#makes me wonder about seeing King at 7-11 the ine day
Look it's Monday. Don't trigger my extra large inadequacy
Yes IRL they all said it was quite large.
Since when have I listened to anything except myself.
#ring ring hello Hang 'Em High my red bra needs removed#heh but who da fuck is you do#could be like an Aerosmith vidya#makes me wonder about seeing King at 7-11 the ine day#could have been looking at myself for all I know#it was a pleasant exchange of nods#I was just on my way to or coming back from (if what thy say is tru(pa bank in amish) magic making)and there is an authority#there is no telling how many times I have fucked with myself over the years#at the same time if anyone has aympathy for me I guess it would be me and if not me you#or jojo obviously#When I stated she is a part of me this is Truth#I accepted the contract#with EL it's bi one bull the get the other free#also like I am already jealous of thebtime you will spend without me and it is the only jealousy I can tolerate#bo fly was probably right#bofly is probably PS in an incognito tab or something jokes on me I am sure#the great anon has curls like an Ed#mixed with mama who is.....*shrugs* Celtic perhaps#the joke of course about me dating someone freahman year who looked like my own sister#I really can't say#feels like Inlearned some truth about the star sister but I don't know if that was you or just thr language engine abstracting#like my thought forms can abstract without language#like a lot#Like if it wasn't your name before it sure is the first name you ever heard for yourself#and coming from God and teddy bear encounters from the B-53(proper caps) that's what it is#that is some deep seeded shit right there#me: hey brat you go through me if you want to trance out with your dyke lover alright#Australia...who knows with the Internet#my first online girlfriend#who kinda inserted herself into the role but hey whatever
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
Feels Like This (Part 11)
Emma Swan is a once lost girl who is now making good. She has made a way in the world for her and her young son, Henry, and after years of hard work, Emma is in her last stretch of schooling for the career she’s always wanted. Unexpectedly, she finds herself in a tiny nation no one’s ever heard of for her last year of study. She knows nothing about the place except that it’s beautiful, has a world-renowned child life program, and is filled with possibility. Meanwhile, Prince Killian is hardly happy with the title he received at birth. As the second in line for the crown, Killian has long tried shaking his royal duties. He built a career in the royal navy, and has stayed out of the limelight, but his ship has been called to port indefinitely at the request of his brother, the King. Fate (in her many forms) brings Emma and Killian together and the resulting fic is a cute, fluffy, trope filled romp featuring heart felt moments, a healthy dose of insta-love and an assured happily ever after. Story rated M and will have 12 parts. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: Hey all! I am so excited to share this chapter for a number of reasons, one of them being that we get a new POV that is not Emma or Killian. That’s right, today I am including Elsa as one of our storytellers too. But don’t worry, as much as we’ll be learning about Elsa and Anna’s past and Elsa and Liam’s attraction to each other, there will still be some CS cuteness. Because it is me, there is also a LOT of fluff and feels abounding. It’s hard to say much more without spoiling, so, without further ado, I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for the support and good vibes!
Wandering through the woods at the far reach of the Institute, Elsa did her best to stave off the worry that had clung to her heart all night. She hardly slept, tossing and turning, gripped with agitation, and all because today, at long last, the truth would come out.
It wasn’t that she enjoyed lying all this time, or that Elsa was desirous to keep her story hidden any longer. This was simply reflex. For years she and her sister had guarded their real origins from nearly everyone they met. Only a select few people in the world knew anything of Elsa and Anna’s past, and those secret keepers had not been chosen by her or her sister. They were thrust into this situation as children, but today they would take a leap of faith and share the truth with a new, but genuine friend.
Emma is deserving of our trust, Elsa reasoned to herself, continuing an argument she’d had internally for weeks. She and Anna had both agreed Emma was someone they could confide in and they believed in her goodness and her ability to keep a secret. They had both yearned for the chance to share this truth with someone – anyone - and now they had it. But it had gotten so much more complicated at the same time, and all thanks to the royal visit that happened yesterday.
When she and Anna moved to Montenarro and began working at the Institute, they both knew the slight risk that existed of their being found out. Public curiosity had long ago waned about their family, enough so that they felt capable of using their real first names in applying for the job, but members of the aristocracy were different. They memorized lineages, and studied other families of note, across country lines. The royal family of Montennaro may not come to the Center often, but they did sponsor and fund this charity. As such, there may come a time when they encountered the royals. This was, theoretically, not a huge issue, at least not in Anna’s eyes. After all, Anna had never actually met any member of the royal family, and so had no chance of being recognized. She assumed that Elsa was in the same boat, and that would make sense, for the sisters had done nearly everything together their whole lives.
Selfishly, Elsa allowed her sister’s assumption of their past run ins with the royals to stand, even though it was not accurate. She omitted the truth, about a moment in time that felt light years away and yet so cherished even now, because she wanted to stay here in Montennaro. It was her and Anna’s dream to do good works, to make use of all their many years of study back in France, and to leave the world a little brighter than how they had found it. After everything they had been through, Elsa so dearly wished to give back to children in need alongside her sister. There were no other opportunities like this one, no Centers that provided as much for their pupils, and no other place that felt like a home, not since the passing of their Grandmere. So Elsa had bit her tongue, and enjoyed the years of obscurity they found here with the children, always praying that her secret from her sister would never come to light.
Things obviously changed when Killian arrived, and when it was announced that the youngest son of the royal line would be here, working alongside them, almost every day. The panic Elsa carried with her was profound, but after hesitation in the beginning, Elsa realized there was nothing to fear from the Prince. Prince Killian had no connection to her, and he was instantly consumed by his attraction to Emma. There was no fear of him discovering who she and Anna were, not when he was distracted and totally besotted by her friend.
Only when she and Anna spoke with Killian after the parade did Elsa begin to worry again, not because she thought her friend would lose out on the clearly true love she’d found with Killian, but because it was clear as day that Emma and the prince would one day be married. That was a wonderful thing, but it would make a friendship between Elsa and Anna and Emma so much harder. Guarding this secret would become even more difficult if they regularly saw people who held so many breadcrumbs from the past. Elsa had grown more and more worried about it, but it was ultimately Anna who made the decision.
“There’s only one thing to do,” Anna said the night of Killian and Emma’s reconciliation. “We have to tell Emma the truth. I think the danger for us has long since passed, but even so, it’s best to tell her what we’ve been through. Just in case. That way, when they marry, as we both know they will, we can sidestep the whole awkward RSVP thing. It’ll be a shame to miss it, but it can’t be risked. Not if we want to keep hiding.”
Elsa was simultaneously relieved at Anna’s idea, and guilty at the fact that she still wasn’t being totally honest. In truth, it was eating her up inside, and she just didn’t know how much more of this she could take.
Not much longer now. You’ll tell them both everything today. As soon as Emma gets here.
At that moment, Elsa came to the part of a wooded clearing where green grass met the bank of a bubbling stream. The clear spring water flowed across rocks and moss, gurgling along in a measured, soothing melody. It was nothing like the mighty river they’d grown up on, which was loud and thunderous and strong, but still, a lullaby from her childhood filtered through Elsa’s mind, and a memory of their mother singing to her and Anna transported her back to the life they used to have…
“Sing it again, Mama, please?” Anna pleaded, snuggling into bed and holding Elsa close as she did. The two of them had their own beds, and their own rooms, but every night Anna made her way here, insisting that she and Elsa needed to be together. Elsa never tried to fight it. She loved Anna, and she always slept better with her sister beside her.
“Anna, darling, it’s late. Far too late for my two little princesses to still be awake. How will you ever rise with the sun if you never go to sleep?”
Their mother’s green eyes shone with mischief, but also so much love. She was pretending to deny them, but she could never say no to Anna. It was only a matter of time before she repeated the lullaby again, and Elsa couldn’t wait. She loved her mother’s voice. It was like warm honey in her father’s favorite tea. A splash of simple sweetness that made all the difference in the world.
“I promise to go right to bed. Look, I’ll even close my eyes,” Anna said eagerly, shutting her eyes so tight her face scrunched with the effort. Elsa shook with silent laughter and watched her mother do the same. Then their mother sighed and yielded to the request.
“Oh, all right. Now let’s see here. How does it start again…?”
Anna’s eyes popped open as she fed her the line. “Where the north wind meets the sea!” she exclaimed, and their mother shook her head even as she smiled.
“Ah, ah, ah. Eyes closed remember?”
Anna nodded and closed her eyes again before whispering. “You help her, Elsa. You and Mama sing. I love it when you sing.”
“Ok, Anna,” she agreed, taking her sisters hand and squeezing it gently. Then she and her mother looked at each other and started the song together.
“Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a river full of memory Sleep, my darling, safe and sound For in this river all is found
In her waters, deep and true Lay the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you’ll be drowned
Yes, she will sing to those who’ll hear And in her song, all magic flows But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows?
Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a mother full of memory Come, my darling, homeward bound When all is lost, then all is found”
In the short time they sang the song, Elsa felt Anna’s hold on her soften, but she wasn’t quite asleep yet. Elsa held a finger up to her mother, a signal that they should sing it through once more, and by the time that was done, Anna’s breathing had evened out and she was already dreaming. She was nearly impossible to wake once sleeping, so Elsa felt free to speak to her mother in a quiet tone.
“Anna still thinks if we search hard enough by the riverside, we’ll find the magic in the song.”
“But you don’t?” Her mother asked and Elsa shook her head.
“No. I think magic like that is just in stories.”
“Perhaps, but I like to think our magic – real magic – is just a little bit different.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well you’re right, the lullaby goes hand in hand with our old folk stories, the legends of Arendelle shared for hundreds of years. In those stories people had abilities that no ordinary human should have.”
“Like superheroes,” Elsa offered, and her mother smiled.
“Exactly. But just because we can’t wield water or ice or flames doesn’t mean we can’t make a difference. And you know how you make the biggest difference?” Elsa shook her head. “With love and with kindness. The way you love your sister, the way you love your father and I, the way you love everyone here in the manor, that is your greatest gift, my dear. And someday you will change the lives of so many people all by showing them great love and compassion.”
“You really think that’s magical?” Elsa asked, letting the idea wash over her. She always tried her best to do right and to be good to other people. That was what her parents had taught her. She liked the idea that by being good she was using a superpower, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Everyone did seem so much happier when she was kind and patient, and at the end of the day, that was the greatest gift – to be happy.
“Oh yes. It’s an old magic, one that is so much more powerful than people give it credit for. But once you know of it, it’s your job to keep it strong. You must never give up hope, and you must always follow your heart and do the next right thing.”
“The next right thing,” Elsa agreed, not thinking too much of it as sleep was beginning to creep near. The hour was late, and she was tired too, but she wanted to stay awake and enjoy this time with her mother. She and Anna often had to share their time with their parents, and it always made Elsa feel special to be with her one on one. As if she could read Elsa’s mind, her mother pressed a kiss to her forehead and made a promise.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, my darling. Now, get some sleep.”
Elsa had no idea that that night with her mother would be the last, and that everything she took for granted as the pillars of her world would be stolen in an instant. They’d gone from peace and contentment to total upheaval in the blink of an eye, and she and Anna were whisked away immediately, saved by little more than luck and the will of fate herself. The pain of that day would be etched in her soul forever, and so would the grief of losing the only home she’d ever known. But now, after decades of wishing things were different, Elsa could look back and be grateful, not for the troubles that had come, but for the sacred moments they did have with their parents before they were gone. It was hard to look back, but it was also a blessing. To have been so deeply loved that death could not sever the tie, that was something that had kept Elsa strong, and what she would cling to today especially.
Unwillingly, Elsa’s mind wandered at just the thought of love, to a man who bewildered her and drew her in all at once. He was always meant to be a beautiful memory, a boy she knew one summer’s day who showed her kindness and kissed her senseless. She could never confess how much she’d thought of him that summer. It was a girlhood infatuation that rivaled any other. Truth be told, he never was fully forgotten. He was always there in the back of her mind, until they’d moved here and she’d seen a random tabloid in the corner store. On the cover was a picture of a beautiful man – the King of Montenarro – and staring back at her were the same blue eyes from her girlhood dreams, if a little colder than she remembered.
That night she’d poured over the gossip rag and scoured the internet, waiting only until Anna went to bed before falling into a sinkhole of information. She read all about what he’d done since they had met, and how he’d stepped up to rule in a country that needed more than a little bit of hope. He was fair and wise and just, and passionate about making this country prosperous for all. Most recently he’d been working on his initiative to give all people in the country more say in government, and she thought that was admirable and knew how hard a task it must be. For years she’d watched and read the headlines, tracking his progress, while trying to avoid the speculation on things like his future and his love life. There was always talk about who the King would one day marry, and though Elsa knew she would be nothing but a forgotten blip in his past, it still hurt her to think of the boy who’d touched her heart belonging to another.
“Touched my heart,” she said aloud, scoffing with the foolishness of the thought. “As if I haven’t been secretly giving it to him for years. God, what a mess this all is.”
At confessing her feelings, which had mostly developed from afar, Elsa’s hands began to shake. Even if she’d thought of him often, it never in a million years occurred to her that they would ever reunite. But yesterday they had, and it was even more intense than she remembered. All day she felt his eyes on her, watching her every move. At all stages of the visit she could feel his presence, and it spun her whole world upside down. Never mind seeing him with the children, and watching him come out of his shell to offer them genuine affection. That had truly done her in, and almost made her forget herself. A few times they’d managed to speak, but Elsa always found an opportunity to run or to distract. She longed for that closeness, but was scared to death of letting someone – especially him – behind her many walls.
By the time she made her way back to her and Anna’s home, it was nearly time for Emma’s arrival and Elsa was nowhere closer to composure. She tried to breathe deeply, using some mindfulness to clear her thoughts, but her pulse was racing and her hands still shook. No matter – it was too late to run now. She had to face this head on. There was simply no other way.
A minute later she opened up the door, and within seconds, Anna was on her, enveloping her in a huge bear hug and prompting an emotional reaction in Elsa. Her sister was scared too, but Elsa could tell that underneath it all Anna was excited. She didn’t even need to see her face to know that there was relief in sharing their story. Anna had never liked living a lie, and the burden of it weighed on her always. Knowing that, Elsa hugged her back and whispered words of encouragement.
“It’s going to be all right, Anna. Remember what Mama used to say.”
“All you can do is the next right thing,” Anna replied shakily before nodding. “This is the right thing.”
Elsa had just enough time to agree before a knock sounded at the front door. “Are you ready?” Elsa asked and Anna nodded.
“I’m ready.”
“Okay, then let’s do this.”
Sitting in the kitchen of Elsa and Anna’s small but charming house, Emma could practically taste the anxiety in the air. Whatever was going on with her friends was electric, and the room crackled with unsaid words Emma was increasingly eager to hear. Despite that, she could tell her friends needed a bit of an ice breaker, and she used one of her surest tactics to provide one.
“I’m sorry I’m a little later than we planned. Henry was on another level this morning. I love him more than anything, but he’s just so…”
“Helpful?” Anna offered.
“Curious?” Elsa countered.
“I was going more for something like ‘verbose.’ I swear he’s always got a dozen stories he can tell and today was no different. Actually, it was worse, because Killian was there last night, and you know how he gets with Killian.”
“He loves him,” Elsa said automatically, prompting Emma to smile warmly.
“He told Killian last night. It was so easy for him. He didn’t think twice, he just said exactly how he feels.”
“Oh, Emma,” Anna said, happily taking her hand after putting a tray of pastries on the counter. “That’s wonderful. What did Killian say?”
“That he loves him too.”
“I knew I liked that man for a reason,” Anna replied glibly. “Though, to be fair, it’s impossible not to love Henry. He’s the cutest, even if he hates me saying it.”
“Killian said something else too,” Emma said, waiting for Elsa to sit down with their tea. She watched her friends slightly shaky hands pour each of them a cup before spilling the beans. “He told me he sees a future, for us, the three of us. He said… well he said he loves me, and that no matter what he wants to be with me. Forever.”
The sounds of secondhand joy that came from both her friends made Emma even happier, though it also prompted a blush she’d been trying pretty hard to fend off.
“And what did you say?!”
“That I love him too.”
“Oh my God, this is exactly what I needed today,” Anna said happily. “You don’t even know.” Belatedly it seemed to dawn on her – that was actually why Emma was here in the first place.
“I really don’t want to push, but it sounded yesterday like the two of you had something you really want to tell me. I promise whatever is said here, it’s between us. I’m still kind of new to the whole having good friends thing, but I can keep a secret.”
There was only a moment of silence between them before Elsa replied. She centered herself with a deep breath in to start and then let it out and looked directly at Emma. “You have to understand that all of her hesitation has nothing to do with you. We trust you. We do. It’s just been years of training ourselves to hide this part of our past, and keep the story in check so no one ever questions it.”
“Years?” Anna barked out hollowly. “More like our whole lives. Honestly, I barely remember a time without the secrets. It’s like they’ve always been here.”
“You’re right,” Elsa acknowledged, squeezing Anna’s hand gently. “This has been our burden to carry for as long as we can remember, and though time has passed, and we believe the physical threat is long behind us, old habits die hard.”
“Actually, in our case they don’t really seem to die at all,” Anna quipped. “You’re the first person we’ve ever told, and we can’t even seem to do that right. God, this is so hard. Why is this so hard?”
“Probably because there’s no easy way to say this,” Elsa admitted. Emma reached out for her hand in a show of comfort and Elsa looked up at her immediately. Emma wanted to assure her she was here to help, never to judge, and if they needed more time to make peace with their decision to share, that was fine too.
“Just tell me what you can. Start wherever you need to.”
Over the next hour, Emma patiently listened as they unfurled a truth that had been wrapped up tight for twenty years. They told her about their parents, two young Europeans who had met on foreign holiday. They were neither of them in their country of birth, and both eager to avoid the shackles of their real worlds, at least for a little while. Together they’d succeeded in doing this, and they had spent a week falling hopelessly in love with each other. From the way Elsa and Anna described it, Iduna and Agnar (yes, those were apparently their real names) had woven their strings together so tightly, the braid could not be broken.
The ‘problem’ stemmed from their father, for though he loved their mother endlessly, he had obligations – royal obligations. It turned out that Agnar was a Prince, of a nearby European principality that Emma had actually heard of. Arendelle was a small place, but it had undergone a revolution when she was a child, and even in the States there was endless conversation about it for a while. At first Emma was shocked, how was it possible that their Dad was a prince? But it took only a few moments for the surprise to dissipate. It explained why Elsa and Anna had always been so jumpy and yet very knowledgeable at multiple instances. It also explained why they were so hell-bent on keeping a secret, since the things Emma had heard about this country had hardly been positive.
According to Elsa and Anna, at the same time that Prince Agnar miraculously found love with their mother, his father, Runeard, had grown ill and passed away, leaving him as the heir apparent of the kingdom of Arendelle. Their father was eager for that role, and had been preparing for it all his life, until he was confronted with a truth that destroyed every plan he’d ever had. He could not remain the ruler of his country and pursue a life with the woman that he loved. He was bound as King to marry someone from a royal bloodline, and so he’d made a choice, to relinquish his crown and to hand it over to his younger brother. Their Uncle was a good man, and so they believed he would be a good King, but after a peaceful transition of power, and ten years of quiet where Elsa and Anna’s parents married, had children, and made a quiet country life for them all, something happened. Their Uncle had begun trusting the wrong people, and a coup had taken place. The palace was overrun, the royal family was imprisoned, and the country was thrust into darkness.
In the thick of that fighting, Elsa and Anna’s parents had also been targeted. They knew it was coming, as no coup could allow for anyone of the royal bloodline to live, but they didn’t have the time to all get out safely. Instead, their parents stayed behind as Elsa and Anna were taken with their father’s one-time nanny. She had lived with them all their lives, caring for them as if she were their own relation, and she brought them to France, through untraceable means, to the only other living relative they had left. Technically the older woman who became their lifeline was their father’s Aunt, but to them, she was forever Grandmere.
“It was a few weeks with Grandmere before we had confirmation that mother and father were gone,” Elsa said, sadness, even all these years, later taking hold of her quivering voice. Emma ached for her friend, and she couldn’t comprehend that kind of loss. She had never had parents at all, and that had been so painful in so many ways, but in some respects this was an even worse fate. “They were strong, and they protected us until the very end, but some battles simply can’t be won. Some heartbreaks cannot be avoided.”
“I’m so sorry, for both of you,” Emma said softly. “I cannot imagine the pain at knowing your parents and their goodness and then losing it like that.”
“It was difficult,” Anna agreed, “Especially being in a new country and having to hide who we were and basically stay at Grandmere’s estate all the time. But even when they passed, our parents were never truly gone. They’ve always been with us. Their love lives on in us, right Elsa?”
“Right,” Elsa agreed, offering a smile to her sister. “We stayed in France with Grandmere for years, and even though we were hurting, it was still a happy time. Grandmere adored us and spoiled us like any grandmother should. She gave us all the love and attention a person could stand, but she also took her role as our protector very seriously. As Anna said, we never really left the manor. It was a great estate, but for all intents and purposes we were under house arrest for years. We had private tutors for our schooling and no nanny except for Grandmere. The household staff were either sworn to secrecy or told an unassuming story about how we were two distant cousins who had fallen on hard times. The core of the story was true, of course. We had been orphaned through a series of tragic circumstances, but everything else was an illusion, including our names.”
Emma’s look of surprise had Anna clarifying quickly. “Our full names are Elisandra and Annadella, but our parents always called us Elsa and Anna. Those other names were family heirlooms, but these names were our truth. That’s what Mama used to say. Still those nicknames were a luxury we couldn’t afford when at our Grandmere’s. So we chose new ones. Selene for Elsa, and Soleil for me.”
“Totally different,” Emma said casually.
“They were,” Elsa agreed, “But they kept an important part of our story intact. My father called me his ‘little Luna’ since the night I was born, under a full blue moon. An ice-solstice, as it’s referred to in Arendellian tradition. It’s supposedly a sign of great fortune for babies born to be born on those rare nights. Meanwhile Anna was born at high noon on the sunniest, most beautiful day of the year. The kind of day that was a gift, as Papa would say. From that day forward, Anna became his ‘sunshine.”
“So let me guess, Selene means moon and Soliel means sun.”
“Yes. It was hard to get used to, but Grandmere helped us every step of the way. She was devoted to us completely, and in truth, I think she loved us as much as any mother could. She had no children of her own, but she had us, and thank God we had her.”
“But you never went out, you never left your home?”
“Not for a long time. Eventually we were allowed small indulgences. We went to Grandmere’s house in Paris every Christmas season for the shopping and the sights. We visited her sister, Aunt Josephina, on the Spanish coast in August, when the weather was hottest and the beach was pure bliss,” Anna acquiesced. “But we never went to school or sports or that kind of thing. All we really had was each other, until I made a dear friend in our next-door neighbor, Aurora. She didn’t know the truth about our past, but Grandmere fully trusted her parents. They were diplomats, and always had ample security. A few summers I was allowed to go for a week or two to their summer home. Elsa was always invited, but she preferred the quiet for a change, deciding to get lost in her reading instead of adventuring with me.”
Emma noticed that Elsa flinched slightly at the words, but it escaped Anna’s notice. Emma looked at her curiously, wondering if Elsa would comment on the claim, but when no words came from Elsa, she decided to ask some more directed questions. Emma wondered about what had happened to Arendelle and how they came to be in Montenarro. Arendelle, luckily, was much recovered from the tumult of the past. The heinous coup had been righted by the people, and a new democratic government instilled. Unfortunately, their Uncle had not made it through that dark time unscathed. He grew very ill while in confinement and died some years later. The country was now transitioning to a fully democratic state, but there was, at least reportedly, great respect amongst the public for the royals that were. Their parents and Uncle were highly regarded, with a memorial service each year held in honor of their bravery and dedication to the country. Whispers about whatever happened to Elsa and Anna, or if they had even existed remained, but it had been a long time since any real attention was paid to their fates.
Despite those changing tides, Elsa and Anna’s grandmother had always been hesitant in exposing the truth. She believed it wise not to open the door to a grand reveal. Why tempt fate when they could instead pursue, simpler, less complicated lives? Elsa and Anna had waivered at first, but ultimately decided that the best way to honor their parents was to do as they’d instructed – share their love and their abilities to make the lives of people who needed it better. Their personal experiences sparked their interest in working with orphaned children, and they both went to school to study in Paris, staying at their Grandmere’s home all the while. It was only after the unexpected death of their dear Grandmere that they’d decided on a change. The jobs here in Montenarro had been discovered, and the rest was history. Anna and Elsa had chosen their simple, balanced life, and they’d been keeping the secret all the while.
“So, I guess keeping the truth from the rest of the world now is less about any danger to your life, and more about your privacy. I can only imagine how it would go – the press discovering two long lost princesses who lived through that kind of turmoil. It would be…” Emma trailed off and Anna filled in.
“A nightmare.”
Now there was no denying the reaction from Elsa, and in truth, it looked like her friend had been struck by something. She was suddenly pale, and clearly agitated, and Emma suspected it was all to do with a certain King who’d paid her extra mind upon his visit to the Center yesterday.
“Elsa, are you all right?” Anna asked, pulling Elsa in from her own wandering thoughts. Still she looked almost haunted, and was unable to convince either Anna or Emma that she was well.
“I’m fine,” she said, but the whispered words were hardly reaffirming.
“You are definitely not fine. Elsa, you’re white as a sheet.”
“I’m always pale, you know that,” Elsa tried to joke but it was a pitiful attempt at humor.
“Elsa, seriously. What’s wrong?” Anna asked, looking, for the first time all day, actually afraid. That distress in her sister’s eyes prompted Elsa to hug Anna fiercely, and admit an unexpected truth for both Anna and Emma.
“I have to tell you something. Something I never told you.”
“Okay,” Anna agreed quickly, with nothing like anger in her expression. “You know you can tell me anything. Anything at all.”
This time the revelations shared were questioned mostly by Anna, though Emma had questions as well. Who wouldn’t, given the surprise twist in an already surprising tale?
It turned out that in one of those times where Anna was traveling with her friend, Elsa had gone with their Grandmere back to Paris. One afternoon they received an invitation from their grandmother’s oldest friend for a garden party. With Elsa now 16, it was their grandmother’s belief that she was ready for such an event. Elsa promised to keep to her story and mind her manners, but when she arrived, she was so nervous about doing or saying the wrong thing that she wandered off, away from the party all together. Deep within the hedgerow she’d met a young man who was also hiding. The bond of shared discomfort and an instant attraction made for a magical day where young love had a chance to bloom. At the time Elsa knew him only as Liam, and while she had planned to ask her Grandmere for more information on him, the old woman was in a state of panic when they finally reunited. It turned out more people were there than she ever realized, including some who could have discovered the secret. Elsa saw how much relief her Grandmere felt when she fibbed and said she’d been alone out in the gardens, she hadn’t the heart to tell her the truth. The lie was typical, especially for a teenager, but it was clear it still ate away at Elsa.
“I felt awful keeping it from her. I kept trying to get up the courage to confess, but then you came home early after Aurora broke her ankle on her horse, and the summer ended, and nothing ever came of it,” Elsa said, looking to Anna. “Eventually I came to believe that even if he seemed remarkable to me, he was just a boy. Our secret was still safe, and I had had my day in the sun.”
“So you didn’t realize who he was?” Emma asked and Elsa shook her head.
“It never came up,” Elsa asserted. “He only referred to himself as Liam. He told me he was seventeen and that his mother knew our hostess and that was it. I didn’t ask questions. Well, not about those kinds of things. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing. I didn’t have the time for basic details.”
The feeling was familiar to Emma. When she first met Killian, she felt the same way. They were so busy connecting with each other, so busy feeling the spark between them, that the words almost seemed to matter less. Knowing that Elsa had experienced that explained every part of her reaction yesterday, from the barely veiled interest to the severe trepidation every time she was within touching distance of the King.
“But when did you know the truth of who he was, Elsa? Please, please tell me it wasn’t just yesterday,” Anna begged, surprising both Elsa and Emma with her acceptance of the story and genuine want for Elsa to not have been blind-sided.
“It wasn’t,” Elsa admitted. “I found out when we first came to interview here. I saw a picture in the paper and I knew. I should have told you then, Anna, I know I should have, but we both felt it, our calling to this place. I swear it was like Mama and Papa brought us here. There were all those signs, and that feeling we just hadn’t had since we were kids. I thought that if I shared the truth we’d have to leave, and I couldn’t do that, to you or to me.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t,” Emma admitted. “Perhaps that makes me selfish, but I know for a fact how much staying has meant not just for me but for the kids. This place is like one big family, and it’s thanks to you two. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“I comforted myself with that thought for years. We were making a difference, we were using the magic Mama taught me about. But that doesn’t mean what I did was right. I shouldn’t have kept it from Anna, and now we may have no choice but to run.”
“No choice but to run?” Anna parroted, astounded at the idea. “Elsa, what are you talking about? We are not running. You are definitely not running!”
“We’re not?”
“Absolutely not. And you know why? Because this is love, Elsa. If yesterday is anything to go off of, and if your day together years ago was even half as romantic as you described, it’s full blown, love at first sight, once in a lifetime stuff. And you want to talk about signs? How about the fact that we could have landed anywhere in the world for work – we had no limits and no plan – and we ended up here, in the same place where Liam is King. The chances were so slim, I know that was Mama and Papa’s doing.”
Tears had spilled onto Elsa’s cheeks at Anna’s declaration, but it didn’t stop Anna from continuing on, even though her own eyes were misting over with the emotion of it all. “Our parents would never ever want you to run from love, Elsa, and neither do I. You deserve it, and here it is, back again after years of being parted. You’ve never really connected with anyone else, and I thought it was just a matter of waiting for the right man to come along, but now I know you were waiting for him again.”
“But it’s hopeless, Anna. He is the King.”
“So? You’re a princess.”
“A princess in hiding. A princess who’s story belongs squarely in the past. I can’t ask him to keep the secret, but I also can’t keep it from him. I’m caught up in this web I can’t get out of, and Liam is too honorable. He would never deceive his people like that. I wouldn’t ever ask him to.”
“So we let the secret go,” Anna said adamantly. “It’s simple Elsa. We just tell the truth.”
“You don’t mean that,” Elsa replied earnestly.
“I do.”
“You just said it would be a nightmare.”
“That was before I realized our alternative, and believe me, Elsa, there is no question of which is worse. If giving up obscurity and facing the press is what it takes to get you your love, it will be the easiest decision I ever make.”
“That’s assuming he even wants me,” Elsa said prompting Emma to chime in.
“Oh, he wants you. Believe me, and if you don’t believe me, then believe Killian. He talked about it most of the night, and he knows his brother better than anyone.”
“Maybe he wants me, but he doesn’t know everything, and I have no idea how he’ll take it.”
“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Anna said, standing up and pulling Elsa with her. “You have to tell him.”
“Now?” Elsa squawked, looking at Emma for help and Emma intervened.
“Let me call, Killian. He’s at the palace today. He can help us figure out a time.” No sooner had she said the words than her fingers were making the call. It rang only twice before the sexiest voice she knew picked up.
“Miss me already, Swan?”
“Something like that. Listen, I’m here with Elsa and Anna and I think it would be good if Elsa and Liam talked.”
Emma heard murmuring and then something that sounded like the phone banging on a table. She flinched from the sound, but then heard Killian once more. “Sorry, love. Suffice it to say my brother is enthused by the prospect.”
“When?” Emma asked, and she heard a resounding ‘Now!’ from the background. It was Liam’s voice and it prompted a smile for Emma. Elsa and Anna looked at her curiously as Killian responded.
“The sooner the better it seems.”
“Okay, so in an hour then?”
“Aye.” Again there was fussing on the other line, and it sounded like someone was pacing, until Killian spoke once more. “Might I suggest my place, so they may have some privacy.”
“Perfect,” Emma agreed. “She’ll be there.”
“Brilliant,” Killian quipped, “And Emma?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” she murmured, hanging up and putting her phone away in her pocket.
“And?” Anna asked.
“He wants to meet at Killian’s in an hour.”
“So soon?!” Elsa asked and Emma laughed.
“By the sounds of thing, an hour may as well be an eternity in Liam’s eyes.”
“He’s not the only one,” Anna agreed drawing Emma and Elsa’s gazes immediately. “What? Oh, come on, Emma, like you aren’t totally excited to see what happens. The suspense is practically killing me.”
“It may actually kill me,” Elsa said, putting her hand to her heart.
“It’s going to be all right,” Emma insisted, prompting Elsa to look up at her with hopeful but still skeptical eyes. “Don’t ask me how I know, but I do. I can just tell.”
“See!” Anna said excitedly. “And you know Emma’s gut is legendary. She can sense these things.”
“She didn’t sense Killian was a prince,” Elsa replied, not in a mean way, but as a frantic response from someone currently dealing with a lot.
“Touché,” Emma said with a laugh. “But I did know he was it for me. So, let me put it this way: I don’t know exactly how it will happen, but I do know you and Liam are going to work things out. Is that better?”
“Only if you really mean it,” Elsa whispered.
“I do,” Emma said softly.
“Ok,” Elsa agreed after a moment’s pause, straightening her spine in a show of determination. “Ok, I’ll do it.”
And with that the three of them set out to help Elsa get ready, knowing today would be a turning point, and that soon a much-needed conversation would lay it all out there once and for all.
Post-Note: Not going to lie, this chapter took SO long to craft, partially because of my muse being fussy, but mostly because, in the end, I needed two chapters to do this whole bit justice. I know I am leaving you on a bit of a cliff hanger, but I promise that next chapter we get the entirety of the Elsa/Liam story, and some added CS scenes to boot. Anyway, I really do hope that you enjoyed this chapter, and that it brightened your day, even if there were parts that were a bit sad. I love seeing what you all think, and knowing so many of you have enjoyed reading so far. I am still pretty busy with other things at the moment, but I promise to do my best to get an update written soon. Hope to see you next time, until then, hoping you are safe, healthy, and well!
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amarabliss · 5 years
Oaths and Hearts - 11 (Ignis Scientia/Reader)
So this is a crossover between FFXV and Dragon Age Inquisition.
You fell through a rift into the fade fighting the demons you swore to protect your world from. When you popped out you were no longer in the lands of Ferelden instead trapped in Insomnia. The gracious king allowed you to say recognizing power when he saw it. One thing led to another and now you were part of the procession of the prince to his wedding years later. Before the final battle, after years of fighting, losses, and love…your friend…your king…Noctis has asked you to change it all…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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You sat with your eyes closed against the steel of the airship. You didn’t like it. Flying that is…there was no connection to anything, and it made you feel off balance.
You focused on feeling the cold steel imagining it was earth…perhaps a mountain…you had traveled enough of them in the last few months to remember how the cool stone felt at night. It helped a little…but turbulence was a cruel bitch…
“Dammit…” You muttered wiping a hand over your face before opening your eyes.
“You know…mediation works better when you’re calm.” Your eyes snapped up at the white-haired man sitting across from you. He stared back unapologetically.
“Fuck. You.” You growled at him.
“Language…you call yourself a lady…” Ravus smirked as he pulled out an apple, something that had been making your stomach churn daily, and took a big juicy bite out of it.
You stood to your feet clenching your fists at your sides as you opened your mouth to speak, however, you didn’t get the chance to as Aranea stepped, “Alright…calm down. One lightening storm was enough in this rig. Ravus, take yourself and the fruit to the cockpit.”
“Happily…” He stood up taking another obnoxious bite.
You growled again stepping toward him, but Aranea stepped in your path, “Let it go…”
“He does it on purpose!” You snapped at her, “He knows exactly how I feel about the smell!”
“I know, and I will talk to him, but I can’t have you blowing a gasket when we’re 20,000 feet in the air again.” She told you sympathetically, “And it’s not good for you or you baby to get so worked up.”
You clenched your jaw a hand went reflexively to your belly. Six months pregnant…almost…you had been on the run for four months and you were losing count between getting sick and moving around so much. Never staying in one place for too long for fear of being noticed.
Four months of small check ins from the man you loved. No conversations, just account transfers to take care of you, while he helped Noct get the rest of the royal armory and blessings of gods. You felt so alone among soldiers who only wanted to protect you for the profit it gave them…mostly.
You took a deep breath trying to relax, “…please tell me we can call him, even just a word…”
Aranea frowned shaking her head, “No…they’re supposed to be reaching the capitol in the next week or so. They had to take a few pit stops along the way…I wouldn’t want to risk alerting the empire to their location, when they are this close.”
“I’m sick of waiting around…” You shut your eyes making a face a wave of pain erupted in your back, “There has to be something to do.”
“What is it?” The Commodore stepped closer to you concern evident in her posture.
“He’s kicking a lot today…I don’t think he likes being this high up.” You leaned against the wall making a face.
“You should sit…I’ll get Wedge to come take a look at you and we’ll figure out where we can land…” Aranea told you as she stepped away, “I’ll get you some tea too…”
“No! No tea! Your tea is…gross…” You called after her as you stepped toward the chairs.
You made a face taking a deep breath as you stopped halfway shutting your eyes tightly putting a hand on your side, “Dammit…buddy come on…you gotta give me a break.”
“Give me your hand…”  You opened your eyes seeing Ravus holding a hand out to you.
“Why would I give my hand to you?” You took a deep breath in through your nose as another wave of kicking ensued.
He stared at you for a moment before stepping toward you. You stepped out of his way only to see him follow you. You glared and then tensed as his hand found your back as he scolded, “Quit…dancing around and let me help you.”
“Ravus…you have never once offered to help me…” You stared up into his eyes standing firmly in your spot as Ulric began kick boxing with your kidney, “And despite you volunteering to be an escort because you feel you owe me in someway for helping your sister…we aren’t friends…”
“No, we’re not, but…” He sighed helping you over to the chairs, “I remember when my mother was pregnant with Luna. She would have the most painful expressions sometimes, when Luna started to kick. I promised if I ever had a child, I would make sure the mother would not be alone during such times…”
“This is not your child…” You eased yourself down before you looked at him taking a seat next to you.
“No…” He shook his head a little before he hesitantly began rubbing your back with his one hand. Warmth spread through tense and sore areas, you had forgotten how good touch felt, “but I don’t see myself ever having the chance…so I will amend my promise to the situation at hand to alleviate you of your pain.”
You shut your eyes hanging your head a little as his one hand moved up to your shoulders, “I…I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“Don’t be…” Ravus shook his head smiling a little, “All my life people have made assumptions about me. Shouldn’t expect anything different from you.”
You laughed a little letting your eyes meet his, “I know what that’s like.”
“I find that hard to believe. You have an air about you that yells ‘straightforward.’” He sniped back at you.
“Quite the opposite…Where I’m from everyone expected me to be a deranged mage hell-bent on world domination, raging and bringing forth demons to destroy everything.” You looked at him frowning as a heavy weight fell on your shoulders. You had always felt like you left Thedas vulnerable by leaving it, “But…the reality of it…I just wanted to be free…I just wanted to there to be peace, and I sacrificed everything to make sure the world was safe.”
Ravus stared at you a long time before he spoke again, “The burden of leadership.”
“Yes…it was…in the end, I don’t even know if I made a difference…there was still so much dissent against people like me.” You stared off as if trying to remember it all at once, “But I know that I left my home in good hands. I know they won’t let it fall back into the way things were.”
He stopped rubbing your shoulders letting out a sigh, “Sounds like you’ve done more then any of us here.”
You let out a sad laugh, “Oh you know just a small rebellion turned into saving the world...just an average day back home…”
“Maybe one day you can tell me more about it? Hell, maybe you can help me lead a rebellion of my own. I wouldn’t mind not being railroaded by the empire anymore.” He stood up as Wedge came over with Aranea, “If you’ll excuse me.”
You watched him walk away slowly as Wedge began asking you questions. The cogs began turning in your head. It was so simple, and it could actually work. Wedge cleared you and began putting his devices back into his medical bag away.
“…Aranea…” You stood up looking at her, “How easy is it for you to find someone?”
“Depends on the person, but I usually can find anyone with a few calls.” She eyed you carefully, “I already know where your boy toy is…and I already told-”
“I don’t want to find Ignis.” Your face hardened as you crossed your arms, “I want to find Cor Leonis.”
Her eyes narrowed on you, “Why do you want to find the Immortal?”
“I’m tired of sitting on the sidelines…” You told her before you smiled, “I need to help Ignis and Noct somehow, and I think I just figured out how.”
You sat on at a table a few days later looking out toward the meteor, no longer ignited, but still a sight to behold. This place was something else. You could not think of any other like it. No matter what was going on, Lestallum felt alive.
And hot…You hated that you had to wear this giant thick cape to hide yourself, rather…hide your baby…
“Lady Trevelyan?” You looked back seeing Cor walking up to you. He smiled when you stood up taking your extended hand, “I thought you would be with the boys. When I got your message, I half expected them to be here.”
“Yeah, no, um…” You swallowed staring at him. The way he held himself told you that he wasn’t informed on the recent events. A soldier of his caliber wouldn’t be so relaxed, “I take it you haven’t heard about the bounty on my head…”
“Bounty? On you?” He waved his arm to have you sit down again as his demeanor changed. There was the commander you knew, “But you’re unreasonably nice to people.”
“Where have you been recently? For that matter the last half a year?” You watched him sit down, “At least tell me you know everything went sideways in Altissia?”
“It’s a long story…” He sighed scratching the back of his head, “And I had heard that Noctis and Luna did get married…I was sorry I couldn’t attend.”
“Well, if you tell me your story…I’ll tell you mine.”  You grunted as you threw the front of the cape over your shoulders to give you some relief. His eyes immediately focused in on your stomach, “I’ll get to him in a minute, tell me what you’ve been up to?”
You sat and listened and everything he said was exactly what you needed to hear. After he left Caem he returned to the hunters where he met up with some former Glaive. After hearing their stories he felt it was imperative that they find as many Glaive and Crownsguard as he could to be ready for their king’s return.
“So I have been managing them. Training new recruits and protecting people along the away.” Cor watched as you pulled the spoon from your mouth returning it to the large bowl of ice cream, “We’re ready to return and take back our home when Noctis orders it.”
“That is wonderful to hear.” You smiled at him before shoving the spoon in your mouth again.
He smiled shaking his head a little, “So…you’re turn. Why is there a bounty on your head?”
“Oh, I shoved the chancellor of Neifilheim into a rift hopefully to never return again. He was a deamon and creepy…” You rattled off scraping the bottom of the bowl, “Then…there’s some stuff about time travel, it gets really complicated, but the main thing is I killed Ardyn Izunia.”
He stared at you a long time before clearing his throat, “That’s…Uh…”
“Hard to believe, I know, but it’s the truth. I’m sure you’ve heard rumors at least of my sudden appearance back then...” You told him quietly, “All of which I’m happy to explain to you, but I’m hoping we can do it at a different time.”
“Alright. You called me for a reason.” He nodded leaning forward, “What is it you want from me?”
You set the bowl down looking into his blue determined eyes, “I want to take back Insomnia.”
“We all do.” He chuckled sitting back.
“I want to take it back now.” You watched as his face went blank, “If we do it, we divide their attention. Maybe enough to give the boys time to get the crystal and get out of the empire…”
“…forgive me your ladyship, but…there are at least a thousand strong in the city of Insomnia that are soldiers…that doesn’t include the MTs or their machinery.” Cor leaned forward again looking around, “I’m not saying it can’t be done, but…it will be awfully hard.”
“That’s why I’ve come to you.” You told him quietly, “I’ve experience with this type of thing as well…maybe together we can figure this out. The Immortal and the Inquisitor.”
He stared at you again before shaking his head, “You sure have a brass pair.”
“I’m protective of my family…and I’m tired of being apart from them.” You swallowed looking away as fleeting thoughts of Ignis floated through your mind.
“Okay…I’m in…” He nodded slowly, “I’m sure everyone will be onboard.”
You cleared your throat, “Good…reach out to Aranea and we’ll get things rolling.”
“Now hold on…” He watched you stand up, “You told me why you have a bounty on your head and why you called me…but you never explained…your condition.”
You smiled at him putting a hand on your belly, “Does it really matter?”
“Call it curiosity.” He smirked up to you. It was no wonder why everyone in the citadel swooned over him with that charm.
“Well…it’s not all the exciting. It happened the normal way when a man and woman…” You watched him roll his eyes and you laughed a little. It was nice to do so. You’d been around so many stiff people the last few months it was nice to tease again.
“Who’s the father, is the question I’m begging you to answer…” He stared up at you as you adjusted the cape again to cover yourself.
“…Ignis.” You watched as his posture changed and his face became very serious, “Cor…what’s wrong?”
“You’re sure Ignis is the father?” He stood up speaking in a hushed tone.
“What do you take me for?” You glared at him a little, “Of course I’m sure it’s Ignis…”
“You’re coming with me.” He began looking around as if he was on a detail.
“Cor, what is going on?” You pulled your arm back when he tried to take it.
He looked into your eyes as he spoke quietly, “Your child is currently second in line for the throne of Lucis.”
“No…how?” You took a step away from him as a sinking feeling seeped into your shoulders.
“Ignis…” Cor stepped with you suddenly becoming extremely overprotective of his charge in front of him, “is Noct’s older, half-brother.”
Your eyes widened as you suddenly became very light head, “…wha…”
He caught you as began to fall helping you back to the table you had been sitting at, “Take a second…”
“Does he know? Do they all know?” You stared into his eyes as mild panic began to set in.
“No.” He shook his head taking your hands in his, “No one knows. Regis only told Clarus and myself. The information would have passed to Gladio and I’m certain Noct and Ignis when the time deemed it…necessary.”
“Necessary…why? How?” You suddenly began to feel sick, “This…why?”
“Regis and Aulea were having trouble conceiving a child. They worried enough that…” He sighed hanging his head, “That they invoked an old tradition where they ask their closest retainers…to bear a child of Lucian line.”
“Regis…and Ignis’ mother….” You frowned a little, “Oh my god…”
“It sounds bad…but it was considered an honor and with the medical advances we have now it’s much less intimate and more a duty…” Cor looked at you sympathetically, “It was close to Ignis’ first birthday when Aulea reported that she was pregnant. Regis knew what it meant. He had two heirs. Regis waited until Aulea was sure the pregnancy took then reached out the Scientias… At which point Roderick Scientia, Ignis’ father, vowed to raise Ignis as his own and everyone was sworn to never speak of it unless it was necessary.”
“And what makes it necessary now? Noct is fine…he’s going to be king…He and Luna…” You rambled quickly as you began hyperventilating.
“It’s only fine if they have a child…one day Noct will have to fulfill his duty as the chosen. He knows what that means.” Cor spoke realistically, “If there is no direct heir from him…the responsibility will fall to Ignis…to your child.”
He put his hands on your arms giving you a squeeze to try and help calm you down. “Y/N, I’m going to protect you and your child, but I’m not sure we can risk…”
“No.” You shook your head as a tear fell down your face. Finding out your child was heir to the throne was overwhelming, but it didn’t change what needed to be done, “No…we have to go to Insomnia. We have to help them…so they can come home.”
Cor let out a long heavy sigh before he stood up holding his hand out to you, “Then I suppose you’ll have to meet your soldiers. Think your crew can give me ride?”
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nightwingism · 7 years
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New Comic Book Day!
October 11, 2017
Trying something new here, and i’m gonna start reviewing comics that I pick up at my local comic store, which may or not be Nightwing related. I figured this is something different, gives me something to do, and I just think it’d be fun. But enough about the why, let’s get into the comics!
Spoiler Alert
1. Action Comics #989
Part three of the Oz Effect! I figure this is gonna be weird starting a review right in the middle of so many comics, but recapping is a real thing. Anyways, this comic kept the action flowing, not so much of a one-on-one dialogue anymore, and we get to see Jor-El in action! The ending was a giant cliff-hanger and I can’t tell if they are supposed to be the LoSH or not. But this interaction between Jor-El and Jon, heck even with Lois are remarkable, and is something I never knew I wanted to see in a comic until now. Though, thus far this story-arc has been very dialogue heavy, and not very action packed. This biggest reveal isn't even the fact that Oz was Jor-El, but the fact that Oz wasn’t Ozymandias, which in retrospect was a little far-fetched and too on the nose. Anyways, I’m excited for the next issue, and excited for the ramifications of this story.
2. Wonder Woman #32
Part two of the Children of the Gods! The previous issue was mainly from Hercules point of view, serving as the primary narrator of the story, and of his death. This time around, Wonder Woman was front and center. I wasn’t expecting too much from his comic to be honest, ever since Rucka left my excitement has dwindled. But Robinson isn’t a bad writer, and I trust the guy to do these comics well. Jason was revealed at the end of the issue, which i was actually very surprised of, and I thought he was gonna be saved till later. But he’s here, very cut like David’s Michelangelo’s. I’m curious to see how his story unfolds, and what kind of role he’ll play in the future of Wonder Woman comics, if he survives this story that is.
3. Mister Miracle #3
This was probably my most excited new comic that came out this week. If you do not know, I love Tom King’s writing. It’s a slow burn type of writing that excels in large overarching stories, like a novel. The way this story is unfolding is getting me excited. Because you KNOW there is something more going on in the story than what is stated. The way it started, how quickly things went downhill, the way the characters talk to each other. Conspiracy theory is that whatever pills he took is actually making him hallucinate this whole thing. But I feel like that is too simple of an answer, and I feel like King will play into the Jesus = Mister Miracle symbolism, with Highfather = God and Darkseid = the Devil. The way Kirby intended it. I’ve also really enjoy the flow of the comic, with the action sequences and the more down-time. In this kind of comic, it’s strange, which plays perfectly with the outlandish nature of the Fourth World. I’m really excited for the next issue, and the rest of the series.
4. Detective Comics #966
Part two of A Lonely Place of Living! I honestly did not see this comic unraveling the way it did, and I’m actually really excited for it. It’s a mix of the Geoff Johns “Titans of Tomorrow” storyline with a Back to the Future kind of vibe. The reveal of “Who the hell is Conner” was so heartbreaking. I’ve wrote a dream pitch for how I’d bring Conner, and the rest of the Young Justice team, back into the mainstay DC Universe, and thus far, it can still go through. Future Tim plays into Present Tim’s thoughts, and addresses them how Tim would probably address himself. I love when time paradoxes play out in the “I know what you’re thinking, because I thought the same things when I was you listening to me.” way. It gives the audience the idea that time is a fixed predetermined path that can’t be wavered from. But we all know that not to be true. We know Present Tim will somehow find a way to beat himself, even though Past-Future Tim couldn’t beat Future Tim. That didn’t make sense. Oh well. I’ve enjoyed this story, and series really so far, and I’m glad Tynion is on this series, being the 90s fan he is, bringing in all those fascinating characters back into the fold, arguably the best time to be a Batman Fan.
5. Red Hood and the Outlaws #15
Part two of Bizarro Reborn! So I haven’t actually read the first part of this comic, with the last RHatO comic I read, besides the annual, was issue 11. So I’m behind. But I can extrapolate the idea that Bizarro came back due to Lex Luther, granting him super intelligence, much to the dismay of his teammates. But it seems to be a temporary thing. I don’t know why the Belfry team thought it was some kind of an attack, or why they are fighting Red Hood at all, but they are. I would have thought Bruce would have told everyone that Jason was on their side. But I just remembered that Jason has to work outside the family on a normal basis, to “infiltrate the bad guys” for Bruce. I think Jason is the last member of Batman Inc, which is very ironic. Artemis is in the story, still great chemistry with the team, and I still really like the idea of this Dark Trinity, it’s execution has been so awesome since day one, and I can’t believe I’m actually excited for the next issue.
6. Batgirls and the Birds of Prey #15
Part one of Manslaughter! Finally a comic that is just beginning it’s story arc. Whew. The Benson sisters have been doing a great job in this comic thus far, giving us great characterization for the main three, and most of their guest stars. This story serves as a “gathering of the troops” setup. We address the problem, identify it, and then gather some people to counter it. The problem is that there is some disease that can potentially kill all the men, which is something, as a man myself, find hilarious and fitting for this comic. Every character has their own reason for trying to fight the disease, with Dinah having Ollie, Babs having her Dad, Helena with Dick, Selina with Bruce, Harley with the Joker (so she can kill him herself), and Poison Ivy just because she wanted to (basically), the rest of the Gotham squad, which includes Batwoman, Spoiler, Orphan and Gotham Girl (whom I’m glad is getting screen time), and last but not least Wonder Woman herself. I think this story is going to be a fun girl-power story, and I’m curious to see who is behind this dastardly attack, and what their motive is.
7. Dark Knights: Metal #3
If Mister Miracle was my most excited story, this is my second. Metal and all of it’s tie ins have been such a treat. It’s a Batman centric story, without shoving in a Bat-God into our face. The threats are on the planetary level, and it’s gonna take everyone to save the world, even bringing in people who haven't been seen in comics in ages. Dick, Clark and Damian have a moment together, that is very in character for everyone, something I respect Snyder for doing so far. The subtly in this comic is mind boggling , how many hints were left behind in Snyder’s past comics, and just in the series alone. I don’t really care too much about the other Batmen though, and am only really curious about what the heck The Batman Who Laughs deal is. Snyder and Capullo are literal Rock-stars in this series, and I’m cheering for an encore -- which may come when this is all over.
8. The Amazing Spider-Man #789
The Fall of Parker! Spinning out from Marvel Legacy and Secret Empire is a more status quo Spider-Man, but with a twist. People love Spider-Man, as much as New Yorkers can, but hate Peter Parker. It’s an interesting twist on such a simple and main staple in the Spider-Man mythos. I’ve always been a fan of the “Down on his luck, penny to his name” Parker, who was street level but with the drive and passion for the big league. With the previous run, I felt like it was just Ironman with a Spider-Man costume on, but now this is some good old fashion comics. I like his relationship with Bobbi, and I think the two are cute together, but I hope Harry and MJ make their return to the supporting cast. The art is also phenomenal, but what can you expect when Stuart Immonen is providing. Even though there wasn’t much of a villain, or a story being told. It kind of seemed like a one-shot to me, with dangling threads that can be picked up later.
9. Daredevil #27
Part two of the Land of the Blind! Not get caught up with Marvel Legacy, Charles Soule continues his fantastic run of Daredevil. Last we saw, Matt was tracking down his once partner, once blinded and once friend, Blindspot. It was all a trap! This story serves as a “secret origins” of Blindspot, as we see his transition from the farm lifestyle in China, to moving to the city, to the United States. This story takes place over days, weeks, and we can see the passage of time from the look on Matt’s face, and his ever growing beard. I really like this twist, and that it was Charles himself to do the twist, and I’m very curious to know if this was his plan all along, or if it was just something he came up with in recent times. Whatever it is, the main thing I can say about this comic is that I love that the red costume is back, and the fact that Ron Garney is providing art. His style compliments the story of daredevil so well, I’d love to see him do a Nightwing book. I’m hoping that Charles continues this fantastic run when he makes the transition to the Legacy side of Marvel.
10.  Runaways #2
When they announced that they were making a show about the runaways, I was very curious on many things. One of the things though, was not who the hell are the runaways. I actually read the original series, and I was up to the moon when they announced that this series was coming back. The story, thus far, has been very dialogue heavy, with action sequences being either in flashbacks or just not present. I don’t mind it too much, since they really have to explain a lot to all the new readers who are jumping on due to the announcement of the show, I just hope it picks up soon with the action, and it seems it will with the glowy cat eyes following Molly. And I was a little curious on why we didn’t get a shot of Molly’s grandma, maybe there is something up with that too. Whatever the case is, I’m enjoying this series so far, and hope the next issue fills the action void that I crave.
11. Defenders #6
Part One of Kingpins of New York! Technically this is part of Marvel Legacy, but it’s weird since Matt is still wearing his black suit, when he has already switched to the red one in his main series, which takes place before Daredevil legacy does. But this issue itself is really just the end of the previous arc, so it doesn’t really seem like the beginning of a new arc. I enjoyed the court scene, and the banter between Daredevil and Luke Cage, especially Luke’s comment that “he knows a thing or two about the law” to DD. I hope he reveals his identity to the team again soon, as I think it gives the team a much more grounded approach. Less flashy superheroes, and more of just street vigilantes. Men and women. I don’t really know why Black Cat is so heavily featured, when I feel like she doesn’t serve too much to the story, but she’s there. I just think BMB likes writing her ever since his Superior Spider-Man run. But that can be brushed aside with his characterization of the main team, something I look at with these team books. I like the idea of the Kingpin being a “Defenders” bad guy, with the addition to Spider-Man of course. Maybe in season 2 of the Defenders? Anyone? Anyone?
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julietookoff · 7 years
Update from Home
Several new things to report.  As usual I will post them in chronological order since the last post.  
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First, the bunnies at the campground.  One day I noticed the chubby bunny was very much thinner.  I don't know how many babies she had, but only the charcoal-grey one is still bouncing around.  There are a lot of hawks, eagles, and owls around.
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We found a local Escape Room right in Holiday, so I booked an adventure for Corny's birthday.  The staff/owner were super nice and gave us tons of clues to make sure we made a successful escape.  http://www.racetoescapellc.com/
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Shorty and I flew to Indiana to surprise the grandparents.  Shorty got glammed up (complete with fake cigarette) to deliver some flowers to grampa.  He knew something was up and caught us out back as Shorty was going to start walking around the yard suspiciously.
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We got together with my siblings and watched DVDs at mom's house.  We were only there six days but Shorty packed his big computer and monitor to keep up with his on-line course at the hotel.  It made for some interesting check-ins at the airport.
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As promised, Corny got his van - yay!  A mid-height Ford Transit.  He has installed A/C, roof vent/fan, insulation, and grey tank.  We're thinking New England next spring.   Corny bought a saw to do the interior work.  He has a good one, but it is in a barn in Ohio...
We moved to an end site with wonky electric at Fay's.  It's nice not having a close-by neighbor (whom I call "Eagle Eyes" or "Crazy Debbie").  It felt so relaxing right away.  The view outside my window is of a big banana tree.  We can have all the curtains open, and a place to park both Jeep and van.  Yay!
I've been to the Oldsmar 20 AMC several times.  They have remodeled to install recliners in all the theaters.  Some smaller screens only hold 30-40 people now.  It doesn't stop me from binge-watching.  I've seen The Mummy, Alien Covenant, Snatched, King Arthur, Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast, Boss Baby, Despicable 3, Ghost in the Shell, Beguiled, Hero, 47 Meters Down, Big Sick, Get Out, Zookeeper's Wife, Lost City of Z, Baywatch, The House, Wonder Woman, Everything, Case for Christ, Life (creature from Mars), Going in Style, Snatched, Alien Covenant, King Arthur, Unforgettable, Phoenix Forgotten, and several more forgettable movies.
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I attended my 98th geocaching event.  It was a nice one in a park/big sports complex in west Tampa.
Corny was invited to an Outback Steakhouse taste-testing in Tampa.  He hated to see the food wasted but they gave the testers full-size samples, more than they could eat.  We promptly used up the $50 gift card reward.
I've been making a lot of blueberry and strawberry pies.  Sam's club had 2# strawberries for $3.98.  I modified my Baked Spaghetti recipe to use on the stove - it's one of our favorites now.
Dolly had some surgery and came out like a trooper.  We were so impressed with how well she did and behaved at the vet.  She wore an elizabethan collar for a week and had no problem taking her pills.  The results of the biopsy on the mammary tumor were benign.
Shorty has been cranking through the computer classes at St. Pete College since we're here to kick his butt.
I broke down and applied for a real job.  Well, kinda real - weekend nights Sat & Sun 11-7.  If I can stand it until we leave next spring I'll have a few thousand $$$ in savings.  I'm clinging on by my fingernails to make it at least six months (three down).  It helps that I have 5 days off to forget about the pain every week.  In Florida if an RN doesn't work for three years, she has to take a Return-to-Work course (about $300 and many hours of boredom).
Oh yes, and something else exciting - I bought a rug for under my "desk" and a floor lamp.  With three bright bulbs that point every which way.   Yay!
After (I swear) a month of rain, we have daytime mosquitos despite the county spraying every week or so.
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Corny intercepted a neighbor on the way to the dumpster with some old nudie magazines from the 1950's.  I put five mags on feeBay and made over $50!!! 
We saw a guy try to beat the red light on Hwy. 19 in front of Aldi - and flip his car about eight times.  We re-watched it on the dash-cam video.  After the 6th roll it deposited him on the street.  He was already dead, probably snapped his neck.  There was no blood.  I still wonder what he was in such a hurry for - and if he thought whatever it was couldn't continue without him...
I had a cold (got it from coworkers) and told Corny, when he wanted to go to the beach, "Yeah, how about next week, when you have a cold."  He never got one.  Dammit.  We've been to Anclote River Park a couple times.  Even in a swimsuit in the shade, I don't like being outside in the heat.
For my birthday we went to Hard Rock Buffet with Shorty.  Yep, I had forgotten how gooood food can be.  
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One night coming home from Planet Fitness, we saw a little white dog run across the street.  He hopped right into the Jeep.  A friendly little poodle/bichon frise mix.  We scoured neighborhoods for lost dog flyers, hung eight found dog flyers, and posted him on multiple websites.  No owner.  After a week we took him to the Humane Society.  He'll find a family who will love him and keep him safe.  We just called him "Fuzzhead".  He was an unneutered hyperactive dominant male, cute as all HECK!  Our house was a lot calmer after he left.  Nothing like a little hurricane to remind you how well-behaved your own dogs are.
Life is Godd.  We fit out!
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dietadviser · 7 years
Meals at restaurant chains with calorie counts you really shouldn`t ignore
Chances are you have actually seen them also - little numbers, constantly in the hundreds or thousands (sigh), right by your preferred dish on the food selection, trying to lead you (or frighten you) right into making far better food options. Even those of us that do not reside in New York have actually ended up being accustomed to seeing them, many thanks to lots of dining establishments doing it without being legitimately compelled to. Which might be the trouble, inning accordance with a brand-new research. We've all come to be so made use of to seeing them that, well, we really don't see them anymore.
Researchers from New York University contrasted individuals in New York, which has the calorie counts, with those in New Jersey, which does not, and also located that the ordinary restaurant consumed about 800-850 calories in both states. Essentially, seeing the numbers made definitely no distinction to just what people preferred to purchase. Why? After the novelty of the numbers wore away, much less compared to a third of individuals also noticed the calories and simply 12 percent cared regarding them.
Some celebrations require consuming with total abandon (Hi, birthday celebration!), and also calories aren't the end-all and be-all when it involves figuring out how healthy and balanced a food is. That said, lots of research study has revealed that recognizing what does it cost? you're consuming, whether that's through calories or section dimensions, is important to healthiness. There are simply some calories you should not ignore.
So, since the research concentrated mostly on fast-food restaurants, we've discovered some instances of calorie bombs at your favorite fast-food chains and just how easy it is to change them with healthier fare, without leaving the restaurant. Little changes can have huge results!
1. Breakfast
Calorie bomb: Among one of the most preferred morning meal products at Hamburger King is the King Croissan' wich with Double Sausage. However with 680 calories, 48 grams of fat (19 grams hydrogenated fat, 0.5 grams trans), 1,390 milligrams of salt, 5 grams of sugar and 27 grams of protein, it will certainly establish you approximately feel sluggish and also bloated the remainder of the day.
Better: Instead, swap it for the maple oat meal, which has simply 160 calories and is complete of filling fiber. Not a fan of oats? Simply swap for a routine ham, egg and also cheese Croissan' wich, which has 390 calories, 20 grams of fat (8 grams saturated, 0 grams trans), 1,080 milligrams of salt, 7 grams of sugar as well as 17 grams of protein. Abandoning the sausage almost halves the calories without leaving you feeling deprived.
2. Coffee break
Calorie bomb: No shame in desiring a little mid-morning pick-me-up! Yet while the Starbuck's Sugar Bow Grind Frappuccino could look appealing, it's basically treat in disguise - an usual trouble for elegant coffee drinks. This 'little treat' has 600 calories, 20 grams of fat, 101 grams of carbohydrates and a monstrous 99 grams of sugar.
Better: Rather grab a normal latte - it has simply 130 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of sugar and 8 grams of healthy protein. You'll get your reward minus any type of tricks.
3. Lunch
Calorie bomb: You may think you're consuming healthy and balanced by picking the Premium Grilled Chicken Club at McDonald's yet with 570 Calories, 21 grams of fat as well as 1,720 milligrams of salt, it's even more fat as well as salt compared to loading protein.
Better: Swap the bun and transform it right into a wrap and also you'll conserve 300 calories while still obtaining your chicken repair. The Grilled Cattle ranch Treat Wrap has just 270 calories, 10 grams of fat as well as 830 milligrams of sodium.
4. Snack
Calorie bomb: The mid-afternoon depression is actual, and a fast treat can be a wonderful method in order to help you power through the remainder of your day. Yet, prior to you visit the vending maker, know that not all snacks are developed equal. A Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tart may be delicious, however we question there are any strawberries in there and also with 420 calories, 10 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat as well as 40 grams of sugar, the danger of a mega sugar crash is real.
Better: Rather, push the switches for a pack of Planters Sunflower Kernels. Not only does it have just 160 calories, 14 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber as well as 0 grams of sugar, yet also the healthy and balanced fats and also protein will certainly give you a sustained energy burst.
5. Dinner
Calorie bomb: Fulfilling up with close friends at TGI Fridays is a great begin to your weekend break, so don't hinder it with food options that will certainly leave you seeming like going residence and also snuggling on the couch. While the trademark Jack Daniels Ribs and Shrimp have great deals of healthy protein, with 1,910 calories, that's likely greater than you need for a whole day, much less a single dish. Also the Pecan Poultry Salad isn't really better, with 1,360 calories.
Better: Rather, order the Shrimp Key West. Not only does it clock in at just 370 calories, but mostly all of them are filling healthy protein and also it includes healthy veggie sides.
For even more information on specific restaurant chains and recipe comparisons, take a look at Eat This, Not That!
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dailyaudiobible · 8 years
02/19/2017 DAB Transcript
Leviticus 7:28-9:6 ~ Mark 3:31-4:25 ~ Psalm 37:12-29 ~ Proverbs 10:5
Today is the 19th day of February.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I'm Brian.  It is great to be here with you at the threshold of this brand new week that will unfold before us, and we’re doing the right thing by centering ourselves in the scriptures as we move into this week.  So steaming cup of Windfarm coffee to my left, and words in front of me, with a microphone, of course, to my right, and off we go, back out into the desert with the children of Israel as their customs and rituals and laws and festivals are all being put into place, things that will over time create a completely different culture than had ever existed, one chosen and instructed and informed by God himself.  Leviticus chapter 7, verse 28 through 9:6 and we’ll read from the God's Word translation this week.  
Father, we thank you for another week in your word and as we move forward, the story begins to fill in and have texture and complexion and nuance.  These people that we’re getting to know, we find ourselves in their stories, and so we thank you.  As we move through this threshold into the next week, we invite you into everything about us, everything that we’ll say this week.  May our tongues be guided by the power of your Holy Spirit.  Everything that we have to think and process and reason out this week, we ask for your holy counsel, and all of the choices that we need to make, we ask for your wisdom. In every interaction that we have with another person this week, we invite your Holy Spirit.  Speak through us to our spouses.  Speak through us to our children.  Speak through us to our coworkers and those that we attend church with and everyone that we come into contact with.  We want your essence to be the main thing that people see about us. So we invite you fully.  We long for intimacy with you this week, to walk with you in a friendship that is loyal and true.  We want to be delighted by your presence in our lives.  So come, Holy Spirit.  We offer this week in advance to you.  Come Jesus, we pray in your name.  Amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It is where you find out what’s going on around here, what people are posting on the Prayer Wall, resources that are available, events that are coming up like the More Gathering for Women that we’ve been talking about that is coming up this April, April 6-9.  You can register for that now while there is still some space and we’d love to see you there at the More Gathering in April.  All the details that you would want to know are at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  Just look for the More Gathering.  You’ll find it pretty easily.  Every detail is there, so check it out.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you.  There is a link that is on the home page at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner.  Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Hi family.  This is Salvation is Mine in San Leandro, CA.  I was just listening to the February 12th podcast and heard Gigi. Oh my gosh, little one, oh, I am so, so, so, so happy for you, that you are healed in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and it got me to thinking the faith of a child is so strong and you could hear it in Gigi's voice.  You could hear how much she loves the Lord.  You could hear how much she believed that he was going to heal her and He did.  So who are we as adults to have such doubt?  I'm talking about me with my cancer diagnosis.  I have been stressing and having panic attacks and upset and mad and angry and just a whole bunch of emotions, then here comes our sweet little Gigi just knowing that God was going to take care of her.  So who are we as adults not to have the faith of a child? A child will lead them, right?  So Gigi, thank you for leading us older ones. Thank you for believing in our Lord Jesus Christ probably a little bit more than we do sometimes.  Thank you for being a light in this darkness that we are in. We just appreciate you and we love on you and we praise God for you and we want to continue to hear your testimonies and your call ins from time to time letting us know how you are. Family, God bless you all.  Take care.  I'm going to start stepping out on bigger faith, wider faith as of today. Thank you so much.  God bless you.  Bye-bye.  
Hello DAB family.  This is Joe from Connecticut, a long time listener and first time caller.  First, I would like to remind everyone to continue our financial support of the DAB.  Without our support, there would be no DAB community, so let's help Brian reach more and more people by supporting this great ministry as much as we can. If you haven’t made the commitment yet, pray on it and let God speak to your heart.  So l listen to the Daily Audio Bible every day and pray for those on the prayer line.  I never felt I was in a position to ask for prayer.  My family and friends are all physically healthy, so I didn’t feel worthy to call in just for my spiritual and mental health.  I'm finally recognizing that spiritual warfare we all face can be just as deadly if not more deadly than a physical illness and the evil one knows our weaknesses and never gives up, especially as we move forward into a closer relationship with God.  Now I'm coming to you, my DAB family, this incredible and amazing group of prayer warriors, to pray for me and my children, Megan, Caitlin and Ryan, that we may overcome all the spiritual warfare in our lives and rise above the lies, deceit and distractions that come into our lives every day. Please pray for my children to realize that they are perfect just the way they are, the way God created them, and that they would be less anxious about everything and be able to focus on moving forward in a positive direction and to a relationship with God.  And lastly, please pray for me and the men traveling to the Wild at Heart Advanced Conference this weekend in Colorado, that God will heal our hearts and lead us into a closer relationship with him. Thank you, DAB family.  I'm glad I finally called.  I love you.  
Hey Daily Audio Bible.  This is Billy from Montgomery.  I would like to put a prayer request out there for myself and my wife and my two boys, Billy, Natalie and Taylor and Connor, that we all come to know Jesus and God and all start listening to the Daily Audio Bible to get to know God better and to get to know Jesus better.  I have purchased the e-book of Reframe and I'm reading that now.  I would like to go back and buy the audio version of it to listen to it.  Just love listening to stuff, listening to Brian and all that.  Anyhow, I just wanted to put that prayer request out there, that we all come to know God better and Jesus better in my family and that is all.  I just want to put that prayer request out there.  I will talk to you all later.  Love you guys.  Talk to you later.  Bye.  
Hi Daily Audio Bible.  This is Lisa in Springfield, MO.  I'm a first time caller.  I just finished my first year with Daily Audio Bible and I'm so grateful to my sister Sherry for letting me know about it.  It has been a huge blessing, so thank you, Brian and Jill and staff for this ministry.  I have a prayer request.  My dear friend Christine is dying.  She has been diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is a degenerative brain disorder and it has given her 6-12 months to live.  She is a wonderful wife and friend and mother and grandmother and this is not what she certainly wanted, how she wanted her days on earth to end, so we’re still believing for a miracle and I thought perhaps if the Daily Audio Bible family would join in prayer, we just might see that because our God is faithful.  Everybody have a blessed day and Brian, thanks again for this wonderful ministry. God bless.  Bye-bye.  
Hi everybody.  This is Alisha calling from Kansas.  I'm calling to ask for prayer.  Today is February the 15th and on February the 11th, coming home from church Saturday night I was in a major motor vehicle accident.  If you’d like to see the pictures, please feel free to go to my Facebook Page, Alisha B.  I hit a cement wall going 60 miles an hour after a drunk driver hit another car and that car hit me, sending me going in front of four lanes of traffic without being hit by a single car and then I could hear God telling me to get out of the car which usually they tell you to stay in the car.  I got out of the car, got away from the car and my car was struck again.  I'm praising God for don’t have hardly any injuries.  It's a miracle.  I'm just asking for prayer for quick healing and glasses.  My glasses were lost.  I'm wearing my sunglasses which are also prescription.  I thank you all so much for your prayers, for your faithfulness. I wanted to say real quick, Charles that lost his wife, the matriarch of the family, I'm praying for you.  David from Kansas, I’ve missed a few days. I’ve missed you.  Salvation is Mine, everybody, I love you all.  I'm so grateful for this ministry and for all of you. I hope you all have a blessed day. Thank you.  Bye-bye.  
Good morning Dabbers.  I'm a burning bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our Lord and King.  This morning I'm calling to pray for Reggie from Kenya, Charles from Florida and the loved missionary, Bill B., and also for Lisa's dad Martin.  Father God, we come before you this morning.  We love you and we thank you for this family.  We thank you, God, for the faith that you’ve given us, O Lord, knowing that whatever we ask you in your name you will grant it.  Father Lord, we commit Reggie before you, Lord. God, you have his life in your hands. I pray that you will give him favor, O Lord, that you will open doors for him, doors that were shut closed, Lord. That you will lead him into the job that is fulfilling and that is going to provide for his family, in the name of Jesus.  I pray for Charles from Florida, God.  I pray that you heal his heart and comfort his family after the loss of his wife. God, I pray that you will just be with him, be closer with him, bring him closer to you during this time of her departure, Lord, and remind him that he is not alone.  I pray for missionary Bill B.  Lord, I pray for healing of his body.  I thank you that he can continue ministering even though he's not feeling well, Lord.  I pray that in the name of Jesus.  That you will make your presence known in his life, that you will bring people around him to show him love daily and that as you’re healing his body, God, that you continue to pour into him, pour into his spirit.  I thank you for Lisa's dad, Martin, God, and I thank you, Lord Jesus, for salvation, in the name of Jesus.  Amen. I love you guys.  Victorious Soldier, I love you and I'm thinking of you today.  God bless you.  
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