#malte nerhus
kimmiessimmies · 1 day
Let's Talk About... (5/28)
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I was often at Malte's place from morning until very late at night. We watched movies, read together, talked a lot and kissed even more...
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At the end of the day he always walked me home.
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One of those rainy nights (it rained *a lot* this April) when we were saying goodbye...
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...Malte grabbed my hand and said, "Rachel, I'm really enjoying our time together. I hope we can continue this for a long time, and while I guess I already consider you my girlfriend, I realise I haven't asked you if you want to be yet..."
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"...So, do you? Please?"
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Of course I did!
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nerhusconnection · 3 days
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He cannot stop thinking about a certain someone... and look at that happy face, blissful even I'm tempted to say!
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kimmiessimmies · 2 days
Let's Talk About... (3/28)
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March flew by, and soon it was April.
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Very early in April, Malte invited me to his apartment.
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It's a very homely and cosy place, and I love it there.
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kimmiessimmies · 2 days
Let's Talk About... (2/28)
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We had dinner at Flavours one night...
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...but while the food was really good, we both agreed we liked talking somewhere more private a lot better.
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Sunny days spent at the park reading and relaxing were much nicer...
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kimmiessimmies · 2 days
Let's Talk About... (1/28)
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Hello, It's been a while since I last wrote, so let's have a little catch-up, shall we? Malte and I have been together for a little over three months now, and it's been wonderful...
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After that chilly evening in The Valley, when we had our first kiss, the weather soon picked up.
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We spent most of March getting to know each other better. We went on a lot of walks and talked about all kinds of things.
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I soon discovered that Malte loved to be in touch. Literally. He always held my hand...
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...gave me lots of cuddles...
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...and kisses! We both really love kisses...
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kimmiessimmies · 5 hours
Let's Talk About... (10/28)
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When it was really warm last week, Malte said he knew of somewhere we could go. He didn't tell me much else, just to bring swimwear. So I put on my bathing suit underneath my dress and let him lead the way.
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The place Malte had in mind turned out to be this secluded lake near a waterfall. It was really quiet. I wasn't really sure about swimming in a lake, but Malte convinced me it was really very nice.
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And it was... It was really... very... VERY nice... It made me feel all kinds of tingles...
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After that swim and drying up in the sun, we got dressed again and went home. And I've been thinking about things ever since...
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kimmiessimmies · 5 hours
Let's Talk About... (9/28)
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Also in May, Finn and I threw Sadie a surprise party for her 21st birthday.
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Malte joined me at the party and I introduced him to Seth and Sarah.
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My brother and Malte had a nice chat, I think. They talked to eachother for quite a while during the night.
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kimmiessimmies · 6 hours
Let's Talk About... (8/28)
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Malte is always on the lookout for volunteer work that supports good causes, and this month, there was a bake sale to raise money for an organisation that builds schools in countries in need.
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We decided to participate even though neither one of us had ever baked anything. But how hard can it be to follow a recipe, right?
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We had a lot of fun...
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...and eventually even managed to get some very decent-looking cookie dough in the oven.
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Which we then momentarily forgot about.
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Luckily, the cookies still turned out great, and the bake sale raised quite a bit of money.
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kimmiessimmies · 6 hours
Let's Talk About... (7/28)
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It was May when Malte and I were chilling on his bed after watching a movie, and he said...
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"...You know, you don't have to go home tonight. If you want to sleep over, you can." I was immediately a bit nervous because I didn't know what "sleep over" meant exactly. But I also knew I really really wanted to "sleep over," whatever it meant.
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It turned out sleeping over meant changing into more comfortable clothes (Malte gave me some of his to stay warm), cuddle some more, and then...
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...actually sleep (which was really nice and comfortable).
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The next morning I just felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Malte woke up really early and then brought me breakfast in bed.
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He really is the best boyfriend. ❤️
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kimmiessimmies · 1 day
Let's Talk About... (6/28)
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Now that we were officially a couple, I felt it was time to introduce Malte to the girl who had been pestering me about wanting to meet him for weeks now...
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Sadie. (And Finn, too).
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Malte joked that now he knew who'd come after him if he ever broke my heart, and Sadie said she was more feisty than she looked, so he'd better not. They both laughed. So that was a good start.
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We then went on to play pool, which Malte was really good at. It was a fun evening.
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As April progressed, I had to study hard for my upcoming exams. Malte provided me with tea and cookies and kept me company.
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kimmiessimmies · 2 days
Let's Talk About... (4/28)
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Malte showed me pictures of his family taken on a day they spent at the playground when he was fifteen. He spoke warmly of his memories of this day. He told me that the playground was so close to their house they could see it from the window. They often went there, but because his mum rarely had time to go with them, this day was extra special. We looked at the photos for a long time, and I asked him about his sisters, Solveig and Anne-Lis. He laughed when he told me, "Solveig was in her ‘skin cancer is killing people’ phase. She used to walk with a parasol just like a queen." The way he always speaks about his family is endearing and full of love. Even though he doesn't say, I can tell he misses them.
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Soon, I was spending most of my free time at Malte's apartment. I wanted to cook him veggie fish and chips, which is the one thing I can actually cook, but he insisted on doing the cutting.
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He proved to be a great student, though, as he watched everything I did closely. VERY closely. Hehe.
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The meal turned out quite good if I do say so myself. Malte joked that his excellent cutting must have helped too. I agreed.
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Want to see these family pictures a bit closer? @nornities made such a lovely sideblog dedicated to the Nerhus family and in this post you can take a closer look at the pictures. ❤️
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kimmiessimmies · 7 days
Happy 21st Birthday Sadie!
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It's a dorm surprise party for our girl! 🥳
(more under the cut!)
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Sadie deserved a celebration for her 21st birthday in May, but since I did not have a lot of story to tell here, I decided to go for mostly free gameplay and threw a party for everyone in "Student Residence A" (I still haven't changed the name of this dorm, LOL) and a few attached extras. Below is a collection of random pictures I shot while leaving this lot to their own devices—well, for the most part.
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"It immediately made me think of you..."
(Is there ever a moment when he doesn't? 😉)
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"Rach? I thought Sadie and Finn were a couple?"
(You're right, Malte, they are. But let's say it's complicated...)
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Trouble in paradise for Georgia and Dan?
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Do you see him? I see him. She doesn't...
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Georgia isn't making friends at this party...
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Maybe it's time to lay off the juice, Sade...
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Guess not.
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As people were either drunk or leaving, or both, James ended the night with a guitar solo. And the love triangle is still very much a thing...
This party wasn't as much ***PARTY!!!*** as I had hoped, but that's this game for you. It has ideas of its own. 😊
I'll leave you with two bonus shots:
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This is what Malte does at a party...
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...and this is what Rachel does!
A match made in heaven, I tell you! More on Rachel and Malte in the upcoming chapter!
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kimmiessimmies · 3 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (64/64)
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As his eyes locked with hers, she didn't even try to hide her blushing cheeks anymore.
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And when his face inched slowly closer, she was sure he must be able to hear the very rapid beating of her heart.
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Even though part of Rachel still thought she was dreaming, in her heart she knew, she was definitely no longer dateless.
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Malte created by @nornities
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kimmiessimmies · 3 days
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It's been three months since Rachel (finally!) had her first kiss. And she's had lots more since!
Malte and Rachel are connecting in pretty much every way, but there's one thing that keeps spinning on Rachel's mind...
'Let's Talk About...' goes live starting tomorrow, Wednesday 12 June, from 13:00 / 1 pm (CEST) onwards.
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Note: This one took me quite a while to write. In part because the topic (which can possibly be guessed from the title) feels delicate where Rachel is concerned. But also because this chapter required me to write a character I didn't create myself and I realised just how difficult that is. Many thanks and much love go to @nornities for proofreading (part of) this chapter and her help in writing Malte right and doing his character justice. ❤️
All this and the fact that there has been a lot going on on a personal level meant it took me a bit longer than usual to get this update finished. But it's ready to go!
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kimmiessimmies · 3 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (57/64)
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"Do you still have a crush on him?" Malte asked.
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Rachel fervently shook her head, "Oh no! No, definitely not. We've since become friends, and getting to know him better just made me realise all the more that we would never be a match. No. I'm glad I put that behind me."
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Malte smiled at her, "Me too, I have to say." There was a twinkling in his eyes as he said that, and for a moment, Rachel felt mesmerised by it.
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Malte created by @nornities
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kimmiessimmies · 4 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (18/64)
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I actually felt a bit silly because my life story isn't half as interesting as his, and I told him that too, but he said he'd read a book about me any day, which again gave me goosebumps.
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He hugged me pretty closely when we said goodbye. It felt very nice...
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I really didn't want to say goodbye to Malte, but I had a class, so I needed to go...
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I very much hope we can see each other again...
Gameplay notes: Rachel and Malte got on like fire! They both kept initiating interactions with each other (when they didn't get distracted by all the books surrounding them...), and their relationship turned into "friends" pretty quickly. From then on, Malte initiated a lot of flirtatious jokes. I wasn't sure if my shy girl would like that, but she did! Eventually, the flirtatious jokes made way for simply "flirt" and there were even autonomous amorous hugs. After the "flirt" interaction, both Malte and Rachel rolled wishes to kiss each other and watch the stars together (even though it was daytime). I didn't want them to kiss because it would be Rachel's first kiss, and she wouldn't just jump in and do that on her first date. That would be out of character. But I did feel bad when it was time to end the date. These two could have had a lot more fun together. Of course, we have many more dates to go, but Malte is a serious contender! They parted as "good friends". Attraction score: 8.
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Malte created by @nornities
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