#makes me want to buy cute nail sets asap
congratsss on 600!! your blog is so creative you deserve it!!
too shy to come off anon so can i purchase a bewitching brew of captivation with your fav f/o in exchange for this mini list of fics i read recently and absolutely adored and i think u would 2!
The Mighty Passion by @kaidabakugou
Feeling Alive by @katsukiizmoon
Art Lover by @meggsngrits
Save Your Tears by @vampyrsm
Pheromone by @kweenkatsuki
hope you enjoy!
Well hello, kind Traveler, how wonderful it is to meet you despite your shroud of anonymity - I do appreciate your kind words and you want to join in my celebrations; hopefully one day I may be able to befriend the person behind the anon-mask.
Until then, I shall enjoy your company and even more so the lovely gifts you have bestowed upon me; I have truly been spoiled by you! And even more so as you wish for me to use your newfound potion on myself - to gush upon romance that I hold so dearly; truly you are a very sweet traveler indeed 💛
I have two loves, so please allow me to indulge in both as I make a captivating brew, hm? 🔮
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Sero Hanta
A headcanon I have for him, that I always say no matter what, is that he loves to dance - and he's quite good at it too; always impresses people at Hero Galas with how precise and smooth his movements are, no matter the song. But, his favorite dance is when he's alone with you, pulling you away from whatever it is you're doing into a slow, soft, sway as he hums a ballad. It's corny, but cute and endearing, and it always ends with him gently dipping you before giving you a kiss
Another is that, he loves to match in terms of the small things; like accessories or nail colour. Always choosing to paint his nails in a colour that matches as closely to yours as possible (or his usual black, but his ring fingers are the same as your nails). And because I don't/can't wear earrings he uses that to his advantage when buying accessory sets (the good, expensive kinds) so he can wear the earrings and I can wear the matching bracelets or necklaces. - usually subtle but he loves knowing that a part of him is with you and vice versa.
At least once a week he will try and do the Spiderman kiss - wanting to recreate something he's been obsessed with as a child. At first, he's constantly rejected in doing that, being pushed aside each time with a playful eye roll. The day I finally give in though? i find he asks even more.
Bokuto Koutaro
This man always has to be touching his partner in some way, she, or form. Not in a possessive way of course, but rather he just gets so overwhelmed and loves knowing you are right there. Sometimes it helps when he's anxious, but he mainly does it because he is so excited to have his partner there with him that he can't believe its true; so he holds their hand, wraps his arm around their waist, something to prove that they are.
Man loves to match as well - but in terms of jerseys. This man will give me (you) unreleased jerseys/MSBY/Team Japan merch with his number on it for you to wear at games because he loves knowing you're out there with his number on. EXTRA loves it if you just wearing around the house or (especially) when you go out. You never have to steal his hoodies, he's practically throwing them at you.
Man wants to get married within the first few months of the relationship - and will express this sentiment when he asks to marry me (you) when you first move in. And will continue to ask every other month after being politely rejected due to the length of the relationship - not in a disrespectful way, more in a 'he knows you're the one and wants to call you his wife/husband ASAP'
Absolutely has stars in his eyes, and goes hyper-mode happy, when I do the bit where I introduce him to new people as my husband/order food for him and say 'and my husband will have...' will gush and vibrate with excitement as he agrees and calls me his wife - a few days after it happens a ring and proper proposal will appear.
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A potion for a potion, I hope this pleases you 🔮
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
How can i attract and keep a wealthy man as a woman who doesn’t come from wealth? I can still take care of myself without a man no problem, but to be honest i cant buy myself a louie bag YET.. lol. I still feel like i deserve the best gifts and courtship regardless. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yes queen, you deserve everything your heart desires. it doesn't matter where you came from. What matters is how you show up in the world each day. Firstly you want to start mixing with high value men and women. This is going to elevate your energy. Poverty thinking is contagious. So make sure the people you surround yourself with are high vibe. Provider men are attracted to women who embody feminine energy. Study women around you who men are drawn to, read books, watch youtube, find a mentor who you really feel you can learn from. Clear out any limiting beliefs with affirmations. Most importantly believe you are worthy, because when you start attracting and dating a man of means, you need to see yourself as an asset, so you don't end up putting this guy on a pedestal. Tips for connecting with these men, join private members clubs, join a gym in a wealthy neighbourhood. Get a part time job there if you need to. Start attending free talks on interests. Join a dating app and set your location in a wealthy neighbourhood with a small radius so you only meet men from there. Spend time in these neighbourhoods, smile and breath it all in, knowing this awaits for you. The energy of 'its mine already', it's just a matter of time, that is the energy you're working with. Build yourself up. Clean skin, straight white teeth, groomed nails and tidy hairstyles will get you very far. Anything that you are not happy with fix. A little bit of (natural) filler can go a long way. Don't like your teeth? Get them fixed asap. Can't afford to change your hair? Get a model cut at the salon. Dress accordingly. Keep it classy, with a neutral wardrobe palette if you want elegant vibes. Zara is recommended. A few key items will send you a long way. If you can't afford a real designer handbag I recommend a high end replica (DM me for more info on this).
Watch videos on youtube on how to dine correctly in a formal setting, so you when you start eating at those Michelin star restaurants you're not feeling out of place. Actually start going there at lunch times, order a coffee, get into the energy and vibration of the locations by experiencing those places. Write a list of all the places you want to go on your dates with a man of means. Study arts, culture. You want to start going to the theatre. Start researching the dress you will wear, the shoes. Research what shows actually on right now, imagine this life is real for you. Start preparing yourself for the life you dream of with your man of means.
Go to designer boutiques and try on handbags, dresses, take cute photos. Learn how to apply makeup correctly. No not those cakey, 10 layers of makeup videos on youtube, I recommend more natural makeup tutorials, something from the runway makeup artists.
Most importantly, never stop working on you. Never stop growing, never stop learning, never stop self study. Never stop believing your dreams are not possible.
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joshstambourine · 3 years
Greta Van Fleet as Dad's
Haven't been able to un-see this idea since it showed up on my dash and uggggh. I couldn't get over how cute all of this was.
For this imagine, I'm sort of picturing them with younger children, anywhere from 3-5 years old as they are all still crazy young hehe. Also. All of these imagines work with any gender of child. It's all sorta just what I imagine them having and being like in general 🖤
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart
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Josh is such an interesting guy. He is both so deeply smart... but also at the same time he is the equivalent of a conversation between my last two brain cells.
The sheer amount of energy this man has means he'll not only keep up with a kid but also tire them tf out.
There would always be so much screaming and laughing in the house.
Lots of games of tag and the floor is lava
No matter what he has, son or daughter --- there will be so much dancing. Josh would be the kind of dad who loves to hold his kid and just dance around the house with them.
Not to mention all of the goofy songs they would be singing together.
I can see Josh conversing with his kids like adults even when they are little. Meaning there will be some very serious conversations about very silly things. Potato chips can make you a fly? On it. The floor is both lava and also the arctic? Josh is ready to hear all about how that's possible. There aren't mermaids but there are human sharks? Josh needs to know where he can find them asap.
I can very easily imagine him dressed up and sitting at a table that is far too small for him with his legs crossed.
His daughter would have started by putting one necklace on him and it soon escalated to a crown, sunglasses that didn't fit, and a set of fairy wings. Surrounded by many stuffed animals and dolls.
"Mmm, this is great tea! What kind is it?"
He'd look at his tiny tea cup filled with apple juice. "Huh I could have sworn it was Apple. Did you change it on me?"
She would shake her head, "No daddy! We already drank the apple tea!" She'd laugh.
"What?? You drank all the apple tea without me?!" He'd exclaim, "why did you drink all the apple tea with out me?"
Josh would inch over and begin to tickle her, just loving to hear her laugh really.
"Daddy! Daddy no! You can't tickle me, I'm the princess!!"
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Jake immediately strikes me as such a chill laid back dad. The kind of cool dad you'd definitely want during your teenage years.
He'd be the kind of dad to sit and watch cartoons religiously with his kid, there's no way he'd be missing them. Doesn't matter if it's cool or comedy gold, if his little one loves it they're gonna watch it together.
I think Jake would really want to teach his kid how to play guitar. It's something he's so passionate about that I think it would bring him a lot of joy if his kid had at least the knowledge of techniques and things, even if they weren't a huge fan of playing themselves.
Jake as well strikes me as someone who would be psyched about making dad jokes, of course with a straight face.
That is just a long winded way of saying that as a very young child this kid would know more about music than I do now after 20 years of living on this planet.
"What did the Buffalo say to his little boy when he dropped him off at school?"
For a gender of a kid I'm split right in the middle when it comes to Jake. I think either would be equally as adorable but for this imagine I'm going with a girl to keep things even.
With a little girl I can imagine him sitting quietly as he watches her tiny hands try their best to paint his nails cleanly.
There is pink nail polish everywhere. Everything is a mess. Everything smells of chemicals. But it's fine.
"After I do your nails can I braid your hair too?" She'd eagerly ask, not looking at his hands anymore but she is still trying to paint.
"But your show is going to be on soon...! I thought we were gonna cuddle?"
"....can I braid your hair and watch my show?"
Jake would look at her seriously before smiling, moving quickly to give her a small kiss on the cheek, "of course you can, only if you give me lots of cuddles after."
"Okay daddy!"
*insert a child who is only half heartedly braiding hair while fully enthralled in their show. Head tilted on a 45° angle to see the TV with half of Jake's hair in a frizzy mangled braid.*
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I really think Sam would want his kids to listen to really good music from a young age.
I mean don't get me wrong I think all of the boys would be like this... but I see him being the kind of parent that buys into the "smarter babies listened to music in important development periods"
The ultimate "my kid is so smart" kind of parent that then shows you 20 drawings that don't look like anything, but clearly they look like something to him.
All those drawings get tucked away somewhere safe so he can go back and look at them proudly as his little one grows up.
"Maybe they'll be an artist?!"
He also strikes me as a parent who wants to be really involved in teaching his kid things. ABC's? Sam's baby has them locked and loaded. Numbers 1-20? Still has trouble remembering anything with a nine but we are working on it.
Ultimate joy is achieved when Sam gets to teach his little one how to ride a bike. He feeling like its a right of passage for every kid to have with their dad.
I pictured Sam sitting with his little boy at the kitchen table, puzzle pieces sprawled all over.
"Dad, I have a joke for you." He'd say as he fiddled with a piece.
"Oh yeah? Go for it buddy." Sam would reply as he connects another edge piece.
"Knock knock!"
"Whose there?"
"Banana who?"
"The Banana man!" Snickering coming from across the table, hands banging on the table and nearly knocking several pieces off the table.
Sam would laugh a long, "Y'know I've never heard that version of that joke---"
"Dad I'm not done"
"Oh I'm sorry, continue." He'd say beginning to look for a few more pieces to go together.
"Knock knock!"
"Whose there?"
"Banana who...?" Sam would respond slowly, prepared for the same poorly created joke.
Sam would have to lay on the table. It was such a freaking terrible joke but so funny to see the amount of joy it brought the little boys features. "You have to tell that one to mom, okay?"
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Danny is such a loving guy in general, I feel like parenting for him would just be so easy. Not saying that there wouldn't be troubled times--- just that he's just one of those people that were born to parent.
The very dependable parent. Always going to make time for any small thing his little one needs.
Danny is going to encourage his kid to do whatever they love with all of his being.
"You like rocks? We should get a rock polisher."
"You're right these cookies are pretty good, maybe we should get the stuff we need to bake them together."
He is going to have a series or specific book he reads to his little one until they fall asleep. Its something he would refuse to miss, they have to do their chapter! Even if he's on tour somewhere he's going to call home to make sure they can read together.
Danny is over the moon to have a little golfing buddy. As soon as this kid could walk he bought them their own set of clubs so they could play along with him. He just couldn't wait to start teaching them.
Golf time is bonding time. They'd get to walk together and talk about anything and everything.
I've been crazy torn about whether to write about him with a son or a daughter, both are equally as cute. For the sake of evenness though I decided on a boy.
"Okay so for your driver buddy you need to hold your arms waaay out." Danny would tell his son holding his arms out.
"Like this?"
"A little more."
Little eyes look to Danny curiously as his arms become fully extended from his body.
"Perfect! Make sure you stand straight, and keep your eyes on the ball." He says with his hand on the middle of the boys back, "And then you just---"
Danny nearly getting clocked in the head with a golf club but leans back just in time. The satisfying ting of the little one's club hitting the ball sounds,
*Insert the face Danny made when he pretended Sam's margarita's were good*
~ If anyone wants a full fic written for one of these please let me know because I will 100% write out fluffy family fics without hesitation!! ~
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nogreatillusion · 4 years
Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Giving Birth
-- Zippers are preferable to snaps and both are certainly better than buttons, but don't let people make you feel bad if you want to buy a couple of impractical, beautiful baby things that they'll only wear once. -- A friend (a doctor!) DID tell me that most people hate their baby for the first two weeks, a thoroughly un-researched fact which shocked my grandmother but gave me an enormous sense of relief before my baby was born as I was finally able to unburden myself from the fear that I might fail to live up to the overwhelmingly prevalent idea that all mothers will immediately fall madly in love from the moment their child is born and stay that way. -- Don't waste your money on expensive diapers. They will all leak sometimes and that's life. Buy the cheap ones. Same goes for wipes. They're all the same. -- If you are planning to breastfeed, buy lots of very comfortable bras and then buy at least two more than you think you need. You will be unshowered, covered in milk, and behind on laundry for at least a couple of months. Clean, comfortable bras are a gift. -- If you get a clogged milk duct, it will feel like a little lump in your breast and you can massage it out using a vibrator. Do this ASAP to prevent mastitis. -- I think bottle warmers might be a scam. -- You can breastfeed lying down. It might work better, and it will certainly be easier on your back. -- Babies can just wear pajamas or onesies all the time for their first year of life. You don't need "outfits," or separates, unless you want them. No one will notice or care. -- Don't forget to brush your teeth and go to bed like a normal person sometimes. It took me 3 days to remember this. It feels insane to "go to bed" when you're getting up every two to three hours. Do it anyway. -- You're going to hallucinate due to lack of sleep and intense anxiety about falling asleep with the baby. You will imagine that the baby is lost in the sheets until your husband insists for the third time that the baby is in the bassinet. This will go on for months and it will always feel terrible. -- Pick a few good TV shows with a lot of seasons to watch the first month. You're going to be spending a lot of time on the couch. Like a lot. -- Formula smells incredibly bad and it is shockingly expensive. It can also be a lifesaver. -- You can keep track of feedings and diaper changes and baby sleep on a little handwritten spreadsheet to report to your pediatrician like a good parent, but this might also drive you slowly insane until your child's doctor has to remind you that you're raising a child, not running a hospital and really, you can stop. Please don't do this to yourself. -- Socks are for suckers. If it's cold out, buy footie everything for as long as you can possibly get away with it. -- None of the expensive eczema lotions or body washes will make any difference for your baby’s sensitive skin, but you can buy them anyway if it makes you feel better to do something. It will probably get better on its own when they get older and you've long since given up on the fancy creams. -- Buy the adult diapers for postpartum bleeding. -- You can use your baby's desitin on your own butt if things are beginning to chafe down there. -- Be prepared that breastfeeding might be a two person job for at least the first few weeks. It's complicated and difficult for many women, and having a partner there to help juggle and keep the baby (and you!) awake might be necessary! -- You don't really have to master swaddling. It's fine. I'm convinced that birthing classes devote time to this technique solely because it makes you feel like you're in control of something. You're not and you can buy sleep sacks that do the same thing, but better. -- Plain old spaghetti strap tank tops that you can slip an arm/boob out of work just as well as expensive, ugly nursing tops. — You don’t need the $900 stroller. I promise you. Spend your money on the nicest rocking chair you can find, if you have the space. You will be spending a lot of time there. -- Read the sleep books before the baby is born. Take notes. Make a plan. You will not have the energy for this later. -- Stop googling things about SIDS after 10 PM. Turn off your phone. Stop it!! -- If your partner has time off work for a while, a really good time to nap is when people come over to see the baby. You don't have to "host," you don't have to be "on," you can ask them to leave whenever you want. Let your partner handle it. The rules of politeness no longer apply. -- Don't expect to feel like you have it together for at least 2 months. The first 2 months are a blur. By 4 months, you'll finally be hitting your stride. Be patient with yourself. -- You do not have to let people visit you in the hospital before you've taken a shower and put on the cute pajamas you brought. You are going to feel like you were hit by a car and that no one seems to notice or care. You don't have to let people visit you in the hospital at all, actually. It's entirely up to you, as much as your parents may disagree. -- Crying is normal. For both of you. -- It can be really hard to get a newborn baby into a carseat for the first time. Make sure your partner helps handle this before going to get the car or you may find yourself in tears, squatting painfully in front of the car seat on the hospital floor, trying desperately to maneuver a tiny little person who is still curled up like a snail. -- Bring so many snacks to the hospital. Bring an entire duffle bag of snacks. No one else has to know what's in there. -- Buy the big burp cloths. Buy a lot of them. Keep them handy in every room of your house. — Do not buy that goddamn Snoo. -- It's ok and necessary to put your baby down. You will want places to set the baby down in each room of your home. Swings, snuggle pillows, playmats, bouncers, baskets, bassinets, whatever. It's up to you, but try to keep one spot to put them down in each room that you spend a lot of time in. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy. A blanket on the floor works in a pinch! -- When it comes to feeding, buy the bibs that can go in the dishwasher and a highchair that can be entirely wiped clean. -- You're going to clip the baby's finger with the tiny nail clippers. It will be awful. You will all survive. -- Get the breast shields with the silicone edges for pumping. Pumping sucks and anything you can do to make it slightly more comfortable is worth it. — A certain percentage of baby crying is unrelated to needing milk, sleep, or a diaper change. Sometimes babies just cry! They’re like people and they have moods! Remind yourself of this when you’re losing your mind trying to figure out what you’ve forgotten to try. You can just pretend they are a very small friend who needs to cry for a bit, and be a soothing presence while they work through it. -- Reusable nursing breast pads are more comfortable and absorbent than the disposable kind, and will keep you from feeling nervous about leaking every time you leave the house. -- It's ok to leave the baby in a safe place to go to the bathroom. The first time you have to do this, it will be terrifying. -- Don't expect the suction bowls to stay put. Your baby is strong and not an idiot. -- You might need more changing pad covers than you think you do. -- The baby milestone books exist to make you feel either superior or terrified. It's ok not to read them. Your baby will roll over when they roll over. Please stop worrying. -- The first few times you watch the youtube video of someone masterfully wrapping their baby in a fabric sling, you will decide it is impossible. It's not, and you'll get better at it with practice, though you may always feel like you're not *quite* doing it right. This is a metaphor for all of motherhood.
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aqvarius · 4 years
HLITF: The Language of Flowers substory thoughts and review
this substory reinforced my belief that HLITF is one of the strongest voltage titles because it’s obviously an older substory but the quality is *chefs kiss* absolutely top notch. 
this hanami special is just so sweet. it’s just innocent and showcases each instructor’s caring side and really reminds me of older voltage where substories are about genuinely caring moments between the mc and the LI and the peak of the special is seeing them grow together and their relationship develop rather than just “they had hot sex” lol. i am really fond of substories where you can see the different ways that each LI cares for their mc based on their personalities. these types of substories are the ones that i found so inspiring for writing fanfiction back in the day with just cute, short scenarios that really allow you to explore and understand the characters a little more. 
goto’s chapters are sweet as usual. he can be cute and gets flustered easily, but he’s also so caring. he takes a botched plan makes it all better and really expresses to his mc that anything is special as long as they’re together. it’s all pretty usual goto being gentle and really understanding his mc’s complexes and just very naturally soothing them. goto promises to take his mc to see the cherry blossoms bloom in his hometown next year and it made me SO SOFT at how he can be a little awkward but so precious.
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kaga’s chapters are so standard kaga lol. he pretends not to care but then actually gets jealous and has to punish his mc haha. personally my favourite kaga is softe kaga so i soooort of wished that this story had a slightly different premise but there’s one moment where he runs after her and i was like YESSSS HE’S WORRIED. i also found it really funny that his mc gets worried when he doesn’t put the moves on her cause he’s conditioned her to want/expect it all the time lmao. i really enjoy seeing kaga and his mc banter as well, she can be such a smartass and you know he loves it.
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ishigami’s chapters are adorable in every substory, but he’s so cute in this one. i love those moments when instructors overhear the mc and her friends talking about something and play it off all cool but then uses that to plan an event. the mc, as usual, overthinks everything but naturally ishigami is his usual straightforward self and dispels her worries. my favourite moment is when she likens the meaning of their favourite type of blossom (yaezakura) to how she sees ishigami and then says she loves yaezakura so much. omg it made my heart melt seeing the mc communicate her love for ishigami in a ‘coded’ way and really express what she admires about him. 
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ahhh would it even be a soma chapter in a substory if we didn’t have at least one case of exhibitionism? (or a bath scene lmao i swear the writers do this on purpose) in this case it’s just an innocent cheek kiss. anyway soma’s chapters are a classic case of the mc listening to the troublesome kuronome brothers and getting all up in her head about soma’s type being mature women. naturally, the mc tries really hard to be a proactive gf and soma is just along for the ride until she tries too hard to be something she’s not and soma gently reminds her that he loves her for who she is naturally. also there’s a cute role reversal of the “sakura being a representative symbol of an instructor” motif where he buys a somei yoshino bonsai that he says reminds him of her and he can’t wait to see her blossom. soma is legit the Most Supportive instructor but he does it so subtly, like he’s always there to go along with his mc’s plans but he’ll gently nudge her in the right direction if she’s getting out of hand, so i think this is really the perfect metaphor for their relationship. if it sounds like i’m talking so much about soma, it’s bc he’s my fave and i’m really pleased with this substory. sometimes i feel like the writers don’t know what to do with soma, especially in his substories, but they really nailed it with this one imo. 
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omg can we just talk about how gentle shinonome is in his chapters? we get no miscommunication drama, no skirting around like we did back in some earlier substories (cough scooter cough). he just straight up asks her out to go see kanzakura together (which i’m pretty certain is bc he could tell she was missing going to see them in her hometown). but he’s just so SOFTE in this substory, letting his mc sleep on the train while holding hands because she’s tired, going along with her plans even though it involves hours of hiking, swapping backpacks because hers is heavy with lunchboxes, holding hands while hiking?!?! the date obviously doesn’t go as planned but he just goes along with it instead of teasing her. this substory is set during the time where ayumu decided that they won’t do anything until graduation, not even kiss anymore, and you can tell that they’re both having a hard time with it, so his mc likens him to the capricious kanzakura, which ayumu denies. this substory is so cute because you can tell he’s really holding himself back from what he naturally wants to do and it also reveals another truth about why he’s so tough on her as an instructor because he just wants her to graduate ASAP. 
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overall i would 100% recommend this substory! each chapter is quite short but they are all very gentle and enjoyable stories that i found very soothing and sweet, revealing more about the relationships between each instructor and their mc. even though we’re all stuck indoors, this substory made me feel like i was outside in the sun and cool breeze, enjoying the sakura vicariously through the mc, and it made me fall in love with each instructor and the title as a whole just a little bit more. 
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shijiujun · 5 years
history3 ep10 summary - POOR SHAO FEI AND TANG YI BB, this is what heartbreak looks like
I JUST ABOUT DIED. I DID. THE LAST PART WAS MAD - just this 30 seconds alone carried the entire fucking episode
We are at the halfway mark - Part of me doesn’t want it to end at all but I need to see the birthday cake and domestic scenes ASAP!! Currently I’m just enjoying the ride and so glad we get to see Chris and Jake and Andy and Kenny and everyone of those other hot and excellent actors in this show. I’ve never done a GIF or subtitled in all my years on tumblr before History3 - life changing this is what this show is and I’m so happy we’re all doing this together! Let’s make it through the halfway mark together omgosh excited guys!!!!!
Shopping scene with Shao Fei + Hong Ye: Hong Ye is telling SF to walk faster they go into a department store and she keeps changing clothes OMG LOL THEY ARE SO CUTE TGT!!! She wears smth with ruffles and then asks SF how it looks and then he’s like ‘why do u look like a seaweed’ and she’s like ‘who’s a seaweed you’re a seaweed’ and then she dances LOL and then LOL HE FELL ASLEEP WHILE SHOPPING WITH HER AND LOST HER omg Shao Fei seriously
They’re playing a game on the escalator this is the funniest shit and OF COURSE she brings him to a lingerie shop and omg Shao Fei so poor thing just sits there and OMG YAS HONG YE SISTER-BROTHER RIVALRY and she buys him UNDERWEAR and she’s like “hang on a second, this is too big for you, you need a smaller one” LOL BURN
Carpark/shooting scene: They’re almost like friends or something, although later after we see the hong ye and bodyguard ah de scene you’ll realise why she was speaking to shao fei like that (because she knew smth was going to happen and she thought everything was going to go to plan but who knew they were coming with guns) and anw, then the bullets start going off and shao fei protects her with all of his body like OH MY GOD - And wow the angle of the shot and how it struck SF is totally wrong and omggg this scene was faster than I thought JESUS CHRIST - is it just me or did Shao Fei get hit on the wrong side? Either they missed a scene or the bullet came from elsewhere
and then we get the scene of tang yi storming into the hospital and he goes straight for hong ye first, hugs her as she cries etc. and then hot doctor is there and when hot doctor is NOT SMILING  YOU KNOW SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN - anyway, the nurse tells hot doctor that the surgery has been prepped, and then hot doctor nods and says ‘let’s go’ - and that’s when tang yi REMEMBERS AND LOOKS UP - “is that for meng shao fei?” And his look of absolute regret is ridiculous
and hot doctor just somberly nods 
Police chief STILL DOESNT KNOW THAT SHAO FEI HAS BEEN SHOT omg he’s going around doing his usual shit and everyone is clearing shit with him and fuck he misses shao fei so much I like that they finally show that shao fei is useful in the office and everyone is dependent on him and then suddenly Yu Qi turns up because she somehow got the call that shao fei is in the hospital
Oh goddddd Tang Yi’s face as he sits there AND LOL Dao yi (glasses guy) knows police chief quite well he called him Brother Bao, and tells him to calm down and they will take care of everything but POLICE CHIEF AINT HAVING NONE OF THAT BULLSHIT he pushes dao yi aside and this is one of the only times he can legit grab a mob boss by the neck and not get shot at after - police chief loves Shao Fei so much you can tell he totally lost it and Hong Ye genuinely feels bad and she’s saying sorry over and over to him as tang yi sits there catatonic - tang yi is totally quiet
also not sure if you guys caught it but the older guy in the investigative team, the one who always kind of says smth subtly bad about shao fei, he shot a look to bodyguard ah de when police chief was confronting tang yi in the hospital - they are totally up to something, corrupt police!!!!
The rest of the investigative team - LOL Zhao zi: “wow I’ve never seen police boss chief grab someone so much larger than him by the neck” - Yu Qi really likes Shao Fei, she’s crying by herself at the stairs and police chief is the one who’s standing by Shao fei’s door the moment he’s out of surgery and he scoffs “what ‘they’ll take care of everything’? the moment they heard shao fei was going to pull through they all left’- he tells zhao zi that they’ll start investigating who the fuck was behind the shooting and reminds them all to be careful
Captain Shi: “those who dare to touch any one from the investigative team, I’ll bring them all back to the police station!!!!”
OMG WE GET THE SCENE WHERE TANG YI IS HOTLY WALKING AND RIPPING OFF HIS JACKET AND OH JESUS CHRIST BRASS KNUCKLES?!!! Anw here’s the gem oh my god: Tang yi comes in where the culprit is already seated and he tells everyone to get the fuck out (OMG YOU KNOW HE MEANS BUSINESS) 
Ah De is like ‘boss, this is a small thing, let me do it’ - and he’s so damn insistent on interrogating the culprit himself even though tang yi is literally ready to set fire on the bitch you know and i’m like AH DE THAT IS SO NOT SMART YOU WANNA DIE?!
and well, we all called it - tang yi hears that and he’s like wtf and he gets mad, hauls bodyguard ah de off his feet and slams him against the wall and yells: “SMALL THING?! HE TOUCHED MY PEOPLE, AND YOU CALL IT A SMALL THING?!”
and bodyguard is like fuckkkk: “yes i’m sorry boss, i said the wrong thing, i’ll leave now”
and then he goes out and hovers by the door while tang yi puts on his brass knuckles and starts punching the dude who is yelling a bit like... not realistically HAHAHAHA - and omg Jack hit it right on the nail, he asked Brother De why he looks so worried and ‘jokingly’ asks, “why, do u know the person inside?” And Brother De is so angry and defensive - jack totally knows what is up
Brother de and Hong Ye meet up and here we find out that they ordered the hit on shao fei in a sense to get rid of him - they wanted to show tang yi that shao fei can’t protect anyone and then chase him away, but they were supposed to come teach shao fei a lesson with like wooden sticks and not guns - hong ye was a bit stunned by that as well and she asked ah de like wtf did you really want to kill me?! and ah de is like confused also, he doesn’t really know how the plan went wrong?! and hong ye is like, whatever, i will cooperate with you only up to here, if tang yi manages to get any answers, it’s all on you (like not cool hong ye, tang yi would totes forgive you if you just admitted it i think)
anyway, switch to the balcony scene with tang yi and jack, where jack asks who it was that ordered the hit, and tang yi says: “chen wen hao”
okay so my theory is that maybe chen wen hao really has smth to do with this - he kind of derailed the plan and changed it to legitly wanting to kil hong ye and shao fei (more hong ye than shao fei more likely) - but right now they dont know it they just think that they’re safe and their story checks out
Okay so Hong Ye and Dao Yi - Gosh she’s kind of a brat but I get where she’s coming from. anyway she leaves brother de and then dao yi is waiting for her in the carpark - the man knows he way better than she knows herself, and i think he knows that she had something to do with the shooting, but he didn’t say anything except to hint that she better leave shao fei up to tang yi and stop trying to interfere. hong ye is adamant that shao fei is a different kind of person from them, and dao yi is like: “that’s for the boss to decide. the way he treats him... shao fei is different to him”
and anw, hong ye manages to make this entire thing about her and how dao yi doesn’t love her - sister, i really get you and dao yi really needs to get his shit together, but srsly, a man just got shot for you because you were unhappy with his presence - and gosh unrequited (actually requited) love, but i get her in this part
but seriously, i get that she want shao fei out of the way but they way she did it was totally wrong, does she not know that tang yi is soft for him and cares for him like he has no one else before? she was willing to hurt him to make a point, and then ah de is - gosh dude get a grip
AND OMGGGGGG TANG YI’S FACE AS HE IS BY SHAO FEI’S BEDSIDE - this is what heartbreak looks like guys, he looks like he’s saying goodbye and his fucking expression - wow Chris did a fucking good job he totally looks heartbroken and as if shao fei died or smth, he’s holding his hand and air-tracing his nose and he looks like he’s going to cry - HE REALLY LOVES HIM GUYS - the emotion was really right on point
(and lol the chinese audience - they were scolding tang yi during the first part of the ep because he didn’t seem to have much of a reaction to shao fei’s injury and then when the last part came everyone went BATSHIT CRAZY)
what the fuck is going to happen next episode? i ask, but i know already - tang yi is getting ready to say goodbye to shao fei and push him away because he realised how dangerous it is for shao fei to be around him BUT OUR FAVE CHARACTERS WILL FIND SOME WAY TO BE TOGETHER AGAIN NO WORRIES I DOUBT THEIR BREAKUP WILL LAST MORE THAN AN EP
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wannawrite · 7 years
All You Would Ever Be
Wanna One's Kang Daniel X Reader [ fem ver ] Fluff bullet point ver. wanna one masterlist produce 101 masterlist • you, Seongwoo and Daniel are the Trio™, a sub unit from your actual clique of like idk a lot of friends ??? there are different units like jinhwi • Jinyoung isn't the only one in his unit who has fallen for someone else. You have too • and Seongwoo is going to get you together hello, @collecting-smiley-taehyung  welcome to your scenario okay i need to stop it's the stress of exams, really anyways, I hope you like your scenario and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US SO OPENLY IM IN TEARS 💕 thanks for the request beb. hope you don't mind I did it in bulletpoint style, I'm working on requests in the midst of exams so my scenarios aren't the best right now 😭 maybe scenario ver ? but that will take me a longer time - Admin L 
• okay • so • you are Daniel and Seongwoo's best friend • like best best best friend out of the people in the 101 clique™ • since there are so many people, subunits are bound to form and Ongniel has their own Ongniel is science!™ but • you + Ongniel = Trio™ • Daehwi + Jinyoung = Jinhwi™ • Woojin + Jihoon + Sungwoon = pink sausages™ • Taehyun + Kenta + Hyunbin + Sanggyun + Donghan + Longguo + Taedong = JBJ • but the 101 clique members loves and supports each other regardless of the number of subunits that formed • anyways • everyone is super close and loving it isn't rare for people to fall in love • Taehyun fell for Daehwi but otter is in love with Sungwoon • sometimes its messy but that's okay • but for you • it's REALLY messy • you like Daniel • simple right? • but Daniel is your best friend and literally, you've known him all your life • he treats you like his little sister • and as much as you love him, you don't want that • you want to be his girlfriend • luckily, you're amazing at suppressing feelings • like you went to a haunted house with the W1 unit™ and didn't scream the whole time but Jisung ended up crying • later though, you collapsed on the floor and screamed your lungs out • delayed reaction basically • but no • conceal, don't feel • don't let Daniel know • it's hard work because you two grew up together and still live in the same neighbourhood so naturally • wherever you go • there's a Kang Daniel • supermarket? • he's there buying eggs for his mother • gas station? • he's there sending his uncle's car for washing • the park? • he's there jogging in a thin tank top that makes your eyes pop out • and your heart explodes • he should have found out by now but you pray that daniel's oblivious • jokes • he's known you all your life he knows everything about you • like how your ears turn red before your face does • or how you hide under your blankets • how you under the bed when it's storming • how you stole one of Daniel's cats once • he didn't know for a good hour or so • you just took the nearest cat and ran so you weren't exactly sure what its name was • ring ring • 'hello?' • 'y/n, did you take Peter?' • 'who tf is Peter? idk them? no? I just left your house wdym' • 'bye felicia i'm on my way to yours' • yeah but that's a story for another time • Daniel is like a part of your family man • your parents adore him so much and bonus! they're super super close with Kang family • your mother was best friends with his mum in college it's cute • you and Daniel spend time around each other's houses so much you leave a bag of your things there and vice versa • lately, Ong has become so close to both of you, he's there too • oh my god • Seongwoo knows everything • e v e r y t h i n g • no one even told him ??? how did does he find out • so Seongwoo kind of becomes the middleman • wingman • since he knows that you are practically in love with Daniel you might as well rant your ass off to him • 3 am Facetime with him bc you want to talk about how handsome Daniel looked today • Seongwoo is surprisingly a good listener and offers advice sometimes • 'i just want to kiss him! ugh!' • 'uh-huh. me too sis.' - Ong Seongwoo, about Kang Daniel,2017 • little do you know • Daniel calls Seongwoo for exactly the same things • he whines about how adorable you are to Ong for hours • honestly it's driving Ong madddd • he just wants ya'll to get together • partially because it'll be super frickin' cute • partially because you two would stop whining to him • also partially because the 101 clique would expand its number of couples • imagine the amount of • 'i'm a man but my heart is pounding' • instances • many indeed and everyone is happy :") • so one day • Ongniel is over at your house and Daniel goes downstairs to grab another packet of jellies for your movie night and Ong just • 'yo Y/N, Daniel likes you too' while stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth • you nearly choke on your soda • Ong doesn't help you but smirks when you stare at him in disbelief • he nods in confirmation when you ask • 'omgomgomgomgomg' • 'AOMG' stan AOMG • now the two of you conspire to form a plan to confess, Daniel has absolutely no clue • during the movie, you just casually lounge your head on his shoulder • in his lap • sometimes your legs intertwine with his • then again, this isn't anything unusual because you guys are too close man it's hard • and Daniel seems to be keeping a straight face :( • you are sad • maybe he doesn't like me anymore ??? • nah sis you thought • Daniel's sweating so badly and his insides have turned to mush • what is a normal, regular heart rate? he swears he needs to be sent into the ER asap • basically, Daniel dies every single time you're around him • he's trying so hard to hide his feelings it hurts • Ong is abt to give up • you tell Ong your worries abt confessing • 'what if he never speaks to me again!' • 'idw to break our friendship' • '(ง •̀_•́)ง' • 'if Daniel rejects you, he can fite me' • your other best friend rubs your shoulder encouragingly, smiling • 'don't worry, Daniel whines about you a lot. he definitely likes you too. go for it, Y/N' • 'how long has he stayed on the phone talking about me?' • 'hmmm, the record was 4 hours just talking about how cute you looked with your new hair' • get you a man who hypes you like that • the whole 101 squad pretty much knows you two are in love with each other • but no one actl wants to tell ??? you ??? two ??? • okay sis • but this carries on for about a month before you suck it up and decide to tell Daniel • Ong is like • 'YASS' • he's running and jumping around your living room throwing glitter and rejoicing • next thing you know, Jisung is on the phone and Ong is screaming the details at him • yeah • so Ong schedules really cute day for you to get pampered. • spa day. get your nails done etc etc • he even books a table at some fancy restaurant even though he knows you two might get kicked out • but he hopes you two will control yourselves because it's a date and not a 'hang out' • he tells Daniel he set up a blind date for him • Daniel is like 'hell no, why?' • Seongwoo just smiles and pushes him more • so he ends up getting all dressed up and makes sure to steal Ong's credit card • you're slipping on your cute kitten heels and freaking out while Ong and Jisung try to fan your face so your makeup doesn't melt off • 'I spent two hours on that face, don't mess it up!' - Sungwoon, about your makeup, 2017 • Seongwoo drives you down to the venue and escorts you to that restaurant • Daniel is late lol • you face the other way so he doesn't see your face when he walks in • he's flustered asf, apologies spilling out of his mouth • silently curses in fear he messed up when you still won't face him • you look familiar ?? then again, he's never seen you so dressed up • Ong went all out and booked a table at the most prestigious restaurant in the city • 'My name is-' • 'Kang Daniel.' • his jaw drops open when you finally speak and turn to face him • hE'S LIKE SODISOHXIS SEONGWOO • 'oh my god. y/n? did Ong trick you into something?' • you shake your head and smile, reaching over the table and grabbing his hand • here goes nothing • 'Daniel, I want to date you.' • woAH DANIEL LOOKS LIKE THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED AND AN ANGEL HAS COME DOWN TO B L E S S HIM • he's a blushing mess and stammers out the first few words which makes you giggle • there's this satisfied, boyish grin on his face and he dreamily says • 'okay sure' • for the duration of the whole meal, there's skinship • hands touching in between bites, your heels meet his Louboutin's and he promises to buy you a pair someday • ya'll cute • you realise how much you love him, there's so much conversation and you realise you're in love with such a wholesome, real man • :") • at the end of your dinner, Daniel drives you home in the car you've been in a hundred times • but it's the first time as his girlfriend • and it feels different • he admits to liking you for a long time now which makes you blush • he walks you to your door as usual but unlike the normal goodnight hugs he gives you • you lean in and peck his lips, thanking him for the date even though you initiated it • Daniel drives home with the silliest, dreamiest look on his face • Ong and 2Sung are celebrating and he's lowkey sad he'll be third-wheeling in the trio • but that's okay bc he loves you both and wants ya'll to marry • you guys actl do • besides, he'll have his hands full working on how to get 2Sung together
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