#margo dresses up as a skeleton
ddagent · 26 days
This was the hardest decision I've had to make this week because I am curious about all the smut prompts. May I request number 33 please? 👀
33. 69
It was a game they played. They'd hear about it from one of the engineers bragging at the Outpost, or one of Sergei's sisters would share a new position they had read in a magazine they had to hide from Sergei's mother. Then on Monday, Margo and Sergei – in their shared office – would discuss how the position could be achieved. What would be the best angle for maximum pleasure, limited joint strain? Could any improvements be made? Then they would test their hypothesis on a Sunday afternoon when the offices were empty and the skeleton crew would leave early. Just the two of them.
They were currently in one of the labs, on a drafting table. Margo's eyes kept drifting to the door, but Sergei had already locked it, wedged a chair underneath the handle, covered the window with paper. No one would be able to look inside – and they'd have enough warning for Margo to get her clothes on. Still, she flushed as she lay naked on the table, exposed to Sergei's wanting gaze.
Above her, Sergei grinned. He tipped her chin up so she could meet his mouth in a kiss. "Beautiful."
"Thank you."
"So—" He kissed her throat. "So—" Her sternum. "So—" Her breasts. "—beautiful."
Sergei let her adjust to the position while he kissed her breasts, her stomach. Her nipples were already erect with the chill in the room; his tongue circled them to hard points and left her squirming atop the drafting table. His hand lay firm on her stomach, trying to keep her steady but Margo was already anticipating what was to come, was already wet. She tried to occupy herself with Sergei: just as naked as she was. Her fingers touched his sides, ran through the fine blond chest hair. Her thumb swiped over the flat of his nipple and he shivered in pleasure.
His mouth advanced, drawing closer towards her cunt. The moisture from his mouth cooled on her skin; his nose pressed against the fine auburn hair between her legs. And then, Margo's clit was between his lips and he was pressing his tongue against the nerves, one hand spreading her thighs wide so he could better eat her out. In the two years they had been doing this regularly, ever since Sergei had joined her at NASA, he'd become adept at getting her off with his mouth. Wholly different from their very first encounter, in his college dorm, years after their first meeting.
Leaning back, Margo took a moment to savour the feeling of Sergei's mouth on her cunt before she turned to his cock. They'd discussed this position, with her head just over the desk, to minimise the strain. Margo took his cock easily in her mouth, lips closing around the head. She tasted pre-cum on her lips as her tongue swirled around the tip, her hand reaching behind her to grip his shaft. It was difficult to focus on a rhythm when Sergei's tongue was flicking against her clit, but she managed. Margo was nothing if not good at adapting to new rhythms.
She stuttered to a climax first, coming against Sergei's mouth. His tongue eased her through an aftershock as she tightened the pressure around Sergei's cock with her hand, her mouth. Then she was eased back, Sergei standing, his hand around his own cock as he spilled onto his hand.
Sergei leaned back against the drafting table, enjoying the aftermath of his orgasm. Margo knelt behind him, arms wrapped around his torso. "Satisfying. But we've had better." Her hand ran along the blond hair leading to his softening cock. "You could have come in my mouth, you know. I wouldn't have minded."
"You didn't care for that with Steve."
Margo snorted. "That was three years ago. If I knew any better, I'd think you were jealous." She kissed Sergei's cheek. "Anyway, it's different. I trust you." Margo paused, quickly removed her hand. Come on; let's get dressed. I need to re-check those re-entry equations and you need to find the disinfectant."
Their regular Sunday afternoon drew to a close; both would be heading back to work. But Margo was already looking forward to next week.
Send me a number and I'll write you 300+ words of Margo/Sergei smut
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theshadowsanctum · 4 years
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Shadow Comics #43
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haileybeehappy · 5 years
Grayson Dolan, Coachella
summary . reader upcycles clothes for the twins Coachella outfits
word count . 1579
warnings . none
type . fluffffff (and like .002 angst)
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    Grayson was livid but was playing it down for the camera and for Ethan’s feelings. He put so much effort into making his brothers outfit and got an expensive toddler shopping spree as a result. He said that it looked like someone gave a child a credit card and let them buy the outfit. Ethan was basically a child so this was kinda true, so now you were left with the task of buying the boys outfits while they were visiting family. Gray wanted you to come but you decided that staying would be best due to your elevation sickness. You didn’t want to fly across the country for a few days only to end up sick for a week, the boys understood.
    You were at some expensive store where a plain black t-shirt cost almost six hundred dollars. You were shuffling through the stores looking through the half filled racks. The girls behind the counter were looking at you like ‘you won’t be able to pay for any of this’ look that you get all the time when you come into these stores. You would much rather go to a thrift store and find a piece to upcycle than spend two thousand dollars on one outfit. But because of the boys style and budget you decided to come to some big fancy store and buy some new coachella clothes for the preppy brats. Of course they didn’t know so whatever you bought them would be a surprise but a good one unlike what the boys got for each other.
    “Ma’am? Would you like any help?” one of the workers asked.
    “No, I’m okay. I’m just, browsing,” She smiles at you. Somehow making a smile condescending. You find a pair of sunglasses you know Ethan will love so you snag them and bring them to the counter. The lady rings you up and looks at you smugly.
    “That will be two hundred and fifty six dollars ma’am. Will that be in cash or credit?” You pull out three hundred dollar bills from your ‘loui’ wallet that was tucked in your two dollar purse from a store on Melrose and place them on the counter, her face shifts and you smile. She quickly gets you your change and thanks you, saying ‘come again soon,’ while you leave the store with the small matte box in hand.
    You decide that the snobby people aren’t worth it and head to your favorite thrift store on the edge of town. An older couple owns it and you have come to know them very well.
    “Hey beautiful lady,” Margo says as you walk through the doors,
    “Hello Margo,” You smile and walk to the counter. “Got anything new for me?” she nods and pulls a small basket from her little cabinet.
    “These came in with a big donation and Bill almost set them out for sale,” she says jokingly shaking her head. Inside the small straw basket were multiple pins and buttons. You collected them and displayed them on a three by three foot cork board in your filming room. You picked through the small metal pieces and found a few that you loved. Two little planets with hanging charms one orange red and blue with an astronaut, the next was a little more morbid it was a red skull that looked like it was melting. It kinda reminded you of a candy apple. One of your favorites, a mix between cute and creepy was lilo from lilo and stitch in her traditional dance skirt and headdress but half of her body was a skeleton. And the last three were a set, figures of girls from Hamilton. A present for your best friend who is obsessed with the play and music and everything about Hamilton.
    “Thank you so much margo, I have a few things for you. I’ll bring them in tomorrow,” She smiled.
“Are you sure you don’t want anymore?” You glanced over the selection one more time a pin caught your eye. It was a heart, an anatomically accurate heart. You picked it up and ran your fingers across it. It was perfect for Gray. You nodded.
“All good now,” You smiled and she packed the pins for you in a small box. You slipped the box in your purse and went to explore the store. They had a small mens section but it would make due. You found a pair of camo pants that might fit one of the boys so you plopped that into your small basket. You found a pair of pretty plain red shorts and those went in too. An army green shirt. You worked into the women's section and found a mesh shirt that you could work into a piece. After some more searching you finally found the last piece you would need, from this store at least. A few iron on roses. You paid for your items and headed home. The house was strangely quiet. You grabbed the few items of clothing you needed from the boys closets and moved to the guest house to finish the outfits. You settled in your filming/craft room in the guest house and got to work on the items on hand. You cut the camo pants into short like things, hemming them, cutting some mesh from the shirt and sewing them on the pants, you sewed the legs back on under the mesh. Some fabric was cut off the ends and you left it unhemmed and rough looking. You were proud of the finished look but weren’t sure if the twins would like it. You moved to the shorts which didn’t take longer than ten minutes and then you piled the two outfits into bags. The red shorts paired with a plain white tee and a red fanny pack. Lastly you put both the outfits into boxes and stored them under the table until the boys arrived.
They were finally back from their trip and came home with many expensive shopping bags in hand. You should have known, of course they would go out and buy outfits when they ‘had no time’. You were kind of upset but they didn’t know what you were doing but it still kinda hurt. You of course greeted them and were still happy to see them.
“Babe, where’s the glue gun?”
“In my craft room, why?”
“Ethan broke something and I need to glue it back together,”
“I didn’t break it!” you heard Ethan scream from his room.
“It’s in a box under my work table,” You heard Gray leave the main house and work his way to the guest house. Gray entered your filming room door and began looking for the glue gun. Under your work table there was many bins but only three boxes he opened the first one and in there sat his outfit you made him.
“Babe!” Gray screamed walking through the door two boxes in hand.
“Seriously it’s not that hard…” you looked up from your phone. There he was, two boxes in hand.
“These are really good,”
“Why were you looking through my stuff?”
“Because you told me to.. But babe. These are so good,” He stopped for a second. “Ethan!” You went to snatch the boxes but he held them above his head.
“Are these for us?” He held them up higher as you tried to get them.
“Yeah, they were for coachella but you already got outfits so you don’t need them,” Ethan had come from his room. Gray tossed him the red black box. “No that one is yours,” you told gray, giving up on trying to get the box from him and they switched.
“I would take your outfits over whatever we bought anyday,” Gray said pulling you into a hug.
“But they’re not expensive shit from balenciaga, it a two dollar shirt from the thrift store,” He just rolled his eyes.
“So, I’d rather wear this than a fifty dollar plain white t-shirt,” You backed off in submission and let them do their thing.
They went and got dressed in their new outfits. They walked out and they both looked better than you thought they would.
“Babe, these are amazing,”
“Seriously these are great Y/n,”
“They’re nothing compared to what you guys probably bought,”
“Hey, you need to stop doubting yourself. These are amazing If I walked into some snobby store saw these I wouldn’t think for a second that they were anything else but expensive as hell. Okay?” As much as a child that E could be he could be smart if he wanted to be. You pulled him in for a hug. Gray joined in behind you.
“Thank you guys, it means a lot. I love you both,”
The boys had just posted their pictures of them wearing the outfits that you made for them. They got almost an overwhelming responses of people appreciating their outfits and asking where they got them, and so on and so forth. They had only responded with your instagram handle and nothing else. The fans had not known you and Gray were together, which was really hard to hide since you lived with them and filmed in your shared house. But there was a lot of shipping and suspicion from the fans. This put them over the edge, they were freaking out and you and Gray decided to expose yourselves..
    “What’s up guys? We’re back! And today we have a very special guest…”
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her-culture · 7 years
7 Spunky Women Characters From Fiction: Pop Culture
by Archita Mittra
An urban dictionary user defines “spunky” as somebody who has attitude and a presence. Spunky women aren’t your conventional heroines. They’re fiercely independent, individualistic and aren’t afraid to question established norms and fight for what they believe in. But their heightened sense of individualism and quirkiness might not be welcomed by the patriarchal brotherhood and they are consequently often alienated or misunderstood. From storybooks to graphic novels, here’s a list of seven spunky women characters from fiction. 1. Death from The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman:
Neil Gaiman’s ten volume core series of The Sandman graphic novels is an epic modern saga that masterfully combines myth, urban decadence, elements of horror and gender issues into several interconnected narratives, featuring Morpheus, the enigmatic King Of Dreams and his dysfunctional family of the Endless. And although Morpheus is the protagonist, it is his elder sister, Death who steals all the limelight. Instead of the traditional skeleton with the scythe image, Gaiman reinvents the archetypal figure as a sassy teenager with a fondness for punk/goth attire and extremely empathetic, thereby portraying her as someone who has been usually misunderstood and abhorred by society, but is ultimately an understanding and loveable person. 2. Lyra Silvertongue from His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman:
Long before The Hunger Games and The Divergent series hit the stands, fans of fantasy had Lyra to celebrate as a favourite heroine from a fantasy novel. Wild, adventurous and ready to lie her way out of any situation, Lyra is first introduced as a mischief maker, blessed with the magical power of reading the Golden Compass. But as the story progresses, both the reader and Lyra discover new facets of her maturing personality, as situations test her bravery, morals and ingenuity. In a sense, Lyra with her magical powers, sense of mischief and her golden heart represents the heroine almost every girl would love to idolize and emulate. 3. Esther Greenwood from The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath:
A semi autobiographical roman a clef novel from one of the best Confessional Poets, The Bell Jar can be read as a companion to The Catcher In The Rye from a feminine perspective. Protagonist Esther is immensely talented, with a flair for words and a keen observer of human nature and the world around her. Winning a writing contest lands her a prestigious internship at a fashion magazine but New York with its glitz and glamour doesn’t go down too well and returning home only heightens her sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction even as she questions gender roles and identities that patriarchy has imposed upon her with incisive wit and tongue-in-cheek humour. Indeed, a poignant feminist work, in the light of the author’s tragic suicide. 4. Luna Lovegood from The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling:
Often referred to as “Loony Lovegood” by her classmates, Luna is immediately singled out for her distinct dottiness, with her Butterbeer cork earrings, belief in seemingly non-existent magical creatures and her penchant for The Quibbler magazine, edited by her father that publishes weird and fantastical rumours as real news. Yet Luna, despite her quirkiness comes of as a delightful human being, cool in the face of a crisis, fearlessly brave in battle and an empathetic listener to her friends and always ready to stand up for what she believes is right. And you know what’s the coolest thing about her? She isn’t afraid of being uncool. At all. 5. Rosalind from As You Like It by Shakespeare:
Easily one of Shakespeare’s best heroines, Rosalind is a far cry from the traditional submissive Elizabethan woman who meekly accepts whatever fate has in store for her. Rosalind has a fiercely independent streak, dresses convincingly as a man to escape into the idyllic Forest of Arden and lives life on her own terms. Even in matters of love, she takes things into her own hand and woos Orlando in disguise, thereby reversing the usual rules of courtship. Her charisma and vitality of spirit shine through her personality and render her as a powerful female icon in classic literature. 6. Eowyn from The Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R.Tolkien:
If the epic Lord Of The Rings had only one fault it was Tolkien’s lack of assigning his women characters with active roles. But Eowyn is almost an exception. Initially, a quiet maiden who unflinchingly performs her palace duties without a murmur of dissent, she unleashes her latent powers of combat and reveals herself to be a fearless woman in battlefield. In a conversation with Aragorn, she confesses it is a cage and not death that she fears the most and she turns out to be the only one to slay the seemingly invincible Witch King Of Angmar. Eowyn’s actions can be thus interpreted as a call for women to break out from their domestic spheres and face the real world out there. 7. Margo Roth Spielgelman from Paper Towns by John Green: Much of Paper Towns deals with the protagonist Q’s obsessive love for Margo, a teenage full of ingenuity and wanderlust. Although one of the most popular kids in school and extremely attractive, Margo isn’t the arrogant prom queen-cum-social butterfly type. And neither is she of the forgive and forget kind. After her boyfriend cheats on her she hatches an ingenious plan of revenge, breaks into an amusement park in the middle of the night, is able to persuade strangers with her charm and goes off backpacking into the urban wilderness. And yet there’s a soft and imaginative side to her personality too, with her love for retro folk rock music, a fondness for dark and quiet spaces and her vivid daydreams which she executes to fruition. The best part is, Margo knows exactly what she wants, and even if her wishes are unconventional, she’s ready to do what it takes to live the life of her dreams. pLus sHe has A penchant foR random CapitalizatioN. Thus, all the women have an innate sense of independence, powerful self-knowledge and the courage to stand up for what they believe in: traits that are valuable in any successful individual looking to lead a creative and fulfilled life.
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