#marbas family
naehja · 2 years
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“I come from a Family of Craftsmen”
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So they are nerds for Magic Tools in this Family XD
Make sense, Make sense
Yabashi calls Marbas-Sensei: “Ma-Kun” That just so cute. And how he suddently remember oh yeah i’m at school and corrects himself and says “March-Sensei” 
It looks like they have a good relationship =)
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csoisoi · 1 year
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ifrit's tail makes delicious food
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xatsperesso · 2 years
I made so search about Ifrit and I found some interesting things:
Ifrit, also spelled as efreet, afrit, and afreet is a powerful type of demon in Islamic mythology.
In Moroccan belief, the afarit form a more powerful type of demon, compared to the djinn and other supernatural creatures. With the aid of a magical ring, the afarit might be forced to perform certain orders. -Ifrit appears frequently in film and video games. In the Final Fantasy video game series, an ifrit appears as a summonable spirit or/and an enemy. Like its mythological counterpart, it is a spirit of fire and can use an iconic spell called Hell-Fire Demon Summonable Fire In Iruma universe, it probably meant that this family of demon has a history of being summoned by humanity. So much that they left a trace on history, folklore and myths like we see now in games and stuff like that.
It also mean that Ifrit is perfectly aware that humans exist. Even if he has not been summoned himself, his ancestors have been.
Imagine if Iruma's parents find the summoning circle of Ifrit after some shady searches. or maybe they weren't shady and that they used the first circle that they found in their searches and it happened to be the ifrit one.
So Ifrit-sensei is summoned, he literally dispear during a meeting with his coworkers.
And he appears in the human realm like "….really? it has been centuries since last time a member of my family has lived that. and that's my turn. Damn!"
Iruma BAD parents: "Hello mister demon, we summoned you for a affair!
Ifrit: …i hope that you don't call a demon for nothing because someone less patient than me could have been angry you know, especially that your circle is badly made. My ancestors would have eaten you on the spot ya know.
Iruma BAD parents: We want money
Ifrit: sigh humanity will never change, they were right. light up a cigarette I'm really disappointed now.
Iruma BAD parents: we give you our son as payment.
Ifrit: ….I'm sorry what?"
And the teachers of Babyls have a son now.
Omg that'd be so cute
Like i see it very vividly they'd all be very protective of him!
of course there'd be that one teacher who's like "can we eat him?" And the rest would be like "wtf no"
I can see ifrit being the wine aunt who'd fucking kill for iruma like just say the word sweetie and they're a goner
Kalego would pretend he doesn't like iruma but he's such a dad an so in denial and everyone would make fun of him
Of course balam would be a mother hen making sure iruma is ok from the trauma of his parents leaving him, meanwhile iruma is there like "this isn't as bad as i thought it'd be. I think I'll stay" ( ya know without all the bs sullivan pulled on him at the beginning and all these people making sure ma boi doesn't get caught and keeping him safe+well fed like why wouldn't he want to stay)
Sullivan would be watching them like "haha these demons antics" but then he'd have one interaction with iruma and he'd be like "he's mine now" and try kidnapping him
Iruma would just smile at opera like "nice to meet you, opera-san!" And opera would immediately help sullivan in kidnapping iruma
I cant help but see dantalion being a little shit who always messes with iruma idk why that's just his vibe
I feel like marbas would just be hanging around in the back like "iruma already has all these demons taking care of him he'll come to me if he needs anything" and then iruma goes to him in his very sweet iruma-way and halfway through marbas would be like i would die for this kid
It'd just be so cute
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Do you have any headcannons for the paradise lost gang? I'm dying for more of my healers.
Paradise Lost is my favorite set of character, of course I have hcs about them. My beloved disfunctional sitcom family that's somehow a hospital <3
Paradise Lost hcs
Everyone in Paradise Lost is on something. There's no way Morax can be so chill without some weed in his system
The only Paradise Lost citizen that graduated high-school was Bathin and he left
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he was born with a doctorate in every major
Becoming a citizen in Paradise Lost is almost impossible. Both Lucifer and Gamigin need to give you a vibe check and you have to learn healing magic.
Since Paradise Lost was founded after Lilith's disapearance, there are no native Paradise Lost citizens, the closest being Gamigin and Jjok
During Sundays where nobody in Paradise Lost works, each of the nobles has to come up with a fun family activity.
Be it board-games, movie marathons, walks through the forest, anything, they have to all do it together during Sunday
Lucifer has a picture of God or Jesus in every room of his castle because he is a true Orthodox Christian
Even though Lucifer has his own room in his own castle, he preferes sleeping in Gamigin's bed with him. He likes cuddling with the young dragon
Marbas is allowed untied whenever he's not dealing with patients, but he sometimes keeps the restraints on even when he's off duty
Lucifer sees everyone else as being beneath him, but he cares for them like they were children or pets
Lucifer never goes to meetings with the other kings because he doesn't like how often they happen and how little is actually done with them.
Morax has a facebook account where he posts low quality edits of him and the other people in Paradise Lost. They always get one like and it's from Lucifer.
Marbas has a brick phone because it's the only one he can't break with his bare hands. He sometimes calls his 'friends' from other regions with it, but he has no phone attiquit. He would call someone and just ask them for stuff with no hello, no small talk, no nothing
Buer is the best with phones in the whole country. He also didn't pass 5th grade tech lessons about how to make a folder on Windows. He has what used to be the latest phone model when he left Tartaros, but he only uses it to call patients.
Gamigin doesn't have a phone and Lucifer prohibited him from touching the internet. But Lucifer does give Gamigin his phone to play on during breaks or stuff
Lucifer has a fancy phone that he only uses to like Morax's posts on facebook and ignore the mail the kings give him
Depending on the type of meeting and the availability of his staff he will either take Gamigin or Morax with him during diplomatic travels.
He takes Gamigin most of the time, but if the subject is mainly about the atrocities of war he brings Morax. Morax is an airhead with no self preservation, he's used to seing people dying left and right in gruesome manners, but Lucifer would prefere to protect Gamigin from the sort of trauma
Everyone in Paradise Lost is devoted to Lucifer, but Gamigin fluctuates between "wow, he's so cool, I need to impress him" and "my king can beat your king in a fist fight"
Gamigin's also the noble that Lucifer spoils the most. He lets Gamigin do basicly what he wants around the country and he even lets him touch his angelic body.
Whenever there's a long ride from Paradise Lost to a different country, Lucifer sits Gamigin on his lap and let's him sleep there. If anyone speaks louder than a whisper, Lucifer will glare them down.
Gamigin is the favorite kid and by a lot
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It's bordering on platonic yandere, but we'll keep it light for this post (unless you want some darker stuff, feel free to ask 👀)
I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is no official uniform in Paradise Lost, Marbas just hates Buer in particular (and he wants to rip the clothes off him)
Lucifer has a photo album of all the memories he had with his brothers. There are some photos with Gabriel, Michael and Raphael in there as well
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i6312times · 21 days
Random whb hc’s
- Michaels spears taste like salt rocks (I would eat some
- glass is Hispanic
- Leraye has 2 older sisters and an older brother
- Barbatos has a HUGE family and is valefor cousin
- Barbatos tried getting glass to garden so he gave him sunflowers to take care of but glass didn’t take care of it so now he has dead flowers on his window
- Andrealphus is a few years younger than Amon and Beel would bring the 2 to hang out and now they have an aggressive sibling relationship
- Raphael doesn’t usually wear his belt
- Satan is actually a dog person
- Naberius was born in a litter of puppies and has like 10 siblings
- Beel make’s animations in the corner instead of doing the work
- Amon loves sir-mix-a-lot
- Andre is actually chaotic and silly
- Eligos like leopard print
- Zagen has a deaf family and that’s why he’s used to not speaking
- Zagen and belial take without talking
- Satans room is horrid
- Gimigin can reproduce
- Marbas is diabetic
- The cherubs sometimes smart tall the seraphims
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iceinwhb · 4 months
After seeing your post about the healers, what would happen if Minhyeok visited Paradise Lost (like he previously did with Gehenna)
Do u think Minh and MC become invincible or something?
Thinking of Min stepping on Paradise Lost land… At least there won't be Lucifer's brothers to try to kill him, nor kings who can brag about their relationship with Mc. Moreover, Gamigin would give him a warm welcome, and lecture him on the three unbreakable rules without knowing that Min can ignore all that. Marbas would look at him with excessive suspicion, but without making any dangerous moves because he is a guest of Lucifer. Buer seems like a good demon at first glance, but he's going to think “that one” is the human so dear that he's holding Mc back from staying eternally in Paradise Lost. Here the theme of the visit comes with Lucifer.
For him, it is one thing to invite him, quite another to see how Minhyeok touches and hugs Mc so affectionately. The worst thing Luci could see, would be that even Mc would receive his "friend" with equal or more love. Lucifer is not going to let go of Mc after he learns his lesson, and he is going to hate Min. He don't allow anyone but him to touch her, not even his brothers, and less that human, no matter how close they are to being “a family”, is unacceptable.
He will hiss menacingly at Min to the end, faithfully detesting even the farewell, which will be sooner than the one he had in Gehenna. And Min, on the other hand, seeing an ancient angel, the most beautiful of all God's creation, will feel intimidated, he will think that Lucifer is too hot not to feel even dirty for looking at him that way.
And definitely, Lucifer is going to investigate the information the demons have on Minhyeok, and he is going to join the team of anonymous demons who don't want Mc to leave hell!
And to your second question. I've always thought that Min stopped being human since he died, (I feel that by himself he regenerates, or is more resilient than a normal human), but still, he remains a normal person. So, the win card for Min is Mc herself, because her soul is still bound to 65 demon contracts. Here the point is that it has been implied that demons, like god, and I don't exclude angels, can “lend power”, to others; as Satan gave Min the opportunity in the event, and as God ceded everything to Solomon (this one being human). I think the two make a pretty good combination on their own, if they get to use and learn from their own abilities and advantages.
The short answer is yes, Min and Mc can be invincible if Mc learns to use his power, and Min, once he adapts to the skills Mc has with his contracts, will put up a good fight.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Theories for WHB
These are purely speculative and base on what we got from the official site, character sheets, etc.
Lucifer and "Some of the devils from Paradise Lost" are Fallen angels
Bathin and Buer despite being or former of Paradise Lost are not Fallen angels.
Morax and Marbas both lose an eye, which judging from we saw from the angels. They all have one eye different or hidden, because that eye is a sign that they are affiliated to Heaven, best example is Michael's eye.
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The only that holds theory back is that Marbas has his missing eye on his left, not right.
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Also... That means that Lucifer's design might have him with an eyepatch or his bangs is covering it.
Belphegor's Strain/Distant Relationship with the other kings
This is purely speculative because of his placement in the Gacha screen.
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Like I and many others assume the dummy at the back is Lucifer, but with closer look, Lucifer's sigil is on the dummy next to Satan and Leviathan.
This is gut feeling and with the knowledge that Belphegor rebel against heaven he didn't want to work. That Maybe they use that part of his lore but with the kings. Like he did something that made the other kings distrust him in the past.
The connect of Solomon "Death/Disappearance" to Beelzebub's leaving Avisos/Abyssos.
The only thing that hold this theory together is the date/year it all happened. B.C. 931
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The Possible of Andrealphus' family and friends isn't really dead
Thanks to @d34dlysinner for bringing to my attention.
So in the missing Solomon teaser, the devil crossed out might be Andrealphus' friends and family.
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And with knowing that Raphael is the angel in this post, it make sense!
But what I'm thinking is that... Raphael might not killed them, and Andrealphus assume that they might be dead, but what if they were turned into angels.
This would be more painful for Andrealphus if he's being killing angels and he might've killed his own friends and family.
The Final Temptation is the reason the other three will reveal themselves to MC
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So, from what we've seen, the main goal of "Season 1" is breaking the contact with the 72 nobles/devils. But what I was wondering is that they never once mention about the Final temptation concept in any of the vids about the story and game play/system.
And this made me think... what if the Final Temptation mention in the app stores version was a hint of plot of a future story in the game.
And I'll even go out and say that this might be their way to introduce the other three sins/kings.
Like, I was curious is to why the other kings haven't been revealed yet when we see some of their nobles.
Then I had a thought, maybe they didn't want to get involve with MC just yet, but as soon as the idea of the Final Temptation was mention they thought that maybe its time to meet MC.
So here's how I think it'll go.
MC finish all 72 devils contracts and even it pains the kings and nobles, MC has to go back to the human.
But even with their power is fully unlocked, it's still not enough to win or end the war.
So some of them tried to look for a different way to end the war and that's how they stumble upon the Final temptation. Or one of the other kings (Lucifer, Asmodeus or Belphegor) brought this to the other four kings.
And there we have a plot for Season 2 :D
The breaking of the contract required both party (MC and said Nobles) feel mutual or has strong feelings
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Now, this is just me and my thoughts on this moment with Zagan.
Here's a thing, I have no problem with Sitri calling us as Solomon, because he at least knows that we are our own person.
While with Zagan... He compare us with Solomon.
Now, here's my theory with this... What if when MC and Zagan try to break his contract is because Zagan doesn't have real feels or doesn't see MC as someone to respect.
So when he and MC tried to figure out what's the reasoning, they get to know each other better and there, Zagan is MC as their own person.
Thus, when they tried it again and this time it works.
This also give a reason why MC can't just go around and breaking the contracts, it gives the other nobles a chance to develop and make the story interesting.
So far, this is all my theories for now, and there are some I missed because I forgot about it or I missed it completely.
You guys can share your thoughts on these :D
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Sweet Aemond gives me the heebyjeebies. Like no thank you sir, what are you PLOTTING. I am so glad you all loved the Aemond POV and I have absolutely adored seeing all of your theories and messages! <3
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Chapter 59: An understanding
When you woke the next morning, Aemond was nowhere to be found. You had twisted slowly amongst the sheets turning your head to see if the man still lay in bed beside you, but his side of the bed was empty. 
When you had sat up, there was a small ache in your core, but nothing like the first time. Your thighs were still sticky with his spend and your release, having slowly leaked from you during the night. As you sat and looked about the chambers in search of him, you found that his familiar head of hair and two simple braids were absent. You let out a sigh of relief as you moved to crawl out of bed. 
Intrusive memories of the night before sprung into your mind as you sat on the edge of the mattress. His touch between your thighs, the pleasure it brought, how gentle he was to begin. How he brought you to your peak before he reached his. 
How he had whispered in your ear, causing your body to react to his deep voice. To his praise. 
You blinked, shaking your head, desperate to forget. 
It was wrong. 
He was disgusting.
A kinslayer.
When the maids came to the chambers to help dress you, you had quickly turned your back and used the chemise from the day before to gently wipe between your legs. To rid yourself of his sticky seed that continued to seep from within you. 
They dressed you in another black gown, a gown which you now knew Aemond had Marba in Dorne make for you. A man he had sought out himself because he knew that was where you got your dresses from. You wondered if Aemond personally went to meet the tailor, or if he had ordered a messenger to do it for him. 
It confused you all the same.
It was odd that he did not have the dresses made more conservatively like his mother or sister would have worn. The style was the same as you would usually wear, not modest at all under the eyes of the Seven or his mother the Dowager Queen, and they extravagantly decorated with dragons or memories of your past and present, like the Godswood. 
The colours of the gowns was what confused you the most. 
Why did he still want you wearing black and red?
Maybe it was to serve as a reminder to both you and him of what this was. Of who you were.
You broke your fast with some bread and fruit, and moved to leave the chambers to sit as you usually did beneath the Godswood. But as you walked towards the courtyard where the tree sat, you questioned yourself. 
You did not have to sit there every day.
Though you were restricted from the Dragon Pit, you were not restricted from the other endless rooms the Keep held. And so you found your way to another quiet, familiar spot to spend your day. 
The walk to the Library was a short while from the courtyard. And so you had to turn down different corridors and hallways to get there, walking up a large staircase, to walk back down another, passing Lords and Ladies until finally you arrived to the the large room filled with books. 
Two guards opened the doors for you, softly and let you inside.
The ceilings were tall, with tomes piled high from floor to ceiling in large wooden shelves. The room was silent except for the soft steps of your feet, and the distant crackling of the Libraries fireplace. 
You let yourself walk behind a towering shelf, your hand coming to brush against the old leather spines of the large tomes that lay nestled beside each other. The room smelt as a Library should, of old parchment and aged books, hints of worn leather and glue. The subtle tinge of dust as all things old had, and the enticing pull of the combined familiarity of it all. 
You kept walking languidly, coming up around the other side to walk towards the crackling fireplace, where you longed to curl up in front of, on one of the chairs to read. The fireplace came into view, and its large stone work containing a sizeable fire within stared back at you. Above it a large green tapestry with one of the Seven. 
Two large chairs sat in front of the fire with a chaise to its side. The closer you got to the high backed chairs, the more it revealed to you, until you saw a head of familiar silver hair, with one singular braid crossed over the top of it. 
You paused in your step.
You inched closer towards her with unsteady feet, looking at the hair you were certain belonged to your aunt. She did not move until finally you were beside her, looking down at a person you so dearly missed. Her bright eyes were on the fire as you looked at her.
It had been so long since you had seen her. So long since she had been a mere short lived presence. So long since you had held or spoken to her, down in the dungeons.
You looked at the gentle slope of her nose and cheeks, the way her lips were relaxed and posture loose. Her eyes were always a lighter shade of violet in comparison to the rest of your family. So bright, like fresh lavender that had bloomed after rain. 
Helaena noticed your presence and slowly turned her head to look at you. You met her eyes and she smiled at you softly. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t bring air into your lungs no matter how hard you tried. Instead you stood staring at your aunt who smiled up at you, her lips parting before she spoke. 
“Kasta naejot Zōbrie.” Green to Black, She spoke with a happy lilt to her voice.
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. 
Helaena’s head tilted as she looked at you, smile falling from her lips. 
“Where is Jaehaerys?”
Your heart broke all over again.
“Gone.” You replied shakily.
You watched as her hand came out to touch you, small fingers wrapping themselves around your wrist. 
She felt so real. Her hand was even warm.
Why could you feel her?
Was this real?
Your heart raced in your chest as you felt her grip tighten on your wrist as she looked at you, head tilted and leaning forward.
Why could you feel her?
“Y/n.” She whispered, her grip tightening almost painfully as she grabbed you. 
You blinked.
The sharp face of Aemond looked up at you, his hand gripping your wrist as he uttered your name again. His violet eye looked at you in concern, whilst the familiar glowing orb stared back from the other side of his face. He was not wearing his patch. You turned your head in search of your aunt.
Helaena was gone.
She was never there. 
Aemond whispered your nickname softly, hand tightening again with a bruising grip on your arm as he attempted to ground you, to bring you back to the present. He looked so concerned as he gazed up at you. It was uncomfortable.
You blinked again looking down at him. A book lay open in his lap, having been placed down when he grabbed you. 
“What's gone?” He asked, voice soft and low.
It took you a moment to steady yourself, to prepare yourself for your answer, to tell him that they were all gone. That Viserys, Lucerys, Daeron, Helaena and Jaehaerys were gone, and were never coming back. That everything was gone. That soon, you felt you would be gone too. But as you looked at him with his brows drawn down, you pulled your arm from his grip, rethinking your answer, wrapping your hands around your middle to comfort yourself. 
“Nothing.” You looked away, moving to leave the library all together. 
It felt so real. She felt so real. She had touched you. 
It had all felt so real, and it terrified you.
You were losing yourself in this godforsaken Keep.
As you turned to leave the library, to go anywhere but be there, Aemond reached out to grab you again, his fingers wrapping around your arm as he stood, placing the book on the seat below him. 
“Y/n.” He towered over you, holding onto you.
And you let him. 
A small comfort in this Hell you were living. 
Comfort from a man you should not seek comfort from. 
Comfort from a man who had caused so much grief.
But in that moment, you needed grounding as the Library around you shrank, and the air began to enter your lungs with more and more difficulty.
It was him. 
Not Helaena.
See? Helaena is not here. 
It was always Aemond. 
She was never here.
His eye searched your face as he looked at you, and you fought the urge to burst into tears. 
“Sit with me.” His voice was so quiet, and slow, as if approaching a terrified animal.
It was an offer, not a command this time.
Your heart rattled in your chest, and you thought about leaving, but the idea of being alone after having such a real interaction with your deceased aunt frightened you more than you cared to admit. 
You were slipping away. 
He waited patiently for your response, and so you gave him a small nod, and moved to sit in the chair beside him, back stiff with your hands folded in your lap. You looked into the fireplace and tried to breathe in for three counts, holding it, then exhaling shakily. 
Aemond did not sit, instead he moved to the side wall, where large books were neatly placed in the bookcase. You could hear him moving about behind you as you sat in the horrifying reality of your situation.
You were going mad.
Oh Gods… Please don’t let me slip away like Helaena. Please spare me this cruelty. Please Gods, please hear me… 
Aemond’s soft steps walked back to you, a small, black, leather bound book in hand. 
He stood in front of you, holding out the book, until you finally looked at his hand instead of the fireplace. The books cover was worn and black with brown binding around its spine. The covers edges were faded and worn, but the rest of the book was in good condition. You reached a hand to shakily pluck the book from his, pulling it to your lap to look down at it.
Aemond resumed sitting back in his chair beside you, pulling the large tome back into his lap to resume his reading, but his eye stayed on you for a moment, watching you as you stared at the book in your lap.
You let your gaze flit to your husband, who’s eye was still on you, watching for your reaction.
'The Fourteen Flames.'
A book you had read together under the Godswood. In your chambers. In the gardens. Anywhere you could have escaped together to read. A book of the Gods of Old Valyria. A book of their tales and triumphs, their lore and desires. 
A book which had captured the both of your attention at such a young age.
Aemond had always been fond of the tales of Arrax; Ruler of Gods, Law, Order, Governance, Justice and Strength. A God in which he found comfort in. A God in which he would pray to for justice and strength. 
You had given him the book once, in the garden to read to you, opened on a page with your favourite stories. The tales of Meleys; Goddess of Love and Fertility. He had blushed so often reading the passages of her many lovers, and you had delighted in knowing when you had handed it to him, that the young boy would turn a bright shade of pink as he read to you. Your own soft teasing of him which he did not mind at all.
He had handed you a book which held so much between the both of you.
Not just for you.
But for him too. 
He had remembered.
“Is Meleys still your favoured God?” He asked, head tilted. 
You looked at him in surprise. 
Don’t be fooled by him. He is a viper waiting to strike you again. Waiting to hurt you and bring you pain.
You looked back down at the book in your lap, opening its cover to look down at the pages, the words blurring as tears rose to your eyes. 
How much more heartbreak could one person take?
How much more until you were truly broken?
“Is Arrax still yours?” You did not take your eyes from the page.
You could not look at him. 
“No.” He paused in thought, “Arrax never truly answered my prayers.”
It was almost poetic that he tore Arrax from the sky with Vhagar.
You flicked to another page, smelling the old parchment beneath your fingers as you felt the page bend. Syrax; God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, madness, chaos, drunkenness, and ecstasy. 
“I suppose you pray to Vhagar now.”
Goddess of War.
“I have no need to pray to her when I ride my own.”
Silence filled the library as you continued to flick through the pages, eyes moving across the words as you felt your heart slowly calm in your chest and your breathing slowly even. The fireplace crackled loudly and you could hear Aemond beside you, opening his own tome to resume reading. 
But no matter how hard you tried to concentrate on the words on the page, you found yourself too on edge to actually take in the words. So instead your eyes fruitlessly skimmed the pages, frustration building inside. 
All you can think about is how much you have lost, and how much he has hurt you.
It consumed you.
Aemond broke the silence. 
“I had prayed to Balerion,” God of Death and the Underworld, “He listened.”
Your eyes left the page you were not reading to look at your uncle beside you, his eye still on his page, skimming as he read the text. Aemond did not take his gaze from the page as you abruptly stood, slamming the book in your hands shut as you moved.
You tossed it onto the chair you had been sitting on. 
Why did he keep doing this? 
Why did he give you an inch of kindness, then a mile of cruelty?
It made your head spin. 
It made you feel even more confused and alone than ever. 
Aemond still did not look up as you glared down at him, feeling a wave of rage build inside you, slowly rising up your neck as you felt the heat of it burn through you. You began to storm away, your feet loudly beating against the stone floors, echoing in the space, a tear falling down your cheek. 
Aemond’s voice called out to you in the library.
“Balerion spared you,” He paused, and you spun on your heel to look at him, his eye still on his page, long finger following his line of sight, “Just as I asked.”
You swallowed thickly as you stared at him.
He had prayed to Balerion?
For you?
To spare you?
To spare you from his own doing?
You opened your mouth again, to snip back at your husband, to tell him he wouldn’t have had to pray if he had not attacked you. That he would not have had to pray if he had not killed Luc. That there would be no reason to pray if he had been a better man. 
You spun on your heel, mouth opening and closing in confusion. 
In shock. 
You left the Library, opening and closing the doors with little to no force and made your way back to your chambers. 
Why did you feel this way?
Why did it hurt you so much?
It felt like you were constantly losing him. The memories that you had together. The loss of the potential of the man he could have been. The man he should have been. He could have grown to be kind and good as he had been.
The tears fell as you walked swiftly, keeping your head down as you passed guards and Lords, as you move faster, and faster to your chambers. Your legs and lungs burnt with the speed you went, almost running to get back to the room. 
You stumbled on a step as you raced back to solitude, your body jerking to right itself as you made your way down the long corridor to the chambers. The knight stationed outside of the doors opened it for you upon seeing your speedy arrival, to which you all but threw yourself into the room, huffing out a rough sob as it finally escaped your lips. 
Your hand flew to your mouth as you tried to keep the swell from overflowing, the emotions that rose like a tide up your throat, forcing a broken gasp out of your lips as you stared into the empty space of the room. 
Someone clicked their tongue in the chambers.
You were not alone. 
You spun around to find Aegon standing beside your bed, hand on the sheets as he looked at you, frown moving on his face in mock pity. You stiffened and took a step back, dropping your hands to your sides as you watched Aegon look back down at the made bed. 
"Poor thing.” He cooed at you cruelly, rubbing the sheets between his fingers as he watched you, dropping them from his hand as he came to walk towards you. 
“Get out.” You blurted, watching as a smile spread across his face as he got closer. 
The nearer he got, the more angry you became. Your fight or flight instincts kicked in, except for you, it was purely fight and no flight. There was nowhere you could go anyway.
Where would you run to?
Into the waiting arms of Aemond?
“Get out.” You growled.
Aegon stood in front of you as he smirked down at you. You could smell the wine on his breath as he continued to grin, before he let himself look back at the bed, dragging his eyes over the sheets as you took the opportunity to step back away from him. 
He sensed your movement and looked back at you. 
"Has he fucked you yet?”
You bristled in your spot, fists clenching. 
Aegon’s head tilted lazily as he looked at you, smile widening, teeth and gums showing.
“He has.” He noted, “Has he brought you pleasure? Made you scream for him?”
“Get the fuck out.” You sneered.
Aegon laughed, “Ooh, it seems like he hasn’t.” He paused, waiting to see your response, "Or maybe… he has. And you hate yourself for it.”
Tears began to well in your eyes again as shame curled in your gut.
“There it is. Theres no shame in the pleasures of flesh, niece.” He grinned down at you, hair messed upon his head, “Your mother would know all about that.”
Your teeth ground together in your mouth as you bit down hard. Anything to control yourself from lashing out at him. 
“I would be happy to show you how many ways you can find pleasure. You'd be surprised at what I can do.” His tongue came to wet his lips as he looked you dead in the eyes, holding your gaze. 
“I would rather die than have your cock anywhere near me.”
“Are you sure? I know Aemond couldn’t make you feel the way I can.” He took another step forward towards you, but you held your ground. 
“The only thing you make me feel, is sick. Now, get out.”
Aegon smirked down at you, a hand coming to touch a curl of hair that lay of your shoulder, but as soon as his hand came up, you slapped it away from you. It only made the King smirk wider, his eyes flitting to your lips then back to your eyes. 
Wordlessly, your eldest uncle left your chambers, the knight opening the door for him and closing it shut behind him. And you were left to stand in the chambers that grew smaller and smaller around you until you stumbled to sit at the table, hand covering your mouth as you leant forward. 
A tear fell from your eye and onto the dark wood of the table, as you were forced to sit with the reality of your agreement.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus @auratiqs @feyres-fireheart @queenofshinigamis @asoiafwh8re @teasandcrumpets @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl@queenofsarcazm @marihoneywk @curlszx88 @virgogaia @loser-keiji @asoiafwh8re @whore-of-many-hot-men @vipervixxen @theonewiththeimaginaryboyfriends @watercolorskyy @lavendervisions @mazmack666 @chokefrog @orangejump-suit @nik2blog @serrhaewinin @ohemgeewhat @winxschester @cryptidsrcool @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @celestedonut @bloodyvelvet777 @iamapersonthatsalive @av-sos @yentroucnagol @sanzu-s @opheliaas-stuff @bellameshipper @maviee @persephonerinyes @neytiri-09 @ensnaredinwonderland @xbluegracex @sotragedynut @nattieot7 @shesawaywiththefairies-blog @coffedraven @prettycutebunny @celestedonut @the-jess-life @ssulfurr @out-of-life @madislayyy @crazylokonugget @cicaspair418 @katwmk @relminnie @milovart @teagrex @visenyaverse @bellameshipper @toodlesxcuddles @tempt-ress @dontmindmereading7 @qyburnsghost @55gyi53vtnquwziq5 @notnormalthings-blog @maidmerrymint @qyburnsghost
Bold is who I cannot tag!
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sulumuns-dootah · 9 months
27.12. Lucifer - Christmas cards (18+)
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A/N: So we've made it to the end ^^ Hope you had an awesome holidays! Thx for your support on this event and just a reminder: my requests are open for anybody! Oh and Happy New Year, guys! ^^
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
₊˚⊹.* The Yule festival of Hell *.⊹˚₊
‎‧₊˚✧ 18+ Minors Do Not Interact‎ ✧˚₊‧
Lucifer never liked celebrating Christmas for a rather obvious reason. Of course you want to respect that, but you just hate to see him be miserable while everyone around him is celebrating. Or worse yet, celebrate yourself while he's just hiding in his dark chambers.
So this year you've decided to help him take his mind off everything and just enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the season. Yes, you decorated, but you've made a point to exclude all religious imagery. That proved to be easier task than in the human world.
Currently you're sitting together and watching some movies about Santa Claus, since that's the only Christmas genre where religion isn't shoved down anyone's throat. There's a plate of cookies you've made together on the conference table in front of you. Finding out that Lucifer is an amazing baker was a welcomed surprise for the both of you.
Suddenly you're interrupted from your watching by Morax, knocking on the inside of the door leading to the living room. “I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've been asked to deliver you all these Christmas cards immediately.”
Lucifer seems annoyed, so you answer instead of him: “Sure! You can set them on the table, here. Oh, and take some cookies for you and Buer with Marbas.”
Morax courtly sets down the bag full of Christmas wishes and takes three gingerbread creatures from the plate you're holding up to him. You can tell he's cautious, not wanting to aggravate Lucifer.
“Happy holidays, Your Majesty.” he takes his leave with a bow.
“I... don't want these.” Lucifer sighs sadly once Morax is out of sight and earshot.
“Okay. I'll just go through them and write down the names of demons to which I'll then send a thank you note. You can just continue watching and I'll take care of everything.” you kiss his cheek and open the bag. The cards come flooding out of it and you're already starting to regret your decision.
Equipped with a pen and a notepad you tell yourself that you won't read any of those actual wishes or you'll be writing down names until the next year. That proves to be hard as many demons hide their names in the actual wishes or don't sign them at tall.
Yet still everything goes well, until you get to a Christmas card from the Red Lump family. It has a photo of almost every member on the front of it. Despite all the red lumps you're able to find Ppyong immediately. He's happily grinning while holding something that looks like a chocolate bar.
The sight itself puts a smile on your face too. You open the card to read its contents. This family deserves their holiday wishes read since they're the ones who helped you settle in after your initial arrival to Hell. The happy scribbling inside is so adorable and somehow every family member managed to write something on the rather small space of paper.
Smiling even wider, some tears swell in your eyes and you chuckle to yourself. This doesn't go without notice from Lucifer. His eyes are immediately trained on your face. You're tearing up. You might even cry from how cute the card is. Are you gonna cry?
Lucifer is now breathing heavily. The sight of your glossed over eyes makes him wish for more and rushes most of his blood south. If the card isn't gonna make you cry, he for sure will. Either with pleasure or pain, he doesn't care.
You notice his stare and quickly realise your mistake. His face is red and his chest is hevaing up and down. All of this only from tearing up.
In the blink of an eye you're pinned do the seat underneath you and Lucifer's face is so close to yours, you can feel his hot exhales and freezing inhales. He's looking you in the eyes, maybe for more tears to come out. His slender hands start travelling over your body and one of them grips you by your neck. The other hoists your leg around his hip.
“M-more tears... Give me more tears.” he demands and slowly grinds his growing boner onto your thigh, reminding you how huge he is.
“L-luci!” you mewl out and blink your eyes to allow the previous glossiness to turn into tears. Maybe he will go easier on you?
“More!” he starts tearing both of your clothes off.
With both your bodies naked, you realise what Lucifer intents to do and a slight panic takes over your body. More tears running down your cheeks only seem to rile him up more.
“Luci! You're way too big. There's no way it would fit!” you plea in your panicked state, which seems to hinder the demon above you. He stops for a moment and then quickly takes your leg off his hip, joining it with your other leg.
Holding your legs together he pushes himself between your thighs, making sure to at least slide along your pussy since he can't be inside. You're the only person he's let in since his fall and he doesn't want to injure you.
The sight you get is slightly awkward and yet still hot. Lucifer kneeling with your legs over his shoulder and the tip popping up between your thigh as he deliciously drags against your clit.
“Cry some more pretty tears for me, Y/N.” Lucifer asks, now slightly more composed than before and reaches down to stroke your cheeks, still sticky with the previous tears.
Still overcoming the initial panic, shedding a few more tears is an easy task and yo you allow yourself to cry a little bit. Seeing just a few more droplets makes Lucifer speed his grinding up as he's holding your legs together in a slightly painful hold.
You're getting close and accidentally let out few sobs, which seems to excite the demon above you even more and soon enough your thigh are getting pounded, bringing you faster to climax than you'd expect from this position.
And sure enough, you do come within a few moments which makes you tense your thighs up and in turn trigger Lucifer's orgasm.
“C-can I taste your tears?” the demon pulls out from between your thighs still hard and bends down to intently stare into your eyes, awaiting an answer.
But wait, this demon also has a gift for you!
"You're the only light in my life since my fall. You deserve to wear a halo more than me."
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 8 months
The archers wife
Robin Bars eagerly dashes through the halls after his last class of the day. He was so excited! He makes it to the teachers' dorms and starts to pack.
"Woah, where are you going in such a rush rookie?" Dali-San asked as he picked up the energetic imp by the collar of his uniform. "You're not trying to run out on us, are ya greenie?" Orias-San teases.
"No way!" He says, automatically waving his arms around. "I'm just going home for the weekend." The tiny demon flashes a bright grin.
"Why? Some kind of family meeting?" Dali-San sets him down and lets him continue to pack. "Nope!" "Some kind of hunt?"Questioned Marbas. "No."
"Why are you going then, Rookie?" Ifrit asks. "My wife is coming back from a mission today! I want to spend as much time with her as possible!" He proudly puffed his chest out a bit.
"How sweet yis!" Suzy-San cooed. (Wait for it) ... "WHHHHAAAATTT?!?!?!" It had taken a moment for the staff to realize what the green imp had said.
"Wife?" "You're married?!?!" "You traitor, I thought you were single like the rest of us!!!" "You're pulling our tails, right?" "How did the rookie get married before me!!!"
Pure chaos erupted as Robin finished packing. He's stopped once more by his seniors. "Where do you think you're going after dropping a bomb like that greenie?"
"Yeah, why didn't you tell us you were married?!?!" Both Orias and Marbas shake him. "You never asked..." "You little-"
"Robbie, what's taking so long?" A voice calls out softly, interrupting the improved interrogation. There in the doorway was a demon staring curiously at the scene in front of her.
"Hiya Honey!" Robin slips put of the others grasp and zooms over. He picks her up happily and spins her around. "I missed you!"
She giggles happily as he does so. "Did you really?" "Yes! I can't wait to spoil you again!" She shook her head as the green demon carries her and his bags off of school property.
Leaving behind his stunned coworkers. None able to fully comprehend what had just happened. "He... he really does have a wife." "Yeah... and she's fucking adorable..." "It's not FAIR!!!"
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My little problem with the anime is how it changes small details to be family-friendly. In the manga when Jazz gives a flashback of his brother being a drunkard and a womaniser, Rock is drawn with half-naked women in suggestive positions, but in the anime, both are clothed and not even covertly sexual. Fair enough though
I'm not sure how much it omits when it comes to violence (the only times we really see blood are from Iruma using it for magic), but I hope when the Heartbreaker Arc gets animated, Sabro's wicked phase vs Atori and Jazz getting tortured by Marbas get shown to 100% accuracy, blood and all
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xatsperesso · 2 years
That's funny, students call some of their teachers by their first name (Kalego Sensei and not Naberius Sensei, also Momonoki-Sensei and not Morax Sensei, Orias-Sensei and not Oswell Sensei, Robin Sensei and not Bars Sensei) while calling other by their family name (Balam-Sensei and not Shinchirou sensei, Marbas-Sensei and not March-Sensei).
And the teachers call each other by their first name (Eito-Sensei for Ifrit/ Ipos-Sensei and not Ichou-Sensei)
But I wonder, For Dantalion, his first name is Dali, right? Since in Balam introduction chapter, we see Dantalion saying "call me Dali" so it means that he authorizes familiarity.
Murmur, it's his family name or first name? Because nobody seems to use Tsumoru with him.
And for Buer....his first name is Buer or Blushenko?
Oh i didn't notice this! But i could look at it from two perspectives
Either from the author's perspective, which is to use the names that are easier to pronounce or to avoid confusion for the reader
Like most the names used in the manga are easier to pronounce and easier to remember than the other name
The only exception to this is momonoki-sensei, who shares a last name with her grandfather so that's why her first name os being used instead of her last name
And dali whom im not sure i saw anyone calling him in the manga and Google just calls him dali. Not even sensei he's just dali.
In the 'infiltrating teach dorms' chapter iruma wrote his name as dali so they probably call him dali-sensei (i also found a phis-sensei. Who dat?)
Or I can look at it from the student's perspective. that the students are comfortable enough with some teachers that they use their first names and not that closr to other teachers so they use their last name
And lo and behold, the teachers whose last names are used are Balam sensei, the one rumoured to be experimenting on students, and marbas sensei, the one who teaches turtor methods
BUT that means that all babyl students like kalego sensei enough to call him by his first name XD like man where's your reputation
The question is, what did murmur+buer do that the students don't use their first names?
Also i think it's cute that the teachers are comfy enough with each other they call each other by their first name. Like students calling them by their first names could be just to indulge them+make them feel safe at school.
But the teachers, who are adults that know how to make boundaries calling each other by their first name shows intimacy and trust between them.
Not gonna lie i like this perspective better
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Dantalian being a prince hcs
He might be a horny murderer, but he's also part of nobility, so he only eats with proper cultery.
Everyone (accept Asmodeus) calls him "your highness Dantalian"
Since Asmodeus is mostly on Earth, Dantalian is the one in charge of running Abaddon. He's not great at it, but he's trying
While the nobles tend to bicker with eachother, they're all quite nice to Dantalian since he's a prince and all that.
He's allowed to barge into another king's catle without asking for permission beforehand
Since Marbas is one of the greatest healers in Paradise Lost, he's Dantalian's family doctor. He can just call Marbas and he'll have to teleport and help the prince out.
He was raised sheltered because Asmodeus knows what type of country he governs. Dantalian's first time was with Solomon and it was then that Asmodeus started letting Dantalian run around freely through the country
Eligos has his own clothing store and Dantalian is the main buyer. Cute clothes make him look weak so more people pick on him.
Dantalian is the only devil that can produce both human and devil energy since he's kind of both
He likes to play pranks on people by shapeshifting into them.
Since he's so important for the ecosystem of Hell, Dantalian, like all the other kings, are the only devils outside of Paradise Lost that can be revived by Gamigin.
Dantalian used to call Asmodeus daddy, but when he got a bit older Asmodeus himself told him to drop it since people were assuming the worst.
Dantalian is imune to Asmodeus' charm because of course his father can't give him an erection
He only has a very weak version of Asmodeus' poison which will cause paralysis 40 seconds after getting into the victim's system.
Dantalian's horns don't regrow, the set he has now is his only set. If they break, that's how they'll stay forever.
Satan and Mammon call Dantalian son, Leviathan calls him "that thing" or spawn, Beelzebub calls him kiddo, Lucifer calls him by his name with no titles and Belphegore calls him Dan because he can't be bothered to say all that name
Ronové and Phenix are tasked to keep Dantalian alive, which is hard when the prince constantly tries to get murdered
In human years, I think Dantalian would be around 19-21, overall, one of the youngest nobles if not the youngest
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csoisoi · 2 years
i was sad a few hours ago bUT HEY MAIRUMA UPDATED
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BLUSHENKO AND SUZY'S REACTION WAS 100% TOP TIER maime the adults who makes moves towards students, destroy them
momonoki feeling bad for camui💛
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robin😭😭😭 robin😭 im heartbroken, his smile with atori is so bright i dont wanna see him sad, if we get a single panel of robin crying im going to cry
he was so happy to have a junior teacher under him too, let's hope shiida won't double cross them again,
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i read this panel as her thinking which side she's on, because she's like, dedicated? and did her best to be an actual teacher during the heartbreaker exam, giving iruma's team a second try before charging in again, i feel like she'll actually be a really good teacher. but she still had some sort of emotional(?) connection to the six fingers, we dont rlly know her past and her past with the group yet so her being hesitant and lying about atori is understandable. she's on the fence, i hope we get more content on shiida💛
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marbas scares me/hyp. HE WANTED STRONGER TOOLS😭 hes very morally gray and askewed, very passionate about his teaching subject and it being torture arts is absolutely very very scary i wanna see him fight seriously ngl but i do not want to be at the receiving end of it
(also i love orias' casual look , its both so cool and simple i love it)
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oh? the dantalions have a security devil?? i wonder how high up in society dali's family is. we see him from the start of the series and thought of him as just a teacher, then we learned he's kalego's superior, then as of writing this he announces a majority if not all of babylus' school events and then leads the mantra(?) during that one chapter. he's obviously a high ranking demon! his smiles and cheery attitude outshines how much we dont know about him despite seeing him so many times, more teacher content please
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dryonsenpai · 8 months
Fun facts about my whb mc (you can ask any kind of question about him)
🇪🇦La traducción española la haré en un reblogueo
Name: Koushi (凰紫), but usually goes by his nickname Murasaki (purple)
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: 12-12 ♐(same as mine)
Height: 1.70m
He has vitiligo (it runs in my own family but I don't have it, but if I had a kid they'd have more than 70% of possibility of having it)
Due to his vitiligo, he has white strands of hair, a white eyebrow & a set of white eyelashes
Philias: urophilia, merinthophilia, agliophilia, agraphilia (roleplay)... & A lot more
Philias he hates: emetophilia, coprophagia/philia, erotofonophilia & necrophilia (unless it's roleplay)...
Sexuality: gay but curious
Job: He's a doctor, a surgeon to be more specific, & likes fashion design
Food & drinks he loves: sushi & coconut eneryeti. He also loves chocolate & anything sweet
Food & drinks he hates: stinky food & alcohol
Body mods: He has got piercings & tattoos, one of them is Lucifer's sigil (he has it since he was 17)
His pp is illegally big (not as much as Lucifer's or Michael's)
Hobbies: drawing, playing videogames, singing, watching anime, doll making...
Fav type of music: rock like Skillet, evanescence, breaking Benjamin, Hollywood undead...
Languages: 🇪🇦🇬🇧🇯🇵🇨🇳🇮🇹🇰🇷
Pets: a black cat named Lucifer & a white angora ferret named Fuyu
He can fight
You can always rely on him, he's never gonna tell a secret & he's always gonna listen to you
He always wears makeup unless he's at home
He will steal the shirt of the man who sleeps with him (you know) & wear it
If that guy stays with him til morning, Mura will make him a surprise breakfast & offer to take a shower together
His ideal type is: a strong & caring man (preferably with long hair)
As almost all my ocs, he's goth
His eyes are purple
He likes to be with all the kings, but he's uncomfortable around Beelzebub
He also likes Marbas, Morax, Andrealphus, Belial, Eligos, Valefor
His bestie is Paimon
He wants to try the angels, but Michael is just his type
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naehja · 2 years
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Same Family
Marbas-Sensei, his sister and his nephew/cousin (well he says “my relative’s child”, speaking about him, but it’s likely his nephew/cousin)
(does it mean that it’s the son of Mar-san? XD)
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