#marcus moreno x iris
the-purity-pen · 4 years
First of all, my beautiful, wonderful, fantastic LeeAnn CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MILESTONE! I’m so proud of you. Your writing is amazing and you are a fucking fantastic friend 💕
I was wondering if you’d be willing to make a moodboard for my Marcus Moreno x Dr Iris series if you’re able to. Ah thank you my bb 💕💕💋
i love you so much bb!! 💕 and i love this series so much too! it was so much fun to make this for you! i hope you enjoy it 🥰
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this is part of my first milestone celebration
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
Ok ideas for writing...Iris and Marcus talking about her legally adopting the girls and then asking them for permission? Love your writing!
Will You Be My Daughters? - A Marcus Moreno Story 
Author’s Note: Ask and you shall receive, my sweet Autumn. Yes, Part V of ‘It’s Time to Be a Hero’ is coming. I’ve just been extraordinarily stressed this past week or so with school starting and having to balance that with taking care of my mom who is healing from some major surgery. I needed to write something fluffy and cute, so this is what happened! I really hope that you all enjoy this; it made my heart happy and I hope it makes yours happy too. As always, I don’t give physical descriptions for Iris so that you can hopefully see yourself in her xoxo
Warnings: None
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Marcus and Iris had been discussing this for months. They both knew that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives, even if they hadn’t made anything official yet. Iris didn’t want to pressure her boyfriend into moving faster than he felt comfortable. He still struggled with feelings of abandonment and insecurity since his ex had up and left not long after Jules was born. How could he not have a hard time when something like that had happened to him? 
The doctor was content to be Marcus Moreno’s partner; she had no pressing time frame. She wasn’t going anywhere. Missy and Jules called her “Mommy,” and everything in her soul screamed that she was their mother. She did everything a mother would do and spent her time going above and beyond for those children. The only thing left was to make it official. 
  They could just file the paperwork and call it a day, but that didn’t seem right. Missy remembered the woman that gave birth to her, and she remembered when that woman left without so much as a goodbye. She was old enough to know that Iris was the closest thing she had to a mother and remembered when she had first come into their lives. Jules was a year and a half old by now and only knew Iris as her mommy. Whatever they did was mainly for Missy and to remind her that she was loved, cherished, and special. 
Eventually, they settled on making a day out of it. Both parents agreed that their girls deserved something special. It was Iris’ idea to ask Missy if she would like to be formally adopted. She wanted the little girl to feel like she had a say in the matter and that she was the central figure. 
One Friday, the good doctor took her two girls out shopping in search of a dress. She told them that it was for an extraordinary occasion, some sort of surprise for them. Naturally, both girls were thrilled. Missy insisted on finding matching dresses for her and little Jules, stating that it was always the best to have sister sister matchy time. Jules wanted to be just like her big sister, so she was thrilled. 
Three children’s shops later, a pair of matching dresses were found. They were this gorgeous peachy pink, Missy’s current favorite color, with a tulle skirt full of sparkles and perfect for twirling. The sparkles were at Jules’ insistence; she could never say no to anything sparkly. The silver sparkly matching shoes were a great addition, too. As exhausting as it could be carting around an eight-year-old and a toddler, Iris was satisfied with a job well done. 
As much as the girls begged both of their parents to know what the surprise was, neither of them would cave. Missy wracked her brain, trying to figure out what it could be. There weren’t any birthdays coming up that she knew of, Christmas was over, and Valentine’s Day was next week. What could it be? 
Saturday came around, packed full of all of their favorite activities. The Moreno family had a brunch picnic at the park, played on the swings together, and even spent a few hours at the Natural History Museum. Jules was extremely obsessed with all things dinosaur at the moment. Every skeleton they saw left the little girl giggling, “A dino! It’s a dino! What it name, Momma?” 
Marcus watched as his girlfriend would carefully explain each fossil’s name to her, pronouncing it slowly so that his daughter could understand how it was said. Then she and the little one would pronounce it together, a little incorrectly, but Jules wasn’t even two yet, so who could blame the kid. He loved how gentle and caring his partner was with his kids. He could have never expected to find someone like her, not in a million years. He was thrilled to be finally taking the next big step with her and making his children officially hers too. Family was something that he treasured beyond everything else in his life. The fact that he had a family that was whole again made him thank his lucky stars. 
Their time at the museum went on like this for the next few hours. Each girl had their favorite exhibits, and the couple made sure that everyone got to see what they wanted most. Anyone looking at the four of them would see a regular happy family out for a Saturday outing full of laughs, giggles, and hugs. By the time they were done for the day, both girls each sat in a parent’s arms, cuddled close to the people that loved them the most. 
Last on the agenda for the day was dinner at their favorite restaurant. At least twice a month, the little family ended up at a local pizza joint called LJ’s Pizza, named after the founder and owner of over 40 years. The kids inhaled the pizza every single time they visited, danced around to the local music on the weekends, and their parents always enjoyed good conversation with the owner and his family. It was a win-win in every sense of the word. 
 As they walk into the restaurant, both girls gasp, taking in their surroundings in awe. The customarily packed restaurant was empty. Every single table had a photograph of the two little girls and Iris or the entire family together. The one table that didn’t have pictures was covered in all the girls’ favorite dishes. The owner, LJ, smiled at the kids, opening his arms as they barreled into him for a hug. After they had gotten their hugs from the older man and a piece of candy each that he slipped them, they turned back to their parents. 
“Mommy, what’s going on?” Missy wondered, looking around the room. 
“Well, Missy, Jules, your daddy and I have been talking recently, and we wanted to ask you something,” Iris began to explain. 
Everyone sat down at their table, the girls each crawling onto a parent’s lap. Once they were settled, Iris continued. “I’ve been your mommy for a while now, right?”
Both girls nodded simultaneously. Jules was a little confused because she had never really known any other mommy beside Iris, but she kept quiet and nodded. Her mommy was using her serious voice, and she knew better than to interrupt her. 
“Well, I want to be your mommy forever, if you’ll let me. I’m not ever going anywhere, and I wanted to make it official. What I’m asking is, would you like for me to adopt you and be your forever mommy?” 
Missy squealed, jumping off her father’s lap into Iris’. She grabbed her mommy’s face in her little hands and covered her with kisses. Even at five, she understood what Iris was asking her. “Do you mean it? You’ll stay with me forever and be my mommy?” 
“Yes, I promise that I’ll stay with you forever, Missy Mae. I love you with all my heart, and I never ever want to be without you. Thank you for letting me be your mommy, little one.” She pressed a kiss to Missy’s forehead and then rubbing the girl’s nose with her own. 
Jules was happily sharing her mommy’s lap with her big sister, not a care in the world. She leaned over and asked, “Daddy, Mommy is my mommy, right?” 
Marcus couldn’t help but break out into a grin, seeing his girls so enamored by his dear Iris. “Yes, baby, Mommy is your mommy.” 
Apparently, that was a satisfactory answer for Jules because she nodded, snuggling up in the woman’s lap, content with watching everything around her. She popped her thumb in her mouth and reveled in the palpable joy in the room. 
The family dug into dinner with enthusiasm. They had forgotten to grab lunch during the whirlwind museum adventure. Not much was said as they ate, everyone far too busy putting food in their mouths and gobbling it all down. Now and then, Missy would stop to say, “Mommy, Daddy, I love you,” and then hope right back into her food. Once dinner was finished, and the kids were cleaned up, Marcus grabbed the girls’ attention. 
“Mommy and I decided to get you both something to mark this special occasion. Would you both like your gift?” 
Jules lit up like a Christmas tree, her umber eyes sparkling. “A present? For meeeee?!” she asked, full of excitement. She reached out her chubby toddler hands, ready to open something. 
Her father handed her a box, which Iris helped her open. Nestled inside was a silver heart locket that matched the one that her mother wore around her neck. Opening it up, the little girl found a picture of both her parents. “So that Mommy and Daddy can always be with you, even when we’re apart,” he murmured. 
“Like Mommy’s! Same same!” she giggled, absolutely delighted to be matching her mommy. When Iris put it on her, she squealed, touching her own locket and then her mother’s. 
Missy was up next, curious as to what she had gotten. The box her father handed her was a different shape from her sister’s, so it wasn’t a locket. She opened her gift to see a silver bracelet. Picking it up, she realized that it had her initials in the middle of it. She looked up, grinning ear to ear. “MM, for Missy Moreno?”
“You betcha, Missy Mae,” Marcus replied. “Your mommy made this just for you. Those stones are moonstones because you are our sun, moon, and all the stars in our sky. Also, it connects to my watch and Mommy’s bracelet so that you can get in touch with us any time. All you have to do is press these two buttons on the side, and you’ll be able to call us.” 
She beamed, slipping it on her wrist and examining it proudly. It wasn’t just the fact that she had received a gift from her parents. It was that her mommy made it, all by herself, just for her. Iris was known for her inventions, and the fact that she had made something exclusively for her little girl made Missy’s heart overflow. She looked up to the woman and loved her dearly; the only thing she wanted was to have both parents loving her and taking care of her. This was Iris’ promise not to leave, and it meant everything to her daughter. 
Monday morning came, and the family of four went to the local courthouse to submit their paperwork and make everything official. The girls insisted that they wear their matching dresses once more and have Iris do their hair. Jules had her brown curls tamed in a little half ponytail on the top of her head that Marcus lovingly nicknamed “the fountain”. Missy’s hair was in an elaborate braid that fell over her shoulder. Both girls couldn’t stop grinning and giggling. Marcus was wearing a nice suit with a blue tie that matched that blue floral of his girlfriend’s dress. They were all dressed to the nines and ready to make their family of four official. 
The whole affair was brief, taking less than an hour to have everything submitted and filed away properly. Once the registrar told them they were all set, Iris burst into tears. She knelt down on the girls’ level, gathering them up in her arms, holding them tight. She kissed both of them, drying her eyes, and standing back up to embrace her boyfriend. Marcus scooped her up, twirling her around and kissing her soundly, the happiness contagious. Finally, they were a family both in name and in their hearts. 
A county clerk came up to them, offering to snap a picture of the precious moment. Iris stood, enveloped in Marcus’ arms, with her two beautiful little girls clinging onto her dress. That picture sits above the mantle in their home as a reminder of the day they became the Moreno Family of Four.  
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tags list for the Marcus + Iris Universe series. It’s ongoing and I have SO MUCH more planned for our favorite little family <3
@autumnleaves1991-blog @the-purity-pen @cinewhore @f0rever15elf @pascalispunkie @frannyzooey @hdlynnslibrary @theclanof2 @jollyrancher87 @mrschiltoncat @cyaredindjarin @randomness501 @twomoonstwosuns @rosiesimone819 @hillarymurray4 @qhbr2013 @phoenixhalliwell @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @theoutsidelandhere @chouetteschaussettes @maharani-radha @maybege @moriamithril @revolution-starter @paniclana @flightlessangelwings @bisexual-space-slut @thewayofthemandalorian @stressed-the-fudge-out @evans-dejong @supernaturalcat7 @salty-sith-bitch @poguesvixen @plants-are-better-than-humans @omggiannarosa @theocatkov @roseuchiha97 @cheesehead0622-blog @impala1967666 @lydiascottage @themarcusmoreno
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
Hey Kat! I absolutely love your Marcus and Iris stories, but Im just curious, do you think Missy’s mom would ever try to come back to come back into their lives to either apologize or try to reconnect with them? If so, how would Iris take it?
Hey Anon! So glad that you’re enjoying the stories. It makes me happy to know that something I put out into the world is being loved!
So, Missy and Jules’ biological mother. She and Marcus got married because she got pregnant with Missy. She was never as fully invested as she should’ve been. She was never really a fan of the fact that Marcus was an enhanced individual. When Jules was born and it became quite apparent that this baby had powers too, she was done. She had never wanted this life to begin with.
I don’t see her ever trying to show back up at any point, but you never know. Iris loves her girls and is extremely protective of them. I don’t think that she would trust that their bio mom didn’t have some type of hidden agenda. The last thing she’d ever want is for her girls to get their hopes up and then be disappointed.
If it turned out that their bio mom was sincere, I’m sure Iris would treat the woman with respect. Our favorite doctor is a good woman and isn’t going to be catty. Her main concern is Marcus and her kids. That being said, she wouldn’t ever forgive their biological mother for abandoning them and leaving Marcus as a single parent.
Ask me anything about my Marcus Moreno and Doctor Iris series!
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
queen i just read part 2 to your marcus x irsi story and its so good! like i literally had to read it twice. i camt wait to see what comes next!!!❤️❤️
Ahhh thank you so so much Anon! I am beyond thrilled that you’re enjoying this story. I love my Marcus x Iris universe, it’s an absolute joy to write. I’m working on part three today and tomorrow. It’s coming soon! Thank you for the love 💕💋
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
Kat’s Masterlist
** -> indicates smut
We Can Be Heroes
Marcus Moreno x Iris (reader) Universe, chronological order
Moodboard by the fabulous @the-purity-pen
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- When Marcus Met The Doctor
- I Think I Need a Hero
- You Need to Know That I Love You **
- I Want My Mommy!
- Will You Be My Daughters?
- An Unexpected Surprise **
- You Can’t Please Everyone
- It’s Time to Be a Hero: Part I
- It’s Time to Be a Hero: Part II
- It’s Time to Be a Hero: Part III
- It’s Time to Be a Hero: Part IV
Javier Peña x Reader
- I’m Supposed to Hate You
- Tempting Fate **
Javier Peña x OC
An Angel Within the Chaos
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
Marcus Pike - The Mentalist
She’s the Quiet and the Chaos
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two **
The Mandalorian 
- I Want You **
- You Again Part 1  - You Again Part 2 **
- The Bounty and the Mand’alor
Dave York - The Equalizer 2
- What’s in the Cards?  - We Play By My Rules (follow up to What’s in the Cards?) **
Triple Frontier
Frankie Morales
- It All Piles Up
- Let Me Help You **
- Just Get Through It
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia
- A Close Call **
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
- A Fight for Forever **
Mayans MC
Angel Reyes
- Exactly What You Had Planned **
- Movie Night **
- Let Me Give You What You Need **
- Unexpected **
Obispo “Bishop” Losa
Multichapter Fic: A Timid Desert Rose
-Chapter One -Chapter Two
The Silvertongue and the Professor
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two
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the-purity-pen · 3 years
AHHH 500 baby!!
@justanotherblonde23 is my best friend in the entire world. I cannot go a day without talking to her. My little bird how much I ducking lobe you. She is one of the most talented writers I’ve ever met. Her Marcus Moreno x Iris series lives in my brain rent free. Words cannot do justice to how much I love her. There is not another person in the world like Kat. 🤟
the way i scream about dr iris and marcus almost every day. i literally never NOT think about it. (possibly because i made a moodboard for it haha)
She also is one of the biggest cheerleaders on this site and a wonderful best friend!
HERE is the masterlist and y’all should really read EVERYTHING @justanotherblonde23 writes!
500 follower celebration
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