#maria ii bridge
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Maria II bridge in Lagos, Portugal
Belgian vintage postcard
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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The Carnation Revolution (Portuguese: Revolução dos Cravos), also known as the 25 April (Portuguese: 25 de Abril), was a military coup by left-leaning military officers that overthrew the authoritarian Estado Novo regime on 25 April 1974 in Lisbon, producing fundamental social, economic, territorial, demographic, and political changes in Portugal and its overseas colonies through the Processo Revolucionário Em Curso. It resulted in the Portuguese transition to democracy and the end of the Portuguese Colonial War.  
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itskattkm · 9 months
Day & Night | Part II
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Mabel (finestkind) x G!P reader
Warnings: violence, bruises, mentions of blood, junkies, bad translation :)
A/N: I think it’s even going to be more parts now :) hope you guys enjoy as always
Part 1, Part 3
I sighed and looked beside me to see that the space was empty "sure" I said disappointed and took a deep breath before I exhaled. My hands found their places on my face when I tried to cover it.
It was to good to be true. I should have know better... or maybe if I'm being honest with myself... I knew the truth. Why should Mabel even choose my place for "help" it was so obvious but i was totally blind.
I rubbed slight my eyes and looked to my open bedroom door. I felt suddenly so lost again. Somehow like I was at a wrong place at the wrong time. But mostly I felt unwanted.
So why did Mabel do what she did? Why out of sudden? And why did she leave? Well I could have a good answer to the last question but why did she even sleep with me then? I didn't understand.
I pulled the blanket over my shoulders and tried to get a clear head.
At some point around 11:00 in the morning I woke up again. This time I left my bed and took a long shower. After the shower, I turned on the TV so that I didn't have to drown in this silence in my apartment.
I ate some cereal and went to the bar around 1:00 p.m. to work. The day felt slow. Outside it was cold and slightly foggy. My shift was over in the evening. I decided to go to the pier like almost every day.
Now I entered the middle of the bridge and ran up the scaffolding "hi Maria" I said kindly to the slightly older lady who had her shift today.
"Hi y/n" come in... Today it's very fresh.
So I went into the cabin and sat down at the other end of the room. Like that I could observe the sea and was able do watch it through the window, stay dry and warmed up.
I took out my laptop and watched one of the online videos of my studies. In between, my gaze fell on my cell phone. I hoped to get a message from Mabel, but in vain. I sighed loudly as I turned my phone over slightly pissed.
Maria turned around in her wheelchair and looked at y/n worried "is everything okay y/n? Today it seems to be one of the less good days again?"
I nodded silently without looking at her. But since it was getting dark very slowly outside, I could see her reflection in the window. And then I suddenly saw it. A light in the distance. It flashed twice. I had to smile and took one of the larger flashlights when I left the cabin and ran out to the site.
I tried to show the boys that I was here. After not even three flashlight signals, the horn of the finestkind echoed back.
"The boys are back..." a part of me was happy because this meant that there would be fun evenings again, but another part in me was worried. What about Charlie?
After twenty minutes I went down and greeted the boys. Laughing, they called me
"Y/N Lighthouse!" I shook my head and said "you are so stupid guys" after they had all solid land under their feet, I greeted everyone with a hug.
"This time you've been away for a really long time, why?" I asked curiously.
Charlie began to explain "we have found a new route that allows us to make stops at other yards... that's why we will be on the road longer than usual in the future" I nodded "that sounds hard".
Tom chuckled "it's business"
I left the harbor with the boys. Following Tom and Costa a little further back with Charlie.
"Have you seen Mabel?" He asked me calmly. My heart began to race when I tried to answer him "yes... last time yesterday" Charlie nodded and seemed to be deep in his thoughts "was she okay?" He asked.
In my steps, I stopped and looked crookedly at him "what's wrong Charlie?" He turned around and scratched the back of his head "we sort of broke up"
I looked at him with wide eyes and almost a open mouth. On the one hand I was shocked, on the other hand I already thought about it and accordingly did not feel so bad after sleeping with her.
"What do you mean by sort of?" I asked seriously. Charlie smiled nervously "well... we now have this new strategy while fishing and that means that we will be even less at home... and I didn't want to do that to Mabel"
I shook my head
"Charlie... I understand your thoughts behind it but that's Mabel... she... she is-" I began, almost starting praise Mabel and Charlie interrupted me smiling "I know..."
I sighed "how did she handle it?" I asked worried.
Charlie raised his shoulders "I'm not sure... she was a little angry... but understood the reason" I nodded.
A thousand questions went through my head. Did she love him? Was she sad? Was she angry? What went through her head? How did she feel?
"Maybe I should have a look at her," said Charlie. My stomach turned around. But I doubted that Mabel would say anything about us, because as it seemed to me, she didn't seem to be interested in what happened between us.
"Maybe" I repeated quietly and looked at him and the other boys.
Days passed and everyday life quickly became my usual old routine. Online lectures whenever I could.
Later shifts in the bar and hanging out at the harbor. I still haven't had a message from Mabel. I had also given up to be honest. Charlie seemed to have visited her. He doesn't told me anything and honestly I didn't ask either.
I didn't want to know what was between them because I wouldn't have a chance anyway.
"Y/N! Another round of beer for us please!" Called the boys at the other end of the bar.
I wiped the bar and grabbed three bottles of beer. I ran over to them and put them at the table "please slow down today for once," I said laughing. "I don't feel like cleaning behind you guys" I shouted to them as I ran back to the counter "boss I'll get new beer in the back" I said and went to the storage room.
I didn't know what was happening while I was gone, within a few minutes I heard the rattling of glass, falling furniture and something that sounded like a brawl.
I immediately reached for the baseball bat I had near my locker and ran back to the bar.
Within seconds I saw what and who the problem was "you fucking asshole!" I shouted angrily and jumped over the counter. Skeemo was back with his junkie friends and had beaten Tom, Charlie and Costa up. Skeemo was just choking Charlie. I ran towards him from behind and hit him on the back of the head "fuck you!" I shouted angrily.
Skeemo let go of Charlie, who was now coughing on the floor. He cleverly looked at me when he scanned the back of his head and saw blood on his fingers "you fucking bitch" Skeemo hissed and then I saw red.
I didn't remember what happened afterwards. I only knew that I was questioned by the police after a team of paramedics checked my wounds.
If there was a secret about me, it was my uncontrollable anger and aggression. It was hard to get me to this point... but if you succeeded, it was hard to stop me. After I saw Skeemo, it came over me. Not only was he the reason for Mabel's injuries at the back then, but he had also whistled the boys....
After all the interrogation and a small visit to the hospital, I wanted nothing more than to go home.
My face hurted. My fists were beaten bloody and my ribs were slightly broken. I held back the pain. Something I knew too well. Something that made me feel alive in dark times.
"Thank you Y/N... what you did today... you should not be underestimated," Tom said when he took me off at home.
I looked at him with hidden pain "Charlie... Costa?"
Tom smiled slightly "they will recover" I nodded and slowly opened the door of his car. In the end, I had tried to mess with each of the junkies. They beat me... but they had it much... much worse then me. The ambulance was not called for me or the boys. It was called for Skeemo and his new gang.
I hoped they would die. But the possibility that they would survive and later die of drugs was higher.
"Take care of yourself Y/N" Tom called after me before I disappeared into my apartment.
I slightly held my left side where my ribs were damaged and moved towards my couch in slow painful steps. I wouldn't make it to bed. I bit firmly on my teeth when I tried to sit down and suppressed screams of pain. I held my breath and leaned back carefully. I closed my eyes and a tear escaped me.
The bruises on my face hurted. Probably everything had already turned purple. My hands were shaking. They were full of bruises and dried blood.
When it knocked on my door, I cursed the person behind it. I breathed heavily with pain when I supported myself with a trembling arm and walked so slowly to the door that the person began to knock again more and more impatiently.
I leaned against the wall exhausted and held my side as I opened the door only one gap to be careful.
"Y/N... hey- oh my God what happened?!" The next moment Mabel stood in front of me and held my face very carefully in her hands with a worried look. I squeezed my eyes in pain and breathed heavily as the pressure of my ribs pressed on my lungs.
"I'll help you..." she said calmly and gave me the feeling of security. Carefully she put my right arm around her shoulder and took me to my bedroom.
She held my hand tightly as I slowly sat down, I could only weakly suppress a painful moan. Mabel's dark eyes scanned my face and every other injury on my body. It seemed like she was falling from the clouds.
"I heard about a brawl in the bar but..." she began and stopped when I closed my eyes exhausted and lowered my head.
She went to her knees in front of me while resting her hands on my knees when she looked up to me worried.
She carefully touched my chin and lifted it. I opened my eyes and was now forced to look at her pitch black ones.
"What happened?" She whispered so quietly that I got goose bumps. I swallowed hard "can you... help me?" I whispered and looked slightly to the side. I was too weak to say more, but Mabel seemed to understand what I needed.
She helped me to lie down.
As soon as I lay on my back, Mabel covered me a little with my blanket, turned off the lights in my apartment and only turned on the small night light on my bedside table.
She disappeared from my room and came back with a glass of water and a pill. She put both on my bedside table and took off her jacket before she sat down with me on the bed "drink that... it helps against the pain" she said gently.
I breathed heavily and took the pill from her hand, I swallowed it down with water and tried to find some recovery.
Next I heard the sound of a plastic bag "fuck..." I hissed when I felt the burning pain on my ankles. Mabel had previously moistened a swab with alcohol to disinfect my bruised and blood-dried ankles.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered worriedly and continued cautiously.
Why was she here? And why was she so caring? Was Mabel interested in something for me?
My heart began to beat faster again at this thought.
"Skeet was suddenly in the bar with his junkies... and it escalated" I explained weakly. Mabel nodded silently, the way she looked at me... she hadn't looked at me since the day we met like that. This time I knew... that she really looked at me and perceived me.
"As I know you... I assume that Skeet and the others look worse..." said Mabel with a grin that brought out her dimples.
A smile escaped me. Even if it hurt, it still felt good.
I put my head aside and watched Mabel carefully take care of my hands. Her touches felt so gentle and good... I almost felt safe.
"Feels like it was yesterday when you beat up the junkie because he wanted more drugs from me" Mabel began with a smile.
I had to laugh a little and closed my eyes when it hurt. "... yes I remember... that day I was looking for trouble... and this guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time" Mabel grinned wider when she remembered.
At that time, as always, Mabel had to make the deals for her mother. It was New Years Eve and most people went crazy anyway. But when Mabel had just made a handover, the junkie wanted more from her and started going crazy. He grabbed her by the arms and yelled at her, high from the drugs he had taken before. Before the guy could get closer to her y/n came around and had boxed the guy so hard that he was immediately unconscious. That evening she was slightly drunk and was looking for a reason to hit someone. Luckily for her, she found Mabel and the junkie.
"You okay? Looked like you were in trouble" y/n had said at the time. Mabel looked impressed at the unconscious junkie.
Y/n grinned wide and held out her hand "I am y/n" Mabel was fascinated by her at the time. How could anyone be so harmless and at the same time too unpredictable. She laughed and shook her hand "Mabel... you always walk around and punch people like that?"
Y/n had a sparkle in her eyes that caught Mabel's attention right away "nope... but i was looking for some trouble today so..."
Mabel smirked seductive and said "then it's your luck... I'm always surrounded by trouble"
That's how they met. In the chaos of violence. A miracle.
"Where you ghosting me?" asked Mabel with a dirty grin as she held my hand in hers.
I looked at her seriously "you're joking, aren't you? I would rather say that you ghosted me..." I said seriously.
Even if she was here now and we shared a moment of the past... I was still disappointed and even a little angry.
Mabel continued to smile.
"Sorry..." she whispered and lay down next to me on the bed the next moment.
She watched my reactions and when I didn't show any, she supported herself against her arm and carefully stroked the bruises on my left cheek.
"You should rest now..." she whispered and gently stroked with her fingertips my jaw as she lay down closer to me.
I began to feel calmer, relaxed and more secure. The pain was not as strong as a few minutes before, probably the painkillers from Mabel had helped. Slowly she put her hand around my neck and began to scratch me.
I felt goose bumps all over my body and my eyelids slowly felt heavy. My head was lying to the right side and I slowly fell into an exhausted sleep.
After Y/N fell asleep, Mabel watched her calm face. The bruises had turned purple. What did you see in me? Mabel asked herself as she continued to caress her neck. She never thought to see y/n in such a state. It hurt... it really did badly and showed her what a bad friend she was. Y/n had always cared. She didn't cared what people said about others... she always made an impression on herself. She was never reproachful... she was always friendly, showed interest in others and was always there. But who was there for her? Who listened to her thoughts and worries? Who was interested in her? Who cared for her?
"Im right by your side" I whispered as I continued to stroke her neck and carefully gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Y/n had fallen asleep deeply and Mabel didn’t had planned to leave y/n side. She wouldn’t wake up alone this time.
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Behold, a bracket!
Text form below the cut because trying to copy all the 256 into the alt text sounded.... horrifying. Warning for 128 matchups, seriously, this list is long, and so I've avoided adding the artists until the polls.
a note: the pinned post has started misbehaving, so only open polls will be directly linked. closed polls instead have the results page linked in the set header, all the polls are linked from there
Set 1
The Lament for Icarus (Miao He) vs The Lament for Icarus (Herbert Draper)
The angel came to me in a fever hallucination, perched upon my bed as I returned from the bathroom. vs Sweet Brown Snail
Figures vs A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery
Happy Shoppers vs Hubble Deep Field
Lovers Painting vs Bath Curtain
Dr. Helen Taussig vs Une Martyre
Orangoutang étranglant un sauvage de Bornéo (Orangutan strangling a Borneo savage) vs Can’t Help Myself
Rape vs Technicolor Hiroshima
Set 2
A Walk at Dusk vs Based on “Autoportrait with the Model” by Maria-Rayevska Ivanova
Diary Page vs Les Jours Gigantesques (The Titanic Days)
Dead of Night vs You Won't
Christina's World vs Bobby
Untitled (I’m Turning Into A Specter Before Your Very Eyes And I’m Going To Haunt You) vs Two Sisters (On the Terrace)
Sharecropper vs Lustmord
The Parca and the Angel of Death vs Untitled (Zdzisław Beksiński)
Stress vs The Fallen Angel
Set 3
Device to Root Out Evil vs Travelling Light
Diana vs Fifty Days at Iliam: The Fire that Consumes All before It
The Plains, from Memory vs Exotic Bodies
Doubting Thomas vs Self-Portrait in the Bathroom Mirror
Empty Nest vs Somebody Fell From Aloft
Anguish vs If I Died
Cat in Obsolete Bath vs You're Not Boring Anymore
Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) vs Untitled (billboard of an empty unmade bed)
Set 4
There Will Be No Miracles Here vs Symphony of the Sixth Blast Furnace
Fox Hunt vs Tarpaulin
Khajuraho Group of Monuments vs Ranakpur Jain Temple
ปราสาทสัจธรรม (The Sanctuary of Truth) vs Grande Panorama de Lisboa
Heroic Head of Pierre de Wissant, One of the Burghers of Calais vs The Weather
The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit vs If this is art
Statue of Vincent and Theo van Gogh vs Jeanne d’Arc écoutant les voix (Joan of Arc listening to the Voices)
Fountain vs Judith Slaying Holofernes
Set 5
Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands) vs Cave of El Castillo
Chauvet Cave Bear vs Uffington White Horse
Laocoön and His Sons vs Winged Victory of Samothrace
Crouching Aphrodite vs Statue of Taweret
Guardian Figure vs Kūya-Shonin (Saint Kuya)
Ancient Greek doll vs Arena #7 (Bears)
Enbu (炎舞) (Dancing in the Flames) vs Yearning Shadows
Belfast to Byzantium vs Freedom
Set 6
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayan vs Portraits
The Blood Mirror vs Nighthawks
Electric Fan (Feel it Motherfuckers): Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate vs "Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw vs Forgotten Dreams
Saint Bride vs Pixeles (a group of 9 works)
War Pieta vs The Sunset
The Handmaidens of Sivawara Preparing the Sacred Bull at Tanjore for a Festival vs Ajax and Cassandra
Nāve (Death) vs Abstraction
Set 7
Yes vs Meeting on the Turret Stair
Hacked to Death II vs Stańczyk
Closeness Lines Over Time vs Voice of Fire
The Maple Trees at Mama, the Tekona Shrine and Tsugihashi Bridge vs Portrait of Sir Thomas More
Survival Series: In a Dream You Saw a Way vs Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre
Death blowing bubbles vs The Kitchen Table Series
Painting 1946 vs In the Grip of Winter
Untitled (Black and Gray) vs NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt
Set 8
Blue Plate Special vs Red Cedar
Palace of Fine Arts vs Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba
Le Château des Pyrénées (The Castle of the Pyrenees) vs Susanna and the Elders, Restored - X-Ray
Moby Dick vs Viva la Vida, Watermelons
Venus Envy Chapter One (Of the First Holy Communion Moments Before the End) vs how to look at art
St. Sebastian vs Untitled #12
Carroña vs The invincible one
Untitled (Two Dogs) vs The Dog
Set 9
David (Donatello) vs David (Michelangelo)
The Other Side vs The Temptation of St. Jerome
Seated Woman with Bent Knees vs Starry Night
Headdress - Shadae vs Untitled for the Image Flow's Queer Conscience exhibit
Woman with Dead Child (Frau mit totem Kind) vs Les Amants (The Lovers)
Siroče na majčinom grobu (Orphan on Mother's Grave) vs You Make My World a Better Place to Find
Fighting Against SARS Memorial Architectural Scene (弘揚抗疫精神建築景觀) vs Fallingwater
Resting vs The Hull
Set 10
Olive Trees vs Worship
Glow vs Wheatfield with Crows
Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X vs Untitled (He Plays Very Badly)
D.I.Y. by John Wiswell vs The Tragedy
Judith and the Head of Holofernes vs Beethovenfries (Beethoven Frieze)
The Memory of Me (How Could I Forget) vs oh god i had a really big epiphany about love and personhood but i’m too drunk for words
I am happy because everyone loves me vs 瀕危形態 (Endangered Forms)
Three Scaffolders vs Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan
Set 11
San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk vs Water-Lilies, Reflection of a Weeping Willow
The Grief of the Pasha vs Monolith in Vigeland Sculpture Park
Passion vs Space Diner
Hamlet and Ophelia vs Two Earthlings
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth vs Seer Bonnets
Photograph from "SNAP OSAKA" Collection vs Clytemnestra after the Murder
“Untitled” (Perfect Lovers) vs The Lovers (TIE)
Kedai Ubat Jenun vs Orange Store Front
Set 12
The Apotheosis of War vs Portrait of the Dancer Aleksandr Sakharov
Julie Manet vs Mouth
The Icebergs vs Kaleidoscope Cats III
Maman vs Caza Nocturna (Night Hunt)
The Book of Kells Folio 188r: Luke carpet page vs Ardagh Chalice
Yusuf and Zulaikha vs Dome of the Rock mosaics
Rowan Leaves and Hole vs Untitled (prisonhannibal)
Le Désespéré (The Desperate Man) vs The Dedication
Set 13
Deimos vs Dog and Bridge
The Mocking of Christ vs Prudence
The Broken Column vs Siberian Ice Maiden shoulder tattoo
Transi de René de Chalon (Cadaver Tomb of René of Chalon) vs Head of Christ
The Day vs Spirit of Haida Gwaii
Eleanor Boathouse at Park 571 vs Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban জাতীয় সংসদ ভবন (National Parliament House)
Juventud de Baco (Bacchus Youth) vs Barges on the Seine
Oath of the Horattii closeup vs Visit hos Excentrisk Dam (Visit to an eccentric lady)
Set 14
Christ Crucified (With Donor) vs St. Francis
Thunder Raining Poison vs Piazza d'Italia
The Grove vs Among the Waves
Pintura Mural de Alarcón vs Sagrada Família stained-glass windows
Noonday Heat vs La Dame à la licorne (The Lady and The Unicorn)
Matroser i Gröna Lund (Sailors in Gröna Lund) vs Gielda Plakatu
Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks vs The Garden of Earthly Delights
Kuoleman puutarha (The Garden of Death) vs Haavoittunut enkeli (The Wounded Angel)
Set 15
i've wasted a lifetime pretending to be me vs da oracle
minus #37 vs Panel from Fun Home
Excerpt from illustrated edition of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner vs La Mort de Marat (The Death of Marat)
The Veil vs Düsseldorf 4 (Museum Kunst Palast)
Capriccio vs Zodiac calendar for La Plume
The official imperial portrait of empress dowager Cixi vs José y Maria
Blooming Lilacs vs Lágrimas De Sangre (Tears of Blood)
An Interlude vs Boy Staring at an Apparition
Set 16
Mermer Waiskeder: Stories of the Moving Tide vs The Gran Hotel Ciudad de México Art Nouveau interior
Unfinished Painting vs To Arms!
Memorial to a Marriage vs The Island
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn vs A Few Small Nips
Saturn Devouring His Son vs Guernica
Fairy Princesses vs Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Mummy with An Inserted Panel Portrait of a Youth vs Little Girl Looking Downstairs at Christmas Party
Agnus vs The Cup Of His Murders Is Flowing Over And In His Coat Shall Be Many Curses
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deep-dive · 9 months
albums/eps: a.s.o. - a.s.o. Amaarae - Fountain Baby Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet - STROBE.RIP André 3000 - New Blue Sun ANOHNI and the Johnsons - My Back Was a Bridge for You to Cross Anthony Naples - Orbs bar italia - Tracey Denim Beach Fossils - Bunny Ben Vida, Yarn/Wire & Nina Dante - The Beat My Head Hit Beverly Glenn-Copeland - The Ones Ahead Biosphere - N-Plants Blonde Redhead - Sit Down for Dinner Bored Lord - Name It Call Super - Eulo Cramps Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loveliest Time Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You Chuquimamani-Condori - DJ E Cole Police - If I Don’t See You in the Future, I’ll See You in the Pasture Dean Blunt - Give me a moment DJ Lostboi - Music for Landings DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - Destiny Double Virgo - hardrive heat seeking Eartheater - Powders The Embassy - E-Numbers Everything But the Girl - Fuse Fever Ray - Radical Romantics Freak Heat Waves - Mondo Tempo Headache - The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth Hiroyuki Onogawa - August in the Water: Music for Film 1995-2005 Jam City - Jam City Presents EFM James Ivy - Everything Perfect Jessy Lanza - Love Hallucination Jim Legxacy - homeless n****a pop music Joanne Robertson - Blue Car Jonnine - Maritz Kelela - Raven Khotin - Release Spirit Kota Hoshino, Shoi Miyazawa - Armored Core VI OST Laurel Halo - Atlas Loraine James - Gentle Confrontation Maria BC - Spike Field mark william lewis - Living Matmos - Return to Archive MIZU - Distant Intervals ML Buch - Suntub Noriko Tujiko - Crépuscule I & II Nourished by Time - Erotic Probiotic 2 Oneohtrix Point Never - Again Osmotic & Fennesz - Senzatetto Pierre Rousseau - Mémoire De Forme Purelink - Signs Ryuichi Sakamoto - 12 Sofia Courtesies - Madres ssaliva - sector6park/counterfeit Sufjan Stevens - Javelin Tim Hecker - No Highs Tirzah - trip9love…??? Wild Nothing - Hold Yves Tumor - Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) µ-Ziq - 1977 7038634357 - Neo Seven
songs: a.s.o. - Love in the Darkness Addison Rae - I got it bad Alex Kassian - Leave Your Life (Lonely Hearts Mix) Amaarae - Reckless & Sweet Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet - Clown André - Ants To You, Gods To Who ? ANOHNI and the Johnsons - Can’t ANOHNI and the Johnsons - It Must Change Anthony Naples - Silas Armin van Buuren & Punctual - On & On (ft. Alina) bambinodj - High as Ever Still Passin' Through (Remix) bar italia - Nocd Baths - Do I Make the World Worse Beach Fossils - Don’t Fade Away Beverly Glenn-Copeland - People of the Loon Bibio & Óskar Guðjónsson - Sunbursting Björk & Rosalía - Oral Blawan - Toast Bored Lord - Wait Wait Wait bvdub - Days on Heaven and Earth Call Super - Coppertone Elegy Carly Rae Jensen - Psychedelic Switch Caroline Polachek - Bunny Is a Rider (Doss Remix) Caroline Polachek - Crude Drawing of an Angel Chuquimamani-Condori - Eat My Cum Chuquimamani-Condori - Know Dean Blunt - Rinsed (ft. TYSON) Dj Lostboi - PUF 2 LAX DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - For Now and Forever Double Virgo - gainfully deployed EASYFUN - Long Long Time The Embassy - Amnesia ESP - North Fever Ray - Kandy Freak Heat Waves & Cindy Lee - In a Moment Divine Fwea-Go Hit - Back Wildin Headache - That Thing with the Rabbit Headache - Truism 4 Dummies Hemlocke Springs - sever the blight Hudson Mohawke & Nikki Nair - Demuro Ike - Rose Quartz Jam City - Magnetic James K & hoodie - Ether Jessy Lanza - Don’t Cry On My Pillow Jim Legxacy - amnesia111 Jim Legxacy - candy reign (!) Jonnine - Tea For Two (Boo) Kelela - Divorce Khotin - Computer Break (Late Mix) Kylie Minogue - Hold on to Now Laurel Halo, Bendik Giske, Lucy Railton & James Underwood - Earthbound Loraine James - Tired of Me Lorenzi - Lonely Cowboy Tales (Crayon Moon Remix) LSDXOXO - Devil’s Chariot Maria BC - Still Maria BC - Watcher mark william lewis - Living Mc LcKaiique, MC Celo BK & DJ Jeeh FDC - Quem Tá de Motão, Vou Sarrar Puta Na Marcone (ft. DJ Biel Divulga) ML Buch - High speed calm air tonight Nation & Ecco2k - Ça Va Nicole Dollanganger - Gold Satin Dreamer Nourished by Time - Rain Water Promise Oliver Coates - One Without Oneohtrix Point Never - Krumville Purelink - We Should Keep Going Shoi Miyazawa - Rough and Decent Slayyyter - Miss Belladonna Sufjan Stevens - Shit talk Tim Hecker - Total Garbage Tirzah - u all the time Troye Sivan - Got Me Started Wild Nothing - Suburban Solutions Yves Tumor - Echolalia Yves Tumor - Fear Evil Like Fire µ-Ziq - 4am
mixes: CFCF - CFCF for TERMINAL 27 Chuquimamani-Condori - Fact Mix 937 PC Music - 10 Physical Therapy - car culture remissions vol. 4 plush - LIVE AT SKSKSKSK S-candalo - Fact Mix 897 WHY BE - OdyXxey Radio Mix
movies: Afire (Christian Petzold) All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Laura Poitras) E6-D7 (Eno Swinnen) Evil Dead Rise (Lee Cronin) Grown in Darkness (Devin Shears) How Do You Live? (Hayao Miyazaki) The Killer (David Fincher) Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese) Knock at the Cabin (M. Night Shyamalan) Last Summer (Catherine Breillat) May December (Todd Haynes) Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan) The Outwaters (Robbie Banfitch) Rotting in the Sun (Sebastián Silva) Showing Up (Kelly Reichardt) The Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer)
games: Alan Wake II Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon Baldur’s Gate III Blasphemous II Diablo IV Humanity Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Lies of P Metroid Prime Remastered Octopath Traveler II Pikmin 4 Star Ocean: The Second Story R Super Mario Bros. Wonder Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
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soufflegirl · 1 year
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I. chinese satellite, phoebe bridges ; II. the x-files: never again ; III. circles, ludovico einaudi ; IV. widening circles, rainer maria rilke; V. the x-files: the end.
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prapasara · 3 months
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The Best Funeral Songs and Memorial Songs
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Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music
1) Amazing Grace – Traditional
2) Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
3) His Eye is on the Sparrow – Mahalia Jackson
4) My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
5) Precious Lord, Take My Hand – Mahalia Jackson
6) You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban
7) I’ll Fly Away – Albert E. Brumley
8) The Rose – Bette Midler
9) As – Stevie Wonder
10) Angels – Robbie Williams
11) Going Up Yonder – Walter Hawkins
12) Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers
13) Oh Happy Day – Edwin Hawkins Singers
14) Candle in the Wind – Elton John
15) Total Praise – Richard Smallwood
16) Time to Say Goodbye – Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
17) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot – Traditional
18) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel
19) Lean on Me – Bill Withers
20) Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton
21) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
22) Ave Maria – Franz Schubert
23) You Are Not Alone – Michael Jackson
24) Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
25) I’ll Be There – The Jackson 5
26) I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
27) Victory is Mine – Dorothy Norwood
28) Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
29) Soon and Very Soon – Andraé Crouch
30) Danny Boy – Traditional
31) Order My Steps – GMWA Women of Worship
32) The Prayer – Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli
33) Take Me to the King – Tamela Mann
34) When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – Traditional
35) I Need You to Survive – Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir
36) In the Arms of an Angel – Sarah McLachlan
37) We Fall Down – Donnie McClurkin
38) What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong
39) Stand – Donnie McClurkin
40) Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
41) We Shall Overcome – Traditional
42) I’ll Be Missing You – Puff Daddy and Faith Evans
43) Lift Every Voice and Sing – James Weldon Johnson
44) Nearer My God to Thee – Traditional
45) I Am Not Forgotten – Israel Houghton
46) How Great Thou Art – Traditional
47) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Mahalia Jackson
48) The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel
49) He Has His Hands On You – Marvin Sapp
50) Auld Lang Syne – Traditional
51) Bridge Over Troubled Water – Aretha Franklin
52) Over the Rainbow – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
53) Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens
54) A Time for Us – Nino Rota
55) Let It Be – The Beatles
56) Broken Halos – Chris Stapleton
57) Never Would Have Made It – Marvin Sapp
58) Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – Julie Covington
59) Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
60) Old Rugged Cross – Traditional
61) Hold On – Yolanda Adams
62) The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand
63) You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
64) His Strength is Perfect – Cece Winans
65) He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother – The Hollies
66) We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn
67) Keep On Movin’ – Soul II Soul
68) Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley
69) Oh How He Loves You and Me – Edwin Hawkins Singers
70) God Bless America – Irving Berlin
71) Memory – Barbra Streisand
72) Be Grateful – Walter Hawkins
73) Angels Among Us – Alabama
74) Amazing Grace – Aretha Franklin
75) My Way – Frank Sinatra
76) Stand By Me – Ben E. King
77) Hold On – Mighty Clouds of Joy
78) I Smile – Kirk Franklin
79) Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley
80) The Dance – Garth Brooks
81) You Are My Friend – Patti LaBelle
82) When the Saints Go Marching In – Traditional
83) On Eagle’s Wings – Michael Joncas
84) Angel – Sarah McLachlan
85) Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve
86) Ave Maria – Andrea Bocelli
87) The Lord is My Shepherd – Traditional
88) The Long and Winding Road – The Beatles
89) There You’ll Be – Faith Hill
90) Into the West – Annie Lennox
91) Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan
92) I Will Remember You – Sarah McLachlan
93) You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings – Bette Midler
94) I’m Already There – Lonestar
95) When You Believe – Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
96) Fields of Gold – Sting
97) He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones
98) If I Die Young – The Band Perry
99) Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) – Billy Joel
100) Always On My Mind – Ane Brun
101) Dancing in the Sky – Beverly Ann
102) Home – Aron Wright
103) Living Legend – Club Danger
104) Be Still – The Fray
105) I Shall Believe – Sheryl Crow
106) To Build a Home – The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
107) Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
108) Future Days (Acoustic) – Eddie Vedder
109) Heart – Rainbow Kitten Surprise
110) See You Again – Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth
111) See You Again – Beth
112) These Are Days – 10,000 Maniacs
113) Wonderwall – Zella Day
114) Lay Me Down – Sam Smith
115) I Will Always Return – Bryan Adams
116) The Story – Brandi Carlile
117) Send Me On My Way – Rusted Root
118) When We Were Young – Adele
119) Amazing Grace (Chains Are Gone) – Pentatonix
120) Do You Remember – Jack Johnson
121) In Christ Alone – Christina Grimmie
122) When I Get Where I’m Going – Brad Paisley, Dolly Parton
123) I Will Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie
125) Proof of Your Love – King & Country
126) Home – Edith Whiskers
127) My Best Friend – Tim McGraw
128) Work Song – Hozier
129) Biscuits – Kacey Musgraves
130) Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
131) Waves – Imagine Dragons
132) I Lived – OneRepublic
133) 7 Years Old – Lukas Graham
134) Excavate – Macklemore, Saint Claire
135) Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti 
136) Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel
137) Unforgettable – Nat King Cole
138) Yet – Nathan Morris
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Christine Rose Photography / Moment via Getty Images
50 Songs to Play at a Funeral
1.    Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton
2.    Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
3.    Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin
4.    Scream – Chris Cornell
5.    My City of Ruins – Bruce Springsteen
6.    November Rain – Guns N’ Roses
7.    Hallelujah – Bon Jovi
8.    Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin
9.    I’ll Back You Up – Dave Matthews Band
10.  Man of the Hour – Pearl Jam
Alternative Rock
1.    Surround You – Echosmith
2.    The Trapeze Swinger – Iron & Wine
3.    Heartbeats – Jose Gonzalez
4.    Blood – The Middle East
5.    The Funeral – Band of Horses
6.    Awake My Soul – Mumford & Sons
7.    While We Were Dreaming – Pink Mountaintops
8.    Higher Love – James Vincent McMorrow
9.    The Night We Met – Lord Huron
10.  Twenty Years – Augustana
1.    Supermarket Flowers – Ed Sheeran
2.    Breathe Me – Sia
3.    Fix You – Coldplay
4.    See You Again –Charlie Puth
5.    Somewhere Over The Rainbow -  Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (and other artists)
6.    I’ll Be Missing You – P. Diddy & Faith Evans
7.    Angel – Sarah McLachlan
8.    Angles – Robbie Williams
9.    Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
10.  Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips
1.    Take Me Home – John Denver
2.    Yesterday – The Beatles
3.    My Way – Frank Sinatra
4.    You’ll Never Walk Alone – Gerry & The Pacemakers
5.    Turn Turn Turn – The Byrds
6.    Always On My Mind – Elvis
7.    Amazing Grace – Celtic Women
8.    In My Life – The Beatles
9.    Imagine – John Lennon
10.  Heaven Can Wait – Meatloaf
1.    If I Die Young – The Band Perry
2.    Go Rest High On That Mountain – Vince Gill
3.    Angels Among Us – Alabama
4.    If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away – Justin Moore
5.    I Drive Your Truck – Lee Brice
6.    Drink a Beer – Luke Bryan
7.    Who You’d Be Today – Kenny Chesney
8.    One Hell of an Amen – Brantley Gilbert
9.    If You’re Reading This – Tim McGraw
10.  See You Again – Carrie Underwood
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nikkytok / iStock via Getty Images
Funeral music  ,  Funeral   ,   Popular music for funerals   ,  Traditional Funeral Songs and Funeral Music  ,   Funeral Music   ,    Popular Songs for Funerals  ,   Funeral Services
CR   ::   https://gather.app/blog/funeral-songs-list/  ,  https://www.funeralmatters.com/blog/Article/25/50-Songs-to-Play-at-a-Funeral
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thee-morrigan · 8 months
Caught up with Adam and Nate and ahhh!!! Katie!! Can I beg for a sneaky late wip-wednesday, or just ask you to chat about the story more for a bit? So very invested.
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Bunny, you are WONDERFUL, thank you for asking about them/this story!! <333333 hmmm, okay, things to say about the story that don't totally reveal the mystery...what about a grab bag of lore about the upcoming chapter and things that have inspired different aspects of the whole piece?
the next chapter involves literary riddles (which will make this the second third fic in which I will have sent Nate on a bookish scavenger hunt lmao. at this point i might be indistinguishable from a bridge troll with my riddles three...or the library equivalent of one)
the term the ~mysterious voice~ called them in ch3 (Nachzehrer) will (probably) pop back up again next chapter
some things I've been (re)reading specifically for Story Reasons:
a book of love letters between Rainier Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salomé (there are some lines in that book that are so deeply N-coded that they make me a little crazy)
a lot, a lot of Adrienne Rich (and specifically this poem, especially the first 1-2 stanzas of section II...the "what is not simple: to wake from drowning/...these two selves who walked half a lifetime untouching" destroys me, in general, but particularly in the context of N + A...!!)
I do ALSO have a snippet from the scene I was working on earlier today — dropping it below a cut with the caveats that:
1) it's not from the next chapter (and *probably* won't appear for at least another couple of chapters) and 2) it's somewhat spoilery as it's from a more...emotionally intimate section 😌 BUT it doesn't have any spoilers that pertain to the plot/overall mystery! (and like, it's not exactly a spoiler that they love each other ahaha)
“Did you mean it? What you said back…there?” For a long while, Adam was silent, his face inscrutable. Long enough that Nate wondered if he ought not to have brought it up, to have prompted a revisit of that particular conversation.  That particular confession. But Nate had never been good at pretending not to feel as he did. Had never had Adam’s gift for locking his emotions away, unexamined and ignored.  Still, after another long moment, another glance at his oldest friend’s face, another attempt to see whatever thoughts and emotions churned beneath that impassive facade, he offered, “We can leave it there — in that...place — if that is what you wish. Only tell me, please, if you meant it. What you said, before. Just…please.” Nate could not quite bring himself to say it more plainly, to let that bright kernel of emotion fill his mind — fill his heart —  just yet. “Only this once, please: tell me, and then we need never speak of it again, if that is what you would prefer.” 
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crankygrrl · 10 months
2023 Movies
Fire of Love (2022, documentary)
14 Peaks (2022, documentary)
The Northman (2022, self-serious tripe)
The Menu (2022, satirical drama)
*Point Break (1994, Keanu flick)
*The Seven Samurai (1954, historical drama)
The Summit (2008, docudrama)
*Everest (2015, docudrama)
The Clouds of Sils Maria (2014, drama)
Personal Shopper (2016, dramatic thriller)
Jurassic World Domination (2022, bad dino movie)
*Creed (2015, sports drama)
*Creed II (2018, sports drama)
*Meru (2015, documentary)
*Free Solo (2018, documentary)
*Touching the Void (2003, documentary)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023, fantasy/adventure) x2
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023, animated) x2
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023, who asked for this?)
*Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, action/adventure)
*Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984, racist action/adventure)
Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 3 (2023, superheroes)
Nimona (2023, animated)
*Mission Impossible (1996, action/adventure)
*Mission Impossible 2 (2000, action/adventure)
*Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015, action/adventure)
Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Part One (2023, action/adventure)
*Senna (2010, documentary)
DC League of Super Pets (2022, animated)
Dog (2022, Channing Tatum and a dog)
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (2017, docudrama)
*Red Dawn (1984, action/adventure)
*Taps (1981, drama)
*Drive (2011, crime drama)
*The Duelists (1977, historical drama)
*Kingdom of Heaven (2005, historical drama)
*Mystery, Alaska (1999, not actually very good in retrospect)
*L.A. Confidential (1997, period crime drama)
Bottoms (2023, fucking awesome) x4
*The Fast and the Furious (2001, car movie)
2 Fast, 2 Furious (2003, John Singleton, you've done better work)
*Fast & Furious (2009, car movie)
*Fast Five (2011, car movie)
*Fast & Furious 6 (2013, cartoon)
The Three Musketeers (1973, fucking awful)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023, animated) x2
*Charlie's Angels (2019, action comedy)
Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021, horror)
Friday the 13th (1980, horror)
Friday the 13th, Part 2 (1981, horror)
Friday the 13th: Part 3 (1982, horror)
Annabelle (2014, horror)
Annabelle: Creation (2017, weird Catholic cosplay)
Annabelle Comes Home (2019, how not to care for evil objects 101)
The Conjuring 2 (2016, horror)
*8 Seconds (1994, biopic)
*Grosse Pointe Blank (1997, action comedy)
Shiva Baby (2020, cinematic anxiety attack) x2
*D.E.B.S. (2004, not as good as I remembered)
The Marvels (2023, superheroes) x2
Barbie (2023, comedy)
Uncharted (2022, video game adaptation)
*Bridge on the River Kwai (1954, essential piece of film history)
Godzilla Minus One (2023, KAIJU!!!) *indicate films I have seen before
As of 9/12/23: 64 films 33 new movies - 31 films I have seen before
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Eyre de Lanux
An American Decorator in Paris
Louis-Gérard Castor, Willy Huybrechts
Norma Editions, Paris 2015, 207 pages,  23.72 x  31.37 cm, ISBN  978-2915542646
euro 60,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Born into the American aristocracy, Elizabeth Eyre de Lanux abandoned high society to pursue an artistic career. Starting her training with Constantin Brancusi, she then arrived in Paris in 1919, following her marriage to French diplomat and writer Pierre de Lanux. She soon met the designer Eileen Gray. Eyre took over Gray's research on laquer and continued experimenting with innovative materials not previously used in furniture, namely cork, amber and linoleum. With Evelyn Wyld, she created a literary universe in which the poetry of her rugs, blended with furniture and lamps in totally new ways, all in an environment of muted shades and modern comfort. An ambitious artist in the Surrealist Paris of the interwar years, she wanted to believe in a peaceful future. But the crash of 1929 and World War II sounded the death knell for the career of this fresh new talent, ensuring that her creations became the rarest of objects. A bridge between the pioneering Eileen Gray and the rational Charlotte Perriand, like them, Eyre de Lanux drew inspiration from Japonism. Neither poor, nor stripped bare, her rare architectured interiors have remained secret until now. Elizabeth Eyre de Lanux is a recognised name but a forgotten talent. With Eileen Gray, Eyre de Lanux, Charlotte Perriand and Maria Pergay, the four cardinal points have now been identified.
orders to:     [email protected]
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twitter:         @fashionbooksmi
instagram:   fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:          fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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satgurutravelae · 9 days
The Best Places to Visit in Italy - if It's Your First Time
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Why Italy Should Be Your Next Destination – Top 5 Places to Visit in Italy
If one is a novice traveler seeking to combine history and culture with breathtaking scenery, then Italy could be the destination. From the architecture and art of Florence to the ancient ruins of Rome, there's something for everyone in Italy. Whether you fancy art, food, or simply soaking up the Mediterranean sun, Italy has it all. When in Italy for the first time, here are five must-visit places for any tourist.
1. Milan: one of the best places to visit in Italy
Milan is generally recognized as the fashion and design capital of Italy. It is a place which one should not miss when visiting the country for the first time. Starting with the famous Duomo di Milano-a cathedral which has been in the building process over six centuries-one can proceed up to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II-a beautiful passageway in which luxurious shops and fashion boutiques with posh cafes are located. Then, there is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper, which is kept in the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Also, one should visit the opera house, La Scala. You can take a jolly walk along Breara district. Milan holiday package from Dubai
2. Rome: Discovery of an eternal beauty
Whether it is your first or tenth visit, no trip to Italy would be complete without a visit to the Eternal City. Rome boasts ancient ruins, historic landmarks, and vibrant neighborhoods. Explore the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Pantheon. Toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain for good luck and so you will definitely return to Rome!
From here, proceed to the Vatican and enjoy every bit of it, including the grand St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, housing masterpieces of Michelangelo and Raphael that keep astounding people with their exquisiteness. One can climb to the top of St. Peter's dome and have a panoramic view of the city.
Rome is famous for its typical dishes: pasta carbonara, cacio e pepe, and pizza al taglio. Enjoy it with a glass of local wine and with one scoop of gelato for dessert. Rome holiday package from Dubai
3. Florence: Plunging into Art and Culture
Florentia is often called the birthplace of the Renaissance. Thus, no art lover and no historian can skip the opportunity to visit this fabulous city in any case. World-renowned museums and galleries are placed there: the Uffizi Gallery, the Accademia Gallery housing Michelangelo's magnificent statue of David, charming narrow streets and piazzas-in a word, here one may admire buildings of the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio.
For a real unforgettable experience, hike to the top of the Duomo for breathtaking panoramic views overlooking the city, or take a leisurely stroll across the famous Ponte Vecchio bridge. But most importantly, sample the delectable Tuscan food and gelato while one is in Florence!
4. Amalfi Coast: Sun-kissed Beaches and Breathtaking Coastal Views
The Amalfi Coast is where one will find the quintessential taste of an Italian seaside. This stunning stretch of coastline is speckled with picturesque fishing villages, pastel-colored houses, and crystal-clear waters. Take a drive along the famous Amalfi Drive, through the charming towns of Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello. Amalfi is also the perfect spot to take a boat tour to the island of Capri.
You can sit on pebbled beaches, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, or hike along the cliff-side pathways for stunning views. And to complete it all, you will be able to try fresh seafood dishes and limoncello-a locally prepared drink using locally grown lemons. The Amalfi Coast is sure to leave unforgettable memories of Italy.
5. Venice:
Nicknamed the "City of Water," Venice is a romantic, enchanting city to any novice visitor. One can enjoy the scenery of this historic city from a gondola ride down the canals, passing under arched bridges and beside huge palazzos. Visit St. Mark's Square and admire the beautiful mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica.
Equally unmissable are the islands of Murano and Burano, in a riot of color, this sea-farers' haven is famous for its glass-blowers and lace-makers. Just don't forget to have a taste of fresh catches with a spritz at a café on the side of the canal while you watch the world go by.
The city of Venice is best on foot; one makes the most of it quite literally by wandering around its narrow streets, passing concealed alleys. Stumble upon places like Rialto Market, where fresh produce and seafood are purchased by the locals. - Venice holiday package from Dubai
Plan a tour to some of the best places to visit in Italy: Italy holiday packages from Dubai
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sysdo · 1 month
Field Telephones in Literature and Film: Depictions and Realities
Field telephones, those once-ubiquitous tools of wartime communication, often serve as powerful symbols in literature and film. They bridge the gap between distant locations and represent a crucial aspect of military and wartime operations. Yet, their portrayal in these mediums can be as varied as the stories they appear in, blending historical realities with dramatic flair. In this blog, we’ll explore how field telephones are depicted in literature and film, examining both their symbolic and practical roles.
The Realities of Field Telephones
Before diving into their portrayals, it’s worth understanding what field telephones actually were. Developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these devices were designed for communication in combat zones where traditional communication infrastructure was either unreliable or non-existent. They were typically rugged, portable, and capable of functioning in adverse conditions.
Field telephones connected to a network via wire, allowing troops to communicate across various distances. They were especially crucial in World War I and World War II, where battlefield communications were a key component of strategy and coordination. Despite their technical limitations compared to modern communication devices, field telephones represented a significant leap in military technology at the time.
Field Telephones in Literature
In literature, field telephones often serve as more than mere communication devices; they become symbols of connection, isolation, and tension. Here are a few examples:
“All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque
Remarque’s novel, a classic of war literature, highlights the importance of field telephones in the trenches of World War I. The novel uses these devices to underscore the isolation of soldiers and the chasm between the front lines and the home front. The telephones symbolize the tenuous thread of communication amidst the chaos of war, often highlighting the disconnect between the soldiers’ experiences and the perceptions of those far from the battlefield.
“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien
In O’Brien’s collection of linked short stories about the Vietnam War, field telephones represent both a lifeline and a source of anxiety. They are depicted as critical tools for maintaining communication but also highlight the stark contrasts between the soldiers’ immediate, visceral experiences and the distant, often indifferent, world back home. The phones can convey crucial information but also become a source of tension when they fail or are absent.
Field Telephones in Film
Film, with its visual and auditory power, often uses field telephones to evoke specific atmospheres and emotions. The representation of these devices can range from realistic portrayals to dramatic devices designed to heighten tension.
“1917” (2019)
Directed by Sam Mendes, “1917” offers a gripping portrayal of World War I through its continuous-shot technique. Field telephones play a pivotal role in the film, emphasizing the urgency and immediacy of communication in a war-torn landscape. Their presence underscores the limitations and crucial importance of wartime communication, contributing to the film’s immersive and tense atmosphere.
“Saving Private Ryan” (1998)
Steven Spielberg’s seminal film on World War II uses field telephones to ground its battle scenes in historical reality. The film’s attention to detail in depicting wartime communication helps convey the intensity of the soldiers’ experiences. Telephones are shown as lifelines in a chaotic environment, symbolizing both hope and the harsh realities of military operations.
Symbolism and Thematic Elements
Field telephones often carry symbolic weight in literature and film. They can represent:
Isolation vs. Connection: In many works, field telephones symbolize the thin, often fragile, connection between the front lines and the outside world. They highlight both the physical and emotional distances that soldiers face.
Tension and Urgency: The presence of a field telephone can heighten the sense of urgency and tension in a scene. Its use or malfunction often amplifies the stakes and the emotional impact of a moment.
Technological Limitations: Field telephones can also represent the limitations of technology in the face of overwhelming circumstances. They remind viewers and readers of the constraints faced by those in the past, compared to the more advanced communication tools of today.
Field telephones, while now largely obsolete, hold a unique place in literature and film as symbols of wartime communication and human connection. Their portrayal often blends historical accuracy with dramatic elements, highlighting both the realities of their use and their deeper symbolic meanings. Through their depiction, we gain insight into the experiences of those who relied on them and the broader themes of isolation, tension, and hope in the context of war. Source: https://headsettactical.wordpress.com/2024/08/24/field-telephones-in-literature-and-film-depictions-and-realities/
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Castle of Santa Ana, Castro Urdiales (No. 3)  
Santa Ana Castle
Old castle located next to the port and the church of Sta. Mª de la Asunción, where in modern times a lighthouse has been located.
Santa Ana Castle Lighthouse
The lighthouse and the castle in which it is linked, are located in the old town of the town, next to the Gothic church of Santa Maria. It was built during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. It consists of a pentagonal plan and reinforced walls in its corners.
The lighthouse was first lit on November 19, 1853, during the reign of Elizabeth II. The focal plane is located at 49 m above sea level) and 16.49 m above ground. Initially it had a lighting system based on an oil lamp with fixed catadioptric optics, around which two vertical lenses with red filter rotated on a circular carriage, driven by a clockwork machine. Later the oil lamp was replaced by a one-wick Maris and in February 1919 an electrical system was introduced. The next renovation added two more outer lenses and a mercury float, as well as a new cylindrical flashlight.
The latest works have installed a helical pillar lantern, from the Adra lighthouse, as well as a new lighting installation consisting of several rotating panels with sealed beam lamp and low voltage backup lighting.
It should be noted that the lighthouse is linked to the port through the medieval bridge, also called Roman bridge or old bridge.
Source: WIkipedia
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 8.20
Bad Hair Day
Bamboo Celebration Day
Dial the Phone Day
Dogfight Day
Father’s Day (Nepal)
Feast of Asmá’ (Bahá'í)
First Onam (Parts of India)
Indian Akshay Urja Day (India)
International Amy Adams Day
International Andrew Garfield Day
International Day of Medical Transporters
International FinOps Day
John Deere 820 Day
Meitei Language Day (Manipur, India)
Missy Elliot Appreciation Day
Moon’s Birthday (Aztec)
National Accessible Air Travel Day
National 820 Day
National Exotic Dancer Day
National Fintech Day
National Latina Day
National Radio Day
National Scientific Temper Day (India)
Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas (Sikkim, India)
Neymarzetes Day (Brazil)
Nuremberg Code Anniversary Day
Puffball Day (French Republic)
Renewable Energy Day (India)
Rest Day (Hungary)
Saint Stephen’s Day (Hungary)
1619 Day
Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Stop and Smell Your Dog Day
Virtual Worlds Day
World Issue Day (Lagos)
World Mosquito Day
World Union Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
International Hawaiian Pizza Day
Lemonade Freedom Day
National Bacon Lover’s Day
National Honey Day (Sweden)
National Lemonade Day
World Day of French Fries (Spanish-speaking Countries)
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary of the FALINTIL (East Timor)
Candalia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Estonia (from USSR, 1991)
Iska Akaliazen (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lucena City Charter Day (Philippines)
Revolution Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
3rd Tuesday in August
International Chalk the Walks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tapas Tuesday [3rd Tuesday of Each Month]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Trusting Tuesday [3rd Tuesday of Each Month]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 20 (3rd Full Week of August)
Friendship Week (thru 8.26)
Festivals Beginning August 20, 2024
DakotaFest (Mitchell, South Dakota) [thru 8.22]
Dutchess County Fair (Rhinebeck, New York) [thru 8.25]
MUTEK Montreal (Montreal, Canada) [thru 8.25]
Nice Jazz Festival (Nice, France) [thru 8.23]
Peterborough Beer Festival (Peterborough, Great Britain) [thru 8.24]
Feast Days
Alan Lee (Artology)
Amadour (Christian; Saint)
Benvenuto Cellini (Positivist; Saint)
Bernard of Clairvaux (Christian; Saint)
Birth of the White Buffalo (Lakota)
Boil-Over Thursday (Shamanism)
Cuitlahac Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Day of Total Victory (Unification Church)
Expensive Rum Day (Pastafarian)
First Light Altar Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Georg Häfner, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Glam Dicind (Celtic Book of Days)
Greg Bear (Writerism)
Harpo Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Helena (Muppetism)
Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai (Christian; Saint)
H. P. Lovecraft (Writerism)
H. R. Van Dongen (Artology)
Maria De Mattias (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas II (Pagan)
Oswine of Deira (Christian; Martyr)
Philibert of Jumièges (Christian; Saint)
Samuel (Christian; Prophet)
William and Catherine Booth (Church of England)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [28 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [43 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [21 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [37 of 60]
Angie, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1973)
The Black Stallion, by Walter Farley (Novel; 1941)
Coonskin (Animated Film; 1975)
1812 Overture, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Concert Overture; 1882)
Elias: The Little Rescue Boat (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Feather Finger (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Garden State (Film; 2004)
Graffiti Bridge, by Prince (Album; 1990)
Hot Dogs (Ub Iwerks Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
I Never Changes My Altitude (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Islandia, by Austin Tappan Wright (Novel; 1942)
A Kiddie’s Kitty (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Lego DC Batman: Family Matters (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Mice Follies (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Mickey Blue Eyes (Film; 1999)
Oh, Johnny, Oh, Johnny, Oh, by Orrin Tucker (Song; 1939)
Perfect Blue (Anime Film; 1999)
Picnic at Hanging Rock, by Joan Lindsay (Novel; 1967)
Pocket Full of Kryptonite, by The Spin Doctors (Album; 1991)
Scary Crows (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Scooby Doo! Stage Fright (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Slow Train Coming, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1979)
The Talk of the Town (Film; 1942)
Teaching Mrs. Tingle (Film; 1999)
Trailer Life, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Valley of the Dolls, by Jacqueline Susann (Novel; 1966)
Yo Gabba Gabba! (Children’s TV Series; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Bernd, Bernhard, Ronald (Austria)
Samuil (Bulgaria)
Bernard, Samuel (Croatia)
Bernard (Czech Republic)
Bernhard (Denmark)
Benno, Bernhard, Päärn, Pääro, Pärn, Pärno, Pearn, Pearu (Estonia)
Sami, Samu, Samuel, Samuli (Finland)
Bernard, Samuel (France)
Bernhard, Bernd, Ronald, Samuel (Germany)
Samouel (Greece)
István (Hungary)
Bernardo (Italy)
Bernhards, Bierants, Biernis, Boriss (Latvia)
Bernardas, Neringa, Tolvinas (Lithuania)
Bernhard, Bernt (Norway)
Bernard, Jan, Sabin, Samuel, Samuela, Sieciech, Sobiesław, Świeciech, Szwieciech (Poland)
Anabela (Slovakia)
Bernardo, Samuel (Spain)
Bernhard, Bernt (Sweden)
Eustace, Ostap, Samuel (Ukraine)
Barnard, Bernard, Bernardo, Filbert, Philbert, Rey, Reyna, Reynalda, Reynaldo, Reynold (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 233 of 2024; 133 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 17 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Av 5784
Islamic: 14 Safar 1446
J Cal: 23 Purple; Twosday [23 of 30]
Julian: 7 August 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Benvenuto Cellini]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 62 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 30 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 8.20
Bad Hair Day
Bamboo Celebration Day
Dial the Phone Day
Dogfight Day
Father’s Day (Nepal)
Feast of Asmá’ (Bahá'í)
First Onam (Parts of India)
Indian Akshay Urja Day (India)
International Amy Adams Day
International Andrew Garfield Day
International Day of Medical Transporters
International FinOps Day
John Deere 820 Day
Meitei Language Day (Manipur, India)
Missy Elliot Appreciation Day
Moon’s Birthday (Aztec)
National Accessible Air Travel Day
National 820 Day
National Exotic Dancer Day
National Fintech Day
National Latina Day
National Radio Day
National Scientific Temper Day (India)
Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas (Sikkim, India)
Neymarzetes Day (Brazil)
Nuremberg Code Anniversary Day
Puffball Day (French Republic)
Renewable Energy Day (India)
Rest Day (Hungary)
Saint Stephen’s Day (Hungary)
1619 Day
Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Stop and Smell Your Dog Day
Virtual Worlds Day
World Issue Day (Lagos)
World Mosquito Day
World Union Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
International Hawaiian Pizza Day
Lemonade Freedom Day
National Bacon Lover’s Day
National Honey Day (Sweden)
National Lemonade Day
World Day of French Fries (Spanish-speaking Countries)
Independence & Related Days
Anniversary of the FALINTIL (East Timor)
Candalia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Estonia (from USSR, 1991)
Iska Akaliazen (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lucena City Charter Day (Philippines)
Revolution Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
3rd Tuesday in August
International Chalk the Walks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tapas Tuesday [3rd Tuesday of Each Month]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Trusting Tuesday [3rd Tuesday of Each Month]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 20 (3rd Full Week of August)
Friendship Week (thru 8.26)
Festivals Beginning August 20, 2024
DakotaFest (Mitchell, South Dakota) [thru 8.22]
Dutchess County Fair (Rhinebeck, New York) [thru 8.25]
MUTEK Montreal (Montreal, Canada) [thru 8.25]
Nice Jazz Festival (Nice, France) [thru 8.23]
Peterborough Beer Festival (Peterborough, Great Britain) [thru 8.24]
Feast Days
Alan Lee (Artology)
Amadour (Christian; Saint)
Benvenuto Cellini (Positivist; Saint)
Bernard of Clairvaux (Christian; Saint)
Birth of the White Buffalo (Lakota)
Boil-Over Thursday (Shamanism)
Cuitlahac Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Day of Total Victory (Unification Church)
Expensive Rum Day (Pastafarian)
First Light Altar Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Georg Häfner, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Glam Dicind (Celtic Book of Days)
Greg Bear (Writerism)
Harpo Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Helena (Muppetism)
Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai (Christian; Saint)
H. P. Lovecraft (Writerism)
H. R. Van Dongen (Artology)
Maria De Mattias (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas II (Pagan)
Oswine of Deira (Christian; Martyr)
Philibert of Jumièges (Christian; Saint)
Samuel (Christian; Prophet)
William and Catherine Booth (Church of England)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [28 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [43 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [21 of 30]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [37 of 60]
Angie, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1973)
The Black Stallion, by Walter Farley (Novel; 1941)
Coonskin (Animated Film; 1975)
1812 Overture, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Concert Overture; 1882)
Elias: The Little Rescue Boat (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Feather Finger (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Garden State (Film; 2004)
Graffiti Bridge, by Prince (Album; 1990)
Hot Dogs (Ub Iwerks Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1928)
I Never Changes My Altitude (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Islandia, by Austin Tappan Wright (Novel; 1942)
A Kiddie’s Kitty (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Lego DC Batman: Family Matters (WB Animated Film; 2019)
Mice Follies (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
Mickey Blue Eyes (Film; 1999)
Oh, Johnny, Oh, Johnny, Oh, by Orrin Tucker (Song; 1939)
Perfect Blue (Anime Film; 1999)
Picnic at Hanging Rock, by Joan Lindsay (Novel; 1967)
Pocket Full of Kryptonite, by The Spin Doctors (Album; 1991)
Scary Crows (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1937)
Scooby Doo! Stage Fright (WB Animated Film; 2013)
Slow Train Coming, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1979)
The Talk of the Town (Film; 1942)
Teaching Mrs. Tingle (Film; 1999)
Trailer Life, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Valley of the Dolls, by Jacqueline Susann (Novel; 1966)
Yo Gabba Gabba! (Children’s TV Series; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Bernd, Bernhard, Ronald (Austria)
Samuil (Bulgaria)
Bernard, Samuel (Croatia)
Bernard (Czech Republic)
Bernhard (Denmark)
Benno, Bernhard, Päärn, Pääro, Pärn, Pärno, Pearn, Pearu (Estonia)
Sami, Samu, Samuel, Samuli (Finland)
Bernard, Samuel (France)
Bernhard, Bernd, Ronald, Samuel (Germany)
Samouel (Greece)
István (Hungary)
Bernardo (Italy)
Bernhards, Bierants, Biernis, Boriss (Latvia)
Bernardas, Neringa, Tolvinas (Lithuania)
Bernhard, Bernt (Norway)
Bernard, Jan, Sabin, Samuel, Samuela, Sieciech, Sobiesław, Świeciech, Szwieciech (Poland)
Anabela (Slovakia)
Bernardo, Samuel (Spain)
Bernhard, Bernt (Sweden)
Eustace, Ostap, Samuel (Ukraine)
Barnard, Bernard, Bernardo, Filbert, Philbert, Rey, Reyna, Reynalda, Reynaldo, Reynold (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 233 of 2024; 133 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 17 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Av 5784
Islamic: 14 Safar 1446
J Cal: 23 Purple; Twosday [23 of 30]
Julian: 7 August 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 8 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Benvenuto Cellini]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 62 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 30 of 31)
1 note · View note
umichenginabroad · 5 months
Stockholm Week 17: Final Days In Stockholm With A Hint of Italy
This 4-day Italy trip was the most hectic trip I’ve ever had. So many unlucky events occurred over and over but we pushed them through.
5/4 Sat: DELAY
My original plan was to arrive at Milan Airport around 4 pm, look around the city, eat dinner with my high school friends, and have a good night’s sleep for a long day. 
The first problem occurred in the Oslo Airport. I boarded the flight and departed as normal. I fell asleep and after a while thought I heard something but disregarded it. After landing, I took a look at the way out and noticed the weird resemblance between Oslo Airport and Milan Airport. The clothing stores and convenience stores were oddly similar; I could only think that they might be similar since they are both European countries. However, when I saw the phrase “Welcome to Oslo,” I realized that something was very wrong. 
Asking people gave me the context of this situation: the plane discovered an issue during the middle of the flight and decided to come back to Oslo to fix the issue. The flight was delayed a couple of hours, to 5 pm departure. 
While waiting for the delayed flight, I filled out the SAS compensation form since my arrival time got delayed by more than 3 hours. I was half doubting I’d get anything back but I figured it was worth a try. 
The second flight was thankfully uneventful and I arrived in Milan at night. I didn’t want to waste any more time, so I went on a walk around Sforzesco Castle. All the lights on the castle were turned on, illuminating the night sky. The flowers on the trees were giving off their fragrance on the side as well! 
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Pic - If I had lived here I would have taken a walk here every night 
I walked a bit more to look around Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and Duomo Di Milano. 
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Pic - Night at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 
At a nearby gelato store, I met up with my high-school friends. Of course, we didn’t miss out on the opportunity of getting an authentic Italian gelato.  
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The BEST mango and strawberry gelato I’ve ever had!!!
5/5 Sun: Florence Tour
We woke up early to take the morning train to Florence. It was only a two-hour train ride and there wasn't enough time for us to yap. Two hours flew by and we were in Florence! 
We put our bags into Bounce and started a grand walking tour: Baptistery of St. John, Odeon Library and Cinema, Vecchio Bridge, Santa Trinita Bridge, Fountain of Neptune, Replica of Statue of David, Piazza Santa Croce, Scuola del Cuoio. 
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At Scuola del Cuoio (Leather School), we each bought a leather charm for our bags. I got a cherry one and I could NOT stop myself from talking about how cute it is for the rest of the trip. 
For dinner, we went to Piazzale Michelangelo to watch the sunset. We each bought a sandwich and a bottle of white wine from a 5.0-star store. 
The sunset was worth the wait. I wanted to look at the night view as well but we all didn’t have any batteries left :( 
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The last pictures that I took before I turned on airplane mode
Although we were on the last strand of the portable's battery, we safely made it back to our safe Airbnb. 
We started planning for the next day and discovered that NOTHING is open on Mondays. All the entrance tickets for the cathedrals were sold out and Boboli Garden was closed. 
We were all bummed and looking for something else to do when my friend half-jokingly said what if we went to Pisa. My eyes widened and said what if we did that. And just like that, we decided to go to Pisa the next day ( 0_0 )
5/6 Mon: Leaning Tower of Pisa
Before heading to Pisa, we stopped by the Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella to smell the scent of Florence that the Queen of France asked to recreate. It was more like a museum than a regular perfume shop!
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All the rooms had different styles and scents - my favorites out of all (yes, we smelled ALL) were Fresia and Angeli di Firenze
Our next big stop was Pisa!! Although it was an abrupt decision, it felt like the main event of the trip. After an hour, we arrived at Pisa!!! Since the central train station was close to Keith Haring’s mural, that was naturally our first destination. 
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I didn’t think I’d see his work with my own eyes, but there it was, right in front of me
We spotted THE leaning tower after walking a bit. We took a billion photos together and enjoyed an aperitivo moment afterwards. The combination of bruschetta, tiramisu, and Spritz was perfect :) 
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We lifted the leaning tower and saved the world
5/7 Tue: The Kiss
In the morning we came back by train again. 
At first, we went to Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan. The museum was filled with Renaissance pieces. 
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This is the most famous painting, The Kiss! 
Before our flight back to reality, we looked around the city center one more time. We didn’t forget to grab gelato for ourselves too :) 
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Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in the day
At the end of my trip to Italy, I got an email from SAS saying that they’d give me full compensation for the delayed flight. 
My Italy trip ended on a good note :)) 
5/8 Wed: DIS Festival
On the last day of school, DIS prepared a variety of events for students to enjoy. There were presentations, catered food, and a photo booth! 
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Last photo with my friends and my core-course professor :(
5/9-10 Thu-Fri: Last Few Days 
I had so much fun in Europe and now the time has run out. 
The last few days were hectic, writing essays and taking final exams. 
I went to Gamla Stan and ICA with my friends for the last time on Friday, buying last-minute souvenirs. 
Cleaning up and packing everything in my room was bittersweet. I still can’t believe my studying abroad semester is over… It was busier than I thought, but I had so much joy during my studying abroad. I wouldn’t trade anything for this! 
My next post will be a summary of all the tips and tricks for studying abroad.
This will be the most helpful post so don’t forget to check it out!
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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