#💎 about aiden
kalopsiavn · 1 year
what if the mc mysteriously disappeared? like...they didn't die or anything, but they just up and left one day and never came back?
Cain would try his best to find you. If the police don’t work, he will get involved himself.
Aiden would go on hiatus and hire a private investigator to find you. He will do everything to find you.
Isaiah will also go look for you himself but he won't get the police involved.
Haruto has a lot of connections, he will literally track you down...
Axel...I wonder what..
Ahaha, Mahal...don't hide from me for too long...I have literally looked for you all my life...
Yeah...they are the person who is actually successful in finding you...
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xhxnne · 7 months
starter call!
💭 Comment with the emoji that corresponds to the muse you want! ❤️ Like the post to get a random muse!
(open to plot too! find me on IM to plot or discord hxnne#1711)
Main muses
🍰 Christian (INTJ) ⚽ Kikwang (ISTJ) 🎹 Taejun (ESTJ) ✨ Ian (ENFP) 🌱 Jaechan (ESFJ) 🍳 Minkyu (ESTP) 🎥 Kijeon (ISFJ) 🖌️ Yashiro (ESTP) 📖 Sungmin (ISTJ) 💻 Liuxian (INTP) 📈 Hyunshik (ISTJ) 🐶 Kiwoo (ENFP) 🏍️ Minhyun (ENTJ) 💎 Haru (ESFP) 👑Minseo (ESTJ)
Secondary muses
🎨 Ren (ISFP) 👗 Jia (ENTJ) 🍷 Jinseok (ENTJ) 🏔️ Sky (ISTP) 🎤 Aiden (ESTP) 💍 Lilia (ISTP) 🏹 Theo (ESTJ) 🛫 Beomseok (ESFJ)
Idol muses (Cosmos X)
🟩 Yunseo (ISFJ) 🟥 Kay (ESFP) ⬜ Ethan (INTP)
» Find out more about them: muses
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xwitchaestheticx · 1 year
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Without being spoilery lets try this! (*/ω\*) Aiden: ※ Favorite color is the shade of blue that your MC eyes are.💙 ※ Doesn't mind being either Big or Little spoon just likes contact with you.🥺 ※ Hates fighting but always willing to fight for you.😉 ※ Hobby include painting🎨 ※ Jealousy off the charts 😈 ※ Afraid of heights and the dark👾 ※ Likes to treat you like they're older however you are two months older than they are. Both 19 ※ Leo♌ Ciel: ※ Favorite color is green!💚 ※ ALWAYS BIG SPOON! Unless... NO ALWAYS BIG SPOON! But...(T_T) ※ Side hobby of collecting different types of ores and gems and secretly names them. May even have one named after you💎 ※ Secretly has a huge sweet tooth🍰 ※ Overly protective and trust issues😤 ※ 22 years old ※ Taurus♉ The other two I'll save until we meet them <3
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rosejigglypuff76 · 2 years
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[Akechi "Rookie" Saihara] Age: 14 Gender: Male Birthday: October 31 Role: Ultimate Detective Bean Color: Blue Info: Rookie is the polite son of Junichi Saihara, who is labeled as the Ultimate Detective throughout the country and especially the city he resides in. Has solved a great amount of serious cases for a good 3 years despite his young age, but is afraid of dealing with a certain type of case. - - - - - - - This particular artwork featuring Rookie is a bit different, because of the fact that this version of the blue bean will be part of my new Among Us AU 🎀 Rookie got a slightly different design for this particular AU, mainly based on CL!Sven Svensson the Crime Scene Photographer 💙 The working title of this upcoming Among Us AU will be known as, "Among us: Actions that Bound Us" 💞 What I can say revolving around my new Among Us AU are a few certain things: 💎 1) It's planned to be showcased in script form rather than a piece of writing in order to open up the potential of a comic artist to help out (with me as the script writer) 2) The given genre is slice-of-life and mainly mystery, however it won't be about Crewmates & Imposters, but rather about taking on cases that are mainly missing person cases and eventual rescue missions. It'll also have light-hearted Guy in Distress (GiD) Themes as well 3) Most of the characters will be my own characters (OCs) with the exception of a few from official media pieces. The main characters will be Aiden, Rookie, and Punk who are all from Among Us Logic I'm hoping to showcase this upcoming Among Us AU of mine in the future, especially with the help of all of you guys! 🎀
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Magicam/Social Media appearance
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Leroy Violet
Leroy Violet PreOB: 
Chameleomecha7 @LeroyV
Mainly posts fashion and selfies
Leroy Violet PostOB:
Violet 🦎 @LeroyJenkinnnns
He added baking and gaming to what he posts 
Followers: A few who like his baking and recipes
Henry Lakeside 
Before Leroy OB:
LakesideCompany (™) @HLakeside
Promoting his company and life
After Leroy OB:
HenryL 🦀 @LakesideCrab
Leroy showed him to have more fun and so he also snaps photos from his private life
Followers: given he is rich a lot of followers, mainly looking to work with him
Mellow Mildew 
MushroomPencil 🍄@Melcolor
Mellow posts mainly art, sketches and Nature pictures
Followers: a good amount, given he as artist has a good base
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Flynn Deradelle
Joke account with not much followers:
Not Flynn @catchmeifyoucan
Official account:
Flynn Deradelle @Blackbirdacting
Of course movie promotion, behind the scenes, selfies, costumes and mainly just sharing his live.
Followers: Around school times huge following but older and actually accepted over millions
Nanoya Naegi 
SilverSamurai @NanoSword
Training pictures, Asian culture pictures, how to draw Kanji etc. 
Followers: Many fangirls but doesn't reach Flynn
Rubina von Loketon 
Actual account:
Detective Ruby @Whitewing
Account her parents made her:
RubinaVonLoketon @Loketonofficials
On her actual account she mainly posts theories texts and communications, while her parents account is mainly to show them she is acting and representing.  Deletes that official account when she breaks away form her parents. 
Followers: Lots of men who like her acting and the genuine people follow her actual account. 
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Peko Chunya 
Electromouse442 @PekPek
Emma Yuki
At first:
🎵Echo🎵 @EchoOfficial
💎Emerald💎 @EmeraldOfficial
YukiSnow @Fluffboxer 
Gregory Darknon 
⚫Pulse ⚫ @Pulseofficial
🖤Shade🖤 @Shadeofficial
MetalScreeching🌚 @BigG
All three idols mainly have official accounts Peko having a huge amount of followers, Emma being very close and Gregory being a bit more down. The Private accounts are mainly to relax from the fans and not be watched by their management.
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Tyler Nerington 
Caducello🍁 @Caducelloofficial
Ty'sArchives @NeringtonPlaza
Tyler mainly keeps to promotion his whole clothing making process and posting behind the scenes after making clothing and on his private account he posts Aesthetics
Followers are more on the Brand and quite a lot but hardly reach Idols or Flynn
Rachel Fuchsia:
🍡Kinkitsu🌸 @KinkitsuOfficial
R'Workshop @onlyforcousins
Also mainly Rachel expanding her brand while her Private account is to start social media fights with Tyler 
Many follow the Brand but nor Rachel in itself. 
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Gabrielle Ravenor:
Doesn't know how social media works but Tesa helped her so:
DnD🐲Dragonlady @ChessQueen
She is still emberassed of that name but people like it and actually follow her mainly for pictures of her training or just what weapons she forged. 
Tesadelle Ravenor:
Slumberdragon @TesaRavenor
Lots of Ballet videos, photos of her in dresses or in nature. Many just follower her to feel the royal life. 
Andrew von Yltan:
MerchantsParadise @YltanProducts
Horselover45🐴 @HoovesandNeighs
Andrew and his brothers manage the official account but his private account is about all kinds of weird obsessions. He still does well to hide the connection
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Aiden Renous:
CookingForrest @thewolfcooks
Aiden is highly anonymous with his account but it's highly followed and looked at because of his talent in cooking, his recipes and how good it looks
Media Chealean: 
🥭FruitfulFun🥝 @VeggieFruitCook
Media is not so anonymous but keeps Aidens face hidden if they do stuff together.  Mainly Lots of Cooking, Farming and also Media playing with animals. Many Vegans and Vegetarians follow him, including Mellow, he also shares his wood carving
Tenera Brawzer:
Fit-and-Cookie🍪 @likeGrandma
Tenera is half Cooking half tennis and other sports. Even since she is in her wheel chair many support her and love her recipes.
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Sindren Albright:
SuperSound 🦸‍♀️ @HeroSound
Sindren posts all about her favourite heros, reblogs real life good deeds and shares lots of nerd stuff, despite using her hero name her following is not that big. 
Mythra Cenov:
ChicMystique 👠 @ChicMystiqueofficial
Dancing, new outfit designs, Fashion, outfits of her in revealing clothes, you got it all and a huge following of mainly men
Feena Ebersol:
Cyborgkicks @Combattech
Feena barley uses it, only posted things where she tested new equipment but she barely is even active. 
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Dragiselle Flamescourow:
Flameprincess 🔥 @lostkingdom
She is not so good with social media like Gabrielle,  Inessa helped her to build a platform talking about her plans to rebuild the kingdom and sharing small things about herself. Despite that she gathered a small fanclub. 
Inessa Winter:
🧊SnowflakeSkater ⛸ @IceLady
Inessa shares lots about her Ice skating career and has a pretty big following of fans
Taron Ferres
🟩 TechnoPoint @AskTRN 
Taron mainly serves as helping people with technology problems, sharing ideas and theories and generally just is the address to solve errors.
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Fennec Grandwell:
TheWingedAdventurer @Wherethewindtakes you
Lost of photos from his adventures, journey etc. mainy just if you sign up to see some new places
Soren Speed:
Lightspeed 💨  @Lightspeedofficial
Gottagofast @speedolight
Soren mainly on his main account shares his songs and does small roasts while on his private accounts... only memes nothing else
Mark Shroom
🟥 MarkFights 🟥  @Fistsandtechniques
Just some self defense videos made by him as well as some photos from practise
Pamela Cheri
🍰 CakeMania @Pamcooks
Pamela mainly makes tons of sweets and treats but she is actually popular for some other reasons too... she is pretty enough to draw lots of followers in.
Dorothy Icelina
🧊 Blockadea 🧊  @blockadeaofficial
She has her own fashion line trying to admire Tylers and compete with Mythra and Rachels... however she is not as high in line as they are.
Jax Gear
⚙️ Jax ⚙️  @Jaxofficial
He is an action actor so mostly he posts photos behind the scenes and of costumes he wears.
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Kome Nabusa:
🍀HopefulGirl @Hopesanddreams
Mainly posts motivational quotes, girls she finds pretty,  photos from her life and stuff that gives her hope. She hardly shares that she is sick in actuality.
Spookgirl👻 @YourfavouriteShinigami
Most of it are horrible and Savage memes towards other students or just attempts at getting attention or you into shady deals and trouble
Tiam Falldow:
💊Dr. MelonHead @Medicinetips
Tiam is not social IRL but In the Internet he gives anonymous medicine advice. He avoids when people aks him if he does appointments. Still not has that huge of a following compared to other students. 
Kayne Saocheng:
🥚EggParadise @EggsandBreakfast
Kayne is similar to Aiden and Tiam anonymous and shares Cooking, cleaning and mainly egg related content.
Quora Fritchup:
⚾️StarPitcher @QTFBaseball
Mainly Quora promoting her career, post photos and Fastfood.
Ronnie Marxton:
He literally has only troll accounts and uses them to annoy most of the other students. This is the only official one that he made for some of the school classes
🎪TheBubblgumJester @ClowningAround
Mainly on this one he does still troll others at times but he mainly just shares Aesthetics he likes and prank ideas.
Eleafy Otoron
🦌LoneElf @EO100
Pretty much a invisible accout that wants to promote the cult but fails.
April Richter:
🍏AppleDemon 🍎 @demonicflower
Mainly followed for her Botany and some pictures of her, she does support charities, Chamomile and Macie on the sidelines, known for starting small fights with Kome online,
Julian Richter:
⚜JRDanceStudio @JRDofficial
He does have lots of follows cause he mainly uploads Dance tutorials and tricks for outfits, however he also Reblogs Greg's content often.
Emil Puppnella:
🍥Dollhouse68 @PastellNCakes
Emil has not really a big following,  most of him is rebloging Aesthetics of dolls, sharing some games he came up with. He barely uses his account though. Only to report Ronnie
Taylin Sage:
🗿SageSculptures @Sagesculpturesofficial
Taylin takes commissions, creates new sculpture each day and got a huge following many supporting her and cheering her on
Beelby Zetron:
😈Lord-of-Flies 🪰 @TheFlycave
Posting a lot about Bugs, Himself looking Fly, his Quizshow, daily quizzes and question, his fantasy is very dedicated
Macie Gumeron:
🟢Gummy🟢 @GummyOfficial
CarrotFanatic @Iheartcarrot
Macie similar to the Evolnation students also.keeps Career and RL separated, but she posts quite a lot of Shit post on both accounts and also she does stay more anon with her private account cause nobody really sees her face thanks to her Idol glasses 
Vanessa Pharon:
🍇 WineGodess 🍷 @JustGrapeJuice
Very high follower count cause lots of drink recipes, photos of her and also her hockey fans, Vanessa just charms a lot of people
Eikichi Atsuki:
⚙Inventor-of-Time @GadgetsandTech
Mainly sharing lots of inventions, discussing theories and sharing work, does have pretty average followers
Zyan Desire
ZDFashion☣ @Zyanoffical
Very popular given he is a Model. Many enjoy his chaotic fashion sense.
Paula Parton
PaulasBeautyPalace 🎀 @PPPOfficial
Lots of Followers cause of lots of Fashion advice
Brenda Goldwell
Goldwell-Inc @PuregoldOfficial
Tons of followers who like her rich lifestyle and bragging about all her wealth... some do start fights though.
Sylva Mercury
⭐ Island of Success   ⭐   @mercuryindustries
Mostly promotion for her Island, announcements for Volleyball and fighting tournaments as well was the rich lifestyle
Jin-Lou Chen
🥮 Peacekeeper @Jinsdojo
Mostly showing off her fighting style, excercise and how she keeps people save
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Barry Parton
Ideal-Fist @BPofficial
Tries to act like hot stuff and popular but half of his followers are bought
Francine Dalton
SnowBeauty @FrancineDofficial
Mainly her model work, outfits and lifestyle is here, she has quite a big following, competes with Mythra
Gilly Medeon
SpiderNails @Nailartnerd
Gilly shows of their creation and on occasions posts pictures of themselves
Louis Armarin Valentine
VegetableServant @cropsandprops
Its less about his job actually just about his garden... he barely shows his face.
Yuzuha Aimon
 PlainYuzu @hostofdesire
Graveyardwriting @letterofaghost
Well... its related to his more adult job.... following him implies a lot about you. But his private account is more sarcastic memes and his own writing.
Kaeru Suzanomoto
KingofFishs @SuzanoFishing
A lot of promotion for his family business and what fishes they caught.
They don’t have social Media
Carol Ann
🍏 Apple Tutor @Appletutor
She actually doesn’t post much cause she is camera shy... mainly how to learn things easier... and sometimes something she ate or so on... however she still gained a good following cause she is helpfull
Lyla Atsuki
💥 ScienceGuide @Lyshows
Lyla just presents some experiments she made and sometimes shares some RL stuff.
Grey Braynze
🍒 TemptedCherries @Temptedcherriesofficial
Grey mainly shares his writing and has a huge following for some stories
Camilla Dawnrose
🌹 MintRose 🌹 @ladyguardian 
Cater made her the account but she barely posts anything... mostly just cakes from heartslabyul and sweets
Neon Velocity of @Neonvelocity
Cat-laughter @kittyishungy
Bengal manages the main band account cause he has the most band experience but his private account is a mess nerding about horror movies and other goths
Eiji Hiranori:
☠️Hira Jewel Paradise☠️ @SkullJewelry
Only showing off the newest things he made
Meyra Palledino
SecretdanceLeaf @MPlessons
Given she doesn’t want to be spotted by her former husband she keeps it low to an account that only gives some small dance lessons
Joel Cummings:
StringFitti @graffitiartsJ
He only posts his graffiti here and his connection to Neon velocity is kinda omitted really
Bianca, Bolt, Eve, Brid, Odel,Kumo,Naomi
Dont have Social Media
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
Haiii ! I've been wondering (if it wasn't asked already) what are the boys' ethnicities? :D
(btw I admire your work, you're doing a good job ! muahmuah<3)
I thought about making a post about this but i forgor TvT but here they are Cain and Aiden are of Irish descent Isaiah is Mexican Haruto is Japanese- American Axel is Philipino! Also thank you sm!!
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
the characters at some point would like to start a family with MC?
Cain would be down for getting married but he isn't sure about having children. He feels like he will be a bad father. But if you convince him enough, he might reconsider. Aiden is more than happy to start a family with you. His own family was...not the best. He will try his best to be a good parent and let his children live the childhood that he couldn't have. Isaiah is probably the most eager to start a family. His dad wasn't the best to him. He learned from his dad's failure to be a good father and will do anything for his family. Haruto would rather not get strings attached. But deep inside, he kinda also wishes to slow down with his lifestyle and have a domestic life. He would want one or two kids. Axel is also really eager to start a family. They would take all the responsibilities on themself and overwork :( but they will try their best to be a good spouse and parent .
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
(Sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language and I use Google Translate) How will LI react to MC betrayal?
Betrayal can happen in many ways. But since I am insane, I will go for betrayal in this scenario: Exposing them for murder (accusing of murder for Aiden) Angst warning!! also average Cain and Axel creepiness Cain is absolutely heartbroken. He did all these for you..for his love yet..you could do this to him...As the police dragged him out of the church while being handcuffed, he will give you a rather terrifying look...a warning or a threat.. Don't go meet him in prison all alone. Aiden cannot believe it..how could you blame him for murder? He can never do this..and you know that, right? Yet your face shows no mercy for him...why..for the first time he fell for someone and they decide to not only reject him but accuse him for something he never did...oh he wishes he never met you... Isaiah doesn't show no emotions. He has accepted his fate..he deserve it. No matter how much love matters to him, killing another person is an act of blasphemy..he will give you one last smile before he is taken to the prison..a sad smile that says a lot...he genuinely loved you... Haruto doesn't even look at you. He doesn't care. He knows money can't get him out of this situation. So why bother planning for revenge. You are nothing to him anymore. You never were... Axel is shaking, their eyes are puffy and red from all the crying. They are trying to convince the police to let them go. Yes, you told them about their crimes but you must have done it accidentally, right? You can't do no wrong in their eyes...the police should let them go so.. they can go have a word with you..
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
I hope you don't mind answering this chaotic question ° °"
How would it be having a slumber party with all the LI, all of them + MC in the same place (i feel bad for my boy Axel he won't bé having fun in there srry bby <\3)
Haruto and Aiden are the ones having the most fun. If mc is a party animal, they are gonna dance, drink (if mc wants to) and do karaoke all night. They are gonna have a hangover later.
Isaiah is the more chill one. He would quietly watch the others, grab a few drinks and vibe. If you get too tired from Haru and Aiden's shenanigans go to him for comfort.
Cain didn't come because he thinks he is too 'holy' for that. If you convince him enough, he will join but will go to sleep early because he has church duties to attend </3
Axel will freak out because of all the yelling and will ask to go home early. Please try to give them a lil hug so poor baby doesn’t end up crying.
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
*kicks the door down*
- Whats inside the LI's bags or pocket??
Cain a rosary, some medication like aspirin, bandages, a scissor, nylon rope, a notebook, some pens, rubbing alcohol, a mini version of the bible, his wallet with his id and an old family picture of him and his brother (hmm his brother looks familiar...) Aiden Perfume, sunglasses, sweet snacks, a lip tint, a polaroid camera, his phone, hand cream, a really fancy water bottle, portable charger, dry shampoo, a really fancy wallet with like barely any money in it because he has his manager to pay for him and his id Isaiah a pack of cigars, hair tie, his shop keys, his wallet, his phone, his id and a few receipts from random stores Haruto Bubble gum, perfume, condoms, 5 credit cards, his expensive phone, his drivers license and his id Axel A notebook, a small bag with pens, pencils, highlighters, etc, a book, a kitchen knife..and...hydrogen peroxide?
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
Will the LIs still love me if I turn into a little worm? ✨🐛
Cain: "My dear...why would you turn into a worm? Are you perhaps cursed? Oh no! Lord, please forgive them! Let me bless you!"
Aiden: "WHAT?! WHY AND HOW?! I mean..you would be a cute worm...NOTHING! I SAID NOTHING!"
Isaiah: "Hmm..I wouldn’t mind having a worm tattoo on me I guess~ If it's you, carino~"
Haruto: "I will feed you to a bird BAHHAHA!"
Axel: "I will put you in a jar, darling~ I will put water and food on a little dish for you so I can watch you aaaalll day~ Hehe~ I mean it's one of my hobbies~ O-oh! No, no! I said nothing!"
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
could we know more about aiden’s band? type of music, other members or any other fun facts?
i love everything i see on this blog btw <33
AHAH THANK YOU NONNIE! Aiden is a part of a band called "The Ludics" based on California Aiden's band's genre is alt pop, baroque pop, alr rock, dream pop and indie pop. They have 5 members. I do have concept design ideas and names for them in mind (I will someday draw them and if people like them enough I will make a silly short vn with them after relasing the demo of kalopsia) The band has two vocalists (one of them being Aiden himself), two guitarists (also one of them being Aiden himself), a drummer who also plays the keyboard and other synth instruments. Aiden and another one of his bandmates are actors too.
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
Moving to a new city to attend university gets you into a situation where you meet five attractive individuals. Each with distinct personality traits that makes you feel like they are straight out of a movie or an anime. Is this your journey of romancing them or realizing nothing was real and realizing your descent to madness?
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'Kalopsia' is an upcoming 18+ visual novel for those who are fans of erotic horror games, where you meet five interesting and attractive individuals. Your choices will lead you to various paths, including those that can change reality entirely.
What will you do?
Master List:
Character bios
Blank character sheet
Birthdays and mbti
Pet names of choice
How jealous they are
Them with a shorter mc
Them with a sick mc
Them with a shy mc Their ethnicities
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
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Bios of the main cast!!
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
On a scale of 1 to 10, how jealous are the characters?
He is probably one of the most jealous. 9/10, he is sweet and kind and all gentle. Oh, who would suspect such a nice and humble priest? Maybe the bodies of those who tried to approach you with a romantic interest having a cross on their abdomen is just the serial killer's way of mocking his religion. How disrespectful! But don't worry, he will not let said serial killer hurt you, at all. :)
He is more of the flustered kind of jealous. 6/10. He would shove you away when you try to get close to him. Hmm...but yet you can see him giving glares to the person who asked you out on a coffee date. Maybe ask him about it later, confront him. You will find the most adorable flustered little baby.
He doesn’t get jealous easily but that doesn't mean he isn’t protective of you. 7/10. He knows how friends talk to each other. A little bit of flirting with your friends in a joking manner would not affect him. But anyone who might have an interest in you in a not-so-platonic way...he will have a word with them.
As the infamous playboy, he doesn’t care about you..or that's what he wants you to see. 8/10. He has a lot of people in university he is well acquainted with, people who are a bit...intimidating to say the least. He will not get his hands dirty, he has enough cash and influence to get rid of those who might come in between you and him.
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They are too innocent to be jealous...right? Hmm..they will probably leave you alone with your..new found love...
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kalopsiavn · 1 year
How would the LI react if MC became seriously ill? I'm sorry if this question is poorly worded, my English is terrible and I'm barely learning.
It's okay nonnie! I get the non native english speaker pain TvT
Angst warning!
Being a clergy has made him learn how to nurse a sick person very well. Expect him to handle you with utmost care. He feeds you, he bathes you, he even tries to exercise your limbs so they don't get stiff. When you are finally able to stand up and walk, you will find him, in the middle of the night, praying with his hands clasped together.
"God...you never gave me anything I asked for..but please for the first time..make it true...please heal them..."
He would get seriously worried. He drops his hard to get act and brings you a literal personal doctor. Expect the perfect setting in the room where you will be staying. He takes a hiatus from his public life just to spend more time with you, take care of you despite having maids to take care of your food and hygiene.
"I'm sorry..I couldn’t spend more time with you..."
He attended med school for a few years so he knows a few things about healthcare. But if your condition begins to deteriorate, he will urgently take you to the hospital. He will spend many sleepless nights, waiting for you to get well...waiting for the doctor to give him the good news.
"My rose...why have you withered? I took care of you everyday...please come back to life...please don't leave my garden.."
He has the money to spend. Knowing how his little bird is sick, he will immediately call for his family doctor to go check you. Doesn't care about the fact that this might freak you out but it's a bunch of professionals at your doorstep..doctors you have seen getting awards. Will call you from an unknown number to check on you. Who might this mysterious guardian angel be..you wonder.
"Get well for me soon, okay, little bird?"
Don't ask them how they got your address or how they even got into your house without a key. But they will be there for you, crying their eyes out, holding your hand. They will spend all the money they had to find medications for you. They can't lose you...
"Please..please...please...don't take away the only light of my life...please.."
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