#malakia black
mammonsfavcrow · 1 year
Right since the bird app is going down I might as well make this my pinned.
Hello my name is Sol or Malakia, My current Fandom’s are Obey me and Twst (Somewhat). I enjoy anime and video games such as Naruto and Overwatch 2.
Here’s my dni list summed up vry quickly:
White Scarabia fans that think putting your oc’s in Orientalist clothing isn’t a big deal.
Genshin fans who are bootlickers.
People who believe that there aren’t Queer muslims.
Hp fans
H*nt*i/P*rn addicts
“Fiction doesn’t affect reality until I see a black edit” folks
People who believe that Black edits are bad.
People who white wash canon black characters.
People who defend white or EA artists when they do something racist but don’t say a word when Black Artists are being attacked for existing.
I’ll update this with more later but that’s all I can remember off the top if my head rn.
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mayhemproduces · 23 days
The Dollhouse vs the House of Black
Kicking things off with a rematch from just a few weeks ago, Malakai and Atticus come face to face, before locking up. This match has become even more interesting after the developments from moments ago; Julia opting to come out on her own, rather than as the House of Black. Although she still adorns the logo tonight, she did choose to bend a knee to Abigail at Thunder in Paradise. Where will her allegiance lie tonight? Does she still stand with Malakai, or is there something deeper in the glare she’s throwing Devitt’s way? Either way, action starts to pick up in the ring, as Atticus hits an arm drag to get out of a wristlock. Off the ropes, Cogar hits a quick shoulder tackle before dropping into a cover! The referee barely registers a one count before Malakai throws him off. Scrambling to their feet, Black gets a deep arm drag, throwing Cogar back down to the mat, while he manipulates the arm. Lifting Cogar to his feet, he twists the arm, backing into his corner, where Julia tags herself in. She jumps to the top, landing on Cogar’s elbow with a double foot stomp! A play out of the playbook of Buddy Matthews with that one, and Hart keeps on the arm, wrenching on it, grinding her elbow into it. Eventually, Atticus is able to roll out, trapping Julia in a side headlock. Atticus brings them back to the ropes, and Tiffany tags herself in. Julia throws Atticus off, sending him to the ropes, but he holds on. Julia charges and meets the bottom of Atticus’s boot, and Tiffany throws her up with a back suplex, Atticus catching her with a kick on the way down! Tiffany covers!
1… 2… Kickout!
Grabbing Julia’s arm and wrenching it over her head, Tiffany tries to wear down Hart. But Julia’s able to grab onto the ropes, shoving Tiffany off, and Devitt tags in. A look of annoyance flashes over Julia’s face as she glares at him, returning to the apron, and Devitt goes right after Tiff. They circle each other, locking up, but Tiffany manages to get Devitt into a side headlock when he tries to attack again. Devitt tries to shove her off, but she holds on. Doubling down as she brings them to the mat. Devitt fights up, successfully shoving Tiffany off, and bringing her down with a slingblade! Devitt moves into a wristlock, then pulls her into a side headlock. Tiffany switches, grabbing Devitt in a waistlock. Tiffany shoots them to the ropes, but Devitt shoves her off. He whips around, and nails Tiffany with a sliding dropkick! Tiff’s sent across the ring and quickly makes a tag to Ophelia. While Ophelia may be one of the most terrifying people, regardless of gender, on the roster, Devitt doesn’t hesitate to take the fight to the Lady Monster, knocking her back with a shotgun dropkick! Ophelia collides with the turnbuckles, then her chest meets Devitt’s palm, as he unloads with a series of hard hitting chops! He tries to drive all of the wind out of Ophelia’s lungs before he sends her a whip, but Ophelia knocks him down with a clothesline! With a boot in the middle of Devitt’s spine, Ophelia steps on him as she flexes. Once she moves off, Devitt crawls to his corner. Despite being closer, Julia doesn’t make much of a move to try and tag out, and instead, Malakai makes the reach to tag himself in. Going directly after Ophelia, Malaaki lights her up with a series of strikes, before knocking her down with a big kick to the side of the head! Black bounces off the ropes, nailing her with a sliding knee strike! Malakai drops down, wrenching Ophelia’s neck in a chinlock, trying to wear down the Lady Monster, but Ophelia is able to stand up, hoisting Malakai with her, before nailing him with a big chop! Malakai retaliates with a forearm, a chop. Another forearm and two kicks, before Malakia stns her with a back elbow. But Ophelia’s able to grab him by the throat, dropping Malakai with a huge chokeslam!
Ophelia drops Black, then makes the tag to Atticus. Cogar comes in with multiple chops for Malakai before grabbing the arm and twisting it over his head, but Malakai nails him with a round kick, straight to the chest! It knocks the wind out of Atticus’s lungs, Malakai drops him with a barrel roll leg sweep, and Devitt pops him with a basement dropkick! He just as quickly rolls out of the ring, while Malakai floats over on Atticus, locking him into the Owari Death Clutch! He’s got it locked in tight, and Atticus is frantically trying to find a way out of this. But thankfully for him, Tiffany is there to break it up, while Ophelia knocks Devitt and Julia to the floor! Taking out Malakai’s support system as Tiffany beats him down, before ordering Ophelia to drag him into the corner. Atticus stomps Malakai down into the bottom turnbuckle before tagging in Ophelia, who promptly does the same. She tags in Tiffany, who stomps Malakai down, before tagging in Atticus again. All the while, Bambi jumps up and down at ringside with glee, as Ophelia gets tagged in once again. The Dollhouse keeps themselves fresh as they pick Malakai apart - or so they try! Malakai tries to fight back. Nailing Ophelia with a forearm before knocking Atticus off the apron. But as he turns to knock down Tiff, she jumps off the apron. Apparently Tiffany wants no part of Malakai, but that momentary distraction allows Ophelia to attack Malakai from behind, squashing him in the corner! Ophelia jumps back as Bambi loudly cheers her on, lighting Malakai up with a right hook, a backfist, before knocking him back down with a roundhouse kick! Ophelia backs up, pounding her chest before unleashing a banshee like scream, and CRUSHING Malakai with a cannonball senton! She pulls Malakai out of the ropes, folding him up!
1… 2… Kickout!
Making the tag to Atticus, Ophelia gets Malakai up in a wheelbarrow. Holding him there as Cogar springboards, nailing him with an Asai Moonsault! Cogar makes the cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Cogar tags in Tiffany, who comes in, and quickly plants Malakai with a swinging neckbreaker! Cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Tiffany tries to drag him into the corner, but Malakai escapes! He leaps across the ring, taking in Devtt! He jumps in over the top, coming in hot with several forearms for Tiffany, before dropkicking Ophelia to the floor! He whips around, toppling Tiffany over, before crushing her with a double foot stomp! In a matter of seconds, Prince has completely changed the tide out of the grasp of The Dollhouse! And now, with Tiffany in the corner, Devitt looks to give her a taste of her own medicine, blasting her with a running forearm! Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Atticus approaching, and nails him with a chop! Alternating between the two, until he turns to just Tiffany, trying to batter her jaw in, but Atticus grabs him. Devitt ducks, wrapping Atticus up, and planting him with a spinning headlock elbow drop! Tiffany tries to attack him from behind, successfully throwing him out to the apron. Grabbing him by the throat, she tries to plant Prince, but he elbows her off, knocking Tiffany to the floor. Devitt charges, and BLASTS Ophelia instead, nearly caving a hole in her chest with a running PK! Quickly maneuvering back inside the ring, Devitt takes to the ropes, wiping out all members of The Dollhouse with a suicide somersault senton! All three are down, and Devitt wastes no time throwing Tiffany back inside the ring, planting her with the 1916! He floats into the cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Tiff escapes at two, but as Devitt stands up, Bambi jumps on the apron. With a flutter of eyelashes and a voice that demands his attention, Devitt stares at her with utmost bewilderment - so he never sees Atticus roll into the ring behind him, with a handful of sharp, black skewers. Cogar creeps behind Prince before grabbing him, turning him around - but Devitt moves, and Atticus sticks the skewers into Bambi’s head! And Atticus jams them in there deep. They freeze, for a moment… before Bambi starts… jumping up and down in joy? She claps her hands, asking him for more, and Atticus just puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. All’s well that ends well, we suppose - until Prince knocks Atticus into Bambi! Knocking her down to the floor, Devitt gets an O’Connor roll, popping himself back up, and nailing Atticus on the back of the head with a basement dropkick! Cogar’s sent packing, but Prince finds his hands full with Ophelia, as she grabs him by the throat, lifting him up for a Chokeslam, but Devitt turns it into a Guillotine! Trying to choke out Ophelia! But it’s short lived, as Ophelia easily overpowers Prince, throwing him face first down onto the mat! Julia takes to the skies, trying to take down Ophelia with a diving crossbody, but Ophelia catches her! She holds onto Julia, shaking her head with a wide, maniacal grin on her face - but Malakai nails her with a jumping knee strike! Clipping Ophelia on the side of the head, and saving Julia from whatever dastardly thing Ophelia was imagining. But no sooner than he does, Malakai gets turned inside out by a clothesline from Atticus! Julia knocks him down with a roundhouse kick! Tiffany charges her, going for a Spear - but Malakai pushes Julia out of the way, and EATS the Spear in her place! Throwing himself in harm’s way to protect his friend, his mentee - but the look on Julia’s face is… interesting. For a short flicker, before Julia floors Tiffany with a discus lariat!
With Ophelia and Atticus on the outside, Devitt drags Tiffany onto his shoulders. Julia and Malakai head to the apron, each positioning themselves on the turnbuckles, before floating back, wiping out Atticus and Ophelia with double Moonsaults! Seconds after, Devitt spins Tiffany out, planting her with the Shingata Prince’s Throne! Wow! Devitt folds her up!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
What a combination that was, but it wasn’t enough to get the job done! Devitt looks to do so with Bloody Sunday, but Tiffany quickly backs them up into the corner, crushing the ref in the process, just to avoid it. Prince shoves Tiffany off, spinning her around - and she EATS The End! Tiffany’s eyes roll to the back of her head, and Devitt heads to the top rope! They’re going to finish this with the Flight of the Damned! Malakai keeps watch, when Julia rolls into the ring -
Nobody in Salem can fathom what the hell just happened, and neither can Devitt! He jumps off the top, trying to approach Julia, talk some sense into her - when Ophelia scoops him up! GO TO HELL! Devitt gets dumped on the top of his dome, and she drags Tiffany on top of him! Ophelia grabs the ref, shaking him awake, and forcing him to count the cover!
1…… 2…… 3!
“Here are your winners, Tiffany Lee Ray, Ophelia, and Atticus Cogar, The Dollhouse!”
As The Dollhouse steals the match, Julia just stands over Malakai, a look of complete disgust, as if she abhorred the man in front of her. Malakai grabs her boot, trying to see through the black mist covering his face - when Julia puts her boot under his chin. Slowly, she forces Malakai to sit up. To look into her eyes - forever scarred by his hands. Once so full of admiration, and fondness, now filled with contempt. Hatred. Before she finishes him off with Black Mass. But why? Why? What has he done to deserve this?
Why, Julia, why?!
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staticnerd · 3 years
House Black is for the people
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kumewa · 7 years
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IG: 2tchucks
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daloy-politsey · 3 years
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[Images description: A thirteen part tweet thread by Malakia Jabali (@ MalaikaJabali) reading the following:
1) I’ve been trying not to wade into this much bc I hate being reactive to foolishenss, but it’s annoying as hell being a Black woman lawyer taught by a number of preeminent Critical Race Theory pioneers and see it butchered like this, from every end of the ideological spectrum.
2) Critical Race Theory is a form of legal scholarship that responded to a pervasive ideology that the law/legal decisions were colorblind. This should not be controversial in 2021. Other main fields then applies to certain CRT tenants to their studies.
3) Critical Race Theory is not “diversity and inclusion” programs. It’s not even primarily about mandating an accurate reframing of history (though it can include that). Its founders are legal scholars who felt it necessary to apply a racial lens to understanding US laws.
4) It spun off from leftist Critical Legal Studies, which was premised on the idea that law could enforce and perpetuate injustice, instead of being some neutral, apolitical science.
5) But many CRT scholars felt analysis of race and the role of white supremacy in the development of US law & legal decisions was severely lacking.
6) CRT came in to fill a gap in legal scholarship to explain our legal system; not to be an overarching explanation of all the things in the world. Still, leading CRT scholars often examine the role of class, gender, and other social statuses & their relationship with the law.
7) So no it’s not taught in grade school & it shouldn’t be! No one is teaching 2nd graders organic chemistry or calculus. Think of this similarly & respect Black scholarship.
8) Studying case law and policy is hard AF (umm that’s why law schools exist) & that’s what CRT scholars focus on.
9) So if by CRT you just mean “history”, just say that. But these are two separate fields.
10) And if you’re a mainstream media outlet trying to explain CRT without consulting or interviewing any of the current living, breathing scholars - from Kendall Thomas to Patricia Williams to Kimberle Williams Crenshaw, what are you really doing?
11) It’s not even about responding to the right at this point, it’s just good journalism, cuz too many damn people out here confused & it’s taken every ounce of my patience not to respond to every single person perpetuating falsehoods, from liberals, to right wingers, to “leftists.”
12) And y’all now I love a good resource. Folks may recommend “Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement,” (L) but it’s really an academic text, bc it was meant for this world of legal scholarship. I’d suggest “Critical Race Theory: An Introduction (R) [Here there are two images, both of which are of book covers. The one on the left is titled “Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement”. The one on the right is titled ��Critical Race Theory: An Introduction”]
13) You can also just read Cornel West’s foreward in the book on the left, if you want something quick and/or just read the “Scholarship” section of Derrick Bell’s wiki]
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summertimefun1982 · 2 years
Does anyone write for Malakia Black and Julia Hart on here cause I read one on AO3 and now I find them hot
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svenson777 · 7 years
THE RUINS OF BEVERAST "Towards Malakia" (Album: Exuvia, 2017)
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Elegant red and gold Atlanta outdoor wedding - Malakia and Donika
Malakia and Donika’s sophisticated, fun wedding at the Stone Ridge Event Center in Stone Mountain, Georgia, was accented by Malakia’s red wedding dress and veil and Donika’s cream tuxedo with intricate black detailing. The couple incorporated gold details into their special day, including an elegant gold and cream wedding cake with a red floral decoration. 
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I’m a huge nerd and I made patches for my gaming group. Aremo (https://www.instagram.com/aremocreates/) designed the original ‘logo’— one with the blue background and then I customized it for each of our players/characters.  The green/bronze design is going to be for me/Prennis/N1L. Prennis is a human hacker who has been separated from her original family of smugglers and criminals and is quickly coming to think of this new mess of smugglers, criminals, (and rebels) as family also. N1L is Prennis’s best friend, a droid/AI of true sentience and snark. They are an aspiring detective and just want the Force to notice them. Prennis is amazing and I love playing her but she is squishy and just wants to spend more time with her girlfriend Daja, so she is going to hold down the fort and maintain/repair the new flying secret HQ they aquired, while N1L goes out on missions with the rest of the team, which means N1L (pronounced “Nil”)  is going to become my primary PC.  
The pink/orange design is for Emily/Captain Rhaki, our incredible human smuggler pilot. She loves milkshakes, making out with folks, and her ship the Yas Queen (which is covered in flame decals).  The blue/green(ish) design is for Austin/Malakias. Kai is a mon calamari sniper and rebel veteran. He might have questionable morals, but he always protects his team. He also has a pet rock.  The red/grey/yellow design is for Aremo/Masar. Masar is a human spy and force user. He’s the reason our team is called ‘Tossbox’ because our original mission was to retrieve a box containing essentially a ‘force battery,’ and rather than do that, Masar decided to follow his feelings and throw the box into a wormhole into space instead. Eh, jedi  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The purple/teal design is for Alicia/Chee’lhei. Chi is a twi’lek jedi fugitive who escaped order 66 and joined up with the rebel alliance as a motivational yoga teacher. She’s now trying to mentor Masar, to various levels of effectiveness.  The full color design is for Joe, our DM. He’s done an awesome job crafting the world and pulling stuff together despite our incredible ability to fail at any mission even remotely involving boxes (the force batter box, a warehouse storage box, a black box data drive, its really a mess) The purple/red design is for Roy/Fah’Or. He’s our new’s player and his character is about to be introduced officially in game. Fah’Or is an idealistic Lasat who used to be on a rebel special forces team with Kai. He’s a cinnamon roll and we are going to break him. It’ll be great. 
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lucysrules · 6 years
Yes, there are now women out there who are changing their race as casually as they change their purse!  These are not your usual common cases of some over tanning or wearing a blond weave.  These ladies (and sometimes men) are causing much controversy and uproar amongst both black and white people.  But, really are we still living in a world so rigid, that we even have to identify with a particular race?  Yes of course we are but who cares about ignorant people still trying to force that way of thinking.   Race is not always internal for everybody.  Some people just consider themselves to be plain old human beings!  Be gone those stupid boxes that make you check what race you are.  It should be one box only that says “HUMAN”!  Though, the self-proclaimed “Human Barbie” might struggle with that one.  For her, they need a box that says “Plastic” or “Other Species”!  She is not a very nice person, hence my negative comment.
Anyway,  I say let them be who they want to be and look how they want to look!  They are not harming anybody else (I know many of you would argue against this) but they have the right to do to their own bodies as they wish and hang around with whomever they want.  We don’t exist in this world just to please other people.
Martina Adam aka Martina Big aka Malaikia Kubwa
Martina Adam, I love this woman.  I really just can’t get enough of her.  She fascinates me, I just want to crawl inside her head and get lost in that empty space! Martina Adam, a flat-chested white skinned German woman had always wanted to look like Pamela Anderson as a teenager. She then underwent 25 breast implant surgeries to proudly obtain the title of having “the biggest breasts in Europe”!
The former flight attendant, who changed her name to Martina Big,  proudly struts around with these gigantic basketballs on her chest.  That’s gotta take some serious balance. And still, plans to go bigger! She has accredited herself as a talented singer, model, and actress.  God bless her heart (hopefully the doctors can find it if ever necessary).  I like her video, I think it’s cute!
Martina soon becoming bored with the breast implants alone, decided she really needed to discover her true SOUL.  She went seeking on the horizon for a more exotic look.
Anybody know what is hanging off her bikini bottom?
Martina Big, aka Malaika Kubwa, soon found what she was missing.  Bye bye, Pamela Anderson look, that was so yesterday.  She decided to become a black woman.  Who knew you could even do that!  She had three melatonin injections in her stomach last year to make her skin black.  The injections apparently made her eyes turn a dark brown and her hair start growing out a “curly black” as she describes it.
She got full on weave of African textured hair and plans to have surgery on her face to have her nose widened. In addition some butt implants, which I think is sensible as it might help her balance out her boobs.
Malakia’s favorite slogans “Bigger is better” and “Black is Beautiful”, seem to work for her.  She finally managed to have the best of both in her “big big world”!  You can read more about Ms. Kubwa at https://www.martina-big.com/ .  Martina gets a lot of hatred directed towards her, but she does not let it bring her down one bit!  I say congratulations, Martina and keep on being you.  I think you are a full on black woman now and a very strong one at that.  You have to deal with resentment from both races and that can’t be an easy thing to do.  STAY BEAUTIFUL!
Black women flock by the thousands towards that jar of skin bleach…
It is far easier to find extreme examples of black women whitening their skin than white women blackening theirs!  No, supermodel Alek Wek did not bleach her naturally very dark skin and I’m glad she didn’t.  I know I have raved on about Martina, but I admit I am a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to the other way around.  I am still 100% in the belief that people can alter their appearance anyway they want to and should not receive slack or judgment about it. I will never say any skin tone is better than another because I don’t believe that.  Beautiful people and those who are a little harder on the eyes exist in every skin shade out there.  Anyway, we change our hair color, our eye color all the time – at least I do! Technology has changed, now we can change our skin color, again whoever thought!
Now, I can play devil’s advocate when it comes to the controversy of skin bleaching.  In regards to the US, in this case, it is almost like a major slap in the face towards everything that black people have struggled, suffered and fought for to provide a more liberal pathway that has been created for future generations.  The end result, many of their predecessors trying to turn white and showing that they agree that the white standard of beauty is the beauty that is preferable.  How do they not see the beauty in their own skin?  Thank goodness for role models like Alek Wek, Lupita Nyong’o, Nyakim Gatwech etc…
I love this look – just gorgeous!
Skin lightening is very subjective to me.  Sometimes it turns out looking good, other times it turns out looking plain weird.  Ashy, not really white more of a translucent shade of gray!
These results are just hideous.   None of you look like earthlings anymore.  It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Black version where the aliens messed up and forgot to bring the melatonin with them!
What shade is that, I’m not sure white people are even that white!  Lil Kim, looked so cute before she went and messed up her face.  Anyway…
It is not to easy to accumulate many examples of skin bleaching turning out well.  It only seems to happen with wealthy celebrities who were already light skinned, and really didn’t need to go any lighter as they had beautiful golden toned skin already.  At least they knew when to stop!
Stacey Dash and Iman differ in this group as these two were fairly dark, but they’re lightened brightened skin seems to have made them both look younger than their years and works for them.  Tyra, Beyonce, and Rhianna, although still stunning, I really kind of miss their old look. They looked like faded versions of who they used to be.  They were good role models for young medium skinned girls to look up to.  Now there doesn’t seem to be any medium left in Hollywood.  It’s either super dark or super light!
Dangers to be aware of before you bleach your skin
Skin whiter than Nicole Kidman’s contrasting with African features. Looks weird.
Thinning of skin
Uneven Color Loss
Blotchy appearance, Redness, and Intense Irritation
Dark Grey Spots
Skin Cancer,
Increased Appetite and Weight Gain,
Kidney Damage
There is a difference between Bleaching and Lightening Creams.  Both have dangers, however, the ones that say “lightening” are less severe.  Avoid any with the ingredients hydroquinone (now banned in Europe) and Mercury (banned in the USA).
Safer  Natural Methods
Lemon juice (use carefully)
Raw potato
Aloe Vera
Coconut Water
Healthy Skin Regimen
Most importantly, do your homework if this is a route you are determined to go.   Do not end up like this!
Women who Change their Race. Yes, there are now women out there who are changing their race as casually as they change their purse! 
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hiddenwashington · 6 years
who can you see as Dorcas Meadows, and Andromeda Black?
oh my girls!!! alright, let’s see!! for doras i could see neelam gill, cindy kimberly, zendaya, kat graham, malakia firth, keke palmer, zoe karvitz, antonia thomas or kiersey clemons!! and for andromeda i’d go with lily collins, katie stevens, margaret qualley, alexandra daddario, anna popplewell, gemma arterton, adaladie kane, or maia mitchell!!
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mayhemproduces · 2 years
Malakai Black vs Eddie Kingston - Day 4
Circling one another, we eventually get a lock up. They push, grind, trying to get an inch over the other, but they stay locked in a stalemate until Kingston gets a side headlock takeover. Headscissor reversal from Black, but Kingston shoves him off into another side headlock takeover. Another reversal, Malakia getting the wrists, bringing them up to their feet, and into a test of strength. Malakai comes in with the leverage advantage, but Kingston wins the battle, getting Malakai on the mat and into a surfboard stretch. Malakai rolls off, trapping Kingston in a waistlock. He turns them around, getting to the ropes, and we get a clean break, before Malakai punches him in the gut! Irish whip but Kingston reverses, hitting a knee to the gut. He grabs Malakai and tosses him overhead with a gutwrench suplex! Kingston pulls down the straps, and we have a match on our hands!
Firing off chops after Malakai, but Malakai counters every one with a forearm smash, before Kingston just hits an eye poke. Malakai’s blinded momentarily, and Kingston fires off those machine gun chops in the corner, pulverizing Malakai’s chest! Underneath all that ink, those blood vessels are getting agitated, and it’s only a matter of time before Malakai sports that bloodened, red chest that comes with sharing the ring with Kingston. But Malakai turns things around, switching positions and firing off body shots and shoot kicks, beating Kingston down, before Kingston floors him with a headbutt!
Chop against the ropes, and Kingston goes for an irish whip, but Malakai reverses, landing a huge back elbow! Kingston’s ear is ringing after that one, and Malakai lands several more strike and boots Kingston in the chest! Kingston lands on his behind, and Malakai flattens him with a meteora, rolling him up!
1… 2… Kickout!
Kingston out at two! Black wants to follow up with a German suplex, but Kingston squats, staying close to the ground to avoid getting thrown. Eventually Black gives up, turning Kingston around and landing a few strikes, then a back elbow, before twisting through in a shoot kick, but Kingston bats the leg away! It turns Black back around, and Eddie lifts him up, planting him with a Saito suplex! Black’s almost dropped on his neck! But he’s able to get back up, and plant Kingston with a German suplex! Kingston rolls through, and delivers an enzuigiri! Kingston drops to his knees, but Malakai stumbles around the ring, before he nails Kingston with a running knee strike!
Both wrestlers are down for the moment, the crowd hot behind the Mad KIng, and both men soon find themselves out on the apron with one another. Butting heads, the tension in AEW has spilled into this high stakes matchup. To lose now could create a slippery slope, and neither wants to go down that road. On their feet, heavy handed haymakers swing back and forth, before Kingston hits a couple of hard chops! Malakai comes back with a shoot kick, but Kingston headbutts him, and hits an Exploder suplex right on the apron! With Malakai’s history of back injuries, that could’ve ended his whole night! Kingston shoves him back into the ring, making the cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Picking Malakai up, Black hits a quick kick to the side of the leg, puncturing the side of his knee with the precise strike. More follow before he hits some body strikes. Malakai barrel rolls, sweeping both legs out from under him. Malakai off the ropes, but Kingston jumps up, turning him inside out with a clothesline! Kingston picks him up, and plants him with a sitout powerbomb!
1… 2… Kickout!
Pulling Malakai to his feet, Kingston wants the Backfist, but Malakai blocks, nailing Kingston with two rising kicks. Kingston tries to block a third, but Malakai shrugs him off, and hits a bicycle knee under the jaw! Kingston’s rocked, and Malakai jumps, nailing him with a discus knee to the side of the head! Kingston hits the mat, and Malakai hits the ropes, squashing Kingston with Nephilim! Malakai covers!
1… 2… Kickout!
Not enough to keep the Mad King down! Malakai lifts him up, and connects with a hard knee to the stomach. Kingston groans in pain before Malakai lands another knee to the chin, a shoot kick, and twists to land a back elbow. A low kick to the thigh puts Kingston on his knees, and Malakai finishes the sequence with a knee to the side of the head! Kingston falls to his knees, and Malakai runs the ropes - but Kingston jumps up again! BACKFIST TO THE FUTURE! Malakai goes down, and Kingston falls into the cover!
1… 2… 3!
“Here is your winner, Eddie Kingston!”
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staticnerd · 2 years
With Fenix back we can finally get some real progression with House of Black. Also them explaining Alex's shit outfit was appreciated (stupid but in a good way) love this. Finally getting a real 6 man tag at DoN.
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staticnerd · 2 years
Look I know yall on here wang PAC to win and I respect that, but I NEED Miro to win. Man is doing the best work of his career rn
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staticnerd · 3 years
"What in the Karate Kid am I watching?"
-My Aunt seeing PAC wrestling with a blindfold on
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staticnerd · 3 years
Ya know...
He brought this on himself. He did not have to call them out
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