voidstilesplease · 2 years
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
watching the teaser: OMG Patrick and Ivan are gonna make 8 episodes of sex tapes
watching the sneak peak clip: OMG Patrick and Ivan are gonna make 8 episodes of tender honeymoon phase cuteness
watching the trailer: we're gonna be depressed in 8 episodes fuck right off-
watching my steady decline of hope: 🥲
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Patrivan Drives Me Nuts part ♾️
i haven't had the chance to properly freak out here over the patrivan clip released by the official elite account, but y'all, it was everything, wasn't it? patrick was so taken aback by ivan, and honestly, so was i. the way ivan referred to himself as patrick's boyfriend, the touch to patrick's lip to interrupt his nervous rambling, the public kiss like ivan couldn't care less what people think anymore, walking hand in hand to let patrick know he wasn't alone 🥹.
they drive me nuts, and it's only the teaser. i love how the season promos started with a glimpse of how sexy they were going to be, then gave us the flip side where they were just two idiots figuring a real relationship out. it won't always be rainbows and roses, that's for sure, but for the love of god, let them walk out of season 6 blissfully together.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Hey I just read ur fic and do u think there’s a chance for a more hopeful patrivan ending? I genuinely think patrick is not dying and manu is not leaving. I think everything they’re doing to make us think he’s not in s7 is just PR to keep the fans entertained while watching s6 cuz if they revealed exactly who’s in s7 and who’s not, then s6 would be more or less spoiled, so I think they’re keeping manu’s presence in s7 secretive bc of it. Like CMON they can’t get rid of the person that brings them 90% of views esp bc everyone seems to love him a lot and he loves the show too idk idk idk I might just be deluding myself
Hi. First of all, thank you for reading the fic! Secondly, it depends on what constitutes a "hopeful ending" to you. Personally, Patrick and Ivan parting the same way I wrote it in the fic, is as hopeful as I can get. Initially, I, too, feared a tragic end for Patrick. But I have changed my opinion since, and now while I believe that Patrick's not dying any longer, he is still leaving one way or another. I feel like they could wrap up the Blanco's storyline in Las Encinas this season, and it'd be sad, but it'd be natural.
Idk, of course, there's always a chance that everything is just part of the business to promote season 6, as you pointed out. If so, they're definitely doing an incredible job making the fans create buzz while they sit in their leather-tufted sofas sipping cherry coke, and laughing at us. But there's also the case of leaving voluntarily. Patrick may be a fan favorite, that's undeniable, but if Manu feels like his story is finished in Elite, then there's little that could stop him from leaving. Just like all the fan favorites of the last seasons.
Sorry. I didn't wanna come out pessimistic (trust me, I had worse days following the release of the trailer), but as I've said, the best I could hope for now is Patrick turning his back on his life in Las Encinas (and Ivan) to move forward.
Anyway, we have less than a week to find out for sure! I'll just be here if you ever want to talk more.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
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so, this heartbreaking scene and ivan's accident likely happens in episode 7. an episode before the last. my anxiety just gets worse and worse
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
the only thing that made me happy in that trailer was the underwater kiss 🥲 bless the soul of whoever gifs it so i could watch it on loop
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
the trailer made it look like ari was visiting samu's grave and that ivan's dad was going to die and that was his coffin (if not samu's) in that one scene. but i'm like... really anxious now. it could be NOT samu's grave, and it could be NOT cruz's nor samu's coffin. both could be from one person. and there's a short list of people that share ari and ivan's affection.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Patrivan Drives Me Nuts, And Here's Why: An Interlude
S5E5: Please, Tell The Truth [prev, first]
-> That Moment We Thought The Wrong Ship Was Going To Sail
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As we all know, episode 5 is the Patrivan episode. However, there's a brief hiccup there where it hints that something's going to develop between Patrick and Cruz instead.
And I'm just going to confess right away: personally, I'm not as wholly opposed to it as I am with Ari and Ivan.
Before someone cries bloody murder, though, consider:
1. Patrick and Cruz actually have chemistry. Now, ofc this still depends on your personal preference, but to me they just simply work. And I mean this in the way I think Patrick and Ander work. That is to say: physically. Superficially. They don't have any emotional connection, they just simply look hot together. At least they have that lol.
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2. No one's cheating on anybody. Unlike Ari. Unlike Ivan who's an accomplice to the crime. 🙄
3. Cruz doesn't know (at this time) that his son is repressing bisexual feelings for Patrick. Unlike Ari who knows perfectly well that Patrick is crushing on Ivan but sleeps with him anyway because her boyfriend doesn't give her attention. And they call Patrick selfish and narcissistic. 🙄
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4. Cruz is finally giving in on the bisexual urges that football homophobia has been shoving down his throat for years. Honestly, good for him.
5. Patrick is starting to move on from Ivan. After their talk on the lawn, it seems Patrick has accepted that friends is all they're gonna be because of Ivan's 'attraction' towards Ari. And I thought that's it for my ship, too. So it doesn't totally bother me that he's moving on to someone else now. And the way I see it, Cruz is a questionable rebound moreso because of his age, not because he's Ivan's dad. 🤷‍♀️ Then again, that's just me.
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By all means, I'm not saying this storyline isn't chaotic. Only that they are more bearable than Ari and Ivan. At least, up until Patrivan actually happens a few scenes later, after which Cruz just becomes annoying. ✋🙄
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
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guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.
this parallel 👀🤧
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Patrivan Drives Me Nuts and Here's Why: Part 6
S5E5: Please, Tell The Truth [prev, first]
-> Because Ivan Confirms That He Likes Patrick Without Confirming That He Likes Patrick
Hola, chicos! This is it! We're here!!! Positively vibrating in my seat because we're now at the best episode of the last two seasons of Elite hands down, and the ultimate patrivan serve. Just- the delivery of Manu and Andre this episode is insane. However bad the previous couple of episodes for this two were, episode 5 singlehandedly fixed for us.
Because let's just come out and say it, shall we? We're all thinking of that scene, aren't we? 😏 In the latter half of the episode? That scene that we have waited for, but still hit us like a train wreck when it happened. I don't know, was that just me? Because for a minute, I thought it was going in a completely different direction (ahem Cruz).
Well, we are going to talk about that scene eventually because I have also just realized something about it that resonates with Patrick's "Five Seconds" in S4 and I'm so not normal about it, but I also have so much love in general for this episode that I couldn't just dump all of it in a single post. I think I'll divide E5 into 3 different ones, at least. But this one, this one isn't for that scene yet. Because it's a crime not to dedicate an entire post to this other tender moment between the two. And that's:
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*whimpering in the background while writing this, because look at them. LOOK AT THEM 🥺*
So, before we see them on the lawn, we first catch Ivan crying at the lobby and automatically think it's because of Ari's rejection, yes? Because the scenes are cut out to suggest such. But it turns out, that it's actually not. (I mean, good grief, what's he to cry about Ari anyway? Because he helped her cheat on her boyfriend? 🙄) It turns out, that it's because his dad is potentially changing football teams, and they might be leaving again soon, just when Ivan has found people he cares about and wants to stay for in Spain.
Oddly, Ari is one of those people. I won't deny that (though I really want to gloss over that 🙄). But it's not because of what Ivan's trying to imply. But rather, because she's the proof of what Ivan has always known about his sexuality. Having desires for Ari is familiar; being desired by Ari is familiar. And so he wants to cling to that familiarity after all the confusing feelings he's repressing for Patrick. (Also, maybe he's just into cheaters idk LMFAO)
BUT, straight out of Ivan's mouth, we know that what he feels for Ari is a far cry from what he feels for Patrick.
HOWEVER, as I have mentioned in a previous post, he's trying to make his crush on Ari a bigger deal than it actually is, while desperately masking the depth of his feelings for Patrick with 'friendship'.
I mean, this conversation just says it all, tbh.
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Istg, this is driving me nuts. How could it not? Because what Patrick said, just before this, about them being out of sync because they're looking at different directions, couldn't be more accurate in this dialogue. I MEAN, he said-
"What you and I have." "WHAT YOU AND I HAVE." gaaaaahhhh *pulling at the roots of my hair in pure agony*
Ivan, dear boy. You have what you're looking for, you're just not... looking. *wails*
He wants to have in a romantic relationship what he has with Patrick, but with a girl. *sputtering in total disbelief* Is that why he's so insistent on Ari? Patrick's twin freaking sister? Patrick's literal girl version? Istg, istg-
It's absolutely killing me that Ivan knows the exact emotional connection he needs and wants from a partner but his mind is too fixed on getting it from a specific gender. And since he's found it in the wrong gender, he's pushing himself more onto Ari and away from Patrick 😭. Like-
Ivan, porfa. Por favor, dios mio. 🙏 I'm kinda sad, kinda desperate, kinda frustrated at you. Just- *deep breaths*
I take this scene as the confirmation of Ivan's romantic attachment to Patrick, and I will die on this hill. I mean, how else am I supposed to read this, huh? Because don't even get me started on the way they look at each other-
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Cue Tate McRae's "Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way". Because bitch no, they really don't. Unless they're in denial, which is what Ivan is.
And, good Lord, by the end of this episode, I'll even be singing a different tune. This time: "You say we're just friends. But friends don't know the way you taste la la la."
Friends Don't Know The Way You Taste La La La
Friends Don't Know The Way You Taste La La La
*la la la's my way to the exit* 💃
credits to Netflix Italia's La storia di Patrick e Ivan in Elite 5
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
writers of elite convening for season 5: so, which do you think is more fucked up? your sister sleeping with the boy you like or your dad sleeping with the boy you like? why pick one when we can do both? 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Patrivan Drives Me Nuts, And Here's Why: Part 5
S5E4: The Body [1,2,3,4]
->Because Ivan Is Really Pissing Me Off (but not as much as Ari)
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Hm, how to even begin?
Look, this episode was as bad as episode 3 as far as patrivan is concerned, but I didn't hate it as much... I would say. And that's only because I think Cruz evened out this whole emotional mess, and Patrick isn't as inferior to Ivan anymore. Like, he's finally got a bullet to fire back at the idiot. Yeah, yeah. I'm toxic like that. But what I'm saying is, right when I saw that, I knew Patrick's trauma after seeing the boy he likes and his sister having sex in broad daylight will soon be returned. By, like, two-folds.
BUT. That doesn't make it any less fucked up. I know. Because, seriously? Ivan's dad? It couldn't be, idk, an older brother or something? Granted, his dad acts like a man-child than an actual father, but still. Cruz is a very questionable third party to involve.
But again, enough to satisfy my thirst for revenge. Lol.
Anyway. Let's break this post into 3 parts based on the sequence of events in the episode concerning our lovely (and suffering) otp. First would be Ari and Ivan's boat scenes 😒 (I'm still fuming), next is Patrick's whole emotional train wreck 🥺, and lastly, the aftermath of that wreck. Which, for Patrick, typically translates to 'another bad decision', a.k.a. Cruz. 🤷‍♀️
1. Ari and Ivan.
(yeah, I'm not... I'm not gonna add gifs of them. Lol)
So, Ari and Ivan's boat ride and eventual boat sex.... *sighs* I really don't want to talk about it because it just makes me angry, so I'll get to the point.
Wtf was that? Ari can't get her boyfriend to spend time with her, because he's working to have money, so she drinks, summons "Ira" as Patrick calls her evil alter ego, and cheats on her boyfriend with the guy she knows her brother likes? And Ivan lets it happen, but I don't expect much from him, so I'm not even disappointed (but I am, truly, lol).
That's all I have for them. *leaves*
2. Patrick.
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Now, this episode wasn't very kind to him, was it? Poor baby.
He doesn't appear until around minute 19 and already you can tell that he's not doing great. First of all, he's late. He's supposed to be around during his dad's welcome speech, but even Ari has no idea where he could be. And when he does arrive, he's clearly on something. He's interrupting his dad, being rude to people, and breaking expensive sculptures - just being a total menace. And to make sense of it, remember that we're picking up from episode 3's rejection from Ivan.
Obviously, he got very upset about it that he went out and drank, got high, and probably fooled around with strangers if the huge-ass hickey on his neck is anything to go by. And sometimes it annoys me how he could be so fixated on one person, you know? Because he could get anyone, but he spends most of his time and invests his emotions choosing people who wouldn't choose him back. That's just really... ANYWAY-
So he gets into a verbal fight with his dad that ends up with him getting slapped (and oh my... that confrontation reveals a lot about his insecurities, doesn't it?). Then he walks out, throws a tantrum outside (which, Patrick, baby, seriously? 😒), and as if he hasn't had enough stabs into his chest, he gets stabbed in the back, too. He catches his sister Ari and Ivan having sex - out in the open jfc - and, ooooooof, the look in his eyes 🥺🥺🥺. Just- *gestures*
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This is the exact look that makes Cruz's entrance in the picture satisfying to me (despite the, well, obvious age issues). Because trust Patrick to make things messier for everyone. He can't be the only one that suffers lol. Though, tbf, I don't think he intends to hurt Ivan. Ivan doesn't like him like that, as Ivan keeps on insisting, right?
3. Cruz.
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But Patrick can't even take all the credit for this chaos, can he? Because to begin, it's not Patrick who showed intent first. Patrick's out there pouring his heart out to Ivan's dad because he just really needs someone to talk to, and Cruz flirts with him. Unintentionally, maybe, at first, but flirts with him nonetheless. So, what's Patrick supposed to do, really?
He just got bitch-slapped by his dad, saw his sister getting it on with the boy who spacezoned him, then there's Cruz who comforts him, tells him that it's impossible that no one notices and wants Patrick for who he is (because he clearly does), and Patrick's supposed to - what? Walk away? From the one person who seems to appreciate him at his very fragile moment? Who's showing interest in him when the persons he wants it from can't give it to him?
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So, he goes for it. And, no, it's not a smart decision, but it's the decision that gave him peace temporarily - took his mind off things for a short while. And he really needs to chill after all that, tbh. And Cruz is neither in a committed relationship, nor too afraid to kiss him. So? Cruz just so happens to be Ivan's dad, just like Ari just so happens to be Patrick's sister. It's really.... not that crazy. (*snorts* Lmfao XD)
Anyway, that's all for episode 4. And, y'aaaaall. I can't wait to discuss episodes 5 and 6 because they're, by far, my favorite patrivan episodes this season. Like *screams incoherently*
Like, how my thoughts about Ivan gets proven in episode 5, and how Cruz is such a little shit dad, and how I think Patrick is too villainized for going through with *it* (ya know, the pool scene), or accused of self-destruction when he literally just accepted someone's attention to soothe his broken heart. You know, it's for him. It's not about someone else.
Don't get me wrong, Patrick has self-destructive tendencies (exhibit A: the entirety of season 4), but I don't believe that particular scene is one of those instances. The latter one, maybe, yes. (Okay, to be clear, I mean when Patrick runs away from home after that video of Ivan in Ibiza and seeks out Cruz for comfort? I think that's in episode 7... Yeah, that's the one. That's self-destruction right there.) But this one (as in: episode 6, the pool scene)? No, that's just what would have happened in episode 5 had Ivan been too chicken-shit to finally make a move.
Anyway, I'm gonna talk more about that in the next ones. Ciao!
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
Benjamin is a real piece of work, isn't he? He actually intended to use his own son to conceal a murder. Like, he's already shitty for putting his children on a chokehold, but asking to do that? Is a whole other level of despicable. And his children are all going to suffer next season for it.
Patrick alone, ohhhhh, the guilt he is bound to feel for putting his dad to prison? For the aftermath of putting his dad to prison. Like, if the siblings won't be ostracized at school for being children of a murderer, I'm sure they're suffering some sort of financial setback. And just the trauma of knowing someone close to you killed, accidentally or otherwise, by your own father. Gosh.
And Benjamin will find a way to blame Patrick because if he only cooperated and did what he wanted, they wouldn't be in this mess. He'd make his own son the villain and it's going to be fucking awful the entire time. Leave Patrick alone, for the love of God.
I hope someone from the maternal side of the family arrives and takes the siblings under their wing, brings them to London or something, and they all leave Benjamin to rot in jail.
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voidstilesplease · 2 years
rewatching episode 6 for my patrivan drives me nuts posts and got reminded of how annoyed i was of ivan for getting it on with ari again that i was tempted to whip a post-season 5 au where ander came back for some reason, and was like: (to ivan) "huh. you thought your dad was bad; that he was your biggest rival? you think patrick was 'crazy' about you? you think he was 'manipulative' to you? you haven't met ander. ander and patrick are not good together but they look hella good together. and man were they horny for each other. you know nothing."
yes. i love toxic and i love suffering. tyvm
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