#writer’s panic
aquietjune · 11 months
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Mini Little Bird update
Due to seasonal under-the-weatherness, and the need to get some writing done outside of the usual revision / editing process, next chapter is going to come out next week, approximately on Thursday.
The idea behind it is: I care about putting out the best work I can and about the sustainability of such work, so while the updates will continue to come roughly every 7-10 days, every 3-4 chapters I might need a break of a week or so.
Also know this: better to have a longer pause here than after next chapter 😈
(Besides, almost accidentally, I might have something else to share tomorrow.)
Thank you all for the patience (also regarding replies to feedback, which is always greatly appreciated and cherished 🙏.)
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lazylittledragon · 1 month
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mombin pt 9!! it's been too long i'm sorry
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Saying Sorry Will Never Be Enough
Feeling a bit angsty so I had this idea.
Danny is dating one of the Bats/Birds, and everything is going great, amazing even! They know each other secrets (from powers to everything etc), they have a wonderful place to live (even if its in Gotham), Danny is in college on the way to becoming a space engineer (and he does side jobs for unrestful ghosts), he's actually getting sleep again since leaving Amity Park, gets along with their friends and family (those who Danny or his partner still talk to, up to the writer), there is even talk about marriage and perhaps adoption/kids in the future between Danny and the Bat/Bird he's dating!
Everything is setting up for a good life in his future, something Danny didn't think could have after his accident. He was happy finally, and currently packing up his old apartment because he's moving in with his partner in a few days.
So he felt like his core was being pulled out of him when he opens his apartment door one day receiving a knock to find his parents, who had hadn't seen since they kicked him out of the house after coming clean about being Phantom (their words of anger and denial that their son was 'dead' and now a monster, still hurt)
Sure they didn't attack him or proclaim he's dead but still their last words and anger HURT.
Danny didn't give them a chance to open their mouths, both looking nervous and guilty, before he slams the door close and turns invisible, grabs his phone, and fly's out of his apartment to his partner's place in a panic attack.
His partner, isn't happy.
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I wanna write a really mundane magic reveal.
This has definitely been done before (please send fic recs) but I’m procrastinating and really want to write it.
Literally nothing is happening, Arthur is having a bath, Merlin is tidying up in his chambers one night and everything is basically fine.
Arthur asks Merlin how he manages to always get the bath water perfect and Merlin jokingly says “must be magic” while he’s distracted, Arthur stops and starts thinking about all the fallen tree branches, how his armour is perfect and even if Merlin is late, his food is always hot.
So Arthur realises Merlin is a sorcerer, but not a very good one if all he can do is boring stuff with chores. And if he’s not using magic to defeat all the bandits, it must be because he can’t defeat all the bandits. Not that he’s trying not to die or anything. In fact, the thought of killing Merlin, or of Merlin being punished for his magic, never even crosses his mind.
Arthur shrugs, because Merlin made the joke before, it was just his fault for not noticing it, also his father is still king, so it’s probably for the best that Merlin never said anything, and he tells Merlin to be careful about his magic and to only use it if he’s locked the door.
Merlin’s too shocked by the easy acceptance to panic, so he’s just like: “you’re cool with it?”
And Arthur, oblivious but in love, is just like “well, at least you’re good at something.” Because, sure, Merlin isn’t powerful, but he’s not about to piss off the guy who gives him perfect baths. Then he’s like, “maybe figure out how to lie so my father doesn’t find out about you though. We can figure out the ban once I’m king”
I’m picturing this to be in early/mid season two. Morgana never turns evil, Merlin helps her with her magic because I said so.
So Merlin and Arthur have a while for Arthur getting used to Merlin magically lighting fires, sharpening his sword, adding protection charms to his armour, heating his baths, removing stains from his clothes and even putting them back to being like new if they lost buttons or anything.
Then they go to find the dragonlord, Balinor survives also because I said so.
Merlin tells Arthur Balinor is his father in the inn before they meet him. Arthur is a little worried for Merlin, but ultimately happy for his friend.
Then Merlin uses magic infront of Balinor and Arthur after Merlin told Balinor that he’s his son. Balinor shoves Merlin behind him protectively and Arthur is confused, “why would anyone assume he’d hurt Merlin? It’s Merlin. If anything, he’s more useful as a servant and more honest as a friend since he found out about the magic.”
Balinor is floored by it, and starts treating Arthur a lot better. Arthur gets to ask about pre purge stuff, Balinor tells him a bit about his mother from when her parents visited his when they were kids, then about Ygraine visiting the dragons and how she, Balinor and others in court at the time were friends.
They take him to Ealdor after the dragon is defeated/banished and Arthur looks over at Merlin and realises “oh my god, you summoned the wind.”
And Merlin is like, “yeah? No big deal.”
So Arthur is left wondering why Merlin is downplaying what he thinks is the strongest bit of magic he’s ever done. He comes to the conclusion that Merlin is embarrassed that it was a fluke, he tries to reassure Merlin that he can always practice and learn to do stronger magic like that. Merlin is confused because the wind wasn’t strong magic?
Balinor realises what’s happening and decides he wants nothing to do with it so he stays quiet. (He’s already sensed a lot of power from Merlin, so he knows he’s strong.)
Anyway, they keep going to Ealdor. Merlin still hasn’t caught onto the fact that Arthur thinks he’s a weak sorcerer, Arthur hasn’t caught on to Merlin being strong and just thinks he’s a little bit embarrassed about not being that strong of a sorcerer.
Then they get to Ealdor, everything is great for about two days until it starts down-pouring. Enough rain to flood the village and everyone is worried because Cenred or Lot(?)(I don’t remember when Cenred dies in canon) isn’t going to do anything because he just doesn’t care so their fields will flood and they’ll starve and not be able to afford taxes.
Arthur tries to reassure Merlin that it’s okay, but Merlin just hums. He asks Arthur if they can still lie and say they were on a hunting trip if he does something about the rain, Arthur tells him he shouldn’t push himself or anything, but Merlin says he won’t and Arthur trusts him so it’s fine. Merlin then goes outside and casually stops the rain, clearing the clouds and moving the rainwater into the river.
Arthur is shook.
Then he’s got to realise that Merlin is powerful, but again he never lied about it so he can’t really get mad, so he decides it’s better to just be shocked and carry on as usual until he gets used to the idea that Merlin is stronger than he looks.
There’s also a little bit of a bi panic in there somewhere because Arthur definitely has a thing for competency. We all saw his crushes on Gwen, Merlin, Lancelot, Mithian if she wasn’t just the wrong person for him, I’m pretty sure Percival too. There’s definitely others I haven’t noticed or forgot about. You get the idea though.
He sees Merlin being good at Magic and is suddenly very confused by the feelings he’s too emotionally stunted to recognise. Even if it’s just small things, Merlin is good at something and ‘what the hell happened to the bumbling idiot who forgot to hand him his sword the first day? What? Huh?’
Then after he accepts Merlin is really good at magic, he decides: “great! He can train with me now! :D” and he drags Merlin out of Camelot to spar which is basically just Merlin teaching Arthur how to defend himself against magical attacks. Arthur thinks he’s helping Merlin to protect himself because ‘if all he can do is wind that’s hardly an offensive attack so he needs more help mastering that. And considering no one else knows, it’s my responsibility to make sure he’s safe if he ever needs it.’
Merlin is just glad to be accepted and that Arthur is willing to learn how to protect himself against the numerous magical attacks every week so he lets Arthur think whatever he wants about why they’re sparring.
But yeah, there’s minimal trauma, it’s not a big deal and they get the happily ever after they deserved.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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fake ep idea + doodles
#i was thinking abt how funny it would be if there was a shiftythrifting blog equivalent in lmk. and half the stuff on there is#submitted by wukong. so i thought a yard sale ep would be funny lol#basically the hoard becomes problem one way or another and wukong figures the best way to get rid of his junk is thru ebay#somehow ends up selling world ending artifacts to random megapolis citizens so mk mei and redson have to scramble to find em#purposely meant to mirror the weekly shenanigans s1-2 style eps that are really goofy (dumpling ep noodles ep etc)#but it gets darker and darker because MK is not fucking ok after that whole thing with the scroll and some unchecked identity crisis#for me id want him to kind of. freak tf out because they have to find MULTIPLE chaos inducing items that could end the world while trying t#be sillygoofy and funny about it. so hes trying to mask his panic with “ohhh guys its just like the good ol days ^_^ remember that ^_^”#ESPECIALLY after that whole thing with the ink scroll. also mei doesnt buy any of it and is worried for him the whole time#as for the B plot it could be monkey king also trying to be very relaxed abt selling 4000 years worth of stuff and tang getting all huffy#like “these are priceless artifacts that could help us learn so much about the past!! wtf man!!!”#and maybe it reveals smth like wukong not wanting to hold on anymore bc his past weighs him down. and theyre all reminders#i think azure mentioned that wukong is sentimental (idk if that was genuine or lying to mk) so that could be touched on to#so basically. the theme would be some sort of conversation abt nostalgia. i think. im not a writer so its very fuzzy in my head#if anyone wants to add on or include their own spin on it feel free. also included undercut redson as a treat somewhere in there#myart#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#lmk red son#lmk mei#lmk MK#lmk xiaotian#lmk xiaojiao#lmk sun wukong#lmk swk#doodles#lmk tang#lmk pigsy#lmk traffic light trio#yard sale ep
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Daddy Issues
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Natasha X Reader
Inspired by the song Daddy Issues by the Neighbourhood.
Warnings: Physical Abuse, Trauma, Difficult Childhood, Hurt/comfort, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Panic Attacks.
Please consider these Warnings before reading. This is a Mature Rated Fic.
Y/n was the newest member of the avengers team and Natasha was very intrigued by the young woman. She was always on guard and had a mask similar to the spy to not let their true emotions show. Curious as to why, Natasha watched the woman with caution, her instinct to not trust and find out the truth had gotten the better of her. But the truth would affect her more then she realised.
Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present Cheated on your mom but she never left him
The Avengers were sat around the kitchen ready for breakfast when Clint said, “God this tastes exactly what my old man used to make,” his tone nostalgic as he remembered his father making him breakfast. The team laughed and started to talk about their own childhoods due to prompt from the archer. You tensed slightly at the topic but made sure your walls stayed high as you didn’t need anyone knowing. However you failed to notice a certain redhead saw how you started to just push your food around on your plate and remained quiet. Not wanting to be there anymore, you made a reasonable excuse to leave and smiled at everyone before leaving raising no suspicions from anyone else.
First I didn't get it, now I understand
“What’s that now? Like 10-0?” the spy teased as she had once again pinned you to the training mats. You huffed out in annoyance as you hated training with Natasha as it always ended in teasing and you on the floor is positions way too familiar, except you knew she would never purposely hurt you. Not like he did.
“What’s that from?” She questioned while seeing the large scar on your stomach as your loose t-shirt had ridden up while being thrown on the floor.
“Just a silly accident as a child.” You quickly brushed the subject aside while pulling the ends of the black fabric down to cover it. Natasha saw the ways your eyes flickered with fear and conflict before your mask once again came back up.
“Oh ok,” she said, acting convinced for you to believe her, “Want to go again? Maybe you’ll land a hit this time.” Her tone mocking in a playful way but it only brought you another painful memory.
You heard shouting coming from downstairs before a little knock at your door. Your younger brother peaked his head around the door, his eyes full of fear.
“Y/n?” his voice barely above a whisper as he came into the room searching for his older sister.
“Hey I’m right here,” you softly spoke to him, attempting to calm him down as you could see how scared he was. “Why don’t you spend the night in my room?” you asked while pulling him in for a gentle embrace. You felt a little nod against your chest and pulled him into your bed. “You stay right there for me ok? You’re safe in here, he won’t get you. I won’t let him.” You pulled back to see tears threatening to fall but he nodded once again before you went to leave the room.
“Y/n please don’t go. He’ll hurt you again,” he pleaded as you reached for the door handle.
“It’s ok Y/b/n. I need to help mommy,” you turned to look at him curled in your duvet, “I’ll be fine.”
When you reached downstairs all you could smell was alcohol as you saw him. Your father was screaming at your mother as her hand rubbed over the red handprint across her face.
“Get the fuck away from her,” you spat as you ran over to your mother and pushed the man out of your way.
“You want to say that again you little bitch,” he growled as he shoved you away from your mother.
“I said get the fuck away from her!” you shouted, the rage that was bottled up inside you was now spilling out.
“I’d like to see you try and land a hit on me you pathetic little bitch,” he snarled while taking a swig of the bottle of alcohol in his hand before advancing towards your sobbing mother again. With all your strength you pushed him over before he could swing the bottle at your mother. You didn’t register anything till you saw the panic in your mothers eyes and the sinister look on his face before feeling a sudden pain along your stomach and your shirt becoming wet and sticky.
“Y/n?” questioned the spy as you had zoned out after her question.
“Huh,” you looked at her before replying, “Oh. Uh no thanks, I’ve had enough for today.” You smiled at her while rubbing the back of your neck, your nails digging into the skin there to punish yourself you being so vulnerable. “I’m going to go now Nat. Thanks for training,” you smiled at her before leaving her alone in the gym.
He broke her heart, left money in her hand So everything got paid for
“So Y/n, what’s your favourite childhood memory?” asked Tony as the whole team were enjoying a nice night in, sharing stories to provide entertainment.
“There’s so many how could I choose?” you lied while laughing with the others, trying your best to avoid the subject.
“Come on,” Tony said with a hint of stubbornness in his tone, “There’s got to be one that’s your favourite?”
“Yeah come on Y/n,” spoke a few other Avengers
“Ok, ok,” you raised your hands in defeat as you thought carefully, trying to find a happy memory. “It was my little brothers birthday and my mother and father gave us money to go to the local fair with,” you started trying to talk about your father in a way that didn’t seem like he ruined your life when that’s all he did, “He wanted to go on every single ride with me and practically dragged me around the place,” you laughed at the memory of seeing his face, his smile bright enough to light up a room. “But we went on this one ride that was too much for him and he swore to me he would never go on a ride ever again,” you chuckled at remembering his pale face as if he had just done the scariest thing in the world.
“Hey you ok?” you asked as he stumbled off the ride, a little smile on his face.
“Yeah I’m fine,” he gasped out while walking with you to exit the ride, “ I am never going on another ride ever again,” he exclaimed while looking at you. You raised your eyebrow at his suggestion before he quickly said, “Hey I’m being serious! That was terrifying!” you laughed at his seriousness before giving him a side hug and looking for your parents. After scanning the crowd you saw your father talking to another woman, his hands on her waist and a flirtatious look in his eyes. You looked past him to see your mother stood alone smoking, looking as if she was about to cry on the spot. You suggested to your brother that you could go find a game to play to avoid him seeing your parents.
A hand on your leg snapped you back to your thoughts. Natasha saw how after a moment or two of remembering the event your smile seemed to falter so she tried to bring you back to reality.
“Seems like someone was enjoying the memory too much,” she joked before changing the subject to spare you. After a while you slipped out of the room and no one seemed to notice. Well except for a certain redhead.
A few weeks later you found yourself at one of Starks after parties along with your team mates who had all seemed to had a bit to drink from the earlier main party. You were the only one there who hadn’t drunk anything alcoholic as you refused to drink anything like that. You zoned out while everyone started to talk as this wasn’t one of the things you liked to do. You started to pay attention to what was happening when you heard two male voices starting to get louder. You gripped the arm of the sofa you were sat in while your leg started to bounce slightly in anxiety. When Tony and Steve had started to properly argue and shout at each other you felt your thoughts spiralling out of control. Flashes how he would shout at you mother filled your brain, how he would beat her for wanting the best for their children, no her children, he had lost the title of being your father the first time he hit your mother. Other painful memories invaded your brain such as how he would hit you, pin you to the ground and do unimaginable things to a child and laugh as he saw your brother and mother shy away in fear. Your breath started to quicken and your hands started to tremble so you decided you needed to leave the room as quick as possible.
Suddenly you stood up and left the room as everyone was preoccupied with stopping the super soldier and billionaire from fighting. You managed to get to the roof of the compound, the place where you would go if anything became too much such as now, before your legs gave way and you collapsed against the wall. You let your body take control as you couldn’t keep the emotions in anymore. Your whole body violently shook as you sobbed into your hands.
All you could see was him. His face. His hands as he held you down. The screams of your mother. Your screams. The silhouette of your younger brother watching. The smell of alcohol. The feeling of pain. The feeling of when he would-
“Y/n…” Natasha’s tone was laced with fear as she saw you against the wall. After seeing you leave when the boys had started to fight she seemed to piece together an idea of what had happened to you and went to check on you. You didn’t look up when you heard her you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. What would she think of you now? A weak girl troubled by her past? A pathetic excuse of a person? A waste of space? She stepped towards you to try and comfort you but you flinched away at the sound of her footsteps.
“Please,” you sobbed out, ”Please leave me alone,” you begged, “Please don’t hurt me,” you croaked out before glancing at her feet to see where she was.
And when you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up
“Y/n,” she softly whispered, “Its me Nat. I’m not going to hurt you I promise.” You looked up slowly to see the spy through your tear filled eyes.
“Nat?” your voice shakily asked.
“Yeah it’s me. Can I come closer to your?” She watched as you tensed up before nodding at her request, your eyes meeting hers.
I can see it on your face it was rough Left a bad taste on your tongue
She slowly walked towards you and crouched next to you so you could see where she was without raising your head too much. “Hey its ok Y/n,” she cooed causing you to relax, “I’ve got you now. Your safe.” She repeated the phrase again and again till your sobs turned to whimpers and your body wasn’t shaking as much. “Can I touch you?” she whispered scared if she spoke too loud you would feel scared again. You weakly nodded and she gently cupped your face with her hands and wiped away the tears on your face.
And she didn't even take any drugs She would rain all day Couldn't wait for her sun to shine
You looked into her green eyes expecting to see disappointment or even disgust but all you saw was love and care. You hesitantly reached forward with your hands, wanting to hold her close and find comfort in someone but you stopped. You didn’t want to cross any boundaries with her as you thought it was bad enough that she was seeing you like this. Picking up on what you wanted, she carefully moved her hands around your shoulders and pulled you into her lap. She held you close and tightly as you started to cry into her neck. You murmured apologies against her skin until she told you it wasn’t your fault. You stayed quiet after that and just held onto her. She didn’t realise how much you needed her but she was happy to stay with you through it all.
And you made it shine There when she cried, you saved her life
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imsodishy · 14 days
once again thinking about what an upgrade for S4 it would have been if instead of being the one pulling all the strings in the upsidedown all along Henry/Vecna had instead been a zealous acolyte of the Mindflayer.
Why spend three whole seasons hyping up the Mindflayer as this hugely horrifying, malevolent, otherworldly entity, this destructive force of unnatural evil, just to pivot to some fucking dude with a superiority complex?
Little baby Henry making contact with it, being corrupted by it, twisted by it. Killing his family on it's say so in a (failed) attempt to bring it to our world? Banger! a million times more interesting than he's a born bad """psychopath"""
in a season that draws on the satanic panic and cults? having someone actually worshipping this devil from beyond? maybe it's increasing his powers, maybe Henry's just been convinced that it does. Henry trying to convert El to worship it?
Henry simultaneously awed and deeply jealous of El's strong connection to it, of it's interest in her. That she succeeded where he failed to rip a hole in reality to get to his Master? Good 👏 shit 👏
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celestialwrites · 1 year
can i request prompts for comforting your s/o after a panic attack? / words of affirmation
of course!!
@celestialwrites for more<3
comforting your s/o after a panic attack *ೃ༄
♡ kissing both of their cheeks as an attempt to calm them down.
♡ holding them while whispering “i love you’s” when they cry.
♡ holding their hand through the whole ordeal.
♡ “i can’t, i can’t-” “it’s okay, it’s okay. just look at me.”
♡ resting your forehead against theirs.
♡ they’re shaking infront of you, giving them space you offer them words of affirmation, “it’s going to be okay.” and “it’s like a wave, it will roll over.”
♡ standing back, you help them breathe in and out.
♡ “hey, hey, it’s me. you’re OK, you are going to be just fine.”
♡ kissing their knuckles to soothe them.
♡ getting a bath ready for them after the panic attack.
♡ turning a show on to distract them afterwards.
♡ “i love you, (nickname) there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
♡ giving them enough space until their comfortable with you coming to hug them after.
♡ after, knowing they want to forget, you change the subject completely, talking and talking about nonsense until they feel better.
♡ talking the whole thing through after until they feel as if a brick was lifted off their chest.
♡ “thank you, i love you.” “i love you too.”
♡ “i’m sorr-” you lift their chin, “don’t ever be sorry, i’m always here for you. no matter what.”
♡ you held back tears as you watched them, desperate for a way to help, you never thought your presence would actually be the thing to soothe them<3
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AN: my love to anyone who has ever had a panic attack, i know it can feel awful<3
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Shocking news: Local disaster can actually write more than ten words in an hour when she turns off her phone and writes in an actual notebook!
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mple-selhnhh · 3 months
“I guess that’s what happens when you grow up — you feel less joy.”
Inside out 2 - Joy
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aquietjune · 1 year
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Little Bird Revision Process Update
I completed the revision for Chapter 3: Part 1. (This is an AOT fanfiction, so we’re inevitably falling into the same traps as the canon adaptation…)
1. I’m still torn on whether to post Chapter 3 as a whole or divided into two parts.
Reconsidering my earlier words, after rereading and revising I think that Part 1 is actually rather autonomous as a posting unit, and would actually benefit from being posted on its own, but it’s more about Annie’s past and present and less about plot progression.
Plot progression is in Part 2 (still to revise).
2. I’m very proud of some of the writing in Chapter 3: Part 1, I can’t wait to share, especially because here starts the part I haven’t shared with anyone (not even early readers) yet.
3. Thank you all for the kind words & the encouragement. I didn’t get round to reply to the latest comments yet but I want everyone to know that they mean a lot—feedback means a lot in general, especially after working about this story in silence for 1+ year. It’s great not to scream into the void. ✨
4. Publication date: still to be defined, but not before Friday in any case.
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trentcrimms · 1 year
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James Lance as Trent Crimm TED LASSO | 3.03
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i know it would make sense for me to be freaking out about the last scene but i don’t give a shit because trent crimm is an ally at LEAST. i was full on expecting the camera to follow him home to a husband or something, like trent isn’t outing colin whatsoever. he might TALK to him but in what world does someone watch the princess diaries and then out someone. absolutely not
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 𑁤
tagged by @sunshinediaz @exhuastedpigeon @honestlydarkprincess @wikiangela @evanbegins @smilingbuckley @daffi-990 @tizniz & @diazsdimples thank you my darlings!✨
I think I’ll start posting soon about my other wips but for the time being I haven’t been able to part ways with Arcane, so here’s a lil snippet!!!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Stop,” Buck said suddenly, placing his unoccupied hand on top of Eddie’s. “You’re over-worrying again.” Eddie’s knees gave out, kneeling on the grass now. He took Buck’s hand with both of his, warming it up. “You’re bleeding, Buck. We’ve been sitting here for like a minute- and you’re… there’s so much-,” “I know,” he said as calmingly as possible, “but I won’t die. Not after everything we’ve been through.” He nodded, fighting the tears that were gathering in his eyes. “Promise me you’ll stay awake while I’m gone.” Buck nodded. “And that if you see something or someone, you won’t- won’t approach them.” “Not without you, I won’t.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
tagging in return @fortheloveofbuddie @honestlyeddie @buckleyobsessed @eddiiediaz @spagheddiediaz @puppyboybuckley @hippolotamus @loserdiaz @jesuisici33 @monsterrae1 @steadfastsaturnsrings @your-catfish-friend @911-on-abc @eowon @devirnis @bigfootsmom @spotsandsocks @eddie---diaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @urfactual @butraura @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @disasterbuckdiaz @kitteneddiediaz @tsunamibuckley @bucksbackwardcap @cal-daisies-and-briars @fionaswhvre @bucksbirthmark @wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @giddyupbuck @nmcggg (let me know if you wish to be added or removed!)
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sunnynwanda · 1 year
Reaching out
"Villain, you're so scared of connection you do everything to make everyone stop liking you. It's not going to work on me. You can't make me hate you." Hero's voice was quiet - small as a whisper, yet their words echoed in Villain's head like tocsin in a belltower. It's not going to work on me.
Villain didn't manage to utter another word, their voice drowned by Hero's broad chest as strong arms enveloped Villain's frame. They struggled to stay unemotional and willed themselves to maintain whatever dignity they had left by focusing on breathing, using the pattern to contain the panic rising inside them. Just a few more seconds, so Hero does not figure it out.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Villain hated that out of everyone in their life, Hero was the one who actually bothered to look beneath the surface. To notice there was an issue, an inhibition of sorts. They pointedly ignored the warmth that spread across their chest at the thought of Hero thinking about them long enough of notice.
Hero never understood why Villain broke their hug so abruptly or why they never initiated contact, always staying at arm's length and stepping back whenever Hero came too close. There would be occasional touches when there was no way around it, but Villain would always cut it short. Five seconds or less. Too short - for Hero's liking, anyway.
As time went by however, Villain started leaning closer, lingering longer and even went so far as to touch Hero's shoulder with a bare hand once. Despite the sensation sending them into the pits of darkness deep within their being, Villain needed more. They craved more.
Villain got attached. Much to their horror and Hero's - although short-lived - delight. Hero was painfully aware of their lack of contact yet blissfully unaware of their struggles. They attributed the issue to Villain's being shy or - worse - not reciprocating the feelings that Hero harboured for the past months.
Villain's mentor always told them to wear their opponents out to make them reveal their weaknesses. This time, there was nothing intentional about it. Villain wasn't trying. They couldn't have predicted it. They got attached to Hero. Hero got attached to them. The type of attachment ended up being an issue.
They lasted longer than expected, and Villain wasn't sure if it was Hero's optimism or perseverance that fueled their determination. Possibly both. They couldn't handle the way Hero felt about them. They wanted to. They tried. Again and again. They would spend nights tossing and turning, convincing themselves it could work. They could get over their issues. They allowed Hero to hug them, right? They could learn to accept their touch and the feeling of their skin against their own. Maybe it would take time and effort, but they certainly could try. Time fixes everything. One step at a time.
Except it did not. Every time Hero held their gloved hand a second too long, Villain could feel their insides twisting into painful knots. A slight brush of fingertips against their cheekbones was enough to send their mind reeling. And the one time Hero made the mistake of kissing their forehead left them throwing up in an alleyway, unable to calm their stomach or heart.
Soon, Villain found themselves avoiding Hero's touch yet longing for their company, staring from afar yet averting their gaze as soon as they were noticed. Villain was falling and knew only one way of stopping before it was too late.
"I loathe you," Hero snarls, standing with their back to them.
It's not going to work on me.
"It worked," Villain whispers as the door shuts behind Hero's back, locking them inside their ascetic cell. It worked. Even if it took wounding Hero's shoulder and breaking their trust.
"But it doesn't mean I don't love you," Hero's voice is as quiet as it gets - a part of them wishes Villain wouldn't hear it.
"Stop." They mean to sound harsh, but their voice wobbles. Villain hates the effect Hero has on them with the entirety of their being. "Stop trying to make it work."
"Then stop trying to push me away," Hero counters, turning around. Their whole demeanour oozes conviction. The anticipated hatred is nowhere to be seen. "Or do it better."
Before Villain can react, they swing the cell door open, stepping out as they come face to face with their shocked nemesis. "How..?"
"Did you think that cell would be enough to contain me?" Hero questions, slowly approaching. "Or did you convince yourself hurting me would?"
Villain's brain seizes functioning completely. So much for locking them up.
"You could come up with something more cruel than that," Hero continues, keeping their hands behind their back to avoid triggering Villain. It took them way too long to put the puzzle pieces together. "Or you could let us try."
"You have no idea what you're talking about, Hero." Villain shakes their head but doesn't move away when Hero continues walking towards them.
"I think I do." Their confidence makes Villain want to scream, but they find no voice to do so. Why do they feel so fragile in Hero's presence?
Breathe in.
"It will take a lot of time," they sound drained of life, and if Hero didn't know better, they would hug Villain. They smile instead.
"I can wait." Villain meets their eyes for a moment before fixing their gaze on the extreme beauty of the wall behind Hero's back.
"And even then, I might never be fully normal again."
"I can handle that, Villain." Hero shrugs nonchalantly, stopping at a tolerable distance from Villain. "I've told you before. You can't make me stop liking you. It's not going to work on me."
They extend their arm and hold their hand with their palm up, waiting for whatever Villain decides. They register the quiver in their chest when Villain lifts their hands, sliding one glove off and intertwining their fingers with Hero's. Hero gives their fingers a gentle squeeze, beaming at them before letting go. Five seconds it is. Villain can't help the grin that finds its way onto their face when they pull the glove back on.
Breathe out.
In case anyone wants to buy me a Ko-fi
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rimunagenius · 6 months
Best Show Ever
დ Pairing: Josette Maskin x rockstar!reader
დ Warning: RPF!! some suggestive talk?, definite blurred platonic/romantic lines, and literal gay panic fluff
დ Word Count: 2.5k (whoops got carried away)
დ a/n: okay so this is my very first sapphic fic that i’ve ever written. It’s also very self indulgent and i’m pretty i requested it on someone acc and it had almost the same plot line, it’s most likely me (i forgot if i requested anonymously or not) but anyways!! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS. i also used both preferred pronouns of jo’s so i’m sorry if it’s a little confusing. this pic is the vibe i was going for with reader x josette! ;)
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As a friend of Munagenuis, you were commonly spotted in the VIP sections of their concerts singing and dancing along to almost every song on their set lists. You were a superfan even though you had just as big of a following and sold-out arenas like this.
Most of the time you were on the side stage while they performed and made surprise appearances now and then when they happened to sing one of your featured songs. You met them through being one of your other fellow openers for Taylor Swift. 
You guys had met as you were a solo artist and wanted to not be alone in a pretty nerve-wracking situation such as opening for a huge sold-out stadium. You had all been backstage and that's when Pheobe had walked up to you completely starstruck because she had been a fan of yours for so long and meeting you backstage at a Taylor Swift concert was peak experience. In her words.
You couldn't believe it because you had discovered Lucy Dacus and went through a wormhole of her music where you discovered boygenius and eventually went down an even bigger wormhole for Pheobe. You loved their group and solo music. This was an unreal experience. You had listened to MUNA for a while, ever since you started your career. You just couldn’t wrap your head around this experience.
That's when she introduced you to MUNA and you couldn't even listen to anything she said because this beautiful person was just standing right in front of you, arm stretched out, waiting to shake your hand as Pheobe kept talking. "Hi, I'm Josette. This is Naomi and Katie." She shook your hand as they pointed to their best friends. 
You waved at them awestruck that you finally meeting one of the many big inspirations for your music career. This was so surreal. Especially since your celebrity crush had shaken your hand not even three seconds ago. 
You had known of MUNA and boygenius for quite some time and it was crazy to think that they knew who you were and liked listening to your music. You guys had talked that whole night and cheered each other on while you guys opened the concert. Since that night, you had all been even bigger fans of each other and hung out almost all the time. 
Over time, you had grown super close to Jo. You thanked your lucky stars that this could have happened to you and selfishly speaking, absolutely no one else, because you could not fathom ever being in a room and having the best friendship you could have nurtured with Jo. 
Over a span of a year of knowing MUNA, Josette especially, it had speculated, your fandom and MUNA's, that you and Josette were seeing each other. You guys had always seemed to laugh it off and go on about your day. You had known that there was something there. Whether it was just simple attraction or sexual tension mixed with mutual attraction. Definitely the latter.
It only started to become clearer because at one show you had been on the stage with them, after the eras tour opening you guys got busy and made music together, so you had been on stage singing your verse in the song. It was a little sexually suggestive, as the whole theme of the song, and while you were singing, Josette had lead guitar on it. 
They were all in their element as they had sauntered up to you and suddenly dropped to their knees and abandoned looking at the guitar strings and just looked up at you with this look in their eyes. Someone had gotten footage, made an edit of it, and tagged you in an Instagram story. 
You had reposted it and captioned it in the corner at the bottom, "if she keeps looking at me like that, I'm gonna fall in love 😍🧘🏻‍♀️ @ jojolovedog" You had reposted to your story and in a matter of minutes your Twitter feed was blowing up and it was just of you and Jo. 
Josette saw your story within the hour and reposted and captioned hers "i alr did…😍😍" That alone broke the internet and your mind for the better part of the week. Ever since then the rumors of your infatuation and "secret relationship" had just grown like some mold in a dirty basement. 
So as it was uncommon now for you to make an appearance with them on stage, you got used to the attention that boygenius and MUNA attracted to themselves on stage. And your little gay heart ate it up every time. 
You loved how they had all been openly themselves, kissing each other, and just loving on each other throughout the show. So when MUNA sang their featured song with you and the boys, things got crazy. 
While Katie had started the song off, you and the boys were dancing around and having fun. Pheobe had been running around hugging Katie while she sang. Julien tried to pluck the right strings while Lucy kissed her in every possible open area of skin. You had been laughing and moving your hips slowly and seductively while watching Jo play her guitar. Watching you dance and move the way you were, was driving Josette mad. She almost almost forgot what she was supposed to be playing. Almost. You took that as her not paying attention but you hoped it was because of what you wanted it to be. 
Naomi was singing some background vocals when you walked up to her, Pheobe following right next to you, and you both kissed either one of their cheeks. She laughed and then kissed you both on the lips. A short peck each. After she had initiated the lip kissing, Pheobe followed, kissing you on your lips while she held your face. 
The crowd immediately got louder and more hyped when you two started to dance around and go chase Lucy. You both grabbed Lucy, her settling for lying down on the ground, singing partially what sounded like background vocals. Pheobe had sat under her head, Lucy's head resting perfectly in her lap while the platinum blonde leaned down and kissed Lucy passionately. 
You straddled Lucy, her hands finding your thighs as you grabbed her face and kissed her with what you hoped was as much passion as your best friend Pheobe. 
Jo had walked around the stage, playing next to Julien, kissing her on the lips which you would've imagined sent some fans into cardiac arrest. And while you had finished kissing Lucy, Jo had seen the position you had been in and she wouldn't lie and say that that didn't make her want to take you right there. Make you sit on her like that.
She was pretty sure you had felt it too. There's no way you'd flirt with her with your lips insanely close to theirs, the lingering touches, and the sleepovers where you somehow always ended up cuddling each other, and didn't feel a single thing. 
The way your hands would brush through their hair while her hand was on your thigh. The longing gazes you two shared were not platonic. Jo was determined tonight to make it clear that she needed you in more ways than just one, being your best friend. She wanted to flaunt you and kiss you any waking moment. She has had a crush on you since you came into the spotlight after all.
She couldn't do that if you guys continued to fake flirt with each other platonically. 
But as your verse in the song was coming up, you got up and adjusted the sheer black leggings, opting to leave your form-fitting black mini skirt hiked up on your thighs. You wouldn't lie and say that you didn't wear this because you knew how Jo looked at you. Your legs. 
Whether it was just friendly or romantically, romantically for sure, she'd make any comment she could about the way your legs looked and it was always made with her eyes trailing up and down them, then pulling you to sit on her lap. 
The band had to know you guys were never going to be just friends. Your behavior was more than just friends and the tension would have to be released at some point, so they just would sit and wait til either one of you acted on it. I mean they could only make so many "just fuck already!" comments before it got old. 
So leaving the skirt to reveal almost all of your legs was definitely the right move. And it was. Walking closer to Jo, and raising the mic to your lips, her eyes trailed from your ankle doc marten shoes all the way up to the apex of your thighs. Oh how she wished she had you alone so she could see what was under. 
As you started to sing, the other instruments faded to allow just Josette's guitar to be heard and she played it so well. You watched her fingers as you sung. She took notice and sunk to her knees and played, abandoning looking at the strings. The same song you guys played when you noticed your feelings for her weren't just platonic anymore. You continued to sing the verse, this time with Katie and Naomi, and some of the boys. Your eyes focused on the pretty brown ones in front of you. 
You reached down and cupped their chin, their chest rising and falling rapidly as they continued to move their fingers at an insanely fast pace. You then sunk to your knees right in front of Jo, your faces inches apart as you sang the last of what you needed to. 
It was now or never. 
You had promised yourself that today you were gonna tell her or show her how you felt, what was the harm in that? You play it off as the normal concert shenanigans if it went south...that'd work right? Oh well. If it did work out, a little hard launch never hurt no one. 
Moving the microphone from your lips, your eyes watching the brunette in front of you waiting for her to look back up at you. When she did, you finally leaned in. 
Your lips connecting, in what felt the best kiss you had in your entire fucken life. You felt like it was only you two in the world and her lips felt like the only lifeline available. God did her lips feel like heaven on earth. 
You knew you made the right decision when Josette completely kissed you back. She was thanking every lucky star and sapphic god in the universe that you felt the same way she did. She would've thought otherwise if you didnt slip your tongue in her mouth and kissed her for two more seconds before pulling away. 
When the two of you pulled apart, the crowd was losing their fucking minds. You turned and looked, as the song ended, Julien running up to your side and kissing your cheek, you saw that the crowd, at least 95% of them, had their phones out. 
You knew that this was definitely gonna be everywhere in the next 10 minutes and you honestly couldn't be happier. 
After the show, you were in your dressing room, door ajar to let anyone know that they could walk in if needed. 
No one had walked in so when you heard the door shut you were scared as you had been scrolling through your Instagram, airpods in, your back facing the door while you sat at your vanity. You turned and saw Jo standing there, bouquet of pink, red, and orange tulips with a hint of babies breath. Tulips and babys breath were your favorite flowers and you had told Jo the meaning of them which made you love them even more so seeing these after one of the longest tours you guys had been on together was heartwarming and tear inducing. 
"Hey, jojo." You beamed at the most beautiful human being in front of you. 
"Hey, pretty lady." She handed you the flowers and you turned and set them down on the vanity, turning back to face them. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" A slight blush creeped up on her perfect cheekbones but an even more noticeable smirk took solace on he rlips. 
"Oh my god, Jo. You're so beautiful, you know that?" You giggles adjusting a fallen curl on her forehead while repeating her compliment back to her. Your hand ended up on her cheek, your other following suit. Somewhere along then and now their arms wrapped around your waist, their fingertips ghosting under the black cropped longsleeve you were still wearing from the show. 
"Can I kiss you, gorgeous?" They whispered, their face insanely close to yours. Your knees were weak, your skin was on fire at the mere thought that Josette Maskin, your lifelong, queer celebrity crush, wanted you, and thought you were the most beautiful thing in this world. You could barely even breathe properly. 
"Yes." You faintly whispered. She almost missed it. Almost. Soon her lips found yours, in what started as small tender kiss soon became a heated makeout. Josette picked you up off the ground, her hands finding place in where she's only ever dreamed of putting them. Her hand picking you up from your thighs, might they say dangerously close to the part of your body that's begged and cried for her for the last year. 
She scooted the flowers over, and placed you down on the vanity, her hands gripping your hips for dear life. Almost as if they didn't, you'd disappear forever. Your hands immediately ran through the short curls on the top of their head. As the kiss progressed, your tongues now dancing together, your arms dropped and just hung off her shoulders. Your body weak but all the strength and love imaginable to ever be possessed by a human being, in your body, being poured into the passionate, long overdue makeout session. 
Once Jo's hands found the sides of your legs, a small moan escaping your lips, a satisfied groan leaving their lips, none other than Naomi knocked on the door. "Yeah uh we gotta go! So wrap up whatever moaning and groaning is going on in there, and let's get a move on. We're all hungry." Not breaking the kiss the whole time. 
You kissed down Jo's jawline and down the column of their neck before they panted, "C'mon baby. We gotta go. As much as I love this and don't want to stop...we have to." You looked up at her, pupils blown, and smile on your face, you sighed. 
"Baby, huh?" You smirked at her. A small giggle escaping your lips. God, you were so whipped. 
They leaned down and gave you one last very passionate kiss, and laughed. "Yes. You're my pretty girl, arent you?" Her eyebrow grew slanted, making a questioning look. You kissed the crease in between her eyebrows, grabbed your flowers from behind you and hopped off the vanity. 
"Of course. Wouldn't want it any other way, baby. You and me," you pointed between the two of you as you reached for her hand as you walked backwards. "are forever, baby." You pulled her along behind you until her feet caught up with yours, as you walked out the dressing room. 
Her arm now reaching behind you, pinching your ass for second before wrapping around your waist. "Never forget it, gorgeous." 
This turned out to be best show of your entire lives.
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