#mama mohg
theslowesthnery · 9 months
Chatting with some buddy-o's of mine and got to talking about many different "What If" scenarios.
In this case, Mohg and kids.
General Consensus is that Mohg would be the kind that would have a lot of kids.
Scenario 1) Basically involved Mohg waking up from a nightmare of sorts. Something terribly tragic happened to his clutch of Mohglets. In a panic, he goes to check up on them. Words can't describe the absolute relief he experiences as he looks upon them all resting quietly, safe and content.
Scenario 2) The Mohglets are taking after Mohg of course. They mirror his actions, and he teaches them all the fine art of doing the Nihil. They're all following him, carrying their own toy tridents or some kid. And they get, like, a chain Nihil going on.
Remember that video where there were three Mohgs battling Radahn, and Radahn just disintigrates when the three start doing the Nihil at the exact same time?
That's exactly how it plays out.
yes i'm a firm believer in mohg having a lot of kids (if it wasn't obvious from all of my mommy mohg ideas/headcanons/scenarios hahahsjdf)! and he would SPOIL THEM ALL ROTTEN and be fiercely protective over them: i can definitely imagine him having a hard time staying separated from them, insisting on sleeping with them as long as he can until his mate finally has to put their foot down and insist that the children are fine and safe and can sleep alone. even then, i wouldn't be surprised if mohg snuck into the children's room to watch over them, even sleeping on the floor if that's what it took
also itty bitty widdly mohglets nihiling at the same time with their little toy tridents has me DEAD. mohg collapses on the floor, pretending to be injured (well half-pretending, he's actually almost dying from the cuteness), going "oh no...i have been bested...by the strongest warriors in the land...curses...."
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luminaryofblood · 7 months
"Lord Mohg, There's two little ones I want you to meet"
Nouma says aloud to get his attention. She brought no weapon. No armour. Showing she has no intention on bringing harm to him.
Two little omens peeked out behind their mothers leg. Being 6'5. These little omens just barely reach her knees. The guess of being around two years old.
"Mama ye omen"
The maroon hair coloured one points out. Her horns the same black like Mohgs. Even a set of little wings. She waddled closer to Mohg. Looking up at him with bright green eyes. This one looking like her mother.
A little growl came from the other. This twin following the other so she is not alone in facing this new omen. Unlike her twin and mother. This one has gold eyes. Her hair a pale shade of blonde while the horns are gold. She sniffles towards him, then attempts to roar at him. A fierce little one.
Aside of the horns that all omens have. These twins have scales as well. Their cheeks and bridge of the nose being the most noticable.
"This is Luna"
gestures to the maroon haired one. Still looking at him with curiousity
"and Solis"
the blond one. Who still has the frown on her face
"They are your nieces"
It was a curious thing indeed, to seek out the Lord of Blood in such a manner...
This Nouma, as she had introduced herself, was accompanied by two Sanguine Nobles, each ready to do as their lord bid. But the Lord of Blood felt cordial.
His eye settled upon the two little ones at the woman's feet -- little omens, from the horns upon their head.
Were it not for his lack of lips, the Lord of Blood would have smiled.
With a deep rumble, the Lord of Blood approached the woman and her two offspring. A towering figure - more demon than omen, one might say. His eye locked upon the maroon-haired one - Luna - and bent down, extending his hand as a show of peace.
"... It is a curious thing," said the Lord of Blood, his gaze flicking back to Nouma.
"Most mothers would have seen their omen-young passed on to the perfumers. So as to be purified... I'm sure you understand what that entails, don't you?"
A dry chuckle followed his words.
The Lord of Blood stood back up, his attention now fixed upon Nouma.
"Nieces!" He repeated, stroking his horned beard thoughtfully.
"There is quite the selection of words that come to mind... Poppycock. Malarky. Twaddle, for instance. But... Mmm! You do have a familiar scent about you. Something akin to my own... Curious, curious, curious..."
Could it be? Has his beloved brother settled down with a little maiden to call his own? He would inquire further, but he understood that privacy was an important matter for his beloved brother.
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yournextflame · 2 years
Hello there! I was looking around some of the Miquella related cut content and I came around this dialogue piece apparently related to him:
Let all things flourish,
whether graceful, or malign.
On your opinion, what exactly would Miquella mean by that? My best guess is that no matter how foul something is, under Miquella's rule it shall be granted the right to simply exist (maybe a succint jab to his mama who couldn't handle the concept of Death and so sealed it away).
Still on Miquella, I don't recall which item it was, but there was a description somewhere saying the Haligtree was a failure regardless of Miquella's efforts. Do you think it failed after Mohg tore Miquella from the Haligtree - and so the tree had no more Empyrean blood to feed upon + Malenia's Rot infecting it upon her return - or it already showed no hopes of becoming what Miquella wished for it much before the kidnapping?
This line always intrigued me, especially giving Miquella's goal to ban the influence of the outer gods. Aside from my own theory that outer gods are representation of the natural forces, which puts Miquella... in interesting position in a story, where one of the biggest themes is Nature vs Civilization, this line contradicts with his views on Those Who Live in Death. On the whole, he seems like his mama on crack, denying not only Death, but everything what comes with it. Notably, there are no Omens in Haligtree, and the color of their flame is similar to Godwyn's death spells.
All these contradictions can be resolved, however, if Miquella had his own arc. Rico's quest line provides some valueble insight on St. Trina and Miquella himself, but this quest line also supposed to be a source of worldbuilding information (*cries in lack of Dreambrew descriptions in txt). There are traces of his model and cutscenes in files, so maybe there is even more cut content that was outright removed, including Miquella's own quest.
This isn’t to say that we don't know to which extend Miquella's motivation to meddle the influence of the outer gods was based on Malenia's circumstance. I don't like interpretation that he was raising Haligtree solely for Malenia's sake, but for sure her Rot is what inspired him to create unalloyed gold. Although some cut content gives us hints that Malenia used to be Tarnished's companion (presumably OG Milicent, but it's uncomfirmed), she was still a boss, killiable character. In that case, would Miquella still care about the outer gods if there are would be no sister to heal?
[cut content] Twinblade symbolizing twins Miquella and Malenia. Miquella and his sister were born from an inseparable fate (Abundance and Decay Twinblade)
However, we can't be certain what exactly Miquella called "malign things", but I do find this contrast between him seemingly accepting everything in his cut content and his current portrayal, in which he is indeed softer than his mom, but still discriminates some beigns.
Though watered with Miquella's own blood since it was a sapling, the Haligtree ultimately failed to grow into an Erdtree.
I'm sure that Mohgnapping caused or at least affected Haligtree's failure. But I'd like to speculate that there is more to it. Haligtree sigil shows a tree without roots, possibly a metaphorical symbol of Miquella rejecting Nature, but maybe there is another meaning, considering that the Erdtree sprouts from the Elden Ring (JP official site). This makes me think that to grow a proper Golden Tree you need the Elden Ring.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
i’m curious now to know how magnus’ parents would react if bby magnus went missing for a day then came home in full dynasty regalia tho 👀
Very worried about the implications of it all…
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Echos of the Past
“We found him!” The cry rang out through the darkened castle halls. Magnus stood sheepishly as a guard fetched his fretting parents.
The Lady Tarnished ran towards him, falling to her knees to scoop the small omen into a tight hug. She buried he’d face into Magnus’s Raven fur, not minding the pricks from his horns.
“I thought we’d lost you.” She murmured, pulling back to cup his face.
“I’m ok, Mama.” Magnus informed, seeing her eyes wet. He never remembered seeing his mother cry, usually careful to do so away from the children.
The GodLord nodded before peppering his face in kisses. Morgott came up behind them, moving slower than his small wife.
“He’s well?” He asked worriedly.
“Yes he’s-“ she started but the words died in her throat. She truly looked at the boy now, resting on her haunches to see his outfit more clearly. The small omen was adorned in an eerily familiar set of attire, fabrics of rich blacks and crimsons over him.
The Lady paled, twisting to meet her husbands gaze. Morgott mirrored her concern. Confusion clouded over his good eye.
But he was dead…slain…
Fear flashed over the Lady’s face, a silent question spoken between the couple. Morgott mirrored her, gripping his cane tighter.
Did he…live?
“Magnus…” the tarnished turned back to her young son, mustering up the most soft of tones she could manage, “Where did you go, my love?”
Magnus clutched greyoll closer to him, looking down at his feet. His small frame tightened, tail curling around his legs. His big, orange eyes began to get glassy.
“I’m sorry.” He bubbled guiltily, tears spilling out over his furred cheeks.
As more questions came to him, the young omen cried harder. The parents were at a loss, no more information gained from the distressed child.
Later, after the boy was safely tucked away in bed, new clothing taken away for inspection; the GodLord stood in her chambers.
She took the trident into shaking hands, feeling the pulse of power radiating under her fingertips. She failed to hear her husband enter the room, his voice startling her back into reality.
“Thee hath said that he was dead.” Morgott stained to keep his voice level, “Slain…” A deep pain seeped from his words.
“He turned to ash.” The tarnished insisted, “I took his great rune!”
“Then where didst the boy cometh across such regalia?!” Morgott’s voice was sharp.
She looked back to the trident in her hands, metal warm, “I…I’m not sure.”
“Does mine brother live?” Morgott pressed, coming closer.
She turned fully towards him now, voice wavering, “Morgott…I thought I killed him. I promise you…I thought it was so.”
She’d always been a woman of her word, throughout the entirety of their marriage. Morgott deflated a bit, realizing his anger was misplaced. He both feared the idea of his brother surviving and missed his twin terribly.
The implications of their young son making contact shook him to his core, however.
Magnus was already a worry…but this…
Morgott pulled the tarnished closer, embracing her. She nuzzled into him, his fears echoed on her.
The trident pulsed in her hold once more.
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crybaby-tarnished · 1 year
"Ma... ma..."
Amidst the raging inferno following a wretched fight, Perona stands, clothes tattered, covered in blood. She's heaving, both from horrendously intense emotions and the strain of her mother's overwhelming power. Noticing Fyra, she reaches, sobbing violently whilst her feet are stuck where they are.
"Ma-ma...! Mama! Hel-p! He-lp me-!"
The flames give way, as though weighed down slowly by something, before outlining a strange figure soon glowing a faint red. Blood dripping from various crevices, its head crinkles in a disturbing grin as large, clawlike hands reach down around Perona. Among her screams is a torrent of blood, the flames keeping Fyra from even trying to get to her.
It's only for brief moments, matching this being but a dream - a very bad one. And then it clears, from the flames to the blood... Perona still stands there, but now she is clad in Mohg's robes, a red glow on her forehead.
"... Ma...ma..."
Then she turns to Fyra from being turned around. And her face is contorted into insanity, eyes tainted by the blood of the Formless Mother herself as her symbol burns itself into her forehead. A grin far too big for her face about rips everything, bloody tears pouring down her cheeks as she slowly begins advancing.
"Maaaamaaaaa!" She screams, her voice a mix of her broken giggles and the madness forcing her to weep. "MAAAAAMAAAAAAAA!!!!"
Then the scene breaks like glass, until a woman stands there. She looks like a mirror image of Fyra, almost, but her hair is a deep amethyst, eyes brown as oak. Her fair skin is tainted by burns and deep gouges from spears.
Her hand lifts and points at Fyra in anger, snarling in long-buried rage as flames slowly begin enveloping her.
"YOU DID THIS TO US!!!" She screams.
And then it all fades into darkness, leaving only what other dreams could try comforting Fyra.
@eldenlordofdragons [Perona's evil arc that may never come because she's too pure]
Fyra woke with a start, sweating a bit. She wiped her brow, smiling at Geralt as he lifted his head to look at her. Probably disappointingly for waking him up.
"If that's a dream from Miquella... I am going to punt him into next week for making me see all that garbage." she grumbled, flopping back into bed, doing her best to ease the twisting in her stomach.
Thankfully she dreamed of old Bear being a cloud and floated all the way to the lands between to see her... A bit melancholy, but certainly a far more pleasant dream.
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theslowesthnery · 8 months
okay but. mohg singing to his babies when they fuss
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theslowesthnery · 6 months
There is just something healing? Cathartic? To me about Mohg having little babies to spoil. He can give them the life he was denied. He can have the family that was torn from him. It’s the humanizing ‘ending’ he needs. Not in the sense that he can be made palatable to fandom. But in the sense that he- Mohg- can be shown that he is a person full of love and worth loving. He isn’t a monster. The hnnng in my heart imagining a man that spent most of his life being made to believe he was beastly, cursed, hardly better than an animal- having a tiny child smile every time they see him. Fall asleep in his arms when he sings.
yesssssss thisssssss like i'm not one of those people who always wants their favourite character to end up settling down with a family and children, but with mohg i unironically think being a parent would make him more happy than anything else. he would adore his children, and could shower them with all the affection he always craved but never got, and if his children were to also be born omen, it would help confirm that he and morgott were not monsters that deserved to be locked up, that they, just like his children, deserved love and security and happiness. so while he can't go back in time to fix things for him and morgott, he can give his own children a good life. and maybe that's enough? maybe he can live without revenge and the destruction of those who wronged him?
i feel like the only way mohg would be a bad parent is spoiling them too much lmao. he'd let his kids do whatever and have whatever they want because he was denied EVERYTHING as a child, and doesn't want them to feel anything close to what he did. but he'd love them to bits
LMAO ABSOLUTELY, his children would be the WORST once they grew up but mohg wouldn't even care, they're his sweet little princes and/or princesses 😌
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
Okay but consider. ConSIDER. Mohg who doesn't file the babies horns because he doesn't see the horns as dangerous or even losing an eye as a bad thing. Mohg who thinks the "ugly" or "deformed" realities of bodies are beautiful. Mohg who's a masochist but doesn't quite realize it, who doesn't get off on pain so much as he's just always chasing the endorphin rush of intense experiences. Mohg whose ingrown horns are painful, but in a constant, reassuring ache sort of way that he wouldn't even consider "curing". Mohg who feels a kind of religious ecstasy when he's hurt or bleeding. Mohg who doesn't even think to file the babies' horns until Miquella prompts him about it. Miquella who is so used to worrying about his sister, determined to push herself past her limits just for the sake of proving she can, that worrying about Mohg comes as naturally as breathing. Miquella who wants so, so much for the babies to be healthy, please, just let them be healthy. And Mohg who never questions for a second that they're healthy. Of course they are. They're perfect. Their Miquella's children, after all.
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perhaps mohg has such bad issues (even trauma) with horn-trimming that even knowing what can happen and not wanting his children to suffer, he still can't get himself to allow their horns to be trimmed or filed. perhaps miquella can figure out some way to "redirect" any horns that look like they might be headed too dangerously inwards, like some sort of horn braces or something?
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
re: last reblog, thinkin about mohg whose purr has always been a subtle, quiet thing that one would feel more than hear if allowed close enough, but then when he has his babies and nurses them, his purr is loud enough to damn near make the room shake
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
thinkin about mohg's babies toothlessly hissing at unfamiliar sounds and smells before they can see properly the way tiny kittens do and mohg being So Proud of his fierce little ones
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
i'd like you to consider: mama Mohg teaching his darling little omens how to file their horns, filing them for them until they're old enough to do it themselves - he loves them too much to even let them consider letting their horns grow so much that they lose an eye to it the way he did
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
Mohg napping with his babies, sunbathing in a cozy spot, and he sounds damn near like a lawnmower by our standards.
miquella's inside with the window open, and one of his advisors or whatever's like "what in the name of god is that sound??" and miquella just smiles happily
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theslowesthnery · 1 year
we might have been very prolific with all the breeding stuff
as we should 😌 it's what mohg deserves!
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theslowesthnery · 2 years
Ok, so I remembered an old cartoon I watched called "Mitten" (about a little girl who pretended her red mitten was a puppy, and she saw it as a real living puppy while her mom only saw a mitten), and. Ideas.
Imagine Mohg insisting that his little newborn formless baby is right there, and he is taking care of it and talking to it and playing and absolutely doting upon it, and he can SWEAR he can FEEL it, he KNOWS it is there, it simply MUST be. He can hear it coo, he can even maybe sort of see it on a good day. It is a true, it is a real bundle of joy and love. He is so, so happy. He loves it so much.
Everyone else just sees an empty cradle, hands wrapped around cloth wrapped around nothing. No presence. No sounds. Everyone else sees him as a delusional omen, and his baby as fiction, a piece of a fairytale too good to happen to someone like him.
Bad ending: there's the creeping doubt, the growing unease that slowly erode away the happiness. His chest feels hollow. His hearing plays tricks on him, and sometimes he has to really listen in to hear his baby. Mohg keeps fighting off the erroneous thoughts, he shouldn't doubt this miracle, but... what if? What if his nightmares are real, and he does not just dream of waking next to an empty crib?..
Good ending: yep, the baby is actually a real little formless baby, everyone collectively goes "WHAT THE FUCK", Mohg loves his weird little baby like a good dad he is :)
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the worst part is that if it is indeed a false pregnancy, those things eventually pass, so mohg would definitely "come to his senses" at some point and realize that there is no child, that he just imagined it. and no matter how much he might then objectively know that there never was a baby, his love for it was fully real, and while his people are glad that their lord has come to his senses, he himself just feels like he just lost a child.
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theslowesthnery · 2 years
imagine the baby thinking that the seashells look like mohg's horns and arranging them so they make a small likeness of his mommy 🥺. mohg would die of cuteness
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theslowesthnery · 2 years
adding onto the false pregnancy idea: Mohg being so desperate to believe that its a miracle that he convinces himself that, like the Formless Mother, his child is simply formless as well
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