#mans was exhausted watching a toddler and two Bad Kids while his wife was dying
barkingangelbaby · 7 months
okay last rb inspired me to Overshare with y'all so! fun fact about me! my older sister and I were Bad Kids and one day we literally smoked an entire pack of my dad's cigs (I feel like there's no way we were actually inhaling tho?? I hope lmao) while he was napping with my baby brother. like using the burners on the stove to light them, then we ran out of his cigs so we tried lighting socks on fire (didn't work), then moved on to papers we found. she had me hold them & told me when to blow them out but didn't tell me to SO my hand literally caught on fire and I got second degree burns. much later in life I learned we were burning fucking BILLS omg.
ANYWAY. that's the story about how I developed asthma at 5 years old babeeey
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Moments Levi shared with his beloved baby daughter- Kutchel
aka Levi giving all his 💕Uwu's💕 to his baby girl
It's Levi's day off, and even though he tries his hardest not to look it, he's eager to run back home. He's determined to not waste a second of being off duty.
He's missed his family- you and your calming presence. The stability that he falls into at merely being in the same vicinity as you, is difficult to resist-even for a man like Levi.
Your gentleness somehow meshes well with your child's rowdiness, always laughing and wreaking havoc in the house. He wants to hold his baby brat, even if she'll try to pull his hair out for it.
So he hurries back home, but of course, he has to get past your little guard first. Standing with his cloak still in his arms, Levi craned his neck down to stare at the tiny creature sitting on the floor, blocking his path to his beloved wife. Said creature, wearing a blue dress, is his adorable one year old daughter.
The baby doesn't bother to spare him a glance, too busy babbling as she plays with her blocks. Levi's fine with it, it took him a while but he's learned to accept that babies don't care about, well, anything.
He ponders lifting her up and cradling her in his arms for a cuddle. But, considering the ferociousness with which his daughter is bashing two blocks together, he decides that he values his ability to hear.
Kneeling down, he sets his cloak on the floor and sits in front of her, waiting to be noticed. Kutchel looks at him, her big black eyes innocently blinking at him. She shoves a block into her mouth and gurgles, recognising him.
"Do I have your approval to go to your mom now?"
"Ba da guuu"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
More random babbling. Tiny hands busy themselves with trying to crawl away, so Levi pats her on the head and gets up to go to his wife. He doesn't notice his baby pausing mid crawl to pout at him, wanting him to stick close.
He also doesn't see her little face cutely scrunch up, thinking of ways to stop him and bring one of her favourite humans back to her.
Levi freezes, his heart immediately melting. He can't stop himself from turning back to his child, not when she calls out for him like that.
He cradles her in his arms, unaware that you're watching from the kitchen door, committing the sight to memory.
You've been with Levi for so long now-so much of your life has been spent with this wonderful man and you have no regrets whatsoever.
You do, however, have secrets. Not serious ones, but pure ones. Small, precious memories you've kept to yourself. They're you're little secrets- events that you look back on with fondness.
Events Levi doesn't know you saw happen.
You remember, when you were exhausted from giving birth, how lovingly Levi talked to your newborn daughter.
'Hey brat, you better keep it down now. Your mom just fell asleep- don't yawn. You're already not listening to me-'
He thought you were asleep. If it weren't for your stitches, you would have giggled and alerted him to the fact that you were listening.
You remember all those times you were never woken up by Kutchel crying-because Levi would wake up before you.
'Go to sleep.'
'I said; Go. To. Sleep. Don't smile at me-- hey stop laughing-'
You caught on to it very randomly, and the memory warmed your heart to this day.
Levi often had silly little conversations with baby Kutchel, when he thought you weren't in hearing range.
'Yes this is the right way-no what do you mean I can't fold shirts like this-you're pouting you obviously don't agree.'
'Kid- I don't know why you like Eren so much-but this works because he can be an unpaid babysitter-no? Fine, I guess I can pay him a little. Okay fine, I'll pay him more then a little.'
'Do you like this dress? Me neither. How about this one-these socks are awful why the hell do you have these-'
'Yes tea is better then coffee. Coffee is for soulless creatures like Mikasa-Hey, don't cry dammit, why do you have to like the brat that glares at me so much huh? You tiny traitor.'
'So I'm taking you to that military ball tommorow-and I expect you to cry enough that I have an excuse to leave. You cry, I leave and then you get as much milk as you want. We good? Good. Don't tell your mother.'
'You threw up on that military police soldier-I'm proud of you brat. Now, let's aim for throwing up on Erwin. Or at least trying to rip his eyebrows out. I feel like the rumour of them being fake might be true.'
'I know you can't talk much, but make a vow to me that you will, never, ever say yes to anything your Aunt Hange asks of you. Trust me, it's for you own good.'
'Kutchel- stop that-I will pay you to stay still. Here, here's all the money I have, which isn't much. Take it and stay still- why the hell are you still wiggling, you need to put your socks on dammit-'
And so much more. It warmed your heart to think of how beautifully he had bonded with her from the start. And you can only be glad you get to see their entire journey together.
Levi is a man who values cleanliness above all things-he's made sure his house is so clean that all the rooms are sparkling. Despite having a baby in the house, who had recently learned how to walk and subsequently wreak havoc everywhere she wants to, he still tries his hardest to stick to those standards.
So that's why, here he is, pathetically trying to wash clothes, with a clingy toddler who has made it her life's mission to ruin his life. How is she doing this, one would ask. Well, making sure that he can't even put the damn clothes in the basket was one.
'Kutchel-no-stop it, give that back.'
Levi's a little ashamed of himself, just his hands moving to grab his swords are usually enough to strike fear into the heart of his enemies. Yet, here they are, incapable of winning a tug of war with his one year old brat.
He's really, really glad that Hanji can't see him right now.
He manages to get the shirt out of Kutchel's strong grip, causing her to pout and flail her arms with a whine. Levi refuses to give in and snatches the next piece of clothing before she can. He gives her a stern look.
With that, he dumps it in the basket. Kutchel doesn't appreciate it, sitting down and pouting at him cutely. It doesn't last long, because she busies herself with the clothes again. At least she isn't snatching them from his hands this time, and only picking on the clean pile.
He gets up to get some more detergent, smiling to himself at the sound of happy gurgles. Once he comes back, he catches sight of Kutchel, and nearly drops all the powder.
His child is exactly where he had left her, except she's now wearing his Survey Corps cloak. Her black hair, much like his own, is messy and the hood is too big for her tiny head. She looks up at him, and smiles in the face of his horror. On one hand, it's pretty damn cute. On the other hand-
'Oh hell no-'
He starts to take the cloak off of her, ignoring her cries of indignation. His child won't have anything to do with the Survey Corps. Ever.
Too bad 15 year old Kutchel Ackerman had every intention of stealing his title from him- but that's a story for another time.
Levi has self control. Plenty of it, actually. One could easily argue that, after Erwin, he's one of the most composed individuals in the military.
He's dealt with all sorts of people-rude, snobbish, arrogant bastards who think they stand a chance against him. His expression never waivers, even as he insults them to the point their ancestors are crying in the graves.
But what's happening right now, it makes him lose his precious self control. His face, so used to being that of an expressionless grumpy old man, is scrunched up in anger. Levi does not like what's happening.
Not one bit.
Levi can deal with people trash talking him, he never falters despite all the accurate short jokes. He can deal with people bashing Erwin without flinching-because even he's wanted to kill the man once and can't really blame others for wanting to do so as well.
However, what Levi can't deal with in a calm and rational manner, is -
'The fuck did you just say?'
'I said, your daughter is just a dumb brat.'
Yeah, this Military Police Senior Officer is dying today. Levi hopes Erwin is ready to deal with an irate Nile
'Shut the fuck up-I'm the only one who gets to call her a dumb brat.'
The Officer moves to speak again but Levi silences him with a soul burning glare. Levi turns to his brat. Kutchel is sitting on the carpet, wearing a tiny, cute red dress you had bought for her on sale. She's surrounded by numerous toys, gifted by his comrades.
The baby pauses in her play time, which is chewing a stuffed bear, and turns to look at her papa. The officer looks confused.
'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.'
There's a pause in the room. The officer looks surprised, although he thinks Levi just proved his point. Kutchel looks to be only a few months old and Levi has just monotonously stated a sentence that is usually sung. There was no way the brat would actuall-
Kutchel squealed in delight, pressing her hands together slowly. Once she notices her papas approval, she starts clapping happily.
Levi smirks, while the officer sweat drops.
'See that, bitch? No' dumb brat' does that at 9 months old.'
Of course, Levi still had to beat the guy up a little after that. No one picks on his baby but him.
'Eat it.'
Levi pushed the spoon towards Kutchel, who refused to open her mouth.
He had seated her on the table, ditching the highchair. A bib was secured around her neck, and the brat was clearly hungry.
Except since she had eaten three bites, she refused to eat more. Levi was slowly getting more and more frustrated.
'What's your problem? I know you're hungry.'
Kutchel stared at him sadly, and his irritation thawed at the sight. His child was usually pretty well behaved when it came to food. She usually liked eating fruits and vegetables, but for some reason, kept rejecting her baby food.
Levi frowned, before deciding to taste it himself. Maybe if he ate one in front of her, she would want to eat it too-
Levi paused.
He slowly ate, resisting the urge to throw up. He grimaced and awkwardly avoided eye contact with Kutchel, feeling sheepish all of a sudden.
There was judgement in her eyes- something he couldn't blame her for.
The hell sort of crap had they been feeing her? It tasted awful. No wonder she wouldn't eat it.
Sighing, Levi shoved the bowl full of food-that-must-not-be-named away. He lifted Kutchel into his arms.
His brat pouted slightly, her small arms wrapping around his neck. Poor kid was hungry, as evidenced by her discontent expression.
Levi smiled at her lightly, tucking her head into he crook of his neck.
'Sorry Kutchel-let's go to the bakery and get some pastries. And when we get back, I'll even mix some chocolate in your milk. Just don't tell your mother okay.'
A/N: Heyooo. Just randomly thought of Levi being a dad and this came to mind. These are actually only some of the moments I thought of, I have plenty more in mind. Maybe I'll write those out too. Hope y'all enjoyed this! ❇️
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
May Snippets Masterlist (2020)
2020 Snippets Master Masterlist
May Snippets Request List
Tumblr media
Bjorn asks you to be his queen after you two have known each other since you were children
Catching Hvitserk having a midnight snack while you’re both trying a new diet
NSFW Ubbe fucking you into the mattress
Hvitserk doing ridiculous things to try and get you to fall for him (but you already have feelings for him)
Sigurd saying that Ivar can’t pleasure a woman and Ivar snaps, revealing that you’ve been cheating on your husband, Sigurd
You turning down every marriage proposal because you want to look after your father; Ragnar
Ivar realizing why you make him wear a necklace of a vial with your blood when he gets injured in battle
Killing an assassin while Ivar’s asleep and cutting out his tongue so he doesn’t wake Ivar
The brothers and Ragnar being protective over you when your beauty becomes known throughout the land
Asking Aslaug if it’s alright that you call her ‘mother’
Hvitserk encouraging Ivar to tell you about his crush on you
Ivar returning from a raid with jewels that he’s kept aside for the intention of spoiling you
NSFW Ivar being insecure about being naked in front of you for the first time
Your army coming to Ivar’s aid in a war he’s losing with a message telling him that he’s not dying until you allow it (twin!sister)
Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd knowing they have to be on their best behavior when around Ivar if they want good food from you
Deciding that it’s better to end things with Ivar when you get the offer of a better life somewhere else
Ivar suspecting you have a lover because he feels like you’re drifting away from him
Hvitserk rambling about being safe as he mends your injured hand
Ivar going above and beyond when you’re sick because he’s convinced you’re going to did (part ??)
Practically having Hvitserk’s order ready every morning because he orders the same thing everyday
Ivar refusing any suitors because he feels they’re ‘not worthy’ of you (part ??)
Ivar coming into his room after a long day and finding you sleeping on his bed because you missed him (part ??)
Telling Bjorn you only love him as your older brother when he confesses that he loves you (part ??)
Bjorn doing mundane things for you as a way to show you he loves you
NSFW Bjorn eating you out like a starved man
NSFW Going down on Bjorn under his desk while he does some work
NSFW Trying to keep it together as Ivar goes down on you while you’re on the phone with a friend
Hvitserk returning home from spending the day with his toddler, exhausted, but in awe at the fact that you can look after 2 kids and be pregnant
Ivar thinking that you’re in love with Hvitserk when he sees you laughing with him. But it’s actually something else
NSFW Hvitserk ‘punishing’ you for stealing his clothes (part 2)
Having a serious conversation about the law with Ragnar ant the brothers (gen z!reader)
The brothers' reaction to you dying your hair pink (gen z!reader)
NSFW Everyone thinks you’re super innocent, but Bjorn knows that you’re the complete opposite
NSFW Dom!Lagertha rearranging your guts with a strap on
People not second guess it when you slip a hand under Ivar’s shirt to feel his muscles
Lagertha feeling slightly brokenhearted to see you (her daughter) being close with Aslaug when she visits with Bjorn
Ivar realizing that he’s falling in love with you, but decides that it’s for the best to arrange a marriage for you (part ??)
How Estadir is around you on a daily basis (Hefna)
How you and Estadir met (Hefna)
NSFW Alpha Bjorn waking up in rut to you in heat and grinding on his leg in your sleep
Aslaug and Ivar joking that you’re his girlfriend and you blush and try to hide in his chest (much younger!reader)
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Each of the brothers spoiling and showing off to you to try and get you to like them more (little sister!reader)
NSFW Being a brat and teasing Bjorn before he puts you in your place
Ivar refusing to get up until you kiss him
Aslaug overhearing you telling Ivar why you can’t go through with the arranged marriage (part 2)
Ragnar finding out that the sons fake getting along so that you’ll talk to them
Losing your baby when a slave purposefully give you the wrong tea because she’s in love with Ivar
Ivar throwing a tantrum because you won’t marry him (part 2)
Telling Margarethe to keep her advances on your husband - Hvitserk - to herself
Lagertha overhearing you comforting Aslaug and saying how you’ll always be her daughter (part 2)
Having enough of your sister trying to seduce Ivar and having no choice but to banish her (part 5)
One of the brothers catching you making out with someone in a supply closet (part 2)
Killing the slave Ivar infatuated with because you don’t share your husband
Defeating Ragnar and deciding if you should kill him or spare him (part 3)
Ivar being happy that you’ve given him peace and a home he can call his own where he’s loved and respected
Aslaug being happy to see Ivar marry the girl she’s been in love with since he was a young boy
Your oldest son walking in on you and Hvitserk doing it
Coming back to Kattegat and telling your brothers you’re pregnant (perfect little sister!reader) (part??)
Ivar no longer being upset letting you breastfeed your child after seeing how happy you are and how strong the bond is with you and the baby (Only Mine) (part 2)
Giving birth to your first child and he barely fits in Estadir’s hands (Hefna)
Stepping in as a mother figure to the sons after marrying Bjorn
Being the big spoon when you find Sigurd asleep
Ivar finally telling you what the doctor said after days of silence (blind!ivar) (prequel)
Staying in bed with Ivar and trying to distract him from pain during a bad leg day
Meeting Ivar’s brothers upon arriving in Kattegat (Hefna)
Joking with Estadir that you may have to start your own tribe because of how many children you have (Hefna)
Ivar buying a bigger bed so that he can finally sleep with all his children and not get kicked off (part 2)
Telling Ubbe that you’re not hitting on him, but actually on his wife, Torvi
Alpha!Hvitserk finding you nesting
Spending time with Ivar and Hvitserk after a long day (shared girlfriend!reader)
Introducing your suitor to your brothers for the first time and trying to stop them from scaring him off
Hvitserk calling his brothers for help when you’re sick because he doesn’t know how to take care of a sick person
Ivar refusing the crown because he wants to keep you and his family away from danger
Ivar daughter asking if you’re her new mommy after dating Ivar for a while
Ivar and his brother teaching his daughter how to fight after she was attacked
NSFW A threesome with Hvitserk and Ivar
Ubbe mentioning how you haven’t aged a day because you’re immortal
Coming to Kattegat with your dragons to form an alliance and Hvitserk catches your eye
Begging Ivar to let you keep a kitten you found
Having a small rivalry with Ivar because he doesn't like how you steal attention away from him
Being best friends with Ivar and meeting his brothers, but you had a one night stand with Hvitserk
Thinking that Ivar’s only asking you to marry him because you’re pregnant, you say no
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Meeting the Ragnarssons and your child takes a surprising liking to Ivar
NSFW Finally having sex with Ivar after being secretly in love and he finds out that you’re just as crazy as he is
Ivar coming back after letting you go and finding that you found someone else
Having your first daughter with Bjorn and she turns out to be a daddy’s girl (part 2)
NSFW Teacher/Student role playing with Ragnar
Ivar coming home and knows by the smell that you’ve been baking
Mafia!Ivar struggling to kill you after finding out that you’re a spy
Celebrating your birthday with Ragnar and the brothers
Relieved to see Ivar coming back to you alive after a long raid
Knowing that his brothers are going to meet up with friends, Ivar tags  long and falls for you right away
Ivar getting an awkward boner while watching a movie with you (his roommate) and having to talk about his feelings for you
You son coming back to Kattegat to take vengeance on Ivar for what he did to you and telling Ivar that he’s his son
The brothers following Hvitserk and being caught by you, his secret girlfriend
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Loki taking care of you when you’re very sick
You owl whining all the time to Bucky on a mission after switching animals (The Owl and the Wolf)
NSFW Bucky eating you out and making you squirt
Geralt and Jaskier fighting for your affection, but you have eyes for Yennefer
Feeling insecure when one of Jaskier’s lovers starts flirting with him
Telling Geralt how it is that you know him when he’s never met you before (part 2)
Jaskier explaining to Geralt how he needs to do something romantic for your birthday
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Jaskier regretting introducing you to Geralt when you tell embarrassing childhood stories
Jaskier writes a ballad for you for your wedding
Both you and Geralt being surprised that Jaskier could fight off an Alpha much larger than him
Basically disappearing when you cuddle with Geralt because you can hide in his cloak
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Kindness and Remorse Part 2
The thing about being a toddler again is that Dudley finds it all rather embarrassing. He can’t walk correctly, his vocal cords are the bane of his existence, don’t get him started on the nappy changes and maybe worst of all, he had limited ability on his surroundings.
His parents, who he can’t help but resent, try their best to smother him in love and toys. He has to fight to keep Harry within arms reach, throwing the strongest tantrums his little body can produce the moment they so much as try to separate them. 
Dudley knows his mother is hurt by the way he squirms out of her hugs or the lack of smiles his father receives when the man makes funny faces at him. It feels like a cheap attempt to re-buy his love and he knows, on some level, that to these two people it’s not a son well into his mid-thirties their hatred and intolerance have pushed away but a toddler that doesn’t like mommy or daddy holding him.
But oh, do they try. They love him to bits even when he’s being difficult and always speak to him with such adoration it would be heartwarming had he really been a baby. 
There are times where he almost allows himself to start to forgive them but then Vernon sneers at Harry causing the poor little boy to start sobbing and Dudley remembers why he cut them out of his life.
It’s not easy, those first few weeks. Despite how hard he tries, and how many temper tantrums he throws some things he can’t stop. He managed to let allow Harry to sleep with him but it’s not every night and they are always quick to baby talk him into understanding the freak can’t be allowed in the good beds. 
He can’t stop the hissed words, the quick slaps and sneers they aim at Harry. He can’t make Vernon or Petunia return the toys they rip out of the little one’s hands. He can’t stop them from locking the boy, while he stands behind a playpen frustrated he can’t get the stupid thing open so he can let his cousin out of the cupboard. 
Even getting food or clothing is hard. Try all he might, stumbling around on his pudgy baby legs isn’t enough to reach the clothes or the food cabins. The moment the Dursley couple realizes what he attempts to do- “Oh my little angel is just too curious. No, no, no Diddy, you can’t go in there”- they start to buy those annoying baby gates and installing them at all major doorways. 
Nothing is more frustrating than being a mentally thirty-six-year-old man and losing to baby proofing of all things. 
Still, there are some small victories here and there. He shares the toys which bring him no joy with Harry, and the baby’s green eyes light each time. He always finds some excuse to hug his cousin or hold his hand. The temper tantrums do sometimes allow Harry to spend the night in his crib, safely tucked away in his arms.
Wherever Harry goes Dudley follows even if his parents are a physical barrier, he just makes himself so fussy they crumble after three or more hours of screaming which means Harry doesn’t spend too much time with them. 
Harry smiles at him too. Which makes all of this somehow worth it, if only so the baby has something to smile at.  
Weeks turn to months.
 Dudley does his best to make sure his parents understand that Harry is his favorite playmate, and there are times where they try to rip that away but he makes life very difficult for them each time. It’s not long that he starts to babble in broken sentences, and he stumbles a lot less when his legs start to get more strength. 
His speech is coming along better, by the time he’s two and three months old he’s able to make simple sentences. He tries to avoid bigger words because while he hates being talked down to, standing out for being gifted could mean he be place in higher schooling. 
Which means he won’t be able to help Harry. So he sucks it up and watches what he says, making sure to keep an eye on the telly for baby channels and repeat baby books his mother reads to him. 
He’s doted on by all of his parent's friends, who all coo and congratulate Petunia for such a smart and well behaved little boy. He guesses they like the fact he doesn’t grab everything in sight and actually stays where they tell him to. Heaven knows that when Daisy and Josh were tots it was like herding cats and there were nights where he passes out exhausted after trying to keep them from running around. 
All in all, he’ can say he’s nicely balanced. Some days he’s an angel and others he’s a screaming banshee. No one really bats an eye at it, thinking his good behavior out weights his bad. 
Dudley makes a face each time his mother starts spreading her lies about Uncle James and Auntie Lily, however, and sneers when the people of Privet Drive eat it up. It makes him sick to think their name is being dragged through the mud when they were murdered protecting their little boy.
“Oh, how dreadful. Drunkards dying in a car crash and then leaving you their problem? You must be so strong” says one lady. Dudley can’t remember her name but he’s fairly sure she lives at Eight Privet Drive.
Petunia preens just as Dudley stubbornly says  “Harry not problem”
Miss. Eight looks down at him with surprise on her face. “What was that darling?”
“Harry not problem.” He repeats daring her to say otherwise. Petunia hastily moves the conversation along with a quick  “Kids say the darnedest things don’t they?” even as his mother shoots him a long look. Dudley barely reframes form curling his lip back at her.
He looks around the little party that his parents have thrown for the neighborhood. They claim it’s to be friendly but Dudley knows that it’s his father's attempt to make good connections and to flaunt Harry’s money. Recently they bought a new state of the art grill which was wowing the group men surrounding the laughing Vernon.
The adults are scattered through the yard, some teenagers are giggling hunched over a table on the far right and much younger children who appear around Dudley’s physical age have all piled around the sandbox. There are four of them, and it takes him much longer to realize he knows two. It’s Piers and Dennis. 
He’s always known they were friends since young but had he really known them this long? The last time he spoke to Piers was when the man got married and moved away to Wales with his wife. Dennis was said to be released from jail in five more years with good behavior.
Seeing them now, felt odd. 
Staring at them he didn’t notice Petunia give Miss Eight a knowing smile before she gave him a gentle push.  “Why don’t you go over and play with them Popkins. No need to be shy.”
“Okay, mommy.”  He was halfway across the yard leaving the two cooing women behind when he realized something terrible. Where in the world was Harry? Stopping in the middle of the party, Dudley twist all around filling with distress at the lack of wild dark hair and green eyes, grabbing the attention of one of his father’s co-workers.  “What’s wrong, little fellow?”
“I no find Harry.”
“Is Harry one of your toys?”
“He’s cousin.” Dudley looks up at the man, his eyes tearing up without him meaning too. Curse his emotional body. “I no find him.”
“He’s inside, probably up to no good. He doesn’t behave well in crowds you see.” Vernon cuts in, smile tight against his co-worker's rapidly growing concern. His father's face pulls slightly and he adds on as if though it’s a great misfortune. “He’s mixed you know. His father was a gypsy.” 
Dudley faces clouds over in rage at the implication his father is attempting to make and he quickly gets very angry at the way the other man’s face twists with distaste. First of all, that’s not even correct. Uncle James was Indian, and gypsy is a fucking slur which is supposed to be about Romanian people.
Romania isn’t even on the same continent as India! 
Kicking both men in the shins as hard as his little body could, out of childish spite, Dudley bolts before he starts sneering at them for their close-minded awfulness. He hears his father apologize profoundly and it’s worth the stinging pain in his toes.  How could he forget how racist his father was? How racist all of this Drive were? 
He rushes inside, through the back door mumbling angerly under his breath. He needs to find Harry, the boy is only two now and he could get hurt if no one was watching him. 
Dudley finds him sitting in front of the washing machine in the kitchen. Harry is playing with some broken tin soldiers that his father had given him from Vernon’s old things. Pursing his lips, he tries to calm his rage as Harry happily babbles away to the little figures. 
Their tiny things, and if he were to swallow them, Harry could chock. Making up his mind he wanders over which caused Harry to see him for the first time. The toddler's face lights up, as he waves his tiny hands happily at him.
“Dudley, come play?” Harry asks offering the half-melted blue lieutenant to him with a cheerful smile. Dudley’s heart melts just a little and he pushes away his anger to sit down. He takes the toy in his hand before giving his cousin a stern look. 
“Play. No, eat.” He demonstrates the no putting this into your mouth by shaking his head when he makes the blue lieutenant tap against his lips. Harry repeats his head motion with a quick “No eat.”
Satisfied, that he understood, Dudley joins in on the game which turns out to be making the little soldiers jump up and down every so often. Harry is content with smacking his hands against them and making noises that could be considered sound effects. 
As they are playing, Dudley gets bored rather quickly and lets his mind wander. He hopes he can convince the boy to go draw with him instead since this toy waving is getting rather old, even if Harry waving the toys around rapidly is downright adorable.
Harry is in some of his old clothes but they don’t quite hang off his body as before. While before Harry used to drown in fabric, the clothing is now just simply lose in certain areas. Dudley is also happy to note that while he may have lost a few pounds, Harry is a little more filled out then he was the when he was a baby last go about. This time around Dudley isn’t nearly as chunky, mostly due to not demanding sweets from his parents as much. He’s thinner but he still has more meat on his bones then Harry or the other kids.  
Once upon a time, he would think about how disgusting his body was and how maybe that had something to do with him being cruel as well. After all, more than one person pointed out that he started to get nicer around the same time he started to lose weight. 
Tiffiny had been quick to beat that out of his head.  “You were mean because you chose to be mean. Your weight had nothing to do with it. It’s called coloration does not mean causation, darling.”
Sometimes he forgot his wife was raised by two therapists when said field was considered a joke. Other times, it just made him happy she was able to communicate her thoughts and emotions easier. She taught him a lot of neat tricks to do so himself. 
“Dudley? Come. Mommy and daddy outside” Harry says suddenly, standing up. He motions with his tiny hands to the noisy adults as he wabbles away into the yard.  Getting up and going after him, Dudley suddenly gets hit with a startling nauseating realization. 
Harry thinks the Dursley are his parents. He doesn’t remember Uncle James or Auntie Lily. Right now Dudley is most aware of them and he barely knows anything at all. Heck, Harry probably doesn’t even know he’s half Indian. 
....In his past, Harry didn’t know anything about that part of his culture, did he? Not a single thing. It makes the abuse they put him through more disgusting, adding a whole other layer.  How long did Harry feel out of place? Since in the future-past, it was said cousin that told him about Uncle James, at one point Harry had to learn what he was missing out on didn't he? 
Reaching out he grabs Harry's hand feeling very very sad. “Not mommy and daddy. Auntie and uncle.” 
His cousins stare at him for only a second and the baby bods his head obediently used to Dudley correcting him.  “Auntie and Uncle.” 
Giving the little hand in his hold a squeeze, he tries for a smile and it rewarded with another in return. Harry squeezes back his hand before they release hold. Together they go out in the yard where Petunia has been calling everyone’s attention for some cake. Dudley makes sure to pass his plate to Harry, after sitting the boy down at the sandbox. He keeps half an eye on the toddler who smears the treat half on his face, eating with his fingers in joy. 
Mentally, he starts to think of a way to help Harry learn more about his heritage. He has to admit that it will be quite hard when he knows next to nothing about it. Heck, he doesn’t even know what part of India, uncle James was from or what religion he took part in.
Did wizards even have religions? The Weasleys celebrated Yule and Daisy did say that Hogwarts did have Chrismas Feast but was that religion-based or merely festive based? Would Harry want to part take in these kinds of celebrations or would he prefer the Indian ones? Heavens was there a difference between them?
This was giving him a headache. He’ll think about it later he decides because right now he needs to focus on making sure Harry has fun while eating without chocking.  Just as he thinks that fate tests him. He looks upwards, asking for some patience when Harry drops his plate and attempts to still eat it covered in sand. 
“Harry. No, eat!”
“But Dudley.”
“No, eat!”
Harry's face scrunches up causing Dudley to mentally groan. He recognizes a two-year-old tantrum, after raising two children. Not to mention the party was long from over. Around them, people were throwing his cousin nasty looks, shaking their heads and doing nothing to stop the boy from eating the food on the ground. They're just feeling mighty tall for allowing it aren't they?  He sneers back at them the same moment Harry starts crying.
The adults' faces stiff and most turn up their noses.
What have they never seen a little boy cry!? Look away number Two! Look away. 
He feeds the rest of his slice to Harry to get him to calm down. After everyone leaves his parents lock up Harry in the cupboard for “embarrassing” them at the party and Dudley exhausts his lungs with all the screaming and crying this causes.
He’s straight-up dizzy from his tantrum but sadly his parents aren’t willing to let Harry out this time. He can hear the poor thing crying from his room well into the night. He wishes he could get out of his crib and go down there. Help him fall asleep because he knows Harry doesn't like the dark. The toddler always eyes Dudley's nursery night light with big green eyes the same way Josh used to be amazed by him shaking his car keys.
Or at least give him a teddy to hold on to since Harry was a cuddle bug to the extremes. 
He falls asleep thinking about how terrible it is that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t change terrible people unless they want to. His parents will continue to choose to be monsters it seems. He couldn’t wait for the day Harry got away from their toxic behavior. 
Unknown to him, his desire to just help Harry through the night bleeds through the floorboards and makes the little boy a soft large pillow that functions as a makeshift mattress. He calms down quickly since the pillow smells a lot like his beloved cousin. Suddenly his little cupboard is lightened up by dancing teddy bears and shaking keys above his head and the toddler watches them until his eyes lids are too tired to remind open.
In the morning, the pillow and lights disappear in a swirl of silver sparkles before Pentuina or Vernon could see it.   
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
Heaven Help Me(Ch 2)
Jo is reading scans from an email on her cell phone when she hears a voice behind her.
“Hey, Jo, wait up!” Jo whips around on her way to the coffee cart outside the hospital. She stops just short of the doorway. Amelia is walking briskly toward her.
“Okay so I know probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I’m dying to tell someone. Meredith is going on a date with Hayes. Don’t tell her I said this, she’ll kill me.”
Jo gives Amelia a look of confusion. “Uh, first of all I don’t know who ‘Hayes’ is and why are you telling me this?” Jo and Amelia had of course met through Link, and Jo likes her well enough, but she feels it’s weird that Amelia is sharing personal information about her sister’s dating life with her.
“Doctor Hayes! Pediatric co-chief of surgery! And I told you before, I needed someone to tell. You were on the way to the coffee cart and I don’t think you’ll blab to Meredith.”
Jo nods, “Right. You getting coffee?” Amelia frowns.
“No, I have surgery.” She says, and Jo just watches her walk off towards the elevator. Jo is just glad Amelia is self-aware of her crazy. That much is true.
Jo sees Rayn coming up the hall and quickly turns back toward the doors.
“Before seven is mine, Doctor Rayn. I told you this.”
“Doctor Wilson, I think you’ll want to come see this.” Rayn is tight-lipped.
“Fine; tell everyone I’ll be there in ten. I need sustenance or I’ll be crankier than normal. You don’t want that.”
Rayn agrees, still somber. “See you in ten. And I know we’re professionals, but I think it’s important you know that know my first name is Carleen.”
Jo studies the younger doctor carefully, realizing she reminds her of herself during her early residency years.
“Thank you, Rayn. I’ll be there in ten.”
Rayn goes to turn away, but Jo finds herself compelled to speak again.
“My first name is Jo.”
Rayn grins wide at Jo, before rushing back to the lab. Jo finally reaches the doors, stepping outside into one of Seattle’s rare clear mornings, and takes a deep breath. The fresh air helps to clear her mind.
“Good morning, Doctor Wilson.”
Jo jumps. Behind her is Alex Karev, scowling.
“Jesus, you scared me. Good morning to you too. What’s got you in a mood?”
“Got into a fight with my wife.” He practically tears his wallet out of the pocket of his jeans, and opens it.
“Oh, well. Don’t let it get to you too much. She loves you. And you don’t have to harp on it if it’s nothing that important.” Jo then remembers to take her wallet out of her own purse, fishing out a couple dollars.
“It was about— You know what, it doesn’t matter, you’re right. I’m just going to forget about it.”
“Right then,” Jo awkwardly moves on, “Did you read the article on ex-lap efficiency from Doctor Yat-Sen at UCLA? It was really interesting, the way he argued that you can minimize OR time by immediately doing a biopsy on the healthy tissue also.”
“I actually did. I dunno if it’s practical for me. It’s harder to decide on things like that with kids. They’re so compliacated. Like my wife.”
Jo openly laughs at that.
“Don’t hate on your wife. I thought you were forgetting about it?”
Alex groans, scowling again, “Right.”
“You’re right about the kids part though. Peds was super fun to me, but in the end I ending up in general, specialty-less.”
“Any particular reason?”
“Indecisiveness in the end. I never thought too far enough into it in the first place. Plus now, I have my research.”
Alex stands behind her on the coffee line, and Jo orders a lemon scone.
“What do you want, Karev?”
“I can pay for my own coffee.”
Jo turns to the clerk, “One black coffee please.” She smiles and hands the clerk the money.
“How could you possibly know how I like my coffee?” Alex says, accepting the cup.
“Please, you’re clearly not a sugar and milk person. You’re such a grouch.”
Alex keeps his scowl, but thanks Jo nonetheless.
“Good morning, all.” Jo greets the team as she enters the research lab. ‘The team’ being surgical resident Cross, oncology intern Rayn, and three biomedical engineers— John, Armani and Deborah.
“Doctor Wilson, we have great news. The mice are fine.” Deb is smiling, and the other engineers follow in suit.
“I don’t understand. That means our cells are flawed.” Cross furrows his eyebrows Jo sighs.
“Yes. It means we have lots more work to do. Actually, that’s the bio engineers’ job. Us doctors have to sit back now. Doctor Rayn, you’re of course welcome to help, as you’ve got the most extensive knowledge of cancer. Doctor Cross, thank you for all your help, but your services are no longer needed here.”
“It was wonderful to meet you Doctor Wilson. Hopefully we can call you back soon, once we’ve better understood this in our lab.” John sticks his hand out, and Jo shakes it.
“Thank you all. I look forward to it.” Jo nods, and she and Cross exit the lab.
“Doctor Cross, you should scrub in on as many surgeries as you can. I appreciate all of it, but your time spent here has set you back as a surgeon. Take some extra nights on-call for a while. Thank me later.”
Cross looks both solemn and grateful, and he simply walks away. Jo feels surprisingly upset at this; she knew her idea wasn’t the end all be all, but she had hoped it would’ve fleshed out more. All she had done was make mice ill, not help anyone.
She had gone and given up a great surgery fellowship, for one of her ideas to fail within only a little more than a week. Her favorite research already up in flames.
Then her pager goes off, and she is being briefed by a senior resident on a hernia patient who came into the ER last night. The woman whose scans she recieved this morning.
“Audrey Davis, 36. Came into the ER last night complaining of abdominal pain. After CT, it was concluded she has an epigastric hernia.”
“Thank you, Doctor.” Jo nods to the resident.
“Doctor Wilson,” a medical student begins, “Am I correct to assume you’ll be performing a hernioplasty?”
“I will. Does anyone know why?”
“Yes. Mesh has proven to be exceedingly effective in long-term hernia repair.” A third-year resident answers.
“Doctor Wilson, will you be using an animal-based mesh or a composite synthetic one?” Another medical student.
“A bio human-based one. Why?”
“Because there’s a lesser chance of rejection.” A second-year.
“Alright, anyone who answered a question can join me in the OR today. Baker, scrub in. The rest of you can watch in the gallery. Find me later if you have further questions. Now excuse me.”
Jo makes her way into the patient’s room and the woman is surrounded by multiple people, ranging from toddlers to elderly. Jo counts thirteen.
“Good morning Ms. Davis, and family. I’m Doctor Wilson, and I’ll be your surgeon. I’ll be performing a laparoscopic repair for your hernia, and then hopefully in a day or two, you can go home. Do you have any questions?”
The elderly man speaks up, “Honey, are you the nurse? Because you need to speak up. I have hearing aids for god’s sake.”
“No, sir. I’m the doctor. Doctor Wilson, the surgeon who’ll be operating on Audrey.” Jo tries her best to muster a smile.
The patient rolls her eyes, “I’m so sorry Doctor. He’s especially irrational when he’s stressed. My mom was the first one in our family to have a surgery, and she died a year ago.”
Well that explained the whole gang showing up.
“No problem, Ms. Davis. I will see you in surgery.” The patient nods and Jo moves on to her post-ops. One med student trails her, with a concerned look on his face.
“How could you possibly not yell at that old man, it was crazy sexist what he said.” Jo faces the not-yet doctor, sighing.
“It’s the world we live in. As a female doctor, you learn to get used to it. You could probably ask your female peers” He frowns at Jo, shaking his head.
“Somebody should change that.” Jo is nearly crushed by his hope.
“Somebody should.”
She bumps into Izzie Stevens as she walks past the med student.
“Sorry, Wilson. I should’ve been looking where I was going. It’s been a long morning.”
Jo remembers Alex’s grumpiness this morning and guesses he probably slept on the couch.
“Don’t worry about it, I understand.”
“Are you married? Have you ever been married? It’s exhausting.” Izzie says it tiredly, not antagonistically.
“No, I mean I- yes. I have been married. But not anymore.”
Jo does not wish to share her own experience with marriage. She feels bad for Stevens and Karev, but their petty arguments hardly compare to her memories. She went to therapy for a long time after it ended.
“My husband — I think you know him — Alex, is just exhausting. He always thinks he’s making me happy, but half the time it’s just him pushing his wants onto me and calling them mine. Sorry, you probably don’t care.”
“It’s okay, I could use a break from my own thoughts.” Jo gives her a small smile, but the other doctor is right, she doesn’t care.
“Sorry, sorry again. Goodbye Doctor Wilson.” Izzie rushes off.
Jo finds several residents and med students waiting for her at Willy O’ Connor’s room.
After performing two appendectomies, Jo takes respite on a hallway gurney. She rubs her temples, leans her head back against the wall, and closes her eyes.
“Feeling okay? Fellowship life getting to you?” Link’s voice rings in her ears, her head pounding. She feels him sit next to her.
“I feel more tired than on a 24 hour shift as a resident. I research, and then I do surgery, and then I do more research, and then I do more surgery. It’s like everything I’ve ever wanted but it is so draining. I am so tired.” Jo opens her eyes and looks at her friend, fatigued.
“Ah I remember when I was a fellow, I actually slept through a M&M. The resident next to me who’d been there all night woke me up. It’s so much better than residency though. You’re basically an attending and still learning.” Link looks at Jo.
“Yeah,” Jo lets out a breath of air.
“So how is wedding planning going?”
Link smiles, “Well we set a date. July 18th. At the Old Mill Factory.”
“It’s gorgeous there! Oh I’m so happy for you both!” Jo squeals and suddenly she’s energized.
“Speaking of my wedding, how would you feel about being my best man?”
Jo smiles slowly, “Really? I mean I would of course be the best woman but minor details. Yes, of course Link, yes.”
Link grins at her. “Not that I’m doubtful, but I’m going to need you up there. Because me and Amelia will both be nervous wrecks.”
Jo bites her lip, “I bet. It’s gonna be great.”
Jo makes her way to the attending’s lounge on the third floor, but her desire for hot chocolate and a comfortable seat is prohibited by a screaming couple in the room already.
Jo decides she’s had a long enough day and braves the sparring lovers. It’s Alex and Izzie, of course. Jo shrinks, just wanting hot chocolate. That’s all she wants.
“-well that’s rich! You haven’t thought about what I want in a long time!”
“Oh so now you don’t want kids? We’ve always wanted kids, what changed?”
“Of course I want- that’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying I can’t give up more time for maternity leave. I have a lot going on right now with my patients and I need you to be willing to take time!”
“And I’ve told you I’m willing. But I’m not being a parent alone. That’s no— Iz.” Alex looks over at Jo and she widens her eyes, scooping up her mug.
She awkwardly smiles, “I’ll just be going now.”
God, she thinks, what a mess.
Alex follows Jo out of the lounge.
“Sorry about that.” Jo furrows her eyebrows, frowning.
“I thought the argument this morning wasn’t important.”
“It wasn’t.” Alex grunts. Jo doesn’t want to aggravate him more, but kids seems like a big topic. Kids are always a big topic.
“Kids are a big decision. I was a kid no one wanted, not even my own mother could stand to keep me for more than two days. She was under different circumstances, but no kid wants parents who can barely agree before they’re even a clump of cells.”
Alex fumes, “Who the hell says you get to comment on my marriage? What gives you the right? You’re not married, you’re not a parent. You have no idea.”
Jo rolls her eyes, “You’re right, Alex. But I’ve been married before, and I- you should think about what you’re getting into.” Alex waves her off.
“Screw you, Jo.”
Jo takes a deep breath, moving on to her surgery.
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aurorofconfidence · 6 years
@fcntcsticmuses​ something amusing and cute that came to mind
“Good morning Mr Graves! To what do we owe the pleasure of these two little cherubs’ company?”
“Don’t call them cherubs, Goldstein, you’ll only encourage them,” Percival huffed, lifting Arthur with one arm onto his desk while he tried to hush a squirming baby Penny. He looked distinctly ruffled - his hair wasn’t slicked back like it normally was, still hanging loose though sticking up as though he’d already run his hands through it fifty times, his suit was askew, his waistcoat was buttoned wrong, and his desk was covered not in the usual paperwork, but in baby formula and bottles and snacks and crayons where he’d dumped the overflowing baby bag.
“What’s a cherub?” Arthur asked.
“Exactly the opposite of what you are, wipe the chocolate off your face before someone reports back to your mother,” Percival told the three year old, pulling out his handkerchief to attempt to wipe Arthur’s face while balancing Penny. “Our nanny has conveniently come down with some form of vague illness, and Seraphina has meetings and speeches all day, so I get to bring my children into work. Because naturally being Deputy Director is exactly the sort of job that allows you to spend all day taking care of toddlers. I have already made the mistake this morning of letting my three-year-old have liquid chocolate because he wouldn’t leave me to get my coffee in peace, and now Penny won’t go down to sleep because she didn’t sleep properly last night and now she’s over-tired. I don’t know how the nanny does it.”
“Would you like me to take her, Mr Graves?” Tina asked as Penny’s discomfort grew louder and Arthur leaned away from his father’s attempts.
“No. Thank you Goldstein, but I am capable of caring for my own children.”
“I- I didn’t mean any disrespect Mr Graves, I just... she’s crying.”
“Yes, Tina, thank you, I can hear,” Graves growled.
“S-sorry, Mr Graves, I just-“
“Daddy, don’t be mean!” Arthur objected.
“And here I was thinking the hardest day on the job was when O’Brien spilled my coffee and I couldn’t talk my way out of all my overdue paperwork,” Percival breathed, bouncing Penny on his hip and simply magicking his handkerchief towards Arthur’s face when he couldn’t catch him. “Daddy’s not being mean, he’s being terse. Believe me, you’ll know the difference. Is there something I can do for you, Goldstein?”
“Uh, perhaps I should come back…”
“No, if you refrain from getting me to do my job just because my children are here, it means I am incapable of doing both at the same time, and I’m not going to give Seraphina the satisfaction of being right,” he said simply. His wife’s skepticism was still ringing in his ears, and Percival was determined to prove he was capable of doing both.
“I just don’t think I’m going to improve your mood…”
“How so?” Percival asked.
“Well, I have paperwork to sign…”
“You know who does a great signature?” Tina had to refrain from letting her jaw drop as the Deputy Director plucked the papers from her hands and handed them to Arthur. “My son is a master with a crayon.”
“I- I’m not sure…”
“Please, he’ll probably read more of it than I would,” Percival shrugged. “In fact, defer all of my paperwork onto Arthur for the day. It’s good for him to learn what he’ll be faced with when he’s an adult.”
“Are you going to be an auror like your dad Arthur?” Tina asked.
“Just like him! Daddy catches all the bad guys!” Tina was fairly certain she caught the hint of a smile on Mr Graves’ face as he tried to settle his little girl.
“He is pretty cool like that. Hey, why don’t you come with me and we can make you an honorary auror? Just for today? Your dad has a lot of work to do, he needs as many aurors as possible today.”
“Yeah! Let’s catch bad guys!” Arthur declared, jumping to his feet.
“Well… I think I saw O’Brien steal an extra donut yesterday,” Tina offered. “That’s definitely some sort of crime.”
‘Thank you’ Percival mouthed at her from behind Arthur.
“Shhh!” Percival hissed at once to Seraphina. “Do you know how hard it is to get them both to nap at the same time?!”
“Yes Percival, I’m their mother, I tried to start that routine and you broke it when you kept coddling Penny instead of ignoring her when she cried,” Seraphina deadpanned. “You look like you’re actually keeping it together, I’m impressed.”
Had she come in about twenty minutes previously, she would have been met with a very different picture. Where Percival’s desk was now tidy, his suit was straightened, and his hair done, had previously been a complete scene of chaos. But Penny had finally fallen asleep, and he’d immediately rushed to get Arthur to nap as well, and he’d gotten the chance to bring some form of order to his day.
“I told you I’d be fine,” he lied easily. “I’m still a touch insulted you didn’t believe me.”
“You’re right, I should have believed you. Perhaps we should think about doing this more often, give the nanny a break every week so she doesn’t have to pretend to be dying of an illness that doesn’t exist any more.”
“Well as you can see, things are perfectly-“
“Before you dig yourself into a hole you can’t get back out of, I know you’ve promised Goldstein a promotion if she can keep Arthur entertained for the day.”
“He’s exhausting, Penny’s teething and I still have work to do!” Percival objected in a whisper. “I love him, but I can’t be Daddy Graves and Deputy Director Graves all at once! I’m allowed to enlist underlings! And she’s not allowed to pretend to be dying of the plague! I’m paying her to do this job! No one’s paying me!”
“You can hardly blame her for wanting a day off after Penny set fire to her just by sneezing,” Seraphina reasoned. “And apparently Arthur managed to find his way onto the roof the other day to get away from being forced to eat beans.”
“Can you blame him? Nobody likes beans when they’re boiled to oblivion,” Percival muttered. “Tell me you’re here to take them home?”
“Sorry, you’ve still got the rest of the day with them, I just thought I’d see if Arthur wanted to come have a quick lunch, but I’ll let him sleep.”
“…Can you stay here so I can sleep?”
“If you ignore her little moments in the middle of the night, she goes back to sleep and you don’t stay up half the night,” Seraphina asserted, conjuring up a couch for him.
“I’m not as heartless as you are. She needs me,” Percival replied, pecking her cheek before collapsing on the couch. “How long do you have?”
“Half an hour, don’t waste it.”
“If I get half a minute worth of sleep, it won’t be a waste.”
“And by the way, he’s a lot more manageable if you don’t give him quart of hot chocolate in the morning.”
“It was that or coffee.”
“To be honest, I thought he’d be the same hard-ass jerk to his kids that he is to us,” O’Brien muttered as they watched the Deputy Director use his paperwork as drawing paper with Arthur.
“For a few minutes there at the start of the day, I thought he was,” Tina chuckled. “I think he was just stressed. Have you seen him with Penny? I think you can actually see his heart melting when he looks at her.”
“He was like it with Arthur too when he came back. Thought it might mellow him, but no. Arthur’s cute. Hope he doesn’t turn into a mini-Graves. Can you imagine the suffering in this office if the two of them were both so… Graves-like?” There really wasn’t a word to describe Percival Graves at work.
“I can hear you, O’Brien,” Graves called from inside his office, causing the man to grimace.
“A little tip for you, newbie - he hears everything.”
“I can hear myself shunting you to wand permits right about now, O’Brien.”
“Children are supposed to bring out the best in people!” O’Brien called back.
“You clearly haven’t spent enough time with mine.”
“Hey!” Arthur objected.
“You try living with you,” Percival told him. “Don’t you two have jobs to be doing?”
“Yes sir,” Tina smirked as Graves’ face was met with Arthur’s crayon.
“Mummy! Daddy gave me his badge! Now I’m a proper auror!”
“I heard a rumour there was a new star in the department,” Seraphina smiled as she lifted Arthur into her arms. “Did you enjoy your day at work?”
“Daddy made me do paperwork,” Arthur told her, wrinkling his nose in distaste. “He complains a lot.”
“Too much,” Seraphina agreed, raising an eyebrow at her husband as he lifted a content Penny into his arms. “Paperwork, hmm?”
“It was one of my most productive days,” Percival grinned. “Didn’t actually turn out too badly in the end.”
“So you’re happy to do it again, hmm?”
“The nanny’s never allowed to be sick, we need to find a good back up.”
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
May Snippets Request List!!
This is a list of all the Snippets that you can expect to see within the month. I will add to the list as the coming in and those that are posted will be crossed out.
Bjorn asks you to be his queen after you two have known each other since you were children
Catching Hvitserk having a midnight snack while you’re both trying a new diet
NSFW Ubbe fucking you into the mattress
Hvitserk doing ridiculous things to try and get you to fall for him (but you already have feelings for him)
Sigurd saying that Ivar can’t pleasure a woman and Ivar snaps, revealing that you’ve been cheating on your husband, Sigurd
You turning down every marriage proposal because you want to look after your father; Ragnar 
Ivar realizing why you make him wear a necklace of a vial with your blood when he gets injured in battle
Killing an assassin while Ivar’s asleep and cutting out his tongue so he doesn’t wake Ivar
The brothers and Ragnar being protective over you when your beauty becomes known throughout the land
Lagertha telling you that it’s alright to call Aslaug ‘mom’
Hvitserk encouraging Ivar to tell you about his crush on you
Ivar returning from a raid with jewels that he’s kept aside for the intention of spoiling you
NSFW Ivar being insecure about being naked in front of you for the first time
Your army coming to Ivar’s aid in a war he’s losing with a message telling him that he’s not dying until you allow it (twin!sister)
Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd knowing they have to be on their best behavior when around Ivar if they want good food from you
Deciding that it’s better to end things with Ivar when you get the offer of a better life somewhere else
Ivar suspecting you have a lover because he feels like you’re drifting away from him
Hvitserk rambling about being safe as he mends your injured hand
Ivar going above and beyond when you’re sick because he’s convinced you’re going to did (part ??)
Practically having Hvitserk’s order ready every morning because he orders the same thing everyday
Ivar refusing any suitors because he feels they’re ‘not worthy’ of you (part ??)
Ivar coming into his room after a long day and finding you sleeping on his bed because you missed him (part ??)
Telling Bjorn you only love him as your older brother when he confesses that he loves you (part ??)
Bjorn doing mundane things for you as a way to show you he loves you
NSFW Bjorn eating you out like a starved man
NSFW Going down on Bjorn under his desk while he does some work
NSFW Trying to keep it together as Ivar goes down on you while you’re on the phone with a friend
Hvitserk returning home from spending the day with his toddler, exhausted, but in awe at the fact that you can look after 2 kids and be pregnant
Ivar thinking that you’re in love with Hvitserk when he sees you laughing with him. But it’s actually something else
NSFW Hvitserk ‘punishing’ you for stealing his clothes
Having a serious conversation about the law with Ragnar ant the brothers (gen z!reader)
The brothers' reaction to you dying your hair pink (gen z!reader)
NSFW Everyone thinks you’re super innocent, but Bjorn knows that you’re the complete opposite
NSFW Dom!Lagertha rearranging your guts with a strap on
People not second guess it when you slip a hand under Ivar’s shirt to feel his muscles
Lagertha feeling slightly brokenhearted to see you (her daughter) being close with Aslaug when she visits with Bjorn
Ivar realizing that he’s falling in love with you, but decides that it’s for the best to arrange a marriage for you 
How Estadir is around you on a daily basis (Hefna)
How you and Estadir met (Hefna)
NSFW Alpha Bjorn waking up in rut to you in heat and grinding on his leg in your sleep
Aslaug and Ivar joking that you’re his girlfriend and you blush and try to hide in his chest (much younger!reader)
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Each of the brothers spoiling and showing off to you to try and get you to like them more (little sister!reader)
NSFW Being a brat and teasing Bjorn before he puts you in your place
Ivar refusing to get up until you kiss him 
Aslaug overhearing you telling Ivar why you can’t go through with the arranged marriage (part 2)
Ragnar finding out that the sons fake getting along so that you’ll talk to them
Losing your baby when a slave purposefully give you the wrong tea because she’s in love with Ivar
Ivar throwing a tantrum because you won’t marry him (part 2) 
 Telling Margarethe to keep her advances on your husband - Hvitserk - to herself
Lagertha overhearing you comforting Aslaug and saying how you’ll always be her daughter (part 2)
Having enough of your sister trying to seduce Ivar and having no choice but to banish her (part 5)
One of the brothers catching you making out with someone in a supply closet (part 2)
Killing the slave Ivar infatuated with because you don’t share your husband
Defeating Ragnar and deciding if you should kill him or spare him (part 3)
Ivar being happy that you’ve given him peace and a home he can call his own where he’s loved and respected
Aslaug being happy to see Ivar marry the girl she’s been in love with since he was a young boy
Your oldest son walking in on you and Hvitserk doing it
Coming back to Kattegat and telling your brothers you’re pregnant (perfect little sister!reader) (part??)
Ivar no longer being upset letting you breastfeed your child after seeing how happy you are and how strong the bond is with you and the baby (Only Mine) (part 2)
Giving birth to your first child and he barely fits in Estadir’s hands (Hefna)
Stepping in as a mother figure to the sons after marrying Bjorn
Being the big spoon when you find Sigurd asleep
Ivar finally telling you what the doctor said after days of silence (blind!ivar) (prequel)
Staying in bed with Ivar and trying to distract him from pain during a bad leg day
Meeting Ivar’s brothers upon arriving in Kattegat (Hefna)
Joking with Estadir that you may have to start your own tribe because of how many children you have (Hefna) 
Ivar buying a bigger bed so that he can finally sleep with all his children and not get kicked off (part 2)
Telling Ubbe that you’re not hitting on him, but actually on his wife, Torvi
Alpha!Hvitserk finding you nesting
Spending time with Ivar and Hvitserk after a long day (shared girlfriend!reader)
Introducing your suitor to your brothers for the first time and trying to stop them from scaring him off
Hvitserk calling his brothers for help when you’re sick because he doesn’t know how to take care of a sick person
Ivar refusing the crown because he wants to keep you and his family away from danger
Ivar daughter asking if you’re her new mommy after dating Ivar for a while
Ivar and his brother teaching his daughter how to fight after she was attacked
NSFW A threesome with Hvitserk and Ivar
Ubbe mentioning how you haven’t aged a day because you’re immortal
Coming to Kattegat with your dragons to form an alliance and Hvitserk catches your eye
Begging Ivar to let you keep a kitten you found
Having a small rivalry with Ivar because he doesn't like how you steal attention away from him
Being best friends with Ivar and meeting his brothers, but you had a one night stand with Hvitserk
Thinking that Ivar’s only asking you to marry him because you’re pregnant, you say no
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Meeting the Ragnarssons and your child takes a surprising liking to Ivar
NSFW Finally having sex with Ivar after being secretly in love and he finds out that you’re just as crazy as he is
Ivar coming back after letting you go and finding that you found someone else
Having your first daughter with Bjorn and she turns out to be a daddy’s girl (part 2)
NSFW Teacher/Student role playing with Ragnar
Ivar coming home and knows by the smell that you’ve been baking
Mafia!Ivar struggling to kill you after finding out that you’re a spy
Celebrating your birthday with Ragnar and the brothers
Relieved to see Ivar coming back to you alive after a long raid
Knowing that his brothers are going to meet up with friends, Ivar tags  long and falls for you right away
Ivar getting an awkward boner while watching a movie with you (his roommate) and having to talk about his feelings for you
You son coming back to Kattegat to take vengeance on Ivar for what he did to you and telling Ivar that he’s his son
The brothers following Hvitserk and being caught by you, his secret girlfriend
Introducing the Ragnarssons to your boyfriend, Thor (avengers/vikings)
Loki taking care of you when you’re very sick
You owl whining all the time to Bucky on a mission after switching animals (The Owl and the Wolf)
NSFW Bucky eating you out and making you squirt
Geralt and Jaskier fighting for your affection, but you have eyes for Yennefer
Feeling insecure when one of Jaskier’s lovers starts flirting with him
Telling Geralt how it is that you know him when he’s never met you before (part 2)
Jaskier explaining to Geralt how he needs to do something romantic for your birthday
The brothers trying to impress you after Aslaug hires Geralt for a job (Witcher/Vikings)
Jaskier regretting introducing you to Geralt when you tell embarrassing childhood stories
Jaskier writes a ballad for you for your wedding
Both you and Geralt being surprised that Jaskier could fight off an Alpha much larger than him 
Basically disappearing when you cuddle with Geralt because you can hide in his cloak
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