#marina gardner
martelldragon · 4 months
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some of my favorite promotional/production art of luz
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rulersreachf4n · 1 year
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neweramuseum · 10 months
NEM Green 56 - Curated by Anndrea Lewis
FEATURED WORKS BY: Alix Taggart, Iris Maybloom, Katya Rosenzweig, Marina Charles, Mandolina Moon, Rosalie Heller, Judith Gardner, Julia Badakhshan, Patti Anton.
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lapetitemortarts · 5 months
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Robert McGinnis
Born in 1926 in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised in Wyoming, he is an American artist and illustrator. Known for his more than 1200 Illustrations and over 40 movie posters, including "Breakfast at Tiffanys" (his first movie poster), Barbarella and several James Bond and Matt Helm films. McGinnis became an apprentice at Walt Disney Studios, then studied fine art at Ohio State University. After wartime service in the merchant marine he went into advertising and a chance meeting with Mitchell in 1958 led to his introduction to Dell Publishing where he began a career of a variety of paperback covers for books written by authors such as Donald Westlake (signing as Richard Stark), Edward S. Aarons, Erle Stanley Gardner, Richard S. Prather, Shayne Michael and Carter Brown. In 1985, he was awarded the title of "Romantic Artist of the Year" by Romantic Times magazine. He is a member of the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame.
.......................... Nació en 1926 en Cincinnati, Ohio y se crió en Wyoming, es un artista e ilustrador americano. Conocido por sus más de 1200 Ilustraciones y más de 40 carteles de cine, incluyendo "Desayuno en Tiffanys" (su primer cartel de la película), Barbarella y varias películas de James Bond y Matt Helm. McGinnis se convirtió en un aprendiz en los Estudios Walt Disney, luego estudió Bellas Artes en la Universidad Estatal de Ohio. Después del servicio durante la guerra en la marina mercante entró en la publicidad y un encuentro casual con Mitchell en 1958 le llevó a ser introducido a Dell Publishing donde inició una carrera de una variedad de rústica de cubiertas para libros escritos por autores como Donald Westlake (que firmaba como Richard Stark), Edward S. Aarons, Erle Stanley Gardner, Richard S. Prather, Shayne Michael y Carter Brown. En 1985, fue galardonado con el título de "Artista Romántico del Año" por la revista Romantic Times. Él es miembro de la Sociedad de Ilustradores del Salón de la Fama.
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sepublic · 2 years
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With Luz and King above toothy eyeballs... The latest poster reminds me of some art Marina Gardner released back in 2018 as hype for The Owl House... Huh. Could this have been foreshadowing all along, or just a fun callback for this duo? Is the flesh of King’s own dad going to be brought to life like Jean-Luc?
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neopoliitan · 5 months
We open on a scene in Zenith. Viorel and Zelena Braith open Roderick Lincoln’s cell to reveal they have brought him the last remnants of the Lincoln Clan, now with an active aura like him. They present it as company, but note that  Gardner Braith will return to drain their aura to replenish his upon their return from hunting Otso Umber.
The clansmen are these;
Crete Reed, A warrior woman based on Britomartis.
Oak Holm, a man who was briefly seen in the back of some Arc 2 shots.
Loden Lincoln, a teenager and third or fourth cousin of Robin.
Primrose, a teenage girl with round glasses.
Fennel, the son of Kodiak Lincoln and around 7-9 years old.
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Crete sees Artemis Garland lying on a cot, still comatose but out of the pod she was previously in implying she’s gotten a little stronger. Crete runs to her side.
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Sterling Braith enters and tells her not to get attached, ordering the Talos robots to restrain the clansmen. Viorel cautions that there’s no time for his vendetta, to which Sterling responds he’s making time. He advances on Roderick, telling him “Your sister cut my arm off, so it’s lucky for me that you’re here.” Before Roderick can reply, Sterling socks him in the face with one of his new prosthetic arms.
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“I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do to you, but if it doesn’t kill you… You’re damn well gonna wish it did.”
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Zelena looks slightly shaken and follows Viorel out of the room. Viorel coldly comments that now “the terminal” is fixed, Roderick has outlived his use and this is the least he deserves. Zelena asks if “the terminal” is really going to change anything, to which Viorel grows frustrated and tells her not to have second thoughts - they’ve come this far already; she “isn’t there to think”, and that Kamala will show her no more mercy than “they” did if she backs out.
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Lilli Lincoln wakes up in her bed, unable to sleep. She heads downstairs to the kitchen for some water and comes across Petra Redwood. Petra mentions the 7-day time limit Kamala Braith issued Team RAIN, which Lilli didn’t know about. Her expression unreadable, she heads upstairs.
She grabs her labrys.
We cut to Robin asleep in her room. Lilli kicks the door open and slings her buzzsaw-shield at Robin.
ROBIN: What are you doing?! What the hell is this about?!
LILLI: E V E R Y T H I N G ! I’m sick of you, and I’m sick of your stupid face! You always get what you want! Even after coming home and getting dad KILLED!
Lilli swings again.
LILLI: Pitch was the closest thing I had to a friend, and now he’s GONE! I was the LAST ONE to be told about Marina even though I'm FAMILY! You told everyone EXCEPT ME about Mom and Roderick being ALIVE! And I just found out that even though you only have seven days to save them, you go and SLEEP THROUGH ONE--!
Robin blocks one of Lilli’s attacks, and the two are held in stalemate.
ROBIN: LILLI-! What the hell is going on? Why are you always trying to fight me--!?
They relax slightly at this moment of honesty. Lilli smiles weakly.
LILLI: You were always the favorite, even after you got sent away from home. Mom and Dad never shut up about you. “Why can’t you be more like your sister? Why can’t you be more like Robin?” They would’ve switched us without a second thought if it meant getting Robin back. 
Lilli relaxes, her arms hanging limp.
LILLI: It’s not like I wanna be mean. It’s just that people only notice me when they’re angry at me.  ...They’d just be happier if I was gone, huh?
We see flashbacks to:
Roderick scolding Lilli (pg297)
Artemis Scolding Lilli (pg828)
Marina [then Tobin] scolding Lilli (pg331)
Robin shoving Lilli (pg828)
ROBIN: I should’ve seen the signs. No one wishes you were gone.
LILLI: Don’t. Don’t lie to me like that.
ROBIN: I’m not.
We see a Flashback to Robin saying “there’s nothing I’d rather be than kind” in Arc 3 Ch9 (pg. 746)
ROBIN: We weren’t there for you after what happened back home, and I didn’t even think twice about it. ...But I wanna try to be there for you now, if you’ll let me. Lilli, I’m sorry.
Lilli begins to sob, and Robin reaches out to embrace her sister. Her sister. Who she treated like an enemy for years. She embraces her as Lilli apologizes too, and we see Lilli’s aura activate in a moment of emotional height.
Irving, Nyssa, Jin, the Hawthornes, Team ZNON, and Peach’s Team disembark from Raleigh Radcliff’s ship as it touches down in the Tsubaki District.
Farran Hawthorne commends Irving’s bravery in showing mercy to Team ZNON and defeating the rat king, telling him he’s proud. Irving turns around and says he’s not proud of his father for closing ZNON’s school and turning them against him, making them easy to manipulate. He tells his father to use his political power to set them up in a school in Mistral so that the world doesn’t have more Violas to deal with.
Robin and Akane reunite with Irving and Nyssa. Robin says she’s glad Irving’s family made it out safe unlike hers, but Irving cuts her off and tells her it wasn’t her fault - it was bad luck they chose the Lincolns.
Raleigh approaches Team RAIN and tells them they have some explaining to do.
We cut to Jin and Peach. Peach reveals she was adopted by a couple who she refers to as “her dad” (Bjorn Vermell) and her “science dad” (Konstantan Vermell). They wanted to get her out of the orphanage after seeing how malnourished she was, and her “science dad” later engineered her prosthetic legs.
Peach asks if the orphanage is still there. Jin tells her the Sisterhood marched in and made sure the kids were safe, while the adults “didn’t hurt anyone else.” She then asks if Peach held the final argument before they were separated against her, and Peach admits she doesn’t even really remember it. Once she knew her parents were good people, she asked Konstantan to put out feelers to find Jin, but by then it was too late. 
Jin looks at the old photo of them both, but Peach brushes it away. She tells her that she’s here now, and places Jin’s hand on her heart. The two rest their foreheads against each other.
40 years ago.
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We see Raleigh Radcliff being congratulated on his victory in the 21st Biennial Vytal Festival.
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Briefly we cut away to a young Otso Umber in a medical ward, his head bandaged - his grip tightens on the sheets of his hospital bed in envy as he sees Raleigh reaping the glory.
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It’s revealed we’re watching Raleigh’s victory in the present day as a presentation on 58-year-old Raleigh’s scroll. Robin tells him they’re happy to have him along now they’ve seen his skills.
Raleigh reveals that Otso cut off his left leg from below the knee during one of their fights, and that he has a prosthetic - he has his own motives for fighting Otso. Irving questions what originally started their feud, and Raleigh tells him that he took Otso’s place in the tournament finale, after Otso couldn’t compete due to a head injury - and that Otso ‘didn’t deserve the win anyway’.
Raleigh asks what they know about the Braiths; they’re a family of good fighters, proficient with Aura and fusing Grimm and humans. When asked about their weaknesses, Akane recalls that she made Zelena falter when the latter stole her truth semblance.
Akane and Irving surmise that their tech suggests Atlas. Robin recalls Roderick telling her that the Braiths’ base was called Zenith, but Raleigh doesn’t know it and Akane can’t find any info on it on cached offline CCT information on her scroll.
Robin quickly recalls the Crazy Bunch who worked under Sterling and Zelena, and how they managed to apprehend one of them. Raleigh says interrogating him is worth a shot, and takes Akane with him to verify the man’s answers.
Nyssa visits home and shares closure over Pitch with her mother, Maera. Murasaki drops in, assuring them that the Sisterhood is in the capable care of Team BRUT. When questioned on how trustworthy BRUT are, Murasaki replies that she is trying to steer them right and give them a purpose, the same way the previous Sisterhood leader did for her.
Murasaki reveals that after she got her head together regarding Pitch, she contacted Maera and the two talked it over. Both of them shared relationships with Pitch, but she won’t go into detail just yet. She regrets not dealing with him the moment she laid eyes on him in the Sisterhood cave.
Robin and Lilli are attempting to bond. Robin called Lilli downstairs to ask her if she wants to attend Combat School in Mistral while she and her team venture to Atlas - unless Lilli wants to argue and come with them. Lilli proclaims she’s not an idiot, but seems unconvinced that Elysium Academy will take her. Robin reassures her by complimenting her fighting ability.
Marina interrupts by sticking her head through the wall behind them - revealing that her semblance does not only consist of invisibility, but intangibility. She notes that Robin and Lilli are getting along better, but the same can’t be said for Robin and Marron.
Robin argues that she’s not budging - she won’t get Marron mixed up in her mess again. Marron wants to go to Atlas, but Robin doesn’t - so do they just break up?
Lilli interjects by telling her to compromise, to find a solution that works for both of them. After being pestered by the other two siblings, Robin gets up and agrees to talk it over. When she leaves, Marina tries to banter with Lilli, but the youngest Lincoln sister halts her, unfolds a sheet of paper and reads:
"Please do not attempt to make light conversation or banter with me. You are still complicit in my neglect for your own reasons, and are, therefore, an absolute carbuncle. I forbid you from attempting to take a shortcut by hijacking the effort Robin has made."
Marina is stumped, then admits that’s a fair point.
Marron is sitting on the porch of the Tsubaki District house. Robin sits down next to her.
After a moment, Robin asks if Marron knows why she doesn’t want her to come to Zenith, which Marron confirms. Robin tells her that she doesn’t want her to get hurt, which Marron spins back on her - she isn’t going to wait around like a sailor’s wife hoping that Robin might come back, that she doesn’t need Robin’s protection.
Robin begins to observe that they’re at an impasse, but Marron interrupts.
“I need you to show me some trust -- some faith in my judgment. Some faith that I know what to do if things go to hell. I need you to accept that you're not the only one who knows what they're doing. And I need you to understand that my decisions aren’t yours to make.”
Robin takes this in.
She apologises for coddling Marron, and observes that Marron knew how to break Sterling and when to call for her help. She admits that between her father’s death and her treatment of Nyssa and Lilli, her own judgment hasn’t been the best.
She trusts Marron to know her limits and make the right calls.
The two hold hands and stay there on the porch for a while. Slowly, they begin to make small talk about what they’ll do once this is all over.
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transguygardner · 8 months
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Into the GuyLoboVerse: Day 15
Earth 530: Mermay AU
A retired GUY GARDNER lives on a boat in a northeastern marina. One day while drifting, he finds himself too far out to make it back to shore. Before he can call the coast guard, his boat is hit by something, something big. A false killer whale merman by the name of LOBO is that something big. In exchange for a bottle of liquor, LOBO gives GUY a tow. The lonely hero has made himself a friend, but his RED LANTERN RING weighs heavy around his neck...
Author's notes:
So this is another one I've had around for a while. Originally Lobo was a dolphin merman but last year I found out about false killer whales and erm. That's him. Luckily the shape of false killer whales is very similar to dolphins so I did not have to mess with the shapes too much. Guy's design is pretty standard. He is dressed for a warmer day in this pic but his standard go to is shorts that would be fine as swimwear and a button down shirt with either flip flops or crocs (shoes that float).
The concept behind this one is that Guy has been retired from being a superhero for several years, living off of money he gets from letting Buck Wargo use his name and image in the chain of Warriors restaurants. Guy doesn't really keep in contact with any of the hero community, but the old JLI crew usually stops by once a year, not usually together either. Guy hit a mental limit that lead to his retirement and his choice to stop interacting with the super community. His power rings went back where they came from, save the Red Lantern ring, but Guy isn't looking to put it back on.
Obviously something is going to happen that leads to Guy putting it back on but in the meanwhile he and merman Lobo are going to be building a friendship.
Here is some of the other art I've done with Lobo's old design.
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seeksstaronmewni · 1 year
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Today's new episode of Teen Titans GO!, which took 3 weeks to actually air (finally), means a LOT to me, but Cartoon Network characters being part of the TTG WB 100th Anniversary Special made this special all the more...
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A worthy successor to the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode "Crossover Nexus" in terms of @cartoonnetwork lore.
Oh, and as if Tom and Jerry and the work of Genndy Tartakovsky showing up wasn't already special enough; that and the work of @maxwellatoms showing up is to die for!
Say @chrisbattleart ; aren't you a bit jealous of not getting to work on the later TTG episodes?
I consider this part of Cartoon Network's 30th Birthday year since it was supposed to air in September 2023, but apparently some slight revisions had to be made (assuming that it isn't Warner Bros. Discovery's fault or David Zaslav's fault).
Tweet version here.
CHARACTER DESIGN: @rileyphillips
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (TV Shows)
Action Pack (2022)
Eon (Down Syndrome)
Adventure Time (2010)
Finn Mertens (Amputee)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
Akela Amador (Blind, Prosthetic User)
Daniel Sousa (Amputee, Crutch User)
Gordon (Blind)
Leo Fitz (Brain Damage)
Alladin (1994)
Mechanicles (Low Vision)
All The Light We Cannot See (2023)
Marie-Laure (Blind)
American Dragon: Jake Long (2005)
Peg Leg Pat (Amputee)
A Million Little Things (2018)
Eddie Saville (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Amphibia (2019)
Angwin (Blind)
Lysil (Blind)
Stumpy Stumpson (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Arrested Development (2003)
Buster Bluth (Amputee)
Jack Dorso (Paralyzed)
J. Walter Weatherman (Amputee)
Marky Bark (Prosopagnosia/Face Blindness)
Rita Leeds (Unspecified Intellectual Disability)
Arthur (1996)
Binky Barnes (Allergy - Food)
Buster Baxter (Asthma)
Carl Gould (Autistic)
Francis Haney (Dyslexia)
Fred (Colour Blind)
Fritz Langley (Arthritis)
George Lundgren (Dyslexia)
Jenna Morgan (Allergy - Food)
Jessica (Allergy - Food)
Keith Powers (Autistic)
Lydia Fox (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Maria Pappas (Stutter)
Marina Datillo (Blind)
Mr. Morris (Asthma, Allergies - Dust, Food, Pollen)
Nemo (Allergy - Food)
Nigel Ratburn (Hard of Hearing)
Pickles the Clown (Allergy - Animal)
As We See It (2022)
Harrison Dietrich (Autistic)
Jack Hoffman (Autistic)
Violet Wu (Autistic)
Atypical (2017)
Sam Gardner (Autistic)
Avatar: Legend of Korra (2012)
Ming Hua (No Arms)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Combustion Man (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Teo (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Toph Beifong (Blind)
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Felix Gaeta (Amputee)
Big City Greens (2018)
Bill Green (Amputee)
Big Mouth (2017)
Caleb Linden (Autistic)
Lars (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Walter White Jr. (Cerebral Palsy)
Bluey (2018)
Dougie (Deaf)
Bob's Burgers (2011)
Courtney Wheeler (Congenital Heart Condition)
Rudolph "Regular Sized Rudy" Stieblitz (Asthma)
Bones (2005)
Zack Addy (Autistic)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000)
Zeb Nebula (Amputee)
Call the Midwife (2012)
Sally Harper (Down Syndrome)
Chicago Med (2015)
Isidore Latham (Autistic)
Colin from Accounts (2022)
Colin (Wheelchair User)
Community (2009)
Abed Nadir (Autistic)
Jeremy Simmons (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Craig of the Creek (2018)
Jackie (Deaf)
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2012)
Chrissie (Unspecified Disability, Crutch User)
Daredevil (2015)
Matthew Murdock/Daredevil (Blind)
Stick (Blind)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Hercules (Unspecified Limb Difference)
Nora Khan (Autistic)
Zagan (Amputee)
Deca-Dence (2020)
Natsume (Amputee)
Dirty God (2019)
Jade (Facial Difference)
Doc McStuffins (2012)
Wildlife Will (No Legs)
Doug (1991)
Chad Mayonnaise (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Dragon Tales (1999)
Lorca (No Wings, Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
DuckTales (2017)
Black Heron (Amputee)
Della Duck (Amputee)
Elena of Avalor (2016)
Cristina (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Empire (2015)
Lucious Lyon (Amputee)
ER (1994)
Kerry Weaver (Congenital Hip Dysplasia)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
Woo Young-Woo (Autistic)
Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)
Garrett Miller (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fairy Tail (2009)
Gildarts Clive (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Family Guy (1999)
Joe Swanson (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
Wendell Rabinowitz (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fireman Sam (1987)
Hannah Sparkes (Unspecified Walking Disability, Wheelchair User)
Fish Hooks (2010)
Chief (Amputee)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004)
Wilt (Amputee)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Bran Stark (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Jaime Lannister (Amputee)
Tyrion Lannister (Dwarfism)
Gargoyles (1994)
Halcyon Renard (Unspecified Illness, Wheelchair User)
Glee (2009)
Artie Abrams (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Becky Jackson (Down Syndrome)
Glitch Techs (2020)
Miko Kubota (ADHD)
Goldie & Bear (2015)
Marian Locks (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Gravity Falls (2012)
Mr. Poolcheck (Amputee)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Arizona Robbins (Amputee)
Christina Yang (Dyslexia)
Lucas Adams (ADHD)
Nick Marsh (ADHD)
Virginia Dixon (Autistic)
Growing Up Fisher (2015)
Mel Fisher (Blind)
Hailey's On It (2023)
The Professor (Partially Blind)
Hamster & Gretel (2022)
Gretel Grant-Gomez (ADHD)
Harley Quinn (2019)
Barbara "Babs" Gordon/Batgirl (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sy Borgman (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Lute (Amputee)
Vaggie (Partially Blind)
Hawkeye (2021)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Deaf)
Maya Lopez/Echo (Deaf, Amputee)
Heartbreak High (2022)
Quinni Gallagher-Jones (Autistic)
Heartstoppers (2022)
Felix Britten (Wheelchair User)
House (2004)
Gregory House (Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Human Resources (2022)
Alice Wong (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Wheelchair User)
Inside Job (2021)
Andre Lee (Tourette's Syndrome)
Reagan Ridley (Autistic, Amputee)
In the Dark (2019)
Murphy Mason (Blind)
Jessie (2011)
(Future) Jessie Prescott (Partially Blind)
Kim Possible (2002)
Betty Director (Partially Blind)
Felix Renton (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sheldon "Gemini" Director (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Land of the Dead (2005)
Charlie Houk (Intellectual Disability, Partially Blind)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003)
Clyde (Amputee)
Loudermilk (2017)
Roger Frostly (Limb Difference)
MacGyver (2016)
Matilda "Matty" Webber (Dwarfism)
Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series (1996)
Baron Von Licktenstamp (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Duke L'Orange (Partially Blind)
Miles From Tomorrowland (2015)
Gong Gong (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Mom (2013)
Adam Janikowski (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Mr. Munson (Blind)
Monster High (2022)
Deuce Gorgon (Dyslexic)
Finnegan Wake (Limited Mobility)
Meowlody (ADHD)
Twyla Boogeyman (Autistic)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2023)
Eli (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2010)
Kerfuffle (Amputee)
Scootaloo (Underdeveloped Wings, Limited Abilities)
Stellar Eclipse (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Twist (Speech Impediment)
NCIS (2003)
Carol Wilson (Dwarfism)
Delilah Fielding-McGee (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
NCIS: Los Angeles (2009)
Hetty Lange (Dwarfism)
Joelle Taylor (Amputee)
NCIS: New Orleans (2014)
Patton Plame (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Never Have I Ever (2020)
Rebecca Hall-Yoshida (Down Syndrome)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Elizabeth Wilder (Deaf)
Lauren Bloom (ADHD)
New Girl (2011)
Winston Bishop (Colour Blind)
Ninjago (2011)
Bob (Deaf)
Cyrus Borg (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Jacob Pevsner (Blind)
No-Eyed Pete (Blind)
Once Upon a Time (2011)
Blind Witch (Blind)
Seer (Blind)
Only Murders in the Building (2021)
Theo Dimas (Deaf)
Paulette (Wheelchair User)
Our Flag Means Death (2022)
Black Pete (Cleft Lip, Lisp)
Israel "Izzy" Hands (Amputee)
Panic (2022)
Dayna Mason (Wheelchair User)
Parenthood (2010)
Max Braverman (Autistic)
Paw Patrol (2013)
Rex (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Pelswick (2000)
Pelswick Eggert (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023)
Hephaestus (Unspecified Disability, Cane User)
Person of Interest (2011)
Harold Finch (Chronic Pain, Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Phineas and Ferb (2007)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Multi-Limb Amputee)
PJ Masks (2015)
Ivan/Ice Cub (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Polly Pocket (2018)
Lila Draper (Diabetes)
Rahim (Deaf)
Puppy Dog Pals (2017)
Lollie (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Pupstruction (2023)
Roxy (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Raising Dion (2019)
Dion (ADHD, Asthma)
Esperanza Jimenez (Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Wheelchair User)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (2012)
S. Ward Smith (Blind)
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017)
Hook Foot (Amputee)
Hook Hand (Amputee)
King Edmund (Amputee)
Lord Demanitus (Partially Blind)
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Alex Manes (Amputee)
Sesame Street (1969)
Ameera (Spinal Cord Injury, Wheelchair/Crutches User)
Aristotle (Blind)
Julia (Autistic)
Katie (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Linda (Deaf)
Tarah (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Tyrone "Traction" "TJ" Jackson (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Sex Education (2019)
Aisha Green (Deaf)
Isaac Goodwin (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Shake It Up (2010)
Cecelia "CeCe" Jones (Dyslexia)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Entrapta (Autistic)
Tallstar (Amputee)
Silent Witness (1996)
Clarissa Mullery (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
South Park (1997)
James "Jimmy" Vulmer (Limited Mobility)
Timmy L. Burch (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Speechless (2016)
J.J. DiMeo (Cerebral Palsy)
Spirit Riding Free (2017)
Eleanor Kimble (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
Geordi La Forge (Blind)
Star Wars Rebels (2014)
Kanan Jarrus (Blind)
Station 19 (2018)
Robert Sullivan (Chronic Pain)
Stumptown (2019)
Ansel Parios (Down Syndrome)
Supernatural (2005)
Bobby Singer (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Eileen Leahy (Deaf)
Pamela Barnes (Blind)
Superstore (2015)
Garrett McNeil (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Nicki (Dwarfism, Wheelchair User)
S.W.A.T. (2017)
Dominique Luca (Dyslexia)
Teamo Supremo (2002)
Larry/Laser Pirate (Partially Blind)
The Baby-Sitters Club (2020)
Stacey McGill (Type 1 Diabetes)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Emily (Deaf)
Sheldon Cooper (Autistic)
The Casagrandes (2019)
Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. (Down Syndrome)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
James "Bucky" Barnes (Amputee)
The Flash (2014)
Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper (Deaf)
The Ghost and Molly McGee (2021)
Juniper "June" Chen (Autistic)
The Good Doctor (2017)
Shaun Murphy (Autistic)
The Lion Guard (2016)
Ono (Low Vision)
The Little Mermaid (1992)
Gabriella (Deaf)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1888)
Papa Heffalump (Allergies)
The Office (2005)
William "Billy" Merchant (Wheelchair User)
The Owl House (2020)
Dell Clawthorne (Partially Blind)
Eda Clawthorne (Amputee)
Hieronymus Bump (Low Vision)
Luz Noceda (ADHD)
The Proud Family (2001)
Bebe Winans (Autistic)
Johnny McBride (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
The Rookie (2018)
Tim Bradford (Unspecified Learning Disability)
The Sex Lives of College Girls (2021)
Jocelyn (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005)
Bob (Dyslexic)
The Walking Dead (2010)
Connie (Deaf)
Hershel Greene (Amputee)
The Wild Thornberrys (1998)
Bethany Gibson (Cerabral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
The 100 (2014)
Raven Reyes (Chronic Pain, Nerve Damage)
This Close (2019)
Kate (Deaf)
Michael (Deaf)
Thomas and Friends: All Engines Go (2021)
Bruno (Autistic)
Total Drama (Franchise)
Cody (Allergies)
Jay (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Mickey (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Hezekias "Zee" (Limb Difference)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Amputee)
Years and Years (2019)
Rosie Lyons (Spina Bifida, Wheelchair User)
101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997)
Tripod (Amputee)
101 Dalmatian Street (2019)
Da Vinci (Autistic)
Dawkins (Autistic)
Delgado (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
9-1-1 (2018)
Christopher Diaz (Cerebral Palsy)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Mateo Chavez (Dyslexia)
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feministloveletters · 7 months
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Letter to Shelby Alcorn, Isaiah Alcorn, Jordan Woodland, Haleigh Gardner, Tony Lopez, Wyatt Vogel, and Zack Flores from Marina Ozaki Peña
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palmviewfm · 20 days
there's a ton of mw faces that we'd love to see here ! i put it under a read more since it's a large list. but bring us whoever you've got the muse for, ofc !
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taylor zakhar perez, nicholas galitzine, noah lalonde, danny griffin, jonathan daviss, drew starkey, darren barnett, elias kacavas, emilio sakraya, evan mock, eli brown, glen powell, zane phillips, john boyega, jordan gonzalez, austin butler, henry zaga, felix mellard, thomas weatherall, miles teller, sam claflin, penn badgely, chace crawford, lewis tan, lucas bravo, kit harrington, joseph morgan, josh segarra, harry shum jr, chris pine, ryan gosling, alex saxon, theo james, andrew garfield, gregg sulkin, ben levin, adam brody, logan lerman, pedro pascal, tom holland, mason gooding, lucien laviscount, ryan gosling, rege jean page, froy guiterrez, tanner buchanan, xolo mariduena, robert scott wilson, carson boatman, ross lynch, algee smith, cody christian, adam dimarco, alex fitzalan, daniel ezra, anthony keyvan, keith powers, keiynan lonsdale, joseph quinn, aramis knight, antonio cipriano, derek luh, leo howard, leo woodall, brandon perea, dacre montgomery, diego tinoco, mena massoud, maxence danet-fauxel, lorenzo zurzolo, michael cimino, paul mescal, callum turner, d'pharoh woon-a-tai, jordah fisher, josh heuston,l alex meraz, kiowa gordon, tom glynn carney, avan jogia, dylan minnette, josh hutcherson, assad zaman, gabriel basso, ross butler, robert buckley, james lafferty, david casteneda, brandon soo hoo, grifflin gluck, grant gustin, dylan wang, asa germann, alejandro spietzer, colin ford, alex landi, alfred enoch, aria shahghasemi, anthony turpel, cha eunwoo, aj saudin, danny ramirez, david iacono, chris briney, sabrina carpenter, ayo edibiri, madison bailey, samantha logan, kim doyeon, nichola coughlan, madison davenport, indiana evans, india eisley, lyrica okano, virginia gardner, liana liberato, kiersey clemons, lindsey morgan, liv hewson, emma d'arcy, victoria pedretti, logan browning, lola tung, louriza tronco, lorenza izzo, lovie simone, luca hollestelle, hunter schafer, zion moreno, taylor russell, laura harrier, lana condor, lauren tsai, anna sawai, jane de leon, kylie bunbury, kathryn bernardo, chienna filomeno, phoebe dynevor, simone ashley, maitreyi ramakrishnan, courtney eaton, nicole maines, jessica alexander, peyton alex smith, ella purnell, sophie neilsse, dev patel, rahul kohli, natalia dyer, danielle campbell, ella balinska, bailey bass, jessica sula, emma mackey, mia goth, melissa barerra, alva bratt, kiana lede, kiana madiera, olivia scott welch, kiernan shipka, meg donnelly, camila mendes, brianne tju, maddie hasson, dianna agron, emilija baranac, danielle rose russell, kaylee kaneshiro, isabella gomez, jenny boyd, lulu antarisksa, josephine langford, lizeth selene, marina ruy barbosa, kaya scodelario, katherine mcnamara, chloe rose robertson, kathryn newton, kristine froseth, pat chayanit, davika hoorne, mint ranchrawee, rabia soyturk, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, melisa pamuk, katie stevens, meghann fahy, merrit patterson, adelaide kane, alexxis lemire, adria arjona, amanda arcuri, sadie soverall, sara waisglass, chelsea clark, blu hunt, antonia gentry, brianne howey, bianca santos, bianca lawson, phoebe tonkin, shelley hennig, bruna marquezine, brittany o'grady, crystal reed, charithra chandran, jessie mei li, halston sage, carlson young, willa fitzgerald, halle bailey, chloe bridges, chloe bailey, margot robbie, anne hathaway, lisa yamada, raven bowens, olivia rose keegan, camryn grimes, gideon aldon, tiera skovbye, amy adams, jane levy, angela bassett, anya taylor joy, anya chalotra, ashleigh murray, lucy hale, troian bellisario, sophia bush, bethany joy lenz, shantel vansanten, hilarie burton, shay mitchell, sasha pieterse, janel parrish, malia pyles, bailee madison, chandler kinney, jordan alexander, zaria simone, auli'i cravalho, bebe wood, angourie rice, renee rapp, ashley moore, ashley park, aisha dee, alisha boe, elizabeth lail, alia bhatt, reina hardesty, victoria justice, liz gillies, bahar sahin, amber midthunder, gemma chan, madchen amick, marisol nichols, madison mclaughlin, malese jow, maris racal, maya hawke, jessica chastain, ana de armas, angela sarafyan, and anna lambe !
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rulersreachf4n · 1 year
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melis-writes · 1 year
For my upcoming Sonny Corleone x Reader fic, deciding Gabriella's "official" faceclaim! 👀❤️
I'm almost ready to introduce the summary of this fic, everyone!! 🥰 I have all of the characters' personalities planned, the plot written and the timeline in order meaning I'm ready to start working on the first chapter and reveal the fic name including Gabriella's last name! 🤭
I put "official" in quotation marks as such because everyone has the right to prefer their own face claim! Gabriella can look however way you imagine her too, but just as the Moth to Flame girlies chose Monica Bellucci to be Victoria's face claim as the most popular one and The Other Woman girlies doing the same to Marina Aligheri by chosing Gene Tierney, I wonder now who the popular vote will go when it comes to picking out Gabriella!
Please vote for your favourite faceclaim!! ❤️❤️❤️
Left to right: Silvana Mangano, Claudia Cardinale.
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Left to right: Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor.
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Left to right: Betty Brosmer, Ava Gardner.
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My personal vote is for Ava Gardner! 🥰🤭
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lapetitemortarts · 5 months
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Robert McGinnis
Nació en 1926 en Cincinnati, Ohio y se crió en Wyoming, es un artista e ilustrador americano. Conocido por sus más de 1200 Ilustraciones y más de 40 carteles de cine, incluyendo "Desayuno en Tiffanys" (su primer cartel de la película), Barbarella y varias películas de James Bond y Matt Helm. McGinnis se convirtió en un aprendiz en los Estudios Walt Disney, luego estudió Bellas Artes en la Universidad Estatal de Ohio. Después del servicio durante la guerra en la marina mercante entró en la publicidad y un encuentro casual con Mitchell en 1958 le llevó a ser introducido a Dell Publishing donde inició una carrera de una variedad de rústica de cubiertas para libros escritos por autores como Donald Westlake (que firmaba como Richard Stark), Edward S. Aarons, Erle Stanley Gardner, Richard S. Prather, Shayne Michael y Carter Brown. En 1985, fue galardonado con el título de "Artista Romántico del Año" por la revista Romantic Times. Él es miembro de la Sociedad de Ilustradores del Salón de la Fama.
Born in 1926 in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised in Wyoming, he is an American artist and illustrator. Known for his more than 1200 Illustrations and over 40 movie posters, including "Breakfast at Tiffanys" (his first movie poster), Barbarella and several James Bond and Matt Helm films. McGinnis became an apprentice at Walt Disney Studios, then studied fine art at Ohio State University. After wartime service in the merchant marine he went into advertising and a chance meeting with Mitchell in 1958 led to his introduction to Dell Publishing where he began a career of a variety of paperback covers for books written by authors such as Donald Westlake (signing as Richard Stark), Edward S. Aarons, Erle Stanley Gardner, Richard S. Prather, Shayne Michael and Carter Brown. In 1985, he was awarded the title of "Romantic Artist of the Year" by Romantic Times magazine. He is a member of the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame.
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The White Pengnoir
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fridaycarnage · 4 months
Marina (f&h) would look cute in your style 👀
also edgy indie games... would rachel gardner count?
I’d love to draw marina!!! ohh she’s my favorite funger girl for sure…
as for rachel gardner, is this the right one? 🤔🤔
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neopoliitan · 2 months
This is the big reveal and it's a lot of LORE so I decided to split it into 2 parts. You finally find out what the Braiths are :)
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We open on Marron Armona’s shocked face. She exclaims “You’re their father?!” as Teams RAIN and PALM face the stranger. 
Wil Lincoln pushes through the crowd and tries to land a punch, but is stopped by Irving who catches his fist with a metal hand. He reminds Wil that the stranger pulled them from the car wreck, and recommends restraint. Wil softens.
The stranger holds up his hands and admits that while he is the father of the Braiths, he has no hand in their current dealings. He surmises that the teams have bad blood with his children, and asks them to sit around the fire.
Robin tells the man that Kamala killed her father. Marina adds that they hold their mother and brother hostage. Akane says they tried to kill her family, and Irving recounts the citywide Grimm attack launched on Avon.
Lucius looks bereft at this news, and slowly assumes they mean to bring the Braiths to justice, whatever form that may take. He supposes that before they make any final choices, it would be best if they heard the whole truth.
The stranger’s name is Lucius Braith. We cut from his wizened face to a younger version of him some thirty-odd years ago, in a lab. He bears a striking resemblance to Viorel’s masculine form, or perhaps a less muscle bound Gardner.
Lucius recounts that he was something of a phenom in his youth, working professionally for Mantle scientific research since fifteen years old, but the story of his children begins when he was thirty - with his semblance.
We see young Lucius holding a metallic cube, some sort of paperweight, as a white aura effect glows around it. Old Lucius explains that he had “given his soul to science, and it had been accepted,” - that his semblance allowed him to perform a “biopsy” on his own aura, extracting it and applying it to inanimate objects.
Young Lucius approaches a lab partner, Alden Rossi, who is tinkering with robotics, and expresses glory at the potential applications of his semblance. Alden scratches his head as Lucius proposes studies on the very nature of the soul, that they “could finally understand the boundaries of that which once seemed beyond our comprehension.”
Young Lucius holds the cube up to his eyes. Narrating, Old Lucius explains that aura may be a crucial tool in humanity’s arsenal, but modern science still knew very little about it.
The kingdom of Mantle was still struggling even this long after the Great War, and it took little to convince the Council to give their support. They were so desperate to keep Lucius from finding better options overseas that they would approve whatever Lucius asked of them. The ethical concerns were almost nil - he was a promising young mind and he swore that he would only conduct research under the strictest of conditions… though he was the one who set the conditions.
We flash forward again. Lucius is overseeing construction at a location further north than any man had ever been on Remnant by that point, far from the prying eyes of both man and Grimm. He christened the facility Zenith, named for both its geographical location and his desire for it to be the pinnacle of scientific research. 
Due to the questionable ethics of experimenting on the human soul, only the brightest of Mantlean minds were brought onto the project and sworn to complete secrecy. For all intents and purposes, Zenith did not officially exist.
Another cut forward, and Lucius is inside the completed facility, showing other scientists blueprints in the conference room seen in Arc 3, Chapter 1.
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Now the facility was complete, he would begin work on his magnum opus, the P.R.I.S.M.
Another cut, and we see Lucius standing on the gantry in front of the machine Kamala, Viorel and Roderick visited in Arc 3, Chapter 5. In the present, Old Lucius narrates that it took a few years and many sleepless nights, but he finally completed it.
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Young Lucius places his hand inside the machine as Roderick did in Arc 3, Chapter 5, and is similarly zapped as the biopsy is taken. The screens to the side of the machine light up green in success, and Young Lucius allows himself a relieved smile.
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His present day self explains that the P.R.I.S.M was designed to artificially recreate his semblance, and expand on it. It took a biopsy of one’s aura as well as a tissue sample. His plan was that - by cultivating both - he would be able to create life.
We cut forward again to Young Lucius in an elevator, some time later, on the ride down to the P.R.I.S.M. As he walks along the gantry, Old Lucius narrates thusly;
“The gestation period was shorter than that of a natural human. It was only a few weeks before we again returned to the P.R.I.S.M and saw the result of the experiment.”
Young Lucius opens a hatch on the P.R.I.S.M.
“We were unsure how long it would survive outside of the machine. We had to remain cold, scientific and unattached.”
We see a newborn baby inside the machine. And Old Lucius concludes…
“So, naturally, the first thing I did was name her Kamala.”
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