#march 3rd is for the girls. official. real.
To the Shadows that Cry Witch /// Chapter 22
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And here's the final chapter of Part 2! Thank you to all who have taken the journey with me so far, I'm trying to make the slow pace as worth it as possible (even though it's taken me over a year to start the actual plotline *sweats*) Chances are I'll disappear for a while again, but that'll be because I'll be putting my all into Part 3. Enjoy! <3
Summary: Magic was real, but it came at a price. So when two girls end up in the one place they never thought they could reach, strange things began to happen. Good or bad? That's up to them to find out.
Tags: Kili x oc/reader - Fili x oc (POV to be written soon) - Thorin's company × ocs/reader (platonic) - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Bagginshield
Word Count: 5622
Warnings: Swearing.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
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Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 21 // Chapter 22 // Part 3
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Part 2: Chapter 22 -
Rearranging furniture.
Psithurism (Definition): The sound of wind in the trees and rustling of leaves. (Noun / Origin: Ancient Greek /sith-yuh-riz-uhm)
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Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire – T.A. Saturday, 23rd April 2941 of the Third Age (Monday, 3rd Thrimidge, 1341 in Shire-reckoning)
“WOAH, Griffo! I told you not to go for the head!” I yelled, watching the small hobbit child scamper into the bushes with his wooden sword, giggling to himself. Letting out a harsh sigh, I marched off after the troublemaker.
Almost a whole year had passed since Bertie had found those horses in the field, and eight months when he had officially declared them ours, shoving the oversized reigns he had found into our hands the second he had found them. We rode them whenever we had the time, learning the reigns – literally – though it took a lot of getting used to. It was difficult in the beginning, trying to understand how the two animals ticked, and how we were to balance on them; I had only ever ridden a horse two or three times during my life on Earth, and I didn’t even know about Kay, so this was a whole new experience for the both of us. But we learnt, and now Hecate and Calhourn were a perfect addition to our growing group.
It wasn’t just that, there were also physical changes. We hadn’t grown, no, but our bodies were changing.
Despite my chronic habit to sleep in for as long as possible, we had kept up with the exercises and training Seathan had drilled into our minds. Our muscles had developed, not extremely, but enough to be seen by the weight we had lost. Not only were we thinner, leaner, but also fitter. I personally was no longer losing my breath after about 20 minutes of hardcore exercise. Our hair had grown longer; we trimmed it a few times to rid of any split ends, and I had Gladiola cut my fringe and curtain bangs back in a few times, but the rest of my straight brown tresses were now reaching my lower back, and Kay’s copper waves reached her elbows. With our earnings from work, we had also paid Gladiola for some new outfits, and our wardrobes were getting fuller by the month.
On the topic of magic. After almost a year and a half, from getting our wands to practicing it in ‘our’ clearing, we had a several spells memorised between us, and a larger amount written down in my growing grimoire and spell books. The shelves in my room had filled, jars of herbs and other random ingredients that could be used in the cauldron Kay had gifted me for my birthday.
Despite the short amount of time, we had also increased our skills in sword-fighting, having upgraded from the wooden swords to the blunt steel ones, becoming familiar with wielding the heavier versions, and hopefully to the real thing once we paid Seathan another visit.
Right now, we were in the clearing, accompanied by Mrs Greenfoot’s kids. Menegilda was shyly letting Kay show her how to upper-swing with the wooden sword in her hand, along with her much more excitable younger sister, Berylla, who was currently spinning in circles as she flailed her own sword around. I was managing the other five as they pretended to battle each other, the boys – Rothad, Griffo and Madoc – against me and the other two girls – Melba and Lalia.
Us girls were winning. Until Griffo decided to adopt guerilla warfare tactics.
“Griffo I need you to stay in my sight. It’s your mum’s rules after all!” I called out, trying to peer through the leaves and branches of the bushes.
“He just wants you to follow him so he can scare you.” Said a young voice, and I looked down when I registered the feeling of a tiny hand gripping my knee, to see Lalia peering up at me with an exasperated look. Turning to the bushes, she raised her voice. “Griffo! We’re leaving without you and I’m telling mummy you ran off by yourself and broke a rule!” When she was met with silence, she called out again. “AND I’LL TELL TURPIN TO NOT INVITE YOU TO HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY!”
A moment of silence passed. But nothing could be heard apart from the chirping birds and the light wind rustling the leaves on the trees.
With a sigh, I patted Lalia on the shoulder. “Stay here, I’ll go find him.” And I reluctantly pushed my way through the branches, trying to ignore the way they snagged and scratched at my skin and clothes. Finding a small parting, I carefully knelt down, giving the ground a quick scan as I searched for any thistles or nettles before placing my hands down and began crawling my way through the undergrowth.
Hearing a giggle in the distance ahead, I sighed once again in exasperation and pushed forward. I tried not to hiss whenever I accidentally pressed my hand down on a gnarly fallen branch or thistle, ignoring the tiny beads of blood that grew in number on my palm. Eventually, the bushes began to thin, and it wasn’t long until I was in another clearing. Pushing myself up, I brushed any loose dirt that wasn’t already stuck to my now-stained dungarees, and scanned the area for the small hobbit boy.
“Griffo!” I called. “C’mon this isn’t funny! Your mum’s going to be really upset when she finds out what you did.”
Worry began to settle in my stomach when I was answered once again with silence, and I scanned my eyes over every bush to try and find where he was hidden. There was a tree up ahead, its branches low enough for someone 2-3 feet tall to climb onto, I marched over to it, but was stopped halfway there, frozen in my tracks, when my eyes met some very familiar green ones.
Up on one of the twisting branches, about level with my head, was the black cat, and my mind raced with flashbacks of that night I was chased through the woods, adrenaline beginning to rise as the memories returned.
Taking a cautious step forward, I eyed the cat wearily as it flicked its tail.
“You haven’t taken Griffo this time, have you?” I asked, half-jokingly, my hand unconsciously coming to grasp the wrist where my Grandad’s bracelet was clasped around.
All it did was continue to stare, slitted eyes shifting minutely as they darted slightly over my face, and I went to inch myself closer, arm raising slightly.
 But just my luck, the still air was suddenly broken by the sound of a war-cry, the bushes to the side of me shaking violently until Griffo burst out, his sword raised as he charged at my leg, whacking and hacking at whatever he could reach.
“Oh for – Griffo!” I cried, kneeling down to grasp at his small shoulders in attempt to calm him down. “What on Earth were you doing disappearing off like that?!”
The boy soon calmed down, attempting one last slap as he looked up at me through his brown curls with wide eyes.
I sighed. “Look, I’m all for you playing however you want, but you need to do it where I can see you ok?” All he did was stare, so I added on. “If you try something like this again, it’ll be Lobelia Sackville-Baggins that’ll be looking after you from now on.” I stated firmly, giving him a stern look.
This seemed to do the trick, as the boy let out a string of panicked ‘no, no, no!’s as he scurried off back in the direction of the clearing. I went to follow, but paused, turning my head to look back at the cat. Only to be met with an empty branch.
Gone. I was alone once again, the cat had vanished – leaving me with the wind rustling the leaves in the small clearing and the sound of the hobbit boy’s retreating footsteps.
Shaking my head, I jogged to catch up with Griffo, the hobbit thankfully taking a path that allowed me to stand up as we both returned.
When we did, he returned to normal, letting out another battle cry as he charged at Lalia, who was patiently waiting for the two of us. Letting out a squeal, she sprinted away as fast as her little legs would carry her, and the battle between the five rallied up again tenfold.
A quarter of an hour had passed when I found myself on the brink of exhaustion, and Kay had graciously offered to take over the battle, to which I gasped out a thank you, swapping places before I was overrun again by tiny, hyper children, and asking the slightly calmer, elder siblings if they wanted to learn archery.
Crouching behind Menegilda, I watched as she nocked the arrow and pulled it back as much as her strength would allow. It had been about half an hour, and she was yet to hit the target hung on the low branch, the arrows of her previous attempts littering the grass in front of us.
“Ok, just make sure your left arm is straight, and you’ve pulled it so your three fingers are brushing against your right cheek.” I urged gently, watching as she pulled the string back a little further, her arm trembling slightly with the tension. “Your feet are alright, so just make sure you release it as quickly as you can, so your grip doesn’t slow it down.”
With a shaky breath, she gave a slight nod, her large blue eyes remaining focused on the target directly ahead, trying to ignore the curl of hair that the wind brushed over her face. A sharp thwip whipped through the air, the arrow a blur as it crossed the distance. A second passed, and hit the target with a thunk.
Despite the arrow only hitting the outer ring, it was enough for Berylla to let out a whoop of victory from where she stood next to the girl, throwing her arms in the air before embracing her older sister, who returned her enthusiasm with her own shy smile.
“Well done Gilda!” Kay called from across the green as she headed over, the pretend-fight having ended just a minute ago. Leaving the other kids to catch their breath, she approached the three of us, though Menegilda and Berylla soon pattered off, joining their siblings to celebrate Menegilda’s progress. Stood at the edge, we both watched the seven of them chatter away.
“They’re learning well.” Kay commented, huffing in satisfaction.
I hummed in response, prodding at the tiny stab wounds on my palms that had now scabbed over. “As well as we can teach them. But we’ll all get better over time.”
Kay paused in thought, staring at the ground as she leant on the tree behind her, twisting her upper body slightly to face me. “Speaking of time, do you know what day it is?”
My brows twitched into a light frown. “You know what, I really don’t.” I looked over at her. “I forgot to write the date down once around late February and ended up losing track since. Why do you ask?”
She went to open her mouth, but snapped it shut as she regarded me with a look of confusion. “Have you seriously spent over two months not knowing what day it is?”
“I know what day of the week it is!” I shot back, slightly offended. “I just haven’t had the need to know the specifics.”
She sighed. “Maybe you needed to know because of what’s coming?”
I smacked my lips as I realised. “Yeaaa I should’ve kept that in mind.” I muttered regrettably. “The only thing that reminded me to check was the fact that Gandalf and Thorin should’ve already met in the Prancing Pony on the 15th March. To be honest they could all be on their way right now.”
“It could even be today and we’re completely unprepared for it!” hissed Kay quietly, as to not draw the attention of the children metres away.
“You’re not the only one who’s beginning to shit themselves, cause I don’t know when Gandalf is going to show up and if he shows up at all.” I uttered with wide eyes, not hearing the light patter of small feet approach me.
“Shit.” It parroted.
“Huh?” My eyes darted around in confusion, briefly meeting Kay’s as she also scanned the area, though hers quickly landed on something on the other side of me, and I twisted my head, looking down to meet the bright blue and very round eyes of Melba blinking up at me.
“Shit.” She chirped with a toothy grin, her dark curls flopping round her face as she bounced on her feet. Kay snorted from beside me as I immediately began to panic.
“Oh – crap. Mel-Melba! Melba.” I stuttered, dropping to my knees to become eye level with the tiny girl. “That’s a bad word – you can’t say it unless you’re a grown-up.”
She pouted. “But you aren’t a grown up. You only turned nineteen in August!” she protested with a whine.
“That’s because I’m not a Hobbit, darling. We grow up quicker because we’re humans. Promise me you won’t say it?” I pleaded, holding out my pinkie finger as an offering.
A couple seconds passed as the girl glanced between my face and outstretched finger, clearly debating whether or not she was willing to listen. But to my relief, she grinned, hooking her finger with mine, just as we had taught her and her siblings months ago.
“Okay! I won’t say it ever again!” she stated proudly, and she swiftly dashed off to join her siblings, though I highly doubted she would remember her promise for long.
“Wow.” Was all Kay could vocalise from behind me.
“Hush.” I retorted, pushing myself up from the ground. “Let’s head back – it’s still mid-morning so we can ask Bilbo what day it is just in case.” I suggested, trying to change the subject.
Nodding, Kay pushed herself away from the tree, marching across the clearing to where Calhourn and Hecate were roped up munching on the grass by the outskirts. Following suit, I called out for the kids whilst scooping up our weapons, who despite their whining about the session being cut short, they reluctantly trudged over, putting any belongings back in their packs and slinging them over their shoulders.
After much squabbling, the kids worked out who’s turn it was to ride on the horses with us. Madoc and Berylla were victorious, after much debate (and protests from Griffo). The rest ran ahead down the path, screaming battle cries as they brandished their swords, apart from Menegilda who was calmly leading the way as eldest sister as usual.
Keeping to the left of the path, we politely kept our horses out of the way of the locals walking past, who still craned their necks up to glance at the towering animals, then at the wave of loud, lively kids with a nervous or distrustful edge, despite us having taken them around town on numerous occasions – if not all the time.
Whilst trying to keep Berylla from squirming from where she sat in front of me as we rode over one of the bridges, my ears perked up at the sound of my name being called. Turning my head, I watched Kay nudge Calhourn into a brisk trot, hooves clacking against the stone then grass as she lined herself up with me, until we were riding side by side.
“We should probably think about packing as soon as we get back.” She suggested.
“Oh, definitely.” I agreed, failing to realise that we were being listened to by two intrigued children. “I’ll try and see if that undetectable extension charm will work on our bags.”
“Why are you packing??” “Are you leaving us?!” exclaimed Rothad and Berylla, the two of them trying to twist in their spots to face us with wide glossy eyes.
“Nononono, guys it’s fine.” Blurted Kay in an attempt to calm the two before their siblings overheard. “Nothing’s happening, we’re just talking about packing some furniture away, aren’t we Kate?” She eyed me expectantly, and I quickly nodded along.
“Ye-Yea! It’s nothing for you lot to worry about.” I agreed with a shaky laugh.
In the next twenty minutes it took to reach Gladiola’s house, we had spent it trying to convince the two that everything was alright before they fell off the horses in a panic. Eventually the squealing kids we’re received by their father, who ushered them inside, giving us his thanks. Though we could only give a short reply, when Melba had proudly stated to her dad that she had learnt a new word, and we immediately took that as our cue to flick the reigns and canter away as fast as politely possible.
Returning Calhourn and Hecate to the stables, we tossed a quick hello to Bertie, before trudging on foot back up the hill to Bag End.
Reaching the gate, Kay briefly checked the letterbox for mail, and we tiredly hauled ourselves up the stone steps, dropping our bags on the floor and dragging them behind us as I pushed open the large green door.
Wandering further into the house, I waited in the hallway as Kay ran to her room, snatching up her leather backpack, before rejoining me, and the two of us ducked through the hallways, crossing the house until we reached my bedroom.
Sitting cross-legged on my bed, the two of us laid our bags out between us, and took our wands out. Reaching over to my bedside table, I grabbed my soon-to-be-full spellbook, the pages now slightly crinkled and unable to lay flat after months of use.
“Ok,” I breathed. “So I’m pretty sure the charm is Capacious Extremis, and we just need to visualise how big we want the space to be.” I explained, Kay nodding along with me. “Now, this is a stupidly complex spell, so the chance of it working first try is low, so we’ll keep doing it until it works.”
With a snort, Kay rolled her eyes. “Or until it backfires and we blow the house up.” She remarked, shifting into a more comfortable position as she picked her wand up and pointed it at her bag.
“Probably.” I shrugged. “What size are you going for?”
“Umm, like probably about the equivalent of three of four large suitcases?” She answered. “And let me guess, you’re expanding yours to the size of a house?” She stated expectantly as she looked down at my briefcase.
I side-eyed her. “No.” I guffawed. “I’m only putting in a few rooms.”
She held back a laugh. “Of course you are.”
The attempts we made to successfully complete the spell were… entertaining, to say the least. At one point, instead of expanding the inside, Kay accidentally expanded the whole bag, the object growing in size so fast it ended up whacking me in the nose, and I spent the next five minutes bent over the bathroom sink as I waited for the blood to clot up as Kay desperately tried not to laugh. I was no better, when sparks ended up flying out the end of my wand during my third attempt, and we both had to quickly flap our arms about to stop them before they landed on the quilt and set it ablaze.
The both of us sighed in relief when nothing extreme happened on Kay’s fifth attempt, unclipping her bag to see that the spell had finally worked, peering down inside to see a space much too big to be physically able to fit in.
Mine worked on the sixth attempt, seeing as I was aiming for a much larger result. Laying the large rucksack on the rug, I unclasped the buttons and zips and swung open the flap, pulling the opening wide to reveal a steep set of wooden steps, leading down to what looked like the inside of a small wooden hut.
“I take it that Newt Scamander’s briefcase was the inspiration for this?” Kay remarked.
I grinned as I gave her a nod, before twisting myself around to reach my foot over the threshold, testing the planks as I cautiously made my way down. As my feet touched the floor, Kay poked her head over, leaning her torso in slightly to have a peek around.
Shuffling about, I inspected the rows of shelves and drawers that lined the walls, pulling my finger at the odd handle to check the space given. Creaks came from behind, as Kay made her own way down, coming to join me as she revered at the results I had luckily achieved. Her eyes landed on a door opposite the ladder, and she stepped towards it. The brass handle was shaped like an outstretched bird’s claw, waiting patiently for someone to grasp it. Turning her head, she silently asked to open it, and I nodded in response, watching as she curled her left hand around the shape, twisting it until the latch gave way and swung the door open.
Inside revealed a short hallway, barely a couple of metres, which led to two further doors with matching handles; one opened to a small room, that looked a bit more like a pantry, with shelves and cupboards lining the walls, along with some brass hooks on the ceiling to hang the odd thing, then a long table in the middle. The other room was quite bare, but had a small wardrobe and chest of drawers attached on one side, and a spindly three-quarter size wooden bedframe on the other with a matching bedside table.
“You’re not planning on sleeping in here?” Kay asked, a little concerned. “Because I think some people might be a bit jealous.”
“Oh, no.” I replied with a shake of my head. “That wouldn’t be fair. I was planning out this layout with the long term future in mind, not just what could potentially happen soon. This is only a backup for some other time.”
She nodded slowly. She spoke, and I hummed in question. “We’re doing some pretty advanced magic right now. We’ve learnt in a year what others would in almost a decade.”
I whirled round to face her. “It’s called being insane at everything.” I grinned.
She scoffed with a matching grin, lifting her hand up, to which I high-fived with my own. “Clearly.”
“Of course.” I answered obviously. “Now, we need to pack asap. Do you know what you’re bringing?” I pointed at her, waiting for an answer.
Kay put her hands on her hips. “Yep. I’m taking the essentials along with some precious keepsakes. And you’re bringing everything but the kitchen sink.”
I glanced around sheepishly. “Pretty much.”
She shook her head, stepping out the room. “I mean, you did prepare for it.” She said, gesturing to what was around her. “Now get cracking, I know how long you take.”
I gave a small salute. “I’ll get on it.”
The call of the early morning birds filtered through the crack of the paned windows as per usual, and as routine, I blinked in an attempt to clear my bleary eyes against the sun rays that glowed against my face as I tried to make out my brown hair in the mirror, running a soft bristled brush through it.
Gently placing it back on the dressing table, I stared emptily into my reflection, fixing the lace collar on my nightgown before pressing my eyes shut, as sleep had yet to lift its hands from my head.
My ears perked up at the sound of my bedroom door being opened, and I slowly turned my head to squint tiredly at whoever was stepping though the doorway.
I watched as Kay made her way over to my bed, already fully washed and dressed as she hauled a pile of random objects onto my bed.
“You’re never up this early.” I groaned, resting my head on my hand as I turned slightly in my seat to face her. “The only time I’ve seen you up before me was to get ready for that 7am flight to France.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” She answered as she turned to face me. “Bilbo was up before me to visit the early market, so I took the liberty of nicking some of his stuff.”
Now my eyes were fully open. “You what. Why didn’t you invite me?”
She sat herself down on the quilted duvet. “I did earlier, but all I got was snoring in reply.”
Too tired to retaliate, all I gave was a pouty frown, turning back to the mirror to reach for my mascara that I had remembered – by some miracle – to use the duplication spell on (Geminio – a lifesaver when you realise eyeliner isn’t popular in Middle Earth), otherwise I would have ran out six copies ago.
Brushing the black paste onto my lashes, I look over at Kay through the mirror. “What did you get?” I asked.
“Just some things he would consider ‘essentials’ that he would forget.” She replied, rummaging through the small pile next to her. “A hat, some money, couple of books and random keepsakes he could look at.”
“Did you add the handkerchief?” I added.
“Of course I got the handkerchief, plus six more.” Kay remarked, and I felt the impact of something soft and light on the back of my head. “Saves us that awkward moment and his first impression with them.”
Slotting the mascara wand back in its bottle, I twisted in my seat to lean down and retrieve what had been thrown against my head, the object revealing itself as a finely-made handkerchief. Picking it up, I ran the soft material between my fingers. “Do you think he’ll notice these things gone?” I questioned, chucking the cloth back at her.
Raising her hands, Kay caught it. “My best guess is that Gandalf is gonna show up over the next few days, and Bilbo owns at least twenty of these. But knowing our luck so far? Yes.” She answered with a tired look as she placed the handkerchief back on the pile.
Standing up, I stretched my arms above my head until I felt my spine let out a series of pops. “ ‘Course.” I groaned, flopping my arms back down. “So why’d you bring them here?”
Standing up, Kay lifted the pile of stuff and hauled it into my unsuspecting arms. “You have the bigger bag, so I need you to hide them in one of your millions of drawers.”
Attempting to balance the load in my arms, I nodded, before padding over to one of the corners of my room, where the accursed wardrobe stood, and where my bag now sat slotted between the wall and that tall piece of furniture.
Placing the pile on the floor, I lowered myself on my knees as I dragged the bag out, trying my best not to jostle it too much and being mindful of the contents that were now sat within. Calling over my shoulder, I told Kay I would join her for breakfast soon, she agreed, and I listened as the door was swung shut with a click, the muffled sound of her bare feet against the wooden floor fading away as she ventured to the kitchen.
Five minutes later, after organising Bilbo’s belongings into one of the drawers, I found myself reorganising some of the herb jars. Sliding the last bottle in place, I stepped back, admiring my handy work. Almost everything I owned now lined the shelves of my bag, the remaining objects back up in my now bare-looking room being my everyday essentials that would be packed the morning we would leave.
Leaving. The thought of it made my stomach churn. Not in a bad way, but not quite in a good way either. Like the feeling you get when you’re at the front of a queue, about to step onto a ride you had never tried before at a theme park. Excited, but knowing that what is to happen might not quite be what you expect.
Swallowing the feeling down, I grasped the side of the step ladder and climbed my way up and out. I finished my morning routine, quickly washing in the bath and threw my shift, kirtle and skirt on as I braided my hair into two low space buns, finishing it off with a wide white ribbon over my head and tying it off with a bow underneath. Pulling my fringe and curtains bangs out from behind my ears, I twirled them into shape before heading over to the door, closing it behind me as I went to meet Kay in the kitchen.
Barely a few steps in, however, I was met by a spritely Bilbo.
“Ah! There you are!” He grinned as he marched over from where he came through the back door hallway (though it was more of a door that was round the bend further along the path), still in his blue overcoat as he handed me a straw-cloth sack full of something unknown.“ I thought about some furniture rearrangements for the parlour whilst I was out and could really use both of your opinions. But breakfast first! I heard Kay was making those pan-cakes.”
Slightly bewildered at the sudden onslaught of conversation, I blinked, nodding silently. Shifting the bag of itchy material in my arms, I followed him through to the kitchen.
After demolishing the stack of pancakes Kay had prepared, we wandered after the hobbit as he beckoned us into the parlour, now only in his green trousers, white shirt and golden waistcoat. “I’m not quite happy with the way it looks by the window.” He called out behind him. “I figured we could do some moving about to see if anything suits our fancy?”
“Right, Kay, could you just push the table this way.” Bilbo asked, pointing over to where he wanted to try it out next. “Try keeping the dishrags underneath the legs so you don’t scrape it –” The hobbit was abruptly cut off as he ducked, narrowly missing a wooden leg as he tried to not get hit by the floating chair that was flying towards him. “KATE! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT USING YOUR WAND INSIDE?!?!?”
I gaped slightly as I lowered my wand, the chair slowing down as it slowly approached the ground. “I was trying to help?!” I protested, trying to ignore Kay who was trying not to make a sound from where she was leaning over the table, shaking violently with laughter.
“You’re trying to incapacitate me, that’s what you’re doing!!” cried Bilbo, grabbing the chair as soon as it touched the floorboards beside him.
“Not on purpose.” I sulked with a frown.
“Clearly.” He remarked as he eyed me with a weary glare. Pausing for a moment he looked around. “Come to think of it, this arrangement looks nice.” He pondered, shoving the chair back under the table where it belonged. “Whelp! I’m off outside for a smoke.” He huffed, patting his trousers for the pipe weed hidden in one of the pockets. “You two can join if you’d like, it’s a lovely morning outside!” He offered, voice echoing through the hallways as he vanished off to fetch his pipe.
The sound of Hobbiton coming alive in the morning echoes over the hills, wagons being pushed and the chattering of neighbours as they hung out their washing mixed themselves with the chirping birds and rushing water. Kay and I were sat partially hidden behind some bushed in Bilbo’s front garden, and I tilted my head back to try and get the rays onto my pale skin.
 “I know we’ve been preparing for this trip for a while now, but is it bad that it makes me so nervous that I feel sick to my stomach sometimes?” I pondered as I leant back on my hands, feeling the blades of grass poke between my fingers.
“Not at all.” Kay replied from where she was laid next to me, an arm tossed over her eyes as she soaked up the early morning sun. “I don’t know how we keep forgetting to ask the date, but it’s causing me to wake up every morning worried that it’ll be our last day here.”
I hummed worriedly in agreement as I watched Bilbo’s smoke rings float above the bushes we were sat behind, the wisps fading into the air. Picking some dirt from under my nails, another thought came to mind.
“What if he doesn’t let us?” I muttered, aware of the hobbit sat on the bench out of sight a few metres away.
Kay made a confused noise. “Who?”
I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Thorin. We’ve seen how he is, and there’s a strong chance he’ll say no. Hell, even Gandalf might!”
At this Kay pushed herself onto her elbows, squinting in the sun as she looked at me. “I highly doubt Gandalf will say no.” she whispered back. “Plus, Thorin wants an army to join him – he asked Dain after all – so chances are either us, or Gandalf – hopefully – will use that as the counter argument.”
My eyes flitted over the rose bush in front of me, listening to the sound of footsteps pass by as I thought it over. “You’re right, we’ll leave it to think about later.”
Kay nodded, and began lowering herself back down, when the sound of someone sputtering filled the air, followed by some throaty coughs. The two of us went silent, listening to see who was the culprit of the sound.
A few moments of silence passed, until it was finally broken by Bilbo’s wary voice.
“Good Morning.”
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pagansheep · 11 months
Iplier Appearances by Date
Welcome to all of the Iplier Ego Appearances from the very first to current!
YouTube Playlist Here
June 19th, 2012: Don’t Blink
July 4th, 2012: Don’t Move
November 9th, 2012: The Fall of Slender Man
January 23rd, 2013: King of the Squirrels
February 7th, 2013: Danger In Fiction Part One [Feat. Markiplier]
June 12th, 2013: The Warfstache Affair
July 23rd, 2013: Mr. Kitty Saves The World
July 28th, 2013: Raspy Hill
August 20th, 2013: Danger In Fiction | Chapter II
October 16th, 2013: Warfstache Plays Slender
October 31st, 2013: Are Jumpscares Scary?
June 3rd, 2014: Super Infidelity 
August 26th, 2014: The Ned Affair [feat. Markiplier]
October 31st, 2014: Google in Real Life | ft. Markiplier (Matthias Ending)
October 31st, 2014: Google IRL (Markiplier Ending)
December 10th, 2014: Hire My Ass [feat. Markiplier, Danny Sexbang & Matthias]
March 7th, 2015: Five Nights at Freddy’s Interview 
March 24th, 2015: Ed Edgar Adoptallott's Baby Bulk Buy
March 26th, 2015: King of the Squirrels Returns
September 8th, 2015: Worst News Doctor
September 13th, 2015: Warfstache Interviews Markiplier
August 13th, 2016: Relax
August 24th, 2016: Now We’re Cooking
November 13th, 2016: MAKING LOVE FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #12
February 14th, 2017: A Date With Markiplier
April 1st, 2017: 360 Video | Let’s Play Minecraft | Part One
April 16th, 2017: Don’t Play This Game
May 5th, 2017: Markiplier TV
May 20th, 2017: Google Gets an Upgrade
June 29th, 2017: The Voice of Darkiplier | Markiplier Remix
October 10th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter One
October 11th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter Two
October 12th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter Three
October 13th, 2017: Who Killed Markiplier? - The Final Chapter
October 14th, 2017: Corpse Abduction?
October 14th, 2017: Suspect With A Shooty?!
October 14th, 2017: Demons Jim, Demons!!
October 14th, 2017: Dummy Jim Reenacts Grisly Scene!
November 19th, 2017: Don’t Remember
November 20th, 2017: Big MOOD?
December 23rd, 2017: A TOTALLY NORMAL GAME... NOTHING SUSPICIOUS AT ALL... | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 1 (Description Only)
December 24th, 2017: SO MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 2 (Description Only)
December 26th, 2017: EVERYTHING IS SO... NORMAL | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 3 (Description Only)
December 30th, 2017: THE PERFECT DATE w/ ThE ̸̗͍̮̼͙P̏͂̈́ͦ͂̂E͆̈́ͧͮͣ̍̄Ŕ̓͋F̿̒ͦĒͫ̑ͧCT̓ ͏̪̜̗͔̻̘GiRL | Doki Doki - Part 4 (Description Only)
December 31st, 2017: WARNING... THINGS GO VERY VERY WRONG... | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 5 (Description Only)
January 1st, 2018: BE WITH ME FOREVER | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 6 (ENDING) (Description Only)
January of 2018: A Compromise (Tumblr)
August 15th, 2018: Wilford “MOTHERLOVING” Warfstache
August 20th, 2018: Go Back To Sleep…
December 10th, 2018: SANTA SPILLS THE TEA
May 12th, 2019: DAMIEN
December 21st, 2019: CyberMark (Facebook, THIS HAS ENDED)
October 30th 2019: A Heist With Markiplier 
February 11th, 2021: Cooking Simulator #2
February 11th, 2021: The Best Kind of Love Story… (Instagram)
March 7th, 2021: The Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton
August 24th, 2021: MY WORST NIGHTMARE | Mannequin House
September 3rd, 2021: Everything has to End
December 11th, 2021: Everything has to Begin
March 4th, 2022: In Space With Markiplier | Official Trailer
April 4th, 2022: In Space With Markiplier Part One
April 11th, 2022: Ë̸̼R̴̢̼̂R̵̡̙̚͜Ǫ̸͙͚̈R̶̦̮̝͗
April 13th, 2022: We Went Back
April 15th, 2022: Try Not to Crash Simulator | Drive Time Radio
April 18th, 2022: P̴̮̌̓A̵̧͌͜R̶̰̀A̶D̶O̵X̴͓́͗͗͊̆̀͝ ̵͙̈̚D̴̖̍E̷T̷E̵̩͑͜ͅC̵̻͊T̸̺͎̾̾È̷͕Ḓ̴̵̛̊͗̔̃̌̅̀̓̂̕͝
April 25th, 2022: The Multiverse Is Littered With the Corpses of Your Failures
May 2nd, 2022: In Space With Markiplier Part Two
September 16th, 2023: 3 Scary Games #102
15 notes · View notes
frozenmikan · 1 year
Love Live! Days x Nikkei Entertainment - Liella! ON Volume 1
Check out the original interview in Nikkei Entertainment June 2023, available for purchase on Amazon JP here.
Yuigaoka Girls' High School School Idol Club's Monthly Report
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What she really wanted to say during the MC of the final leg of the tour
In this column held in collaboration with Love Live! Days, we follow the activities of Liella!, the school idol group from Love Live! Superstar!!. In this volume, Date Sayuri, the voice of Shibuya Kanon, shares what the group has achieved in March and April 2023.
Summary of This Month Final leg of the tour, new album, and new first-years
March 4-5 Final leg of the 3rd Live Tour at Belluna Dome
Now that I think about it, (the Saitama leg at) Belluna Dome felt really special. The setlist was different from the other legs, and we even performed Second Sparkle for the first time on Day 2. It was also special since I approached both days with very different states of mind. On Day 1, it just didn’t feel real, and my head was in the clouds from the rehearsal to the end of the performance. It felt like my memories of that performance went missing, like, did I even perform on that day?
Day 2 was also the final performance of the live tour, so I remember telling myself to make sure to commit the performance into memory. But, I ended up getting too excited and didn’t manage to say what I really wanted to say during my final MC… What I really wanted to convey back then was the frustration and disappointment I felt upon the realization that although Kanon-chan managed to overcome her worries and take the next step forward, I myself didn’t manage to hold my head high and grow when faced with the same worries.
I’ve received many encouraging words in response to what I said back then. There were people who said something like “You’re two different people, so it’s understandable that seeing Kanon-chan’s good points would make you realize your own weaknesses. You don’t need to try too hard to become Kanon-chan”. That made me think that perhaps I would be able to enjoy myself more and look towards the future if I didn’t fixate over becoming one and the same as Kanon-chan. I have nothing but gratitude for everyone who wrote those comments as they were the ones who brought me to this realization.
March 15 Release of 2nd Album, Second Sparkle
The title song of the album, Second Sparkle, was a song that the group really wanted everyone to listen to in full as soon as possible, so we were all ecstatic when it was finally released. Thoughts like “You’re all so cool!” and “I could go on all day about this song!” were ones that we could totally relate to (laughs). I think we managed to show off a new side of us in the music video as well.
On the other hand, the recording of my solo, Free Flight, came and went without me coming to an interpretation that I felt satisfied with… So, if I have the opportunity to perform the song in the future, I do hope that I’d be able to perform it in a way that I’d be satisfied with. Hopefully I’d be able to look back at this moment with some optimism in the future, and look back fondly at the time when I wasn’t quite sure how to approach the song.
We’ll be having a meet-and-greet event in May for the release of Second Sparkle as well. It’s my first time doing an event like this as the voice of Shibuya Kanon, so I’m really looking forward to it!
April 1 Release of April Fool’s video
A video titled Onifessional - Their Way of Work was released for a limited time on the official YouTube channel, in which the nine of us acted as employees of a fictional events company. I was definitely shocked that we’d be doing a live-action video when I first heard about it, but all of us loved projects that went all out on the ridiculousness, so I left behind any sense of embarrassment I had and dove straight in (laughs). When we received the script, we were told that basically, most of it would be ad-libbed. Both participating in a live-action production and ad-libbing were things that I’ve never done before, so I had a lot of fun.
Each of us had a character setting in the script that we received, and what I got was three phrases: “Has been in the company for three years”, “A moodmaker that’s always cheerful”, and “Loves using quotes whenever she can”. I therefore decided to look up people I could use as a reference, as well as quotes that virtually everyone would know. There was a part when I said something like “there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’”, and the only instructions the script had was “act like something or someone”. I’m sure many of you have already noticed, but I did use that famous actor as a reference!
There was one thing I felt was quite difficult though. Even though I tried my best to put on an act, I received many comments that went “that’s basically just Date Sayuri”. That was somewhat frustrating (laughs). But, in the making-of video that’s currently available on Liella! Club, Emori (Aya)-chan said, “You’re going back to being Sayuri!”, and I responded by telling myself to get into character, so do check that out as well!
April 28 Announcement of new first-years and unit groupings
On this day, it was announced that Wien Margarete and Onitsuka Tomari would be joining Liella! as new first-years, and the group would be split into three units. Joining Kanon-chan’s unit would be Heanna Sumire (voiced by Payton Naomi) and Yoneme Mei (voiced by Yabushima Akane).
First of all, about the new first-years, I expected Kanon-chan’s younger sister, Aria-chan to join, given their age gap, but instead, we got Oninatsu’s younger sister instead, which was quite unexpected. I was quite surprised to learn that she even had a sister (laughs). I have yet to meet the voice of Tomari-chan, but since everyone in Liella! is very kind, I hope she has an enjoyable time here. As for the voice of Wien (Margarete), Yuina-chan, she has already gone on an entire tour with us, so I am really excited about the new first-years.
We heard about who would be in which unit after Day 2 at Belluna Dome, and I remembered being quite surprised at the size of the units, as well as the fact that Kanon, Sumire, and Mei would be in the same unit. Personally, I have the feeling that we were split into units based on our singing voices. I don’t know the concepts of each unit yet, so that’s something that I’m quite excited about (laughs).
Agenda for Next Month The theme song of SIF2
May 17 Release of new single, MIRACLE NEW STORY
Liella! was picked to perform the theme song of SIF2 [1], and it’s a song that makes me want to carry the weight of SIF2 when we perform it live in the future. There are a lot of lines that relate to “singing out loud together”, so not only is it a perfect fit for SIF2’s theme song, it’s also a perfect fit for Liella! now that we’re now able to hold performances where cheers are allowed. The coupling song for the single is also a song that’s quite conducive to cheers, so I’m hoping that it’ll become a song that’ll feel complete when the fans are performing it with us, and that it’ll help shape the new Liella!.
Also, I personally love the SIF game, and being able to listen to all kinds of songs from the Love Live! franchise is definitely one of its strengths. I’d be glad if it gave people who haven’t heard Liella!’s songs an opportunity to listen to our songs, to develop an interest in them, and to eventually fall in love with our songs.
We participated in MEGA VEGAS 2023 on March 11, and we could tell that there’ll be a lot of rock fans in attendance just from what the venue looked like. Because of that, we thought we couldn’t lose to everyone else performing, and that sweating is part and parcel of the rock experience, so we definitely did sweat a lot more than we usually do on that day (laughs). It was quite liberating, in a way. I had a lot of fun imagining what a rock-inspired Kanon-chan would be like, which made me really grateful to receive the opportunity to perform at BUSHIROAD ROCK FESTIVAL 2023. The first time we participated in a music festival held outdoors was Bannam Fest last year, so this is our second time doing this. There was a moment when I felt infinitely small compared to the vast venue that we performed at last time, so I hope I’ll be able to overcome that feeling this time! It was also announced that we’ll be performing in this summer’s Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL- on March 19, so I hope we’ll be able to show what it means to be Liella! at the various music festivals as well. 
[1] The official name of the game is Love Live! School Idol Festival 2 MIRACLE LIVE!, a smartphone rhythm game released on April 15 as the successor to Love Live! School Idol Festival, which had been in operation for ten years.
Translator: xIceArcher Quality Check: Yujacha (@yujachachacha)
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jelenamasterpost · 3 years
INDEX: purple font signifies importance, whether that be a specific date, quote, etc - I will later release a full index of all important dates and information combing each year of the Jelena timeline, but in the meantime, purple font signifies key information in their story to later come back to.
January 1st:
Selena celebrated NYE by Justin's side at his private party at the Glass House in NYC following his performance on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve:
"He...danced with Selena, showing off, picking her up and swinging her around like it was Dancing With the Stars," a source tells E!
*E! article here (x)
January 2nd:
Selena tweets (a now deleted) photo she posted to her instagram of Justin with a big smile captioned:
“This smile is because of Carly Rae Jepsen.. We have not stopped listening to your song girl!” in response to CRJ’s single “Call Me Maybe”
*tweet here (x)
January 3rd:
Selena was spotted getting gas and McDonalds on way to Justin’s house
*photos here (x)
January 4th:
Justin, Selena, Taylor Swift, JoJo and Francia attend The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles
*photos / article here (x) (x)
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January 6th:
Justin and Selena are photographed in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 7th:
Photos of Justin and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico
*photos here (x)
January 9th:
Justin adds photo of him and Selena in Los Cabos, Mexico to instagram captioned:
“2 much fun”
January 10th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a restaurant together in Hollywood, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 13th:
Selena and Justin are spotted by fans while walking with Baylor in Balboa Park, California
*full article / photos here (x)
January 14th:
Selena and Justin are spotted and photographed grocery shopping together with some family members in Encino, CA
*photos here (x)
January 15th:
Selena and Justin are photographed arriving at a friends house for Football Sunday
*full article / photos here (x)
January 16th:
Justin and Selena drive to Disney Land and were spotted walking on streets of Anaheim
*photos here (x)
January 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Disneyland together and are spotted kissing - they also run into Selena’s on-screen mom, actress Maria Canals Barrera, who tweeted a photo of herself with Selena and Justin writing “You never know who you’ll bump into at Disney Land.”
*full article / photos here (x) (x) (x)
January 22nd:
Selena continues her We Own The Night World Tour for the final South American leg of the tour this evening in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The tour runs through January 22nd-February 11th
Fans spot both Selena and Justin in San Juan and take fan photos with the couple - Alfredo later confirms Justin was indeed in Puerto Rico but that they were flying back to LA the following day
Alfredo Flores:
"Went to dinner tonight in Puerto Rico. Justin ended up eating fish… I wanted him to try something Puerto Rican but he really wanted fish.. LOL what a waste of trying. Selena had a great show though and it was awesome seeing all the fans at the arena. I met so many of you and it was so much fun. Last day tomorrow and then we have to fly back to LA. Enjoying my last moments tomorrow. Te Amo."
*photos here (x) / Wikipedia tour dates (x)
February 2nd:
Selena covers the March issue of Cosmo and mentions Justin a few times in her interview
Talking about Justin:
“I’m just like every 19-year-old girl. If you’re in love, you’re in love to the fullest, and you just want to go to the movies, hang out, and be as normal as possible. I’m fortunate that I’ve found someone who has that philosophy … [Love] is the most powerful thing. When it comes to my family, friends, a relationship … it centers me. You only live once, and I want to be proud of everything that I do and just have fun. I want to be able to say that I had a really fulfilled, fun life.”
Talking about Nick, an ex:
“I was in a relationship previously where I had to hide everything and it wasn’t my choice. I had to go through different exits and take separate cars and do the craziest things, and it just really wasn’t worth it. It was like a year of my life completely wasted.”
February 11th:
Selena officially finishes her We Own The Night World Tour as she performs her final show of her South American leg in Montevideo, Uruguay
She also announced via her official Facebook that her and her band Selena Gomez & The Scene would be taking a prolonged hiatus as she will focusing primarily on acting this year:
This tour has been amazing, Thank you all for all the love and support you have shown me on this tour. Today is the last show but.... I will be back. Love you all.
Just to clear up my last instagram post, my band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all about films and acting and I want my band to play music wherever with whoever. We will be back but, it will be a good while. I love them and I love you guys
*Facebook status here (x)
February 12th:
Justin is photographed picking up Selena from LaGuardia Airport in New York, who just finished her South American tour the night prior
They're later photographed together shopping in H&M and again that evening getting dinner at Thai Bistro in Manhattan posing for fan photos
*photos here (x) / here (x) / and here (x)
February 13th:
Justin and Selena are seen arriving at their New York City hotel on the eve of Valentines Day.
Justin gifted Selena a diamond ring for Valentines Day with the letter "J" on it - she uploaded a photo of her hand and the ring to Instagram with the caption:
"I'm finally home :)"
*E! article / photo of ring here (x)
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February 14th:
Justin and Selena spend part of their Valentines Day at Disneyland with his whole family and were photographed carrying around his younger siblings.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 15th:
Justin and Selena are spotted at iHop and Chuck E Cheese in Encino, California
*photos here (x) / and here (x)
February 17th:
Justin and Selena were spotted/filmed while out shopping at The Beverly Centre
Justin and Selena later took to the Malibu oceanfront with his younger siblings and were photographed
*beach photos here (x) beverly centre here footage here (x)
February 18th:
Justin and Selena were photographed out as they took his younger siblings, Jaxon and Jazmyn, for a trip to Japanese spot Benihana in Los Angeles.
Stuart Montalvo, general manager of the restaurant, tells HollywoodLife.com:
“Justin and Selena were here this past Saturday with a group of people. They are really nice and polite. They come here quite often and usually order the same thing: Rocky’s Choice, which is Hibachi steak and chicken breast. Justin’s younger brother and sister were also with them. It was a family affair. Everyone was in a great mood and laughing and having fun. Justin and Selena were very affectionate. They were holding hands when they walked in and when they left. They looked like they are very fond of each other.”
Justin and Selena recruit their friend Ashley Tisdale and crew (including Ashley's boyfriend Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls, Sammy Droke, Mateo Arias, Logan Henderson, Kendall Schmidt and Carlos Pena) to film themselves lip-synching and dancing to Carly Rae Jepsen’s Call Me Maybe in a home-made video
*photos earlier that day here (x)
February 19th:
Taylor Swift films "dance challenge" with Zac Efron on behalf of Ellen's dare at the premiere of The Lorax, and includes footage from the same day of the premiere dancing up on Justin in the studio and Selena at the event
*full article here (x) (x) *full video here (x)
February 22nd:
Justin and Selena went to UNDER THE GUN tattoo parlor in Hollywood to get Selena her first tattoo. Jordan Sandoval tweeted a picture of Selena and Louie, the tattoo artist who tattooed her.
(he is quoted saying its a heart, but its actually a music symbol and has been long speculated to actually be a disguised "J")
“She got a little heart tattoo at Under The Gun, in Hollywood by Louie Gomez @selenagomez.”
Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin hang out in the studio, upload a photo together and announce they've recorded a song via Twitter
Carly's Tweet:
I finally got to say thank you in person. Ps @/kukharrell @/justinbieber and I may have worked on a little song tonight.
Justin's Tweet:
my first impression of @/carlyraejepsen - kind, talented, and the real deal. this is going to be fun. welcome to the team.
*tattoo parlour photos here (x)
February 23rd:
Justin and Selena are photographed as they stop at The Commons at Calabasas in Calabasas, California - they later stopped for coffee at Starbucks and frozen yogurt at Menchie’s with their entourage, and Justin debuts his dyed brunette hair.
*full article / photos here (x)
February 25th:
Justin and Selena are photographed having lunch together at Sushi Den then again as they head into the Sherman Oaks Galleria to catch an afternoon movie together in Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Justin adds a photo of him and Selena to his Instagram
Later that evening while grabbing dinner they met Richard Reid in an elevator and stopped to pose for a photo with him that Richard ended up posting to his Twitter - after being flooded with questions from Justin fans, he began answering a few, revealing publicly via Twitter that there was boob grabbing (?)
*photos from earlier in the day here (x) Richard Reid photo here (x) Richard Reid tweet here (x)
February 26th:
Justin and Selena are photographed by fans renting movies at a Hollywood Blockbuster
Selena speaks to Access Hollywood about her new diamond studded ring in the shape of a "J" from Justin and whether or not its an engagement ring. When asked to show off the jewelry, she suddenly came down with a sudden case of stage fright:
“No, no — that’s like almost a friendship ring, it’s just for fun.”
“No! You’ll see it in pictures!”
“I get nervous.” she added with a laugh.
*blockbuster photos here (x) / AccessHollywood article here (x)
February 27th:
Selena officially begins filming Spring Breakers in St. Petersburg Florida alongside Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson
February 29th:
Justin films his appearance for The Ellen DeGeneres Show (that airs the following day) to reveal that the first single from his upcoming album, Believe, was called Boyfriend and would be released March 26th - while filming, he's surprised and gifted an electric car from his manager Scooter Braun for his birthday
*full article here (x)
March 1st:
Selena adds photo to instgram for Justin’s birthday captioned:
Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole world!!! Have a great birthday baby!
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March 2nd:
Selena is photographed leaving a medical clinic after getting bloodwork while still in St. Petersburg Florida
She's later seen arriving into LAX, having flown in for Justin's birthday party
Justin’s birthday party is this evening and Carly Rae Jepsen performs - Selena, their mutual agent Nick Styne, Jaden Smith, Ashley Tisdale, Ryan Good, Tori Kelly, Alfredo, Ashley Cook and Samantha Droke are also in attendance
*Medical Clinic article here (x) / DailyMail article here (x) / JustJared photos (x)
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March 5th:
Its been reported that Justin is buying a $10.8million property in the Hollywood Hills to set up for himself and Selena
*DailyMail article here (x)
March 11th:
Justin flies down to Florida and takes Selena, Ashley Benson and her boyfriend Ryan Good, Justin's mom and his grandparents for a fishing trip excursion.
They are later spotted by fans at Gratzzi Italian Grille and Cracker Barrel before ending up back at their hotel.
Justin tweeted:
"great day fishing. time with grandpa doing the simple things in life. great day."
"Show the ones you love you love them. Take the time to make sure they know,"
*DailyMail article here (x) more photos here (x)
March 12th:
Justin visits Selena on the set of Spring Breakers
Later that evening, they meet up for dinner and drinks at a sports bar with Ashley Benson and Ryan Good in St. Petersburg Florida and have their first public fight - shortly after arriving Justin stormed out of the bar, followed by Selena chasing after him to their car.
“Justin’s security team drove the battling couple down the street to an alley where they had a ‘private conversation.’ After settling their dispute, they went back to the bar and continued boozing it up. By the time they left it was clear that the underage couple appeared to have had too much alcohol to drink.”
They were later photographed leaving the restaurant seeming to have made amends, but were reported to have been intoxicated.
*full article detailing fight here (x) *justin visiting set photos here (x)
March 13th:
Justin is photographed arriving back into LAX from Florida
March 15th:
Selena, Justin and her family are photographed leaving Cedars Sinai Medical Office Towers in Los Angeles California - Selena had a bandage around her arm where it looked like she had blood taken.
Upon getting in the car, Justin laid down in the seat so he wouldn't be seen by the camera.
*full article here (x)
March 16th:
Justin is photographed at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre waiting outside in his vehicle and allegedly is there with Selena - she was also there the day before getting blood work
*full article / photos here (x)
March 26th:
Justin does a radio interview with Ryan Seacrest on KIIS-FM explained how he tries to stay busy while Selena is away filming her movie:
“I work all day, it keeps me occupied.”
March 30th:
Justin sits down with Complex and talks about Selena and growing up in the game:
Complex: Obviously, you and Selena are fodder for the gossip blogs everyday. How hard is it to keep your relationship private?
JB: It’s so hard, because everyone’s got a camera-phone, and now everyone wants to get their picture on the blogs. So they’ll send anything that they have to the blogs. So you don’t really get any privacy. If I want to go out to eat, if I’m in L.A., I just have to expect that there’s going to be someone there. That’s the only thing that I don’t like.
Complex: Is it tough for you guys? A lot of people like, hate it. Do you guys hate it, or is it like, “This comes with the territory, we’ve got to deal with it, it sucks?”
JB: I’m kind of both. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I’ll be covering my face or something, and the comment that pisses me off so much is, “Oh, get over it, Justin. You’re famous. People are going to take your picture. Just suck it up. You’re rich. You’re making a lot of money. Suck it up. This is one of the things that you have to do.” I’m like, “Yo I just got off an eight-hour flight. I’m tired. My eyes have bags under them. I’m not trying to take pictures.” I’m not going to come to your house, wake you up out of a deep sleep and start snapping your picture, no matter how you look right now. It doesn’t matter. When I get off a flight, I’m not trying to sit there and let them take pictures of me. I’m tired. I’m scratching my eyes. I just don’t like taking pictures in general.
Complex: There’s been high profile couples in history: Justin and Britney, Jay and Beyoncé. Jay and Beyoncé kind of kept it private. Everyone knew they were together, but they kept it quiet. Even with the kid, they kept it so under wraps. Do you learn anything from those relationships? And do you guys talk about that?
JB: Yeah. I mean, for me, it’s like, there’s no way to hide it completely, because then it would be unfair for us. Then, we’re not even able to have a relationship. It’s like, “You take this car, and I’ll take this car, and then we’ll meet up at the spot. Then, you go in this door, I’ll go in this door. We’ll end up crossing ways. You get back in this car. We’ll cross over, do a James Bond. You go through the kitchen. I’ll go through the back area. Then we’ll meet in the dressing room and see each other.” At that point, it’s like, it’s not even a relationship. You’re just hiding from everyone. That’s unfair and unhealthy, man.
*full Complex article here (x)
March 31st:
Justin and Selena both attend The Kids Choice Awards though walk the red carpet separately - Justin gets slimed during the ceremony and they both win awards
(note to self: Selena seems a bit high during interviews backstage)
April 4th:
Selena and Justin are photographed having a Subway picnic overlooking the city at Griffith Park in Los Angeles.
*full article / photos here (x)
April 5th:
Justin and Selena held hands as they headed to Panera Bread for lunch in Glendale, California
*DailyMail article / photos here (x)
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April 6th:
Justin and Selena were photographed getting food at the Chick-fil-A drive-thru
*full article / photos here (x)
April 7th:
Justin and Selena were spotted by fans at a grocery store and posed for photos
*photos here (x)
April 9th:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are spotted/photographed by fans while going to watch American Reunions in theatres
*photos here (x)
April 11th:
Seventeen Magazine releases their May issue with Justin on the cover and ask about Selena during his interview:
Seventeen: Everyone is so interested in your personal life, especially your relationship with Selena. A lot of your fans don’t approve…
Justin: Everyone has haters, so you always have to deal with the negativity and be positive about it. I don’t think it’s nice; I’d rather they be nice, but at the end of the day I don’t let it affect me.
Seventeen: You’ve planned some amazing dates for Selena - who taught you to be so romantic?
Justin: I’m just trying to make her happy, that’s all. I think it’s important to make all woman feel like they’re princesses because every girl is a princess, I’m serious.
Seventeen: Will.I.am said he thinks it’s important for people to experience heartbreak so they’ll have something to sing about. What do you think?
Justin: I haven’t gone through it so I don’t really know what it’s about. I don’t think anyone wants to have heartbreak. I haven’t been in that deep a place yet, but I’m still looking. I’m still learning every day.
Seventeen: Would you and Selena ever record music together?
Justin: Yeah. I love her music, so maybe we could collaborate.
*full article here (x)
April 12:
Justin, Selena and Alfredo are photographed snowboarding at Big Bear Ski Resort in Big Bear Lake, California
*photos here (x)
April 14th:
Justin and Selena go to Jupiter, Florida for the weekend to celebrate the wedding of one of Justin’s friends and check into The Inn at Admiral’s Cove
They later attend Allison Kaye's wedding
*full article here (x)
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April 17th:
Justin and Selena attend Lakers game together after both separately appearing on DWTS and American Idol, and publicly share an intimate kiss when put on the spot via the events Kiss Cam
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April 19th:
During an interview with The Insider to promote her new perfume line, Selena is put to the test to correctly guess Justin's perfume through a sniff-test:
"The Insider's Brooke Anderson lined up three unlabeled fragrances for Selena, which included Justin's Someday perfume, challenging her to pick out his scent from the trio.
"I'm such a bad girlfriend," Selena sheepishly muttered when she confused Someday for Paris.
Selena revealed that Justin is impressed with her concoction and went on to explain why his opinion carried so much weight when she was creating the scent for her perfume, not only as a fellow perfumer, but also as a guy, citing "romantic" reasons."
*full video here (x)
April 20th:
Selena debuts a new additional music video for Hit The Lights
Selena appears on On Air with Ryan Seacrest and opens up about her Kiss Cam at the Lakers game earlier this week, and Justin’s upcoming debut with Taylor Swift.
Asked about the Kiss Cam, Selena called it "the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, probably."
“They were showing these little elderly couples, and it was so cute. Then all of a sudden we’re both looking up and we come on the screen and it’s like … it was so awkward. It was so weird. I mean you have to kiss, right?”
"They wrote a song together and it’s beautiful - it’s amazing - I don’t know if it will make the album, but if not I’m sure they’ll release it at some point, because it’s a really great record. It’s kind of like … it’s Taylor and Justin combined. So it’s a little bit of an upbeat song, but it’s very acoustic.”
*full video interview here (x) / *full RadarOnline article here (x)
April 21st:
Selena visits Justin on set for his music video “Boyfriend” and the two are photographed hugging/kissing/being affectionate
*full article / photos here (x)
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April 27th:
UsWeekly releases a special edition of their magazine featuring Justin and exclusive photos/interviews titled Inside My World: Justin Bieber. He's questioned about Selena during his interview and mentions recently gifting her a diamond bracelet:
UsWeekly: At least you get quality time with Selena. What do you love about her?
Justin: I dunno! She just carries herself in a very elegant way. And my family loves her, which is usually hard because my mom’s really picky. My mom wants, you know, a good Christian girl with good manners.
UsWeekly: Do you understand girls better now?
Justin: Well, every girl is different, so they are hard to figure out. Like, the way most men work is the same. But each woman works differently. It’s like I can’t figure them out! But I do know girls like you to tell them you love them and that they’re all beautiful all the time. So I do that a lot with any girl I’m with. I tell them that as much as possible.
UsWeekly: Most romantic gift you’ve ever given?
Justin: I’m not saying to who- but I gave a girl an expensive diamond bracelet recently. It was so pretty, I knew she’d love it!
UsWeekly: Would you and Selena ever do a duet?Yeah. I think she’s very talented.
Justin: That would be very cool. We have nothing planned- but I’m not opposed to it!
*full interview here (x)
May 16th:
Justin featured in GQ magazine/interview:
"I keep my guard up a lot," the singer says in the latest issue of GQ.
"Because you know, you can’t trust anyone in this business. That’s what’s sad. You can’t trust anybody. I learned the hard way.”
May 18th:
The Hollywood Gossip reports that Justin and Selena may have broken up after Justin cryptically tweets/deletes:
“thank u for the time i had with you but i have to move on now..”
*full article here (x)
May 20th:
Justin attends Billboard Music Awards solo in Las Vegas
May 20th:
Justin sits down with Sunday Times for an interview and reveals when news of his “love child” with Mariah Yeater broke, Selena called him right away. Justin also revealed that he wrote a song dedicated to Selena titled 'Be Alright.'
“She was like, ‘Do you see what they’re saying on the internet?’ I was like ‘Yeah.’ She was, like, ‘So…’ I was, like ‘No, it’s not true’. ‘Okay, thank you, bye!’ That was it, she trusts me."
“I’m going to call my girlfriend.” So he does, reaching Selena on the Florida set of her new film Spring Breakers.
“Whats up baby? I can’t stop thinking about you… I said I can’t stop thinking about you. That’s all. Yes, so, um, I gotta do this interview but I just wanted to call and hear your voice really quickly… Okay, I love you. Okay bye.”
Skype and FaceTime keep them connected, he says.
“Ten years ago, or even five years, long distance relationships were much harder. Now you see each other anytime you want!”
May 25th:
Justin and Selena reunite as he picks her up from the LAX airport
*full article (x) / photos (x)
May 26th:
Selena and Justin are photographed out for a lunch date at Benihana in Sherman Oaks. Afterwards the two snuck out the back door hand-in-hand. Selena then went her own way as she cruised to a nearby 76 gas station in Encino to fill her Ford Escape
*photos here (x)
May 27th:
Selena and Justin were strolling an outdoor mall in Calabasas when paparazzi began harassing them as they were trying to leave. According to witnesses (and photos taken) this photographer was so aggressive that he even blocked Justin's car, and was said to be rudely harassing Selena "about the herpes (coldsore) on her lip" while trying to capture a photo of her. After they began harassing Selena, Justin got out of his car and went to smack the camera from his hands and him and the photographer both fell off the curb.
The photographer was taken away by ambulance AND filed a police report that named Justin as the culprit. The Los Angles County Sheriff's office is investigating and say they will talk to Justin.
One of the girls who supposedly was there shared this:
"long story short; the paps were blocking his car and wouldnt move, he got mad after asking them to move, justin tried to knock their camera, the pap and justin both fell off the curb, he lost his shoe and hat while fighting him, selena and justin left and came back because selena lost her phone, and the paps would not get out of her face, and then they left and now the paps are trying to get money from the whole thing"
Another girl that was allegedly there as a witness had nearly the exact same story as above, except in addition she added the paparazzi were rudely asking Selena "about the herpes on her lip," and that's when and why Justin knocked his camera.
*full video to story above here (x)
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May 28th:
Selena attends producer Joel Silver‘s Memorial Day party in Malibu
Selena and Justin have dinner date
*full article / photos here (x)
May 30th:
Detectives want to interview Justin and Selena after a photographer claims he was attacked by Justin at a Calabasas shopping mall Sunday, but authorities continue to seek additional witnesses.
In a statement released Tuesday, the Sheriff's Department said the investigation was continuing and that detectives "are planning to interview Mr. Bieber." Law enforcement sources said Selena is among the witnesses detectives would like to talk to. Detectives are investigating claims by the photographer that Justin struck him after he snapped photographs of Selena at the Commons at Calabasas Shopping Center.
The photographer complained of pain and was taken by the Los Angeles County Fire Department to a hospital, where he was treated and released, officials said. The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, stressed that the probe was in its early stages.
*source here (x)
June 7th:
Selena’s photoshoot and interview for her Elle cover is released where she briefly mentions Justin renting out LA's Staples Center for a private screening of Titanic:
"If I'll share anything with you, it's that he really is a hopeless romantic. I had just mentioned it in the car - all I said is that I really want to see Titanic again, and then."
June 11th:
Justin joined Selena's mom and step-dad at the Right to Laugh event hosted by the Alliance for Children's Rights at the Avalon in Hollywood. Selena's mom Mandy, a huge supporter of the organization, purchased an entire table to support the cause, and invited Justin to accompany her family.
"Selena and Justin sat side-by-side," a source tells PEOPLE.
"They were laughing and smiling the whole evening. They were being very low-key and gracious as to not take away any attention from the cause."
June 15th:
Justin officially releases his third studio album Believe and many of the album's songs are inspired by Selena and their relationship, including Be Alright, a song about their long distance relationship, that Justin wrote by himself:
Across the ocean, across the sea
Startin' to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky
Need to see your face and need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and, through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard baby, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
Selena is referenced by name in the song Beauty & A Beat during Nicki Minaj's rap:
“Justin Bieber / You know I'm gonna hit 'em with the ether / Buns out, wiener/ But I gotta keep an eye out for Selener”
*Be Alright audio here (x)
June 15th:
Selena arrives into Toronto Pearson International airport and Justin is photographed picking her up.
*photos here (x) / (x)
June 16th:
Selena and Justin are photographed boarding a helicopter to fly them into his hometown Stratford Ontario where Justin later sang Baby on steps of the Avon Theatre
*full articles (x)
June 17th:
Justin and Selena both attend Much Music Video Awards ceremony in Toronto, Canada where Justin was performing and Selena was presenting - they walked the red carpet separately and didn't pose for any photos together
*photos here (x)
June 25th:
Justin and Selena have dinner date at Geoffrey’s in Malibu and are later seen departing in Justin’s "party bus"
*photos here (x)
June 26th:
Justin and Selena attend Katy Perry’s “Part of Me” documentary premiere at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles - Justin skipped the red carpet
Later that evening Justin and Selena arrive at the Bootsy Bellows lounge with Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson in West Hollywood for the after party and headed to a private room in the back of the lounge:
“Justin and Selena shared a table with friends,” a spywitness tells JustJared.com of the after-party.
“They were very affectionate the whole night, holding hands and sharing kisses. Katy and Amber Heard, and Shannon Woodward spent a good portion of the night sitting and chatting with them. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, taking pictures with each other and snacking on mini-cupcakes.”
*full article / photos here (x)
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June 28th:
Justin cut short a pre-taped interview with U.S. radio show Mojo in the Morning after the host compared him to Justin Timberlake and quizzed him about a potential romance between his mother and One Direction's Harry Styles.
Thomas Carballo, the host of the show, was in the middle of a phone chat with Justin when he (rightfully so) took offence at his line of questioning - and hung up.
The 10-minute interview got off to a bad start when Carballo told Justin he thought he was Timberlake the first time he heard him.
Justin said, "That's funny because our voices sound nothing alike... Saying I sound like somebody else is definitely not a compliment."
Justin eased up when talking about his new song Maria, which was inspired by the woman who falsely claimed he was the father of her baby last year, but he lost his cool when Carballo got personal and asked if he was worried about Harry Styles falling for his mum.
The DJ said, "Do you worry about Harry around your mum, since he likes older women?"
Clearly upset, Justin then mumbled something about Carballo's mother and, as the radio presenter explained his mum was dead, Justin had already hung up the phone.
A record company representative then tried to convince the DJ that Justin's phone had cut off, explaining, "I can't get him. He's in a really s**tty area."
She later revealed Justin was "really upset" with the questions, adding, "He probably won't be calling back."
*source here (x)
June 30th:
Justin and Selena enjoy a walk around Lake Balboa in Van Nuys, California, stopped at an ice cream truck with Alfredo and stopped by Bronco Burrito for some lunch.
*full article / photos here (x)
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horanghaechan · 4 years
Dream in a Dream (M)
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pairing: Prince!Ten x Princess!You
word count: 6k
warnings: written in 3rd person, mature content, fluffy, ten being the love of my life
synopsis: The Four Great Kingdoms took turns to maintain the peace of a planet called Mahabhuta. However, when minor rebellions threaten its stability, two kingdoms seek an alliance. But, hearts could never be war weapons. What to do when one of them is already committed to another?
Inspired by indian/turkish stuff and Avatar lol
[a/n]: since he (and his smile) was the reason i started stanning nct back in march 2016 (lol) i decided to post this here, the original version is in portuguese and posted on my fic site. happy bday, phonphon, you deserve the world.
also, english is not my first language so any grammar/etc mistake please let me know!
First of all, a small glossary so you don’t get lost:
The cycle of the Great Kingdoms of Mahabhuta takes place by:
Kingdom of Prithvi (Kingdom of Earth)
Kingdom of Apas-Jal (Kingdom of Water)
Kingdom of Agni (Kingdom of Fire)
Kingdom of Vayu (Kingdom of Air)
However, there is Akasha (Heaven, "vacuum"), by which all other kingdoms are "subjected". Akasha’s laws override any other law, as they were enacted prior to the division of Mahābhūta.
The hierarchy in each kingdom consists of:
Samraat and Samrajni – emperor and empress;
Maharaja and Maharani – king and queen, used formally for the heirs of the throne;
Raja and Rani – king and queen, used informally with the heirs of the throne.
Some words used by the characters and their meanings:
Evet: an informal way of saying “yes”;
Nei: an informal way of saying “no”;
Shokran: “thanks” said from peasants to monarchs;
Shukriya: “thanks” said from monarchs to peasants;
Olum: interjection of astonishment, incredulity.
Om Shanti: good luck.
Findi: petname, which can mean both “love” and “sweetheart”, normally related to married couples.
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Border between Vayu and Prithvi, Apas-Jal Era.
 Some carriages and soldiers crossed the bridge across the border of the Kingdom of Prithvi. Everyone there was fully aware of what they were doing, but no one hesitated. Keeping Maharani of Vayu happy was the only thing they were looking for.
“Rani Y/N are you sure that Raja Chittaphon will be waiting for us?” Ipek, Y/N’s chaperone and personal maid, asked worriedly.
“Evet.” Y/N nodded. “It’s our only chance.”
“Samraat Bhima will be horrified when he notices that you are missing.”
“He will.” The princess smiled. “But he’ll eventually understand that I had to.”
“Everyone will be delighted when you get married to Raja Chittaphon, right?!” Ipek smiled when she noticed how the girl’s face lit up at her question.
“Hopefully so, Ipek. That’s what I’m aiming for.” Y/N sighed, biting another smile. Remembering Chittaphon always resulted in moments like that, where everything melted and she became a puddle of love.
She still shivered like a fool when she remembered when they met.
 Flashback on
Jala, Kingdom of Apas-Jal, 3 years ago
The corridors of the Palace of Jala were huge and very confusing. There were no separated doors, let alone identification by floors or wings. Y/N walked blindly through them, because she couldn’t remember where they assigned her rooms earlier.
“Well, I’m sure it’s not here.” One of the doors opened and a boy came out of it, on his back, wearing a typical outfit of the monarchs she knew.
“Olum!” Y/N froze on her place.
“Oh, are you the owner of this room?” He turned to her, drawing her attention to the pair of amused chestnut eyes that stared at her.
“Nei, nei. I’m lost.” She confessed. “I thought the floor was empty.”
“They told me that the Kingdom of Agni would be on the third floor, according to the cycle, but I confess I’m having trouble counting. Is it the third excluding the ground floor, or the third from the ground?” The boy smiled and she felt her heart flutter.
She absolutely adored smiles.
And... Olum, that smile was out of this world!
“Well, guess I’m twice wrong, then.” she blushed.
“You’re not from Agni, I suppose.”
“Nei. I’m from Vayu.” She extended her hand, indicating the ring of the Compass Rose, which was the symbol of her kingdom. “I ended getting lost...”
“Ten, from Agni.” the boy showed his own ring too, a ruby ​​sun adorning his hand. Only monarchs wore such rings. “Maybe if we go back where you came from, we’ll be able to find your chaperone.”
“Y/N, from Vayu.” She bowed, understanding now with whom she spoke. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Maharaja Chittaphon.”
“Olum, it can’t be!” Another lovely smile painted his thin lips. “Maharani Y/N Vatavaran?” Ten sounded excited. “I spent years trying to get to know you!”
“Really?” Y/N raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Indeed! Did you think that you could remain incognito forever? All kingdoms are curious about the Heiress of the Air.” he signalled for them to start walking. He couldn’t touch her until they were officially introduced. “I suppose you make your debut at tonight’s ball?”
“My parents decided that it’s time for me to seek popularity.” She nodded. “I’m a little afraid, you know? Balls have always seemed too formal.”
“And they are.” Ten agreed. “But as soon as we are introduced, I’ll ask for one dance, and I hope you’ll save me a page on your card.”
“As I don’t know anyone, you’ll have them all.” She laughed.
“Perfect! So I won’t have to keep company with the Apas.”
“Don’t you like water?”
“I don’t like anything that puts out fire.” Ten joked casually, and then realized that the princess was puzzled by his comment. “Don’t worry, the air tends to spread it. I really like the air.” The same amusement gleam flashed through those chestnut eyes.
Y/N also had made up her mind: she liked the fire a lot.
End of flashback
 Closing her eyes, Y/N waited for the right time to relax. When the antelope’s hooves stopped, she knew it was near.
“Maharani Vatavaran, we have arrived.” One of the soldiers tapped the carriage window twice, breaking the silence. “Maharaja Bhumi is waiting for you.”
“I’ll go down. Shukriya.” Y/N smiled. “We’ll meet tomorrow, Ipek. Watch out for any strange movements, pay close attention to the air! As we are in Prithvi you may feel weaker, but just focus on the atmosphere.”
“Evet, evet. Now go, we have no time to waste!” Ipek rushed her.
“Off I go.” Y/N smiled. “Wish me luck.”
“Om Shanti.” Ipek raised her hands to her face, crossing them in the shape of a bird and touching her forehead between them, a gesture of undoubted respect to Her Highness.
Y/N got out of the carriage and came across Bhumi, Prithvi’s heir. They had become very close friends when they were in Jala, because Bhumi was Ten’s close cousin. Adding up to their escapade, Varaha, capital of Prithvi, was extremely close to Akasha – if all went well, they’d need just two days to arrive there.
“I’m glad you made it!” Bhumi hugged her. “Ten must be on his way.” He signalled for a carriage behind them. “If they saw Vayu’s carriage we might have had problems, so I thought it is better to use mine until we get to the house.”
“Thanks for helping.” She thanked him, getting into the car.
“You know my weaknesses are love stories, Y/N.” Bhumi laughed. “I asked some guards to take the road to Akasha and they reported that it is in perfect condition. I separated two stops, one in Urvarak and the other in Chattaan; if you manage to reach Chattaan tomorrow by the afternoon, Akasha is just an hour away, so you can rest and do everything at dawn. I estimate that by lunchtime you’ll be married.” Bhumi gave her hands a soft squeeze. “Om Shanti, cousin.”
“Thank you, dear. But can’t we go straight to Chattaan?”
“It’d be very risky and a tad tiring. If other guards notice a strange movement on the roads, it’ll be warned to my father and everything will go down the drain.”
“Then we will follow the pace of normal travelers.” Y/N nodded. “Ipek is following in a carriage with some of my guards, but there is nothing that indicates my presence or relation to me. Do you think they are in danger?”
“If there’s nothing of yours with her, then I don’t believe so.” Bhumi waved a hand, dispensing bad luck. “As soon as they reach Urvarak, if they wish, they can go up in the air and proceed directly to Akasha, without stopping by Chattaan, or just taking a short rest. But, in my point of view, it’d be a little risky, no? Since your father will notice your disappearance in a few hours...”
“I’ll talk to Ipek, then. It would be really good if we had someone waiting for us in Akasha.” Y/N stared at the road. “How long does it take for Urvarak?”
“If you leave this morning, you’ll be there before sunset. That, of course, if you stop to eat and everything.” Bhumi loosened a belt that held his royal attire. “We will be near Varaha in a few minutes, but I’ll drop you off at home and go to the palace. You need to be aware because only Ten knows where it is.”
“Do you think he hasn’t arrived yet?”
“I don’t know how it went with the guards at the border, even if I let them know he was coming.” Bhumi sighed. “In times of crisis, things get chaotic.’
“I hope we don’t make this a bigger problem.” Y/N sighed.
“Love inevitably creates problems, baby.” he laughed. “But, a Maharaja has always been able to choose his wife and vice versa. I don’t see your marriage as an affront to Mahabhuta’s balance, but exactly what Apas-Jal and Agni wanted to do: an alliance. So, if we are to have an alliance, let it be real and auspicious.”
“Ah Bhumi, dear, you’re so good with words.” Y/N laughed, trying to relax.
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The house consisted of Prithvi’s standard architecture, with various stone details and spearhead adornments. After hugging and thanking Bhumi four more times, Y/N quietly entered the house, dressed as an ordinary Vahara citizen. It was very good that Bhumi had chosen a normal property instead of a more luxurious and aristocratic house.
She put her bag in the living room and walked to the bathroom, desperate to shower and do her hair. It could be the height of futility, but Y/N did not want Ten to see her sloppy and dirty. All those times they met when she was air bending were enough... They, in general, involved a lot of dust and dry leaves.
“Of course Bhumi would do that.” Y/N sweetly smiled when she found cinnamon essence in the bathroom. This was, in the best description, Vayu’s “official” smell.
While the water in the bathtub heated up, Y/N stretched out a lacy mid-length dress and a cloak. She had brought, in addition to that outfit, another white dress – which she would wear the day she arrived in Akasha – and a dark green dress.
Y/N smoothed the velvet piece and smiled a little. She was starting quite an adventure, but couldn’t find the slightest regret for what she was doing. For sure, if she had to choose, she would do everything again and again.
 After washing up, Y/N was braiding her hair when she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She felt chills down her spine, but because the house had only one floor, anyone who entered it would make enough noise for her to prepare before she could cross the room. Awareness spread through her and she held tight on her hairbrush and a small hand mirror – since there wasn’t enough time to look for any other weapon.
“Y/N?” Her name came out loud in a soft voice, almost like velvet.
“Ten!” dropping all objects, she ran to him.
The couple hugged each other, trying to make up for all the one-month longing in those few seconds. A never-ending month in which Ten had heard about the arranged marriage; he and Y/N did not have much chance of communicating; and in which each other’s world seemed to get off track with the possibility of not being able to be together as they wanted to.
“How are you? Did you arrive safely?” Ten caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, loving how Y/N’s eyes closed at the slightest touch.
“I got scared thinking the house was invaded, but now I’m fine. And yes, I arrived safely thanks to Bhumi’s assistance.” she smiled.
“Sorry, I heard the water and decided it’d be respectful to wait.”
“There’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” Y/N blinked, wickedly.
“I know.” Ten brought his face close to hers. “But I thought we had agreed not to do anything else until the wedding?!”
“To look doesn’t mean to touch.” She lifted her chin, voice dripping challenge.
“It turns out, little devil, I’m not so magnanimous.” He pressed his lips to hers, savouring the longing. The last time they saw each other they had to be quick, because it was at the reunion of the kingdoms, and although they could not participate actively, the heirs had an obligation to be present.
Ten circled her waist, breathing in the cinnamon and melting on Y/N’s tongue. Her whole body was on fire – almost not so figuratively – when they were together. Even though he knew they couldn’t waste time, he delighted himself with a few bites on her neck, fighting the urge to take the kiss further.
“I swear I can’t wait to be married.” She whispered. “Then I won’t need to count our minutes together.”
“Soon.” Ten winked. “We are leaving this morning, right?”
“I think it would be ideal. Bhumi said that we can get to Akasha in two days, or we can cut some time, but we would not have Ipek anticipating any problems. It’s up to you.” She shrugged.
“We’ll do what is best at the moment, findi.” Ten smiled. “This nickname gets better and better just because it reminds me that it should be used by married people.”
“You are very keen to remember that we will get married.”
“In Agni, marriage is one of the best things that could happen to anyone, you know?” He let Y/N get out of his arms. “You can’t blame me for this.”
“I don’t blame you, but your excitement is so evident that it makes me look disinterested… And you know I’m not.”
“It’ll show up as soon as we have tied our strings.”
Y/N smiled at the mention, because the wedding rite in Akasha had, as one of the main points, to use strings. Each kingdom had its specific ritual, and they should be performed according to the bride and groom’s wishes (and the place they were in, regardless of their nationalities). When Y/N was learning about kingdoms and their cultures, she never imagined that she’d marry in Akasha, let alone with their celebration. She couldn’t wait to put it into practice.
“How’s the situation in Agni?” Y/N asked as she folded her clothes.
“Kinda stable.” Ten sat on the bed and removed his boots. “Dad thinks it’s a matter of time before it spreads to other regions other than the capital”.
“I hope nobody gets seriously hurt until we get this solved.”
“For now there was nothing.” he nodded. “Just two fires in abandoned houses. The big problem is that this affects the population indirectly; after all, you never know when they will start attacking them. Psychological terror is the worst weapon.”
“Do you think we’re going to make it worse by getting married?” Y/N swallowed.
“I think...” Ten looked at her, a small smile adorning his beautiful face. “That love is a force far greater than greed and power. If two prosperous kingdoms tied by love, and nothing but love, fails to reach everyone’s heart, then no alliance between two other kingdoms will change reality.” He held out his hand, looking for hers over the velvet dress. “I didn’t lie when I said I would set the world on fire if something hurt you, findi. It only takes one word and we return to our kingdoms.”
“No!” she denied fervently. “I won’t give you up. I only worry about these rebellions...” She shrugged. “But I love you, Ten. You know that, right?”
“Always.” he nodded. “Why don’t we rest before leaving?!”
                                                     ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼ 
The two of them really tried to rest, but the growing tension and adrenaline from their escape were too much. Long before planned, they were already on the road, heading towards Urvarak.
“It’s amazing how, despite the night, everyone lives normally. Look at how crowded the road is!” Y/N commented, surprised. “The Kingdom that never sleeps, really.”
“We have a stop in forty minutes. If you’re cold, I can stop to get the blanket from the trunk.” Ten, the gentleman he was, offered.
“I’m fine, findi. If anything, I can hug you and I’ll be warm soon.”
“If you don’t want to be attacked by my kisses, I advise you to stay away.”
“What if I want?” She raised her eyebrow.
“Seriously Y/N, I don’t know what to do with you!” he laughed. “We’ll definitely take the air route and get married as soon as possible.”
“It’s amazing how shy I still am with your flirty banters.” Y/N sighed, because in spite of being bold, that was not quite how she felt.
Sometimes she managed to keep on her carefree persona, but her feelings for Ten always made her embarrass herself. It summed up in a fool, enchanted by any movement or word spoken by him... Especially when they were addressed to her. Olum, how difficult it was to remain serious at public parties! Both of them needed to behave as if they didn’t like each other more than the “necessary”, as if they had priorities and not wished to spend every second together. Thanks to Bhumi, they were able to get away often and make some time to ease their longing.
“Ah, Rani Y/N,” he clicked his tongue. “why does this shyness never appear when it should?” His chestnut eyes flashed in a playful glow.
“Stop it, Ten!” She laughed, shyly. “but, I must confess, I don’t regret you being the first. In everything.”
“It would be a little too late to regret it, you know?” Ten pinned. “However, that does not diminish the pleasure of listening to your confession. I hope that, in addition to being your first, I’ll also be your last.”
“If we get to Akasha really fast...” She batted her well-trained lashes, like a she used to do when trying to manipulate her father into thinking she was sweet and innocent.
“It’s decided! At the next stop I’ll look for antelopes and tomorrow afternoon we’ll be married.” Ten shook his head like an indignant little boy.
“In my suitcase I have a Vayu scroll and I will make sure that it reaches Ipek as soon as possible.” Y/N winked at the groom.
“What a helpful wife I got!
“Olum, you can’t even imagine.” She grinned.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
The innkeeper explained to them how to get to the antelopes in two stops. They had thirty minutes until there, and the horses were losing their pace along the way. Fear not, Y/N thought, since she already had everything worked out in her head!
Probably, her father would be finding out about her disappearance at that moment, and then he would start searching the palace and the gardens. Then, when he didn’t find her, he would request searches around the city. Then, the Royal Guard would issue a search warrant to all kingdoms, and perhaps Chittaphon’s parents would warn Vayu of his disappearance as well. Then they would finally come to conclusion of what happened to the two heirs, and if they were as smart as Y/N hoped, they would march to Akasha.
Only that it would be too late.
Because she’d be married!
The antelope route was really the best option.
“Maybe I can bend some air so the horses can rest. I can make sure no one notices that they’re floating...”
“You schemed.” Ten laughed. “I don’t know why I thought I wouldn’t do it.”
“Perhaps you’re so excited about the escape that you didn’t pay close attention.” She joked. Everyone knew how much Maharani Y/N loved to turn things into schemes. “Well, if my plan is right, we have about fifteen hours to get married and consummate it, avoiding, even if improbable, it to be nulled.” she laughed. “Therefore, we indeed have to take the air route.”
“Amazing, findi.” Ten winked.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Akasha was a wonderful city. Y/N visited there only twice: when she was born, and when she reached her adult age, so she had to seize her title of heiress. She remembered the big trees, especially the cherry ones, the colourful houses, the bright and clean streets, the undeniably blue sky... There never seemed to exist bad weather in Akasha! When they stopped in front of the temple where they would celebrate their wedding, Y/N’s heart raced. It was a large and flowery place, like a cottage, with symbols of the four kingdoms and their specific plants. Two carriages (one with her guards and the other with his) were waiting for them in the parking lot. Impatient, Ten grabbed her hand and they both entered the temple, drowning in emotion and adrenaline.
“Always.” she smiled.
Ipek, who had been instructed to organize everything, was talking to two monks and the celebrator. As soon as she saw Her Highness, she ran to help her get ready. They couldn’t waste a second of the day!
The typical ceremonial dress Ipek got was cream coloured, adorned with gold accents, and a dark green – almost black – velvet cape that made the costume extremely elegant. From the bar to the knee, the lines formed spirals and points that resembled the starry sky or some forest/landscape seen from above. Her hair was braided with gold threads and cherry blossoms, because they were the symbol of Akasha. At her hands, in addition to the jewels she was supposed to wear, temporary ink tattooed the main crests of the four kingdoms extended from the wrist to the elbow, to indicate the union of these nations. On her feet, more drawings, up to the height of her shin. She should be barefoot, connecting to the nature and the land, as a sign of balance.
“Raja Chittaphon is ready.” Ipek returned to the salon where Y/N was dressed. “Now we just need the ornaments on the face and you can go!”
“I’m anxious.” Y/N exhaled. “Let’s get on with it soon!”
“I promise it will be very quick.”
After Ipek used powder from shiny stones and glued three diamonds above her left eyebrow, Y/N was ready.
Ipek and two guards accompanied her to the decorated courtyard, where those responsible for marrying her had started the blessing in Ten, preventing him from seeing her. Y/N watched, with her racing heart, the black and gold velvet suit he wore, a single cherry blossom attached to the left side of his chest.
“We’re ready.” The monk guided her to the entrance of the hall.
After a short speech in Akasha’s dialect, one of the monks began to play a harp, while Y/N crossed the room towards Ten, not knowing how to react to the prince’s brilliant and hypnotic gaze.
When they faced each other, the monk handed them a small vase with coloured sand. According to the ritual, the sand symbolized “the union of two different points in the name of something greater” in this case, love, and each one should pour a little of it on a plate, so that the mixture of colours creates a new one: their colour. Y/N watched wordlessly as a lilac originated from the mixture.
“Now hold hands.” The man responsible for the ceremony instructed. “This is the thread of companionship. For Akasha, you are one, but this does not mean that you should forget who you were before the wedding. One hand is tied to the partner’s, while the other is free to remind you that there is room for both to grow together and individually.” He tied the ribbon on their fist. “Still united, we will recite the vows and walk towards the end of the celebration.”
Y/N and Ten repeated each word very calmly, although their hearts were desperate for the end. After washing their feet in the water of the main river, Kundalini, to purify their bodies in this new phase, the couple still had to plant a tree as well, symbolizing their growth. And, to the sound of “Under the laws of Akasha, I declare you husband and wife”, several fireworks were lit. Ipek started the party by playing a soft melody over two lovers, and the people present continued with the dance. The newest couple stared at each other, laughing.
“I think this is our cue to escape... Findi.” The nickname now sounded a thousand times wicked in Ten’s voice. “Let’s go?”
“I was counting the seconds.” Y/N nodded, intertwining their fingers, as they still had one hand joined.
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Ten undid the first tie of Y/N’s dress quite slowly. He had done it a few times, but at that moment, it was too special to ruin it in a hurry. They were finally married. He no longer needed to be quick with Y/N. Now they had all the time in the world to love each other as they deserved.
“Do you need help?” Y/N frowned.
“No, findi. I just want to... Take it slow.” The light entering the room made his eyes even brighter. “Because you deserve to be adored, from head to toe. Quietly. Every inch.” To demonstrate his words, he raised her fist and glued his mouth to it, running his tongue lightly over her soft skin.
“Ten...” She breathed weakly, it tickled.
“What?” He smiled. “‘Ah Ten’, ‘more Ten’, ‘please, Ten’?”
“Pretentious rake.” Y/N shook her head, feeling her heart explode with joy.
“Your pretentious rake. Your favourite rake. Yours, for eternity.”
She closed her eyes at those words. She was his, too, since the damn smile he gave her in the hall of Apas-Jal’s palace. Olum, how could one live with so much love inside them?! And how lucky had she been to feel that and be reciprocated?!
I’m staying up
I don’t wanna come down from your love
Ten pulled her close, melting his mouth on her neck, biting and sucking like he knew she liked. He wrapped his arms around her, throwing the damn tie to the floor. Y/N smelled extremely well, having washed and removed the tattoos she was supposed to use for the wedding ceremony. His fingers tangled in the fabric of her nightgown at the mere sound of her quiet moan, trying to go easy, to remain chill. He didn’t want to go fast. He had to stay calm.
“Let’s go to the bed, huh?” Y/N suggested, knees buckling from all those emotions.
“I tell you I want to take it easy and you urge me to go fast...” He shook his head, carefully guiding her to the huge mattress. “What should I do?”
“You can start by kissing me here.” She signalled from her collarbone to the valley between the breasts. Ten smiled. “Or, you can let me take off your clothes...”
It’s not that she didn’t want to be worshiped from head to toe, but if her calculations didn’t fail, someone from the Kingdom of Vayu would arrive in Akasha by the end of the afternoon... And if the wedding wasn’t consummated, they could be in trouble. She and Chittaphon never took more than thirty minutes with sex, because there were always too many people around and if they were five minutes late, someone would miss one of them. It was unfair that their first time since married had to be rushed too, but they would have a whole life together.
But, Y/N should be grateful. At least they were together.
“What are you thinking?”
“Schemes.” She joked.
“ Now, now, Rani Y/N, that was an unfortunate answer.” He started unbuttoning his shirt. “Guess I’ll need to be a little cruel this time. I don’t want you thinking about anything other than my mouth and my fingers on your body.”
“Or your dick.” Y/N smirked, satisfied with the provocation.
She closed her eyes and felt Ten’s lips come down over her shoulder, paiting small bites. With her legs spread, he found space to rest between her thighs while devouring each centimetre of the princess. Her calculations were forgotten as soon as his fingertips went up the hem of her dress, sliding down the inside of her thighs, making her shiver. He reached her underwear and touched her clothed womanhood.
“I want you to do that again.” Y/N moaned.
“Do what?”
“You know what.” She gasped when he brushed her swollen spot.
“I don’t know,” He commented wickedly. “But I have an idea of ​​what it is… And for that, I will finally need to take your clothes off.” He couldn’t believe that after months he’d be able to see her completely naked again.
Rather than feeling shy, Y/N was more than willing to throw the sleeping dress away. They never had much time to get rid of all their clothes, so she was also counting on Ten naked. It had been a long time since she had had such a privilege to see him like that. And the view was always a spectacle!
She sat up suddenly, leaving him a little unbalanced, but grinning. Y/N started pulling on her nightgown anyway, not caring if she would tear it up. Ten could bent fire, but what burned inside her was pure lust. He would have a hard time controlling his wife, especially if he continued to look at her as if she were a work of art. But as soon as the fabric passed over her head, Y/N didn’t have time to absorb the intensity of his eyes. Ten pulled her by the hand, kissing her urgently.
With the princess in his lap, he got rid of his shirt and tried to open his trousers’ button. To give him enough space, Y/N stepped back a little, noting a new detail in his left arm: there were two lines near the elbow, one thick and the other a little thinner. Unlike the wedding tattoos, those lines seemed permanent.
“What is it?” She asked curiously.
“In Agni, every married man should have this tattoo. It is like a ring that we never take out or lose.” Ten looked at his arm. “Women should have these lines on their ankles, but since you are not from Agni, I thought it best not to ask you to tattoo it.”
“I want to!” She cut him off. “I’ll do it, if you want me to.”
“Really?” Ten smiled. He was always touched by Y/N’s loving manner. She was his best companion, in any situation. Even when they could get in trouble, Y/N would not leave him alone. She preferred that they’d get scolded together than to leave him. “Then, as soon as we wake up, I’ll ask the monk to arrange everything.”
“I think I will have a charming ankle.” She stretched out one leg, moving close to where Ten wanted her most. “Oh, oops...” Y/N smirked, faking a shy laugh.
“Findi, findi.” He shook his head, matching her smirk.
“Let me make up for the distraction.” Y/N moved away as she lowered her hands to his pants, finishing unbuttoning them.
“Your wish is my command, findi.”
We’ll get lost together
Let me flow
Ten swallowed hard as soon as he felt her mouth kissing his abdomen. Y/N was not ashamed of trying to please him. She was always receptive and creative, making each time something very unique and very special. Unlike what was expected of an Air Princess – known for being more reserved and a little cold. Y/N had fire inside her. She burned like him… Burned with him. For him.
With her delicate fingers, Y/N removed Ten’s pants, and began her exploration on his belly, playing with the fine line of hair up to the underwear he was wearing. It was unusual for her to dedicate themselves so much to foreplay, but she was loving seeing Ten so mesmerized by her movements. Very gently, Y/N took him with one hand, going on with a lazy back and forth motion, just to make him double hard and more desperate. Her eyes found the glowing chestnut globes and she smirked, causing a burst of pleasure to break inside Ten, who moaned loudly.
That was enough for him. Blast trying to prolong the moment! He needed Y/N and he needed her now. Pulling her by the chin, they came face to face.
“I miss you,” The distance between their mouths became even smaller. “around me.”
The kiss began sweet, slow, but charged with lust. Both were already familiar with the delicious sensations that any scarce touch between them provided, but nothing compared to the anxiety build during foreplay. It was very, very good. Their bodies were tickling and hot, their hearts beating fast and their minds remembering all those times when they were together.
How glorious it was when they met.
It was a different, more intense sensation. Y/N didn’t understand why she wanted to cry and laugh out loud, like a crazy girl. The tossed their underwear out, surrendering to the bubbling desire. Ten put her hands on his shoulders and smiled warmly, making the frenzy an act of zeal. He leaned down to kiss her again, and from there, it was automatic. Y/N’s hip followed its own will and moved, showing exactly what it was looking for. The kiss became wet and some moans escaped not so quietly. Ten’s husky voice was the turning point for the princess.
“Come here.” He asked in a whisper.
Ten turned her on the bed and stood over her, waist between her legs. He entered without warning, fast and strong. A louder than expected groan left her throat, earning a chuckle mixed with a grunt from the prince. Y/N brought her hands to his back, dividing her attention between his shoulder blades and his dark, silky hair. With a love bite at the junction of her neck and shoulder, Ten started to move. Slow and intense, but picking up as the seconds passed by. Y/N already knew what to do to please him, so she devoted herself to his neck, trying to occupy her mouth with something other than “Oh, Ten” or scandalous moans. He grabbed one of her thighs and wrapped it around her waist, managing to reach deeper. Then, he was thrusting hard and fast. Y/N rolled her eyes and arched her back, forgetting about the whole world.
This was perfect.
Her stomach churned with several knots of pleasure, the peak of her orgasm reaching its maximum when Ten grabbed her face and kissed her urgently. Y/N felt the spasms in every cell, not knowing if she was able to enjoy her climax and kiss Ten at the same time. The prince continued to dive deeper until he too reached his release, making her want to get there again. Y/N slipped a hand to her swollen spot and began to rub it, tightening her muscles even more and listening to Ten’s sexy growls. And it worked.
Don’t ever let me come down from your love
From your love, from your love
                                                      ☼ ⸛ ☼ ⸛ ☼
Ten examined his wife’s ankle, amused by the way she didn’t try to pretend that the tattoo was a “big deal”.
“I still don’t understand why you didn’t want to tell me that this was common in Agni.” She lowered her dress’ skirt. “It looks rather cute on my ankle, doesn’t it?”
“You look rather cute, indeed.”
“Not me, the tattoo you didn’t want to tell me about!” She grinned.
“Are we going to talk about this again?” He hugged her, placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. “Thank you, anyway, for accepting. I love you.”
“My pleasure.” Y/N waved her hand. “Love you more.”
Ten offered her a glass of water and a cookie, because she hadn’t eaten breakfast in her desperation to get the tattoo. The monk finished cleaning the room and excused himself, but as soon as he left, Ipek hurried in.
“Rani Y/N! Rani Y/N!”
“What is it, Ipek?” Y/N disengaged herself from Ten’s embrace and stood up.
“Samraat Bhima is here... And he didn’t come alone.” Ipek pointed to the window.
When she pulled the curtain, Y/N could see Vayu’s flags extending across a large part of the street, accompanied by some of Agni’s. She turned to Ten in a mixture of concern and joy. It was time to announce to the kingdoms what they had done. And to hope that love would be enough.
“Olum, findi, it looks like we have some nations to win back.” She grinned.
And hand in hand, they went out to face the nations of Air and Fire.
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nilitami · 2 years
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Jeongyeon, Mina, and Chaeyoung.
Twice Fandom Name: Once
Twice Fandom Name Meaning: Once&Twice means Once and then twice.
Twice Official Fan Color: Peach & Neon Pink
Twice Official Accounts:
Instagram: @twicetagram
Youtube: Twice
Fan Cafe: TWICE9
vLive: Twice channel
Twice Members Profiles:
Ji Hyo
Scene Name: Jihyo (지효)
Real Name: Park Ji Soo (박지수) / legally changed to Park Ji Hyo (박지효).
By Nationality: Korean
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist
Birthday: February 1, 1997
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood Type: O
About Jihyo:
– Guri was born in Gyeonggi-do.
- Jihyo's real name is Park Jisoo. He changed his name to Park Jihyo before Sixteen.
- He placed 2nd in the Junior Naver contest for boy acting, and became a JYP trainee when he was a third year student.
- One of the two most trained members. Jihyo trained for 10 years.
- The leader of the group was elected as a result of secret voting among the members.
– Jihyo's favorite color is red.
- He can't eat raw meat dishes.
- He has a pineapple allergy. If he eats pineapple, it makes his throat itch.
- Hobbies: Hanging out on the web and reading webtoons
- Jihyo is versatile.
- He acted in miss A's "Only You" MV.
– In the dorm, Jihyo shares the biggest room with Nayeon, Sana, and Mina.
- Jihyo's Ideal Type: “Someone I can show my true self to; He's the one I'm most comfortable with
Nayeon TWICE
Stage Name: Nayeon (나연)
Real Name: Im Na Yeon (임 나연)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Lead Vocalist, Center
Born: September 22, 1995
Sign: Virgo
Height: 163 cm
Cliose: 47 kg
Blood Type: A
About Nayeon:
– Nayeon has a sister named Im Seo Yeon.
– Nayeon participated in a child model contest as a child and was selected by JYP, but her mother objected. 10 years later, in 2010, Naeyeon sneaked into JYP's audition and passed.
- Nayeon JYP'nin 6mix adlı kız grubu için seçildi ancak hiç çıkış yapamadan dağıldılar.
– He is the first confirmed member of Sixteen and Twice.
- Nayeon can't eat sushi unless she's salmon sushi, and she can't eat chicken feet either.
- He likes jelly and sweet food.
- Nayeon's favorite color is purple (vLive).
- Nayeon's left leg is still weak due to a car accident as a child.
- In the dorm, Jihyo shares the biggest room with Nayeon, Sana, and Mina.
– He is close friends with Nayeon and BLACKPINK's Jisoo and Jennie.
- San E'nin “Please Don't Go”, GOT7'nin “Girls Girls Girls” MV'si, Jun.K'nin “No Love” (Japon), miss A “Only You” ve Jun.K “Your Wedding” video kliplerinde oynadı.
- Nayeon's ideal type: “I don't have a particular ideal type, but… reliable and manly; someone who can take good care of me; Someone who can use technology well. ”
Jeongyeon TWICE
Stage Name: Jeongyeon (정연)
Birth Name: Yoo Kyung Wan (유경완), but changed his name to Yoo Jung Yeon (유정연).
Nationality: Korean
Position: Lead Vocalist
Born: November 1, 1996
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 169
Weight: 49 kg
blood type: O
About Jeongyeon:
– He was born in Suwon, South Korea.
- He changed Jeongyeon's real name to Yoo Kyung Wan in 3rd grade because they were teased because her name connoted a boy's name.
– Jeongyeon failed her first JYP audition. She became a trainee by passing the 6th Open Audition held by JYP Entertainment on March 1, 2010.
– Gong Seungyeon's younger sister (actress in We Got Married).
- Twice leader elected by secret ballot. Jeongyeon came second.
– Jeongyeon likes ddeokbokki, meat and golbangee muchim. He doesn't like Nilüfer.
- Jeongyeon's happiest moments of the day are when she takes off her contact lenses
Stage Name: Momo (모모)
Real Name: Hirai Momo (平井 も も)
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper
Date of Birth: November 9, 1996
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: A
About Momo:
- Kyōtanabe was born in Kyoto, Japan.
- He was discovered by JYP Entertainment after watching a dance video of himself and his older sister.
- She passed the auditions on April 13, 2012, but her older sister failed.
- Momo was eliminated on the sixth episode of SIXTEEN, but JYPark decided to make her a TWICE member because of her dancing skills.
- Momo means peach in Japanese.
- Momo has a lot of self-confidence when it comes to dancing in public. He also enjoys hip-hop dance.
- She started taking dance lessons when she was 3 because she wanted to follow in her older sister's footsteps.
- He's a big food lover. He especially loves jokbal (a Korean dish of pork trotters cooked with soy sauce and spices).
- Loves dolls/stuffed plush toys.
- Momo and GOT7's BamBam's moms are a huge Rain fan.
- Momo's family has 3 dogs (all female) named Petco, Pudding and Lucky.
- GOT7's "Stop Stop It", Junho's "Feel" (Japanese) MV, miss A's "Only You", Wooyoung's "Rose" (Japanese), Heechul and Min Kyung Hoon's "Sweet Dream" ” took place in the clips.
- She shares a room with Jeongyeon and Momo in the dorm.
- Momo's Ideal Type: “Someone who eats well (but is not overweight); Someone who likes to eat JokBal.”
– Jeongyeon is a versatile person.
- Jeongyeon is in charge of cleaning the dormitory. She loves to clean.
- She appeared in GOT7's "Girls Girls Girls" and miss A's "Only You" music videos.
- Jeongyeon and Momo are roommates in the dorm.
- Jeongyeon's ideal type: “Someone who makes me feel comfortable; He's funny that amuses me. ”
TWICE to you
Stage Name: Sana (사나)
Real Name: Minatozaki Sana (湊 崎 紗 夏)
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Date of Birth: December 29, 1996
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: B
Twitter: @sanapomu
About You:
- He was born in Tennōji-ku, Osaka, Japan.
- You're the only child in the family.
- You were discovered while shopping with friends.
- He passed the audition on April 13, 2012.
- His specialty is calligraphy, which he learned in primary school.
- He was very clumsy to you.
- He has an optimistic personality.
- His hobbies are buying perfumes and body sprays.
- She likes you the most in purple, pink, white, black and beige. But he doesn't like purple colored clothes at all.
- In the dorm, Jihyo shares the big room with Nayeon, Sana, and Mina.
- He appeared in GOT7's "A", Junho's "Feel" (Japanese) and Junho's "Candy" (Japanese) MVs.
- Sana ranked 21st in the list of “100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2017”.
- Sana's Ideal Type: “Someone who treats her family well. He's a professional who works hard on his career.”
Stage Name: Mina (미나)
Real Name: Myoui Mina (名 井 南)
English Name: Sharon
Nationality: Japanese
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Born: March 24, 1997
Sign: Aries
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Blood Type: A
About Mina:
- He was born in San Antonio, Texas, USA and moved to Kobe, Japan when he was a baby.
- Mina was discovered while shopping with her mother.
– He auditioned for JYP in Japan and an internship program in South Korea on January 2, 2014.
- As a TWICE member, he is the member who received the shortest training before debuting.
- She got into K-Pop with a cover of Girls' Generation she made with a friend.
- She did ballet for 11 years.
- He's very quiet in public
- His hobbies are making online searches for restaurants and shopping.
- Mina is the only member who can't do aegyo.
- Mina's favorite phrase in Japanese is “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference”.
– He appeared in MVs for Junho's "Feel" (Japanese), GOT7's "Stop Stop It", Wooyoung's "Rose" (Japanese) and Miss A's "Only You".
- In the dorm, Jihyo shares the biggest room with Nayeon, Sana, and Mina.
- Mina's Ideal Type: “The one who is kind, good-natured, and funny; Someone who will guide me, decisive. ”
Dahyun TWICE
Stage Name: Dahyun (다현)
Real Name: Kim Da Hyun (김다현)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Date of Birth: May 28, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 48.9 kg
Blood Type: O
About Dahyun:
– He was born in Gyeonggi-do Seongnam, South Korea.
– He performed solo at a youth dance festival when he was in middle school and was discovered by JYP Entertainment.
- She auditioned on July 7, 2012 and officially started her traineeship.
– Dahyun is afraid of animals (cats, dogs, etc).
- He was very popular with his eagle dance video that went viral in South Korea before his debut.
- Nicknamed "Tofu" because of his white skin.
- He was very popular at the age of sixteen
- Dahyun's favorite drink is chocolate milk. He likes all kinds of milk.
– Dahyun is a Christian (Weekly Idol according to Sunggyu).
– He is responsible for washing the dishes in the dorm with Chaeyoung.
– She acted in GOT7's "Stop Stop It" and Wooyoung's "Rose" (Japanese) MVs.
- At the dorm, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu share a room.
- Dahyun's ideal type: “There are a lot of them… but someone reliable like a father; He is good to his family; Someone who loves me very much”
Chaeyoung TWICE
Stage Name: Chaeyoung (채영)
Real Name: Son Chae Young (손채영)
Nationality: Korean
Position: Main Rapper, Vocals
Date of Birth: April 23, 1999
Sign: Taurus
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: B
About Chaeyoung:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
- He won the auditions on June 6, 2012.
- The shortest member of the members.
- He likes to draw.
- He doesn't like beans. That's why Nayeon is making fun of him.
- He is responsible for washing the dishes with Dahyun at the dorm.
– Chaeyoung likes healthy food like vegetables but doesn't like sweets. He cites the reason why he grew up with his grandmother.
- Chaeyoung is good at making some different sounds like wild duck or window cleaning sound.
- Chaeyoung and Tzuyu often sing PPAP. (Pencil-Pineapple-Apple-Pen - PPAP Song)
– He is close with Chaeyoung and BLACKPINK's Rosé.
- She acted in GOT7's "Stop Stop It" and Miss A's "Only You" music videos.
- At the dorm, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu share a room.
- Chaeyoung's Ideal Type: Someone who takes good care of me; Someone who loves me very much; He's well dressed.
Stage Name: Tzuyu (쯔위)
Real Name: Chou Tzuyu (周子瑜)
Korece Adı: Joo Ja Yoo (State Freedom)
English Name: Sally
Nationality: Taiwanese
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocal, Visual, Maknae
Born: June 14, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: A
About Tzuyu:
- He was born in Tainan, Taiwan.
- Tzuyu has an older brother.
- She was discovered by JYP at MUSE Performing Arts Workshop in Tainan in 2012 and went to South Korea on November 15 to begin her training.
- Due to his dark skin, his nicknames are "Chocolate" and his other nicknames are "Chewy" and "Yoda".
- Tzuyu loves Yoda (“Star Wars”) and does impersonations very well, which is why he is also called Yoda.
- Tzuyu's family has a dog named Gucci, the person who named the dog is a friend of her mother.
– Tzuyu likes tonkatsu and kimbap food.
- The parts of Tzuyu's body that she trusts the most are her eyes and chin.
– Tzuyu is close friends with Rosé (BLACKPINK) and CLC's Elkie.
- Tzuyu said she would like to be a short girl if she were to be reborn.
- He acted in Miss A's "Only You" MV.
– Tzuyu ranked third in the “100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2017”.
- In the dorm, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu share a room.
- Tzuyu's Ideal Type: “Aware of being respectful to parents; someone who loves me very much; someone who loves puppies; Someone who eats well; Someone who approaches me first”
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Actors who fell in love with their co-stars.
Some actors just have great chemistry that is not fake from superheroes in spandex to Hollywood A list here are some of the best couples.
 Reggie Rolle and Amy Miller-Rolle
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From Power Rangers Lost Galaxy the seventh season of the Power Rangers franchise. Reggie Rolle as Damon Henderson the Green Galaxy Ranger and Amy Miller-Rolle as Trakeena the evil villain of the series. Amy and Reggie married after filming wrapped up in 1999. They have 3 children and are no longer together and have since divorced
Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas
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They started dating during the filming of Camp Rock in 2007. It all started when they had to kiss on screen. The relationship was short lived supposedly he broke up with her over the phone 2 other girls have said the same thing about him. Sorry Joe, you're my 3rd favorite Jonas. Nick for president can we make that a thing.
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
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 Also known as Zanessa most famous from high school musical 1, 2 and 3 they were not acting the love was real they eventually split in 2010. They played Troy and Gabriella. I still have their Zanessa posters on my wall. Nope, not strange at all.
Jennifer Garner and Scott Foley 
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They met on the set of Felicity in 1998 and married in 2000 the marriage did not work out and they separated in March 2003 and were officially divorced in 2004. They played the Characters of Noel Crain and Hannah Bibb. That was one of my favorite shows. Amy Jo Johnson was Amazing in it.
Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan
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She dated her Alias co-star Michael Vartan from August 2003 to mid-2004 they played Sydney Bristow and Vaughn Miller. I love Alias.
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck 
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Daredevil co-stars Jennifer and Ben met in 2004 and married in 2005 her Alias co-stars  Victor Garber officiated the ceremony. They have 3 children Violet Affleck, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck, Samuel Garner Affleck. They are now divorced.
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
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Known as   “Bennifer” Jennifer and Ben they met on the set of Gigli. They split before their 2004 wedding in a shocking turn of events he has since started dating her again.
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
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The two actors met on the set of Green Lantern".  In 2010 they were officially a couple in 2011 and married the next year they have 3 children together.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
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Dubbed Brangelina  became a couple during the filming of Mr and Mrs Smith. After about a decade of dating Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got married  they have six kids, three of which are adopted. Both of them have been co parenting since divorcing. 
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM MC Profile ✧
Indigo Silverwood
“ Getting near you is like stretching my hand into an open flame. I know I’ll burn myself, yet I crave the heat. ”
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Nicknames: Indie. Didi (only by family). Silverwood. Silvie (by people who don't bother learning her name).
Gender: Female.
Birthday: 6th of March, 1973.
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mother: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood - Half-blood, Ravenclaw, English.
Father: Palmer Silverwood - Pureblood, Slytherin, Scottish.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Phoenix Nobleworth Silverwood (b. 1973) - Phoenix was adopted after the death of his parents when he was just a couple of months old.
Ethnicity: Scottish, English, (probably with some Spanish roots).
Sexuality: Straight.
Blood Status: Half-blood (by her muggle grandmother on her mother's side).
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Eyes: Naturally yellow/golden/amber (nobody knows why, since their parent’s eyes are brown) but both hers and Jacob's eyes are like this). She wears glasses for her Astigmatism.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, but she asked her mother to turn it red when she turned 8 and doesn't plan on undoing it any soon.
• She’s average tall and reasonably strong build, honey-brown skin littered with scars from venturing with the vaults and being freaking attacked by dark wizards, big hands and feet due to her height. A large chest that grows at once in her 4th year (”Everybody's starring, Rowan!”).
• She keeps her nails short. Her makeup is often down to just some lipstick (mascara smudges her glasses, eye shadow irritates her eyes), her hair is often long wavy and fluffed for extra volume. She often smells like coconut oil from all the creams her mother insisted she used.
• She looks a lot like her father which gives her a rather rough look - like a handsome but wild animal - yet has enough of her mother’s attributes to be considered attractive and poise if well-groomed.
Magical Aspects
1st Wand: Red Oak wood with Dragon Heartstring core, 12″, pliable. "The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect dueling wand. Its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have beside in a fight." Indigo had good times with her red oak wand but as the years went by, her emotions start affecting the wand's efficiency. The wand would bleed a glowing red light in moments of extreme physical or emotional pain and become extremely unstable.
2nd Wand: Beechwood with Thestral hair core, 13", rigid flexibility. "The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation." Indigo has a hard time adapting to her new wand, it's stubborn to her spells and acts upon its own will especially considering its unusual and unstable core, Thestral hair, which is of unknown habilities, except for its use in the mythical, Elder wand. Her wand is one of a kind which is why she has to adapt her abilities to match the wand's requirements. Despite all, it's a remarkable instrument for undoing curses/spells and detecting danger.
Animagus: Somali cat. She's already certain she wants to be a cat animagus - harmless, of easy blend, and enables an approach to humans -, but decides for the Somali breed, during the process, for its sumptuous golden fur and agility.
Patronus: Kangaroo, for its fighting spirit and family values, not to mention its strength. (In-game it's the Abraxan, but only because I thought it would be cool.)
Patronus memory: (During the first times) Her first Quidditch match, not just because they won but because everyone she loves from Hogwarts was there, and she got to cheer their victory together. (Later years) Her family gathering for hot cocoa during a rainy night with Jacob with them.
Abilities: Legilimency, and great emotional influence over magic (Don't get her frightened or angry or she will blow you up).
Boggart:  Her boggart changes constantly - she can't decide if it's either because she overcame the old fears, or if the new ones toppled those, creating a pile of fears. And since the new DADA teacher is always teaching Riddikulus again and again, the famous curse-breaker is always the most awaited in the line.
Jacob, eyes dark and musty, clothes covered in blood, someone's blood. He walks to her and slowly raises his sleeve, the Death mark is craved deep in his flesh and it glows. Behind him, it rises the Dark Lord.
Riddikulus: He turns into a younger version of himself from a photograph she recalls laughing about with her mom (he's running wearing a loaded diaper, crazy hair, rosy cheeks).
For a while is someone in a cloak threatening to cast the killing curse over her friends, whispering each of their names like a snake but she's frozen unable to stop them.
Riddikulus: The cloak falls to reveal a bunch of gnomes piled up wearing wigs and makeup.
For another, very realistic corpses of all of her friends spread at her feet, a dark wizard across from her, it's over and there isn't anything she can do to save them anymore - it was a grim day in DADA, but they all wanted to see it didn't they?
Riddikulus: This is the one time she fails to defeat a boggart, letting the horrible scene consume her, she falls to her knees defeated, and even after Rakepick's shouting, when she tries to cast the spell, it fails again and again.
This last boggart came to show everyone around her how truly terrified she was, not for her own life, but for that of those around her. How despite the confidence she was constantly displaying, in reality, she was afraid she couldn't save them from whatever was trying to get her.
Amortentia: Her Amortentia smells like Jacob's cologne — which he used to borrow from their father which is why she recalls so easily —, fresh Catnip ever since she became an animagus, bakings just out of the oven — extra intensity if there's chocolate involved, and freshly washed sweaters (from hugging Barney and the Weasleys).
Mirror of Erised: She's under the shadow of a tree, Jacob on one side along with Phoenix and Aspen, Barnaby's head resting on her lap, Rowan by her side, and Orion for some reason. They're laughing and reading books, it's an eternal spring afternoon.
Pets: A Sphynx cat, Mocca, a brown and white rat, Franccesca, and (later in her Hogwarts years) a Great Horned owlet, Plum.
Things she always carries with her: Her wand (duh), a handmade Gryffindor bracelet that used to belong to Jacob, the Handbook of Magical Theory, a handful of peppermints, a pouch with some money, a flask of Wideye potion, some Murtlap Essence, and a family photo during Christmas of 1980.
Lucky Amulets: She has a dream catcher made by Phoenix from feathers he shed during transformations and a "broken" knight from Murphy's chessboard who decided to leave the game for good and now sleeps on Indigo's nightstand with its horse, she likes stroking the horse the night before every Quidditch match
Best Friends
Her brother, Phoenix, takes the crown in matter of importance because, well, they're siblings who grew up practically like twins, but their relationship deserves their own detailing.
Rowan has got to be the first. Not only they share the same adventurous nerdy spirit, but Rowan also is the one to stick around even when everything is dark and uncertain and Indigo's popularity plummets. Indigo is always excited to hear whatever Rowan has to say - most times about books or Bill Weasley - and she's rarely fazed by the weird things Rowan does.
Murphy McNully is a close second, having officially met in the middle of her second year, they're both still fresh in a matter of friendships which allows them to open up, both in desperate need of company and support. He's often a companion in the girl's library and common room study sessions and sits with them during meals.
Charlie Weasley has her heart and soul from the moment they first speak during year one, but it actually takes a while until they form any real bond, which begins after he finds out she has been seeking his brother's help to search for the cursed vaults.
Ben is a friend she cherishes deeply but often finds it hard to break through his protective shell which makes him feel distant even when he opens up to her. Unlike her friends, she grows more liking towards Ben after he has his change in personality, as he feels more open about himself.
Chiara is a friend she deeply appreciates for her courage in reaching out for her help in times of need and trusting her with her secret. In Marauder fashion, she likes keeping an eye on her on the nights of full moon - which is good to train her cat tree climbing. They often have afternoon tea together and she teaches Indigo useful healing spells.
Andre and Indigo didn't have a great start, as she thought of him as arrogant and inconsiderate, and he thought she was careless and selfish. But when she helps him with a transfiguration mishap during their 3rd year when he was trying to be creative - and the reason he now has a two-headed cat - they start opening up to each other and begin a friendship. He's a good friend to confide in about the mundane aspects of her life and Quidditch intrigues.
Orion means to her more than she can put into words. Not only he is her team captain, but also a dear friend whom she turns to in times of emotional instability cause she knows he'll be the one to successfully help her clear her mind. They enjoy each other's company even if they don't have anything interesting to say. They sit together during every Divination class for as long as the subject goes.
She has no "rivals" as she finds that sort of labeling quite petty, but would definitely punch Emily Tyler on the stomach and perhaps Face Paint kid for all his eavesdropping.
She has an easier time bonding with her fellow Gryffindors since they spend most of their time together in classes, lunch, and hanging around in the common room.
Dormmates: She and Rowan got placed in a room for three people, as the ones for five were already full, along with a girl called Tanya. But at the beginning of their 4th year, they find out she has bailed out to another dorm room claiming they 1. Snort and speak in their sleep on a regular basis, 2. Will eventually endanger her with their cursed vault shenanigans, 3. Will get her killed - which, spoilers, actually happens, oops. So they basically have the dorm for themselves.
Favorite Classes:
Magical Theory
Least Favorite:
History of Magic
Favorite Professor: Kettleburn. Despite CoMC not being on her top favorite subjects, she enjoys her time in his classes and reminds her of her grandfather on her father's side who's a highlander wizard.
Least Favorite: Binns. Just retire you old man!
Quidditch Position: Chaser. Despite enjoying her time as Gryffindor's beater, she notices the position takes a toll on her physical wellbeing, having to carry a heavy bat and being injured by bludgers more times than she can keep track of. So she returns to her chaser position after a year.
Favorite Team: Montrose Magpies. She never had an interest in Quidditch before she began playing but decided to pick a team to support. Of course, it had to be a Scottish team and settles for MM because of professor McGonagall who's also a supporter.
She's not indigo's face claim, but it's hard to find good red-haired characters out there.
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I guess I'll leave her background and history for another post since it interweaves very tightly with her sibling. And since I'm still exploring her story.
Well this is just an intro to my beloved MC
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the-lincyclopedia · 4 years
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* adapted from @librajiminn on twitter
A fun game to celebrate 2020 ending! The rules are simple: recommend your favorite OMGCP fics so everyone can enjoy them, while trying to fill in enough slots to get a bingo!
This is going to get long, so I’ll put it under a cut. Also, I’m too orderly to try to shoehorn my favorite fics into these particular prompts, so I’m just going to go right to left, top to bottom, taking the prompts literally, until it’s bedtime. 
1. first fic you bookmarked: “Here Comes the Sun” by @doggernaut, 19k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
For the past month, the man with the baby and the sad blue eyes has been stopping in for a cup of coffee an hour before closing. He always sits in an overstuffed chair in the corner and drinks his coffee while his baby sleeps next to him in the stroller. Sometimes he pulls a book out from the diaper bag he carries with him; other times he just stares straight ahead as if in a daze. He never asks for a refill, always respectfully gathers his things and leaves ten minutes before the shop officially closes. Eric desperately wants to ask him what his story is. 
My notes: I read Check Please over the course of two days in June of 2019. On the second day, right after catching up, I looked at @peppermintfeminist‘s AO3 bookmarks and found a fic by @doggernaut. Then I read just about everything @doggernaut had ever posted. It was glorious. This fic in particular is so cute. 
2. most recent fic you bookmarked: “Flight Check” by @edgarallanrose, 15k, E, no warnings (though there is a creepy/handsy guy at a club to watch out for), primarily Zimbits with most of the other popular pairings in the background
Flight attendant Eric “Bitty” Bittle has been working his way up at Samwell Airlines for the past four years, and his new promotion has provided him the opportunity to work with a brand-new crew. Unfortunately for Bitty, that crew includes an incredibly handsome but equally grumpy pilot, Captain Jack Zimmermann, who seems to want nothing to do with Bitty. Even worse, Jack refuses to eat any of Bitty's baked goods. Will Bitty be able to win the captain over? Or is there another reason Jack has been avoiding Bitty?
My notes: There are a lot of great things about this fic--Jack’s character arc, Lardo’s dialogue, that scene in Seattle--but the reason I bookmarked it is the scene where Bitty’s basically slut-shaming himself and Jack gently but firmly tells Bitty not to do that and that it was the creep’s fault. 
3. a fic that made you cry actual tears: “a little bit more” by @ivecarvedawoodenheart, 14k, T, no warnings, Holsom
“I just wanted,” he says, “a perfect day. With you. Because it’s our last day together and our last day being here as undergrads and we’re kissing the ice tonight, and the weather’s supposed to be beautiful, and you’re moving tomorrow and Holtzy I just — I don’t want to be missing you already.” Holster wipes his eyes before he even realizes he’s crying. Behind him, Ransom sighs. “One more day where everything’s the same,” he says, feeling around blindly for Rans’ fingers. He feels Rans nod as he laces their fingers together. “Yeah. Yeah, Rans. I’d like that a lot.” __________________________
Holsom after graduation and throughout the subsequent six months after Holster signs to an expansion team in Oregon, and realizes his feelings for Ransom too late. Holster's POV :) kinda angsty, but there's a happy ending :)
Inspired by shitty-check-please-aus: "Holster moves to Oregon while Ransom stays on the east coast. The time difference makes it difficult to talk and one day they wake up and realize they aren’t best bros anymore."
My notes: I almost never cry at fics. I searched “tears” in my fandom email account and only a handful of my fic comments came up, but Syd is a literal master of Holsom angst, always. 
4. longest fic you’ve read: “Like Real People Do” by @xiaq, 153k, M, No Warnings, Kent Parson x OC
Parson gestures with his spoon toward Hawke. “So am I allowed to ask about the service dog or is that not PC?”
“My medical history is more of a 3rd date conversation," Eli says.
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because. No one sticks around afterward and I like to live in glorious denial for a short period beforehand.”
It comes out more self-deprecating than he intended.
Parson looks…thoughtful. “Well, does this count as one or two?
“This. Ice cream. I mean, technically it’s a second location, but still the same night. So is this one date or two?”
“One,” Eli says firmly. “If it’s happening within the same three-hour period.”
“You’re the expert,” Parson says, which, he’s really, really, not, but ok.
“So still two dates to go then?” Parson continues.
“We’ve got a roadie coming up but then we’re home for almost two weeks. When does your semester start?”
“You want to do this again?” Eli asks.
Parson stops idly twirling his spoon.
“You don’t?”
He does, Eli realizes. He really does. Because apparently he actually likes Kent fucking Parson.
My notes: Okay, this fic has my whole entire heart. I’ve read it multiple times in its entirety, and it’s almost twice as long as the full-length novel I’m querying. Eli is one of my favorite OCs I’ve ever seen in a fic (probably tied with Damian Navarro and Ari Paxton, both brainchildren of @fozmeadows). Anyway, this is probably going to be the next thing @themeaningoflifeischeese and I read out loud to each other. 
5. a fic you almost didn’t read: “when all else fails (i’ll still be right here)” by @whoacanada, 6k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (and I don’t remember if I think there’s stuff to warn for, sorry), Zimbits
The National Hockey League is resurrecting the Quebec City Nordiques, and the expansion draft hits the Falconers much harder than expected.
My notes: Given that this was for @omgcpheartbreakfest, I was worried this would be all angst--all hurt and no comfort. Which made me sad, because I love @whoacanada‘s writing but I wasn’t up for reading unresolved angst. But @doggernaut reblogged the fic, so I asked if the ending was sad, and it’s NOT! There is quite a bit of angst but the ending isn’t sad. 
6. a fic that convinced you on a ship you didn’t ship before: “it drops with the gravity of rain” by @geniusorinsanity, 16k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (attempted sexual assault by an OC), Nurseydex
It happens like this:
“I don’t--this is a bad idea,” Dex says, his lips still tingling, his hands shaking on Nursey’s hips where he’s shoved him away. “This is a really bad idea, Nurse. I can’t--We can’t do this.”
And there’s hurt in Nursey’s eyes and his bottom lip is swollen from Dex’s teeth, but he says, “Okay.” And then, “It’s chill, Dex. Just friends, then.”
It happens like this:
“Actually,” Nursey says, talking more to his granola than to them, “I kind of have a date.”
It happens like this:
When Nursey calls, Dex almost doesn’t pick up the phone.
My notes: So I was really confused and a little disturbed when I first found out people shipped Nursey and Dex. Like, Dex just wasn’t someone I trusted. But then I was moving out of the house I’d been living in, and I needed stuff to listen to as I packed and cleaned, and @khashanakalashtar‘s podfics came in clutch. I gave this one a try even though I didn’t like Dex, and @geniusorinsanity blew. My. Mind.
7. a fic from an unusual POV: “Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy” by @porcupine-girl, 8k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
Jesse Snowden knows all the best restaurants and gourmet food shops in Providence, so when Jack Zimmermann starts bringing in incredible baked goods, he's eager to find out where the new bakery is. When he meets the man behind the pies, he decides that there's no way Jack could really appreciate this guy's talent the way he does, even if they are friends. He starts hiring Jack's chef on the side, in the hopes that maybe once Bitty's done with college he'll come work for Jesse.
Good thing there is absolutely no way whatsoever that Jesse could possibly be misinterpreting this situation.
My notes: Oh my gosh this is so funny. The secondhand embarrassment factor is huge, but like, the hilarity. 
8. a comfort fic: “Don’t Need to Compromise” by @khashanakalashtar, 11k, E, no warnings, PB&J
“Hey,” said Kent, unknowingly setting off a chain of events that would change his entire life, “you said that like you know from experience. Have you done this before?”
Jack and Bitty have not done polyamory before, but they do know Ransom and Holster’s polycule, which contains March.
And March?
March is trans.
My notes: I’m in love with @khashanakalashtar‘s entire Directionverse series (and honestly a lot of their other writing), but “Don’t Need to Compromise,” which is the second fic in the series, just makes my heart swell especially much. The gender feels are so good, and all the characters are so good to each other, and when I listen to this on walks I have to actively try not to arm-flap. 
9. a fic you wish could be a movie: “Ice Crew Please!” by @petals42, 61k, T, no warnings, Zimbits
Jack Zimmermann was drafted first by the Providence Falconers when he was eighteen years old. He is good at hockey. Very good. His team won the Cup his second year and now, in his third year, they are looking good. Jack should be on top of the world. And some days, he manages to convince himself he is.
He’s not, of course.
Enter the Ice Crew.
AKA: The Ice Crew AU
My notes: This fic has its tender moments, but what I love most about it is the sheer goofiness. Ransom and Holster and Shitty are HILARIOUS in this one. I’d love to see their shenanigans in movie form. 
10. a WIP you read as it was updated: “Something Borrowed” by @fozmeadows, 48k, M, no warnings, Kent x OC
All things considered, Ari did his best to prepare himself for the advent of Kent Parson, Potentially Difficult Housemate and New Star Liney. The problem was that his best was an idiot.
My notes: So technically I didn’t start reading this until the first 19 chapters were posted. But there was still plenty of anticipation for the final few chapters. And like, @fozmeadows (as mentioned above) makes EXCELLENT OCs. And I love how their fics consistently convey that having bad things happen to you does not mark the end of your story. 
Okay, it’s bedtime, so have 10 excellent fics. I got bingo twice, because I went straight across on the top two rows.
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oops-itssteveperry · 4 years
The Great Big Steve Perry/Journey Performance Archive
Hello everyone, I thought it would be nice to make a list of ALL the videos of live performances with Steve Perry/Journey from over the years, with full concerts where possible. I will provide YouTube links to original videos (no audios - that’s got to be another list!) and if I am missing anything feel free to let me know and I’ll add!
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The Midnight Special, 28th April - Wheel In The Sky, Feeling That Way, Anytime, Patiently and La Do Da (X)
Capitol Theatre, 10th June - La Do Da, Feeling That Way, On A Saturday Night, Winds Of March, Wheel In The Sky, You're On Your Own, She Makes Me Feel Alright, Patiently, Lights (X)
PBS Soundstage, 9th July - Short Soldier’s Field Documentary, Feeling That Way, Anytime, Winds Of March, Wheel In The Sky, Blues Jam/Sweet Little Angel, On A Saturday Night, She Makes Me (Feel Alright), and Lights ​(X)
The Midnight Special, 18th May - Intro (X), Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’, and City of the Angels (X), Lovin’ You Is Easy (X), Too Late (X), and finally! Roadrunner (X)
Houston, 12th April (from Blue Jean Network) - Wheel In The Sky, Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’, Walks Like A Lady, and Any Way You Want It (X)
Fridays TV Show, 18th July - FULL TV SHOW: Walks Like A Lady and Where Were You (X)
Landover Maryland, 24th August - FULL CONCERT: Where Were You, Just The Same Way, Lovin' You Is Easy, Too Late, Kohoutek, Precious Time, Lights, Stay Awhile, Dixie Highway, Homemade Love, Anytime, Walks Like A Lady, Neal Schon Solo, La Do Da, Ross Valory Solo, Steve Smith Solo, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', Wheel In The Sky, Any Way You Want It, Patiently, and Line Of Fire (X)
PopRock Germany, 12th September - Wheel In The Sky and Any Way You Want It (X), Just The Same Way and Can Do (X)
Tokyo Japan, 11th October - FULL CONCERT: Where Were You, Just The Same Way, Lovin' You Is Easy, Too Late, Of A Lifetime, Kohoutek, People And Places, Precious Time, Lights, Stay Awhile, Dixie Highway, Homemade Love, Anytime, Walks Like A Lady, Neal Schon Solo, La Do Da, Ross Valory Solo, Steve Smith Solo, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', Wheel In The Sky, Any Way You Want It, I'm Cryin', and Line Of Fire (X)
The Bay Area Music Awards (Bammies), 15th April - Where Were You and The Party’s Over (Hopelessly in Love) (X) Different video TPO (X)
Tokyo Japan, 31st July - FULL CONCERT: Where Were You, Line of Fire, Stone in Love, Keep on Runnin', When the Love Has Gone, Who's Crying Now, Lay It Down, Jonathan Cain Solo, Dead or Alive, Turn Around in Tokyo, Lights, Stay Awhile, Too Late, Dixie Highway, Lovin' You Is Easy, Neal Schon Solo, La Do Da, Steve Smith Solo, The Party's Over (Hopelessly in Love), Wheel in the Sky, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', and Any Way You Want It (X)
The Tomorrow Show, October 7th - Who’s Crying Now and Don’t Stop Believin’ (X) (X)
Houston, 6th November - CONCERT PLAYLIST (DVD available for purchase) Escape, Line Of Fire, Lights, Stay Awhile, Open Arms, Mother, Father, Who’s Crying Now, Where Were You, Dead or Alive, Don’t Stop Believin’, Stone In Love, Keep On Runnin’, Wheel In The Sky, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', and Any Way You Want It (X)
Day On The Green, Oakland, California, 26th June - The Party’s Over (Hopelessly in Love), Open Arms, Who’s Crying Now, Separate Ways, Dead Or Alive, and Don’t Stop Believin’ (X)
Budokan, Japan, 2nd March (from Budokan documentary) - Chain Reaction, Send Her My Love, Still They Ride, Open Arms, Rubicon, Faithfully, Who's Crying Now, Don't Stop Believin', Keep On Runnin', Any Way You Want It, and Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) (X)
Philadelphia, June 4th (from Frontiers and Beyond documentary) - Chain Reaction, Wheel In The Sky, Still They Ride, Open Arms, Stone In Love, Escape, Separate Ways, After The Fall, Keep On Runnin’ (X)
We Are The World, 21st January - Behind The Scenes (X)
Official Live Music Videos, Recording Date Unknown - I’ll Be Alright Without You (X), Girl Can’t Help It (X), Be Good To Yourself (X)
Raised On Radio Documentary/Other Source, Recording Date Unknown - Raised On Radio, Randy Jackson and Mike Baird Solo (X), Only The Young (X)
Bill Graham Tribute Concert, Golden Gate Park, 3rd November - Faithfully, Lonely Road Without You, Lights (X)
New York, 9th November - FULL CONCERT: Only the Young, Girl Can't Help It, Oh Sherrie, Lights, Foolish Heart, You Better Wait, Somewhere There's Hope, Missing You, Listen To Your Heart, I'll Be Alright Without You/Cupid, Wheel In The Sky, Dixie Highway, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', Any Way You Want It, Separate Ways, Don't Stop Believin', and Faithfully (X)
Toronto Canada, 15th November - FULL CONCERT: Only the Young, Girl Can't Help It, Oh Sherrie, Lights, Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing, Foolish Heart, You Better Wait, Somewhere There's Hope, Missing You, Listen To Your Heart, I'll Be Alright Without You/Cupid, Wheel In The Sky, Dixie Highway, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', Any Way You Want It, Separate Ways, Don't Stop Believin', and Faithfully (X)
Memphis, 30th November - FULL CONCERT: Lights, Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing, Oh Sherrie, Missing You, I'll Be Alright Without You/Cupid, Wheel In The Sky, Dixie Highway, Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin', Any Way You Want It, Separate Ways, Faithfully, Somewhere There's Hope, Listen To Your Heart, Only The Young, and Girl Can’t Help It (X)
EELS concert, Los Angeles, 31st May - It's A Motherfucker, Only Sixteen, Open Arms, Lights, and Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin’ (X) (X)
Hopefully more to be added to this list one day...
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busghost · 4 years
Sakura is wonderful... but her lore is dumb
Everything about Sakura’s story is more convoluted than anything I’ve ever seen, and it’s all Mihoyo’s fault for having two completely different things happen in-game and in the manga.
By the way, despite their appearances, Previous Era counterparts to current era characters have nothing to do with each other, even if they look exactly the same. DR. MEI and Raiden Mei are two completely different characters. Unless they are the same person but that’s just because Kevin Kaslana is 50,000 years old.
and if you haven’t read the manga yet
Elan Palatinus manga explains why Kallen is in Japan and has the black box.
(despite being a GGZ manga this is referenced multiple times throughout the Honkai manga so we can safely assume it vaguely fits into canon)
(ending Volume 4 Chapter 24)
Starting here is where Sakura starts getting involved in the main characters’ story and how Theresa gets her stigmata, it’s also where the game and manga split in terms of what happens.
What the black box is and the story of the Herrscher of Corruption, a small part of this is told in story chapter 12 in the game.
The Prevoius Era of civilization, about 50,000 years ago
When the 12th Herrscher appeared she didn’t have any powers despite being a Herrscher in every other way. The young woman was imprisoned in a secret base and kept locked away from everyone despite repeated asking to see her sister, being kept for testing.
Many people were furious that a Herrscher was being kept prisoner rather than just killing her outright. Humanity only existed in three cities because of the honkai, most of humanity was gone. So against DR. MEI’s orders some people broke into her cell and killed her. And that’s what sparked all of her hatred of humans. Her body let out a black mist that turned those who killed her into zombies and she also became a sapient computer virus and launched all of humanity’s nuclear weapons at the remaining cities, olbliterating them. The humans at the secret base were the last ones on Earth.
But just moments before the Herrscher of Corruption was killed a MANTIS soldier broke into the secret base to get her sister out and run away with her but when she found her cell her sister Rin was dead.
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Sakura was able to reach Rin and calm her down just long enough for DR. MEI to trap her (in digital virus form) in the black box. Sakura died from wounds she sustained breaking in and fighting the Honkai.
Sakura’s life from birth to 1477
Everything is easy to begin with so I’ll go fast and only cover the most important parts. Sakura is from Yae village in Japan which routinely suffered droughts and the village sacrificed young girls to the gods to get rain. Sakura had a sickly younger sister Rin who she took care of and loved deeply. During a particularly horrible drought, Rin was chosen to be a sacrifice for the gods for rain, so she tried to run away with her. They were caught and Sakura’s father, the village priest, forced Sakura to kill her sister.
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Years passed and Sakura was the village miko, holding in all her hatred for the villagers who forced her to kill he sister and then one day she finds a foreign woman washed up on the river clinging to a black box.
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She nurses the woman, Kallen Kaslana, back to health and they fall in love but the Herrscher of Corruption inside the box possesses Sakura due to her hatred of humans. Kallen is forced seal the Herrscher and Sakura back inside the black box. Kallen, seriously wounded, is captured by Schicksal and executed for stealing the black box. (During her execution Otto releases a bunch of Honkai beasts into the city to cause a distraction for her to escape but she dies protecting people from the Honkai beasts)
So, in a word, tragic.
537 years later
Sakura then spends just over 500 years trapped in the black box, when she is freed again during the 3rd Honkai Eruption in Nagazora March-April 2014, she does come across Kiana, Mei and Bronya while they are trying to escape but we’re only told that this happens, not shown it.
Just after Himeko brings Kiana, Mei, and Bronya to St. Freya, the residual Honkai energy in Nagazora picks a new Herrscher, but because Mei already had her partial awakening to Herrscher of Thunder, this is only a pseudo-Herrscher. Theresa goes by herself to kill it but the Herrscher succeeds in poisoning her and she almost dies.
Theresa wakes up to find Sakura giving her medicine but Theresa is hallucinating due to the poison and tells Sakura “don’t worry, I will always protect you Kiana”. Sakura can tell that Theresa is related to Kallen so Sakura gives up her Herrscher core, the Core of Corruption, to heal Theresa. This gives Theresa her stigmata.
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When Theresa starts losing in her second fight against the psuedo-Herrscher, she almost dies again but this time Sakura takes over her body and bites off the pseudo-Herrscher’s arms and and stabs her many times with swords from the Oath of Judah, which turned into the Pledge of Sakura when she touched it.
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This is where we get the Sakura/Theresa combo battlesuit, Sakuno Rondo from. Theresa falls unconscious and is taken back to St. Freya. She wakes up at St. Freya but collapses again.
This is Where it all gets Confusing ²
The manga and the game tell two completely different stories here.
The Game
This one is easy and you’ve all probably played through the first three Samsaras in the Sakura Samsara open world. The Fourth Samsara is unrelated as it is independent of the first three.
All you really get from the game is “The Principle’s stigmata is acting up” and then you’re thrown right into the First Samsara.
First Samsara, you relive Sakura meeting Kallen but when the Herrscher takes over her body Kallen kills Sakura.
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Second Samsara, same thing but the Herrscher Sakura kills Kallen.
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In the Third Samsara you are able to get the Herrscher out of Sakura where you fight it head on in the Hellmaru boss fight and when you win Sakura is finally left at peace after 500 years of suffering.
(I’m so sorry I could only find a meme of scene)
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The Fourth Samsara takes place a while afterwards. Kallen leaves Sakura and steals a very dangerous sword (it’s Jizo Mitama the 12th Divine Key). Sakura chases her to the Celestial Casle and meets Higokumaru, a small person claiming to be a human but she has fox ears and lots of tails.
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They go through the Celestial Castle and find Kallen again and Higo touches and sword and kinda goes beserk, cue Jizo Mitama boss fight.
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When Sakura defeats Jizo Mitama, Higo comes back and remebers that she is the 12th Herrscher, the Herrscher of Corruption. Sakura forgives her though and then they confront Kallen, who Sakura gets to come back with this VERY gay scene.
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Higo says that she can use the 12th Divine Key to reform Sakura’s body in the real world but Sakura refuses saying that there’s nothing for her there. In the stigmata space she at least has this version of Kallen, the real Kallen died 500 years ago. So Higo sends the 12th Divine Key into the real world instead, because Sakura wanted to give it to somebody who could use it.
So Sakura gets to live with Kallen and Higo (who is the previous era Rin) in the stigmata space.
The Manga
Honestly it’s going to be easier for you to go read it yourself than to have me explain it, it’s weird and Theresa is a cat at one point for some reason. Fourth Samsara doesn’t conflict with the manga.
Here’s the link to that part again.
I guess you gotta pick which one you like until Mihoyo says something official.
Also because Jizo Mitama is in reality now and because Divine Keys are made from Herrscher Cores, this means that the Core of Corruption is no longer in Theresa. This doesn’t explain anything about whether or not the stigma is still on Theresa.
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erisfiles · 4 years
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characters: “The 7” Emperors; Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook. Ahn Y/n. Bang Hyunsik. Soo Jaemin
cameos: Prince Park Jihyun (Emperor Jimin’s younger brother) , Jeon Junghyun (Emperor Jungkook’s older brother, the general of his military, Jung Jiwoo (Emperor Hoseok’s older sister, his advisor), and Cha Eunwoo (a soldier of the Kim’s empire)
word count: 2.07K
warnings: explicit language(❗️), groping(brief mention❗️), Brie mention of killing(❗️)
genre: fluff, angst, smut, action, emperor au
2 weeks later
Y/n took a long, deep breath as she reminisced on how she had been caught. Sweat rolling down her face to her neck as the scorching hot sun blazed down on her. Her dirtied, ragged clothes sticking to her now tanned skin. Her foot chains grazed against the dirt every few minutes as she moved along the vegetables from the ground. Her back aching as she crouched down every step she took, pulling the carrots from the ground. She felt her body attempting to cool itself down from the heat.
She looked up to her left, looking at the soldiers whose eyes roamed over the farm with other prisoners spread about doing different tasks. A man near the forest, surrounded by countless soldiers, had chained feet and hands was lumbering firewood for the emperor's fireplace as winter was to come in a few months. Rumor has it that he had killed countless men during his time of service of the late Emperor Jooyoung only to betray his country and had almost made the late emperor headless. A man not that far from her, with only bound feet was also picking vegetables from the ground. Rumor had it that he used to be the executioner for the Kims for the last 10 years. However, he had tried executing the Queen as he was one of her many affairs whom she had promised that he were to climb up the hierarchy. Many more prisoners that surrounded her had rumors going around and about that they all had tried murdering the Emperor and Empress while working for them. Securing a job within the palace gave them that advantage to do so. These criminals were called “parasites.” This term was only given to prisoners that are considered to be one of the most violent and tyrant; the lunatics. “Tsk, ‘parasite’ my ass.” muttered Y/n under her breath.
As Y/n went back to her assigned cyclic task, she felt a pair of eyes burning through the back of her head making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She had ignored it and focused on not trying to be punished for “laziness” and “day dreaming.” Y/n shrugged off the feeling of uneasiness and continued working. At that moment, she had heard footsteps getting closer and closer to her but had ignored it as she thought that she was not the one being approached. Y/n’s eyes widened as she felt a sudden tug on her right wrist, turning her around making her bump into someone’s chest. A soldier looked down at Y/n winking at her but not letting go of her wrist. Some prisoners tried to be discreet and watched from the corner of their eyes as they were doing their work. This ought to be interesting. Y/n looked up at the unknown man with confusion written all over her face, until she yelped feeling a hand creep around her waist and grope her ass.
Y/n ripped her wrist away from his grip, punching him on the face and kicking his ribs. Soldiers ran towards the commotion and took their swords out from their waists. Y/n felt fear creeping upon her but soon disappeared as she saw a prisoner stand in front of her, her eyebrows furrowing and mouth hung slightly ajar. Soon enough, every prisoner isn’t he farm stood before her facing the soldiers. ”No woman should be touched like that by any man,” a man who looked about her age had stated. “I’m Cha Eunwoo, the lieutenant of this military. I can do whatever I want and no one is to tell me otherwise but his highness, himself,” Eunwoo took a step closer to the young man staring right through his soul. “While you can’t do anything. Because, one wrong move and I can just have you killed off right here, right this instant, parasite,” Eunwoo spat on his face. A man had suddenly yelled, “We’re not the real parasites Eunwoo, you and your little minions are!”
Y/n pushed herself through the crowd trying to get to Eunwoo before any violence could occur. She was pushed and shoved in every direction as the prisoners started yelling vulgar words towards the “Lieutenant.” At last, Y/n stood in front of him withstanding her ground, “Just because you are part of the royal army does not mean you can disrespect others however you like. You should know that the best as it’s part of the oath you took, Lieutenant.” Eunwoo scoffed and rolled his eyes in response, blinding down to her ear, he whispered and a moment of silence instilled in the air. No one hears what he’s saying, Y/n’s eyes widening by the second.
She landed the first punch on Eunwoo’s face, catching him by surprise, making him stumble back and fall down. Y/n marched towards his direction only seeing red at this point. Eunwoo struggled to scramble back as the crown surrounded him. Y/n snatched a sword from a soldier standing on the sides and that’s when the prisoners realized she was about to kill him.
Y/n raised the sword, ready to swing the heavy piece of yielded metal at him. She doesn’t want to kill him, no, she just wants to put a cut on his pretty little for him to be reminded of her. With each step she took toward him, the more he had struggled to move back. “You’re no royal soldier. You feed off of the unnecessary fear you give to people. You belittle anyone who is below you so you can feel higher than you already are. But, let me tell you this once. You will just be like your father, you will never experience sitting on that thrown, you’ll only die trying to. You’ll die with everyone knowing you’re just a nobody. You’re nothing but a conceited traitor who wants all the power to himself, wanting to overthrow The 7 Emperors with your little minions. Don’t think I know that your soldiers that are with you right now framed these prisoners just so YOU and your little friends can step up and take their spot. “ Everyone had gasped, still not being able to believe the words that they had heard. “But, what happens once everyone hears about this? Oh wait, they just have. Now, would you rather die in the hands of a parasite still maintaining your titled rank? Or, die in the hands of an executioner as the three Kim Emperors laugh at you as you beg for forgiveness on your knees, Lieutenant.” Y/n held the edge of the sword in his right artery.
The sight in front of Y/n made her grin wide in content, her smile imitating that of Cheshire the Cat. Eunwoo has cold sweat running down all over his face, pupils shaking with fear that he had been caught. But, he slowly regained his emotions. “And who do you think you are, little girl? Who do you think the emperors will believe, you, a homeless and worth-nothing-thief? Or, their prized royal lieutenant?” Y/n scoffed and pressed the sword deeper into his neck, “You? A prized lieutenant you say?” Y/n looked straight into his eyes, suddenly erupting in loud laughter. The royal soldiers with confusion written all over their face as the other prisoners joined in the laughter.
“Oh my, my, what a gullible soldier boy.” She gripped his collar, picking him up off the ground, “Just because I’m a thief, does not mean I am any less important than you are to the emperors.” Y/n grinned and pushed him towards his men, who still had yet to process the information that their Lieutenant was a traitor to their motherland, Eunwoo filled with shock and confusion as he came to a realization of what she said. Y/n looked around her and saw them looking at her with curiosity and wonder, urging her to speak more, waiting for her to say more.
“Now, is that how a lady should behave in this dynasty?”
Y/n turned to the direction of the voice that had interrupted her, eyes widening, but withstanding her emotions. There he was, the smartest of the Kim brothers, Emperor Namjoon, who also happens to be the general of their military. Everyone had bowed excluding Y/n, Eunwoo stood up glaring at her, “Your highness, this parasite has done nothing but spew lies out of her mouth. She is accusing me, your royal lieutenant, of treason. I suggest we execute her.” Y/n scoffed, merely glancing at Emperor Namjoon before gracefully bowing to him showing the man her respect. “To answer your question, your highness, the answer would be, “no.” No, as in a lady should not behave like that, but...a lady should not be told how to behave when an estranged man has touched her without her permission,” while glaring at Eunwoo. The edge of Emperor Namjoon's lips stretched upward at the rebuttal Y/n had given.
“Lieutenant.” At the sound of the Emperor’s, who is also his general, Eunwoo automatically stands at attention with his chest out and chin high, like he was trained to do. “You and your men are relieved from duty and to be arrested...of treason.” Y/n smirked once she heard the words coming out of Emperor Namjoon’s mouth. Eunwoo looked at the Emperor with shock as he couldn’t seem to comprehend what was happening. “No, you can’t, general. My family blood line has been a part of the Royal Army for centuries. I’ve only just become lieutenant, I’ve just earned the title. I am the youngest person in the dynasty to earn this title, something I worked hard for….your highness, please. I will bring nothing but disappointment if my mom was to hear about this. I cannot break my family’s tradition, Emperor, I beg of you,” Eunwoo’s voice laced with desperation as he begged on his knees in front of him.
“Get up off your knees,” Emperor Namjoon said looking down on the desperate man. “If I had not bumped into Y/n in the bamboo forest that day, how would have I figured out your plans? How could have I figured out the reasons why my brothers and I’s officials were dying off one by one, day by day mysteriousl? You convinced me to hire an executioner, which so happened to be your father, my late father’s Royal Lieuteneant. My government officials heads’ were cut off by the same sword the executioner uses, do you want to know why?” Eunwoo shook his head refusing to believe anything that was going on, mumbling, “This must be a dream….this can’t be true.” Emperor Namjoon had a sinister smile on his face, “Y/n was the one who had informed me. Had told me how she had witnessed it with her own eyes.” Eunwoo charged towards her direction, “She has no proof, your highness.” Emperor Namjoon signaled his men to take a hold on Eunwoo with a tilt of his head towards his direction. “I don’t need proof, Eunwoo. The executioner owns three swords, one used under the common of my older brother, Emperor Seokjin, and my younger brother, Emperor Taehyung,” Namjoon said as he walked around him looking into his eyes, smirking as he saw Eunwoo starting to cower in fear, averting his eyes to the ground.
“Now, I do know my brothers have executed very few people in the past. The people that were executed in this kingdom, were criminals who have committed crimes that were not worthy of justice. The executioner is to be commanded by the emperors…..and my lieutenant. I, however, have not ordered any executions my whole reign,” Namjoon took out his sword and threw it Eunwoo’s feet.
“Then how come my sword has stains of blood on it?”
Please don’t be a silent reader! 🤗
I would like your feedback :)
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ktent · 5 years
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After many preparations, Eclipse heads toward their comeback. It’s the first of the year and the first along with Joohyun.
The group will still go through some final stages of promotion preparations before the day of their comeback. Meanwhile, one of their members will also have to start working towards her drama.
Minji will go to her costume fittings on January 3rd in order to get everything checked for the start of recordings on the following week. The drama will consist of 20 episodes ranging from 55 to 65 minutes in length. Recordings will start on a Monday, the 6th, and should go until the 9th of May. They’ll be recording around an episode a week with only short breaks for the cast and crew. The day of the release will be announced later on, aiming for the end of March. This will be an extensive project, having to record from early in the dark morning to the dark nights, depending on what they need. Expect not to have much free time at all. They’ll have a day break every two Sundays, the first being on January 26th.
On January 4th, all members will go together to a recording of Weekly Idol inspired by this episode. All information should be changed to fit Eclipse’s history and discography, as well as personality. There is no need to match your muse with one of the members onscreen. The episode is to air on January 22nd.
Due to the nature of Minji’s drama, she’ll go to a hair salon recommended by the staff on January 4th, after the recording of Weekly Idol, to get her hair dyed to black.
They’ll hold their comeback showcase on January 11th. The event will start at 6PM. They’ll enter the stage while their intro ‘Flower Bud’ plays, and then do their first performance of ‘Me Gustas Tu’. The teaser video for their new album will play on the back while they get into their new formation, and then they’ll perform ‘Navillera’ for the first time on stage. Once they’re done, a talk segment will start with the MC Kim Hyungjoon. They’ll be asked about the success of their previous release and how preparations were for their first full album. They’ll also talk about Joohyun’s addition to the group. Next, they’ll perform ‘Sunshine’ sitting on their chairs. The next talk interview will involve talking about their changing concepts and showing their ‘day’ side once again, as well as any other plans the group may have in the future, be it as a whole or individually. Eclipse will perform ‘Chase Me’ and, as a prepared encore, ‘Love Whisper’.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for Eclipse’s ‘Navillera’ activities:
01/15, 01/22, 01/29, 02/05: MBC Show Champion
01/16, 01/23, 01/30, 02/06: Mnet M!Countdown
01/17, 01/24, 01/31, 02/07: KBS Music Bank
01/17, 01/24: Arirang Simply K-Pop
01/18, 01/25, 02/01, 02/08: MBC Music Core
01/19, 01/26, 02/02, 02/09: SBS Inkigayo
01/21, 01/28, 02/04: MTV The Show
During the first week of promotions, Eclipse will use ‘Sunshine’ as their sibling song and performing its short version alongside the title track. The song will have no choreography, and instead, the girls will be sitting or standing, as seen in this video. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
Due to her drama recording schedules, Eclipse will pre-record their stages early in the day with Minji before their leader leaves for her shootings. The rest of the members will stay for the music show airings. This will happen until the recording of SBS Inkigayo on January 26th. After that, the members will have to perform a 5-member version of their song for music shows.
On January 15th, Joohyun and Blue will go to a recording of Hello Counselor based on this case. All reactions should be changed to fit your muse’s personality. There is no need to match your muse with one of the people onscreen. This will air on January 27th.
On January 17th, during the recording of Music Bank, Blue will be in charge of the MC role when interviewing her own group. The interview will take place in a room such as this, along with another girl group that’ll be promoting at the same time, Source Girls, and their member MC, Lily. Blue will ask Anna to describe her feelings for having a comeback, Minji to explain their newest title track, and Jennie to explain their point dance (which both Eclipse and Source Girls will recreate). After Source Girls’ interview, Joohyun will announce the other group’s soon to come stage, and then everyone will finish the interview with a “Coming up soon!” cheer. All questions are scripted, so the girls should be prepared with what to say.
On January 18th, Eclipse (excluding Minji) will be guests on Idol Radio. On January 21st, Blue and Haseul will join the recording of a segment of Happy Together as inspired by this episode. This will air on February 6th. Meanwhile, Jennie and Anna will go to the radio SBS Power FM. 
In the meantime, on January 20th, the member Anna will be approached with some news. Ivy Club has approached KT Entertainment with the offer of making her one of their ambassadors. She’ll make her way out on January 27th for a photoshoot with the product. The news will come out to the public the following month, as well as the pictures taken. She’ll appear on Ivy Club’s official social media and on physical stores, as well as receive products to promote on her daily life.
On January 21st, the girls, without Minji, will go to Cultwo Show as guests along with solo artist Han Dogeun. During the show, they’ll be asked to perform two songs, which will be ‘Navillera’ and ‘Under The Sky’. Both songs will be only vocal performances.
On January 26th, the entire group will go perform to the military. They’ll use two songs: ‘Me Gustas Tu’ and ‘Navillera’. You can expect a positive reaction out of it.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of December. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - KT ENT - JANUARY SCHEDULE (for the February 5 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
**** For their promotional days, the group receives 25 EXP. The members' appearances on programs and radio shows gives them 6 EXP. Blue’s role as a fill-in MC gives 1 EXP, and Anna’s contract with Ivy Club gives 9 EXP. The group’s performance for the military gives 1 EXP, making it a total of 42 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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Timeline - Post Sochi So Far…
I just repost timeline of @balletfever89-deactivated201902 
********************** 2014 ********************
(Feb. 24) — Moscow Gala
(March 3) —RBC press conference as well
(March 3 ) — RBC Learn to Skate Event (w/ PChiddy and kids)
(March 4 ) — Co hosted Morning Show  — Breakfast Television interview
(March 4) — CP24 Interview with Stephanie
(March 8) —Hockey Game (Leafs) w/ fellow Olympians
(March 12) — Taping Strombo
(March 12? around this time) —Visited a Skating Club
(March 13) — ET Canada
(March 14) —Off the Record
(March 14) — KISS 92.5
(March 20) —Hockey Game Senators
(March 22) —Women’s Lifestyle
(April 5) – Tessa and Scott celebrate medals at his grandparents’ house and attend a Detroit Wings game (Sheri Cara Charlie Sheri’s bf)
** Stars on Ice Japan Tour** (April 11 - 20) but they were there earlier
** Stars on Ice Canada Tour ** (April 25th - May 15th)
(May 16) PWC event on Tessa’s birthday—Scott attends Hockey game (drama)
(May 21st) —Puck Drop — London Knights game
(May 22) —50 Most beautiful Gala (Tessa)
(May 22) —Heroes’ Hockey Challenge in Edmonton (Scott)
(May 25) —Toronto Blue Jays game ( first pitch)
(May 27th) — Office warming (apparently they were guest speakers)
(May 29)—Quebec SC (ACGM) event — Scott stayed for a couple more days after
(June 2) —Post Olympic Excellence Series (just Scott)
(June 4)—Conference / BBQ/ Parliament / St. Gregory Catholic School in Ottawa
(June 6)—Champions Parade in Calgary - Gala + Twitter takeover
**********VACATION BREAK*************************************************
—Scott spotted at hospital (twitter)
(June 23)—Mark Lowry Memorial Drive for the Podium Gold Tournament (Scott with Patrick) —- FIRST OFFICIAL SCOTT APPEARANCE
—Scott attends wedding
(July 5) — Tessa and Scott attend Calgary Stampede — FIRST OFFICIAL TESSA APPEARANCE
(July 11) — Tessa’s FIRST tweet *******
(July 12) — FC London Soccer Game (just Tessa)
(July 13) — Virtue & Moir 2nd Annual Golf Classic
(July 15-16) — Skating Seminar (Scott and Tessa)
**Artistry on Ice China Tour** : Beijing 7/25—Shanghai 7/27 —Guangzhou 8/1—Taipei 8/3
(August 5) — Lucan Skating Club in ilderton (just Scott)
(August 6) — Rogers Cup in Toronto #Lindt (Scott and Tessa)
(August 8) — John Legend Concert in Toronto (just Tessa)
(August 10) — Rogers Cup Men’s Final (Tessa and Mom) - Prairie Jam festival in Winnipeg (just Scott w/ KLawes)
(August 12) — Tessa Virtue ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram Video)
(August 13) — Scott’s FIRST tweet ******* and responds to Tessa’s Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram) in Ilderton
(August 16) — Tessa attends Jeffrey Buttle’s Wedding (Toronto) along with Katelyn and Joannie :)..and Scott??
(August 18) — CP Women’s Golf Open — Tessa and Mr. Moir as “caddie” extraordinaire ;)
(August 19) — Scott and Tessa spotted in Saskatoon
(August 20) — Mike Babcock Fore Prostrate Golf event (Scott and Tessa)
(August 23) — Tessa attends a Bachelorette party while Scott is spotted with Patrick golfing.
(Aug. 28 - Sept. 1-2) — Tessa vacations in Alberta, Canada while Scott is spotted in Niagara with KLawes
(September 2) SCOTT’s 27th BIRTHDAY!!! 
(September 3 -4) — Tessa attends TIFF along with Ryan Semple and Elisha Cuthbert
(September 4) — Scott attends Skate Canada High performance camp and Tessa attends Wicked performance in Toronto
(September 5) — Tessa attends Skate Canada High performance camp (with Scott??) and then has a girls’ night with Elisha Cuthbert
(September 6) — Scott and Tessa spotted at a wedding in Toronto
(September 8) — Tessa “back to school” tweet
(September 9) — Tessa attends Bill Volk Golf tournament (right to play)
(September 11) — Tessa attends Lorde concert at Folkfest in Ottawa (with Ryan Semple)
(September 17) — Tessa and Scott film CanSkate video for Skate Canada in London, Ontario sportscenter
(September 22-23) — Radio interviews (Scott & Tessa ) announcing their plans for the 2014-15 season
(September 26) — Tessa attends Yoga class
(September 26-28) — Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair
(October 1) — Scott and Tessa — attend TWIINS event concussion research — Toronto Rehab Center
(October 3) — Tessa attends LetsBond event in Montreal
(October 6) — Scott — 2nd Annual Evening of Great Canadian Conversations
(October 10) — Tessa — photo shoot Real Style fashion
(October 15) — Scott TWEETS AGAIN!!! :DDDDD
(October 16) — Scott — Celebrity Men’s Fashion Show
(October 17) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Ottawa, Ontario
(October 22) — Tessa — Fashion Blows (Toronto)
(October 27) — Scott and Tessa — IVEY business school speech
(October 30) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Victoria) they are the MCs for the event
(October 31 - Nov 2) — Scott and Tessa — Skate Canada 2014 (commentators)
(November 8) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Cookstown,Ontario
(November 12) Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Toronto) they are the MCs for the event
(November 15) — Scott and Tessa — TEDxYouth talk
(November 17) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Ottawa)
(November 18-21) — Scott and Tessa — Training with Sam (Montreal)
(November 21) — Scott and Tessa — LIMITLESS2014 Gala (Toronto)
(November 24) — Scott and Tessa — Acura West photo shoot (London)
(November 25) — Scott and Tessa —IIderton Skating club (morning) + Raonic Race for Kids (evening - Toronto)
(December 5 & 7) — *** Holiday on Ice Festival ***
(December 8 — 9) — Scott & Tessa in Montreal (with Marie France and Patrice) and friends
(December 17 - 19) — Scott & Tessa — Training with Sean Chessman for Art on Ice (Calgary, Alberta)
(December 28) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(Dec 30 - Jan 2) — Tessa spotted in Vancouver for New Years
********************** 2015 ********************
(January 3) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 4) — Scott & Tessa - *late night* Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 10 - 18) — SOI Japan
(January 22 - 23) —- Scott & Tessa — Cdn. Nationals (Kingston, ON)
(January 24) — Scott is groomsman at wedding
(January 27) — Scott & Tessa — FFWD Advertising Week (Toronto)
(January 30) — Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 1 - 14) — Art On Ice
(February 19) – Tessa at beach and Scott at Scotties
(February 25) – Tessa in Toronto
(Feb 26-March 6) – Tessa in L.A. for SOI costume fitting
(March 8) – Tessa attends Western University Rowing Gala as a guest speaker
(March 11) – Scott visits special olympics athletes :)
(March 18) – Scott and Tessa (separate cities) radio interview with 570 News
(March 18-22) – Scott attends the curling Worlds Championships (Sapporo, Japan)
(March 20) – Tessa spotted with her girlies at her friend’s chalet (Ontario)
(March 23) – Tessa attends Pink Tartan Fashion Show (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa in a photo shoot (Toronto)
(March 25) — OWL Dinner in Waterloo (keynote speech for the Lauriel Golden Hawks)
(March 26) – Tessa attends Hilary McMilan Fashion Show with Elisha Cuthbert and sister (Toronto)
(March 28) – Scott attends heroes hockey game with Kaitlyn and Tessa attends fashion show (Toronto)
(April 7-8) – Tessa in Ottawa // Scott seen with KLawes in St. Marys
(April 9) – Tessa & Scott rink practice
(sometime in this month of April) – Tessa skates at Canadian Ice Academy (Missisauga, Ontario)
(April 18) — Silver Blades Skating Club Ice Show (Corner Brook, NL)
(April 19) — Sparkling Blades Skating Club Ice Skating Gala (Windsor)
(April 21-25) — Stars on Ice cast train (Minden Hills)
(May 1 — May 21) — SOI Canada : Halifax / Ottawa / Montreal / Toronto / Hamilton / London / Winnipeg / Regina / Edmonton / Calgary / Victoria / Vancouver
********** (May 6) – MANIFESTO SPORT announces Tessa ************
(May 17) – Tessa’s 26th Birthday
(May 20) – Lindt Master Class (Richmond, B.C.)
(May 25) – Tessa attends a close friend’s wedding :)
(May 30) – Tessa on shopping network (Hillberg and Berk)
(June 1) – Tessa photo shoot for H&B (Toronto)
(June 8 - 22) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates — Scotland Trip
(June 23 - July 3 ) – Tessa vacations with family (London, England)
(July 7) – Lindt Master Class (London, ON)
(July 9) – Lindt Master Class (Toronto, ON)
(July 11) – Scott at Lucan Memorial Golf Tournament (Hamilton)
(July 14) – Lindt Master Class  (Halifax, N.S.)
(July 15) – Lindt Master Class (Ottawa, ON)
(July 17) – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Event (Sault St. Marie)
(July 20) –Tessa hangs out during PanAm games (Toronto)
(July 21) – Tessa and Scott attend at beach volleyball game PanAm (Toronto)
(July 23) – Lindt Master Class (Edmonton, AB)
(July 24) – Tessa and Scott – Mike Babcock One Voice Fundraiser Dinner and Dance (Saskatoon)
(July 31) – Ice Show (Beijing, China) (went to see Wall of China)
(August 16) – Tessa attends Rogers Cup in Toronto
(August 21 - September 7) – CNE Skating Show
(August 22) – Tessa and Scott – CP24 Breakfast Interview
(August 24) – Tessa and Scott (Ms Miku and Kaitlyn) – Soul in the City (Casa Loma, Toronto)
(August 25) – Tessa and Scott – dinner with Mike Babcock
(August 26) – Scott attends Chris Mabee’s bday celebration with Kaitlyn
(August 28) – Tessa and Scott – attend a Blue Jays game
(August 29) – Tessa and Scott – Spirit of the West concert (Jackson Triggs Winery, Niagara)
(August 31) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game
(September 1) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game and Tessa celebrates Jeff’s birthday
(September 2) – Scott’s 28th Birthday
(September 4) – Tessa attends Zac Brown Band concert
///Sept. 7th//// END OF CNE
(Sept. 9) – Tessa attends TIFF Soiree (Toronto)
(September 13) – Virtue & Moir 3rd Annual Golf Classic
(September 15) – Tessa attends Bill Volk Celebration Golf Classic (Caledon Village, Ontario)
(September 16/17/18) – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram takeover
(September 18) – Tessa SnapChat takeover for Hillberg and Berk and LIVE on the Shopping Channel (Toronto)
(September 19) – Scott attends family wedding (Ilderton, Ontario)
(September 21) – Tessa and Scott – Lindt Masters Golf tournament (Halton Hills, Ontario)
(October 2) – Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair (judges an event?)
(October 6) – Scott spotted at Starbucks (London, Ontario) - TV x HB breakfast “sneak peek” (Distillery District, Toronto) - Tessa attends Madonna concert
(October 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto and attend the Maple Leafs’ first game of the season (Toronto, Ontario) (+) flashmob
(October 8) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Blue Jays game (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 9) – Tessa says that her and Scott also took part in a flash mob this week (she posted on the 10th a sneak peek of a collab project with The Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. which she worked on the 9th)
(October 11 - 12) celebrating Thanksgiving
(October 14) – TV x HB Launch at Cornwall Center (Regina, Saskatoon)
(October 15) – Scott night out at bar (London, Ontario)
(October 16) – TV x HB Launch at Kingsway Mall with meet and greet (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 17) – TV x HB Launch (skating & meet and greet) at West Edmonton Mall  (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 19) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in the dance studio (Montreal, Quebec)
(October 20) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in ice rink arena (Arena Sylvio Mantha, Montreal)
(October 22) – Scott attends Celebrity Men Fashion Show (London, Ontario)
Tessa attends The Great Jewelry Heist and Rudsak Premiere (Toronto Fashion Week)
(October 23) Tessa does photo shoot (Adidas?) (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 26) Late Night Tessa styling at Saffron Road (London, Ontario)
(October 27) – BBB Wes.Ont. Business Integrity Awards (London, Ontario) (+) and Taste of Gold - GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
(October 28) – Tessa and Scott spotted at rink (Exeter, Ontario)
(October 29) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating at a community center (London, Ontario) – Halloween themed photo shoot series released from the Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. collaboration
(November 3) – Tessa films for Ice Girls Movie (Sudbury, Ontario)
(November 5) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Toronto, Ontario)  -Scott attends concert at bar in London
(November 7) – Tessa shoots stuff for Paper Crown
(November 9) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Ottawa)
(November 11) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Ilderton Skating Club (+) travel to St. John’s
(November 12) – Tessa and Scott visit a school for Kid Sport (+) Tessa and Scott MCs at Gold Medal Plates (St. John’s, NF)
(November 17) – Tessa goes to gym and decorates the house (London, Ontario)
(November 20) – Tessa and Scott Gold Medal Plates (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
(November 21) – Tessa and Scott Road to the Olympics CBC Sports (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 22) – Tessa and Scott shoot for CBC Sports at the Toronto Cricket Club (Toronto, Ontario)  -  Tessa shot stuff for Gaming Show IMPG
(November 23) – Tessa photo shoot at home for GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
Tessa and Scott midnight practice for Holiday Festival on Ice (Ilderton, Ontario)
(November 24) – Tessa attends AnaGolja collab with DDMCosmetics launch party (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 25) – Tessa is spotted at Union Square Train Station in Toronto (dance party on the train)
(November 27) – Tessa picked out new car at Acura West (London, Ontario)
(November 28) – Tessa attends the National Ballet’s “Romeo and Juliet”  (Toronto, Ontario)
(December 1) – Tessa  and Scott have dinner with couple from GMP Scotland (St. John’s, NF)
(December 2) – Holiday Festival on Ice (St. John’s, NF)
(December 4) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Summerside, Prince Edward Island)
(December 5) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Kingston, Ontario)
(December 6) – First Dub Mash videos!!!
(December 9) – Tessa attends Olympic Excellence talk (Toronto)
(December 10) – Tessa attends dinner/art show with friends (Toronto)
(December 11) – Tessa attends dinner with friends (Toronto)
(December 12) – Tessa and Scott – CBC Road to the Olympics GPF coverage (+) GMP wrap party (Toronto)
(December 14) – Tessa and Scott begin to create new programs
(December 15) – Tessa and Scott with D/L and David Wilson (The Sports Village, Vaughn) (+) Toronto Maple Leafs Game
(December 16) – Tessa and Scott – Night Out with MF//Miss Miku and Husband
(December 17-18) – Last Day in Toronto
(December 18) – behind the scenes video released of their new Ex
(December 19) – Scott at Wedding (Paris, Ontario)
(December 21) – Tessa hangs out with friends (London, Ontario)
(December 22) – Scott spotted at Joe Kool’s (London, Ontario)
(December 24 – 25) – Holidays with Family
(December 26) – Off to Japan
(December 28) – Medalists on Ice (Sapporo, Japan)
(December 29) – Tessa hangs out with her girlfriends (will be a bridesmaid) (London, Ontario)
********************** 2016 ********************
(January 2) – Tessa plays a canon doll for the Nutcracker (Toronto, On)
(January 6) – Tessa and Scott team bonding play hockey (Komoka, On)
(January 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating (YMCA in Komoka,On)
(January 13) – Tessa at Sorry Coffee Co. (Toronto, On)
(January 14) – Tessa and Scott spotted at a restaurant coming back from skating (Cambridge, On)
(January 16) – Tessa goes bride’s dress shopping with friend (+) dinner with family   -  Scott tweets again and is spotted at Junior Canadians hockey game in Lucan
(January 20) – Tessa and Scott travel to Halifax
(January 21) – filmed bits for TSN
(January 22) – CTV Morning Show
(January 23 - 24) – Canadian Nationals
(January 27) – Tessa and Scott support BellLetsTalk on Twitter
(January 30) – Tessa and Scott at a see-saw (Montreal)
(January 31) – Tessa at a spa (Montreal)
(February 2) – Tessa and Scott hip hop workshop
(February 3) – Tessa and Scott creating new Ex with Sam Chouinard
Tessa and Scott Habs game (Montreal)
(February 7) – Tessa at home (London)
(February 10) – Tessa and Scott at a rink (Toronto)
Scott out to dinner with Brian Orser and Marie France
(February 11) – Tessa out to dinner with the Hair Gypsy and friends
(February 14) – Tessa and Scott eat at Evviva Restaurant (Vaughn/Toronto)
(February 15) – Tessa and Scott filming/photo-shoot (The Sports Village, Vaughn)
(February 19) – Video shoot with Natalie Robinson and OPC Productions (Toronto)
98 notes · View notes
virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-Sochi Timeline #01
********************** 2014 ********************
(Feb. 24) — Moscow Gala
(March 3) —RBC press conference as well
(March 3 ) — RBC Learn to Skate Event (w/ PChiddy and kids)
(March 4 ) — Co hosted Morning Show  — Breakfast Television interview
(March 4) — CP24 Interview with Stephanie
(March 8) —Hockey Game (Leafs) w/ fellow Olympians
(March 12) — Taping Strombo
(March 12? around this time) —Visited a Skating Club
(March 13) — ET Canada
(March 14) —Off the Record
(March 14) — KISS 92.5
(March 20) —Hockey Game Senators
(March 22) —Women’s Lifestyle
(April 5) – Tessa and Scott celebrate medals at his grandparents’ house and attend a Detroit Wings game (Sheri Cara Charlie Sheri’s bf)
** Stars on Ice Japan Tour** (April 11 - 20) but they were there earlier
** Stars on Ice Canada Tour ** (April 25th - May 15th)
(May 16) PWC event on Tessa’s birthday—Scott attends Hockey game (drama)
(May 21st) —Puck Drop — London Knights game
(May 22) —50 Most beautiful Gala (Tessa)
(May 22) —Heroes’ Hockey Challenge in Edmonton (Scott)
(May 25) —Toronto Blue Jays game ( first pitch)
(May 27th) — Office warming (apparently they were guest speakers)
(May 29)—Quebec SC (ACGM) event — Scott stayed for a couple more days after
(June 2) —Post Olympic Excellence Series (just Scott)
(June 4)—Conference / BBQ/ Parliament / St. Gregory Catholic School in Ottawa
(June 6)—Champions Parade in Calgary - Gala + Twitter takeover
**********VACATION BREAK*************************************************
—Scott spotted at hospital (twitter)
(June 23)—Mark Lowry Memorial Drive for the Podium Gold Tournament (Scott with Patrick) —- FIRST OFFICIAL SCOTT APPEARANCE
—Scott attends wedding
(July 5) — Tessa and Scott attend Calgary Stampede — FIRST OFFICIAL TESSA APPEARANCE
(July 11) — Tessa’s FIRST tweet *******
(July 12) — FC London Soccer Game (just Tessa)
(July 13) — Virtue & Moir 2nd Annual Golf Classic
(July 15-16) — Skating Seminar (Scott and Tessa)
**Artistry on Ice China Tour** : Beijing 7/25—Shanghai 7/27 —Guangzhou 8/1—Taipei 8/3
(August 5) — Lucan Skating Club in ilderton (just Scott)
(August 6) — Rogers Cup in Toronto #Lindt (Scott and Tessa)
(August 8) — John Legend Concert in Toronto (just Tessa)
(August 10) — Rogers Cup Men’s Final (Tessa and Mom) - Prairie Jam festival in Winnipeg (just Scott w/ KLawes)
(August 12) — Tessa Virtue ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram Video)
(August 13) — Scott’s FIRST tweet ******* and responds to Tessa’s Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram) in Ilderton
(August 16) — Tessa attends Jeffrey Buttle’s Wedding (Toronto) along with Katelyn and Joannie :)..and Scott??
(August 18) — CP Women’s Golf Open — Tessa and Mr. Moir as “caddie” extraordinaire ;)
(August 19) — Scott and Tessa spotted in Saskatoon
(August 20) — Mike Babcock Fore Prostrate Golf event (Scott and Tessa)
(August 23) — Tessa attends a Bachelorette party while Scott is spotted with Patrick golfing.
(Aug. 28 - Sept. 1-2) — Tessa vacations in Alberta, Canada while Scott is spotted in Niagara with KLawes
(September 2) SCOTT’s 27th BIRTHDAY!!!
(September 3 -4) — Tessa attends TIFF along with Ryan Semple and Elisha Cuthbert
(September 4) — Scott attends Skate Canada High performance camp and Tessa attends Wicked performance in Toronto
(September 5) — Tessa attends Skate Canada High performance camp (with Scott??) and then has a girls’ night with Elisha Cuthbert
(September 6) — Scott and Tessa spotted at a wedding in Toronto
(September 8) — Tessa “back to school” tweet
(September 9) — Tessa attends Bill Volk Golf tournament (right to play)
(September 11) — Tessa attends Lorde concert at Folkfest in Ottawa (with Ryan Semple)
(September 17) — Tessa and Scott film CanSkate video for Skate Canada in London, Ontario sportscenter
(September 22-23) — Radio interviews (Scott & Tessa ) announcing their plans for the 2014-15 season
(September 26) — Tessa attends Yoga class
(September 26-28) — Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair
(October 1) — Scott and Tessa — attend TWIINS event concussion research — Toronto Rehab Center
(October 3) — Tessa attends LetsBond event in Montreal
(October 6) — Scott — 2nd Annual Evening of Great Canadian Conversations
(October 10) — Tessa — photo shoot Real Style fashion
(October 15) — Scott TWEETS AGAIN!!! :DDDDD
(October 16) — Scott — Celebrity Men’s Fashion Show
(October 17) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Ottawa, Ontario
(October 22) — Tessa — Fashion Blows (Toronto)
(October 27) — Scott and Tessa — IVEY business school speech
(October 30) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Victoria) they are the MCs for the event
(October 31 - Nov 2) — Scott and Tessa — Skate Canada 2014 (commentators)
(November 8) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Cookstown,Ontario
(November 12) Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Toronto) they are the MCs for the event
(November 15) — Scott and Tessa — TEDxYouth talk
(November 17) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Ottawa)
(November 18-21) — Scott and Tessa — Training with Sam (Montreal)
(November 21) — Scott and Tessa — LIMITLESS2014 Gala (Toronto)
(November 24) — Scott and Tessa — Acura West photo shoot (London)
(November 25) — Scott and Tessa —IIderton Skating club (morning) + Raonic Race for Kids (evening - Toronto)
(December 5 & 7) — *** Holiday on Ice Festival ***
(December 8 — 9) — Scott & Tessa in Montreal (with Marie France and Patrice) and friends
(December 17 - 19) — Scott & Tessa — Training with Sean Chessman for Art on Ice (Calgary, Alberta)
(December 28) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(Dec 30 - Jan 2) — Tessa spotted in Vancouver for New Years
********************** 2015 ********************
(January 3) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 4) — Scott & Tessa - *late night* Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 10 - 18) — SOI Japan
(January 22 - 23) —- Scott & Tessa — Cdn. Nationals (Kingston, ON)
(January 24) — Scott is groomsman at wedding
(January 27) — Scott & Tessa — FFWD Advertising Week (Toronto)
(January 30) — Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 1 - 14) — Art On Ice
(February 19) – Tessa at beach and Scott at Scotties
(February 25) – Tessa in Toronto
(Feb 26-March 6) – Tessa in L.A. for SOI costume fitting
(March 8) – Tessa attends Western University Rowing Gala as a guest speaker
(March 11) – Scott visits special olympics athletes :)
(March 18) – Scott and Tessa (separate cities) radio interview with 570 News
(March 18-22) – Scott attends the curling Worlds Championships (Sapporo, Japan)
(March 20) – Tessa spotted with her girlies at her friend’s chalet (Ontario)
(March 23) – Tessa attends Pink Tartan Fashion Show (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa in a photo shoot (Toronto)
(March 25) — OWL Dinner in Waterloo (keynote speech for the Lauriel Golden Hawks)
(March 26) – Tessa attends Hilary McMilan Fashion Show with Elisha Cuthbert and sister (Toronto)
(March 28) – Scott attends heroes hockey game with Kaitlyn and Tessa attends fashion show (Toronto)
(April 7-8) – Tessa in Ottawa // Scott seen with KLawes in St. Marys
(April 9) – Tessa & Scott rink practice
(sometime in this month of April) – Tessa skates at Canadian Ice Academy (Missisauga, Ontario)
(April 18) — Silver Blades Skating Club Ice Show (Corner Brook, NL)
(April 19) — Sparkling Blades Skating Club Ice Skating Gala (Windsor)
(April 21-25) — Stars on Ice cast train (Minden Hills)
(May 1 — May 21) — SOI Canada : Halifax / Ottawa / Montreal / Toronto / Hamilton / London / Winnipeg / Regina / Edmonton / Calgary / Victoria / Vancouver
********** (May 6) – MANIFESTO SPORT announces Tessa ************
(May 17) – Tessa’s 26th Birthday
(May 20) – Lindt Master Class (Richmond, B.C.)
(May 25) – Tessa attends a close friend’s wedding :)
(May 30) – Tessa on shopping network (Hillberg and Berk)
(June 1) – Tessa photo shoot for H&B (Toronto)
(June 8 - 22) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates — Scotland Trip
(June 23 - July 3 ) – Tessa vacations with family (London, England)
(July 7) – Lindt Master Class (London, ON)
(July 9) – Lindt Master Class (Toronto, ON)
(July 11) – Scott at Lucan Memorial Golf Tournament (Hamilton)
(July 14) – Lindt Master Class  (Halifax, N.S.)
(July 15) – Lindt Master Class (Ottawa, ON)
(July 17) – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Event (Sault St. Marie)
(July 20) –Tessa hangs out during PanAm games (Toronto)
(July 21) – Tessa and Scott attend at beach volleyball game PanAm (Toronto)
(July 23) – Lindt Master Class (Edmonton, AB)
(July 24) – Tessa and Scott – Mike Babcock One Voice Fundraiser Dinner and Dance (Saskatoon)
(July 31) – Ice Show (Beijing, China) (went to see Wall of China)
(August 16) – Tessa attends Rogers Cup in Toronto
(August 21 - September 7) – CNE Skating Show
(August 22) – Tessa and Scott – CP24 Breakfast Interview
(August 24) – Tessa and Scott (Ms Miku and Kaitlyn) – Soul in the City (Casa Loma, Toronto)
(August 25) – Tessa and Scott – dinner with Mike Babcock
(August 26) – Scott attends Chris Mabee’s bday celebration with Kaitlyn
(August 28) – Tessa and Scott – attend a Blue Jays game
(August 29) – Tessa and Scott – Spirit of the West concert (Jackson Triggs Winery, Niagara)
(August 31) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game
(September 1) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game and Tessa celebrates Jeff’s birthday
(September 2) – Scott’s 28th Birthday
(September 4) – Tessa attends Zac Brown Band concert
///Sept. 7th//// END OF CNE
(Sept. 9) – Tessa attends TIFF Soiree (Toronto)
(September 13) – Virtue & Moir 3rd Annual Golf Classic
(September 15) – Tessa attends Bill Volk Celebration Golf Classic (Caledon Village, Ontario)
(September 16/17/18) – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram takeover
(September 18) – Tessa SnapChat takeover for Hillberg and Berk and LIVE on the Shopping Channel (Toronto)
(September 19) – Scott attends family wedding (Ilderton, Ontario)
(September 21) – Tessa and Scott – Lindt Masters Golf tournament (Halton Hills, Ontario)
(October 2) – Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair (judges an event?)
(October 6) – Scott spotted at Starbucks (London, Ontario) - TV x HB breakfast “sneak peek” (Distillery District, Toronto) - Tessa attends Madonna concert
(October 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto and attend the Maple Leafs’ first game of the season (Toronto, Ontario) (+) flashmob
(October 8) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Blue Jays game (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 9) – Tessa says that her and Scott also took part in a flash mob this week (she posted on the 10th a sneak peek of a collab project with The Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. which she worked on the 9th)
(October 11 - 12) celebrating Thanksgiving
(October 14) – TV x HB Launch at Cornwall Center (Regina, Saskatoon)
(October 15) – Scott night out at bar (London, Ontario)
(October 16) – TV x HB Launch at Kingsway Mall with meet and greet (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 17) – TV x HB Launch (skating & meet and greet) at West Edmonton Mall  (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 19) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in the dance studio (Montreal, Quebec)
(October 20) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in ice rink arena (Arena Sylvio Mantha, Montreal)
(October 22) – Scott attends Celebrity Men Fashion Show (London, Ontario)
Tessa attends The Great Jewelry Heist and Rudsak Premiere (Toronto Fashion Week)
(October 23) Tessa does photo shoot (Adidas?) (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 26) Late Night Tessa styling at Saffron Road (London, Ontario)
(October 27) – BBB Wes.Ont. Business Integrity Awards (London, Ontario) (+) and Taste of Gold - GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
(October 28) – Tessa and Scott spotted at rink (Exeter, Ontario)
(October 29) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating at a community center (London, Ontario) – Halloween themed photo shoot series released from the Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. collaboration
(November 3) – Tessa films for Ice Girls Movie (Sudbury, Ontario)
(November 5) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Toronto, Ontario)  -Scott attends concert at bar in London
(November 7) – Tessa shoots stuff for Paper Crown
(November 9) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Ottawa)
(November 11) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Ilderton Skating Club (+) travel to St. John’s
(November 12) – Tessa and Scott visit a school for Kid Sport (+) Tessa and Scott MCs at Gold Medal Plates (St. John’s, NF)
(November 17) – Tessa goes to gym and decorates the house (London, Ontario)
(November 20) – Tessa and Scott Gold Medal Plates (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
(November 21) – Tessa and Scott Road to the Olympics CBC Sports (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 22) – Tessa and Scott shoot for CBC Sports at the Toronto Cricket Club (Toronto, Ontario)  -  Tessa shot stuff for Gaming Show IMPG
(November 23) – Tessa photo shoot at home for GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
Tessa and Scott midnight practice for Holiday Festival on Ice (Ilderton, Ontario)
(November 24) – Tessa attends AnaGolja collab with DDMCosmetics launch party (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 25) – Tessa is spotted at Union Square Train Station in Toronto (dance party on the train)
(November 27) – Tessa picked out new car at Acura West (London, Ontario)
(November 28) – Tessa attends the National Ballet’s “Romeo and Juliet”  (Toronto, Ontario)
(December 1) – Tessa  and Scott have dinner with couple from GMP Scotland (St. John’s, NF)
(December 2) – Holiday Festival on Ice (St. John’s, NF)
(December 4) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Summerside, Prince Edward Island)
(December 5) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Kingston, Ontario)
(December 6) – First Dub Mash videos!!!
(December 9) – Tessa attends Olympic Excellence talk (Toronto)
(December 10) – Tessa attends dinner/art show with friends (Toronto)
(December 11) – Tessa attends dinner with friends (Toronto)
(December 12) – Tessa and Scott – CBC Road to the Olympics GPF coverage (+) GMP wrap party (Toronto)
(December 14) – Tessa and Scott begin to create new programs
(December 15) – Tessa and Scott with D/L and David Wilson (The Sports Village, Vaughn) (+) Toronto Maple Leafs Game
(December 16) – Tessa and Scott – Night Out with MF//Miss Miku and Husband
(December 17-18) – Last Day in Toronto
(December 18) – behind the scenes video released of their new Ex
(December 19) – Scott at Wedding (Paris, Ontario)
(December 21) – Tessa hangs out with friends (London, Ontario)
(December 22) – Scott spotted at Joe Kool’s (London, Ontario)
(December 24 – 25) – Holidays with Family
(December 26) – Off to Japan
(December 28) – Medalists on Ice (Sapporo, Japan)
(December 29) – Tessa hangs out with her girlfriends (will be a bridesmaid) (London, Ontario)
********************** 2016 ********************
(January 2) – Tessa plays a canon doll for the Nutcracker (Toronto, On)
(January 6) – Tessa and Scott team bonding play hockey (Komoka, On)
(January 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating (YMCA in Komoka,On)
(January 13) – Tessa at Sorry Coffee Co. (Toronto, On)
(January 14) – Tessa and Scott spotted at a restaurant coming back from skating (Cambridge, On)
(January 16) – Tessa goes bride’s dress shopping with friend (+) dinner with family   -  Scott tweets again and is spotted at Junior Canadians hockey game in Lucan
(January 20) – Tessa and Scott travel to Halifax
(January 21) – filmed bits for TSN
(January 22) – CTV Morning Show
(January 23 - 24) – Canadian Nationals
(January 27) – Tessa and Scott support BellLetsTalk on Twitter
(January 30) – Tessa and Scott at a see-saw (Montreal)
(January 31) – Tessa at a spa (Montreal)
(February 2) – Tessa and Scott hip hop workshop
(February 3) – Tessa and Scott creating new Ex with Sam Chouinard
Tessa and Scott Habs game (Montreal)
(February 7) – Tessa at home (London)
(February 10) – Tessa and Scott at a rink (Toronto)
Scott out to dinner with Brian Orser and Marie France
(February 11) – Tessa out to dinner with the Hair Gypsy and friends
(February 14) – Tessa and Scott eat at Evviva Restaurant (Vaughn/Toronto)
(February 15) – Tessa and Scott filming/photo-shoot (The Sports Village, Vaughn)
(February 19) – Video shoot with Natalie Robinson and OPC Productions (Toronto)
24 notes · View notes
dc-translator · 5 years
[ENG TL] 191031 Ray interview
[Dreamcatcher] members,active globally, spill the beans about fashion choice and cosmetics
2019/10/30 CULTURE
Original article:https://ray-web.jp/52989?page=1
Notice: This translation was completed without any form of endorsement from the copyright holder. It may be deleted later.
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Dreamcatcher, the 7-member girl group who have been attracting a lot of attention with their Japanese album, 'The Beginning Of The End', as well as their new Korean track, 'Deja Vu'. Though they look cool performing on stage, we get up close and personal with the surprising private life of the girls.♥
What kind of group is Dreamcatcher? Check out the member profiles!
They debuted on January 2017, featuring the "Nightmare" concept. Their charm comes from the use of intense metal sounds, as well as their powerful performances, rare for a Korean girl group♥ They've drawn interest as they were active not only in Japan and Korea, but all over the world, visiting Europe and South America in their world tour!
JIU 'My own clothes are in simple styles♪'
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Leader, lead vocal. Born on May 17th 1994. Blood type B. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are being chased by someone.''
"Hello! I'm Dreamcatcher's charismatic bunny, leader JIU♥"
Q. What is your unique charm?
That I look pure and sexy at the same time? (Laugh)
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I generally go with simple, comfortable styles, like a white T-shirt and denims.
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I care about everything in makeup, but if I had to choose one... lips!
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
The day before important schedules, I make sure to put a pack on before I sleep.
Sua 'Energy level to Andromeda (Laugh)'
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Main dancer, sub vocal. Born on August 10th 1994. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you can't move your body"
"I'm the dancer and queen, Sua."
Q. What is your unique charm?
Beyond everything else, I'm very upbeat. Andromeda levels of energy! (Laugh) I also like fun things.
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I like clothes that feel comfortable when I'm wearing them!
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I focus most on the base makeup! I enjoy matte textures, so I make sure to finish it off properly with powder.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
My skin is really sensitive, so I make an effort to make sure that my skin care products are soft on my skin.
Siyeon "I like boyish style fashion!"
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Main vocal. Born on October 1st 1995. Blood type A. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are trapped in a small place"
"Hello. I'm the wolf of Dreamcatcher! Siyeon."
Q. What is your unique charm?
My wolf-like facial expressions and eyes on stage!
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I often wear oversized clothes. I like Jerseys so I have a lot of them in multiple colors. I also like fancy floral patterns♥
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
It's my lips. I like the calmer colors, but in summer, I'll use brighter colors as well.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I use two types of toners, and I care a lot about them. One of them helps control the oils in my skin, and the other is for adding moisture!
Handong "I like making my eye bags look shiny ♥
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Sub vocal. Born on March 26th 1996. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are watched by someone"
"Hello, I'm the kitty, Handong"
Q. What is your unique charm?
How elegant I am♥
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I wear a lot of different styles! I like cropped tops
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I really like making my eye bags look shiny!
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I make sure to apply essence.
Yoohyeon "I'm doing the '7 skin method' with my twist on it!'
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Lead vocal. Born on January 7th 1997. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you wander around an unfamiliar place"
"I'm the puppy of Dreamcatcher, Yoohyeon. I'm often told that my face and mannerisms resemble a puppy. (laugh)
Q. What is your unique charm?
The stupidly bright expression I make when I laugh!
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I like formal styles♥
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
My cheeks! My complexion looks better just by applying cheek makeup, so even when I go without makeup otherwise, I make sure to apply cheek makeup.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I apply toner multiple times. It's called the "7 skin method". Applying toner multiple times over is supposed to be good for your skin, and it's been popular among beauty Youtubers. But since I'm lazy, I only do it twice. (laugh)
Dami "I focus more on skin care than on makeup"
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Main rapper. Born on March 7th 1997. Blood type A. Assigned Nightmare is "the dream where you get hurt"
"Hello! I'm the rapper, Dami."
Q. What is your unique charm?
That I have good judgement?
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I have a lot of tracksuits. Also, I don't deal with the cold very well, so I always try to dry warmly!
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I don't put makeup on very often. Instead, I put a lot of attention in skincare.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
At nights, I cleanse and wash my face like anyone else, but for mornings, I wash my face with water only!
Gahyeon "I don't really pay a lot of attention to either fashion or skincare! (laugh)"
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Sub vocal. Born on February 3rd 1999. Blood type AB. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you fall from high places".
"Hello. I'm the lovely maknae Gahyeon!"
Q. What is your unique charm?
Beyond anything else, I'm filled with aegyo♪
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I tend to put on whatever's there. (Laugh) I often wear miniskirts and denims.
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
Eyelashes! I finish them with about 3 types of mascara, so it takes a good deal of time.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I almost don't do anything...(Laugh) I do apply lotion, though.
Voice 01
What is Dreamcatcher's unique charm?
JIU: "Dreamcatcher" is a name that was chosen to give people listening to our songs the sense that they're "in a good dream". So members were each assigned different nightmare concepts since our debut. That concept is reflected in the story of our music videos and in our album jackets!
Voice 02
Is there a point that you'd like us to pay attention to in "Breaking Out, the lead track of your 1st album, released in September?
Siyeon: The lyrics towards the end of the track goes "Bye bye to the nightmare now". To us, this album is "the beginning of the end". We've promoted under the nightmare concept until now, and this promotion closes that out. So I feel like those lyrics are the focal point of the song.
Voice 03
Was there a story you wanted to share with us about filming the "Breaking Out" MV?
Yoohyeon: There was a scene where Handong and I had to act while gazing at each other. We really struggled to not laugh. (Laugh) Still, we managed to pull it off in the end, so that was a relief.
Sua: I had an individual shoot where I had to be on a flaming swing. I was really surprised when real sparks fell from above. I also had really high heeled shoes on, so I couldn't jump off if something happened. The staff kept saying "don't raise your face" as I filmed the scene.
JIU: A big fly kept bothering me while I was trying to act, which was bothersome... We were filming at a studio deep in the mountains, and there were a ton of bugs.(cry)
Voice 04
The showcase in September was also a big hit. You've already held multiple shows in Japan now. Compared to your first time in Japan, has something changed?
Siyeon: Every time we hold promotions for songs or concerts, the number of InSomnias who come to see us seem to increase. Whenever I notice that, I feel really happy, and feel like I'll be able to work even harder.
Dami: At first, I was really hung up on memorizing Japanese. Now, I'm able to focus more on presenting a perfect performance.
Voice 05
Europe, South America, you're holding shows all over the world. Is there something you found memorable about the cultural differences, or the fans' reactions?
Gahyeon: In Europe and South America, the passion is palpable even before the concert starts. Before concerts, our songs play within the venue. Our fans will sing along to that, or dance to it. Then, when the concert starts, they cheer for us even more energetically. I thought they were incredibly passionate.
Voice 06
Tell us something unexpected about the members, that the fans wouldn't know!
Handong: I shared a hotel room with Yoohyeon during our Japanese schedules once. I looked at her suitcase, and it was almost empty. It seemed like she mistook the length of our stay. She didn't have any clothes to wear, so during our stay in Japan, she was making do with our Live merch T-shirts and things like that. (Laugh)
A great gift from Dreamcatcher♥
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Follow the Ray official twitter & Retweet our tweet of this article. From those who do, we’ll randomly choose 7 to receive signed polaroids of the members♥
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Until November 8th(Fri) 2019 23:59
Dec. 21st(Sat) Osaka Cool Japan Park Osaka SS Hall
Part 1 13:00 Open / 13:30 Start   Part 2 17:30 Open / 18:00 Start
Dec. 22nd(Sun) Tokyo Shibuya Hikarie Hikarie Hall B
Part 1 13:00 Open / 13:30 Start   Part 2 17:30 Open / 18:00 Start
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