#anakin is half force
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
From countless hours of research (watching movies/reading comics/reading books/contemplation), I have finally reached the conclusion that the only real benefits to being related to the Force (as in being a Force baby, as in being Anakin Skywalker or being anyone related to Anakin Skywalker) are:
1. You can do all the Force tricks (probably. There may be some Anakin can’t do, but apparently he can even do the one that requires four throats, so I’m pretty sure if Anakin “couldn’t do it” he actually just didn’t try all that hard)
2. You can walk off any and all injuries. Leia gets tortured unspeakably by Darth Vader, still continues to lie to their faces and sass the short Stormtrooper. Luke gets Force Lightning’d like four times and still drags his dad over to a ship and lights a pyre for him and does the while end of the movie as though nothing happened. Not to mention Luke’s hypothermia and the whole of Bespin and didn’t he get thrown into a table in the first movie? And I know falling (jumping) from great heights is a Jedi thing, but how many times has Anakin or Luke crash-landed a ship and improbably lived?
And that’s just the movies! The Marvel comics show Luke getting beaten every way to Sunday and still being pretty A-OK. He just walks it off! He gets tossed around like a hacky sack and then gets up and says “That was a bit rough. Oh well” and continues with his day. In the Clone Wars tv show, Anakin is shown to have a broken leg and still manages to climb a massive tree.
Admittedly, I don’t have that much evidence for Leia. She unfortunately inherited her parents’ abilities to avoid capture and on the rare occasion she is captured, she gets out pretty fast. Somehow, Luke inherited Obi-Wan damsel genes, despite not actually being related to him, it’s a feat scientific wonder-
So yeah. If the Force is your dad/grand-dad, all you have to look forward to is misery, pain, and bones made of rubber.
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saltyladynightmare · 2 years
Jiliu AU 9.2
Beginning, Previous, Next, Masterlist
Ori'Ana : mando'a/basic, a mix of Ori'vod, and Anakin, basically naming him Older Brother Anakin, just as the suffix -'ika makes 'younger Brother' from Vod'ika
/italics/ : thoughts, emphasis
bold : talking though the Force, because why not
Chapter 9 is not completely finished, but chapter 10 is an idea. If anyone has any ideas for scenes in which the Vod'e are learning how to use the Force, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. So far, all of my ideas involve various troopers launching themselves into walls when they jump/run/do something too fast. It gets monotonous after a while.
Anakin is a lonely string bean. He also has no trust in the Jedi, because I was salty when i started writing this, and must stick to my guns. Mentioned mistreatment of the Coruscant Guard.
Fox commed at 0003. When Anakin accepted the comm, he was unsurprised to find it was only audio. Fox was using the comm built into his helmet; the one with top tier GAR encryptions, assigned to each Clone Commander. Exactly as careful as Anakin had hoped.
"General Skywalker," Fox greeted.
"Commander Fox," Anakin returned easily. If titles were what Fox wanted to use right then, than Anakin had no problems letting him lead the conversation in a direction that would make him most comfortable. "I'll warn you now; this isn't a social comm."
"Your earlier comm conveyed that, sir," Fox assured gruffly.
Oh, good. "I know you're busy, so I'll do my best to keep this brief," Anakin started. "Due to..." whatever in the name of the Force had happened, "...an incident on my last mission, I'm on medical leave for the foreseeable future."
"What?" Ah, there's Ori'vod Fox, as Anakin knew and adored. Never mind that Anakin was a little under nine years older than him. Elder Sibling was a mindset, not a birth order, even if he and Fox had a weird tendency of tossing that particular title back and forth like a live grenade.
"I'm fine," Anakin stated. "I'm not dying, or even lightly maimed. I'm moving around on my own, and I'm not on bed rest." Anakin inhaled to continue, but hesitated. He cursed himself. This is Fox. Anakin can tell him this kind of thing without being judged for more than being a little bit of an idiot. He was pretty sure. But really, even if he was wrong and Fox did judge him, what dignity did Anakin have left? "I'm currently confined to a heavily shielded room in the Healing Halls, because the Force is suddenly excruciatingly loud and my body responds appropriately, but physically okay."
"Appropri—you're saying that your body is acting like its taking sonic damage?"
Anakin grinned. "Yes. Good news is: there is a possible treatment option, but I'm probably not going to see results for a few days if it does actually work." It'd work. Anakin would make sure of it, even it meant hemorrhaging energy into the Force itself. He would not stay in this room for a moment longer than necessary. "In the mean time, I've been confined to a heavily shielded room with limited access to the outside, and a To Do list longer than a venator-class cruiser. I was wondering if the Guard was able or willing to assist my men in getting some of the things on my list completed."
Fox went quiet for several beats. Anakin bit his lip to force himself to remain silent, giving Fox enough time to process.
It didn't take him long. "You'll want Guide," Fox stated.
"If he's willing," Anakin agreed.
Fox concurred, "If he's willing." The crackle of flimsy shuffling fizzed through the admittedly shoddy speakers of Anakin's make-shift comm. "I can arrange for four Vod'e to be available at oh-six hundred today."
"Excellent." Anakin hauled his aching body up onto the chair behind him, and reached for one of the closer, mostly blank datapads. "If you could comm me with the names of the four, I'll wright up instructions to send them."
"Will do."
Nerves rolled in Anakin's gut, but he shoved them away. Fox is reasonable, and if he turns Anakin away, that's on him, he reminded himself. "While we're talking," he started forcefully casual, "does the Guard need anything? We're aiming mostly for medical supplies and food, but I want to introduce Torrent to little bit of everything."
Fox hummed contemplatingly. Anakin tapped a free finger against the datapad. Fox didn't need to think about what the Guard needed; he knew because he was a good Commander. He was staling because, like most competent people who'd been spurned before, Fox was hesitant to ask for anything like assistance.
"Ten crates of food, and three crates of medical supplies," he said eventually.
"No problem." Anakin typed the requests into the 'pad one-handed, making a note to triple that if at all possible, and maybe see about getting them a quick sweet snack they could stash in their utility belts. It was the least he could do.
While he typed this, and Fox filed his mountains of datawork, something pings softly on Fox's side of the comm. A moment later, Fox told Anakin, "Guide has agreed to act as a guide."
Anakin grinned. "Well, that's one thing off my mind. And the other three?"
"Ok." Anakin thought about ending the conversation there with a reminder to comm him when Fox had confirmation. Something in him rebelled at the idea. It wasn't a big deal to stay on the line with Fox, it had been awhile since they had talked. And, if Anakin was honest with himself, he really didn't want to be alone right then anyway. If Fox wants to end the comm, then he can, Anakin decided. Until then, they could sit in silence.
Absently humming to himself, Anakin pulled his To Do lists toward himself, and woke up the one with his personal long term list to add a note to talk to Rex about supporting the Guard the next time Torrent got leave on Coruscant.
The idea was to not only help the Guard so they could actually get a few eight hour sleep cycles in a row if they so chose, but also to ensure Torrent understood the Guard were not data processors, or flimsy pushers.
Not that Anakin had heard Torrent's opinion on the Guard, or if they even had an opinion. Still.
Anakin had heard more than a few troopers' thoughts of them, and it had not been good. Best nip that at the bud, really. Especially when such opinions came from ignorance and misinformation.
"The other three have gotten in contact with me," Fox stated abruptly. Anakin twitched in surprise, before blinking at the comm in his mech hand. Right. He was still on a comm. "They've agreed to provide assistance. Sending their comm codes now."
The comm vibrated in Anakin's hand, metal against metal, signifying an incoming text comm. A quick check shows the new comm code, all helpfully labeled.
"I have them," Anakin tapped the tiny screen with his thumb to save the codes.
"All four of them are currently available, General," Fox stated.
Ah. Time to get to work, it seemed.
"Understood, Fox. I'll leave you to your datawork," Anakin assured the Commander. "Hopefully, I'll see you before I get shipped out again, should everything conclude as expected."
"Yes, sir."
And Fox is done for the day. Commander Fox will keep going because he must, but Vod Fox needed either his allotted five hours of sleep or several cups of kaf before he could produce anything like social skills. Understandable. In his place Anakin would be a walking corpse all the time instead of only in the last six hours of his thirty-two hour shift.
"K'oyacyi, Fox." Anakin hit the button that'd end the call before the exhausted man could reply, hoping against logic the man would get some rest some time soon. Stay alive, Fox, stay alive.
Anakin breathed deep, held it, then let it out slowly as he set the comm on the table top.
Fox was a grown man, he'd live this long, he'd survive a few more days if he had anything at all to say about it; this Anakin knew.
Trusting this was, as always, more difficult than Anakin could say. He did it anyway. He must.
Anakin sighed, and picked up the comm again.
He tapped the screen a few times, calling up the comm codes Fox had sent him, then selected the one that looked the most familiar.
Hopefully, this would be Guide.
The comm rings once, then clicks to signify it had been answered.
Anakin smiled at the crisp acknowledgment. "Good morning, Guide. Eat anything interesting recently?"
Guide perked right up. "Ori'Ana!"
"Upani," Anakin returned warmly. "Fox said you had agreed to assist my men in our endeavors?"
"Torrent, right? Yes, I did," Guide affirmed. "Do you have plan for tomorrow, sir?"
"Less plan, more To Do List. If I give you the comm code of the other three volunteers, could you add them to this call?" Anakin smiled sheepishly. "My...device is a little limited."
"No problem!"
In short order, Guide linked in three other Vod'e.
Immediately, in the manner of siblings everywhere disturbed by another particularly daring sibling, they started complaining.
"What in the name of the Force is this supposed to be?" It wasn't until the unspoken threat crackled through the tiny speakers on his comm that Anakin realized exactly who he had on comm.
"A debriefing!" Anakin chirped.
The comm went silent. Then—
The three Vod'e try to out speak the others, but it was Guide's near demented giggling that won out in the end. Anakin grinned.
"The one and only! It's good to know you three are still among the living," he greeted. "My understanding is that the four of you have volunteered to act as guides for my men as they run errands?"
"We did, sir, although I hadn't known the Favor Commander Fox mentioned was to you," Ka'ahk stated.
Faze, Guide, and who Anakin could only assume to be Slip, Guide's newest not-so-shiny partner after his last one had learned all he could from Guide about the lower levels of Coruscant, named such for his ability slip out of any sort of sticky situation Guide might fling himself, and thus his partner, into, murmured their agreement.
Heh. "Classic Fox move there," Anakin observed. "Now, as I told Guide earlier, I have a To Do list I both need and want completed before I ship out—"
The next few hours are spent going over what, exactly, the four Guardsmen would be helping his men with over the next few days. When they need to sign off to get their scheduled five hours of sleep—and, oh, did he both await and dread the moment Kix caught wind of that little detail— Anakin began messaging and comming his lower level connections to arrange for a drop of disguises that would make the men less obviously clones by midday.
That done, he messaged the four Guard Vod'e with the coordinates of the drop, and the instructions on how to get them. Then, he messaged his Command Staff with the details of what he had done.
Breathing in deep, Anakin forced himself to set his comm down. He checked his To Do lists, and grumbled at finding there really wasn't much more he could do at—he glanced at the clock and cringed—0347 in the morning.
A quick evaluation of himself revealed he was /way/ too wound up to even consider sleeping right then.
Okay, now what?
He plopped his chin on his palm, eyes wondering around the walls the light from his datapad barely touched. He could work on the mousedroid, or stretch some. Except he didn't really want to do either of those things.
So what else—ah. His eyes land on the neat pile of holocrons in the center of the table.
Rex had left him the list of questions he couldn't answer before, right?
He looked at the clock again.
Yeah, he had time.
With a flex of his fingers the holocron on top lifted up and came to hover before him. A twist in the force here, and a press there, and its seals cracked open, allowing greenish white light to escape. It swirled gently, then twisted up and around into a humanoid figure in armor.
Anakin sat back. "Hello, General."
"Greetings, General."
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Anakin: I'm just a simple small town boy.
Literally everyone who knows him: hmmm...
Anakin: Okay FINE! I'm just a very complicated small town boy!
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padawansuggest · 4 months
Sometimes I remember that Lukas’s own headcanon is that Vader’s power was finally unsuppressed and became a full fledged 40k (meaning that 28k was supposed to be a suppressed number somehow no idk how I just know it’s his own thoughts on it and I accept that because that’s a boss idea okay, it lives in my brain) and therefore when Obi-Wan beat the shit outta Vader by throwing rocks at him he literally beat up one of the most powerful beings to ever exist and I’m like 👁️👄👁️
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foundfamilynonsense · 11 months
Y’know. Anakin was a real asshole in Ahsoka’s hallucination.
Like. She mentions something about what she’ll be able to teach her padawan one day, since all she’s being taught is how to be a soldier, and Anakin’s like “teaching’s not all it’s cracked up to be”
And like. Asshole move. And Ahsoka rightfully calls him out on it. And he goes on the whole “uuuh I was joking. Lighten up.” Literally a complete jackass.
But beyond how he answered the question, it’s a valid complaint Ahsoka is bringing up! Anakin’s teaching her how to live or die. But Ahsoka wants to be taught how to be a jedi.
What happens after the war is over (order 66 never happens) and she now has to navigate a galaxy without a war? The Jedi take teaching very seriously there’s no greater honor than teaching a padawan. And she’s not being accurately taught, so she will not be able to pass anything on to the next generation.
But Anakin brushes it aside because he simply does not respect her or her wishes. Like. He never wanted a padawan, despite teaching being foundational to the Jedi. And he only took ahsoka in because he started to like her and became attached to her. He doesn’t care about jedi legacy, not really. So he brushes her comment off with a joke.
But in the rest of the vision… idk it didn’t feel like we were supposed view Anakin as entirely wrong here. He wasn’t in the right, he was definitely channeling Vader and being an ass, but he was basically the reason Ahsoka survived the fall, right? Bc he was making her choose life? When Ahsoka wins against him it’s sort of like she’s both learned his lesson and moved beyond him. And then for the rest of the season he’s only talked about in positive ways.
And like. That one line ahsoka said was really powerful in relation to the entire point of the show. What does she have to pass onto her own padawan (Sabine) if she wasn’t properly trained herself? That is, perhaps, the only valid plot question asked in the entire show. And it doesn’t get an answer. It’s never even brought up again.
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loveoaths · 2 years
Anakin is not racist
oh, man, that was fast!
listen. i’m gonna assume you’re an anakin fan — great! so am i! — but anakin is objectively an awful person and a canonical space-racist. that’s apparent even if you’re new to Star Wars like i am.
from Legends:
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when asked about his view of the tuskens, anakin’s immediate response is “i have no use for tuskens.” i mean, i don’t know what there is to explain about that, because it’s right there. a whole race of people he doesn’t care for because they aren’t “useful,” as if that’s all people are meant to be to him. his issue with them is apparent but he won’t name it.
a’sharad hett directly names anakin’s issue: he is prejudiced. and anakin does not deny this. he “apologizes” but does not specify for what, because he knows he’s supposed to. you don’t just admit you’re a racist, especially not to a Master Jedi. which is exactly what irl racists do, lmfao.
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when push comes to shove, anakin outright SAYS it.
“I know what you are — filthy, sneaking, Tusken! Animals! Hiding behind your masks! Your kind tortured and killed my mother and I’m glad I killed them all!” (Emphasis mine)
like, listen. this is racist as hell. the racist dog whistle is now a racist klaxon, alright. he sees the tuskens as subhuman, as inherently untrustworthy because of their appearance and their culture, and he is not only not bothered by killing them, but he’s happy he did it. you could argue anakin is shielding himself from his guilt with self-righteousness, which i might buy with any other character, but anakin is down right unrepentant.
it wasn’t enough for him to kill the tuskens responsible, which even a’sharad notes would have been acceptable in Tusken culture; anakin wanted them all dead, because they’re all guilty to him solely by virtue of being Tusken. this anger and hatred and bigotry pushes anakin to even lash out against a’sharad, a tusken jedi, fully dropping any pretense that he is okay with a’sharad despite him being half-tusken and a jedi. because you know what anakin is following? the ONE DROP RULE! even a drop of Tusken blood is too much tusken.
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and still the wrong lessons are learned. for some godforsaken reason a’sharad learns he needs to be seen as a Jedi first and not a Tusken, which is not only antithetical to the Jedi way, but totally opposite to the point of this encounter, which is that we are all many things all at once, and pretending otherwise leads to destruction. anakin is a jedi and a murderer and a racist and the chosen one. ignoring the unsavory and cruel parts of him, never exposing him to the jedi council, and hoping his “better nature” would win out over time ensured that it never would. a’sharad is a Tusken and a jedi and many other things, but his wrongful assumption that pushing aside his heritage will gain him favor eventually causes more problems for him.
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the only reason anakin and a’sharad stop fighting is because a’sharad removes his mask, revealing, tada, a hot human face! now anakin is capable of an insincere apology. but he still assumes the markings on a’sharad were forced on him, because he still believes tuskens are a barbaric and cruel people. then the moment is moved past so they can escape.
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and despite this shit-ass “heart to heart,” anakin walks away with zero appreciation for a’sharad or the Tusken culture. he fails a’sharad’s lesson: it’s not that he can’t see a’sharad as human, as a person, as a jedi, it’s that he won’t, because he is attached to his view of the tuskens as lesser than, because it excuses his behavior, because it makes him righteous, because it makes him feel better, because it solidifies his entitled view of the world. which is exactly how irl racism and whiteness work.
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and the final word on the subject is this. when all is said and done and anakin is asked if he would kill the tuskens again, knowing what he knows about them now, his answer is a cold, unmoved, “Yes.”
now, i know the Legends comics are not officially canon; the new canon is whatever Disney chooses to use and whatever appears in the movies. however, even if we just look at the clone wars, which are now canon to the Disney SWU, there are several instances in TCW where anakin makes disparaging comments about another species’ appearance, intelligence, and capability. i don’t have those on hand because i am not trawling through 7 seasons for quotes for you, but you can find them if you want to look.
my final thought here is this: i am not disparaging anakin fans (fanakins, if you will); like i said earlier, i am fascinated by his character, and enjoy him as a concept. what i am doing here is asking you (especially if you’re white) to consider the lengths to which fandom goes to ignore the very obvious signs that anakin is not just genocidal but racist. like him all you want but don’t ignore that part because that makes you uncomfortable. he kills kids. that’s not any better than being racist.
understanding the role of racism in his depiction, and his turn to fascism, only aids your storytelling and view of him, because it’s true to life. society is willing to ignore massive red flags if someone is white (and in Star Wars universe, we’ll add “human” to the list), male, and conventionally attractive. obi-wan is willing to ignore these things because he is the same, and because anakin does not treat HIM this way, obi-wan can blindly believe anakin would never treat anyone like this — which is, again, a phenomenon people of color call out often, where white people will say “X can’t be racist because he’s never said anything racist around me!” well yeah. because why would he? nevermind the fact that obi-wan and ahsoka witness anakin treating non-human suspects with extreme prejudice, abusing his power and authority as a jedi to get what he wants, and worse. anakin is and always has been a shitty racist cop on a power trip, but because he worked with “good cops” and knew better than to say anything out loud, he got away with it until he killed them all too.
this all feeds into the concept that while anakin’s fall is tragic, it is by no means unexpected. the only reason the main characters of the prequels are surprised is because they willingly looked away from the warning signs. the characters who didn’t — the Council, Mace, even Ahsoka at some points — are vilified by anakin, and because the main characters love anakin and have an attachment to him being the chosen one, they believe anakin over those who are suspicious of him and ignore or downplay the warnings until it’s all too late. the tragedy of anakin isn’t a tragedy of not being loved enough, or having people fail you; it’s the tragedy of refusing to get help, of refusing to let go of things even when they hurt you, it’s the tragedy of the bitter man drinking poison to kill someone ekse, and it’s the tragedy of the bystander: of what happens when we all stand by and watch people we love do terrible things without stopping them, because we’re as afraid of them not loving us anymore as we are of confronting what it means that we still want to love and be loved by cruelty.
tl;dr: anakin skywalker is racist and prejudiced. you can still like him as a character; this is not a moral judgment. but maybe you should prod at your like at him a little, and investigate the ways in which both anakin as a character and the fandom’s dismissive view of his many faults is indicative of the insidious way racism and whiteness works irl. especially if you’re white.
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gojobait · 1 year
Why Obi-Wan and Anakin being a Force dyad not only makes sense but doesnt contradict canon
First of all: what exactly is a dyad?
A dyad is two physically separate individuals being the same presence in the Force. The only dyad bond that currently exists in canon is, of course, the one shared by Rey and Ben. They have an 11 year gap, meaning two people are not born a dyad, but develop a dyad bond over the course of their life (keep this in mind). They have a lot of amazing and unique abilities that nobody else has (like extremely powerful Force healing* and object transfer), but a few of their dyad feats are also found in the Obi-Wan/Anakin duo.
*Force healing isn't exclusive to the dyad btw, several Force users had this ability, including Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Here are some examples:
they can communicate telepathically from across the galaxy. Neither of them is very proficient at this as they only found out about it way too late, when they were very much enemies and Obi-Wan made himself undetectable (and from the Rako Hardeen arc we know that when he does this not even Anakin can recognize him);
they share feelings, memories and pain through the Force as if they're experiencing them together, as one, at the same time;
during their duel on Mustafar, Palpatine felt that Anakin was in danger, despite them not being nearly done fighting. This could be due to Palpatine sensing the dyad bond being severed, and any Force bond severed is dangerous as it can create a wound in the Force. Palpatine could have been worried about Anakin becoming a wound (tho i personally think that Obi-Wan is more likely to have become a wound instead);
upon realizing Rey and Ben are a dyad, Palpatine says that the dyad bond was "unseen for generations". It technically has been generations since Obi-Wan and Anakin, plus 'unseen' doesnt meant 'non-existent'. Palpatine might simply not have noticed, as "A Force dyad, binding two separate beings together, was not an easily discernible phenomenon." After all he only realizes Rey and Ben are a dyad when they fight him directly and as a team and he accidentally siphons their life force, which is a situation he has most definately never found himself in with Obi-Wan and Anakin;
remember the dyad bond being created over time? Palpatine tried (unsuccessfully) to form a dyad bond with Anakin, meaning that not only he knew about the prophecy of the dyad, but he sought to realize it in himself and, likely, getting rid of Anakin in order to avoid the prophecy of the Chosen One being realized instead. Anakin/Vader at that point had surrendered himself to Palpatine entirely, so there would be no reason for the bond not to be created. Unless, of course, Anakin already shared that connection with someone else;
them being a dyad would explain why Anakin had to die in order to bring balance to the Force, despite having already killed Palpatine: he needed to reunite with Obi-Wan so the dyad could be one again. Rey doesn't need to die because Ben transfered his life force to her. This is also why Ben doesn't appear as a Force ghost: other than lacking the training, he lives on in Rey;
on that note, Obi-Wan and Anakin being a dyad would also explain how Anakin was able to learn how to become a Force-ghost despite having no training at all (Sith cant become Force ghosts so Palpatine certainly didnt teach him). and even in legends, its Obi-Wan who reaches out to him in the space between death and beyond and teaches him the way.
An argument against the Obi-Wan/Anakin dyad is the "Rey and Ben are unique and nobody can do the things they can do" argument. Which is true, they are absolutely unique and we have never seen any character, in either legends or canon, do the things they can do, but I wouldn't consider it a strong argument. Nearly every Force bond is different and unique (some Jedi could create bonds with other Force users, some could create bonds with anyone, some could create bonds with animals, others could only create bonds with their master/apprentice) and the strength of those bonds varies depending on the people who share them.
We only have a single example of what a dyad looks like, in canon, and that is simply not enough to rule out the possibility of other characters having shared that bond, especially knowing how difficult it is to recognize!
Obi-Wan and Anakin could not transfer objects through the Force or touch each other across light-years, but I would argue they never needed to, as they were so inseparable that they were concieved as a single entity by the entire galaxy:
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(Revenge of the Sith - Matthew Stover)
And to further confirm the depth of their bond, here is Yoda sensing** the effect of Obi-Wan's death on Anakin all the way to Dagobah:
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(There is Another - Gary D. Schmidt, from From A Certain Point of View)
**He sensed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing against each other as well, describing the fight as follows: "Then the two vibrations met, and their pulses fought across the back of the Force."
Making Obi-Wan and Anakin a dyad would also make the Rey and Ben dyad make more sense: Anakin was created by the Force itself to be the Chosen One as a response to Plagueis trying to create the perfect dark side user and Sith warrior -> Anakin then forming a dyad bond with Obi-Wan, a steadfast light side user through and through -> that bond being severed causing the dark side to take over the light -> Anakin's twin children being equally capable of redeeming him (perhaps another dyad, or something akin to it since they could also do some of the things obikin/reylo can do) -> the dyad being reunited with Anakin's death -> Palpatine is actually not dead so balance needs to be brought back yet again -> Anakin's grandson forms a dyad bond with Palpantine's granddaughter (finalizing what Palpatine had failed to do with Anakin) -> the dyad is fully realized when Ben dies to bring Rey back to life.
This would make Anakin retain the most important role in the story as the Chosen One and the 'patriarch' (word used loosely) of the dyad lineage.
And last, but most certainly not least, Obi-Wan and Anakin lead the Open Circle Fleet during the Clone Wars. The Open Circle emblem, specifically, represented the two of them and the power of their bond: "The heraldic emblem consisted of a yellow circle that was formed by two separate semi-circle arcs. One arc represented Kenobi, the other, Skywalker. The image signified that while they were both two independent halves, together they formed a single entity."
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(Revenge of The Sith - Matthew Stover)
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Space-Halloween Party
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Sadly, there wasn't a costume contest. Commander Cody is sure he would have won with his entrance alone.
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poyell · 1 year
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graylinesspam · 6 months
The force was so quiet for so long. So many living beings cut down, their communication and the waves that it caused in the force were just gone. So quickly. So suddenly.
And then for the first few years after, the movement continued to decline. Slowly it grew impossibly quieter. Until the force was so still. So silent.
It still flowed. So long as life existed the force would flow through it's natural paths. But where it had once been a river crashing over stones. Colliding with so many force sensitive beings it had become a slow still creek. Whose water remained glassy reflective and seemingly unmoving from the surface.
Ahsoka knew that the ones she had loved were in there somewhere, returned to the force flowing through all life. But not as themselves. Not as the living thinking beings she'd known before. They were passive now. Part of the will of life with no feelings or motivations of their own.
Until...there was movement again.
Subtle and nothing like anyone she'd known before. The gentlest ripple, like a turtles beak breaking through the surface. It was an old presence. or it felt that way. Like someone who was and had been a part of the force for some time. But who had managed to maintain...not a physical form but something wholly personal within the all consuming sameness of the force.
It was a fleeting visit. Like an animals eye cast in her direction to asses the threat she may pose only to disappear below the surface once more. It came and went always barely a flicker of movement on the edge of her senses.
When there were two, Ahsoka thought she understood what it was. As the observing presence surfaced once more, feather light ripples washing over her heightened senses, she felt something else as well.
Someone else.
Familiar enough in the pattern of ripples that, like echo location, Ahsoka swore she could make out a shape.
"Obi-wan?" She whispered hopefully. relishing in the way the force swayed between them like water beaten in gentle waves by two moving objects.
Once her former grand master entered the force he must have gone to work. Because while her first visitor had only become perceivable in proximity to her location, There was a distinct change to the flow of the force when Obi-wan entered it. Like the introduction of a new species changes the landscape, he changed the flow of the force. A fish making waves as it swam endlessly, never sleeping.
The dakside users stomped into the flow, kicking up stones and splashing but never catching the slippery target.
New ripples were forming like children reaching in for the first time. letting their fingers play along the surface. A new generation dipping their toes into still waters.
And then Yoda came. He changed the landscape once more. Not by making waves but by breaking them. By sitting his whole presence down in the force like a rock in a stream. Splitting the flow and breaking apart the ripples rings. The first stone for the flow to beat it's self against.
The waters were becoming alive again. Teeming with newness and oldness all the same. She was able to put a name to the little turtle beak. Ancient and observant despite their years, was Qui-gon.
Ahsoka was not afraid anymore of dangling her feet in the water. Where before she had crossed over stones to keep from rippling the surface, now she splashed through the water as recklessly as the sith did. calling attention to herself, but letting the ripples break along Yoda's back before they could be traced back to her.
She wasn't sure how they managed to preserve themselves in the force in such a way. And she doubted she'd learn to do the same. So she may as well make as much movement as she can now.
Then....there was Anakin. She'd become spiritually acquainted with every version of him. She knew the shape of his soul, light and dark. And when he passed into the force it was like the gates of a damn being opened. The rush of the force was strong again. Not raging like a river but moving enough that you could see the shapes bending along the surface. The various plant life bending with the flow.
And Ahsoka dipped into the flow like a child being baptized.
The force is alive again. Not just a by product of life, but full of it. Of the souls of the past mingling with the will of the living.
For so long she'd endured the still, now she'd bathe in the flow. whatever it brought. Wild waters meant hot spots and cold depths. Slippery algea and jagged stones. But come what may, it was the waters of life. And she'd been sitting on the banks for too long. So she'd endure all of it.
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Time travel is a weird thing, especially when it's done by the force.
Anakin was already a force anomaly with a crazy well of untapped power that gave him the ability to do shit that would be vastly beyond most Jedi.
Tiny Anakin is worse.
Not because he's any more powerful, in terms of raw potential he's on par with his older counterpart.
Even if he has almost zero official training
But he's also had his connection to the force amped way up. He can feel every little nudge and poke. Every warning and message.
All that talk of the force being cloudy and hard to read? Not for Ani, he wishes it would stop being so pushy and there all the time.
He's also become vastly more prone to visions, not pure see the future ones, but snippets and moments of stuff that has happened and stuff that will, or might be coming.
When something is going bad, he knows, when the force needs him to be somewhere, he knows. And if he causes trouble on the way, well, the Jedi are always saying to follow the will of the force right?
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
Can’t help but listen to Star Wars music and think about Star Wars and then I come to Realizations and it’s a whole mess BuT-
Leia is what Anakin could have been.
The face of rebellion. The one who killed Jabba the Hutt. Overwhelming passion and fury and love. Determination and passion made into positive difference. Terrifying in her anger and magnetic in her warmth. Especially the Anakin we see in the Clone Wars, Leia is the culmination of all he could have become. A leader fighting on the front lines, refusing to give in, loyal to the point of suicidal.
Luke is what Darth Vader could have been.
A being whose power was forged in Darkness, but who ultimately chooses the Light. A shadowy figure who appears where he’s least wanted when he’s least expected. Unreadable and all-consumingly powerful. Someone who slips into the role of the intimidator with ease, someone who is willing to be the second-in-command. Fighting in the background, unseen to most but the effects seen by all.
Leia kills Jabba with the chains he put her in. Anakin kills Sidious with the cage he trapped him in. Darth Vader chokes Tagge to make a point and to intimidate. Luke chokes the Gamorrean guards to make a point and intimidate.
Leia was Anakin’s possibilities, Luke was Darth Vader’s.
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saltyladynightmare · 2 years
Jiliu AU 9.1
Beginning, Previous, Next, Masterlist
Ori'Ana : mando'a/basic, a mix of Ori'vod, and Anakin, basically naming him Older Brother Anakin, just as the suffix -'ika makes 'younger Brother' from Vod'ika
/italics/ : thoughts, emphasis
bold : talking though the Force, because why not
Chapter 9 is not completely finished, but chapter 10 is an idea. If anyone has any ideas for scenes in which the Vod'e are learning how to use the Force, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. So far, all of my ideas involve various troopers launching themselves into walls when they jump/run/do something too fast. It gets monotonous after a while.
Anakin is a lonely string bean. He also has no trust in the Jedi, because I was salty when i started writing this, and must stick to my guns
A little under an hour after his Command Staff had left when visiting hours ended, Anakin had dry eyes, a crick in his upper back, and three different To Do lists.
One, he would be sharing with Rex and his—their?—lieutenants. It mostly consisted of a few lists of the things they should focus on getting, what they hoped to get, and what would be nice to get.
Anakin had asked them to leave the datapads behind when they left so he could add more details as he thought of them. They had covered a lot, but he knew he would think of more.
The second was for himself, preferably before their next mission. This one mostly had notes on what datawork he'd need to go over for Torrent. Tying any loose ends that might reach out and strangle them down the line because they dared to look for resources outside of official channels. It also had reminders to finish finding the answers to the questions the men wanted, and maybe answer some of his own. He also wanted to arrange a supplies drop for the Guard, because while Anakin had taught them some tricks on how to get food on their own—which is why he thought to teach Torrent—and he'd given them something of a stockpile, it had been three weeks. Better to be on the safe side.
If every single Vod in Torrent chose to bond with him—and they might not, he reminds himself firmly—it would take about eleven days to get through all of the men. Eleven days to do all of that wasn't a whole lot of time, but Anakin had dealt with worse, and would do so again.
The last list was also for Anakin, but for more long term. So far, it only had a few things on it, making it the shortest list, by far. Primarily, to see if his hypothesis on whether or not he could use his own over abundance of Force Juice to boost his men's own connection with the Force was possible. Secondly, armor. There must be a way to improve that blasted armor across the whole of the GAR.
He added things to the appropriate list, or the near manuals the men had been typing before they'd had to leave, as he thought of them. He has never typed so fast in his life, he was sure.
It was going to be very satisfying to check things off as they were completed.
Which was why he decided to send a message to Fox, asking if he would be available for a comm the moment Anakin remembered he'd wanted to do so. It didn't need to be official, and since Fox didn't mind text comms, Anakin could probably even ensure there would be less of a chance any of the Jedi would discover Fox had anything to do with their plans. The Guard had enough going on, they did not need the extra scrutiny.
Fox, the overachiever, texted back within thirty seconds.
CC-1010: I'll be in my office at 0000
K-AS-6367: Excellent.
K-AS-6367: We can continue this conversation when you aren't likely to get shot.
CC-1010: Affirmative
Anakin's mouth ticked up in one corner, and he absently tapped the side of his scrap-comm fondly.
Anakin had missed him. No nonsense, and mostly no fun as he was, Fox was a good man; steady in a way that Anakin didn't remember having ever felt in a sentient before, and flexible as only a thinking, breathing person could be. It had been a little under a month since Anakin had been shipped off to Torrent, but they hadn't had more than a few short conversations over text in that time.
He'd wait until Fox commed him. This wasn't the sort of thing he wanted Fox to talk about in the open, even if it was over heavily encrypted easily corruptible text.
As soon as Anakin set the comm down, metal chunking lightly against the wood of the table top, the lights flicked off, all at once.
His heart just about reared up to strangle him, and the resulting flinch sent claws of pain carving up and down his arm from the yanked IV, but also lacing through his entire body in protest of his aching muscles and ligaments. Razor edged readiness sliced through his mind, cutting and almost gentle in its icy sharpness.
It took a few seconds once his usual flare of surprise and pain died down for him to reassert his reasoning abilities.
He forced himself to breathe at the speed Obi-Wan had taught him to use for meditation so long ago. If it was too fast, and shaky, he forgave himself. He wasn't safe here, and he had a bad habit of forgetting he was not, even when he was alone.
Especially when at the mercy of Masters.
Once the white noise buzzing in his ears died down, as it had every evening since he woke up in this room, Anakin became aware of his comm flashing on the table top where he'd left it.
He blinked at it, fuzzily wondering who had his scrap comm code.
Wait. He'd programmed in his Jedi number and his personal when the healers hadn't given him his comm when he'd proven himself coherent, hadn't he.
Well, at least he knew it wasn't Obi-Wan. They would have told him he didn't have a comm, so far as they knew.
Reassured, Anakin picked up the hunk of junk, more with the force then his half numb fingers, and woke the thing up.
Immediately, it pulled up his new message.
Kix! Anakin perked up a bit.
CT-6116 : Status, General
He wilted again. Medical stuff. Of course.
K-AS-6367 : You felt that?
Just as he hits the send button, Anakin became aware of his bonds, all at once.
Anakin had dropped the majority of the shielding on his new bonds the instant the door had closed behind his men. Partly because all six of them had proven to be sensitive to the shielding, but it was mostly for selfish reasons, Anakin can admit to himself with some reluctance. He had soothed over the sting of giving in to his own selfish wants with platitudes; there were two shields between them, it would be fine. He'll put them back up before he went to sleep. If he went to sleep.
It'd be fine.
Except it wasn't, because Anakin had forgotten his curfew.
Of course, they had felt his response to lights off.
Yes, the men were seventeen point four klicks and two heavy duty shields away, but that would have only mattered a little a week ago. Some concentration and he would have been able to send anything he wanted down any of his bonds, but it would have had to be deliberate.
Now? He had four times his previous Sensitivity. Those same shields were like particularly dense flimsy to him now. Force knew he'd had no choice but to layer his own shields to wring even an ounce of functionality from his brain even behind these once impressive artificial shields.
Anakin was typing almost before he finished the thought.
K-AS-6367 : Nevermind.
K-AS-6367 : Clear. Just surprised.
It wasn't long before the reply came, accompanied by a near buzzing displeasure over the bond. The promise behind the text was hardly shocking.
CT-6116 : I'll see you in the morning, sir.
Satisfied Kix wouldn't message again, Anakin put the comm to sleep, slumping.
He breathed in deep, held it for a count of three, then slowly released it. He let the guilt of his negligence stream out between his teeth too. He inhaled again, held for three beats, grabbed the shields he'd so selfishly dropped, then exhaled, pulling them up.
Anakin was fully capable of learning from his mistakes. It was quite possibly the only reason he was still alive, between that and his sheer jaw dropping luck.
Anakin liked to think it had more to do with the former, if only because he had a lot more control of that, but he had long since decided it was a waste of energy to think about what might be, instead of simply accepting what was.
He made a mistake. He would learn from it, and move forward.
Putting his comm to the side, Anakin gathered the holocrons with the Force, and settled on the floor with a sigh. He ignored the creaking aches through out his body with the ease of long practice, instead deliberately arranging the holocrons to hover in the most geometrically sound pattern around himself.
Best get back to it.
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padmesnightgown · 11 months
personal hc of mine is that Anakin is just a bit too much to be entirely human. Like with the whole his dad being the force (or him being half force whatever you like) ya know?
Like he looks a lil inhuman, his hair is a bit too shiny to seem normal, his features are too even, his skin and eyes almost...glow??? It's beautiful but a bitt off putting.
And Obi-Wan swears one night he woke up to Anakin in the kitchen getting food, and in the pitch black Ani's eyes were straight up fucking glowing.
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alons-ycreeper · 1 year
Not me literally writing an entire one-shot when I have chapter 2 of my other fic to finish
"A-Anakin, my dear boy, you wouldn't hurt your old frien–" Sidious claws at his throat desperately. "Anakin," Vos says. He's crouched down near the entrance, cradling Commander Fox in his arms like the clone is the most precious thing in the universe. Interesting. Vos tries again to get the younger man's attention, but to no avail. Unfortunately for them both Anakin isn't here right now. There is only Skywalker. "You and your Sith master attempted to devaste the balance of this world," Skywalker's voice echoes itself throughout the room. "Yet you planned to groom the child I gave her into your perfect puppet. And you would have succeeded were it not for the clone. Your over confidence became your own demise, Sidious." Skywalker ignites his saber, the blade burning hotter and brighter than it ever has before. The Chancellor stares at it in unadulterated fear as he comes colliding with it–but he simply stares down the end of it. Anakin squeezes his eyes shut concentrating, trying to gain control of himself again, reasoning with the power inside that this is not the way. His lightsaber flickering, dimming until it has returned to its original baby blue. His struggle takes enough out of him that Anakin falls to his knees effectively dropping Sidious as well. The old man gasps for air scrambling back for his desk, tipping over the statue there and revealing twins sabers of his own. "You should have killed me when you had the chance." Quinlan watches as Sidious charges at Anakin, unarmed and clearly recovering. But his worry is for naught as the younger Jedi suspends the Sith once again. This time there is no Force-choke just simple floating in middle air. Then faster than a blaster bolt Anakin is standing in front of Sidious, index finger pressed to his forehead as they both glow. There's ringing that grows louder and sharp, the air around them feels tight and heavy until suddenly it stops. They drop to the floor once more and there is silence. Gingerly scooping up Fox's unconscious body Quinlan walks over nudging the other with his foot to see if he was okay. Anakin looks up at him tired, but still gives Vos a sly smirk when he notices Fox. Quinlan rolls his eyes. It's good to see the younger still had enough energy to tease an old friend. "What did you do to me?" "Oh, kriff." Vos jumps at the sight of the decrepit Sith. What once was the very face of the Republic now resembles a melted corpse, crumbled and disfigured. It's nearly pathetic enough to make him feel sorry for the old man. Nearly. "I reclaimed the Force," Anakin rises to his feet, looking down at his former mentor's now deformed face. "Your ties to it are severed permanently. Serves you right for coming after my Rex." He reaches down collecting the Sith's sabers. The kyber crystals will be taken back to Illum where they can heal. Maybe one day they will sing to young initiate ready to build their sabers. Footsteps can be heard down the hall along with the voices of Council members and Corrie clones. Namely Windu who is more than likely leading the charge here. Quinlan smiles at Anakin.
"You want to explain or should I?" Anakin sighs. .... After Sidious' arrest Windu had to drag a half passed out Anakin back to the Temple where the Force made him enter a healing coma for a full tenday. But it wasn't all bad, he got to wake up to Rex's face at least. Now here he sits five months later, taking in the weeping willow tree in the Temple courtyard savoring its beauty. Anakin will be gone for the next five years serving his time for the crimes he committed against the Tusken people. Rex won't be accompanying him, for obvious reasons. His captain will also be too busy with everything here and on Kamino, not to mention he'll have his hands full with continuing to raise Ahsoka to knighthood. He knows Plo fought long with the Council to give Rex custody of Ahsoka at Wolffe's request.
(Though there is rumor that Windu helped. Anakin suspects the reason behind it is Ponds. Mace has never truly forgiven himself for Ponds. This might have been a way of atoning for that failure. Rex was always Ponds' favorite little brother.)
"Hey." Anakin turns to see the object of his undying affection smile at him. "Room for one more?"
"Of course."
He pats the stone beside him. Rex settles down, pulling Anakin's Jedi cloak tighter around himself when the wind blows a little harder. His blond curls have grown a bit and tickled Anakin's cheek when Rex's rest his head on the other's shoulder. Anakin takes Rex's hand in his, studying the way they fit together. Five years isn't a long time, but without Rex by his side it'll feel like an eternity. So he'll hold on to this moment. Cherish it in the long years ahead until his return where he knows he'll be welcomed home.
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addira · 1 year
Overall I'm pleased with Ahsoka
Could things have been better? Surely.
But Overall, it was entertaining! The castings were great! Ahsoka and Anakin moments were making me lose my mind! Thrawn is so freaking cool in every scene. Ezra grew up and maintained his dramatic boyish charms. Sabine fights with every weapon in her arsenal, in hand, at all times, and I love her for it. Hera and Chopper are still hitting it up with the Republic in their own Rebel Brand way.
I'm just happy to see these characters again 🥰
(Honestly I'll watch anything that has Ahsoka or Ezra in it. The two Rockstar padawans of their respective shows. They are very dear to me.)
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