nighttimemachinery · 9 years
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malia tate rarepair week ↳ day seven // favorite polyamorous ship
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kirasderek · 9 years
Teen Wolf Polyamory Saturday --> fall
Malia Tate Rarepair Week -->  day 7: favorite polyamorous ship
ships: Malia/Scott/Stiles with a side helping of Scira
Stiles props his elbow on the end of his rake and gingerly pats his forehead with the back of his hand, surveying the yard. He's pretty sure he's gotten every single leaf that hasn't found its way beneath the porch or around to the smaller patch of grass out back, beyond the patio. Sure, the pile's not particularly neat and maybe, just maybe, it's kind of fucking towering because he's been neglecting it longer than he should. He's still calling it a job well done. There are four other capable hands that can take care of bagging them all up.
The only thing on his mind is whether he'll miss the crackling under his sneakers until the trees give up their last shower of muddy brown when he hears a loud whoop from behind him. Can't even catch more than a glimpse of the blur that blows past him before it dives face first into his hours of work.
“What the fuck!” The rake hits him on the way down, knees and then toes, and embeds itself prong-first in the ground. His weird, oblong labor of love is scattered out for several feet in every direction and he has a leaf in his hair. He whips his head around in both directions, looking for a witness to his outrage – someone to hold his hands out to in open-mouthed, wordless disbelief.
He never said he wasn't dramatic, okay?
Scott is coming down from the porch, leaving behind his mug, the huge one they all share in the mornings in the car when they're on the run. His rubbed raw palms sting at the thought of the heat that he's usually so thankful for, his hands wrapped over Malia's so they can share the warmth. The closer he gets, Stiles can see that he's grinning, sleeves of his too-big sweater pulled over his fingers. “What happened?”
“I just finished,” Stiles tells him, swinging an arm at the scattered mix of orange, deep reds, and browns. Scott picks the leaf out of his hair and tosses it toward the pile, still grinning as it gently floats to the ground about two inches from their feet instead. “I worked my ass off.”
“It's October, Stiles,” Malia's disembodied voice reminds them, exasperated. She's literally disappeared beneath the leaves.  Way to commit to being one with nature. “You didn't even break a sweat.”
Stiles looks to Scott for support and gets a friendly shoulder pat. “I left you alone for like forty-five minutes. Did you forget how to have fun?” It's not clear whether that's meant to be a challenge – Stiles Stilinski is the king of fun, he is the human equivalent of the Tilt-a-Whirl, fun until you puke! - but it becomes one when he grapples for a hold on Scott's shirt to shove him into the leaves and gets taken down with him. There's a sharp yelp when he lands on Malia's hand before she pulls it from under him and digs her fingers into his ribs in retaliation, leaving him shrieking and flailing his legs into Scott's shins.
They roll around for what feels like ages, until the sun sets enough for the sky to go pale purple. Stiles has leaves down his track pants and still-watery eyes from the tickling and the later bout of sneezing; Malia's hair is in tangles, threaded through with bits of orange and red like hair ornaments. Scott is flat on his back, shirt ridden up so far it's almost obscene, breathless still with laughter. Happy breathless. He'd spent his childhood – and then all of senior year – terrified of Scott not being able to catch his breath. Now the crinkles around his eyes and the spread of his mouth around a silent laugh are everything.
It takes a while to get themselves together and pile into the porch swing, Scott in the middle with his mug of only slightly less scalding cider. He offers it up to Stiles in sips, holding it for him in his sweater-covered hands before he passes it back to Malia. With his hands free, he starts to carefully unknot the ends of Malia's hair, leaving behind the leaves when he can. Normally Kira would take care of this, but she's asleep inside, gearing up for a night shift. Malia leans into the touch, eyes closing as she takes the comfort of being groomed by her alpha.
Their feet knock together over the edge of the swing, Malia's swaddled in the lumpiest woolen socks her cousin could possibly find for her last birthday gift, Scott's bare and still tan from the long summer. Stiles eyes the inches of uncovered ankle above them and slowly lifts an eyebrow. “Are those your girlfriend's leggings?”
Scott glances down like he's forgotten what he's wearing at all and laughs when he spots his hairy ankles out in the open air. “These would swallow Kira. Malia put them in the donate pile and I thought one less thing to pack up and drive to Goodwill was a smart idea. We are going to do that eventually, by the way. No excuses.”
“Scott,” Stiles whines, except it's more like Ssscoooooott, because as nice as it is to imagine all their junk going to people who might need it, he doesn't really want to let most of it go. There are things from the apartments in those donate piles, even stuff from back home in Beacon Hills. “We just moved in.”
Malia snorts, lifting the mug from where it's wedged between her thighs and taking a long sip. “Four months ago. I think you're pushing it.”
“Okay, well, you can talk when you finally decide on curtains so I can stop getting woken up at the asscrack of dawn.” He raises his hand before she can start up all over again on how she doesn't care about curtains. “Scott and Kira and even Lydia gave you stuff to pick from, and I know you're just going to pull them down again if I pick them and you don't like them.”
“You could always just move into my room,” Scott says lightly, Malia's quiet growl enough to know exactly how she feels about that idea. Scott spends most of his nights in his shared bedroom with Kira and some with Malia and Stiles, especially when Kira has to work through the wee hours. “We'll get you one of those plastic blackout things in the meantime. Can't let you miss out on your beauty rest.”
Things quiet again, the mug being passed back and forth now cool from giving up all its heat to Malia's chilly legs. The sky is deep purple now, almost black, and Stiles finds himself suppressing a yawn even though it's early still. He feels Scott shift and notices him keeping an ear out for the inside of the house – Kira must be awake. Stiles nudges him with an elbow. “You better go catch a shower,” he says, winking, and gets a kiss for his troubles. Malia lets him brush the apple of her cheek with his lips, too preoccupied now with picking twigs and grass out of her socks to look up.
Stiles slides over when Scott heads inside, taking the empty mug with him, and starts working on what's left of the mess in Malia's hair. He's never been great at this like Scott is, too fidgety and impatient, but after a split second when her body stiffens at the unfamiliarity, she melts against him. They work together, her carefully extended claws picking anything pointy or with the potential to rot out of the yarn of her socks and his skinny fingers separating tangles. He tugs a little too hard some time, enough once for her to snap her teeth at him. There are some things they're all still getting the hang of, even after years.
When Scott and Kira return, more cider comes with them – four cups on a tray this time – and they squeeze in to fit themselves on the swing. It's chilly, Scott's damp hair sending shivers down his spine that make Malia whine in sympathy, plastering herself to him. Stiles smiles at Kira over the two of them and she beams back, at least three times more chipper than anyone about to be off to work should be. It's not long before she has to go, pressing her mouth to Scott's neck first and his mouth after, peppering kisses on Malia's forehead and hugging Stiles. They watch her down the long driveway, rolling right past the carnage of the leaf wrestling match.
“I swear to God,” Stiles says, yawning and tipping himself across his girlfriends's lap, Scott's fingers in his hair before he can even ask. “Someone else is taking care of that tomorrow.” He gets only hums and mumbles in return, already starting to doze. He has just enough time to wonder which if of them will end up carrying him to bed before he loses track of his thoughts altogether.
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fandom-madnessess · 9 years
Rating: T, Word Count: 835
Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes/Malia Tate
Fluff, Autumn, Canon Divergence, Alive Boyd & Erica, POV Malia, Cuddling, Leaf Fight, that’s a thing now
Malia loved autumn as a coyote. Her fur would get thicker, the nights would get longer, and she loved the crunch of the leaves under her paws. But she still hasn’t remastered her full shift, and she still gets cold easily.
For Teen Wolf Polyamory Saturday: Autumn/Fall & Malia Rarepair Week: Favourite Polyamorous Ship
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lvkeskvwalkers · 9 years
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Malia Tate Rarepair Week: Erica/Malia/Scott
Revenge AU
When Malia Tate was ten years old, her father, Henry Tate, was convicted for assisting a terrorist organization in the downing of a passenger flight. For years, Malia believed he was guilty, but when she got out of juvie, her father’s friend and owner of DanCorp, Danny Mahealani, gifted her with a box of truths and 500 million dollars to spur her onto a righteous journey of vengeance.
Armed with a new identity courtesy of her cellmate and best friend, Erica Reyes, Malia is returning to the Hamptons to take down the family responsible for framing her father: Peter Hale, the man actually responsible for aiding and abetting terrorists, and his wife, Marisol, the woman who snuck into Malia’s house countless times when she was a child to lie with her father, but who obviously never loved him at all.
She won’t stop until she avenges her father, regardless of what collateral damage may come from her actions. There’s only three things she cares to protect: her father’s legacy; Erica, who is closer to her than any friend or lover could ever be; and Scott, the boy she loved as a child and could never quite get over.
(And hell, she’d die to save Danny and Cora, even if she pretends not to care about them.)
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spideypetes · 9 years
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Malia Tate Rarepair Week ❤ Day 7: Favorite Polyamorous Ship
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farklelucas · 9 years
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malia tate rarepair week: day six - au: mallison       who’s afraid of the big bad  w o l f ? huntress allison meets a coyote on the way to her grandfather’s house. but as it turns out, the coyote is actually malia, the long lost hale princess cursed to live as an animal by day and woman by night. the more time the two spend together, the closer they get. but when allison’s grandfather gets word of the rabid animal and begins hunting again, it’s possible there’s no happy ending here after all.
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sugarhoney-icecream · 9 years
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Malia Tate Rarepair Week
↳ Day 3 - Favorite Heterosexual Ship
            → Scott/Malia 
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elfysparkles88 · 9 years
Pairing: Scott McCall/Malia Tate
Summary: Scott needs a break. Malia takes it upon herself to give him one.
For Malia Rarepair Week, Day 3: Favorite Heterosexual Ship
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lbranwells · 9 years
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Malia ships for Malia Rarepair Week!
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lesbianorla · 9 years
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malia tate rare pair week       ↳ day one - favorite ship
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nighttimemachinery · 9 years
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malia tate rarepair week ↳ day six // au
i’ll run to you, i’ll run to you,                              i’ll run, run, run...
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kirasderek · 9 years
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malia tate rarepair week --> day two: quotes/song lyrics
teen wolf bingo --> square eight: jackson x malia
It's always great to find someone hot who doesn't want to talk about their feelings every time you fall into bed. Until it isn't.
a side: might like you better // dangerous animals // hot mess // boys wanna be her // take me on the floor // feel good // u.r.a. fever
b side: no strings // close enough // not in love // animal // rabbit hole // zombie // hard to love // something about us
Might Like You Better - Amanda Blank // when we’re done we can quit, we don’t need to go together, just let me hit it once
Dangerous Animals - Arctic Monkeys // D - A - N - G - E - R - O - U - S, the most unsuitable pet, it’s been long enough now so let’s make a mess, lioness
Hot Mess - Cobra Starship // dancing up on tables, say that you’re unstable, you’re a hot mess, we’re singing hell yes
Boys Wanna Be Her - Peaches // close call, stand tall, doll, you make them feel so small and they love it; the boys wanna be her, the girls wanna be her
Take Me On the Floor - Veronicas // the lights are out and I barely know you, we’re going up and the place is slowing down, I knew you’d come around; you captivate me, something ‘bout you’s got me, I was lonely now you make me feel alive, will you be mine tonight
Feel Good - Mike Del Rio // is it right, is it wrong, are you lonely? do you want something for your soul - not your heart, but your body? I wanna feel good, I’ll make you feel right
U.R.A. Fever - The Kills // go ahead and have her, go ahead and leave her, you only ever had her when yo were a fever
No Strings - Chloe Howl // we’re both there at the same time, we both go, don’t need to talk to each other, we got code; we’re gonna go home together, we really should know better; fuck your no strings
Close Enough - Ghost Beach // every now and then I get a bit crazy, i never know why it all comes back to me, there you are, and everything changes; get back in your heart, get out of your clothes, cause I’m lost in my head and I need you to let go
Not In Love - Crystal Castles ft Robert Smith // won’t give you my heart, no one lives there anymore, and we were lovers, now we can’t be friends; i’m not in love, we are not in love
Animal - Ellie Goulding // we are seventeen, we have just begun, I have love to fight for and then some, but you are the one; I’ll tie you in my arms, I will smother you, we’ll tell each other lies like we tell the truth; forever we’re young and we are dying, and we will be spilling all our blood, so I will take away my feelings, I will be an animal
Rabbit Hole - Natalia Kills // cause I eat boys like a cannibal, fuck hard, howl at the moon like an animal, eat me, drink me, straight down the rabbit hole; when I fall in love I fall down the rabbit hole, follow me down the rabbit hole
Zombie - Natalia Kills // I’m in love with a zombie, can’t keep his hands off me, I think he’s looking at me but he’s looking right through me; try to keep cool, heart beating, your heart’s freezing, but I still want you
Hard to Love - The Drums // I don’t know why after all this time ever single song I sing is about you; and I would never hate you but you’re hard to love, I would never leave you but you’re hard to love
Something About Us - Daft Punk // it might not be the right time, I might not be the right one, but there’s something about us I want to say, cause there’s something between us anyway
BONUS TRACK: Slytherin Pride - Draco and the Malfoys // so what if we’re cunning, so what if we’re ambitious?; our status is always outstanding, our compliments are always backhanded, we like nothing better than winning
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fandom-madnessess · 9 years
Rating: T, Word Count: 882
Allison Argent/Malia Tate
Fluff, Canon Divergence, Allison Lives, Cuddling
Everyone is safe, everyone except her girlfriend. ‘Has anyone seen Allison?’ Malia asks. She tries to find Allison’s scent, but it’s impossible over the rot of the swamp.
For Malia Rarepair Week - Day 6: AU & Teen Wolf Femslash Bingo prompt: Allison/Malia
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lvkeskvwalkers · 9 years
Malia Tate Rarepair Week: Malia/Scott
Scott confuses Malia pretty frequently. It's the way he trusts people so easily, mostly, but also the way he forgives, and loves, and keeps trying.
She doesn't understand that--doesn't understand why he was so quick to welcome her to the fold. But she's grateful for it, too. It was nice, to be trusted so quickly and wholly. At Eichen, it wasn't like that--they all stayed distant from each other, like maybe they didn't get the different brands of...strange. And sure, her dad had welcomed her home so quickly, but she thinks that's kind of his job.
It's not Scott's job.
She loves Stiles' jeep, but there's something great about settling onto Scott's bike and wrapping her arms around his waist, comfortably slipping herself into the empty spaces under Scott's arm, on his shoulders, against his neck. He never seems to mind when she steps into his space, not like Lydia or Stiles, who lash out when she's too close for too long, or like Kira, who can be nervous and skittish.
No, Scott almost seems to settle when she presses close to him. When they hold hands, his thumb rubs the back of her hand. When they hug, he rubs her back as though to reassure himself that she's there, that she's safe.
She would spend ages cuddling Scott, if she could, but for reasons she doesn't really get, Stiles is weird about it. She doesn't love Scott, or even like him the way she likes Stiles. Scott is her alpha. He helps her control the shift. He goes running with her in the mornings and comforts her when she's feeling sick with the need to hide and go back to her den in the forest.
(He took her back up there, once, when she missed her sister so much she thought she might die herself. It was quiet and not like she remembered (human eyes are so different) but it was safe, too, sitting next to her favorite tree with Scott sitting close enough that she could rest her head on his shoulder.)
Scott is her alpha. Her comfort. Her friend.
And it feels just right.
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spideypetes · 9 years
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Malia Tate Rarepair Week ❤ Day 6: AU
mermaid!au with mermaid!malia and marine biologist!lydia
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duncan-rohanne · 9 years
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Scott Rarepair Week 2015 ↳ Day 1 - favorite ship                          → Scott/Malia
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