#marcel barthel one shot
Recovery - Special Ending
It’s been a month since the first part of Recovery was released, so here’s a special little thing for you in celebration of my first series on this account!
 This is the original ending of Recovery, which was meant to be a poly!Timperium fic, but I ended up writing a choose-your-own ending style that was heavily inspired by @wresimagines and their CYOE mini-series, The Right Choice. 
This is also, in a sense, a thank you: for reading my content, for following and liking and reblogging and requesting and giving me a reason to keep writing. This blog has been very self-indulgent, but I can easily say that I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you guys; for @wresimagines and @darbysallins for letting me throw my ideas blindly into their DMs, @the-desert-dancer and @lghockey for constantly being in my notes (which is always appreciated), @markostuntthesehoes for literally being the inspiration to the start of this blog, and to anyone that’s ever interacted with or even just read my stuff. You’re why my blog has grown, why it’s continued and evolved. Thank you all for sticking with me through everything, the hiatuses and the broken as hell post schedule and the constant whiplash of WWE to AEW and back, your support is why this is all here.
Six months. It had been six months since you’d moved into Fabian, Marcel, and Tim’s room in the dead of night, six months since Damian Priest had cheated on you, six months since everything changed for the better. You were happy, you felt appreciated and loved, something you never could say while you were with Damian. Everything had changed that night, but it didn’t bother you in the slightest; if anything, it had made everything better, perfect, even.
“Gli amori, what are we having for dinner?”
You sighed, trying to untangle yourself from the sleeping Marcel and Tim’s arms to help Fabian in the kitchen. After a moment’s struggle (Tim is very fond of pulling you back down when he’s trying to rest), you managed to entwine the two of them together enough to slip off. Fabian smiled as you walked in, yawning as you tried to push your messy hair out of your eyes.
“Lovely as always, darling. Are the others sleeping?”
You nodded, sitting on a stool and slumping over onto the counter. Fabian laughed as he pushed a spare bottle of wine back against the wall, out of the range where you could knock it to the floor.
“It’ll probably be your choice for dinner, they’re knocked out and I can’t think straight enough to make a decision.”
“Are you sure about that, doll?”
You let out a little scream and jumped, nearly falling off of the stool, and both Fabian and Tim reached out towards you in case you did topple over. You turned to look at Tim, letting out a groan that told him quite clearly that you weren’t too pleased about being startled like that.
“Are they okay?”
Marcel’s voice was coated in concern, and the three of you in the kitchen all set about trying to console him.
“They got startled-”
“Apparently I’m pretty quiet-”
“Tim’s a fucking ass, that’s what happened.”
Marcel jokingly swatted Tim’s head as he walked in, moving to stand behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Timothy, how dare you scare them!”
“Look, I didn’t mean to...”
He trailed off as you looked at him, giving a little grin that told you he wasn’t really sorry, even if he did end up apologizing. Fabian started to ask again about dinner, but a knock at the door interrupted him again. After a moment of confusion, you agreed to answer it. Although, as soon as you saw who it was, you wished you hadn’t agreed at all.
“Hello there.”
Your blood ran cold, and you couldn’t help but freeze for a moment. Right in front of you was Damian Priest, speaking to you for the first time in six long months.
You wished you were wearing something better, an evening gown or even just a nice shirt and some jeans instead of your stained pajamas. You wished you had some witty reply or even the capability to tell him to fuck off. But instead, you were glued to the spot, too shocked to answer or even walk away.
“Liebe, who is it?”
Damian’s eyes flashed with recognition, and it looked like anger was coming across his features when he realized that Marcel was in the room with you.
“So, you’ve already managed to move on, huh? Really didn’t need me after all?”
“It...it’s been half a year. Damian, it’s been six months.”
Your response felt weak under his gaze, under the fire in his face, and you wanted nothing more than to turn away and cry. How miserable you must look, you thought, all broken and bitter and upset like this.
“That’s not too long, especially for you. Remember that I asked you out every Wednesday for a year? But you were too hung up on that last guy to even consider it, apparently. And now here you are, fucking around with that German dude. Hell, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you were in bed with him the same night that we broke up.”
You could feel your chest starting to hurt, breaths growing rattly as he admonished you. You didn’t have the strength to stop him, to tell him that he was wrong, and the smirk on his face told you that he knew that.
“Doll, what’s - Damian, what the hell are you doing here?”
You felt Tim’s hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you back as he put himself between you and Damian. The touch was enough to snap you out of your fugue, and you turned sharply and rushed to the small bathroom, needing a moment of escape, of privacy. You let your tears come out, shaking and sobbing on the floor as you realized what that moment must have looked like. You told the three of them that you were over Damian, you are, but it must have seemed like a lie compared to the way you froze under his gaze, the way you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. And now, they must have doubts, fears about where you are mentally, what you want from them. They let you in to their world, their relationship, and you can’t help but think that you’re making it out to be a joke.
“Tesoro? Are you okay?”
You looked up at the door, then buried your face into your knees as you noticed that it was open, Marcel and Fabian looking in at you. You hiccupped, then let out a small sob as you realized exactly how pitiful you were.
“Liebe, he’s gone now. He won’t be coming back. You’re safe here, I promise.”
Marcel’s voice became louder as he moved closer, stopping in front of you and bending down to your eye level.
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head, mind finally starting to clear as you had something to focus on that wasn’t your own thoughts.
“No, I just...I was shocked. It’s been six months.”
“I know, I know, liebling.”
“I don’t love him.”
You looked up at them, Marcel in front of you and Fabian against the wall and now Tim, who was standing in the doorway. They all seemed confused by your statement, so you continued.
“I know what that looked like, and I want to be clear. I don’t love anyone that isn’t the three of you. Especially not him.”
“Doll, nobody thought that was the case. You were obviously startled; like you said, it had been half a year since you last heard from him. Of course you would react like that, given your history.”
“I...I just...”
You hid your face as you started to cry again, now from embarrassment. You felt stupid for thinking they would ever think of you like that; you knew you were catastrophizing, thinking of the absolute worst, but now it just seemed stupid.
“It’s okay. You were upset, scared, you didn’t know how to react.”
Marcel finally reached out, resting a hand on your shoulder, and you nearly dove into his arms. He held you, letting you rest your weight against him as you got all of the raw emotions out of your system.
“You know we love you, right, diletto?”
You nodded at Fabian’s words, then let out a cracked “I do” when you realized that he wouldn’t see that.
“Good. Because it’s true; we love you, the good and the bad and everything in between.”
“Even like this?”
"Yes, darling. Even like this.”
You pulled away from Marcel a bit, still staying within the confines of his arms, and took a moment to look between the three of them. The best boyfriends you could ask for.
“Did we ever figure out what we’re doing for dinner?”
Fabian started to answer, but Tim quickly cut him off.
“Whatever you want. Pasta, takeout, wine, ice cream, whatever you choose.”
“Come on, love.”
Marcel helped you off of the floor as Tim and Fabian left the room, stopping you for a moment in the doorway.
“There’s nothing to worry about, okay? We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
You kind of wanted to cry again at his words, but instead you settled for reaching up and kissing him, short and swift.
“Hey, what about us?”
You laughed, turning to Fabian and Tim, who were staring at you.
“Fine, come here, you two!”
And it hurt, the breath still a little sore and the emotions still raw, but it was better. In time, you would feel okay again. These three, these perfect men, would see to that.
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knifepervert · 4 years
Kris Statlander, Kazarian, and Marcel Barthel
Once again, interesting combination of people wasn’t expecting it. But we lovee!
Kris: Honestly like 1 cause I think she’s really cute! And I feel i’d be nervous so the one would be nice to have heh
Kazarian: Omg, he seems so cool but like he’d be kinda intimidating to me at the same time. So i’d say 3 to 4!
Marcel: I had always seen him as just okay, but still would do a few things. 5 shots
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE NXT 9/18/19 Review
Well, it is finally here, our first NXT episode that aired live on USA. It was stacked, and they put on a hell of a show. I wasn’t that much of a fan of one part of the show, but plenty matches were awesome. The show felt like a genuine sport, the way they went from match to match without a promo at all. That style is perfect, and I think that they will do well in the upcoming Wednesday Night Wars. Here is my full review of this weeks NXT.
Io Sharai vs. Bianca Belair vs. Candice LaRae vs. Mia Yim for #1 contendership to the NXT Women’s Championship: When things started out, everyone just got a change to hit some of their signature offense, with lots of huge moves and breaking up pinfalls. We saw some awesome power moves from Belair, flying from Sharai, some crafty shots from Yim and a lot of heart from LaRae. We cut to commercial after a huge Moonsault from Sharai to Yim and LaRae on the floor. When we came back, we saw a huge power of doom spot, with Yim superplexing Belair, Sharai German suplexing Yim, and LaRae powerbombing Sharai. We then saw a shower of finishing moves over and over, with Yim hitting a Code Blue, and Belair nailing LaRae with a KOD, but Sharai broke it up. Sharai went for a moonsault to LaRae, but Yim pushed her off the top rope and into Belair on the outside. Yim then got LaRae on her shoulders, before LaRae nailed a poison rana and hit the lionsault for the win. 
After the match, Shayna Baszler came out with her cronies. They all surrounded LaRae, and just kinda intimidated her. 
Grade: A-. This match was so good that I could hardly keep up with my notes. Everyone was flying around and killing each other with unbelievably awesome moves. We saw some awesome character work in this match as well, showing how desperate everyone in it was for a title shot. That belt is a hot commodity, and everyone should care enough to want it. LaRae was also the best choice to win this. They need a white meat babyface who is just lovable and awesome to beat Shayna. I love this booking, and this was an awesome first match for NXTV. Match of the night
Sean Maluta vs. Cameron Grimes: Grimes nailed the double foot stomp right away as Maluta charged him and got the win.
Grade: C+. Squash? ... Squash? SQUAAAAAAAAASHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Roderick Strong vs. Velveteen Dream for the NXT North American Championship: The two started things out with some technical exchanges, with Strong looking to put Dream on the mat right way. Dream showed off some of his technical prowess as well, and also seemed to be firmly in Roddy’s head. As the match wore on, Strong started to work over the back and the ribs of Dream by driving him into the apron and barricades. Strong then worked Dream over in the corners, with some hard strikes and various backbreakers in the middle of the ring. The two then dueled for submission holds, with Strong trying for the Stronghold, and Dream going for a sharpshooter. The two then battled to the outside before brawling back into the ring, with Dream hitting a nice comeback sequence for a near fall. Dream then hit the DreamDT for another near fall, and it looked like he was getting desperate. Strong fought back into the match with a brutal high knee to the face, and then tied him up in the ropes, nailed a series of hard forearms, a huge back breaker and then a tiger driver for a near fall, with Strong reversing the kickout into a Stronghold. It was tense and took a while, but Dream got to the ring. After that sequence. The rest of the Undisputed Era came out to get Strong’s back. They all talked trash, and Strong pushed Dream into the ref and took him down. Dream then hit a Dream Valley Driver, and started to fight off the Undisputed Era, only for Roddy to nail a high knee and End of Heartache, but Dream kicked out! Dream then hit another Dream Valley Driver, and went to the top rope for the Purple Rainmaker, but Bobby Fish distracted the ref and allowed Adam Cole to superkick Dream off the top rope and Roddy to hit another end of Heartache for the win. 
Grade: B+. This was a really good match, with a lot of drama towards the end and a finish that wasn’t too screwy, so it’s still acceptable. Dream and Strong put on a really good match with a lot of exciting spots and good looking hits. Strong deserved this win, because the Undisputed Era deserved to hold all the gold. Undisputed Era controls NXT right now, and it’ll be interesting to see how things proceed from here. 
Pete Dunne vs. Arturo Ruas: Ruas and Dunne immediately went to the mat and tried to get good positioning. Ruas quickly tried to lock in an armbar, but Dunne got back to his feet and started to pick away at Ruas’s limbs. Ruas did hit a nice looking sequence of a knee to the chest followed by a kick to the face. At one point, Dunne caught one of Ruas’s kicks and started to attack the toes and feet, and he used that to take control. Dunne nailed an awesome release German suplex, stomping on the hands and then a kick to the head for a near fall. He then nailed another kick to the head and an x plex for another near fall. Ruas then fought back with a kick to the face and a german of his own, but also a near fall. Dunne then took Ruas down with a triangle, and bent the fingers until Raus tapped out. 
Grade: B. Good stuff here, a fun technical match that went into some striking to keep things fresh. Of course the outcome wasn’t in doubt, but Ruas could be a solid talent in the future. The division is too star studded now, but I see him in the future. I’m interested in seeing where Dunne goes from here, whether that is the midcard or the main event. 
Xia Li vs. Aliyah: Vanessa borne was out with Aliyah. Li showed her agility right in the beginning by flipping around to avoid Aliyah’s offense and then taking her to task with some kicks. At one point, LI went for a spring board dropkcik out of the courner, but she botched in and fell to the mat. She then beat Aliyah down with a series of kicks, before taking her down with a windmill kick for the win. 
Grade: C. This would’ve been a C+, but the botch lowered it a bit. It was mostly a squash, and I was happy to see Li get a win. Sucks that she messed up though. 
Kushida vs. Denzel something: before the match happened, Imperium showed up and attacked Denzel. It was just Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, until they nailed Denzel with a Doomsday European Uppercut. Walter then walked down to the ring, much to the delight of the crowd. Walter then got on the mic, and vowed to destroy anyone who didn’t respect the tradition of the ring. However, Kushida came out to interrupt him. Kushida got on the mic and yelled at them for taking time away from him. They tried to attack him, with Kushida holding them off for a while, until Wlater got a hold of him. Kushida was able to nail a kick on Walter, and then booked it to the back.
Grade: B. The segment felt a bit sloppy here and there, but I am really excited to see Walter on NXT proper. He is awesome, and so is Kushida. I would love to see that match. It seems totally awesome, and Kushida just may have a shot at winning. Kushida is just as big of a deal as Walter, so it’d be interesting to see if Kushida is out next UK Champion.
Lio Rush vs. Oney Lorcan for #1 contendership to the WWE Crusierweight Championship: Lio Rush is back! After Bobby Lashley ditched him, he is back to being an awesome wrestler. Right at the bell Lorcan destroyed him with a huge European uppercuts in the corner, and eventually a blockbuster for a quick near fall. Rush then countered out of the Half and Half suplex, before nailing three suicide dives in a row. Rush hit some nice offense on Lorcan beore scoring a near fall. Lorcan quickly forced his way back into the match and locked in a half crab, but Rush kicked Lorcan away. Lorcan then hit Rush up with chops, and a huge slam for a near fall. Lorcan then tried to throw him into the ropes, but Lio bounced off the bottom rope and nailed a stunner for a near fall. Rush then went for a frog splash, but he landed on his feet and tweaked his knee, allowing Lorcan to nail a powerbomb and lock in a single leg crab again. He then transitioned into an STF, but Rush made the ropes after a long sqeuence. Lorcan then went for a chop to the face, but Rush countered with a series of strikes, only for Lorcan to fire up and nail several chops to the face. Lorcan went for a running move, but Rush caught him in a standing spanish fly. He then hit the frog splash and got the win. 
Grade: B+. I was a bit unsure about this match, because Rush didn’t start out by moving as fast as he normally does. But I can attribute that to some ring rust, because they ended up putting on a really really good match. Rush is a good babyface in peril, even with Lorcan remaining a face throughout. Lorcan looked badass, but Rush looked resilient. Great way to convey their characters, and it was a really fun match. Welcome back Lio. 
Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain in a Street Fight: They started out with some violent power moves from Dain, but Riddle answered him back with some suplexes of his own. Dain quickly grabbed a kendo stick and beat him down on the floor off to the side of the stands. The two fought outside, and Walter decided to just run out and attack Riddle. Imperium joined in, and then like everyone in the tag division ran out and started to brawl. Dain and Riddle got back into the arena, with the locker room following them. Security started to try to separate Dain and Riddle, but a bunch of the wrestlers beat down the security. During the scuffle, we saw Killain Dain give a crowd a suicide dive. Then the show just ended. 
Grade: D. I’m not into getting a whole bunch of adds that made it seem like there would finally be a resolution to this feud, and then a bunch of randos got involved and stopped the match from happening. I’m sorry, I love Riddle and Dain is good too, but the booking here was garbage. They need to settle their differences eventually, and it should’ve been tonight. 
Overall grade: B-
Pros: fatal 4-way; north american championship; dunne vs. ruas; imperium attack; cruiserweight match
Cons: there were so many commercials in the first hour; li vs. aliyah; main event
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placetobenation · 4 years
If nothing else, 2020 will be remembered for the moments that rocked us all, right. Whether it be the COVID-19 pandemic, the George Floyd protests, the civil unrest, the lack of social interaction, the constant in-fighting and more, there have been things that have definitely rocked our collective World. Now, late this week, we get another bombshell in the wrestling world as a new wave of exually assault allegations have hit the squared circle. The biggest current day name is Matt Riddle, who made his SmackDown debut Friday night. How long he stays is anyone’s guess as there are now allegations from fellow wrestler Candy Cartwright, someone Riddle was allegedly involved with, that he forced her to have sex with him. Jim Cornette and Jack Gallagher, who has already been let go by the WWE, have both been accused as well. Now, I’m not here to take sides since only those involved truly know the truth. But, count me thoroughly surprised that the WWE continued to hype Riddle and show his win over newly crowned Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles air Friday night on broadcast TV on FOX. There’s certainly room for a lot of backlash there to come, no pun intended. The WWE is not alone in these allegations as superstars from AEW, Impact Wrestling, NXT UK, Progress and more have been implicated. This story is just beginning and will have many twists and turns before all is said and done.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those involved. For those brave enough to share their stories, we are there for them.
For their part in the matter, the WWE issued this statement on Friday afternoon:
“We take any allegation of this nature very seriously and are looking into the matter.”
Star of the Week – Is there really any question? The Viper, Randy Orton gets our top spot this week. Not only does he take out Edge, pinning him and putting him out for the next 4-8 months with a triceps tear, but he builds on it the very night by punting his best friend Christian back on the sidelines after coming out of retirement for an unsanctioned match. Oh, BTW, thanks to the Nature Boy, Ric Flair for the low blow assist too! Still the dirtiest player in the game Natch!
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WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Bobby Lashley
Universal Championship Handicap Match: Braun Strowman defeated The Miz & John Morrison
Greatest Wrestling Match Ever: Randy Orton defeated Edge
RAW Women’s Championship Match: Asuka vs. Nia Jax ended in double-count out
Sheamus defeats Jeff Hardy
Women’s Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match: Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs. The IIconics
United States Championship Match: Apollo Crews defeated Andrade
Fully entertained by BACKLASH. Sure, we could’ve done without the double-count out from Asuka and Nia Jax. Sure, the Universal Title Match wasn’t a classic, but it was better than I thought it was going to be. But, let’s be honest, Edge vs. Orton was fabulous! Even without the devastating torn triceps injury to Edge, the match delivered on so many levels as Randy Orton got his revenge on his former rated-R friend. No, it wasn’t the Greatest Wrestling Match EVER, but it never was going to be. But it proved that those at the top of the chain can indeed wrestle and tell an amazing story at the same time.
Drew McIntyre vs. Bobby Lashley was physical as all hell and yes, we get the beginning of the end for Lashley & Lana after she costs him the title victory.
The Women’s Tag Team Triple Threat delivered on all fronts as did Sheamus vs. Jeff Hardy. The in-ring action was fantastic and pushed both storylines forward.
Apollo Crews got the night going on a good note making Andrade and Angel Garza not like each other even more, with help from Kevin Owens.
As for the “Viking Profits” taking on the Ninjas instead of each other? LOVED IT!
Kevin Owens defeated Angel Garza
The IIconics defeated Natalya & Liv Morgan
United States Championship Non-Title Match: Apollo Crews defeated Shelton Benjamin
Drew McIntyre & R-Truth defeated Bobby Lashley & MVP
RAW Women’s Championship Match: Asuka defeated Nia Jax
Unsanctioned Match: Randy Orton defeated Christian
Loved it:
WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?! This #Unsanctioned Match between @RandyOrton & @Christian4Peeps took a significant turn following the actions of @RicFlairNatrBoy!#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/iwa4Zv3bKO
— WWE (@WWE) June 16, 2020
The dirtiest player in the game – Having Ric Flair align himself with Randy Orton to put a low blow into Christian’s efforts to defend his friend Edge was fabulous! Granted Orton doesn’t need the help, it was a nice touch and might even add some fun to Flair with Orton and maybe Charlotte Flair down the road.
Asuka wins – I don’t know why the WWE felt the need to give us a win on Monday night instead of Sunday night, but Asuka needed it. Charlotte Flair is right – Nia Jax should be nowhere near the top of the title picture.
Good thinkin', @WWETheBigShow… Maybe The #StreetProfits and #VikingRaiders SHOULD settle their series with a #WWERaw #TagTeamTitles match! pic.twitter.com/xdUNrhNUrM
— WWE (@WWE) June 16, 2020
Ninjas – Having The Big Show come on the scene to help The Viking Profits deal with Akira Tozawa and the Ninjas was hilarious! Hope they continue it.
New pair?
Part 1 – Lana & Natalya – Are we about to get a pair of brats paired together with Lana and Natalya now screaming their displeasure to the World, together. Natalya’s just mad at everyone and Lana’s now looking for a new love after Bobby Lashley’s divorce request. This one could be interesting.
He's done it again … with the big assist from @RonKillings!!!@DMcIntyreWWE is still YOUR #WWEChampion. #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/NomvpbuXgx
— WWE (@WWE) June 16, 2020
Part 2 – R-Truth & Drew – Loved the back & forth between the two champions. McIntyre saved his own bacon, as well as R-Truth’s with a clean win over Lashley & MVP. Hope we get more of these two in the ring and of course, outside it. R-Truth is comic gold my friends!
Are you gonna go my way?
Zelina Vega – Who will Vega choose as Andrade takes on Angel Garza?
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) defeated Breezango (Tyler Breeze & Fandango)
Damian Priest defeated Killian Dane
Aliyah defeated Xia Li
Dakota Kai defeated Kayden Carter
Bronson Reed defeated Leon Ruff
Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Shotzi Blackheart & Tegan Nox
So good…
This is @WWENXT Women's Champion @shirai_io's house now! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/h4luLGWnxd
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) June 18, 2020
Champions abound – Sasha Banks & Bayley come home to NXT to defend the Women’s Tag Team Championship only to meet the new NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai’s wrath to end the night. Talk about inserting yourself into the upper echelon of the WWE. Now, that could be a fun three-way in the future!
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NEXT WEEK: @RealKeithLee will defend the #WWENXT #NATitle against @JohnnyGargano & @FinnBalor! Whoever walks away as the champion from that match will face @AdamColePro on July 8th in a CHAMPION vs. CHAMPION 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑵𝑬𝑹 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑻𝑪𝑯! pic.twitter.com/FxFm070sG0
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 18, 2020
Adam Cole vs. Keith Lee vs. Finn Balor vs. Johnny Gargano – Everyone wants the titles! So, what better way to have it go down than to have Commissioner Steven Regal lay down the gauntlet. Next week, it’s Lee vs. Gargano vs. Balor for the NXT North American Championship with the winner getting a shot against Adam Cole on July 8th in a winner-take-all champion vs. champion match. Glorious!
Very interesting:
Keith Lee vs. Adam Cole vs. Karrion Kross – Just what does the North American NXT Champion have in store after breaking Scarlett’s hour glass that she left for the NXT Champion last week? Give me a specialty match with these three please! Kross and Scarlett won’t be taking that lying down.
What the heck was that?
The Undisputed Therapy – Poor Roderick Strong! Poor man can’t even look eye-to-eye with a car trunk!
The NXT Tag Team Title battle between #Imperium and #Breezango quickly spiraled out of control once #IndusSher arrived. #WWENXT @_StarDESTROYER @strongstylebrit @Malcolmvelli @gurjar_saurav @RealRinkuSingh pic.twitter.com/oiVH4cVS2z
— WWE (@WWE) June 18, 2020
Tag-team chaos – Suddenly, the tag team division in NXT is stacked!
Numbers game:
Drake is decimated – Poor Drake Maverick. Yes, more guts than brains and it left Maverick lying prone after a 3-on-1 beatdown by Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Who will help Drake when he recovers?
Not the brightest bulb in the pack:
Bronson Reed – Sorry Mr. Reed, but Karrion Kross is going to come for you, i.e. kill you next week. Sometimes it’s better not to poke the bear.
It's only Wednesday, Rob.
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@RobertStoneWWE "distracts" @XiaWWE to allow @WWE_Aliyah to get the pin! #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/xVN0GTAX9V
— WWE (@WWE) June 18, 2020
The Stone Brand – Need we say anymore? At least Aliyah got a win!
Intercontinental Title Championship Match: Matt Riddle defeated AJ Styles
Shorty G defeated Mojo Rawley
SmackDown Tag Team Non-Title Match: The New Day defeated Lucha House Party
Sasha Banks defeated Nikki Cross
Hated it beyond belief!
.@SuperKingofBros just pinned @AJStylesOrg!#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/eB0JZeo1jp
— WWE (@WWE) June 20, 2020
Matt Riddle – Seriously! Not only is Matt Riddle the center of an alleged sexual assault controversy, but what the hell is he doing beating the newly crowned Intercontinental Champion in his first match on SmackDown. HATE. HATE. HATE how bad the WWE makes their champions look on TV. It’s a countless line of new title-holders that lose on television right or shortly after winning the title. The Miz & John Morrison, Asuka, Charlotte Flair, Bayley and now Styles. It’s not a good look for the champions. Why make them champions if you are immediately going to make them weak? Now, it has nothing to do with the match itself. The match itself was pretty good, but just misplaced especially with the social atmosphere the way it is right now.
Loved It:
The AJ Celebration – Now, while I hated that Matt Riddle gets a win over AJ Styles, I did love the build-up to it. Styles plays the pompous ass so well and having Daniel Bryan as the man to build up the roster as new foes was perfect. Cesaro’s facial expression made me laugh-out-loud too!
She's done. @SonyaDevilleWWE is intent on taking away "the one thing that matters" to @WWE_MandyRose. #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/aoPz5cKQyc
— WWE (@WWE) June 20, 2020
Sensational Sonya – Sonya Deville is one of the hottest things on WWE TV these days! On the mic, in the ring and overall greatness, Deville is as delicious as it gets right now on Friday night. It’s a shame that it took so long for the suits in the back to give her a shot to be herself. It’s also a shame that there’s no live crowd to feed off of because they surely would be eating this up as I am!
"You look like you've seen a ghost…"#SmackDown #FireflyFunHouse @WWEBrayWyatt @BraunStrowman pic.twitter.com/UyZv9HvjNV
— WWE (@WWE) June 20, 2020
What’s up with Bray? – So, are we now Fiend-less? I thought we were done with the Wyatt vs. Strowman feud – we should be after a clean loss at Money in the Bank. I’m not buying the whole “I created you, I must destroy you” argument that was played out the first time they met a few months ago. Why should I care now? Just because of a wardrobe change? Got to give me more than that WWE!
Superstars vs. NXT Up-and-comers – Why is it OK for the SmackDown superstars to be around the ring with no social distancing but the NXT upstarts have to be behind glass the whole show? Makes no sense but I did at least like that they’re listening to us here at TWITW. We’ve been telling them to get the other current day superstars to ringside for weeks!
Tag Team Mayhem:
Message sent!@WWECesaro & @ShinsukeN want the SmackDown Tag Team Titles and RESPECT. pic.twitter.com/Lqeqyzboaj
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) June 20, 2020
The New Day – Not only do Kofi Kingston and Big E get into with the Women’s Tag Team Champs, but also get attacked by Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura after their win over Lucha House Party.
Bayley & Sasha Banks – Speaking of the Women’s Tag Champs, the BFF’s get ambushed by Nikki Cross leading to a one-on-one match between Cross and Banks. Love the fire and it looks like Sasha & Bayley have replaced Charlotte Flair in appearing on every show in the WWE every week. Maybe they could challenge for Cody Rhodes TNT Championship on AEW too. Now, THAT would be something! Just as an aside, even just cheering at ringside, Alexa Bliss is a true goddess as Corey Graves would say.
Parting shots:
Welcome to NXT Mercedes Martinez!
Don’t forget to watch the final chapter of The Undertaker: Last Ride this Sunday on the WWE Network. Will the Boneyard Match vs. AJ Styles be UT’s final match? How did it all come about? It should be fascinating.
Coming up this week:
RAW – Championship Monday:
Women’s Tag Team Title Match: Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. The IIconics
RAW Men’s Tag Team Title Match: The Street Profits vs. The Viking Raiders
RAW Women’s Championship Match: Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair
24/7 Championship Match: R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa & The Ninjas
Ric Flair and Randy Orton
North American Championship Triple Threat Match: Keith Lee vs. Finn Balor vs. Johnny Gargano
Karrion Kross vs. Bronson Reed
Damian Priest vs. Cameron Grimes
Intercontinental Championship Match: AJ Styles vs. Drew Gulak
Sheamus toasts Jeff Hardy
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND!
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reviewfix · 5 years
NXT Power Rankings: Lee Earns a Shot
NXT Power Rankings: Lee Earns a Shot
Check out this week’s NXT Power Rankings to see how the WWE’s Yellow Brand Dominated Wednesday night.
Honorable Mention: Austin Theory: His win over Joaquin Wilde this week was an impressive one.
5: Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel: Their win over The Forgotten Sons gets them to the second round of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.
4: Rhea Ripley: The Mosh Pit Kid continues to define…
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punknrasslin · 6 years
NXT UK Takeover Blackpool
Hello everyone & welcome to this the second blog of a 2 show weekend. This one focusing on the evening show from this past Saturday, NXT UK Takeover taking place at the historic Blackpool Tower.
Before we get into the main action we have some pre show dark matches to wet our appetite. The first of these coming from the Mexican Luchador who’s actually from Leeds Ligero and Saxon Huxley. Ligero, not always the biggest dog in the fight but always biggest heart. The ultimate Lucha Underdog flying off from the beginning trying to make this into a fast paced affair, and this works to his advantage as he comes away with the victory. Hopefully more network time in the next few weeks for the Luchador.
Our second dark match then sees some women’s action as the fashionista Jinny takes on the dark hearted Isla Dawn. Two absolute warriors in the ring with a varied mix of styles, really showing they belong here & showing they can do it just as well. A Jinny victory however, and I’m hoping this at least gets shown at some point on the NXT UK TV Tapings.
Our third & final dark match appetiser then & it’s a tag team match seeing my welsh faves Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster taking on the very wise NXT pairing of Fabian Archer & Marcel Barthel. Just looking at this surprise match written down fills me excitement and it certainly didn’t disappoint, a great way to warm up a sold out Ballroom for the main show. The high flying pairing of Flash & Andrews vs the hard strong stylings of Barthel & Archer. It’s everything it says on the tin plus more. Fingers crossed this goes further than a special match for attendees only. However, like always there’s got to be a winner and Barthel & Archer pick up a victory. Well that’s me warmed up!!
Main show then, we’re live on the WWE Network and we start live proceedings with a tag team title match seeing Moustache Mountain take on Zack Gibson & James Drake. A close one to call & a great way to showcase the talent we have here in the UK as the two teams really go for all to claim gold. Near fall heart in mouth drama & some of the best tab team work in the UK later, and we crown Gibson & Drake the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions.
Match number 2 of the televised evening sees a change to the scheduled as the originally booked Travis Banks vs Jordan Devlin is called off due to a Trav injury. Trav’s replacement is a huge one though as the crowd explodes for a return to the UK for Finn Balor! Two of the best in recent Ireland wrestling history going head to head. Two very similar styles just colliding & showcasing just what they can do in a ring. Finn walks away with the hard earned victory but the true winner here is the capacity ballroom crowd.
After we’ve gotten over that shock, Dave Mastiff & Eddie Dennis go at it in a No DQ anything goes war. Tables are used, canes appear from the under the ring & chair shots are swung as these two go to war. Dennis in his patriotic dragon inspired attire takes the fight to The Bomber, but it’s just not enough as Mastiff earns a win.
We are nearing our evenings end but we still have 2 title matches to go. The first sees Rhea Ripley take on Toni Storm, a rivalry that has been ongoing since Rhea won the title. This to be honest, is a flawless contest. Watch this back & try & find a fault it’s really an amazingly crafted contest. Back & forth action teamed with a louder than Wembley stadium atmosphere, this will certainly be in the run in for my match of the year. The drama is heightened also by the crowning of a new NXT UK Women’s Champion! Congratulations Toni Storm! Well deserved.
So, unfortunately we’ve reached our final match of the evening. Pete Dunne, now the longest running champion in WWE, defending his converted title against Joe Coffey. The word here for this match is close, as both men go to an absolute battle to call themselves champion. It’s not the best match on the card by all means, but it’s certainly what it needs to be. Drama heightened plus amazing in ring skill. Dunne retaining his title though submitting Coffey.
But the major talking point online & post show leaving the venue is what happens as Dunne is stood in ring after his win. A familiar to many piece of music hits & it comes clear that the rumours are true. Walter has signed with NXT UK & he’s here for Pete. Specifically, he’s here for what’s around Pete’s waist.
So that was the first NXT UK Takeover. A successful night, hopefully before the year is out we get at least another Takeover here in the UK.
Have a great week, and we’ll blog something next week as we travel to Germany for WXW Back To The Roots.
Blog Soundtracked By.. Comeback Kid
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
WWE NXT Television Taping SPOILERS For July 25 - August 15
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/wwe-nxt-television-taping-spoilers-for-july-25-august-15/
WWE NXT Television Taping SPOILERS For July 25 - August 15
Below are full spoilers from the most recent set of WWE NXT television tapings. The episodes will air on the WWE Network from July 25th through August 15th.
July 25, 2018
–NXT North American Champion Adam Cole defeated Sean Maluta. Following the match, Cole begins to cut a promo in the ring, but is then interrupted by Ricochet, who challenges Cole to a title match at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV. Cole, however, turns Ricochet down. The two exchange words until Ricochet is confronted by NXT Tag Team Champions Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly. The War Raiders then come to back up Ricochet, and as the champions leave, they are attacked by Tyler Bate and Trent Seven.
—Lacey Evans defeated Tenilla Price
—Heavy Machinery defeated The Mighty following a distraction from the crowd by The Street Profits
—Tyler Bate and Trent Seven defeated State Line. Following the match, Bate and Seven issue a challenge to Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly for the NXT Tag Team Championship At NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV.
—EC3 defeated Kona Reeves. During the match, The Velveteen Dream attempted to distract EC3 on the mic.
August 1, 2018
—NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler defeated Candice LeRae in a non-title match. Following her victory, Baszler attacked Candice, but Kairi Sane came down to make the save. Kairi, however, was hit with a cheap shot by Baszler.
—Tommaso Ciampa defeated Aleister Black to become the brand new NXT Champion. During the match, the referee was taken out, and Johnny Gargano rushed into the ring from the crowd and attacked both men. Ciampa, however, was able to recover and get the pinfall victory.
—Nikki Cross defeated Amber Nova
—Ricochet makes his way to the ring, but is attacked by The Undisputed Era. Adam Cole then says he isn’t a coward and accepts Ricochet’s challenge for the NXT North American Championship At NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV.
—Kassius Ohno defeated Adrian Jaoude
August 8, 2018
—Keith Lee defeated Marcel Barthel
—Taynara Conti defeated Vanessa Borne to qualify for the Mae Young Classic
—The Street Profits defeated The Mighty
—New NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa comes to the ring and says that NXT now belongs to him. He then takes shots at Johnny Gargano and even verbally assaults an older woman seated in the front row, both of which garner major heat for him. Aleister Black then appears and starts to go after Ciampa, but rushes past him and attacks Ciampa first. Gargano then cuts a quick promo on Ciampa, then blames himself for the NXT Championship changing hands. Black agrees, then hits Gargano with the Black Mass. During the segment, Gargano gets some boos and a “you deserve it” chant following the kick from Black.
August 15, 2018
—Kairi Sane defeated Aliyah. During the match, NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler was on commentary.
—Tyler Bate defeated NXT Tag Team Champion Roderick Strong
—The Velveteen Dream comes to the ring and cuts a promo on EC3. EC3 then comes out to respond and ends up hitting Dream with the One Percenter.
—Johnny Gargano vs. Aleister Black ends in a no contest after NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa attacks both men. General Manager William Regal then makes his surprise return and announces that at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn IV, Ciampa will defend the NXT Championship against both Gargano and Black in a Triple Threat Match.
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WWE NXT Spoilers for July and August 2018
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Below we show you the results of the most recent NXT television tapings from the Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida. The images are courtesy of JJ Williams and Jacob Cohen of the Wrestling Observer. July 25 Episode: - The North American NXT Champion, Adam Cole defeated Sean Maluta. After the fight, Cole performs a promo but is interrupted by Ricochet. Ricochet wants a title shot in Takeover: Brooklyn IV, but Cole rejects it. Ricochet calls Adam Cole a coward and gets the NXT Couples Champions, Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly to intimidate Ricochet. However, the War Raiders appear to help Ricochet and even the scales. The Undisputed Era tries to retire, but they are attacked by Trent Seven and Tyler Bate. - Lacey Evans defeated Tenille Price. - Heavy Machinery defeated The Mighty. During the combat, The Street Profits appear to throw glasses to the present public, something that confuses to The Mighty and grants the victory in the tray to Heavy Machinery. - Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate and Trent Seven) defeated state line development talents. Bate and Seven want their rematch for the NXT Tag Team Championships at TakeOver: Brooklyn IV. - EC3 defeated Kona Reeves. The Velveteen Dream came out with a microphone during the fight to try to distract EC3, but it did not work. - Tommaso Ciampa defeated Aleister Black to win the NXT Championship. In the final stages, the referee was disqualified, so Johnny Gargano decided to appear in the middle of the match to attack Ciampa and Aleister. However, Ciampa recovered first and covered Black to get the title.
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- The NXT Women's Champion Shayna Baszler defeated Candice LeRae in a non-title match. After the match, Baszler attacked Candice, but Kairi Sane made the save. However, Baszler hit Sane with a dangerous blow and ended up leaving the ring.
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- Nikki Cross defeated Amber Nova. - Ricochet goes to the ring when The Undisputed Era attacks him on stage. The North American NXT Champion, Adam Cole, says he is not a coward and ends up accepting the challenge to face Ricochet in Takeover: Brooklyn IV with the title at stake. - Kassius Ohno defeated Adrian Jaoude. August 8 Episode: - Keith Lee defeated Marcel Barthel. Keith made his debut on NXT. - Taynara Conti defeated Vanessa Borne in a qualifying match of the Mae Young Classic tournament. - The Street Profits defeated The Mighty. - The new NXT champion Tommaso Ciampa arrives in the ring and says that NXT now belongs to him. He gets a greater hatred from the audience for breaking a sign to an older woman in the front row and later insults Johnny Gargano. Aleister Black comes out to attack him, but Gargano appears out of nowhere and reaches Ciampa first. Gargano makes a quick promo on Ciampa and retires with the title. Gargano blames himself that Ciampa is champion and Black agrees with him. Black then topples Gargano with a Black Mass from nowhere. Gargano received boos and chants of "you deserve it" after the kick. August 15 Episode: - Kairi Sane defeated Aliyah. Sane hit three Insane Elbows before getting a submission victory, sending a message to the NXT Women's Champion, Shayna Baszler. - Tyler Bate defeated the NXT tag team Champion, Roderick Strong. - The Velveteen Dream appears and performs a promo on EC3. Dream plays the role of heel mocking the public, and ensuring that no one will steal his focus. Finally, Carter appears to confront him and ends up attacking him with the One Percenter. It is confirmed that The Velveteen Dream and EC3 will face each other in TakeOver: Brooklyn IV. - Johnny Gargano vs. Aleister Black ended without result due to the interference of Tommaso Ciampa. It should be noted that during the entry of Johnny Gargano, the cameras filmed the former UFC heavyweight champion, Cain Velasquez who was among the audience. Due to the interruption of Ciampa, the General Manager of NXT William Regal returns after several months of sick leave and announces a triple threat for Takeover: Brooklyn IV between Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano and Aleister Black with the NXT Championship in play.
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Recovery - Part One
A part two to an ongoing series. Links to endings at the bottom.
"-so don't worry, they won't be back for hours. We've got all the time we need."
That was the first thing you heard as you opened the door to your hotel room, and you desperately hoped that your ears had deceived you. It was late, about midnight, and while you'd been trying to sneak in so your boyfriend wouldn't wake up, you have a feeling that it didn't matter anymore.
"Hmm...if you say so, baby." A very distinctively female voice came after, followed by the sounds of wet kissed and rustling clothes. You were aware that you were standing in the hallway, flabbergasted and on the verge of tears with the door still wide open, but you couldn't be assed to care.
You pushed the door open, ignoring the screams from the mystery woman and the protests of your partner as you walked in and grabbed your suitcase, stopping only to put your phone charger and other small belongings into the front pocket before turning to leave. You were stopped by a hand, hot and heavy, against your shoulder.
"Baby, please, it's not what it looks like-"
"Fuck you, Damian. Fuck you."
You didn't dare to look back at him, knowing that your resolve would crumple as soon as you looked at him. You'd been out all night with WWE's medical team, trying to fix the heap of human that was Johnny Gargano from his match with, oddly enough, your now former boyfriend. And now? You just wanted to curl up and cry.
You didn't know where you were going, the carpeted floor and elevator walls blending together into streaks of dull color, until you found yourself knocking on someone's door. It was late, three in the morning, but you just needed a place to sleep for a few hours. Just a few hours of something that was pretending to be peace.
You heard cursing, English and German thrown together, and then the door was opened to reveal Timothy Thatcher, with an upset-looking Fabian Aichner behind him. Their anger quickly faded into concern when they saw your red eyes, the way that your lip quivered as you looked at the ground, unable to meet their gazes.
"I'm sorry, I just-"
"Come on, in you go."
Fabian pushed past you to grab your bag as Tim wrapped an arm around you, leading you into their room. It was much more spacious than yours, probably because it accommodated three as opposed the one that your room was meant for. You blankly registered Marcel standing up from where he'd been on the couch, coming over to stand in front of you.
"What happened?"
That was all you needed to start crying, trying to cover your face as Tim pulled you into his side, trying to hold you steady while you were clearly falling apart. Marcel let his hand drag along the curve of your arm, and you felt Fabian's fingertips grazing your shoulder for just a second in a comforting gesture.
"You were right." You looked up at Tim, who'd tried to warn you before about the womanizing nature of Damian Priest, how he wouldn't settle down for anyone, even you. "The bastard cheated."
His gaze softened as he pulled you in again, holding you completely against his chest this time, although the muttered threats on Damian's life weren't lost on you. You heard Fabian in the background, seemingly digging through the minifridge in the corner.
"I just - I'm sorry to bother you, but I can't sleep in-"
"It's okay, you can stay here as long as you need. You're more than welcome here with us."
You smiled a bit, still stinging with the fresh wound to your heart, as Fabian stood up, triumphantly holding a container of Ben and Jerry's that he had managed to dig from the back of the freezer.
"First chance I get, I'm breaking his fucking arm in half. And then both his legs."
"Tim, that's enough for now."
Marcel's voice was cold; he was trying to be steady for you, trying to hold his own anger in check to protect your own emotional state. If he had his way, the three of them would take you to Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart and let them comfort you while they went to teach Damian a lesson in respect, in loyalty and not fucking people over, but that wasn't anything that would benefit you at the moment.
"Yeah, we can talk homicide plans later. For now, I just want to forget tonight ever happened."
You took the ice cream from Fabian, thanking him gently as you let yourself collapse back onto the couch. It didn't feel right, but you felt safe here. You knew that no matter what anyone else did, they'd have your back, be your soft place to land. Even if Tim was already strategizing which of his endless submission moves would deal the most pain to the cheating bastard downstairs.
Make your choice!
Tim Thatcher
Fabian Aichner
Marcel Barthel
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heelwriting · 3 years
Masterlist A-Z Wrestlers
Adam Cole
12 Days of Christmas - Sweetest
Prompt: Argument leading to kiss
Prompt: There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
"Hangman" Adam Page
Prompt: I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand
Alex Shelley
Prompt: Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing (Coming soon)
Prompt: Blind date set up by friends (Coming soon)
Brandon Cutler
Prompt: Both going to grab the same thing and touching hands, then making eye contact
Buddy Murphy
12 Days of Christmas - Fake Lumberjack
Prompt: Your shirt/jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it
Cash Wheeler
Prompt: Wrapping arms around them when they make breakfast
Prompt: Secret relationship
Prompt: You’re my ex but I think I still have feelings for you (Coming soon)
Chuck Taylor
Prompt: Cuddling in comfortable silence before murmuring “I love you”
Prompt: Drunkenly confessing feelings
Prompt: You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute.
Prompt: “Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!” (Coming soon)
Drew Gulak
Prompt: You caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out (Coming soon)
Headcanon: Cuddling
Eddie Kingston
Headcanon: He has a crush on a southern girl
"All Ego" Ethan Page
12 Days of Christmas - Antartic
Prompt: Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap.
Prompt: Spin the bottle (Coming soon)
Headcanon: First Kiss (Coming soon)
Jungle Boy
Prompt: Friends with benefits and both people catching feelings. (Part 2 of Marko Stunt's prompt)
Kazuchika Okada
Prompt: “You’ve got something on your lip, here let me.”
Kenny Omega
Prompt: There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling + Jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted
Prompt: “Good morning, beautiful/handsome” + Wrapping arms around them when they make breakfast
Kyle O'Reilly
12 Days of Christmas - Blush
Prompt: There's people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you're close.
Prompt:“I think I’m in love with you.”
Marcel Barthel
12 Days of Christmas - Panda
Prompt: Having a bad day and the other noticing
Prompt: Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait + Overhearing they have feelings for you (Coming soon)
Prompt: You’re leaving for something dangerous and I can’t help but kiss you + Blurting out a confession of love (Coming soon)
Marko Stunt
Prompt: “I’ve been in love with you for years.” (Part 1 of Jungle Boy's prompt)
Mustafa Ali
12 Days of Christmas - Piece of Paper
Prompt: Taking care of the other when sick or injured
Nick Jackson
Prompt: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Orange Cassidy
One Shot: Do you have any Denim?
One Shot: Just One Date
Prompt: “I've been in love with you for years”
Prompt: We're roommates but we're falling for each other
Prompt: I called you at 2am because I need you
Prompt: Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second (Coming soon)
Prompt: Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because you’re dangerous
Headcanon: Reader had a bad day and he helps them feel better
Pete Dunne
12 Days of Christmas - With the Family
Prompt: I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having (Coming soon)
Peter Avalon
Prompt: Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait
Roderick Strong
Prompt: Jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted
Shinsuke Nakamura
Prompt: “I’ve been in love with you for years.” (Coming soon)
Prompt: I’m your new neighbour and I got locked out, help! (Coming soon)
Timothy Thatcher
12 Days of Christmas - At Home
Prompt: Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second (Part 1)
Prompt: Taking care of the other when sick or injured (Part 2)
Prompt: A soft smile before leaning in for a kiss (Part 3)
12 Days of Christmas - Wonderful
Prompt: Blind date set up by friends
Prompts: I need a date for this wedding + Hands brushing unexpectedly.
Prompt: Overhearing they have feelings for you (Coming soon)
Headcanon: Taking his S/O on a date
Tyler Breeze
Prompts: Argument leading to kiss + "Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!”
12 Days of Christmas - Metal Songs
Prompts: Overhearing they have feelings for you
Wheeler Yuta
Soft headcanon (Coming soon)
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Marcel could tell that something had happened as soon as he saw you.
He'd went into the back room to get some mats for the new trainees working on taking simple bumps, but he found you on the verge of tears behind a stack of the black gym mats. You were one of the best trainers in all of Germany, let alone in the gym, and you had a reputation for being tough as nails, so he was very much concerned to see you so openly emotional.
"What happened, love?"
You looked up at him, gasping as you rushed to wipe the tears from your face.
"Just needed a moment, I'm fine."
He set the mats down, then crouched beside you, reaching up to brush your tears away.
"I once watched someone kick you in the head and concuss you, and you barely flinched. If you're this upset, something is wrong."
You gave a bitter chuckle, leaning into his touch against your cheek. He'd always been able to see through you, and that was even stronger now that you didn't have the strength to hide your emotions from him.
"Just had a rough day, and a kid got snippy with me about how I didn't deserve to be here, how I'm riding your coattails. And it sat with me in a way I didn't expect."
He steeled his jaw, trying (and somewhat failing) to hide his anger and frustration. He'd heard that before himself, being accused on more than one occasion of using his father's legacy to his advantage, and he knew exactly how deeply those words could cut.
"It's been a few hours, he's long gone. Alex heard him and kicked his ass straight out."
You pressed a small kiss to his palm, still resting against your face. He was cold to most, but you counted yourself lucky that he was gentle and kind with you. That this anger was a rare sight for you, and that it had never truly been directed at you.
"Good. If he ever comes back, let me know and I'll make sure he never shows his face in Hamburg again. You hear me, baby?"
You smiled, leaning forward to connect your lips with his, to soothe his boiling emotions.
"Of course, Marcel. Anything for you."
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Note: requests are still NOT open for non-AEW talent! This is just something that I've had stuck in my head, not to mention that there's a severe lack of Imperium content on this site.
Smash. Bang. Crack.
You watched, horror on your face, as Fabian and Marcel missed the European Bomb, with Marcel crashing directly into his leg...which made a terrible sound as it collapsed in a place that calves are most certainly not meant to bend. You couldn't find it in yourself to move, to even breathe, as he let out an excruciating cry, grabbing the clearly broken appendage as the referee called for medical help. You could feel the tears of panic stinging your eyes, painting your cheeks, warm and heavy...and then they started to disappear, replaced by warm swipes across your face.
"Baby, wake up, please!"
Your eyes shot open, and you were relieved to find Marcel in front of you, concerned but otherwise okay, with two fully intact legs. You let out a choked noise, reaching your arms out to him - and he immediately grabbed you, pulling you against his chest as he whispered to you.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
He shushed your worries immediately, pressing several kisses against your forehead as his fingers tangled into your hair.
"Not at all, I'd just been going to bed when I heard you crying, I thought something was wrong."
"I'm sorry."
He didn't answer at first, just pulled you closer until you were completely curled into his lap, your head resting against his chest.
"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. Do you want to talk about it?"
He knew the answer was no when you tensed up in his arms, and he started to rub circles into the skin of your thigh to calm you back down.
"You don't have to tell me, baby. What's important is that everything is okay, you're okay."
"Stay with me?"
He looked down at you, giving a reassuring grin as you melted into his touch.
"Of course. I'll be here all night for you."
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Recovery - Marcel Barthel
The last ending of the Recovery series! Find part one here.
If you’d rather end up with Timothy Thatcher, find that here. And if you prefer Fabian Aichner, that’s here.
Also, as a side note: although the match featured is a tag team match with two male opponents, the pronouns are gender-neutral, so any of my non-male identifying readers can assume it to be an intergender match as well!
“Are you sure about this?”
You looked to Marcel as he helped you adjust the tape on your wrist. He was gentle, kind, but he was also clearly worried about you.
“I am. Even outside of the ‘revenge’ thing, a win here puts both of us in contention for titles. It’s important, professionally.”
He smiled at you, lifting your wrist and kissing along the edges of the tape. You’d started dating about a week after the night where you showed up at the door of his room, and he’d been nothing but sweet to you ever since.
“Just watch yourself out there, be careful. Don’t take any intense risks.”
You grinned at him, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll do what I have to so we can walk out alive and victorious.”
He hated how ambiguous that was, how your mental state was a mystery. It was rare that he was so totally clueless to your thoughts, and it filled him with dread.
He looked up at you from the floor, watching as you climbed the turnbuckle. You were in a tag team match with him against Finn Balor, and as it fate would have it, Damian Priest. He had been keeping you in his mind the whole time, trying to make sure that you didn’t haul off against Damian. Now, everyone except for you was down, and you were going for some diving move to put the match away. You’d fended well for yourself, and now you were a moment away from securing the victory, from having your hand raised along with his, from taking the step closer to championship gold.
He was so busy watching you, though, that he didn’t notice Damian jumping onto the apron until he was reaching out, pushing you off the turnbuckle. Your head smacked against the apron before you crumpled to the floor, barely moving to breathe and doing nothing else. Marcel pushed himself off of the floor, running around the ring to you as fast as he could through the pain of the match. Damian was standing over you, and there was no hesitation as he pushed him away from your prone body to crouch next to you, pushing the hair from your face as he desperately tried to check on you.
“Do you see now? Do you see what happens when you mess with the Archer of Infamy?”
Marcel stood to confront Damian, but was instead interrupted by, of all people, Finn Balor himself offering a diving plancha to Damian. He crumpled by the ring, far enough away to not be a threat to you, and Marcel looked at Finn as the bell rung with a disqualification.
“They’re your love, anyone can tell.” Finn looked at Marcel, stretching out his hand toward where you were starting to stir. “Protect them.”
Marcel nodded, mouth dry as he turned back to you. You tried to sit up, but he rested a hand against your shoulder, keeping you down as Damian stood up to push against Finn a few feet away.
“Careful, liebe, don’t push it. You’ve been hurt.”
He moved to put himself between you and the ensuing brawl, watching as the medical crew started to come down the ramp to tend to you. He reached out to hold your hand, gently whispering to you as the crew surrounded the two of you. He tried to move back, to let the doctors move closer, but you groaned and held tight, keeping him close. He followed wordlessly as they moved you onto a strecher, walking beside you as they carried you to the back. He didn’t want to say that he was scared, but seeing you laid out like this was honestly making him go blind with panic and rage toward Damian. He gasped as they crossed the curtain, and he couldn’t help but sigh in relief as he saw Timothy and Fabian coming towards you.
“Where the hell is Damian, I’m gonna kill him-”
You whimpered, trying to cover your ears with your hands to protect you from Tim’s angry yelling. Marcel glared at him as Fabian covered Tim’s mouth, and he leaned down to apologize to you for his friend’s loud nature. You reached up, trying to swat at Tim to quiet him.
He turned to the medical staff member, worried that he’d be asked to leave you alone, which is the last thing he wanted to do.
“We have to run some tests on them, you’re more than welcome to follow but you and your friends will have to wait outside the room.”
You reached out to him, shaking your head for a moment before grimacing in pain. Fabian reached out to comfort you, but you pushed his hand away as you reached out for Marcel.
“Stay..need you.”
He felt his heart break, but he still moved closer, bringing your wrist up to kiss the same way he had earlier.
“I’ll be here, okay? I’m always here, liebe.”
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heelwriting · 4 years
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One Shots
Orange Cassidy | Do you have any Denim? [Read]
Orange Cassidy | One Date [Read]
12 Days of Christmas
Day 1. Blush - Kyle O'Reilly [Read]
Day 2. Metal songs - Warhorse [Read]
Day 3. Piece of Paper - Mustafa Ali [Read]
Day 4. Antarctic - Ethan Page [Read]
Day 5. Panda - Marcel Barthel [Read]
Day 6. Sweetest - Adam Cole [Read]
Day 7. With the family - Pete Dunne [Read]
Day 8. At home - Timothy Thatcher [Read]
Day 9. Fake lumberjack - Buddy Murphy [Read]
Day 10. Wonderful - Trent? [Read]
List of Drabbles
Prompts are from this list (Requests are currently closed)
1. Kyle O'Reilly + There's people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you're close. [Read]
2. Chuck Taylor + Cuddling in comfortable silence before murmuring “I love you” [Read]
3. Orange Cassidy + “I've been in love with you for years” [Read]
4. Trent? + Blind date set up by friends [Read]
5. Adam Cole + Argument leading to kiss [Read]
6. Tyler Breeze + Argument leading to kiss + "Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!” [Read]
7. Orange Cassidy + We're roommates but we're falling for each other [Read]
8. Chuck Taylor + Drunkenly confessing feelings [Read]
9. Marko Stunt + “I’ve been in love with you for years.” [Read]
10. Jungle Boy + Friends with benefits and both people catching feelings. [Read]
11. Trent? + I need a date for this wedding + Hands brushing unexpectedly. [Read]
12. Orange Cassidy + I called you at 2am because I need you [Read]
13. Chuck Taylor + You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute. [Read]
14. Timothy Thatcher + Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second [Read]
15. Marcel Barthel + Having a bad day and the other noticing [Read]
16. Nick Jackson + “I think I’m in love with you.” [Read]
17. PAC + Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because you’re dangerous [Read]
18. Luchasaurus + “I think I’m in love with you.” [Read]
19. Kazuchika Okada + “You’ve got something on your lip, here let me.” [Read]
20. Timothy Thatcher + Taking care of the other when sick or injured [Read]
21. Cash Wheeler + Wrapping arms around them when they make breakfast [Read]
22. Peter Avalon + Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait [Read]
23. Brandon Cutler + Both going to grab the same thing and touching hands, then making eye contact [Read]
24. Ethan Page + Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap. [Read]
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE NXT UK 7/31/19
We opened with Johnny Saint and Sid Scala, cutting a promo about Takeover Cardiff. Right as they were about to start talking, Imperium interrupted, saying that since they showed up on the scene, the GM’s lost their power. The two men actually gave up their mics, and Walter demanded to know who would be challenging him at Takeover Cardiff. He has beat down everyone in his path, so who can possibly stand up to him. Just then, Tyler Bate’s music hit. Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner ran up the ramp to confront him, but he ran in from behind and started the brawl with Walter. The other Imperium members tried to run to his aid, but Bate sent them all out of the ring, only for referees and other wrestlers to run down and try to separate everyone. As the pullapart was happening, Scala announced that Bate would be the number one contender for the WWE UK Championship.
Grade: B+. Really good stuff here. It was an exciting return, a fun brawl, and the GM’s got some of their power back. Since they only ever appear backstage, it felt special that they were out in the ring. This was a high profile setup for what is bound to be the main event of Takeover Cardiff, and it worked really well. It’ll be hard to root against Bate during that match, but I will try my best because I love Walter. 
Up next was Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly. I don’t know who pretty deadly were, but the second I saw them I wanted them to be destroyed. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang represented Gallus. Howly and Wolfgang started things off, with Howly showing a bit of his agility, but he quickly got his ass kicked. Even when one of Pretty Deadly got a hot tag, they were beaten down. Gallus won with an ensiguri from Mark, followed by a powerslam from Wolfgang. 
Gallus then cut a promo, saying that they wanted some gold to control their kingdom. They proclaimed a challenge to Grizzled Young Veterans for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, and they walked off. 
Grade: B-. Harmless squash, followed by an interesting challenge. I don’t think that Gallus vs. GYV will be the match at Takeover, but maybe a triple threat? I have no clue who the other team would be though. I can’t think of anyone at all. Could be fun though, multi man tag matches are exciting. 
Backstage, Jordan Devlin confronted Sid Scala about not having a rematch against Walter. He was complaining, when Scala booked him in the main event against Alexander Wolfe. Interesting, sounds like a nice match.
Then we had an interview with Dave Mastiff. He talked about Joe Coffey, and how they will have a face to face next week. He said that he is going to absolutely batter him after they talk a bit, and he can’t wait for it. Yeah, this match is probably going to Takeover. Mastiff is kinda like the Braun Strowman of NXT UK. They aren’t really willing to push him in a meaningful way, but they want to keep him strong in the midcard for no reason. Hopefully I’m wrong, because Mastiff is fun to watch. 
Then we had Rhea Ripley vs. a local talent. The jobber had some offense early on, but got shoved away onto her stomach and was beaten down for a couple minutes. She hit Riptide quickly and won. 
Grade: B-. Inoffensive squash.
Then we had a video package about Toni Storm and Kay Lee Ray. The two were friends right up until this championship match. She was thrilled to see Ray show up in NXT UK, but it wasn’t what she thought it would be. She said that Ray has changed, and Ray said that she will destroy Storm, because she knows exactly what to expect from her. Alrighty, nothing too groundbreaking here. 
Then we saw a video package of Eddie Dennis, detailing his surgery and injury. He blamed the fans for pushing the wrestlers too far, saying that we don’t like their matches unless there are exciting moves. He said that he has done nothing wrong. Intersting gimmick change, a lot like Sami Zayn though.
And in the main event, we had Jordan Devlin vs. Alexander Wolfe. They started with a bit of a lock up, and felt each other out a bit. They did some nice chain wrestling, which came to a complete stop with a slap to the face from Devlin. Devlin continued to try for some mind games, but it only angered Wolfe who beat down Devlin whenever he could land even a slight shot. Devlin was landing shots here and there, but couldn’t hit some of his bigger power moves due to Wolfe’s size, while Wolfe constantly used power moves to keep Devlin down. Wolfe worked over Devlin’s ribs and midsection in a general strategy to keep him down. At one point, Wolfe gave Devlin an inverted X plex onto the top rope, and Devlin bounced off and landed on the back of his head. Devlin fought back hard, getting a rollup into a double stomp, and then a slingboard cutter. The two then dueled on the mat, firing palm strikes back and forth over and over. Devlin got the advantage after a headbutt, but when he tried for his finisher, his ribs hurt too much. So instead, he kicked him in the head a couple times, which prompted Wolfe to nail a forearm. The two then jockeyed for position on a german suplex, with Wolfe nailing one after dodging a high kick. Devlin stayed in it with another high kick, but Wolfe dodged the follow up moonsault and hit a pump kick, and planted him with a high angle powerbomb for the win. 
Grade: B+. Really good match here. I never realized how good of a wrestler that Wolfe was until this match. Devlin really brought something good out in him. They had a good contest that went strike for strike, but it was the strength advantage that sealed it for Wolfe in the end. Good match and a hell of a main event. Match of the night. 
After the main event, Tyler Bate called out Walter backstage. He said that Walter thought he could take him out, but the big strong boy won’t stay down. He will fight for his friends and take his championship. I’m into that. 
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hazyheel · 5 years
NXT UK 4/24/19 Review
The night started out with a match between Ligero and Kassius Ohno, with Ohno just not taking the match seriously at all. He just begged Ligero to show him what he had. Ohno had an answer for a lot of Ligero’s offense. At one point, he countered a somersault senton off the apron by forcing him to over rotate with a shove, sending Ligero into the ring steps. Ligero fought back, attempting to chop down the bigger man with shots to the legs. Ligero seemed to have the match won after a sliced bread on the outside, but when he went for the slingshot stunner, Ohno caught it and attempted to remove his mask. Ohno loosened it just enough to distract him, and then he nailed Ligero in the back of the head with a rolling elbow. Ohno got the win.
Grade: C. Match was a bit slow, and the crowd didn’t care. I really didn’t care either until the end. The fact that Ohno went for the mask makes it seem like they will continue this. Masks are very important in luchadore culture, so unless Ohno is just getting pushed as a strong heel, which he probably isn’t, we will probably see another match between the two. It was slow this time, but I have confidence in them down the road. Especially if Ligero really gets going with his flying.
Backstage, Jordan Devlin was given an interview about his match with WALTER next week, which he was surprisingly unhappy about. He said that Johnny Saint made the match non-title, in order to protect the big rematch between Walter and Pete Dunne. And even though he gets it, he deserves a title shot, and getting the win next week will secure that match. I like this story, because Devlin really should be one of the divisions’ top stars. Looking forward to the match next week. Devlin is a great heel, but he could go tweener any week. I like that about him.
Then they showed a video package about Wild Boar and Primate, a new tag team. Looking forward to that. Next was a promo from the European Union, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, from Wrestlemania access. They talked about how fans who have belts are a problem in the world, because they haven’t earned them, and that the mat is sacred. I like these two a lot, and their pretentious attitude is fun to listen to. Entertaining heels.
Toni Storm then cut a promo in the ring. She talked about how stacked the division is right now, saying that some of the best wrestlers in the world are her competition. But then she said that it didn’t matter, because she would be a champion for a long long time. Kay Lee Ray then came out for her match, squaring up with Storm on the entrance ramp. She told Storm that she forgot about Ray, because Storm mentioned a couple wrestlers by name. Xia Li was her opponent, and the two changed holds on the mat, but came up in a stalemate. Li had a clear strength advantage, as well as a striking advantage, Ray was playing it safe for much of the match, taking shots when she could. Li went for a move off the top, but Ray dodged it and hit a chop, superkick and widows’ peak for the win.
Grade: D+. They didn’t seem to have too much chemistry here. They didn’t have a lot of time, and it was clear from the get go who would win. Ray is getting a Women’s title match sooner rather than later. I don’t really know how good either of them are, but I’m sure they can do better than this.
Piper Niven was interviewed about Rhea Ripley, calling her a bully and that she would take her down a peg. Cool, I’m into a feud like that. The Grizzled Young Vets then were filmed throwing Kenny Williams’ and Amir Jordan’s gear out of the locker room. They said that they don’t deserve a title shot, nor to be on the roster or get a title shot. Fair enough, I like this old school heel dynamic.
And the main event, Mustache Mountain vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster. Bate and Andrews started the match, testing the waters with each other via arm bars and waist locks. Webster and Seven eventually fought each other, having a test of strength that Webster couldn’t possibly win. Mustache mountain gained the advantage, working over Andrews in every way possible. There was an interesting spot where Seven went for the seven star lariat, but Andrews rolled under it and dove for the tag. I liked that, unique. Andrews and Webster held there own throughout the match, with Webster countering a Tyler Driver with a hurricanrana, and Andrews wrecking both opponents with chops and a double flip kick. Mustache mountain hit their lariat assisted dragon suplex, only for Webster to break up the pin with a huge senton from top across the ring. Webster and Andrews hit an awesome knee lift assisted reverse rana, but then Seven broke it up. However, the match came to an end after a wicked right from Bate to Webster, then a dragon suplex, and a knee drop assisted burning hammer for the win. Andrews nearly broke it up, but Bate ran across the ring and just tackled him to the ground to get the win.
Grade: B. Really good match here. Almost a tag team classic, but their were some noticable botches, and the crowd was so quiet (as they were all night) These guys have a lot of chemistry together, and I am really into Andrews and Webster as underdog babyfaces. I really want them to be the ones to dethrone grizzled young vets, but it seems like they are building to a rematch with Mustache Mountain. Good stuff, very exciting.
Overall Grade: C
Pros: Devlin’s heel work; main event
Cons: Ohno vs. Ligero; Ray vs. Li; terrible crowd
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