#markiboss writes
speremint · 5 years
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Finally, finally done making these refs!
My Reversed Omens AU; everything’s almost the same but their roles are just a little scrambled! Also, please feel free to draw/write this AU, just tag/@ me when you do! I’d love to see it!
Current Written Works:
Pearlll09 (Show Summary/Archangel reveal- super close to how I imagine everything!)
Pearlll09 (Chocolates)
Pearlll09 (Nanny/Gardener)
Pearlll09 (Worm-on-String)
Bagelplease (Eden)
Bagelplease (5+1 Wings on fire)
Bagelplease (Shops)
Bagelplease (Sensing Love)
Bagelplease (Heavy Angst)
Bagelplease (Reversed Meeting Canon)
Jathis (Gabriel Visit)
Jathis (Nanny/Gardener)
Poems-areforlosers (Airbase/Archangel reveal)
Death-v-Elvis (Magpie Introspection)
Tchalla-Catman (1941)
Northeasternwind (Bandstand)
Markiboss-Voidghost (Reversed Meeting Canon)
Fanfics Made for this AU under this tag
Fanart Made for this AU under this tag
All art I make for this AU is under this tag
Personalities below the cut (check out my Reversed Omens tag for more);
Anthony (Raphael):
- Archangel (disguised so as not to frighten Aziraphale)
- Owns a nursery called Eden
- Drives a white Bentley
- Emo pastel hipster
It’s a wonder Anthony’s not been smited by his own kind (perhaps the hierarchy does have its uses). Originally the Archangel Raphael, Anthony assigned himself to Earth after the rebellion; his heart bleeds for humanity, and it was by sheer luck he hadn’t said the wrong thing at the wrong time. As centuries passed, Anthony finds himself owning a nursery ironically named Eden. 
Snarky and melancholic, he questions all the time why the Almighty has let humanity tear itself to pieces, but he quietly will pick those pieces up and mend them to the best of his abilities every time.
He cares for himself, Aziraphale, and humanity for sure, but if it were to come down to the two, Aziraphale wins each and every time.
***Why Anthony has 3 sets of wings “despite not being a seraphim”
- Magpie Aspect
- Owns a pawnshop
- Loves Crowley but still pushes him away because he’s scared of making him fall
- Slutty goth
He Fell by choice, of course. He desired knowledge; knowledge the ever eclectic Almighty refused to give, and so he took a swan-dive into a boiling pool of sulfur and while it aches to remember what Heaven used to be, the wonders of Earth are a balm.
Azirafell owns a pawnshop, and his little magpie heart collects to his heart’s content (well if he had one anyway). Not things of monetary value, no, things of sentimental value. He gives humans the equivalent money of their love and connection to an object, and if the human were to come back, well. Perhaps he might give it back.
My response to someone asking if Aziraphale accepts other things besides cash at his shop:
Most people visit pawnshops because they need cash/loans, or they need something and can’t afford anything but used and possibly badly damaged.
Azirafell’s a hoarder, but he does care for people, and he is compassionate.
If people are genuinely desperate; struggling to feed themselves/their family, to pay off medical bills, pay rent, etc., he over-compensates; spews some lies that “Oh actually this is quite rare, my dear! Yes, rare indeed! You’re lucky you came to me…”
-and will offer them a hefty sum because while he does love his hoard of treasures- how the love that is built into them fills the void in his soul that was ripped when he fell from Heaven-, he loves humanity, too, in his own way.
Azirafell has settled nicely into the sin of gluttony; he indulges in luxuries of all kind; material and flesh alike. But deep down, he’s still a good person; he loves humanity as much as Crowley, and is forever entranced by what they’ll come up with next. He’d just like to be involved in it, if possible.
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planetpossum · 8 years
I love love love your work!!! Do you have any other fics/writers that you can recommend?
Thank you so much!!
I sing the praises of my friend Toni over on Ao3!!
Obvs I love @septicrier‘s work bc she’s a gem and I love her and she writes beautifully
@adorabloodthirstykitty has a lot of awesome works for various different ships!!
@markiboss is an absolute sweetheart who writes some of my fav stories!!
@assbutt-of-the-readers has written a couple of works I’m in love with tbh
@snuggle-tart has written like 2 works (mostly concerning Anti) but i love them so much???
I know I’m totally forgetting someone but hopefully that’s a good start! I’ll recommend more people as I remember them :D
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