#mandatory in infants in the US since 1991
quill-of-thoth · 1 month
Went to a training that contained mostly undergrad and graduate students today. Trainer: So it's vitally important if you work in biology that you have the Hepatitis B vaccine. However, it's mandatory for going into kindergarten so unless your parents opted out or you have some medical reason, you've probably already had it. Call your parents or PCP to check, next slide... Me, the person who is dragging the average age of the room up by being approximately a decade ahead of anyone: Hey when was it made mandatory, do you know? Trainer, visibly 20: Oh, forever ago, like the 90's
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babymilkaction · 3 years
GLOBAL TRADE: Safer labelling on baby foods and drinks urgently needed
  IBFAN FUF comment
IBFAN RUTF comment
  Governments must take the lead on public health policies:  Safer labelling for baby drinks and foods urgently needed.
46th Codex Committee on Food Labelling
IBFAN will be attending  the Codex meeting on labelling  – Monday 27th September- 7th October (and the webinar on Front of Pack Labelling 21-22 September).
Agenda Item 4 includes two important labelling decisions carried over from the Nutrition meeting (CCNFSDU) Proposed Draft revised standard for Follow-up Formula   (see FUF comments) and the Guidelines on Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods  (see RUTF comments)  
Follow-up formulas and Drinks for Young Children are used and regulated as breastmilk substitutes in many countries so the standard should be aligned as far as possible with the WHO policy,  including the ban on cross promotion,  a deceptive tactic that misleads parents and carers.  The term ‘refer to’ is not enough to stop products appearing similar.
9.6.5 The labelling of the product as defined in Section 2.1 shall not  refer to OR RESEMBLE  infant formula, follow-up formula for older infants, or formula  for special medical purposes intended for infants, including numbers,  text, statements, or images of these products. 
 The labelling of the product as defined in Section 2.1 shall not CROSS PROMOTE  infant formula, follow-up formula for older infants, or formula  for special medical purposes intended for infants, including numbers,  text, statements, or images of these products. 
The current draft guidelines refer only to the weak labelling safeguards for Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs) –  products that are on general sale.   Claims are MARKETING TOOLS that are not appropriate for therapeutic foods. WHA Resolution 63.23 forbids health or nutrition claims on foods for infants and young children.
Section 12 must include the following text:
It is recommended that the labelling of RUTF for children from 6 to 59 months with SAM be in accordance with the Standard for the Labelling of and Claims for Foods for Special Medical Purposes (CXS 180-1991), the General Standard for the Labelling of and Claims for Pre-packaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CXS 146-1985), and Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (CXG 2-1985)..and the  Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims (CXG 23-1997) that include a prohibition  on the use of nutrition and health claims for foods for infants and young children.
There should be the following prominent WARNINGS:
This product must only be used for the therapeutic treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition,  strictly under medical supervision
Potable  drinking water must be available for children receiving RUTF treatment.
Not for general sale
  Useful links:
  Exporting countries put trade before the health of the planet and children. IBFAN Press release,  Nov 2019 
WHO/UNICEF INFORMATION NOTE – Cross–promotion of infant formula and toddler milks, WHO, 2018).
Worldwide Baby Food Drink Market In-depth Research Report 2021, Forecast to 2026, expects 7.7% growth from $68bn in 2020 to 91bn by 2026 – more than 30% in 5 years!
IBFAN Brief in spanish
(Prepared by the Electronic Working Group Chaired by Costa Rica and Co–chaired by New Zealand
IBFAN is advocating that FOPNL should NOT appear  on products 0-36 months.   WHO guiding principles and framework manual for front-of- pack labelling for promoting healthy diets recommend excluding baby foods on the basis that since FOPL schemes – unless restricted to warnings – are promotional and this would be against WHO policy that forbids promotion and any health and nutrition claims for such products. Concerns about high levels of problematic ingredients (sugar, salt fat etc) are better handled through limits set by Codex or national legislation. FOPL is designed for the general population , not for  specific categories of foods.
The proposals should be government-led with adequate COI  and transparency safeguards. There should be no reference to ‘collaboration with the Private sector’  since this could imply inappropriiate influence of the policy setting process.   
  It is not MANDATORY for any country to adopt a Codex text – countries are, however, expected to use them as a basis for legislation and not be more trade restrictive than necessary. ��If a Codex standard does not allow a country  to achieve its public health objective effectively the government can go further.
Posición-IBFAN Spanish
46th Codex Committee on Food Labelling cl21_19e.  CLICK HERE for report CX/FL 21/46/627 September–1 October and 7 October 2021
Please share IBFAN’s comments on both these items  your government delegations in the hopes that they can take our concerns into account.
WHO guiding principles and framework manual for front-of- pack labelling for promoting healthy diets
IBFAN comment RUTF
ENCA- Codex FUM section B
Here in Spanish: Posición IBFAN en Codex 2021
General Comments
Front of Pack Nutrition Labeling (FOPNL) can be a means to provide additional information to those who purchase pre-packaged foods and provide a system for making decisions about food products available in the market-place. Moreover it has the potential of reducing consumption of food ingredients and products that contribute to unhealthy diets.
A number of underlying principles are essential for the effective implementation of FOPNL policies.
For FOPNL to be effective IBFAN considers a mandatory system of WARNINGS to be much preferred. Research of countries where FOPNL has been voluntary shows limited uptake by the food products industries and hence the ability for product comparisons is compromised and the expected health benefits are under realized.
Processed complementary food products and formulas for infants and young children should not have FOPNL as this will be promotional of certain products over other products and contrary to the provisions of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent WHA resolutions. To effectively safeguard infant and young child health, it is preferable to have warnings on these products.
Codex must address the environmental impact of the global trade in unnecessary food products. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that 21–37% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are attributable to the food system and that climate change will have important negative impacts on food security. Green lighting the ultra-processed, excessively packaged with plastic/styrofoam products may reduce the consumption of a few harmful food ingredients yet will continue contributing to increasingly alarming levels of environmental degradation.
In view of the need to safeguard policy setting from commercial influence, IBFAN believes that the business term ‘stakeholder’ is removed from all Codex texts.  Advocating for public health goals/objectives is very different from seeking commercial/profit ones. It is misleading to group all constituents under this term.
Specific Comments
It is critical that the implementation and policy setting for FOPNL be led by national governments who are accountable and responsible for the overall health and nutrition of their citizens. To fulfill their obligations governments must ensure that policy development is free of commercial influence while ensuring adequate participation from civil society, independent academics, health associations, and other relevant constituencies.’
 We see no need for a Codex text to list collaboration or consultation with specific interested parties since this is likely to open the door to abuse and legitimise corporate lobbying – placing the businesses on the same level as all other actors.  Governments have a duty to protect citizens and ensure appropriate consultations.
Principle 4.3.1 The text should. read:
FOPNL should be government led and developed in collaboration with all interested parties including  government, consumers, academia, public health associations, private sector among others, by ensuring robust safeguards against conflict of interest.
Section 2.2 Exclusion for foods and products intended for infants and / or young children
Commercial foods and products intended for infants and young children should not be included in the guidelines for FOPNL. The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent resolutions of the World Health Assembly govern the labeling and marketing of a number of these products. These include infant formulas, formulas for special medical purposes, follow-up formulas and drinks for young children. A number of Code provisions also cover complementary foods for older infants and young children. Claims are not permitted by Codex Guidelines on Nutrition and Health Claims or WHA Resolution 63.23 that urges Member States “To end inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children and to ensure that claims not be permitted for foods for infants and young children”  
The FOPNL would be contrary to provisions in the International Code as they are promotional in essence by preferring one product to another.  This may lead parents and care givers to perceive these products as being endorsed by government authorities and thus have a negative impact on breastfeeding decision-making. In effect FOPNL on formulas for infants and children will have a negative impact on infant and young child health.
Similarly complementary food products should not be included. These products are highly processed and their consumption should be discouraged. Older infants and young children fed processed complementary foods risk dental caries, obesity and develop preferences for bland “white” foods. Ultra-processed products invariably contain chemical additives to stabilize, emulsify, thicken, regulate acidity, and act as anti-oxidants etc.  Many ingredients are  “permitted” by Codex Alimentarius standards, some at regulated levels and others according to “good manufacturing practices”, with their safety declared not by independent and convincing science but on the basis of political consensus and claims of “history of safe use”.
Public health nutrition policy promotes the consumption of healthy nutritious foods for optimal health and development as well as the development of life long preferences for healthy foods.  FOPNL in these situations can act as a marketing tool for the consumption of inappropriate ultra-processed food products at a vulnerable stage of growth and development.
Paso 3
    Observaciones generales
(1 de set. 2021 – Equipo de trabajo IBFAN sobre Codex Alimentarius, Adaptada al español por la Coordinación IBFAN LAC)
  El etiquetado frontal (FOPNL por sus siglas en inglés) puede ser un medio para proporcionar información adicional a quienes compran alimentos pre-envasados ofreciendo así, un sistema para tomar decisiones sobre los productos alimenticios disponibles en el mercado. Además, este etiquetado tiene el potencial de reducir el consumo de ingredientes alimenticios y productos que contribuyen a dietas poco saludables.
  Una serie de principios subyacentes son esenciales para la implementación efectiva de las políticas de FOPNL. Para que el FOPNL sea efectivo, IBFAN propone un sistema OBLIGATORIO de ADVERTENCIAS. La investigación muestra que en los países donde el FOPNL ha sido voluntario, las industrias de productos alimenticios han aceptado el etiquetado de manera limitada, y por lo tanto, la capacidad de comparación entre productos se ha visto comprometida y no se dan los beneficios esperados para la salud.
  Los productos infantiles complementarios procesados y las fórmulas para lactantes y niños de corta edad no deben tener FOPNL, ya que esto sería promocionar ciertos productos sobre otros, y sería contrario a las disposiciones del Código Internacional de Comercialización de los Sucedáneos de la Leche Materna y las Resoluciones posteriores de la AMS. Para salvaguardar eficazmente la salud de lactantes y niños pequeños, es preferible tener ADVERTENCIAS sobre estos productos.
  Por otro lado, el Codex debe abordar el impacto ambiental del comercio mundial de los productos alimenticios innecesarios. El Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) de las Naciones Unidas estima que entre el 21% y el 37% de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) son atribuibles al sistema alimentario y que el cambio climático tendrá importantes impactos negativos sobre la seguridad alimentaria. Iluminar con color verde los productos ultraprocesados – de todas maneras, envasados excesivamente con plástico / espumas de poliestireno, etc – podrá reducir el consumo de algunos ingredientes alimentarios dañinos, pero no hará que estos productos dejen de ser contribuyentes a los niveles cada vez más alarmantes de degradación ambiental.
  En vista de la necesidad que tenemos de proteger que las políticas se definan sin influencia comercial, IBFAN cree que el término “partes interesadas o asociadas” es de corte comercial y por lo tanto, debe eliminarse de todos los textos del Codex. Abogar por metas/objetivos de salud pública es muy diferente a buscar metas comerciales o lucrativas. Es entonces engañoso agrupar a todos los constituyentes bajo el mismo término de “partes interesadas o asociadas
  Comentarios específicos
Es fundamental que la implementación y el establecimiento de políticas de FOPNL sea un proceso liderado por los gobiernos nacionales ya que éstos son los responsables de la salud y de la nutrición general de su ciudadanía. Para cumplir con sus obligaciones, los gobiernos deben garantizar que el desarrollo de las políticas públicas esté libre de influencia comercial, al tiempo que deben garantizar la participación adecuada de la sociedad civil, la academia independiente, las asociaciones de salud y otros grupos relevantes.
    Por lo anterior, no vemos la necesidad de un texto del Codex que enumere la colaboración o la consulta con partes interesadas específicas, ya que esto muy probablemente abriría un portillo al abuso y legitimación del cabildeo que realizan las corporaciones y colocaría a las empresas al mismo nivel que los demás actores que velan por la salud pública. Los gobiernos tienen el DEBER de proteger a su ciudadanía y de garantizar las consultas apropiadas.
  Principio 4. 3. 1 Por lo anterior, el texto debe decir:
El FOPNL debe ser dirigido y desarrollado por el gobierno en colaboración con todas las partes interesadas, incluidos el gobierno, los consumidores, la academia, las asociaciones de salud pública, el sector privado, entre otros, asegurando salvaguardias sólidas contra los conflictos de interés.
  Sección 2.2 Exclusión de los alimentos y productos destinados a lactantes y/o niños de corta edad
Los alimentos y productos comerciales destinados a bebés y niños pequeños no deben incluirse en las directrices de FOPNL.
  El Código Internacional de Comercialización de Sucedáneos de la Leche Materna y las Resoluciones posteriores de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud rigen el etiquetado y la comercialización de muchos de estos productos. Están incluidas las fórmulas infantiles, fórmulas con fines médicos especiales, fórmulas de seguimiento y bebidas para niños pequeños. Varias disposiciones del Código también abarcan los alimentos complementarios para lactantes mayores y niños de corta edad.
  Las declaraciones de propiedades saludables y nutricionales no están permitidas por las Directrices del Codex sobre Nutrición y Salud y por la Resolución 63.23 de la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, que insta a los Estados Miembros a poner fin a la promoción inadecuada de alimentos para lactantes y niños de corta edad y a garantizar que no se permitan las declaraciones de propiedades saludables en los alimentos para lactantes y niños de corta edad. Por lo anterior, el FOPNL sería contrario a las disposiciones del Código Internacional, ya que en esencial, es un etiquetado promocional que preferiría un producto sobre otro producto. Esto puede llevar a las madres, padres y cuidadores a la percepción de que estos productos están respaldados por las autoridades gubernamentales y, por lo tanto, tendrían un impacto negativo en la toma de decisiones sobre la lactancia materna. En efecto, el FOPNL en las fórmulas infantiles tendría un impacto negativo en la salud de los bebé y niños pequeños.
  Del mismo modo, el FOPNL no debe incluirse en los productos infantiles alimenticios complementarios. Estos productos son altamente procesados, innecesarios y su consumo debe ser desalentado. Bebés mayores y niños pequeños alimentados con alimentos complementarios procesados corren el riesgo de caries dental, obesidad y desarrollan preferencias por alimentos “blancos” suaves. Los productos ultraprocesados invariablemente contienen aditivos químicos para estabilizar, emulsionar, espesar, regular la acidez y actuar como antioxidantes, etc. Muchos de estos ingredientes están “permitidos” por las normas del Codex Alimentarius, algunos están en algún nivel regulados y otros dejados a en las manos de las “buenas prácticas de fabricación”, con una declaración de seguridad – no basada en la ciencia independiente y basada en evidencia- sino en un consenso político y de “historia de uso seguro”.
  La política de nutrición de salud pública promueve el consumo de alimentos nutritivos saludables para la salud y desarrollo óptimo, así como el desarrollo de preferencias de alimentos saludables, de por vida. Dadas las circunstancias, el FOPNL podría convertirse en una herramienta de marketing que incentiva el consumo de productos infantiles ultraprocedados e inapropiados, en una etapa vulnerable de crecimiento y desarrollo infantil.
  GLOBAL TRADE: Safer labelling on baby foods and drinks urgently needed was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
19-05-2020 Current affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Union Finance Minister announced several initiatives to boost Education Sector These are: A comprehensive initiative called PM e-VIDYA will be launched which unifies all efforts related to digital/online/on-air education. This will enable multi-mode access to education, and includes:DIKSHA (one nation-one digital platform) which will now become the nation’s digital infrastructure for providing quality e-content in school education for all the states/UTs; TV (one class-one channel) where one dedicated channel per grade for each of the classes 1 to 12 will provide access to quality educational material; SWAYAM online courses in MOOCS format for school and higher education; IITPAL for IITJEE/NEET preparation; and study material for the differently abled developed on Digitally Accessible Information System (DAISY) and in sign language on NIOS website/ YouTube. The Manodarpan initiative is being launched to provide psychosocial support to students, teachers and families for mental health and emotional wellbeing through a website, a toll-free helpline, national directory of counselors, interactive chat platform, etc. Government is expanding e-learning in higher education. Top 100 universities will start online courses. Also, online component in conventional Universities and ODL programmes will also be raised from present 20% to 40%. It has been decided to prepare a new National Curriculum and Pedagogical Framework for school education, teacher education and early childhood stage to prepare students and future teachers as per global benchmarks. A National Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission will be launched, for ensuring that every child in the country necessarily attains foundational literacy and numeracy. This mission will cover the learning needs of nearly 4 crore children in the age group of 3 to 11 years.  Source : PIB ( Education ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy A rare palm endemic to the South Andaman Island is finding a second home at Thiruvananthapuram-based Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI). About: JNTBGRI scientists termed the Pinanga andamanensis “a critically endangered species and one of the least known among the endemic palms of the Andaman Islands”. Its entire population of some 600 specimens naturally occurs only in a tiny, evergreen forest pocket in South Andaman’s Mount Harriet National Park. By conserving the germplasm on the Indian mainland, JNTBGRI can ensure its continued survival in the event of its minuscule original home getting wiped out by a natural calamity. This elegant palm holds promise as an avenue tree for gardens, pavements and homesteads. The name is derived from ‘Penang’, the modern-day Malaysian state. Penang itself has its origins in ‘Pulau Pinang’, which means ‘Island of the Areca Nut Palm.  Source : The Hindu ( Environment ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy J&K GRANT OF DOMICILE CERTIFICATE PROCEDURE RULES, 2020 The J&K administration notified the J&K Grant of Domicile Certificate Procedure Rules, 2020 and set a fast-track process in motion to issue the certificates within a stipulated time of 15 days. About: Under the amended rules, eligible non-locals can also apply for the certificate. These rules provide a simple time-bound and transparent procedure for issuance of domicile certificates. There is a timeline of 15 days for issuance of certificates. Domicile certificates have now been made a basic eligibility condition for appointment to any post under the Union Territory of J&K following the amendments in the previous Act. To make the process transparent and time-bound, any officer not able to issue the certificate would be penalised ₹50,000. The amount would be recovered from his salary. All Permanent Resident Certificate holders and their children living outside J&K can apply for the certificates. Kashmiri migrants living in or outside J&K can get domicile certificates by simply producing their Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC), ration card copy, voter card or any other valid document. Bonafide migrants can apply with the Relief and Rehabilitation department by providing documents like electoral rolls of 1988, proof of registration as a migrant in any State in the country or any other valid document.  Source : The Hindu ( Polity & Governance ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy LESS INVASIVE SURFACTANT ADMINISTRATION (LISA) A recent medical technique, known as Less invasive surfactant administration (LISA), has been started at J.K. Lon Government Children’s Hospital in Jaipur for treatment of lung disease or respiratory distress syndrome among premature babies. About: LISA has been developed as a lung protective strategy for respiratory management and ventilation in view of the mechanical ventilation causing damage to the preterm lungs of newborns. Infants considered suitable for LISA are those being managed with primary continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or high flow with the evidence of increasing respiratory distress and with a rising oxygen requirement. The procedure, started initially for newborn children with the birth weight of less than 1,500 grams, has yielded encouraging results. The regular application of LISA would turn out to be very useful and help save the lives of premature babies.  Source : The Hindu ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Government has accepted and implemented three important recommendations of Committee of Experts (CoE) under the Chairmanship of Lt General D B Shekatkar (Retd) relating to border Infrastructure. About: Government has implemented recommendation of CoE to outsource road construction work beyond optimal capacity of Border Roads Organisation (BRO). It has been made mandatory to adopt Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) mode for execution of all works costing more than Rs 100 crore. The other recommendation relating to introduction of modern construction plants, equipment and machinery has been implemented by delegating enhanced procurement powers from Rs 7.5 crore to Rs 100 crore to BRO, for domestic and foreign procurements. Border Roads has recently inducted Hot-Mix Plant 20/30 TPH for speedier laying of roads, remote operated hydraulic Rock Drills DC-400 R for hard rock cutting, a range of F-90 series of self-propelled snow-cutters/blowers for speedier snow clearance. The land acquisition and all statutory clearances like forest and environmental clearance are also made part of approval of Detailed Project Report (DPR). It is mandatory to award work only when 90 per cent of the statutory clearances have been obtained.  Source : PIB ( Defence & Security ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY (IMD) International Museum Day 2020 was celebrated on May 18 under theme of "Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion" About: International Museum Day (IMD) is an international day held annually on 18 May to create awareness about the cultural importance of museums. It is coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). It is being celebrated since the year 1977.   Important Info : The International Council of Museums (ICOM)? Status: A non-governmental organisation maintaining formal relations with UNESCO and having a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.Created in: 1946. Location: Paris, France.  Source : PIB ( Culture ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy The Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm ‘AMPHAN’ (pronounced as UM-PUN) intensified into Super Cyclonic Storm on 18th May, 2020. About: Extremely severe cyclone Amphan (pronounced as Um-Pun) over the central parts of the South Bay and adjoining Central Bay of Bengal has spun into a class-topping super cyclone after howling winds around its core broke the threshold speeds. Amphan is only the third pre-monsoon super cyclone to form in the Bay after 1990, after the Andhra Pradesh super cyclone (May 4-9, 1990, no name) and the Bangladesh super cyclone (April 24-May 2, 1991, Gorky).  Important Info : According to IMD’s classification of storms based on intensity, super cyclone is an intense low-pressure system represented on a synoptic chart by more than four closed isobars (concentric circles) and in which the wind speed at surface level is 222 km/hr (category 4 or 5 as per Saffir-Simpson scale storm intensity).  Source : The Hindu ( Geography ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has relaxed the 25 per cent Minimum Public Shareholding (MPS) norm. About: The rules have been relaxed for listed entities for whom the deadline to comply with MPS requirements falls between the period from March 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020. Under SEBI norms, listed entities are required to have at least 25 per cent public shareholding. SEBI has advised stock exchanges not to take penal action till August 2020 in case of non-compliance. The SEBI move is aimed at easing such compliance rules amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.  Important Info : Background: Many public sector companies are yet to fulfill the 25 per cent minimum public shareholding norms, and have been seeking deadline extensions.In July 2019, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her maiden Budget speech urged SEBI to consider increasing the minimum public holding in listed firms to 35 per cent from 25 per cent. However, SEBI board is yet to take a view on this proposal. Source : Indian Express ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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