#male spankiing
emmacarterhere · 5 days
In my dark basement, he's on his knees, his butt bare. I make him wait, scared and excited. I whip him hard, and he cries out. But I gag him so he can't speak. It's all about pain and pleasure, and I love it.
Inspired from @thatdommegal posts ✨✨
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poicynvenlocke · 4 days
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cas-skz · 1 year
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After a friends birthday party, you and a Hyunjin convince Binnie to have a little fun.
18+!! MDNI
WARNINGS/WHAT TO EXPECT: pet names (brat), mentions of drinking, spanky spank spanking, more spanking
I don’t know why my brain thought of this but it did so I went with it and I like it. Ok love you so much. - cas xx
“Stop taking my nuggets!” You yelled, hurling a pillow towards Hyunjin, who made an attempt to hide behind your boyfriend, giggling like an idiot. “This is why I don’t buy you two McDonald’s!” Changbin put in, catching the pillow with one hand.
The three of you had just come from a friend's birthday party, Changbin being the designated driver, with a hint of babysitter, to you and Hyunjin. The drunken antics Hyunjin had started with you had lead to you both screaming and begging for junk food.
Hyunjin leaned around to kiss Bin’s cheek, flipping you off as he did. “Thank you my superhero.” He said, dancing over to the laptop, poking around YouTube to find a song. Changbin joined you on the couch, “You two are little brats.” He scoffed, snacking on a few french fries. “You love us.” You giggled, poking at his cheek.
Hyunjin did a little dance over to the couch, bouncing down on the other side of Binnie. “Yea, you looove us.” Hyunjin leaned over, his hands resting on Changbin’s lap as he whispered to you, in a giggle. “We’re his little brats and he loves us.”
Changbin’s hand slapped down on Hyunjin’s ass, earning a little whimper from the male. “Hey!” Hyunjin wiggled to roll on Bin’s lap, looking up at him with a little pout. “Not nice.” He whined.
You couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at Hyunjin’s dramatic response. “Oh, please.” You start, poking Hyunjin’s nose. “That was barely anything.” You laid on your belly, stealing Changbin’s other thigh to rest on, facing Hyunjin. The two of you bouncing your chins off his muscular thighs. “Okay, drunk 1 and 2, I think it’s time for bed.” Bin laughed, patting you both on the head. You and Hyunjin gave each other a look, simultaneously crawling up to face level.
“But Binnie, we wanna stay up.” You say, your hand gripping at his knee. Hyunjin poked at his belly, walking to fingers around in circles. “Yea…We’re not even drunk anymore.” Hyunjin batted his eyes at Changbin, and you nodded in agreement with him. “But, I think we deserve spankings for being little brats.”
Changbin made you both promise to not tell anyone else. Setting rules, the safe words. “You’re not allowed to move until I say so.” Changbin swished back another shot of whiskey, his eyes darkened happily at the sight of you and Hyunjin, bent over the bed, bare asses in the air. “So, what does the winner get tonight?” Bin asked, his hand moving slowly over your rear.
“The rest of the night with you.” You both say smirking.
Changbin shook his head, laughing quietly. “Such brats.” He said, laying down the first smack on your ass. You bit your lip hard, holding yourself steady as his hand slapped down on Hyunjin next. His fingers curled into the sheets next to yours as the second round of slaps rang out.
The harder Bin slapper, the more you and Hyunjin jolted with excitement, the pain from Changbin’s hand sending shock waves to your core.
Changbin laid down a few snacks in a row, almost causing you to fall, but you held yourself up. “Tap out anytime.” Hyunjin smirked. A look that quickly disappeared as Changbin’s hand smacked down again, adding to his already red and swollen cheeks. Changbin’s hand moved back and forth, giving equal attention to you and Hyunjin.
You couldn’t help but hide your face in the sheets, the stings of his slaps earning a loud shriek. Hyunjin’s hand quickly grabbed yours as Changbin continued to slap at full strength, your fingers gripping tightly with Hyunjin’s, whining and moaning as the welts started to turn into bruises.
“Please Binnie….I can’t hold myself up anymore.” Hyunjin pouted, you nodded in agreement.
Hyunjin’s knee’s collapsed first, his body flopping down on the bed, a goofy smile on his face. “White flag. Man down.”
Changbin got a few more good slaps in on you before you fell next to Hyunjin, simply giving a wave of your hand to give up. You couldn’t help the small whines that continued, your body was vibrating like crazy.
Hyunjin was trying his best to hide how turned on he had gotten, but his body was practically humping the sheets. You didn’t even have the chance to hide how wet you were, since Binnie’s hands ran gently over your sensitive butt, leading towards your entrance.
“What if…” Changbin leaned hovered behind you, his body pressing against yours as he reached over to lift Hyunjin’s head to bring his attention to him. “You both stayed with me tonight.”
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nysocboy · 3 months
Gemstones Episode 3.2: Kelvin's butt buddies, gay Percy, two toxic families, and a lot of soldiers
Episode 3.2 introduces Eli's estranged brother-in-law Peter Montgomery, his sons, and a disturbing super-macho mirror of Kelvin's God Squad.
Title: "But Esau Ran to Meet Him," from Genesis 33.4.  Jacob has tricked his father Isaac into giving him the inheritance.  Esau is furious and vows to kill him, so he flees.  When he returns after 20 years, Esau behaves as if he is happy to see him, but....
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Stephen's abusive wife:  Stephen, who was fired as Judy's guitarist after her brothers discovered their affair, is trying to tell his wife Kristy that he was "laid off," not fired.  She doesn't buy it.  It's a highly abusive relationship: she calls him "an unemployed, cokehead piece of shit who sulks all day."  He screams "Fuck you!", and she hits him with a glass blender.  Shattered glass all over his face and head, in front of the kids!  Whoa, scary.The Gemstones and their partners argue, but they never use abusive language or physical violence.  Except for the time that Amber shot Jesse in the butt. 
Later, Judy meets Stephen at Spanky's Cafe, a real restaurant in North Charleston, and offers him $10,000 to leave her alone: "I don't want to see you no' mo'."  But he still wants her.  Judy points out that he's married, but it doesn't matter: "I'd leave my family in a second if I could have you.  I'd murder them." Say what?  This guy is a psycho. Of course, he should leave his abusive wife, but murder her...and the kids?
Kelvin's Butt Buddies:  Jesse and Amber's adult son Gideon, who moved to California to become a stuntman, is back, lying on the veranda in a bathrobe, smoking a cigarette, holding a box of Lucky Charms cereal, and sulking.  The background song by Buddy Knox tells us: "I think I'm going to kill myself."  He injured his neck, and may never do stunt work, tumbling, or martial arts again.  At least he's displaying a nice chest.
In a much, much nicer parallel to the Stephen-Mandy confrontation, Gideon's parents order him to stop feeling sorry for himself, get off his butt, and go to work for the church.  But he doesn't want to preach.  Ok, so he can become Eli's driver. Remember that the long-term driver, Walker, was fired.
We cut to Gideon on his first assignment, driving Eli and the siblings to see if May-May's kids are ok.  They are living with her estranged husband, Peter Montgomery, and his militia, the Brotherhood of Tomorrow's Fires: they expect end of civilization, like Eli's Y2K scare back in 1999.   Eli calles them preppers: "They want to make sure they don't run out of toilet paper."
On the way to the compound, at the defunct Boy Scout Camp Wooden Feather, the siblings discuss their cousins, Karl and Chuck.  Kelvin says that he always found them "kind of dumb and strange."  But you haven't seen them since 2000, when you were ten or eleven.  How much do you remember?
Judy: "That's why I'm surprised you weren't butt buddies with them."  
He gets annoyed, not because she alludes to him being gay but because she implied that he's also "dumb and strange," and therefore perfect for the Montgomerys.
Not the God Squad:  Bizarre signs like "Now we will see" greet the family, along with multiple armed guards.  They pass Jacob (Stephen Louis Grush) cutting up a deer.  Kelvin smiles at him -- think he's hot, buddy?.  Then a military-style obstacle course;  guys practicing martial arts; a guy taking a shower outdoors (no beefcake); and finally the mess hall, where about thirty militia men are having lunch.
Wait -- no women and children?  The actual far-right militia movement has many female participants, but this is a male-only space, like Kelvin's God Squad in Season 2, but with scruffy guys in military fatigues instead of flexing musclemen.  It is dedicated to phileo instead of eros, buddy-bonding instead of homoerotic desire. An article on Doomsday Preppers notes that these male-only groups "cultivate a dangerous vision of apocalyptic manhood that consummates a fantasy of national virility in the demise of feminine society."  Women are weak and fragile, their civilization doomed. Only the "manly love of comrades" can survive the Apocalypse. 
May-May's son Chuck ushers Eli and the siblings in. They are greeted by Cousin Karl (Robert Oberst), who is delighted to see them; and Uncle Peter (Steve Zahn, below), who is not.  It's time for church, so get out!  No, the siblings offer to help lead the service: Jesse will preach, Judy will sing, and Kelvin will  perform some "feats of strength" for the kids -- the only time he references his muscles during the season.  No kids around, but maybe the militia guys would like to see some masculine beauty.  
Uncle Peter rejects the siblings' offer.  They are "phony fakers," entertainers, interested in making money rather than saving souls. 
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Kelvin's Gay Friend: At the Salvation Center, Jesse, Kelvin, and designer Percy (Aaron Goldenberg) are going over the plans for the new executive boardroom. Percy has a gay-stereotyped name and occupation, so we can safely identify him as gay.
Background Alert: Aaron Goldenberg and Jake Jonez' video sketches, with the Mean Gays invading your dinner party, rejecting you as a hookup, and so on, have gone viral, with upwards of 35 million views across social media platforms.  In 2024, they "invaded" the Razzie Awards, giving them a national spotlight.
Back in the board room, Kelvin lays on the campy behavior and criticizes Judy's choice of color scheme,  becoming a hip-wiggling, eye-rolling, sassy Queer Eye for the Straight Guy host. He has been swishing like a Mean Gay all season, making sure that anyone who talks to him for a moment will figure "it" out.
When Martin comes in to tell them about a meeting with the Board of Ministers, Jesse orders Percy to "get the f* out," but Kelvin says goodbye nicely, while fiddling with his "wedding ring."   Why is Kelvin being nice to him?  In universe, he recognizes another gay person.  Structurally, we learn that Kelvin has gay friends.  He and Keefe are closeted, but not isolated: they are participating in the local LGBT community. 
Gaslighting BJ:  The siblings visit Eli at his fishing cabin to reveal that the Board of Ministers is "disgruntled," unhappy with how they are running the church.  But Eli refuses help: he won't always be around, and they have to learn to work together to solve their problems.   
Then Judy and BJ's Date Night: they leave the theater, discussing how cool it was to go to a movie and throw popcorn at people's heads.  "Lately we haven't been on the same page," Judy comments.  BJ doesn't know what she's talking about, so she digs herself in deeper, claiming that they were "on a break" when she was on tour.  Uh-oh, when you are on a break, you can see other people.
When he protests, she gaslights him, claiming that he said it.  Manipulative, but not nearly as crazy as last season's Judy.
Where's Keefe?  Judy/BJ and Kelvin/Keefe scenes almost always run parallel, so we should see the guys having marital problems immediately before or after Judy gaslights BJ.  But Keefe does not appear in this episode; we see Kelvin swishing it up in the board room instead.  This suggests that Kelvin's conflict is not with Keefe, but rather with his new position of authority.  It's one thing to be obviously gay while doing low prestige, nearly invisible jobs, and quite another to be gay while running the church.
Peter is Bat Shit Crazy:  Time for church in the militia compound. While the men sing "Power in the Blood." the feds raid!  Guys are being grabbed, assaulted, even shot and killed!   Cousins Karl and Chuck manage to escape, even though the guy in front of them is grabbed.
They  run to the "safe house":  a middle-aged women is sitting on a chair in the woods, making a sandwich while half-naked kids frolick. It is a surreal scene.  Who is she?  A militia man's wife?  A nature spirit?  The guardian of the underworld? She wordlessly points to a nearby cabin where ten or twelve militia guys have gathered, and we return to ordinary time.
Peter wants to know who alerted the feds -- the Gemstones?  And why did Karl and Chuck invite them in the first place?  Are they traitors? 
"No, Mama invited the Gemstones.  We had nothing to do with it." 
Peter doesn't believe them.  To get them to confess, he cuts part of Jacob's ear off!  Karl intervenes, and Peter orders his men to get him.  The Cousins run. Whoa, is he planning to disfigure his children?  This is even more toxic that Stephen-Kristy, like Kelvin's tyrannical rule of the God Squad times a thousand. 
Cut to Gideon driving Eli to a cheap motel, where Chuck, Karl, and May-May are hiding.  Peter is gunning for them -- and for the Gemstones.  His goons are parked right outside. So you ask Eli to come to your hotel and get spotted by the goons? Good thinking, Sis.  
The Shoe-Throwing Match: The Board of Ministers, representing every area of church administration, from finance to end-of-life services, want to know the siblings' plan for handling the declining membership.  They can't think of anything except an impromptu catch phrase, "We three and thee." You were notified of this meeting far in advance, plenty of time to think of a plan.  The meeting devolves into a shoe-throwing fight.  Kelvin continues to promote femme-gay behavior by wearing a glittery vest. 
Meanwhile, Eli agrees to hide the Montgomery Boys in his mansion.  To escape Peter's goons,  Gideon has do some fancy stunt driving, crash a few cars, plow through a golf course, and slam on the brakes to make his assailants crash into each other -- just below a "were you injured at work?" ambulance-chaser billboard.  The end.
Work problems, marital problems, and now a militia gunning for them.  The siblings are spiraling! 
The full review, with explicit soldier photos , is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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justforbooks · 1 year
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In a brief biographical sketch, the crime writer Christopher Fowler, who has died aged 69, claimed he had achieved several of his “pathetic schoolboy fantasies”: releasing an “appalling” Christmas pop single; working as a male model; posing as the villain in a Batman graphic novel; running a Soho night club; appearing in The Pan Book of Horror series; and standing in for James Bond. Rather than examples of Fowler’s wicked sense of humour, all these claims were true. Time Out, meanwhile, called him “an award-winning novelist who would make a good serial killer”.
He was best known for his Bryant & May thrillers, featuring the elderly, venerable detectives Arthur Bryant and John May, who head up the Peculiar Crimes Unit, a department of the London police set up during the second world war to investigate cases that might cause a national scandal or public unrest. The pair had made appearances in some of Fowler’s early novels – Rune (1990), Darkest Day (1993) and Soho Black (1998) – before breaking out into their own long-running series, starting with Full Dark House in 2003.
Bryant, an irascible technophobe, and May, more accepting of the ways of modern life, have been partners for more than 60 years, having first teamed up in 1940 when they were 23 and 19 respectively. The first novel begins with the death by explosion of Bryant; while May investigates, he discovers connections with the pair’s very first case, the killing of a dancer during the blitz, which is told in flashback.
The Gothic air and clashing personalities continued into sequels, each intended to explore a different sub-genre of crime fiction, described by Fowler as “all the devices of classic murder mysteries, including disguised identities, locked room puzzles, surprise ending and nick-of-time rescues”.
The intended one-off novel became six books, then 12 and eventually 20, including two collections of short stories. Central to the series – and many of his other works – was Fowler’s love of London. He found the city endlessly fascinating and delighted in discovering its odder corners and the strangeness of its inhabitants, past and present. “The most bizarre facts in this book are the truest,” he noted in the acknowledgments of The Water Room, the second in the series, published in 2004.
Fowler began writing books alongside a career in the film industry, having co-founded the film promotion agency the Creative Partnership while in his 20s. This gave him the freedom to write what he liked, which made him a publisher’s nightmare: the unclassifiable author. After producing two novels that failed to launch and publishing two humorous titles, How to Impersonate Famous People (1984) and The Ultimate Party Book (1985), Fowler sold two collections of horror stories – City Jitters (1986) and More City Jitters (1988) – to the publisher of his near-neighbour, the novelist and playwright Clive Barker.
He followed this with Roofworld (1988), an urban fantasy novel about battling gangs and secret occult societies who use zipwires and bungee cords to travel above the city – inspired by the interconnected rooftops of London’s densely packed streets and his knowledge of how burglars would break into buildings through the top floor.
Roofworld established some of Fowler’s common themes – warfare between classes, battling evil corporations, and secret worlds existing within touching distance of unsuspecting Londoners – and introduced recurring characters, including DS Janice Longbright, who later served in the Peculiar Crimes Unit.
The real myths and mysteries of London held more interest to him than the supernatural horror of his earlier novels, although that did not stop him writing disturbing and blackly humorous takes on old themes: Rune’s subliminal messages echo MR James’ Casting the Runes; in Red Bride (1992) an ordinary man is seduced by a succubus; and in Spanky (1994) the hero engages in a Faustian pact with a demon.
The family at the heart of Psychoville (1995) are driven out of the suburbs by its change-resistant middle-class community; Disturbia (1996) has its hero uncover the machinations of a secret society; Hell Train (2011) is a homage to Hammer Films; Nyctophobia (2014) is a haunted house story; Little Boy Found (2017, as LK Fox) a psychological thriller; and Hot Water (2022) a murder mystery.
Fowler’s influences included Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy (which he called “powerful, black and funny”), John Dickson Carr’s The Hollow Man (“the ultimate in sleight-of-hand”) and JG Ballard (“his ‘five minutes into the future’ books were startling in their prescience”), the latter strongly influencing The Sand Men (2015).
His short story Left Hand Drive was filmed in 1993, and The Master Builder was made into the TV movie Through the Eyes of a Killer (1992), with Tippi Hedren. He won five British Fantasy awards, including for Full Dark House. Other Bryant & May novels won prizes and he was awarded the 2015 Crime Writers’ Association Dagger in the Library award for his body of work. His memoir Paperboy (2009) won the inaugural Green Carnation award.
Fowler was born in Greenwich, south-east London, the son of Lilian (nee Upton), a legal secretary, and William Fowler, a glass-blower and designer of scientific instruments with whom Fowler had a troubled relationship. He grew up reading fantasy, horror and science fiction, graduating from Superman comics to Tolkien and Ballard in his teens.
He was educated at Colfe’s grammar school in Lee before enrolling to study art at Goldsmiths College in 1972, although he left to take up work as a copywriter in various advertising agencies. At the age of 26 he set up the Creative Partnership with the producer Jim Sturgeon to market films, becoming a one-stop shop producing trailers, posters and commercials for radio and TV.
The company worked on campaigns for Bernardo Bertolucci, Peter Greenaway, Ridley Scott, Quentin Tarantino, David Cronenberg, Mike Leigh and many others, on movies ranging from Alien – they were paid £20 for the line “In space no one can hear you scream” – and The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, to GoldenEye and Reservoir Dogs.
The Creative Partnership opened an office in Beverley Hills and Fowler spent the early 80s in the US, but could find only badly paid, uncreative work. With time on his hands he began writing, finding success after returning to London. He was able to maintain a steady output, including a graphic novel (Menz Insana, 1997), a stage play (Celebrity, produced at the Phoenix, London, in 2010), and the War of the Worlds video game (2011) for Paramount.
He also wrote a 319-episode series of short essays on forgotten authors for the Independent on Sunday, partly collected as Invisible Ink (2012) and The Book of Forgotten Authors (2017). Essay 319 featured Christopher Fowler, described as “a typical example of the late 20th-century midlist author ... [whose] ability of turning his hand to most literary forms granted him the honorary title of ‘Wordslut’”.
Fowler was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in March 2020. He worked on his 20th Bryant & May novel, London Bridge is Falling Down (2021), while undergoing chemotherapy in hospital, and the following year published Bryant & May’s Peculiar London, in which his characters explore the true life eccentricities and elusive byways of the city. His third volume of memoirs, Word Monkey (following Paperboy and Film Freak, 2013), is due out in August.
Fowler formed a civil partnership in 2007 with the TV executive Peter Chapman, and 10 years later they married. Peter survives him, along with his younger brother, Steven.
🔔 Christopher Robert Fowler, author and screenwriter, born 26 March 1953; died 2 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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tonyspank · 10 months
"It's a whole man with tiddies at that point" my friend, I don't think you get the gist here. We have women with dicks in this fandom. I don't see you complaining about that. A "man" with tiddies would be no different. We would not be complaining about that. #EnbiesRule. Just move on, dude, because you have no logical reason to be here still complaining. Just ignore the faceclaim if you hate it that much. I ignore it because I like fem shit and you can easily do the same. The Spankmeister can do whatever they want, how they want, and are not obligated to change shit just for you. 🤺 Thou has no right reading about our respledent (mini) Latina Wife with this attitude towards those of mixed & ambiguous features!
Also, Spanky (I am so sorry), if need be, I think you can block Anons now, right? Just figured I'd toss that out there
THANK YOU ! that is such a good point, literally half my fics are g!p, i’ve wrote about ass eating, zombies, and everything else but the one thing you complain about is a g!p reader having a male faceclaim, i cannot
you’re going to make me blush omg 🤭
no need to apologize for them and thank you again for telling me, i did not know that
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Val Venis x Fem Reader- "Mr. Ass"
Hopefully none of you reading this fanfiction will be offended by it, so viewer discretion is advised.
We all know professional wrestling is when 2 or more people are beating each other up.
But in professional wrestling, there's often moments of wrestlers tapping out from the pain, such as when they're locked in painful submissions.
When these wrestlers tap out, that's them crying out for their opponent to stop hurting them.
Here's one way of taping out in a wrestling match...
On a "Sunday Night Heat" episode that aired in November 1998, you and Billy Gunn had a mixed tag team match against Val Venis and Sable.
The highlight of this match was when you were laying down on your stomach in the ring due to you selling a move, and Val was standing right next to you.
In fact, Val was the one who performed that move on you.
He did a delayed vertical suplex on you, where his hands held on to you as he pulled your body and your legs up in the air while your face was buried in his shoulder and then he threw you over his shoulder and slammed you into the ring.
After he did that, he crouched down to where you were laying.
Now was his chance.
The audience's eyes were focused on Val, eager to see what he might do to you, especially considering he plays a porn star.
With his iconic sleazy shiteating grin on his face while he crouched down next to you, he placed his hands under you and rolled you over until you were now laying on your stomach.
While you laid on your stomach on the ring, his hand began to repeatedly spank your ass.
His hand was spanking both of your ass cheeks at the same time, his hand spanking you as hard as he could.
During the first spank, you let out a yelp and a shriek while your face scrunched in pain.
You were shrieking and screaming in pain from selling how much pain he's putting you through from spanking your rear, and you couldn't crawl away from him even if you tried.
It would be difficult for you to run away from him since he's bigger than you are.
Even if you did try to run away from him, he could've locked one of your legs in between his leg, which surprisingly he didn't do.
As Val spanked your ass repeatedly, the audience-especially the male fans--was getting out of their seats and cheering, whereas your hands were beating on the ring as you screamed, screaming out for no more.
If Val could, he'd pull your bottoms down and spank your bare ass cheeks until you scream.
Even getting spanked while your ass cheeks are covered hurts.
Your eyes were shut and your mouth was agape as you screamed out, your hands wanting out of his hands spanking you.
Val grinned as he spanked your ass, staring at you with that wicked grin as he spanked you.
"How painful are those spanks?" a commentator asked.
"Why can't it be Sable spanking her?" another commentator asked.
"Wouldn't it make more sense if Billy Gunn spanked her?" a commentator asked. "Considering he's Mr. Ass?"
Honestly, you'd rather be spanked by Val rather than Sable, much to the dismay of the horny eager male fans in the audience.
How ironic I type this fanfiction and post it on Brian Kendrick's birthday---and one of his wrestling names/monikers was Spanky!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Bembol Roco in Manila in the Claws of Light (Lino Brocka, 1975) Cast: Bembol Roco, Hilda Koronel, Lou Salvador Jr., Joonee Gamboa, Pio De Castro III, Danilo Posadas, Joe Jardi, Spanky Manikan, Edipolo Erosido, Pancho Pelagio, Lily Gamboa Mendoza, Tommy Yap, Juling Bagabaldo. Screenplay: Clodualdo Del Mundo Jr., based on a novel by Edgardo Reyes. Cinematography: Mike De Leon, Clodualdo Del Mundo Jr. Film editing: Ike Jarlego Jr., Edgardo Jarlego. Music: Max Jocson. The title, Manila in the Claws of Light ("Light" is sometimes translated as "Neon"), is enigmatic. But there's nothing enigmatic about this straightforwardly harrowing look at the working class in the Marcos-era Philippines. The protagonist, Julio (Bembol Roco), has left his village, where he was a fisherman, to search for his girlfriend, Ligaya (Hilda Koronel), who was lured away to Manila with other girls by a woman who called herself "Mrs. Cruz" and promised good factory jobs and schooling. When we first meet Julio, he's scrounging for work at construction sites, having been robbed of the money he brought with him to the city. The other workmen help Julio survive after he collapses from hunger on the first day, and their friendship and solidarity in the face of the bosses who routinely cheat them of their full pay help get him on his feet. In his spare time, he continues his search for Ligaya, having learned that she's been lured into prostitution and is now the mistress of Ah Tek, who runs an import-export business. Julio stakes out Ah Tek's business in Manila's Chinatown, hoping for a glimpse of Ligaya. Meanwhile, he endures unemployment with the help of his friends, and survives a bad period by working in a male brothel. His eventual reunion with Ligaya is brief and tragic. The film provides a fascinating look at the underworld of a city that could stand for almost any other metropolis, and director Lino Brocka keeps it moving with a well-paced alternation between desperation and recovery until the shattering end. The cast is uniformly fine, and the realistic view of the city keeps the story from tilting into melodrama.
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Problematic Wicca
I’ve read some posts about Gardnerian Wicca being problematic, and it’s often the people within bringing their trash to it rather than it having issues as a religion. It was born out of the Edwardian era and thus carries with it the baggage of older men wanting to be ‘rebellious’ to their class and station with a little nudity and a little spanky spanky which Gardner and companions were fans of. It is also a very binary gender oriented path where male and female are required in certain positions or circles can’t even be cast. Ritual nudity is either an issue or not as is the spanky spanky aspect and it’s up to the individual  seeker to take it or leave it. The gender issues are also up to the individual and their coven as a group to decide how they approach the ideas of gender in their spiritual practice. Most Neo-Wicca/101 books will tell you to run far from a group ‘requiring’ nudity, but it’s part and parcel of Gardnerian work.
If one is inclined to a more ‘churchy,’ more structured path, Gard could be what they seek as it is often formal with a liturgy and the routine of every Gard doing the same thing on more or less the same ritual nights. It also has the benefit of its lineages of covens and priests and priestesses being taken very seriously, and your work and experience is able to be vetted - often traceable back to Gardner himself. Some may see this as a way of establishing credibility and standing in a community that is often awash in, ‘... I just call myself that because it sounds neat..!’
The issues with Neo-Wicca, for me, often come down to the lack of their being any rules at all. It’s seekers confusing being a witch with being Wiccan. Wicca is (often/not always) a secret, initiatory religion that has rules to follow, and it has rituals held at specific times of the year. It has a set way of performing a ritual/circle casting, and it has specific ideas/ethics on spell casting. Witchcraft/being a witch - as a path separate from Wicca - is what you make of it, what works for you, out of your own culture and lifestyle and occupation as generation upon generation of people have done before you. This is found in every culture the world over. If you said, I’m a witch because I said so and I do what I want to do, I’d say, that’s fine - good for you. If you said, I’m a Wiccan just because I said so and I do what I want, I’d say, no, you’re not.
I would also say that there are Wiccans who don’t call themselves witches, and obviously, being a witch does not automatically make you Wiccan... and there are Gardnerians who would say, if you’re not Gard, you’re not really Wiccan because words mean things. Even the word pagan (used in a modern context) becomes hotly contested with a host of meanings, feelings, and ideas attached to it when all it means is a path that is not one of the big 3 Abrahamic religions.
So if anything is ‘problematic,’ it is often the lack of understanding, research, and/or education into the esoteric path an individual thinks they are following.
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emmacarterhere · 16 hours
In the cold basement, I strap him tightly to a wooden bench, his ass exposed and vulnerable. I insert a metal plug, chilling him to the core, and secure it with a harness. With a leather paddle in hand, I strike his cheeks, each hit harder than the last, leaving red, stinging welts. His muffled cries from the gag fuel my excitement. I lean in, twisting the plug slightly, and whisper, "Your pain is my pleasure. Let's see how much more you can take."
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
You're Henry's new Little, he's been your Daddy for a couple of weeks and he takes you to a party with other Daddies and Littles.
You were having fun with your fellow Littles, but you start to get jealous, see Henry being nice to other Littles.
"My Daddy!" You bark, crossing your arms and stomping your foot.
Henry freezes, he knows he should be upset with you for being bratty, rude and disobedient, but he finds your jealous possessiveness adorable.
"I am your Daddy, Pumpkin." He smiles at you, cupping your face in his hands. "And no one, but you, will ever my Little Princess." He promises, kissing you softly.
🥺🥺🥺👉👈 okay this would be me soo bad (this is actually a true story of yours truley from primary school)
At first he found it cute and tapped your nose before ushering you to go play.
“no daddy- noo i cant-” you complained but he just tilted his head and rose a brow at you.
“now now dont be like that, you are here to play now go make some freinds or we will go home” he chided quietly trying to tame your impending paddy
“i dont mind lets go!” you quipped giving the other little a glare and cuddle henry tightly dareing them to make a move to your daddy
“if you make us leave early by being naughty you’ll spend the rest of the day writing lines and have an early bed time in your crib” he added pressing a hand to your head. You pouted but gave in and walked over to the others pulling a sour face
“good girl”, just ignor her poppet, daddy loves you” he praised and kissed your head making you preen and play.
you got more and more irritated as this other little girl continued to pester your daddy, asking for juice and to go upstairs to the potty, he had to carry her back into the roomover and over but she still got up and went looking for him.
each time he came in he noticed you were getting more and more upset.
you told her to stop pestering your daddy but she wouldnt instead she stuck her tongue out at you.
you tried to ignore her and be good not wanted to let your daddy down... Or have to write lines... or spankies
“hes gonna want to be my daddy now! Your a bad little he dont even check on you!!” she said nastily kicking the  game a jenga down. she seemed angry the your daddy kept returning her to the play room without a word. 
you ignored her and continued playing a game of jenga building the tower up again to play wit the other littles shaking upset with her words but didnt want to let her see.
after a few moments she gave up leving you alone making you relax
and thats when it happened! you heard screaming and crying and your daddies came in to the room looking for the problem. 
“daddy she bit me!” you looked up confused and saw the nasty girl pointing at you.
henry frowned and came over hands on hips “nugget?” he warned clearly asking what happened.
“no- i didnt she was being mean and told me you want her not me- and and then she kicked my blocks... But i ignored her daddy!” you pleaded watching as the other girl was scopped up in her daddies arms who was eyeing the red bite mark on her arm with a frown.
henry eyed you for a second and turned as the other daddy came over with his screaming little.
“she didnt bite no one we were playing blocks” a little boy backed you up making you nod frantically.
Henry looked over the bite wound and frowned... That wasnt you.
“henry libby says it was definitly y/n...” the other male said slowly but henry shook his head.
“nope not my baby girl”
“how are you so sure?” 
“libby can i have a look at your boo boo?” you froze heart clenching as henry spoke to the other little who sniffled and nodded holding her arm out.
“This wasnt y/n, she had a tooth out two weeks ago at the dentist... this was a full set of teeth.. I have a feeling little miss libby wanted to get my little one in trouble by biteing herself” henry spoke and noted the other man didn’t look convinced released the little girls arm before coming over to you.
you whined and made grabby hands as he came over “come on you up we go, now can you open up and show libby’s daddy your teethy pegs~”
you did as asked tilting your head back showing off the new tooth sized gap in your top row of teeth. libby froze and cried harder throwing herself on her daddy now upset at being caught out.
her daddy scowled at her feeling embarassed by her behaviour and  walked off to another room excusing himself needing to ‘chat’ 
“and with that said i think its snack time!” henry called bouncing you on his hip walking throughto the kitchen.
he didnt let you down once there either getting the feeling you needed a little more cuddling as you tears fell, you’d been upset and felt a little put out all day with the other girls antics, but so well behaved.
“how about a bottle sweet pea?” he offered sitting down with you in his lap and fished a prepared bottole handing it to another daddy who was preparing his own for his little boy.
you perked up nodding, you love bottles because you got to stay cuddled up in your daddies arms.
and the best bit was libby’s face when she was sat on a chair at the table with a plate of snacks and looked at you and henry longingly as he cradled you cooing over you as he fed you.
libby burst into tears again not happy at all as you were snuggled and babied infront of her. she was jealous.
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mayflowers07 · 3 years
I’ve been watching too much Keralis because I’ve started calling my kids angel-face and sweet-face
Been having so many nHo feels lately I really need to get around to writing them but Lab Rat is taking over me. I just want fluffy nHo all sleeping in a cuddle pile, in a blanket fort chatting away as night rolls in, probably playing truth or dare. Yes they are capable adults individually but put together they regress to teenagers. Pillow fights devolve into sleeping whenever they fall, all tangled together unsure whose limb belongs to whom.
Also in Beef’s ICBTOYC where you describe Beef and Doc as the parents of the nHo with Etho and Bdubs as the troublesome kids? Just so much yes. Because yes. Imagine them on a road trip. Doc telling them he will turn this car around if they don’t stop fighting. Beef of course brought sweets and snacks for the trip. Etho is getting in Bdubs’ face but not touching him, getting Bdubs ready to burst before acting all innocent. Gah these boys.
Bdubs as a cheerleader. I don’t know why it came to me as I was driving home, but yes. I’m not talking male cheerleader either. I’m talking Bdubs in the tiny skirt with spanky pants underneath, little crop top, and Pom poms. Thing is I feel like he’s be really good? Like doing cartwheels and cheers and the constant peppiness, he’s already a cheerleader for his friends, I just want him in the outfit and rocking it.
I love that you love purring Doc because it’s a total head canon of mine that he purrs. He barely even notices it, but you know if he’s chilling with other hermits and they hear him purr it’s like total acknowledgement that Doc is super happy to be with them. He’s usually written as so frosty to others, and I think he would be to outsiders, but to his hermits (yes they’re his, yes he is possessive) he’s just so happy to be part of the family he’s super happy for headbutts of love and hugs. Him and Ren giving happy headbutts to each other through purrs and happy whines is like perfection to me.
For someone scared of cats, Doc is very very catlike. He purrs he hissed and on more than one occasion a hermit has found him in a hissing battle with one of the server cats. Not Jellie though he doesn’t mess with the server Queen. He does sometimes fall asleep in patches of sunlight though.
First off, that’s so adorable oh my god
Second off I hope you know that these are all wonderful and have singlehandedly made my day. You are fueling my addiction to Doc, Bdubs, and nHO content and I thank you for it
Also you writing more for Lab Rats simultaneously excites me and scares me for the pain you are inevitably going to cause these men
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architectnews · 3 years
Ten student architecture projects from the University of Westminster
A project that examines restoring damaged peatlands in Scotland and another that addresses the housing needs of income poor young people in Beijing are included in Dezeen's latest school show by students at the University of Westminster.
It also includes a mycelium product factory where a repurposed prison provides ideal conditions for growing sustainable products and a redesigned climbing wall highlighting the connection between sport and the natural world.
University of Westminster
School: University of Westminster, School of Architecture + Cities Course: Architecture BA (Hons), Architecture and Environmental Design BSc (Hons), Interior Architecture BA (Hons), Architectural Technology BSc (Hons), Designing Cities BA (Hons), Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Constance Lau, Stephen Harty John Zhang, David Porter, Paolo Cascone, Panagiota Adileniduo, Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo, Tabatha Mills, Adam Thwaites, David Mathewson, Elisa Engel, Kester Rattenbury, Sean Griffiths, Anthony Boulanger, Stuart Piercy, Callum Perry John Cook, Laura Nica and Ben Pollock
School statement:
"The School of Architecture and Cities offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as research degrees a few moments from Baker Street. Here, students can enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, including the extensive Fabrication Laboratory and dedicated open-plan design studios.
"Open 2021 is a rolling programme of events being created by the school's staff and students, which reflect the varied design approaches of the School of Architecture and Cities and their place at the heart of London.
"It will feature 750 student projects, drawing on the vast body of developmental and finished work imagined and realised over the course of the last academic year. The show will transform student work into digital assets, creating an extraordinary display of new architecture and a compelling visitor experience. The show opens on 17 June until 30 September."
The Bioengineering Experimental School of Architecture: Designing for the Prevention of Fires by Momchil Petrinski
"In this project, the notion of 'fire' from the laboratory experiments serves multiple purposes, from the 'gallery' for public knowledge, heat distribution to the surrounding buildings and the cultivation of the green spaces.
"The dense urban site of Little Britain and proposed Tower is approached as a Borgesian labyrinth where the ever-green public gardens extend across the horizontal and vertical landscapes, and resting places for the homeless community are embedded within the public realm."
Student: Momchil Petrinski Course: Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Constance Lau and Stephen Harty Email: [email protected]
Ideal Landscape from Luo Shen Fu Tu by Yunuo Zheng
"The proposal is a spatial narrative telling the ancient Chinese story of the painting Luo Shen Fu Tu created by the famous Eastern Jin painter Gu Kaizhi based on the plot of Cao Chi's work Luo Shen Fu.
"This is not just a love story – it is a story of frustration and anger caused by feudalism when people could only express thoughts and feelings through landscapes and myths. It is these landscapes and myths that give the form to an immersive exhibition situated in London."
Student: Yunuo Zheng Course:  Interior Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo Email: [email protected]
Intercultural communal living as a catalyst for refugee integration by Anne-Flore Smits
"Nature avoids monocultures and lives in diversity to feed its system. The harmonious living between living forms is known as symbiosis. Through intercultural communal living, symbiosis is regenerated, where the forgotten lives of refugees can integrate back into society.
"With local and foreign amalgamation, the most vulnerable group in society can write their futures. The design of social-communal connectivity incorporates multi-use courtyards, creating a unique spatial arrangement within the male and female quarter and central community compound.
"A common roof with various environmental qualities ensures the proposed and established buildings receive minimal solar radiation, that is experienced in its extreme within Cameroon's Far North capital of Maroua."
Student: Anne-Flore Smits Course: Architecture and Environmental Design BSc (Hons) Tutors: Paolo Cascone and Panagiota Adileniduo Email: [email protected]
 Ark for an Ant Tribe by Yuen-Wah Williams
"This project addresses the acute housing needs of well educated but income poor young people who come to Beijing to seek their future – affectionately known as the 'Ant Tribe' in China.
"The project is a co-living mega-block with floating courtyards, rooftop running tracks, and community programmes open to the broader neighbourhood at the ground level. The novel tectonics draws inspiration from traditional low-rises, high-density Hutong courtyards and local experiments in soviet-era social condensers.
"The generous and intensely social outdoor spaces become rooms in themselves, responds to the changing patterns of life in a pandemic."
Student: Yuen-Wah Williams Course: Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: John Zhang and David Porter Email: [email protected]
Climb Air Theatre by Zhiqing He
"The conditions of isolation and lack of physical interaction due to the pandemic gave birth to this project with the aim of evoking memories of intimate communication stemming from the past. Inspired by The Phantom of the Opera, London's historic musical production (forced to close during the lockdown),  the proposal suggests an open interactive theatre, situated at St Dustan park in London.
"The audience gets invited to follow actors through the theatre's three main theatre stages and participate in distinct moments of the play while re-connecting them to each other through this musical, theatrical and spatial journey."
Student: Zhiqing He Course: Interior Architecture BA (Hons) Tutors: Ro Spankie, Diony Kypraiou, Allan Sylvester, Ana Araujo Email: [email protected]
The Arch Climbing Wall by Tom McGinnity
"The Arch Climbing Wall is located in Bermondsey, London. The redeveloped climbing centre uses all the existing building while also developing a new building adjacent to the existing one. The design aims to highlight the connection between climbing and nature.
"New climbing walls were positioned in the existing building to create an environment of valleys and mountains. The new building acts as the final challenge, with climbers able to scale the exterior of the building and the tall structure within. The new building is open-air with large use of open mesh, allowing climbers to connect with nature."
Student: Tom McGinnity Course: Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) Tutors: Tabatha Mills and Adam Thwaites Email: [email protected]
Old Kent Road: A New Precedent for Mixing Leisure, Manufacturing and Housing by Daniel Sefton
"By combining industrial, residential, and leisure spaces using innovative changes of level, land-use pressures in the inner city could be significantly alleviated.
"An undulating raised park set against the side of an existing recycling centre creates a pocket of urban rurality. Pavilions break through the park's surface for exhibition and retail space, with micro-manufacturing occurring on the submerged ground floor.
"HGV access to ground floors occurs through a road network beneath the park. The park removes both social and physical barriers that industrial land creates through controlled, increased public proximity to manufacturing and community-connecting active transport routes."
Student: Daniel Sefton Course: Designing Cities BA (Hons) Tutors: David Mathewson and Elisa Engel Email: [email protected]
The Mycology Institute by Gemma Mohajer
"The Mycology Institute re-purposes existing buildings at Wormwood Scrubs Prison. Former cells provide ideal conditions for growing mushrooms, used to make sustainable products. The project extends one of the cell blocks creating a mycelium product factory.
"It forms a route to the scrubs and a public square created by demolishing the prison wall. The building is constructed using sustainable products, including rope elements, developed from chance operations. These are used as part of the roof structure and as a screen that shades the building and takes rainwater off the roof. Columns and floors reuse the 916,000 prison wall bricks."
Student: Gemma Mohajer Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Kester Rattenbury and Sean Griffiths Email: [email protected]
The Rotherhithe Cooperative Press by Rebecca Gardner
"Newspapers are dying, and with them, an integral part of London's civic life and tacit skillset is at risk of extinction. The Rotherhithe Cooperative Press reinvents newspaper production, turning away from mass media favouring temporal print that focuses on specific events and protests.
"Through exploiting the natural diurnal cycle of the printing industry and the Thames, the scheme acts as a production framework and distribution network for marginalised media outlets at night whilst a community print-work mobilises the community to engage in protest during the day."
Student: Rebecca Gardner Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: Anthony Boulanger, Stuart Piercy and Callum Perry Email: [email protected]
Peat Observation: Carbon Cycles through Plant Matter by Seni Agunpopo
"The project looks at preserving and accelerating the restoration of damaged peatlands in Scotland – one of the world's most effective carbon store/sinks.
"This project uses a wider parametric masterplan strategy of landscape probes and responsive blanket systems to alter and control the conditions of soil moisture, temperature and humidity, as well as the deployable modular research units that support the ongoing scheme."
Student: Seni Agunpopo Course: Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA pt II) Tutors: John Cook, Laura Nica and Ben Pollock Email: [email protected]
Partnership content
This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Westminster. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
  The post Ten student architecture projects from the University of Westminster appeared first on Dezeen.
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babyboy-bts · 5 years
BTS as Littles: Helping Them Slip (Hyung Line)
Jin: The group had just returned from their world tour and had a two week long break ahead of them. For the entirety of tour, Jin had refused to slip into little space. Although he enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of and being carefree, the embarrassment he would experience when he was big again seemed unbearable. Of course, the other members had tried everything in their power to reassure him that there was nothing to be ashamed of, but Jin had insisted that it would be inappropriate, seeing as he was the oldest. Unfortunately, his embarrassment continued even after he returned to your shared apartment. Knowing the stress the male must have endured during tour, you had suggested several times that he slip into little space, but he always refused, claiming that he “didn’t feel like it.” After a few days, Jin began to crave the feeling little space gave him, but he felt unable to slip after so long. Frustrated, he approached you with the issue. He was blushing and fiddling with his fingers through the entire explanation, but he knew he needed your help, so he continued. After he had explained how he felt, you immediately began devising a plan. The next day, Jin left to have lunch with Namjoon. While he was gone, you turned the entire apartment into a little’s paradise. You set up a blanket fort in the living room that was full of pillows and plushies. On the television, Spirited Away was set to play, and on the coffee lay an arrangement of snacks, a sippy cup of apple juice, and a bottle of water. Everything was perfect. When Jin arrived home, his eyes glistened, seeing the set up in front of him. He blushed lightly, embarrased at and thankful for everything you had done for him.
“Hello, Sweetie,” you greeted, stepping into the room.
“Hello,” the male mumbled shyly, still partially in his big head space.
“These clothes are much too mature for a little boy like you. Let’s get you changed into something more appropriate,” you stated, taking his hand into yours before leading him toward the bedroom. As he sat on the bed, you walked toward the closet pulling out a pair of light yellow sweatpants, a t-shirt with Pikachu on the front, and a pull-up. Although the little was usually too old for pull-ups, you knew that he tended to slip into a younger headspace than normal when he had been unable to slip for a while. Returning to the male who was still sitting on the bed, blushing with embarrassment, you placed the clothes on top of the duvet before asking Jin to stand up.
“I-I can do it myself,” the male mumbled, as you began unbuttoning his shirt.
You giggled to yourself, “Don’t be silly, Little One. Of course, you need Mommy’s help.” Blushing deeply, Jin complied, allowing you to remove his shirt and jeans. “My baby boy is doing so well,” you praised, kissing the little cheek lightly. Between the compliments and the babying, Jin soon slipped into little space.
“Wanna go watch movie, Mommy,” the little whined, as you finished dressing him.
“Then, let’s go, Sweetie,” you grinned at how Jin immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the living room.
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Yoongi: Lately, Yoongi had been overwhelmed with his workload, which resulted in him having very little time to relax. Not only had his sleep schedule been demolished, but his eating habits had been reduced to one quick meal a day. Although you often tried to convince him to take a break, he remained adamant, claiming that he was almost finished with the song. Feeling as if you had no other choice, you decided to coax him into little space. In your bedroom, you gathered a pacifier and Yoongi’s stuffed turtle into your hand, before making your way toward the male’s office. As you entered the room, you found Yoongi hunched over his desk, eyes staring at his computer monitor, and ears covered by headphones. Too focused on his work, the boy failed to notice you walking in until he felt his headphones being removed.
“Wha-,” he began, stopping when he feels your arms wrap around his torso. “Y/N, I’m trying to work. What do you need?” he groaned, wanting to get back to his music.
“Don’t use that tone with me, Baby Boy,” you warned, knowing that asserting control caused Yoongi to feel little. Although the scolding and petname caused him to blush, the male maintained his composure, a half-hearted scowl remaining on his face.
“I’m not little,” he snapped, attempting to put his headphones back on, only to be stopped by your hand.
“Even if you’re not little, you shouldn’t speak to your Mommy like that. Do you need spankies?” you questioned. Yoongi blushed an even deeper shade of red at the mention of punishment but shook it off. When you realized that your authoritative nature wasn’t sending him over the edge, you decided to attempt a softer approach. “Simon wants cuddles. He’s been feeling super lonely with you pent up in here all the time,” you stated, placing the stuffed turtle into the other’s arms. Instead of placing it to the side, the boy subtly pulled it into his chest, a sign that he was beginning to slip. “You’re such a good boy, taking care of your friend like that,” you cooed, removing the pacifier from your pocket. “Mommy’s so grateful to have such a sweet little boy. Would you like your paci, Pumpkin?” you asked, holding the rubber item up to the male’s mouth. This was the final action the little needed in order to slip. Without hesitation, Yoongi placed the object between his lips and began sucking lightly.
“Mommy,” he mumbled around the pacifier while making grabby hands at you. Thrilled at your success, you picked the little up and carried him into the living room, forgetting his work for the moment.
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Hoseok: One day, Hoseok came home from dance practice abosolutely exhausted. Throwing himself on the couch, he let out an exasperated groan.
“Hey, Sweetie,” you cooed, entering the room before sitting down next to the male. Hoseok’s schedule had been hectic the past several weeks as the group had been preparing for their comeback. Due to his lack of free time, he had been unable to slip for almost a month and a half, but fortunately, he had this weekend off.
“Hey,” Hoseok mumbled back, burying his head into your shoulder.
“How was practice?” you asked, running a hand through his sweaty hair.
“It was tiring, but everyone finally has the choreography down,” the male replied, leaning into your touch.
“Well, that’s good, but before you get too comfortable, I think you need to take a bath,” you suggested before standing up, causing the boy to plop onto the sofa with a groan.
“But I’m so comfy,” he groaned.
“I know you are, Baby, but you’re also sweaty,” you stated, leaning down to pick the male up. Despite his light protests, you carried him bridal style all the way to the bathroom. Setting him on the closed toilet seat, you began to run a bath, making sure the water a bit cold to help the boy cool down. Once the tub was full, you helped the boy remove his close and guided him toward the water. He sat himself down, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” he blushed, still barely in his big headspace.
“It’s not problem. You know I love taking care of my sweet baby boy,” you grinned, kneeling by the bathtub. You took the washcloth from the side of the tub and squirted a dollop of soap onto it. Lathering it, you started to gently scrub Hoseok’s skin. As you continued, the male felt himself fully slip and looked up at you.
“Mommy, can I have my boats?” he asked.
“What do we say when we want something?” you retaliated, one eyebrow raised.
“Please,” the little grinned widely.
“Good boy,” you praised, standing up to retrieve his bath toys. While Hoseok splashed in the water, you finished cleaning his body, including his hair. After you were finished, you wrapped him in a fluffy towel before leading him to the bedroom where you dressed him in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajamas.
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Namjoon: BTS was returning to the United States in a week to tour, and to say that Namjoon was stressed would be an understatement. It wasn’t that the male didn’t enjoy going to the states, but the thought of having to constantly serve as a translator in interviews had been bothering him. He had been investing most of his spare time in refreshing his English skills through books and videos, leaving little time to relax. When you came home from work to find the male with his head shoved in a book and frustrated tears pooling in his eyes, you knew you had to intervene.
“Why don’t you take a break, Sweetie. Mommy’s baby boy must be so hungry,” you stated, setting your bag down.
Blushing, Namjoon looked up at you. “I’m not little,” he pouted, his cuteness making you want pinch his cheek.
“Just because you’re not little, doesn’t mean I can’t take care of you, Sweetie,” you stated, running a hand through his hair. “Now, let’s take a break, and I’ll order some takeout,” you instructed as you removed the book from his hands. Namjoon was about to protest, but you had already began to walk away, book still in your hand. A few minutes later, you returned to inform the male that you had ordered pizza and that it would be here soon.
“While we wait, how about we change you into something more comfortable,” you stated, reaching for the other’s hand. Namjoon quickly accepted the offer, his pliancy indicating an early sign of slipping. Leading him into the bedroom, you guided him toward his dresser. You sat on the floor, instructing Namjoon to do the same, before pulling out the bottom drawer that was used to store his little clothes.
“How about this?” you asked, holding up a navy blue romper with little crabs all over it.
“Yes, pwease, Mommy,” Namjoon lisped, clapping his hands happily. Rolling out the little’s changing mat, you gently lay him down, removing his big boy clothes and replacing them with a diaper and the romper.
“All done, Sweetie. Now, how about we go watch a movie?” you asked, putting the mat and changing supplies away. Eagerly, Namjoon nodded his head, before shakily standing up and waddling toward your outstretched hand.
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mabeljonesrock · 4 years
Roadimus Highway
Parody of: Optimus prime and Rodimus prime/hot rod
Show: Cyberbots vs Psychocons
Real full name: Roadimus highway
Gender: male
Race: Robotronian
Age: 300(young adult by robotronian standards).
Job: leader of Cyberbots
Sexuality: pansexual
Religion: Currently Agnosticism, formerly Christian
Relatives: Rebecca “Becky” Highway(mother), Mr Highway(father)
Voiced by: Will arnett
Background: once the greatest leader of the heroic faction, beloved role model of robot heroes and symbol of hope now a bitter, depressed, self-loathing, narcissistic and ptsd-driven suicidal wreck who turn toward drugs, smoking and alcohol as a coping way for his loss of his beloved comrades to his deranged arch-nemesis Motortron and his Psychocons and experiencing the horrors of war. After his show got cancelled, he resign himself from the cyberbots by letting Cutie pie(a cutesy diabetic parody of Care Bears/my little pony) take his place as the leader instead. After retiring and leaving his faction, he join the drawn together gang and become one of their housemates. He represents the stoner veteran.
1. If he was a human, he be Chinese/Japanese and a power ranger parody. He confirm this when he is turned into a human for 10 days by using the machine as a bet. As a human, his human name is Robert Highman and he look like in his late 30’s to early 40’s. He is one head taller than Captain hero and had a beer gut.
2. His voice actor, Will arnett, voices the titular character from American adult animated web television series. Roadimus share the same personality of Bojack Horseman
3. Personality wise, he Optimus prime with Bender’s personality and voice of Bojack horseman
4. Appearance wise, he look like G1 Optimus prime(minus the mouth mask) but with Rodimus prime’s colour schemes. His eyes turned red whenever he went on a rage.
5. His relationship with Wooldoor is similar to Bojack and Todd
6. He get along with Toot because they share their love for alcohol and were suicidal wrecks. During their first time being high together, they had sex in the couch.
7. His alt mode is an 80’s style Van
8. He went on a rage whenever his drugs are stolen or being called “No-penis”. He also suffered mental breakdowns and began hallucinating himself whenever he hear the word “Psychocons” and “Motortron” or he saw something similar to Psychocons and Motortron.
9. He rivals with Captain hero. He disliked captain hero because he a “terrible role model for boys” and once called him “no-penis”. He also put off by his weird sexual fantasies(despite Roadimus being pansexual like Captain hero, he had standards)
10. He used to have feelings for Grasshopper(a parody of Bumblebee(transformers), Astroboy and Megaman) before he left the faction to become the star of his own show.
11. He had a foot fetish
12. He had a secret crush on Foxxy
13. He is a big fan of eighties and nineties music.
14. His weapon is a flaming sword. He only summoned it when he says “By the power of Robotron, I have the power”.
15. He tried to become sober once until Captain hero and Spanky ruin it
16. As a baby, he is a very optimistic, innocent and happy-go-lucky ray of sunshine who always Look on the Bright Side of Life and say no to drinking, smoking and drugs. But after he is forced to kill Charlotte by Toot when she is revealed to be alive, he is so traumatized by his first murder that he later smoke cocaine that he found in charlotte’s bag. The host appears and announces "And that is how Roadimus become a bitter stoner and scarred war veteran."
17. Like Foxxy, he is the only one who not "completely retarded."
18. He is diagnosed with severe PTSD, depression, substance abuse, alcoholism, suicidal tendencies and narcissistic personality disorder
19. In “A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special” episode, he role-played as a beatnik-like therapist named Dr. James Dean Fonzie who was hired by Xandir’s parents so he could “cure their Son’s homosexuality”. After trying to give few therapy lessons with Xandir to “fix his homosexuality” and end up failing miserably, he says “F**k this” and quickly leave the house by using his rocket boots. He is seen at the bar reading his poem in the stage.
-his poem is named “the life and death of an 80s action hero”. The poem is about the Deconstruction of a eighties hero’s archetype and how the many losses, struggles and horrors he faces during his mighty adventures and battle toward his enemies.
-the poem seem to be possibly based on Roadimus’s life as a leader of the Cyberbots.
20. His catchphrase is “Bite my Ass, Fuckwart!”. His quotes are based on references from 80’s-90’s heroes like He-man, Optimus prime, Lion-O from Thundercats, GI joe and Voltron.
21. His show begin in 1984 and ends in 1992. It last eight seasons.
22. His mother is a robotronian while his father is a toaster.
23. He serve as the vehicle transportation of the drawn together’s cast. He refused to let Captain Hero drive it.
24. His secrets is that he a fan of Beatnik culture, once vomit on one of his comrades when he is drunk, hates awful 80’s-90’s remakes and had a crush on Foxxy.
25. His favorite drug is Galaxy Oasis
26. Despite his vulgar attitude, Roadimus is truly unhappy with how low he's sunk and suffers from real self loathing that causes him to believe those he cares about are mocking him like the rest of the world. He repeatedly claims the Cyberbots abandoned him and have been making fun of him ever since He retired and become a drinking mess, yet when they meet for the first time in ages, his old team's happy to see him and seem upset with how miserable Roadimus is.
27. He used to date a sentient smart home until she start going psychotic by trying to murdered his roommates so it could be just Roady and her alone. When he break up with her, she come close to wiping out all organic lifeforms in the multiverse.
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x-reader-theater · 5 years
Please Sir...
Relationship: Rami Malek X Male!Reader
Summary: This dinner with your parents was supposed to be a quick get in, have dinner and leave, but Rami is just being to frustrating right now! And so frustratingly sexy... 
Warnings: Kinky sex. Like, I’d say pretty kinky. 
Word Count: 3,089 words of pure kink.
A/N: Hello again. Honestly, this came out of a conversation with a few of my friends about how Rami is probably super kinky, and would like the spanky stuff. So, I wrote this. Anyways, these are just my personal kinks, and this is very much a male reader, so, you know, if you don’t like that, don’t read? Like it’s not that hard. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. 
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“And, as I was saying, it's a pleasure that [Y/N] brought you here Rami! We are just so excited to finally meet [Y/N]'s friend who he's been talking about for weeks!” You mother exclaims over the loud noises of the restaurant.
You see Rami nod and you place your napkin on your lap. “Well, I'm glad I'm here. I know [Y/N] has been looking forwards to this for a long time,” he says pointedly, and you smile.
“So, as I was saying…” your father starts.
You don't really hear him, because you jump at something touching your leg. You look over at Rami, who's paying attention to your father, but who has a small grin on his face. You push your legs together more, but that only encourages Rami further, as he slides his hand up to where your hip connects to your leg, slowly massaging it back and forth. You clear your throat, and everyone looks at you.
“I'm sorry, just, something in my throat,” you say, and your parents nod, before going into a discussion you don't pay attention to.
You lean over and whisper to Rami, “If you don't stop the I swear to God…”
He smirks and whispers back, “You'll what?”
You places a hand right on his lap and whisper, “Or you'll have to endure some teasing from me, Sir.” You feel his cock jump underneath your hand, and he grabs your wrist.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” he says, and you just look at him innocently as you sit back up straight in your chair.
“What do you think about our political climate [Y/N]?” Your father asks and you wave a hand.
“I don't think that's a very appropriate topic for dinner father,” you respond, and he nods, though he looks a little put off.
You see Rami clear his own throat and place his own napkin in his lap, hiding something that you knew he wanted to finish.
Your mother leans over and asks, “So how did you two meet? [Y/N] has told us a bit, but not much.”
“Mutual friends of ours were having a small get together, and we just happened to meet,” Rami says, and you smirk.
Yes, that was the truth, but you distinctly remember ending that night at your apartment, where you first got your brains fucked out of you by the man sitting next to you. But your parents didn't need to know that.
“Ah!” Your mother exclaims, and you smile over at Rami. He places his hand on your knee, and rubs up and down, slowly. You can feel the thick material of the suit pants rubbing against your already sensitive skin, and you involuntarily lean into it. Rami brings his hand to your upper thigh, and squeezes, sending a jolt of pleasure through your entire body, and then he just lets go.
Dinner comes quickly and no one really talks while eating, instead opting to eat silently and enjoy the meal presented to them. You quietly sip your soup as you glance over at Rami every so often. His pupils were pretty wide, and you could see a slight red tint to his already dark skin, and you smile as you go back to your soup. You didn't know if you looked that same, but from the cocky look on Rami's face, you're sure you did. After finishing, your parents start another discussion about if they should bring up a friend or not, and you take the chance to lean over to Rami again.
“I would like to get out of here as quickly as possible, Sir,” you whisper to him, and he immediately grabs your half hard cock through the napkin and your pants.
He smirks as you let out a small squeak, and he nods. “Alright. Just for you.” He gives your lap one more squeeze, before letting go again, and you suddenly crave more attention than just that. You let out a low, quiet moan, and Rami looks over at you, having been the only one to hear it. You please quietly with him to touch you again, but he just looks back at your parents, who are still arguing about their friends.
You clear your throat, and they stop arguing. “Are you getting sick honey?” Your mother asks, and you look over at Rami, before nodding. He was the actor, not you, but you liked to your parents plenty of times when you were young, so how hard should it be now.”
“Uh, yeah. I think I have a cold?” It was more of a question than a statement, but nonetheless, your parents seem to believe it.
“Oh, well, maybe you should go, and we'll take the desert to go?” She offers, and you nod enthusiastically. You gulp as Rami leans over, calm and collected, extranti g his hand as he stands.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. [Y/L/N],” Rami says, and your father scoffs.
“Please. Call us by our first names,” he says, and Rami nods.
“Right. I'll remember for next time…” he says, and you stand up as well, placing in your hands in front of the bulge you were sure was obvious. You tried to look as inconspicuous as possible, and you honestly didn't know how well you were doing. Your face was as red as a cherry tomato, you knew that for sure.
You give a nod to your parents who remind you to call them later, and you and Rami leave the restaurant.
Rami goes up to the valet and asks for his car quickly, before standing next to you on the sidewalk. The suit you were wearing wasn't making you all that warm, and you shiver as a cool breeze passes by. Rami leans over and whispers, “I'm going to make you feel so warm when we get home…”
You feel your face flush even more, and you look away as Rami kisses to side of your head, and the car pulls to a stop in front of you. You quickly get into the passenger's side of Rami's car, and he pulls away, leaving g the restaurant, and your parents, behind.
You sigh and relax into your seat, your legs almost splaying out in front of you, but you quickly realise that's the wrong move. Rami leans over, still looking at the road, and starts palming your dick through your pants. You groan, and go to push him away, but he resists.
You places your hand at your mouth and stifle a loud moan, and when he pulls away, your hips buck involuntarily. “Sir…” You beg through your teeth, and you see Rami stiffen at the wheel. “Sir… please… I just want you to fuck-”
You're cut off by Rami placing his fingers in your mouth to satiate you for the time being. You suck on them, licking up and down seductively trying to convince Rami to pull over. He doesn't, he just keeps on driving, and you become even more desperate for attention.
You grab his hand still slick with your own saliva, and drive it into your hair, where he pulls. You gasp, and grin as he pulls your face up to meet his eyes.
“Wait.” You stop immediately, the commanding tone he used only making you more horny, but you do as he says. You don't want him to leave you alone tonight with no release.
You sit and wait patiently, just watching him drive, the one hand that wasn't currently in your hair was on the steering wheel. The way he moved up and down, hands gliding over the leather as he takes his turns, the way his hand clenches ever so slightly when you let out a moan or a soft gasp, it was the only way to know what you were doing had any effect on him. He was usually stone faced, not letting you know how he felt until he wanted you to, but those nimble hands always gave him away.
When you finally pull into his driveway, he lets go of your hair, and gets out. You know the drill, get out or he's not going to help you, so you get out as quickly as possible and follow him into the house. You rush up the stairs, and walk into the velvet room, shucking your clothes and leaving them on the red velvet chair in the corner of the room.
You then sit on the bed with the satin sheets, and wait. You feel like you have to wait an excruciatingly long time, and you can't help but fidget, eventually sitting on your hands to calm them.
The door opens finally and Rami walks in, his suit jacket and button up shirt as gone, and he's only in his suit pants. You squeak as he walks over to you, a stony look on his face as he walks over.
“Splayed. Now.” You can't tell if he's angry or not, honestly, you never can really tell, but it's hot all the same. You move up on the bed and splay your limbs out. He first walks over to your right arm, and takes a bit of rope you don't quiet know how he got, and he slowly starts trying it around your wrist. You feel the coarse twine of the thick rope rub around your wrist, and you tug slightly, gaining a few tsks, and not in approval. Rami ties you up tight to the bed, before moving on to the next one. You always liked when he used rope instead of handcuffs or silk. Not that you minded either way, you just liked the feeling of rope on bare skin more than anything else.
Soon enough, you're splayed four directions, and you couldn't be hornier, but that's when you see the pitch black silk. You lean your head up and he carefully ties the soft stretch of fabric around your eyes, tugging it just a little, to make sure you can't see. You let out a breathy moan, and he places a finger on your lips. You move to gain more from him, hut he just shushes you.
“Be quiet. No noises.” You pout, but don't say anything, just waiting for him to do something anything. You catch the whine in your mouth before it can escape, as Rami takes his finger off your lips. You are so started for touch, you almost cry out when you feel something cold touch your stomach. You don't thankfully, but you do move to gain more from it as it glides down your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You move your arms to warm yourself up, but you're stopped by the tantalizingly short distance you have with the rope.
You hear him chuckle as you rub your wrists to get any type of contact. “Hungry, are we?” He asks, and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You open your mouth so your tongue is alluring, hopefully drawing him in. You retract it when you feel something cold drop onto it, but you realize quickly it's water. Holding out your tongue again, you expect another droplet, something cold to land on your tongue, but it doesn't. Instead, you feel hot breath on your inner thigh. You feel it get closer and closer to your throbbing cock, but it stops just short. You feel cold kisses being pressed to your waist and hips, moving agonizingly slow, and you roll your hips, wanting more.
When he doesn't, you let out a whine. “Please Sir…”
Immediately, you feel a hand over your mouth and you arch your back at the sudden flood of sensation, groaning in pain as you suddenly feel too much. You feel your dick jump as well from the pain. “I said…” you hear low in your ear. “Don't. Speak.”
You nod quickly, and gasp as he let's go, catching your breath as your senses come back to you. You wish you could see him, he probably looked so hot standing over you with nothing on. You roll your hips as you silently beg for more.
You feel more ice, on your stomach now, but followed by the ice immediately is Rami's tongue, his hand guiding his tongue where to go. You pant slightly, and he stops, but when you don't make any noise, he continues, lapping up the melted water that was dripping down. You feel his tongue inches from the back of your twitching cock, but he just skirts by it, grabbing the last of the water.
You hiss as his hands find their way to your chest. Cold, like he'd just had his hands touching ice moments before. He plays with your nipples, rolling them between his fingers, when you feel something cold and hard brush against one. You fight off a moan, but you jump in surprise at the feeling, but when you feel something silky, but cold run over your nipple, you relax. Letting Rami's tongue and teeth pleasure you, you let your head room back, and you grab at the rope tying you down. All you wanted was to run your hands through his hair, but no matter how hard you tug, the damn ropes won't give. You let out a heavy breath, and the feelings on your nipples are gone suddenly. It's quickly replaced however by the feeling of teeth scraping along your collarbone, hot breath making your skin prickle, and Rami places kisses all down your front. You feel him hesitate as he gets to your hips, and you squirm, feeling the heat of his breath on your skin.
He places a hand on your hip to hold you down, and he tongues around your cock. He places his other hand on the other side and forces your hips into the mattress. Your body and mind are buzzing from the stimulation play, and you grab at the ropes, you grip shaky.
You feel his tongue run over your tip, and you let out a breath, trying your hardest not to make a sound. It's excruciating, and your throat feels tight, but you don't make a sound.
When you're blindfolded, it's almost as if all your other senses come to life. You feel the silken sheets beneath you, every crease and line you create just by moving your body. You can feel Rami's soft hands on your hips as his satin tongue plays with your mind. One minutes you feel it on you, on your hips, on your cock, and the next, it's gone. Sometimes you feel it even when it's not there. The overstimulation and the need to be touched makes you think things that aren't truly there. You can feel your sweat roll down your arms and legs, and splay out further to get rid of the sticky sensation.
You feel Rami's lips wrap around you, and you pull on the ropes once more, letting out a gasp. The lips are gone, and you grit your teeth, twisting your wrists in the rope, trying to not think about how good Rami felt around your cock, about the way his tongue feels on your body.
You feel one of his hands let go of your hip, and it moves up to your face. You lean into the hand pressed to your cheek, and feel him tugging at the satin on your eyes. You close your eyes, and see behind your lids a sudden flood of light as the satin is tugged off your head. You slowly open your eyes, getting used to the light. As your vision clears, you see Rami leaning over you, face as blank as always.
“I want to hear you…” he whispers to you, and you nod. He presses his fingers in your hip, and you scream out in pleasure. You see Rami's face turn from stone, to getting a pretty little smirk on his face at your moan. You throw your head back, and pull on the rope at both your hands and feet, twisting on the satin, and Rami grabs your face. “Look at me.”
You nod slowly, and he lets go, placing his hand back at your hip, mirroring the other one. You watch as he digs his fingers in, while taking your whole cock in one go. You yell out a curse, and battle with yourself to keep your eyes trained on Rami. You manage to watch, watch as Rami's head dips and you're hit with another wave of pleasure, watch as your vision blurs and Rami becomes a mass of colour, watch as you pull on the rope.
You look up at your wrists, and are shocked to see a knife right by your hand. You grab the handle, and almost let go. It's freezing cold, but you take it, you cut the ropes around your wrists. You knew he wouldn't leave it there if he didn't want you to find it.
Once your hands are free, you drop the knife and dig your hand into his hair, tugging as he keeps going. You feel his tongue as he goes down again, and you throw your head back as your vision goes white. You cry out, your back arching, before everything relaxes, and you let go of Rami's hair.
Sitting up, you see Rami leaning over you, his chest heaving as he doesn't look at you. He licks his lips, and looks up. His face is soft, like everything he just did took everything out of him. You pull his face up to meet yours, and you can taste yourself in his lips.
He pulls away, and grabs your wrist, kissing the red skin, and you sigh, your chest still heaving. You still haven't caught your breath. “Did I hurt you?” He asks, and you shake your head. He smiles and kisses your wrist again, before dropping it, and lightly kissing your lips as well.
You smile into the kiss and say against his lips, “That was a nice touch, the knife.”
He smiles as well. “I figured you would see it. I wanted you to see it. I like it when your fingers go through my hair.”
You smile, and pull away. Rami unties your ankles, and you untie your wrists. Rami holds out a hand, and you grab it, letting him support you as you stand don wobbly legs, and he leads you into the bathroom to clean up.
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