#making him believe there's bed bugs in the bed so arthur sleeps on the floor
Hello, I wand to request some angst. Can you write about Arthur trying to explain to little Shelby sister that John’s gone. (I miss this man 😔)
A/N: Ah, this broke my heart. I miss John so damn much, he was one of my favorites and ugh.
It broke my heart to write this, because I imagine that John and little shelby had this very special bond and suddenly he’s gone qwq I can’t. I guess it's more sad fluff than angst, but I hope you like it, sweetheart!
Characters: John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, little Shelby sister
Warnings: meanings of death, grief
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By now it was a regular procedure that when you woke up in the middle of the night, you would get out of your bed and wander to the end of the top floor of your childhood home.
You would softly knock and slip through the squeaking door, tiptoeing over the ground until you’d stood in front of the one who always seemed to be able to calm you down.
“Can’t sleep, bug?”, the blonde man muttered with his eyes still closed. You nodded, clutching your stuffed bear to your chest. “C’mere.” Throwing his blanket back, he shifted slightly so you could crawl next to him.
He would softly wrap an arm around your frame, covering you both with his blanket. His familiar smell of cigarettes, leather and spicy cologne would be overwhelming for some, but on you it always had a soothing and comforting effect, putting you to sleep in mere minutes.
You loved them all, you really did. But you loved him a little bit more.
Soulmates, your aunt once said. A special connection of two souls, bound together way before time.
How lucky you were to find your soulmate in your brother.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing here?”
You flinched at the sudden voice and turned around to find Arthur standing in the door frame.
His hair was messy like he just woke up and the hairs of his moustache pointed in every possible direction. “Did you have a nightmare?”
Clutching your stuffed bear to your chest you turned around to look at the empty bed in front of you.
“When is John coming back?”, you asked quietly, your gaze still fixed on the empty bedding before you.
You heard Arthur shift in his place as he walked towards the bed to sit on it.
Tapping his hand on the spot behind him, he motioned you to sit next to him. You followed, letting him help you to climb onto it.
Your brother sighed heavily; his body crouched forward as he struggled to come up with the right words. “John isn’t coming back, sweetheart. Not today or any other day.”
You looked up at him with an irritated expression. “But where did he go?”
Arthur brushed his beard, choosing his words carefully as he didn’t want to frighten you.
“He died, sweetheart.”, he said, choosing truth over a lie that would avoid the topic and raise even more questions. “Mommy also died, right?”, you concluded to which Arthur nodded. “Is he with mommy?” Your oldest brother shrugged his shoulders, after thinking for a while. “Nobody really knows, Y/N, but I believe that they are together in heaven, watching us and taking care that nothing bad happens to us.” He shifted in his place and pulled you closer to him, his finger pointing at the spot where your heart was beating. “Sometimes people can’t stay with us forever, but they will always be in our hearts.”
You nodded; your tiny hand put flat over your beating heart as you fell silent. “I miss him, Artie.”
“We all do, sweetie.”, Arthur responded, his voice barely a whisper.
A wet drop suddenly fell on your forehead, making you look up at your oldest brother. Arthur was rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt trying to gain control over the sobs that made his body shake.
“Why are you crying, Artie?”, you asked, your childish mind still not grasping the meaning of what being dead meant. “He’s with mommy, isn’t he? They’re not alone.”
Arthur let out a choked laughter as another sob left his body. “I’m alright, sweetheart. I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye, you know?”
“Will I have to say goodbye to you someday, Artie?” Your sudden question took him by surprise and he shook his head fervently, hugging you close to his chest.
“I hope to live a long, long time, sweetheart. But no matter what, someone will always be here to take care of you.” “I will take care of you, too, Artie.”
Arthur laughed quietly, pressing you closer to him for a second, before he released you to look at your face.
“I know you will, sweetheart. I know.”
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You Better, You Better, You Bet - Chapter 6
Adore You
Ron Speirs x Juliet Fletcher
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Summary: Juliet Fletcher reaches a breaking point in her life. When she is at her absolute lowest, she meets Ron Speirs, and something happens between them that neither of them will ever forget.
Word Count: 4.2k
Tag List: @vintagelavenderskies​​​ @how-are-those-nuts-sarge​​​ @iilovemusic12us​​​ @hesbuckcompton-baby​​​ @tvserie-s-world​​​ @whovian45810​​ @50svibes​​​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this update!
Warning(s): The beginning of this is just a touch NSFW, but nothing explicit. Also, mentions of abuse and later abortion. 
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5
AO3 link
Chapter 6 here we go!!!
Sunlight pooled into the room above the Blue Boar, warming the skin of the two bodies tangled up in the sheets upon the bed. It illuminated for Juliet all the places Ron had touched her the night before, the memory of it as electrifying and sensual as the moment itself. She stirred to look up at his sleeping face, goosebumps erupting over her as she recalled the number of times she’d whined his name as he drew climax after climax out of her. It made her squirm against him now from her spot tucked into his side. No one had ever made love to her like that before, and she found herself hungry for more already. 
To steady herself, she listened to his heart, counting the beats coming steady and strong. It didn’t help quell the ache between her thighs because she just remembered bracing herself against that firm chest as she straddled and rode him. Face growing warm with all the images of their tryst, she shifted again. This time, enough to wake him. 
“Morning,” he said, voice raspy with sleep. “‘M surprised you’re up. Must not have done my job right.” 
“Believe me, you did more than enough,” she returned, pressing her lips to his chest, right beside the faint marks from her fingers. Her own voice was a bit hoarse as well, but she had used it quite a bit during the evening.
“I see,” he smirked. “You want more then.” 
Very few people could make Juliet Fletcher blush, but that made her cheeks burn. He was right after all. Even with everything they had done, she was eager to have him again. And again and again and again…
“Shut up,” she grumbled. 
“Fine,” he said with a shrug. “Tell me what you’d rather I do with my mouth.” 
She giggled at that, biting her lip as she considered his offer. “I want it on mine.” 
True to his word, he said nothing, but pulled her close for a deep, heated kiss. Their lips were still slightly swollen from the night before, but it didn’t stop them. There was no rush this morning, just gentle exploration, soft moans, and slow hands. 
As his mouth trailed from her jawline to her collarbone, he stopped, something on her skin standing out to him - something he hadn’t noticed in the night. A circular, red scar where her collarbone met her shoulder. He gently touched it with his index finger. 
“Birthmark?” he guessed, but something in his gut told him he was wrong. 
She shook her head. “Scar. The cigar was a pretty typical threat for Dad, but he made good on it once when I got carried away with back chat. And Billy wasn’t around.” 
His face shifted just slightly when his jaw stiffened and his mouth turned down. “How old were you?” 
“Ten,” she told him. “I don’t even remember what I said or why we were fighting. But I remember the pain, that’s for sure.” 
He met her gaze. “You’re awfully casual about something like that.” 
“It was so long ago,” she returned with half a shrug. “Honestly, I forget it’s there most of the time. And he’s gone now.” 
The way she averted her eyes told him it bothered her more than she was letting on, but he didn’t pry. Instead, he pressed his lips to the scar in a display of tenderness that nearly took her breath away. It did not erase what her father had done, but it felt more healed than it ever had before. 
After their morning round, they decided they needed food or they’d never be able to keep this up. So they headed downstairs.
Juliet hummed through most of breakfast, which was a stroke to Ron’s ego, but he didn’t mention it. He just watched her pop a bit of food into her mouth and do her little in-seat dance that was fucking precious in his opinion and appreciated that he was with her. It seemed odd that the last time they’d had breakfast, they were perfect strangers. Just a few weeks later, they knew each other...well, intimately. 
“Why the book?” he asked suddenly. 
She looked at him mid-bite into some toast. “Hm?”
“Why did the book make you kiss me?” he said.
“It really wasn’t the book to be perfectly honest,” she said, setting the toast back on her plate. “It was what you did to get it.” 
He cocked his head to the side questioningly as he took a sip of his coffee. 
“The whole making up multiple bidders, and choosing Humphrey Bogart as the winning name,” she explained. “And then how much you paid for it. No one’s ever done anything like that for me before.” 
“No way,” he returned. “Not even when you were engaged?” 
She shook her head. “Arthur was...a very self-centered man. He wasn’t unkind, but he had a role he wanted me to fulfill. And I was expected to do it without him putting in any effort to keep me there. I think...he always thought I was lucky to have him. So he never took on any grand gestures.”
“I’d hardly call bidding on your book a grand gesture,” he replied, unsure what else to say to that. Putting effort into someone you liked? Wasn’t that setting the bar a little low? That felt like the bare minimum. He had always thought of love as two people sort of earning each other, and continuing to prove that they cared. 
“It was to me,” she said, her voice soft and just a smidge quieter than usual. Which told him she was really touched by what he’d done. It didn’t surprise him since apparently the only man who had never let her down was her brother. “Thank you.” 
“Well, don’t get too mushy, I mostly did it so I can make fun of you,” he said, lightening the mood. 
She snorted. “You’ll get loads of material from that, trust me.” 
“You’re not afraid of what I’ll find?” he asked. 
“I’m not afraid of anything,” she shot back, a determined gleam in her eye. 
For a moment, he believed her. She did seem to put almost her whole self out there for the world to see, so ready to take a risk. With the father she had and the heartbreak she’d endured, it would have been especially understandable for her to be afraid of everything and everyone. But she took the world head on, and had even opened herself up to him, without once asking him for any sort of promise for a future. She was so remarkable to him, he just sat back and admired her. Until she froze and the color drained from her face. 
She didn’t answer him, she only stared at a spot on the table, eyes fixed on something in the middle. He followed her gaze and saw a small spider, maybe a couple centimeters long, creeping across the wood. 
“Fucking shit!” she cried, leaping from her seat. The chair scraped against the floor before toppling onto its side as she scampered away, pressing her body into the wall on the other side of the pub. “Ron, you have to kill it!” 
He gaped at her, utterly astounded. “Are you serious?” 
Her ghost-like complexion told him she was, but she nodded her head anyway, eyes wide with paralyzing fear. 
“Spiders?” he questioned. “That’s what gets you?” 
“They’re creepy!” she insisted. “It’s perfectly normal to be -”
“It’s the size of a -”
Resisting the urge to laugh, he picked up a napkin and slapped it down over the spider, wiping it away before balling it up and walking it over to a trash bin to dispose of the remains. When the coast was clear, he approached her and she shuddered. 
“Ugh, I still feel it on me,” she said. 
“It never touched you,” he reminded her. 
She scowled. “Look at my face.”
“I am looking at your face.” 
“Does it look like I want to be sassed?” 
“It does not.” 
“Then keep your little opinions to yourself.” 
“Not an opinion,” he returned. “It really didn’t touch you.” 
“What did I just say?” she shot back. 
“You’re being unreasonable,” he said. 
“Okay, and?”
He rolled his eyes. “Let’s just finish breakfast.” 
“No way!” she cried. “I’m not going back over there, what if there are more of them?” 
“There aren’t.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do, actually, I was just there.” 
“Can’t we just leave?” she asked. 
“Juliet, I promise if there are any more spiders, I will kill them just as swiftly and mercilessly as this one,” he said. “Let’s finish our meal.” 
She eyed him skeptically, as if at any moment he would open up his jacket to reveal a secret stash of spiders just waiting to assault her, but he only held out his hand. Reluctantly, she took it and allowed him to lead her back to the table. He resumed his seat right away, but she inspected hers first. Satisfied there were no more spiders, she sat. 
He sipped his coffee. “So, is it just spiders or all bugs?” 
“Spiders, mostly,” she answered. “Other bugs I can take care of myself.” 
“Why spiders, then?” 
“It’s just a thing,” she said with a shrug. “I can’t explain it.” 
He could have argued there was a lot about her that couldn’t be explained, but decided against pointing that out. He just took another sip of coffee. She reached for her fork. 
“Juliet, wait!” he said urgently. “I think I see another one!” 
She screamed and hurled the fork away from her. It soared over to the adjacent table and clattered onto it before skidding to a stop. She looked over at it, chest heaving with her frightened breaths. Incidentally, it was free of any creatures. She glowered at Ron and the infuriating smirk on his face.
“That’s not funny,” she grumbled. 
“It’s a little funny,” he returned. 
“I loathe you right now.” 
“I can live with that.” 
She snatched his fork from in front of him and used it instead. “You’re a bully.” 
“Eat your eggs,” he replied. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” she retorted. 
He shot her a steely look, and she stuck her tongue out at him before taking a bite of her eggs. She chewed and swallowed. 
“That’s a good dad look you’ve got there,” she said. “D’you use it on your subordinates?”
“Dad look?” he questioned. 
“Y’know, the stern look,” she said. “You pull it off well.” 
“You seeing that as paternal is only a little bit disturbing,” he replied. 
“That’s fair,” she conceded. “I didn’t have the best example.” 
“I’d say you probably had one of the worst,” he said. 
“Wouldn’t fight you there.” 
“To answer your question, if my men disappoint me, I make it known, in whatever way the situation calls for,” he said. 
“That’s...vague,” she said. 
He only shrugged again before he changed the subject. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” 
“I’m actually taking the train to Trowbridge to interview the defense attorney for the Lee case,” she said. “I should be back by this evening, though.” 
“You want some company?” he offered. “We don’t have any training going on today.” 
She blinked. “Really?” 
“Sure,” he said. “Despite your attitude, I kinda like spending time with you.” 
“Flattering,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I actually...would love that. Thank you.” 
Once again, something so basic was - to her - going above and beyond. It was clear to him that Juliet had become accustomed to a certain level of interest in her, and it was low. He hoped to prove otherwise. 
Trowbridge was not much bigger than Aldbourne, there was just more going on since it was the capital of the county. Juliet was meeting the defense attorney at his office, and she confessed to Ron she was a bit nervous about the interview. He wasn’t an attorney that worked for the government, he was in private practice. His name was Harvey Cooper, and when Juliet had done some background on him, she discovered he was well-known for cases like the Lee case. He had actually sought out Meredith Fisher when the police report came through about Peggy’s body. There was a lot that could go wrong, but Ron reminded her that there was also a lot that could go well. 
They arrived at the office, where they were greeted by a secretary. Harvey emerged from his office with a smile that would have been more appropriate for a salesman than a defense attorney for a murder case. He shook Juliet’s hand, accepted without question that Ron was her photographer, and took them back to his office. He gave a brief, cheerful tour of the place, explaining that he’d done some updating, but was limited because of the war. Juliet and Ron exchanged a surprised look at the man’s chipper disposition. 
“Well, Miss Fletcher, I must say I’m surprised you’re working this story,” Harvey said as they all took seats in his office, Juliet and Ron on one of the desk, and Harvey on the other. “I read some past issues of the London Pursuit, and saw you were an entertainment writer.” 
“Yes,” she said gracefully. “I got a bit of a promotion, you see, with the majority of the men otherwise occupied.” 
“Sure, sure,” Harvey replied. “Of course, in my line of work, I’m more than aware of what women are capable of.” 
Ron watched Juliet’s careful disguise of her distaste to that remark. She forced a smile and tucked her hair behind her ear, before retrieving her notepad and pencil from her bag. 
“Certainly,” she said. “Which brings me to the point at hand. I’ve spoken to the prosecution about Meredith Fisher’s case, and the evidence is really strong. How do you plan to plead?” 
“Not guilty,” Harvey answered simply. 
“On what grounds?” she asked, unsurprised by that answer. 
“Institutional failure,” he said. 
That took her aback. She blinked for a moment and sat back in her seat. “Institutional failure?” 
“Absolutely,” he said. “Operation Pied Piper was under prepared and under planned. According to my research, no one vetted any of the families who agreed to take in children. If you signed up, you were approved, no questions asked.” 
Juliet’s brow furrowed. “While that’s certainly interesting, it doesn’t absolve Mrs. Fisher of responsibility for her individual actions. No other unvetted family has done this.” 
“But they could have,” he insisted. “I believe Mrs. Fisher is being made into a scapegoat for something that could have reasonably happened to any number of the children who were part of the program.” 
She stared at him for a long moment, and Ron watched her. He could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing. Ron didn’t quite understand it either - it was a flimsy argument. 
“Are you...are you taking the piss?” she questioned. 
“Not in the slightest,” Harvey said. 
“Mr. Cooper, that argument is generally only used in civil cases for things like job termination,” she said. “This is murder. And it didn’t happen to any of the other children. Mrs. Fisher isn’t a stand in for something that’s been happening nationwide, this is a single instance.” 
“But, if the committee in Parliament had done its job, Peggy Lee would never have gone to the Fisher home,” he said. 
“Why?” Juliet pressed. “Does Mrs. Fisher have a record of violence?” 
“No, but one interview could have told them that she had no children of her own,” he said. “They never could conceive - a naturally devastating thing for a woman. Who would trust her with a child after discovering that?” 
She froze, and Ron watched something flash behind her eyes. A storm was brewing inside her, a hellish anger at the implication there. He didn’t agree with what Harvey was saying either, but that was just the sort of comment that set Juliet off. 
“Your entire argument is childless women being unhinged simply because they are childless,” she said, and there was a strain on her voice to keep it level. “There are plenty of women who cannot have children who do not go around murdering other people’s, myself included. Your head is up your ass if you think this will be an acceptable defense in a court of law!” 
It took Ron a moment to fully absorb what she had just admitted. He wondered for a fleeting second if Juliet was bluffing, but she was too ethical. In situations like this, she wouldn’t lie - not about something so serious. He also wondered if it was something he could ask her about, but that was a conversation for later. 
“Any doctor would diagnose her as unstable,” Harvey said, face darkening. “And I don’t appreciate your tone, Miss Fletcher.” 
“I don’t appreciate your ignorance, Mr. Cooper,” she shot back. “She wasn’t diagnosed as anything except woman, and that was by you, not a doctor.”
“Hold on -”
“So if I - I dunno - leapt over this desk and strangled you,” she cut across him, and Ron held back a laugh. “You would reasonably expect another attorney to argue that it’s the responsibility of the London Pursuit because they should have known, say, that my ex-fiancée was an attorney therefore I’m more likely to kill one? Because scorned women are known to be more furious?” 
“That’s not the same.” 
“It’s exactly the same, only in your case, worse,” she snapped. “A child is dead, and you are making a mockery of the fight for justice.” 
“I’m doing my job -” 
“Your job should entail getting Mrs. Fisher evaluated by a doctor and arguing down her sentence based on her mental capacity,” she returned. “Instead, you are reducing her to a monster because she is unable to give birth.” 
“I’m not -” 
“Even if it were true - which it isn't,” she interrupted him again. “It would still be her own fault for putting her hands on a child!” 
Harvey slammed his hands down on his desk, which prompted Ron to get to his feet, but Juliet didn’t even flinch. She stared that lawyer down as if they were in the courtroom already and she was the cross examiner. She was so unafraid it was almost difficult to believe that just hours ago a little spider had sent her running across the room. 
“Miss Fletcher,” Harvey said levelly, casting a sideways glance at Ron. “You clearly came into this interview with your mind made up about my client and this case. I must ask you to leave.” 
She stood up. “You’re right, I did come in here with my mind made up,” she said. “But that’s because I’ve got the facts. Unlike you, Mr. Cooper, I do not rely on drollery to do my job.” 
“That’s a bold statement coming from a woman -” 
“Do not ever reduce me to my sex, Mr. Cooper,” she snapped. “Yours certainly will not protect you from being intentionally stripped of your dignity.” 
With that, she turned on her heel and swept out of the office. Harvey stood up. He went around his desk and started after her. 
“Hold on, what does that mean?!” he called. 
Ron intercepted him at the doorway, stopping Harvey with a hand to the chest. 
“No,” Ron said simply, with a warning look. It went without saying that Ron had about fifty pounds on Harvey, so if he followed them out, there would be consequences. When that was well understood, Ron went after Juliet. 
She was already outside by the time he caught up, and she was waiting for him. The wind blew her hair, and he was briefly struck by how attractive she looked. He was already aroused by how she did in the interview. When he wasn’t on the receiving end of her ranting, it really was something. It was something when he was, but ultimately more enjoyable when it was directed at someone else. Because he could just sit back to watch her go and admire her. 
“Well done back there,” he said. 
“What an absolute wanker,” she said. “Institutional failure, what a fucking joke. And how insulting for Mrs. Fisher. Everyone deserves a lawyer who takes them seriously. And he clearly doesn’t.” 
He only nodded in agreement. “What did you mean by the dignity stripping comment?” 
“I can’t print anything about this until the trial happens, but believe me, that conversation will be included in the article,” she said. “I’m not normally one to get set on taking someone down, but if he seeks cases like this out just to pull stunts like that, the public should be aware.” 
Her face was red with frustration and her pace had quickened. Luckily, Ron had no trouble keeping up since his strides were longer than hers. His own heart was racing, but mostly out of his excitement about her. When there was a break in the buildings, he grabbed her by the arm and yanked her into the alleyway, pinning her against the wall. He stifled her yelp of surprise with a searing kiss. He wanted to show her how much he felt for her. She was smart, passionate, and annoyingly ethical, but he adored her. Seeing her in action only reinforced just how much. 
She moaned into his mouth before they broke apart for air, but clung to his jacket so he wouldn’t get too far away. Her eyes took a moment to re-focus on him after the dizzying intensity of his kiss. 
“You’re incredible,” he breathed. 
She searched his face for something behind his words, but found him genuine. “Thank you.” 
She bit her lip as she looked him up and down, that hunger from the morning returning to her. She craved him again, and when he smirked she knew he was aware of the effect he had. 
“God, what’s wrong with me?” she sighed, shaking her head. 
“Plenty, but I really like you anyway,” he returned, and she beamed. “You wanna get back to Aldbourne?” 
She nodded eagerly. “God, yes.” 
He turned to get onto the street again, but she pulled him back for another kiss, this one just a little longer than the last. 
It was on the train back to Aldbourne that he decided to inquire about what he heard her say in Harvey’s office. Her head rested on his shoulder as the countryside whizzed by, slowly disappearing as the sun sank behind the horizon. He looked at the yellow glow on her face and couldn’t help himself. 
“You really can’t have children?” he asked. 
She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Oh, crikey, I almost forgot I mentioned that.” 
“You don’t have to talk about it if -”
“No, it’s quite alright,” she assured him as she sat up. “We are sleeping together, so you’ve got a right to know.” She paused and looked down at her lap before continuing. “I was pregnant once. By a man I’d been seeing only a few weeks. But I was nineteen years old and terrified of what life would be like with a child I didn’t really want.” She fiddled with the handles of her bag. “So I made the decision to terminate. Only, something went wrong, and I was told because of the mistake, I’d be unable to have children. That’s the long and short of it.” 
The confession should have been shocking, but he found himself remarkably indifferent. He wanted to know more about it, but the act itself did not bother him in the slightest. 
“Did you tell the father?” he wondered. 
She shook her head. “No. I’d made up my mind and I didn’t want him to try and persuade me to change it.”
“So you went alone?” he asked. 
“No, Billy took me,” she told him. “No questions asked. He was the only one who understood.”
“I wasn’t ready for marriage or a child,” she explained. “I had so much more I wanted to do with my life.” She met his gaze. “And I’ve done it.” 
“So, no regrets, then?” he questioned hesitantly. 
She pondered that, glancing out the window before looking back at his face. “Not really, no. I’m not suited for motherhood, anyway.” She bit her lip. “Is that...is that a problem?” 
Honestly, he had not thought much about the future, especially since the war started. It was dangerous to hope. Juliet had awakened some of that in him - some glimmer of faith that he could go to war and come back to her. But children? He had never thought that far ahead, so life without them didn’t feel like a disappointment. He just wanted her. 
“No, not at all,” he replied. 
She visibly relaxed at that, letting out a low breath before easing herself back into his side. Before she got there, he took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and made her look at him once more. 
“And by the way, we’re more than just sleeping together,” he said, and he kissed her smile. 
She settled against him and closed her eyes. He draped his arm around her shoulders. They were content.
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rebeccatherine · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Mature Characters: Sharon Carter (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Arthur Parks Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Espionage Summary: Sam Wilson accompanies Sharon Carter on an undercover SHIELD mission.
Read on AO3 under the pseud rebeccavis or below.
Sam had offered to sleep on the floor. He said he was used to it from his days in the military, which Sharon understood; Steve had mentioned to her offhandedly before that his bed never felt quite right. However, on this occasion the bed was probably the safest place for both of them. As she had pointed out to Sam, they had a clear view of the window from there should they need it and, if anyone decided to check in on them, it would look a little strange for a doting wife to be alone in a king-size bed. Sam, after looking horrified by the notion of someone spying on him while he was asleep, eventually conceded. 
“Sorry.” Sam’s whisper had been preceded by the sound of something soft hitting the floor. “Why do they give you so many dang pillows?”
Sharon chuckled. “I don’t know,” she admitted, “Rich people shit?”
Their backs were turned to each other and, even if they hadn’t been, Sharon doubted she’d be able to see much of anything in the darkness of their isolated cabin. She heard a soft rumble from next to her, though, and could see Sam smiling in her head. “Rich people shit,” he agreed.
Sharon supposed she was meant to go to sleep now. While she hadn’t served in the military, she’d had her fair share of sleeping in strange places as a SHIELD agent, many of which had been far less comfortable than where she was at the moment. Even so, this was maybe the first time she was worried about having trouble drifting off. Her mind was usually where she felt it should be: focused on the job and what steps she needed to take to ensure its success, including getting a good night’s sleep. Tonight, her mind was for some reason lingering on terms of endearment, unexpected compliments and arms wrapped tenderly around her waist. 
She felt Sam’s weight shift slowly next to her and suspected he was turning over onto his other side. It was something she had been thinking about, too, although now it meant they’d be face to face, which would be weird. Or would it? She settled for rolling over onto her back instead to stare at the ceiling. Her eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness, and she could just about trace the outline of the wooden beams above her head.
“Hey, Shar?” Sam’s voice was soft, but so unexpected that she froze for a split second. “Can we talk?”
“Sam? Is my purse out there?” Sharon had raised her voice a little, hoping she’d be heard from outside the bathroom where she was putting on her makeup. 
“Uh...yeah, I see it, baby,” she heard Sam reply, emphasizing his last word significantly more than was necessary, “Do you need it?”
“Oh, I think I left something in there, but I can…” Sharon trailed off as she heard footsteps in her direction and then a gentle rap on the door she hadn’t bothered to lock. “You can come in. I’m almost done.”
The door opened with a click and Sam stepped in, offering up a smile as his eyes met hers. She could tell there was a slight nervousness to his expression, at odds with how comfortably the bespoke dark suit he was wearing fit him.  
“Almost, huh?” he said, his tone playful.
“Wouldn’t want to forget my lipstick,” Sharon explained, reaching over to take her small silver clutch from his hand, “Thanks.”
“Yeah, you’d look terrible without it,” Sam teased, to which Sharon chuckled. 
Having reclaimed the missing item from her purse, Sharon turned back towards the mirror to apply the deep red shade to her lips. It reminded her of the colors her aunt had always been fond of wearing, perhaps even more so because, like her aunt once had, she was currently sporting brunette shoulder-length curls. Her dress, on the other hand - red, full-length, with a front slit and a mostly open back - was probably something Peggy would not have opted for unless she had also been undercover.  
“Just to be clear - you look amazing, Shar.” She glanced over her shoulder at the sound of Sam’s words, then directed a grin at him.
“So we’re not going with ‘baby’?” she asked. 
Sam’s brow furrowed. “Damn it.”
“It’s OK, you don’t have to worry. While you were out I put a bug killer in one of the lamps by the bed, so nobody’s listening in on us,” Sharon assured him as she turned around, “It’s good to get some practice, though.”
“I just thought ‘baby’ would be easier,” Sam explained, “I’m worried I’m going to forget to call you by your cover name.”
“‘Baby’ works great. I’ll go with it, too.” Sharon gave a nod to indicate she was ready to go, then emerged with Sam into the bedroom. “Look, I know this undercover stuff isn’t exactly your thing, but I promise you’re in safe hands,” she added, “Besides, it’s not like you have to put on a British accent or anything.”
“Thank God,” Sam noted, “I bet you can do a great British accent. You have family from there, right?”
“Yeah, that’s an easy one for me. My grandfather’s whole side of the family is British.”
“Did they teach you any fun British slang?”
“Plenty, but I’m pretty sure it’s all from the fifties so I’m totally out of date.” Sharon gave a small shrug of her shoulders. “You know my aunt used to call me ‘Shaz’ sometimes?”
“Shaz?” Sam echoed. His eyebrows raised as he shot an endearing glance at her, clearly entertained by the idea. “That’s amazing. Can I call you ‘Shaz’?”
“Absolutely not,” Sharon replied, though she kept her tone light.
“Noted. Although I make no promises after this mission is over and I’ve found the nearest place where I can get a daiquiri,” Sam noted, “You don’t have to join me, though.”
“Maybe I’d be OK with it under those circumstances,” Sharon conceded with a smile, “I do like ‘Shar’, though.”
Sam looked pleased with himself. He made his way over to the bed to pick up Sharon’s coat, which he offered to her. “Trust me, I’ve worked with you enough and heard enough to know I’m in the safest of hands,” he affirmed, “I just don’t want to get in your way. Do the photos look good?”
“Oh, yeah, they’re perfect. All you need to do is distract Parks and I know exactly where I need to go,” Sharon slipped her arms into the outstretched garment, shrugging it over her shoulders and gently tugging her hair out from underneath it. “Tell Redwing I said thanks.” 
“I will,” Sam replied after a small pause, “So we’re in, we talk to the party guests for a bit, you go download the files, and we’re out. Pretty straightforward apart from the fact that our ride isn’t coming until tomorrow morning.”
“So unlike Maria to not come pick up her friends after a party, but what can you do?” Sharon joked, “I think we’ll be OK to spend the night in our luxury log cabin.”
“I can always take the floor,” Sam said. 
“We can talk about that later. Let me give you your comm.” Sharon’s purse didn’t have room for much besides her lipstick and some cash, but the communication devices - one of which she handed to Sam - barely took up any space at all. “Is there anything else we need to go over?”
“I don’t think so. I’m glad we have these,” Sam admitted, then something seemed to occur to him, “Oh, I was going to ask you about ground rules. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable, but I know we’re supposed to be married...I guess I don’t know how this usually works.”
“When we’re in the field pretending to be a couple we tend not to go overboard on public displays of affection unless the intention is to make someone else feel uncomfortable. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I trust you.” Sharon exchanged a small smile with him, and was glad to see he looked a little relieved. 
“Alright, then, Mrs. Dixon. Let’s go.” Sam offered up his arm, which Sharon took as they made their way down the wooden staircase to the living room. “This is some really weird rich people shit, you know. What kind of person owns what looks like an English mansion in upstate New York and makes his friends hire out nearby log cabins with no cellphone service just to attend his party?”
Sharon laughed, partly because it sounded a lot like something Tony Stark might do. “I’m glad you got that off your chest,” she commented, “And you’re right. Unfortunately, tonight I think we’re going to have to deal with a lot of rich people shit.”
“Name?” The man at the entrance to the mansion was dressed as a butler and peering at Sam as if he was a curiosity, which gave Sharon a strong urge to kick him in the face with one of her high heels. 
“Dixon. Sean Dixon,” Sam told him with a confidence that meant Sharon didn’t have to force a smile. She gave his arm an affectionate squeeze, having kept her own wrapped around it for most of the drive over.
“Ah, yes, and you must be the lovely Cherie Dixon.” The butler pronounced her name with a perfect French accent, so Sharon naturally had to correct him.
“Oh, it’s ‘Sherry’, but believe me, if I could say it your way I would,” she declared. The giggle she gave along with her words was fake but well-practiced, unlike the smile the butler gave her in return which was simply fake.  
“If you would be so kind as to step into our testing area,” the butler instructed them. 
Sharon gave a small nod which Sam mirrored, and the two of them made their way inside. Out of the corner of her eye, Sharon noticed that their ride - a chauffeured limousine that had been provided by the owner of the mansion - was still waiting in the extended driveway. She wondered what instructions the chauffeur had been given should she and/or Sam turn out to be mutants.
They had both been briefed early on that the party had a strict policy against mutants attending. It wasn’t a particularly new development; there were many, particularly those in power, who didn’t like that mutants could often hide in plain sight unlike most of the Avengers. What wasn’t clear, however, was how such policies were being enforced, and that was one of the things she and Sam had been tasked with finding out.
“Please give me your left index finger.” Sharon had been ushered along with Sam through the first door on the left, where a line of men and women dressed as old-fashioned footmen and maids were holding anachronistic devices that were roughly the same shape as a large calculator. She glanced at Sam, who just barely raised his eyebrows, then turned to the woman who had addressed her. 
“Here you go,” she said, letting go of her companion’s arm to present her left hand to what she assumed was a lab technician-turned-maid. The woman clearly didn’t have much in the way of bedside manner, as she pricked Sharon’s finger with a needle without so much as a warning. She then instructed her to press the small drop of blood to a pad on the device she was holding, where a bright light shone behind Sharon’s finger before she received a reading. 
“NO X-GENE DETECTED,” the screen flashed. 
“Is that good?” Sharon asked, her eyes wide.
The woman who had tested her all but rolled her eyes. “Yeah. That’s good,” she said, then turning to Sam, “You’re up next.”
Sharon’s eyes darted around to the other would-be house staff while Sam was similarly tested for his lack of a mutant gene. The devices they were using were unfamiliar to her, and she could almost make out a logo on the back of them but not quite. For now, she just made a mental note to try to steal one of the devices before they left the mansion for the night. 
“NO X-GENE DETECTED,” the screen flashed again, and Sam was also cleared to go out the door and back into the foyer.
“I feel like she drew way more blood than she needed to,” Sharon remarked, shaking her head. The needle prick didn’t really bother her at all and she’d had far worse injuries in the field, but Sam had been very quiet so far and it was starting to unnerve her how differently he was acting compared to his usual self. She hoped that she might be able to help him relax by drawing him into a conversation. 
“Oh, yeah?” Sam’s response wasn’t very encouraging but he did offer her his hand, which she took. 
“Maybe she was just jealous,” Sharon mused playfully. Sam had taken her hand in both of his and gently turned it over. “What are you doing?”
“Just surveying the damage,” Sam said with a hint of a smile, “You think she was jealous of your ring?”
Sharon had managed to almost forget about the 2 carat, heart-shaped engagement ring and matching wedding ring on her left finger. Sam clearly hadn’t, though, and she was glad he seemed to be settling into his role. “I think she was jealous of my gorgeous husband,” she replied, “You do look very good in that suit, baby.”
“Well, you look good in pretty much everything, baby,” Sam replied. Something about the way he was looking at her took Sharon off guard, and she was surprised to feel the back of her neck grow hot. Sam was apparently a better actor than she had given him credit for.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice coming out quieter than she intended at first. She cleared her throat and then added: “You’ve always known how to compliment a girl.”
“Isn’t that why you married me?” Sam teased. He let go of her hand and offered his arm to her again. 
“One of many reasons,” Sharon replied with a grin. She accepted his offer and then nodded towards an open doorway that led into what appeared to be the living room. “Everyone seems to be heading in there and it looks like they have drinks, so I vote we go check my coat and then we follow,” she suggested. 
“Lead the way, Cherie.” Sam managed a pretty decent impersonation of the butler from earlier, and Sharon laughed.
“Shut up.”
“Sher-ee,” Sharon repeated, butchering the French guttural ‘R’ sound as if she hadn’t had plenty of practice speaking French in her line of work.
“Eh, close enough.” The woman seated in a small, cream-colored armchair across from Sharon and Sam shrugged her shoulders with a smile, tossing her shoulder-length blonde bob. Sharon didn’t know too much about her yet but she did know that her name was Marie, she seemed to speak better French than Sharon did even when she wasn’t pretending, and - most importantly - she was their ticket to the person they were looking for. She seemed younger than Sharon, maybe twenty at most, and eager to make conversation. Sharon had spotted her chatting with the host of the party earlier, and all they needed to do now was get her to lead them to him.
“Didn’t you tell me your name means ‘darling’?” Sam asked, glancing at Sharon. They were sitting on a powder blue couch, his arm resting gently around her shoulders. 
Sharon all but batted her eyelashes. “That’s what my mom always said.”
“Yes, she was correct,” Marie said enthusiastically, “From chérir, to cherish.”
“Like the Madonna song,” Sharon joked. Sam chuckled, but Marie’s blank expression suggested to Sharon she’d been right about the other woman’s age.
“Clearly your mother chose well,” Marie continued, “You make a wonderful couple.”
“Thank you. I feel like I can barely remember what life was like before Sean,” Sharon said, all smiles, “We’re a good team. He makes up for all the things I’m missing.”
“Come on, baby, there isn’t anything you’re missing,” Sam insisted. 
“It’s OK, I know I’m not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar,” Sharon retorted, “But you, on the other hand...I’m telling you, Marie, you’re looking at the world’s next Tony Stark.”
“My wife likes to brag about me,” Sam told Marie, “I also love to hear it, though, so it all works out.”
“So you are interested in technology?” Marie asked.
“I’m working on starting up my own tech company,” Sam explained, “Cherie’s father is an investor and I’m looking for a few more.”
“In that case, you should definitely talk to Arthur if you haven’t yet. I know he’s always looking for new collaborators,” Marie said, “You know the mutant detectors that scanned your blood when you first arrived?”
“So that’s what they were?” Sharon mused out loud.
“Wait, did Parks provide the lasers they use in those?” Sam piped up.
Marie grinned. “Yes. He and Trask are hoping they’ll be able to make them available to the mass market soon.”
“That’s impressive,” Sam said with a nod, “Do you work with him?”
“Oh, no.” Despite Marie’s reply, Sharon could tell she was flattered by the notion that she might be involved in Arthur Parks’s company. Nice going, Sam. “I’ve just known him since I was very young. Arthur’s wife, Lucy, knew my father and when I was growing up he wasn’t around very much...the Parks practically raised me.”
“Well, clearly you’ve picked up a lot from them. I’m around Sean all the time and I still don’t really understand his work,” Sharon said with a laugh.
“I actually had been hoping to get a chance to talk to Mr. Parks. I’ve never met him directly but from talking to friends of his I really think we’d have a lot to offer each other,” Sam affirmed.
“Then allow me to introduce you,” Marie offered, “Trust me, it would be my pleasure.” 
“Alright, Sam, I’m in the study. Clear your throat if our friend is suitably distracted.”
Sharon soon heard Sam’s subtle assurance over her comm, although she almost didn’t need it because she could also hear Arthur Parks droning on in the background. She felt relieved that she had only had to stand next to Sam and pretend to be interested in the man’s work for a relatively short time before, as she had expected him to, Parks had invited ‘Sean’ to join him and a couple of other men for a cigar. Sharon had then spent a few minutes in Marie’s company before excusing herself to use the powder room. Her companion had offered to go with her, but Sharon had managed to convince her that she needed some privacy when she implied that she might be taking a pregnancy test. 
“I’ll be as fast as I can and keep you updated. Sorry this has to be a one-way conversation,” Sharon told Sam. 
When she thought about it, there were quite a few things she felt as though she wanted to apologize to Sam for. This wasn’t supposed to be his mission in the first place, for one. The original plan had been for Steve to accompany her, until the discovery that more than a few guests at the party had ties to HYDRA had made it impossible for Steve to go incognito. Sam had the technical expertise to both help in the field and impress Parks, so he had been the natural choice. The world of espionage was far from Sam’s natural environment, though, and even though he’d been doing well so far, Sharon felt a sense of responsibility in making sure nothing happened to him. That feeling was coupled with a decent-sized amount of guilt that she would actually rather be on a mission with Sam than Steve at the moment. 
“I’ve got to admit I’m a little envious of you, Dixon. It sounds like your story’s just starting and you have a world of opportunities ahead of you. I remember when it felt that way for me.”
Sharon rolled her eyes as she took her lipstick out of her purse and popped a concealed flash drive out of the bottom of it. She had little to no sympathy for the plight of someone like Arthur Parks. 
“I do feel very lucky,” Sharon heard Sam’s voice say, “Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely had to hustle, but the hustle was worth it.”
“Hacking in now,” she informed Sam quietly, the flash drive now inserted into Parks’s personal laptop. 
“Mmmm, and I’m sure having a rich wife can’t have hurt. I wasn’t so lucky.”
Arthur Parks’s use of the word ‘wasn’t’ gave Sharon pause. They hadn’t been given any intel on his marriage having recently fallen apart, although it was a little odd that his wife Lucy didn’t seem to be in attendance at the party.
“A word of advice, Dixon, although it’s probably too late,” Parks continued unprompted, “Always sign a prenup.”
Sam gave what sounded like a slightly nervous laugh. “I don’t think I need to worry about my wife.” Sharon was about to tell him not to be afraid to throw his wife under the metaphorical bus if he needed to, but a third person with an English accent spoke up before she had a chance. 
“I think this one’s a lost cause, Arthur.” Sharon had heard the man introduce himself as Jonathan Wilson a little bit earlier. “You and your wife seem very much in love.”
“I really think it’d be hard not to fall in love with Cher,” Sam declared. Sharon noticed his ‘Cher’ sounded a little close to ‘Shar’, but hopefully nobody else would pick up on it. “I mean, you’ve all seen how beautiful she is but on top of that she’s so...brave, and talented, and just so competent…”
Sharon couldn’t help the smile that crossed her features for a moment, even if it quickly vanished as she realized she was listening to a bout of silence. Either something had gone wrong with the comms or Sam had paused awkwardly mid-sentence and although the latter was preferable, it still wasn’t ideal. 
“...at making me happy, you know what I’m saying?” Sharon heard a few ripples of laughter following Sam’s joke, and she breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. 
“Nice recovery,” she told him, “Alright, I’m in. Just keep doing your thing, but maybe don’t lean into the doting husband role too much. I don’t see so much as a picture of Athur’s wife in his study and it sounds like things got ugly.”
The conversation took more of a business slant again and Sharon was able to relax ever so slightly, continuing to listen while she went through the files on Arthur Parks’s laptop. She had always found it a little ironic that the objective of any given mission, like this, tended to be the easiest part. Getting in and getting out were usually the parts that you had to worry about. 
“Looks like the intel we got was solid. Parks is definitely trying to build himself some kind of team, but I think SHIELD will have to dig deeper to find out what for,” Sharon informed Sam, “I’m copying the list of contacts and his correspondence. Lots of familiar names here, several associated with HYDRA...and Georges Batroc. Interesting.”
“Anyway, I’m sure you’re tired of listening to me by now. Maybe I can get my laptop and show you some photos of all the places Parks lasers have been used. Who knows, I might even give you some ideas about where they haven’t.”
Sharon stiffened as she glanced at the progress bar in the corner of the computer screen. “I’m not done,” she said after hearing Arthur Parks’s words, “Sam, can you stall him?”
“I...think I already have some ideas, actually,” Sharon heard Sam say, “Marie mentioned you were interested in music, and I…”
“Marie thinks she knows a lot more than she actually does,” Parks interrupted, “My wife is the music lover. Not that her taste in music is any good.”
“Marie’s just a kid,” Sam noted softly, “They always think they know a lot.”
“Not that much of a kid.” Arthur Parks’s voice was quieter than before and Sharon was having a hard time hearing him. “It’d be nice if she acted like more of an adult every once in a while.”
“Almost there,” Sharon said to Sam. Her fingers were hovering over the flash drive, ready to retrieve it the moment it was finished copying the files. “Just keep him talking.”
“Well, she has nothing but nice things to say about you and your wife, so it seems like you taught her something,” Sam said, managing to keep his tone jovial, “She said you practically raised her?”
“You seem to be very interested in Marie,” Parks commented. Sharon thought she might have heard the sound of a clinking glass. “Wilson?”
“Yeah?” Sam answered at the exact same time as another voice that Sharon presumed belonged to Jonathan Wilson did. 
Shit. Sharon watched the progress bar creep towards the end far too slowly for her taste as Arthur Parks offered Jonathan Wilson a drink. 
“Sorry. I thought you said Dixon,” Sam said sheepishly.  
“Well, I was also going to ask you a different question,” Parks said, “You a Scotch drinker?”
 “Sometimes,” Sam answered. 
“Sometimes,” Parks echoed with a chuckle, “Where are you from again?”
“New York,” Sam replied, “City. The City. Harlem.” He clearly remembered his cover story but seemed to be having trouble keeping his nerves under control. 
“Right, right.”
“Got it,” Sharon declared, “I’m going to close up here and I’ll come knock on the door looking for you.”
“There’s something about your accent, though…” she heard Parks muse while she stowed the flash drive away back in her lipstick tube, “Sometimes it sounds a little off to me.”
“I can’t pick up on anything...but then, I don’t suppose I’d be able to,” Jonathan Wilson commented with a chortle.  
Sharon stood up after closing Parks’s laptop, making sure it looked just as it did when she had first found it. She felt as though she could practically hear Sam’s heart beating faster, or perhaps it was just her own. “Hey, don’t be afraid to change your backstory a little if you need to,” she encouraged him, “The easiest lies to tell are the ones with a bit of truth.”
“How did you know?” Sam said, feigning being impressed, “My dad is from Louisiana. I don’t even notice it most of the time but Cher tells me sometimes the occasional word slips out.”
Sharon smiled to herself. The door to the study was closed behind her and from there it was only a quick trip across the hallway to where she needed to be. Granted, it was quite a large hallway. 
“I knew it,” Parks declared, “I’ve been to Louisiana a couple of times. New Orleans is a great…” 
Sharon knocked loudly at the door. When Arthur Parks pulled it open, he was greeted with the sight of her with her hair slightly dishevelled and grinning from ear to ear. 
“Can I help you, Mrs. Dixon?” he asked. 
“I just thought I’d stop by to rescue my husband,” Sharon answered.
It was getting in and getting out that you had to worry about. Getting to the party had required a lot of planning, from SHIELD providing Sharon and Sam with aliases and a mission briefing to their conversations on the flight to New York. During that time they had also planned how they’d be getting out, but that plan hinged on everyone perceiving them as nothing more than party guests. To that end, what they couldn’t do was leave the party at the nearest opportunity. Rather than make more small talk, Sharon had suggested they head to the ballroom and she didn’t think she’d ever seen Sam look more relieved. 
“So do you think I thoroughly destroyed your chances at entering into a business deal with Arthur Parks?” Sharon wondered playfully. She had to lean in close to him to be heard over the music, but that was easy to do when they were dancing.  
“Oh, I think those chances are pretty much roadkill by now,” Sam replied, making her chuckle, “That’s alright. I think if I’d had to listen to him for another half hour I’d have lost my mind.”
“I wouldn’t blame you. It’s his loss, at any rate.”
“Sure is. For a successful businessman, he seems pretty good at losing things.” Sam lifted his arm and gently twirled her around while she barely hid a grin. 
“You can spin me more than that,” she said, “I used to be a figure skater, you know.”
“Wait, really?” Sam closed the small distance between them as the song changed to one with a slower tempo, his hands coming to her waist. 
“Oh, yeah. My mom taught me to ice skate when I was a kid,” Sharon explained, “Have you ever tried it?”
“No, I haven’t, but I always thought it looked fun,” Sam replied, “I guess it’s probably a bit like flying.”
 “Well, I’ve never flown, but to me it feels a lot like flying.” Sharon let her arms rest around Sam’s shoulders almost without thinking about it. “I’m a little out of practice, but I still go sometimes. I’ll take you - maybe before rather than after we go to a bar for that daiquiri.”
Sam seemed to like that idea if his grin was any indication. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” He glanced over his shoulder momentarily and then leant in so that he could lower his voice even more, speaking softly  close to her ear. “You just need to go on a few more ops with me if you ever want to try flying.”
Sharon was surprised not by Sam’s gesture but her own reaction to it. She’d seen him harmlessly flirt with other people before, especially Natasha, and she enjoyed flirting herself when the occasion called for it. The unusual part was feeling her neck grow hot and letting her gaze linger on his lips when he pulled back. “I’d like that,” she admitted, “You’re a good partner.” 
Sam smiled again.
Sharon swiftly decided that she should keep talking, mostly because she wasn’t sure what she’d do if she didn’t. “Hopefully next time you’ll get to have a little more fun,” she told him.  
“Hey, I’m having fun,” Sam insisted, to which Sharon raised her eyebrows. “I am now, at least.” Sharon laughed. “I do wish the music was a little better.”
“Mmm, some Marvin Gaye, maybe?” Sharon suggested.
“For starters,” Sam replied, a hint of suspicion in his smile. 
“You know who probably would’ve picked better music?” Sharon said. She was struggling to keep a straight face before the punchline of her own joke, which she decided to attribute to a combination of both the high and relief from having completed a large part of their mission. “Arthur Parks’s wife,” she just about managed to get out before she burst into laughter, hiding her face in Sam’s shoulder. She heard him laughing as well, which only made it more difficult for her to compose herself, but at least she figured the other party guests wouldn’t think much of it. 
“You’re a great partner,” Sam declared, then adding, “We’re good to stay here for the rest of the party, right?”
Sharon nodded, pressing her lips together to suppress any remnants of her giggles. “I did just tell you that I’m pregnant, after all.” Sam’s eyes widened almost comically for a moment before he seemed to remember the excuse Sharon had used to get rid of Marie. 
“Of course,” Sam joined in, “We can name the kid Laser.”
Sharon had to cover her mouth with one of her hands to muffle a guffaw. 
“Hey, Shar? Can we talk?”
Somehow, Sharon had a feeling Sam didn’t want to talk about the mission, which had gone remarkably smoothly, all things considered. The intel they needed was stored on the flash drive in Sharon’s purse, which was sitting on the nightstand next to something else they had also managed to bring back. Just before they left the mansion, they had returned to the testing room with an excuse about Sharon having misplaced her wedding ring. While Sam distracted the woman who had tested Sharon earlier, Sharon had managed to grab one of the mutant detectors and the staff seemed none the wiser. The only real concern now was the fact that they had to spend the rest of the night in their cabin, which meant if Arthur Parks or anyone else did suspect them, they would know where to find them. Sam was aware of all of that, though, and she would be very surprised if he wanted to go over what to do if they caught a glimpse of someone staring at them through the window. 
“Sure,” she replied, her eyes still on the ceiling. She let out a small exhale before she rolled over onto her side to face Sam, barely able to make out his expression in the darkness. “Is everything OK?”
“Yeah. I just...I’m not even sure I should be saying anything, but...y’know, aside from almost forgetting New York was both a state and a city and being called ‘entertaining’ by some weird British folks, I actually had a really good time tonight.”
 Sharon couldn’t help a small smile. “I kind of meant it when I told Marie we made a good team.”
“Did you mean it when you said we should go ice skating and then for drinks?” That question caught Sharon off guard, particularly in how hopeful Sam sounded when he said it. “It’s OK if you didn’t,” he added quickly, before she had a chance to respond, “We’ve known each other for a while, but we’ve never…” Sam paused. “Tonight, when we were dancing, I just felt like…”
“I felt it, too,” Sharon said quietly. 
“OK.” She was starting to be able to see his face better as her eyes continued to adjust to the light, and she realized a smile was slowly spreading across it. “OK,” he repeated with a nod, “I’m kind of getting the feeling there’s a ‘but’ coming, though.”
“There’s a ‘but’,” Sharon admitted. His delight at the notion that they both felt similarly was already making her reconsider what she was about to say, but she wanted to be honest with him. “I’m not ready, Sam.”
“Ah. There it is,” Sam said. His grin vanished, as she expected, and he gave a small nod. “I understand. You did break up with Captain America. That had to have been pretty crazy.”
“Or, as my extended family likes to tell me, I’m the crazy one.” Sharon flashed a humorless smile. “I don’t...I’m not in love with Steve anymore, but that breakup wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even anyone’s fault, really, it was just...well, I’m sure the last thing you want to hear is gossip about your best friend.”
“I did just kind of admit to having a crush on my best friend’s ex-girlfriend, though,” Sam noted.
“I guess you did.” Sharon’s smile was genuine this time. “God, I wish we’d figured this out sooner.”
“I’ll take some of the blame for that. I was too busy staring at redheads.”
“And I was too busy thinking if I stuck around long enough Steve might fall in love with me.”
“Shar…” Sam’s voice was soft, and Sharon suddenly felt like she might have said too much. 
“If you were just a hot stranger this would be a whole lot easier,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment, I think,” Sam teased back, “It’s OK, Sharon. Sometimes the timing just isn’t right.”
“I just meant that if it was someone I didn’t really care about, maybe I’d go on a date or two and it wouldn’t end well but it wouldn’t be a big deal. If it was you, though...I wouldn’t want to mess it up.”
“If it was you, I wouldn’t want to mess it up, either.” Sharon’s breath caught in her throat. “Can I...can I ask you a favor, though? If you do feel like you’re ready someday, and assuming you haven’t met anyone even hotter, can you let me know?”
“What if you’re dating Natasha Romanoff by then?” Sharon asked, not entirely unseriously. 
“In that case I would like everyone to please give us as much privacy as possible,” Sam replied with a smirk. 
“Wow, OK. She’s really your type?”
“Are you jealous, Shaz?”
Sharon couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe a little. Is that OK?”
“Yeah. That’s OK.” Sam’s eyes had what could only be described as a twinkle in them. “You still haven’t answered me.”
“You’ll be the first to know.”
17 notes · View notes
Fire Force 5 (End)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
(No tickles in this one. Just soft found family fluff)
Shinra awoke with a start. After such a long day, he was happy to actually wake up in his own bed. The other station 8 crew members had been very touchy with him, even after his little…talk…with the captain. It was a nice change and honestly, he hoped that the others would keep it up. Something about the gentle touches of those he cared about the most…it helped more than he had originally thought it would.
Shinra pulled himself out of bed, carefully climbing off of his bunk and landing softly on the floor. The soft snores from his partner made him chuckle softly. While he would never admit it, the sounds of this annoying self proclaimed knight king sleeping help lull him to sleep as well. Arthur was curled up in a ball on his side, back to the rest of the room. Only a small tuft of blonde hair could be seen from the bundle of blankets. Looking at him like that, it made him think about his lost little brother. Shon and Arthur would definitely get along, especially with their shared sense of fashion. 
With that sad thought, Shinra left his room to go get something to eat. He couldn’t exactly save the world and his brother on an empty stomach. He padded through the halls of the station, wondering absently who else was awake. The sun was just beginning to rise and it was kind of a surprise that he was actually awake at this time. Usually, the captain had to wake both him and Arthur up once the others were ready for breakfast.
Speaking of, the delicious scent of eggs and bacon began wafting through the halls. The smell instantly made Shinra’s stomach growl. He peeked inside of the kitchen to see Hinawa standing in front of the stove. The soft crackle of eggs and bacon cooking filled the room like a song. 
“You’re not getting any until everyone is awake,” Hinawa said, pointing the spatula at Shinra. The rookie jumped in surprise. What the hell? How did he even know that he was standing there? The Lieutenant hadn’t even looked over at him. Shinra pouted and moved further into the room. The smells were absolutely mesmerizing. He stood right next to the lieutenant and stared at the food while it cooked, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to snatch up a perfectly cooked piece of bacon. 
There was a soft smack as the flat side of the spatula hit the back of Shinra’s head. It wasn’t hard, but it was still startling.
“Hey!” Shinra whined and rubbed the back of his head where the spatula had hit him.
“You’re drooling on the food, Shinra.” Hinawa said simply. He then used the spatula to poke and prod at Shinra’s side. “Move,”
“Ah! Aha! Okay! Fine!” Shinra giggled, jumping with each poke. He finally moved away from the food again, despite every fiber of his being just wanting to snatch up the food. Shinra grumbled something about waking up the others before he left again.
This was such a strange feeling. Being awake before everyone else was so strange, like being in a slightly different reality. As he walked through the hall, he noticed that Iris was kneeling by the fountain in their garden. It was obvious that she was praying, and Shinra didn’t want to disturb her. He would come back around and let her know that breakfast was ready after gathering up the others. 
“Why are you staring at her like that? Perv.” Tamaki said, though it didn’t sound like she really meant it. Shinra turned and saw a very tired looking Tamaki standing next to him. She was still in her sleep clothes and her eyes were only half open. 
“Wh-what? No! I-I was just–” Shinra said, his cheeks turning pink. Even though her usua malice wasn’t behind those words, she had still said it loud enough for Iris to actually hear her. Iris turned over to the commotion and smiled fondly.
“Shinra, you’re up early.” She hummed. Shinra’s feet set off little sparks with how intensely embarrassed he was.
“Careful, Iris, you may just make him blow up.” Tamaki snickered, taking a few steps back away from the falling sparks. As she did so, she tripped on her pajama pants and fell backwards. Somehow her shirt flew off of her body along with her pajama pants (physics be damned) and she fell on her butt, legs spread. Shinra didn’t even wait for her to hit the ground, just smacking a hand over his eyes. 
“I-I’m not looking! Just, please put your clothes back on!” Shinra cried, stumbling back as well. Unfortunately, he managed to trip and fall as well. Even though he was falling backwards, he swung his arms around to stop himself from hitting the ground. In doing so, he ended up falling forward, face first into Tamaki’s…uh…well, in between her legs.
There was a moment where no one moved.
“Get out!” Tamaki shrieked , pushing at Shinra’s head to get him out between her legs. Shinra jumped up and used his adola burst to sprint away from the two girls. 
“I’m sorry, sister! I was coming to prayer!” Tamaki whined as she scrambled to pick up her scattered clothes. Iris just sighed. Why did the almighty Sol have to curse Tamaki in this way? 
Finally, Shinra skidded to a stop in front of Vulcan’s room. He bent over, placing his hands against his knees as he attempted to catch his breath. Talking to Tamaki was always a risk as her clothes seemed to just want to fly off of her body. Even though it was never Shinra’s intention to do that, Tamaki still held the belief that tearing off her clothes was what he wanted. Sure, she was attractive, but if getting in those positions made her uncomfortable, it wasn’t very heroic to enjoy it. Besides, his brave lion heart belonged to a different nun in their station.
When he finally got his blushing and his breathing under control, he knocked on Vulcan’s door. No response. Maybe he was just in the garage. Shinra knocked again, but there still wasn’t a response. He decided to push the door open a tad so he could be heard better. Sol only knows how heavy a sleeper Vulcan was with how many machines he used to sleep around in his workshop.
“Hey, Vulcan! Lisa! You should get up for–” Shinra said. As he looked in the room, he realized that the lack of door locks in the station was definitely a problem. Vulcan and Lisa were definitely awake and they were doing something that the nuns just down the hall would definitely not approve of.
“Not the time, Sparkles!” Lisa yelled. Shinra realized he had been staring at the both of them for an abnormal amount of time. He clamped his mouth shut and slammed the door shut. 
Alright, two things. 
 Shinra was never ever waking up early ever again.
Doors to people’s rooms should not be opened unless the person inside says it’s OK.
Shinra could practically feel his soul leaving his body as the image of Vulcan’s freckled butt ingrained itself into his head.
“Breakfast is almost ready! Hurry up so that we can all eat!” Shinra yelled before jogging off to go wake the few remaining station 8 crew.
Licht was already up and typing away on his computer, but he exited a rather sketchy looking site as soon as Shinra opened the door. 
Maki was also already awake, doing pushups on the roof. He told her it was time for breakfast and she asked if he always thought that she was some meathead gorilla who only needed to eat and work out. He hadn’t even said that, but had gotten a smack on the head anyways.
The captain opened the door right as Shinra reached to knock on it. 
“Shinra! You’re up early.” He said, sounding genuinely surprised.
“I just wanna eat breakfast, but the universe is telling me that I should never wake up before noon again.” Shinra whined, dragging a hand over his face. The captain laughed and ruffled his hair.
“Were you trying to wake up the station, son?” Obi laughed. Shinra just nodded. “Yeah, my first time doing the rounds was pretty scarring. I appreciate it though. What’s the lieutenant making for breakfast? Smells like bacon.”
“It is bacon. He’s also making eggs and I think he was getting ready to make some pancakes too.” Shinra said, perking up at the thought of the food waiting for him in the dining room. Now that everyone was awake, he needed to hurry up and grab a plate before everyone grabbed all the good stuff. 
“Did you get Arthur awake?” The captain asked.
“Oh…not yet. He’s such an ass in the mornings.” Shinra groaned. He didn’t even want to imagine what sort of nonsense he would have to go through to wake Arthur up. If this morning was any sort of indication, Arthur may attack him first thing.
“Alright, I’ll get him. You just head off to the dining room.” The captain said and brushed past the rookie. He paused. “But, If the lieutenant is still in that maid outfit from yesterday, I will absolutely let Vulcan send tickle bugs after you.”
“Wh-what? Why me?! I didn’t even buy that!” Shinra exclaimed. A shiver went down his spine at just the mention of tickle bugs. No doubt Vulcan had some of those already in the works.
“Strange. They all said that you specifically picked it out.” Obi said before heading down the hall. Shinra huffed. Of course they said that. 
Shinra jogged over to the dining room. Thankfully, Hinawa was wearing his regular relaxed clothes. The only strange thing was the hat he was wearing on his head that read “Real men eat chocolate”. Whatever that meant. Some of the others were also gathered by the table. Shinra quickly took his seat, picking up the knife and fork beside the plate excitedly. He had been right. Bacon. Eggs. Pancakes. Fruit bowls. Everything looked and smelled absolutely amazing. 
“Shinra,” Iris began, “How are you feeling this morning?” 
“Huh? O-Oh! Fine, I guess.” Shinra said with a shrug, a little too distracted by the food to really pay attention. 
“That’s good. I believe we are all glad that you are feeling better,” Iris hummed and clasped her hands together in prayer. “I had been asking the great Sol to relieve your sad feelings.”
“Yeah, having you all bummed out really tanked the team morale.” Maki added.
“Is that dumbass sulking again?” Arthur asked as he stepped into the room.
Shinra looked around as the others began to dig into their food. As Arthur sat down, he began sleepily putting food on Shinra’s plate instead of his own.
“Eat, stupid hero.” He grumbled. Shinra watched in amazement. Even half awake, Arthur was still looking out for him. 
“I didn’t think that my mood was that important.” Shinra said, and he meant it. 
“It’s like he wants me to tickle him again, I swear.” The captain grumbled through a mouthful of food.
“Of course we care, Shinra. You’re a part of the family.” Iris said softly. Shinra blushed. Station 8 really thought of him as his family. It was sweet and it made him feel warm inside. Sure, his life hadn’t exactly been a joy ride, but this made everything kind of seem worth it. They all just wanted him to feel better and it had worked. 
“Thanks guys.”
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Arthur Morgan x Lilith Vallent OC: Vas Ura (My One)/ Vas Soluna (My Bonded) Part 01 Chapter 02: Colter
The night falls, but everyone is warm, everyone has a bed, everyone is safe. I smile to myself and find Dutch who is puffing a pipe and some of Bel’s favorite tobacco, he and Belial are chatting with Hosea and Arthur when Dutch thanks him, “you really saved us there.”
“Not I.” Belial shakes his head and I smirk. Arthur is scribbling in a journal, it is something else entirely to see him do so in person, and I stay in the shadows to watch as he listens halfheartedly.
“Oh? Surely you’re the one who—“ Dutch begins laughing.
“You mistake the hierarchy Mister Van der Linde.” Bel smiles and shakes his head.
“The red head?”
“My One. But niet. No.”
Hosea chuckles, “the small one? I believe you said your little sister.”
“Hm.” He nods at the men who look floor struck except Hosea.
“You’re telling me that tiny woman.” Dutch begins.
“Though she be little, she is fierce.”
“Shakespeare.” Hosea mutters.
Arthur’s attention seems to have paused on his writing and his eyes snap up to where I am. For a moment we both regard one another before I step forward into the light.
“Ah here she is, Sool Iña.” Good evening. Bel is on cloud nine, he has been able to speak with his favorite characters, Hosea especially. “I was just explaining the hierarchy.”
“You mean about how I clobbered you for rank?”
He snorts and shoves at me with his foot making my chair scoot a bit when I sat down.
“You’re really in charge?” Dutch asks.
I sigh, and drop the gentle approach, harden myself and straighten fully in my seat, leaning back and tilting my chin up, allowing my gaze to ease into a hard edge. “Yes Mister Van der Linde. Do you have issue with it?” I allowed a rumble to echo through my chest for a moment.
“Not at all, just surprising.” Dutch smiles glancing me up and down. “Not every day you meet a tiny woman capable of such things.”
“And that’s just the beginning.” Bel muttered and I kicked a foot out smacking his ankle, “ouch!”
“Siblings.” Arthur grunted as he continued to write.
“So tell me Mister Van der Linde, what brings three men worth a bond in collection of several thousand dollars this far?” I ask sipping some whiskey from a flask.
Dutch tenses as does Arthur and Hosea merely laughs.
“Relax. You are in good company.” Bel snaps.
“Belial is wanted for at least five thousand.” I explained.
“And you?”
Bel chuckles, “where are you at now?”
“Not much but that’s because I don’t get caught.” I huffed taking another swig. “Last I checked for My name it was three thousand, but last I checked for The Red Wolf it was at ten thousand.”
“The Red Wolf?” Hosea tilts his head.
“A nom de guerre.” Bel explained. “We all have one.”
“We?” Dutch asks glancing at them both.
“Yes. My family is Vallent. I am of a people called Volkier, think of us as a ah….specialized family…we…handle things. Bad people.”
Dutch grips the glass of whiskey in his hand, “and what are we?”
“Good people who survive doing bad things.” I shrug, “like anyone else in the world Mister Van der Linde. You choose who to rob, you don’t destroy everything in your path.”
I knew using the words he had used with Cornwall would resonate and he nods, relaxing substantially.
“We would like to join you.” I said and all three men pause.
“Why?” Hosea asks tilting his head.
“Do I need a reason? You need more people who are skilled, I have skilled family. And I’ve taken a shine to you. We Wolves do not consider such trivial things. We do as we please.”
“Wolves.” Arthur smirks, “is that what you’re called.”
“It is Mister Morgan.” I softly reply. “Volkier have been around for ages, thousands of years we have passed down our knowledge to our kin, we have survived this far, in the wilds of the world— but the world is changing. And so we must change with it or perish. However, we survive best in numbers.”
Dutch laughed and nodded, leaning over and patting my knee, “indeed. I do believe I like you Miss Vallent.”
“Thank you.”
Belladonna entered the cabin and draped herself over Belial’s shoulder. “I am tired love.”
“Hm.” Bel grinned and excused himself, finding it hard to walk with Bella entwined around his arm.
“Puppies.” I snorted into my drink. “How vulgar,” but no venom was in my voice as Bel gave me the finger behind his back. “Hurry up and make me an Auntie!”
All three men almost coughed into their drinks.
“I CANNA BARELY TAKE CARE A THIS FOOL OF A MAN!” Bella’s laughter could be heard as they shut the door to their quarters.
“Sorry, we’re a bit…ah…open with how we speak of such things.” I grinned a bit sheepish. “Please allow us to show our use to you gentlemen.”
“Hmph.” Arthur was still glaring over his sketchbook but it was different— was he drawing me? I felt a curious urge to lean over and look but he guarded the edge with a hand.
Awe, bummer.
“I hope your quarters are suited to you. Mister Morgan I’ll show you to your designated spot.”
He sighed and got up to follow where I led him to a smaller cabin to the left of the bunker cabin. He walked in and glanced around. “You’ll be sharing space with myself. I hope that’s alright.” He seemed to pause, but without a fight nodded. “It is still colder than hell, it’s better to bunk up where we can.”
“Hah, surely you ain’t wanting to bunk up with me.”
“Do you see any other ornery cowboys here?” I asked crossing my arms. No way in hell are you staying in a drafty cold place cinnamon roll. Get your ass into bed. “Don’t get shy on me we can only burn wood for so long and I don’t feel like freezing to death, I won’t bite you. And I dont trust anyone else near me, and I am in no way sharing space with my brother and his bonded.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Arthur could understand that well enough, but as she went into another room and came out with her hair in a thick braid piling wood into the fire to bank it so it wouldn’t go out and at least keep it relatively warm, she turned to him. “You alright?”
She trusted him. Why, she hardly knew him, but she acted as if she’d known him for a long time— and damn it if it wasn’t rubbing off on him too. Through the evening she had quietly chatted with him about horses, guns, poker, anything that actually might peak his interest, California being one of the things he was want to talk about.
He even spoke of Bodicea, watching her eyes cloud with pain. “I’m so sorry. I know that doesn’t fix the pain…”
“No but…s’preciated.” He muttered.
Now here she was bundled in a bed piled high with furs and pelts and all manner of blankets like a bug in a rug.
“Look I can.”
Her warm gaze snapped open. “Don’t make me fling you into this bed Mister Morgan, I am tired.”
“Hmph.” As if she could. But he shrugs, “fine don’t say I didn’t warn ya that you’d be uncomfortable with a mean old bastard like me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah grouchier than a bear in winter, get in here already.” She yawned big and rolled herself over.
He got himself down to his union suit and crawled in, almost groaning at how warm it was already and settled into the goose mattress— how long had it been since he’d slept in a god damn bed weeks…months?
His eyes slid shut for a moment, and drunk on exhaustion he glanced at her, half her face hidden by blankets her wide eyes blinking at him like a curious animal.
Why did she look so damn happy.
“Ya warm?” He mumbled.
She nodded. “You?”
“Considering yer like a god damn furnace shore.”
“Hehehe. I know. My family always sidle up to me during winter, my brothers and I tend to run hot like Mama.”
“So that a family trait.” He jolted when her hand found his and he realized she wasn’t joking, she was warm and he found himself dragging her closer.
She was pouting, “If you wanted to huggle-up just say so.”
“Hm?” He wasn’t sure what that meant.
“You know, huggle-up, like a puppy pile….you ever see wolves pile up on each other during winter?”
“I don’t make it a habit to wander into wolves dens.”
“Psh, sure you don’t.” He realized she was referring to the three of them.
“You all take this wolf thing seriously.”
“Hm…”Arthur felt himself drifting off, unaware of how tight he was holding her warm hand. “Thank you.” He muttered.
“Of course Arthur…”
Sometime in the night he could hear the ever so soft whisper….
Amongst the leaves and twining branch.
The moonlight sways in winter’s dance.
Within the Company of Wolves, I keep.
That I may lie down in peaceful sleep.
He wasn’t sure what time it was as light filtered through the window frames. But it was burning up despite there still being a damn blizzard outside rattling the cabin.
“Hmph?” Arthur grunted a bit and tried to move but was weighed down as something….no…someone…was tangled with his legs.
He damn near panicked but opening one eye and looking down he flushed bright red.
She was half under him, tucked into his shoulder with a sleepy smile, hair undone as somehow in the middle of the fucking night he had buried a hand into her locks.
Fuck…move damn it… he said to himself.
“Arthur?” She opened one eye. “What’s wrong?”
“Um I’m sorry…” he blushed again.
“For what?” She muttered.
She glanced down at themselves and laughed, “oh please.” An arm wound about his waist and she bundled closer lightning her legs around his limbs. “Sleep it’s too early.”
He sputtered, disentangling himself and falling off the mattress to the floor with a low oof.
“Awe! You okay?” She popped up scratching her scalp, humming to herself, “ugh guess I’ll get up too if you’re so hell bent. Geez, getting up with the sun is a bitch.”
He grunted and stood up rubbing his bruised lower back.
“Arthur?” She called him, and he jolted a bit, “coffee?” She held a mug as he buttoned his shirt over his union suit.
“Thanks.” He took a long drink feeling the heat go straight to his gut.
“Welcome.” She drank her own cup, “I’m sure Belladonna has breakfast going.” She got herself bundled up after she went into the other room in a warm dress and boots, along with her wolf cloak that was dark black fur fluffed out all over making her look bigger than she was. “I’ll go check on it.”
He frowned to himself glancing at the unmade bed. Had he really spent the night bundled up to a total stranger….
A rather cute stranger.
No…no…a stranger nonetheless.
Yes he had. And he wasn’t too sure how he felt about it.
But upon entering the cabin with the bunk beds he could hear the men chattering rather amiably, warmed up with the small stove that kept the room comfortable, “ah it’s Morgan, where the hell did you sleep?” Micah asked. “Saw you heading off with that tiny woman, get lucky?”
“Shut it Micah.”
Javier chuckled, “she speaks Spanish you know. Her mother is from Mexico.”
“Really? I thought they were Russian.” Lenny said.
“Father is Russian.” Bill corrected sipping his coffee.
“Well whatever they are, sure am grateful.” Lenny smiled.
Arthur always liked Lenny, he was a good boy, did good work and was smart to boot. “We should be, be in a hell of worse set of circumstances without em.”
“I dont trust em.” Micah snapped. And everyone frowned at him.
“Just sad about Davey.” Bill muttered.
“When I go I don’t want no one to be sad just fucking move on.”
“Why when you go Micah there will be a party.” Lenny chuckled and Bill laughed.
But before Micah could land a blow Lilith stood before him.
“Gentlemen.” She chided. “Such behavior.” Arthur tensed, watching her body language as she sighed deeply as if disappointed. “What seems to be the issue.”
“Ain’t gonna be laughed at by the likes of these idiots.” Micah snapped.
Lilith chuckled, “Mister Bell, surely such a trivial thing could do you no harm, yet you’re willing to draw blood for such a thing from family?”
Everyone tried to move when Micah’s palm lashed out, “you Bitch!”
But a small hand gripped his wrist making the big man stop, he jerked but the grip was iron.
“Mister Bell. I don’t take kindly to violence intending to draw blood amongst friends and family.”
Lilith’s gaze was sharp, her lip curled in a sneer and she clenched her hand tighter around Micah’s wrist making the man grunt. “Right now I am grinding your radius and your lunate bones in your hand together…hurts doesn’t it?”
Arthur watched with a deep frown, Javier was laughing, and Lenny just stepped back a bit Bill kept drinking his coffee seemingly glad she saved him from getting his jaw punched.
She stepped forward, pushing Micah back by bending his wrist at an unnatural angel towards him. Her voice was gentle, scolding. “If I wanted to… I could easily snap it back and dislocate your wrist. I would of course set it…but it would hurt…quite badly. Bear that in mind when you decide to bare those dull fangs of yours at me for such an idiotic reason. You shall not get any leeway from me again. Do I make myself clear?” She didn’t even wait for him to respond, jerking his wrist and forcing his legs to buckle from the pain. ”Be a good boy and DOWN.”
No one moved.
Everyone was too shocked to move.
Belial was leaning in the doorway with a lopsided grin, “Lioshka?”
“It is fine.” She flung Micah’s arm back with a rumble in her chest and kept her head high, staring down her nose at the blond man, before slowly glancing over everyone. “Gentlemen,” she brushed snow off herself and adjusted her hair which was piled up in a half Gibson girl style, “breakfast is ready, come eat.”
With that the siblings left.
“God damn.” Micah hissed rubbing his wrist glaring at the door, “something is wrong with that fucking bitch.”
Charles was trying not to laugh as was Lenny, “seems fine to me.” Lenny said.
“Don’t worry Micah, you’ll get her next time.” Javier chuckled as he walked out.
Arthur merely glared at the man. “Don’t let me ever catch you acting to hit her again.” He growled.
“What protective of your little she-bitch?” Micah spat.
“Watch it.” Arthur snapped. “She’s helped us be grateful.”
Breakfast was a strange affair, everyone was piled into the cabin, and that meant everyone, the Volkier family stated it was good to eat together. A potato hash, baked greens and melted cheese on toast and a type of strange meat chop dish that was riddled with wild onions and herbs.
Pearson was in heaven. He didn’t even complain and he had apparently been helping.
Lilith had informed everyone over the meal that afternoon meal would be a simple dish like breakfast, when was the last time they even had three meals a day…everyone was brighter, their morale boosted, and Dutch and Hosea were chattering away together.
“So Dutch, tell me. There are O’Driscals nearby?” Lilith asked.
“You know of O’Driscalls?”
“We hate them.” Belial snapped from across the room.
“Oh good.” Dutch said laughing, “we’ll all get along fine then.”
“We can help.” Belladonna smiled wide, “may I?”
“You and I will go, Belial, stay with the group. Ensure no one comes if they do, slit their throats open.”
“Yes little sister.”
Hosea glanced at Arthur they seemed to be thinking the same, how could one so young speak of killing so easily.
“May we join you?” Lilith asked Dutch, “I promise we will make it easier.”
“Why not.”
With that, it was decided, and Lilith went to prepare, stating a dress was not clothing to fight in.
Arthur huffed and leaned in to Dutch, “we sure bout this letting women on a job?”
“Arthur have faith.”
Have faith…that was always the answer….Arthur seemed to be running out of faith as he followed Dutch, “Dutch we ain’t got the luxury of revenge… you’re always sayin that.”
“Best that we hit him before they hit us.”
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/72230025
Chapter 50
"Hunt, it's me", Nick said to the bobby who had started to investigate the suspicious noise that came from the backyard. "Mr. Lightbearer, you had me worried." "Oh, no worries, Hunt. I just needed to stretch my legs a bit", he waved him off. "I see..., well, you know, you should tell me whenever you leave the house. It's dangerous to be outside at night. I could keep you company. Or better, you pop a Joy and stay happy inside." "But Hunt, your colleagues take care of me just fine. And they need a bit of attention now and then", he said with a wink. "Uh...haha, sure, but I must insist this time. You shouldn't break the curfew anymore, I suggest for the next two months." Nick began to wonder. "Are you serious? What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing, Sir, just a precaution. The curfew applies for everyone after all." "Hunt, I don't talk to you when you're like that". Nick turned around and left. Fancy, he thought. Suddenly it's all about law and order or what. I should abandon him outside for a few days, without my usual hospitality and free meals, so he remembers how exhausting law and order actually are.
When he heard loud music from inside, his mood lit up again. He liked that his house wasn't empty anymore, that he came home to be welcomed by friends. The song that was playing wasn't one his own, what was a welcome change. The noise however sounded as if they were tearing down the house. He quickly got rid of his wig and everything that didn't appeal to Morrie, and went to see what was going on. They didn't notice him because of the music and also because they were absorbed in a game of football, by the looks of it. Nick walked into the middle of the room and picked up the ball. Immediately, he had their attention.
"Hey, Nick, you're back. How are you doing?", Chris asked. "Did they really let you go, or did you break out?", Brad wanted to know. He made Nick grin. "Guess what, they really let me out this time." "You're looking good", Matt said. "Thanks..." Nick adjusted his hair. "...for your age", his friend added and Nick sighed. "I can't believe I fell for that." "Just kidding, you're really looking good", Matt came around. "Do you feel as good?" "Yeah, I'm snug as a bug", Nick answered happily. "I'll outrun you all!" And with that, he kicked the ball and continued the game.
They cheerfully ran around, free from all the restrictions outside. Since Nick had seen the Garden District, he knew what he missed in town. The few sessions of 'Simon Says' in front of the TV weren't the same. And the way his friends romped about, Nick assumed they felt the same, even though none of them would confess it. He didn't care anymore if something got broken, it would be worth it. Only when the ball hit the wrong spot on his head, he had to pause.
Pressing a hand against his head, he moaned. "Did I hurt you?", Brad was alerted. "Let me see." Nick reluctantly put his hand away and let his friend palpate the wound. "You have a real lump there, buddy." Nick jumped when he pressed against it. "Ow, be careful, it's painful enough as it is!" "That wasn't the ball", Brad stated and wiped Nick's hair aside to take a closer look at it. "No, I got it this morning", Nick admitted, shooing Brad's way too curious hands away and hiding the lump again with his own.
"Wait...during your therapy?", Morrie asked. Nick shrugged. "What are they doing with you?" "You also have bruises on your arm", Matt noticed. Nick's sleeve had moved up and revealed the spot where the headboy had grabbed him. Nick promptly shoved the sleeve back down. "It's nothing, okay? I'm alright." "Did they give you some healing balm?" Chris looked worried too. "Sure." "Doesn't look like it, though." "Since when are you a doctor?" Nick protested.
Of course, he hadn't patched himself up when he had been with Arthur. He hadn't mentioned the bruises again, so that Arthur wouldn't feel bad about them. In addition, he found they weren't too bad if no one touched them.
"You need that balm at least", Brad decided. "You have some at home, right? Come on, sit down." He shoved Nick to the next couch in sight. "If it makes you feel better", Nick moaned and did as he was told. "Just behave Nicky, that one time we're trying to help you". Chris patted his shoulder. Nick mused. "You should find some balm in my bathroom cabinet." "I found it yet", he heard Morrie shout from the upper floor. When he came back, Brad snatched the balm out of his hands and joined Nick on the couch.
Opening the lid, he said: "This won't take long. Just put out your little arm, my darling." Nick rolled his eyes and showed him the bruise. While Brad rubbed the balm in, he had to admit that it's cold was refreshing and he liked how his friends cared about him. "Something on the other arm?", Brad asked. Nick shook his head and pulled up his sleeve to prove it. The arm was unscathed, at least the lower part. But Brad didn't go so far as undressing him. He stroked his hair away and this time, Nick helped him. He jumped again and held his breath when his friend touched the wound.
"What kind of doctor would let you go without healing you?", Morrie said shaking his head. "I'm glad I could go", Nick promptly said. "And I didn't make a fuss about it, so they probably didn't notice - are you greasing my hair?" Brad chuckled. "I can't do anything about it. Just wait a bit before you wash it out." "Okay." "So, that's it." Brad eyed his work. "Or is there more?" Nick shook his head. "If it happens again, just tell us. It'll bother you more if you ignore it and you need to be fit for your next performance." "Oh, that's why", Nick said grinning. "And I thought it's about me." "It's not always about you, Nicky", Brad teased him, laughing and leaving to put the balm back. Nick acted disgusted. "And I let you live here, smashing my furniture." "Hey, we didn't break anything yet", Matt fought him off, tossing the ball to Chris. "How boring", Chris said catching it. "I guess we're getting old." "We're getting wise", Matt corrected him. Chris laughed and made a dumb face.
"So what, fancy another match?", Nick urged them. "If you can", Chris answered, more seriously than teasing. "Come on, I'm not an invalid." When Brad came back, Chris asked him: "Can Nicky play with us or should he go to bed?" "Hey", Nick protested. "I'll do what I want, If you like it or not." He stuck his tongue out. "Adorable as always, our little one", Brad said. "That's fine with me but don't cry later." "We'll see who's crying." They played on and Nick took care that he wouldn't hurt any of his bruises again. He indeed had more, but he wasn't keen on showing them all. He managed not to pause the game again and they played until they were dead beat and gathering around his bar to relax.
"I'm so hungry", Nick said eventually. "I haven't eaten anything since this morning. Why don't we go somewhere nice and stuff ourselves?" "Good idea", Chris agreed. "Do you remember the 'Swing A Leg'?" "Oh, sure, how could I forget that?" "I'm afraid I'm too tired to swing any legs", Morrie said. "And when I remember it right, they put more value to their dancing than their cooking." Matt chuckled. "That's true. I wouldn't go there if I was really hungry." "Did we ever try the Avalon before?", Brad asked. "Yeah, only for a hundred times already", Nick said. "Yeah, you, Nick, but us ordinary mortals haven't been as lucky." "That's true", Chris agreed. "We only had breakfast once. We should go for a real meal this time. I think we deserve it." "Alright, okay", Nick gave in. "We can even sleep in my suite so we don't have to leave before curfew." "Sounds like a great plan", Brad approved.
They put on the most unflashy clothes they had, so they could walk to the hotel without being bothered. It also helped that most of the Wellies were still at work. The band was cheerful. Nick changed glances with Morrie to make sure he had fun too. When Morrie's look couldn't be more loving, it made Nick's heart beat faster and he was smiling happier than everyone else on Joy. When they said goodbye to Constable Hunt, the man shouted: "But be back before curfew, will you?" "Don't worry Hunt, we'll stay overnight. Just take good care of my home." "Of course." Hunt seemed to be very duteous.
"What happened to him?", Nick wondered loudly. "He's so petty all of a sudden." Chris stepped in. "First of all he should be like this, if only you didn't have such priviledges..." Nick rolled his eyes. "And secondly, there's rumours again." Nick had a bad feeling. "What rumours?" "Uh well, when we had breakfast in this café..." "Café Luna", Matt helped him out. "Yeah that. People were talking...They said Foggy Jack sent another one on holiday last night..." Nick felt sick. "Then we should indeed be careful." "We are. We'll stay in the hotel." Chris shrugged. "Really, if Foggy Jack was real, don't you think we would know what he looks like? Think at all the bobbies that patrol here." He pointed at a Constable who just passed by them. They greeted each other and went their ways. "...and still nobody ever saw him", he continued. "Yeah...it's weird...", Nick said. "But who would make this up? And why?" "Doesn't the fog cause halluzinations if you stay in it for too long?", Matt asked. "But you know if someone is dead or not." "Guys, this is all very interesting, but if you don't plan on becoming Downers, you should probably change the topic", Brad commented their conversation. "If Nick's asking...", Chris defended himself. "He deserves to know after all."
Nick looked around to all the happy Wellies, walking by the colorfully patterned facades. It was hard to believe that something horrible had happened in here, only a few hours ago. He racked his brains but couldn't recall what he had done that night before he had woken up with Arthur. He had gone outside because he had wanted to be alone and think. And then what? Then he must've stayed somewhere, but his mind was all foggy. For all he knew, he could've actually been in therapy. Had he visited James? And he had brought him back to his tunnel as he had done it before, even though Nick had no clue how? He liked this version much more than this nagging suspense.
The band had long moved on to happier topics. Soon, they ascended the stairs to the Avalon Hotel and found his golden statue. "Look who's there?", Chris asked. "No idea, I've never seen this bloke before", Nick said dryly. "Are you their honorary guest or something?" Chris climbed the pedestal. "No, it's only for the convention...they don't like me much in here, actually", Nick admitted, watching him. Chris patted the metal. "How much did it cost to set this up?" "I don't know, Virgil took care of that. But don't worry, we could set up the entire band, so he won't be lonely anymore." Brad laughed. "That'd block the entrance for good." "We could make them bigger, so people can walk through under our legs", Matt suggested. "That would scare everyone off", Morrie stated. "Oh, come on, Morrie, don't you want to be cast in gold?", Chris asked from up above. "I like golden records more", the pianist said. They laughed, Chris left the statue and they went inside.
Nick was glad they laughed it away and didn't complain about how unfair it was. There were more statues of himself in the hotel, that caught Nick's eye just now that he wished they weren't there. His friends didn't mention them and he hoped it was because the luxurious furnishing distracted them. They didn't marvel as much as Arthur had since they were used to expensive hotels already. In the restaurant, he sat down next to Morrie, shortly touching his foot with his own. "Do you know that our record is a best seller?", his lover asked promptly. "Yeah? I had no idea! You have to tell me everything that happened today!" "Virgil told us", Brad explained. "He was quite busy and didn't give us the exact numbers, but he sounded quite pleased." "So, we made it". Nick beamed at him. The news raised his spirits. He looked forward to finally be popular and wanted again. Shortly after, they received the menu and began to leaf through it.
"Can you recommend anything?", Morrie asked him. "I suppose you tested this extensively." "I know what you would like", Nick answered and turned the page. Chris dropped the menu. "I can't decide. Why don't we take everything?" "Now come on", Brad said. "I'm serious. Just one big plate in the middle of the table, first the starters, then the main dish and lastly the desserts." "Okay, but can we take a pick? A few dishes per course or so? That should be enough", Morrie suggested. Chris grinned. "Nicky is hungry." "If it's not enough for Nicky he can place an extra order, right, Nicky?", Morrie asked. "It's gonna be okay, the helpings aren't too stinted."
Nick described the meals to them because he had tested most of them, also with Arthur, and so they took their picks. Then they started to talk about all the pubs and restaurants they had visited, the good and the bad ones, and happily exchanged memories. When the dishes were served, Nick thought about Arthur, who now had to do with his meagre supplies again. He considered to save something for him, if there were any leftovers. His friends were tucking in, just like him. Also Morrie, who tried to preserve his dignity, couldn't hide how hungry he was. Nick had always felt like only the Avalon's meals were satisfying, as if they treated them differently here.
"I guess I was right", he said to his lover who helped himself to a second portion. "Indeed", he said quietly, so that only Nick could hear it. "It's delicous. How come you never invited me for dinner?" "Uh...we've been busy with other things", Nick stuttered, developing a bad conscience. It had never occured to him how much Morrie had missed good food. "Also pleasant things", he added. Morrie smiled. "Never mind, Norrie. I'm just yanking your chain." Nick relaxed. "You're right though. We should have a dinner." "Surprise me", Morrie whispered, causing Nick's heart to beat faster. He loved that, their secret closeness, every little intimation, every seemingly random touch, all the whispering, exchanging looks, it made moments like this even more exciting.
Sometime, someone started with the colorful cocktails. Someone always started it and the others went along. Nick loved that stuff anyway. It reminded him of the pubs in their early days, where they had spent their hard-earned money. Sometimes they got free drinks, when the landlord liked them. Every pub had his own recipies. Of course, the Avalon had a larger choice and some of the old drinks he remembered fondly were out of fashion.
Brad seemed to have the same flashbacks because he said: "Do you remember 'Glowing Mojo'? You could light up the room with it, and it made your tongue and teeth all shiny. Now I wonder if there was Motilene in it." "They made all sorts of experiments with it when it was new", Chris added. "Why not for drinks?" "Oh, no, I don't think so. I know what Motilene tastes like", Nick said. They looked at him. "Long story", he waved them off. "The smell is better than the taste." They laughed. "I got something called 'Foggy Jack', that wasn't only puffing smoke but it also clouded my mind completely. I still can't recall what happened after one glass until two days later", Matt told them. "Or, you can't recall all the other drinks you had", Brad suggested. "Or it was the Joy", Chris said. "When it was new, it used to knock people out from time to time. Do you remember how they tried to make Joy drinkable? It was awful!" They enjoyed themselves and laughed a lot. The more drinks they had, the funnier it got. Nick found the courage to tell them stories about his solo-career and nobody did mind.
Suddenly they were approached by the hotel manager Murray Davis, who not too politely asked them to leave because of the noise they were making. "What do you mean, too loud?", Nick protested. "Mind you, we'll pay a massive bill for all this. You know what? If you don't let us stay, we won't pay for anything!" "I'll take you to court, how is that?", the manager fought back. "You'll lose anyway!" Morrie stepped in. He was the most sober. "Don't chance it, Nick", he said touching his lover's shoulders. "Why don't we go to your suite, where we are alone?" "If you want, Morrie, but I don't like to take that shit from him." "Come on, let's go", Matt assisted Morrie. "You've got liquids in your suite, right?" "Sure", Nick said. "But I'll pay you back", he hissed into Davis' direction. Morrie gently shoved him forward. "He really doesn't like you much", Chris stated. "Oh, he's always grumpy, even on Joy. He'll see where that gets him." They took the elevator to a very expensively decorated floor. The biggest door led to the Wonderland Suite. This room received more gaping because it outdid every hotel room they knew.
Nick quickly got busy at the bar, pouring drinks for everyone. He also had left some harmless party favors that he offered to them. Soon, they turned up the music to full blast and sang along. Nick, who was mellowed by alcohol and his party favors, fell into Morrie's arms. "Dance with me", he uttered. And then he span Morrie around. The band laughed and cheered him on. When they found the pool, they had other things to do. Nick blacked out into dream world eventually while dancing.
Wow, I can't believe this fanfic is now one year old! It's my life now and it's keeping me warm in these cold days. A big thank you to everyone who's still reading or just started to read, to everyone who liked, reblogged, everyone who left comments or even fanart <3<3<3 This fandom is wonderful and I'm happy to be here. Have a nice day, wherever you are and don't let these times get you down. You're a wonderful person!
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Sick MC/Reader cont.
Anon:   Hi! We have main trio dealing with sick MC, but can you please write headcanons for other characters as well?
Of course!  For those new, the mini sick headcanon was the first one I did while forced to be at work during a dead day while recovering from a cold.  Link to be found here.
(understand that this request was made long before the pandemic)
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Mycroft Holmes
A low grade fever means he wants you in bed resting.  Pushing yourself means your low fever could get worse.  If you do get worse, of course he’ll see about having a doctor come over to check on you.  Probably John due to knowing he can trust him.  Though if it’s more complicated then he would ask someone who has a specific knowledge in the field (despite if the person lacks bedside manner).  His worry about you does not stop unless he knows how you’re doing.  If he has to work and you’re home sick he will set up a camera so he can check in on you more easily.  Though he’d want to be home with you to take care of you.  Which is very sweet, but also a little concerning as that means one terrible thing: Homemade chicken noodle soup.
   Jack Stillman (warning: this is more based off of the him that I’ve headcanoned instead of what we got in his route)
Once it’s confirmed he’s in love he has a way of showing it.  He might be a little bit of a sadist, and likes to tease, but he is always deadly seriously about safe words and not liking things happening to you that he’s not in control of.  Little scrapes and bruises are met with scolding and a keen doctor eye.  Which makes illnesses all the more frustrating.  He will take you at your word that you’re fine unless he finds proof otherwise.  A sniffle.  Looking a little pale or ‘green around the gills’.  All are indicators for him to check on you.  If you prefer to do things on your own he will be beside you each step of the way to make sure you don’t get into serious trouble.  Otherwise he will have strict doctor’s orders to follow and he expects you to listen.  While he might not make a habit of staying at your place regularly, this is a special circumstance.  You can find him sleeping on your sofa with a timer near by to wake him up to check on you.
  Sebastian Moran
He is not the best at knowing when you’re sick.  He’s also not the best at knowing how to handle it.  No matter the illness, once he knows, he’s insisting you stay in his bed.  He’ll bring you different home remedies for what ails you.  And others that make no sense.  Any and all ‘old wives tales’ that he finds are going to be tried if only so he can do something to help you.  Course he’d let James know, but mostly so they end up both trying to take care of you.  He might even drag Jack into his room and tell him to make you better.  Only to watch with a careful eye and most likely a ready trigger in case Jack tries anything, even if he exclaims that Sebastian needs to calm down and let him work.  You can guarantee that once Jack and James have gone to bed Sebastian will be herding his cats into the room so that they may snuggle with you.  Sometimes just being with those that comfort you can be the best medicine when you have nothing else at your disposal.
  Jeremy Cassel
This guy knows how to make home made meals that are meant to comfort you or help get different vitamins into you when you need them.  Or so he’s read, and heard, mostly from Mycroft.  He will insist, no matter the illness that you get up and walk, even a little bit, even if it’s from the bed to the balcony.  Fresh air and sunlight.  If he cannot move you from your place to his, then he will be there with you, making sure everything stays clean, making sure your windows stay open.  He will do what legitimate work he can from your place.  But he will have, more or less, moved in.  This man also has little to no care for his own safety as he holds you at night, trying to comfort you.  Most likely getting himself sick in the process. 
  Hercule Poirot
He will clean everything.  You can stay at your own home, which is fine, but firstly he will see about getting professional cleaners to take care of the rest of your home.  He will want to oversee it of course.  Helping get you to the sofa to let them clean your bedroom before you go back to lying down.  Whatever made you sick had to be removed.  Which means changing your bedding everyday.  Also insists on having you taking a bath and that he helps.  Which first sounds flustering, until he comes into the bathroom with elbow length gloves and a face mask on to make sure he doesn’t catch what you have so he can keep monitoring you and not feel compromised.  He will read you to sleep, make sure the food you eat is nutritious and easy on your stomach if needed.  You can ask him for a full report on what you went through as he’s made note of it.  In case there was any pattern that meant he needed to get the opinion of a specialist.
  Arthur Hastings
If you say it’s nothing, he will agree.  If you tell him that you’re just tired, he will believe you.  Up until the moment you pass out from fever or can no longer talk from your sore throat.  He will take you at your word, not because he’s a gullible person, but because he trusts that you would be doing what you can to take care of yourself.  After all, if you got sick you’d be worrying a lot of fans, friends, and family.  Especially your boyfriend.  Once he knows you’re sick he will make recommendations, but will not always be able to enforce it because he cannot take time off of work to stay home.  But he can conference call you often and keep you on the call so he can check in on you and you can talk to him whenever you want or need to.  It gives him a piece of mind to be able to see you while you’re sick, and he likes to think it makes you feel better being able to see him.  When he can be there he will try to make sure you take care of yourself.  If you are supposed to be doing something and are too tired he will help you do it.  He wants you to know you can depend on him.
  George Lestrade
This fool will not notice unless it becomes abundantly clear.  You telling him, or straight out collapsing on him, or throwing up in front of him(That last one will have him reeling at first, worrying that you’re pregnant or poisoned).  He does try his best afterwards to take care of you, but he has a more hands off approach, asking what you need and jumping to get it done ASAP.  You say you need fried chicken from the place across town to sooth your fever?  ON IT.  You say that you need him to rub your back in the bath to keep your nausea at bay?  He will climb in that tub fully clothed if you don’t remind him to take off his clothes at first.  He struggles at times to take care of himself, and he struggles at times to remember how to properly look after you.  He knows this, and tries.  Which means if you say you need something he will not question it.  Even if John comments about what you really should be getting, because surely you know better, it’s not like John’s a doc- (be kind to him.  He is gullible.  He will eventually remember that John is not just Sherlock’s assistant, but actually a doctor)
  Mikah Hudson (older Mikah)
Immediately excited that he has a chance to show you how good he is at taking care of you!  He sends you to bed, and later comes back with soup, but first he insists on taking your temperature.  Is constantly looking up your symptoms just in case, and paying attention to different forums to see if there is any bug going around.  Anything that could give him a heads up on what to expect.  There is a box of tissues if your nose starts running, and two more back up boxes, just in case you need them.  There are many times when you wake up in the middle of the night to find him sleeping on the floor so he is there to make sure you’re okay.  You being sick makes it hard for him to focus on anything else.  John will sneak in to check on you.  If he tries to do it with Mikah there, Mikah is right over his shoulder making sure that he isn’t trying to hit on you in your vulnerable state.  He will get a baby monitor if you let him so he can keep listening in on you while he’s tries to take care of 221B, but if Sherlock makes any loud noises that could wake you up, there will be hell to pay.
  Henry Jekyll
Despite what others may think of him, he is not a physician.  He is a chemist.  That said, when he realizes you are sick, he will start to make recommendations on you resting and starting to address your minor symptoms.  If you get worse he will just as calmly suggest what you to do to take care of yourself.  While he insists that he cannot force you to take care of yourself, he is checking in on you often, despite the pleas that he focuses on his work.  Taking care of his brother has given him a view on taking care of the sickly as ‘you can only do so much if they insist on wearing themselves out’.  This doesn’t stop him from worrying and wanting to be by your side, reading to you, getting you food himself.  Anything to help watch over you, the most he can do is order for food to be delivered to you so he knows you’re at least getting that while he’s away.
  Edward Hyde
He doesn’t pay too much attention to small stuff.  Chalking it up to allergies or not enough sleep.  If you got sick to the point of needing of feeling fatigued or dizzy from fever he immediately sits you down and gets you comfortable.  As soon as he’s sure you’re good he’ll be in the other room calling Henry to get advice.  His voice on the edge of panic and uncertainty, if this was someone bothering you, sure, easy fix.  However, with a disease there was little he could do besides follow the directions Henry gives him while he watches over you.  He’d still go out and take care of things, but you have his phone number.  He also calls you every few hours to make sure you’re okay.  If he has to go out while you’re very unwell he will call Henry to come watch over you.  
  ‘Irene’ (based off of the conwoman headcanon)
Did she have medical training?  Maybe.  She’d never tell you.  Mostly because that wasn’t what was important.  Starting from a mild fever she’d start tracking your symptoms, asking for help moving furniture if it got to the point that she needed to make sure you were well rested.  Meaning the bed was going into the living room so she could cook and not have to go too far to see you.  Every cough or sniffle was scrutinized as she worried over you.  She’d hold you and cuddle you every chance she got, but she would go and wash up afterwards just in case.  No sense in getting you better only to have you turn around and have to take care of her. 
 (please like, comment, and/or reblog to let me know what you thought and to let others know my blog is still alive)
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jeichanhaka · 8 years
Time's Sublimest Target Ch 7
Chapter 7:
Dr. Kettlewell stared down at Cam lying on the hospital bed, her eyes closed in unconsciousness. The monitor connected to her showed her vitals were steady, her breathing normal. His slate gray eyes washed over the auburn haired woman's face and body, burning every centimeter of her firm into his memory.
There was greed in his eyes, a desire for possession so strong that he forgot where he was for a moment. His breath hitched at the sight of the bandaged wrapped around the woman's forearm. He glowered at the sight, his greed turning to animalistic anger.
It took all his willpower not to curse, his fist squeezed tightly at his side. Clenched inside his hand was a charm bracelet, the charms poking into his palm. Not enough to break the skin, but close. Taking in a calming breath, he set it down on the small table beside the bed.
He mumbled something while setting it down, his eyes straying back to her face. The click of the door opening drew his attention away, and he quickly schooled his expression. His heart thumped as he turned to face the interloper.
0"Shit!" Arthur swore, taking a large gulp from a brown whiskey bottle. His leg throbbed and wouldn't stop. It felt like his leg was one fire and being sliced continuously at the same time. He bellowed out a few more curses before taking another few gulps of whiskey.
Once he drained the bottle he threw it across the room, where it shattered on impact. A few beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, his vision blurred from pain and alcohol. He grabbed for his phone and hit speed dial.
-...can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message...-
"Shit!" He hissed, not wanting to leave another message. He barely waited for the beep before shouting. "Tony, where the hell are you?! Something's wrong with my leg, that bitch hit it and now it hurts worse than it did. Fuck!" He cursed, having moved his leg slightly but enough that it sent a pulse of pain through him. "You never said it would be this painful, you damn bastard!"
He chucked the phone across the room, where it joined the broken whiskey bottle. His breath caught as he struggled to endure the pain from his leg, his eyes tearing up from both the pain and a fever.
"Shit. Something's wrong." He mumbled, sucking in a breath. His eyes shifted toward where he'd thrown his phone. He cursed once he saw the broken screen, and the liquid pooling around it. The whiskey bottle he'd thrown just moments before the phone had been empty, but the one before that hadn't. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! Goddammit!"
A plethora of swears escaped his lips, even as the pain overwhelmed him. His vision blurred and darkness swallowed him.
0Rossi paused, his dark brown eyes lingering over the man across the room. The man wore a white doctor's coat and carried himself like a doctor, but Rossi didn't recognize him. The doctor in charge of Cam was older, while the man before him seemed young enough to have just gotten out of medical school.
"...who are you?" Rossi asked, his eyes narrowing. His hand twitched, inches from his sidearm just in case.
"Dr. Kettlewell." The stranger answered, moving away from Cam's bedside and offering his hand to Rossi. His face plastered with an amiable smile. "I was just checking on the patients on this floor. I apologize for any intrusion, but I was told that one of my patients has been going around bugging other patients. Taking their things, switching their charts. Things like that."
Rossi's eyes widened slightly, unsure whether to believe the other man. He studied the stranger, not as on edge as he was when the man was standing right next to Cam, but still suspicious. "...is there anyone who can confirm that?"
"My name, or why I'm here?" Kettlewell paused, flashing the agent a look that mirrored his own. His eyes lingered briefly on Rossi's sidearm. "Any of the nurses on this floor can confirm either. Mr...?"
"SSA David Rossi." Rossi replied, showing his badge.
"Oh. FBI, huh?" Kettlewell's eyes widened, and he raised an eyebrow. "So why is the FBI here? Some sort of investiga- oh." He flashed an intrigued glance at the agent and then at Cam. His lips twitched, his slate gray eyes glancing over the auburn haired woman. "...So, is she a witness or an agent or...?"
"That's none of your business." Rossi cut off the young doctor mid-sentence, becoming more uncomfortable. Though it was difficult to tell if it was merely dislike for the doctor's unprofessional curiosity or something else. The stranger's manner seemed off, his curiosity not genuine. "And I'll need some proof you are who you say before you leave."
"What? I have a job to do..." Kettlewell replied, reaching out for the door handle only to be blocked by the agent.
"So do I. Now, if you show some ID and one of your co-workers can vouch for your reason to be poking around in rooms not belonging to your patients, then you can be on your way." Rossi eyed Kettlewell, partly expecting the man to refuse or make a fuss. He felt on edge and nearly expected the stranger to run off.
"All right." Kettlewell's lips twitched bemusedly and he handed over his hospital and drivers ID cards. An action that threw Rossi - he had been prepared for more fuss. He grimaced when Kettlewell flagged down one of the orderlies walking through the corridor.
"Yes? Dr. Kettlewell?" The orderly asked as he approached, pausing once he noticed Rossi. "Is this about Fritz? I swear I didn't know the kid was gonna bother anyone."
Kettlewell's lips twitched briefly into a smirk, his eyes gleefully taking in Rossi's surprise. He waited as the agent asked the orderly questions, confirming Dr. Kettlewell's reason for poking around.
"...all right. Thank you for your time." Rossi mumbled, dismissing the orderly. He grimaced, mulling over the ID cards in his hand a few more moments before handing them back to Kettlewell. The doctor then proceeded to leave, barely able to keep a smirk from his lips as he left.
Rossi's eyes narrowed, having just barely caught the smirk. The next moment his attention was drawn towards Cam's hospital bed. It'd been brief but the auburn haired woman had started to show signs of waking up. He quick and quietly made his way to her bedside.
"...Cam. Cam?" Rossi gazed down at the young woman's face, his thoughts drifting back to years ago. When he'd first met her.
She'd been just a child, barely eleven, cowering in the back of a cabinet. Thin and malnourished, with bruises and scratches marring her exposed skin she had huddled in the shadow of the cabinet. Not a word nor sound had escaped her lips, but her eyes spoke volumes. And when he looked into them it'd nearly broke him.
No one, especially not a child, should have that sort of deadened look in their eyes.
Rossi sighed, sitting down next to the hospital bed. The fidgeting that had drawn his attention, making him think Cam was waking up, had subsided. All there was now was the peacefulness on the sleeping agent's face.
"Sleep well, kid." He mumbled, leaning forward in the chair. His lips parted in midst of saying something else but stopped, and remained that way a second or two as another memory struck him. The memory of an eleven year old girl waking up every time a stranger passed her hospital room.
Dark eyes narrowed slightly, he stood up and took out his cell phone. As he dialed a number his gaze shifted to the table beside the bed.
He barely noted Garcia greeting him over the phone and asking him what he needed. His attention was focused on the table - specifically at the object left on it. A simple charm bracelet.
-"...hello? Rossi?" Garcia repeated, her voice unsure from the lack of a response.-
"Sorry, I'm here. There's something I want you to check." Rossi replied, shifting the charm bracelet to view it better. It was the DIY kind, homemade and used what looked like an old chain from a different bracelet as a base. Various mismatched charms and beads had been threaded with the chain, some plastic, some metal.
The hodgepodge of material and shapes wasn't what caught his attention, but rather it was four specific square beads. The kind with letters etched into them, and used to spell words or names.
"...A, t, t, y..." Rossi muttered, reading out the letters etched onto the beads. His brow furrowed, and his phone was close enough to his mouth that the tech analyst overheard.
-"Wha..." Garcia drew in a breath, her eyes widening as she recognized the name spelled. Atty. The name of Cam's supposed brother. Hearing Rossi mumble it surprised Garcia - she hadn't mentioned what she'd found about Cam or her previous team to anyone aside from Morgan. "Sir, did Morgan tell you that name or did Cam...?"-
"...What?" Rossi asked, his attention back on the tech analyst.
-"Atty. Cam's brother's nickname." Garcia replied.-
"Cam's brother..." Rossi tensed, his widened eyes shifting from the charm bracelet to the sleeping agent then to the door. The door through which the stranger - Dr. Kettlewell - had left just a few minutes ago. He drew in a breath, his jaw pulled taut. 'That's why she didn't wake.'
-"Sir? What..."-
"Garcia, look up all you can on a Dr. Anthony Kettlewell. He works at this hospital." Rossi interrupted, while approaching the door and glancing through the small window. His eyes scanned the hall for any sign of Kettlewell or the orderly.
The former was no where to be seen, but the latter he noticed talking with one of the nurses.
Hanging up on Garcia, Rossi exited the room and approached the orderly.
"Hey. I have a few more questions." The senior agent called out to the orderly, whose eyes widened at his approach. It wasn't until he was close enough to hear what the nurse was saying, that Rossi realized why.
"...Fritz, you can't just take an uniform and go around pretending to work here." The nurse chastised the 'orderly', shaking her head in disapproval. "Go back to your room."
"..." The faux-orderly nodded and attempted to dart off, only to be stopped by Rossi. The agent grabbed his arm.
"I believe another talk is in order." Rossi glowered at the other man, who was a patient rather than an employee based on what the nurse had said. "Fritz, is it?"
"I...ah..." Fritz swallowed, wanting to slink away though not actually attempting it. The nurse who he'd been talking to widened her eyes and turned to Rossi.
"Let him go. Who are you? What do you want?" The nurse demanded, her chastising tone morphing into a protective one. She gaped when Rossi showed his FBI credentials. Her eyes widened. "What did Fritz do?"
"...I just need him to clarify what he just told me around ten minutes ago." Rossi replied, letting go of the man's arm. "About Dr. Kettlewell and how a patient of his was messing around in other patients rooms."
Fritz cringed beneath the agent's gaze, his demeanor now far different than it was when Rossi questioned him earlier.
"Kettlewell? Huh." The nurse scoffed, shaking her head. Her reaction piqued Rossi's interest, drawing his attention to her. He suddenly wondered if he'd been tricked by both men, though the ID Kettlewell had shown him did appear authentic. "What patients?"
Rossi tensed. "...he's not a doctor here...?"
"No, he is. He just has the bedside manner of a snake, which makes most people request a different doctor." The nurse replied, partly relieving Rossi who had started to wonder if his cold had somehow interfered with his brain. Or his profiler instincts.
"What does he do? If he's not good with patients, what part of the hospital does he work in?"
"He picks up shifts now and then in the ER, but he mostly works in the morgue."
"The morgue?" Rossi cocked an eyebrow, intrigued by the tidbit. He was about to ask another question when a sharp scream cut through the hall.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
if I could describe this chapter in two words; those words would be ‘chaos’ and ‘madness’
Arthur: "Yeah, that's your story..." maki: i was! Takehisa: (finally puts down his newspaper) "Perhaps if you two actually awoke at a decent hour, Maki would not need to wake you up and interrupt your bed-sharing session." (returns to his paper) maki: o-o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iris: ???????????????????? shinra: O__________________________________O Arthur: "..." (takes a piece of toast, flings it at Takehisa) Takehisa: (catches it, chews...) "Needs butter..." shinra: wwwwhere's the commander? Akitaru: "Sorry I'm late..." (enters, lifting weights as he walks in) "Overslept a bit." *Akitaru opens his mouth, Takehisa shoves toast in his mouth as Akitaru keeps lifting weights* -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Morning, Beautiful." (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (pulls her closer, as he kisses her lips) stocking: mmmmm~ Kid: (slides his hands along her hips, as he kisses along her cheek to her neck) "So soft..." stocking: oooh~ Kid: (slides his hands along her backside) "Have a good sleep?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad...I guess we have to get out of bed, huh?" -at school- Kid: "I'm really looking forward to Drawing class today." -at lunch- Patty: (holds up her drawing of a gazelle) "See? Zoology class paid off!" liz: and you didnt murder something this time. Patty: "Hee hee hee...Yeah..." Kid: o_o; "Anyway...I'm happy with my progress as well..." stocking: thats a really good drawing. **He drew a sunset from a photograph--as the assignment was drawing from photographs** Kid: (smiles) "Thank you. I like yours as well..." -stocking drew a cemetery scene....its kind of stylized- Kid: "Very well done..." ("...Mother...") stocking:..... *she holds his hand* Kid: (sad smile) "Thank you..." liz: so whats today's agenda? Kid: "Two more classes...not sure what we're doing after class. Perhaps find more items for Little Sister, check on Halloween candy sales..." stocking: and working on costumes~ liz: yeah....i cant believe it's october already... Patty: "Yeah. Just think: it's been years since Kiddo and Stocking had their date at the Halloween Dance! Feels like it was only months ago!" stocking: yeah... so much has happened then.... Kid: "..." (holds her hand, small squeeze) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I'm grateful for what we have gained..." (smiles at Patty and Liz) "...including family." liz: *she smiles* Patty: "Yeah...Good thing you got a big mansion, Kid. At this point, I'm surprised we haven't had more people move in." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "We are lucky..." (sigh) "...privileged...Ladies, I know it is early, but I feel like we need to do more when Thanksgiving arrives...There are many of us in Death City that are not as fortunate." liz: how about hosting a big dinner? Kid: (nods) "I think that would be helpful...We should also do something sustainable that can last beyond November. Maybe improvements to shelters and food banks?" stocking: that sounds wonderful. Kid: "I'll inform Mother and Father--they'll be able to tell us what works needs to be done...Father did mention plans to expand parts of the city, so I hope he would include these as part of his plan." liz: maybe we could ask him? Kid: "After classes?" liz: sounds like a plan. --After Class-- Kid: "Father?" lord death: howdy, kiddo! Kid: "...Howdy." (smiles) "How are you?" lord death: doing good, how are you? Kid: "Fine. I was just thinking about your earlier remarks about new planning for Death City...and I had a suggestion." lord death: oh? and that would be? Kid: "...Thanksgiving is coming. Then the winter holidays. Father, many people come to Death City because they have nowhere else to go, and that includes a large homeless population." lord death: i see. Kid: "In your designs for Death City, can you incorporate additional resources for homeless shelters and food banks?" lord death: i think we can do that. *he smiles* Kid: (smiles back) "Thank you. Maybe we can get to work on additional fundraising during the Halloween Dance?" lord death: sounds like a plan! Kid: "Excellent! And I'll have others do all that they can to advertise this plan. Thank you." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Heather?" heather: hmm? oh, hello miss azusa. riley: dont you mean ‘mrs’? Yumi: (small laugh) "Yumi is fine. How has your day been?" heather: doing well. riley: it's cool... Yumi: "That's good...I was wondering whether you all had any plans this weekend." heather: well, our parents are having a date night, and i was planning on studying. riley: i might go to the arcade. Yumi: (nods) "Okay...If you need anything while your parents are on their date, feel free to ask." heather: sure thing. --Elsewhere-- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: zzzz....... **He is holding her in their sleep** mana: *she opens the door* ....... [<> wake them up? <> let them sleep?] <x> Let them sleep (and freak out silently) mana:....... (thinking: awwww!) Shotaro: (down the hall) "Mana!" mana: O-O !!! Shotaro: "Where's Chie? I don't see her in her roo--" mana: *sweats* Shotaro: o____o (covers his mouth) mana: >/////>;;;;;;;; Shotaro: (backs away slowly, taking Mana by the hand with him...) mana: um..........well that's happening... ./////. Shotaro: "...So, we have a new mommy?" mana: what?! Shotaro: "Yohei's the daddy, Chie's the mommy..." mana: ............................. tuuuuuhl help! Tuhl: *yawn* "Stop arguing with your brother..." mana: then was does that make you?! Tool: "The cool uncle." mana:................... Yohei: *yawn* (slowly opens his eyes) "..." ("..." internal screaming) chie: zzzz....... Yohei: "..." ("How do I get out of this? I could build an alarm clock robot...No, I would need my hands for that. I could use my feet to assemble the robot...No, my circuit boards are over there...I could let go, but she would wake up...") chie:............*yaaawn* ahh.... Yohei: "...Hi." chie: oh....how long were we napping? *yawn* Yohei: (looks over her head) "About...three hours?" chie: we should probably get up now... Yohei: "...Yes." chie: ok. *she sits up* Yohei: (staring at her) "Chie?" chie: hmm? Yohei: "...If you ever need someone to nap with you...I don't mind..." chie:....thanks. i'll keep that in mind then. Yohei: "..." (gets up as well and off the bed) -later- Nals: (scanning from the rooftops) "Still no sign of that creature..." milia: *she's looking, but not for the monster.* *booty face* Nals: -__-; "Stop that." milia: butt.....its so cute! Nals: (turns around, covering his already clothed bottom with his hands) "I said stop that! We have a task, and I don't need Grimoire throwing another fit because we didn't get what he wanted!" milia:.... *she looks at the notre dame* Nals: "Just want to find that beast and--" **Bells ring at Notre Dame** milia: should we check it out? Nals: (holds his sword in its scabbard) "Yes..." milia: the door or the roof? Nals: "I'll take the door, you take the roof..." milia: caaaan do~<3 *she summons her butterfly wings and flies up* Nals: (approaches the door, listening for signs...) < > Wait at the door < > Kick down the door and enter (<slice down the door and sneak on in>) Nals: (slices, sneaks in...Looks over seats and discovers...) -the building seems mostly empty- Nals: ("Hmmm...Is he not in here? Who was ringing the bells?" Looks for the bell room...) milia: *she's looking around, noticing a few feathers* ??? Nals: (approaches the door to the bell stairway...) **Ding Dong** Nals: "???" milia: ?? **The Bells aren't chiming...** Nals: "Where is that noise coming from...?" milia: hellooooo~? ???: "Ding dong..." Nals: "?!" milia: ?? **A loud bell is sound--that vibrates the floor, tossing up Nals and into the wall** Nals: "Gah!" (smash!) milia: eek! hold on nalsie-poo im comin! ???: *ROWR* (swings bell at Milia) "Stupid moths!" milia: *dodge* eek! naaaaalsieeeeee help meeeee!!! Q-Q Nals: "Hang on!" (leaps off the wall, his sword drawn, swinging at the beast...) ???: (backhands Nals into the wall, then grabs Milia by the legs and swings her) milia: weeeeeeeeeeeeh!!! @-@ Nals: (head spinning) "Ugh...Too big..." (gets up again...) "Milia! Magic! Now!" (runs forward again, ready to slice at Killbell's wrist...) Killbell: "Dumb bugs!" milia: ok~ ~butterfly flutterby papillio-chou!~ *several colorful butterfly shaped lights flutter around* Killbell: *ROWR!* "...Oh...Pretty buggies--" Nals: (slices at Killbell's wrist, releasing Milia, whom he catches) milia: *swoons with heart eyes* Nals: (eyeroll) "Listen, you dumb brute--" Killbell: "Not dumb! Kill! Bell!" Nals: "..." (whispers to Milia) "What is he saying?" milia: *ahem* nice peoples! not scary! help you! Killbell: "Huh? Why you talk funny? Who is Bug Girl and Creepy Mask Man?" Nals: -____- "My mask is not creepy..." milia: *demonstrating with pictures* milia: i'm milia, and this is nals~ Killbell: "So, Bug Queen Witch wants me to help? Why me?" Nals: (eyeroll) -elsewhere- Ponera: "Grimmy, any updates?" grimoire: they have the being contained and are bringing him back. Ponera: (claps) "Goody! Um...and that...thing that looks like you?" grimoire: behaving... for the most part. Ponera: "I have two questions for you. First, what can we do with him that is actually useful? Second...why does he look like you?" grimoire: not sure, but as for the second question, i suppose index used its 'humanoid avatar' in my likeness. i remember that it was quite fond of me, apparently more so than its creator. Ponera: "...So you must be, like, super old." grimoire: arent we both? Ponera: (flings her hair along her shoulder) "Yeah, but I'm still young compared to other witches. What's your excuse? I never saw that many sorcerers still look all hunky and young at...how old are you, like, 700 years old?" grimoire: about that age, yes. Ponera: (nods) "You look good...Probably better than that guy in the prison cell looks right now..." grimoire: *blush* thanks.... Ponera: (stretches) "Well, time for sleep..." (picks up an ant) "Nighty-nighty routine for us, Alice!" alice: *sleepy ant noises* Ponera: (gets up off her throne) "Good night, Grimmy." -next morning- Kid: (whistling) "Almost done with the waffles. Anything else you all want?" stocking: strawberry syrup and slices? Patty: "Nutella!" -later- sayaka: happy birthday, madoka! madoka: aw, thanks you guys. Black Star: "Woo! Happy birthday!" (tries to sneak food off Patty's plate...) Patty: (hand smack) misono: ..... Rin: "Misono? What's up?" misono: nothing. this is a nice party...for commoner parties anyway. 7-7 Rin: "...Heh. Can't argue with that. Ain't no party like a commoners' party!" misono: 7-7;;; madoka: thanks for coming over, i really appreciate it. *she smiles* misono: *blush* i-i'm only here cause your blue-haired friend made me. Rin: "Heh...N-No problem, Madoka..." Crona: "..." mami: how are you, chrona? Crona: "F-Fine!" (blushing) "H-Happy birthday..." madoka: thanks chrona. Crona: (small smile) Rin: "Hee hee hee...So, Crona, what'd you get Madoka?" Crona: o\\\\o "Um..." madoka: oh. *she smiles at the new thermos* thanks chrona. Crona: "Y-You're welcome...Mami helped..." Rin: (smiles at Crona) -later- Patty and Black Star: (asleep after meal...) Kid: "How was the cake, Stocking?" stocking: really good. kyouko: looks like its getting late. hey guys, we should be heading home now. Kid: (smiles) "Yes, I thought so, too. Thank you for having us, Madoka." madoka: thanks for coming over. i appreciate it. Kid: (picks up Patty) "Until next time..." -walking home- Kid: (Patty over his back as he carries her, he's humming...) stocking: so, how was the party? kyouko: pretty good. the cake was delicious. total props to mr kaname. Kid: (smiles) "It's nice to be among friends..." kyouko: it sure is.... well, here's our turn. see you guys later. here's to the weekend. Kid: "Yes. Good night." kyouko: see you guys on monday... *she and the okumura's walk down the other road* Rin: "Any plans this weekend, Kyouko?" kyouko: maybe find some extra work. you? Rin: "Was thinking of reading, maybe take in a movie." kyouko: sounds good. yukio, you got plans? besides studying? Yukio: "Ha...I wanted to tend to the garden this weekend." kyouko: sounds good. how are the pumpkins coming along? Yukio: "Just about ready to harvest and carve into Jack O'Lanterns." kyouko: neat! Rin: "What do you want to carve into your pumpkins, K?" kyouko: not sure yet. Rin: "I was thinking of carving a cat into mine..." kyouko: costumes? Rin: "..." (shrugs) "Charisma Justice?" Yukio: "Einstein." kyouko: i picked from the random draw....and get this... i got snow white..... -_-; Rin: (chuckles) "Think you'll find your Prince at the dance?" kyouko: oh shush you. Yukio: "Can always go as Princess Warrior Snow White." kyouko: or huntress snow white. that'd be pretty kick ass. Rin: "Yep." -elsewhere- Kid: "Stocking? Have you seen my vampire teeth?" stocking: here they are. got the baggie labled and everything. Kid: "Phew! Thank you. I was afraid Kirika or Patty got their hands on them..." stocking: i think kirika had vampire teeth of her own. Kid: "All the more reason she would take them..." stocking: hehe.... Kid: "...How is your costume coming along?" stocking: i got the dress the other day. *she holds up a sleek black and red dress* Kid: o\\\\o "Damn." -elsewhere- Wes: (laughing on the phone) "Your sister sounds like a trip, Liz." liz: yeah, haha. Wes: "Any plans this weekend?" liz: not sure yet. Wes: "...Would you be interested in checking out a band this weekend?" liz: yah, i heard blVck wid0w is playing here. Wes: "Yeah, that's the band! A friend got me tickets. Want to check it out Saturday night?" liz: sure! Wes: "Great! Soul and I are going. Would Patty be up for it?" liz: i'll ask, hey patti! want to come with wes, soul and i to a concert tomorrow? Patty: "Sure! Does the band suck, or are they good?" liz: not sure, i heard they're pretty good. it's blVck wid0w. Patty: "Ooooooooh! Definitely, yes! Tell Wes we're going!" liz: alright, she's in! Wes: "Cool! Soul and I will stop by the Mansion to pick you up." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Oh, Shinra..." shinra: yeah? Arthur: (fans himself with a calendar) "Guess what I found?" shinra: what? Arthur: "Last year's calendar...with Maki...and Iris..." ("No, Iris isn't in it...but what Shinra doesn't know...) shinra: *he falls over* huh?! Arthur: (nods) "Maki is Miss March, and Iris was Miss July..." ("She wasn't Miss July...but I got a surprise there for Shinra...Heh heh...") shinra: *gulps and looks* **Miss July: Hibana...with Akitaru's head pasted over it** shinra:.....................................................................what is this. Arthur: (loud laughing) "Got you! I so got you! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Akitaru: "Hey! It's late! Why are you guys making so much--" o____o shinra: .................boyle did it. Arthur: "What?!" Akitaru: "..." (cracks his knuckles, then his neck) shinra: *hides* Arthur: o____o; "It-It was just a joke, sir!" --Later-- Arthur: -_-; "...Overkill..." *Calendar now full of Arthur's face over all models, including Maki's* shinra: *he made a make shift grave that said -arthur boyle's dignity. again-* Takehisa: "..." (small smirk) Arthur: "This is awful." (holds up Miss March Maki) "Why would you do this to me, sir?!" maki: payback? Akitaru: "Hey, there is nothing wrong with a man in a bikini! That's why I shared the privilege with you!" Arthur: "..." (looks at Maki's pic) "At least I'm stacked in this one..." maki:.............................. -PUNCH- Arthur: T___T ("Worth it.") -the next day- Patty: (sneaks into Liz's bedroom...) liz: zzzz.... Patty: "Sis..." (voice muffled) liz: mmmph.... Patty: (in werewolf mask and with hairy gloves) "BOO-GA-BOO-GA-BOO-GA!!!" liz: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* Patty: "Ha ha ha!" (jumps into bed, pretending to paw at Liz) "I'm gonna eat you up!" liz: patti! Patty: (hugs her) "Halloween cheer, Sis!" liz: is that your costume? Patty: "Maybe~ I was thinking of adding something..." liz: maybe a red hood? Patty: "Oh, neat! Thanks!" (nuzzles wolf's face against Liz's face) -meanwhile, in the cells- Alone: (rubbing his wrist...still stuck with the Cone of Shame) ???: breakfast time. Alone: "...Where's Froggy?" mizune: at her house. i've been put in charge of feeding times now, after you tried to bite the hand that fed you. literally. Alone: "Hmph. I'm not eating--not 'til Froggy comes back to feed me!" mizune: -_-; Solence: "Just eat or you'll starve: that witch is not coming back." (takes his food) kinuta: *covers her ears* Alone: (grumbles, takes his food anyway) "What's gotten into you, Kinuta?" kinuta: oh... nevermind. Solence: "You sure? You look a little pale." kinuta: i'm fine as ever. Alone: "Then..." (points at her bowl) "You going to eat that?" kinuta: yes. Alone: "Hmph. Then what's eating you?" -elsewhere- Patty: (putting on her t-shirt and jeans) "This look good for a concert?" liz: looks good. Patty: (adds a chain belt and a chain to her wallet) "What're you wearing for your date?" -a nice jacket and dress with boots and tights- Patty: "..." (thumbs up) -at the concert- Wes: "..." soul: looks like they're here. Wes: "Yeah..." (stares at Liz: "...Wow...") Patty: "Woo! Concert!" soul: hey, glad you could make it. Patty: "Same! How're you doin', Soul?" soul: doing well. Wes: "Hi, Liz." (smiles, waves) liz: hey wes. you guys look great. Wes: "Thanks. You look great, too." Patty: (staring at Soul's shirt) "Nice design." soul: .... *he's wearing his usual outfit* Patty: "Neat dragon! Where'd you get it?" soul: got it while in london. Patty: (thumbs up) -elsewhere- Kid: (lying down on couch) Yumi: "Kid? Stocking? Want anything?" stocking: some cake if there's any. Kid: "Tea, please." Yumi: "We have some raspberry angel food cake--I'll get some for both of you, along with some English tea." stocking: sounds good. Yumi: (smiles) "On it..." **Yumi returns with cake and tea for all of them** Yumi: "Stocking, how are classes?" stocking: doing well. math is still tough, but i'm getting better, i think. Yumi: (nods) "Who's teaching math now?" stocking: mr triple A. Yumi: "Hmmm...I see...Maybe tutoring will help." stocking: i have been getting some tutoring from kid. Kid: (small smile and blush) Yumi: "That's good." (sips on her tea) stocking: how's lil shiori coming along? Yumi: (pats her stomach) "Kicking...giving me morning sickness." stocking: hehe. Yumi: (smiles) "I look forward to holding her in my arms..." (frowns) "...and being able to drink again." stocking: maybe we can look after her some nights. Yumi: "I would like that...*Sigh* I keep busy with DWMA missions' research, with reading, with the baby's room, but I have felt rather trapped lately." stocking:....say, why dont we go out and so something fun tommorrow? Yumi: "..." (nods) "I would like that. Any ideas?" stocking: there is a garden expo at the civic center. Yumi: "Oh! That would be fun! Yes, let's do that. When should we leave the house?" stocking: its a sunday tomorrow, so how about after breakfast? Yumi: (nods) "Great." Kid: (sips his tea..."Then I can finish my gift for Stocking...") -elsewhere- Killbell: "Tiny masked guy told me I would help the Bug Queen. Why am I still here?!" milia: we're almost there now. Killbell: "Where is 'there'?" (points) "Is that 'there'?" milia: *she nods* Killbell: "Ooooooooh...What we goin' to do?" Nals: -_____- ("Could they be quiet...?") -inside- medusa:................. Ponera: "Snake? Penny for your thoughts?" medusa:....oh. just thinking........ *she rubs her stomach* Ponera: "...You think of a name?" medusa: i have one in mind. Neian. Ponera: "...What does that mean?" medusa: it's lunarian for 'precious'. Ponera: :,) "Awwwwwww..." medusa: 7////7;;; (thinking: this child will be my heir. chrona..........that thing was an experiment...) Ponera: "Wait 'til that little bundle is born! I can't wait to make something for them! How about an ant doll?" medusa:......suuure... Ponera: "Yay!" (removes fabric and stuffing) "I'll get to work!" Ponera: "So, will the Scorpion be the godparent?" shaula: HAHA OWNED! *she's playing a game on the gaming console* medusa: as if! Ponera: "...Huh. I see your point...Well, your other sister is dead...I guess you'll need someone else..." (blushing) medusa:....alright you can do it then. Ponera: T__T "Thank you!" *GLOMP* -in shaula's room- shaula: hehe~ *playing some prop hunt* -she's hiding as a baby doll- RightRoundBaby: *bitch where u at?* shaula: >:3 xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: NoT iN uR bEd M8 XP RightRoundBaby: *u'd know--'cause u wuldnt b able 2 walk strait* NoFix: "Fucking bitch..." (checks in one corner of the room) "Mimeca! Another Dew!" xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: LeIk Im 2 BzE f-N uR mOm XP RightRoundBaby: u n evry1 else. (picks up a broom) no but this is as flat as u r xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: F u *the baby sneaks past as he has his back turned* RightRoundBaby: name the time n place bitch *picks up an empty box, not yet noticing...* shaula: hehe~ RightRoundBaby: (turns--and spots) hey! shaula: ACK! RUN! MOVE THOSE BABY LEGS YA LITTLE SHIT! RightRoundBaby: *grabs* shaula: FUCK! RightRoundBaby: this is ovr (*aims*) shaula: MOVE! MOVE DAMN YOU! RightRoundBaby: bang bang bang have a nice day (*BOOM*) xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: eEt A 1000 dIx PlZ RightRoundBaby: done. next? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: RoUnD 2 bIaTcH RightRoundBaby: k. how bout make it interesting? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: LeIk WaT? RightRoundBaby: if u lose, i get pic of ur titties xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: HoW bOuT mY sIs'S? RightRoundBaby: oh thats better. and if i lose? xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: u EaT 1000 mOr DiX RightRoundBaby: how is that punishment? deal. xXx_SkOrPiOn_BiTcH_XxX: Kk. BrInG iT! **NoFix disguises himself as a desk chair** -later- RightRoundBaby: any chance get u in pic 2? -elsewhere- saki:............... NoFix: "Heh heh heh...King of this game. Right, RoboCop?" saki:................... NoFix: "Hey, say something. You expect Mimeca to?" grunt #69: pretty good sir NoFix: "Thanks, Grunt #69. Heh heh...Grunt..." grunt #69: *sweatdrop* yeah....haha.... NoFix: "Man, though, that Skorpion Bitch is something else...Can't wait to see what she's got for me!" (pause) "Mimeca! Mountain Dew, now!" mimeca: *she has 2 bottles* NoFix: "...Are both of those for me?" mimeca: *double thumbs up* NoFix: "Sweet!" (opens one, starts drinking it) "...Hey, does Saki-Bot over there got any features that would help keep drinks cold?" -elsewhere- Noah: (shivering) "No...No...Ah...Ah..." Noelle: [honestly, get over it already... -_-; ] Noah: "With what? I don't have anything." (holds up a spork) "LOOK HOW THEY FEED ME!" Noelle: [sounds like it isnt my problem.] Noah: "If I die, so do you! The Book is in a barrier! No respawning of you all without me! What do you say to that, Noelle?!" Noelle: [.........] Noah: "...Thought so." (tosses spork at the bars) Wrath!Noah: "THEN JUST RIP THE BARS OFF AND LET US OUT!" Noelle: [shush you.] Sloth!Noah: "*Yawn* I'm tired." Gluttony!Noah: "Let's ask Medusa for more food." Lust!Noah: "Let's ask Medusa to--" Noah: "Shut up..." Noelle: [oh, seems those two started to respawn...] Gluttony!Noah: "Yeah! And I'm a growing boy! I NEED MUNCHIES!" Sloth!Noah: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Patty: (trying to look up) "Man...I can't see anything!" soul: pretty good tunes. Wes: "Yeah. It's enjoyable..." -later- Wes: (stretches) "So...My friend told me we could meet the band backstage..." soul: dude, for real? Wes: "Yeah. You all ready?" malaria: *signing pictures* Wes: "Malaria! Hey!" malaria: oh, hey there. riku: hey. Wes: "Hey. We talked earlier--I'm Wes Evans." Patty: (staring at Malaria and Riku..."I am so close...I can touch them...") malaria: oh right. a pleasure to meet you. *she shakes his hand* Wes: "Same. This is my brother Soul, and our friends Liz and Patty." soul: hey. liz: hey there. Patty: o_o "...Can I touch you?" Wes: o__O malaria: o_o; riku:....... liz: i apologize. malaria: erm... Wes: "Y-Yeah." Wes: (clear throat) "So, that was a great performance! I like the new songs you have this time." riku: thanks man. Patty: "M-Malaria? You have a great voice..." malaria: thanks. *she smiles* Wes: "I was wondering whether you could give Liz your autographs?" malaria: sure thing. -later- Patty: (hugging her autographed poster) "So cool...Thanks for letting us come along, Soul!" soul: no problem. Wes: (puts a hand on Liz's shoulder) "How was it?" liz: it was great, thanks for inviting us. Wes: (smiles) "Happy to. It was fun getting to be with all of you." (looks at Soul) soul: *faint smile* Wes: "...Escort you two home?" -the next day- Kid: *yawn* "Looking forward to today's outing with Mother, Stocking?" stocking: yep. *she's wearing a green flower print dress over a cream colored button up shirt. her hair is in two low ponytails and she's wearing a straw hat* Kid: (smiles) "You look great." (puts a hand along her right ponytail) "Love the hat." Azusa: (finishing her cup of tea) stocking: thanks, my dad got it for me. Yumi: (finishes her tea) "The dress looks nice as well, Stocking." (gets up, approaches Kid, kisses his forehead) "We'll be back before dinner." stocking: dont get into too much trouble now, kiddo~ Kid: (smiles) "Who, me?" (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Yumi: "Let us depart, Stocking." -and so- Yumi: (points to one plant) "The shape is so intricate. And this species' leaves make a delicious tea." stocking: wow. *she snaps a pic on her phone* Yumi: (smells one flower) "Hmm...Good breeding on this one." (points to bonsai exhibit) "Let's visit that section next..." stocking: nice. -elsewhere- Kid: "Almost done..." (wipes his brow) "Just need to leave it on Stocking's desk." liz: whatcha workin on kiddo? Kid: O\\\\\O "...A gift for Stocking...I'll tell you about it after I give it to her..." *He's holding a book that he keeps close to his chest* liz: oook. Kid: "...Can we talk for a moment?" (walking towards Stocking's room) liz: uhh, sure. Kid: "How was your date last night?" liz: i-it was nice. Kid: (nods) "That's good. Feel okay with it?" liz: yeah. Kid: (opens door to Stocking's room, approaches her desk) "Any plans for your next date?" liz: not sure yet. Kid: "Maybe something just between the two of you? A film and dinner?" (lays the book atop Stocking's desk and exit...) liz: maybe. *blush* Kid: (closes the door) "..." (smirks) "You know what this reminds me of?" liz: what? Kid: "You look like how I must have when I was first dating Stocking." liz: w-wha? Kid: "The blushing, the nervousness...It's great when you start getting to know someone when dating." liz: w-well, maybe a little bit. liz: *smirks* at least i dont pass out when i talk to him. Kid: (frowns) "Well, you have a different personality than I do." (pats her shoulder) "But I'm happy you are going out, even if it was just as friends." liz: thanks kid. Kid: (smiles) "What are you up to this afternoon?" liz: not much. Kid: "Care to have tea with me?" liz: sure. --And so-- Kid: (sets the tea down for them in the kitchen) "...Liz?" liz: yeah? Kid: "...I want to marry Stocking. Not now, but in the future..." liz: i know. Kid: "But I don't know who to have as a best man...I almost want to have two best _persons_...You and Patty..." liz: we'd be glad to. Kid: (smiles) "Then let's go with that...Thank you. I am grateful." Patty: (peaks up behind the kitchen table) "Did someone say I get to be a best man?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Chie?" chie: yeah? Yohei: "...Could we talk? In private?" chie: um....sure? Yohei: "Your room or mine?" chie: uhhh... w-wherever....? Yohei: "...Okay..." (leads her to his room) "Um...Have a seat." chie: um... ./////. Yohei: (sits on the bed, while she's on his workshop bench) "...You bleed yet today?" chie: yeah. i did while making breakfast this morning. Yohei: "...How much blood?" chie: a little bit. *she looks at her finger* Yohei: (sees it from his bed...) "...Why are you comfortable sleeping next to me?" chie: o/////////////o um.... well....er...... w-what brought this up? Yohei: "...You are a Dokeshi." chie: yeah... Yohei: "I harmed Dokeshi. For the Dokeshi Hunt, for Fear Factory...You shouldn't trust someone like me." chie: i know but.... for some reason, i felt safe around you, like i subconsciously knew you wouldnt hurt me....its weird. Yohei: "...Yeah. 'Weird' would be the word for it." (gets up from the bed, sits next to her) chie: i guess....i just felt lonely... when i was young and i was scared, saki would hug me and tell me everything would be ok. Yohei: "...I spent my childhood distant from other people. After college, everyone around me died or tried to kill me. I don't really sleep well...but I've started to sleep better, when I'm lying next to you." chie: .////////. um... t-thanks. Yohei: (blushing a bit) "You're welcome." (rubs the back of his neck) "...That's all. I just wanted to know why...and to thank you for...helping me sleep." chie: no problem..... Yohei: "...Cool. If you ever need someone by your side...I'd like to be that person." chie:....i would appreciate that, yohei. Yohei: (awkwardly sits next to her on the bench, clears throat) "So..." chie: yeah? mana: *listening* Shotaro: (at the door, using Bone of the Bat to get big ears) Tuhl: (at the door, trying to coax the Door's spirit to tell him what is going on...) Yohei: "Anything on your agenda today? Anything you want to work on or do?" chie: i might do some shopping later. Yohei: "Can you pick me up some cigarettes?" chie: i'll see about that. Yohei: "Thanks." (stands up, walks to the door, opens it--) mana: oof! Shotaro: "Gak!" Tuhl: "Crap!" Yohei: "..." chie: !!! WHERE YOU LISTENING IN ON US?! Tuhl: "No!" Shotaro: "Yes!" chie:................... ~triple arm dark chop!~ --Later-- Yohei: "Stand still, Mana..." Tuhl: (black eye) mana: owie! Shotaro: (wrapped like a mummy) "Hee hee hee...I got my Halloween outfit now!" -elsewhere- Yumi: (holding a potted flower) stocking: *snaps a pic* and i sent it to your email! Yumi: (smiles) "Thank you. I have been looking for this one for some time." (sets the flower down and picks up her seeds) "It is a challenge to grow this one..." -elsewhere- Kid: (sketching in his artbook) julie: *also doodling* Kid: (smiles) "How is your drawing coming, Julie?" julie: *very focused* *its a picture of her and her family, including liz and patti* Kid: (silently smiles, returns to his illustration--a stylized set of drawings of a couple dancing, showing their movements in sequence) -elsewhere- Arthur: (finishing writing on blackboard: "I will not PhotoShop my commander's face onto other people" 100 times) shinra: ....... Arthur: "...What? Haven't I been punished enough?" shinra: *shrugs* Arthur: "...Answer me one thing: do you like Iris?" shinra: ...... *he looks away, blushing* Arthur: "...Well? The lack of eye contact and blushing says yes, so just ask her out already." -elsewhere- Yumi: "We're home." stocking: we brought stuff~ Patty: "Oooooh, I like stuff! What is it?" Kid: (looks as well) stocking: we got a floral arrangement. Kid: "That looks wonderful." (inhales) "Smells good, too." Yumi: "Stocking has a good eye for them. And a good nose." liz: nice. Patty: "Where you want to put it? Dining room? Living room?" -it gets put in the dining room- Kid: "I like it here. It adds some cheerfulness." -later- Kid: "Stocking?" stocking: yeah? Kid: "I left a gift for you on your desk." stocking: oh. thanks kid. *she goes to investigate* **On the desk is a book, labeled simply "Stocking"** stocking: ?? *she opens it* **It is similar to a scrapbook: it includes handwritten poems, illustrations of her and shared experiences (the Halloween dance, trips overseas), photographs with their friends (ones still with them, ones lost), and a dedication at the beginning: "To my angel..."** stocking: aww.... *she smiles and blushes* **Note in the book: "Thank you for improving my life, and the lives of so many people. I love you, and I always will."** stocking: *she puts it in her top drawer and hugs kid* Kid: (returns the hug) "You like it?" stocking: i love it kid! Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." stocking: *she kisses him full on the lips* Kid: o_o (slowly returns the kiss...) -20 minutes of heavy making out later- Kid: "Ah...ah...Wow...That was great..." stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: "..." (holds her close) stocking: mmmm... Kid: (pulls back, holding her hand as he guides her to the bed...) stocking: oh~ Kid: (smiles, lies down and pulls her onto the bed) stocking: ah! *bluuush* Kid: (get on top of her) "Stocking..." stocking: *blushing* Kid: (blushing as well) "I love you..." stocking: i love you too kid. Kid: (smiles, stroking her face) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (leans down, kissing her neck lightly) stocking: ooh~ Kid: "What do you want to do?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Mmm..." (hugs Lord Death) lord death: *he rubs her head* Yumi: "I enjoyed going out today. Stocking is a wonderful child...er, woman." lord death: indeed. i'm truly happy kid has found someone in his life to make him feel complete. as i have for you. Yumi: (blushes) "Likewise." (kisses his lips) -elsewhere- Black Star: "So, how was the concert, Soul?" soul: pretty good. i even got you a shirt. Black Star: "Really? Rad!" -elsewhere- Wes: [texting: hey liz. get home ok?] [text from liz cell: yeah.] Wes: [that's good. thanx for coming out. happy to have you and patty with soul] [text from liz cell: soul seemed happier] Wes: [i think so. i have to try harder--i've been screwing up] -the next day- Kid: "Zzz..." -at school- Patty: "What's the first class?" liz: geography. Kid: "Oh!" (looks at his maps) "Excellent!" liz: did you find something? Kid: "If I'm correct about today's lesson, this may help us find the next Sage." liz: that's great! Kid: "Just have to wait and listen..." -at lunch- Kid: (still studying the map during lunch) "I don't know..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "Does this narrow down the location of the next Sage?" stocking: maybe... Kid: "Sigh...Still seems so far away..." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: we'll find a way. Kid: (nods) -elsewhere- Spirit: "Hey, Marie." marie: hey spirit. *she smiles* Spirit: "How's work going?" marie: doing well. the students seem to be improving. Spirit: "Yeah, I heard some were having problems. Think it was just early-semester jitters?" marie: perhaps. Spirit: "How's Christa?" marie: she's doing well. Spirit: (small smile) "I'm glad to hear that..." (small laugh) "Just a few more months before Lord Death and Azusa give Christa a playmate." marie: i know! Spirit: *squee!* christa: *hungry crying* Spirit: (covers his mouth, whispers) "Sorry." marie: *she gets out the baby food* here comes the choo choo~ Spirit: (small laugh as he watches Christa) christa: *nom* hehe~ Spirit: "So cuuuuuuute~" christa: speewee! Spirit: (waves) "Hi, Christa!" christa: hehe~ Spirit: "Was that yummy, Christa? Yum yum?" christa: y-yummu! Spirit: "Hee hee. Good food, right?" -elsewhere- NoFix: (unfolds the map) "And there's our entrance..." (points to a spot circled SECRET TUNNEL) mimeca: owo grunt #64: very good sir! NoFix: "Heck yeah! And I know the best date for knock knock knocking on Death's door..." (points to the calendar: October 31 1914) grunt #113: if ts 1914 why do we have iphones? grunt #64: jerry shut the fuck up. NoFix: "I LIKE 1914! It's a pretty number!" (flips up the calendar) "Look at Miss October 1914!" (it's a woman in a complete-body swimsuit) "Look at those hot ankles!" saki:.................... mimeca: *she changes into the lady* NoFix: "Yowza! So freakin' hot! Right, guys?!" grunt #113: dayum! grunt #23: JERRY SHUT UP! NoFix: "No, you shut up, Grunt #23!" (looks at Saki, up and down) "Hey...You think you'd look good in that number, toots?" saki:.......*she aims a gun at his head* NoFix: "...So, that's a yes?" -later- NoFix: "And be sure to get the blood off the wall! I like my room spick and span!" grunt #69: yes sir... NoFix: (holding his left arm in his right arm, glaring at Saki) "I got a feeling you aren't happy with me, Robot..." saki:............................. NoFix: "What, ain't got one word you can say to me? What the hell do you want from me, brat? I need something out of you or else this Halloween mission is going to go to shit." saki:..............checking memory files................sister.......... NoFix: "...Oh, Shadow Beast? What about her?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *in the shower* chie: *getting dinner ready* Shotaro: "Hee hee hee...Mission accomplished, Mana!" mana: good job today on the good deed. Shotaro: "...Oh, yeah, I did that, too. But I also did this for a prank!" (holds up bathroom towels and a bathroom rug) mana: oh no. Yohei: "Shotaro!" **Dripping wet, holding a small washcloth over himself** Yohei: "What the hell?!" chie:......... o////////////////////o Yohei: "..." (blushes in front of Chie, holds up his hands) "Hey, sorry!" ("...I just let go of the washcloth, didn't I?") chie+mana:..............*NOSEBLEED* Shotaro: (looks down) "...Wow." Tuhl: "Tch. Humans look weird enough already--now they look even weirder naked." Yohei: (grabs a towel from Shotaro, scampers back to the bathroom) chie: *covers face to hide the blush* Shotaro: "...So, did I do a bad deed, or a good deed?" mana: i dont know. Tuhl: "You know he is probably going to kill you with a laser bot, or a punching bot, or a ball-kicking bot. Right, Chie?" chie: oh shush Tuhl: "..." (smirks, leans back in his chair and keeps reading) -elsewhere- Kid: (hugs Stocking) stocking: oh? you ok kiddo? Kid: (smiles) "I'm great. You?" stocking: doing good. Kid: "I'm glad. Just focusing on what to do next..." -later, on the night of the dance- Patty: (werewolf princess) "Ready!" Kid: o_o "Um...Ready." (vampire) stocking: same here. (vampire's bride) liz: lets do this! (she's a gogo dancer samus) Yumi: "Ready." death: readyo~! Kid: o_o "That is an interesting costume, Father." lord death: it's very snazzy i think, hoho! Yumi: (smirks) "Very nice..." (runs a finger along his chest) lord death: ohoho~ liz: can we just go now? Patty: "Okay! Here we go--" (approaches the door--and runs into it) "Ouch! Stupid mask..." kirika: nice. (she's the joker) Gopher: "Ready!" (jester cap rings its bells) kirika:.......ok lets get this done. (thinking: STUPID SEXY IDIOT) -at the dance- Wes: (dressed as Luigi) "You see them yet, Bro?" soul: yeah i think i do. *he's mario* Wes: "Cool. Where?" ("...I'm happy he went along with this theme...") liz: hey guys! Wes: o\\\\o "H-Hey!" liz: nice costume. -inside- Black Star: (dressed as Star Lord) "Man, not enough food this year..." tsubaki: the decorations look great. *she's sakuya from okami* Meme: "Thanks! We put in a lot of work on them." (Frankenstein's monster) mio: *dr stein* yeah... Anya: -_- (clutching Toad plushie) tsugumi: *she's sailor moon* you look adorable. Anya: o\\\\o "N-No, I don't..." ao: *she's the ring ghost* it's quite fitting for you. Rin: "Hey, sweet Princess Peach outfit, Anya!" (dressed as Charisma Justice, then spots Ao) "Aaaaah!" (leaps into Yukio's arms--who is Einstein) Yukio: "...Hello, Ao." ao: hello yukio-kun. madoka: *she's coplaying madokami* *she's getting punch* Crona: (dressed as a teddy bear) "H-Hi, Madoka..." madoka: hi chrona. mami: how are you enjoying the party? *she's a cowgirl* Crona: "W-Well, thanks...Did you all make your outfits?" madoka: my mom helped me out. Crona: "Th-That's good...I bought this." -elsewhere- kinuta: so bored.... Alone: "Same. Stupid party people with their dumb old Halloween." Solence: (trying to read a book) -rumble rumble- kinuta: ??? Solence: "???" Alone: (covering his ears) "Gah! What is that--" **A hole breaks through Kinuta's cell** kinuta: WHAT THE FUCK?! mimeca: *waves* Solence: o____O Alone: "What?" mimeca: *griiiins* NoFix: (pushes Mimeca out of the way) "Gah! I knew I should've taken that left turn at Albe--" (spots Kinuta) "...Holy fuck." kinuta: oh! well hello there~ *wink* NoFix: (smooth) "Well, hello there, you sexy--" Solence: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAhhhhAAAAAAhhhh!!!" kinuta: SHUT THE HELL UP GASBAG! NoFix: -__- "Hey, I'm trying to get my groove on here--" (turns) "Oh. Gasbag. I thought you died." Alone: o_______o (shriek, hides under bed) kinuta: what babies. NoFix: *sigh* "Mimeca, retrieve Gasbag and that big Scooby over there." (leans towards Kinuta) "What's your name, hot mama?" kinuta: call me kinuta, hun~<3 NoFix: "Called me enchanted..." (takes her hand, kisses it sweetly) Alone: "Stay away from me, quiet mute girl!" Solence: (hyperventilating) mimeca: *slices the bars open* kinuta: arent you a charmer~ NoFix: "Heh hehe, so I've been told. Tell me, why is such a beautiful lady like you doing locked up in here?" Alone and Solence: (clutching each other) kinuta: those mean dwma jerks locked me up in here. *fake weeping* NoFix: (frowns) "Yes...them. They were a thorn in my side, too." (puts his hands on the wall behind her, cornering her) "How 'bout I get you out of here?" kinuta: really? *shiny eyes* NoFix: (tooth twinkle as he smiles) "Of course." (vibrates his hand) "Let me just clear an exit..." kinuta: *grin* NoFix: (puts an arm around Kinuta's waist) "Mimeca! Grab Gasbag and Scooby! We're heading underground!" (puts his hand to the floor--opening a large hole) mimeca: *she has collar+leashed them* ^w^ Solence: "No! Please, God, don't do this to me!" Alone: "I'm not your fucking pet!" NoFix: (death glare at Alone--as he squeezes Kinuta's butt) Alone: o__o; "I'll be a good doggie..." kinuta: ooh~<3 NoFix: "Mimeca! Escort them into the hole! We'll follow." mimeca: *drags them along* Alone: T__T Solence: "No! No no no no no no!" mimeca: *turns on a little radio* NoFix: (bridal carry Kinuta) "When we get back to my place, how 'bout we play a game of hide the pickle?" kinuta: sounds good. anyone who wants to join can join on in~ NoFix: (jumps in the hole) "Yeah, baby!" Alone: "Wh-What's the radio for, quiet girl?" mimeca: *shrug* NoFix: "Okay, we got our new army to help us supplement CyborGirl over there. What was Step #2 again, Mimeca?" mimeca: *gives him a note* NoFix: (holds it upside down) "What does it say?" mimeca: *she flips it for him* NoFix: "Oh, okay!" (reads) "Um...So, are we blowing up the dance while we're here?" -step 2; find other prisoners. step 3; regroup in vegas. step 4; RAAAAAMPAAAAAAGE- NoFix: (shows the note to Kinuta) "How 'bout that, Babe? Get wild in Vegas?" kinuta: oh hell yeah~! Solence: "Wh-What kind of 'rampage'?" Alone: "I think it's pronounced 'raaaaampaaaaaage.'" -back at the dance- Wes: (staring at Liz...) liz: *dancing* Wes: "You're a really good dancer..." liz: you're not too bad yourself. Wes: (small blush) "Thanks." Patty: (passes a glass of punch to Soul) soul: thanks. stocking: mmm~ Kid: (dancing with her) "Enjoying yourself?" stocking: i am indeed~ *she kisses him* Kid: (whispers in her ear) "Are you under my spell...?" stocking: i already was~<3 Kid: (smirks) "Wait 'til I get you home..." stocking: oh i cant wait~ Kid: "Yes...I can leave the cape on..." stocking: *griiins* Crona: "M-M-Mami?" mami: yes? Crona: "Would you like...to dance?" mami: i would like that. *she smiles* Crona: "..." (holds out their hand, leading her to the dance floor) -elsewhere- Spirit: (groaning) "Wh-What happened...?" (struggling to get off the floor...) blair: you slipped on some ice and passed out Spirit: "I did? Oh...I-I'm sorry, Blair." blair: it's alright. ^^ Spirit: "Man..." (looks at Blair) "I'm missing the dance, huh?" blair: well, we better head on in then~ -elsewhere- Yumi: -_- "Marie...Stop staring at my abdomen." marie: its a little fishy! Yumi: -_-; "Who are you supposed to be?" marie: i'm pikachu! Yumi: "...Cute." -in the kid's area- aimi: *singing* Black Star: (with Tsubaki, watching kids) momo: *waves* ^^ Black Star: (smiles, waves) momo: hehe~ Black Star: "Hey, Tsubaki..." tsubaki: yeah? *she's playing candyland with angela and nagisa* Black Star: (stares at her..."Man...") "Um...So, uh..." (blushing) "Which character are you?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Here you go, kids--one for you, one for you..." (stares at a piece...then snaps his rubberband) "Ouch! Um...Here, have an extra one." young boy: *dressed like spirit* thanks dude. Giriko: "..." ("Damn stupid Death Scythe...") (forced smile) "Great outfit...Well, have a safe night!" -soon, another group; one as iron man, one as a pirate, and one as arachne- arachne:......such cute costumes. girl 1: thanks miss. Giriko: "Y-Yeah..." (gives candy to each...then an extra two to the Arachne one) "Great costume, kid." arachne: thank you ^^ Giriko: (smiles at _his_ Arachne) arachne: *blush* Giriko: "Well, thanks for stopping by, kids! Be safe out there tonight." girl 2: *the pirate* ok! Giriko: (closing the door, looks at Arachne) "You're popular." arachne: i didnt even think people remembered me. Giriko: "...Babe, you're unforgettable." arachne: *chuckles and kisses him* Giriko: (kisses back, holding her) trick or treater: o____________O *takes a piece and runs off screaming* Giriko: o_o "What?! Never seen someone kiss someone before?!" arachne: *chuckling* Giriko: "Hmph." (shuts the door) "...Want to take a break? Maybe..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "We almost there, Mimeca?" mimeca: *thumbs up* NoFix: "Perfect! Vegas Vacation! Okay, crew, what's everyone got in an ability?" Solence: "I WANT TO GO HOM--" NoFix: (fist to face) "Gas abilities, right." Alone: (shivering) "...I'm big? Got big teeth?" kinuta: charm magic here~ NoFix: "Charming me in my pants, baby." mimeca: *shapeshifting her arm into something* NoFix: "And the rest of you?" 'masky': *muffled speaking and activates flamethrower* NoFix: "O...kay. (Jeez, and I thought it was hard understanding Mimeca...) And what about you, Sudoku?" Frey: (nails pierce NoFix's neck) "Sadoko, you incipient buffoon." NoFix: *coughs blood* "Heh...I like things in me..." Solence: (wimpering) grunt #64: 0-0 v-vegas ahead, sir! NoFix: (heals) "Okay...Gasbag will make the gas, Masky will burn it to increase the explosion, the rest of us get to spread some fun throughout this city." mimeca: *applause* NoFix: "And remember--when they say whatever happens here stays here? Fuck that. We're making this place a new city on the hill--ONE ON FIRE!" masky: [HELL YES! BURN! KABOOM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE~!] NoFix: "Still can't understand a word you're saying--but good enthusiasm! Squeeze the Gasbag!" grunt #69: *gulps+sweats* Alone: (whimping, clutches Solence, and squeezes him like an accordion, expelling gas) NoFix: "Back up, everyone!" (he stays put, since, you know, healing power) vegas resident: *sniff* ugh, carl what the fuck?! Vegas Resident #2: "Oh. Sorry. The wife has me on this new diet, and--" *BOOM* kinuta: whats up fuckers~! Vegas Resident #3: "A witch!" Vegas Resident #4: "Run!" kinuta: *wink* Alone: (behind them) "Aw, what's the rush...? Stay for dinner..." (opens his mouth) resident 5: *SCREAMS* Solence: (seizes Resident #5) "Save me! They're lunatics! I don't want--" -PUNCH- mimeca: *turns up the music* Frey: "Ah, sweet tunes..." (elongates nails, stabbing through five residents at once, then swings her hand to knock them into five more residents) kinuta: *charming some poor shmuck out of his money* NoFix: (whistling, as he walks around with a baseball bat, slugging people around town) *CRASH* kinuta: i'll be taking these honey~ *she robbed a sex shop......for a lot of stuff* NoFix: (watching) "Oh, yeah..." Police Officer: "Freeze!" kinuta: are you going to....frisk me~? *shaking her rear* Police Officer: "Wha-What...?" (dazed) NoFix: (approaching from behind) kinuta: want some of this, cutie~? Police Officer: (until her spell) "Yes..." NoFix: (following from behind) kinuta: come get it then~ Police Officer: (opens his arms...) NoFix: "Let me inside you~" *CRUNCH* kinuta: and down he goes. *NoFix's hand through Officer's chest* NoFix: "I also vibrate..." *Vibrates the corpse into dust* NoFix: "Want me to try that on you later~?" kinuta: kinky. kinuta: try not to kill me with it, ok, hun~? NoFix: " 'Kay." (walks up to her, wiping the dust off of him) "Up for some more trouble?" Alone: (munching on the remains of some of Frey's victims) kinuta: hit up the casino? NoFix: "Awesome. I'm great at roulette." -in the casino- NoFix: "Put it on red!" (puffs on a cigar) "Like me up, Fire Dude!" masky: *turns on the flame thrower* kinuta: *she's changed her clothes to some black tight bondage lingere* NoFix: (lights a new cigar on the flame thrower, offers it to Kinuta) kinuta: *she sips her martini* who wants to get with me first~? NoFix: (hand raised) Alone: (raises--a human hand from the body he is eating) Frey: "..." (half-raised hand) Solence: (whimpering) Random Enchanted Bystanders: (raise their hands) kinuta: take a number people~ grunt #69: you people are all savages! did you not hear her?! TAKE A NUMBER! *Everyone takes a number* Solence: "Oh, hey, I got Number 1!" NoFix: (death glare) Solence: o___o; -later- kinuta: ahhh~ fuck that's good~ ((she got double teamed by nofix and alone.... *buries self in shame hole* -meanwhile- Spirit: (reading the news reports) "My God..." blair: everything ok? Spirit: "...I got to report this to Lord Death, now: Vegas is under attack." -back in vegas- kinuta: ahhhh~ <3 Alone: (lying his head on Kinuta's lap, inhaling) NoFix: "Some vibration, baby. That feel good for you?" kinuta: holy fuck that was good. mimeca: =w= NoFix: "Hee hee hee." Alone: (moans) kinuta: up for round two? i can wear thiiis~ *holds up a red riding hood costume* Alone: (howls with delight) NoFix: "Yeah, baby!" (checks his phone) "Oh, hey! We made the evening news! And I got more tit pics from that gamer chick!" -elsewhere- medusa: YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?! Ponera: "Hmm?" shaula: its just a few pics, chill out. -back in vegas- NoFix: "Look at them titties..." (holds the phone up to Kinuta, as he gets to work on her...) kinuta: ahhhhh~ fuuck that's kinky. masky: *looks at alone* ?? Alone: "...What? Why's that masked person staring at me? Never seen a naked wolf in bed with Red Riding Hood?" masky: *looks away* random grunt: I STOLE THE CAMERA! TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?! -elsewhere- -eruka's phone goes off- eruka: *she checks it* ??.... O_________________________O Free: "What's wrong?" eruka: *SCREAMS AND DROPS THE PHONE* WHAT THE FUCK?! -bading- eruka: EEK! *she got a video gram* Free: (looks over) o____o "...Well, now we know who is attacking Vegas..." Alone: (in the video) "What big tits you have!" eruka: TT~TT noooooooooooooo *covers chest* kinuta: oh fuck that feels great~! Free: "???" Alone: (sounds of licking heard) eruka: *hides under the bed* whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy kinuta: ooooh fuck~ youre getting me so wet~<3 Free: (struggling to turn it off) "Curse my big fingers! We need this vid to track their location in Vegas..." -elsewhere- NoFix: (on the video) "Hang on--I got something for you~" kinuta: and that would be~? NoFix: (presses himself against her backside, guiding his member to her vagina) kinuta: ooh you're so hard already~ -elsewhere- blair: o-o;;;; Spirit: D: "...Why?!" nygus: ugh. Spirit: "HOW DID THEY ESCAPE?! Where was security?!" guard: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *screaming at dead guards* Spirit: (runs to the spot...) "...Oh God..." (covers his mouth) -gore and blood everywhere- Spirit: (backs away, struggling not to panic) "...This can't be happening. Wh-Why didn't an alarm get triggered? Something?" guard: i think the alarm got broken somehow... Spirit: "...It looks like an earthquake broke through here...Security cam footage?" -the camera is turned on, showing the footage- Spirit: (points at the person that caused the hole to emerge) "That guy--who is he? Anyone recognize him?" nygus: *doing some scans*...... !!!!!! Spirit: "What is it?" nygus: t-thats.... guard: the infamous king of spin, nofix?! from the london incident?! Spirit: "...The one that provoked that reaction in Stocking..." nygus: *she nods* Spirit: "...We need to assemble a team and get them to Vegas, now. And I think we're going to need additional help..." -at the dance- **Slow Dance Time** Wes: "...Liz? May I have this dance?" liz: sure thing. Wes: (takes her hand, leads her to the dance floor, puts a hand on her hip) Kid: *slow dancing already with Stocking* stocking: *she seems happy* Kid: "You are wonderful..." stocking: just like you. Kid: (smiles, kisses her cheek) Arthur: "...Tamaki?" tamaki: nya? Arthur: "...Care to dance?" tamaki: .......sure, only to get those 3 watchdogs off my ass. -_-; Arthur: "Y-Yeah...What's up with those guys?" tamaki: who cares. its like they're 'over protective older brothers'....ftr they arent my brothers. Arthur: (nods, as he rests a hand on her hip) "Is this okay?" tamaki: 7////7 y-yeah whatever. Arthur: (gulps, starts dancing...rather well, too) Meme: "..." (reaches for Mio's hand) mio: ok! Meme: "Wh-What? You would like to dance?" -iris and shinra dance too....they suck at it. shinra especially sucks at the slow dance- mio: yes...i-if thats ok with you. Meme: "..." (smiles) "I would love that." tsugumi: *VIRBRATING* Anya: (frowns) "Well, good for them..." (pouts) clay: if you want to dance, i guess i could..... .////////////. Anya: .////. "Fine. Might as well see how commoners dance..." (smirks) "Let's see whether you can keep up." clay: challenge accepted your highness. Anya: (still smiling, despite herself) "Cute." Akane: "Tsugumi?" tsugumi: ah! oh, akane-kun! Akane: (smiles) "I guess it's just you and me." (holds out his hand) tsugumi: 0//////0 o-ok. Akane: (leads her to the dance floor) -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." (reading the news from Vegas) "Fuck." chie: is everything ok? Yohei: "...Chie, sit down." chie: oh no... Yohei: "We have a problem..." Yohei: "...I think I found NoFix." chie: !! Yohei: "Las Vegas." mana: oh crap. Shotaro: "..." Tuhl: "So, what's your plan? Kinda far from us, isn't it?" chie: what do we do....? Yohei: "...I've been working on something...It's in the garage." chie: *she looks inside* **A tank-shaped futuristic vehicle is parked* Yohei: (taps button on his set of keys, causing the car alarm to chirp and turn off) Yohei: "Say hello to the FST-V: Fusion/Transportation Vehicle." chie: wow. mana: neato! Shotaro: "Oooooooo..." Tuhl: "No wonder you haven't gotten much sleep. So, how fast does this thing go?" -elsewhere- Ponera: "...I'm sorry. _What_ is happening in Las Vegas?" shaula daaaayum shit's going doooown! Nals: "What shall we do? Intervene? Or let the city burn?" grimoire: lets not meddle in this. lets wait to see how this plays out. Ponera: "...Very well. We shall wait and--" o___O "Is that Alone?!" **Video footage of a werewolf mauling humans** grimoire: oh god dammit -_-# Ponera: (steam coming out of her ears) "HE'S TRAIPSING AROUND VEGAS?! WHAT DOES HE THINK HE IS DOING?! Stupid stupid stupid!!!" shaula: relax i'll call him up. -in vegas- NoFix: "I love Vegas..." (lights his cigarette on a nearby fire burning outside) kinuta: just like spring break all over. hell fucking yes. grunt: hey wolfy, yer mom's callin. Alone: "???" (glares) "Call me that again, and you'll be my next supper!" (snatches the phone) "Hello?" shaula: *she hands the phone to ponera* Ponera: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, YOU STUPID MUTT?!" Alone: o\\\\o "I think you got the wrong number--" Ponera: "Alone! What are you doing?!" Alone: "I-I-I got roped into something! By a scary murderous Dokeshi and a witch!" Ponera: "YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH ANOTHER WITCH?!" grimoire: easy now. NoFix: "...Hey, Sugar Tits? Who's he talkin' to?" kinuta: *shrugs* Alone: "Please, Lady Ponera! This can still work for your plan! I mean, a little chaos helps you and Grimoire, right" kinuta: ooohhh i think he's talking to that ant bitch. Alone: "Shh! She'll hear--" Ponera: " 'BITCH'? 'BITCH'?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU DRIED UP OLD SKANK?!" kinuta: ok i'm sorry WHAT?! Ponera: "SLUT! WHORE! What, you need a thesaurus?! I bet you spread your legs at the drop of a dime!" kinuta: at least i can actually get some miss virgin! Ponera: (pouting) "Gaaaah! I can get some whenever I want! I just don't want some!" kinuta: too bad it's hard with those scrawny little bags taped to your chest. Ponera: o\\\\o (crosses her arms over her chest) "BITCH!" grimoire: ...... (thinking: still cute though)) kinuta: what was that? it sounded like me winning. NoFix: "Let me try..." (takes the phone from Alone) "How 'bout I come on by and--" shaula: kinda reminds me of us, eh sis? medusa: fuck off. shaula: yep. good times. gooood tiiimes. Ponera: (listening...and her face looks more and more horrified until) "EEEEEEEEW!!!" (tosses the phone) grimoire: what now? Ponera: "DESTROY LAS VEGAS! I WANT ALONE SKINNED ALIVE, HIS HIDE BECOMING MY NEW RUG!" grimoire: yes ma'am. we'll send a squad now. Ponera: "Good..." (looks down) "They aren't that small..." shaula: they're still bigger than medusa's used to- *PUNCH* shaula: worth it medusa: fuck you. Ponera: (stares at Medusa's) "Maybe if I got pregnant..." grimoire: ............................................... (thinking: do i go for it or no.....) Ponera: "...Grimoire? Why are you still here? Order the attack!" grimoire: right. -elsewhere- Spirit: "The team is ready?" nygus: ready. blair: on it~ eruka: do i have to go? Free: (pats her head) "Need your explosions against them." (smiles) "Think of it as payback." eruka: *gulps* ok. Spirit: "Let's move out..." -elsewhere- ?????: yeah, thing's are getting pretty wild doc.............mmmhmm... i hear ya loud and clear....understood... i'll try to keep casualties to a minimum.....keyword, 'try'~ Person #2: "That bad, huh?" ????: dont worry about it. i'll make sure this is done cleanly, and stylishly~<3 Person #2: (eyeroll) "How about just cleanly? Seriously, why 'stylishly' when 'quickly' would be better?"' ????: clearly you dont know me very well~<3 hehe~ Person #2: "Obviously." (checks something) "Okay. My energy level is back to optimal. You ready?" ????: yep. i'll get this ready then~ Person #2: (nods, turns around, retrieves their sword) -elsewhere- Patty: "Woot!" (holds up Bobbin' for Apples Trophy) liz: great job sis! Kid: (claps) "What's next?" -the announcements for the dance king and queen- kim: neat. *she won last year's* Kid: "..." (holds Stocking's hand) Arthur: (smirks at Shinra) lord death: the dance kind and queen are..... layla richards and andre lee! kimiko: congrats layla! layla: *blush* wow! Kid: (applauding) -later, elsewhere- Spirit: "We are now approaching Las Vegas." nygus: good god. Free: "...Damn. It's a wreck..." blair: why dont we crash this party then~ Spirit: (serious) "Yes." blair: *she turns up the tunes; queen's 'dont stop me now' Spirit: "..." (small smile) "Good song choice." -in vegas- **Grunts knocked to the floor* ???: "I-- (Grunt knocked down) "wanted--" (another knocked down) "a Vegas trip--" (another knocked down) "for myself." **Kami Albarn throws one grunt into another, crashing them through a wall** grunt #87: Q-Q Kami: "AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THAT!" (jabs her foot into Grunt #87's groin) grunt #87: ooH! mommy! >x< Kami: "Mommy isn't here! There is only Kami--" (punch) "Fucking--" (punch) "Albarn!" (punch punch punch) -music intensifies- Kami: (stands, hearing the screams of the attacked) "Back to work..." (runs to save people) -in the truck- eruka: *gulps* i think the tire broke....... Spirit: "Damn it!" *kicks the wheels--then grimaces* blair: time to party? Spirit: "...What?! How is that going to get us to Vegas?!" blair: we're already _in_ vegas. **Things on fire** Spirit: "..." (facepalm) Spirit: "Let's just stop NoFix..." eruka: k. THUNDERCATS HO! Free: "...But I'm a wolf." eruka: you know what i mean! Free: "Fine..." (werewolf mode) "Let's do this!" -the truck door is open- **The Crew rolls out of the truck in slow motion** eruka: can we just go now? Spirit: "Yeah, seriously." Free: *grumble* "Fine." -they go around and evacuate civilians- Spirit: (helping a child onto an evacuation vehicle) "You're going to be okay--get out of here." child: *holding a rabbit doll* m-mama....*sniff* Spirit: "???" (looks around) "Your mother isn't here, sweetly?" child: a scary monster ate her and she spilled ketchup, but she wasnt waking up... Spirit: "..." (looks around) "Do you have someone with you? Your father? Grandparent?" child: *he shakes his head* Spirit: "...Okay. Free? Stay with this kid." Free: "Wait, what?" Spirit: (death glare) Free: o_o; "O-Okay..." child: q.q eruka: easy there little guy. Free: "Y-Yeah...Let's get you all out of here to safety." (looks at Blair and Spirit) -after the first group of civilians is taken to safety- Spirit: "...Blair? Are you ready for this?" blair: yeah. Spirit: (nods, turns to soldiers) "Fan out, corner the targets. You have your orders: kill if necessary." soldier: understood sir! Spirit: "Man, and I'm going to need a meister out there--" *BOOM!* Grunt #89: "Ah! She's insane!" blair: ?? Kami: (walks through the smoke) "Oh...I knew I felt your obnoxious soul here, Spirit..." Spirit: T_T blair: oh hey kami~ Kami: (smiles) "Hello, Blair." (glares at Spirit) "So, I guess I'm stuck wielding you." Spirit: "..." (transforms into her hand) "Our orders are--" Kami: "Slice to kill--I know. Blair, what're you going to do?" blair: smoke these little bugs out~ ~HALLOWEEN BOMB BETA~ Kami: (smiles) "Good..." (swings Spirit at a flood of Grunts, knocking them to the floor) "Where are the mass murdering fuckheads that need to be put down?" -deeper in city limits- ????: hellooooooo~? Resident: (hyperventilating, trying to stay quiet) ?????: mr dokeeeshiiiii? are you in here~? Resident: ("D-Dokeshi? What're they talkin' about?") *Whistling heard* ????: *she listens for it* NoFix: "Someone callin' me~?" nui: hi there~ NoFix: "What're you want with me, little girl?" nui: i'm here on behalf of my employers to invite you to join our group *she hands him an invitation* NoFix: (holds it) "..." (rips it in half) "Give me the Cliffs Notes version." nui: *she gives him a buisness card for the Nirvana Corperation; advancing humanity, advancing life* NoFix: " 'Advancing'? Babe, I'm not into 'advancing'--I'm into spinning! Why the fuck would anyone want me to help 'advance' anything?!" nui: well we want to tap into humanity's biological secrets and bring them to their full potential. then we cut down the weaker links to make room for a stronger generation. NoFix: "...Do I get to kill people?" nui: yes indeedy~! NoFix: "Okay! So, what happens to the crew I got with me?" nui: the more the merrier~ NoFix: "Sweet. So, what do we do with Las Vegas? Finish up here or leave now?" nui: call up your friends and we can head over ASAP. NoFix: (pulls out his phone) "Attention Minions! We're leaving Las Vegas!" kinuta: whaaat, already?.....hey, where did poochy go? -outside, by some rubble- --Elsewhere-- eruka: *nervous* Alone: (slobbering) "Hello, Froggy..." eruka: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *squeaky voice* oh no. Alone: (dashes at her, howling) eruka: *SCREAM AND BEGINS TO RUN LIKE HELL* NOOOOOO TADPOLE JACKSON SAVE MEEEEEEE Alone: (leaps, ready to descend onto her) eruka: *SHE TOSSES A TADPOLE JACKSON AT HIM* Alone: (slashes through Tadpole Jackson, descending still onto her as Jackson's innards fall down...) eruka: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Q~~~~~~~~~~Q Alone: (lands on Eruka, pinning her) "Well, hello..." eruka: *screams* Alone: "I got my lust up! And you've had this comin' for a long time!" -CROTCH KICK ATTACK- Alone: T_____T ("Why didn't I put metal down there...?") "You...bitch..." eruka: *POOF* *frog mode and flees* not today! not today! Alone: "Get back here!" (struggles to snatch at her) eruka: *dodging as best as she can* Alone: "Got ya!" (snatches her) eruka: eek! Alone: "Hee hee hee...How should I start? Where should I start?" (his tongue, salivating, gets closer to her...) eruka: !!!!! ???: "No!" (Werewolf fist to Alone's head, knocking him down and freeing Eruka from his mitts) *Free has arrived* eruka: *lands on his head* [NICE LANDING] Free: "Eruka, I'm gonna need some bombs..." Alone: o_o; Free: "Lots of them..." eruka: ok. *summons some tadpole jacksons* Alone: "Oh no..." Free: "Demon Cannon / Tadpole Bomb Combined Attack: GO!" -BWOOOOOOM- Alone: (twitching) Free: "Eruka...Are you safe?" eruka: y-yeah, i think so.... Free: (awkward big wolf hugging tiny frog) eruka: *hug* Q.Q thanks Free: "...Let's get this monster chained before he wakes up) blair: ~chain alpha~ now what to do with him~? Free: "I don't know that the DWMA is going to be enough for this dude..." eruka: hmmm... witch world prison? Free: (nods) "Get this punk there..." eruka: *she makes a call* hi, yeah we got something for pick up.....hmmm....we have him chained....kinda scawny lookin......slobbery....ok. Free: "..." (kicks Alone in the ribs) Alone: "Omph!" (knocked back out) -elsewhere in the city- Kami: "...I can't sense them...Where is that blasted witch?" ????: ufufufufu~<3 Kami: "?!" Spirit: "Behind you!" -BWOOOM- Kami: "Aaah!" (knocked back) kinuta: well hello spirit, it's been a while~<3 *in another revealing outfit* Spirit: "...You murderous monster..." kinuta: a sexy murderous monster, right~? *wink* Spirit: "...Kami? Kill her." Kami: "?! ... Okay..." (charges Witch Hunter) kinuta: *scared face* Kami: "Let's go!" Spirit: "Right!" kinuta: !!!! Kami: (almost instantly in front of Kinuta, swinging Spirit at her--) kinuta: iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *PIERCE* Kami: "?!" (coughs blood--as fingers are pierced through her shoulder) Spirit: "...Kami!" NoFix: "..." (fist slammed into Kami's head) kinuta:......*smirk* Kami: (knocked to the floor) Spirit: (reverts to human form) "H-How?" NoFix: "I can hide my Soul Wavelength by spinning it..." (seizes Spirit by the face) Spirit: "Gah!" kinuta: aw, thanks babe~ NoFix: (spins fingers to break Spirit's nose, then tosses him towards Kinuta) "New playtoy for you, Sweetie." kinuta: *kicks him several times* how about we give them a show~? NoFix: "When in Vegas..." (starts unbuckling his pants) kinuta: *starts stripping* NoFix: "Oh, yeah..." (pulls down his boxers) Spirit: (struggling to stay awake) "K-Kami...Don't...Please..." Kami: (she's not moving; that wound on her forehead looks back) kinuta: oh shut up you! NoFix: (kicks Spirit in the head) "That better, Sexy?" (holds her at the waist) kinuta: oh yes~ Spirit: (struggling to transform his arm...and fails. He collapses) NoFix: (presses himself against her as he plants his mouth on her neck) -elsewhere- Kid: (hugs her) "My enchanted angel..." stocking: tonight was great, kiddo. *she smiles* Kid: (smiles back) "...You know...we don't have to get out of these costumes yet..." stocking: oh~? Kid: (leans to her neck...and bites lightly) stocking: ah~ Kid: (his hand moves down...) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: (lowers himself, as he reaches under her dress to pull down her underwear...) stocking: *blush* Kid: (pulls them down with his teeth, as he looks up with them in his mouth) stocking: ooh... Kid: (drops her panties, as he lifts up her dress, lets it rest over him, as his hands grip her cheeks and his lips start kissing her thighs...) -elsewhere- Wes: "You have a good night, Liz?" liz: yeah, thanks for coming with me. Wes: (smiles) "Anytime...Great costume design, too." liz: thanks, hehe. Wes: "...I like a lot of what you wear...It looks great on you." liz: *blush* Wes: "..." (blushes as well, looks at her face) "Well..." liz: y-yeah... Wes: "..." (leans his face closer to hers...) liz:..... -chu- liz: >///////////////////< Wes: "!!!" (closes his eyes, holding her for a small kiss) liz: *soon, she pulls back for air* ahh.... w-wow. Wes: "Y-Yeah...That was...Wow." liz: *bluuuuush* -meanwhile- kirika: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Gopher: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Yumi: (covering her mouth) "Oh God..." lord death:.... (thinking: please be careful down there....) Yumi: "...Why didn't you tell Kid?" lord death: .............i should tell him. i didnt want to worry him. Yumi: (nods) "I don't disagree with your decision...I just know he is not going to take it well...Can it wait until morning? I think he and Stocking...went into his room." lord death: of course... -the next day- Kid: "..." (buries his head in his hands) stocking: kid.... Kid: "We should have been there..." stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: (hugs her, cries a little) stocking: its going to be ok kid... Kid: "...All those people..." liz: a lot of them were escorted here. Kid: "How many hospitalized?" liz:............quite a lot. Kid: "...What about DWMA members?" liz:........spirit and kami are hospitalized.... Kid: "...How serious?" -in the hospital- Kami: (unconscious) Spirit: "..." ("A weapon is supposed to protect the meister...Goddamnit...") soul:...........hey...... Spirit: "Soul?" soul: hey mr a..... Spirit: "...Hey. I'd get up, but..." soul: yeah........ Spirit: "What're you doing here?" soul: i wanted to check up on you guys... Spirit: "...I appreciate that..." (looks at Kami) "God..." soul: ........................... Spirit: "...I couldn't protect her...That bastard...I failed her..." soul:..............................*he remembers maka* Spirit: "..." (starts crying) "Look at me...If she was awake, she'd be calling me a wimp...And if M-M-Mak--..." soul:........ *he hugs him* Spirit: o_o "..." (returns the hug, patting his back) "...I'm sorry, Soul." soul:.............it's.....not your fault.......... Spirit: "...I know...I'm sorry about...about Maka..." soul:........................... Spirit: (crying) "I can't lose more people...I can't lose Kami, too..." soul:.......... ???: "Wimp..." Spirit: "?!" soul: you ok? Kami: (still unconscious, but talking in her sleep...and crying) "Maka...I'm sorry, baby..." (sobbing in her sleep) soul:...................... Spirit: "..." (clutches Soul, as he hears his ex-wife re-gaining consciousness but mourning...) soul:.............. Kami: "It's my fault...It's all my fault..." (her heart monitor starts fluctuating, prompting a nurse to enter) soul: ................... (thinking: what can i do...........maka, i could use some advice, if you can hear me....) [Maka: "...Be there for them. Please? For me, Soul? I'll...I'll try something..."] soul:............ok. **Soul sees something...someone emerging along Kami...** soul: !! Spirit: "What?" (sniffing, still crying) "What's wrong, Soul?" **Maka's ghostly form, like an angel, emerges, wrapping her arms around Kami...** soul:....its ok. **Maka smiles at Soul, as she closes her eyes and hugs her mother...and her heart rate normalizes...** soul:........ *he smiles* Nurse: (sighs) "She stabilizing..." Kami: "M-Maka..." Spirit: "..." -elsewhere- NoFix: "Nice digs." nui: indeed it is, sir. luka: (one of the scientists at nirvana) ah, so you returned with the dokeshi? Solence: (shaking with fear) luka: welcome to the Nirvana corp HQ, deep in the heart of lysandra city. NoFix: (crossing his arms) "So what's up? How do I fit into your plans of 'human advancement' or whatever?" luka: allow me to explain, our goal is to tap into humanity's full potential. since dokeshi can use more than the normal percent of their brain, they might just be the link we need to create the ultimate humans. NoFix: "Tch. You act like Dokeshi ain't already the ultimate humans." (stretches) "But if it's perfection you're looking for, you came to the right person." (winks at Luka) "I'm perfection itself." luka:..........right, anyway. NoFix: (pouts) Solence: (whimpering) ?????: *comes up behind solence* do you have a moment to spare, sir? Solence: "DON'T HURT ME!" ?????: i dont plan on hurting you just yet.... i would like to speak to you about our lord, kishin asura. Solence: "O-Okay...What about this Asur--WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'YET'?!" luka: dammit noriko if you're gonna harrass people do it outside. noriko: of course......this way....dont keep me waiting... kukuku.... Solence: "HELP ME!" NoFix: (eyeroll) "Stop whining." (turns back to Luka, looking up and down) "When do we get started?" noriko: i can help you.....to find salvation in madness.... Solence: "I-I-I have enough madness now, thanks! Everyone around here is insane!" -something screams in one of the rooms- dr shimeiji, one of the pierrots just scratched me! Solence: o____o luka: well good for you. NoFix: " 'Pierrots'?" luka: its one of our projects. i'll explain that along the way. NoFix: (staring at her backside as they walk) luka: -as you can see, its still a work in progess. NoFix: "Uh huh...Uh huh..." (finally looks up) "Holy shit! That one looks freaky!" luka: ah yes, asphyxia, formerly known as Dr Julia Green. NoFix: "...Can I touch its face?" luka: if you want to risk being bitten. she's been rather bitter recently. NoFix: "I like being bit! It's not like there are any side effects to a Clown bite, right?" luka: if you get clown blood in your blood stream, you kiiinda turn into a clown when you die. NoFix: "..." (pulls back hand) "So, you got a bed for me and my lady? And my other lady?" luka:........... you can use the spare clinic rooms. they rarely get used anymore. NoFix: "Sweet! Saki, get your butt in here!" saki:............................. NoFix: "You too, Cutie Witchie." kinuta: alright then! NoFix: "Heh heh heh...Looking forward to your new home, Cutie?" kinuta: oh yeah. saki:.................. mimeca: ^w^ NoFix: "Hey, Lady! I'll just need an hour, okay?" luka: alright then. NoFix: "Heh heh heh..." (hangs up his own "DO NOT DISTURB" sign) -the noises..............iiii'll just leave those to your imagination- Solence: (whimpering) -elsewhere- Kid: (at the hospital) "Soul, how are they?" soul: doing well. Kid: "All things considering, I guess..." (looks into Spirit and Kami's room) "How are they getting along?" soul: decently. Kid: "...Kami looks like she went through hell." soul:................... Kid: "...Would they mind if I met with them?" ???: "Soul!" soul: ?? Wes: "Soul!" (hugs him) soul: !! uh, hey wes. Wes: (lets go) "I thought you would be here--I tried to get here earlier--Are you okay? How are your friends?" soul: they're doing good. Wes: (nods) "That's good." (spots--) "Oh. Hello, Kid." Kid: "H-Hi...I was just going to go in...Excuse me." (exits) Wes: "..." (looks at Soul) "You sure you're okay?" soul: yeah, i'm sure bro. Wes: (nods) "Okay. Can I get you anything? Do you know when you'll be heading home?" soul: not sure yet. Wes: "...Mind if I stay?" soul:........if you want. Wes: "...I do." (sits next to him) soul: ............ Wes: "..." ("I wonder if he is okay being here...since the last time we were here at a hospital...") soul: you alright? Wes: (smiles) "Yes. I enjoyed the dance last night." soul: that's good. Wes: "Yeah...I wish you were on the dance floor more. You're really good at it." soul: i didnt have a physical date. Wes: "...Right. Well, nothing wrong with dancing with a friend...Or a brother." soul: ............*weak smile* Wes: (pats a hand on his shoulder, smiles) -elsewhere- Shotaro: "..." (picks up an object, bites Bone of the Bird, and flies down from the rubble towards a child) "Is this your Mr. Fluffy?" (holds a teddy bear up to the child) girl: *she hugs the doll tightly* Shotaro: "Hee hee...You're welcome. Well, I better get back to my friends!" (Bone of the Dog: sprints away) boy: wooooow. *staring at the car* Yohei: "Hey, kid? Want to sit in the driver's seat?" boy: dude for real?! Yohei: "Yeah." (picks him up and drops him into the seat) "Not like the car will start up: it's tuned into my retinal scan, weight, height, and voice command." boy: coooool! Tuhl: "Mana, Chie, take a break--I got you drinks." mana: neat. chie: thanks Tuhl: (sips his kiwi juice) "Where did Shotaro run off to?" mana: *shrug* *BoOM* Shotaro: "Ow!" *He ran into a wall* "Owie..." mana: *sweatdrop* Shotaro: (drags himself over) "Heh...Went too fast..." Tuhl: "..." (sets bottle of water atop Shotaro's head, next to his new bump) -elsewhere- Patty: (hugging Liz) liz: ............. Patty: "It's so sad, Sis..." liz: i know.......... Patty: "...Everything was fun last night...You, Wes...Then..." liz: yeah......... Patty: (wipes a tear) "I don't want the kids seeing this...I-I'm going to try to play some games with them." liz: good idea. Patty: "...I'll get the board games, can you get some cookies and hot chocolate?" liz: ok. --Later— Kid: "Zzz..." (slowly opens his eyes) stocking: kiiiiddoooo, wakey wakey~ Kid: (yawn) "Oh, hello..." stocking: i want to show you something really cool. Kid: (stretches) "Oh? Okay..." (gets up) -she leads him to the ballroom- Kid: "???" 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY KID!' Kid: "Oh! ..." (smiles) "Th-Thank you..." -after a few presents- Kid: (smiling widely) "This is so kind of you all. Thank you, especially my family..." (looking at Yumi, Lord Death, Stocking, Liz, Patty, the extended Thompson family, Kirika) kirika: *playing her game* Kid: "...Well, it's the thought that counts..." Patty: (smiling) Yumi: (pats Kid's head) -elsewhere- Kami: (reading a book) Spirit: (looking at the ceiling) nurse: doing well? Kami: "..." Spirit: "Better, thanks..." ("She won't even talk...") nurse: do take it easy, sir. Spirit: (small smile) "I'm not going anywhere." Kami: (eyeroll) nurse: *she smiles and exits* Spirit: "Kami, I--" Kami: "I'm fine." (back to reading) Spirit: "..." (back to studying the ceiling) "At least visit Maka before you leave." --Elsewhere— Ponera: (rubbing her temples) "Could you two witches PLEASE shut the hell up...?" shaula: she started it! medusa: *held back by grimoire* I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU YOU F***************!!!! grimoire: think of your baby. medusa:............... Ponera: "Yes, please...What even started this squabble?" medusa: SHE TOOK PICTURES OF MY BOOBS TO SEND TO HER WEIRD FRIEND! Ponera: o_o Nals: o_O Killbell: "...Boobies?" grimoire: down boy. shaula: cause they're bigger than mine. consider it a compliment. medusa: YOU LITERALLY ARE THE WORST EVER!! Ponera: "Um...Shaula, go to your room. No video games for a month." shaula: YOU'RE NOT MY MOM! XP Ponera: "...Killbell? Escort Shaula to her room... Killbell: "Okay..." (approaches Shaula) -elsewhere- Kid: (dining on birthday cake) "Mmmm~ Tasty!" stocking: mmmm~ so good~! Patty: (sharing some with Jules) Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "How long were you all planning this?" lord death: all month. Kid: "R-Really?" Yumi: "You are worth it, Kid." (kisses his forehead) "Happy birthday." julie: hehe ^^ Kid: (blushes a bit) "Thank you all..." Black Star: "Wait 'til you see your gifts, man." stocking: here you go~ Kid: (smiles) "Thank you..." (begins to open...) -its a new jacket- Kid: "Excellent! Fine quality, too..." (tries it on) "Great fit!" liz: looks good. Patty: (nods, frosting along her cheek) Kid: "Whom do I have to thank for this jacket?" liz: we got that for you. Kid: (smiles) "I love it--thank you!" (hugs them) liz: aww. Patty: "Hee hee..." (hugs back) -later- Kid: "This was great. Thank you." stocking: i have one more thing for you. *whispers* but that's for later tonight~<3 Kid: o\\\\o "O-Okay..." (clears throat) "Father, Mother, thank you." lord death: of course, kiddo. Yumi: "We love you, son." (hug) Kid: (looks to Liz and Patty) "And you two...I could not be more blessed to have partners like you." liz: aw shucks. Patty: "You're darn right we are!" (noogie) Kid: "Ah! Patty, my hair!" (laughing a bit) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I only hope I can mature with this next year..." liz: i'm sure you will. Patty: (nods) "Definitely more mature than me!" ((20 sounds good)) soul: yeah. Patty: (pouts at Soul) Black Star: "Just don't take yourself too seriously, buddy." soul: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "I'll try." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: *she smiles as well* Kid: "Perhaps a toast, to the future?" -the next day- Kid: "Mmmmm..." *yawns* stocking: zzzzzzzzzzz......... *still in her ribbons* Kid: (blushes a bit but smiles..."She is so sexy...") (wraps his arms around her, kisses along her ear) stocking: mmmm....... Kid: "Good morning, sexy...How did you sleep?" stocking: pretty good. Kid: (kisses her shoulder) "You...gave me a great sleep..." stocking: how're you feeling, birthday boy~? Kid: (smiles) "Older, I think a bit wiser..." (kisses her cheek) "...and more in love with you than ever before." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (picks at one ribbon) "God, you are the best girlfriend ever..." stocking: ah~! Kid: (strokes under the ribbon) "Stocking...You know what would be...interesting?" stocking: what~? Kid: (whispers) "You know those photographs we've taken...?" stocking: which ones~? Kid: (tugs a bit on the ribbon between her legs) "The sexiest ones...Like the one of that face you make when you cum?" stocking: what about them~? Kid: "Stocking...it is okay if you are not interested..." (kisses along her neck) "...but would you be interested in recording us...making love?" stocking: .//////////. *she looks down* Kid: "...It's fine. Just an idea...We don't have to..." stocking: i-i'd rather not..... *sad smile* Kid: "...Oh. Yes...Stocking, I'm sorry." stocking: it's fine, kid. *she strokes his cheek* Kid: (holds her hand) "...Thank you. You have given me so much, Stocking...I wish I could give as much to you..." stocking: you already have. Kid: (smiles...leans down to lightly kiss her lips) stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: (holds her closer, as his fingers tug on the ribbons...) -later- Patty: (has made breakfast for everyone) "Dig in, Birthday Boy. Oh, and everyone else!" liz: alright! Kid: (sparkling eyes) "I'm surprised, Patty--this all looks delicious!" Patty: (passes cinnamon rolls to Stocking) stocking: yum~ Patty: (passes pancakes to Julie, Heather, and Riley) "So, what's on today's schedule?" -at school- Kid: "What is our first class?" (still reviewing maps) -they got survival- Patty: "..." (putting on camaflague paint) shinra: ................doesnt look like tamaki is here today. Arthur: "I wonder where she is." (internal screaming) ryuuko: i heard she called in sick today. Arthur: "Hmmm..." ("...Maybe I should stop by her station and see how she is feeling...") "Any idea what is wrong?" ryuuko: i didnt get too many details, all i heard is that she called in sick. or rather commander burns called in to say she is sick... Arthur: "I see..." ("Why did he call in? Is she feeling that badly that she couldn't herself?") shinra: .................. Arthur: "...Hey, Shinra? Can you let the commander know I will be late getting back to the station? I think I'll stop by to see how Tamaki is recovering." shinra: ok then. Arthur: "...Thanks." Sid: "Enough talking: you have survival training." (gestures to Clay) "Release the dogs." clay: yes sir. Kid: "...Wait, what?" mikami: Q-Q *Dogs released...and Free in werewolf form* Free: *woof woof woof!* "Run and dodge before the dogs get to you!" Patty: "Awwwww, puppies!" (tackled by dogs) -later- Kid: o__o "I"m just happy this is an _old_ jacket..." (jacket ripped and scratched) stocking: aww.... Kid: "How are you?" stocking: ok. yukari: -and i dont know _what_ you are doing to these poor dogs to make them so feral, but clearly it must be something unethical! how can you people even live with yourselves?! mizuki: -_-; Sid: "These dogs are not feral: they are trained to hunt their targets." Free: (petting one dog) "That's good work, buddy--now, let's play fetch! You throw the ball this time and I'll catch it!" mizuki: sis, just drop it please. -_-; -later- Patty: (covered in scratches) -___- "These mutts play rough." liz: yeah. *bandaging patti* Kid: (looking again at maps, tapping his finger) liz: ...... Kid: *sigh* "We need these Sages. After Vegas, we need help..." liz: yeah.... you say we found valcona? Kid: (nods) "I think a visit is in order." liz: great! Kid: "I will direct Father to let us organize our team and get transportation ready...I think we should depart in three days." liz: good idea. Patty: (frowns) "Valcona is going to be hot, isn't it?" liz: it is a fire region. we'll have to talk to hibana about getting a secure route. Kid: (nods) "And perhaps bring in additional members of the Fire Brigade. Wait, where is Hibana? Still in custody?" liz: yeah. Kid: "Hmm...I guess we're seeing her in prison then?" -the holding facility is actually quite nice.- Hibana: "Hmph. This is torture. I can't even get my favorite tea." (rings bell) "Oh, guard! I need another soft drink!" liz: *gulp* Kid: ._. "This jail cell looks better than bedrooms I have had..." gabriella: !!! oh, princess, we have visitors! Hibana: "Oh, look--the shinigami and his twins." (shuts her book, walks up to them) "To what do I owe this pleasure?" (eyeroll) liz: .///////. Patty: "..." (whispers to Liz) "She's scary but in a kind of hot way." Kid: ("Focus, Patty...") "We need your secure route to the Fire Region." Hibana: "Oh, really? Let me think--No." (turns back to her book) Kid: "?!" (looks to Liz) liz: hibana? i am such a huge fan! Hibana: "...Really?" liz: yeah, your perfumes are just to die for! Hibana: (smiling) "Well, that goes without saying. Tell me, which is your favorite?" -later- Kid: "...Liz, you are amazing." liz: awww, no biggie. *rubs knuckles against her shirt* Kid: (holds something) "I'm surprised she gave you a coupon for one dollar off her newest perfume...which still will cost an exorbitant amount of money..." Hibana: (blushing in her cell, smiling) "Hee hee...My fans love me..." gabriella: why wouldnt they? you're the best! Hibana: "Ah, Gabriella, you're making me blush..." (frowns, holds up her glass) "Refill." gabriella: yes ma'am! -later, elsewhere- Yumi: (in the Death Room) "You are approved for transportation." (hands Liz a set of keys) "Don't scratch the Airship, and get a pilot for it." liz: yes ma'am.....so, who's gonna be our pilot? <x> Gen < > Naigus < > ???? < > Black Star Yumi: "Gen will meet you at the Airship. Good luck." -and so- Kid: "I think we have everything ready." Patty: -_- "I. Hate. Heat." -begin the trek to valcona mountain- Black Star: (singing the Indiana Jones theme) -they landed and continued to the cave entrance by foot- Patty: (grumbling) Kid: (in shirt and slacks) "This is the path Hibana provided, right?" liz: yeah, but they never went further than the path. so i guess this is our way to the sage, then. Kid: (inhales) "Okay. Everyone, we go forward. Meisters, try to sense any soul wavelengths nearby. Weapons, transform so that we are armed." -they trek the path to a cave entrance, someone could be heard inside- Kid: "You hear that?" liz: sounds like....hammering metal? Kid: "..." (looks inside the cave entrance...) -seems a shadow can be seen hammering something- Kid: "..." < > Approach < > Continue exploring <continue to search the area, you might find items!> Kid: (spots something along one wall) -obtained 1 fire stone- Kid: "...Hmmm...I wonder what can be done with this..." -a few fire blossoms were added to the inventory- Kid: (smells something...looks around another corner Patty: "Whatever it is, it smells good..." **Someone is cooking a meal** ???: *cooking a steak....with fire magic?* Kid: ("A kitchen?" But where do I find the Sage...") ???: hmm? oh, are you from the village? *the lady seems nice enough* Kid: ._. "Um...more like one from far away." ????: well you come on in, dears. Kid: (signals to others to not withdraw their weapons, enters) ????: so what brings you our way? we dont get visitors too often, and usually they just come for buisness matters dealing with my son. Kid: "We are here seeking the advice of the Fire Sage." ???: ah, i see. you just dig on in kiddos. MARZE HONEY! YOU HAVE VISITORS! Kid: (spoons up some of the soup) " 'Marze'?" ???: my other son. he inherited the title from his father, god rest his soul. Kid: "Oh..." (returns to his meal) Marze: *a young man enters* oh? who're these people, ma? ???: they're... where you kid's from? Kid: "We are from Death City. I am Death the Kid." marze: death city, huh? what brings ya'll out here? Kid: "And we desire to gather the Sages to contain it." -after the situation is explained- marze: well, sounds like quite the pickle ya'll are in. well i'd be happy to help you guys. looks like i have to show you that song pa always tought me. *he goes elsewhere before returning with some bongos* Kid: (" 'Pickle'? 'Bongos'? Has this person met my father?") "Um...Okay..." marze: *he begins to play* -obtained the mountain mambo- Patty: "Ooooo, that's a good tune!" (claps) -later- Kid: "I wonder how this tune will help us find the next Sage..." liz: we'll need to find the forest sage.... and a new sky sage... Kid: (looks at a map) "Forest...Forest...I wonder where..." -elsewhere- Arthur: (knocking on 1st Brigade Station door) guard: yeah? Artur: "Um...Is Tamaki accepting visitors?" guard:........she's not feeling well. Arthur: "O-Okay...Could you pass this along to her?" (holds up a decorated basket with a new teapot and some teas) guard:...... *he looks inside the teapot* sure thing, now move along. tamaki: *she looks outside the window* Arthur: "..." (turns, walks away, under the window) tamaki: ?? *she knocks the glass* Arthur: "???" (turns, sees the window) tamaki: *she looks confused, but she seems perfectly fine* Arthur: "...Hey? Can you hear me?" tamaki: ?? -karim appears behind her and shuts the curtain- Arthur: "?!" ("...I better tell the Commander about this...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: *snoring* "Zzz..." chie: looks like he had a busy day. Yohei: "Given how much debris he was clearing, yeah, I'd say so." (puts a blanket over him) "Little troublemaker..." (small smile) chie: yeah... *she rubs his head* but he means well. Yohei: (nods...) "Mayor of Las Vegas asked about him." chie: and? Yohei: "...If he were human, he'd get the key to the city. But since he's a Dokeshi..." chie: oh................. Yohei: "...Screw her. That mayor's just covering her ass." chie: ...............we're not monsters....... Yohei: "..." (hugs her) chie:.....*teary eyed* thanks.... Yohei: "You're welcome. Come on--let's get take-out. Useless over here we'll be starving when he wakes up." chie: *chuckles* hey now. Yohei: (chuckling, jokingly) "Come on--he's asleep. If he was really useful, he'd help us bring home all that food he's going to munch on." -elsewhere- NoFix: (staring at Clowns in jars) "Incredible..." mimeca: o.o NoFix: (taps the glass) clown: *stares back* kinuta:.............um. one of them is out. luka: that' just kaguya. NoFix: "Huh? Is that a problem, having a clown clowning around out there?" luka: she's one of the more...advanced clowns. she's mostly pretty docile...........though that might be pushing it. NoFix: "...Is she troublesome?" (smirks) "Need someone to bring her home?" luka: i wouldnt- Kaguya: (singing heard) "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..." kinuta: good music taste. luka: *excalibur face* Kaguya: (keeps humming as she passes NoFix and Kinuta--then stops, looks back, glares) "Excuse me, my eyes are up here." mimeca: ?? owo~? kinuta: well hello to you too. Kaguya: "...Hmph." (turns up her nose) "Mentally undressing me with your eyes..." (hugs herself as she leans forward) "How unseemly." kinuta: i know that feeling. and i dont give two shits. Kaguya: "..." (looks Kinuta up and down) "You shameless trollop." (stretches, her breasts on display) "Prancing around for all the world to see your naughty bits." kinuta: hell fuckin yeah. luka: well there goes my appetite. dammit. Kaguya: *gasps* "That's just perverse!" (leans forward, shaking her backside) "What kind of a woman wants people staring at her curves, imagining what she does in her own privacy?" clown in a jar: <kaguya knock it off you're an embarrassment!> Kaguya: (stares at the Clown) "...STOP LOOKING AT MY BODY LIKE THAT!" (clutches Kinuta) "Hide me from their eyes!" kinuta:.........i didnt quite catch that, what? -elsewhere in the facility- Solence: "..." worker: god, that lady is so noisy. 'the dawn of a new era is upon us! praise to the blessed child of madness!' Solence: "Wh-What?" worker: it's....kiiinda a long story. semi-related to the whole 'clown' project thing.... some of them just flocked here after....those two showed up. Solence: "Wh-Who are...those two?" worker:.........*he looks around* kishin. two honest to fuck kishin. Solence: o_____o "...I want to go home..." -screaming is heard- worker: ohh, oh shit. Solence: "Wh-What is that?!" worker: i think that 'new era madness child' is coming. Solence: "I don't understand! What child?! What is even happening?!" worker: one of those kishins is.....kiiiiiinda pregnant. Solence: o_____________________o -elsewhere- lord death: i feel a disturbance in the force. Yumi: "Why are you quoting Star Wars, Death?" lord death: *shakes head* nothing, i'm fine. Yumi: "..." (puts a hand on his shoulder) -later- NoFix: "What was all that screaming about?" luka: well.....shit went down....baby. NoFix: "...Baby? Like, a hot chick?" luka: no, like an infant. a literal newborn. NoFix: "Oh...Yeah, that doesn't sound good. Babies are gross." -elsewhere- liz: kid? are you ok? Kid: (shakes his head) "I've had a migraine for hours..." liz: should we take you to the nurse? \heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey buuuuuuddyyyyyyyyy\ Kid: o____o "What was that?!" liz: what was what? \remember me~?\ Kid: "...Oh no..." stocking: kid? Kid: "..." (pulls out his mirror, dials) "Father? Father?!" lord death: howdy kiddo, you ok? Kid: "Father...You know that he's back." lord death: .........i know son.... Kid: (trembling) "...What do we do?" -the feeling of dread suddenly stops.- Kid: "...Damn it! I lost the location!" -back in death city- nygus: feeling better, doctor? Stein: (cold compress...and a psychotic smirk) "N-No...Ha ha! The m-m-m-madness is still--still--" aya: *worried frown* marie:...........*she puts a hand on his shoulder* valentine:..........*concerned* Stein: "Ha...ha..." (holds Marie's hand, calming down) "...No...Not again..." (whimpering) -they hug him- Stein: (stops laughing, now struggling to stop crying) "Another Kishin..." marie: ?! -elsewhere- mami: *hugging chrona* Crona: (crying) "It hurts...My head, my heart, my stomach..." mami: *stroking their head* it's ok...i'm here.... *she rubs their back* Crona: "Th-Thank you..." (hugs her back, sobbing) "M-Maka...They--They--" mami: .....i know..... -elsewhere- arachne: *calming her breathing* i think.. the pain is going away now... Giriko: (rubs her back) "What was that?" arachne: i dont know... i just felt a sharp pain in my chest, as if someone pierced right through it.... Giriko: "...Lie down. I'll get you a hot compress." arachne: ok. -elsewhere- soul: damn...... Wes: "..." Black Star: "What happened?" soul: i dont know... my scar started burning up........i think it stopped now... Wes: "That kind of inflammation...Maybe get some ointment for it?" -in the girl's dorm- mio: meme! get a hold of yourself! ao: *placing ofuda on meme's body* Meme: "No!" (clutching her head) "Stop it!" (trying to grab at Ao) Anya: "Stop it!" (clutches her by her waist) "Tsugumi! Hold her down!" \megumi kozuki *static* 'my child now' *static* TEXAS MASK *static* ‘senpai’ *static* ‘m-mommy wake up!’ *static* meme tatane *static* murderer\ Meme: "AAAAAAAAHHH!" (punches Anya in the throat, knocking her off, causing her to hit the back of her head on the floor--and fall unconscious) mio: meme please! *hugging her tightly* tsugumi: you arent in danger, you're alright! Anya: "..." Meme: "...M-Mio? Wh-What...NO! MAKE IT STOP! HE'S BACK! HE'S BAAAAACK!" (sobbing, wraps her arms around Mio) kimiko: layla! calm down! layla: no! s-stop shooting him! he d-didnt do anything! *crying and hysterical* eternal feather: ow..ow it hurts! miss misery: *she has fallen unconscious* Kana: (shivering, crying, trying to hide) girl: someone call the hospital! kim: what the fuck is wrong with them? Jacqueline: (dialing the hospital) "I don't know...Hello? We need ambulances at the girls dormitory! Girls are attacking each other!" (to Kim) "Don't just stand there--heal them!" -the next day, several people are in the hospital- Kid: "All of this...even here...How could such madness be transmitted like this?" stocking: it all happened so fast, then it just suddenly stopped. Kid: "...Stocking? That voice...It told me..." reporter: -an unusual case of mass hysteria occurred yesterday which left several people hospitalized- -the tv is turned off- Kid: (puts his head in his hands) stocking:.......... *she hugs him* Kid: (cries) -in the hospital- layla: i was just in my room, then i blacked out. that's all i can remember... Anya: (reclining in bed, the back of her head bandaged...looks to Meme, then looks away) Meme: "..." tsugumi:... *pats anya's back* mio: ................ *holding meme's hand* Anya: "...Could I have some water?" Meme: (bites her lip, trying not to cry) nurse: of course. mio: meme?.............it's ok now..... Meme: (grabs Mio, hugging her) mio: ah.... *she hugs back* Meme: (cries into Mio's shoulder) Anya: (closing her eyes, trying to cover her ears) -elsewhere in the hospital- Kana: (looks at Misery...) misery: *she's asleep* eternal feather:...... Kana: *sniff* eternal feather:....*she hugs kana* Kana: (cries quietly) -a few days passed- Spirit: "First Vegas, now the Kishin...What's the connection?" nygus: it's still sketchy... according to the reports we got, most of those infected from the hysteria dont recall the incident, and others just suffered physical pain before it went away... Spirit: "Did you find anything similar to Shaula Gorgon's venom in their systems?" nygus: those who were infected did react from it, but it seems to have went away now, for the most part. but a few students, such as Meme Tatane, did recall what they saw. it must have triggered a hallucination for them. Spirit: "...What did she see?" nygus:......................vivid nightmares.... Spirit: *sighs* "Any other similarities between those who suffered from the madness but were not previously possessed by Shaula?" nygus: there were reports of physical pain from soul, justin, one 'charlotte muffet', and some others. stein, kid and chrona were affected as well... Spirit: "...Soul, Stein, Kid, and Crona have suffered from madness before...I don't understand why for Justin...Anyone yet question this Muffet?" nygus: we tried, but her boyfriend didnt seem too pleased with us. Spirit: "...Maybe someone needs to speak with him." -elsewhere- Ponera: (shudders) grimoire: *hugging her* Ponera: "What was that...?" grimoire:....i dont know.... Ponera: (trying to regulate her breath) "Okay...I think I'm fine...Thank you, Grimoire." grimoire:.......*he strokes her back* Ponera: "..." milia: *frowns* Nals: "..." (glances) "What?" milia: will she be ok? Nals: "I don't know...From how she described it, that sensation of...madness, magic, whatever you want to call it...it seemed far more powerful than even her." milia:........ Nals: "..." (clears his throat) "Back to work: I finished Killbell's meal, so let's bring it to him." -later, elsewhere- Shotaro: (screaming, clutching his arms) "They hurt!" mana: easy there.... chie: *she passed out* Shotaro: "It feels like my bones are on fire!" Yohei: "Chie! Goddamnit, wake up! Tuhl! Get the smelling salt!" Tuhl: (clutching his head) "Shut up! Everyone shut up! It's like every fucking molecule of air is screaming at me right now!" Shotaro: "AAAAAAH!" (suddenly, his limbs start changing at random into those of different animals: his nose becomes a trunk, his arm into a wing, his eyes multiplying like those of a spider's) -later, that evening, it seems everything has calmed down.- chie: *still out cold* Yohei: "..." (tossing his second pack of empty cigarettes into a bin) "Fuck!" (kicks the garbage can) mana: she's alive, but she looks pretty worn out.... at least showtaro is doing better... Shotaro: (heavy breathing, but his body is back to normal) Tuhl: (compress to his head) "What was that...?" Yohei: (looking at his smartphone) "Reports all over: madness." mana: ?? Tuhl: "Jeez...No wonder every object around me was losing it...After what that stuff did to those Golems I visited..." chie: *she stirs slightly* nnng... Yohei: (puts down the phone, already at Chie's side) "Easy...It's okay..." chie: y-yohei? Yohei: "I'm here--we're here. You're okay..." chie: t-thank- ah! *she winces* -she touches a mark on her forehead where she had been bleeding earlier- Yohei: "Let me get you some medicine and bandages...Mana, please get some water for her and Tuhl." -elsewhere- Kami: "I need to get out of here..." (sits up--and winces) nurse: careful, miss. Kami: "You be careful!" (gets out of bed--and promptly falls) "...This is humiliating..." Spirit: -_-; "You're not done healing: get back in bed." nurse: -_-;; Kami: "...Then help me back into bed..." (muttering) Spirit: (groan, leans down, helps her back up) -later- Kid: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- heibito: *asleep* Asura: "...He's perfect..." mikan: *she's holding the baby close* Asura: (kisses Mikan's forehead) "Thank you..." mikan: *she smiles* Asura: "Our son...Our future..." mikan: he looks so much like you. Asura: "I was going to say that about you..." (brushes a hand over Heibito's head...) -the 3rd eye looks at them- Asura: "Ah...Such beautiful eyes..." (strokes his son's cheek) heibito: *yawn* Asura: (smiles, but he feels something...) "I have never felt more afraid...This is our child...and I am scared for him..." mikan: *she nods* i want to protect him, too. Asura: "..." (holds her and their child) -the next morning, elsewhere- Yumi: (tossing in her bed) "N-No..." lord death: dearest? is everything ok? Yumi: "...Nightmares...I thought...I dreamt that..." (hugs him) "It was bad. Let's leave it at that." lord death:..................... *he rubs her stomach* Yumi: (holds onto him) "I just want to get through this..." lord death: and we will. Yumi: "...I am not going to act like all parts of this pregnancy are enjoyable...but...once she is born, I want to consider whether you and I would want another child." -elsewhere- Kid: (shaking in bed, gripping the sheets) stocking: *panting* h-how was it? Kid: "..." (kisses her hard on the mouth) stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: (holds her hips, grinding along her) stocking: *kissing with her tongue* Kid: "Mmm!" (his hands move along to her backside, pinching her cheeks) -elsewhere- chie: zzzz..... Yohei: "Zzz..." chie:...... *subconsciously nestles closer* Yohei: (in his sleep, holds her, drawing her closer) -elsewhere- Stein: "...I think I can handle class today..." marie: are you sure? Stein: "..." (nods) "Maybe just silent reading..." -later- Wes: [texting Liz: hey. how are things on your end?] [text from liz cell: better. kid's doing better than he was. you?] Wes: [visited soul. he's getting better...but whatever happened really affected him] liz:................. -elsewhere- shinra: how's hibana holding up? Akitaru: "Given the conditions they provided for her, pretty well. I heard she keeps complaining about not getting her favorite pair of slippers." shinra: not that, i mean after the whole hysteria incident Takehisa: (eyeroll at Akitaru) "She is now stable. The medical team are still ascertaining why the madness wave affected her so strongly." iris:.......... Akitaru: "..." (clears his throat) "Iris, I have an appointment at the prison. I want you to visit Hibana and check on her condition." iris: ok. shinra: i'll go too. Akitaru: (nods) "Good." Arthur: "..." maki: hey arthur, you ok? Arthur: "...I think something is wrong at the 1st Station." maki: ?? what do you mean? Arthur: "I don't know...Everyone there told me Tamaki was out sick, but when I visited, I could see in her window--and she was absolutely healthy!" maki: oh?.....................perhaps she just sprained her ankle? it happens. Arthur: "But they made it sound like she was sick, not injured." maki: hmmm.... Arthur: "...I want to know what is happening. I think I should infiltrate, knock down the walls of that castle, AND CONFRONT THE DRAGON HIDING IN THERE WHO WOULD HARM MY PRINCESS!" (heroic pose) -staaaaaaaare- shinra: what? Arthur: "..." (sighs) "I want to sneak in and figure out what is actually going on. I just, you know, wanted to add some sparkle to my sentences..." -elsewhere- Leo Burns: "Update, now." -in tamaki's room- tamaki: this is bullshit! why am i stuck here?! Amber: "Please, Tamaki, calm down! You'll be out of here soon enough." tamaki: 7.7 Amber: "...Maybe we could play a game? How about Sorry?" tamaki: ........ Amber: "...Or Monopoly? Pictionary? Cards Against Humanity?" -elsewhere- Kid: (finishes showering) "You are amazing..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm not sure I'll be able to sit right for awhile..." (puts his towel around her, pulling her towards him) stocking: aww. Kid: *smooch* "I loved it..." stocking: come on hun, we have classes today. Kid: "Coming..." (soft pat on her backside) -at class- Stein: "...Read Chapters 3 and 4. Take notes. I'll review them..." (sits at his desk, head in his hands) sayaka:.......... Patty: (whispers to Liz) "What's with him?" Stein: (glaring) "Is there a problem, Miss Thompson?" liz: nothing, sir. Patty: o_o; Stein: "Keep it that way..." (sets his head down) -after school- Kid: "...I see the madness wave affected many people..." (frowns) Patty: "..." (pats Kid's shoulder) liz: yeah.... Kid: "...I think...we need to do something outside of the house." liz: good idea. < > Meal <x> Shopping < > Onsen < > Exercise -At the Mall- Kid: (blushes at the jewelry store, tries to keep walking--) liz: *looking around* Patty: (on children's train ride) "Wee!" Kid: "St-Stocking? Any shop you are interested in visiting?" stocking: hehe~ liz: how about the music shop? Kid: (nods) "I could use a new record..." -and so- Patty: (big headphones on, listening to pop) "La la la~" Kid: (thumbing through records...smirks) "I see your boyfriend's music is very popular here, Liz." (pulls out one of Wes's albums) liz: 7///7 Patty: (giggling) "Maybe Wessie can get us a discount, huh, Sis?" liz: oh shush. Patty: "Hee hee hee..." Kid: (buys Wes's album) -later- Patty: (sipping on fruit smoothie) stocking: *napping next to kid* Kid: (holding her, stroking her back...) stocking: *she seems content* Kid: (smiles...hums quietly) -elsewhere- Black Star: "Feeling better, Soul?" soul: yeah, much better now. Black Star: "That's good." (tosses him the basketball) -catch- kilik: good catch. soul: thanks. Black Star: (tries to block Soul at the basket) -elsewhere- Stein: "I just...need to get a grip..." valentine: *gives him some rubber bands* Stein: "...Thanks..." (puts one along his wrist) valentine: need anything else? Stein: "No, thank you...I think I'll stay a-and organize files..." -file examining- Stein: "Hmm...Missing students...missing teachers...Dokeshi, witches, kishins..." -any files in particular of interest?- Stein: "...Wait..." (pulls out one file) "...A 'dragon'?" -<> examine? <> check another file?- <x> Examine Stein: "Hmm...It's rare to find these creatures...But I have never heard of one that can pass for human..." -any names?- Stein: " 'Bazzalth of the Eternal Fire'? A little pretentious..." -check another file?- Next File: < > Ogre < > Human < > Witch <x> Other Stein: (pulls out additional files) "Hmm..." (Hibana's file) "...After she lost her nunnery, she fell into such despair..." (smokes his cigarette) "Been there." -another file?- Stein: (pulls out another file...) "...A Dokeshi named 'Chie'?" -name: Kagehime, Chie. type: Dokeshi, ability: shadow manipulation, condition: bleed once per day, known relatives; parents, sister (Saki), status: passive- Stein: "...This was one of the ones Soul and Tsubaki reported...Why did NoFix want her so badly in exchange for her sister...?" -check other files? perhaps missing students?- Stein: (examines missing student file...) "Jeez, this one has been gone for two months..." Stein: (thumbs through) "Has to be a clue..." Stein: (annoyed) "They mistyped 'months'...It was 'years'...What else can I find about her...?" -name: Carver, Rosalie. type: weapon (cleaver). class: NOT. known relatives: parents. status: missing.- Stein: "...Haven't been able to sense her soul..." -check other files?- Stein: *yawns* "Maybe take a few files home to check...There has to be a lead on where this madness originated..." -later- Stein: "Zzzz..." (asleep atop of files) -the next morning- Kid: "Stocking..." (gently shakes her in bed) ((Thanks!)) stocking: *yaaawn* Kid: "Morning...Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "You seemed really exhausted when we got home..." (puts a hand on her forehead) "You feel okay." stocking: *she nods* yeah. guess i was just tired. Kid: (rubs her back) "You've had a busy schedule..." (kisses the back of her neck...) stocking: mmm. Kid: (holds her) "I wish we could just sleep in..." *yawn* stocking: but alas, school. Kid: "Yes..." (smirks) "Unless..." stocking: ?? Kid: *yawns* "Maybe later...Let me think about it, but maybe there will be a surprise for us~" (kisses her cheek) "Shower with me?" stocking: sounds good~ Kid: (chuckles, as he tickles her a bit as they get out of bed) -later- Kid: (marking a map in class) "Hmm...One more Sage...All the music...Where to now?" liz: just find this sky sage then.... Kid: "Darn...I forgot the Forest Sage." -elsewhere- Spirit: (walking to Naigus's office with his arm in a cast) nygus: how're you feeling? Spirit: (small smile) "Better, thank you. Looking forward to getting back to work while my arm heals." (picks up a file on her desk, labeled for him) "My homework, I take it?" nygus: *chuckles* so to speak, yes. Spirit: (flips through) "Hmm...I think we're going to need some meisters with strong perception to locate the source of this madness..." nygus: ...... *she nods* Spirit: "...Kami is recuperating at home...I'll ask. Can you check with some of our students, see whether any of them sensed the location?" nygus: i can do that. Spirit: (closes folder, takes it in hand) "I'll have to head back to teaching. Anything else you want me to work on?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Soul?" soul: yeah? Black Star: "I...kind of heard you muttering something when you fell asleep on the couch yesterday..." soul: ?? Black Star: "...It sounded like you were talking with someone in your dream..." soul:.....*faint smile* Black Star: "??? You okay?" soul: hmm? yeah. Black Star: "...Okay...Must've been a good dream..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Oh, Kim!" kim: oh, hey there mr a. Spirit: "Hey. How you holding up?" kim: same as usual..... Spirit: (nods) "...Yeah." ("...Her freaking mom...Jeez...") "Hey, the weekend is coming up, and I've been stuck in the hospital longer than I wanted. I was wondering if you could help me pick up some groceries for Kami..." kim: ok. Spirit: "Thanks. I'll treat you to lunch later. Can you stop by her apartment at 11? Let me write down the address..." -elsewhere- NoFix: (smoking a cigar) kinuta: *phew* damn that was good. NoFix: "Heh heh...Told ya the powers of spin would treat you right wherever you got an itch..." (holds the cigar to her) "Smoke?" kinuta: i'm good. NoFix: (keeps smoking) "How did you learn to do that thing with your mouth?" kinuta: i have my ways~<3 NoFix: "Heh heh...Hey, what's the freakiest thing you ever done?" kinuta: *she whispers into his ear* NoFix: (moaning) "Oh, fuck..." kinuta: hell yeah. NoFix: "Man, see, my Powers of Spin let me give some fantasies to someone...I can make someone feel like they are getting taken on every side..." kinuta: for real? NoFix: (still in front of her) NoFix #2: (now behind her, wrapping his arms around her) "Real." kinuta: !! oh! NoFix #1: (smirks) NoFix #3: (head between her legs) "Hello, kitty." kinuta: !!! NoFix #4: "Let's get started..." (takes her right breast) NoFix #1: "Yes..." (takes her left) NoFix #2: (kisses her neck, massaging her backside) NoFix #3: (kissing her thighs) kinuta: ohhh, fuck that's good~ -elsewhere- Noah: *giggling* noelle: [he's finally cracked.] Wrath!Noah: [His laughing is pissing me off!] Noah: "A new form of Madness is born...Newborn..." Sloth!Noah: [???] noelle: [what the FUCK are you going on about?] Noah: "A child born to Madness Two..." (smirks) "I can't wait to collect it..." (punches his fist into the floor, breaking his hand) -elsewhere- Wes: "Hey." (waves at Liz) liz: oh, hey wes. *she smiles* Wes: "How are you? Feeling okay?" liz: yeah. Wes: (nods) "...Still trying to wrap my head around it...That 'madness attack'?" liz:...........you werent affected, were you? Wes: (shakes his head) "No, but Soul was...I never saw it up close like that...especially for...my own brother." liz:..................... Wes: "Liz...I feel like I'm in over my head on this. I don't know how you do it...I mean, how did you respond when you found out there was something like Madness out there?" liz: ........... Wes: "...It's that tough, huh?" -elsewhere- Kid: (taps on the paper) "Which forest...?" liz: verdant forest is the one we're looking for... Kid: (nods) "I think it's time I update Eibon and seek advice on approaching that forest." -elsewhere- Yohei: *yawn* chie: tired? Yohei: (nods) "Been staring at this algorithm since 4 AM, trying to improve it to isolate potential spots that nutjob NoFix could hit next." chie: ah....... Yohei: "Yeah..." (sighs, shoves a bunch of empty energy drink cans and cigarette cartons off his desk and into the garbage can) "I need a shower, a meal, and sleep." chie: do you want to order out or not? Yohei: (nods) "I'll go in the shower; could you order us some Chinese?" -later- Yohei: (eating) "Thanks, Chie." Shotaro: (leaning over, reaching for some of Yohei's food) **SLAP** Shotaro: "Owie!" (holds his hand) -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hey, Maki? Arthur told me about his concerns with the 1st Brigade. Any updates you hear about why they seem kind of secretive lately?" maki: well, tamaki still seems to be sick... Arthur: "Is she really sick...OR IS THAT WHAT THEY TOLD YOU?" (crazy eyes) maki: o-o; Akitaru: "Down boy--go take a cold shower." (looks at Maki) "Thanks for this info, Maki. Keep me posted. Now, onto other news: Iris, we got a report that Hibana was helpful to the DWMA with their investigation. You see her lately?" iris: *she nods* Akitaru: "How's she holding up?" iris: fairly well. at least she has company with her. Akitaru: "Oh, you mean her secretary that was arrested on charges of conspiracy?" iris: i think she insisted on going with her... Akitaru: "..." (smiles) "That's good to know! If I were in prison, I'd want a friend with me. So, which of you would want to go to prison with me?!" shinra: T_T; Akitaru: "Arthur?" Arthur: (avoids eye contact) Akitaru: "Maki? Iris?" -elsewhere- Kid: (in the Mansion's gym, jogging on the treadmill) liz: *timing him* Kid: (pacing himself) "Five more miles..." Patty: (lifting weights) -CRASH- Kid: "What?!" stocking: *staring at the punching bag broken off it's chain* ..........dammit! Kid: (stops running, staring in shock--and promptly knocked off the treadmill) liz: *beep* made it 3.5 miles. Kid: (slammed against the wall from the treadmill tossing him) -_-; "Thank you, Liz..." stocking: *she goes over to him* you ok, babe? Kid: "F-Fine..." (small smile) "Your punches are getting better." stocking: thanks....i was trying to go easy.....i broke it off the chain for the 6th time this month now... Kid: (gets up, grimacing a bit) "How about we get a heavier bag? Or a stronger chain?" stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: "I'll ask the staff to put in the order..." (cringing) "I'm going to need to soak for a bit." -later- Kid: (sighing as he rests in the jacuzzi) -elsewhere- Ponera: (sighing) "We have Killbell, we still have the Fire-Ants, we have contained the Index and the Book of Enoch, we have two out of three Gorgon Sisters...but it feels like our plan has not moved forward." grimoire: perhaps we should target a raid on one of the branches? Ponera: "..." (grins) "Yes." (she looks at a map) "Which branch should we try?" <paris> Ponera: "Killbell! Summon Nals!" Killbell: (rings a tiny little bell) Nals: "...Paris?" (to Grimoire) "What's the plan?" -elsewhere- Solence: T___T "So afraid..." luka: *drinking her coffee* noriko screaming her head off like usual Solence: "I still don't know who all of these people are...I just want to go home..." Kaguya: "Aw, the poor baby wants to go home?" luka: and that would be? Solence: "It was just a small apartment in I. C. Prefecture. But it was home..." -elsewhere- shinra: this is a terrible idea. Arthur: "No, this is a terrific idea. We storm the room, face the dragon, and will be greeted as heroes." shinra: at this hour of the night?! Arthur: "That is when she will least expect us." shinra: if you get burned alive, don't blame me. Arthur: "Very well." (approaches the door...) "Ready?" shinra: -_-; Arthur: "Here we go..." (kicks the fucking door down) shinra: o-o; Arthur: "We have come to face you, foul dragon!" Hibana: "AAAAH! What the fuck?!" shinra: O______________O Arthur: "Gasp! Look at that scaly green beast!" (unsheathes his scabbard, alights it) "Shinra, cover me!" Hibana: "... 'Scaly'?!" (fire petals explode in the room around all of them) shinra: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM+FLEES* Arthur: "Cowardly knave Shinra! I will defeat this horned beast myself! I will--" Hibana: (grabs Arthur by the throat, choking him) "Gabriella, please tend to this welp..." (tosses him towards Gabriella) "I'm going after the shoeless fool..." (exits to pursue Shinra) shinra: COMMANDEEEEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!! Q______________Q Hibana: (fast running) "YOU BASTAAAAAAAARD!!!" Akitaru: "Hmmm?" (sees Shinra running at him) "Oh...crap..." shinra: *SCREAMING AS HIS IGNITION ABILITY KICKS IN* *he crashes into maki, spilling her orange juice* maki:.............. Akitaru: "What the hell is going--" Hibana: "OUT OF MY WAY!" (shoves Akitaru out of the way--and trips, running into Maki and Shinra) "Omph!" maki: my....my orange juice..................... Hibana: (scrambles to get up, some curlers gone, the green stuff smeared, and holding Shinra by the neck) "You little whelp! What was the point of all of that?!" maki: my....orange....juice.............who caused this? Hibana: (points at Shinra) "And that brat Artie with the knight complex...Gabriella! Have you taken care of him?!" gabriella: *she points to a trashcan* already done, princess! Arthur: (face down in garbage) "Wicked...dragon's...assistant." Hibana: (smiles, and dumps Shinra into Maki's arms) "Excellent work, Gabriella. A reward is in order." gabriella: ^^~<3 maki: ^^# -later- -a grave is made; here lies maki's orange juice.....also arthur's dignity....again.-
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