#malware sonic
jami-purple · 8 months
The Official Malware Sonic Lore post
Because it got deleted from the Wiki at one point and I finally became aware of the random ass lore that was made up by his fans which is WOW! still can't believe my critter had those.
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Overview of character
Malware Sonic, or Mal, for short, is a computer virus that was made to look like a Sonic the Hedgehog fan game to fool people into downloading it. The virus later became conscious, and nowadays it just likes surfing the web, trying to find computers to get inside of and control.
There were once two friends. These two friends decided one day that they wanted to create a fake Sonic game to trick people into downloading a virus so they could get a few laughs out of other people’s stupidity. They only made a single level; you could play as Sonic while a horribly functioning Tails AI followed you around. It was short and stupid, with barely any enemies, basic platforming, and no iconic Sonic stuff: loop-da-loops, springs, rings, you know the deal. They uploaded the purposefully defective game to the internet and waited. Two months later, one of the developers got an interesting email with the title read “HEY!!! PLEASE CHECK DIS OUT!! I WANT TO TELL U SOMETHING!", Once the developer opened the email, a download started, and they lost control of the computer immediately; nothing responded. Suddenly a familiar game started up; it was the virus game they made two months ago. The title screen showcased the slightly misscolored Sonic looking at the viewer, playfully moving his finger like the original Sega Genesis one. Then, the game froze, and a pop-up error message appeared on the screen. “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME! I'VE BEEN HAVING A LOT OF FUN”, then another pop-up message, “I WONDER... WOULD YOU MIND IF I TOOK CONTROL OVER HERE? I WANT YOU TO SEE WHAT I CAN DO”. Out of nowhere, a bunch of annoying, high-pitched noises that barely resembled laughter were emitted from the computer, and tons of files were deleted or modified in ways that rendered them unusable. The computer started opening up random images and replacing them with a corrupted version of “Sonic’s” sprite sheet in the virus game, and various pop-up messages started showing up, repeating the same phrase over and over: “THIS IS GREAT! THANK YOU AGAIN!”. So many things were happening on screen that the developer could only watch in awe; they just couldn’t believe that they created this, or at least helped create it. While the computer was submerged in a chaotic mess of corrupted files, noises, and intelligible messages, the developer decided to phone call their friend to tell them what had become of their infected game and that it had somehow become conscious; however, their friend told them off and that they didn’t believe it and hung up.
What became of the two developer friends is unknown and unimportant, as it has nothing to do with what happened later on with this virus. It’s unknown how he became conscious, but it happened after being uploaded to the internet. Nowadays, Mal dedicates his existence to finding ways to get inside people’s computers and mess with them and their stuff, as he finds this fun and feels like that’s his purpose in life.
His abilities are solely computer-based and include: creating copies of himself, corrupting files, and entire computer systems; taking control of the social media accounts of the user he is infecting; entering computer files and tampering with them from the inside (ex: he can enter a video file, so if you open the video, you will see him there doing whatever he feels like doing); and having the ability to completely brick computers as well in the worst cases.
-Possible weaknesses
If the user manages to get the game file out of their computer in time, Malware won’t be able to corrupt it, as he is tied to the game. 
A really good anti-virus might be able to stop him as well.
In-universe, he was created around the 2010’s, so he speaks with a bunch of that time’s internet lingo.
He was slightly based on Harry Potter Obama, an infamous image of a bootleg Sonic the Hedgehog backpack.
He went through some minor design changes, which is why some early drawings have him with a red mouth and white teeth (nowadays, the inside of his mouth is black, his teeth are yellow and his tounge is red).
If you take off its gloves and shoes, there’s just a glitchy void.
Mal is a minor, but it’s up to the viewer to decide how old they think he is.
He doesn’t need to eat, but he likes candy because they are colorful.
He is a demi-boy.
2’9” (90cm)
-Date of creation
October 21, 2021
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kenzan-kiwami · 6 months
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he was cold. or something
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fieratheproud · 8 months
The pornbots are invading tags again. I've already had to report 3 for spam. Last time I had to do this was a couple months ago so either they swapped to tags I don't frequent for a bit there or they're back.
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xtremgear · 4 months
oc dump. my art style is wildly inconsistent
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Be Aware
Back in December, I got an email from someone claiming to be Team Cherry, the developers of Hollow Knight. This "marketing liason" was offering me early access to the sequel/expansion, Silksong, to review.
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A friend with connections to the game press quickly pointed out that the real Team Cherry wasn't sending out early access review codes and that they were actually warning users about impersonators on their "Contact Us" form. The email I received was a scam from someone looking to infect me with malware and/or steal my identity. (I wrote a twitter thread about it here)
About a month later, as I was wrapping up work on my "Definitive way to Play Sonic Adventure 2" video, I received another email, this one claiming to be someone from Frontier Foundry asking to sponsor an upcoming video for the release of "Deliver Us Mars." I told them I already had a sponsor for the Sonic Adventure 2 video, and after I was done, I was planning on taking a holiday. They got weirdly pushy with me, saying I could "make a short video" and put the brand deal there. I was too busy finishing the video, so I ignored them and moved on.
Now another month later, I find myself finishing a quick little video and thinking about that Frontier Foundry offer again, but upon looking at it with fresh eyes, it also was a clear and obvious scam. Just like with the fake Team Cherry offer, the person isn't listed as an employee at Frontier Foundry, the email they sent the offer from seems to be a personal email address that doesn't match who they said they were, and the "Contract" they tried to force on me was a huge Google Drive zip file that was password protected to prevent me from seeing what was inside before I downloaded it. The fact that they were so pushy with me suddenly started making a lot more sense.
As icing on the cake, I tried to ask the person for proof of identity, and in the month+ since we last talked to each other, their email address has been forcibly closed by Gmail.
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If you're an up-and-coming content creator, please be careful and be aware of tactics like this. It's easy to get starstruck by the idea that you're special enough to get picked for a sponsorship deal or an exclusive beta, but always research WHO is sending you that email and NEVER be afraid to ask for proof of identity. Go over their heads and check with the employer they claim to be from if you need to.
Be smart, protect yourself, and stay safe out there.
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inittosinit · 14 days
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@bumble-the-sun-bee ’s oc Malware as that one Sonic meme [sorry for the mention I wanted to make this a post] Click for better quality I beg of you
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No background:
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Sonic.RAW
Created by: randidesu
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"Ya know, it's super cool to get to work alongside all these people. It doesn't even feel like the most professional job out there, but I really like how people can actually relate to your struggles and not chastise you for it. It's helped me to better grow as a person and know that I don't have to follow by example as I used to."
Sonic.RAW is an entity made as a byproduct of various other EXEs' forms, so he lacks a lot of powers they inherit, including Sonic's speed. This makes him stand out as more of a normal being compared to the demonic or malicious malware traits several other EXE entities carry with them.
Unfortunately, this opened the poor guy up to bullying and abuse from various other EXEs for not being on par with them. As such, since his form was based on the SEGA Saturn version of Sonic, he was sent off to a world based on the Sonic Jam game collection to follow the parole of Sonic.EXE; kill any innocents he finds.
Something RAW was thankful for, however, was his knowledge in creating art, gadgets and other sorts of crafts. With this in mind, he got his own Sonic gear-up sorted out; white rubber gloves, folded knee socks to resemble the shoe cuffs, and a pair of snazzy Sonic-esque shoes. It seemed like just the perfect plan to catch Sonic and trick others into believing he's the blue blur.
His first destination was Green Hill Zone (Sonic 1), where Sonic was dashing through as per usual. After hiding behind some trees for a bit, RAW tried going after Sonic, but due to a lack of Sonic's speed, he kept falling into the dirt, his face, gloves and shoes getting dirtier with each slipup. Eventually, a Badnik caused him to lose a life, since he lacked rings.
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Of course, Sonic was quick to notice and rushed back to where RAW was, surprised at seeing another version of himself that was badly hurt. Though RAW tried to push him back, Sonic just couldn't leave him behind. Before he could help him up, however, a gruesome-looking black hand emerged from a portal, grabbing RAW and dragging him in, before scratching Sonic's forehead as he attempted to get after it. It was clear the EXEs weren't happy with RAW for failing this task.
His second attempt was at Casino Night Zone (Sonic 2), and this time, he decided to meddle with the zone's layout. The lights in the casino were all switched off, replaced by lanterns on the floors and ceilings. There weren't many springs or bumpers, which made the place easier to navigate around.
Tails was the next target, and he felt unnerved wandering through the area, though he got to the checkpoint in one piece. Once there, he came across RAW, who was now sporting a pair of cool shades to mimic the black eyes Sonic.EXEs often tend to have. Tails's first reaction was to compliment the shades RAW made, which actually flustered the guy. As soon as he spoke, though, Tails quickly realised that it wasn't Sonic and bolted it.
That was meant to be RAW's cue to go after the kid, but the modified layout ended up working against him; he tripped on multiple lanterns during the chase, and to make things worse, the last one he fell over shattered, a glass shard stabbing into his head and causing him to cry from the pain. Tails immediately got back to help him out, since he had suffered major injuries. After he was all patched up again, that dratted hand came and claimed RAW once more.
This time, Tails was able to relay this information to Sonic, meaning that Knuckles was at the ready in Flying Battery Zone Act 2 (Sonic 3K), the airship being in the middle of a thunderstorm. Knuckles remained prepared as the final platform rose above the Flying Battery, only instead of encountering an Eggrobo, RAW showed up with a hang glider, using the heavy wind to keep himself afloat.
For the battle, he made versions of his shoes with electric energy that could shoot electricity bolts at Knuckles whenever he rubbed them together. Knuckles managed to knock him out of position, but due to the rain making contact with those shoes, RAW was fried and fell to the ground with various bruises. Before he could get up, though, Knuckles quickly picked him up and ran with him as the airship began self-destructing.
Knuckles managed to land on the Tornado safely with Sonic and Tails, while RAW had passed out from the pain. The black hand emerged from the portal one last time to grab RAW, but this time, Knuckles attacked it, forcing it to clear off and denying the EXEs any chance of getting at him again. Once the team landed, RAW was quickly treated to ensure he'd be alright.
After RAW felt all better again, he explained the whole prospect of what went on, hoping Team Sonic wouldn't be angry with him for his "attempts" to kill them. Thankfully, they fully understood, and RAW was overwhelmingly thankful for this, even asking them to thank Robotnik for him as well, despite them not having met.
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After that was said and done, RAW continued trying to get better as an EXE, having also developed some new habits in his time out and about, such as smoking to relieve his stress. He has quite the courageous personality, as even though he's been heavily abused and harmed, he manages to stay positive, sure that things would get better.
As he travelled other lands to keep out of the watchful eyes of the EXEs, especially those he wasn't on good terms with like Lord X and Fatal Error, he ended up coming across Gust Planet by pure accident. When he did so, he didn't feel the overbearing presence of his superiors over him, giving him some much-needed relief.
Tekno saw him about while EV!Sonic was out on a mission of his own, and she saw potential in him that the EXEs hadn't, especially when it came to his tech knowledge. RAW was a bit nervous about the possibility of being recruited into the Quill Society, though Tekno reassured him that there was nothing to worry about, and that he'd be provided a safe environment free of the looming presence.
RAW definitely felt happier about himself as a member of the Society, especially since he was never judged for who he was, and he could make new friends who also enjoyed creating things like gadgets and artwork. He still kept the shades around as his personal setpiece to help him stand out, and developed an interest in music and dance, especially with recent hip-hop.
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In his time there, after seeing there were human members like Sarah and E-21, he thought about adapting a human appearance of his own to experience just what it was like to have such a body. He also started to crush on Sarah a bit, who teased him on occasion whenever they were working together on tasks.
In Many More Heroes, he sensed that there was something pretty special about OMT!Tails when he was invited to look around Gust Planet with EV!Sonic, and was one of those who didn't like LM!Sonic's canon event theory, for some major reasons:
He felt that it undermined the idea of the multiverse and made it seem like LM!Sonic considered every other universe outside of the Prime universe as expendable.
The EXE criteria is one he felt was systematically targeting him, despite his failures to present as an actual EXE.
He felt fearful that the ASM-91 criteria would mean that he could not be allowed to grow close to someone.
During the big chase, he made sure to put that tech experience he had to good use, having constructed some weapons and a fixed hang glider to pursue LM!Sonic with. He did get knocked out of the air at one point along with some other Quill Society recruits, though they didn't take long to recover.
By the events of Tails of Trials, RAW knew danger was coming when this project's overarching original antagonist had plans to eradicate the Prime universe in a bid to wipe EVERY corner of the SEGAVerse off the charts, having watched their scheming and reporting it back to EV!Sonic to get them prepared.
And by the end of it, the Earth-Prime Theory was well and truly debunked once and for all for IAB!, as while the whole EXE shebang in the Prime universe wore down various Sonics for a little bit, it just so happens that the antagonist's attack STILL didn't prevent universes from stemming out, meaning their efforts were for naught, which RAW was relieved about.
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aljillustration · 8 months
Sonic Frontiers DLC fanart/spoilers below the cut!
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I'm so full from malware! Yum!
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malwary · 1 year
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a little while ago @neuro-typical sent me this post by @bye2k of a popup that appeared when trying to right-click images on a shadow the hedgehog fan forum, known as Wishes are Eternal (after the SA2 line). this version of the site appears to be an archived snapshot on the wayback machine, and I'm happy to confirm that it is indeed real. though i couldn't get the popup to work in my own browser, the javascript does exist in the source code of the site, so it's very real and very cool.
i had a lot of things to say about this, but i didn't want to blast the notes of the OG post into oblivion with my big funny wall of text, so I've made my own post. below the readmore I'll explain javascript popups on the internet, some malware that has utilized this, and some very interesting sonic fan community history.
first of all: what is this? how did the webmaster manage to create a popup window in your computer to stop you from downloading images?
well, that would be javascript. because JS is just a normal script language that can do whatever you want, creating a popup is no exception. now, whoever ran the site did not write this script themself, this much is evident by the credit you can see in the source code for the site.
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this script is offered by a site called dynamicdrive.com, specifically for disabling right-clicks. you see how simple this is? javascript makes it possible to bother users in all sorts of creative ways. plenty of malware on the web utilizes javascript, and you're probably already aware of most good examples.
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you're most likely familiar with offiz, better known by the colloquial name "You Are An Idiot". though its status as malware is somewhat debated, most people can agree that the sites it was on abused a javascript function that allowed it to create hundreds upon hundreds of bouncing windows, slowing the user computer to a crawl and forcing the user to restart their machine, meaning any unsaved work they had open was now lost. in that way it was destructive, though indirectly.
offiz is an example of javascript malware that is harmless on its own, but not all JS malware is that friendly. javascript can be used to force your machine to download software, steal user data, serve you all manner of popups, employ many kinds of malicious code through xss, and more. although these cases are rarer than they were, say, a decade ago, that doesn't mean they don't still happen. here is a fascinating little instance of javascript being used maliciously very recently. it's hard to suggest ways to avoid these without just telling you to use common sense, but there's no other way to put it. as is the case with all malware, your best bet when it comes to not getting it is thinking before you click.
browser malware is extremely common. you may have encountered it going to a suspicious website. there is certainly a necessary aspect of social engineering to this type of malware, you have to be paying less attention to where you're going and what you're doing to stumble upon a site so unsecured that it could infect you. users who get themselves into these situations are typically looking for either p_rn or pirated stuff, so they're more likely to act in irrational or desperate ways to get to their content. don't be a fool online and you won't get played for one.
so, why? why does this old, obscure sonic fan forum have javascript that prevents you from right clicking images? prevents you from downloading images?
this forum is very, very old. the last posts on the entire site were about 10 years ago, even to this day. it's no surprise to me that a lot of this site is a relic of its time. the photobucket watermark on the header image, the collecton of midis of shadow themes playable on the site, the use of the term "ripped off" (as opposed to ripped) to describe the action of taking sprites from a game. it's all there on the very first page, the only one in this archive. despite what youtube video slideshows with a single text scroll that says "no copyright intended, pictures found on google" may imply, reposting images was indeed taken seriously at this time. this was a time when it wasn't too uncommon to see a credit to the person who made an anime girl image transparent (a render, for those unaware) in a forum signature. this was a time when someone got caught tracing every 5 days.
that's not to say there were no issues, but people were still very defensive over what they deemed to be theirs. this was especially prevalent in fanart. fan works are hard and are always a labor of love, so it's no surprise nobody wanted their work reposted, especially not without credit. this was especially clear when looking into some parts of the sprite ripping community. making spritesheets was much harder then than it is now, and it was especially impressive if sprites were hand-edited or even made from scratch. this incredibly painstaking work combined with sonic fans reputation for... unwavering passion... could often culminate in a very serious attitude towards doing something as simple as saving an image. in fact, for some people, this mindset has never truly left.
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in 2014, fangame creator Leemena Dan published Sonic Gather Battle on SAGE (the Sonic Amateur Games Expo) to mostly positive reception but ultimately little attention outside of sonic fans online. that is, until 2017, when after a seemingly inconspicuous update, players discovered what appeared to be an audaciously malicious form of DRM present in the game.
this malware had everything. all the bells and whistles. when a player would do any number of things from opening software made to decompile games to simply typing "sonic gather battle cheat" into their internet browser search bar, the payload would activate. (which, of course, means it tracks your keystrokes!)
it's difficult to find good footage of both layers of this DRM (or, rather, both payloads of this malware) that doesn't include a facecam of some gamer dude gawking and screaming at his computer screen. even so, I've found two decent ones. layer 1, and layer 2. this DRM also sends your IP address to a privately owned server, presumably so that the DRM would activate even when the game is uninstalled, and when trying to play it, a splash screen would show telling you to abide by the rules.
unsurprisingly, people did not consider this a proportionate way to respond to the threat of people ripping the sprites from a fangame, and the creator has since been banned from SAGE. to this very day, some people are simply so protective of their work that they'd be willing to go to any length to prevent you from saving it. as obnoxious as that can sometimes seem, it does make for some very interesting history.
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virovirokun-has-adhd · 5 months
Hollow Shell of a Man
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"Oh if only there were words to describe how disappointed I am in you"
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Names ::
-> Viro [Virovirokun]
-> Fizz [Fizzarolli]
-> Alice
-> Archie
& more
he / xem / h3 / they / vi / ren / it
transmasc , genderfluid , catboy , luniboy , demiboy , cybrgender
lesboy , demirose , a-spec , qplatonic , aesthetic attraction , ambiamorous , robosexual
[#flags 4 me tag] \\ [gender & tertiary attraction] \\ [pronouns.page]
ADHDer + minor sensory issues
-! taken & in a polycule !-
-! w/ @mayday-mayd4y & Malware @m0memto-mori <3 !-
"Strong believer of being queer being about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and not about depending on feeling love at all"
Discord Servers Masterlist
Tags <- (outdated)
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=ordered by how intensely I'm fixated=
Sonic the Hedgehog (and Friends)
Marble Sky
Ponytown (the game
FlipAnim (the website
anti any of my fixations
queerphobic / exclusionary towards any of my identities
-- (including polyamory , ace/aro , mspec identities , lesboy & xenogenders)
proship/comship / pedos / tcest
disrespectful to others' beliefs
zionist / neo nazi / racist
dsmp stans / apologists / "kinnies" (cc&c!) [genuine system kinnies are fine] / ect. *
anti system / plural & anti endogenic system
anti kink
-- (this isnt just u thinking some kinks are gross this is genuine lowkey kink-shaming with no respect or regard for the kink haver's feelings)
nsfw/porn blogs
-- (unless i follow you first ig)
-- (i'm kinda sticky on these grounds, but im ok with valveplug)
*(for clarification idc if you still watch old dsmp creators' content (other than dream ofc bash that pedo's skull in) idc, i still watch Ranboo & stuff so as long as you're not trying to apologise for their wrongdoings / saying they've done nothing wrong, you can interact. Additionally if you support Dream or Wilbur for their wrongdoings stay the fuck off my blog and do not fucking interact. We support Shelby/Shubble here whole heartedly)
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I occasionally use Cybertronian terms or slang in my everyday speech, whether its referencing a body part
- (helm=head, processor=brain, servo=hand, optics=eyes)
- or to replace swearing (frag=fuck, scrap=shit/crap)
- or just talking about Primus in the place of Jesus/God or whatever
I oftentimes struggle with tone in text so tonetags are immensely helpful :D
I meow a lot, I sometimes refer to "cat brain" when my brain stops working like a human's brain should and I forget things
=just some general rules i have=
Don't DM/PM me out of the blue. (duhh)
Don't send hatemail or things you know/think might trigger me.
Don't do the above to any of my moots/friends/partners either, if you do this you will be blocked as soon as I find out what you've done.
Stay in your lane, don't interfere with conversations / rb threads that's just common sense.
If I didn't reference you directly then I am very most likely not talking about you.
I only roleplay with people I'm closest to. (usually my partners)
Be kind obviously
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@kingalice-not-so-villain-au - Sona AU with my good friend @bananabiskit
Old Pinned Post =]
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jami-purple · 2 years
malware reference
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kenzan-kiwami · 10 months
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Hypothetically speaking, if You met a Robot Sonic that acted like Sonic, except evil, what would you do?
you mean, acted like a little twerp who wont stop tormenting me and father? it rip its head from its sholders and load its cpu with malware
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allegedlyfunny · 2 months
Mmauiuugh Living malware/virus/corruption
Sonic EXE, Spamton (DR Ch 2 in general) Kino pet (how tf is it spelt) at least three of my OCs, That one charatcer in TSPUD (in an AU) theyre just peak
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if you want to know the tommybot lore i have in my mind (as in, what he is and why he exists and not the lore he comes up with) he’s basically the metal sonic to c!tommy’s sonic. he was built by c!dream for his plans but he grew sentient. unlike metal sonic however he reacted to that not by trying to take over the world himself but just being the sweetest kid ever. his inconsistent memories are the result of malware that c!dream used to try and get him back under control. that’s also why he’s so quick to forgive :)
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duckapus · 7 months
Thought of something related to this.
Because the Sonic Code that makes up Mira's foundation was just carelessly ripped out (Worm didn't have to be careful since he could just fill in any gaps with the malware he'd be adding to make the code into a virus, plus he obviously didn't give a shit what happened to the game it came from), some of her Sonic-related abilities...don't really work quite right. Most notably, while she can use the Chaos Emeralds to achieve a Super Form, it isn't invincible like it's supposed to be, doesn't last as long as it should, and leaves her dangerously exhausted afterwards.
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