#makes me feel like a girlie just hanging out with a bestie on a scary sleepover
bat-luun · 1 year
god i love loeylane
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Vector being your best friend <3!
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I think he'd be a really annoying friend, in an endearing way. He'd talk your head off about his interests...
But, he'd want to know, and understand yours, as well. He'd be the type to talk your head off, but when its your turn, he'd actively engage.
Ask questions, kick his feet back and forth like a little preschooler at a table.
At the end of the day, he's a very lonely guy. He wants to make friends, so you deciding to be his, (and not freezing his head when he tried too be yours,) would mean the world to him.
I feel like he'd worry his dad paid you to hang out with him at first...
What are some things I think he'd do with you?
Well, I think he'd be all for sleepovers, though he himself is not a fan of staying up late.
I think he has a pretty strict sleep schedule he follows... But that doesn't stop YOU from staying up!
Of course, that would definitely keep him up, even if he didn't want to be. He'd try to sleep, though...
I think he'd like doing 'girly' things at a sleepover, like having you mess with his hair, or he mess with yours.
Or, painting your nails orange so you're fitting the brand. Even his besties must be his brand. 💪 The grind never stops.
or gaming sessions. He'd invite you over to play the Wii with him,
or if you had another console at home, he'd either use one he has in storage,
or buy the same console, or attempt cross-play with you.
He'd be the type of guy to be really competitive, though.
He'd call you on his flip-phone, which I think he prefers the flip-phone just because he's used to using this style of phone -
Also he would really like flipping it shut when he wants to hang up on someone, or flipping it open. It makes him feel really cool.
While he's gaming with you, if you're not hanging out at his fortress. And he'd absolutely wallop you at, like... Skullgirls or something.
I think he'd like to do just the same with you as he would a romantic partner, and take you to places he enjoys, like the beach or an aquarium. Though, the vibe would be incredibly different, obviously. It's platonic.
He'd insist you stand infront of a manta ray, while he takes a photo of you with it,
and he'd buy you both drinks, and food, and little collectable merchandise,
and he'd begggg you to go to specific areas so he can pet certain critters...
I think he'd want to go shopping with you, and shopping sprees - or at the beach or a hotel pool he'd try to out-dive you.
I think he's the type of guy to want to play mermaids in the pool, actually...
But, he'd describe his merman 10x more OP than yours. And, he'd try to one up you with it.
"My merman is super fast and has a orange and white tail, that has spikes- and he can communicate with every fish in the ocean, and- and I have an army of fish that do my bidding and fight my battles so you really don't wanna mess with me. And- and also, my merman can survive several attacks and - and I can defeat your merman/mermaid in one go- because of my super cool merman powers and my ability to talk to big scary defenses and-"
He'd look sopping wet with his wet bowlcut covering half of his big old nose. Also, he definitely wears a goggle and snorkels in the pool/ocean. And also flippers. He looks embarrassingly dorky.
He'd try to convince you to wear it, too. He'd say it is better for mermaid-game if you have flippers on, because then you can pretend its apart of your tail and swim like a mermaid, which he would proceed to try to show off to you by swimming like one and looking idiotic.
I feel like he'd info-dump trending topics, but only marine or sciencey ones. He'd come to you one morning just to spend 2 whole hours talking about the titanic or the ocean-gate vessel. He's the type to complain about that "buoyancy" thing in the titanic movie.
He'd want to binge watch marine-series with you, like documentaries on certain sea-life, or convince you to buy and play feed and grow fish.
He'd also beeeggg you to go to super-silly funland with him, or VILLAIN-CON. Heavy on villain-con, I think he'd be OBSESSED with it, and beg to go every year with everyone he can. His partner, his friend... Anyone he knows. He'd wanna take everyone.
If you were a villain, too, he'd want your autograph, even if you see him, like. Every-day.
He'd also wanna know your deal. Everything about your job, your motives, who you work for, who works for you, etc.
I think you'd be a good reviewer for his inventions. If you're his friend, anyways, he would trust your judgement on it.
He'd come up to you, and asks you to 'review' his Jelly-Fish Cannon.
Or any of his machines for that matter...
He'd probably also vent to you, a lot. About how much he's mad at Gru, for freezing his head.
He didn't do anything wrong! Well, at first - anyway. He just wanted to be his friend... He just wanted a friend.
You'll be his friend, though. It makes it better.
Or he'd vent to you about how scary it was, on the moon. How much he was afraid he wouldn't get back. The fear settling in that he could die up there.
Thankfully, that's all over now. And you two can have so much fun together.
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tigirl-and-co · 2 years
ok so I got the basics of my Neosona figured out, now it just needs a name lol
mutant xweetok
none gender with left rat
bit of stomach pudge 
lab assistant of and besties with the lab ray mad scientist. Platonic life partners
loves unethical science but prefers self-experimentation
test subject of lab ray, was an afab yellow xweetok
gender very literally got scrambled in the lab ray, was very happy about this
helped out with the Y24 festival of Neggs and now has an eventide talpidat it is VERY attached to
mostly wears grungy or punk outfits, but wears gothic stuff as nicer outfits
usually has typical yellow eyes, has black mutant eyes when hyperfocusing or thinking really hard, eyes can glow in the dark but it’s like light-up sketchers and you gotta physically activate them, usually by slapping it on the back of the head
Candy Coated Fury by RBF vibes
very affable! just wants 2 chill, unless science is involved. then gets really enthusiastic and analytical. typical mad scientist behaviour
no fear. will walk into Really Obviously Scary places with 0 regard for self
used to live in neopia central with s/o, a blue ixi girl, the girly classy femme to my sona’s grungy punk 
it was a romance of convenience, they both realized it wasn’t really working
they’re still really good friends though, and get slushies on tuesdays. The employees know them, and they are a sight to behold
(if balam ever makes a neosona they are friends and balam is allowed at the secret lab whenever)
When they first got zapped none of its old ‘nicer’ clothes fit :( unsure if they learned sewing or paid someone else to tailor them
there’s like 2 rooms in the secret lab that are just FULL of books
hangs out in neovia/the haunted graveyard a lot
used to really like going to faerieland, now feels VERY out of place
unfortunately that’s where its girlfriend lives lol
friends with sophie, who very much thinks the mutant thing is an improvement
favourite downtime activitry: going to petpet shops and playing with the petpets
more as it comes to me
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