#man I wish I was a cat. it'd be so great to just be able to rub my head on people (without them thinking it's weird)
running-in-the-dark · 8 months
sometimes I have so many blorbo thoughts that I accidentally start chewing on the nearest piece of furniture
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Hi, for the character question thing.. big boy Thomas? 👉👈
Thomas Hewitt
• favorite thing about them — efficiency. Idk, there is just smth so lovely about how like.... hard of a worker he is? Tough, strong, does whats needed. Along w how he seems to have this incredibly sensitive, thoughtful side, there's smth really pretty about it. I get the feeling that he has some anxiety when it comes to making choises for himself, and he's most comfortable following lead, which, again, w his stature and strenght kinda makes for smth really intriquing, but also, again, gives room to growth, an arc where he might be able to learn to put his foot down. I don't want him to have to stand up for himself to be respected, but I wish he could find an enviroment where he is respected and heard out as he is. But i also wanna see him smack Hoyt around. Pl e a se. Also he is big strong he is thicc as hell and oh my god i just had the shakiest breath he is so gorgeous that visualizinh him caused me a little brain freeze.
• least favorite thing about them — murder :/ yk.
• favorite line — his hands r his lines and the little gestures he does... 💖 one of my faves is when hes standing in front of a door w his hands in front of him and he moves his thumb, clearly thinking abt smth and fidgeting a bit, it's very endearing.
• brOTP — i wanna see hIM W THE SAWYERS. I don't like the Hewitts that much, I want to see Thomas & the two gals in the Sawyer family, I think it'd be more fun for them.
• OTP — dunno ships for him? I guess?again i WOULD smooch him so i guess y/n & thomas. Thomas & vincent pretty cute but i like my silly lil nubbins & vincent more bc loud vs extremely quiet character hits different....
• nOTP — dunno ships much????
• random headcanon — he's a cat person!!!! I often lean towards dog ppl as hcs bc i just love dogs a lot, but Thomas just has the vibe where he would watch a tiny kitten bite at his sasaug fingers and hum and coo kindly. He defi has some half stray cats hanging around that he feeds..... bits....... to............ look, hes just tryna be a good guy. ALSO, he pats cats for bringing him dead critters, he sees it as a sign of affection and gets so proud.
• unpopular opinion — cant think of any?????
• song i associate with them —
• favorite picture of them —
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Full on anything where his eyes & face is visible !!! I rly like the tcm beginning mask bc the actor has some incredibly beautiful intense, thoughtful glances and it's rly nice to get to see him think more. But also just, the only shot of his face :') i mean shit man!!! The curve of the skull around the nose is SO fucking elegant, it reminds me of the arch of a swans neck, and he has that visible??? Mwah!!!! I wanna see more !!! Please !!!! In general he has just a great face, the actor is just mad handsome, i lov his soft cheeks sm 🥺🥺
send me a character and i’ll list:
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thefreelanceangel · 3 years
Tagged: The Layers- Inside & Out
Tagged by: @eligos-venator; @bek-sc (Thanks y'all!)
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one: outside layer
[Name:] "C'esti Kyho." [Hair Style & colour:] "Platinum blonde, so I'm still a Kyho blonde, but it doesn't look it at a glance." [Eye Color:] "Light blue. I didn't get the heterochromia." [Height:] "Five fulms, five ilms. I'm tall for a miqo'te." [Style:] "I prefer comfortable clothing that doesn't get in my way, so flowing gowns aren't something I'd likely choose." [Best Physical Feature:] "Legs, I'd imagine. They're what's kept me solvent for years."
two: inner layer
[Fears:] "Quite honestly? Heights. You wouldn't think I could make a living as an aerial hoop performer while terrified of heights, but I can assure you that you make very sure you never lose your grip on that hoop when you know just how far down the ground is." [Guilty Pleasure:] "I can't say coffee is a guilty pleasure, but it's certainly a pleasure." [Biggest Pet Peeve:] "Anyone who says 'oh I could do that if I wanted to' in reference to someone's skilled actions. No, you probably can't twirl on a hoop, create a braided leather belt or brew a great cup of coffee. It takes practice." [Ambition for the Future:] "I have the café now, so the only thing to do is work to make it a success."
three: thoughts
[First Thought When Waking Up:] "Coffee. I may be a Seeker, but I've never been fond of early hours." [What You Think About the Most:] "It used to be my practice routine, performance dates, safety checks and such. Now I still practice because you do grow to love that feeling of airy weightlessness, but I'm more preoccupied with advertising for my café and handling the business of the day." [What You Think About Before Bed:] "I save my practice time now for just before bed, so I'm tired enough to fall right asleep, but I admit... some nights I do lay awake for a while wishing that I wasn't sleeping alone." [Your Best Quality Is:] "Flexibility, and no, I don't mean physically, even if I am flexible that way. I've learned to adjust my plans to suit how life seems to be flowing rather than fight against it."
four: what’s better
[Single or Group Dates?] "I've been on a few dates, a couple with several other people. Both are enjoyable, but I'd prefer group dates for just a pleasant outing and a single date if there's someone I have a romantic spark with." [To be Loved or to be Respected?] "If you love someone and you don't respect them, you don't genuinely love them. Those go hand in hand." [Beauty or Brains?] "No one escapes aging. It's personality and intellect that last, so why would anyone make a choice based off superficial details?" [Cats or Dogs?] "Are miqo'te required to choose cats? I do love them, but I also love dogs. I'd have to say my favorite animals, however, are birds."
four: do you…
[Lie?] "Yes, although I've tried not to make a habit of it." [Believe in Yourself?] "I wouldn't have made it as far as I have if I didn't." [Believe in Love?] "Yes. I'm not certain my definition matches what the world at large would say, but I do believe in it." [Want Someone?] "Well, I did say I'm trying not to make a habit of lying... Yes. No one in particular, mind you, but now that I've gotten my café up and running, it'd be nice to have someone to share the triumphs with."
five: have you ever…
[Been on Stage?] "I was suspended above it for most of the time, but in a general sense? Yes, for many years." [Done Drugs?] "No. I've never really been interested in doing so." [Changed Yourself to Fit In Somewhere?] "No, and that's why I left home. I'm a Kyho, yes, but the life my tribal family leads isn't the one I wanted, so I went out to find my own."
six: favorite
[Favorite Color:] "Pale blue, like the midmorning sky." [Favorite Food:] "Food? Hm. I don't have favorites, really? If you'd asked about drinks, well... I didn't open a coffee shop for nothing." [Favorite Game:] "I haven't played many, but hide and seek was always enjoyable."
seven: age
[When Your Next Birthday Will Be:] "19th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon, and sharing that birth date with five other people makes celebrations confusing in the family." [How Old Will You Be?] "I'll be twenty-seven this year." [Age You Lost Your Virginity:] "...well that's a question I didn't expect... I'm sure some of my cousins would tell you freely, but could we not?" [Does Age Matter?] "For some things, I imagine it matters a great deal. For others, not in the slightest."
eight: in a partner
[Best Personality:] "Considerate, willing to think before acting, able to hold their temper if needed, willing to talk rather than sulk." [Best Eye Colour:] "I suppose this is where you get a hint about previous questions, but I do love dark eyes in a man." [Best Hair Colour:] "This, however, I've no preference on." [Best Thing to do With a Partner:] "...I know exactly how my half-sister would respond to this and therefore, I'm not going to."
nine: finish the sentence
[I Love…] "Coffee and a sense of accomplishment." [I Feel…] "A bit stiff. Looks like I need a couple of hours on the hoop." [I Hide…] "...myself, to a degree, I suppose, but many do." [I Miss…] "performing, at times." [I Wish…] "...well, for the fulfillment of hopes rather than the breaking of them."
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