#man they just don't make 'em like they used tooo
jothemouse · 2 years
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neway i hope that senior discount is treating you well
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stupidsketchpad · 4 months
hey guys. im here to rant about how 2econd 2ight 2eer (second sight seer) by will wood is secret life bigb's song because god its eerie how similar the song lyrics are to his character. AHEM (also spoilers for secret life)
My grip on my secrets slipping while I'm speaking in tongues
ok. this is a really good start lol. basically bigb's task don't mean much when he does weird shit anyway for fun and, quote from grian, "writes his own tasks"
Screaming at the top of my lungs in the confession booth
he's saying stuff that litterally makes no sense. even after his task is done he wont tell anyone (confession booth is kinda like people asking about your task after it's done. your confessing your task to someone)
Take it with a pillar of salt, H.A.L.T., it's not my fault
i got nothing man
The devil made me do it, but I also kinda wanted to
I'm cut from a different kind of meat
More than you can chew, hard to swallow me
"what the hell are you doing??" is a common question he gets asked. hard to swallow. y'know
Forget bored stiff, I got rigor mortis, call it morbid curiosity
How I cannot commit to reality, when my third eye's open and I like what I see
he's doing shit for the sake of doing shit.
Baby, I may be crazy but I didn't lose it, no I set it free
AAAAA THIS LINE TOOO!!! ok so he didn't just randomly start lying in secret life. it was weird before that too! i cant speak for double but LIMITED LIFE he was also confusing people about being the boogeyman. basically that one meme with the "guy weird about everything but its drowned out by how weird about everything the other people are"
I can't ignore what's under dance floorboards, the rhythm of my heart a dead-as-disco beat
But I still move my feet
To slip out of this groove, I'm free
dont got much here but i think this is just him having fun, yknow
Now to row, row, row my boat over the falls
And maybe wake up from but a dream, yeah
"but a dream" is the games. there are three rows in the line. lose your lives to get the game over with.
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
once again, this wasnt the first time he was being weird!!!
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
say weird shit, refuse to elaborate, leave.
Oh, oh, o-o-oh
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see
You'd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream
And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep
But I got facts and I'm not afraid to use 'em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front
evo, anyone? anyway this man knows about watchers and doesnt care. he knows! he just doesn't give that any meaning.
Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I'd rather be that than
An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
red lives and how bigb doesn't have the same bloodlust as they do. this guy doesn't kill much, he's like the most passive on the server. /srs
But I'm more level-headed and clever than ever and I'm getting better one forever at a time
how many people guessed any of bigb's tasks? that's right, zero! (if i remember correctly.) he's getting better at the games (btw the games being referred to as "forevers" is just ahshahdghs)
And if sick is defined by what's different, well then pull the plug out and let me die
not much here
Vice-versa, vice versus virtue
Well who I am I choose through all the things I do
And if it rhymes, it's true, but I hate poetry
contradicting himself. easy peasy analysis here folks.
Now with my moral compass pointing south, I'm going down
With no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no respect for reality
could say this is going red! but also. "going down?" LIKE A HOLE? HE MADE A HOLE?????
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
same stuff
A tourist passing through
Well that was fun, goodbye
he died. but hey, he had fun!
anyways thats all thank you for listening to me ramble about songs and minecraft i WILL do this again. sorry if this is incoherent i wrote it at 10:00 pm.
psst... moot... @bigb-enthusiast... would you like this?
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gingeisafiteh · 25 days
The party| part 5
Morgan's POV (from when he walked in):
I walk into the venue with my boys, aitch , tays and filly. We're all joking about how greasy Pingus hair is. "Bit quiet in here, no music yet." Filly says and aitch and tays agrees. "Yeah true. Oh well, it'll probably come on later." "Yeah fairs." Aitch says. Looking at them, id say they sharpened up well and id say, so did I. I instantly spot the sidemen over in the corner of the room and say hello to them.
"There's my best mate!" I hug Simon. "Yes ginge you okay son!" "Yeah I'm doing good Simon, thank you! How've you been?" "Eh you know, this and that, just sorting out the podcast and Sidemen vlogs." "Fair enough."
Some time after talking to them, i tell them I'm about to go and get a drink. "Eh lads, just nippin to the bar." "Alright sweet." Tays says as they carry on talking.
I walk over to the bar and lean on the counter. "Hey mate, can I have a disorano and coke please." "Yeah course mate, one sec." "Cheers." I gaze around the place and come across some gorgeous girl looking at me but then quickly looking away. She quickly turned, talking to her mates about something. I wonder who she was, she looked stunning..
I eventually get my drink and walk back to the boys. "Eh boys, come here a sec." I pull em away to near where the girl was sat but not tooo close for her to hear us. "What's up man?" Filly asks. "Well boys..." I tell them about mine and that girls' encounter before and how I felt. They took a sneaky glance at her and then back at me. "Eh she seems nice and looks beautiful aswell." Filly says. "She looks nice her." Tays says. "Yeah man she's a good bit of kit I can't lie." Aitch says mischievously. "Eh you!" We all laugh a little but not too loud.
"I'm not sure whether I should speak to her or not but I don't wanna make her feel a bit weird or anything." "Look man, wait till she speaks to you first, if not, get your final chance at the end of the night to speak to her. And if there's a change of plan later, so be it." Aitch says. "Thats alright that to be fair." Filly says. "That'll probably work hopefully." I nod and agree.
Me and the boys just talk regularly about random things. Until suddenly, we here a comment made by the girls mate that caught my surprise. The girl whines and puts her head in her hands and her mate says something like, 'i bet you'll be sounding like that with Ginge later'. Me and the boys can't help but laugh at it a bit. I notice the girl turn around embarrassed and mouthe the word 'sorry' to us. I wink back to let her know that it's fine.
She quickly turns her head round to her mates as if I've done something to shock her. I brush it off my head as it's probably embarrassment from what her mate has said. Me and the boys walk away back to where we were so we can discuss further on this girl as we've got some new information.
"Nah I reckon she wants it." Aitch says. "No but I reckon that her mate is winding her up and why would she want to hook up with someone like me anyway?" "Nah bro you're good-looking!" Tays says. "You're calm lad trust me, you're a nice man, any girls would be lucky." "Yeah bro, don't say that! And you're a fucking kind human being!" "Thank you-" I say. "Im telling you bro, she wants it." Filly says. I just sigh in disbelief. Music finally comes on. "Thank fuuuckk." Aitch says. "Bout pissin time aswell!" Tays says. Filly smiles as usual.
Me and the boys just chat for a bit and how we're gonna keep it chill. It might be worth not trying, she might feel uncomfortable or whatever. Idk, we'll see..
End of Part 5
Sorry this one was so longer then the last one. They were both going on at the same time, if you know what I mean. I just wanted to make this one more detailed. X
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focsle · 2 years
Is it true that there were specific shanties for different chores on board a ship? It makes sense when you hear songs like pump shanty, but I'm curious if there are other "task shanties" for things like swabbing the deck or coiling rope. Probably not, since they don't require synchronized effort?
It is true! There are different categories of shanties depending on the task required. I’ll add examples to hear the difference across them.
Short haul shanties are used for jobs such as trimming sail that require a short burst of coordinated energy, but not over a sustained period. They tend to have a sharp emphasized rhythm. Haul Away Joe and Haul on the Bowline are good examples of this. Honestly if it has ‘haul’ in the lyrics it’s a safe bet that it can function as a short haul shanty.
Halyard shanties, or long haul shanties, are used for heavier jobs that require more endurance over a sustained period, like setting sails. There’s a sort of rest built into the rhythm, with a break during the verse and then heavy pulls during the chorus, and they tend to have slower tempos. Blow the Man Down and Hanging Johnny are examples of halyard shanties.
Then there are capstan shanties that have a repetitive unbroken rhythm used to coordinate people stepping together over a sustained period to work a windlass when doing something like raising the anchor. The rhythm of these is very even and sounds a bit like marching. They also don’t necessarily have the same sort of call and response structure as the above categories. Randy Dandy O and A’Rovin’ are some examples. These could also be used as pump shanties because that same sort of rhythm is called for.
But all these could also be used interchangeably with different jobs. It really depends on how the rhythm and tempo is set to get the work done.
For ships’ work like making spun yarn or cleaning or what have you, there aren’t specific songs attached to that work because, as you said, those jobs don’t require synchronicity. But that doesn’t mean people still couldn’t sing during them for funsies which brings me tooo
Fo'c'sle songs! Which if you’re gonna be a pedant technically AREN’T shanties because they’re not work songs, but….I tend to just fold ‘em into the genre of shanty in casual conversation cos…they’re sung on a ship, the spirit is there, okay. These are sung just for entertainment, and don’t have the same sort of repetitive rhythm or call-and-response structure that shanties have. They tend to be more like ballads. I also include whaling shanties in this category, because while whaling had its own specific music that emerged from it, there weren’t songs tied to specific jobs on a whaleship but rather just…morale boosters / commiseration songs cos MAN DID PEOPLE NEED THOSE. Go to Sea No More, Spanish Ladies, and Old Maui are some fo’c’sle songs.
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Could we get your interpretation of Izzy regressing in front of the crew for the first time?
The first time it happened was when the two captains have to go somewhere, leaving Izzy in charge of the ship and crew while they were gone. Which, is a fairly common occurrence when the two are gone (sometimes Button's is left in charge and by sometimes I do mean once xD)
Now, this day and some of the previous days had been a bit stressful for the right hand man- but he doesn't want to let down Ed (And he guesssses Stede too-) so he swallows back his stresses and goes out of his room to make sure the crew isn't just slacking off. Unknown to any of them at the moment is that Izzy had shoved something into his vest pocket before heading out.
The afternoon doesn't go too bad, just the regular shenanigans that are common on the Revenge- which, Izzy can't help but admit that it's irritating him more than it usually would. He's leaning against one of the walls, his un-gloved hand rubbing the hem of his vest, he can feel it, that all to known fogginess wanting to creep into his mind. He moves his hand to his pocket, pressing the object with his fingers, attempting to keep it together, just until the captains return.
He's so lost in the thoughts of this that he doesn't even notice Luci has walked up besides him, not until he feels the writer's fingers in the pocket, yoinking out what is a small, straw doll.
"Huh, now what's this," Luci says as he holds the doll just out of reach of the smaller man, "Didn't know Izzy had a little dolly~"
"Give 'em back," Izzy hisses, trying to keep his voice low, not wanting any of the others to come over, "It's none of your fucking concern what that is."
Izzy attempts to swipe it back, but Luci holds his arm up even higher, watching the swordsman jump.
"Wow, you must really like this raggy old thing, yeah? Stinks like that polish you use for your sword," He looks past Izzy as he walks closer to the railing, "Think it needs a bath, don't you think?" Luci says as he dangles the toy over the railing! :^o
The other crewmember's heads pop up when they hear Izzy yelling, some rolling their eyes, only guessing as to why Luci is about to be chewed out.
But, instead, they see Izzy grabbing at Luci, begging him not to drop it, the tone is so unlike any they've heard from the man before, his voice is whiny, wavering, like a childs.
Oluwande is the one to go over first, telling Luci to ease up and to give the thing back to Izzy (honestly just not wanting to Izzy to like, stab Luci or whatever was about to happen) but as he's about to ask, he sees Luci's face and turns to Izzy. Who has tears streaming down his face, that's crumbled and very very close to a wailing.
"Shit" The two say at the same time.
Luci is very quick to hand the doll back to Izzy, slightly panicking like, "Hey, hey look, it's back, see?? Oh god please don't cry." xD
It's kinda tooo late for that so Oluwande thinks quick, and just, picks Izzy up, like you would do with a crying baby. Which ofc gets the attention of everyone else, they think Izzy is hurt, or that Oluwande is going to throw him over (okay, only Buttons and Roach think this)
It doesn't take long for them to all realize what's going on, that they had a tiny Izzy on their hands. Def something new for them all, they didn't really know what Izzy was like when small but, they do know that he's very upset right now so, they just try to comfort him
And, when Ed and Stede are back they just pause when they see all the crewmates in one big ol cuddle pile on the main deck, with tiny Izzy right in the middle of it all. Stede can't help but coo over just how adorable this is and Ed gently steps around the crew and picks up Izzy, who wakes up just enough to see who picked him up and just clings to Ed before falling back to sleep.
They're heading to their cabin and as they are, Stede kneels down and thanks the crew for 'babysitting', which just gets some tired thumbs up xD
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