bidhuan · 1 year
Sistem Penghantaran α-Mangostin Untuk Terapi Sariawan dan Kanker Payudara
Nazroel.id – Di hari sabtu ini senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman di Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bhakti Kencana, Bandung dalam kuliah kepakaran “Menggali Potensi Produk Herbal yang unggul melalui pendekatan standardisasi, aktivitas dan farmasetika dengan judul Sistem Penghantaran α-Mangostin Untuk Terapi Sariawan dan Kanker Payudara. Akan ada 2 subtopik yang dibawakan yakni •Film…
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rnadal88 · 2 years
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Someday we’ll have a good #mangostin in the basket. Until now they are just a huge disappointment! #fruit #exoticfruit #rotten (at Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cot27pfr7jf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hugemilkshake · 5 months
Oh, I have an idea, but not a Shadow Milk cookie, but a Lychee Dragon cookie.
And you can add Yandere and Hypnotism there.
Enjoy the milkshake! Now I’m actually about 99% sure Lychee can canonically hypnotize people soooo-
Also I feel like I spelled Mangostine wrong but please don’t correct me, I don’t want to fix all my mistakes
Little Dove
-Romanic scenario-
!TW! Under the cut are themes like obsession and slight drugging (toxic fumes)
The Rambutan Tribe was quite peaceful… well when monsters weren’t attacking it.
You were actually researching the property’s of the island the Rambutan Tribe was on, you wanted to know why monsters were such a problem for this tribe but whenever you got close to an answer you passed out due to some gas which caused Mangostine Cookie have to bring you back constantly
For you it got very irritating but for Mangostine Cookie it was amazing! They get to spend time with you! And admire you! And tell you all their feelings without you judging them!
It was so nice.
Well it sorta was… I mean you didn’t even know who Mangostine Cookie actually was! That fact doesn’t really spark any positive feelings. But sometimes to get what you want you got to force it.
You were finally back on your hunt for an answer and for Mangostine since they wondered off. You finally came to the one spot you usually pass out at but there was no gas this time.
It was… just Mangostine standing there…
“Y/N Cookie! The gas is cleared! I see something really cool!” The young cookie called out, you told them you were coming over.
Going over to were Mangostine was standing you looked down to see a cavern… a cavern crawling with monsters and gases rising up pretty quickly
You leached back and turned around. You vision already going blurry due to the gas.
You thought you saw Mangostine Cookie but… they looked… bigger…? And more dragon like…? Maybe the gas was playing a trick on you…
You stumbled around, trying to get out of the gas but you fell down, to dizzy to walk anymore.
And the last thing you remember was a dragon telling you that nothing bad will ever happen to you
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undsowiesogenau · 2 years
Mein Bedürfnis, zu schreiben, schwindet hier angesichts einer Welt, die sich ständig neu zusammensetzt. Jede Beobachtung, jede Deutung könnte ein paar Minuten später schon wieder ungültig sein.
Die Früchte, die ich hier zum ersten Mal koste (Mangostin, Longan, Stachelannone…), beschäftigen mich stundenlang. Wo könnte ich die in Berlin herkriegen, in Saigoner Qualität? Antwort: gar nicht. Darum verreist man ja. Auch die Düfte des Marktes, auf dem wir heute Morgen ein Bánh Mì aßen, sind nicht zu reproduzieren: frische Ananas, brennendes Holz, kochende Brühe, dampfender Jasminreis, trocknender Fisch, Moped-Abgase. Schwaden zogen unter den niedrig gespannten Planen hindurch, die die Stände überdachten. Drüber brannte die Sonne.
Ich habe die zwei Blusen abgeholt, die mir geschneidert wurden. Sie passen natürlich perfekt. Der Stoff ist ganz leicht, und obwohl er aus so etwas wie Viskose besteht, scheint er zu kühlen. So unerklärlich wie die Eigenschaften des Kleidungsstück sind auch die Umstände seiner Entstehung: Ich sollte mich pünktlich um siebzehn Uhr am Stand der Marktfrau einfinden, die die von mir gewählten Stoffe und meine Maße an den Schneider übermittelt hatte. Ich kam zehn Minuten zu früh. Die Blusen waren noch nicht da. Dafür stand schon der Rollkoffer der Frau dort, mit dem sie gleich die Heimreise aus Anlass des Neujahrsfests antreten würde. Ich war ihre letzte Kundin. Gleich nochmal wiederkommen, signalisierte sie mir. Und tatsächlich, der erwartete Bote war eingetroffen. Ladenschluss, Ferien.
Bei »Moon Nails Eyebrows & Beauty«, den mir Tao als das beste Nagelstudio in Distrikt 1 empfohlen hatte, ließ ich mir die Nägel lackieren. Dort arbeitet eine Künstlerin, die jedes Nageldesign aus dem Internet, wahrscheinlich sogar jedes zeitgenössische oder historische Foto auf Fingernägeln reproduzieren kann. Ich googelte »year of the cat nails« und wählte ein opulentes chinesisches Design, bei dem die Nägel, rot grundiert, mit Glückskatzen, Blüten und Schriftzeichen bemalt wurden. Statt der chinesischen Zeichen wünschte ich mir vietnamesische. Die Künstlerin begann ihr Werk, indem sie aus den Fläschchen mit den nötigen Farben (schwarz, weiß, gold) einige Tropfen auf ein Stück Pappe setzte, das als Palette fungierte, und von dort mit winzigen Pinseln aufnahm. Die Vorlage hatte sie vom Bildschirm meines Handys abfotografiert. Immer wieder traten Kolleginnen von ihr heran, um den Fortschritt mitzuverfolgen, und mir zu der Wahl meines Motivs zu gratulieren, das mich in ihren Augen anscheinend auszeichnete. Nach etwa vierzig Minuten war das Werk vollendet, feiner und schöner als in der Vorlage. Preis: 240.000 Dong, etwa zehn Euro.
Abendessen in einem Restaurant um die Ecke. Ich blätterte die umfangreiche Karte durch, die die Gerichte auch im Bild zeigte. Die vietnamesischen Bezeichnungen waren ins Englische übersetzt. Mein Blick blieb an einer Speise namens »Rice mouse« hängen. Es musste sich um einen Übersetzungsfehler handeln, wie sie hier ständig vorkamen (von unserem Balkon schauen wir auf ein Handtaschengeschäft namens »Authonly«, das auch ein »Shoes Spa« sein soll), oder eine dieser Bezeichnungen wie »Happy Water« für Reiswein. Das Foto in der Speisekarte schien mir knusprig gebratene Stücke von gepresstem Reis zu zeigen, wie er hier gern gegessen wird, etwa gefüllt mit Banane. Ich bestellte die vermutete Köstlichkeit.
Während Joachims Rind in frischem Wasabi längst serviert und verzehrt war, wartete ich auf meine Reismaus. Ständig wurden Teller mit etwas, das aussah wie das, was ich erwartete, an mir vorbeigetragen. Sicher eine Dreiviertelstunde verging, bis der Kellner sich näherte. Einige vietnamesische Frauen, die am Tisch nebenan saßen, deuteten lächelnd darauf. Ich lächelte zurück: endlich.
Unvergesslich der Moment, als ich das erste Stück des Grillguts, das nun doch eher wie Fleisch aussah, zwischen die Stäbchen nahm und kostete: Winzige, grätenhafte Knochen knackten zwischen meinen Zähnen, ein Geschmack von tranigem Huhn entfaltete sich. Dies war eine echte Reismaus, beziehungsweise eine Reisfeldratte, wie ich bald nachlas. Es musste sich um ein Exemplar jenes Tiers handeln, das wir im Garten des Häuschens auf Con Dao jeden Abend gesehen hatten. Ziemlich ähnlicher einer deutschen Ratte, süß eigentlich, eifrig, zu Hause im feuchten Unterholz. Mehr als diesen einen Bissen nahm ich nicht zu mir.
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shiftmonkey · 2 months
山竹養生液是什麼? 山竹養生液是衛部健食字第A00363號的保健食品,具有調節血糖功能。 衛部健食字第A00363號 中文品名:山竹養生液 核可日期:2018/11/08 申請商:基業生物科技股份有限公司 證況:核可 保健功效相關成分 α-mangostin (α-倒捻子素):19.2 mg ± 15%/15 mL 保健功效 調節血糖功能 保健功效宣稱 本產品經動物實驗證實:對禁食血糖值偏高者,具有輔助調節血糖作用。 警語 1.本產品非屬治療及矯正疾病用藥品,糖尿病患者仍需就醫治療。2. 特殊體質、罕見疾病-真性多血症(polycythemia vera)的患者,請洽詢專業醫師是否適合飲用本產品。 注意事項 “1. 本產品含有沉澱物,使用前請搖勻,或按個人喜好加水稀釋1倍後飲用。 2. 建議在用餐時或用餐後飲用,以達到最佳效果。 3.…
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nevescarvalho · 8 months
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its-wharris · 1 year
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Why Is the Product Called XanthoMystTM?
"Xantho" is derived from the many natural xanthones including the most active, α-mangostin, found in Mangosteen Pericarp (rind), and "Myst." Twist & MystTM your daily serving of XanthoMystTM into your mouth. XanthoMystTM efficiently delivers these compounds through the mucous membrane into your body for higher potency and bioavailability. These compelling benefits are beyond anything else we have seen related to mangosteen in the market.
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sporadiceaglecloud · 2 years
Mangostin o Mangostán: ¿Qué propiedades tiene? ¿Cómo se toma?
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mojsehs · 3 years
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Mangost(os)ão 😍💓 #tbtdaquerentena #mangostin #mangostão #mangosteen #mangosjovem #exótica #frutadarainha👑 (em Comendo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNP_JmJnlO7/?igshid=1py5xpiu6f5nj
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bidhuan · 2 years
Peran Farmasetika dalam Design dan Pengembangan Obat - Kuliah Tamu UBP Karawang
Peran Farmasetika dalam Design dan Pengembangan Obat – Kuliah Tamu UBP Karawang
Nazroel.id – Senang sekali diundang oleh Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Buana Perjuangan (UBP) Karawang dan bisa sharing terkait Farmasetika dalam Design dan Pengembangan Obat. Dalam kuliaj tamu ini saya memberikan insight peranan bidang farmasetika dalam penemuan dan pengembangan obat. Ditambah dengan aplikasi bidang farmasetika dalam pengembangan obat baru. Seperti biasa, setiap presentasi…
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jessi--ac · 3 years
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jppres · 3 years
The α-mangostin effect on the quantity of TGF-β1 titer relate to the mandibular bone volume of Rattus novergicus in the periodontitis model
The α-mangostin effect on the quantity of TGF-β1 titer relate to the mandibular bone volume of Rattus novergicus in the periodontitis model
Image: Flickr Article published in the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 9(5): 609-618, 2021. Original article Citra Lestari1,2*, Eryati Darwin1, Deddi Prima Putra3, Netti Suharti4 1Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. 2Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Baiturrahmah Padang, Sumatera…
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yawnjunie · 4 years
extra long tag game (seriously, it’s very long)
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tagged by: @soobindipity​ (ty eri!)
tagging: @acethetiques​, @bloomingjun​, @txtdream​, @bulgo-gyu...(i’m honestly so lazy so if you want to do this, go ahead! feel free to ignore if you were tagged)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
side effects! (oops this is a txt blog) but i’m pretty sure this is what made me want to stan skz! the song is very experimental, as it’s psychedelic edm (i believe), but i liked it a lot after a few listens. i was totally obsessed with the choreography as well, because the whole thing is just...art. they attracted me because their style of music was different than what i had seen before, and on top of being extremely talented and creative people, they were also super funny and caring.
another group that comes really close to being my favs is day6 (and i cannot even begin to describe my infatuation with this group). i listened to “shoot me” and “sweet chaos” and BAM that’s all it took to drag me into stanning this group. i’m not familiar with the inside jokes and all that, but i just love listening to their music! there is not a single bad song in their entire discography! i also have the largest heart eyes for young k’s “young one” project covers and eaJ’s original songs.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
going to an ivy league or just any amazing school in general (lol is this really gonna happen tho 🤪)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
gone out with my friends, probably (going for a boba run, going to the mall, etc.)
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
a tiny book called “be active” by charles m. schulz, filled with motivation quotes. i also bring around a book, in case i get bored.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the extra fluffy kind that i can hug or use as a pillow, but i like the bear plushies a lot too (from daiso/miniso).
favourite song right now?
darn i don’t have one 😳 but i like listening to “ribs” by lorde
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make macarons, how to make/compose music, the korean language
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i can’t think of something off the top of my head :( (i promise my life isn’t that boring but my brain isn’t conjuring up anything helpful)
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones when i want to listen to music by myself/with a friend, speakers when i want to share music openly
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
banh mi and 🍅 (even though i just had a bowl of them...sorry beomgyu)
+ also this coconut that i’m trying to open? but it’s not cooperating with me 😔
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify, it’s unproblematic for the most part
ten questions (by eri, answered)
1. what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
when i went on a tour of china (i went to a bunch of places, from the city to the mountains). it was fun exploring places i’ve never been to!
2. do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
spiders and bugs :(
3. weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
either mangostine (i hated it, sorry soobin) or frog legs
4. do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i can memorize things quickly? i mean i don’t think it’s that big of a talent but i can remember trivial history facts really well
5. what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
swimming underneath a waterfall or just living in the wilderness
6. when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
a very long time ago when i was in 2nd grade, when i first got an ancient flip-phone...i pretty much never touched it because i never really needed to use it
7. what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
kimi no nawa! i’ve watched that movie 3 times already and it’s a great movie so i wouldn’t mind watching it again :)
8. biggest pet peeve?
dirt encrusted fingernails >:(
9. earliest childhood memory?
i’m not sure :( my memory is just a jumble of things from my childhood
10. as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
i wanted to be anything and everything...one day i would be like “i’m going to be a doctor” and the next i would be like “nvm i want to be a magician” and as for now, i’m actually not sure because i’m interesting in many fields, including areas in both sciences and humanities.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: blu
nickname: blu
birthday: sometime when the flowers bloom
zodiac: aries
nationality: american
languages: english, chinese, spanish, (a bit of) japanese
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: [redacted]
inspiration for muse: txt and other groups i stan! i also like to take inspiration from my life experiences, books i’ve read, songs, movies. shows, and so on.
meaning behind my url: there weren’t any canon urls for yeonjun so my brain somehow went hmm? yawnjunie? sounds good (i’ve been asked this before and honestly there isn’t much logic behind my url lol)
blog established: June 5th, 2020
followers: 153 (it’s a small-ish community but thank you all for the support!)
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, foxes (i just love animals in general)
favourite books: asoue, the miraculous journey of edward tulane, the joy luck club, the giver series (there are more but i can’t think of them)
favourite colour: blue (i love all the colors)
favourite fictional characters: alyssa and james (teotfw), the baudelaires (asoue), and other people i can’t think of atm
favourite flower: i don’t think i have a specific favorite flower, but i like orchids!
favourite scent: the scent of pu’er tea (or the scent of dried flowers)
favourite season: i don’t have one, but i’m leaning towards autumn
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: dogs (i’m serious)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea all the way
current time: 01:05
dream trip: south america, europe, japan
dream job: tbd :’) (but i want to be in a profession in which i’m helping people)
hobbies: eating, playing piano, being a tubbs™
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (i think)
last movie watched: can’t remember, but it was probably a film about a mermaid who tried to find true love on land but ended up dying
last song listened to: i’m in love with you by kina
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1-2
random fact(s): i love mint chocolate ice cream, i like my milk tea with a bunch of toppings (pudding, aloe vera, boba pearls, etc.)
10 things I can’t stop listening to
if i could ride a bike - chevy
pinocchio - eaJ
fly me to the moon - young k
holo - lee hi
lmm - hwasa
man in a movie - day6
laughing on the outside - bernadette carroll
remember (from natsume’s book of friends) - uru
sparkle - radwimps
i loved you - day6
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My OC Tierre, he is pronghorn Capricorn with bunny paws. 🍉s gender is unknown, but is definitely masculine in nature, and 🍉 loves men and nonbinary people. ⚡️loves nature, swimming in the sea, fruits, wood scents, baggy clothes, mellow music and collecting tape cassettes. 💧s gender expression is Mangostine/Caterpillar(masc+fem+NB+xeno), his gender presentation is Sparrow(down-to-earth).
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willrs · 3 years
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Mangostin... A Rainha as Frutas!!! Produtos como esse e outros difíceis de serem encontrados em Londrina e Região tem no #bigdog e em nossos Clientes!!! Produtos top sob encomenda com a Qualidade que você merece!! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... #mango #mangos #mangostin #mangosteen #mangostão #frutanordestina #rainha #rainhadasfrutas #reidoinstagram #reidasfrutas #melhor #top #toptop #topfrutas #selecionadas #melhores #topbrasil #topbrazil #toplondrina #londrina #londrinando #londrinaagora #londrinanorteshopping #londrinasualinda #pequenalondres #londrinarestaurantes #londrinapromoção #londrinaemfotos (em Cealon Cond Central Atac de Frutas e Verd de Lond e Reg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQMom7ZhkEK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Neka bude ZEN, neka tijelo zablista puno energije, snage sunca, neba, zemlje - pohranjeno u čašici ZEN Tonica. ❤❤❤ https://cali-vitamini.com/proizvod/zenthonic/ ❤❤❤ ZenThonic je pripravak namijenjen osobama koje žele očuvati zdravlje na najprirodniji način, koristeći biološki aktivne tvari iz voća koncentrirane u obliku ukusnog napitka. Nositelj djelovanja je plod mangostina uz crveno bobičasto voće čime se postiže izvanredan antioksidativni učinak. Možemo reći da je to antioksidativna bomba ksantona, elagične kiseline i flavonoida. . . . . . #zen #zentonic #meridijani #ksantoni #flavonoidi #antioksidansi #mangostin #valentinovo #zaljubljeni #calivita #calivitamini #organsko #bio #ukusno #polifenol #katehin #bobičasto_voće #bioinformacija #sunčeva_energija #minerali #vitamini https://www.instagram.com/p/CLRkLxRs-hG/?igshid=3kfwzub6yvvd
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