#malewife haruto is real
kalopsiavn · 1 year
the characters at some point would like to start a family with MC?
Cain would be down for getting married but he isn't sure about having children. He feels like he will be a bad father. But if you convince him enough, he might reconsider. Aiden is more than happy to start a family with you. His own family was...not the best. He will try his best to be a good parent and let his children live the childhood that he couldn't have. Isaiah is probably the most eager to start a family. His dad wasn't the best to him. He learned from his dad's failure to be a good father and will do anything for his family. Haruto would rather not get strings attached. But deep inside, he kinda also wishes to slow down with his lifestyle and have a domestic life. He would want one or two kids. Axel is also really eager to start a family. They would take all the responsibilities on themself and overwork :( but they will try their best to be a good spouse and parent .
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nagasakidivision · 2 years
35 Facts Meme: Shirou Sonozaki
Let's do this for Shirou now! I uh, am trying to usually go in the leader/2gumi/3gumi order but Damien has so many spoilers (until I work my way through the drama tracks) that I need to dance around. I am still trying to figure out how to handle it. Below the cut blah blah
He's the youngest of four siblings!
There's a fairly large age gap between them, his oldest sister is ten years older than him.
The middle siblings are fraternal twins who are six years older than him.
So when I say he's the baby of the family...he's REALLY the baby of the family.
He was super spoiled because of this but he didn't turn out to be a nightmare child in spite of it.
He's in an older brother role to the other two members, which is a little new to him. This is partially due to him being the only responsible one.
He's half-Filipino on his mother's side!
He's from a trilingual household, and speaks Japanese, Tagalog, and English fluently.
Well...more or less. His reading fluency isn't as good as it could be in Japanese and he still struggles with some complex kanji just due to lack of exposure because...
He was not born in Japan but had dual citizenship.
He grew up (for the first thirteen years of his life) in western North Carolina.
He does, of course, need to have an opinion on barbecue since barbecue is serious business in North Carolina. However, he is a traitor to his geographic region who thinks Eastern style Carolina Barbecue is better. (He's right, but still a traitor given where he's from.)
He's Catholic...more or less. More on the Catholic Worker weird leftist end of things.
Him and his mom are the only members of the family who are actively religious.
He's generally closer to his mom than his dad, though his family is very tight-knit.
He's the black sheep of the family in the sense that he's the only one who didn't pursue a vocation in the arts. He just never had a talent for it...bar rap battles, of course.
(They still love him though, but it did make him try to pursue some kind of artistic expression for a while before falling into his current job.)
He's the only one of the team who has any real level of experience with Hypnosis Mics!
His sleep schedule is horrendous. He regularly only gets three hours of sleep a night.
Fortunately he is an expert of catching a few cat naps per day. Not that it helps much.
Powered by black sludge coffee and overbrewed tea, yes he is. Haruto, who is a food/drink snob, is appalled by the way he treats tea leaves/coffee beans.
Because he had to do chores and the like a lot, he's surprisingly a good cook! Top tier malewife...
He does not use profanity. Ever. Under any circumstances.
He has a remarkable skill in making phrases like "I beg your pardon" sound like "go fuck yourself" tonally, however.
While he's never outright rude, he also has a talent for being incredibly passive-aggressive.
Oh boy, he is extremely bad about holding grudges forever too.
He is quite nearsighted. 20/90 vision.
His favorite animal is vultures.
He does not have any pets because he's barely ever at home and his schedule is a nightmare since he's functionally on call 24/7.
Well, sort of: the three of them kind of co-own Lucia depending on who Damien is crashing with at the time.
During the inevitable drinking nights that happen, his usual drink order is a whiskey sour! He will watch you to make sure you use an actual lemon and not sour mix and that you add in the egg white.
Probably the most considerate roommate of the group between the three. He's reasonably organized and doesn't spend an eternity getting ready in the morning.
Hidden talent: he's surprisingly good at sleight-of-hand tricks!
Hidden talent 2: he's...uh...fluent? in flower language, both Victorian style and hanakotoba.
He's an extremely formal dresser who's rarely if ever seen in anything less than a button-up Oxford and slacks.
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veeranger · 4 years
just so we can settle this. official heisei-reiwa rider job listing
kuuga: godai had a “job” he never really bothered to work at but didnt get fired from bc it was run by his loving uncle. in fact where was this guy getting money to travel nonstop anyway
agito: tsugami shouichi malewife representation win!
ryuki: shinji was a reporter who actually did his job sometimes
faiz: takumi, contrary to that post, was employed at keitaro’s laundry cleaners. zi-o shows that he still works there almost 20 years later. nevermind the fact that canon also said he died shortly after faiz ended. 
blade: kenzaki worked for BOARD obviously and im pretty sure later episodes imply that somehow he’s still getting paid even though BOARD was destroyed in episode 1. also being the protector of humanity pays like absolute dogshit, apparently. 
hibiki: hibiki-san worked for the organization Takeshi, his job was being an oni. 
kabuto: technically tendou was unemployed but he was also like astoundingly rich somehow. 
den-o: ryotaro was unemployed and lived with his sister but he was also like 18 so i think we can forgive him.
kiva: i dont think wataru actually sold violins? pretty sure he was just out there. idk i didnt finish this show
decade: tsukasa in fact had many many many jobs. but no he did not work in the photo shop all he did there was waste their film and get them bad yelp reviews
w: obviously they were detectives this was integral to the show
ooo: eiji was a server at chiyoko-san’s restaurant on a part time basis, but before that and after that he was just wandering but very explicitly penniless. one has to wonder how he afforded travel.  
fourze: gentaro was a student and then a teacher
wizard: haruto lived in the good graces of an older man. i need not say any more
gaim: kouta went through a dozen jobs in as many episodes until urobuchi decided him helping his sister pay rent wasnt an important plot point anymore and its never brought up again.
drive: pig
ghost: takeru was a monk literally. also he died. after he died he went to school.
ex-aid: emu was a medical intern
build: sento technically worked for the government before the war happened and then he worked for the government again but as like. a soldier. then he was a traitor to the state. mostly he lived off a woman (misora milking idol simps for money on the internet)
zi-o: sougo was a student but its not like he was ever going to get a real job anyway. he graduated at some point. 
01: aruto was a fucking CEO. twice. before that he was a failed comedian. 
saber: touma is an apparently somewhat popular novelist. and writes books at fucking lightspeed 
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