna’s tongue caught every bit of juice and those fingers stroked Selena’s tight pussy lips. Selena couldn’t do anything but moan as she came hard and slow. Sienna leaned back to get an eyeful of Selena’s dripping wet pinkness. There was so much Sienna wanted to do. Fuck Selena with a dildo, rub her pussy against hers, anything to make this girl cum again. Selena went to lay on her back, some of the strands of her hair sticking to her face from sweating. Sienna took this opportunity to straddle Selena. Those big nipples were calling her name so she held her hair back so she could have better access at sucking them. They fit into her mouth perfectly. So hard and tasty. 
What next?
Selena’s alarm went off the next day for the fourth time. It was going on 12 in the afternoon and both Selena and Sienna were knocked out naked on the bed, notes and flashcards pushed towards the end of the bed and directly between them were a few dildos. Two empty wine glasses sat on Sienna’s end table and so did a glass plate filled with half eaten baked cookies. Sienna stirred in her sleep, the crust in her eyes so thick she could hardly open her eyes. She sat up on her elbow, looking around the room with lidded eyes before her eyes fell on a sleeping Selena. Grabbing a pillow, Sienna lightly hit Selena in the head with the pillow. She reached out her hand weakly to try and stop Sienna. 
“Wake up! Your alarm is going off. Didn’t you say you have an appointment today?” 
“What time is it?” Selena asked with a groggy voice. 
Sienna exhales, pulling the sheets back from their naked bodies to search. Her hand pressed down on one of the dildos and the vibrator was activated, the rumbling so loud as it rattled on the bed. It fell against Selena’s side and she shivered. Sitting up, wavy hair a curtain over her face she looked down at the dildo reverberate and out of nowhere she snorted. Sienna started giggling in response before picking up the vibrator, ramming it against Selena’s left hip. 
“Stop it!” 
“Get up!”
“Ugh,” Selena turned to grab her phone off the charger, “Damn, it’s 12:17.” 
“When is your appointment?” Selena said between yawns. 
“1:45. Let me get up. That’s if I can.” 
Selena rolled her eyes into her head. Last night, neither Sienna or Selena could keep up with how many orgasms they had. After the first sex session, Selena hopped in the shower and Sienna got dressed before grabbing her books. Even though they had just gotten finished sucking up each other’s pussies, they still need to focus on the upcoming quiz, especially Sienna. They studied for an hour and a half, both of them agreeing that they knew the material pretty well and felt more confident about the quiz. They drank wine, listened to music, and at cookies that Sienna helped Selena bake. With some Anime on in the background, they cuddled closely and one thing led to another again. 
Selena had on little booty shorts and a thin tank top that exposed her nipples. Sienna scooted in closer and let her pussy rub against her ass. She tried to be discreet until She felt Selena push her ass harder on her. Sienna’s clit jumped in her panties. For a few minutes, they went back and forth lightly humping. Sienna starts rubbing Selena’s nipples through her shirt with one hand and I use the other to grab around her neck to pull her face closer to her. Her hand went to touch her inner thighs and they’re moist. Sienna continues to tease her without touching her pussy directly. 
damn I want that pussy again, Sienna said 
That’s what she thought and then her dominant side came out.
 Beg me. 
Her clit is swelling and her pussy is dripping more. Sienna put one finger in but she had  her so wet and open that she put in a second just so she could feel full. Sienna startd her pace off slowly and worked her way to a faster speed. Selena thrusts her hips all around Sienna’s fingers and she reaches down to rub her own clit. 
Yeah baby fuck those fingers.. ride those fingers
 Sienna felt her pussy tightening and she knew what was coming next..
I’m about to cum, Selena said 
 You better ask nicely to cum with my permission.
 Sienna increased her speed and focused on her g spot, massaging it. There, Selena started squirting all over the bed. There was so much that it left a puddle. They stared with disbelief before both of them fell over laughing. 
Damn! I wanna do that again!
That’s what kept them up all night. It became a game of who can squirt and cum the most. Sienna brought out her new toys and she cleaned them before they got started. They stopped in between to bake the cookies and drink wine but as soon as they felt that urge again they each picked up a dildo and went to work. Sienna would have loved to record this for her OnlyFans but she didn’t think Selena would be cool with it. Maybe, she’ll ask next time. 
“My legs feel like jelly,” Selena tried to sit up but she whimpered in pain. 
“You had your legs open all night, that's what happens.”
“Okay, I’m up,” Selena got out of bed and started walking with a wobble like a penguin. Sienna sat up in bed and lifted her pillows. Buried between a few pillows was her phone. She gawked at her Lock Screen notifications. 
Three missed FaceTime calls
10 text messages
22 OnlyFans notifications 
Panic surged through her and she sat open-mouthed. She was supposed to let Erik know about last night. She was so caught up with her face buried between Selena’s sugary folds that she neglected to contact Erik. Guilt twisted her gut and she was afraid to contact him. He’s probably at work anyway, maybe she should wait until Selena left to call him. That was the smart thing to do anyway since it’s a secret. A little time went by with Sienna biting her nails nervously while staring at Erik’s unread texts.
“What’s up with you?”
Sienna looked up to find Selena standing naked with some coconut oil in her hand. 
“Uhm...nothing-it’s nothing.” 
Selena sat on the bed and started rubbing her smooth, hairless legs down, “I had a good time last night. Who knew that friends eating each other’s pussies could be so therapeutic?”
“It was definitely a stress reliever.” 
“I’d go for another round right now but I have to get out of here.”
Selena leaned forward and sucked one of Sienna’s nipples into her mouth. 
“Next time,” She whispered. The feeling of her warm breath against Sienna’s lips made her shiver. 
“You can’t wait for me to eat that wet pussy again,” Sienna said before squeezing one of Selena’s breasts while rubbing her thumb over her hard nipple. Selena reluctantly broke away from her to get dressed. She pulled out a pair of nude leggings and a fitted white T-shirt. Sienna watched her get dressed and pack her things with Erik on her mind. Her stomach clenched at the thought of him being pissed off with her. 
“Alright, I think that’s all my shit. You don’t have to walk me out to the car, girl you look exhausted. Enjoy your off day.”
“You didn’t want anything to eat?!”
“I’ll pick up on the way over. Sienna, relax,” Selena giggled, “I’ll see you soon. By girl, it was fun.” 
“Very memorable,” Sienna smirked before getting up from the bed arms outstretched to give Selena a goodbye hug.
“Bye babe.”
The hugged tightly before Selena left the room with her things and Sienna followed her closely behind. Still naked, phat booty bouncing with each step, Sienna opened her door for Selena, pulling her in for one more hug and letting Selena slap her ass a few times. When she left, Sienna quickly locked the door and went straight back to her room. Sienna brushed her teeth and washed her face before entering her bedroom to call Erik. His line rang and rang until his voicemail popped up. 
This is Erik. Leave me a message
“Daddy...I’m so sorry. Me and Selena got so caught up—“
*knock, knock, knock*
Sienna hung up the phone, resting it against her chest. She waited to hear the knocks again to be sure it was on her door. 
*knock, knock, kock*
Grabbing her white satin robe, Sienna secured it before walking out into her living room. She paused at the door before standing on her tiptoes to peek through. She could only see darkness. Someone was covering it. 
“Who is it?” Sienna asked with a timid voice, “Selena is that you?”
The voice that came after had her breath coming out shallow and fast. 
“Open the door, Sienna.” 
She did as she was told and opened the door. Staring up through her lashes, Sienna stared into his threatening onyx eyes. Her eyes trailed over his body, taking in his sexiness. Six feet three inches of muscle stood before her. His deep dimples were begging her to poke a finger in one of them like she did at his place while sitting on his lap. Sienna loved the way his onyx eyes undressed her from head to toe as he licked his luscious lips. 
“Turn around.” He requested. 
That was all he spoke to her. Her breaths quickened as she slowly turned her back towards him. Her eyes darted from left to right and her hands squeezed into fists. 
“Bend over.” 
Sienna looked back at him bashfully before bending over for him. She stared at the hardwood floor with nervous anticipation. She could hear him entering her apartment and closing the door behind him. light, fruity, woody notes with a slightly animalic edge is what filled her nostrils. She gasped when the material of his dark denim jeans brushed against the back of her legs. He lifted the back of her robe and without warning he spank her ass with one hard, strong hand. She whimpered. 
“You had me waiting for you, Sienna.”
Sienna swallowed spit, “It’s my fault. I know—“
“You better have a good excuse as to why you couldn’t respond to my texts, my FaceTime calls…”
“I...I was studying and I...I got caught up?”
“Was that a hint of doubt in your voice? Don’t lie to me, Sienna.” 
She gasped when Erik lifted her by the back of her neck and pulled her flush against him. She could feel the rock hard outline of his eight pack abs, the heavy, firm grip on the back of her neck, his deep breaths against her hair, and the way his solid dick rested between her cheeks. 
“Are you going to tell me the truth?”
Erik caressed her face gently with his free hand. His fingers stroked her cheek and jawline. 
“Can’t speak? I asked you a question. Better yet, don’t say a Goddamn word, Sienna.”
“Daddy, baby...come here,” Sienna whined, leaning forward, popping her ass out so that it could press into his crotch. 
“Shut your mouth.” He said. 
Sienna sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. 
She thought he would speak again but instead his hand came down hard and fast, Sienna gasped and she huffed. She wilted in his embrace but Erik held her up now by her hair. He leaned over her shoulder, his eyes so primal that it caused her to shiver. His shoulder length dreads in his face made him look animalistic. 
“Daddy?” She spoke with a trembling voice. He struck her ass again and her mouth flew open. It hurt so good. 
“I think we should finish this in your bedroom, yeah?”
“Daddy, I’ll be good—“
Erik struck her again and Sienna slumped forward, her thighs trembling. 
“I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s go.” 
Erik threw Sienna over his shoulder and walked to her bedroom. His eyes swept from left to right and as soon as they landed on the bed and witnessed the two dildos, empty wine glasses on the table, and a plate of cookies, he put two and two together. Sienna and Selena were messing around. That’s why she was so damn preoccupied. Erik placed Sienna on the bed and loomed closer to her. 
“You weren’t studying. What’s that?”
Sienna followed his pointed finger. She felt her heart sink. She forgot to put away the dildos. 
“It’s-it’s...it’s not like that. We did study, but we…”
Erik arched a single brow at her, the muscles beneath his black T-shirt flexing. 
“...We what?” He questioned with a deep voice. 
“I caught her looking through my OnlyFans. One thing led to another and...well...we started messing around.” 
Sienna lowered her head. She couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“Messing around? I need specifics, little one.”
“You know...we ate each other’s pussies, fingered each other…”
Erik’s jaw clenched. 
“What else?” He pressed. 
“We decided to play a game...see how much we can make each other squirt and cum…”
Erik stepped away to look down at her. He looked over at the dildos again then back at her with a tilt of his head and squinted eyes. 
“You are a nasty girl. I never knew you liked pussy too, Princess.” 
Sienna fiddled with her robe. 
“Look at me.”
Sienna brought her eyes up to connect with his. She almost lost her breath. 
“Let me see your pussy.” 
Sienna rested back on her elbows, brought her knees to her chest before spreading her thighs. 
“Spread your pussy lips like you did in my office….uhmmmm.”
Sienna chewed on her bottom lip. Erik could see just how creamy and wet she is. Her lips are a darker hue of pink, probably from all the cumming and dildo fucking. From the glazed over look in his eyes, Sienna can see that her daddy loved her used pussy. She could see his print sitting nice and thick in his jeans. 
“I’ve been home, beating my dick to the thought of you, calling your phone, texting you. In the back of my head I’m like...this young girl has my mind twisted. Then, on the other hand I’m like...but she’s mine...she’s my sugar baby…I spoil her, I make her cum...and then I get here, and you show me this.”
Erik placed his hands on his hips, his tongue gliding across the inside of his cheek while his eyes stayed glued to her pussy. 
“You let her play in my pussy.”
He spoke that mostly to himself. 
“And I know you liked it. Look how creamy you are.”
His eyes looked towards the ceiling then he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Okay...take of your robe and turn over.”
“Daddy?” Sienna felt her chest grow tight. 
“Turn the fuck over Sienna.”
Sienna quickly removed her robe from her body then slowly rolled onto her belly. Sienna looked back at him and Erik didn’t give her time to adjust at all. His heavy hand was working her ass so good like he was a spank expertise. Her ass jiggled and gyrated with each blow against her flesh. It stung like hell and it was brutal. So brutal that her skin would surely have the imprint of his hands. Sienna widened her legs so that he could see just how wet he was making her. She just knew her syrupy arousal glossed her fat pussy lips. Erik rubbed her sore cheeks to sooth her and he gave her some time to breath before he let her have it again. Sienna felt tears flood her eyes and she was thankful he slowed down. 
“Arch your back.” 
Erik watched Sienna’s weak body get into an arched position—a tempting one. Her cheeks looked like two delicious chocolate moon pies for him to bite into. Instead, Erik pinched her pussy lips. Sienna whimpered each time he squeezed those fat ass lips. He would exhale deeply as if he was trying to calm himself down from pulling his pants down and going balls deep between those fat lips.
“You’re a little slut. I know you like being bent over like this. You like this too?”
Erik slapped her pussy. 
“I already know you do, Princess.”
“Daddy pretty please I’m so wet please!” She begged.
“You came in her mouth I’m sure. Did she suck on this pussy like daddy?” 
“Daddy she made me cum,” Sienna whined. 
“I should be so upset with you right now but...Fuck, I can’t. I haven’t had you to myself and you got this pussy in my face I can’t be angry with you. I just wanna fuck you. That’s it. Stay still.” 
Sienna could hear Erik frantically lowering his pants. She started licking her lips and widening her thighs. 
“Yesss give me that fat dick!” She damn near screamed. 
“Fuck, Fuckkkk,” Erik groaned. That big dick slapped her pussy when he pulled it out. Both of them could hear it and he let out a shaky breath. 
“Little pussy got me going through it. Got this dick leaking. Your pussy is so good wrapped around daddy, baby. This is daddy’s pussy.” 
“Yes!” Sienna spread her pussy, “Take my little pussy!”
Sienna loved how much older Erik is compared to her. It made her pussy wetter when he enforced his dominance and handled her like an immature little girl with a tight pussy to make his big, mature dick cum.
“Yes daddy, bend me the fuck over!”
“You gon’ take this dick?” Erik barked out. 
“Unh, yes!” 
“Used up, sloppy pussy. Ima beat this pussy down all damn day. You won’t be able to stop me, Princess.”
Erik bent down to grab a condom from his wallet. She could hear him fumbling and the itch to have him right here and right now made her turn around and wrap her lips around his dick before he could even roll on the condom.
“Goddamn,” Erik furrowed his brows and watched Sienna suck him into her mouth. She went lower and lower. His smooth dick looked good with her spit on it. This girl is no joke. She slurped him up so good Erik dropped the condom packet to the bed and watched her do her thing. 
“Nasty girl...yeah, suck this fucking dick.” 
She did it with her eyes closed. He already started feeling his balls tighten and a heat creep up his belly. He craved her little ass so damn bad that he was about to erupt in her mouth. Erik drew in a long breath before grabbing Sienna by her hair to pull her lips off. A loud popping sound came from her tight lips and she simply looked up at him with angelic eyes.  “Daddy doesn’t want to cum yet. You were sucking daddy so good I was about to cum.” 
Erik reached for the condom and Sienna covered it. Erik looked at her then and when he saw how hard her nipples are and how helpless she looked he knew exactly what she wanted. 
“You wanna feel all this hard dick, don’t you?” 
She nodded her head slowly before turning towards the condom, sliding it beneath one of her pillows slowly. That act alone had her panting. Sienna brought her eyes back on him and she didn’t look away when she turned back around, arched her back, and held her pussy open for him. 
“Mmm, mmm, mmm.” 
That’s all he said.
 “Daddy you don’t know how much I need to be bent over getting my back blown out with your raw dick. Can I feel it on my clit?”
Erik grabbed his dick up and pointed it straight out for her. He slapped her clit with his dick. The soft texture of his tip on her pussy almost made her cum. 
“I never told you this but...I do have a breeding kink. Always have. I just never had the opportunity to fulfill that. I wear a condom with you because...I already know I’ll cum in you and you won’t be able to stop me. I won’t stop.” 
“It’s my kink too, daddy. I just want to feel your cum inside me.” 
“Princess, did you not hear me? I won’t stop. I’ll dump this nut deep in your tight pussy and I won’t give you a warning.”
The more he slapped her clit and struggled to breath, the more Sienna needed him inside her. Now. 
“You sure you don’t want to feel my pussy lips wrap around your dick and my walls squeeze you, daddy? I feel so good inside…”
“Sienna…” He spoke with a breathless voice. 
“Just push it inside and see for yourself.” 
Erik caved. She could see it in his face, his body language, and his dick. Veins everywhere. Pre-cum beaded at the tip ready to spill. 
“Oooh, daddy, it’s so hard…”
Erik slapped her clit a few more times before resting the tip of his dick at her entrance. Even that has Sienna’s pussy pulsating. 
“Just push it.” 
His large hands grabbed her ass and with his hips he gave her what she begged for. Moan after moan after moan was all Erik could hear and that’s when he couldn’t stay quiet any longer.
“Sienna, baby, Princess, FUCK, oh my God, fuck, Sienna, shit, tight ass pussy.”
He kept on going. Sienna felt her walls grow slicker to accommodate for him. She could hear the wet noises and she started leaking onto the bed. His warm hips collided with her ass and he stayed there. 
“Daddy that dick is so big. Daddy it’s so big in my pussy!”
Her excitement to have his dick in her pussy is what has Erik thrusting. Her gasps and moans made him go harder and now he just wanted to tear her ass up. Sienna was ready for it. Thinking about someone so much bigger than her getting on top of her or behind her and thrusting their fat dick into her pathetic little pussy turned her on so much. No need to hold her down, their weight and position alone keeps her unable to move. It also lets them do whatever they want while She cries and whimpers from how their huge thrusting dick stretches and deepens. Fuck her like that and talk to her with a caring voice and a nasty tongue. Tell her how good it feels and how well she’s taking it while being a nasty little slut. 
“Oh-oh-yes daddy! That’s how I want you to fuck me!”
Feeling that dick—flesh to flesh, it felt so good she didn’t want it to stop. She kept telling him don’t stop. 
“Good girl!” Erik barked out, “That’s daddy’s good girl! This pussy is pulling on my dick. Show daddy how much you want this nut. Fucking pussy feels so good, Sienna.” Sienna started throwing it back. 
“Take this dick better than any woman I ever fucked. For a young girl you can handle what daddy gives you, ain’t that right?”
“Mhm!!!” She said in between thrusts.
 Erik slapped her ass and pulled out. Her pussy made this loud sound almost like a suction and it felt like it too. He wasn’t finished. No. He was a damn addict for that young pussy. Erik picked Sienna up, hooked his arms beneath her knees, pulled her legs back far and wide to the point where her feet rested on his shoulders, walked her over to her body length mirror and ordered her to watch him fuck her just like that. She was folded in half and so small compared to Erik. He handled her in that position and she was begging and crying in his ear. Her arms remained around his shoulders and she watched him like a good girl. He was in her pussy deep like this and each time his curved dick hit the back of her pussy she squirted. She yanked on his T-shirt and practically wrapped it from his body. “
That pussy grip is so good, girl,” Erik whispered in her ear, “I love it creamy and running down my balls...keep giving daddy that cream. Just let daddy do all the work.” 
“Daddy makes me cum all the time.”
“This fat dick will always make you cum.” 
“Yes...yes...yes.” She said on a loop.
Erik lays her on the edge of the bed and takes off his shirt. He leaned over her and rubbed his creamy dick all over pussy before thrusting back inside. He held her legs open and with his hips he moved that dick in and out while staring at her pretty face. 
“Look at me. Sienna, look at me.” 
Erik leaned forward to suck her nipples. He flicked his tongue between sucking. 
“You’re doing so good, princess. Just hold your legs back a little more.”
Erik’s tongue made a wet trail up her neck and to her lips. He flicked it against her lips and nibbled on her bottom lip. When her lips parted he thrust his tongue into her mouth to quiet her. His dick was murdering her pussy. He broke the kiss to suck on her jaw.
“You’re cumming on daddy’s dick I can feel you cumming.”
Sienna could feel her pussy begin to throb faster and faster as he thrust deeper and deeper. He was knocking the bottom out of her pussy. 
“Damn, baby,” Erik whispered to her as he thrusted deeper, “Damn, this lil pussy about to milk this dick. Ready? You want it, I'm not pulling out I’m giving you all this thick nut.” 
Sienna looked down at her pussy. She couldn’t believe how much she stained him. 
“Keep watching. Ima show you just what the fuck you asking for.” 
Sienna felt his hard dick swell and his rock hard hips snapped into her harder making her toes curl and her body bounce. Sienna grabbed his dreads and pushed them away with her hand resting on the back of his head so that she could see. He called out her name and then a vein appeared in the middle of his forehead and just like that the most beautiful sight of him cumming, his dick like a motorized drill, spreading her open and making her wet beyond belief. He fucked her hard while cumming in her pussy. She was surprised she could see the entire thing with tears in her eyes. Sienna’s pussy expanded and contracted, gripping tightly to his fat dick, reluctant to let go.
“Oh, daddy, this is so fucking good. Daddy you came already. Daddy, please, it’s just too good.” 
Erik sounded like he had been working out for hours, “I know baby, I know, it’s good to me too, but I gotta cum again. Your pussy is so wet and tight. This is my pussy!
”Yes, daddy,” Sienna said breathlessly, “Your pussy… this is your pu...pu...pussy. Oh, daddy, I’m gonna...I’m gonna…”
She convulsed beneath him and it rocked deep. Erik was right behind her, his detonation complete. He pulled her close to him and sat down on the bed with her straddling him. His dick was still in her pussy. No matter how sensitive, he didn’t want to leave. He’d stay just like that until he grew hard again. He did say he was going to tear her up all day. 
Sienna couldn’t wait.  @afriicanhoe @19jammmy @stokeleybabymama @abcdestinyyyy @whorderofthepheonix @shaekingshitup @tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh @chaneajoyyy @pananegra @theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah @eyeknowmywrites @crowngold @njadakillthiscookie @blktinkerbell @luvanxi @sheisexcellent1 @chocolatedippedinhoney @brandithecrystalgem @soulfulbeauty19 @btitannaaa @sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted @harleycativy @rbhp @thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone @palmstreesallday @skylahb @nizzle-mo @truglori @queenflaws @ljstraightnochaser @theegoldenchild @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @abluesforlyssa @fd-writes @chasingsunlight @sickaddiktions @munteanhorewrites @xo-goldengirl @tiava143 @33kiara @honeytoffee @asiasblackworld727 @momobaby227 @informalmelancholy @soulshinechronicles @fanfangal @kreolemami @thoughtsoftheantagonist @luvwitoutlimit1​ @mygirlrenee​ @hippiesandpeacesigns @alittlejd @jaysaidhi @shawnstacksss​ @theesotericqueen​ @mareethequeen @browngirldominion @ceeverse​ @therealmrsmbjordan​ @therealmrsrhodes​ @sensitivelegend @teheeboo​ @yomiloo​ @msreshel​ @afteracouplepuffss​ @shaelyn102​ @yaminax-kuss-a​ @lackbbaby​ @amyhennessyhouse​ @thattruckinwitch​ @dameshaemonique​ @glittermakesmesmile​ @notavintagecliche​ @pariahcolored​ @cydneyrenee4​ @ambthegamer​ @efonteno​ @mikesteel20​ @wisenerdcreator​ @draggingstxns​ @eevolsidog​ @xoxomyaah​ @asweet-serendipity​ @ajspencer1892​ @niqui87​ @quietpoeticheart​ @itsjustyazz​ @dasia21​ @woah-express​ @bbgiirrll​ @backandbetter2​ @forbeautyandlife​ @cecereads209​ @queenbetter​ @daddys-baby-girl-t​ @lovinthemelanin​ @ladymac82​ @t3mporaa​ @toniilaney​ @iv0rysoap​ @lovehatecritique​ @naysianaee​ @nyleveeee​ @erlebnissebliss​ @melinaasap1​ @woahthatshitfat​ @that-chick212​ @scarypumkin23​ @sambuckyslayallday​ @vikki240401​ @enigmadivine​ @gingerylimonte​ @counterfeit-recherche @unholyxcumbucket​ @xdezaraex​ @missgigglesmoultrie​ @dashhoney25​ @oversorry​ @honeybeejaes​ @admirehermind​ @wassuduoo​ @kaykay0829​ @woahitslucyylu​ @xsweetdellzx​ @amorestevens​ @tinystudentfirepurse​ @xoxomadddz​ @badgalbrix1​ @suburbanblackhoe​ @keiosha234​ @bewitchedtbaby​ @crestsmile83​ @dollfaceddom​ @majesticbrownjawn​ @lovelymari4​ @endlessmockery​ @meunearthed​ @blackpinup22​ @im5ftbutmythroat66​ @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl​ @genuinedonnie​ @scintal​ @richonne4life​ @alookintohersoul​ @youcantkillamutant​ @riveristhename​ @queenfaithmarie​ @sourbabynaee​
663 notes · View notes
joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1; report iv 
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: humor, romance
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.5k
g/n: Send me your thoughts?
[taglist] @nottodayjjk @ditttiii​ @zeharilisharaban​ @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn  @aamxxrii @codeinebelle ​
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Your phone blares at exactly 6:45AM, and a memetastic image of Chohee lights up your phone screen as you’re brushing your teeth. When you swipe to answer the call, you don’t even manage to get a word in when Chohee chatters you out of your sleep-deprived soul.  
“Just as practiced, I’m punctual, and you’re late.”  
Garbling out a reply about how it’s still five minutes prior to your agreed time, you tap your toothbrush loudly against the sink, likewise spitting out the foam from your mouth. “Fine, just hurry because I’m starving!”  
Being the gold-hearted person that she is (although that fact is not known to the public), your best friend had offered you a ride to the building where you’re scheduled to take the Korean Medical Licensure Examination today.  
The moment you settle yourself on the passenger seat, she greets you with a cheery “Good morning!” - one that was too cheery this early in the morning, and all the more way too cheery for a certain Kim Chohee. The two of you share a look and you lean in for a hug. “Hey, we’ll do just fine, okay? We’ve been studying our asses for this.”  
You don’t let go at once, looking up at her with a kissy face. She pushes your head backwards with a disgusted expression, keeping your face at an arm’s length. With an unattractive snort, you lean back in your seat, laughing your ass off at your poor attempt to lighten the mood.  
“Seriously, _______, I know you’ve been lusting after me for years even when you’re well aware of my ‘strictly beef’ diet,” Chohee states, dusting your imaginary germs off her shoulder. Turning on her Benz’s engine, she checks her reflection on the rear-view mirror before driving off.  
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With both your hands occupied with the sandwiches you’d ordered from Subway, you use your pinky to connect your phone to play some Mozart via bluetooth. You try not to talk much about the test, knowing it will only cause unnecessary anxiety on both your ends.  
As Chohee leans towards you, you tilt her sandwich in her direction, letting her take a bite from her sub. “Hey, what’s an abscess again?”  
“Isn’t that more commonly known as boils? Built up pus within or below the surface of the skin?”  
Kim Chohee chokes on her BLT.  
“Pus?” she repeats, swallowing her bite with great strain. “Seriously? While I’m eating a sandwich? Couldn’t you be more subtle perhaps?”  
Equally just as surprised as she was, you narrow your eyes at her. “We’ve been studying medicine for the last six years! It shouldn’t be a surprise by now...and besides, we’ve heard and see a lot worse too...Would you rather have me say purulent exudate then? And waste my precious saliva on a six-syllable word rather than the common term for a liquid form of inflamm-”  
“Okay!” Chohee throws an arm up in defeat. “Sheesh _______! Don’t I deserve at least some gratitude for driving you to our exams?”  
“Plus we’ve already seen a cadaver too, which was supposedly one of the peaks of our med-student lives! What’s all this hype about some viscous mass on the surface of the skin?”  
Your best friend peeks at you from her peripheral vision, absolutely mortified. You love it.  
“Can you please remind me how we became friends in the first place?” Chohee shakes her head and increases the volume of the player as the droplets of rain start pouring down the windshield. “Anyways – I was meaning to ask the histological meaning of it.”    
“Oh, right,” you nod, recalling your notes, “well, it’s a localized collection of neutrophils and necrotic debris. Basically, it’s a suppurative inflammation which is associated with pyogenic bacteria and characterized by edema fluid admixed with neutrophils and necrotic cells. Staphylococcus aureus usually produces abscesses because it’s coagulase positive and coagulase helps the production of fibrinous material that localizes the infection.”  
As soon as you finish, silence takes over the car, and suddenly, a sniffle comes from Chohee’s side. With a matching frown, you best friend looks at you with shiny eyes. “Oh _______, what would I do without you?”  
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With still half an hour to spare, you decide on relieving your bladder first before all the toilets get occupied later a couple of minutes before the actual exam. You take your time with it, even managing to put some effort in fixing your hair in clipping your fringe back so as not to eliminate all distractions possible during the exam.  
While looking through the large panel windows on your way back from the comfort rooms, you spot a familiar face – the last person you’d want to see on such an important day. Perhaps your prayers weren’t loud enough to actually reach heaven.  
There Jeon Jungkook was at the end of the hall, walking like a newly-canonized saint in all his glory. Most (if not all) of the female onlookers stare at him as he passes by, with Jungkook seemingly unbothered by their unwavering attention. You aren’t one for exaggeration, but these women look like they’re willing to worship the ground he walked on.  
Your nerdy, anti-Jeon Jungkook ass quickly hides beside a nearby locker, not wanting to be ‘graced’ by his presence, just as some girl coined a few moments ago as she headed to the toilets with her friends, collectively gushing over the boy.  
The popular kid turns to his right and you swore you’d never prayed harder and faster than any other time in your life. Your room assignment was just the one by the corner...and if he could just make a few more steps and head straight to the next classroom a-and...nope. It’s official. The universe loved shitting on you.  
Jungkook enters room 132, the very same numbers indicating your room assignment for the licensure exam. You ball up your fists in your spot by the lockers, releasing all your pent-up frustration in the simplest and least violent way possible: a long, tedious exhale.  
Gathering up all your self-control, you re-enter the classroom with an inward grimace, desperate to not have Jungkook’s eyes meet yours. He’s looking for a seat, and with all the back rows already occupied, he’s stuck with picking one from the first two rows.  
He’s already stood near the seat you’ve picked and you bore holes into the back of his head with your fake telepathy, silently ordering him to pick a chair on the other side of the aisle instead.  
Just as you had not wished for, Jungkook plops his huge ass backpack on the chair next to yours. You tread back to your seat as discreetly as possible, avoiding his gaze at all times as he rummages through his military backpack. What the fuck is in that thing in the first place? You won't be surprised if he manages to pull out a whole microwave inside – and yet funnily enough, he can’t seem to own a single damn pencil.  
As you were minding your own businesses (hopefully it stays that way for the rest of eternity), you catch the other students discussing surgical cases last minute.  
“Hey, which artery is the one for transection for an epidural hematoma?”  
“Was this the kid that got hit by a fastball in the head?”  
“What happened?”  
“Poor boy got hit in the temporal area during a baseball tournament. Remained conscious during the rest of the day but during the same evening he gets a severe headache with vomiting and confusion. When they got to Severance he got scheduled for immediate surgery for epidural hematoma.”
“That sounds awful…”  
“I’m not sure which artery it was again though…”
If that were the case...then it’d be the transection of a branch of the middle meningeal artery...but then you wouldn’t want to answer that out of the blue and get mistaken for being too snoopy…
Instead, you reach for the bottle of water by the legs of your chair, likewise hearing the same answer coming out of Jungkook’s mouth in a whisper. Huh. You raise a brow. Well, there was a major chance he knew the case since he came from Yonsei too, just as you had speculated from some of your roommates who seemed like they came from the same school after mentioning Severance Hospital.  
The group continue discussing their answers when this girl, who had an obnoxiously unnatural high-pitched voice, approaches Jungkook.  
Oppa? OPPA?!
You wanted to throw up. This girl looked at least two-three years older than him. At the least. Guess Jeon was really more of a fuckboy than Chohee would ever admit. “We were just discussing something and we’re really unsure of our answers, maybe a smart oppa like you would know?”  
With as much discretion as you could muster, you adjust in your seat, leaning a little bit towards their conversation as you eavesdrop like the nosy person that you are.  
“The surgery was a transection of the meningeal artery,” says Jeon nonchalantly like it’s the most basic thing in the world, still scrolling through his phone. Silence ensues after that. That’s it?! He’s not even going to bother explaining-  
Jungkook exhales as he puts his phone down. “Epidural hemorrhages result from a rupture of one of the meningeal arteries, as these arteries supply the dura and run between the dura and the skull. Plus you said temporal area right?” he asks, facing one of the guys.  
“The artery involved is usually the middle meningeal artery - a branch of the maxillary artery, as the skull fracture is usually in the temporal area. Since the bleeding is of arterial origin, symptoms are rapid in onset even though he seemed normal for a few hours. If they didn’t bring him to the hospital that same evening, he could’ve had tentorial herniation and would have eventually died.”  
As much as you hate to admit it - you’re beyond impressed. Chohee always stays true to her word, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still a jerk for clearly cutting the line at the subway.  
The girls coo over him, praising him over how cool he looked by explaining his answer. Jungkook settles back on his seat like he hadn’t just perfectly given an on-point pathological explanation for a neuro case.  
The group continues their review, until they’ve come to another question they’re unsure of. “Jungkook-ssi, would you know where the rupture of a berry aneurysm of the Circle of Willis would likely produce hemorrhage?”  
With only ten minutes left, you’d usually be preparing yourself mentally but this group and Jungkook’s intervention has you all ears once more. Nothing wrong with some last minute review, right?  
“It’s the subdural space.”  
Wow. Okay, quick and close but wrong. Impressive wit though.  
You open your mouth to say something but you hesitate as it dawns on you that you really aren’t part of this group and you’re not the one being asked. Jungkook not missing a beat gets a collective ‘ooh’ from the group, who’s clearly impressed at how quickly he’s answered the question.  
Meanwhile, your conscience is making you contemplate on your earlier hesitation with the voice of the angel on your right shoulder telling you it isn’t right to let the wrong answer pass just like that, especially on a day like this. The devil on your left, however, tells you otherwise. You go with the former.  
Amongst their murmurs of mutual praise for Jungkook (you bet this man is rejoicing inside with all the attention he’s getting, despite looking nonchalant), you take a deep breath and say the correct answer, voice coming out louder than expected.  
“Excuse me?” another ‘spectator’ says, jutting her chin towards you.  
“I said,” you look up at her, “it’s actually the subarachnoid space.”  
“Are you sure?” she retorts.  
Seriously? Just because you’re not some fuckboy jock who smolders at all boobed humans means you can’t be sure with your answer?  
“Hey! I know you!” Someone exclaims from the side, causing everyone to turn their heads toward him, “You’re the foreigner valedictorian at SNU!” Similar to their earlier praises directed towards Jungkook, the same dudes marvel at your most recent accomplishment. You give a shy smile in return, quietly thanking the stranger for the sudden confidence boost.  
“Jungkook-oppa is also the valedictorian at Yonsei.”  
Well, that didn’t last for long...somebody has always got to rain on your parade. You won’t allow this girl though, not today.  
You purse your lips, collecting your thoughts first before explaining it to them. “Subarachnoid hemorrhages, although they are much less common than hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhages, but the former are...more often than not...resultant of a rupture of a berry aneurysm.” You pause momentarily when someone drags his seat closer to yours, “Go on please.”  
“Right, um...berry aneurysms are most commonly found at the Circle of Willis, usually by the junction of the communicating artery and the cerebral artery. Chances of rupture increase with age and cause marked bleeding into the subarachnoid space and produces severe headaches.” The same dude earlier blinks at you, urging you to explain further, “uh...additional symptoms may include vomiting, pain, stiffness of the neck, and papilledema. Death may follow rapidly as well.”  
A few from the people gathered around your seat clap their hands, along with compliments and offers along the lines of marriage and organ swaps.  
Someone mentions seeing the proctor approach the room and the group immediately disperses, everyone rushing back to their seats as quickly as possible. A middle-aged man enters, tells everyone to bring out their pencils and place their stuff by the platform, then momentarily leaves for the restroom.  
Jungkook fishes through his bag, turning each pocket inside and out over and over again. There’s no way this kid actually-- “Shit, where did that pencil go?” he murmurs, going through his bag once more. Looking away, you bite your lip to stop yourself from snickering. Jeon Jungkook is definitely on a different level.  
As expected, your entertaining seatmate calls you and asks for a pencil. With a deceivingly enthusiastic nod, you retrieve a pencil from your case just beside your chair. Your life after meeting Jungkook at the subway had finally led to this moment. He clears his throat and you figure it’s signaling the coming of another obnoxious comment.  
“Oh, I’m sorry, this wasn’t meant for you,” you look at him with the most apologetic look you can muster. Then you look at him, down then up, just as he had done back in the library, you smile widely before winking at him, making him hand your extra pencil over to the guy sat next to him, “Thanks, babe.”  
Jungkook scowls hard and you rejoice inside your head, making sure that your face doesn’t register the slightest bit of jest. His  scowl however, does not last for long. “Hmm, you’re the girl from the library, right? Smart and feisty...maybe you are my type after all,” he murmurs, tongue poking his cheek. You scoff loudly, scrunching your face in disgust. “No thank you.”  
“Oppa,” the girl’s shrill voice calls him one more time and you face forward to freely roll your eyes. If you aren’t mistaken, there’s even a hint of mild annoyance on Jungkook’s features. “Don’t mind her, oppa. You can have my extra pencil instead.” She tsks. “Some people just don’t know when to quit.”  
At least she got something right this morning: you don’t know when to quit. 
© joontier 2021
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metelis-favorite · 3 years
am i so bad? (that you hate me?)
Summary: Zane found himself at the outskirts of his family for most of his life. Maybe this time, they'd break away with him. Word count: 2796 Warnings: Transphobia, Islamophobia, misgendering, reference and results of past emotional abuse to children, discussion of weight in a negative tone Author’s Notes: This was not planned to be the first installment of the streamer au!! In fact, it has little to do with the fact that they are streamers at all.  This was written as a vent fic and turned into something a tad nicer than that.  Give me a comment or kudos on Ao3!
“Hey, mom.”  Zianna burst through the kitchen entrance as Zane closed the door behind him.
“Oh, Zuzu!” she exclaimed running over to wrap him in a hug, nearly lifting him off the ground.  He withheld the urge to wince and hesitantly wrapped his arms around his mother, patting her back awkwardly.  She set him back firmly on the ground but rocked them back and forth and something in Zane’s chest sunk as he felt something wet soaking into his sweater.  “Oh, Zuzu, you never visit anymore.” She pulled back, clutching his arms.  “Though it seems like you’ve been feeding yourself just fine!”  Zane smiled shakily, but he felt it coming out more of a grimace.
“You should see Garroth,” he tried to joke, “pretty sure being a father made him gain a few.”  Immediately Zianna’s face dropped into a disapproving pout and she tightened her grip on Zane’s arms.
“That is not funny, Zuzu,” she scolded. “Your brother is working as hard as he can for that little boy.”  Zane scowled.
“Malachi isn’t a boy, mother.”  Zianna elected to ignore him, giving his arms a punctuating (and painful) squeeze before letting go.  She walked back towards the kitchen and Zane felt five years old all over again, trailing after his mother in hopes she would pay attention to him. “So…” he started awkwardly, clearing his throat, “how’s dad doing? He’s at work today, right?” Zianna nodded excitedly, opening a packet of deli meat.
“Oh, yes! He and Garroth have been working on a brand-new acquisition for the company and it’s just taking up so much time.” She turned to smile at her son. “But you know how much your father loves his work.   It’s such a charming quality in a man to see him so dedicated.” A distant memory of a tenth birthday without his father flashed through his head.  He shoved it down.  He could bitch about it later to his therapist.
“Yeah, that’s- that’s cool.  Good for him.”  Zane leaned against the entrance to the kitchen. He waited for a second, the air between the two of them stale and tense.  Zianna kept smiling, placing pieces of ham into sandwiches. “What are you- uh, what are you making?”
“Oh! Well, you know Gar-Gar and his son are coming by as well, right? I’m making some sandwiches for him!” Zane winced, his lips curling into a scowl.
“Mother, Malachi isn’t a boy, we’ve been over this.” Zianna just waved him off.
“Oh, kids are kids, Zuzu, he doesn’t know anything yet.”  Zane’s shoulders hunched up and he subconsciously rubbed his sweater where he knew his top surgery scars lay underneath. Speaking of which, he needed to make a deposit to Vylad and Garroth’s accounts today.  It should be one of the last payments before he’s not in debt anymore.
“That’s not-” Zane started, his voice small. He shook his head and cut himself off.  It wasn’t worth it. “Malachi doesn’t eat ham, either, mom.” That made Zianna stop mid-second, a piece of ham in her hand.
“What do you mean?” Zane shrugged his shoulders.
“Malachi is Muslim, mom, Garroth told you about this.  They don’t eat pig meat.”  Zianna scoffed, but he could see the shake in her hands.
“Well, that’s just silly,” she said, her voice rising in pitch.  Zane swallowed nervously.  He shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts.  “Why doesn’t he just follow Irene?”
“Uh- because they don’t have to?” Zane said.  “They’re not forced to follow whatever religion Garroth follows, mom, they were religious before they met Garroth.” Zianna shook her head rapidly before Zane even finished his sentence, closing her fist around the meat in her hand.
“No, but- Why wouldn’t Garroth have Malachi convert?” The question made Zane’s stomach flip a few times.  The spot where the cross on his chain necklace would have rested on his collarbone burned.
“Because he’s not an ass, mother,” Zane said, his voice taking on a sharper tone. “Malachi doesn’t have to do anything they don’t want to and Garroth certainly isn’t going to force his child to join a religion that they don’t believe in.”  Zianna made a noise and Zane could see her shoulders tensing. The room went quiet for a moment before Zianna opened her fist, letting the ham drop onto the counter.  She stalked over to the opposite side of the kitchen, ripping a trash bag from the container.  She walked back to the counter where the sandwiches and in one movement, she swept the sandwiches, chips, and packages of deli meat into the bag.  Zane flinched at the sound of the food hitting the bottom of the bag.
“Well, I guess I did all of that work for nothing!” She said, her voice squeaky and shaking with barely-contained anger. “Gratitude means nothing anymore, apparently.” Zane leaned forward onto the balls of his feet, ready to make it to the front door in less than five seconds if his mother decided to move his way. He didn’t say anything.
She tied up the bag, dropping into the garbage bin he knew was underneath the sink cabinet.  Zianna brushed her hands off and then propped them onto her hips.  Zane stayed silent.  She turned towards him, her breath shaky and her smile as false as the Louboutin heels he saw by the door. “Well, dear?” she prompted. “How’s work been?”
The change in topic made Zane’s head spin but he was pretty sure this was the only time she would ever ask him about his job and any chance to escape her fury was latched onto with both hands. “It’s- uh, it’s been good,” he said, his voice stumbling. “Subs have been going up at a pretty steady rate and if it- uh- keeps up for a few more months, I might be able to move into a better apartment.” Zianna nodded but he could tell she wasn’t absorbing anything he said. “Aph would move with me, I think.”  That caught her attention.  She squealed.
“Oh, you’re still dating Aphmau? Oh, that is so amazing!” Zianna giggled. “I can’t wait to be a mother-in-law.” Zane blinked a few times.
“You are a mother-in-law,” Zane reminded. “Garroth is married, you do know that, right?” Zianna’s smile seemed to turn cold and Zane beat himself up for even saying anything. “Besides!” he rushed to push past his mistake, “Aph and I aren’t dating or anything, she’s just a good roommate.” Zianna just shook her head, clasping her hands in front of her chest.
“Oh, but I’m sure you’ll end up dating soon! That Aphmau has always had a thing for you, you know.” She winked dramatically and Zane wrinkled his nose on instinct.
“…Sure, mom,” he said at last, not willing to get into another argument with her.  Zianna wiggled in her space.
The sound of a car pulling into the gravel driveway broke the tense atmosphere that was starting to build up and Zane’s shoulders untensed.
Garroth and his relationship was difficult.  His relationship with Vylad was even more so.  But one good thing that came out of them both being adults and living away from their parents was the chance to finally say shit to each other and not have their parents constantly scolding them (read: Zane) for starting a fight.  There were nights were they just screamed at each other, mourning the childhoods they never got.  Zane better knew the pressure shoved onto Garroth and while a part of him would always feel like his brother was ungrateful for the opportunities he was given as a child, Zane didn’t know if he wouldn’t react in that same way in Garroth’s position.
In a similar vein, he finally got the apology he had been craving for so many years.  They were both on the ground, drunk out of their minds, and Garroth just erupted into sobs, saying that every day he woke up with guilt eating away at him.  That he knew what an awful brother he had been and that he was so sure that whatever relationship they might’ve had was crushed because of his arrogance.
Zane wasn’t faultless and he knew that their relationship as kids could’ve gone a lot smoother had he not gone out of his way to antagonize his family.  But the feeling of relief when his big brother arrived at their childhood home, instead of dread or jealously, wasn’t something he’d trade for anything.
Zianna bustled over to the door, pulling it open and waving to Garroth, who was assumedly getting out of his car and unbuckling Malachi.  Zane followed her, standing behind her with his hands still shoved firmly into his pockets.  He saw Malachi practically bounce out of the car, ignoring Garroth’s call to slow down as they ran up the steps to the door.  Zianna opened her arms and knelt down for a hug, but Malachi bolted past her to attach themself to Zane’s legs.  “Hi, Uncle Zane!” they exclaimed.  Zane blinked a few times, before patting his nibling gently on the head. They cocked their head to the side. “Is it a no-touch day? Dad says sometimes you have no-touch days.”  Zianna moved to open her mouth, having risen from her knees, but Zane cut her off.
“It’s alright, kid,” he said gruffly, resisting the urge to smile as Malachi tightened their grip around his knees. “You want- You want up?” Immediately, Malachi’s face nearly split in half from the grin they bore and they unlocked their hands to reach up towards Zane’s face, making a grabby motion.  Zane bent down slightly, grabbing the kid underneath the armpits and lifting.  A muscle in his back twinged, but he shifted his weight onto his legs and pulled himself and Malachi up the rest of the way.  The eight-year-old wrapped their arms around Zane’s neck, resting their head on his shoulder, and Zane swallowed harshly, trying to keep down tears from welling in his eyes.  Zianna was practically glaring at them but she didn’t say anything as Garroth stepped into the home.
“Dad!” Malachi exclaimed, lifting their head up. “Hi!” Garroth laughed, reaching a hand out and Malachi reached their hand in return, giving each other a gentle squeeze.
“I just saw you, bud,” Garroth said, grinning. Malachi shrugged, tucking their head back under Zane’s chin.
“I know,” they said cheekily.
“Did you say hi to Ms. Zianna yet?” Garroth asked and Zane wrinkled his nose.  His brother shot him a ‘I know what you’re thinking and I’m thinking the same thing but I have to be a good influence on my kid’ look over Malachi’s shaking head.  “Can you say hello please?”
Malachi looked over to Zianna and she waved softly. “Hey, sweetie!”
“Hi,” they mumbled, shoving their face into Zane’s hoodie.  Zianna’s face dropped into a disapproving scowl, but Garroth stepped in, his nerves showing all over his face.
“I think Malachi is just a bit shy today,” he said, his voice bordering on shaking. “They’ve had a long day.”  Zianna harrumphed slightly, crossing her arms, and if Zane weren’t focused on not pissing off his mother and not dropping his nibling, he might’ve laughed at his six-foot-three brother cowering in front of his five-foot-four mother.
He thought of his own five-foot-eleven height and the scene of him hunched over while his mother threw the sandwiches away and dismissed the thought of laughing entirely.  Malachi tightened their grip around his neck and he adjusted his grip so that they were pressed closer to his chest. “I see Malachi plenty,” Zianna complained. “Why won’t he give me a hug?!” Malachi made a noise and Garroth looked pained.
“Mother,” his brother said gently, “we’ve been over this.”  Zianna shook her head.
“Honey, I’m the mother to one of those kinds of people, I know how this works.”  Zane inhaled sharply.  Garroth gave a full body wince.
“Can we not have this conversation in front of them, please?” Garroth pleaded, his voice small.  Zane maneuvered Malachi to one side, slipping his hand into his basketball shorts to pull out his phone.   His mother shot back something, but he was too busy sending off a text to Laurance.
 2:58 P.M.
Outlawed in-law: SOS.  Mom’s saying shit.
Gar’s boytoy: :thumbsup:
  Judging from the kid trying to – affectionately – choke him, it wasn’t good.  Looking at Garroth, who was looking at their mother like he wanted to cry, Zane made the executive decision to back away and make his way to the stairs leading up to his old room. “Wher’we goin’? Malachi said, their voice muffled by their face being mushed into his hoodie.
“We,” Zane said, hefting the child further up his hip, “are gonna go check out your dad’s old room.” Malachi perked up, lifting their head.
“Daddy lived here?” Zane nodded.
“So did me and Vylad.”
“Avie Vylad?” Zane nodded again, stepping up the last stair and walking towards the back of the hall.
“The very same.”  Zane stopped in front of a door still decorated in medals and stickers of achievement.  He expected to feel some sting at the blatant representation of everything younger Zane resented but he found nothing there.  Blinking slightly, he reached out for the knob and pushed the door open.
The walls were bare – Garroth had taken down most of his posters when he moved out for college – but his old bedspread and desk were still there.  “Is this where daddy grew up?”
“Where were you?”
“I was the room to the left.”
“With all the black stickers with bad words?” Zane snorted.
“Yep.” Malachi wiggled, unlatching their hands from behind Zane’s neck.  He bent over slightly, letting Malachi slip from his arms and land on the floor. “Your dad and I had some pretty different ideas on what constituted good décor.” Malachi peeked into the closet while Zane sat on the bed.
“Oh, woahh, there are some boxes in here!” they said excitedly.
“Yeah, your dad left some stuff here when he moved out.  I think he’s forgotten about it to be honest.” Malachi turned around, giving Zane a quizzical look.
“How could he forget his stuff?”  Zane shrugged.
“We had a lot of stuff as kids.”  Malachi looked down at the ground, their tiny brow furrowed.  They grabbed at the green scarf-slash-shawl wrapped around their shoulders.
“I have a lot of stuff now,” they said after a few moments. “I guess that makes sense.”  Zane scooted back on the bed, so his back could rest against the wall.  “Were you n’ dad friends?” Zane furrowed his brow.
“What do you mean?”
“I heard papa saying something once about you n’ dad not being friends but you guys seem like friends so I wanted to ask.”  Zane blinked a few times, not sure how to respond.  Two decades of pain and anger and betrayal seemed to flash before his eyes and he wasn’t quite sure how to explain that to his eight-year-old nibling.
“I guess…” he started, “I guess you could say we weren’t friends when we were your age.” Malachi frowned and moved over to the bed to sit next to Zane.
“But are you guys friends now?”  Zane moved to rest his hand on Malachi’s head.
“I think we are, yeah.  We did some mean shi- stuff to each other when we were kids because we were angry at other people and took it out on each other.  But we’ve talked about it now.  We’ve said sorry.”  Zane patted Malachi once before resting his hand in his lap. “If you wanna know more, you should ask your dad.  Not all of this story is mine to tell.”  Malachi got a confused look on their face, but something must’ve clicked because their expression relaxed.
A knock sounded from the door.  Both Malachi and Zane looked up to find Garroth there, a soft smile on his face.  Zane squinted and saw the tired look in his eyes, the dark eye bags of nightmares that Zane saw mirrored on his own face near constantly seemed to have been amplified by whatever conversation he had with their mother.
“Papa called, bud, we gotta head back to the house.”  Malachi pouted, crossing their arms.
“I don’t wanna go,” they whined. “I wanna stay with Uncle Zane.” It took a second for Zane to process the statement, but before he could start sputtering nervously, Garroth just laughed.
“Uncle Zane can come with us, if he wants.” Zane gave Garroth a look and his brother shrugged good-naturedly.  Malachi wiggled and looked up Zane excitedly.
“Please?” they said and Zane was surprised by the earnestness in their voice.
“Sure,” he said, surprised once again by the fact that he actually did want to go with them, “I’ll come with.”
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daddy-chiluc · 3 years
To Suffer for You | Chiluc Week Day 4
Organized crime au/Hanahaki/roommates+bandaging wounds
Chiluc Angst
Tw: Mentions/Depictions of toxic relationships, injuries, mentions of blood, Hanahaki
“So let me get this straight…,” he sighed, tone heavy and thick with irritation as his aggravation dripped with every word, “You mean to tell me that you tripped and fell.” He emphasized every word as his pinched the bridge of his nose between tight fingers. He simply refused to believe that. There was no way. Yes, Ajax was reckless, but he wasn’t clumsy. He grinned, cheesy and wide as he laughed.
“Get your ass inside before I drag you by your neck.”
“So sweet to me, Diluc, dear.” The pet name and sweet pitch of his voice was like honeysuckle. He wanted to strip it of it’s petals and ring the pistil of its sweetness. It vexed him. He knew of the lies it held. Of the impurities it harbored behind a beautiful and placid front. Surely not a front for him?
A sharp wince echoed through the hallway as Diluc started ahead of him. He’d never admit such childish fairytales but he’d dream of the day he’d get to lace his fingers with his. He’d imagine the scarred tissue to he oddly smooth, not a single callous tainting his fingers. Yes, Ajax had realized he was in love. Desperately in love. So in love in fact that it hurt. It made his heart twinge with pain and left his lungs without air. He could never breathe. Never feel…never feel right.
Being in love was a problem. A horrible and terrifying problem. It made the butterflies in his stomach flutter with anxiety batted wings, he could feel them crystalize in his chest. Feel the caterpillars climbing down his throat. A horrid and disgusting description and awareness he would never become accustomed to. The flower he was sure had wilted in his gut began to bloom once more. This time, instead of dark stems of black and icy roses, a single red rose, large and vibrant much like his hair began to bloom. The thorns far too delicate to prick at his insides. If they had they’d retracted, shied away from him.
He realized that love was a delicate thing. He wasn’t quiet sure of what it had meant anymore. The roses had bloomed in so many colors. First a golden yellow, an amber orange and then an icy blue. The golden yellow flowers never lasted long. They’d bloom and wilt over and over. They were beautiful yes but they never stayed. They were delicate, lacking the thorns he had came to know to this day. The amber orange roses had small thorns. They’d come to stay shortly before wilting away a month after they’d grown.
The icy roses however, were vicious. They lacked compassion. They’d stab him any chance they got. Thorns heavy and thick. They’d find their way to his heart, the stems curling around it, making him feel safe. The safety was brief before they’d pierce his heart over and over time and time again. One evening, he found whiteflies clinging to the petals and the stems of the roses, and they too feasted away at him. The thorns had scared him, traumatized him so badly sleep became hard to find in fear of the thorns returning, even if it was just a faint memory. The first chance he got to rid himself of the roses he took it. He took it and clipped the rose bush that had grown wildly in the pit of his stomach, killing the butterflies with it.
The pit of his stomach became dark and empty. His body was far colder than the howling winds of Snezhnaya. Despite the chills and ice that had covered him, a small flame had found its way to him, warming him once more and melting that ice. Sprouting curiously in his stomach, covering the dead, crumbling roots of the previous rose bush.
“Ajax? Are you okay?” The voice had called to him, it was kind and alluring, the soft rose petals of the lone flower brushing against his ribs. It was quiet the flower. No other had bloomed like it. Just the single one, with a long, green stem with leaves that had tickled at his insides. The butterflies had disappeared, or so he thought. He was so sure of himself until he felt the slightest flutter in his chest. It was gentle and caring the way it can landed on his heart, almost fluttering away at the beat of it.
“Yes…yes I’m fine.” He lied. He wasn’t at all fine. His throat began to itch and prick. He was confused. He didn’t understand what was happening, the feeling in his lungs brand new. His breathing was labored but he did his best to hide it, earning a look from the other that had doubted him.
“Who’s blood is that?” He tapped at his cheek, latex gloves hiding the skin he so deeply longed to touch. It was his. His blood and someone elses.
“Mine.” Diluc simply hummed, pulling his scarlet strands into a taut ponytail that sat idly on the crown of his head. It had been silent as Diluc had tended to his wounds. Neither had spoken about the cuts and bruises that littered his body. Diluc simply had no interest. This wasn’t the first time he’s trudged his way to the apartment harmed like this. This wasn’t a simple trip…these were inflicted on purpose.
“Are you gonna tell me who did this to you?”
“It’s not worth the stress, I can assure you.” He was awfully timid. Too timid. It made Diluc sick, the vile taste of concern staining his tongue. Was he getting himself into fights lately? That would be the only logical explanation would it not?
“I beg to differ.”
“Then beg,” he snorted, Diluc digging his fingers into a bruise on his collarbone, “Okay, okay!” He cried out, voice shrill and pained as he glared at the hand that hand burrowed itself in his wounds, eyebrows knitted with pain.
“I just got into a fight with someone that’s all…”
“Over what?”
“Why does it matter?” He whispered, voice hushed and thin as he avoided his gaze. Truthfully, what had happened had hurt him more than he would like to admit. Another cough rasped from his throat, the pain and breathlessness worrying the other as his eyes scrunched, wincing in pain.
“We need to take you to the Emergency Room.” Diluc’s patience had worn out, cleaning the rest of his wounds before setting off to grab shoes and a decent shirt for Ajax. If anything, he had a broken rib or two and just wasn’t telling Diluc about it.
“Wait!” He cried out. The last thing he needed on his plate was the police asking him questions. He didn’t feel like explaining he was working for a group of people who were laundering money and why he got the shit beat out of him. He groaned defeated, as a cough, far worse than any he’s had so far stab at his throat. Hearing rushed footsteps come to the doorway, his eyes shot up eyebrows worried as blood and red petals filled the palms of his hands.
“Is that…” Diluc started, almost breathless as he ushered over, hands hesitant as he stared at the petals in horror, “Ajax, I swear to the sevens, this better be a joke.”
“It’s…it’s not.” His throat ached and his voice rasped the words out, chest heaving in unsteady breaths as his hands shook violently. Ajax could’ve sworn his heartbeat echoed in the bathroom. It filled his ears as tears slipped down his face. He wasn’t sure when he had started crying but it wasn’t of importance. Getting up, he braced himself against the counter as he lifted the toilet seat and flushed the petals away.
“Who is it?” Diluc asked softly. Part of him was worried he knew. And maybe he had. He knew enough about the disease to understand that the color of the petals took after the person’s most defining trait. Ajax had stayed silent as he washed his hands of the blood, deciding against looking at the other in fear that if he spared a glance it would give away that those petals were his.
“Are you going to get surgery?”
“You know you’ll suffer if you don’t right?”
“…then why?” He didn’t want to stop loving him that’s why. Diluc was sweet and gentle but blunt and logical. Mature and elegant. Perfect in his eyes. Even his flaws were lovable. It was cute how mad he’d get if the toilet paper wasn’t facing a certain way, or if the plates weren’t stacked right. He found it cute how he’d sing to himself quietly, self conscious and nervous. Yet with his…job, and newfound sickness…it made it far more difficult to love him the way he wanted to.
“Because he’s worth the suffering.” He mumbled, turning to catch his burning eyes before leaving the bathroom, still tattered and bruised, injuries peaking past bandages.
No one should be worth that amount of suffering, Diluc said to himself. Not even he was worth that amount of suffering — Diluc wasn’t worth it.
Finally! It’s a little messy but that’s one less day I have to write! I hope you enjoyed!
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fandomoverdrive · 4 years
Okay I just need to go on a rant about Whirl because I love him he might just be the most tragic character in the entirety of MTMTE and considering the candidates that’s a pretty hard position to cinch. Some of this is gonna have mentions re: self harm, suicidal tendencies/ideation, overall bad coping mechanisms etc so if that’s not your cuppa please scroll on. 
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This gets long so here’s the obligatory read more. 
Let’s write “tragic” in flickering neon letters with the fact that Whirl’s first appearance in MTMTE, dropping the titular “how to say goodbye and mean it,” is a personal soliloquy delivered as he’s in the midst of constructing his own funeral pyre. Whirl is lost, directionless, trapped and unwilling to be such in a postwar environment. But how did we get here? 
Whirl is without a doubt a driven character. In the prewar functionist society, he had no qualms switching careers, risks be damned. Whether he’s always had a knack for disobeying authority or was simply driven by passion or both isn’t elaborated on, but he’s got a hell of a hardheaded streak that’s impossible to ignore. When destroying his business wasn’t enough to deter him from further rebellion, the Senate was happy to turn him into an empuratee and destroy not only the opportunity but the capability of continuing to rebel by pursuing his passion. This is what I’d personally consider the big ‘whump’ moment, less so the use and abuse as a pawn that followed but the point of trauma at which we begin to see Whirl’s psyche begin to twist.
From this point forward we see Whirl in and out of prison, let loose when he can be useful to someone else’s ploy and otherwise incarcerated for a buffet of offenses. No longer able to be constructive and having little if any control of his life, Whirl becomes aggressively destructive. In response to having everything he aspired toward ripped away from him, permanently, he builds a mental defense of bitterness and anger and paves over his black hole of self worth with a veneer of outright assholery. It’s here that he bares his metaphorical fangs and pushes - with gusto - anyone who might even suggest they’re trying to appeal to reason or get close to him as an individual. 
It’s hard to imagine, given even subtly different circumstances, that Whirl would not side with the decepticons for the war. While he’s single-handedly responsible for radicalizing Megatron towards violence, the ‘con intent at the start of revolution - that movement in society should be possible and a caste system based on alt mode is unethical - aligns quite nicely with what he’d already aspired to do with his life. His conscription to the side of the autobots is just another instance in which his autonomy is cast aside. 
Whirl is a tool. Whirl had a passion for watchmaking, but now he can’t, so his new passion is violence. Whirl is a gun and someone else has always told him where to point and all he’s ever been given for his cooperation is the blame of pulling the trigger. Whirl is an asshole, Whirl is unpredictable, Whirl isn’t a mech anybody would ever think twice about saving - the answer would always be no. Whirl wants to die. Whirl only wants to die on his own terms and he’ll be damned if he’s going to keel over under the orders of someone he doesn’t respect, for a cause he doesn’t believe in. 
A few years of this sort of treatment would be enough to drive anyone insane, let alone the millennia of warfare he suffered through. Worse yet is the one time he found a group, a team that was known for the unorthodox and taking on the big messy challenges, the Wreckers kicked him out. Whirl was too much for the mechs that were too much and there’s no way in hell that doesn’t still sting. 
That’s how we get here:
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Whirl defends himself through isolation from others. He can’t be hurt by others if he never lets them close enough to be hurt by. In a hypersocial society, he has no close long-term friends, he is one of the few with no roommate aboard the Lost Light. He made himself as unpalatable as possible. He’s crass, he’s volatile, he makes it clear with every word and action that Whirl is first, you don’t mean anything, I’d leave you for dead in an instant..... But that’s not true, is it? 
Whirl is shown being completely, dramatically, self-destructively caring throughout the series. Between risking his life for the scraplet colony disguised as a protoform, participating in an untested spark jumpstart to save a life, coming up with a plan to rejuvenate Tailgate’s spark, and performing a spark transplant surgery on Megatron - without whom the world would never have been even a fraction as cruel to Whirl as it had been - Whirl is far from the most selfish character in the series. It’s in his nature, however, to deny such, to the point where he more than likely believes his own narrative that he’s irredeemable, self-absorbed, invincible, degenerate, and neither capable nor deserving of close interpersonal relationships. 
It’s also how we get here:
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Whirl is one of the characters that we more frequently see in a state of disrepair. He fights passionately and recklessly, with no regard whatsoever to whether or not he makes it out of a scrum with all his limbs intact. Injuries like these, and those that he experiences elsewhere in the series, would put other mechs out of commission through pain alone, but as long as Whirl is conscious he doesn’t stop until the fight is over. 
As depressing as it is to think that Whirl is simply at this point accustomed to extraordinary pain, it’s even moreso to think about the more likely concept that he wants to be hurt. Whirl doesn’t have control of a lot that happens to him, but do you know what he does have control of? Who he chooses to shit-talk. More often than not we see Whirl being blatantly disrespectful of his superiors, and some of the more dangerous mechs aboard the LL. While obviously his intent when insulting Ultra Magnus isn’t to start a fight, harping on Drift (and subsequently getting cold clocked) or Cyclonus is a little more self-destructive in nature. 
While Whirl has been in therapy, we see during the encounter with Fort Max that he’d shared very little of what he actually considered traumatic with Rung. With no material to work with, Rung wouldn’t have been able to give Whirl instructions or advice as far as a healthy coping mechanism, and so I’m firmly of the belief that Whirl goes out of his way to get himself hurt as a way to have a vague sense of control. 
On his actions and guilt:
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Whirl is immensely guilty. When he’s overcharged, he admits that everything feels like his fault - and unfortunately a lot is. Whirl believes he’s the bad guy, and he’s willing to take the fall for actions that others might find immoral. There’s a lot Whirl has done that he’ll likely never forgive himself for, even if he garnered the ability to start forgiving himself for the small things, but the character he’s created for himself has been part of him for so long that it’s near impossible to tell where to draw the line between caricature and his genuine self. 
At this point in time, Whirl is not capable of improving himself without external assistance. 
He has accepted (however wrongfully) that he is not cared about, trusted, wanted, or respected. 
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His assumptions become self-fulfilling prophecy as he - consciously or not - works to perpetuate his image. Whirl is a dick, he’s unfazed by anything anyone says about him, if someone is insulting him they’re probably right, why bother arguing unless it’s with the intent to get in a fight? He doesn’t pay attention to others, he doesn’t pay attention to himself, nothing that anybody could say could possibly make a difference. 
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Right? Right?
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Wrong. Part of what makes Whirl so heart-wrenchingly tragic is that it is so incredibly clear that nobody has ever told him he mattered. Rodimus throws out what could be interpreted as a snide remark, “even the crazy bastard makes a difference,” and that aside sticks with him. Millions of years of warfare, of being a tool to use, an expendable soldier, a rabid dog to throw at their enemies, and not once did someone turn around and say he was anything good. He’s been thanked for saving lives, for contributions, for individual acts, but his reaction to Rodimus really cements in my mind that nobody has ever said that he, that Whirl, was important. 
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Whirl is a broken character. He’s subsumed by his own self-hatred that he perpetuates and justifies with a mask of cruel indifference and aggressively abrasive snark. He’s alone, by what he thinks is his own choice but is really a horribly misguided attempt to keep himself safe. He’s got no potential for growth unless someone wants to force their way through his defenses in order to help him find the line between who he is and who he pretends to be in order to keep from being hurt. Whirl is terrified of abandonment, and guarantees that nobody will ever be able to leave him by never letting them come close to begin with. He’s not a good person, he’s violent and callous and has little regard for the consequences of his actions, but he is that way because of the life he was forced to lead. He falls into consistent patterns because he craves control, even if those patterns are self destructive. It’s proof of the little growth he was allowed during the course of MTMTE/LL that after their quest was over, he didn’t attempt suicide again but instead got into the revolving door of incarceration for petty offenses. 
All in all, Whirl is one of the saddest characters in any media I’ve consumed and please someone get this despicable bastard helicopter a new therapist and a stiff drink 
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lampmeeting · 3 years
F L O Y any pairings you want!!!! I’m so happy you quit!!!??
ME TOO i had such a nice day hahaha :') thank you!
any pairings i want huh?? oh boy let's put this under a cut hehe
(abigaar, magnate, chickles and nategaar)
"F" for fake dating - ABIGAAR :3c
tyr and skwisgaar keep in touch, and aww he's such a sweet dad figure. always wanting to know about skwisgaar's upcoming "concerts" and prying cutely for information about anyone skwisgaar's involved in ("saws you on reds carpets with a pretty blondes girl. you dates her? brings her to swedens, i cooks dinner!") it's nice, but skwisgaar for some reason doesn't have the heart to tell tyr that he doesn't exactly DO dating, so he puts him off and puts him off.
this gets more pressing after doomstar. skwisgaar starts feeling the guilt for avoiding visiting the man who's been trying to make a real fatherly effort for the last couple years. but he doesn't have anyone in mind to bring "home" to tyr's house. groupies aren't exactly an appropriate choice, he decides. but he tells tyr he'll come to visit with his girlfriend.
enter abigail. in charles' absence, she stepped in to manage the band ("just for the time being. it's not permanent." but she's not exactly actively helping them look for another candidate. as much as she wants nothing more to do with dethklok after the whole kidnapping thing, she can't seem to shake the feeling that she's meant to be there with them right now, that her continued presence in their lives is important somehow)
she notices skwisgaar seems distracted, off his game, and after a weirdly ungood practice session, she takes him aside to ask if he's all right. skwisgaar's never been great at being aloof around her, she cuts through his bullshit so fast, so he just admits it - tyr wants to meet his nonexistent girlfriend, and he doesn't know what to do. "needs to finds someone whats ams, y'know, classy. preskentsable. a nice girls."
abigail's listening to him intently. she's dressed in a classy blouse and pencil skirt, the jewel of her necklace resting below the dip in her collar. she looks very...presentable, doesn't she? skwisgaar swallows. and abigail is very nice...
"someones...smarts. goods to talks to, likes how we ams talkings rights now, evens."
abigail tilts her head at him curiously.
"maybes, uhhms...someones whats has beautifuls brown hairs? and ams nameds...aaabigaaaails...?"
she snorts a laugh into her hand. well, she has been desperately needing a vacation, and she knows skwisgaar won't try anything untoward... what could go wrong?
(this can also blend into Bed Sharing when they arrive in sweden and realize that tyr has put "the lovebirds" up in his guest bedroom...with only one bed)
"L" for Love at First Sight - MAGNATE
pre-preklok. magnus is (or, err, was) a moderately well-known local musician in phoenix. at 34 years old, though, he's kinda worn out his welcome. he never made it big, he's bounced between a dozen bands over the last 15 years, and now there are cooler, younger musicians coming up in the scene and man magnus just feels so old and bitter. maybe he should just give up music. what has it ever done for him except lead him to heartbreak after heartbreak (professional and personal)?
he goes out one night by himself. there's this new death metal band he's been hearing rumblings about. apparently the lead vocalist is like ten years younger than him and is definitely gonna be Somebody someday, and magnus is in a mood to drink and feel real fucking sorry for himself.
the opening band sucks, but then Abyssal Carcass takes the stage and the vocalist is broad-shouldered with long, silky black hair pooling over his shoulders and obscuring his face. he holds the mic in a massive fist, and when the first song starts and he opens his mouth to roar, magnus' heart nearly forgets how to beat. he's enchanted. that voice is so unlike anything he's ever heard before...he wants it. he wants it for himself. he wants to write songs for that voice. he wants to hear that voice in his ear, saying his name.
he doesn't see the man's face until after the second song when the vocalist finally stands up to his full height and rakes his hair back with a lift of his beefy arm. chiseled features, strong jaw, green eyes. magnus doesn't know if this is love or lust, maybe it's both, maybe it's jealousy, maybe he's just a sad old man wanting what he can't have.
after the show, magnus is visibly drunk and hangs around to catch the band before they leave. the vocalist sees him, and oh shit, he recognizes him. "oh shit, you're magnus hammersmith, right? from witch visions?"
"and servitor. and alchemical castration. and..." magnus blanks. too drunk. "...others, i presume."
the vocalist laughs deep and warm in his chest, and fuck... yup. magnus has it bad already.
"hey, ditch your band tonight. let's get outta here, you and me." magnus slings an arm around the guy's huge shoulders. "tell me your name again, bud?"
"oh, uh, nathan."
"nathan! nathan. lemme buy you a beer, nathan. i got a little business proposition for you."
"O" is for Opposites Attract - CHICKLES
preklok! charles gets a call from a near-hysterical toki in the middle of the night that pickles has been in an accident. clipped by a car while trying to jaywalk downtown, and now he's in the hospital having emergency surgery on a fractured leg. this is about a year after charles starts working for them, maybe just a few months after magnus' departure and toki's hiring, so everything's felt really stressful and up in the air, and NOW THIS.
charles of course gets dressed and races to the hospital to make sure pickles is being taken care of properly (no other reason, he's simply concerned for his client). pickles gets out of surgery, he's busted up real bad but he'll heal just fine the doctors say as long as he rests properly and keeps off his feet. easier said than done when it comes to pickles, and just a few days later charles swings by the apartment to see, to his horror, that pickles has drugged himself up and is trying to "walk it off" and still practice drums with the full kit. the others, it seems, are perfectly fine with pickles' attempts to do this.
in the interest of the band's future, pickles' leg needs to heal properly. he needs rest, relaxation, healthy meals. so charles does the only thing he can think of that will keep pickles safe from himself: he invites pickles to stay with him until he recovers.
of course pickles makes a terribly messy roommate and complains every step of the way, and charles is strict almost beyond reason. they end up getting into a huge argument about it, and charles finally breaks down and admits that no he's not doing this to make pickles' life miserable or teach him a lesson about wandering drunk through the streets, it's because he CARES about him damnit!
charles freezes, certain he's overstepped every boundary he's ever set for himself professionally and personally, and then pickles just sniffles, smiles, and says, "you...really care about me, charlie?" ;~;
"Y" is for Years of Friendship First - NATEGAAR
i mean...this has to be nategaar, right?
they've been fast friends ever since skwisgaar auditioned for dethklok, when nathan and magnus and murderface all looked at each other and went "YUP" simultaneously. the two of them just vibed. maybe it was nathan's penchant for short, easily-digestible words and phrases, and skwisgaar's minimal english at the time. magnus and murderface were both wordy motherfuckers, and skwisgaar would normally tune them out. but talking to nathan, or even not talking at all, always came easy. and musically they were so aligned nathan thought magnus was jealous.
bandmates came and went. years passed. so much happened, so much changed. the near-breakup of dethklok, the events of doomstar, the takedown of salacia. the dust settled. dethklok was no more, the spell of their success broken, their god powers depleted, sacrificed in the final battle.
nathan still makes music. he has to. it's not quite as angry and dire as the stuff he used to write, but he likes it. and skwisgaar likes it, which feels like the most important thing. for some reason, when the others all went their separate ways to live their lives apart from the band, nathan and skwisgaar couldn't leave each other. at first nathan told himself it a professional thing. they were just so accustomed to making music together, so of course they'd want to keep doing that. but they eventually realize they're spending all their time together even outside of working on the music. and nathan's slowly moving into skwisgaar's house. and sleeping over a lot. and helping skwisgaar make breakfast. and if they hug a lot it's just because they're such awesome friends. and if they kiss a little, well, guys in europe kiss all the time, right? who cares.
a couple years later, when nathan's mother jokes that he should visit and "bring that husband of yours with you", the two of them look at each other and realize... oh. ohhh.
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autisticgaycastiel · 3 years
Pride Month Destiel Fic Recs 🌈✨💖🏳️‍🌈
hi hellers! so since it’s pride month and I’ve spent the last 7 months reading a truly RIDICULOUS amount of fanfic, I thought i’d compile a mini rec list of fics that centre around LGBTQ+ themes - enjoy! feel free to reply with your thoughts on the fics or other recs :)
Mi Casa es tu Casa by MalMuses
(au, word count: 29k, rating: E)
An AU with a two-person love triangle where Castiel works in an office by day and helps his brother to open an LGBT-friendly bar by night, and Dean is struggling with his sexuality while working a dead-end job. Things get interesting when Castiel begins to receive phone calls from a cautious-but-charming mystery man 'Armando', but Cas becomes torn when a sexy new maintenance man starts working in his building...
i’m a sucker for a two-person love triangle and this fic is a great slow burn - i also really enjoyed the exploration of Dean’s sexuality, and the scenes where Dean is called to Cas’ office are very funny!
Sam Winchester, Ally At Law by amidsizedfrog
(canon, word count: 3k, rating: T)
Sam is an overly supportive straight ally and Dean is a homophobic gay person. Coming out was never going to go smoothly.
This is the first fic in an excellent series of canonverse fics about Dean coming out to different family members and i would DEFINITELY recommend reading them all - this particular fic is very light-hearted and hilariously accurate in that Sam, Dean and Cas are all terrible people who have trouble communicating - a quick but worthwhile read!
Go Down With This Ship by PorcupineGirl
(au, word count: 31k, rating: E)
Since he has to stay deep in the closet to protect his job as a children’s librarian in conservative Wichita, Kansas, Dean’s main outlet for sexual frustration is writing and reading slash fiction for his favorite show, Devil Boys. When he starts corresponding with AngelofThursday, another male slash writer in his ship, he really is just looking for friendship… but when it seems like more might be on the table, he’s not going to turn it down. If only he didn’t also have a crush on Cas, the hot volunteer at his library branch…
I told you, I’m a sucker for a two-person love triangle! This is such a unique AU concept and I was apprehensive about it at first but SO pleasantly surprised - although it’s a bit more angsty, the setting is perfect for a very interesting exploration of both Cas and Dean’s sexualities!
oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith by @sobsicles
(post-canon, word count: 62k, rating: E)
Getting used to Heaven is something of a marvel. It ain't perfect, and Dean thinks he'd hate it if it was, which is probably why it isn't.
Or: Dean and Cas work through their shit in Heaven post-15x20 and adjust to eternity together
I couldn’t make this list and not include one of my all-time favourite destiel fics. This fic has LITERALLY everything you could possibly ask for, including excellent writing and characterisation, Dean working through his repression and coming out, a truly hilarious scene when Dean first arrives at Cas’ house, some cracking Sam moments, literally all of their found family, Cas nearly killing John Winchester, and they have a bar!!! *chef’s kiss* a delight!
First Impressions by suckerfordeansfreckles
(au, word count: 7k, rating: T)
When Cas wakes for the first time after his surgery, it takes him a while of uncoordinated blinking and thinking until he realizes where he is, why he’s here. And then the giddiness comes, sudden and overwhelming, when he looks down at his chest and there is none. He's happy, and giddy, and so thankful. And then a nurse wheels in his new roommate, one very obnoxious and flirty Mr. Winchester. Cas just... cannot wait to watch all of this play out.
A really sweet and fluffy fic with trans!Cas, perfect for if you need a bit of cheering up, plus a little cameo by Charlie! Also the first in a series - if you enjoy this one the others are definitely worth checking out.
He Will Be A Friend of Mine by @menschdean
(canon, word count: 900, rating: G)
Supernatural came out in 2005.. Brokeback Mountain came out in 2005 (with its hetbait posters).. Dean loves cowboy movies.. thinking about 26 year-old, mid s1 Dean…. going to the movies...
a ‘missing scene’-style fic that I think about on a fortnightly basis - i did not know it was possible for >1k to absolutely unzip me before i read this fic. Early seasons Dean and Brokeback Mountain are truly an excellent combo
Stories Are Made of Mistakes by wildhoneypie
(canon, word count: 5k, rating: T)
In which Cas is human and doesn't understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is...Dean and doesn't understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he's a walking miracle, and when not to quip.
Short but very sweet, with human!Cas and an oblivious Dean coming to terms with his feelings (and freaking out when Cas tells the waitress they’re dating!)
17th Birthday by @the-wednesday-tales
(canon, word count: 1.1k, rating: T)
Inspired by an excerpt from John Winchester's Journals. Dean celebrates his 17th birthday with his first solo case, and comes to a heartbreaking realization.
Ok so this one is more angsty than the others on the list (this fic broke me and I think about it twice a week) but it’s well worth a read because who doesn’t love reading about teenage Dean grappling with his sexuality?
Married for a Week by JessJesstheBest
(au, word count: 11k, rating: T)
“It wasn’t until he was standing at a fake altar in front of a fake priest clasping hands with Castiel Novak that Dean thought he may have made a terrible mistake.” Or, the one where Dean and Cas get fake married. FOR SCIENCE!
A super fluffy fic where the boys are both vets, Cas is asexual and Dean is aromantic - it’s great to see the love and intimacy develop between them during the course of the fic, with plenty of funny moments too!
A Room Of One's Own by NorthernSparrow
(canon, word count: 94k, rating: E)
All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.
A smutty and hilarious fic chronicling Dean’s realisation of his attraction to Cas and coming to terms with it - an absolute classic by the BRILLIANT NorthernSparrow.
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