#mallow’s tag games!
diaryujin · 2 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
only doing moots i’ve talked to!
i know too many jungwon/sunghoon stans
@lifelesslino x lee know as coffee/boba shop au
@nwjws x jungwon as forced proximity
@rk1stars x riki as enemies to lovers
@cholexc x sunghoon as sunshine x grumpy
@atrirose x sunghoon as fake dating
@okwonyo x jake as popular x nerd
@leaderwon x jungwon as secret admirer
@fertilizedtoesw x jay as forbidden love
I have an explanation (somewhat) for my choices, lmk if y’all wanna see it TT
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taranza-stan · 7 months
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Hello Fellow Mario RPG fans.
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nefarrilou · 8 months
🎃 🍬Halloween Tag: Dress up your Sim like another Simblr's character. Pass it on! 🎃 🍬
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Thank you @simatomica for the tag! I couldn'd decide so the whole Milkshake-gang is dressing up as @saruin's Peach, @void-imp's Jab, @alelelesimz Tinker and @puppycheesecake's Aeryn & Owen for Halloween! 🎃👻
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nordicbananas · 2 days
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red-hood-redemption · 2 years
19? hope you feel better soon!! 💖
hi!! thank youuu 💕💕
19. Favorite inanimate thing to draw
well I tend to draw eyes lol, but idk if that technically counts if it’s something that is part of an animate thing, so next is stars! like, a crap ton of stars. If I reach over and doodle on your paper, 9 times out of 10 it’s a star or two lol ⭐️
ask me about my art!
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retro-system · 1 year
tadpole lore shmadpole lore where the heck is geno
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thenixkat · 1 month
Hi sorry for asking im just genuinely curious, what are all the changes you'd make to the sun/ moon anime? Stuff like lusamine, guzma, etc. I love seeing you pop up in the guzma tag to rant abt how they butchered my guy, and im curious of all the stuff you'd personally change abt the anime bc it. It has problems. Sorry again for asking i just love disecting my fav media and discussing its flaws and how to better them!!!!
The biggest change would be letting Lusamine be a villain which in turn would let just about every character that got shafted actually get to have their stories.
Not shying away from her abuse which caused both Gladion and Lillie to runaway from home taking pokemon that were tortured by Lusamine with them. (Hell, you could even hint at some of the issues in Alolan society with overlooking/not talking about or helping with abuse)
Getting rid of the pokemon school angle since, the trial captains literally have only approximately an 8 year that they can be trial captains if the age cut-off is twenty and folks are expected to start their island challenge at 11. Those kids don't have the time to be dicking around at school, especially not the older ones like Kiawe and Mallow. Like, being a trial captain is a huge fucking honor in their society and they'd likely prioritize it over other stuff. Also, I don't care for nerfing characters for no good reason.
Storywise, I think using a combination of the story from the Sun/Moon game with some of the stuff from the Manga version of the story that managed to use stuff from Ultra without downplaying Lusamine's shit could make for the best adaption of the story with a few tweaks. -> Instead of the pokemon school plot, why not have Ash try his hand at being a research assistant? It'd be something new to do with him, give him a reason to be around and work with the professors, give him extra reason to explore Alola, and interact with Aether Foundation, and come in conflict with Team Skull. -> I can also see him trying his hand at the Island Challenge b/c of course, he's the protag. Hell, he can even make friends with the trial captains along the way.
-> Let Lillie be the deuteraganist proper! Let her be an actual trainer to Nebby! I hate some much that the games want us to have her pokemon just cause its the fucking box legendary, that's her pokemon and by all rights it would make more sense for her to catch it b/c that would be safer for Nebby in the long run. -> Not putting Hau on a damn bus for 97 episodes! He's the game *rival*, he's a major fucking character. Let this boy be present from jump and be both Lillie and Ash's rival. Explore his feelings about being stuck in Hala's shadow, the MC's shadow, and his sympathies with Team Skull.
-> ( A complaint I have with the games is I don't think Team Skull should be as rude or distant to Gladion as they are. Like, why would they make fun of him for being homeless if they're squatting in a rundown building? If Team Skull are supposed to be a group of homies and found family against the world, why wouldn't they adopt Gladion's prickly ass and tease him for being an edgelord? Also, just while Guzma acknowledges and respects Gladion for also escaping from and abusive household and wanting to get as strong as he can, I want more to be done with that than just paying lip service. Let them bond. ) -> Ah, yes, where was I? Gladion as a member of Team Skull. Not just hired help/an enforcer like in the games but an actual member. Let him bond with them damnit. And also keep him in a rival role to Ash while being a bad guy. Hell, its been a long time since I've watched the older pokemon seasons but it'd be fun to have a bad guy who keeps a long-running win streak over Ash. Let him keep his anime win streak and be a 'bad' guy.
-> Let Guzma have his role as the decoy big bad! Don't nerf him, don't slander him. Have folks mention him and have him show up at several points and have those eps be fucking heavy for one reason or another. He is a problem of a trainer and knows strategy and covers his team's weaknesses. -> While I hate everything the anime did slandering my guy making him the 'Undefeated' b/c he's a chicken that only targets weaklings, I wanna see Guzma being called the 'Undefeated' for serious, like folks thinking he's a chicken b/c of his ace and not taking every challenge sent his way but no he's actually good like that. I wanna see him beat Ash multiple times, yes Ash needs to beat him at some point to kickstart Guzma's character development but I wanna see him struggle to get that victory. -> You have no idea how much I want to see Guzma interrupt anyone who tries to use a Z move in a battle with him out of pure spite instead of just standing around doing fuck all while folks chant and do the poses. It would make so much more sense if he had his golisopod just sucker punch a pokemon in the middle of the z move stuff. It would be a good way to show that he's ruthless and very intent on bucking tradition. -> After I realized that like Guzma got possessed by a nihiligo in the of games and the manga and we were denied a perfectly good opportunity for a monster!Guzma rampage and opportunity to show how much Team Skull cares about each other that a 'I know yer in there come back to us Boss' and a 'help us save our Boss' could have added, I feel a bit miffed. Like I even commissioned fic to have just that and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends. -> I do like that Team Skull didn't disband at the end of the anime. Them breaking up is one of the things I don't like about the games. Like, the can reform and stay together. (I also commissioned fic for Team Skull reforming while staying together and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends)
-> Plumeria would have more things to do if Team Skull in general had more things to do and were taken a lil more seriously than they are in the anime. I do like the idea of her scouting and scoping and infiltrating in disguise. Also, I think she should make it farther in the pokemon league conference than she did b/c she's also a good trainer, and smart, and ruthless too. -> I think if she did make it further in the pokemon league conference and had to fight Guzma then that would be a great opportunity to show that the two characters are actually really good friends and know each other well. Certainly, I'd have Guzma win that fight, I'd also have that fight be the only one where he actually shows good sportsmanship towards his opponent. B/c he likes and respects Plumeria.
When it was on Netflix a few years ago I do remember watching some of the Pokemon Sun/Moon eps. And I remember how strange it felt that the ultra beast stuff had like a goofy Power Rangers type bend with folks suiting up as like a task force to deal with the things and just... idk maybe we should play the aggressive and fearful pokemon from another dimension more seriously. Darker at least. Cause like... ultra beasts kill people, they're a lot more dangerous than pokemon, they can do a good number on the environment more so than the invasives that are native to the dimension that the series takes place in.
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outofangband · 1 month
Hibiscus? 🌺
Prompt: In a spring mood!! Put a flower in the comments or ask box and I’ll write about where it grows in Beleriand, and its symbology and usage! Thank you all for your patience as I go through these! Previous entries in the spring flower game tag!
Given the huge variety of species I had to pick my favorites!
Hibiscus 🌺 flowers are a genus in the mallow family, containing hundreds of species! Most are native to tropical and subtropical regions and likely grow outside the area of Greater Beleriand as imagined by Tolkien however given the variety of ecosystems and the possibility for alternative interpretations of the climate and environment…
Pineland Hibiscus likely grew in the marshes of Nevrast where its was occasionally collected by Avarin elves for medicinal purposes. Its appearance heralded particularly warm springs and summers.
Dried leaves of various hibiscus species are used in teas and alcohols by Avarin and some Silvan elves in Middle Earth and by the Vanyar (primarily) in Valinor.
The swamp hibiscus is probably one of the most common species in Beleriand and surrounding regions. I made a post once envisioning the Havens of Sirion through the ecoregions of Northwestern Australia! This flower would fit into these climates and could be potentially found throughout other wetland areas especially in coastal regions.
The rock hibiscus is found in some areas of the Ered Luin often growing alongside desert lavender.
Due to the disparity in locations and appearance, many elven languages do not have a single word for hibiscus, instead primarily having names for local species. In Valinor where there is a wider known variety however, Telerin, Vanyar and Noldorin Quenya languages likely have multiple words. On that note I might make a separate post for hibiscus 🌺 in Valinor.
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salami-dono · 1 month
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A pencil drawing of Geno and a scribble of Mallow from memory. I think they look pretty good for being drawn spontaneously. Without guidelines, my handwriting curves upward. I think it happens with my art too. I'm referring to the way they're leaning.
After a while, Geno's blank expression becomes rather haunting...
I hated playing Super Mario RPG on Switch. Only Geno was good, which is why I won't tag the game. 😹
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diaryujin · 1 month
Surprise your followers with 5 facts about you!
awoop jumpscare
i have dyed hair
i have shoplifted
i have nearly died like 4-5 times
i won a regional reading cup when i was 9
i have dislocated someone’s shoulder
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vulpemarshmallow · 3 months
About Mallow
This is the blog of a genderfluid marshmallow who currently identifies as a nonbinary guy. I have returned as a refugee from Twitter. 40, bipolar and bisexual, actually ADHD, a they/them hot mess, queer as in fuck you, and a hoarder of dnd games.
I'm always in a variety of ttrpg games, be it dnd or other systems, as well as gm-less games everyone can play with minor amounts of prep.
I'm a receptionist at a large financial firm and my job is soul-sucking but pays the bills.
I have a cat with many health issues, who is still trucking along despite everything.
I don't remember any of my old tags except the main one that I use to talk about myself, so you can block #meta marshmallow if you don't want to see personal posts.
I'm currently obsessed with my favorite dnd character, Amaryllis Lux, and their partner Octhavius Thinwisp.
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marxxmulti · 6 months
All is welcome outside the DNI. I am 20+. Europian.
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Pr*ship/Pr*fic, Bigoted in any way.
I work fulltime and have other hobbies so sometimes I can be online a lot or be offline a lot (like if I bought a new game for example or have extra hours at work. Busy with other things. Etc.)
I don't lewdRP.
I have no triggers, but I would appreciate if you tag:
"CW Eating disorder", "CW Selfharm", "CW Suicide", "CW Pregnancy", "CW Animal death", "CW Animal abuse", "CW Child abuse"
Those themes can make me squick/feel upset. I do not have PTSD or something like that.
Tag lewd stuff so I don't get embarrassed when scrolling.
Tag as "Marx don't look!" when you think something could unsettle me.
Main muse:
Marx (Kirby)
Side muses:
Mallow (Super Mario RPG), Pan (Dragon Ball Z), Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
I still plan on changing or adding more.
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vividverdana · 10 months
About me:
Thank you for the tag @moviemuncherao3 !!
rules: bold the ones that are true and tag fifteen (15) other bloggers to do it too!
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies + talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
(No Pressure) Tags (Sorry It's only 9!): @moflettastein @tradcathy @kingdom-0 @my-autism-adhd-blog @gogysnotfound @peoples77 @famousbearpainter @super-ace @cupric-solution @marce-mallow
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redthreadoffate · 11 months
I was tagged by @yelena-belxva! Thank you so much! <3
name: eve (real name) or cherish (irl nickname)
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: philippines
favorite animals: dog
cereal of choice: fruits and mallows
are you visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: visual
first pet: dog
favorite scent: books (old and new)
do you believe in astrology: from time to time, depends on the day and if it's positive or negative lol
how many playlists do you have on spotify / apple music: 16 (more than i thought)
sharpies or highlighters: not too fond of them song that make you cry:
one sweet day (cover by khel, bugoy, daryl ft. katrina velarde) - my song for my grandmother
see you again (cover by atc) - song for all the dogs i lost
song that makes you happy: uptown girl by westlife
and finally, do you write/draw/create: i write! currently writing a fic for the netflix zombie show "kingdom" (and i really love it -- which is weird because i haven't loved a story of mine in so long)
i tag (but no pressure!): @trumpkinhotboy @singinprincess @angel-cap @imjustdreamingig @tangledupblue and anyone else who wants to join! thank you!
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novamayhem · 9 months
Thought I might make an intro post.
Hi, I go by Nova or Basement. I am comfotable with any pronouns (except for emoji pronouns and nameself/initialself), but they/them and vi/vir tend to be my favorites. I am fluidflux.
I make art and occasionally write.
The main fandoms I'm in are Kirby and Mario right now. I especially like the Mario RPGs. You will find MUCH Mallow and Geno around here.
Other fandoms that you probably won't see much include: Bug Fables, Wings of Fire, Pikmin, and Billie Bust Up.
I am a minor.
Dni: Queerphobes (of any type), anti gender non-conforming, anti pronoun non-conforming, anti neopronouns, proship/profic, zoos, pedos/MAPs or whatever they're called, sexist or misogynistic, ableist, racist, blogs that aren't safe for those under 18 (uncomfortable with saying the acronym, sorry. Once again, I'm a minor and block them on sight), supporters of AI art/voice training or nfts, 18+/"minors dni" blogs (don't dislike you, but we'll both feel uncomfortable so I think it's for the best)
If you make me feel uncomfortable, I will probably block you.
If you have me in your dni I will block you.
Dont be mean or you'll get blocked. Be a decent person.
PLEASE do not bring drama to this blog.
If I do anything wrong, don't have the proper tags, or reblog from someone bad, PLEASE tell me!
Also, putting this just in case, but please do not repost my art
Spoilers for these will be here: most Kirby games, Super Mario RPG (more of the main storyline and less of the remake's postgame), fandom-said trilogy of Paper Mario games (Paper Mario 64, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Super Paper Mario), and Moon RPG.
• I can be bad at tagging spoilers
WARNING: Bugs will be around here, but I both cw and tw them as well as tag bugs in general. Same for eyestrain (but on a less consistent level since I forget, be warned) occasionally being around.
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alder-saan · 1 year
Wip game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks to @anti-bright-places and @dianneking for tagging me
You guys have sooo many WIPs! I only have:
The Path of Poisons (Chamomile and Mallow)
Mange tes morts
I tag no one so everyone is tagged!
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