#make sure you've all got lots of jackets and dry socks
short-honey-badger · 9 months
Peppermint Tea 2
I just could not stop thinking about this. Have some more. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings!: Still none! Inexperienced reader! I guess?
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Dracule huffed, nose scrunching at the taste of the shoddy peppermint tea that he'd chosen for the cabin boy to fetch him. Across the table, Sengoku raised a brow at the pirate.
“What? Not to your liking, Hawkeye?” He mocked lowly and is swiftly delivered a scathing glare from the yellow-eyed man.
Mihawk sniffs and sets the tea away, done with it, “Not my taste at all, Fleet Admiral,” he drawled. No. The only peppermint tea he wanted was yours, and it had been far too long since Dracule had laid eyes on you. Several weeks too long, in fact.
Sengoku scoffs and sits back in his chair. The warlord meeting had gone about as well as he had thought, with only Mihawk and Doflamingo showing. The pink idiot had shown his ass for half an hour before bugging out, stating he had more important matters to attend to.
“Whatever. Get the hell out of here, Mihawk,” The Fleet Admiral grouched, and the warlord happily rose and left without a word. Hawkeye went straight to his ship and hoisted the sail before turning east. It would take several days for him to reach your island.
To say that Mihawk is in a shit mond when he finally arrives at your island would be an understatement. The seas had not been kind to him, and it had left him soaked to the bone and desperate for a hot cup of tea.
The warlord doesn't waste any time, tossing his anchor and flashing to the shore. A permanent scowl is etched across his face as he stomps through the underbrush until he arrives at your quaint cottage. He shakes himself off any water once he stands under your stoop and then raises his hand to knock.
Dracule listens, sharp ears picking up the sound of Hank's nails on the hardwood and then the soft steps of your feet. The door is yanked open, and the furious scowl on your face disappears the moment you lay eyes on the soaked bird in front of you.
“Mihawk? Shit, come in here. You're soaked!” You grab his jacket without thinking and tug the warlord inside quickly. You flutter away and come back with a couple of fluffy towels that you hand over to him, “Gimme your hat and jacket. I'll hang it by the fireplace.”
Dracule huffed and found himself doing as you ordered. He strips off his hat and shrugs out of his coat to hand it over. His lips curl when he sees your eyes flick over his body and your face pink up. You turn and leave before he can decide to do something about it. He huffs and then takes advantage of the towels that you gave him.
You come back to see him stoking the embers of the fireplace, towel hanging around his shoulders, “Thank you, Darling,” he murmurs and hands you the one that he'd used to dry his hair.
You clear your throat, “Ah. You're welcome. Is everything okay?” You ask and take the towel back to the bathroom before you begin to clear away the seating, tucking away the gardening books you have spread out. You had not expected to see Mihawk so soon, not that you were complaining.
Hawkeye dips his head in a nod, “Fine. The weather was not kind during my trip here.” Dracule assures you and sits when you've cleared up a spot. He examines the books you've got scattered around, sharp brow ticking up in interest, “Botany?”
You nod, smile crossing your face as you nod, “Yep. I know enough, but there isn't anything wrong with wanting to know more. I had to teach myself a lot of this,” You gesture around your cluttered home and shrug. You weren't embarrassed about your life
“Admirable,” Mihawk rumbles. He grimaces when his boots squelch and raises a brow when you snicker at his scrunched face.
“I'm sure I've got some socks that will fit you. Let me go get some and then I'll make us some tea?” You offer, and Mihawk gives you what might call a pitiful look if the elegant mad made those. You snicker again and then walk off, “Make yourself at home.”
Dracule huffs at your retreating back and then reaches down to tug off his boots and then his socks. He feels exposed like this, but not unsafe or in any kind of danger. it's not a common feeling unless he was home, secluded away inside his room in his empty castle. He kicks back in his chair, warming his chilled toes by the fire.
You come back to your living room to see your guest lean back in his chair with his eyes closed. You take in his relaxed form, tiny smile playing on your lips as you watch him. He looks peaceful like this, the monstrous scowl gone from earlier. You jump when he speaks up.
“I can feel you staring, Darling,” he rumbles and cracks a yellow eye open to peer at the young woman he came all this way to see. He wonders if she understands how important such a notion was.
“Sorry! you just looked comfortable,” you tell him and then step into the kitchen to start the kettle. You slap your cheeks while hidden away from him, cursing yourself for being so rude to your guest.
Dracule rolls his eyes and stands to follow you to the kitchen. He comes to a stop behind you, reaching out one hand to place it on your hip. He feels you tense, and then the room drops in temperature as your devil fruit comes to life in response to the sudden touch. He ignores the cold and takes a half step closer, and you shiver at the heat radiating from his front.
“Don't be scared, Darling. You're safe with me,” Mihawk says quietly and then reaches past you with his free arm to gather the two mugs that the two of you used last time. He set them on the counter and then stepped back like he hadn't just rocked your entire foundation.
You swallow and turn around quickly, heart in your throat as you stare up at Darcule. He watches you, eyes intent, waiting for your next words.
“Which tea do you want?” You croak, and the tension in the air shatters when Mihawk snorts a laugh and runs a hand through his hair, fixing the black strands back in place.
“I'll take the peppermint, dear,” Dracule decides and watches the way you nod and quickly turns back to the counter. He leans in the doorframe, and by the time the kettle begins to whistle, the chill of the room has faded, and you face him with a relaxed grin on your face.
“One for you, one for me,” You intone and the two of you settle back by the fireplace in the living room. He takes his seat and you surprise him by settling on the floor by the open fire. You hand him his tea, and Mihawk sips from the chipped mug.
“Cold?” Dracule questions, and you nod, lips twisting in a weary smile. He finds that he does not like the distant look in your eye, as if recalling bad memories.
“Mhm, yeah. I ate the Yuki Yuki fruit when I was really young. You've seen it already. I'm always cold, so being warm is nice,” you admit casually, but Mihawk can still hear the strain on your voice. He frowns, curious for more, but unwilling to press for more if you did not want to speak on it.
“It is a formidable power,” Dracule murmurs and stands to set another log into the fire. His concern and curiosity for you grows, and he does not fight it. So, he settles back in his chair and parts his legs, “Come here, Darling.”
“What?” You demand, eyes wide and mouth growing dry. You can't have heard how correctly.
Hawkeye sighs, yellow eyes narrowing in on your befuddled form. The warlord knows that you aren't this dense. You're a smart girl, “Don't make me repeat myself, Darling,” he quips and pats his lap, “Come here. I'll warm you up.”
You find yourself standing on wobbly legs. In three short steps you stand between his legs, and Dracule finishes the job by grasping your hips and leading you firmly to sit in his lap. He sits you sideways, legs hanging over the side of his and pressing you into his chest. It's intimate, daring, and Mihawk has to look up to hide his smile when he feels you begin to relax against him.
You grin to yourself, warm and comfortable tucked up against your friend's? chest. You don't really know what's going on, but you like it. You like the squirmy feeling that blooms in your chest when this man who invited himself into your life looks at you.
“See?” Dracule speaks up, and you can feel the way his chest flexes below you when he curls one of his arms around you, “I told you I ran hot, Darling.”
@writingmysanity @kenkenmaaa @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff
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urlocalqueer · 2 years
for anyone about to experience the freezing temperatures. please please please be careful. i lived in a very cold area for years, below zero temperatures constantly. however, i've never been in temperatures that cold. ever. i've only seen -20 degrees Fahrenheit, but i wanna try and help some of yall.
tips for the cold:
do not send your children to school on foot. frostbite will take them out quicker than you can even blink. kids get colder much faster and at a far more intense level than an adult will. protect them. keep them warm. if they say they are cold, even if they are layered to hell, give them more blankets.
it is likely that your car will not start, it's completely worthless to try and make it start because with temperatures that cold, if it doesn't start... it's not gonna start.
if your car does start, be very careful while driving, especially if you've never driven on ice before. if your windows are frosted, and you still have to get places, then start your car like, a half an hour before hand so you can defrost the windows. this might waste gas, but at the end of the day it will be safer because you will be able to see.
YOU NEED TO LAYER!!!! DO NOT LAYER WITH COTTON!!! DO NOT LAYER WITH JEANS!!! DON'T LAYER WITH DENIM!!! you need a material that doesn't hold as much moisture. jeans, cotton, and denim are the worst possible choice. cotton holds too much moisture and jeans do not hold heat. only use these if you have literally nothing else. if you need more layers, pad with newspapers. if you can afford it, get thermal clothing, thermal underwear, thermal socks and gloves and hats.
your first layer should be removing and preventing moisture, your second layer should keep you warm, and your third layer should protect from the elements. with how cold it's going to get, i would suggest layering even more.
cover your face and head at all costs. make sure your hands and feet are layer and protected. do not worry about looking ridiculous. if you aren't comfortable, it doesn't matter. i would rather you look ridiculous and be uncomfortable then be dead or suffering from frostbite.
DO NOT GET WET. DO NOT. GET WET. getting wet will be how you die. if for some reason you do get wet. get inside as soon as possible. just get inside. anywhere inside. hypothermia will kill you very quickly. and just to get it into some peoples heads:
i knew someone who fell through ice with her bf. she got hurt, he had to leave her to get help. he left her his dry jacket and a heat safety blanket. he got the staties to come out an help them and he was gone for less than an hour. when the staties got there she was dead. completely frozen.
do not. get wet.
(if you sweat a lot then you might need to change a few times because yes, sweat, in this cold of temperatures, is something to be wary of)
get blankets, clothes, candles, flashlights, first aid kits, non-perishable food, a radio, any medication you need and make a bug out box. make multiple. make one for your house, one for your car. make sure your kids have extra anything they could need if they need to go to school.
when cold comes, the air will get very dry, your lips will hurt and burn and sting and bleed. be prepared for this (this was one of my biggest problems when i lived in a cold climate and trust me, it's extremely painful). if you are prone to nosebleeds, they will be a problem for you.
just please be careful. keep your kids warm. keep yourself warm. this type of cold is something i've never seen before, this is extremely dangerous. be careful.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment plans to launch a campaign in August asking people living in Finland to save energy.
The ministry confirmed to Yle that the campaign is being prepared, but did not comment further about its content.
However the ministry did note that the campaign stems from an EU Commission initiative. Similar campaigns are already underway in many EU countries like Germany, Italy and France.
In Finland, the campaign will be announced at the end of August and rolled out towards autumn—when heating and fewer daylight hours start to demand more energy.
The campaign will focus on heating and hot water consumption, according to one of the campaign's planners, Päivi Suur-Uski, anenergy efficiency expert from the firm Motiva.
"The energy saving measures taken by consumers are effective. In Finland, about a third of energy use goes into heating buildings," Suur-Uski told Yle.
Suur-Uski added that reducing a home's heating thermostat temperature by one degree corresponds to energy savings of up to five percent.
"We also have a lot of heated spaces, such as garages and warehouses, that don't necessarily need to be heated," Suur-Uski pointed out.
Hot water's share in heating costs can be up to 30-40 percent of the total bill.
"Limiting shower time is a quick way to reduce energy consumption. Let's forget about fifteen minute showers and spend no more than five minutes there," Suur-Uski emphasised.
She estimated that with effective saving, households could cut a total of around 10-20 percent of their total energy usage.
"It would have a huge impact nationally," Suur-Uski concluded.
Last campaign: Oil crisis of the 1970s
The last time a similar campaign was undertaken was during the global oil crisis in the 1970s.
Back then, the government outlined, among other things, that room temperatures should be lowered, advertising lights reduced and road traffic speeds cut to 80 kilometres per hour.
The efforts helped Finland to decrease its oil consumption by more than 10 percent annually.
Lack of energy in autumn?
Senior advisor Oras Tynkkynen, from sustainable development firm Sitra, considered it possible that there will be an energy shortage in the autumn. There is a chance that controlled, two-hour blackouts may be used as a last resort.
"In the worst case scenario, we have to decide to whom the energy is directed to. Energy supply would be secured for hospitals, for example, but parts of the industrial sector could be cut off for some time," Tynkkynen estimated.
The adequate supply of electricity depends, among other things, on whether the new nuclear power plant Olkiluoto 3 can be put into full commercial use by winter. The supply of natural gas, on the other hand, depends on the schedule of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal shared by Finland and Estonia.
"We have to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst, and also for the energy supply to be seriously disrupted," Tynkkynen told Yle.
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batwritings · 3 years
15 minutes of your time, dearest Bat, if I may. I'm studying to be a photographer, I really like taking pictures. A lot of the little jobs I do are taking graduation pictures for family friends. I got the idea of being the photographer of one of the boys, but in the nude....so I'm going to share it with you.
Model Gogy, because let's be honest he is so pretty and very photogenic. Filters are not needed for this man.
So you are hired to take photos of him on a regular because his agent likes the way your shoots come out. They have been the most flattering and it's all because you've got a crush on the British man. George is nothing but nice to you. The banter is easy and boarder line flirtatious at times. You are professional though.
Well one day you get an email from his agent, but it doesn't sound like them. 'Hey can we set up a shoot soon.' was the subject. The rest of the email was weird too. Not much information was shared and the dates were going to be in 2 days. Usually you got a week to prepare and plan things. But your Schedule was clear and to be honest you can say no.
So in the two days you scramble to get ready and made sure all your other projects were cleared out. You arrive at the address with probably more gear then you needed. It's just George there though he is awkwardly sitting at a table in the middle of the nearly empty studio waiting for you. He lights up when he sees you and even helps you with equipment. You ask him what the shoot was about and he blushes.
"I understand if you don't feel comfortable doing this. Honestly I wish my agent would have told you right from the start but I need nude pictures taken." He chews his lip nervous. The instant though of naked George with his dick out makes brain.exe stop working. The little longer you just stare at him the more nervous he gets, laughing weakly and rambling about something.
"I can...do the job." You blink back when he starts saying something about 'not worrying about it he can get someone else to do it but he trusts you'. He pauses and smiles relaxing some and smiling relieved at you.
"cool, thank you," he sounded like he wanted to say more but instead just fidgeted.
Clearing your throat you ask how he wanted to do this. He left it up to you. Again you couldn't think properly. Your own blush was surely visible. You look around at the sparse furniture. The large couch would have to work because it was the only thing besides the blankets and the floor. So you tell him the plan and proceed to set up. Usually you wouldn't, a scene would already be ready but this was different. George waited not wanting to get in your way. When it was ready you smiled at him.
"We can start when you are ready, okay?" He nods at you and plops down on the couch shifting a little awkwardly. Your camera was raised as you figured out the best angles for lighting. He was stiff and looked for once so uncomfortable.
"Do you want to do some normal shots to help you relax?" You ask giving him a warm smile trying to help him. He nods pulling off his jacket though.
"Maybe I can take of layers as we go." He says seeming to melt into his usual confidence. It was a good idea. He lounges across the sofa in his short, jeans, and shoes. Looking aloof and kinda reminding you of a cat.
He removed his shoes next, falling into another pose. Legs tucked against him and sprawled over a pillow. He looked so soft even in the slightly tight jeans. Which were the next things removed. George sat crisscross with the giant pillow him his lap and a daring look in his eyes. The light looked amazing spilling over his eyes and pale skin. There was hesitation on the next article of clothing. He settling on the socks instead. Crossing his ankles and popping his knees over the arm of the couch laying back with his shirt riding up his torso. A light whisper of a happy trail peaking out. It took longer for the next piece to so. A blush painted his cheeks. By now you were so focused on actually taking pictures you didn't even think about the situation anymore. His shirt was gone. His hands hiding parts of his chest and his eyes searched out yours. You pause for a moment taking in his figure. There before you was the nearly naked figure of the most attractive person you have ever seen. His lips were bitten red and his dark eyes looking up at you through thick lashes. The pretty pink looked like pastel chalk dusting his body. The pale skin seemed to glow in the bright lights and the many windows letting the natural sun in. Your breath catches when he give you a look that screams come here.
You don't move for a moment frozen just staring. He leans back spreading his legs and leaning back into the couch. His arms flexing as he holds them over his head and back. He is wide open and looked so damn good. You snapped a picture on accident your finger having been playing with the button. You lick your lips and clear your throat. Pushing your attention to the job. You take some pictures working hard not to drool over how god damn sexy he looked and inviting. Oh so inviting.
His hands slide down his body and stop around his waist band of his boxers smirking at you. Teasing the edges down. You gulp watching was the fabric slowly slides down his legs and pools in front of the couch. He is completely naked and standing in front of you. And the first thing you couldn't help but look at was his half hard cock. It twitched before your eyes. The muscles of his thighs flexing as he shifted into a better position on the sofa. Slouched back and looking like a lazy king. His hands gliding over his hips and dancing down his thighs. His eyes staring at you hard. One hand raised and he gave a come here gesture with one finger. Those dark eyes blown wide with the teasing lust. Your throat his dry and your camera is heavy in your hands.
Bitting your lip you move forward. He leans forward and takes the camera pulling you closer by the strap until you were nearly filling into his lap. He smirks and whispers, "wanna have some fun?" You shiver, slipping the strap off and nodding. He set the device down gently on the ground and takes your hips in his hands. He guilds you onto his lap. Your knees on each his of his hips. Those hands of his rubbing your thighs, looking up at your slightly and pressing your foreheads together. His breath smells so good, fresh and sweet like bubblegum.
He captures your lips in a hot kiss. His soft tongue dancing with yours.
While you kiss and relax more pieces of your wardrobe is removed allowing for George to touch you all over. The last thing to go was your underwear. He teases you firm hands pressing your ass and slapping it. You whine on his lap writhing excitedly. Your sex grinds against his and he moans too. The controlled ride of your hips into his was intoxicating. Your lips met and he leans you back to lay on the couch. Dipping between your spread thighs and licking your heat. The brunette sucks and licks at you for a long while your hands tangling in his hair. His slim fingers toying with your entrance. Using his own spit he presses in. A cry left your lips, stars dancing in your eyes and he continued. Your brains as become more empty the more time passed. An eternity later and you felt so fucked out you wanted to cum so badly. He kissed up your body settling between your legs. His hand that had prepped you smeared on the couch. His other hand tapping against your lips. You take them sucking hard and whining when he rubs the pads of his fingers over your tongue. When he removed them the next saliva was used to prep his cock.
The head was pressed into you slowly. Your legs wrapped around his hips and you leaned back moaning the further he pushed in. He wasn't very big but he did fill you perfectly. Tucking his hands under your thighs he lifts you off the couch some and draw his hips back before thrusting them forwards again. Grunting with he force he continues to build up his speed. You grab his thighs rolling your hips into him bouncing off his body as you meet in a slap of skin. The pleasure was maddening, the swell of release was just out of touch but this felt so perfectly good you didn't want to ever stop.
He stopped panted hard and moving you to lay with him, throwing your leg over his hip and the other straight tangled with his. This position hit something new for you cause you to cry out and grab hold of his hands on your hips. He speed up fucking hard and fast. You quivered and called out his name as you felt the swell spill over into creamy release. He followed soon after stilling deep inside and filling you up with a new pressure.
Needless to say you didn't get the pictures you needed.
rebooting in progress, please wait. . .
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