#mameko the fuck?
Confusion sat on Shiro's face --- was he early or at the wrong place, they'd mentioned meeting up at the library but now he stood - puzzled. And quickly sent a text to Mameko, "When were we meeting for study again?"
   The girl was sitting at the front desk waiting for guests, when all the sudden she heard her cellphone buzz and light up. Quickly grabbing it to check on the message and saw it was a text from Shiro. Wait–oh shit! She forgot that she was suppose to study with him. “…Sorry Shiro-san.”
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[ Yoshiwara, Shiro ]: Actually I’m working rn[ Yoshiwara, Shiro ]:  Forgot we were suppose to do that today. I’m really sorry![ Yoshiwara, Shiro ]: Lemme ask my brother if I can leave so I can see you
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bumblegem · 6 years
i want...... to make some changes to mameko...... since im making her more mine, yknow? i’d like to focus less on her being good with tech and more on her interest in entomology. i think it would be a lot more fun for her to just be able to like....... listen, she grew up with technology, so she’s just naturally handier with it. she understands how to troubleshoot. she knows the power of turning something off and back on. but making her a programmer is just like.... idk it’s not her energy. she likes to play video games, defo, but outside that i cant see her wanting to live a life in front of a screen. i still like her trying fun experiments, but thats primarily bc of her intensely curious nature than a passion for math and technology. she appreciates tech! if she got her hands on some fancy stuff she might try fucking with it for funsies, but chances are just as high that she’ll just break it.
from the start, i’d really loved her being into bugs and collecting them. i want that to be her focus instead of tech.
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
sorbetshark replied to your post: [[MOR] vague at best spoilers leading into s...
i cried so much but im so, so happy
ikr?? like 30% of my liveblog is varying ways to say and format ‘fuck you griffin mcelroy’ but honestly aside from my anger at being made to feel strong, real, human emotions, that was one of the most satisfying season finales of anything i can remember in a while? admittedly they had 3 years for their season, but even given that, if it had been the series finale, it’d still be more satisfying than most series finales i’ve seen. a+ and a round of applause to the boys for being such good story tellers/actors
also hey you wanna cry again?
magnus’ ending but mel and mameko. mel stuck staring not because she’s stunned or didn’t expect this. she just can’t not stare at her. ALSO before that kyle ushering mel in to help him prepare for the wedding because he’s freaking out about it. Mel genuinely telling kyle he looks handsome when he asks her how he looks. honestly i didn’t do the nt summary yet but i’m def about to now. 
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koffiehuis-love · 7 years
[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer:
How interested they are in having sex with them: I’m a guy, why even ask this?How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: No.If they would rather bottom or top them: She should be on top of me. I might crush her.How good they think they would be: Could be sweet. I wonder how she sounds.If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Wall would be easy.If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: Sex. I picture myself as gentle for some reason.If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: Portugal or Spain. I used to run into them quite a bit in the old days in the East. Might as well.If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: No, she is definitely one of those who settles on a guy and makes him hers, and I am not that guy.
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napuleh · 6 years
♡ yo
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other . he tried to fuck yao first and ended up with mameko so i mean it isn’t a fucking stretch my friend
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other . that weird feeling where everyone at dinner knows you’re putting it in their sib
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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bumblegem · 7 years
this is for sure going to contain spoilers for the finale and i want to just live in it forever but i have one crossover part bc its meant so much to me for so, so so long
amelia in magnus’s place always felt so good and right and i love every single part of it. i love her experiencing these growths and changes, and even her imagined death three years ago being something in a blaze of glory turning into dying happily and fulfilled of old age.
and when she dies, shes surrounded by the people she loves and they love her and? daliah, grown and sad but trying so hard to be brave for her. micha and austin and everyone they fought together with for over a century see her off it just. it means so much to me that she’s loved
and then she sees mameko. and she just cant not look at her, and they’re together? and hugging and crying and “i wanted to make you proud” and mameko assuring her that shes sure she did!!! she heard stories about her and now she wants to hear them from her. she starts the story as she’s entering the cottage that mameko built, introducing her best friends as a beautiful wizard and a questionable druid
I ALMOST ENDED THIS POST BEFORE POINTING OUT LIKE. HER FREEZE FRAME IS TALKING TO KYLE? I FORGOT THIS MEANT THEY HAVE BEST FRIEND FOREVER NECKLACES I HAVE TO DRAW THAT but her. god. her telling him that she cant say every day moving forward is going to be great, but from this day forward he’ll never be alone. even if him and ivan are separated, he’ll never be alone. and the two of them being so!! excited!!! about getting married they run to each other and jump the gun and kiss and its so good!
wait fuck this also means amelia excuses herself by telling everyone she has to shit. very good, love it
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bumblegem · 7 years
Hey guess who is on lunch and wants to talk about her girl Amelia? This mess right here alright let's go
Amelia sort of feels things out with people she cares about in a way that takes things like. Too far. Like her pushing Austin to the point of anger he loses control, pushing Al to the point of /actually/ fighting back and being legitimately angry with her, overstepping and genuinely hurting her relationship with Micha. And it's not the healthiest way to go about maintaining relationships, but she does learn from it. She tends not to repeat those instances and, like with the family au and Austin, tries to ensure things like that don't happen again. It's not fun for either party, she gets that, and she doesn't. I mean Mel doesn't get that it's not exactly fun for Austin that she's picking at him, but if he like? Fuck if Austin spelled it out to her, she'd tone it down a helluva lot more.
Even with Mameko, Mel tended to be overly affectionate before Mameko was comfortable and it lead to a larger argument for them. After they both calmed down, Mameko explained she wasn't comfortable with that much affection and Mel Got It.
I've always said that Mel is someone who uses actions over words which leads to a handful of communication problems. Bc like her occasional issues with Al come from him not really being an action or words person. He can get chatty, but Al is still a pretty quiet dude and not quite as touchy as Amelia is. He's actually... tbf he's worse with words than Mel is. He sort of expects people to already understand why he's upset with them and isn't very understanding when they don't always know. Which can be hard on Mel who /really doesn't understand/ and at that point relies on being told in words what's wrong.
Tldr; Mel can be pushy but it ultimately leads to her learning to respect the boundaries of her relationships.
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bumblegem · 7 years
wavemaker9 replied to your post: wavemaker9 replied to your post: ...
same i’m always glad to give kyle friends. okay here’s a good thing. kyle having mel’s number to call and chat, but not mameko’s since he only met her like the one time and while almost everyone is friend, he doesn’t think they’ve hung out enough to qualify as enough of a friend friend yet to get contact info. so like kyle fucking taking pictures of insects he finds around his house and sending them to mel with ‘send this to mams’
OH NO THATS SO CUTE. mameko wouldnt even think to respond by sharing her number just bc it?? wouldnt come to mind? but she fucking. does the same thing. finds something cool, sends it to mel and asks her to share it with kyle. also kyle picking up on the mams nickname <333 i lov e it.
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bumblegem · 7 years
wavemaker9 replied to your post: i mentioned mortal mel and immortal austin but...
no okay but i love that? kyle giving mel a hard time when he starts to beat her in atheletics competitions because she’s starting to get older. kyle giving shit to mel about gray hairs starting to show and her teasing back that at least she looks old enough to drink in every country she visits. and of course like kyle going to mel’s funeral but having to stay distant from it because he often has to either stay distant from it and/or make up stories for those
“and of course like kyle going to mel’s funeral” ez you took that from fun to sad in like 40 words what the fuck
but that being said tbh i like the idea of kyle being close enough that he wouldnt have to stay back?? since mel usually ends up with mameko in like 90% of timelines, their daughter knowing/knowing of kyle and having a friend of her mother’s there would likely be comforting
oh shit what back it up, kyle going to mel’s wedding too!! literally kyle in fucking wedding photos lookin the same age forever. thats so good
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Squad Goals, Team Mom, and Best Dressed!
Multimuse Yearbook Award [ Happily Accepting! ]
Squad Goals: Which muse(s) would be best friends if they met? If some already are friends, which is your favorite group of friends?
If I’m sticking to high school aged muses (and will try not cheating with relatives) it’ll be probably tied with the NYC Group House Kids (consisting of Kaiden, Brooke, Sullivan, Ginny and Takola) and the Kochi Girl Gang (with Yuina, Mameko, Natsuki, Angie, and Junko).
Team Mom: Which muse(s) end up taking the nurturing and/or stern, but protective position with people they’re close to?
Mameko is definitely that to her friends, Kaiden would qualify too, but as a papa eagle would fuck someone up. Rettis is literally built to be one and Temple have to play dad to his crew or who knows that they’ll do without him!
Best Dressed: Which muse(s) are subjectively the most aesthetically pleasing fashion wise to the mun?
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 I would say Amity with Taffy, Sumomo, and Custard being runner ups. But also notable mentions to Mameko and Alasie for their chic styles, also Yuina and Brooke for rocking their bad ass punk girls look too!
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2, 8 and 11 !!
Mun Confessions - multimuse style [ Happily Accepting! ]
Which muse(s) do you find yourself using a lot? Is there a reason why?
None as of recently, but ones I use to all the time was Mameko, Shanice, Ninna, Meli, Sarra, and Lucy. With Lucy and Shanice I just love their feisty yet warm hearted personalities in general so maybe that’s why. For Ninna I have a bit of favoritism with him due to being the older version of my favorite muse on another blog. Sarra and Mameko just seemed to be really popular a long time with others (honestly it worried me because I didn’t want them to be hunt down for to be tools for shipping shit).
Do you ship your own muses? If so, which are your favorite relationships?
To be honest, I ship more with myself than I do any other mun to be. These are my current favorites in no particular order
Thesis and Custard, they’re adorable and their love is pure and strong. They went from their own realm to Earth just to be together since a interspecies relationships were not allowed there.
Lucy and Siu even though they’re exes, Siu fucked up so much with Lucy but it was a story of growth for both of them and if it’s possible they could fall love in again if this time it’s for the right reasons.
Raymund (side character) and Khianna, it’s such a shame Hatty’s involvement tore their romance apart even though they’re still friends. They are truly soul mates and surely still are in love.
Zedige and Zesa, because it’s so vile yet genuine at the same time. Aside from being ordained mates, they do share a real bond whether it’s romantic or not is up to them. However, both of them let their society warped their minds so badly even if they was in love they wouldn’t know it.
Zinnia and Lucy/Marques (side character)and Khianna for the same reasons. Those sibling bonds are so strong it makes me want to cry. These two older sisters will do whatever it takes for their younger sibling.
Hypothetically, which muse(s) would you get along with the best if they were in the real world?
Already answered that! Buuuut after I would say that also would get along with Khianna and Donelle. I mean not while knowing the whole underground stuff though. Khianna’s much more pleasant and relaxed than I get to show off and Donelle is delightfully playful and teasing when known. I could myself going to the movies or a cafe with them.
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napuleh · 7 years
[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer:
How interested they are in having sex with them:
11/10 because he u_u loves her cupcakes
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them:
he’s broke af i’m so sorry mameko, he says, rubbing a $75 dollar face cream into his neck
If they would rather bottom or top them:
he is ready to be pegged at any time by any one but it would take him a while to ask mameko to top him tbh
he would mostly top but like lbr, when he gets comfortable with someone, vin is the type of person that just wants to be ridden
How good they think they would be:
ANY TIME WITH MAMEKO IS A GREAT TIME, except that one time, with the pillow, which could be said to only be a good time
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them:
he’s a horrible, horrible man who would love to do the do on the sofa, actually
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love:
the first two seem awfully #rude but the last one is just SO MUCH COMMITMENT
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick:
@allmyluckycharms :’D AFTER they meet ofc
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
heck yeah, they’re just waiting for whatever reason
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napuleh · 7 years
What is going on with you and Mameko? Also, you and Antonio?
I would love to answer both of those questions, but, like, in our respective contracts there’s a bunch of really detailed, really intimate- [he’s too drunk for this]
Oh, my god, we, like, fuck, okay? [and yes all of those commas are there purposefully] [he is taking ALL of the pauses]
But Mameko is sooo different. She geeets iiit. And I swear to god, there’s like, at least three kinky bones in her body, and like, my bone is really dying to meet those bones, if you know what I mean?
And then Antonio is, like, I don’t know, he’s sort of a hot mess? But like, when we touch, it’s like, he becomes a really hot mess. Point of reference? I was born in a fucking volcano. Citation? My hot self. Seriously.
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napuleh · 8 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
1. MAMEKO IS ONE OF HIS FAVORITE PEOPLE. OFFICIAL PART OF THE - I think I called it the “Fuck Shit Up” squad - she’s one of two people that are “in” the “squad” because they are genuine friends, who also happen to, you know, get fucked uuup (on occasion)
2. I would like to imagine that they aren’t always drunk around each other :’D I mean, it’s Vin though, so you know - anyways - and this must seem like such a silly headcanon but it’s Vin! Come on! - I like to think that they actually hang out when he isn’t drunk or isn’t Getting drunk and that they just … have … conversations like normal people should
3. Vincenzo… has tried many times to steal her baby chicks…ever since he found out about their existence, but he isn’t responsible enough for any pet, so he u_u puts the chick back. peep peep
4. he hides his pillows when she comes over so she can’t :^| HURT HIM
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bumblegem · 8 years
ok i also forgot to share that bri and i did the tiniest 1-on-1 dnd session of our girls and one of the things that happened was they were going over an old bridge which, surprise surprise, broke under them. mel was able to fling mameko to the other side before it truly went but when she hit the water and did an athletics roll to keep herself from sinking, she got a crit failure and sank to the bottom of the river bc her armor was so fucking heavy
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bumblegem · 8 years
its very rare that i enjoy something so much that i can get totally lost in it and forget about crossovers but now that ive had time to process im very sad that i lost graying mel and now have mannequin mel. like thats great and all but i also think mel would take it harder than magnus would? 
mel’s ultimate goal is to be with mameko, making immortality absolutely unappealing to her, hi im in tears? all of those memories coming back to her???
shit fuck ok but from ep 56, her being pushed from her body and both micha AND austin buckling the fuck DOWN and rescuing her soul. micha straight up astral projecting out of his body to get her, im so emotional, BUT REALLY AUSTIN!!! PULLING THEM BACK!!! micha catching a glimpse at richard being pulled into the tar
this is all over the place i was wrong about having time to process lmao
austin taking 9 points of damage and going down tho im sorry thats so fuckgin funny
someone giving their life to austin and the most austin-like thing merle has done was to cheer and give no thanks for the life. i get that he doesnt know but thats also? austin, yeah
we dont have barry for this version and i feel like we should now?? not just dust and far more of a recurring character but man idk who will fit those sweet sweet blue jeans
also i cant wait for the static in merle and taako’s minds to start clearing i wanna know what theyve lost
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