#make up stuff as i go. asp doesn't know her shit sorry!!!!
pawnshopsblue · 2 years
Ooh, tell me more about what you like about the Rory/Jess Swan Song fight!
i love it when characters are dicks at each other!! and in this particular case theyre both super pretty so it makes for good television
prefacing this by saying i love it when rorys privilege is talked about. not in an anti-rory "she's so ungrateful and ignorant way!!!" but its There. she is a blue blood whose ancestors came over on the mayflower and jess is. not. they come from Different Worlds and walking into the gilmore mansion sort of cements it in jess's mind. then it adds onto the frustration he's feeling already (like he's got a black eye he's late he was working + stuck in traffic etc etc) plus rory's nervous and she wants to show emily she's made the right choice so rlly theyre both. messy atp.
and then the actual fight just spotlights all their issues!! rory not trusting jess. jess feeling like rory doesn't give two shits abt him. all that other pizzazz. LOVE when he sees the rory portrait bc he says something like "now ive seen everything" and then the bit in the end where he says "you like making up stories" or wtv is sooo heart wrenching actually! like. they argue well. there's not much to it? i love dynamics where the love is There and its overflowing there is literally So Much of it its sort of the only thing that matters but its a bit fucked bc of external factors! not miscommunication bc that's crap and the mistrust is also crap bc its just. why? like maybe ive forgotten the context and maybe its just residual stuff from a 2 year attachment to dean but why would rory jump to a conclusion that jess is the one who screwed up when she spent all of s2 defending him as a good guy and suddenly when he's her actual bf it all goes 180? anyway someone should've gotten asp on meds or off meds idk. anyway
point is i like the rory/jess mirror selves/narrative foil. theyre the exact same but circumstances made them wildly different and i like when it's pointed out. and in this case its GOOD in the sense that its a fucking disaster its a train wreck but its sort of like. you are the knife i turn inside of myself and that is love etc etc. the fight is them going in circles. they are still in the same spot fighting abt shit that doesn't really matter instead of saying the shit that does matter. idk i mostly like it bc the vibes are cool
plus honestly i wasn't lying when i said i like it when characters are dicks at each other especially if theyre in love. its entertaining its good narrative fodder and its angsty. 10/10
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artificialbreezy · 3 years
Century Panic: Bright
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AN: Im sorry for the short chapter, im a little busy with life but still wanted to get some stuff out lollll 
Warnings: swearing, a lil bit of Calum being rude and shit 
Word Count: 871
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader 
   My phone rang as soon as I got to the car, it was an unknown number, so i answered it. ``You move on fast don't you darling? What a shame because you could've had the world with someone well known.`` At that moment, I knew it was Calum. I didn't say a thing. Just hung up. Jake looked over at me questionably, and grabbed my hand. ``What was that? You looked annoyed honey``.  I sighed looking down at his hand in mine, ``oh it was just Calum, trying to start shit. Like he always does. He thinks this is just a fight and make up. It's not happening. I want you, and just you`` I said while squeezing his hand. He smiled at me, ``No matter what anyone says to you, I will love you for as long as you want me too. I promise. Not going anywhere baby.``
  It took about an hour to get back to the house. On the way there I warned him about our writing sessions and how no one has sat in ever, so this was a first for all of us.  As well as, how the girls are. I promised everything would be fine though, so no worries there. Once we got home, he about shit his pants, the house is huge to begin with. I mean 4 girls live there, gotta be big. He came over and opened my door before I could even get out to help with his bags. My heart melted, no ones ever done that for me. I went to open my trunk to grab his bag, and all i heard behind me was a ``nuh huh`` so I turned around and Jake came and carried his bag, with a little smirk on his face and said ``lead the way ma lady.`` I giggled and led him to the front door. As soon as I opened the door, Aspen came running. ``Oh my god, you're here! Hi! Im Aspe, we met once but that was really it. This is Lacey, and Briar. Okay I assume you're staying in y/n`s room, but there's an extra room you can keep your stuff in if you want that has a dresser.`` I laughed and said ``Okay Pen, give him a chance to breathe`` she looked back at me and said laughing, ``No you're right, i'm so sorry``. Briar chimed in, ``Is this your first time in LA?`` Jake smiled at her and nodded. ``Well I'll make sure y/n takes you to all the best spots.`` Lacey said to Jake. He laughed and said ``thank you, I'm sure she'll take me loads of places``. I took Jake upstairs, and showed him my room, he set his bag down and looked at me and said, ``Do you wanna take a nap?`` Obviously I did, so that's just what we did. Napped for 2 hours. Jake had settled in pretty quick, he found it funny how close the girls and I really were. I mean we obviously show it, but no one sees us behind closed doors. Aspen and I remind him of him and his twin; Josh. Lacey`s a little like Sammy, and Briar is Danny. It's funny to me how he puts us into the same categories as his friends/siblings. Makes me feel good, and he feels welcomed.
   Soon enough, 8pm rolls around. I looked at my clock and then back to Jake, ``so my dear sir, now is the time where we all get together in the kitchen and work on writing out new songs and melodies. You're welcome to join us, or you can stay in here and watch tv or even go to bed.`` Before he could respond I heard Aspen outside my door, singing, ``y/n its magic tiiiiiime``. Jake laughed and got out of bed, ``well baby doll, duty calls now doesn't it?`` With that, I walked downstairs with my songwriting book and met the rest of my band in the kitchen. Jake sat next to me, quietly, just listening to us rattle our brains. Two hours had gone by, and we had the entirety of a song. Aspen looked up from her guitar, with a quick smirk at Jake, said to me ``Jake, without you, I don't think this song would be a thing.`` He sat there just with the biggest grin on his face, I was blushing. I didn't quite know what to say, as I was thinking, i heard jake go ``You're welcome, I just helped create a hit.`` We all laughed at him, ``Bright. Well call it bright.`` I said towards the girls. ``Perfect! Girl I don't know what we'd do without you, we all suck with names. And here you are just instantly coming up with the shit`` Lacey said while laughing. We all slowly got our things picked up, and headed off to bed.
 Jake and I got into bed and had the office on tv while cuddling. He leaned down, kissed my head and said a very simple line from our song we just wrote, ``I think the universe is on my side.`` And just like that, I had fallen asleep in the most comforting and safest feelings I had ever felt.
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