#maplestory hayato
knolance · 2 months
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I played him like for 20 minutes when he first released and just didn’t play his class after
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dahkis · 5 months
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so beast tamer is getting replaced (lynched) by the new class 'lynn'
rip beast tamer 2023. couldn't make it to the end of the year LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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bluestreel · 2 years
Am i the only one bothered by how most non-mage characters not ACTUALLY use their weapons??
My most hated examples of this are Xenon and all the Explorer warriors and Shade and Ark kinda
For Xenon he was so cool, from 1st to 3rd he used his own whip blade, though he mainly kinda uses it for the whip function. He only has 1 skill where he doesn't but it's one of his 2nd job skills... but then after 4th he just essentially throws it away in favor of this big whip blade he summons out of thin air to spin around with (in whip mode of course but it doesn't extend that far for some reason)
Then the most egregious one of all is where he just... puts Roo-D in an endless teleport loop to attack LMAO, just turning his weapon into a summoning stick (wonder if that's what inspired Beast Tamer) save for 1 skill and it's surprisingly his hyper bind skill but still.
Then the Explorer Warriors where all 3 branches through out 2nd to 5th job never uses their weapons!!! they all just summon a magic weapon outta thin air! to make matters worse is that they removed the unique skill animations depending on what weapon you were using! (except Dark Knights, they use spear animations regardless of using a pole arm prior to the remaster) just adding salt to that wound man. Then there are these 2... startin' off with Shade.
Shade pretty much only ever punches at 1st job but after that he just becomes a spirit user, only ever using his knuckle weapons as a glorified magic catalyst. Ark on the other hand NEVER uses his knuckle weapon because of his awesome specter arm, only ever using high flora magic and specter magic (what does he even do while using basic charge drive btw? is that a spin kick or a punch?) which also glorifies his weapon as a magic catalyst...
The only rare few that DO use their weapon from 1st to 4th kinda are Dual Blades Shadowers Hayato Zero and Dawn Warriors. And then Phantoms Cannoneer Corsairs Demon Avenger and Mercedes. but they do have some weird things such as Cannoneers Corsairs and Demon Avengers having 1 skill where they either use it for mobbing or attacking then the other skill where it's the opposite
Mercedes on the other hand DOES have 2 skills she uses where she does use her bowguns at 4th! like her spammable stunning strikes and her hurricane. But she is weird that the fact she still mostly uses Elven Martial Arts i guess mostly for mobbing and bossing iirc lmao.
Oh god how could i forget all the archers, who have the same exact problem as the explorer warriors!!!
God this has to be my biggest peeve in Maplestory lmao... guess they also knew about this when making Adele, she is literally a warrior mage with a weapon that doesn't show on her character.
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starsrshiney · 5 months
More Crossovers I can't get out of my head but chances are I won't write longform prose of
MHA x MapleStory
(take note: that my for-sure knowledge of MHA only goes up to the Culture Festival, but I have some wiki-walk knowledge of afterwards)
BACKSTORY- how MHA world interacts with mapleworld.
Sometime before Izuku gets into late middle school (aka the jump off the roof scene doesn't happen), our little green bean is involved in a villain attack where said villain has the quirk of making people disappear.
Little did said villain know, by 'disappear' they mean 'send to another universe.' Izuku gets sent to Maple World.
Scenario 1- Izuku lands in Ereve, becomes a Cygnus Knight
Pretty much just as it says. Izuku lands in Ereve. The Cygnus Knights are wary for a bit, but quickly realize that Izuku is just a lost kid.
The Knights agree to help Izuku get home, and lo and behold, representatives from Izuku's world/ the Hero Public Safety Commission do find a way to contact Maple World (what with Maple world's wonky relationship with spacetime, its a wonder they didn't before.)
Except when the HPSC representatives find out that the only person from their world here is a Quirkless child, they tell Cygnus to keep him and go on their way.
No One Is Happy With That.
Some time after the reps leave, Izuku realizes that he can, in fact, manipulate Maple World's magic. (Could Alicia have done something to him [putting Izu's time in maple pre-kidnapping by Damien]? Perhaps. She is the Transcendent of Life and Was Also Not Happy with what she heard from Cygnus' rantings during their teatime.)
Now that he has power, Izuku is still determined to Help. He joins the Cygnus knights officially, becoming a Thunder Breaker (because OFA or no OFA, he still ends up a brawler with electric motifs.)
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(Timeskip as Izuku grows as a knight, meeting other Maplestory characters who are a part of the Maple Alliance including but not limited to Evan, Hayato & Kanna, Kinesis, and Tear/ Angelic Buster)
When Izuku gets close to main MHA story age (post Alicia's kidnapping/ Cygnus' Awakening, probably even post Heroes Blockbuster) the HPSC reps make contact again. It turns out Maple World was the only alternate universe they could find and they've gotten to the point where they need to rescue someone or the public would riot. "Even the quirkless child."
Cygnus basically says "no, you said to keep him and we did. He adapted to our magic just fine and is a fine Knight now."
[The HPSC is nervous. This is not the little girl Empress they talked to last time.]
(Really, despite everything Izuku does want to go back, even if Cygnus and the chief knights think the only redeemable things about Izuku's world [that they've heard from Izuku's stories] are Izuku, his mother, and All Might [they've even convinced him to stop calling Bakugou 'Kacchan.'] But Cygnus is NOT sending him back without making sure some things go right for him. He put his all for Her and the other Knights, she will make sure she can respond to such loyalty.)
This goes back and forth for a while until Nedzu joins the calls and offers to give Izuku a spot at UA. The HPSC try to talk Nedzu down from this, still stuck on "Quirkless child" but Nedzu points out that they were told he has this new world's magic and has become a full fledged Knight, he sounds like he's already ahead of most normal first years.
Nedzu would also like to have some interdimensional chess games with Neinhart, but that's a side detail at the moment.
The HPSC grumble but agree to give him a test similar to the reccomendation exam, and Cygnus agrees to send Izuku back.
But she and other Knights do give him some Decorative Armor (cash shop equips) so he can look like a Pirate Hero when he does join UA (and even if the HPSC doubts he can pass their test, Cygnus and Chief Knights have no doubt)
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(Insert HPSC dropping their jaws as their test is decimated by a kid who's making shark heads out of lightning. Izuku doesn't wear his new duds for this, as he figures he should look as basic as possible to maximize the contrast.)
Other notes:
During a meeting with Nedzu, Izuku asks if he can make sure their Earth isn't actually the future version Friend World. Nedzu confirms- there was never a sinkhole in Seoul and no reports of powers before Quirks.
Bakugou tries to pull the Deku card on Izuku when they meet up at UA. Izuku, now having healthy self esteem thanks to Cygnus and the Chief Knights, doesn't let that slide.
Being gone from Earth for a long time, Izuku gets introduced to underground heroes by Eraserhead (also only finds out about Eraserhead during day one) but is able to mentally equate it with how the Night Walker branch of the Cygnus Knights work- they move in the darkness to bring justice where light doesn't reach.
Despite not seeing Izuku in the trials (therefore not 'knowing he hurts himself') Eraserhead tries to erase Izu's 'quirk' during the ball toss, only to find out that his quirk doesn't do anything to Izu's Thunder Breaker magic.
Izuku officially debuts his Decorative Armor look during the beginning of the battle trials, when everyone else in the class debuts their looks.
Bakugou tries to target Izuku during the battle trials, only to get a face full of lightning shark and a gut full of lightning-that-moves-like water.
Izuku actually likens Bakugou to the Resistance's Blasters- some of who he's sparred with in the past with the Maple Alliance.
Fast forward to the USJ and we get another big change. When the villains invade, they bring not only the Nomu, but also a Xenoroid.
Guess who didn't die during the Black Heaven blockbuster and instead got isekai'd to MHA-Earth? Yep, Gellimer joins All for One and Dr Garaki as a mentor/ supplier for the League of Villains.
Izuku is Not Happy to see a Xenoroid on Earth. When Kurogiri comes to scatter the students, Izuku yell-asks where they got the Xenoroid from. Kurogiri is shocked that 'this student knows Doctor Gellimer's creation by name.' Izuku is Even More Not Happy that Gellimer is alive.
Kurogiri tries to scatter everyone, Izuku aims a Sea Wave at his metal brace, shocking him. Izuku/ Tsuyu/ Mineta get sent to the Flood Zone, but no one else (besides Bakugou and Kirishima, who attacked earlier) gets scattered due to Kurogiri not expecting that shock.
Izuku, still having access to his Inventory from Maple World, pops an Air Bubble from Aqua Road when he recognizes he's underwater. Shark-quirk guy gets lightning-shark punched.
Tsuyu pulls Izuku out of the water, the trio gets back to the mainland, Izuku goes straight for the Xenoroid.
Gellimer, watching through the Xenoroids eyes despite the jamming quirk, Is Not Happy seeing Cygnus Knight techniques being used on his Xenoroid. They should be back in Maple World, dammit.
Izuku's classmates (the ones who weren't teleported by Kurogiri anyway,) quickly see how much Izuku was holding back during the battle trials when he goes Full Knight on the Xenoroid. (He only used first and second-job skills during the trial, but goes third and not-fully-trained fourth-job skills against the Xenoroid.)
Eraserhead is Not Happy he did that, but Izuku makes his point that this is Maple World/ Cygnus Knight business.
Izuku even holds his own against the Nomu for a bit, because while it has shock absorption, that was more for kinetic-energy shock and not electric shock. Izuku likens it to fighting a Boss Monster. Also, being designed to kill All Might, it can barely touch Izuku and his 'electricity that flows like water' style of movement.
Note- holds his own, not beats. All Might still comes in for that.
Side fic idea- Midoriya explains Maple World Terms to the Class. Basically, during free periods someone asks about Mido's time in Maple World and Izuku explains how things work there. Topics include- the difference between Warrior/ Magician/ Bowman/ Thief/ Pirate fighting styles and why most heroes here on Earth would be considered Pirates (hand-to-hand fighting styles are Pirate fighting styles,) A breakdown of the different branches of the Cygnus Knights, an introduction to the Heroes of Maple World, The Resistance and why Bakugou would be a Blaster, etc. (Bonus points- Izuku says that by being the pirate branch, the Thunder Breakers are essentially the problem children of the Cygnus Knights. Eraserhead believes it.)
Remember how I said crossoverS? Well, Thunder Breaker!Izuku is the most developed, but I did have other ideas
Scenario 1.5- Izuku lands in Ereve, becomes Neinhart's disciple
Instead of becoming a Thunder Breaker, Neinhart takes note of Izuku's analytical mind and decides that its high time he took an apprentice. He still gets basic training with other knights, and ends up making a connection with all five of the Cygnus Knight Elemental Spirits. I forget the elemental spirits actual names atm, so I'm going with Soul/ Umbra/ Ignis/ Ventus/ Lightning.
This is basically a works-with-his-mind Izuku. "Mechanically" he would be like a mix of Shade and Lara, punching with spirit friends helping along. Highlights include
Battle Trial- Bakugou goes after Izuku. Izuku compares the gauntlets to Blaster weapons and has Ignis and Lightning go after the pins, while Soul, Umbra, and Ventus distract Bakugou. When Bakugou tries to do the big explosion, he find the pins were forcibly welded to the gauntlets.
Tokoyami/ Dark Shadow and Umbra friendship
Scenario 2- Izuku lands on the Lumiere/ Crystal Garden, becomes Phantom's disciple Codename: Impeccable Memory, Immaculate Analysis
Post Lotus- possession/ talking to Aria's ghost, Phantom's short lived mental peace gets shattered when a kid from another world lands on his flying boat. He decides to drop the kid off at Ereve the next time they're in the area, but by the time that happens Phantom is too impressed by Izuku's analytical abilities and decides to train him as a successor.
During the Heroes Blockbuster, Luminous Is Not Happy to hear that Phantom has a disciple. Izuku is happy to have a friend his age in Evan.
Under Phantom's training, Izuku's analysis combined with Maple World Magic gives him the ability to copy/ "Steal" any ability he's analyzed enough of (though like Phantom he can only use so much at a time.) When he gets back to Earth its discovered that this ability applies even to Quirks.
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Bakugou is Not Happy that "Deku" used his quirk to do the ball toss.
Iida is aghast that his engine could be copied during the dash test.
Monoma's hatred is aimed only at Izuku for doing the Phantom Thief thing like he is, except Izuku claims to be trained by a Phantom Thief named Phantom
Scenario 3- Izuku lands in Edelstien, becomes a Wild Hunter
Honestly, this one is mostly for the gag of Eraserhead telling Izuku not to bring a Jaguar to class, only for Izuku to bring a different one next time. And then Eraserhead just giving up because the jaguars are tamer than most alley cats he feeds. Until Izuku needs to fight, of course.
Also a gag of Shigaraki sending the USJ nomu to attack the jaguar riding kid, but Izuku just seeing a boss monster out of the corner of his eye throws out a wall of drills that tears the nomu apart.
Shigaraki: How are you a hero? You tore my nomu apart with a wall of drills! I don't even know villains who do that!
Everyone knew Izuku was born Quirkless. What fewer people knew was that Inko was as well.
After all, her family's Telekinesis wasn't a quirk. Her ancestor had telekinesis since before the glowing baby was born.
They used to tell everyone that their power wasn't a Quirk, but stopped when they were accused of being part of the original Meta Liberation Army. But within the family they kept the knowledge of being descended from the hero that went to another world.
With her own grasp of telekinesis being so weak, Inko thought the power of her family has finally been exhausted when Izuku didn't show any signs of his own powers.
Until elementary school Izuku, emotional from being bullied, opens a new Sinkhole.
Scenario 4- Midoriya, Descendant of Kinesis
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pineroh · 2 years
The fox in the forest story
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Lost Specter's Handkerchief item tooltip list numbers instead of the NPC name.Please note that the event records will reset every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC. Help the Rock Spirits! event dialogue incorrectly mentioned the weekly reset day as Thursday.The Araca item does not make the character float when the equipped character is standing still.Please note that claiming the set will still grant the Purple Cloud Beauty item. When selecting the Flower Cloud Orchid Set (F) as a female character, the dialog incorrectly displays the Jade Silk Outfit instead of the Purple Cloud Beauty.While we look into this issue, please keep an eye on the Floral Blessing skill buff icon on the top right corner to check its ON status since the flower gauge will remain on screen even when then skill turns off. Blooming Forest's Floral Blessing skill turns off every time player leaves the training map with monsters near their level.One medal's name has been updated to Time Lord. Fixed the issue where there were two medals with the identical name, Time Traveler.Fixed the issue where teleportation did not work in and out of Ellinel Fairy Academy on certain maps when using Hyper Teleport Rock or the Maple Guide.Fixed the issue where certain monsters did not receive damage when hit while performing certain animations.Fixed the issue where trying to navigate to Tyrant's Castle: Tyrant's Castle Foyer would direct the player to incorrect portals.Fixed the issue where the Blue and Yellow Work Hats were misaligned when the character was sitting on certain chairs or during death ghost animation.Fixed the issue where Hayato, Kanna, and Beast Tamer weapons weren't dropping from defeating Hilla.Fixed the issue where Seren's battle background did not change during phase transition.Fixed the issue where Illium's Spectral Blast skill was missing from the 5th Job skill tab.Fixed the issue where the Monster Collection listed incorrect reward for 1 and 3-hour monster exploration.Fixed the issue where the Cute Rabbit Hat had no item name or description.Fixed the issue where Friendship Ring's effect appeared behind other graphics.Fixed the issue where Jett's Backup Beatdown skill wasn't dealing the correct damage at the end.Fixed the issue where there was placeholder text when viewing the Legion Ranking during ranking calculation.Fixed the issue where Familiars were bypassing the damage cap in Sharenian Culvert.Fixed the issue where the impact portal in Windsleep Forest Treetops doesn't always trigger properly.Fixed the issue where Verus Hilla's life steal animation does not always display.Fixed the issue where Legendary Familiar Pack description had a spelling error.Fixed the issue where 8-Bit Damage Skin's critical graphic was cut off.Fixed the issue where Choco Candy Cookie item couldn't be searched in the Auction House.White Desert Rabbit and Brown Desert Rabbit names have been updated to White Hare and Brown Hare.The face color text will now go after the face name text for better readability.The appearance of the Elephant Selfie Chair will be updated.V.232 - Blooming Forest is live on April 27! Fun and beauty awaits you in the Blooming Forest! TABLE OF CONTENTS You can also earn coins by racing other players in the Blooming Race or leaving Legion characters to remove the weeds with Legion Gardening! The Rock Spirits need your help fighting off the Flowering Shrub, which will reward you with Spirit Points to purchase Blooming Growth Potions! Trade in all the Blooming Coins you’re earning from the fun activities at the Blooming Communal Coin Shop and the Blooming Personal Coin Shop for valuable enhancement and cosmetic items. To celebrate MapleStory’s 17th Anniversary the spirits have brought special events to the Blooming Forest! Earn your daily limit of Blooming Coins by defeating monsters using the Floral Blessing skill.
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monsturart · 3 years
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Sketch for Maplestory guild mate of their female Hayato
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fruitoftheroot · 7 years
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The Bigger Their Shoulder Pads The Bigger Their Heart
based off this tweet 
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starswallowingsea · 3 years
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When ur historical character from 1500s Japan talks like a 2010s kid in the generic quest dialogue
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tastycitrus · 4 years
Maple World holds a pun competition
Kanna, gesturing to Hayato: This is Hayato.
Hayato, waving: Hi.
*she picks up Hayato and flings him away*
Kanna: And this is Bye-yato.
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dahkis · 5 months
what was up with beast tamers portrait between 2016-2021 😭😭😭. it wasn't just her, but also jett, kanna, and hayato to a lesser extent. i know it's because they're overseas classes so their artwork might be a little different but it just looks completely off the mark from maples artstyle. the heads were definitely a tad, no, really disproportionate to their body which is saying a lot when we're talking about maplestory. they just looked weirdly skinny. also another weird thing was that their heads were strangely square shaped??? i never understood why when it completely clashed with the already established art style. at least it was mostly contained within stellar detectives so it didn't look that jarring.
side note is that beast tamer's eyes used to be more cat like, having a more sharper eyeline and rectangular (?) eye shape as you can see in her animated video. since her revamp in 2016, they became more softened as her eye shape completely changed to a circular one. tldr the designers for her revamp moefied beast tamer COUGH the ahoge COUGH.
honestly if there's one thing i don't like about her revamp design, it'd be that the designers made her hair color a lot more light brown. i just prefer the dark brown, looks cuter imo. i have a nitpick that animal ears should be the same color as the character's hair, but i don't really mind it all that much here. i wonder if they changed her hair color to make her seem more childish, that wonder also applies to her eye shape because i wouldn't be surprised if so.
i like the characterization differences you see between female and male chase, it's pretty cute lol.
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renaul · 7 years
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My desktop for the month of April was of Kanna and Hayato from the game Maplestory in front of a Japanese shrine.
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officialmapleart · 5 years
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MapleStory - Hayato, Beast Tamer, Jett, Kanna, and Haku illustrations 
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lele37 · 5 years
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satsuha · 5 years
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happy new year!! 
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mapleheadcanons · 5 years
Male striker x female knight
The female knight is a noble, while the male striker is moreso a laidback brawler.
The striker is a surprisingly skilled horse rider, and unintentionally swooned the knight upon her seeing him astride a white stallion.
The knight often wears armored gowns.
The striker is a savage fighter, but fights dirty and brutal when knight is being threatened or hurt by his opponent.
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75percentsweet · 5 years
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happy holidays from your fave sengoku heroes!
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