#marion maloney
crushermyheart · 6 months
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Rose and Maloney / Series 3 / Episode 3
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Yes, the system is unequal and unjust and cruel. Primogeniture divides and destroys families. The system stinks. But in its cruelty and injustice, it reflects something else, which is harsh and brutal, which no one is suggesting we rearrange. Life. We all desire equality, but here's the thing. We were not born equal.
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entjdihn · 1 year
얀덱스 이미지 검색 사용법 같은 사이트
얀덱스 이미지 검색 사용법 사이트 추천 합니다. yandex 이미지검색도 잘 됩니다.
필터링 없는 검색 사이트 주소 <
동영삼 검색 사이트로써, 안걸리는 링크 입니다. 양상보는 사이트중에 제일 나은 편입니다. 얀덱스 브라우저 사용법 같은 사이트 입니다. 이미지 및 동영상 검색 지원합니다. 시크릿모드에서도 접속 가능합니다.
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과학자들은 이스라엘의 한 고고학 유적지에서 가장 초기에 알려진 요리의 증거를 발견했습니다. 날 것으로 먹는 음식에서 조리된 음식으로의 전환은 인간 진화의 극적인 전환점이었으며, 이 발견은 선사 시대 인간이 적어도 780,000년 전에 의도적으로 음식을 요리하기 위해 불을 피울 수 있었음을 시사합니다. 고대 훌라 호수 가장자리에 위치한 Gesher Benot Ya'aqov 유적지에서 발굴된 물고기 이빨에 대한 상세한 연구는 우리의 초기 조상 중 일부(아마도 호모 에렉투스일 가능성이 높음)가 생선을 요리할 수 있었음을 밝혔습니다. Tel Aviv University의 Steinhardt 자연사 박물관 연구원 Irit Zohar. Oranim Academic College의 Beit Margolin Biological Collections의 큐레이터이기도 한 Zohar에 따르면 호숫가 거주자들은 큰 민물 종을 먹었습니다.
현장에서 인간의 유해는 발견되지 않았지만 석기는 아프리카 전역의 호모 에렉투스 유적지에서 발견된 것과 일치했다고 Zohar는 말했습니다. 그녀는 호수가 얕았을 것이고 멸종된 Luciobarbus longicep과 같이 최대 6.5피트(2미터)까지 자랄 수 있는 큰 물고기를 손으로 잡기 쉬웠을 것이라고 말했습니다.
이번 연구에 참여하지 않은 고고학 지구화학자 베단 린스코트 박사는 "이것은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 중요한 발견"이라고 말했다. “(초기 석기 시대)에 통제된 불의 사용에 대한 증거는 기껏해야 일시적이며, 이와 같이 여기에 기술된 인위적으로(인간 활동으로 인해) 축적되고 조리된 생선 잔해의 증거는 의심할 여지없이 연구 커뮤니티”라고 영국 옥스퍼드 대학의 박사후 연구원인 Linscott이 말했습니다. 청동기 시대의 빗은 머릿니에 대한 고대의 좌절감을 보여줍니다. 조리된 식사로의 전환은 인간이 신선한 날 음식을 찾고 소화하는 집중적인 작업에 더 적은 에너지를 소비하여 새로운 사회 및 행동 시스템을 개발하는 데 더 많은 시간을 할애할 수 있음을 의미했습니다.
“다이어트는 우리 종의 진화에 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다. 특히 육류 소비가 초기 호모 조상의 상대적인 뇌 크기 증가에 기여했다고 제안되었지만 병원성 박테리아는 익히지 않은 육류 소비를 위험한 사업으로 만듭니다.”라고 Linscott은 말했습니다. “그러나 요리는 박테리아를 죽이고 고기의 에너지 가치를 증가시켜 초기 호미닌을 위한 새롭고 신뢰할 수 있는 식량원을 만듭니다. 따라서 언제 이런 일이 일어났는지 이해하는 것은 매우 흥미로운 주제입니다. 왜 우리 호미닌 조상이 그런 방식으로 진화했는지 설명하는 데 도움이 될 수 있기 때문입니다.”
이 연구는 월요일 Nature Ecology and Evolution 저널에 게재되었습니다. 이스라엘 연구팀은 (왼쪽부터) Irit Zohar 박사, Marion Prévost 박사, Naama Goren-Inbar 교수, Guy Sisma-Ventura 박사, Nira Alperson-Afil 교수, Israel Hershkovitz 교수로 구성되어 있습니다. 16년 동안 현장에서 일한 조하르(Zohar)의 이전 연구는 석기가 발견된 퇴적층(인간의 직업을 암시하는)이 특정 두 종(Luciobarbus longiceps 및 Carasobarbus)의 많은 수의 물고기 이빨과 관련이 있다는 것을 발견했습니다. canis)는 잉어과에 속했지만 지금은 멸종되었습니다. 그러나 생선 뼈는 치아와 달리 고온에서 부드러워지고 쉽게 썩는다. Bar-Ilan 대학의 이스라엘 연구 및 고고학과 교수인 연구 공동 저자인 Nira Alperson-Afil의 다른 연구에서는 난로의 흔적을 확인했습니다.
Tebo1의 아티스트 소감. 이 사람은 어렸을 때 왼쪽 다리를 절단하고 31,000년 전 보르네오의 한 예술 공동체에서 성인 초기까지 살아남았습니다. 출처: Jose Garcia(Garciartist) 및 Griffith University. (Dr Tim Maloney, 그리피스 대학교) 석기 시대 인간은 예상외로 진보된 의학 지식을 가지고 있었다고 새로운 발견이 암시합니다 이 지역의 선사 시대 주민들이 실제로 그곳에서 생선을 요리했고 생선 잔해를 불에 그냥 버리지 않았는지 확인하기 위해 연구자들은 온도 변화에 다르게 반응하는 치아 법랑질 결정의 크기 변화를 확인했습니다.
이 실험에서 Zohar와 협력자인 런던 자연사 박물관의 X-선 실험실 관리자인 Jens Najorka 박사는 선사 시대 및 민물고기에 속하는 56개의 치아를 분석하여 낮은 수준과 높은 수준의 요리로 인한 변화를 식별할 수 있었습니다. 온도. 결과는 생선이 화씨 392도에서 932도(섭씨 200도에서 500도) 사이의 온도에서 조리되었음을 시사했습니다.
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jasonblaze72 · 1 year
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boardchairman-blog · 4 years
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**Shots of the Episode**
The Crown (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9: “ Imbroglio” (2019)
Director: Sam Donovan Cinematographers: Fabian Wagner
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grande-caps · 4 years
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The Crown - Season 3 GALLERY LINK : [x] Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 10564 files Resolution : 1280x640px
-Please like/reblog if taking! -Please credit grande_caps/kissthemgoodbye!
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kwebtv · 2 years
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The Jury -  ITV  -  February 17, 2002 - March 18, 2002
Legal Drama (11 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Stars:  (Season 1)
Gerard Butler as Johnnie Donne, Juror #1
Helen McCrory as Rose Davies, Juror #2
Michael Maloney as Peter Segal, Juror #3
Nina Sosanya as Marcia Thomas, Juror #4
Nicholas Farrell as Jeremy Crawford, Juror #5
Sylvia Syms as Elsie Beamish, Juror #6
Paul Reynolds as Warren Murphy, Juror #7
Stuart Bunce as Charles Gore, Juror #8
Gillian Barge as Eva Prohaska, Juror #9
William Hoyland as Hector, Juror #10
Connor McIntyre as Derek Batey, Juror #11
Sarah-Louise Young as Jessica Garland, Juror #12
Antony Sher as Gerald Lewis, Q.C. Counsel for the Prosecution
Sonnell Dadral as Duvinder Singh, the Accused
Derek Jacobi as George Cording, Q.C. Counsel for the Defence
Supporting cast
John Duttine as Mark Waters
Steven Emrys as Mr. De Jersey
Fiona Gillies as Fiona Crawford
James Hayes as Father Gervase
Tim Healy as Eddie Fannon
Tiana Paige Johnson as Joy Thomas
Claire Neilson as Eleanor Colchester
Joanne Pierce as Marion Segal
Billy Scott as John Maher
Shaughan Seymour as the Judge
Jack Shepherd as Ron Maher
Mark Strong as Len Davies
Steve Sweeney as Thomas Haines
Ellen Thomas as Ruby Thomas
Peter Vaughan as Michael Colchester
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Julia Faye (born Julia Faye Maloney, September 24, 1892 – April 6, 1966) was an American actress of silent and sound films. She was known for her appearances in more than 30 Cecil B. DeMille productions. Her various roles ranged from maids and ingénues to vamps and queens.
She was "famed throughout Hollywood for her perfect legs" until her performance in Cecil B. DeMille's The Volga Boatman (1926) established her as "one of Hollywood's popular leading ladies."
Faye was born at her grandmother's home near Richmond, Virginia. Her father, Robert J. Maloney (born c. 1865), worked for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. Her mother, Emma Louise Elliott (1872–1955), was from New Castle, Indiana.[9] Her parents had married in 1890 in Newton, Kansas. Faye's paternal grandfather, Thomas Maloney, was born in Ireland and had immigrated to the United States in the 1850s.
Faye's father died sometime before 1901, when her widowed mother married Cyrus Demetrios Covell (1862–1941) in Indiana. Faye took her stepfather's name and listed him as her father.
She had lived in St. Louis, Missouri, prior to coming to Hollywood in 1915, to visit friends. She visited one of the film studios and was introduced to actor and director Christy Cabanne. The two reminisced about St. Louis and discovered that they had lived next door to one another there. Cabanne persuaded Faye's reluctant mother to allow her to be in motion pictures.
Faye made her debut in silent films with bit roles in Martyrs of the Alamo and The Lamb, both directed by Christy Cabanne for Triangle Film Corporation in 1915. Her first credited and important role was as Dorothea opposite DeWolf Hopper's Don Quixote in the 1915 Fine Arts adaptation of the famous Miguel de Cervantes novel. Neil G. Caward, a reviewer for the film journal Motography, wrote, in his review of Don Quixote, that "both Fay Tincher as Dulcinea and Julia Faye as Dorothea add much enjoyment to the picture." Faye's growing popularity increased with her appearances in several Keystone comedies, including A Movie Star, His Auto Ruination, His Last Laugh, Bucking Society, The Surf Girl, and A Lover's Might, all released in 1916. She also worked for D. W. Griffith, who gave her a minor role in Intolerance (1916).
Faye's first role for Cecil B. DeMille was featured in The Woman God Forgot (1917). She continued working for DeMille in The Whispering Chorus, Old Wives for New, The Squaw Man and Till I Come Back to You (all 1918).
In 1919, Faye played the stenographer in Stepping Out. Cast with Enid Bennett, Niles Welch, and Gertrude Claire, Faye was complimented by a critic for playing her role with "class". In DeMille's Male and Female (1919), she played Gloria Swanson's maid.
Her next film, It Pays To Advertise (1919), was a Paramount Pictures release adapted by Elmer Harris from the play of the same name by Rol Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett. It was directed by Donald Crisp. Faye was among the actors with Lois Wilson depicting the leading lady.
Faye was listed as a member of the Paramount Stock Company School in July 1922. Its noteworthy personalities included Rudolph Valentino, Gloria Swanson, Betty Compson, Wallace Reid, Bebe Daniels, and Pola Negri.
In 1923, she played The Wife of Pharaoh, one of her most famous roles, in the prologue of DeMille's The Ten Commandments.
Faye joined Raymond Griffith and ZaSu Pitts in the screen feature Changing Husbands (1924), a Leatrice Joy comedy adapted from a magazine story entitled Roles.
When DeMille resigned as director general of Famous Players-Lasky, in January 1925, he became the production head of Cinema Corporation of America. He planned to direct two or three films per year and supervise the making of between ten and twenty more. Faye came along with him as did Joy, Rod La Roque, Florence Vidor, Mary Astor, and Vera Reynolds.
The Volga Boatman (1926) was directed by DeMille and named for the noted Russian song. William Boyd, Elinor Fair, and Faye have primary roles in a production DeMille called "his greatest achievement in picture making." Faye's depiction of a "tiger woman" was esteemed as the most captivating of her career, to this point. Before this role she had been known for "silken siren roles". Theodore Kosloff played opposite her as a stupid blacksmith.
Faye played Martha in The King of Kings (1927). Christ, portrayed by H.B. Warner, is introduced with great majesty in the DeMille photodrama. A blind child searches for the Lord and the producer/director turns the camera gradually down to the child's eyes. The viewer sees Christ initially like the blind child whose sight is restored. Faye traveled to New York City for personal appearances in association with The King of Kings and to address a sales convention in Chicago, Illinois.
Faye won critical acclaim for her leading performance in the 60-minute silent comedy Turkish Delight (1927), directed by Paul Sloane for DeMille Pictures Corporation. She was featured as Velma in the 1927 DeMille-produced film adaptation of the play Chicago; she has the distinction of being the first actress to portray Velma on-screen.
Faye had a small role as an inmate in DeMille's The Godless Girl (1929), which featured some talking sequences, but she made her "talkie" debut playing Marcia Towne in DeMille's first sound film, Dynamite (1929), co-starring Conrad Nagel, Kay Johnson, and Charles Bickford. Dynamite was also her first Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film. She also appeared in two other MGM productions, the Marion Davies comedy Not So Dumb (1930) and DeMille's third and final remake of The Squaw Man (1931), before her brief retirement from films in the early 1930s.
After a short-lived marriage, Faye returned to films with a minor role in Till We Meet Again (1936) and would go on to appear in every one of DeMille's films after Union Pacific (1939), which marked her return to DeMille films. In Samson and Delilah (1949), she had a prominent supporting role as Delilah's maidservant, Hisham. In The Ten Commandments (1956), she played Elisheba, Aaron's wife. Her last role was as a dowager in the 1958 remake of DeMille's The Buccaneer, produced by DeMille himself but directed by his son-in-law Anthony Quinn.
Faye married Harold Leroy Wallick on August 2, 1913, in Manhattan. Wallick predeceased her, and she is listed as a widow in the 1930 census.
Faye first met Cecil B. DeMille in 1917 and became one of his mistresses. In 1920, Faye resided at 2450 Glendower Avenue in Los Feliz.[32] She later bought a Colonial Revival-style mansion at 2338 Observatory Avenue, also in Los Feliz.
Faye married screenwriter Walter Anthony Merrill on October 24, 1935, in Los Angeles. In April 1936, she announced that she had obtained a Nevada divorce from Merrill.
Faye began writing a memoir, Flicker Faces, in the mid-1940s. Although it remains unpublished, some excerpts from the memoir are included in author Scott Eyman's 2010 biography of DeMille, Empire of Dreams: The Epic Life of Cecil B. DeMille.
Faye died of cancer at her home in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, on April 6, 1966, at the age of 73. Her cremated remains rest in the Colonnade at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
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giffingthecrown · 4 years
divided into 3 main sections: main, recurring and guest
Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II
Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 
Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Ben Daniels as Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon
Marion Bailey as Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
Jason Watkins as Prime Minister Harold Wilson
Erin Doherty as Princess Anne
Josh O’Connor as Prince Charles, Duke of Cornwall (later Prince of Wales)
Emerald Fennell as Camilla Shand
Charles Dance as Lord Louis Mountbatten
Derek Jacobi as David, Duke of Windsor
Geraldine Chaplin as Wallis, Duchess of Windsor
David Rintoul as Michael Adeane
Charles Edwards as Martin Charteris
Michael Maloney as Edward Heath
Pip Torrens as Tommy Lascelles
John Lithgow as Sir Winston Churchill
Samuel West as Sir Anthony Blunt
Jane Lapotaire as Princess Alice of Battenberg (Philip’s mother)
Andrew Buchnan as Andrew Parker-Bowles
Clancy Brown as President Lyndon B. Johnson
David Wilmot as Arthur Scargill (President of the National Union of Mineworkers)
John Hollingworth as Lord Porchester (Porchey)
Jessica De Gouw as Lucy Lindsay-Hogg (Tony’s second wife)
Henry Dimbleby as Richard Dimbleby
Togo Igawa as Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
Harry Treadaway as Roddy Llewellyn
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crushermyheart · 8 months
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Rose and Maloney / Series 3 / Episode 2
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
BREAKING: Three @NRA board members just resigned saying that they lost their committee assignments after raising questions about certain spending by CEO Wayne LaPierre.
By Beth Reinhard | Published August 1 at 9:10 PM | Washington Post | Posted August 2, 2019 |
Three National Rifle Association board members who have raised concerns about reports of reckless spending and mismanagement by the group’s leadership resigned Thursday, another sign of mounting dissent within the nation’s most powerful gun-rights group.
The three board members — Esther Schneider of Texas, Sean Maloney of Ohio and Timothy Knight of Tennessee — said they were stripped of their committee assignments after they asked questions about allegations of lavish spending by NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre and other financial excesses.
“While our belief in the NRA’s mission remains as strong today as ever, our confidence in the NRA’s leadership has been shattered,” they wrote in a letter to NRA officials Thursday obtained by The Washington Post.
NRA President Carolyn D. Meadows said in a written statement that the organization accepts the resignations.
“We look forward to working with our new board members in furthering our noble mission of protecting our Second Amendment rights on behalf of our millions of members,” she said.
The three members represent a small share of the NRA’s 76-member board. But their resignations are the latest in a series of dramatic upheavals at the organization. In recent months, NRA President Oliver North was ousted after raising concerns about the group’s finances and top lobbyist Christopher W. Cox resigned after he was accused of participating in an alleged extortion scheme to push out LaPierre.
Before North was forced out, he said the NRA’s outside attorney reaped “extraordinary” legal fees that totaled millions of dollars in the past year. NRA officials have said that figure was inaccurate and have repeatedly defended the group’s spending as responsible.
The NRA is also contending with multiple investigations, as both the District’s attorney general and the New York Attorney General have demanded financial records from the nonprofit and its charitable foundation.
Former U.S. Rep. Allen B. West, who was the first board member to call for LaPierre's resignation, said in an interview he was remaining on the board. However, he said he would not be attending the next board meeting in September, which is set to be held in Anchorage. “I think that’s a waste of money,” West said.
West said that “the membership of the National Rifle Association deserves better when it comes to fiscal responsibility because they donate their hard-earned dollars, $25 or $50 at a time, for the protection of the Second Amendment, not the protection of the cabal of cronyism.”
In their letter, Schneider, Maloney and Knight said they have sought information from NRA leaders as part of their oversight responsibilities as board members, “only to be rebuffed at every turn.”
“We had expected – or at least hoped— that the executive leadership team would recognize the seriousness of these allegations and work with us in a constructive and transparent manner to address our concerns and minimize any further harm to the Association,” they wrote. “Instead, we have been stonewalled, accused of disloyalty, stripped of committee assignments and denied effective counsel necessary to properly discharge our responsibilities as Board members.”
Other board members have risen to the defense of LaPierre and the current leadership.
Board member Marion Hammer, who lobbies on behalf of the NRA in Florida, on Thursday wrote in a text message to The Post her reaction to the departing board members: “Don’t let the door hit you in the back on your way out.”
She said the trio “made a treacherous attempt to overthrow leadership and lost, now they’re unhappy nobody trusts them and doesn’t want them on committees where they can continue to disrupt the organization.”
Another board member, Anchorage attorney Wayne Anthony Ross, said the disgruntled board members are undercutting an organization already under attack from Democrats and gun control groups. Ross successfully lobbied three years ago for the September meeting to be held in his hometown and defended the NRA’s practice of covering airfare, lodging and food for board members.
“Believe it or not, it’s the same distance from Washington to Alaska as it is from Alaska to Washington,” he said. “This is the National Rifle Association of America, and we have board members all over the country.”
Still, calls for LaPierre’s resignation have been building from NRA stalwarts popular on YouTube and talk radio, as well as rank-and-file members who have been fuming on social media. Some longtime members formed a nonprofit called Save the Second that is seeking to overhaul the NRA by shrinking the 76-member board, imposing term limits and setting minimum attendance requirements.
Resistance is also building among donors. Randy Luth, a Minnesota-based firearms executive, said he has nixed plans to donate part of his estate — a seven-figure value — to the NRA. He has also cancelled plans to match a previous donation of $50,000 and ceased advertising in NRA publications.
“I’m not one of the biggest donors but I am a donor, and until Wayne LaPierre and his cronies are removed or retired, I am suspending my donations,” he said. “All these stories of extravagant spending — it shouldn’t happen at any nonprofit, let alone the NRA.”
Meanwhile, the NRA is still enmeshed in a lawsuit with New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), who issued a directive last year urging insurance and financial services companies to review their relationships with the organization. It came after a state investigation found the NRA’s “Carry Guard” insurance product violated New York law.
Scrutiny of the organization has also increased on Capitol Hill. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has been investigating the organization’s finances and ties to Russia.
At the same time, the NRA is contending with the loss of Cox, who had led the organization’s political and lobbying arm since 2002 and was considered one of its most effective and high-profile leaders. The political arm spent more than $30 million to help elect President Trump.
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artwalktv · 3 years
On a lazy summer evening, nature is disturbed by a gigantic white limousine racing through its serenity. It takes us to a venue, where we witness the warm-up routine of a popstar in the moments before a big show. All the while, a mystical voice shares his thoughts. Written and directed by Folkert Verdoorn The soundtrack is written, performed and produced by Raven Artson Mixed by Pieter Vonk Starring Zac Zallion - Raven Artson Manager - Pascal Deelstra Assistant - Cindy Wijdenbosch, Marion Traas, Daniel Hillel-Tuch Label Manager - Bert Apeldoorn Caretaker - Henry Kalb, Eddy Gun Guard - Don Alphonso, Alex van Nassau Stage Manager - Jules Thijssen, Eli Thorne TV Cameraman - Guus Heemskerk Paparazzo - Joshua Rubin Make-Up Assistant - Laura Schaay Cinematographer - Boas van Milligen Bielke 1st AD - Jurriën van der Wal Assistant Director - Daniël de Vries 1st AC + Focus Puller - Kelly Steen, Daniël Jaspers Movi Operator - Ben de Graaf Trinity Operator - Jasper van Gheuvele Production Design - Liz Kooij Gaffer - Berend Holtkamp Bestboy - Cor Booij en Nina Kleinstra Lights - Tim Zenther, Guus Heemskerk Sound - Sofie van der Meer Styling Zac - Benjamin Aerts Styling - Koosje Janssen Special Make Up - Rob Hillenbrink Make Up - Denise Boon & Kira Kroegman Health & Safety Manager - Tim Padding Figuration Coordinator - Emma Valk Casting Agency - Sjouer Casting Casting Director - André Sjouerman, Rozanne van Boxtel Edit - Emiel Nuninga VFX - Supercontinent VFX Supervisor - Mario Bertsch VFX Producer - Maximilian Becht VFX Artist - Pascal Schelbli, Maximilian Auer, Bennet Meyer, Maksym Osmolovskyi, Johannes Lübke Composting - Philip Huis in 't Veld Grading - Ruben Labree Title Design - Dominique van Rhee Title Animation - Jakob Roques Voice-Over - Michael Krass Sound Design - Daniel Berends Sound Mix - Jaap Wajer Producer - Bandit Production Leader - Hannah Padding Production Assistant - Kees-Jan van Mourik Production VPRO - Jeroen Mondria Editor-In-Chief - Assumpta Heidemeijer  Editor - Kasper van Alphen Thank You - De Ontmoeting, Camera Rentals, Maloney Media, Concertgebouw, Teije Sas, Cake Film, Le Berg, De Grot, The Compound, Ezra Xenos, Tobias Corba, Sander Bakker, Leon Bruynen, Menno Pals, DDB Lighting, Rutger van Leeuwen, Loudness  The Performer is a film of VPRO Dorst in co-production with Bandit i.c.w. De Ontmoeting
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gadgetgirl71 · 3 years
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Amazon First Reads February 2021
Well I can’t believe January has already been and gone. So it’s that time again for Amazon Prime Members to choose one free book before it’s published next month. This month we have nine books to choose from.
This months choices are:
The Deadly Mystery of the Missing Diamonds by T E Kinsey,   Pages: 330, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: Missing diamonds. Mysterious deaths. And all that jazz.
London, 1925. With their band the Dizzy Heights, jazz musicians Ivor ‘Skins’ Maloney and Bartholomew ‘Barty’ Dunn are used to improvising as they play the Charleston for flappers and toffs, but things are about to take a surprising turn.
Superintendent Sunderland has had word that a deserter who stole a fortune in diamonds as he fled the war is a member of the Aristippus private members’ club in Mayfair—where the Dizzy Heights have a residency. And the thief is planning to steal a hoard of jewels hidden there under the cover of a dance contest.
As mutual pal Lady Hardcastle has suggested, Skins and Dunn are perfectly placed to be Sunderland’s eyes and ears—and Skins’s wife Ellie soon lends a hand with a bit of light snooping. But the stakes change dramatically when a mysterious death at the club brings a sinister note to the investigation.
With the dance contest fast approaching, the trio must solve the mystery of the missing diamonds, unmask the murderer, and prevent more deadly crimes—all without missing a beat.
The Psychopath by Mary Turner Thomson, pages: 239, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: In 2006, Mary Turner Thomson’s world shattered when she discovered her husband Will was a bigamist, con man and convicted sex offender. Unbeknownst to her, this would be the start of a bold new chapter in her life, fighting to protect other women from his heartless gaslighting campaigns—and putting a stop to his endless deception.
Mary thought her story would end with the revelation that Will in fact had several families—and numerous children. But when she discovered that he had continued to prey on new victims, she vowed to turn his betrayal into a force for good. On her mission to protect these women and others, Mary also learned more about the psychopathy behind Will’s duplicitous behaviour.
Teaming up with his newest fiancée in the US, Mary attempts to put an end to Will’s devastating activities. But will she and her fellow victims succeed in their ultimate goal: to bring down Will Jordan forever?
Infinite by Brian Freeman, Pages: 328, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: From bestselling author Brian Freeman comes an explosive new psychological thriller that pushes the limits of reality as we know it.
One rainy night, the unthinkable happens: Dylan Moran’s car plunges off the road into a raging river, his beautiful wife drowning as he struggles to shore.
In the aftermath, through his grief, Dylan experiences sudden, strange visions: wherever he goes, he’s haunted by glimpses of himself. Dylan initially chalks it up to trauma, but that changes when he runs into a psychiatrist who claims he’s her patient. She says he has been undergoing a unique hypnotherapy treatment built on the idea that with every choice, he creates an infinite number of parallel universes.
Now those parallel universes are unlocked—and Dylan’s doppelgänger has staked a claim to his world. Can Dylan use these alternate realities to get a second chance at the life that was stolen from him? Or will he lose himself…to himself?
Book Club Fiction
The Speed of Light by Elissa Grossell Dickey, Pages: 290, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: A compelling and provocative debut novel told in intersecting timelines over a tumultuous, defining year in one woman’s life.
Simone is trying her best not to think of what she’s lost. Diagnosed with MS, she awaits the results of another anxiety-inducing MRI. She’s just walked away from Connor, “a fixer” but possibly the love of her life. And nearing the holidays, the sights and sounds of winter in South Dakota only prick memories of better years gone by. Then, on a December morning at the university where she works, jarring gunshots pierce the halls. In a temporary safe place and terrified, Simone listens and pretends this will all be over soon.
As she waits for silence, her mind racing, Simone’s past year comes into focus. Falling in love and missing it. Finding strength in family and enduring friendships. Planning for the future, fearing it, and hoping against hope in dark places. Her life has been changing at the speed of light, and each crossroad brought Simone here, to this day, to endure the things she can’t control and to confront those that she can.
Romantic Comedy
The Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn, Pages: 397, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn’s latest bauble is the charming story of a crafting queen battling a jaded divorce lawyer on a wedding reality show.
Luna Rossi is a veritable crafting genius—she can bedazzle and bead so hard her Etsy site is one of the hottest in the world. So it’s only natural that Luna would convince her brother and his husband-to-be to compete on The Wedding Game, a “do-it-yourself” TV show, for the title of Top DIY Wedding Expert.
As a jaded divorce lawyer, Alec Baxter scoffs at weddings and romance. But when his recently engaged brother begs him to participate in The Wedding Game, Alec grudgingly picks up a glue gun and prepares for some family bonding.
Both fierce competitors, Luna and Alec clash on national TV as harsh words and glitter fly with abandon. But as they bicker over color swatches and mood boards, they find themselves fighting something else: their growing mutual attraction. While Luna is torn between family loyalty and her own feelings, Alec wonders if he might have been wrong about love and marriage all along…
Wings of Fury by Emily R King, Pages: 296, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: From Emily R. King, author of the Hundredth Queen series, comes an epic novel of ancient Greece, Titans and treachery, and the women who dare to rise up against the tyranny of the Golden Age.
My mother told me that men would speak about the Golden Age as a time of peace and happiness for all… However, the women of our age would tell a very different story…
Cronus, God of Gods, whose inheritance is the world. Among his possessions: women, imprisoned and fated to serve. The strong-minded Althea Lambros controls her own fate and lives to honor her dying mother’s plea to protect her two sisters at all costs. Althea’s journey toward crushing the tyranny has begun. It is a destiny foretold by the Fates. And she is following their visions.
On the southern isle of Crete, hidden among mortal women who have fled the Titans, is the Boy God, son of Cronus and believed dead. He shares Althea’s destiny to vanquish the Almighty—fate willing. Because Cronus has caught wind of the plot. He’s amassing his own forces against Althea’s righteous rebellion and all those who will no longer surrender or run. There will be war. If she’s to survive to write their history, the indomitable Althea must soar higher than any god.
Historical Fiction
After Alice Fell by Kim Taylor Blakemore, Pages: 287, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: Until she discovers the truth of her sister’s death, no one will rest in peace.
New Hampshire, 1865. Marion Abbott is summoned to Brawders House asylum to collect the body of her sister, Alice. She’d been found dead after falling four stories from a steep-pitched roof. Officially: an accident. Confidentially: suicide. But Marion believes a third option: murder.
Returning to her family home to stay with her brother and his second wife, the recently widowed Marion is expected to quiet her feelings of guilt and grief—to let go of the dead and embrace the living. But that’s not easy in this house full of haunting memories.
Just when the search for the truth seems hopeless, a stranger approaches Marion with chilling words: I saw her fall.
Now Marion is more determined than ever to find out what happened that night at Brawders, and why. With no one she can trust, Marion may risk her own life to uncover the secrets buried with Alice in the family plot.
Black Boy Out of Time by Hari Ziyad, Pages: 314, Publication Date: 1March 2021
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Synopsis: An eloquent, restless, and enlightening memoir by one of the most thought-provoking journalists today about growing up Black and queer in America, reuniting with the past, and coming of age their own way.
One of nineteen children in a blended family, Hari Ziyad was raised by a Hindu Hare Kṛṣṇa mother and a Muslim father. Through reframing their own coming-of-age story, Ziyad takes readers on a powerful journey of growing up queer and Black in Cleveland, Ohio, and of navigating the equally complex path toward finding their true self in New York City. Exploring childhood, gender, race, and the trust that is built, broken, and repaired through generations, Ziyad investigates what it means to live beyond the limited narratives Black children are given and challenges the irreconcilable binaries that restrict them.
Heartwarming and heart-wrenching, radical and reflective, Hari Ziyad’s vital memoir is for the outcast, the unheard, the unborn, and the dead. It offers us a new way to think about survival and the necessary disruption of social norms. It looks back in tenderness as well as justified rage, forces us to address where we are now, and, born out of hope, illuminates the possibilities for the future.
Children’s Picture Book
Agnes’s Place by Marit Larsen, Illustration by Jenny Loulie, Translation by Kari Dickson, Pages: 44, Publication Date: 1 March 2021
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Synopsis: Agnes knows she is at home before she even opens her eyes in the morning. The sounds and smells and people swirl around her—she always knows what everyone is up to in the tight-knit apartment building where she lives. But she also knows what it is like to be the only child in a place full of adults who never have time.
So when a little girl moves in to the building, Agnes is excited and sends her a subtle message. But the girl doesn’t respond. Then things start to change around Agnes’s place—and Agnes knows exactly who is to blame. It seems like the girl is interested in everyone except for Agnes!
Will Agnes and the new girl ever meet? And what secrets does the new girl hold? First published in Norway, this is a lovely story about home and belonging and how one person can transform our world.
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*** Which book will you choose? I have no idea which book I’ll choose as there a couple of books that interest me this month. ***
#Amazon, #AmazonFirstReads, #Amazonkindle, #AmazonPrimeMembers, #BookClubFiction, #ChildrensPictureBook, #Fantasy, #HistoricalFiction, #Kindle, #KindleBooks, #Memoir, #Mystery, #RomanticComedy, #Thriller
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spryfilm · 3 years
Blu-ray/DVD review: “The Crown – Series Three” (2019)
Blu-ray/DVD review: “The Crown – Series Three” (2019)
“The Crown – Series Three” (2019)
Television Drama
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Ten Episodes
Created by: Peter Morgan
Featuring: Olivia Colman, Tobias Menzies, Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Daniels, Jason Watkins, Marion Bailey, Erin Doherty, Jane Lapotaire, Charles Dance, Josh O’Connor, Geraldine Chaplin, Michael Maloney, Emerald Fennell and Andrew Buchan
Queen Elizabeth II: “You were my guardian angel. The roof…
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
Inquiring Minds: Researching a Star of Silent Cinema
Inquiring Minds: Researching a Star of Silent Cinema By Wendi Maloney Published July 10, 2019 at 08:58AM
If you watched the Academy Awards in 2012, you probably remember “The Artist.” The mostly silent black-and-white French comedy-drama garnered 10 nominations and won five Oscars — including for best picture. But perhaps the most stunning thing about the film for many modern movie lovers was its revelation of the power of silent storytelling. For Giuliana Muscio, however, this was nothing new. She teaches film studies at the University of Padova in Italy and writes about film, mostly American. This spring, her research brought her to the Library, where she spent a week ensconced in the reading room of the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division investigating the subject of her next book: Robert G. Vignola, an Italian immigrant to the U.S. who directed and acted in American silent movies. 
Giuliana Muscio
Tell us a little about yourself. I was born in Friuli in northeastern Italy and studied at the University of Padova, where I earned a B.A. in contemporary history. I have an M.A. and a Ph.D. in film studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. I am the first woman to be nominated full professor of film studies in Italy. I have also been a visiting professor at UCLA and the University of Minnesota.
I work mostly on American cinema, from its origins to contemporary cinema. I write both in Italian and in English on film relations between the U.S. and Italy, American film history, Italian screenwriters and the influence of Italian stage traditions on American media. My Ph.D. dissertation, “Hollywood’s New Deal,” was based on primary research on Franklin D. Roosevelt and media. My most recent book, “Napoli/New York/Hollywood,” deals with the influence of the Italian diaspora on American film and the presence of Italian artists in American media. In 2018, I co-curated the exhibit “Italy in Hollywood” at the Museum Ferragamo in Florence, and I co-directed the documentary “Robert Vignola from Trivigno to Hollywood.”
Marion Davies in her role in Vignola’s “When Knighthood Was in Flower” from a color ad in the fan magazine “Photoplay.”
Who was Robert Vignola? Vignola was born in southern Italy in 1882 and emigrated to the U.S. with this family when he was 3. He grew up in Albany, New York, and started a career as a stage actor when he was quite young, later becoming involved in filmmaking in New York City. Starting in the 1910s, Vignola worked with Kalem Films, both as an actor and a director. In 1911, he travelled to Ireland, where he acted in the first films made there, and he also participated the making of “From the Manger to the Cross,” shot in Palestine in 1912. Between 1913 and 1916, he directed and acted in several shorts for Kalem, then he moved to Paramount, where he directed some of the most important actresses of the time — Pauline Frederick, Alice Brady, Marguerite Clark, Clara K. Young, Constance Talmadge and Ethel Clayton. In 1920, William Randolph Hearst hired Vignola at Cosmopolitan Productions, where he directed five Marion Davies films, including “When Knighthood Was in Flower,” promoted as the most expensive film made in the 1920s.
Between 1916 and 1925, Vignola was recognized as one of the main directors in American cinema, and his salary was among the highest. His career declined, however, in the mid-1920s when the film industry completed its transfer to the West Coast, where he moved only later, and the studio system became more structured.
Why is he important to cinema history? My work on Vignola covers an underinvestigated period of American film history — 1914 to 1925 — and calls attention to other Italian filmmakers, such as Frank Capra, Gregory LaCava and Frank Borzage, fostering a new perspective on their influence on American silent cinema.
This wasn’t your first time at the Library. How were you introduced? I know the Library and its motion picture collection well. It is indeed one of the best places to research American cinema. In 1974, I researched my Italian thesis, “Models and Stereotypes of Cold War American Cinema, 1945–1951,” at the Library, analyzing cultural changes in film genres and the relationship between Hollywood and Washington, for which I viewed about 100 films at the Library.
What was your experience this time around? I was not aware until recently of how rich the collections are for the study of early silent cinema. For my Vignola research, I was able to see six of his films or fragments of them, among a total of only 20 extant titles (or excerpts), including shorts. I found synopses of some Kalem shorts in the copyright deposit files; I accessed a rare publication on the making of “From the Manger to the Cross”; and I consulted collections of reviews. I especially appreciated being able to read the magazine “Dramatic Mirror” and issues of the film-fan magazine “Photoplay.” Although some of these materials may be available online, reading entire volumes of the magazine allowed me to perceive the context in which Vignola worked and discover unmapped items, too.
When I think about it, it is amazing how much I was able to achieve in only one week at the Library this spring, thanks to the generous support of everybody there, the great assortment of historical materials on offer and, most of all, the easy access to them.
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