#margaret misericorde
confusedbyinterface · 3 months
Chapter 10 of Misericorde (where Hedwig goes to the Misericord) has a lot to say about words, meaning, and non verbal communication.
To start with, there's Darcy's tincture and the lectio divina. Hedwig feels that she needs to read to calm herself, but all she has is Medea so she "reads" the bottle the tincture. She focuses her whole attention on the sight, sound, and feeling of the tiny glass bottle, comparing it to lectio divina, "The sacred act of re-reading and repeating a single line of scripture... Over and over... until it almost feels meaningless. Until the words are just sounds and the letters are just shapes (...) and simply living inside the true meaning of it. Reaching understanding through feeling rather than language."
Then, after Adela and Hedwig dance, and the music winds down, Margaret plays her song, and asks Hedwig what she thinks of it
Margaret smiles sadly at Hedwig, and the screen goes black. It's just the music and text.
I sometimes wonder if I ever had a single earnest exchange while I was outside of this cell. You and I, as we are here, this is as honest as it can get for me. I am free from reinterpreting whatever flickers across your face as your true intent. Speaking face to face is like reading a book with words that rearrange themselves.
The image returns
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Hedwig is confused at the idea of music being "about" anything aside from the lyrics, before realising the song feels sad. Margaret wrote it while it was sad, the notes sound sad, but she can't explain why they're sad or how Hedwig could hear it. Similarly, Margaret once spoke with Catherine about how as a child she loved hymns despite not understanding any of the words. To Catherine, that was proof that God was in the music itself.
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A few days later, when Hedwig has a vision and speaks to Darcy about it. Darcy can't explain the vision, but tells Hedwig she must be able to, since God is trying to tell her something and wouldn't show her something she couldn't understand.
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So, Hedwig says that only pure verbal communication is "earnest". Or, she can only be earnest that way, as if she sees people's reactions she can't be honest with them. But she also tells Margaret that despite speaking the same language she feels she can barely understand her sisters. She feels the truest and deepest understanding of scripture comes from reading the same line until its semantic meaning is gone and you transcend language, but talking face to face is like a book where the text keeps changing. Expressions have their own meaning and they change too quickly for her to ignore them. Music can communicate meaning, even without words. Things that aren't words can be read, and even words have their own meaning beyond words. And when God speaks, he doesn't always use words.
There is a lot to unpack here, but I'm going to look at it from a metafictional angle. Not so much from the Umineko trust/romance "God would not show you something you couldn't understand" angle, but the medium of the visual novel itself. A visual novel has words, but it also has facial expressions, images, music. These aren't the words but they all have meaning. If you only pay attention to the words, you're going to miss something.
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best-nun-tournament · 1 month
Round 1, Match 14
Mother Abbess (Sound of Music) vs Sister Margaret (Misericorde)
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The Mother Abbess is a Benedictine nun, and Abbess of Nonnberg.
Sister Margaret is a Benedictine nun, an almoner, and precentor at Linbarrow Abbey
Mother Abbess
She runs an anti-n*z* convent. Love her <3 Will forgive you for vehicle sabotage.
Sister Margaret
No propaganda submitted.
Poll Runner's note: Margaret is very smart. She's a skilled lute player and a composer. She knows Linbarrow Abbey's secrets better than anyone, but she's not telling: it's more rewarding for you to figure them out yourself. Mostly, she works in the cellars, which is a euphemism for chatting with Sister Katherine where nobody can see they're not actually working. She's the first to notice Hedwig's depression, and is always giving her advice about life in the abbey.
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franchoucho · 1 year
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ignore the poor quality but here's my (subject to change) impressions of the misericorde cast after volume 1
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destabastet · 1 month
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Heyyy, we saw you from across the misericord and we really dig your vibe ;)
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autopotion · 9 months
Top 3 Misericordes: Hedwig, Margaret, Darcy
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cobalt-memori · 9 months
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katherine and flora (more art under cut)
^ think those are one of my fav drawings ive made so far lol. I love misericorde's character design they are so fun to draw
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these were my first drawings i made Before i even started reading the vn.... i also drew margaret but didnt like it as much so not posting But i will draw her again soon because she is my fav (next to darcy)
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a tiny margaret
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moira :p and another flora
will definitely continue drawing a bunch of misericorde fanart. i need to draw characters i havent drawn yet and also make actual finished drawings that arent just portraits.........
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misericordevn · 9 months
Hello! First i wanted to say i love misericorde so much it is sooooo good  i love the characters and the music and the story.....so excited for volume 2!!!
My question is, do you have any fun facts you can share about the characters? I always love reading those on character wikis and such....
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Hmm, fun facts...
Margaret and Katherine have a yet-to-be-shared name for their duo
Adela can speak five languages
Angela's knife has seen action. But what kind? Maybe we'll find out, maybe we won't...
Charity and Marta have known each other longer than some of the characters have been alive
Katherine is the most outwardly vain, but Moira is actually *incredibly* particular about her appearance
Eustace loves fishing
Speaking of languages, Angela speaks Italian
Flora tried poetry before her current interest in drawing
Margaret's lute was a gift from Catherine and Moira that required a lot of string-pulling (no pun intended)
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beardofkamenev · 4 years
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“The Wonder of the World” — Henry VII’s Lady Chapel, Westminster Abbey
The 16th-century historian, John Leland, called the Henry VII Lady Chapel “orbis miraculum” (“the wonder of the world”) and it continues to inspire wonder amongst those who visit it today. A ‘Lady Chapel’ is a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is common to most cathedrals and large churches. Henry VII lavished huge sums on his new Lady Chapel, the foundation stone of which was laid on 24th January 1503 but was not completed until 1516, nearly six years after his death. It was consecrated on 19th February, 1516.
It is a glorious example of late medieval architecture. The outstanding feature of the chapel is the spectacular fan-vaulted roof with its carved pendants. Around the walls are 95 statues of saints. Beneath the hinged seats of the wooden stalls are beautifully carved misericords: hinged oak seats on which the monks could lean for support while standing for long periods during services.
Henry VII’s Lady Chapel is the burial place of fifteen kings and queens, including Elizabeth I, Mary I, Mary, Queen of Scots, and what is thought to be the remains of Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, the ‘Princes in the Tower’. Henry’s imposing tomb at the east end of the chapel has magnificent gilt bronze effigies of the king and his wife, Elizabeth of York, made by the brilliant Florentine Renaissance sculptor, Pietro Torrigiano. The bronze screen around their tomb is by Thomas Ducheman, who most likely also designed the bronze gates to the Lady Chapel itself. The king and queen lie in a vault below their monument, together with their great-great-grandson, James I. Henry's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, also has a tomb designed by Torrigiano in the south aisle.
During the time of Oliver Cromwell, its altar (also by Pietro Torrigiano) was destroyed, as was much of the stained glass and the floor tiles. Some Tudor glass quarries with Henry VII’s initials survived the English Civil War and the Blitz, and are set in a window of the side aisle.
Source: Westminster Abbey
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confusedbyinterface · 4 months
So. Margaret.
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She knows more than she says: she tells you it's more fun if you figure some things out yourself, and other things she wants to reserve for when she knows you better. And as she says, "You've got to keep people guessing, yeah? You've got to make a name for yourself."
I suspect she could know something about the murder, has figured out Hedwig's investigating it, and that when she reveals the secret passage by Hedwig's old cell it's not just because they were talking about ghosts, but because it's a way to give her an important clue without showing her hand.
But right now I want to talk about Chapter 5, where she first tells you about the abbey's secrets. In this chapter Hedwig's started talking about the gothic and romanesque styles, comparing the different architectural styles used in the abbey with different ways of telling stories. A functional and blunt Romanesque style vs a decorative and aesthetically interesting Gothic style.
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H: "Yes, it certainly seems it, I find myself quite overwhelmed!" M: "I think I might know most of the interesting passages and doors and whatnot around here. It's a little boggling. But honestly, I doubt anyone here knows every little secret. If you find anything interesting, let me know. We can compare notes." H: "What's your favourite?" M: "Haha. I don't think I know you well enough to share that just yet... I can tell you my second favourite, if you'd like... If you ever get hungry in the middle of the night, there's a secret way into the stores through the cellar." H: "Really? Where?" M: "Now, now. Where's the fun in that? ...It'll mean more if you find it yourself. Exploring this place is very enriching. You'll have a great time figuring it out, I promise."
I don't have to spell this out. Like this is xeecee speaking directly into your ear. But I would like to expand on the architecture metaphor. If there's secrets all over the abbey, what does that mean for the Gothic and Romanesque constructions?
In a Roman style, even without Hedwig's gothicisms, Misericorde is a murder mystery, not an incident report. You won't be getting every relevant fact, and you'll have to puzzle out what the missing pieces have to look like. Maybe we'll get an answer key, but until then This Proof Left As An Exercise To The Reader.
In the Gothic? Part of it I think is a reminder that not all the mysteries are the murder mystery or the royal conspiracy. The sisters, and their relationships, aren't just open books, and you should take the time to get to know and understand them. But also, it's a reminder that Hedwig, as she so often tells us, is a coward. She does use subtext. And metaphor, motifs, even intertextuality. You should think about this stuff. Hedwig has several conversations in the garden, maybe that means something aside from "Hedwig was just in the garden right then"
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best-nun-tournament · 20 days
Loser Bracket Round 1, Match 10
Mother Superior (Sister Act) vs Sister Margaret (Misericorde)
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Mother Superior is a Carmelite nun and is Mother Superior at Saint Katherine's. She is described as an almost stereotypical nun.
Sister Margaret is a Benedictine nun, an almoner, and precentor at Linbarrow Abbey
Mother Superior
She agrees to take in a witness to a violent crime because it is consistent with her vows. Eventually she relearns generosity and service through the unconventional style of this "nun" and risks her personal safety to rescue her. Plus she organizes the efforts to get a fake nun into their school to save the kids from losing their neighborhood school, which means lying to the fathers and board...it all works out in the end both times.
Sister Margaret
No propaganda submitted.
Poll Runner's note: Margaret is very smart. She's a skilled lute player and a composer. She knows Linbarrow Abbey's secrets better than anyone, but she's not telling: it's more rewarding for you to figure them out yourself. Mostly, she works in the cellars, which is a euphemism for chatting with Sister Katherine where nobody can see they're not actually working. She's the first to notice Hedwig's depression, and is always giving her advice about life in the abbey.
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destabastet · 14 days
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Amazing things happening at the misericord
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best-nun-tournament · 2 months
Prelims: Misericorde
Top two results will join the bracket. Hedwig, Darcy and Eustace automatically qualify.
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confusedbyinterface · 4 months
I'm mulling over how to put my thoughts about Margaret, and the importance of thinking through both the Romanesque and Gothic parts of Misericorde, so here are the wild and unjustified theories I've come up with so far
"You" are the murderer, Hedwig is narrating her investigation to the killer.
There is no "goat cheese". Moira was making a joke about your goat-killing ghost "prank" and forgot you didn't know there were only sheep here
The killer is an assassin sent by Katherine's in-laws. They got confused and killed the wrong "Catherine"
Remember how Katherine said her husband "tripped down the stairs" but the farmer says he was decapitated? Both are telling the truth. Catherine tripped downstairs and decapitated herself in the exact same way.
The sherry casks were an important piece of evidence. That's why Eustace wanted them smashed and why Margaret was so upset about it.
The "goat" is actually some weird object that from a very specific angle casts a goat shaped shadow, and ace attorney style this is going to be the key piece of evidence that solves the whole case
Hedwig is a centaur. This is why she can go upstairs easier than downstairs
And my one justified theory: Linbarrow Abbey was founded just after the Anarchy, from a recently abandoned or slighted castle. First, there's visual evidence: several backgrounds show crenelated walls, and the Linbarrow Abbey location icon shows what appears to be a crenelated tower. Some stuff in the text could suggest it, like it being on such a high hill with difficult to climb slopes.
The Anarchy would be a good time for a castle to become an abbey, with Steven and then Henry II wanting to get rid of unauthorized castles, and converting one into an abbey seems like a convenient way to do it. You can repurpose some of the buildings, and use the stone from the others to build a chapel. And Romanesque architecture was still popular in 12th century England.
The other clue I have: the White Ship. It comes up twice, with a joke about Marta (I think) being around with the White Ship, and the track name Candida Navis. The sinking of the White Ship caused the succession crisis that started The Anarchy. So I suspect at some point it's going to be mentioned, possibly making some link between the abbey's history in that war, and it's role in the Handsome Gentleman's plot in the War of the Roses.
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best-nun-tournament · 11 days
Round 3
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The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Mercedes von Martritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Sister Argenta (Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader) vs Canoness Veridyan (Warhammer 40000)
M—'s Nun/Cristabel Oct (The Locked Tomb) vs Miss Clavel (Madeline)
Sister Illuminata of Perugia (Pentiment) vs Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun)
Sister Mary Patrick (Sister Act) vs Sister Gertrude of Hof (Pentiment)
Sister Hedwig (Misericorde) vs Sister Helley (Wendell and Wild) vs Silque (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Hot Pants (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run) vs Saint Celestine (Warhammer 40000)
Sister George Michael (Derry Girls) vs Shotgun Mary (Warrior Nun)
Loser Bracket
Lebkuchen (Little Goody Two Shoes) vs Sister Margarete of Krimml (Pentiment)
Rosaria (Genshin Impact) vs Sister Superior Augusta Santorus (Warhammer 40000)
Sister Evangelina (Call the Midwife) vs Sister Zdena of Tábor (Pentiment)
Mother Superion (Warrior Nun) vs Sister Bertrille (The Flying Nun)
Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade)vs Sister Ruth (Black Narcissus) vs Esther Blanchett (Trinity Blood)
Sister Iris (Ace Attorney) vs Kate Scott (Trinity Blood)
Clarith Netsuma (The Evillious Chronicles) vs Canoness Selena Agna (Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm)
Sister Monica Joan (Call The Midwife) vs Sister Boniface (Sister Boniface Mysteries)
Sister Lupe (Leverage) vs Sister Mary Clarence/Deloris van Cartier (Sister Act)
Mother Superior (Sister Act) vs Sister Peg (Law and Order: SVU)
Bye: Abbess Morvenn Vahl (Warhammer 40000)
Sister Julienne (Call the Midwife) vs Sister Camila (Warrior Nun)
Yumiko/Yumie Takagi (Hellsing) vs Sister Mary Robert (Sister Act)
Sister Eustace (Misericorde) vs Mother Abbess (Sound of Music)
Nona Grey (Book of the Ancestor Trilogy) vs Novice Hame (Dr Who)
Mother Mildred (Call the Midwife) vs Sister Mary Loquacious (Good Omens)
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best-nun-tournament · 1 month
Round 1
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Rosette Christopher (Chrono Crusade)
Sister Mary Patrick (Sister Act) vs Yumiko/Yumie Takagi (Hellsing)
Sister Mary Robert (Sister Act) vs Sister Lupe (Leverage)
M—'s Nun/Cristabel Oct (The Locked Tomb) vs Lebkuchen (Little Goody Two Shoes)
Sister Boniface (Sister Boniface Mysteries) vs Sister Mary Lazarus (Sister Act)
Sister Mary Loquacious (Good Omens) vs Clarice (THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls)
Sister Darcy (Misericorde) vs Sister Camila (Warrior Nun)
Sister Bertrille (The Flying Nun) vs Nun-Chuck (Minions: The Rise of Gru)
Sister Zdena of Tábor (Pentiment) vs Sister Moira (Misericorde)
Sister Hedwig (Misericorde) vs Nona Grey (Book of the Ancestor Trilogy)
Sister George Michael (Derry Girls) vs Abbess Morvenn Vahl (Warhammer 40000)
Sister Illuminata of Perugia (Pentiment) vs Iris (Fire Force)
Miss Clavel (Madeline) vs Sister Theresa Rapual (Black Clover)
Mother Abbess (Sound of Music) vs Sister Margaret (Misericorde)
Sister Eustace (Misericorde) vs Sister Peg (Law and Order: SVU)
Sister Iris (Ace Attorney) vs Sister Superior Augusta Santorus (Warhammer 40000)
Zhou Zhiruo (Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre) vs Mercedes von Martritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Sister Gertrude of Hof (Pentiment) vs The Nun (The Inquisitor's Tale)
Mother Superior (Sister Act) vs Saint Celestine (Warhammer 40000)
Rosaria (Genshin Impact) vs Kate Scott (Trinity Blood)
Sister Evangelina (Call the Midwife) vs Canoness Selena Agna (Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm)
Novice Hame (Doctor Who) vs Character Actress Margot Martindale (Bojack Horseman)
Adriana (The Demon Prince Goes To The Academy) vs Sister Helley (Wendell and Wild)
Sister Argenta (Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader) vs Clarith Netsuma (The Evillious Chronicles)
Canoness Veridyan (Warhammer 40000) vs Sister Monica Joan (Call The Midwife)
Mother Mildred (Call the Midwife) vs Silque (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Shotgun Mary (Warrior Nun) vs Sister Julienne (Call the Midwife)
Mother Superion (Warrior Nun) vs Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun)
Sister Maria-Fiore dei Fiori di Montagna (The 44 Scotland Street Series) vs Esther Blanchett (Trinity Blood)
Hot Pants (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run) vs Olivia Lanze (The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy)
Sister Mary Clarence/Deloris van Cartier (Sister Act) vs Canoness Junith Eruita (Warhammer 40000)
Sister Ruth (Black Narcissus) vs Sister Margarete of Krimml (Pentiment)
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misericordevn · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you're still accepting Misericorde questions, but I was wondering if you have a personal favorite character? Or if not a "favorite" character, a favorite one to write? Thanks! :)
Any time Margaret and Katherine are doing their shtick is probably my favorite thing to write!
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