#makes him half indescribable matter with strange properties
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
From countless hours of research (watching movies/reading comics/reading books/contemplation), I have finally reached the conclusion that the only real benefits to being related to the Force (as in being a Force baby, as in being Anakin Skywalker or being anyone related to Anakin Skywalker) are:
1. You can do all the Force tricks (probably. There may be some Anakin can’t do, but apparently he can even do the one that requires four throats, so I’m pretty sure if Anakin “couldn’t do it” he actually just didn’t try all that hard)
2. You can walk off any and all injuries. Leia gets tortured unspeakably by Darth Vader, still continues to lie to their faces and sass the short Stormtrooper. Luke gets Force Lightning’d like four times and still drags his dad over to a ship and lights a pyre for him and does the while end of the movie as though nothing happened. Not to mention Luke’s hypothermia and the whole of Bespin and didn’t he get thrown into a table in the first movie? And I know falling (jumping) from great heights is a Jedi thing, but how many times has Anakin or Luke crash-landed a ship and improbably lived?
And that’s just the movies! The Marvel comics show Luke getting beaten every way to Sunday and still being pretty A-OK. He just walks it off! He gets tossed around like a hacky sack and then gets up and says “That was a bit rough. Oh well” and continues with his day. In the Clone Wars tv show, Anakin is shown to have a broken leg and still manages to climb a massive tree.
Admittedly, I don’t have that much evidence for Leia. She unfortunately inherited her parents’ abilities to avoid capture and on the rare occasion she is captured, she gets out pretty fast. Somehow, Luke inherited Obi-Wan damsel genes, despite not actually being related to him, it’s a feat scientific wonder-
So yeah. If the Force is your dad/grand-dad, all you have to look forward to is misery, pain, and bones made of rubber.
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snowy-azure-suzaku · 6 years
The Illusionary Resistance chapter one
The sun rose high into the blue skies above Mobius' deserts. The hot desert winds blew across the dunes. A few hardy plants and animals had adapted to this harsh landscape. There were even rumors that some Mobians had found two towns to live in such as Shamar and Saharais in the middle of the desert.
Doctor Eggman paced back and forth inside the lab structure of his newly created base the Arsenal pyramid, the room barely lit. The only light sources were several large tubes filled with blue liquid illuminating the bare room.
Eggman quit his pacing, sitting down on the chair at his desk running a critical eye over several small drawings of robots resting on the desk's surface. Metal Sonic stood not too far away from his master a silent sentinel. The robot flexed his metallic fingers in a gesture of impatience. Eggman tapped his pencil against the white surface of the paper then he sketched a small bee-like shape on the paper before Eggman stopped his drawing sighing in disappointment.
Eggman gritted his teeth crumpling several of his drawings up in frustration tossing them into a small wastebasket already overflowing with scrapped robot designs. Orbot and Cubot nearby polishing the glass surface of the canisters.
Eggman pushed back his chair standing up out of it resuming his furious pacing. The sweat was trickling down his forehead even though the AC units were running at full power sending a cooling breeze throughout his base, Eggman still could feel the heat through the metallic walls of the Arsenal Pyramid.
"I can't seem, to come up with any robot designs," Eggman snarled in frustration. "Ideas aren't just coming to me like they used to."
"Maybe you have an artist's block Boss."
Eggman shook his head from side to side dismissing Orbot's suggestion. The trouble was that no matter how well put together his plans Sonic would always sabotage his carefully constructed plans. Every time he'd suffered a defeat at the hands of the blue hedgehog the smug smile he saw on Sonic's face was more than enough to make his blood boil with rage.
He rubbed his temples his irritation was building he let out a low aggravated sigh closing his eyes in defeat. He'd chosen this exact spot in the desert because it was isolated thus no one would even think to seek him out while he plotted his next scheme.
"I need to do something to defeat Sonic and his rabble once and for all!" A dull boom echoed off the side of the side of the pyramid. Metal Sonic immediately snapped to attention taking several steps forward; his sharp metallic claws extended. Metal Sonic was revving his jet engine to go out to confront whoever would be stupid enough to launch an attack.
"Stand down Metal Sonic!" Eggman called out, attracting the robotic hedgehog's attention, causing him to skid to a near perfect stop turning his head back to glare at Eggman in impatience a series of low beeps emitted from the robot in protest.
"Boss the radar's picking up a strange energy reading," Orbot said looking up at the monitor spying a strange shape embedded in the desert sands. "It's right on our doorstep."
"I'll go investigate," Eggman replied, waving a hand at Metal Sonic who'd made to follow his creator. "Metal Sonic wait here."
The wave of desert heat smacked Eggman in the face with a hiss the door opened to the blazing heat. Eggman stepped onto the hot sands raising his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding rays of the sun.
He couldn't seem to find the source of the object that had struck the side of the Arsenal Pyramid. He had to be losing his mind. Looking carefully at the desert sands he saw. A magenta jewel was sticking out like a sore thumb. It was a deep purple with lines of red and black, pulsing through the strange gem's surface.
Against his better judgment, Eggman hastily took a step forward carefully bending down onto one knee scraping away the thin layer of sand covering the gem the very tips of his fingers brushed against the surface of the jewel.
A wave of red energy washed out from the gem along with an indescribable noise assaulting the mad scientist's ears. Eggman immediately raised a hand to shield his eyes from the bright red light. He slowly lowered it warily, his jaw dropped at the unusual sight before his eyes.
A massive golden statue of the mad doctor stood in the middle of the vast theme park with the wide grin on the statue's face with an arm pointing out towards the entrance of his theme park. Eggman walked as though he was in a trance gazing in wonder looking at the metallic structure the giant neon sign with the words Eggman land broadcasted for all the world to see.
"Th-this is Eggman land!" Eggman exclaimed in shock. His brain was struggling to comprehend the bizarre sight in front of him when suddenly Eggman land flickered out of existence. Eggman gaped in shock at the vision of his dream vanishing in a heartbeat.
"No! Bring it back I command you!"
Eggman demanded to tighten his grip on the jewel yanking it out of the sand, examining it from every angle the minuscule grain of sands falling off the side of the gem. Eggman was interested. The mad scientist has seen nothing like it before.
"So, this gem can create powerful hallucinations that can affect a person's reality," Eggman muttered to himself. The smile that appeared on his face was sinister. "Oh, so now you will be an interesting subject for research," Eggman said, speaking to the jewel resting in the palm of his hand. "I think I can get some use out of you."
For the next few days Eggman busied himself with studying the strange gem, he'd run several tests on it examining its properties. On the afternoon of the third day, Eggman observed the gem floating in a tube with one hand stroking his mustache deep in thought.
"This gem is truly a wonder! It can not only create illusions, but it can also alter a single person's reality." Eggman chuckled. "It needs a name befitting of what this marvelous gem can do."
"Ghostly Emerald!" Cubot cried out flailing his arms.
"Now that's not a suitable name," Orbot replied blankly. "Besides, I think we have enough Emeralds."
"Spooky Sapphire!"
"It's a Ruby, not a Sapphire."
Eggman paused, deep in through tuning out the conversation going on between Orbot and Cubot. Metal Sonic looked up towards the monitors, his optics focusing on a group of several black and white shapes come running over the ridge of the nearest dune. The jackal at the at the back of the group loaded several small cannonballs into a small canon like object pointing it right in the direction of the Arsenal Pyramid.
Metal Sonic raised his arm tapping Eggman's shoulder with a single metallic claw only to be ignored by his creator.
The gemstone was a ruby, and it was still giving off waves of purple energy the magenta waves pulsed in the tank the black lines ran through the magenta surface of the gem it resembled a ruby in this light. There was also the fact it could create illusions strong enough strong enough for the person who witnessed them, to genuinely believe what they were seeing was real.
At the moment lost in his thoughts, an inspiration for the mysterious gemstone's name struck Eggman, allowing a small smile to grace his face.
"I'll call it the Phantom Ruby!" Eggman exclaimed, throwing his arms out in a sweeping gesture ignoring the dim protest of Cubot complain that the Phantom Ruby he was his next suggestion.
At that moment a series of explosions rocked through the interior of the pyramid startling everyone inside. Small clouds of dust fell from the ceiling prompting Eggman to turn around a scowl was on his face angered at the second interruption of the day. Someone dared to attack them so foolishly while he was in the middle of his triumph.
"Oh, what now?"
Upon hearing his creator's question, Metal Sonic grabbed Eggman turning him to face the monitors stationed around the room which the screens showed a group of ten jackals that now charged through the desert sands heading towards the small group of robots that were busy patrolling the grounds outside the Arsenal Pyramid.
"Oh, come on! Metal Sonic to me!" Eggman called out removing the Phantom Ruby from its tube running for his Egg mobile with Metal Sonic right behind him heading out to deal with this newest intrusion. Maybe now would be the perfect time to take the Phantom Ruby for its first real test run.
The small army of robots was no match for the small group of jackals cleaving their way through the robots sending robot parts flying everywhere. However, this wasn't just an ordinary band of jackals though; this was the Jackal Squad a group of feared Mercenaries known for hunting down their targets and dispatching them, effortlessly for their leader stood in front of them a scowl on his face.
"Leave no one alive! Our client has promised us a hefty bounty by bringing in this, Eggman Tech!" The leader called out in a deep, authoritative voice. "Jackal Squad move in for the kill!"
The leader ran ahead of the other nine jackals his sword cleaving through the robots with the rest of the Jackal squad not too far behind him racing straight towards Eggman's base. The leader turned his head ever so slightly to fix his gaze on three other jackals running alongside him to his left.
"Saber, Nephthys take out the robots on your left!" the leader called out, pointing with his sword prompting two of the jackals to break away from the group his gaze traveling over to the jackal with a green bandanna tied around his ears.
"Kaito you take Quartz, Fenrir, and Iris," the lead jackal ducked to avoid the hail of energy pellets from the robots before lashing out with his sword cutting the robot in half. "Deal with the group of robots to the right!"
"On it boss!" Kaito replied enthusiastically. He led three other jackals towards the second group of robots following their leader's instructions. The jackal at the back of the group abandoned her position at the cannon racing with two more jackals towards the ongoing battle.
"Agh! I knew I should've been creating robots instead of obsessing over this jewel!" Eggman growled as the Phantom Ruby glowed red once more. In an instant as though a genie in the bottle had heeded Eggman's wish several hundred Egg pawns stood there. Already racing forward to intercept the Jackal squad.
"Where did these robots come from?" Eggman shook his head dismissing his question. "Never mind, get them! Metal Sonic deal with those jackals!"
Metal Sonic shot off into the fray seizing a pair of jackals, one with a red bandanna and a female engaging them in combat. The pair of jackals ducked and weaved narrowly dodging the onslaught from the robotic hedgehog. The rest of the Jackal Squad clashed against the robotic army, turning the battle into a chaotic situation.
Eggman spied the lead jackal racing towards him past the melee with his teeth gritted his ears pinned flat to his head. There was such an angry expression in the jackals' eyes racing straight to Eggman; he was fast, effortlessly swung his sword from left to right cutting down any robots that stood between him and his target.
The jackal puts on a burst of speed jumping up high into the air. The jackal leader wasn't stupid. He knew who Eggman was. Sonic was far too weak, allowing the mad genius to live after their every encounter; he was the reason that Mobius was in so much danger all the time. The jackal readied his sword for the killing blow spying the brief glimpse of terror flashing on the mad scientist's face witnessing his impending death.
"Time to die fat man!"
"I surrender! I give up!"
Eggman exclaimed in mock fear thrusting his hand with the Phantom Ruby clenched between his fingers towards the path of the sword. The tip of the blade collided with the Phantom Ruby releasing a red haze that swept over the area. The rest of the jackals on the outskirts of the battle cried out in alarm, seeing their leader and target swallowed up by the wave of red energy.
The surrounding desert vanished to be replaced by a desolate wasteland with a piercing red sky with destroyed buildings everywhere. The thick red clouds blotted out the sun completely. Eggman saw no traces of life at all in this desolate wasteland the buildings were all ruined their windows had shattered the only sound was the ghostly low wind howling in the quiet area.
Eggman stared dumbstruck looking around at the devastation in silence. So this is another illusion of the Phantom Ruby, and it's showing this jackals' deepest desires. Eggman thought. He took in the jackal's confused expression surveying the scene with longing in his eyes. There was a confused expression on the jackals' face, but, he was gazing around at the devastated landscape with such a hungry gaze. This jackal didn't care for this world anymore. He wanted to see the world burn.
"What the hell?"
The jackal's words snapped the mad scientist out of his thoughts as Eggman wasted no time in striking at the distracted jackal his fist colliding with the side of his face the surrounding illusion vanished, sending the jackal sprawling to the ground with the cold steel of a robots' barrel pointed at his head.
"Now then, since that, you and your squad put up a somewhat decent fight against my forces...," Eggman trailed of triumph in his tone. "How about all of you join me, and we can change this boring world for good!"
The leader slowly pushed himself to his feet, his lip curled ever so slightly watching the fat man holding the key to the unlimited power just out of his reach frustrating the jackal even further.
Eggman waved his hand still clutching the Phantom Ruby from side to side like a chain on the pendulum the leader's eyes fixed on the Phantom Ruby. Zerinn stood up on the tips of his toes straining to reach for the Phantom Ruby while Eggman smirked, holding it just out of the jackal's reach.
The jackal wouldn't admit it, but his heart filled with longing for the power that the gem had just displayed. That desolate wasteland he wanted to see it again so badly and the energy that radiated from the jewel. If he had that power, then that bleak world would become a reality. Not only that he would become the strongest being Mobius had ever seen, and no one would ever challenge him ever again.
The other nine jackals had their weapons were at their feet. They watched the scene of their leader reaching up for the Phantom Ruby in pure disbelief. One minute their leader had been racing across the sands to deal the finishing blow to their target, and now it was bizarre to see that their leader who was known for going in for the kill was reaching out for the unknown gem.
Kaito gritted his teeth grabbing his flamberge from the ground without even looking back drove his flamberge scoring a direct hit in the head of the robot holding him hostage. Kaito ignored the sparks sputtering out of the robot's head as he surged forward dimly aware of the destroyed robot crashing to the ground behind him seeing two robots point their weapons at him.
"Boss don't be tempted by this deal!" Kaito cried out panic in his voice. "We'll find a way out of this!"
The leader was silent, staring at his hands before a low chuckle emitted from the leader's throat. "You know Doctor I've just realized just how dull this world is," The Jackal looked up at Eggman the cruel smirk pulling his lips back exposing the tips of his sharp teeth. "We'll do it, Doctor. Let's change this world together!"
"Boss, there's no way that we can agree to this!" Kaito protested the betrayal was palpable in his voice. "What if he subjects us to the Roboticization process?"
At their second in command's protest, the rest of the jackals raised their voices in one final effort to sway their leader away from a potentially a deadly deal.
"Listen to Kaito, Zerinn!" the female cried out in fear, struggling to her feet, ignoring the nearest robot pressing the end of its turret to her head which she ignored. "You can't trust Eggman!"
"Nephthys is right," A third jackal chimed in adjusting his red bandana scowling at Eggman. "Saber and I agree that you're an idiot."
"Silence all of you!" the leader pivoted on his heel pointing his sword at them effectively causing the rest of the squad to fall silent. "I said that we're going to help this man change the world aren't you all sick of being cruelly treated by this petty world?"
The question hung in the air tinged with the hint of a challenge in their leader's voice. The other nine jackals fell silent seeing their leader turning back to face Eggman the small wide smirk never left his face. They knew Zerinn wasn't going to be swayed no matter what they said.
Eggman lowered the Egg Mobile to the ground, climbing out of the vehicle seeing the leader set his sword blade first into the ground. Eggman snapped his fingers prompting the robots to release the Jackal Squad who stood up in a sullen circle their ears were down against their heads.
"Now then, what is your name?" Eggman asked, holding a hand out for Zerinn to shake. "I can't keep calling you jackal, now can I?"
"It's, Zerinn Doctor, and soon everyone will know my name," Zerinn replied. Zerinn Eggman turned the name over his mind. An unusual name for a surprising ally.
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