#man i think booksmart has put me in a mood and a half for all the dumb HS AUs
jaggedwolf · 5 years
Your Faves Done Like YA
Violet looked down the hallway in both directions. All clear. Good. She steeled herself, and walked into the classroom with her fists clenched. 
Mr Michaelis sat sleeping behind the desk, his chin resting on his chest. His toupee was in danger of sliding off with every snore that escaped him. Violet stared at the sight. She should wake him up. She really didn't want to do this again, and if a teacher didn't mark your attendance, had you really attended detention?
"There's a sign-in sheet on the desk."
Startled, Violet spun around. She found Sana Tripathi smiling down at her.
"First time?" asked Sana easily, walking past Violet to write on the sheet on the desk. 
"That obvious, huh?" said Violet, her hand clutching her backpack strap. 
"A little. Sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Sana Tripathi. Senior." Sana held the pen out to Violet.
"Violet Liu. Sophomore." Violet took the pen.
She didn't know Sana, but it was hard to not know ofher. Sana was captain of the basketball team and a major player in last year's protests against the administration. Not that Violet had seen her much in either capacity.
Mostly, Violet saw her because Sana shared homeroom with the other Violet Liu, and three months after she'd transferred, Violet was still stuck delivering notes incorrectly sent to her from the front office. It would've been a nice excuse to escape homeroom, walk through the silent school hallways, but dealing with Ms Frederick's irritation as she once again interrupted other Violet's homeroom took even that small pleasure away. 
Ugh, other Violet Liu. Bet she'd never gotten detention, with her perfect hair and better grades and longer legs and -
"Violet Liu," said Sana slowly. Recognition flashed in her eyes. "Oh, you're the one that keeps having to-"
"Yeah," said Violet, putting down the pen. "That's me."
"I guess you get that a lot." Sana smiled apologetically as they took their seats. "So, Violet, what are you in for?"
Violet winced. 
"That's alright, you don't have to share if you don't want to." Sana took a glance at the front of the classroom. Mr Michaelis kept on snoring. She pulled what looked like a mish-mash of metal parts and gears out of her bag, wiping a hand off on the grease-stained overalls she wore. 
"Did you get detention for...that?" asked Violet, fascinated and bewildered.
"Kind of. I believe the official reason was 'unauthorized use of the school auto shop'". Sana flashed a grin. 
"Huh," said Violet. Always something new to learn, even about someone mildly infamous. "That's probably a cooler reason to get detention than cheating."
Sana's eyebrows shot up.
"Would you believe me if I said it was a false accusation?"
"Sure," said Sana amiably. 
"What." said Violet. "Why?"
Sana frowned as she pulled apart the parts on her desk. "Do you want me to not believe you?"
"I-" Violet paused. Might as well, doubted she'd ever be talking to Sana Tripathi again. "There's a guy in my class, Freddie? He copied off my work without me noticing, and when Mr Jasper called us in, Freddie had this whole story prepared about me cheating off him." 
"Freddie Miller?" asked a new voice, its owner leaning against the open doorway. "Now he's an ass."
"Arkady!" said Sana. "I thought you didn't have detention today?"
"I don't," said Arkady, hands shoved in the pockets of her leather jacket, "thought I'd keep you company." She looked at the still sleeping Mr Michaelis. "Do you think he wakes up in that chair in the morning?"
"Maybe," said Sana, sounding like she was humoring Arkady. "Do you know Violet? She's in your year."
Violet and Arkady squinted at each other. Nope, nothing was ringing a bell. Violet shook her head. "I transferred a few months ago. We're probably just in different classes?"
"Yeah. Probably," said Arkady, dropping into a seat on the other side of Sana. "Jeeter's fine, by the way. Just banged up his ankle."
Sana opened her mouth.
"Don't feel too sorry for him." Arkady made a face. "Krejjh's insisting on carrying him around everywhere, so they're both as insufferable as ever."
Sana hummed in response.
Violet fished a textbook out of her backpack. Better to have something to look at while she pretended she wasn't listening. 
"Hey, Liu," said Arkady.
"Yes?" Violet slowly looked up from her book.
"You wanna hear a funny story about Freddie?"
"Really, Arkady? This one again?" asked Sana.
"She's missed out on years of this district's sordid history. Consider it a public service. So, Liu?"
"I'd welcome any story that doesn't turn out well for him, yes." Violet furrowed her brows. 
"This was back in fifth grade. Anyway," began Arkady, and Violet listened, the sound of Arkady's voice interspersed with the clinking of parts on Sana's desk.
Wait. If Arkady didn't know Violet either, how'd she know her last name?
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thegoodgayshit · 5 years
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“Alright well, have fun nerd.” Hope said, reaching into her pocket and extending a little piece of paper to her.
Amy couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
There Hope was, standing outside her house, the day after graduation, exactly two days after the whole butthole-vomit incident, with a smile plastered over her pretty face as she gestured again for Amy to take the paper when Amy made no move herself.
I can do this. She thought to herself. It’s a piece of paper. A piece of paper that probably has her number in it.
Set right at the end of the scene, but it's a an alternate ending. Instead of ending with Hope just walking away, leaving their future together uncertain, Amy uses her newfound confidence to make the big move.
“Alright well, have fun nerd.” Hope said, reaching into her pocket and extending a little piece of paper to her.
Amy couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
There Hope was, standing outside her house, the day after graduation, exactly two days after the whole butthole-vomit incident. She had a smile plastered over her pretty face as she gestured again for Amy to take the paper when Amy made no move to take it herself.
I can do this, she thought to herself. It’s a piece of paper. A piece of paper that probably has her number in it.
Unless this was all some kind of big elaborate joke, and it actually had some kind of insult about the other night written on it instead. But Hope had come to visit her, even after everything that happened at Nick’s party. Amy wasn’t the one reaching out.
And the look of flirtatious sincerity on Hope’s face, almost laced with the smallest dash of insecurity, well, that was enough proof for Amy that this was real.
Doing her best to calm the shaking in her hand, she reached out and took it from Hope. Hope let out a little laugh, almost breathy, and Amy knew she was staring like an idiot. Giving her one last smile, Hope turned, starting to walk away from the house, Amy still holding the plastic bag with her underwear and the paper, watching her go. Her two fingers pressed hard against the little folded paper, keeping it in place. She wasn’t going to lose it, she couldn’t. She felt the fluttering in her chest that she so often felt around Ryan, and knew right then and there that she was falling hard and fast.
Molly had been watching the whole thing with a dumbfounded look of shock, and was now looking at Amy like she had three heads. Amy knew right away why, and bit her lip, beginning to panic.
Do something Amy! Don’t just let her walk away! You. Are NOT. A Coward!
Taking in a deep breath, she turned to Hope, who was walking leisurely away from the house, her classic jacket tassels flowing along with her. Amy almost lost her confidence right then and there. Even from the back, Hope was gorgeous.
“Hey wait!” She called, and Hope turned back to her with a raised brow.
Now or never Amy.
“Are you-, are you doing anything today?” Amy said, almost wincing at her own awkwardness. Doing her best to recover, she cleared her throat and tried again. “I just mean like-, would you maybe want to go get coffee or something?”
Hope hummed, looking at her with interest, a smile ghosting over her lips. “Aren’t you busy packing?”
“It can wait.”
Hope paused walking, now giving Amy her full attention. “Aren’t you busy with your wife?” Her voice had dropped flirtatiously, and Amy felt her face heat up. But she was this far along, she wasn’t going to take it back now.
“Molly can wait.” Amy repeated, more surely this time. Hope’s eyes shone, clearly attracted to Amy’s confidence. Amy’s heart fluttered once again, and oh man. Was she falling fast.
“Then let’s get coffee, nerd.” Hope said, breaking into a warm smile. Amy’s heart skipped a beat. She was going on a real date with Hope! Who was going to give her a second chance!
“Alright! Alright great!” Amy said, her face flushing again, but this time with excitement. Remembering the bag in her hand, and the now extremely gaping Molly in the window, she rubbed a hand behind her head, a little awkwardly.
“Can I just have a minute or two to put this away?” Amy said, and Hope chuckled, leaning against the fence.
“Yeah, no problem. You should also probably tell your wife to close her mouth.”
Amy turned back to the window in confusion and her eyes widened. Molly really was staring.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll go do that.” Amy said quickly, moving to make her way back in the house. “I’ll just be a minute.”
“You already said that.” Hope teased, but her eyes flashed with adoration, which shook Amy to the core. Did Hope actually find Amy cute?
Closing the door behind her and running back into her room, Molly was looking at Amy dumbfounded, as though she couldn’t even believe what had just happened.
“Did you and Hope hook up?” Molly squealed, bouncing towards her, her eyes falling to the bag.
Amy winced, remembering the party again. “Sort of?”
“Sort of? What the fuck does that even mean?” Molly demanded, and Amy looked around nervously, waiting for her parents to come barging back in any minute.
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you tonight.”
“Tonight? Wait, are you going on a date right now?” Molly said, and her shock reminded Amy just how soon she was leaving for Botswana. Her confidence was returning. If she was going to make something happen with Hope, she was going to do it now.
“Yes. Can you cover for me? I don’t want my parents knowing right now, it’s just going to confuse them.”
Molly paused, thinking it over for half a second, before steeling herself. She nodded, her face covered in seriousness. “Of course. If my best friend wants to bang her hookup partner the night before she leaves for Africa, than it’s my duty to make it happen!”
“Molly!” Amy hissed, looking back at the door nervously. After realizing her parents weren’t coming back anytime soon, she sighed, calming her heartrate. Molly was just trying to help. And when she put her mind to something, it was going to be done. Amy really did love her best friend. “Alright, thanks. Just say I’m going with Hope to like, I don’t know, grab something I forgot at her house.”
“When in reality you’re going to probably grab something at her house” Molly said, waggling her eyebrows.
Amy’s face flushed red. “Molly! I-…. We-… I don’t know if that’s whats even gonna-…”
“Jesus Amy, calm down, I was just messing with you.” Molly said, but there was a twinkle in her eye that suggested otherwise.
“Whatever. I’m going to go, Hope’s waiting.” Amy mumbled, grabbing her phone and keys from her dresser. Molly just hummed, shooting Amy another knowing look.
“She sure is. Go get her.”
“Shut up Molly, for fuck’s sakes.”
Sneaking out the front door was easy enough, since Molly was distracting Amy’s parents with a few ‘Dougsickles’ and ‘Char Char’s’. By the time Amy shut the door quietly behind her, Hope was still leaning against the fence on her phone, but she looked up as she heard the door shut, watching Amy approach her with a warm smile that Amy rarely saw.
“All good?” She said, nodding with her head towards the sidewalk.
“All good.” Amy repeated, returning her smile with a shy one of her own.
The two began walking towards the nearest café, The Hot Stop, which was about a fifteen minute walk from Amy’s house. It was a beautiful day in late June, so all of the trees were in full bloom, but Amy kept glancing up at Hope’s face as they walked in a bit of an awkward silence. Well, it was awkward for Amy. Hope had a content look on her face, going at a bit of a slower pace than Amy since she was a lot taller than her. While Amy moved at a more brisk pace, Hope moved leisurely, clearly in a good mood as she enjoyed the weather and the walk. But Amy's head was clouded with insecurities.
Now what? Do we talk? Obviously we talk Amy, how stupid would that be if we didn’t. What do I say? Amy’s gaze shifted from Hope’s face to her hand, which was swaying lightly as she walked, and her stomach fluttered again. Do I hold her hand?
“You know it’s easy to tell when you’re all up in your head.” Hope commented lightly, and Amy’s eyes snapped back up to meet her own.
“If you wanted to hold my hand, you can just go for it. I trust you.”
And just like that, Hope scoped Amy’s hand into her own, locking their fingers. Amy flushed a deep red, clearing her throat as though to shake the awkwardness from her own demeanor.
Hope broke into a small smile, nudging Amy’s side with her elbow. “Everything’s good, everything’s fine. Just try to relax.”
“Sorry.” Amy said, her eyebrows furrowing in embarrassment as she tried to calm down. “I honestly-… well I just never expected this would happen.”
“You never expected this would happen?” Hope teased, her brown eyes filling up with amusement. “This was the last thing I was expecting.”
Amy frowned, not quite following Hope’s confession. If she didn’t think this was going to happen, well, you know, them being together, why’d she make an effort?
“Then why’d you show up at my house with the paper?” Amy asked, and this time Hope’s face went a little red, and she stopped walking, running her hands down her jeans. Amy felt a fluttering in her stomach again. This was the first time ever that she’d seen Hope actually look nervous.
“To be honest, at first I don’t know why I did it.” She said, and Amy bit her lip, not liking that answer. Catching her uncertainty, she hastily continued. “At the time, I mean. But as I was walking over, and I started to think, I realized that even though Nick’s party was stupid, and you were pretty emotional, and we got all caught up in the moment-…” She stopped again, almost embarrassed, and Amy went a little red as well, remembering that “moment” all too well. “I guess I just kind of realized that I liked you when you were vulnerable. But then at graduation, when you literally showed up after being in jail, and you raised your fist and laughed along with the rest of us… I realized I just like you. Not just you when you’re vulnerable. I like you all the time.”
Amy was dumbfounded, not only because Hope just admitted she liked Amy, although that in of itself made Amy feel a hundred different emotions, including the warm stirring in her belly again, but because Hope was also being honest. Sharing how she felt, in a way that Amy could understand, without hiding it behind a hundred layers of cruelty.
And holy fuck, Amy was so attracted to Hope right now.
Hope, who was searching Amy’s face while Amy processed what she had said, actually looked uncertain. “look, I know you think I’m just a bitchy basic hot girl, and you know what, maybe I am, but I meant what I said and-…”
Amy cut her off, grabbing Hope’s jacket and stepping up on her toes to kiss her, and Hope’s words died in her throat as she melted into the kiss. This kiss was so different than the one at Nick’s party. Their first kiss had been desperate, and risky, and so full of raw emotion. This one was softer, certain, and laced with understanding. Mutual understanding. The promise of something much more. When Amy laced her fingers through the jacket, Hope’s hands ran to her sides, before Amy pulled away, red faced, but a breathless smile none the less. Hope easily returned it, giggling softly as Amy rested her forehead to hers.
“I know you meant it. Honestly Hope, you might have been a bitchy girl in that class, or that hallway, or even at that stupid party. But you showed up, and you made an effort.” Amy pulled back a little to let her eyes flick back and forth across Hope’s face, and she was actually looking at Amy bashfully. Taking that as her que to continue, she smiled wider. “That phase of our life is over. You’re already well on your way to moving forward and leaving that behind with or without me in it.”
No more uncertainty was filling Hope’s gaze, and Amy sure didn’t feel any either. She was actually in shock at her own words, because for the first time, she didn’t stutter, or look away awkwardly when she met the gaze of her crush. And while her stomach was still fluttering, she knew it had nothing to do with her anxiety, and everything to do with the way Hope made her feel, and the fireworks she felt when they kissed.
“Well, if I am going to be moving forward like you say,” Hope said, giving Amy a flirtatious little grin, “would it be selfish to want to move forward with you?”
At the implication of what Hope was saying, Amy knew right then her heart had never raced so fast in her entire life. Not with anxieties, or Ryan, or anything else.
“I-…. Well… I wouldn’t be opposed to that, if that’s what you wanted anyway.” Just like that, Amy was stuttering again. Some things never change.
Hope laughed, dragging one hand up to touch Amy’s cheek, looking at her fondly. “It’s definitely something I’m seriously considering.” She teased, leaning back in to quickly kiss Amy’s lips.
Amy’s heart fluttered again, and when Hope pulled back, she smiled. “Well, if you ever end up in Botswana, you’d have a couch to crash on.”
Hope quirked her brow at that, and she actually seemed to be considering it. “Ok.”
“Well technically, it, it won’t be my house cuz I’ll be staying with the family, but I’m sure they’ll be cool with it.”
Hope laughed again, cutting her off with another kiss, this one much longer than the last peck. This time leaving Amy speechless. When Hope pulled back again, Amy looked into Hope’s eyes, and they were sparkling with humor, but also the tinge of an unspoken promise.
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logan-go-nom · 5 years
Logan runs into an old... Friend at a bar, what ensues is either trash or really good depending on what mood i am in when you ask.
It had been a while. And they hadn’t really been close to begin with. They had met at a summer camp, when they were 18. Before they both left for college a year and a half ago. Before Logan’s mom practically forced him to drop out a year ago. Logan wasn’t even entirely sure this was the same person. Well, not until the man turned around. And no one could replicate that look. He walks across the floor to the pool tables on the other end of the bar.
“Hey there, love, come here often?” It’s a stupid question and logan knows it. He has been coming here every night for 7 months.
“Only when i want some drunk asshole to try some cheesy pickup line.” the man turns to face him. He can hear the sharp intake of breath even over the blaring music.
“Hey Virge. For the record, i don’t drink anything more than a little cranberry juice and sprite.” Logan winks and holds his hands behind his back to hide how much they are shaking.
“Lo? Damn, i never thought i would run into you… ever.” Logan wonders if he meant for that to sound so dismissive, until Virgil grabs his hand. “Play a round with us!” Logan shakes his head.
“You seem to have already started.” Virgil dismiss it and grabs a spare stick.
“I just broke, it was one against two anyway, you can play on my side.” Logan shakes his head again.
“I really shouldn’t play. I’m  not usually welcome.” Virgil doesnt seem to hear him, just pushes the stick into his hands.
“You can’t be that bad, your up.” He pushes Logan at the table so logan nods, lines up a shot, and sinks two solids. Virgil gapes. They play a few more turns before he says anything. “What were you so worried about?”
“Some people don’t particularly enjoy playing against me.” Logan inclines his head to the two men they were playing with.
“When did you have the time to get so good Mr. i-can’t-come-to-the-pool-i-have-to-study?” virgil refuses to let it go. Logan blushes at the mention of that summer. He had been stupid back then.
“If you still want to go swimming, the pool is open to people over 18 for the holiday.” Logan can’t believe he said it. Virgils grin makes it worth it.
“You guys mind if i ditch you after this?” He shouts across the table. They shake their heads.
“We don’t mind, just don’t be too loud getting home okay, kiddo?” Virgil growls at him.
“I’m not a kid Paton.” Virgil hits the que and misses. Logan laughs, quetly, but that doesn’t stop virgil from hearing him.
“Are these friends of yours?” Virgil nods and everything clicks into place, “That explains why they haven’t put my head through the table.” virgil laughs.
“The tall idiot is my older brother Roman, even though he could throw you across the room, that little chihuahua next to him is his boyfriend Paton who wouldn’t let him hurt a fly.” Virgil gestures to them as logan lines up his next shot.  “Sink the 8 ball Lo, i want to leave,” It takes a lot for logan to swallow his pride, but he does it.
“Did you come on your own or did your brother and his friend drive you?” Logan asks as they step outside.
“Pat drove us” Virgil says, “Would you mind running by my place so i can grab my suit?” Logan nods.
“I have to run by my place and grab mine too. I don’t mind letting you grab yours,” logan walks over to a blue and silver motorcycle.
“I am sorry but PocketProtector gets around on a motorcycle?” Virgil doesn’t even try to hide his surprise.
“My uncle left it to me when he died, seeing as i am the only other person in the family who knows how to ride,” he laughs as he turns it on then holds a hand out to Virgil, “Climb on Beauty.” Virgil pulls himself up and over and Logan laughs at the way he clings to his back. And if Logan goes just a little faster than necessary to get Virgil to hold him closer, who could really blame him. “My place or yours first?”
“Yours” Virgil sounds, for lack of a better word, terrified. Logans lugh is carried away on the wind.
Virgil’s legs shake as he gets off of the bike. Logan lead him into the building and up the stairs to his apartment.
“My roommate is out of town, do me a favor and drink his stupid coke while i hunt down my suit.” Logan walks back to his room.
“Or, instead of going to the pool,” Virgil wraps his arms around Logan’s torso. “We stay here and catch up?”
“I didn’t approach you for some hookup over the weekend.” Logan sighs, “I don’t do one night stands.” When Virgil spins him and looks down with that sarcastic look in his eyes, logan considers maybe trying it, just as an experiment of course.
“I don’t either, i want to get to know you again, Lo.” Virgil brushes a stray strand of hair out of logan’s face. “Would you feel better if i gave you my number so you can text me if i disappear in the morning. I promise it won’t be a problem, i would be thinking about you anyway.” Logan blushes as Virgil reaches into his back pocket to grab his phone. He types something in and saves it before setting logan’s phone on the dresser. He pulls logan over to the bed and pulls him down to sit. “Let’s talk.”
“Are you only in town for the weekend?” It’s the first thing out of logan’s mouth and he cringes at how it sounds. Virgil just grabs his hand and laughs.
“I got in thursday, i am leaving tuesday, i have to get back for work.”  Virgil lays back against the bad, relaxing into the overly soft pillows.
“Are you going to school?” Logan fiddles with the leather bracelet on his wrist instead of looking over at Virgil, splayed out on his bed.
“Of course i am going to school. Pen state, baby.” Virgil laughs again, “It’s a lot colder. Where do you go to school?”
“I was going to UNLV.” Logan looks up at the light and tries not to cry.
“Was?” Virgil props himself up on his elbows.
“I…uh,” Logan can feel the tears sliding down his cheeks. “I had great grades. If i had stayed and gotten my degree i probably would have graduated with honors.”
“But you didn’t stay?” Virgil can’t tell if Logan needs space or a hug, he opts for sitting a little closer.
“I collapsed the day after my last final first semester and ended up in the hospital. I was malnourished, dehydrated, and hyperglycemic.” Logan slaps away a few tears, “I put so much time and effort into my studies those last few weeks, i was gonna get through my first semester with As-high As. But i didn’t pay enough attention to my needs. My family all but forced me to come home.”
“Do you still want to do it?” It was the last thing Logan expected to hear. He had expected Virgil to go running for the hills. Not this.
“You got through with A’s. Any body would be understanding of you needing a break after almost dying.” Virgil laighs a little, “You would make one hell of a comeback story. You are clearly doing better living on your own now. So the only thing you really need to ask yourself is do you still want to do whatever it is you set out to do?”
“I wanted to be a neurosurgeon,” Logan shrugs, “And no, that doesn’t appeal to me anymore.”
“So, what are you doing now?” Virgil leans against his shoulder. “Where does sir Booksmarts go on his bike to get the dough?” Virgil laughs at his own joke.
“I work managing a tech store, actually. But right now, in this moment,” Logan twists to straddle virgils thighs, “I am thinking about how i would very much like to pick up where we left off.”
“We aren’t teenagers anymore, Lo.” Virgil smirks, “Maybe we should go a little further?” Virgil drags is hands up Logans back under his shirt, and grinds up into him before pulling them backwards. Logan kisses him, soft and slow, a stark contrast to the hands gripping his hips.
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ohailyn · 6 years
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❝ Half of me, for growth; the other, for decay. ❞ ANTOINETTE ROBERTSON? No, that’s actually AILYN WILKES. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. SHE/HER identifies as A CIS WOMAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be INDIFFERENT, HAUGHTY, and SECRETIVE but also ADAPTABLE, INTELLECTUAL, and AMBITIOUS.
LINKS: stats, pinboard, character tag. CHARACTER PARALLELS: elle woods (legally blonde), cersei lannister (asoiaf), michaela pratt (how to get away with murder), sun bak (sense8) HELLO this is my babe ailyn, a pink mess of iconicness and confusing morals!!! just a heads up that this intro will contain mentions of abuse (spousal and child) and alcoholism
ailyn’s youth was filled with lies. her parents were skilled liars, pretenders, people who bended the truth because the truth was something nasty. her father said his business was booming, while unpaid bills kept piling up, and he kept reassuring them with alcohol on his breath and an unshaved face, that nothing was wrong, that he was fixing it all. when ailyn turned ten, he had gone bankrupt and visited the pub every day, rather than his job, and when his mother kissed him on the cheek every morning and told her kids that she loved him, she was lying, too. she smelled of others when she came home, and she was having not one, but two affairs.
and so ailyn learned that truth is a relative thing, something to bend to your own will. she learned it from her parents and continued it when she went to hogwarts, where she spoke of her father’s wonderful business and her parents happy marriage as if it was nothing but truth. she learned off their secrets before she left (and they weren’t that hard to figure out, in all truth, if you looked well — all it took was following her dad to work one day and bursting in her mother’s bedroom out of nowhere) and kept them, but added in some aspects of her own. lies became ailyn’s language at hogwarts, and she fed them to those around her with smiles.
besides, her family was doing a good fucking job at keeping the truth quiet: her maternal grandparents supplied enough money for them to continue living in their home, to afford the bare necessities, to make sure that ailyn and her brother would not show up at hogwarts looking like the poor kids they were without their grandparents. gotta love that classicism! :)
born into a family with a history of supporting voldemort, ailyn was raised with purist beliefs. her paternal grandfather died in the crossfire of the first wizarding war and his legacy runs through the veins of her father. her father, who committed purist crimes in order to steal money or things of worth, even after voldemort’s end, her father, who told her how his father was supposed to still be alive and ream the rewards of his hard work, who clung to purist ideals so desperately, that it seemed to be the only thing to keep him afloat. she believed them, for a long time, as they gave her a chance to put herself on a pedestal, and she craved that, when she was younger.
she has shed them at this point, though she doesn’t bother to speak out against it. it’s just that she’s not a very good witch – she’s smart, don’t get me wrong, incredibly intelligent, but simply not good at waving wands and muttering spells – which has put things in perspective a little. being into history and being a realist in her core has also made ailyn look at the topic of blood purity more seriously, and once she was able to think more critically and was no longer constantly surrounded by her parents, she understood how stupid purism is. it’s just illogical, based on #fakefacts and a wish to be better for no other reason than a surname ( i literally talk about this again later on so LMAO )
her younger brother does however stick with blood purity, looks up to his father, is disillusioned and blind and excited and a child, still, but a cruel one in the making. ailyn fears for him. worries about him. tries to guide him but sees no effects.
anyway, her father joined the death eaters, despite him being a bit of an … embarrassment. he used his power as a death eater to steal money and get some of that money that they’d lost because of him, not bettering his reputation among other death eaters, but regaining some of his pride as he relied less on his parents in law for money. ( though, in honesty, most of the money he stole was blown on alcohol, new suits and gambling )
[ abuse, alcoholism tw ailyn’s dad was furious at his wife, at the world, at himself. he hated that he relied on his parents-in-law for money, hated that it was his fault, hated that his wife was fucking everyone but him. he drank too much, lashed out at his wife when intoxicated, both verbally and physically. his anger turned to his kids at times, too, but was mostly aimed at his wife. ailyn despises him. deeply. end of tw’s ]
going to hogwarts was good. ailyn got to get away from home, and surround herself with others, with people who came from different places, who weren’t stuck in purist beliefs. ailyn was sorted into slytherin, for her cunning and ambition. a booksmart kid, she found herself more interested in the library and all it offered than what her classes tried to teach her. besides, ailyn found out pretty soon that she was rather bad at practical magic; she was soon behind in charms, transfiguration and DADA. she wondered if something was wrong with her wand, for a moment, wondered what was causing her to perform so poorly.
it was during these realisations, during her time away from home, that she started to step away from the purist idealisation she’d been raised with. she’d never subscribed to them much, to start with, but she hadn’t distanced herself from them, either. being away from home, surrounding herself with muggleborns, halfbloods and ‘blood traitors’, as well as her whole journey with … being rather shit at magic made her realise how fucking stupid it was
doesn’t fully share her feelings at all times, though, out of self preservation. besides, she’s not out here to fight for muggleborn rights either — she thinks the war is bullshit, frankly, but she’s also self serving as fuck, and will not do anything to endanger herself. she’s very true neutral, in that sense? can fairly judge situations, but is good at sitting back even if she disapproves. will start debates on blood purity, but isnt about to fight a war over it, on either side.
history soon became her favourite subject. ailyn found herself staying up late in the common room, learning about muggle history, but also delving into obscure parts of magical history, wanting to know more more more about the ways humans changed the course of the world, how cruel and kind people could be all at once. she’s very intrigued by what drives people, which is ironic, as not much drives ailyn morally LMAO.
this is where her ambition lies, where her strengths lie. ailyn wants to work under a historian, learn about how to write about history – because it’s happening all around her – how to interpret it, how to connect the dots. she’d love to intern under bathilda bagshot, or someone similar. she’s such a NERD.
her relationship with her family has become strained. ailyn hates her father, and despises her mother. her brother is a different story — there’s more love there, i suppose, a healthy relationship, but they disagree on many things. he wants to join the ranks of the death eaters once he’s old enough, whereas she’s been lucky enough not to be considered due to her lack of skill (in the eyes of both her father and the death eaters in general) and is glad of it.
ailyn is cordial with her family. she doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of turning her back on them but also doesnt want to participate in the large amount of lies that already surround their family. she’s not in the mood to be labeled a blood traitor or anything. she may not believe in purism but she’s not a good person --- she’s indifferent and apathetic and cares about herself and a handful of people, and so she will keep her opinions carefully locked up while making the world her own.
she mostly just wants to graduate, start studying to become a historian and move the fuck away lmao. a new start, with new chances and a whole new world for her to conquer. she’s Tired tm of the death eaters, as theyre just a product of another white man’s idiocy, like so many negative things in the world --- she’s got no energy for it.
personality and tidbits
ailyn is a true neutral, powder pink lipstick lesbian who will drag your ass through the mud while speaking to you sweetly with a :) smile :). she has a mean streak and her nature isnt necessarily malicious but she can be when she chooses to. this streak most often shows itself in front of people that ailyn thinks lesser of/people that annoy her. there’s a lot of those
she’s just ... tired. tired of humanity and all the people around her and the ruckus theyre causing. ailyn just wants people to Chill Out and use their heads in stead of whatever’s motivating them ( their genitals, hearts, stomachs, whatever ). she feels very ... Genius LMAO because she’s such a realist and she thinks she has the world all figured out when, obviously, she doesnt.
ailyn is very sure of herself, incredibly confident --- sometimes too confident ( though she’s of the opinion that girls can never be to confident ) and in turn she can be condescending and haughty. she’s self aware, though, about most things. she knows where her strengths and weaknesses lie and has made peace with it, even knows that she’s arrogant and harsh, but doesn’t care much.
a gamp on her mother’s side and cousin to gemma!
ailyn is hyperfeminine, believes in lethal femininity and the colour pink. very much elle woods in that sense --- she loves fashion and make up and velvet high heels and looking good, but has a ready mind that she’ll apply to reach her goals at any given moment in time. will Not be underestimated because she’s girly. a firm believer in the matriarchy. lover of womanhood. 
she also ... just thinks lowly of men a lot. like --- her dad’s a deadbeat idiot alcoholic broke dude and he Sucks, and then there’s people like grindelwald and voldemort and a long string of ministers, prime ministers and presidents that just proof that men shouldnt be in power to her LMAO. her interest in history is mostly just ailyn sighing at the deeds of men and how they continue to disappoint her.
would love to enter the ministry one day and be a politician, but for now her focus lies on becoming a historian, as that seems like a logical first step. also, the ministry is a mess at the moment that ailyn doesnt want to be a part of LMSFKJHSD.
loyal to first and foremost herself, a true self-serving queen. though, if she is your friend, you do have a loyal person on your side who will be ride or die. will kill for you. will bury a body with you.
absolutely adores mythology especially because most stories prove that men ain’t shit and because there’s iconic characters like medusa and athena and persephone and many more
medusa is ... in general a character that ailyn very much loves and is intrigued by --- a hurt woman, mistreated and abuse because of her gender and nothing more, turned into someone who could protect herself, only to be labeled a monster and murdered ... she’s endlessly angry and intrigued.
captain of the history club!! she loves history sm :( come geek out w her
also a member of the debate club!! while she shies away from speaking on purism, she does have a lot of vocal opinions on sexism/queerphobia/racism/etc and is very knowledgeable on political topics!!!
always tired of everyone and everything
loves rose & vodka. 
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