#mark phinney
greensparty · 5 months
2024 IFFBoston Wrap-Up
From May 1 to 8, I got to attend my favorite film festival in Boston, in New England and possibly the world, the Independent Film Festival Boston (read my previous coverage here). I have a special place for this festival: in 2014 my documentary Life on the V: The Story of V66 had its World Premiere at the festival, and in 2015 I was on the Documentary Jury. This was one of the best line-ups in a while. There was a common theme from a number of the films I saw (both narrative and documentary) about disabilities, conditions and anxieties. It was nice to see the amount of inclusion and accessibility represented in this year's fest. Here is my lightning-round of this year’s fest:
Wed. May 1:
Sadly I missed the opening night, just stopped by to pick up my badge :(
Thurs. May 2:
I went to the Brattle to see one of the most highly-anticipated movies of this year, I Saw the TV Glow about two teens who bond over their fandom of a mysterious TV show. I caught director Jane Schoenbrun’s last film We’re All Going to the World’s Fair when it was was at the 2021 IFFBoston and while I had a mixed response to the film, I was excited about this new one. Taking place over the course of 27 years, we see young teen Owen in 1996 who be-friends Maddy, a few years older as he takes an interest in the TV show The Pink Opaque, a 90s WB-type series (a serious Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed reference). As time goes on, Maddy leaves VHS tapes of the show for Owen since his parents won't let him stay up for it. A few years later, the show gets canceled and Maddy leaves town. The lines between fiction and reality begin to blur after that. I choose to not give away much more to avoid spoilers. I've thought about this film every day since I saw it and all I can say is OMG - Wow, this movie rocks! Much has been made about how this movie is an allegory for Schoenbrun's own experience of transitioning, but even without that backstory, it is truly the work of an artist who is using film to comment on our relationship with pop culture. There have definitely been times for me as a teen (and since) when I related more to fictional characters than IRL people around me, which is what's being presented with Owen. Schoenbrun is showing how pop culture can be something that brings people together as they sit silently watching a show, while connecting with that show. Whether the show was actually good is another story altogether, but the point is it spoke to you at a time when you needed it. There are definitely parts when this is bowing at the altar of David Cronenberg or Donnie Darko, but when this works, it's on the level of Twin Peaks for a depiction of suburbia not being what it seems. It's also one of the rare times when you see a character return to pop culture that they loved when they were young and when they are older they have a different view of it. As someone who has addressed pop culture and nostalgia in all of my work, it's no surprise that I was moved by this, but it truly is a film that lives up to the hype. Side note: Schoenbrun is receiving the Coolidge Breakthrough Artist Award from Coolidge Corner Theatre tonight!
Fri. May 3:
I caught up with some filmmaker friends and press friends at the after-party. Good times!
Sat. May 4:
I caught the documentary The Road to Ruane about Billy Ruane. Let me back up: After my friend Michael Gill passed away in 2022, my hope was that his long in the works documentary about Ruane, the eccentric promoter of legendary Boston rock club The Middle East (actually Cambridge, but a big part of the Boston music scene), would somehow get completed and released. I met up with Gill a few times before he moved around 2017 as I had heard about his doc and there was a lot of overlap with his doc and my doc Life on the V: The Story of V66 in terms of interviewees and subject matter (both of us filmed interviews with Ben Deily of The Lemonheads, Dana Colley of Morphine and Kay Hanley of Letters to Cleo and there's loads of overlap with other bands too). I am thrilled to see that co-director Scott Evans completed the doc and it is finally premiered. The fact that the doc features loads of Middle East archival footage and interviews with a who's who of Boston rock got my attention.
Ruane was a Harvard-educated trust fund child (Warren Buffet was his Godfather) and when he stayed in Boston he took to the local music scene and began booking and promoting bands at The Middle East. But beyond the "this band got their start and played there before they were famous" stories (of which there are many) it's really a story of someone who couldn't hide from his family trauma compounded with his bipolar disorder. It serves as a cautionary tale of money can't buy happiness. But beyond just being a tribute to Ruane, it is also a tribute to Gill and his own connection to The Middle East as an employee and with his band The Damn Personals, covered here too. This is a music doc for Boston music geeks!
Afterwards I went upstairs to the Crystal Ballroom for the karaoke party and jury awards!
Sun. May 5:
In the afternoon I caught Tallywacker, which had already won a jury award before the screening. It's a comedy-drama about a two-person rock band Tallywacker. Guitarist-singer Aleister is disabled and drummer Emmett has been his friend and bandmate for 15 years. When Aleister gets a chance to tour with a major rock star he brings Emmett along to help out, but not perform with the band. This, of course, tests the friendship and the band. I out and out loved this movie! It got into the trope of movies about bands, but the trick was that the funny parts are really funny and the dramatic parts were really emotional and the indie rock soundtrack was really good too. There were a lot of films at this year's festival about disabilities and one of the common themes was the need for equality. While that theme is present in this film, it actually brought up an interesting question, which Emmett asks Aleister - are audiences liking and watching you for the right reasons or are you being exploited? It's an entertaining movie with some strong themes and ideas to it!
My friends director Dan Habib and editor James Rutenbeck were at the 2018 IFFBoston with the great doc Intelligent Lives. Now they are back with a new doc The Ride Ahead co-directed by Dan’s son Samuel about his own personal journey to becoming an adult. Samuel, a disabled young person, tells his story of figuring out what's next and making a film about it by talking with other disabled activists and entertainers. Dan is a very gifted filmmaker and it's truly beautiful to see he and his son Samuel open up themselves to share their story with the world. Talent runs in their family!
Mon. May 6:
My friend Mark Phinney’s film Fat was at 2014 IFFBoston when I was there with Life on the V: The Story of V66. We’ve remained good friends since then and this year he premiered his new feature Fear of Flying about a man struggling with his anxieties while trying to maintain his relationships. It is impossible for me to be objective about this film as Mark is a friend of mine and I actually read an early draft of the screenplay and gave him my notes. But I will say this, this is a good example of what a small character-driven indie film can do on a low budget and it has a lot to say about people who live with anxiety and the personal toll it can take and inhibit progress, relationships and career. The cast is solid and Mark made something really personal. Way to go Mark!
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Vanyaland's Michael Christopher, director Mark Phinney and the cast/crew of Fear of Flying
Tues. May 7:
The fest moved over to the Coolidge Corner Theatre (one of their new cinemas I might add). In My Own Normal, director Alexandre Freeman turns the camera on himself: living with cerebral palsy since age two he is now an adult about to become a new father and how his parents react to this. My friend Ariana Garfinkel (she’s an IFFBoston alum as well) is a consulting producer on the film. The film gets deep into parenthood and what it is for someone with disabilities to become a parent, a husband and a filmmaker. Truly moving!
Wed. May 8:
The Closing Night film at Coolidge was the comedy Thelma starring Oscar-nominee June Squibb as an elderly woman who is scammed by a caller claiming to be her grandson and goes on a city-wide quest to get back what’s hers. Of all the films I saw at IFFBoston this year, this was easily the lightest and dare I say, most commercial. But there was a charm to it and it's constructed with a lot of the tropes of action movies but adapting them to an elderly cast. I was especially excited to see Richard Roundtree (who passed away last October) in one of his final roles as Thelma's friend who helps her out with his scooter and is also the voice of reason. The cast definitely elevated what could have been a sitcom-ish premise. Watch for it when it opens in June. Afterwards I swung by the party in one of the new spaces at the Coolidge.
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me at 2024 IFFBoston
Congrats to all my pals who had films this year and to the IFFBoston team for swinging it out of the park once again!
For info (and ways to support) IFFBoston
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steveskafte · 2 months
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THE MARGINS CAGE Being a writer has nothing to do with writing. Literacy is merely a tool in aid of communication, a way to get our thoughts down on paper so that they can be read at a distance defined by time or space. Even writing for ourselves (like in a private diary), is merely an extension of memory. Scribbling down a series of otherwise meaningless marks that we've given meaning, so we can save ourselves from forgetting the information that they represent. For most of human history, the people we now call "writers" never physically wrote anything at all. That included teachers, historians, poets, comedians, singers, storytellers, and playwrights. All of their communication was oral, and all of their words were memorized. Later on, in the early years of the printing press, it was often lamented by intellectuals that upcoming generations would falter in their social interactions – because they would come to rely too heavily on reading and writing. Now, we've come full circle to find some looking down on those who prefer to speak and listen over reading from a page. They might claim that those who prefer audio books aren't "really reading", forgetting that the information conveyed contains the only true value that words are capable of having. Once again, it's important to note that whether written or spoken – words are merely representations of thoughts. They are not the thoughts themselves. I always struggled to remain interested in reading as a child, trying to keep my imagination active enough to see past the inherent dullness of black text on white pages. This was a strange experience for someone who felt like their mind was constantly crowded with thoughts and emotions in need of escape. I was too shy for conversation, but too easily distracted for extensive reading and writing. So I felt locked in my own head. The shift started when I fell in love with the work of songwriters. I was amazed at how their lyrics could do everything I craved in expressing emotion, all without the difficulty of having to translate from a page to my mind. Their songs made me want to be a writer, to work with words for the rest of my life – when all previous writers had left me feeling like this was an impossible mountain to climb. This is why I consider everything I compose in terms of thinking and speaking – not writing. Typing or handwriting are only methods of getting it across, just like public speaking or audio recordings, but the final result remains identical. All of my poems are written out loud, and only turned into text later. Even a short essay like this is arranged in my head a line or two at a time before being committed to the page. Perhaps this is all so painfully obvious, but I don't think we talk about it enough. Many folks are turned off from being writers because they've been told that there's only one way to do it. If you're dyslexic, it might be a struggle to read or write long strings of text, and unenjoyable even if you manage. If you've got a short attention span like me, you might never care to bother. That's part of why I love short form work, and why it's most of what I create – it's simply more accessible. I'm not the first to try and separate the concept of words from writing, but maybe I'm the first to say to you. If you've got a burning desire to communicate what's inside, you might feel more at home with a less expected method of working with words. There's a wonderful wealth beyond the world of text on pages. Don't let the margins cage you in. July 16, 2024 Phinney's Cove, Nova Scotia Year 17, Day 6092 of my daily journal.
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secondskin007 · 1 year
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"2018 Tour of Britain stage 2 134 Mark McNally and 125 Taylor Phinney" by Geof Sheppard is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
World Juniors tournament wraps up in Moncton
After eight days of almost non-stop hockey, Moncton fans lined up for the last time on Monday to catch the 2023 World Juniors in-person in the city.
“I’ve been watching this tournament for almost 40 years on TV, and to have it in our city and be able to come watch it live, it’s amazing,” said hockey fan Myles Phinney.
“I’ve probably been to about half the games of the tournament,” he adds. “I got lucky, we wound up with some tickets, the family got some tickets and than I watched everything else on TV, of course.”
Marking the quarterfinals, the city saw two new teams hit the ice -- Sweden and Germany -- which left fans with a new level of excitement as they got to watch players who, so far, they’ve mostly seen on TV.
"It's going to be fun, especially Sweden. It's a team that you've obviously seen live... or on TV play Canada,” said Andre Savoie ahead of the noon game. “Other than that, the Germans are obviously a pretty decent team, but unfortunately, they're probably going to be on the short end of the stick today."
In total, he’s seen six games in-person and quite a few at home.
“It’s pretty amazing that it’s in Moncton,” he said. “I moved to London, Ontario, and didn’t get a chance to see much there because of COVID-19, but coming back to Moncton and seeing such good hockey at home is pretty fun.”
In total, Moncton saw 12 tournament games for this year’s World Juniors, but good hockey wasn’t the only thing that brought people out and about. Over the last week or so, the World Juniors helped bring an entire experience to the city.
"We had kind of a tailgate party before each 5 o'clock game, we had breakfast in the morning, United Way and the Woman's Progress Club helped us out with both of those,” said Team Moncton Co-Chair, Bill Whalen. “Those were very well attended. We had our hockey houses, a number of the bars and restaurants in town where they were showing the games on big screens and I talked to all of them and they're just over the moon on how many people came out."
He says there was even a coffee shop that put the five flags of the teams playing in Moncton with the word “coffee” underneath in their languages.
“Businesses went out of their way to make people feel welcome and make the community feel part of it and I think it succeeded,” he said, adding, “Moncton has shown what it can do hosting international events.”
Team Moncton also held a big New Year’s Eve event, which Whalen estimates about 6,000 people attended. Although the World Juniors won’t be back next year, he says the goal is to turn that event into an annual one.
For now, the city is waiting on the final numbers to see just how big of a boost the tournament had on the city.
"We were expecting somewhere between $10 [million] and $20 million, would be the economic impact and so we'll see what that is and we'll do an analysis of how many visitors,” said Whalen. “The crown, somebody was talking to the GM, and they were 96 per cent occupancy on New Year’s Eve in a period where they're normally less than 20 per cent."
Although the action on the ice is wrapping up in the city, the festivities will continue until a champion is named.
“The plaza will be activated right through the finals, so both quarterfinal games from Halifax [Monday] will be on the big screen, both semi-final games on Wednesday and the finals on Thursday night,” he said.
“The oval will be open, Explore NB will be here serving hot chocolate and doing s’mores and the activities will continue.”
As for the winning country, that decision will be made in Halifax where the tournament continues this week.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/UfJRhip
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islamicbanana · 2 years
Bulking and cutting keto savage
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Choose from a standard, keto, or leangains calculator. 6.This calorie and macro calculator allows you to estimate how much weight you’ll lose or gain each week based on how many calories you consume.To lose fat = Diet > Strength Training> Cardio(HIIT > LISS) : Each one adds to the other, with diminishing results. Use the Ketogains Macro Calculator to set up your macros. Sharing progress pics, PR's, SV's, NSV's, etc. Simpler questions that don't warrant their own threadįorm checks (Don't give advice if you're not lifting at the very least in a similar ballpark! Linking resources is fine.)Ĭommunity conversations (introduce yourself to the community or talk about what you did today, what your goals are, etc.) that are relevant to exercising on a ketogenic diet or to exercise in general Ressources like articles, studies, interviews, etc. Posting Guidelinesĭetailed troubleshooting posts if you already have experience with the sport you're asking aboutĭetailed progress posts that include your program/routine and what you generally did to get there No slurs or harassment.Ī post doesn't have to strictly violate a rule to be worthy of being removed. No shitposts/off-topic/circle jerk/rants/memes/food porn outside of the daily. It's fine to say "I did X and Y happened" but when you're stating something like it's a universal truth, you should have a source. Many posts will be anecdotal but we strive for a scientific foundation - please differentiate accordingly. Be willing to learn, and “empty your cup”. The Ketogains protocol is a SET protocol with SET guidelines, we don’t follow a classic “therapeutic approach” to ketosis nor ketogenic ratios: we follow macros in grams in accordance to a personal context. Height, Sex, Age, sport and for how long have you been following a ketogenic diet.Īll progress posts must be accompanied by information relevant to ketogains - e.g. When asking for help, provide: Total Weight, BF%. So, whether you want to gain strength and health, improve endurance and speed, or achieve a lean body, it can all be done with our approach.Īll advice here, comes mainly from respected scientific and sport / nutrition sources (Jeff Volek, Steven Phinney, Peter Attia, Lyle McDonald, Menno Henselmans, Ted Naiman, Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, Bill Lagakos, - in no particular order-, et al.) and adapted toward our athletic endeavors.īefore asking a question, use the search function to see if the topic has already been discussed. We believe that through the process of becoming mentally and physically stronger we empower ourselves to become better in all areas of our lives.
Ketosis is a side effect of our general macro and micro recommendations for many, but NOT THE GOAL in itself:Īt Ketogains, we will teach you how to get into the best shape of your life while improving your health by following a low carb diet of whole, nutrient dense foods. Our Vision: To become one of the most respected and trusted health sciences resources. To Change lives through education and empowerment. Our Mission: To help people achieve their fitness & health goals. Our core philosophy is based on three pillars: Ketogains is “a practical and evidence-based protocol with the goal of achieving optimal body composition and health.
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mercurygray · 3 years
@tortoisesshells @fericita-s @broadwaybaggins - my hand slipped.
"And why this particular plague should be foisted upon us," Anne was saying, "I've no idea."
"What plague?" Mary asked, trying to remain polite (and ignore the fact that though she outranked Anne, she was still the last to learn things about the comings and goings of the hospital staff.)
"A great crowd of roistering girls," Anne said snidely. "Plucked from the good green gardens of Washington City and sent to vex us. Doubtless a crew of -" and she pronounced the words with particular dislike "-lady volunteers."
A cry went up from the front door of Mansion House - wounded coming in. "That'll be them," Anne said sweetly. "Mark my words, one of them will be crying by the time the day's out."
But no one was crying at the front door - nor, in fact, were any lady visitors of the usual variety to be found. Instead, they found a convoy of wounded, and a group of young ladies in among the blue - though, Mary thought for just a moment, to call them ladies might have gone a touch too far.
"This one's for the surgeon - no, leave off, I've carried him this far and I daresay I can carry him more," sniped a red-haired hellion of twenty, elbowing off one of the hospital's corpsman as he tried to take the stretcher from her.
"Has anyone a needle," one woman said, "If we've stopped moving I'll start this one myself."
It was quite a crowd - and not a crying eye or a crinoline to be found among them, nor a light-colored dress. Indeed, after the ride they'd had, the whole group looked rather wild, hands bloody and hair escaping into flyaways.
"What on earth is this?" Foster said, coming outside to see what the general tumult was about. "A surgeon should be allowed to select his own patients!"
A tall brunette turned away from the wagon's gate. "We've organized them according to Larrey's principles - the less grave have had their wounds treated on the way and those who should be first seen by a surgeon were loaded last, so as to be nearer to the front. Are you Captain Foster?" The Amazon held out a hand, realized it was bloody, and pulled a rag from her pocket to wipe it off. Foster stared, his expression somewhere between shock and frank admiration that a mere woman should know the name of one of Napoleon's surgeons. "I've been sent to report to Miss Phinney. My particulars are in my luggage, which is somewhat...inaccessible, at present."
"I'm Miss Phinney," Mary said, stepping around. "And how prescient of you to think of triage, it'll be most appreciated."
"What were you saying, Miss Hastings," Emma couldn't help but put in, trying to hide her grin, "about lady volunteers?"
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intrxvertandproud · 4 years
BAU Death Toll
I had a couple hours to kill (pun intended) one day, so just for funsies, I tallied up the body count of each BAU team member.
I went through each episode on the Criminal Minds Wiki and looked to see which unsubs were dead and who shot them. With the ones where multiple team members fired, I did have to watch the scenes to see who most likely had the kill shot. The only ones I had to watch closely were the shootouts and firefights. Overall, the whole thing took me about two hours.
Not all of these are completely confirmed, but here goes...
Aaron Hotchner with 23
Derek Morgan with 22
David Rossi with 14
Jennifer Jareau with 11
Spencer Reid with 8
Emily Prentiss with 6
Matt Simmons with 5
Tara Lewis with 3
Elle Greenaway, Alex Blake, and Luke Alvez, all with 2
Kate Callahan, Stephen Walker, with 1 each
And for those of you that like all the information, spoilers for Seasons 1-15 under the cut
You'll notice some names are repeater. Those are the one where multiple team members fired, and the unsub's death was most likely caused by all of those shots.
Aaron Hotchner
Cult Member (1x17)
Marvin Doyle (1x18)
Charles Holcombe (2x22)
Armando Salinas (4x05)
George Foyet (5x09)
Drew Jacobs (6x10)
Robert Bremmer (6x22)
Robert Adams (7x04)
James Heathridge (7x19)
Matthew Downs (7x24)
Willie Kestler (8x11)
Bryan Hughes (8x13)
Colin Bramwell (9x03)
Tivon Askari (9x14)
Corrupt Cop #2 (9x24)
Owen McGregor (9x24)
Steven Parkett (10x01)
Hayman Vasher (10x03)
Serial Killer Inmate #2 (11x23)
Anarchist #2 (11x23)
Anarchist #6 (11x23)
Anarchist #7 (11x23)
Anarchist #8 (11x23)
Derek Morgan
Mark Gregory (1x20)
Paul Mulford (2x21)
Charles Holcombe (2x22)
Benjamin Cyrus (4x03)
Miranda Jakar (5x08)
Dale Schrader (5x11)
Ronald Boyd (5x19)
Billy Flynn (6x01)
Trafficking Ring Leader (6x24)
Trevor Mills (7x15)
David Roy Turner (8x06)
Joshua Moore (8x08)
Willie Kestler (8x11)
Terrorist #1 (9x14)
Justin Mills (9x24)
Corrupt Cop #3 (9x24)
Jacob DuFour (11x09)
Edgar Solomon (11x16)
Solomon’s Man #1 (11x16)
Solomon’s Man #2 (11x16)
Solomon’s Man #3 (11x16)
Solomon’s Man #4 (11x16)
David Rossi
Max Poole (3x06)
Greg Phinney (6x21)
Linda Collins (7x16)
John Curtis (8x24)
Terrorist #2 (9x14)
Donnie Mallick (10x13)
Patrick Sorenson (11x17)
Anarchist #3 (11x23)
Thomas Yates (12x09)
Sara McLean (12x20)
Cult Member #1 (14x01)
Stephanie Carter (14x14)
Rolling Devil #4 (15x05)
Beaumont Unsub (15x08)
Jennifer Jareau
Jason Clarke Battle (3x09)
Willie Kestler (8x11)
Jonathon Ray Covey (8x21)
Michael Hastings (9x14)
Corrupt Cop #1 (9x24)
Corrupt Cop #4 (9x24)
Colin Dupley (10x23)
William Taylor (11x08)
Zac Rubenis (11x11)
Shelby Mattson (15x03)
Everett Lynch (15x10)
Spencer Reid
Phillip Dowd (1x06)
Tobias Hankel (2x15)
Chloe Donaghy (7x01)
Daniel Milworth (9x10)
Terrorist #2 (9x14)
Andrew Meeks (11x15)
John Bradley (11x16)
Casey Allen Pinkner (14x15)
Emily Prentiss
Charles Holcombe (2x22)
Dale Schrader (5x11)
James Thomas (6x04)
Ray Donovan (6x13)
Michael Lee Peterson (11x19)
Benjamin Merva (14x01)
Matt Simmons
Desi Gutierrez (13x07)
Nathan Butler (13x19)
Cult Member #2 (14x01)
Dustin Eisworth (14x11)
Louis Chaycon (15x05)
Tara Lewis
Matt Franks (11x06)
William Taylor (11x08)
Anarchist #2 (11x23)
Elle Greenaway
Timothy Vogel (1x01)
William Lee (2x05)
Alex Blake
Leland Duncan (9x06)
Terrorist #2 (9x14)
Luke Alvez
Justin Franco (13x15)
Cult Member #3 (14x01)
Kate Callahan
Peter Folkmore (10x15)
Stephen Walker
John Malone (12x18)
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fericita-s · 4 years
Mercy Street Characters as Anne of Green Gables quotes:
for today’s Mercy Street Advent: Silver and AU prompts by @jomiddlemarch​ and of course Anne of Green Gables is by L.M. Montgomery
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Jimmy Green after any minor setback: “My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.”
Anne Hastings after one drink: “There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting.”
Jed Foster, being honest: “Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting.”
Belinda, to George, back in the day: “Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worthwhile.”
Alice Green, admiring herself in the mirror: “It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable.”
Emma Green, looking at a photo of Frank: “That's the worst of growing up, and I'm beginning to realize it. The things you wanted so much when you were a child don't seem half so wonderful to you when you get them.”
Mary Phinney, to Jed, over drinks: “It's all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it's not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?”
Jane Green, staring down Jimmy: “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it... yet.”
Henry Hopkins, clutching his Bible: “We ought always to try to influence others for good.”
Byron Hale after Jed bests him at something: “I can't cheer up — I don't want to cheer up. It's nicer to be miserable!”
Charlotte Jenkins, counseling someone at the camp: “If you can't be cheerful, be as cheerful as you can.”
Samuel Diggs, coming back to Charlotte after med school: “I've had a splendid time…I feel that it marks an epoch in my life. But the best of it all was the coming home.”
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gearandgrit · 4 years
Tour Of Sufferlandria Exceeds Expectations For The Davis Phinney Foundation
Tour Of Sufferlandria Exceeds Expectations For The Davis Phinney Foundation
The virtual cycling event raised more than $390K to help people with Parkinson’s live well today Mythical Nation, Worldwide — Wahoo SUF, an online platform that provides fierce (and fun) cycling, yoga, and strength training workouts for people all over the world and the Davis Phinney Foundation, raised $390,000 this year in their 9th annual Tour of Sufferlandria. In this remarkable year marked…
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broadwaybaggins · 4 years
just around the riverbend
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Header by the lovely Mercurygray!
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“You are going down, Foster, mark my words!”
“I seriously doubt that. Sam and I have got this on lock. If you want, you can just give me your money now? Might save you some time later on.” As he spoke, Jed twirled his canoe paddle in one hand, grinning as if he was already convinced of his victory.
Mary adjusted the ancient Red Sox cap she wore on her head and cleared her throat, making both boys look at her. Jed’s face lit up at the sight of her, and she tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. “Sorry, am I interrupting a pissing contest? Because I can come back later.”
“No,” Byron insisted. “Jed here thinks he’s a shoe-in for the canoe race, but he doesn’t know anything about strategy. Stringfellow may suck ass, but he’s on the crew team at his school. There’s no way we’re going to lose.”
Mary made a face. “Just cool it on the trash talk, okay? The kiddos might hear you.”
Camp Green Wood’s annual canoe race--a tradition dating back to 1934, if legend could be believed--was one of the highlights of the summer. Always held on the third day of July, it was the unofficial start of the Fourth of July celebrations at camp. In teams of two or three, campers and counselors alike competed for bragging rights and the coveted Green Wood Cup (really just an old trophy that had seen better days). The entire camp turned out in full force to watch and participate, even the Green family who served as the judges. It was the perfect day for it--sunny, not too hot--and ll of camp was buzzing with excitement and activity. Tomorrow, more parents would show up to see their children in the pageant and participate in carnival games and activities on the lawn. Mary wasn’t sure she’d ever seen anything like it before.
“This is amazing,” she remarked to Jed, who put an arm around her.
“Yeah, the Fourth is when we really pull out all the stops. You should have seen it last year. The Greens sprung for inflatables for the carnival and everything. Sam and I did that inflatable sumo wrestling game.”
“And I missed it? Tragic,” Mary deadpanned. “No inflatables this year?”
“Guess not. It’ll still be cool, though. There’s games, a dunk tank, and of course, the show at the end of the night.”
“Don’t remind me. We still have some Revolutionary War soldiers who would rather sing Frozen 2 instead of the songs in the script.”
“It’ll be great. Where’s Charlotte?” Jed asked, looking around. “It’s almost time to report to your canoe.”
Mary smiled. “There’s been a slight change to the roster. Molly wanted Charlotte on her team instead, and you know we can’t say no to our campers.”
“So who are you racing with?”
“Hello, lads,” Anne’s voice came from behind them, and Mary turned to face her partner with a grin. “Are you ready to eat our wake?”
“Now, the rules are simple,” James Green Sr.’s voice drawled over the slightly crackly microphone. The teams had assembled--Mary and Anne, Jed and Samuel, Charlotte and Molly, Byron and Frank, Henry and two of the boys in his cabin group. Mary looked over at Emma, perched in her canoe in front of her sister. Mary knew that Emma had wanted to be on Henry’s team, but apparently the Green sisters raced together every year and some traditions were not meant to be broken. She caught Emma’s eye, and Emma waved.
“No fraternizing with the competition!” Alice hissed.
Mr. Green was still explaining the rules--no interfering with another’s canoe, first one across the lake wins, anyone who capsizes is disqualified. Next to him, wearing a garish Hawaiian shirt and Ray-Bans, Emma’s brother Jimmy stood ready to start the race. Mary hadn’t seen much of him since camp started--he was usually holed up in he administration office--but apparently even he couldn’t be kept away from the race.
“You ready?” Anne whispered, adjusting her grip on her canoe paddle.
“Born ready,” Mary replied. In reality, canoeing wasn’t really her forte--she was more of a kayak girl--but she didn’t think it mattered much, at this point. She knew that they weren’t going to win anyway.
“You’re going down, Phinney,” Jed whispered from his spot next to her.
“You wish.”
“On your mark! Get set! Go!”
There was a slight delay as Jimmy couldn’t get the starting gun to go off properly, but the minute it sounded, they were off. The air was filled with the sound of splashes and teams shouting instructions to each other. Mary, in the front of the canoe, tried her best to do what Anne told her. They sailed past Emma and Alice, who were already bickering, and failed to notice that they were dangerously close to Frank and Byron’s canoe.
“Emma, watch out!” Mary cried, but it was too late. Frank’s paddle caught hers as he and Byron flew by, causing the canoe to list to one side.Before Emma could right the canoe, it tipped, dumping both her and Alice into the water.
“Emma, you idiot!” Alice shrieked. “Frank, you did that on purpose! Interference! Daddy, they did that on purpose!”
But Mr. Green was either too far away to hear, or just didn’t care. Emma treaded water and wrung out her long hair as Mary and Anne passed her, followed closely by Henry and his boys. “Good luck!” Emma called out after them, but Mary was pretty sure that she wasn’t speaking to her and Anne.
“Okay, they totally cheated, right? Frank tipped their canoe on purpose?”
“Absolutely. He does it every year. Not always them, but always somebody. Never gets caught. There’s no justice in the fight for the Green Wood Cup.”
Even Byron seemed to be arguing with his teammate, but his words were drowned out by another splash as Henry and his campers spilled out of their canoe. Henry managed to right it almost immediately and quickly scooped the boys back in, holding onto the side to keep it steady as all three of them roared with laughter.
“Come on, they’re dropping like flies. We might have a chance.” Mary dipped her paddle back into the lake and propelled them forward.
In the end, it still wasn’t enough to catch up to Charlotte and Molly. Mary watched as Sam, whose canoe had been neck and neck with Charlotte’s up til now, stopped paddling even though Jed shouted at him to go faster. It allowed Charlotte and Molly to take the lead, with Jed and Sam coming in second and a team of older campers coming in third. Mary and Anne finished in a respectable fourth place. Frank and Byron, after leaving much of the pack behind after capsizing the Green girls, had gotten stuck in some reeds and had to forfeit, which was perhaps the best news of all.
As Mary and Anne disembarked their canoe, Samuel picked up Charlotte and swung her around, to the delight of Molly and the rest of the campers. Anne disappeared to scold and console Byron, and Emma and Henry were sitting on  nearby log, towels wrapped around their shoulders as they shared some cotton candy from the snack bar. Alice, still dripping wet (but minus the runny mascara this time) was trying to convince her mother that Frank had cheated. Jed sidled up to Mary and slipped his hand into hers.
“Sam let Charlotte win.”
“I know.”
“You let him.”
“I can neither confirm or deny that. All I will say is that some things are more important than winning. Besides, second place is nothing to sneeze at.”
“You know, you can be really sweet when you want to be.”
“Don’t tell anyone, Phinney. After all, I’ve still got my reputation to consider.”
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greensparty · 5 months
Preview: 2024 IFFBoston
Forget about Xmas, this is the most wonderful time of the year!  It is now my favorite time of year in Boston! My favorite film festival in Boston, in Massachusetts and possibly the world is Independent Film Festival Boston (read my coverage here).  I have a special place for this festival: in 2014 my documentary Life on the V: The Story of V66 had its World Premiere at the festival, and in 2015 I was on the Documentary Jury. The 2024 festival is at Somerville Theatre (Somerville), Brattle Theatre (Cambridge), and Coolidge Corner Theatre (Brookline) from Wed. May 1 to Wed. May 8, 2024!
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2024 IFFBoston logo
Here are just some of the Official Selections that are on my radar:
Wed. 5/1/24:
The Opening Night Film is the recent Sundance hit Ghostlight, about a construction worker who joins a theater group!
Thurs. 5/2/24:
One of the most highly-anticipated movies of this year is I Saw the TV Glow about two teens who bond over their fandom of a mysterious TV show. I caught director Jane Schoenbrun's last film We're All Going to the World's Fair when it was was at the 2021 IFFBoston and while I had a mixed response to the film, I'm excited to see their follow up.
In a festival first, they are going to be doing their first episodic screening with the first episode of a 3-part documentary series Ren Faire airing on HBO later this year. While IFFBoston is very much a film festival and not a TV festival, I think it's kind of cool they are expanding their reach to include this doc about a Texas renaissance faire.
Fri. 5/3/24:
In the recent Sundance hit My Old Ass, an 18-year-old's mushroom trip brings her face-to-face with her 39-year-old self played by Aubrey Plaza (who makes everything she's in better).
Sat. 5/4/24:
In addition to all of the shorts package programs, it's always exciting to see IFFBoston do a Students Short Showcase made up of student films.
After my friend Michael Gill passed away in 2022, my hope was that his long in the works documentary about Billy Ruane, owner of legendary Boston rock club The Middle East (actually Cambridge, but a big part of the Boston music scene), would somehow get completed and released. I met up with Gill a few times before he moved around 2017 as I had heard about his doc and there was a lot of overlap with his doc and my doc Life on the V: The Story of V66 in terms of interviewees and subject matter. I am thrilled to see that co-director Scott Evans completed The Road to Ruane and it is finally premiering. The fact that the doc features loads of Middle East archival footage and interviews with members of Dinosaur Jr., The Lemonheads, Buffalo Tom, Letters To Cleo, Morphine has my attention too!
Sun. 5/5/24:
In the comedy Tallywacker, a two-member rock band's friendship is tested when one of them gets a gig touring with a major rock star.
My friends director Dan Habib and editor James Rutenbeck were at the 2018 IFFBoston with the great doc Intelligent Lives. Now they are back with a new doc The Ride Ahead co-directed by Dan's son Samuel about his own personal journey to becoming an adult. “But no one tells you how to be an adult,” Samuel says, “let alone an adult with a disability.” I've been hearing a lot of great things about this doc!
The always good Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a comic genius, but she's flexed her dramatic muscles in films like You Hurt My Feelings. In Tuesday she plays a mother who must confront death with her teenage daughter in the form of a talking bird.
Mon. 5/6/24:
My friend Mark Phinney's film Fat was at 2014 IFFBoston when I was there with Life on the V: The Story of V66. We've remained good friends since then and I'm super excited to see his new feature Fear of Flying about a man struggling with his anxieties while trying to maintain his relationships.
Earlier this year I got to cover the Oscar-nominated Short Films and one of the nominees for Best Documentary was Nai Nai & Wai Po from director Sean Wang. Without missing a beat, Wang is back his with his Sundance award-winner Didi.
Tues. 5/7/24:
In My Own Normal, director Alexandre Freeman turns the camera on himself: living with cerebral palsy since age two he is now an adult about to become a new father and how his parents react to this. This is produced by Friends producer Kevin S. Bright, Oscar-winner Chris Cooper and my friend Ariana Garfinkel (she's an IFFBoston alum having produced Best and Most Beautiful Things, You Don't Nomi, and On These Grounds).
Sing Sing stars recent Oscar nominee Colman Domingo as a man imprisoned at Sing Sing who is involved with a theater troupe for incarcerated men. This movie actually walks the walk and features the majority of its cast made up of formerly incarcerated members of the real life theater troupe the film is based on.
Wed. 5/8/24:
The Closing Night Film is the comedy Thelma starring Oscar-nominee June Squibb as an elderly woman who is scammed by a caller claiming to be her grandson and goes on a city-wide quest to get back what's hers. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this one!
For tickets and info to IFFBoston
0 notes
steveskafte · 10 months
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PLACE YOUR BONES Beaconsfield was one of the last communities settled in the Annapolis Valley. It was set up as a satellite of much older riverside villages to the south, no roads east of Chute to the more affluent Clarence. On my map from 1876, it was only home to nine families – Bent, Chesley, Chute, Clark, Eagleson, Foster, Graves, Phinney, and Walker. This crumbling foundation was raised by W. Foster, but any signs of the structure that stood upon it are long since gone. Theirs was the westernmost homestead on a now-abandoned section of Beaconsfield Road, just about lost to the forest these days. Decades of intruding trees and deadfall have broken most of the walls into rubble, save for the southwest corner still holding its shape. Like so many of these places, they were left to dereliction once the community didn't grow to contain them. No phone or power ever ran this way, no nearer neighbours to welcome, so what's set in stone is all that's left behind. As a lifelong resident of Beaconsfield, any history close to home is especially moving. Not because my roots are deep here – they aren't. My parents only arrived in the early 1980s. But I was born in 1987, so you could say I've belonged since the beginning. Once I move away, there'll always be a part that lingers like these stones underfoot. Tied to the earth that made me. If you stay long enough in one place, your bones can be identified by the minerals in the water. Chemical composition distinct to somewhere, making a mark you can never shake. Tattoo indivisible, set down and saved, you can see the world but you'll never escape. Whoever this Foster family was, theirs was likely the only household here. Single generation habitation; been and gone for good. December 3, 2023 Upper Granville, Nova Scotia Year 17, Day 5866 of my daily journal.
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melissawalker01 · 4 years
84097 Attorneys
When it comes to 84097 Attorneys, you should call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation.
We can help you with:
Estate Planning Lawyer
Bankruptcy Lawyer
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Appeals Lawyer
If you want to check out other attorneys, here is a list of lawyers and paralegal services that we were able to locate. Please keep in mind that we do not constantly update this page and some of the information may be outdated or incorrect.
• Clarkson & Associates, LLC 1240 E 100 S #222 Kanab, UT 84790 • Sadler Cindy M Attorney 3770 Viking Road Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Phillips Randall G Attorney 2510 Washington Blvd. Suite 200 Ogden, UT 84403 • Roy B Moore PC & Associates 428 E Winchester St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Roberts J Val Attorney 48 E 400 S Bountiful, UT 84010 • Holman & Walker 9537 S 700 E Sandy, UT 84070 • Snow Ryan Attorney 9657 Vance Ct South Jordan, UT 84095 • America’s Capital 631 W North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 • Bishop Lee Attorney 4700 S 900 E Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Aaronson Grand 19 W Main St, #28 Vernal, UT 84078 • The Bankruptcy Center 36 E 400 N Provo, UT 84606 • Klc Thomas J Attorney 4725 Holladay Blvd, Ste 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Flint Edward Attorney 7190 S State St Midvale, UT 84047 • Legal Benefits 44 E St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Davis Elmer Thomas Jr Attorney 1181 Chandler Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Washburn Kimberly D Attorney 405 E 12450 S Draper, UT 84020 • Buchi Mark K Attorney 299 S Main St, Ste 1800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111
• Chiara Keith H 98 N 400 E Price, UT 84501 • De Jonge Nicolaas Attorney 4212 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Allred David M PC 26 E Main St Castle Dale, UT 84513 • Newtxt Inc 40 S 600 E Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Loveridge Michael R Attorney 262 E 3900 S, Ste 209 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Olsen Skoubye & Nielson LLC 45 W Sego Lily Dr, Ste 300 Sandy, UT 84070 • Laker Stephen A Attorney 2568 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • ARIC Cramer Attorney at Law 845 S Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Greg Ericksen Attorney at Law 1065 W 500 S Woods Cross, UT 84087 • Cummings Craig S Attorney 50 S 700 E, #4001 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Uresk Roland PC 47 S Main St Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Slaugh Franklin L 880 E 9400 S, #103 Sandy, UT 84094 • Brown George E Jr Attorney at Law 6 W Main St American Fork, UT 84003 • Lord- Robert L Attorney 2029 Highland View Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Robbins L Edward Attorney 190 W Center St Kanab, UT 84741 • Thompson Roger H Attorney 111 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Mansfield Corporation 11075 S State St Sandy, UT 84070 • Credit Attorney 555 E 1860 S Provo, UT 84606 • Ward David R Attorney 4543 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Bankruptcy Law Professionals 111 E Broadway, Suite 340 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Ferre L Mark Attorney 1366 Murray Holladay Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84117
• Ball J Spencer Attorney 7109 Highland Dr, #201 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Gotthard John CPA ESQ 2078 Prospector Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Robert J Fuller Attorney at Law 1090 N 5900 E Eden, UT 84310 • L G Cutler 1415 Skyview Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Neeley Douglas L Attorney 1 S Main St, Ste 205 Manti, UT 84642 • Perkins D Kendall Attorney 2417 Cliff Swallow Dr Sandy, UT 84093 • Quick Records Professional 147 Election Rd, Ste 200 Draper, UT 84020 • Wilde- Robert H. Attorney P.O. Box 71922 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Fadel George Attorney 170 W 400 S Bountiful, UT 84010 • Gravis Martin V 2562 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Roybal Frank A Attorney 442 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Buividas Alan J Attorney 107 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Hulse Loren R Attorney 15 W South Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Lybbert Steve Attorney 7069 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Winesett- Nathan S. Attorney 8180 S 700 E, #200 Sandy, UT 84070 • Vincent- Craig T. Attorney 333 N 300 W Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Doncouse Law Firm P.C. 2411 Kiesel Ave Ogden, UT 84401 • Davis Scott B Attorney 863 25th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Roylance- Bradley N. Attorney 175 S Main St, #1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Slemboski James E Attorney 32 E 100 S #203 Kanab, UT 84770 • Dangerfield Joel R Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, Ste 1123 Salt Lake City, UT 84111
• Berrett Joel D 58 E 100 N Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Jones Gilliam & Burr 853 W Center St Orem, UT 84057 • Huang Rex H 8148 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Winegar Todd Attorney 523 Cambridge Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Awerkamp E Scott 37 W 1070 S #102 Kanab, UT 84770 • Winters Donald W Attorney at Law 375 E 790 S Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 • Lundberg & Associates 3269 S Main St, Ste 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Bertch Daniel F Attorney 1996 E 6400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Schmutz Mohlman & Rohbock Attorneys at Law 533 W 2600 S Bountiful, UT 84010 • Perry Malmberg & Perry 99 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Brinton- Robert L Attorney 675 E 2100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Flitton John S Attorney at Law 1840 Sun Peak Dr Park City, UT 84098 • Kruse Landa Maycock & Ricks LLC 50 W Broadway, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Neilson Lenard Attorney 8160 Highland Dr, #209 Sandy, UT 84093 • Fonnesbeck Christian S 215 A St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Jason P Eves Attorney at Law 3055 N 1300 E Layton, UT 84040 • Henriod Joseph L Attorney 2262 E 1700 S Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Cummings- John Attorney 3856 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Stewart Timothy 3761 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Bown Edward M Attorney 1015 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Goldstein Janet A Attorney 5077 Silver Springs Rd Park City, UT 84098 • Olsen Justin R PC 45 W Sego Lily Dr, #307 Sandy, UT 84070 • Security Title Insurance Agency of Utah Inc 376 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Clark Carlos Attorney 1640 W 500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Ziter James Cattorney at Law 3760 Highland Dr, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • AF Attorney-Lebaron Law Offices 802 Bamberger Dr American Fork, UT 84003 • Bankruptcy Attorney 5595 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84123
• Kirk Paul Alma Attorney 125 E 300 S Provo, UT 84606 • Robert Henry Copier 17 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Shand Bruce W Attorney 4505 Wasatch Blvd, #340 Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Rudd Jonathan Attorney 392 E 12300 S Draper, UT 84020 • Halliday Paul M Attorney – Halliday Paul M 3986 Lares Way Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • A Better Choice 140 W 9000 S Sandy, UT 84070 • Paulsen Ted B Attorney 9350 S 150 E Sandy, UT 84070 • Jackson J Bryan Attorney 97 N Main St Cedar City, UT 84720 • Law Office of Ron J Kramer 11576 S State St, #501 Draper, UT 84020 • Deboer Gordon W Attorney at Law 69 Thaynes Canyon Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Atkin J Ralph Attorney 1240 E 100 S #10 Kanab, UT 84790 • Harmond George M Jr Attorney 1198 W 1500 N Price, UT 84501 • Jones Tom Criminal Attorney 211 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Ellis Dean B Attorney 3600 Market St, Ste 101 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Egan- Sean N. Attorney 136 S Main St, #408 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Skeen Richard C Attorney 201 S Main St, Ste 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Fishburn Bryan Attorney 4505 Wasatch Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Professional Offices 5450 Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • McBride Edward W Attorney 2749 Parleys Way, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Utah Bankruptcy Professionals P C 9217 S 1300 E Sandy, UT 84094 • Bucher John R Attorney 957 1st Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Bartholomew WYNN 5505 S 900 E Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Feil Randall S Attorney 3748 Bountiful Blvd Bountiful, UT 84010 • Jaenish Michael Attorney 150 S 600 E Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Havas David Bert 533 26th St, Ste 100 Ogden, UT 84401 • Larry Long Attorney 350 W Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Schlopy Max PC Attorney 3429 Saddleback Rd Park City, UT 84098 • Multi Cultural Legal Center 205 N 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Phinney Law Firm 1055 S 545 E Orem, UT 84097 • Schwab & Hardcastle LLC 225 S 200 W Farmington, UT 84025 • Larsen & Rammell Attorneys at Law 3600 S Market St, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Anderson- L Robert Attorney 17 Blue Mountain Dr Monticello, UT 84535 • Pearce Brett Attorney 1218 W South Jordan Pky South Jordan, UT 84095 • Jamis Johnson Johnson & Associates 352 Denver St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • John C Heath Attorney at Law PLLC 634 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Legalees 556 E 1400 S Orem, UT 84097 • Robert J Debry and Associates 4252 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Kipp Blake P Attorney 825 E 4800 S, Ste 133 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Second Opinion Executive Business Assistance Po Box 11586 Salt Lake City, UT 84147 • McGee Mary Paxman 1855 Brookhill Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Cragun Dan Law Offices Of 2608 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Karlin Myers Attorney 60 N 100 W St Kanab, UT 84770 • Bullock- Clinton J Attorney 353 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • King Samuel Attorney 3189 Joyce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Parry Edwin Attorney 3782 W 2340 S Salt Lake City, UT 84120 • Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associate 15366 Silverpoint Cir Bluffdale, UT 84065 • Woolley Chad L Attorney at Law 78 E 100 S Payson, UT 84651 • Rose Reilly Attorney at Law 81 N 300 E Moab, UT 84532 • Adams Stanley Attorney at Law 680 E 600 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Buckley John W Attorney at Law 3311 N University Ave Provo, UT 84604 • Swindler & Co. 1743 Horizon View Ct Draper, UT 84020 • Mangum & Holt 251 W Main St Vernal, UT 84078 • Matthews- Elaine Moore Attorney 649 Mi Vida Dr Moab, UT 84532 • Law Office of David Pedrazas 4001 S 700 E, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Hughes & Morley Law Practice Attorney 21 E 300 N Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Roth Linda L W Attorney 215 S State St, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Chacon Solomon Attorney 945 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Martin Mel S Attorney 5286 Commerce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Fund Raising Counsel Inc Po Box 58605 Salt Lake City, UT 84158 • Adams William H Attorney 170 S Main St, Ste 1125 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Davies Christopher A Attorney 7651 Main St, #107 Midvale, UT 84047 • A Plus Accident & Injury Attorney 290 25th St, Ste 204 Ogden, UT 84401 • Macfarlane Grant Attorney 35 50 E Coalville, UT 84017 ��� Alpine Residential Mortgage LLC 141 E 5600 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Gubler Scott A Attorney 1414 E 3850 S St George, UT 84790 • Law Office of Stephen Elggren 7390 Creek Rd, #201 Sandy, UT 84047 • Shaggy’s Living Room 155 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Morrison Heather E Attorney 4276 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Frazier Law Firm PC 11778 Election Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Daniels Scott Attorney Po Box 521328 Salt Lake City, UT 84152 • John H Jacobs PC 75 N Center St American Fork, UT 84003 • Vance Ronald N Attorney 57 W 200 S, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Argue Pearson Harbison & Myers- LLP 10 W Broadway, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Bouwhuis Michael Attorney 2564 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • ABC 4 News Southern Utah Bureau 205 E Tabernacle St St George, UT 84770 • Family Law Practice 150 S 600 E, #8c Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Berry & Tripp P C 1150 S Bluff St, #8 St George, UT 84770 • Stratton Keven 1313 E 800 N Orem, UT 84097 • Nakamura Blake A LLC 142 E 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Essig Fred D Attorney 36 S State St, Ste 1250 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hanna Charles Attorney 311 S State St, Ste 450 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Peterson & Simpson 2115 Dallin St Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • SMAY E Craig Attorney 174 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Allen- Randall C. Attorney 415 N Main St, #303 Cedar City, UT 84721 • Gould Mark H Attorney 1050 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Steffensen David W Attorney 448 E Winchester St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Barton-Coombs Cindy Attorney 193 N State St Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Lindberg Neil 13692 Hackamore Dr Draper, UT 84020 • Dodenbier Robert F Law Offices Of 12357 S 450 E Draper, UT 84020 • Hoskins Katherine Attorney 857 Meadow Way Dr Layton, UT 84041 • Hillyard Anderson & Olsen Attorneys 175 E 100 N Logan, UT 84321 • Richman & Richman LLC 60 S 600 E, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Noyes Ron Attorney 746 E 1910 S Provo, UT 84606 • Jensen Michael R Attorney at Law 90 W 100 N Price, UT 84501 • Peck Elizabeth M 134 S 700 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Thomas Tax & Law 220 Morris Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • H Otco 4516 Mathews Way Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • EDER Robert Jr Attorney at Law 565 E 4500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Dunn Clifford V Attorney 170 N 400 E St George, UT 84770 • LY VINH K 2900 S State St, Ste 208 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Taylor Jay W Attorney 8160 Highland Drive Ofc Sandy, UT 84093 • Novak Joseph Attorney 960 Donner Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Redd F Bennion Attorney 132 S Main St Monticello, UT 84535 • Warner Frank S Attorney 3564 Lincoln Ave Ogden, UT 84401 • D’Elia & Lehmer 7620 Royal St Park City, UT 84060 • Harmon Milton T Attorney 36 S Main St Nephi, UT 84648 • Saunders & Saunders Attorneys 401 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • G Eric Nielson & Associates 4790 Holladay Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Holmes Douglas J Attorney 274 25th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Utah Valley Patent Svc 846 S 1350 E Provo, UT 84606 • Vanwagenen Michael Attorney at Law Esquire 1505 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Harris L James Jr Attorney 214 E 500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Carver David Ray Attorney 93 S Main St Kaysville, UT 84037 • Grant & Grant PC 420 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Thomas Jonathan P 31 Federal Ave Logan, UT 84321 • Hawkins Boyd J Attorney 459 N 300 W Kaysville, UT 84037 • Magid Sydney Jayne Attorney 136 S Main St #820 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • BEUS Edwin H Attorney at Law 1440 Granada Dr Sandy, UT 84093 • Snow Legal Centers 105 E State Rd Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 • Guglielmo Paul Attorney 68 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Utah Legal Services 893 24th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Fairbourn Clayton Attorney 7321 S State St Midvale, UT 84047 • Carolyn Attorney at Law Degroff 24 N Main St Kanab, UT 84741 • McHenry Samuel Attorney 672 E Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Fisher Darwin Law Office 40 N 300 E St George, UT 84770 • Jensen Jonathan K Attorney 4849 S State St Murray, UT 84107 • Jaussi Clair J Attorney at Law 350 E Center St, Ste 2 Provo, UT 84606 • Meyers Oliver K Attorney 265 E 100 S, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Sackett Gary G Attorney 180 East 100 South Salt Lake City, UT 84139 • Ormond William R Attorney 3354 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Besendorfer Mark Attorney 942 E North Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • ZOLL & Tycksen LC Attorneys at Law 5300 S Green St, #360 Murray, UT 84123 • Savage J Bruce Jr Attorney at Law 1821 Sidewinder Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Brown Don Attorney Courthouse Richfield, UT 84701 • Mathews Dennis Attorney 55 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Lewis Kay M Attorney 320 S 300 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Carmicheal Larrie Attorney 975 E 6600 S Ogden, UT 84405 • Wall & Wall Attorney 5200 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Moffat Stephen Attorney 452 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • All-Search & Inspection Inc 1108 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Don R. Schow Attorney at Law 4059 S 4000 W West Valley City, UT 84120 • Christensen Steve S Attorney 136 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Taylor Margret Sidwell Attorney 147 S Main St Helper, UT 84526 • Cannon- Karl R. Attorney 1225 Fort Union Blvd, #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121 • Berry Andrew B Attorney 35 W Main St Mt Pleasant, UT 84647 • Chrystler Gary L Attorney 363 N University Ave Provo, UT 84601 • Maw- Barbara L. Attorney 515 E 100 S, #525 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Jones Kyle W Attorney 36 S State St, Ste 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Homer Stephen G Attorney 9225 S Redwood Rd West Jordan, UT 84088 • Jacques Bruce A Attorney 3194 S 1100 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • King- Brian S. Attorney 336 S 300 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Beshear Law Center 2679 Builders Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84118 • Beecroft Joseph N Attorney 2655 Hillside Pines Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Cook David S Attorney 85 W 400 S Bountiful, UT 84010 • Dew Lindsey Phillip Attorney 7660 Holden St Midvale, UT 84047 • Rouse Morna Bowman Attorney at Law Po Box 369 Park City, UT 84060 • Laurence Arthur Bruce National 621 S 1360 W Logan, UT 84321 • Gardner Development 4120 Highland Dr, Ste 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Rasmussen Thomas V 4659 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Brown- Jennifer A. Attorney 136 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Hines Dane L Attorney 524 W 300 N #103 Provo, UT 84601 • Bailey Steven R Attorney 2454 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Cutler Nicholas W 265 E 100 S, Ste 250 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Daines Chris Lawyer 135 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Jackman Frederick A 1327 S 800 E, Ste 110 Orem, UT 84097 • Palmer L Paul Attorney 3646 Wendell Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Liapis & Gray LC 175 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Public Defender OFC – Felony Division- Misdemeanor Division 424 E 500 S, Ste 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hutchison Richard C Attorney 111 W 200 S Farmington, UT 84025 • Hatch Denton M PC 128 W 900 N Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Lunt- Larry V Attorney 275 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Boley Mikel M Attorney 3535 S 3200 W Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Bearnson & Peck LC 74 W 100 N Logan, UT 84321 • Tina Lefgren Attorney 200 W Parrish Ln Centerville, UT 84014 • Spratling Ronald N Jr Attorney 2020 Murray Holladay Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Janerich Dwight Attorney at Law 4764 S 900 E Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • County of Salt Lake – Aging Services-Administration- Legal Services 205 W 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Taylor- Nolan S. Attorney 170 S Main St, #900 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Henrie Gary R Attorney 1200 S State St, #215 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Herron Nathan V Attorney 935 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Hartman Eric P Attorney 2558 Wilshire Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Utah Legal Services Inc 965 S Main St, #3 Cedar City, UT 84720 • Law Student 2052 Wilmington Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Lange Jennifer L Attorney 60 E South Temple St, #1270 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Lundgren Alvin R Attorney 5015 Old Highway Rd Morgan, UT 84050 • Hamilton Keith N Attorney at Law 10168 S Redwood Rd South Jordan, UT 84095 • Dixon Truman Bangerter & Fisher 192 E 200 N #203 Kanab, UT 84770 • J Franklin Allred P C 4047 Highway 36 Tooele, UT 84074 • Hatch Joseph E Attorney 5295 Commerce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Watkins Kevin Attorney 3 Triad Centre Salt Lake City, UT 84180 • Archuleta Robert M 333 Denver St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Wansker- Henry B. Attorney 4543 S 700 E, Ste 101 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Millard County – Attorney Po Box 545 Delta, UT 84624 • Speciale George H Attorney 39 Exchange Pl, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Boyer Associates LLC 2545 N Canyon Rd Provo, UT 84604 • Gregersen Mark J Attorney 3855 S 500 W Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Card Scott Attorney 39 W 300 N Provo, UT 84601 • Frandsen Richard B Attorney 7109 Highland Dr, Ste 204 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Marshall- Ward S. Attorney 135 N 900 E #5 Kanab, UT 84770 • JAX H Pettey Attorney at Law 9488 Union Sq Sandy, UT 84070 • Bartlett & Webster A PC Attorneys 5093 S 1500 W Ogden, UT 84405 • Johnson David W Attorney at Law 301 W 5400 S, #104 Murray, UT 84107 • Holdsworth David J 9125 Monroe St Sandy, UT 84070 • Clayton Grant R Pat Attorney 10117 S 2165 E Sandy, UT 84092 • Walstad & Babcock 57 W South Temple, Fl 8th Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Fisher- Kulaniakea Attorney 10653 S River Front Pky, #150 South Jordan, UT 84095 • Urry Pamela C Attorney 136 S Main St, #221 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Weber County Public Defenders Association 2568 Washington Blvd, Ste 203 Ogden, UT 84401 • Rick S Lundell PC 136 S Main St, #200a Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Johnson Blain Attorney at Law 3434 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Walsh John Attorney at Law 2319 Foothill Dr, Ste 270 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Roundy Thor B Attorney 448 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Neff R Bradley Attorney 9730 S 700 E Sandy, UT 84070 • Friel David Attorney 2875 Decker Lake Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Carr & Waddoups 8 E Broadway, Ste 609 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Rushton Kenneth A Attorney 99 W Main St, Ste 208 Lehi, UT 84043 • Packard Packard & Johnson 2795 E Cottonwood Pky, #600 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Buhler- Stephen J. Attorney 3540 S 4000 W, #245 West Valley City, UT 84120 • Hayes Michael Z Attorney 300 E 3900 S, #2118 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Richards Kevin G Attorney 2671 Foothill Dr Ogden, UT 84403 • Easterly Eric G Attorney at Law 1795 Sidewinder Dr, Ste 201 Park City, UT 84060 • Park Glen W Attorney Po Box 17181 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • David R. McKinney- P.C. 8 E Broadway, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Denali Inc 1134 Whileaway Rd E Park City, UT 84098 • Burningham- Leonard W. Attorney 455 N 5th W Salt Lake City, UT 84116 • Gustavson Mark S Attorney 1348 Longdale Dr Sandy, UT 84092 • Lind Eric S Attorney 34 N Main St Kanab, UT 84741 • Blackburn- Timothy W. Attorney 2404 Washington Blvd, #900 Ogden, UT 84401 • Cowley Charles H Attorney 308 Alta St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Douglas Hogan 86 S Main St Tooele, UT 84074 • Allphin JERI L Attorney 1327 S 800 E Orem, UT 84097 • Call- Frank Attorney 29 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Bailey Taylor & Jennings LC 584 S State St Orem, UT 84058 • Richards J Randall Attorney 5373 S Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Shapiro Bruce H Attorney 3760 Highland Dr, Ste 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Hartwig David R Attorney at Law 1817 S Main St, #17 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Schoenhals Jack L Attorney 2849 Millicent Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Atwood Robert D 40 W Cache Valley Blvd Logan, UT 84341 • Kenny Philip S Attorney 1892 E 5665 S Ogden, UT 84403 • Argyle Wesley C Attorney Attorney at Law 495 S 100 W Bountiful, UT 84010 • Hettinger H Russell 211 E Broadway, #216 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Barker Phillip D Attorney at Law 165 W Canyon Crest Rd Alpine, UT 84004 • Corporon & Williams Attorneys 405 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Mitchell Scott B Attorney 2469 Fort Union Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Guyon Peter W Attorney 3300 Newhouse Dr Magna, UT 84044 • Welling Scott Attorney 502 W 200 N Midway, UT 84049 • Drake David 7146 S 1300 E Midvale, UT 84047 • Stuart Dean A 1805 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Cox- ELLE Attorney 39 Exchange Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Marshall Randall Lee P C Attorney 5926 Fashion Point Dr, #200 Ogden, UT 84403 • Combs Kenneth L Attorney at Law 120 E Saint George Blvd St George, UT 84770 • Warr Irene Attorney at Law 5285 W 2400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84120 • Anderson & Anderson PC 1st St N Monticello, UT 84535 • Immigration Law Center 320 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Adams- Gregory J. Attorney 170 S Main St, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Durham- John C. Attorney 2 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Hunt Brian T 1111 Brickyard Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Parsons William B III 440 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Ascione Heideman & McKay LLC 50 E 100 S St George, UT 84770 • Clegg- Perry S. Attorney 8 E Broadway, #550 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Collard Kathryn Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #1111 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Clark J Colby Attorney 201 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • McCullough & Associates LLC 6885 S State St Midvale, UT 84047 • Cook Craig S Attorney 3645 Cascade Way Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Goodman Joseph Attorney 2825 E Cottonwood Pky Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Medsker Richard R Attorney 205 26th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Medlin James B 783 Rainforest Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Smith Joyce G Attorney at Law 34 E 200 N Blanding, UT 84511 • Cannon & Match P C 370 E South Temple St, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Corry W Kent Attorney 630 W 200 N Cedar City, UT 84720 • Beaslin John C PC 185 N Vernal Ave, Ste 1 Vernal, UT 84078 • Calder Tom 312 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • Rudman Tony J Attorney 1111 Brickyard Rd, #106 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Haugej Tamera 1121 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Warren- Barton J. Attorney 261 E 300 S, #175 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Immigration Law Offices of REZA Athari 498 Skyline Dr St George, UT 84770 • Guardian Ad Litem & Casa 37 N 100 E Salina, UT 84654 • Harper Ward Attorney 525 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Jaussi Jonathan Attorney at Law 524 W 300 N Provo, UT 84601 • Beaver County – Attorney 600 N Beaver, UT 84713 • Watts James Attorney 774 E 2100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Cummings Craig S Attorney 240 S 200 W, Ste 100 Farmington, UT 84025 • Douglas D Adair Attorney at Law 80 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Arnold- R. Clark Attorney 425 S 400 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • County Attorney 8000 W Duchesne, UT 84021 • Burton Rulon T & Associates 6000 South Fashion Boulevard Draper, UT 84020 • Stewart Jon K Attorney 50 W Broadway, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Williams Scott E 3325 N University Ave Provo, UT 84604 • Reber Fay E Attorney 260 W Saint George Blvd St George, UT 84770 • Law Offices of Kendall C FARR 4400 Butternut Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Hugie Amy Forsgren Attorney 33 S Main St Brigham City, UT 84302 • Malmberg Jan Attorney 245 N Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Henry Sara A Sahv PC 1400 Snow Creek Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Law Office of Lewis P Adams 495 E 4500 S, #102 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Peck Elizabeth M Attorney 350 S 400 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Lallatin Gerald J ESQ 226 W 2230 N, #100 Provo, UT 84604 • Rodriguez Baltazar Dorany Attorney 8541 Redwood Rd West Jordan, UT 84088 • Blakesley James R Attorney 2595 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Martinez Michael N Attorney 4479 Gordon Ln Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Malouf Law Offices LC 150 E 200 N Logan, UT 84321 • Coggins Deven J Attorney 5684 Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Russell Y. Minas Attorney At Law- P.C. 1945 S 1100 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Halls Craig C Attorney 333 S Main St Blanding, UT 84511 • Brown Jeffrey B Attorney 4685 Highland Dr, #175 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Professional Corporate Compliance Inc 147 Election Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Metro National Title 345 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Tucker Robert M Attorney 1326 E 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 • Stout Michael Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Chamberlain Associates 225 N 100 E Richfield, UT 84701 • Stith L James Attorney 2029 Sidewinder Dr Park City, UT 84060 • McClellan- Clark A. Attorney 363 E Main St, #201 Vernal, UT 84078 • Quinn Kofford PC Attorneys 481 W 50 N American Fork, UT 84003 • Rammell Jason R Attorney 3600 S Market St Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Essig Fred D Attorney 2240 N 1600 E Logan, UT 84341 • Lauritzen A W Attorney 610 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Dart Adamson & Donovan 310 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • National Sentry Corporation 260 W Saint George Blvd, Ste 201 St George, UT 84770 • Florence Brian R Attorney 5486 Skyline Dr Ogden, UT 84403 • Sundwall Michael G Attorney 533 W 2600 S, #125 Bountiful, UT 84010 • Morris Bill Attorney 3293 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Marsden- McKay Attorney 8 E Broadway, #414 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Robinson Bryan Attorney 4970 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Lee Wallace A Attorney 55 N Main St Panguitch, UT 84759 • Stephens Jeffrey R Attorney 2964 W 4700 S Salt Lake City, UT 84118 • Sampson John P Attorney 2650 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Snow J Matthew Attorney 299 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Bradley Richard H Attorney 4525 Wasatch Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Cook Tom Attorney 3269 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Gregory Skabelund 2176 N Main St Logan, UT 84341 • Law Office of Steven Baeder 333 E 400 S, #204 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Thornley Richard H Attorney 2610 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • The Bankruptcy Center 145 W Gentile St Layton, UT 84041 • Howell Armand J 648 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Johnson Eric Kent PC Attorney 2666 S 2000 E Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • J Garry McAllister 14254 S 6400 W Riverton, UT 84096 • Aaronson Grand 808 E 1910 S Provo, UT 84606 • Marshall Jan Law Office of Derek Coulter 11576 S State St, #503 Draper, UT 84020 • Williams H Mifflin Attorney 500 S Main St, #68 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Monson- Sean A. Attorney 10 Exchange Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Vancampen Chris Law Office 189 S State St, Ste 200 Clearfield, UT 84015 • Durbano Properties 476 Heritage Park Blvd Layton, UT 84041 • Coombs John Michale Attorney 3098 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Paulsen Erik C & Associates 9425 Union Sq Sandy, UT 84070 • German & Associates Mba Attorney 246 N Orem Blvd Orem, UT 84057 • Pendleton Gary W Attorney at Law 301 E Tabernacle St, Ste 200 St George, UT 84770 • Phippen David P 55 N Main St, #301 Logan, UT 84321 • LaMar J Winward 150 N 200 E #204 Kanab, UT 84770 • Smedley- James J Attorney 30 N Main St Heber City, UT 84032 • Ashton Paul H ESQ 175 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Miller Christina Attorney Park Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Allan & Easton LLC 1892 N 1120 W Provo, UT 84604 • Aaronson Grand 2708 S Redwood Rd, #200 West Valley City, UT 84119 • Olsen John K Attorney 120 W Main St Midway, UT 84049 • Neeleman- Jennifer L. Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, Ste 417 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Davis Doug Attorney 333 S 520 W Lindon, UT 84042 • Findlay- Delano S Attorney at Law 684 E Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Gold Brent Attorney 2064 Prospector Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Jensen Michael MBA 136 S Main St, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Dorius- Dale M Attorney 201 S Main St Gunnison, UT 84634 • C Michael Lawrence P C 5681 S Redwood Rd, #23 Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Colton Sylvia ESQ 1206 W South Jordan Pky South Jordan, UT 84095 • Hare Ronald Attorney 765 S Highway 99 Fillmore, UT 84631 • Essig- Lester K. Attorney 36 N State St, #1400 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Utzinger Todd Attorney at Law 144 N 100 W Bountiful, UT 84010 • Eliason- Eldon A Attorney 187 N Center St Delta, UT 84624 • Barker Ronald C Attorney 2870 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Palmer- Mark D. Attorney 976 W 1700 S Clearfield, UT 84015 • Isbell Law Office 2202 N Main St Cedar City, UT 84721 • Matthew T Graff & Associates 1160 W 250 N Kanab, UT 84770 • Greene Brian Attorney at Law 875 S Orem Blvd Orem, UT 84058 • Anderton Kenneth G Attorney 110 E 100 S Vernal, UT 84078 • Anna W. Drake- P.C. 215 S State St, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Christensen Steven A Attorney 3381 Star Fire Rd South Jordan, UT 84095 • Hafen Kendrick J Attorney 2766 Red Mountain Dr Santa Clara, UT 84765 • Trotter- Donna M. Attorney P.O. Box 340 Vernal, UT 84078 • Howell Reese S Attorney 376 E 400 S, #304 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Jensen Justin Attorney 14111 Senior Band Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Frischknecht- Paul Attorney 40 N Main St Manti, UT 84642 • Duzan- James R. Attorney 230 S 500 E, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Falk- Jennifer L. Attorney 105 S 1100 E, #2257 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Dahl Everett E Attorney 49 W Center St Midvale, UT 84047 • Schwegman Lundberg 4625 Sycamore Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Weeks E Nordell Attorney 19 E 200 S, Ste 1000 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Jackson Leray G Attorney 259 N Highway 6 Delta, UT 84624 • Chuntz Howard Attorney 1149 W Center St Orem, UT 84057 • Harrington Richard R Attorney 2696 N University Ave, #200 Provo, UT 84604 • Kessler Law Office 9117 W 2700 S Magna, UT 84044 • Noland Jeffery J Attorney 859 E 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 • Bankruptcy by Tina Lefgren 290 25th St, #102 Ogden, UT 84401 • Wangsgard Scott R Attorney 57 W 200 S, Ste 400 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Wilson & Wilson 5620 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Whatcott Kevin D Attorney 1846 S 300 W Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Sessions Todd Attorney 2485 Grant Ave Ogden, UT 84401 • Russell Steve Attorney Grand County Law & Justice CNTR 729 Bartlett Cir Moab, UT 84532 • Williams Scott C LLC 43 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Dawson Bruce L Attorney 3755 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Richard Allen Attorney 2975 Executive Pky, Ste 200 Lehi, UT 84043 • Hale Barbara P Attorney 1063 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Rice John K Attorney 51 E 7800 S Midvale, UT 84047 • Schmidt Gregory J Attorney 2046 Murray Holladay Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Molgard Jack H Attorney 102 S 100 W Brigham City, UT 84302 • Johansen Conrad H Attorney 45 W Sego Lily Dr Sandy, UT 84070 • McPhail Ross E Attorney 70 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Tanner Mark H Attorney 655 S Main St Orangeville, UT 84537 • Romney Lisa G Attorney 2118 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • PRM Investment CO 4547 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Poulton & Yordan Attorneys 324 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Cummings Michael D Attorney 225 S 200 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Quintana & York 3341 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Mangrum Dennis Attorney 7110 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Hatch- Cleve Attorney at Law 155 E Lagoon St Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Sampinos Nick J Attorney 190 N Carbon Ave Price, UT 84501 • White- Joane Pappas Attorney at Law 6 W Main St Price, UT 84501 • Farnsworth Briant J Attorney 5383 S 900 E Murray, UT 84117 • Olson & Hoggan PC Attorneys at Law 123 E Main St Tremonton, UT 84337 • Smedley J Mark Attorney 30 N Main St, #5 Heber City, UT 84032 • Ayala C Theodore Attorney 205 W 700 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Brindley Sullivan 249 E Tabernacle St, #102 St George, UT 84770 • Starley Sandra V Attorney 76 S Main St, Ste 19 Moab, UT 84532 • Crook- D. Scott Attorney 215 S State St, #650 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Celeste C Canning PLLC 2590 Washington Blvd, #200 Ogden, UT 84401 • McCullough Lee S P C III 5255 Edgewood Dr Provo, UT 84604 • Halls- Craig C Attorney 159 W 700 N Blanding, UT 84511 • Dawson Bruce L Attorney at Law 340 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Neeleman Jennifer L Attorney 192 E 200 N, Ste 202 St George, UT 84770 • Snow-Sorensen Marla R Attorney 765 N Main St Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Edwards Duke Attorney 4625 S 2300 E, #206 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Graham Jan Law Offices 150 S 600 E, #5a Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Henderson Law Offices 40 W Cache Valley Blvd, Ste 4C Logan, UT 84341 • Branch Tom D Attorney 1350 Draper Pky Draper, UT 84020 • Kennicott Jim Attorney 136 Heber Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Whiteley Brenda S Attorney 32 E 100 S Kanab, UT 84770 • Nielson Parker M Attorney 655 S 200 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hatch- Kendall P Attorney 230 S 500 E Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Nalder Robin Kent Attorney at Law 1835 W 1950 S Ogden, UT 84401 • Mulliner John G Attorney 363 N University Ave, Ste 103 Provo, UT 84601 • Coleman- Jared G. Attorney 136 U St, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Pace- Ryan H Attorney 4723 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Nemelka Rhett B Attorney 6806 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Bird J Kevin Attorney 384 E 720 S Orem, UT 84058 • Zarr Thomas M Attorney 1134 S 1700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Kingston Carl E Attorney 3212 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Salberg Jeffrey D Counselor 255 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • Bunderson Jon J Attorney at Law 45 N 100 E Brigham City, UT 84302 • Poole & Adams LC 4543 S 700 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Hanks & Mortensen- P.C. 8 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Gaither Randall Attorney 159 W Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Martin J Pezely Attorney 7700 Maple St Midvale, UT 84047 • Baar- Lois A. Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #1112 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Taylor Marcus PC 175 N Main St Richfield, UT 84701 • Culas- Roberto G Attorney at Law 5663 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Tanner James R 250 S Main St Tooele, UT 84074 • Fankhauser E H Attorney 243 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111
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theseveredhead · 5 years
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khorren · 2 years
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190 Season of the Scion, 1307 AE. (18 years before personal story)
It had been raining across Kryta for almost three days, and the nights kicked up a fierce concerto of rolling thunder that could be heard for miles. The people of Divinity's Reach mostly had the sense to stay indoors, and minimal patrols from the Seraph and the Ministry Guard kept an eye out for people looking to cause trouble in the quiet. Most residents of the city were cuddled up at home, the rest bundled into a tavern or pub, keeping warm next to roaring hearths.
Trecherous winds were blowing through Queensdale, uprooting some of the trees and outposts made by both Seraph and centaur alike. Worst of all the places affected was Godslost swamp. The murky shallows were swirling up a tempest, the foul smelling waters surging and sloshing about. The lone resident of Deathroot shack peered out of the ramshackled dwelling and noticed that in the middle of all this chaos, the sunken remains of the Temple of Ages was eerily still. He ventured out of his shack, and stood in the eye of the storm, silent and not a whisp of activity. Under the grim waters he could just about make out the shape of a portal forming. He took a step back and watched. The portal grew larger, the still waters slightly bubbling now and with a crack of magic a woman came tumbling through the vortex into the depths.
Choking, gasping for air, the woman was pulled to the surface by the shack's resident. He fumbled in his knapsack and pulled out a shawl, draping it around the woman's shoulders and over her head. Without a word, he gestured for the woman to follow him, gently holding her shoulder and nudging her in the direction of his shack. Inside the rickety cavern he gave the woman some soup from his small stove and gave her a cloak to replace the now sodden shawl. The rain was still battering down with more force now, the pair would look out of the small windows every time the room lit up with the light of a thunderbolt. They ate in silence until she had dried off.
Some time passed and even though the weather hadn't let up one drop it was time for her to move on. She gracefully took his hands in hers and bowed in respect to him. She pulled the cloak's hood over her head and took a lantern off the wall, heading out into the storm with Divinity's Reach on her mind. Lantern in one hand, and her ornate channeling staff in the other she took a deep breath and left the shack. The air cleared a little passing through Phinney Ridge and it was smooth traveling across Altar Brook Vale. Usually the area was rife with bandit activity, especially against lone travelers, but the storm was keeping them away from back-road robbery.
Within the hour she had arrived in Shaemoor Village. Passing by the tavern the owner beckoned her inside, out of the rain but she just shook her head and trudged on into the city. The guards at the city gate were surprised to see anyone traveling in this weather but gave her little attention. She looked like a lady on a mission and wasn't about to stop for small talk. She glanced at the road markers and nodded at the one marked Eastern Commons. Carefully she made her way down the ramp into the commons, taking small steps so not to slip on the slick stone. She stopped at the bottom, looking around to get her bearings and she slipped down a side alley of basic, but sturdy housing and stood in front of a small house with small potted plants next to the stairs. She rattled the knocker on the door with her staff and after a few moments its occupant came to the door after checking the peep hole. The owner smiled, leaned forward and pulled the woman up the stairs, kicking the door shut behind them. She ushered the woman to the sofa inside and the two settled down.
"You could have told me the temple was flooded, Ruby." The traveling woman muttered while squishing the rain out of her hair. Ruby chuckled as she poured out some tea into small mugs.
"I guess things are in motion then…." Ruby sighed, and took a long sip. "Must be serious if Grenth let you out, Alysia. But it's good to see you."
"I can't stay long. But we must talk of the family. I take it you have people in place?" Alysia questioned. Ruby nodded and leaned over the back of the sofa, pulling out a large tome simply labeled "Fae Legacy". She opened the book to a page of the family tree and the pair got to work.
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