waterbearmarketing · 8 months
Does anyone else feel like a penguin when they walk on icy sidewalks? Just me?
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demonicdeviation · 2 years
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winter edwin
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tnrevehicles · 1 year
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Whether it's a short trip to the grocery store or a longer journey across town, the TNR EV Scooter will keep you on the move. @tnrevehicles  #EnjoyYourRide
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rindegbenro · 10 months
Where There Is No Way? | Dr. Rinde Gbenro
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disneytva · 10 months
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(W) Roger Langridge (A) Carlo Lauro (CA) Mirka Andolfo
MAKEWAY! DARKWING DUCK IS HUGE! Wait…is Darkwing huge, or are THE JUSTICE DUCKS tiny? It's madcap alien-based tomfoolery by ROGER LANGRIDGE (The Muppets) and CARLO LAURO (Darkwing Duck)
In Shops: Feb 14, 2024
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to-stay-or-to-go · 9 months
Debut or Die - Manhwa Review
01/06/24 ~ 54 chapters out.
Synopsis - After heavy drinking a man wakes and realizes he's in a body of some unknown orphan three years in the past. He has a 'status' window' that tells him he must debut in a year or he will die. he enters a idol survival show where he must utilize his skills and status to become in the final rankings via online votes (called stocks) to debut.
Review - 9.2/10
Honesly, I'm a little generous but I actually really liked this. I thought it would be more BL-like because I always saw it on my TL and For You and obviously when you see a bunch of sparkly handsome (also somewhat feminine looking) manhwa men you'd assume it was BL. From what I know it's not. It actually follows more of the real-life gaming simulation-like manhwas which is always a favorite of mine.
I really like how the characters are depicted and emphasized. Not only is the art really good, the way they depict emotions in the 'performances' are so artistic. It doesn't downplay kpop and idoling at all. Although the whole despair for survival isn't that prominent in the main character, Park Moondae, he is the realest mf in the manhwa.
Like obviously on the surface he's pretty monotonus but his internal monolouge is actually so real. I think a good balance of internalized monologue and 'showing not telling' is really important in not making a manhwa with a lot of logistics boring and this manhwa does it so well.
You get excited with the characters and literally feel the anxiety with them too. And as more and more heartwarming characters are introduced you can't help but be hooked.
If you're super bored and need something actually good to read instead of brain rot, read this. Highly recommend. Even if you're romance-exclusive I really suggest it.
I personally have seen a lot of the irl idol survival shows, like the Prod. 48/100 amongst others and this manhwa really highlights the snakiness of entertainment and the strategical makeway of good publicity. Very thought inducing if you've never processed the idea and it plays well into plot.
Read it. It's good. Hopefully it'll get better.
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nfcomics · 4 months
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Darkwing Duck: Justice Ducks NO.3 • Cover art • Roger Langridge [May 2024]
MAKEWAY! DARKWING DUCK IS HUGE! Wait...is Darkwing huge, or are THE JUSTICE DUCKS tiny?
It's madcap alien-based tomfoolery by ROGER LANGRIDGE (The Muppets) and CARLO LAURO (Darkwing Duck)!
Comic   •   32 pages   •  $3.99 US
(w) Roger Langridge • (a) Carlo Lauro • (ca) Roger Langridge
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gravelgirty · 11 months
How I lost a month of work and health
This is not easy for me, but this is the situation. Buckle up, this is wild.
Our ex-roommate is a hoarder and has all of the mental health issues you may imagine. Among them is executive function disorder, the inability to make important decisions and procrastinate until it is almost/too late to do anything.
After 4+ years of threatening to move when we tried to get them to agree to a cleaning program so we could, you know, live in a healthy house, they found a new place to live. Cue worst moving company ever, that are so terrible they would make you feel sorry for the FAWLTY TOWERS cast if they contracted out to these misogynistic, lazy and ham-fisted movers and I won't name them because their employees have a disturbing history of holding your goods for ransom (extra fees out of nowhere) and actually threatening you if you hold your ground. Let's say the company name starts with S and rhymes with 'makeway' and leave it at that, ok?
Well, roommate had 2 cats rescued from the great outdoors and when they were kittens they were shy and skittish but they were somewhat socialized and gentle. But after about 4 years of living in a hoarder's classic labyrinth and losing every imaginable social interaction with humans, they went feral.
I tried to stop them from escaping the bedroom because the movers were leaving the doors open (another thing they ignored while they were busy breaking stuff).
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Three of us wound up in Urgent Care that night; me, my kid and the roommate because these poor creatures thought they were fighting for their lives. I hold them no grudge.
Doc says if things don't improve in 2-3 days go straight to ER.
Well. My hand balloons up in short order and I can't bend my thumb at all. I dutifully pay for a Lyft (roommate is gone even if their things are still here) and this happens:
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Diagnosis? Septic Arthritis.
This is a rare and scary condition. Cat bit through muscle, tendon sheath, tendon, and even impacted the BONE right at the thumb joint which is a spot almost impossible to reach with oral antibiotics. There's just not enough circulation for the drugs to do their work. So. To save my hand the plastic surgeon on call opens me up AND STRIPS THE SHEATH. I don't know how many stitches I even have.
They have me on a lot of antibiotics plus opiods for the pain and a shunt and tubes and all the good stuff.
Then they put me on vincomiacin, which is a common allergen. I woke up trying to take off my hair in the middle of the night. Like a hive of stinging wasps were under my skin. Cue IV benadryl for 2 nights.
I wound up paying $60 to get my hair cut short as a breath in vacuum when I was back on my feet because my scalp still hurts and is sore from the reaction.
I wasn't even the only person hospitalized in the largest hospital in South Puget Sound over a cat-inflicted wound. I was the 3rd. If you count the first night, I was the 5th. The winner was a woman who kept 4 unspayed cats in her house and thought she could wade in and break up a cat fight.
Priceless was the moment when the salty old nurse in ER muttered that at least I hadn't been bitten by humans, and it turned out she has Seen Things from the ambulance behind the mall on certain nights.
Ultimately, because I can't use the thumb without incredible pain and the mobility is toast, I'm off work until the 10th of November. I used up all of my employee sick leave and will have to muddle back to work and talk to HR about other options on getting some sort of emergency compensation to survive. Friends and family have been wonderful. They've helped with rent and offered rides, helped us get groceries, and all the things you need to make it through.
But I've lost my independence and it hurts, bone-deep. It's deeper than the injury.
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We are facing a deep clean of the apartment because we love living here and we love the landlady and maybe if we'd been a harder a** about the hoarding this wouldn't have happened. Who knows. But lyft rides have cost us $200 and there will probably be more to come as I muddle through rehab and appointments and exams. I'm annoyed about the hair cut. I'm not feeling great about the ballooning weight and I am baffled that there is still a ton of stuff that isn't ours, waiting to be hauled out and the rental agency wants me to pay an extra $500 to re-word the lease (re: start over) because rental controls are on the ballot and they would make it hard for these jokers to sock me with admin fees if the new controls are met and I'm betting this is why they are trying to get the money NOW. In the meantime, the carpet needs to go because my kid has asthma and cat pee carpets aren't healthy for anyone. Not a word about the cleanup has been made from the person who caused this mess. I don't expect it, either. They are mentally ill and not capable of drawing the dots when it comes to things like this. Nor do they have the money. Hard lessons learned.
I'm not posting any of this to beg for money. Frankly, nobody I know has it to spare. As I sit at home I'll slowly work my way through my ko-fi page and try to sell more fiction, and art if my confidence levels go up.
But this is health care in America and I am considered one of the lucky ones because my co-pay stopped at $75 for the emergency X-rays and my pharmacy (Rite-Aid) is finding new and improved ways to keep us from getting our RX in a timely fashion, ran out of bandages, and my GP is tearing her hair out because she faxes meds to me and they simply don't read the faxes that come in.
There is no transportation assistance on my insurance--and I repeat, I am considered one of the lucky ones with a state job + benefits.
I'm applying for emergency assistance to see if there is anything out there because pride goes first.
My sister likes to say, "Life's a lesson, sometimes you're it." This is my lesson. Don't vote down health care. Vote up.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
hai... :3
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utkarshinisoftware · 3 months
Empowering Farmers, Nurturing Autonomy: Non-GM Breeding for Agricultural Self-Reliance
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The ongoing discussion in India centers on the choice between adopting genetically modified (GM) and non-GM corn varieties.
Nowadays, Corn has become a prized commodity for Indian farmers due to its versatile applications. The government, in parallel, is championing corn as an alternative fuel source, capable of being blended with Ethanol.
With corn being a significant component of livestock feed, there is an imperative to bolster corn production in India. Advocates of GM Corn argue that its promotion is the sole solution to meet the surging demand for corn in India.
With ethanol producers fiercely vying for maize supplies, the poultry industry, heavily reliant on maize for feed, has urged the Union Government to permit the import of genetically modified maize and soy meal. Furthermore, it advocates for the introduction of high-yielding GM seeds to enhance productivity nationwide.
While supporters claim that genetically modified crops can solve immediate farming problems, closer examination uncovers many worries that need to be carefully thought about. GM corn does not directly augment yields; rather, it tackles short-term pest-related issues, providing a temporary boost to productivity.
However, is GM Corn the exclusive remedy for India’s maize demand surge? Before hastily endorsing it as the sole option, ought we not to assess past experiences, such as that of BT cotton in India? GM Cotton was introduced in India in the 2002–03 season, and by 2007–08, nearly 90% of cotton farms in India were under GM Cotton.
Afterward, the typical amount of cotton harvested dropped by 23%, going from 554 kilograms per hectare in the fiscal year 2008 to 429 kilograms per hectare in the fiscal year 2024 (an estimated figure). In stark contrast, Bangladesh witnessed a remarkable surge in cotton yield during this period, from 263 Kgs/ha to 737 Kgs/ha.
The adoption of Hybrid BT cotton in India has led to a yield plateau, escalating production costs, and diminished productivity, resulting in decreased farmer revenues, correlated with heightened farmer distress. The rationale behind this decline remains unclear. In European countries, governments are promoting non-GM corn and have banned GM Corn. While GM seeds offer traits like pest resistance and herbicide tolerance, they often entail higher costs and uncertainties regarding market acceptance.
Non-GM maize presents an alternative that reduces reliance on expensive GM technology, potentially enhancing the economic viability of farming operations. European countries, in particular, impose stringent regulations on GM crops, creating lucrative opportunities for farmers producing non-GM maize.
Moreover, niche markets seeking natural or organic products often favour non-GM maize, enabling farmers to cater to specialized consumer demands and command premium prices. In an era where food transparency and traceability are paramount, non-GM status serves as a selling point for farmers, enhancing their market competitiveness.
Recently, Mexico has also decided to ban genetically modified corn, as reported in the news. According to an article published by Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, a project of MakeWay Charitable Society, Mexico’s restrictions on GM corn aim to safeguard the integrity of native corn from GM contamination and to protect human health. the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network is a large network of farmers and environmental groups that has been monitoring the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for over 15 years. As per them, their research continues to uncover indicators of potential harm to humans from consuming GM insect-resistant corn.
Most GM corn plants are genetically modified to kill insect pests, expressing a toxin from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), known to harm the guts of specific types of insects but not others. Farmers have long utilized Bt as a spray to combat pests, but the Bt toxins in GM crops differ in structure, function, and biological effects. Indeed, peer-reviewed studies across the scientific literature persistently find that Bt toxins in GM plants can harm insects (spiders, wasps, ladybugs, and lacewings, for example) that are not the intended targets.
India is excelling in Maize production while maintaining non-GM status. Many districts in Andhra Pradesh & Bihar that cultivate non-GM corn match the yield of US GM corn at ~10 tons/ha. If other corn-growing areas in India emulate the agronomical practices of Andhra Pradesh, all-India corn production would reach 65 million tons from the present 33 million tons. There is no imperative to introduce GM corn in India to cater to the burgeoning needs of the poultry and fuel sectors (ethanol). India’s maize production growth rate far surpasses the global average.
To conclude, we should prioritize the welfare of our farmers and explore avenues to enhance their economic conditions, while also safeguarding our biodiversity, environment, and human health. Therefore, it is prudent to exercise caution while promoting GM corn in India, although we possess the capability to attain self-sufficiency by promoting hybrid non-GM seeds.
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mishtifnb-blog · 4 months
Empowering Farmers, Nurturing Autonomy: Non-GM Breeding for Agricultural Self-Reliance
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The ongoing discussion in India centers on the choice between adopting genetically modified (GM) and non-GM corn varieties.
Nowadays, Corn has become a prized commodity for Indian farmers due to its versatile applications. The government, in parallel, is championing corn as an alternative fuel source, capable of being blended with Ethanol.
With corn being a significant component of livestock feed, there is an imperative to bolster corn production in India. Advocates of GM Corn argue that its promotion is the sole solution to meet the surging demand for corn in India.
With ethanol producers fiercely vying for maize supplies, the poultry industry, heavily reliant on maize for feed, has urged the Union Government to permit the import of genetically modified maize and soy meal. Furthermore, it advocates for the introduction of high-yielding GM seeds to enhance productivity nationwide.
While supporters claim that genetically modified crops can solve immediate farming problems, closer examination uncovers many worries that need to be carefully thought about. GM corn does not directly augment yields; rather, it tackles short-term pest-related issues, providing a temporary boost to productivity.
However, is GM Corn the exclusive remedy for India’s maize demand surge? Before hastily endorsing it as the sole option, ought we not to assess past experiences, such as that of BT cotton in India? GM Cotton was introduced in India in the 2002-03 season, and by 2007-08, nearly 90% of cotton farms in India were under GM Cotton.
 Afterward, the typical amount of cotton harvested dropped by 23%, going from 554 kilograms per hectare in the fiscal year 2008 to 429 kilograms per hectare in the fiscal year 2024 (an estimated figure). In stark contrast, Bangladesh witnessed a remarkable surge in cotton yield during this period, from 263 Kgs/ha to 737 Kgs/ha.
The adoption of Hybrid BT cotton in India has led to a yield plateau, escalating production costs, and diminished productivity, resulting in decreased farmer revenues, correlated with heightened farmer distress. The rationale behind this decline remains unclear. In European countries, governments are promoting non-GM corn and have banned GM Corn. While GM seeds offer traits like pest resistance and herbicide tolerance, they often entail higher costs and uncertainties regarding market acceptance.
 Non-GM maize presents an alternative that reduces reliance on expensive GM technology, potentially enhancing the economic viability of farming operations. European countries, in particular, impose stringent regulations on GM crops, creating lucrative opportunities for farmers producing non-GM maize.
Moreover, niche markets seeking natural or organic products often favour non-GM maize, enabling farmers to cater to specialized consumer demands and command premium prices. In an era where food transparency and traceability are paramount, non-GM status serves as a selling point for farmers, enhancing their market competitiveness.
Recently, Mexico has also decided to ban genetically modified corn, as reported in the news. According to an article published by Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, a project of MakeWay Charitable Society, Mexico’s restrictions on GM corn aim to safeguard the integrity of native corn from GM contamination and to protect human health. the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network is a large network of farmers and environmental groups that has been monitoring the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for over 15 years. As per them, their research continues to uncover indicators of potential harm to humans from consuming GM insect-resistant corn.
Most GM corn plants are genetically modified to kill insect pests, expressing a toxin from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), known to harm the guts of specific types of insects but not others. Farmers have long utilized Bt as a spray to combat pests, but the Bt toxins in GM crops differ in structure, function, and biological effects. Indeed, peer-reviewed studies across the scientific literature persistently find that Bt toxins in GM plants can harm insects (spiders, wasps, ladybugs, and lacewings, for example) that are not the intended targets.
India is excelling in Maize production while maintaining non-GM status. Many districts in Andhra Pradesh & Bihar that cultivate non-GM corn match the yield of US GM corn at ~10 tons/ha. If other corn-growing areas in India emulate the agronomical practices of Andhra Pradesh, all-India corn production would reach 65 million tons from the present 33 million tons. There is no imperative to introduce GM corn in India to cater to the burgeoning needs of the poultry and fuel sectors (ethanol). India’s maize production growth rate far surpasses the global average.
To conclude, we should prioritize the welfare of our farmers and explore avenues to enhance their economic conditions, while also safeguarding our biodiversity, environment, and human health. Therefore, it is prudent to exercise caution while promoting GM corn in India, although we possess the capability to attain self-sufficiency by promoting hybrid non-GM seeds.
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canadianjobbank · 5 months
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/clerk-records-2/
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miketendo-64 · 9 months
[EXPlay] Make Way | Nintendo Switch
Get ready to make way for #MakeWay on #NintendoSwitch. @jonathanober jumps into the driver's seat of this "Make your own way" style racer in his latest Explain & Play Review #EXPlay
Welcome to EXPlay, (Explain & Play) the review series where we care not for scores but tell it how it is when it comes to every game we get our hands on, whilst also taking the time to include some lengthy gameplay, to give you the reader, the chance to shape your own impressions and views whilst watching and reading. In this explanatory review, we’re covering Make Way by developer Ice Beam…
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nishant-gune-blogs · 1 year
VIDA, Powered by Hero
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stteresaschool · 2 years
Makeway for your child’s bright future at the Best School in Vaishali
St. Teresa School is the best school in Vaishali, contributing to the education of children for a decade. The school promotes a proper understanding of concepts, problem-solving techniques, and the art of critical thinking. The school provides an education that is not only modern but is based on the ethical and rich culture of our country. To know about the admission process, visit our website and contact us.
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theateliernewtonc · 2 years
The Atelier
The Atelier is a District 9 Freehold New Launch Condo located at 2 Makeway Avenue. It is 9 mins walk from Newton MRT and is within 1km of ACS Pri, ACS Jnr and SJI Jnr.
the atelier price
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