#manufacturing training in philadelphia
pttedu · 2 days
Step onto the factory floor and witness the symphony of precision—the heartbeat of industry! From Gears to Algorithms: In this dynamic montage, we unveil the magic. From CNC machines to PLC programming, our passionate students learn the art of automation. Did you know? PTTI’s manufacturing program bridges the gap between nuts and bolts and lines of code, preparing graduates for Industry 4.0. Factory of Dreams: PTTI’s Legacy in the Making Now, our students stand at the intersection of analog and digital. The hum of motors blends with the whisper of algorithms. Philly’s smart factories await—their robots assembling futures. Our graduates? They’re the architects of progress.
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pttiedu · 1 year
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #25
June 28-July 5 2024
The Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Is putting forward the first ever federal safety regulation to protect worker's from excessive heat in the workplace. As climate change has caused extreme heat events to become more common work place deaths have risen from an average of 32 heat related deaths between 1992 and 2019 to 43 in 2022. The rules if finalized would require employers to provide drinking water and cool break areas at 80 degrees and at 90 degrees have mandatory 15-minute breaks every two hours and be monitored for signs of heat illness. This would effect an estimated 36 million workers.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced $1 Billion for 656 projects across the country aimed at helping local communities combat climate change fueled disasters like flooding and extreme heat. Some of the projects include $50 Million to Philadelphia for a stormwater pump station and combating flooding, and a grant to build Shaded bus shelters in Washington, D.C.
The Department of Transportation announced thanks to efforts by the Biden Administration flight cancellations at the lowest they've been in a decade. At just 1.4% for the year so far. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg credited the Department's new rules requiring automatic refunds for any cancellations or undue delays as driving the good numbers as well as the investment of $25 billion in airport infrastructure that was in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
The Department of Transportation announced $600 million in the 3rd round of funding to reconnect communities. Many communities have been divided by highways and other Infrastructure projects over the years. Most often effecting racial minority and poor areas. The Biden Administration is dedicated to addressing these injustices and helping reconnect communities split for decades. This funding round will see Atlanta’s Southside Communities reconnected as well as a redesign for Birmingham’s Black Main Street, reconnecting a community split by Interstate 65 in the 1960s. 
The Biden Administration approved its 9th offshore wind power project. About 9 miles off the coast of New Jersey the planned wind farm will generated 2,800 megawatts of electricity, enough to power almost a million homes with totally clear power. This will bring the total amount of clean wind power generated by projects approved by the Biden Administration to 13 gigawatts. The Administration's climate goal is to generate 30 gigawatts from wind.
The Biden Administration announced funding for 12 new Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs. The $504 million dollars will go to supporting tech hubs in, Colorado, Montana, Indiana, Illinois, Nevada, New York, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. These tech hubs together with 31 already announced and funded will support high tech manufacturing jobs, as well as training for 21st century jobs for millions of American workers.
HHS announced over $200 million to support improved care for older Americans, particularly those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. The money is focused on training primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and other health care clinicians in best practices in elder and dementia care, as well as seeking to  integrate geriatric training into primary care. It also will support ways that families and other non-medical care givers can be educated to give support to aging people.
HHS announced $176 million to help support the development of a mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccine. As part of the government's efforts to be ready before the next major pandemic it funds and supports new vaccine's to try to predict the next major pandemic. Moderna is working on an mRNA vaccine, much like the Covid-19, vaccine focused on the H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses, which experts fear could spread to humans and cause a Covid like event.
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Pottier and Stymus Manufacturing Company
This armchair, along with a matching side chair and cabinet, was made for Pottier and Stymus’ display at the 1876 Centennial International Exhibition in Philadelphia. This seminal event offered unprecedented exposure to potential patrons and sparked the nation’s preference for the Aesthetic style. Founding partner Auguste Pottier then donated the pieces to the Metropolitan Museum as examples of distinguished contemporary craftsmanship.
During the late 1870s and early 1880s, New York City emerged as the center for the production of luxury furniture, interior woodwork, and decoration. Companies including George A. Schastey & Co., Herter Brothers, Pottier and Stymus Manufacturing Company, and Herts Brothers flourished during this period of unparalleled financial growth. With showrooms and manufactories located in the city’s thriving commercial district at Union Square, they received commissions from wealthy financiers and railroad magnates in New York City and across the country for custom-made furnishings. These full-service firms depended on the skills of highly trained émigré craftsmen, many of whom had fled political strife and economic hardship in regions that compose modern-day France and Germany.
The MET (Accession Number: 88.10.3)
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
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“Spring in the Coal Regions,” 1944 by Hubert Davis. Credit: Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. John Lambert Fund, 1945.2
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
In a 2018 photograph taken by the Philadelphia artist Andrea Walls, a ghost floats toward the viewer. Draped in a white shroud and framed by power lines and splintered tree branches, the faceless figure is following train tracks that fall off the edge of the page.
Walls’ eerie portrait, called “Railroaded,” appears in the final section of a new exhibit about Appalachian art now at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Placed alongside paintings of coal miners and graying manufacturing towns, its presence in “Layers of Liberty: Philadelphia and the Appalachian Environment” suggests something haunted about the city’s connections to Appalachia, which includes 70 percent of Pennsylvania, stretching from the northeastern corner of the state to Pittsburgh and the western border.
Curated by West Virginia native Ali Printz, an artist and curatorial fellow at the academy, the exhibit illustrates the ties between Philadelphia and the natural resource extraction—of Appalachian timber, coal, oil and gas—that fueled its growth for centuries. In Walls’ work, those ties are literal, the march of wooden slats visible beneath the phantom’s feet. They are also historical: In the 19th century, railroads made it possible to transport coal faster and farther, driving the expansion of mining in Appalachian Pennsylvania and making Philadelphia a manufacturing hub so mighty that it was known as “The Workshop of the World.” 
With this exhibit, Printz draws attention to that history of environmental abuse and its relationship to the silencing of Appalachian voices. “There’s a very close tie between this systemic erasure of positive contributions of Appalachia to American culture and outsider interests coming in for coal and timber and gas and all of the resources that they took from the region,” she said. That pattern of degradation and exploitation continues in the 21st century. For Americans who live outside Appalachia, “it’s kind of out of sight, out of mind, but for the people that are living in the region, it’s like a constant battle.” 
“Layers of Liberty” begins with pastoral depictions of a Pennsylvania wilderness untouched by industrialization. In these 19th-century images of sunsets and towering trees, European settlers and their descendants confront an awe-inspiring landscape. But as Printz points out, that landscape was already under assault and had been since colonization began. Deforestation was well under way, and the rivers were being used to move coal toward the coast. 
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demospectator · 4 months
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Captain Wesley Ko in front of his decorations for service with the 82nd Airborne Division during WW II. (Photograph courtesy of the Cape Cod Times).
Airborne Chinese American Warfighters on D-Day
On the occasion of the June 6 allied landings at Normandy in 1944, and every National Airborne Day on August 16, we honor three Chinese American veterans of the Second World War.
Glider Infantryman Wesley Ko
Wesley Ko served as a Captain in the 325th Glider Infantry of the 82nd Airborne Division in the European Theater (ETO), earning the Silver Star and numerous other medals including the Purple Heart.
Initially aspiring to be a pilot with the Flying Tigers, Wesley was working in a print shop in Philadelphia when the U.S. entered the war. Despite his employer offering him a draft deferment, he chose to enlist to join his friends. After completing officer candidate school at Fort Benning, Georgia, and overcoming initial delays in assignment possibly due to his Asian ancestry, he joined the 82nd Airborne and subsequently the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment.
During his thirty months of service, Ko fought in six major campaigns including action in Sicily, Naples, Normandy (the day after D-Day), the Battle of the Bulge, the Allied assault on the Siegfried Line, and the battle for Cologne. He was also present at the liberation of the Wöbbelin concentration camp at Ludwigslust.
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Capt. Wesley Ko. Ko received the Silver Star for his service in the six major campaigns of the ETO and numerous other medals including the Purple Heart.
In his later years, Ko dedicated his time to preserving the legacy of the 325th Glider Infantry. He shared his experiences through interviews, articles, and books such as The Greatest Generation and his biography On Silent Wings of Courage. He also served as editor of The Glider Tow Line, a quarterly newsletter dedicated to the glider men's stories.
In addition to his military service, Ko co-owned and operated Komak, Inc., an electronics company, with his brother David for 45 years. He had a wide array of interests including computers, boating, fishing, family, poetry, and furniture re-finishing and building.
Ko passed away in E. Falmouth, Mass., on Dec. 15, 2012. He was 93.
Leon Yee: San Francisco Chinatown’s Own
On the night of June 5, 1944, private First Class Leon Yee had found his way onto a paratroop transport plane, flying toward the coast of France. Having grown up in San Francisco Chinatown, Yee had volunteered for the paratroopers in early 1942. He had been motivated by the $50 bonus in hazardous duty pay, which he needed to support his family. After completing jump school at Fort Benning and earning his wings in mid-1942, he trained as a demolition expert and member of H Company in the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division. According to Chinese American military historian, Montgomery Hom, Yee had concealed from his family how dangerous his duties were. “He tried to hide his combat status by telling his mother he was going to be working with planes,” Hom has written. “But in truth, he was going to be jumping out of planes as an airborne soldier.”
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Leon Yee's jump boots, unit patches, and jump wings (from the collection of his nephew and documentarian, Montgomery Hom). The boots were designed initially in 1941 by William P. Yarborough, a test officer in the 501st Parachute Infantry Battalion/Provisional Parachute Group. They are also known as "Corcorans," after the J. F. Corcoran Shoe Company, one of their manufacturers.
At approximately 0200 on June 6, and as part of the then-largest airborne operation in human history, Yee hurled out of his plane, weighed down by more than 100 pounds of equipment, As he descended, he saw sporadic gunfire and small fires on the ground. He landed in a cow pasture northwest of the Merderet River, disoriented in the pitch-black night. under the cover of darkness. German anti-aircraft fire illuminated the sky, hitting some of the aircraft.
After landing without mishap and shedding his parachute harness, Yee took cover in a nearby ditch. He had no idea of his location, as his regiment had experienced the worst drop pattern of all the American airborne units, with only 20% of the paratroopers landing in their designated zones. Hours later, by 4 a.m., a helmetless sergeant from another company of the 82nd Airborne Division joined him. Together, they sat quietly in the ditch until dawn, trying to determine their location. They discovered they were north of their intended drop zone.
By daylight, Yee had joined other regrouped paratroopers regrouped to plant explosives to destroy enemy communication lines, and engage in firefights as elements the 82nd advanced over the next few days toward their main objective, about 5 miles from Utah Beach -- the marshes of the Merderet and Douve. The marshes formed a natural defensive line protecting the western end of the Allied amphibious landing zone. However, the flooded marshes also limited the Allies' potential to break out of the beachhead. They had been flooded to further impede movement. Allied planners deemed control of the bridges at Manoir de la Fière and Chef-du-Pont as vital.
Yee's ad hoc unit reached the La Fière area, and over the next five days attempted to seize causeways and bridges over the Merderet at La Fière and Chef-du-Pont and, further, destroy the highway bridge over the Douve River at Pont l'Abbé (now Étienville). The lightly-armed troops of the 82nd faced counterattacking Wehrmacht units supported by Panzer III and French tanks captured four years earlier.
Yee would see intense combat for five days. During an attack on a German machinegun position, he was severely wounded. A burst of gunfire had struck rocks in front of him, and a ricocheting fragment hit his right temple, just below his helmet. Bleeding profusely from his wound, he lost consciousness. Yee awoke on a cot in a landing craft headed back to England.
Paratrooper Kenneth Gong
On the eve of D-Day Kenneth Gong, a native Chinese American from the town of Cleveland in the Mississippi Delta, performed the first of his two combat jumps, with the 101st Airborne Division.
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Sgt. Kenneth Gong of the 101st Airborne Division was a native of Cleveland, Mississippi.
Kenny Gong had earned the nickname “Machine Gun Gong” for his proficiency in firing the M3 submachine gun.
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The M3 is an American-made, .45-caliber submachine gun adopted by the U.S. Army in late 1942, as the "United States Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M3." The M3 was chambered for the same .45 ACP round fired by the Thompson submachine gun, but was cheaper to mass produce and lighter, at the expense of accuracy. Troops commonly referred to the firearm as the "Grease Gun" or "the Greaser" owing to its visual similarity to the mechanic's tool. The weapon is often attributed as the source of the WW II slang used by American soldiers in referring to enemy troops killed by this weapon, who were referred to as having been "greased."
T-4 Sergeant Gong was assigned to the headquarters command, 3rd battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. He saw combat in Normandy and Holland.
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Sgt. Kenneth Gong of the 101st Airborne Division brandishing the M3 submachine gun, his handling of which would earn him respect from his comrades.
When US president Bill Clinton proclaimed October 26, 1998, Chinese Veterans of World War II Day, longtime Delta resident Kenny Gong was one of the White House honorees. His division’s motto remains “Rendezvous With Destiny.”
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The Parachutist Badge, also commonly referred to as "Jump Wings," is a military badge of the United States Armed Forces. Some services, such as the Marine Corps, officially refer to it as an insignia instead of a badge. The original Army Parachutist Badge was designed in 1941 by Captain (later Lieutenant General) William P. Yarborough and approved by the Department of War in March of that year. The Parachutist Badge replaced the "Parachutist Patch" which had previously been worn as a large patch on the side of a paratrooper's garrison cap. (LTG Yarborough also designed the Senior and Master Parachutist Badges and the addition of stars to portray the number of combat jumps.) The airborne background trimming that is worn behind the badge of those assigned to airborne units is also a contribution of Yarborough.
On this 80th anniversary of the airborne landings in Normandy, let us honor not only the approximately 10 Chinese Americans who served with paratroop and glider units in the European Theater of Operations but all who answered the call to fight for their country during an era of exclusion and segregation.
They also served.
To read more about Chinese America's warfighters of that era from California, Montgomery Hom's book Fighting on all Fronts - Profiles of WWII Chinese Americans from the Golden State may be purchased here.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Nannie Helen Burroughs (May 2, 1879 - May 20, 1961) was born in Orange, Virginia to John and Jennie Burroughs. She attended school in DC and moved to Kentucky where she attended Eckstein-Norton University and received an honorary MA.
She sought a teaching position in DC, but she did not receive it, she moved to Philadelphia and became associate editor of The Christian Banner, a Baptist newspaper. She returned to DC where, despite receiving a high rating on the civil service exam, she was refused a position in the public school system. She took a series of temporary jobs including office building janitor and bookkeeper for a small manufacturing firm, hoping to become a teacher in DC. She accepted a position in Louisville as secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention.
She began planning the National Trade and Professional School for Women and Girls in DC. The school opened in 1909 with her as its first president. She adopted the motto “We specialize in the wholly impossible” for the school, which taught courses at the high school and junior college levels. She led her small faculty in training students through a curriculum that emphasized both vocational and professional skills. Her students were to become self-sufficient wage earners and “expert homemakers.”
She believed that industrial and classical education were compatible. She became an early advocate of African American history, requiring each of her students to pass that course before graduation. She was a demanding principal.
She never married. She devoted her life to the National Trade and Professional School for Women and Girls and remained its principal until her death. Three years later the institution she founded was renamed the Nannie Burroughs School. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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The Joker and The Dogs
Personally, I keep both in the deck. I need as much information as I can. Even more than I can handle sometimes.
It's easier to settle into knowledge over time than to let the mystery catch you.
The Joker is a trickster, neither good nor evil. The Joker is the chaotic beauty and terror of living on earth. Of living on earth in a body.
Of living in a body that dies. Of living in a body that dies more often and worse because it is Black.
If there wasn't a Joker, we would have to invent it. Which, if you are living in America, we did.
The Joker isn’t welcome in every game. It's a space of possibility and intention and mis/fortune.
Game of Tricks
Euchre, the game for which the Joker was invented, has an origin story as murky as the Joker's. Some credit its origin to France, others to Germany. Little proof is available.
Card reading has a way of obscuring its origins. The tales are full of apocrypha. There's no way to decipher which thread is longest.
You will believe as you believe.
What we know is that the Joker came to be during the American Civil War. What we know is that Euchre is literally a game of tricks.
In a trick-taking game, each player lays down a card on a set timeline. All cannot win in a single trick. One will, some won't.
This is the very nature of the Joker.
On his 1863 Joker, Samuel Hart, a playing card manufacturer in Philadelphia, put a dog on his.
1863 is the turning point of the Civil War. It is the year where emancipation became a central goal for Union forces. Prior to that, the hope had been to restore the country to a single unit.
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862. It went into effect on January 1, 1963.
January 1 to enslaved Black people was Heartbreak Day. Our slavers called it Hiring Day.
Watchnight was for praying that you would not be kidnapped once more. That prayer was often a tarrying prayer, it did not cease.
Watchnight, December 31st was for loving on your people one last time before they were possibly rented to someone else. Or sold.
Watchnight, December 31st, is the only birthdate in cardology associated with the Joker.
Yet even in this hiring, there was rebellion. There was flight. There was insurrection.
Survival required many to be more than one thing at once, to embody the Joker. Enslaved kitchen workers acted as spies for the cause of freedom.
Blacksmiths, shoemakers, and other enslaved people who moved around as part of their work spread the word. They shared information in secret meetings.
They left to tend to their metal, their nails, their labor.
The Dogs
But there were also dogs.
Dogs followed our ancestors as they took flight, leaving their rows for the crows. Dogs tracking them to a river, but no further.
Dogs on the Best Bower card, the Jolly Joker. The dogs of whiteness and slave society.
This is one of the ways the Joker comes to be erroneously equated to tarot's' Fool. The presence of the dog. It is not tarot's Fool.
The Fool is an everyman. The Fool is sometimes a dupe, sometimes a king; here a loser, there a winner.
George Washington wrote in a letter to an estate manager "It is not for any good purpose Negros raise, or keep dogs; but to aid them in their night robberies; for it is astonish to see the command under which their dogs are.”
If an enslaved Black person was found to have a dog, they were to be "severely punished." The dog, hanged.
Dogs were trained into our enemies. Our enemies, however conditionally, they remain. Whether police dog, drug sniffing dog, or the dog of a racist neighbor, we all know they're dual.
The hunting dogs that pursued our ancestor's footsteps sometimes caught and sometimes lost.
Dogs retain in them something of the wolf. Dogs may see the dead as they pass. Their howling announces the departure of spirit, or their arrival.
The Joker is the essence of that for which we cannot plan. The Joker defies explanation and logic.
The Gentleman, Then as Now
Some say red Joker, black Joker. I say big Joker, little Joker.
As the decks change, so too change the colors. The big Joker is bigger.
The big Joker holds the print, the stamp of the maker. The little Joker may be scattered, and is often printed smaller on the card.
The big Joker holds the stamp of the maker. The big Joker tests what the universe will allow.
It tells us a coming is coming, though we do not know what until it has come.
The Joker may be the winner or the wild card. It depends on the game. It retains this meaning in fortune telling and divination.
Like a jester, speaking truth to the powerful and powerless in a single speech, the Joker sits in between.
While a Joker, fool or jester, is in relationship to the royal court, they are apart. While the Joker is not royalty, they are lifted up from the earth. They are a drawing towards.
Whether disaster or wholeness or both, they are a drawing onto that no one dare resist.
European playing cards have a longstanding association with the Roman god Mercury.
It is Mercury's accouterments that form the four suits in tarot and playing cards. They are the four ways Mercury spoke to humans.
Those four ways are "the Caduceus, stylus, or magic wand; the Coin or ring, emblem of eternity; the Sword, and the Cup."
This information comes from Prophetical, educational, and playing cards (1912) by Mrs. John King van Rensselaer.
She also writes "the Joker combines...the versatile qualities attributed to...Hermes." And "the Joker takes every card in the pack."
When we talk about the Joker, we are speaking of what is outside of the royal court.
When we talk about the Joker, we are speaking of what is outside of those subjugated by them.
To speak of the Joker is to speak of God. To speak of the Joker is to speak of the adversary.
Most of all, to speak of the Joker is to speak of the Man at the Crossroads. The Joker changes our fortunes in way only they can forsee.
They are the embodiment of “expect the unexpected.”
Deus Ex Machina
We understand that card divination is a technology. The Joker is deus ex machina. So too, are our intuitions applied to a deck of playing cards.
Through fortune telling with cards, we can see what's hidden from us. We cannot, however, see everything.
The presence of Joker reminds us of the presence of god, of fate, of mystery.
Even as we work and wait, we pray for the answers. We watch for the signs that freedom is coming.
We do so without ceasing. May we evade the dogs.
May the dogs always lose, though we know sometimes the dogs will win.
May we win our trick.
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Delaware's Infrastructure System: A Focus on Railroads and Their Vital Role
Delaware, known for its rich history and strategic location along the East Coast, is home to a well-developed infrastructure system that supports both economic growth and the daily lives of its residents. While the state's roadways and ports are essential to its transportation network, Delaware's railroad system plays a crucial, often underappreciated, role in facilitating commerce, connecting communities, and linking the state to more extensive regional and national transportation networks.
Let's explore Delaware's railroad infrastructure, its significance to the state's economy, and how it supports its industries, businesses, and population.
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The History of Delaware's Railroads
Railroads have been crucial to Delaware's transportation system since the 19th century. The state's first railroad, the New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad, opened in 1832 and was among the earliest in the United States. Delaware's railways grew rapidly during the Industrial Revolution, spurring economic growth and connecting the state to nearby cities like Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.
Over the years, Delaware's railroad system has evolved to serve both freight and passenger needs. Today, railroads play a pivotal role in the state's transportation infrastructure, supporting industries from agriculture to manufacturing and facilitating the movement of goods and people across the region.
The Role of Railroads in Delaware's Economy
Delaware's strategic location at the crossroads of major East Coast cities makes its rail network vital to the state's economic well-being. Railroads, including raw materials, consumer goods, and agricultural products, are essential for freight movement.
1. Freight Transportation: Keeping Industries Moving
Delaware's rail system is essential for freight transportation, helping businesses move large quantities of goods efficiently. From chemical products manufactured by the state's robust chemical industry to poultry and grain produced by its agricultural sector, railroads facilitate the transport of a wide range of commodities.
The state's industries, particularly agriculture, and manufacturing, depend on railroads to move their products to regional markets and beyond. Rail freight is cost-effective and can handle larger loads than trucks, making it the preferred option for transporting bulk goods.
The Port of Wilmington, one of the busiest ports on the East Coast, relies on the railroad system to connect goods arriving by ship to inland markets. Efficiently moving goods via rail is vital in maintaining the port's competitive edge.
2. Passenger Rail: Connecting Delaware to Major Urban Centers
Amtrak's Northeast Corridor, one of the busiest passenger rail lines in the country, passes through Delaware, providing residents and commuters with convenient access to major cities such as Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. Wilmington Station, the state's busiest train station, is a hub for Amtrak services and regional rail operated by SEPTA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority).
The availability of reliable passenger rail services makes Delaware an attractive location for commuters who work in nearby metropolitan areas but prefer Delaware's quieter, suburban lifestyle. Access to passenger rail also supports tourism and business travel, further contributing to the state's economy.
The Benefits of Delaware's Railroad Infrastructure
Delaware's railroads benefit the state's residents, businesses, and environment. Here's a look at some of the critical advantages of the state's railroad infrastructure:
1. Economic Growth
Railroads are a major driver of economic growth in Delaware. By providing an efficient, cost-effective way to move goods, the state's rail infrastructure supports the growth of key industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and logistics. The availability of passenger rail also supports the state's tourism industry and makes Delaware an attractive location for businesses seeking to relocate or expand.
2. Environmental Benefits
Railroads in Delaware are more environmentally friendly than road transportation, producing lower emissions per ton-mile of freight moved. This is particularly important in Delaware, where reducing the state's carbon footprint is a priority. By using railroads to move goods and people, Delaware can reduce traffic congestion and lower emissions from trucks and cars.
3. Job Creation
Railroads support jobs in various sectors, from transportation and logistics to manufacturing and agriculture. The maintenance and operation of the state's rail infrastructure create employment opportunities for residents, while the businesses that rely on rail transport also contribute to job creation.
4. Safety and Efficiency
Railroads offer a safer and more efficient mode of transport for both goods and people. Their capacity to move large quantities of freight in a single trip reduces the number of trucks on the state's highways, lowering the risk of traffic accidents. Rail travel is a convenient alternative to passenger driving, particularly for commuters traveling to nearby cities.
Future of Delaware's Railroad Infrastructure
Delaware's railroads are expected to be increasingly important in future transportation. As the state continues to invest in infrastructure improvements, rail is poised to remain an essential mode of transportation for freight and passengers.
The federal government's focus on infrastructure development, including rail expansion and modernization, presents an opportunity for Delaware to enhance its railroad system further. Investments in high-speed rail, enhanced freight lines, and improved station facilities could make rail transportation more efficient and accessible.
Delaware's railroads are vital to the state's infrastructure, providing essential freight and passenger services that support economic growth, reduce environmental impact, and connect the state to larger regional and national transportation networks. From the movement of goods by freight trains to the convenience of commuter rail services, railroads play a vital role in the daily lives of Delaware residents and the success of the state's industries.
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bookkeepingpa8 · 26 days
Bookkeeping Pennsylvania
The Essential Guide to Bookkeeping in Pennsylvania: Why You Need a Professional
Bookkeeping is the backbone of any successful business, providing the financial clarity necessary to make informed decisions. Whether you're a small business owner or running a large enterprise, maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records is critical. In Pennsylvania, a state with a diverse economic landscape ranging from agriculture to technology, the importance of proper bookkeeping cannot be overstated. This article explores the intricacies of bookkeeping in Pennsylvania, highlighting why hiring a professional is beneficial, the unique considerations for businesses in the state, and how it can drive long-term success.
1. Understanding Bookkeeping and Its Importance
Bookkeeping is the systematic recording, storing, and retrieving of financial transactions for a business. It involves maintaining ledgers, tracking expenses, and ensuring all financial data is accurate and up-to-date. Proper bookkeeping enables businesses to manage cash flow, prepare for tax season, and make strategic decisions based on real-time financial insights.
In Pennsylvania, where businesses range from small, family-owned farms to large corporations in the bustling cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, bookkeeping takes on an added layer of complexity. The state's diverse economy means that businesses face unique financial challenges, making accurate bookkeeping even more critical. For instance, the manufacturing sector might deal with inventory management, while service-based industries focus more on tracking time and expenses.
2. The Unique Financial Landscape of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s economy is one of the most diverse in the United States. The state is home to thriving industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and technology. Each of these industries has its own set of financial regulations, tax obligations, and reporting requirements. For example:
Agriculture: Pennsylvania is a leading producer of dairy, mushrooms, and poultry. Agricultural businesses must manage complex financials related to crop cycles, equipment depreciation, and fluctuating commodity prices.
Manufacturing: Pennsylvania has a rich history in manufacturing, particularly in steel production. Manufacturers need to keep meticulous records of production costs, inventory, and capital expenditures.
Healthcare: The healthcare industry in Pennsylvania is vast, with numerous hospitals, clinics, and private practices. These entities must navigate intricate billing processes, insurance claims, and regulatory compliance.
Technology: The tech industry in cities like Philadelphia is growing rapidly. Startups and established tech companies alike must manage venture capital, R&D expenses, and intellectual property costs.
Given these diverse industries, businesses in Pennsylvania require a tailored approach to bookkeeping that considers their specific needs and challenges.
3. Why Hire a Professional Bookkeeper in Pennsylvania?
While some business owners may consider managing their own books, hiring a professional bookkeeper offers numerous advantages, particularly in Pennsylvania. Here��s why:
Expertise in Local Regulations: Pennsylvania has state-specific tax laws, regulations, and filing requirements that differ from other states. A professional bookkeeper who is well-versed in local regulations can ensure compliance, helping businesses avoid costly penalties.
Time and Efficiency: Managing your own books can be time-consuming, especially for business owners who are already juggling multiple responsibilities. A professional bookkeeper can handle the day-to-day financial tasks, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.
Accuracy and Attention to Detail: Professional bookkeepers have the training and experience to maintain accurate financial records. They are skilled in identifying discrepancies, ensuring that all transactions are recorded correctly, and that financial statements are accurate.
Financial Reporting and Analysis: A professional bookkeeper doesn’t just keep records—they can also provide valuable insights into your business’s financial health. They can generate reports that highlight trends, identify areas for improvement, and help you make data-driven decisions.
Tax Preparation: Tax season can be stressful for any business, but having a professional bookkeeper can make the process much smoother. They can ensure that all necessary documents are in order, deductions are maximized, and that your business is fully prepared for tax filings.
4. Bookkeeping Challenges in Pennsylvania
While bookkeeping is essential, it’s not without its challenges—particularly in a state as diverse as Pennsylvania. Some of the common challenges businesses face include:
Compliance with State and Local Taxes: Pennsylvania businesses must comply with a variety of state and local tax requirements, including sales tax, corporate income tax, and payroll taxes. Keeping track of these can be daunting, especially for businesses that operate in multiple locations within the state.
Handling Seasonal Fluctuations: Many businesses in Pennsylvania, particularly in agriculture and tourism, experience seasonal fluctuations in income. Proper bookkeeping is essential to manage cash flow during the off-season and ensure that the business remains financially stable year-round.
Managing Payroll: Pennsylvania has specific payroll regulations, including requirements for overtime pay, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance. A professional bookkeeper can ensure that your payroll is processed correctly and that all obligations are met.
Keeping Up with Technological Advances: The rise of digital tools and software has transformed bookkeeping. While these tools can streamline processes, they also require ongoing learning and adaptation. A professional bookkeeper stays up-to-date with the latest technology, ensuring that your business benefits from the most efficient bookkeeping practices.
5. The Role of Technology in Modern Bookkeeping
Technology has revolutionized the field of bookkeeping, making it more efficient, accurate, and accessible. Businesses in Pennsylvania can benefit greatly from adopting modern bookkeeping software and tools. Here are some ways technology is enhancing bookkeeping:
Cloud-Based Accounting Software: Platforms like QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks allow businesses to manage their finances online. These tools offer features such as automated invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting, all of which can be accessed from anywhere.
Automation: Modern bookkeeping software can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, bank reconciliation, and invoice generation. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error.
Real-Time Financial Monitoring: With digital tools, businesses can monitor their financial health in real-time. This enables quicker decision-making and allows businesses to respond promptly to financial challenges.
Secure Data Storage: Cloud-based systems offer secure data storage with automatic backups, ensuring that financial records are safe from physical damage or loss.
Integration with Other Business Tools: Many bookkeeping platforms can integrate with other business tools such as CRM systems, payroll software, and e-commerce platforms. This creates a seamless workflow, reducing the need for manual data entry and improving overall efficiency.
6. How to Choose the Right Bookkeeping Service in Pennsylvania
Choosing the right bookkeeping service is crucial for the success of your business. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a bookkeeping service in Pennsylvania:
Industry Experience: Look for a bookkeeping service that has experience in your specific industry. They will be familiar with the unique challenges and financial needs of your business.
Reputation and Reviews: Research the reputation of the bookkeeping service. Read reviews and testimonials from other businesses in Pennsylvania to ensure that they have a track record of reliability and accuracy.
Certifications and Qualifications: Ensure that the bookkeeper is certified and has the necessary qualifications. This includes certifications from recognized bodies such as the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) or the National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB).
Technology and Tools: Inquire about the technology and tools the bookkeeping service uses. Make sure they are using up-to-date software that can integrate with your existing systems.
Customization and Flexibility: Choose a bookkeeping service that offers customized solutions tailored to your business needs. They should be flexible and able to scale their services as your business grows.
Cost: While cost should not be the only factor, it is important to choose a bookkeeping service that offers transparent pricing and provides good value for money.
7. The Long-Term Benefits of Professional Bookkeeping
Investing in professional bookkeeping can yield significant long-term benefits for your business. These include:
Improved Financial Management: With accurate and timely financial records, you can manage your cash flow more effectively, budget accurately, and make informed business decisions.
Tax Efficiency: A professional bookkeeper can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system, ensuring that you maximize deductions and minimize liabilities.
Reduced Risk: Professional bookkeeping reduces the risk of errors, fraud, and non-compliance. This can save your business from costly penalties and legal issues.
Business Growth: With a clear understanding of your financial position, you can identify opportunities for growth and expansion. Professional bookkeeping provides the financial insights you need to take your business to the next level.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your financial records are in the hands of a professional gives you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on running and growing your business.
Bookkeeping is an essential aspect of running a successful business, particularly in a state as economically diverse as Pennsylvania. Whether you operate in agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, or technology, maintaining accurate financial records is crucial for compliance, decision-making, and long-term success. By hiring a professional bookkeeper, you can ensure that your business’s financial health is in good hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best—growing your business. As technology continues to evolve, embracing modern bookkeeping tools will further enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your financial management. In the end, investing in professional bookkeeping is not just a smart decision—it’s a necessary one for any business looking to thrive in Pennsylvania’s competitive landscape.
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pttedu · 9 days
What New Manufacturing Jobs are coming up in the United States. A Comprehensive Guide
With the technological advancements and interventions, new manufacturing jobs are emerging in the manufacturing sector of the United States.
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batboyblog · 4 months
Welcome to Infrastructure Week, Biden edition.
For the 4 years of the Trump Presidency it felt like every other week was gonna be "Infrastructure Week" but some piece of chaos derailed the Trump White House's plans.
well Yesterday, May 13th 2024, The Biden Administration declared this week Infrastructure Week to highlight ALL the major work they've done in the last 3 years.
Under the 2021  Bipartisan Infrastructure Law $454 billion in funding has gone to over 56,000 specific projects across all 50 states, the territories, DC, and tribal communities.
The White House launched a Map of all the projects you can look at
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The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is part of President Biden's wider Investing in America agenda, and together with the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, the American Rescue Plan, all passed by Biden and Democrats in Congress has brought $866 billion dollars in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments.
They released a State by State factsheet to show projects in all 50 states, all the territories and DC
Roads & Bridges: The Biden Administration has launched improvements on 257,000 miles of roads, and repaired 13,000 bridges. This $300 billion investment in our roads and bridges is the biggest since President Eisenhower’s interstate highway system in the 1950s. The Administration has given special attention to addressing historic injustice in our infrastructure. Many minority communities have been divided by highway bypass projects from the 1940s forward, such as the Sweet Auburn neighborhood of Atlanta Georgia. The Biden-Harris Administration is now helping reconnect divided communities and righting historic wrongs. The Department of Transportation put out a video highlighting the story of Philadelphia's Chinatown, how being split in half and have a multilane highway in the middle of their community effects them, and how the Stitch project will positively impact the people who live there who have fought for years for such relief.
Rail: The Biden Administration has invested  $66 billion for rail, the largest investment in passenger rail since the inception of Amtrak. The President recently announced $16.4 billion for 25 passenger rail projects on the Northeast Corridor. This will improve service for riders from Boston to Washington DC. President Biden has also announced $8.2 billion in new funding for 10 major high speed passenger rail projects across the country. These include a high speed rail project to connect Los Angeles with Las Vegas, which broke ground April 22nd. Planned to be finished in 2028 in time for the LA Olympics, the train will take 2 hours to get from Rancho Cucamonga, California to downtown Las Vegas making it the fastest way between the two cities.
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Transit and School Buses: The Administration has invested $90 billion in public transit, the largest in American history. To date the DoT has helped replace 3,000 public buses with low or zero emission buses while the EPA has replaced 5,000 school buses with clean buses.
Electric Vehicle Charging, EV Batteries & Critical Materials: The Biden Administration is the first to directly invest in electric vehicle charging. the number of publicly available charging ports on America’s roads has surpassed 182,000, over a 90% increase since President Biden took office. The President has also invested in domestic manufacturing of batteries, already five manufacturing plants have broken ground.
Clean Water: The President invested over $50 billion government-wide for the largest upgrade to the nation’s water infrastructure in history. This funding places us on a path to meet the President’s commitment to replace every toxic lead pipe in America and works to close the wastewater gap for 2 million people who lack basic sanitation. These funds have already financed over 1,400 drinking water and wastewater projects across the country, including over 800 projects that will deliver clean water for Tribal communities that lack basic water services. To date, the Administration has deployed funding that will help replace up to 1.7 million toxic lead pipes. 
High-Speed Internet: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $65 billion to help ensure that everyone in America has access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet—regardless of their income, race, or zip code.  Over the last year, all 56 states and territories have developed their plans for how they will spend more than $40 billion in funding to connect every unserved location within their borders. That funding comes atop $1 billion for middle-mile infrastructure, which will build more than 12,000 miles of fiber across 370 counties. These projects, will connect 10,500 people, 1,600 farms, and 295 businesses directly to fiber networks. The Department of Commerce has also awarded 148 Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) grants, serving over 280 Tribal Governments, which will connect more than 65,000 Tribal households, subsidizing thousands of devices, and funding digital inclusion activities for Tribal communities. 
Deploying Clean Energy: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes more than $62 billion in funding at the Department of Energy to advance our clean energy future by investing in clean energy demonstration and deployment projects, developing new technologies, and modernizing our power grid. This includes an investment of over $20 billion to upgrade the nation’s grid—a critical component to achieve President Biden’s goal of delivering a 100% carbon-pollution free power sector by 2035. 
Legacy Pollution: Thanks to funding in the The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law the EPA has been able to cap 8,000 orphaned oil and gas wells, with tens of thousands more to be plugged in the years to come. Over 100 Superfund sites have also been cleaned up or started with funds from the Law as well.
And More!
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industryforecastnews · 5 months
Outdoor LED Display Market To Reach USD 23,381.5Mn By 2030
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Outdoor LED Display Market Growth & Trends
The global outdoor LED display market size is expected to reach USD 23,381.5 million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 15.9% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The increasing demand for digital advertising and the rising popularity of large-scale events drive market growth. The expansion of exhibitions and sports events, ceremonies, seminars, and other similar events are the key factors for the market for outdoor displays. Sponsors can more efficiently present information about their company's products and services and reach a larger audience at a lower cost using displays at popular events to advertise and display their offerings to potential consumers.
The increased use of advanced technology tools and devices in human lives in recent years has resulted in a strong demand for electronics worldwide. Digital displays have grown increasingly important in a digital society, with tremendous improvements in display technology during the last decade and the introduction of interactive displays that can take user commands via touch, stylus, or other peripheral devices. Interactive LED displays are widely used in various sectors for a wide range of applications and their demand is expected to increase in the near future, thanks to a growing set of applications, increased investments in R&D, increased gamification, growing digitization, rising internet penetration, and changing consumer preference for technologies. The increasing use of touchscreen tables in the hospitality industry is also likely to drive the demand for interactive LED displays.
Advancements in LED technology have enabled vendors to offer high-quality displays that are bright, energy-efficient, and have a long lifespan. The proliferation of smart city solutions has increased in North America as several countries are implementing digital signage to provide real-time information to citizens. Outdoor LED displays are widely used in transportation hubs such as airports and train stations to inform passengers of flight schedules, arrivals and departures, and other important updates.
Request a free sample copy: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/outdoor-led-display-market  
Outdoor LED Display Market Report Highlights
In February 2023, Daktronics Inc., a provider of visual communication and dynamic audio systems, partnered with Drexel University, in Pennsylvania, U.S. to manufacture and install an indoor audio system and twenty-two new LED displays at the university campus at the Daskalakis Athletic Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The installation features a five-display center-hung design completed ahead of the 2022 winter sports season.
The individually mounted segment is expected to hold the largest market share and expand at a CAGR of 16.7% from 2023 to 2030. The growing need for huge displays with long viewing distances is projected to push commercial builders and retailers to use this technology
The full color display segment is projected to exhibit the highest CAGR in the forecast period. The benefit of a full-color display is that it can create realistic, high-quality images, which makes it perfect for use in settings where visibility is crucial, including indirect sunlight
India, China and Japan are the main source market for outdoor LED displays. The demand for digital signage solutions is growing in the retail and tourism industries with the growing popularity of outdoor entertainment
Outdoor LED Display Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has bifurcated the global outdoor LED market based on technology, color display, application, and region.
Outdoor LED Display Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
Individually Mounted
Surface Mounted
Outdoor LED Display Color Display Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
Monochrome Display
Tri-Color Display
Full Color Display
Outdoor LED Display Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
LED Billboards
Perimeter LED Boards
LED Mobile Panel
LED Traffic Lights
LED Video Walls
Other LED Matrix Boards
Outdoor LED Display Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players of the Outdoor LED Display Market
Daktronics Inc.
Electronic Displays Inc.
LG Electronics
Panasonic Holdings Corporation
Sony Corporation
Toshiba Corporation
Lighthouse Technologies Limited
Shenzhen Dicolor
Optoelectronics Co. Ltd
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/outdoor-led-display-market  
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railwaysupply · 5 months
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ohioroofrepairnearme · 11 months
The Advantages of Hiring a Professional Roofer for your Roof Work
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It could be tempting to climb a ladder and fix any roof problems you have yourself or to call the first roofer that comes to your door, especially if the problem seems to be minor. Rethink that.
One of the most important components of your house is the roof; thus, any repair on it is outside the purview of amateur handymen. Professional experts need specialized training, equipment, safety measures, and knowledge.
It's best to let the experts handle roof replacement, inspection, and repair. The advantages of selecting a competent local roofing contractor like Residential Roofing Services Hartville to complete your roof work are listed below.
A List of Some Advantages of Hiring a Professional Roofer
There are some serious risks associated with roofing work. Residential rooftops may have steep slopes, which can be hazardous and slick.
Additionally, you will be concentrating more on getting the job done than on your surroundings while you are learning a new skill and utilizing unfamiliar tools. By hiring a roofer like Hartville Roofing Contractor to handle your roof work, you can eliminate any potential safety hazards.
Professional roofers not only have the skills necessary to complete the work correctly; they also arrive equipped with the essential tools, allowing them to safely and properly repair your roof.
One of the many ways to invalidate that guarantee is to try to fix your roof yourself or hire a handyman to do so. A local contractor with years of industry expertise will have the manufacturer training and knowledge necessary to give you the best warranties possible.
They'll ensure effective service when you need repairs made in order to maintain the integrity of your roof warranty. A craftsmanship warranty is also given by qualified roofers. You may be sure that if anything goes wrong with their job, it will be easily fixed.
Dependability and knowledge
The abilities developed through practical experience are frequently what lead to quality and dependable roofing work.
Professional roofers devote many hours to perfecting their trade and honing their abilities. You won't learn as much about roofing from reading books or watching videos on DIY projects as you will from having a lot of experience.
A knowledgeable and expert roofer will guarantee that your roof is maintained in top shape for a long time by using the appropriate materials and methods.
You'll feel more at ease knowing a roofing contractor like Roofing Services New Philadelphia has the knowledge, skills, and experience to complete the work correctly. You'll have confidence that your roof will survive and provide dependable protection for your house, belongings, and family. Additionally, having warranties in place will give you a backup plan.
Additionally, you'll be able to have routine inspections to make sure your roof is in the best condition possible, both now and for many years to come. Reputable neighborhood roofing contractors like Wooster Roofing Contractor have the expertise, know-how, resources, and practical experience necessary to deliver solutions that endure. All the experts at Residential Roofing Services New Philadelphia reputably give you the best service.
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limoteethw · 1 year
Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt
Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt
Kublai had cannon, Genghis did not. Kublai had managed to recruit Chin artillerymen and Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt metallurgists who were able to produce his cannon and then, train his tumans to operate them. Kublai also had learned from the knights of Russia and Europe and so, his horsemen were not just archers but lancers also. So they would alternate between the lance and bow, depending on what they faced. The European armies consisted of crossbowmen and pikemen as well as cavalry, of course. Kublai’s tactic was to switch when it was advantageous, so the knights would charge with lance and the Mongols would stage a false retreat, shooting the knights down as they went. Then, when the knights were nullified, they would charge the crossbowmen. The pikemen would come to the fore and the Mongols would switch to the bow. Because the pikemen needed both hands to wield their pikes, they had to put aside their shields which they used to defend from archers so they were vulnerable to Kublai’s horse-archers. Then the crossbowmen would advance to answer the arrows and the tuman would ride them down with lances. And so, they would wear down armies in such fashion, switching to exploit the weaknesses of their enemies.
Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt
Kublai had cannon, Genghis did not. Kublai had managed to recruit Chin artillerymen and Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt metallurgists who were able to produce his cannon and then, train his tumans to operate them. Kublai also had learned from the knights of Russia and Europe and so, his horsemen were not just archers but lancers also. So they would alternate between the lance and bow, depending on what they faced. The European armies consisted of crossbowmen and pikemen as well as cavalry, of course. Kublai’s tactic was to switch when it was advantageous, so the knights would charge with lance and the Mongols would stage a false retreat, shooting the knights down as they went. Then, when the knights were nullified, they would charge the crossbowmen. The pikemen would come to the fore and the Mongols would switch to the bow. Because the pikemen needed both hands to wield their pikes, they had to put aside their shields which they used to defend from archers so they were vulnerable to Kublai’s horse-archers. Then the crossbowmen would advance to answer the arrows and the tuman would ride them down with lances. And so, they would wear down armies in such fashion, switching to exploit the weaknesses of their enemies.
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Buy It Now:Always Open In Cincinnati Bengals Shirt
I love the Chaos cute Geek cat gift shirt
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