#man chooses outright comedies or heartbreaking tragedies
anotherfanaccount · 1 year
Gil Chae is selfish and manipulative to a fault but the girl really doesn't have any reference to her wrongdoings. As per her she's just doing all this for her one true love. That said her self-preservation skills are going to be so helpful and she's going to grow up so fast.
Jang Hyun on the other hand, again pretty selfish and even manipulative, does help albeit has a mystery around him that doesn't yet show his true intentions. Currently though, he has taken a liking to the maiden that he thinks doesn't like him, and is doing everything with the intention of saving her.
The romance has not started technically but it is already on a tragical path. And the cinematography and bgm is so good. Can't believe I'm this excited over a show that will very well wreck my heart.
Yeon Jun won't die this soon....right? But also the young scholars going to fight and actually realising the situation they're in was so perfectly executed. They all are going to understand the world they're in albeit for some it'll be the end itself. It really is such a terrific way to die tbh.
Eun Ae truly deserves love though. Please save her from the coming atrocities.
Another scene that just had me fall for Jang Hyun, man just taught Gil Chae to stand up for herself and handed a weapon to her. It doesn't get any more "I like you but since you don't yet I'll do whatever it takes to save you, even from yourself".
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