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Scilla Jacu (-) in Malombra (1984)
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marypickfords · 11 months
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Malombra (Carmine Gallone, 1917)
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uspiria · 9 months
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Malombra (1917) dir. Carmine Gallone
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movieposters1 · 3 months
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silentagecinema · 9 months
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lydia borelli as marina di malombra in malombra (1917) directed by carmine gallone
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winged-cries · 2 months
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Malombra (1942, dir. Mario Soldati)
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aquietjune · 11 months
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Mini Little Bird update
Due to seasonal under-the-weatherness, and the need to get some writing done outside of the usual revision / editing process, next chapter is going to come out next week, approximately on Thursday.
The idea behind it is: I care about putting out the best work I can and about the sustainability of such work, so while the updates will continue to come roughly every 7-10 days, every 3-4 chapters I might need a break of a week or so.
Also know this: better to have a longer pause here than after next chapter 😈
(Besides, almost accidentally, I might have something else to share tomorrow.)
Thank you all for the patience (also regarding replies to feedback, which is always greatly appreciated and cherished 🙏.)
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swallowtail-ageha · 8 months
*walks to a straight couple* so who is the Corrado Silla and who is the Marina Crusnati di Malombra of the couple
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ampd · 1 year
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<1992> Malombra - Malombra
CD, Black Widow Records - BWR CD 003-2
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rosecartridge · 14 days
Pausing from the current book she was rather enthralled in , a pressed flower keeping her place marked when she closes it.
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Something just happened-.
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malombrauk · 2 years
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† MalombraUK on ETSY †
† Madness, Clothing and Accessories †
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marypickfords · 11 months
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Malombra (Carmine Gallone, 1917)
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lemuseum · 2 years
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occhietti · 7 months
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- Antonio Fogazzaro, Malombra
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aultimagarotadofilme · 2 months
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Lyda Borelli — (22/03/1884 — 02/06/1959)
Local de Nascimento: La Spezia (Itália)
Satan’s Rhapsody (1917)
Malombra (1917)
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Malombra è un film del 1917, diretto dal regista Carmine Gallone, ispirato dall'omonimo romanzo di Antonio Fogazzaro del 1881. La marchesina Marina di Malombra, rimasta orfana, viene accolta nella dimora dello zio conte D’Ormengo, un tetro e sperduto Palazzo in riva al lago, ma con la condizione di potersene allontanare solo quando si sposerà. La giovane donna trova in una vecchia spinetta una lettera nella quale una sua antenata, Cecilia, racconta in modo accorato la prigionia in cui fu tenuta dal marito, il padre del conte, a causa di una relazione avuta con un giovane ufficiale, e chiede di essere vendicata. La marchesina passa le sue giornate rinchiusa nella grande villa sul lago di Como. L'atmosfera della casa e dell'ambiente circostante la conducono alla pazzia. Il film è semplice da seguire grazie alle didascalie in lingua italiana, semplici e concise. Puoi guardare il film al seguente link: https://youtu.be/rbtlbMKCo8k  I nostri Patreon dal livello Cappuccino possono scaricare in PDF il libro completo di Antonio Fogazzaro "Malombra" e ascoltare il podcast introduttivo che racconta in modo dettagliato la trama del film e del romanzo: https://www.patreon.com/AllyoucanItaly
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