#malevoversary day 7
trustypaladin · 2 months
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Malevoversary 2024 | Monday Prompt | Season 5
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mudwingprince · 2 months
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Running to do my homework that I've had over a week to do
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creekschaoscorner · 1 year
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Malevoversary day 7!!!! Technically arthur’s birthday was a few days ago but shhhh
I’ve had so much fun making art for all the prompts this week, and while I only got into it this year malevolent already means so much to me. This community is super cool
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yamikakyuu · 1 year
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Malevoversary Day 7 John & Arthur
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polygones · 2 months
malevoversary day 6/7: side characters / free choice
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[ID: An artwork of Parker, Noel, Oscar, Larson and the Butcher from Malevolent. Above them read the words, 'died because of a book', 'bleeding out in Spain', 'amputated and forgotten about', 'blinded and sent to the Dreamlands', and 'exploded' respectively. They all have displeased expressions. \End ID.]
[ID: An artwork of Arthur Lester from Malevolent doing the 'Ah, Eto... Bleh' pose. He is putting his hands on top of his head and sticking out his tongue playfully. \End ID.]
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deenigma · 1 year
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Malevoversary day 7!
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cappurrccino · 1 year
day 7: we fucking did it
it's @malevoversary day 7, y'all! we fucking did it! and that means the boys get to have a lovely afternoon <3
[ read it on ao3 ]
Arthur thought he could live the rest of his life here and die a perfectly happy man.
The sun was warm on his face, his chest, his arms and legs, soaking deep into his clothes from the clear skies above and radiating up from the smooth rocks beneath his back. A gentle breeze drifted over him, bringing with it the light scent of distant flowers and the earthy scent of sun-baked moss. Cool water ran across his feet, from where he’d dangled them off the bank and into the river. Small fish occasionally tickled his toes as they came to investigate.
John had assured him that the riverbank was as idyllic and safe as Arthur had hoped, and there was no reason not to believe him. They’d long since left the mistrust and vicious arguments behind (though petty bickering was still a favorite pasttime of both of theirs).
How novel to think his life would ever reach this point. Where he could use words like “safe” and “idyllic” and “trust” to describe his every day. He’d spent so so long mired in misery and pain and grief and terror and torment and a couple dozen other terrible descriptors, and yet… he’d made it through.
He was a man who loved and was loved in turn. A man who was content with his life and his decisions. A man at a certain peace with his past. He was a man who could lay on a sunny riverbank until the universe collapsed around him, his best friend nearby, both of them safe and happy.
Rocks clattered together to his right, followed by a heavy thunk-splash! and a disgruntled huff.
Footsteps approached and Arthur propped himself up on his elbows as John dropped to the ground next to him.
“No luck?”
“I think,” John said, pointedly, “that you lied to me so you could lay here all day.”
Arthur snorted at that. “I did not.”
“I have tried dozens of times, and if it was possible to skip a rock across the river, it would have happened by now.”
“Did you use a flat one?”
“Yes, Arthur.”
“Hmm…” Arthur begrudgingly pulled his feet out of the river and stood up, briefly wondering if the rocks were sharp enough to warrant putting his shoes back on before deciding he’d rather have sore feet than wet socks. “Here, help me find some more.”
He heard John start shifting through rocks where he sat before he snarked, “What, can’t do it with just one?”
Arthur flapped a hand dismissively. “It’s been… I don’t know, decades, probably? I imagine the first couple will sink straight away.”
After couple minutes and a fair amount of bickering about what constitutes a properly flat rock, they eventually had a handful of suitable stones.
Arthur shuffled forward toward the river until his toes touched the water again, idly turning a stone around in his right hand, feeling for the best edge. The remaining stones in his left were a comfortable weight, remarkable if only as a reminder that his hand was his once again, that John had his own now.
Safe and loved and trusting and very much about to prove a god-fragment-turned-human that it was, in fact, possible to skip stones across water.
He just had to remember how to do it.
As soon as the first rock left his hand, he knew wasn’t going to skip.. The angle felt bad, the toss felt bad, and the rock shot into the water with a resounding plunk!
“Oh is that how it’s done?”
“That was what we call a “warm up,” you ass.”
John’s laugh was no less sinister than when they first met and Arthur loved it dearly.
“Oh sure, sure,” he said, voice thick with amusement.
The second rock was hardly any better.
“You know, this was much easier when I could see the river,” Arthur said.
“You could just admit that rocks don’t skip.”
Arthur refused to dignify him with a response. Instead, he sorted through the rocks again, landing on one that was fairly circular and a little smaller than his own palm, thin and light but in a sturdy sort of way. He tapped the water once more with his foot, trying to imagine the surface of the water stretched out before him.
Third time’s the charm.
This one felt good leaving his hand—decades of long-dormant muscle memory rising to the surface for the throw and the thought that yes, this one was it.
Plap! …… Plap! … Plap-plap-plap!
John was silent for a long moment. “Huh.”
Arthur was torn between needling him, or teasing him, or… he paused, smiling fondly to himself before he half-turned and jangled the rest of the rocks in John’s direction.
“Want to try again?”
They spent easily half an hour on the shore throwing more rocks; Arthur trying to slowly demonstrate the proper motions, with as much verbal direction as he could figure out; John alternating between watching and throwing and inventing fairly creative new swears when the rocks inevitably plunked straight into the river, until—
“You got it! How many skips?” John’s shout had been so loud that Arthur hadn’t heard more than the second.
“Three and then it sort of… skittered.” John said, before snarling in his demonically pleased way, “We fucking did it, Arthur!”
“You did it,” Arthur corrected, laughing in delight at John’s own enthusiasm.
He heard another rock fly free, another handful of skips across the river’s surface, and John’s delighted laughter. Really, truly, he could live in this moment forever. He hummed quietly.
“John, how late would you say it is?”
There was a beat of silence. “Late afternoon? The sun should still be up for a few hours…”
It sounded like he didn’t want to leave, which suited Arthur just fine.
“And how wide would you say the river is here?”
John didn’t answer, so much as utter a confused, “Why?”
“Well, we’ve still got some day left,” Arthur said, shrugging one shoulder. “Shall we see if we can skip stones to the far shore?”
“Oh!” John paused, shifting on the rocks before humming thoughtfully. “Hmm... first one to make it doesn’t have to wash the dishes later?”
Arthur barked a laugh at that. “Oh, you’re on.”
Perhaps forever on the riverbank was too much to ask for, but a few more hours would be enough.
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parkeryangs · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @incandescentis :D !!!!!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
28 currently
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
110k total, 90k in 2023
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently just malevolent, but i'malso working on some woe.begone stuff right now!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
all my aching bones are trembling (and i may yet fall apart)
it's okay if you can't catch your breath
you were the last thing i had that was good
we'll welcome december with tireless hope
half of your heart has yet to come home
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
technically it's not finished yet, but you were the last thing is shaping up to be incredibly angsty lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
maybe the meowlevolent fic series, with we craved sweetness ?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i never have!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
on occasion; i do wish i wrote it more, though! all my aching bones was my first smutfic ever, i really enjoy the different aspect of character exploration
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i haven't, but i would love to do a w.bg crossover with malevolent, as predictable as that sounds lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, that would be wild though
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i havent! but i would be honored if anyone ever offered:]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, tragically not anything actually completed though lol
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
mattkey! though i also have a very special place in my heart for parkarthur
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probablyy the rewrite/more in-depth royalty au i wrote for malevoversary last year
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think (hope?) i have a pretty good grasp of language, especially descriptive language :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i think my characterization could be a lot stronger. obviously its a bit divided from the get-go with a majority of my works being aus, but i still wish they felt a bit more authentically like themselves. (ironically the character i tend to be the most nervous with this is parker. who has literally been dead for the entire story. /lh)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
can be great! if proper research is done. i've never personally done it, and i don't think my knowledge of greek is strong enough/i would have to absolutely fight for my life to have it come up naturally between my characters i think lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
published fandom, newsies. in general it was probably warrior cats
20. Favorite fic you've written?
once again don't want to give the same answer i have in the past so, i actually really enjoyed i got a memory of blood. the fics i write in the span of a day naturally tend to be messier, a bit rushed, etc but i just think johnparker is an incredibly compelling dynamic especially in the cbau
tagging @falloutcoys and any other writer mutuals that want to do this lol :D
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smallsies · 1 year
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is all that i might owe you carved on ivory?
Parker cannot forgive himself for his mistakes.
read on ao3!
days 5/6/7 of @malevoversary, prompts: "are you innocent?"/"my wrath did grow"/"we fucking did it"
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creekschaoscorner · 2 months
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Malevoversary 2024 - Day 7
Season 5 • Free Choice • Anniversary
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