diopsidedruzy · 2 years
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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i think he's kinda cute.
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almanacrat · 3 years
Friend of a Friend (part 2)
Ethan Nestor x femReader
warnings: just swearing
Back at Mark’s house, Mark and Ethan were getting ready to plan out their next video. They sat at the kitchen table, computers open and brains running.
“Did you enjoy Comic Con Eth?” Mark asked.
“Yeah, I loved it! I met a lot more fans than I thought I would. Oh- and I met this super cool girl who was there!” Ethan rambled.
“Did she have black hair?” Mark inquired in faux interest.
“And was she wearing a Friday the 13th shirt with black boots?”
“Yes! That’s the one!” Ethan exclaimed with a broad smile, “You saw her too?”
“Yeah, she's my sister!” Mark raised his voice as he broke the news.
“What? You don't... You don't have a sister.” Ethan wore a confused smile on his face.
“I have two siblings, right?”
“One brother. One sister.” 
“You're messing with me. You would've introduced me to her by now.”
“You want proof?” Mark challenged.
Ethan nodded, prompting Mark to pull out his phone and show multiple family photos with Y/n in them. Ethan’s jaw hung ajar as he recognized the girl from the convention. 
“Why haven't you introduced us? She’s so cool!” Ethan stammered.
“Because I have to protect her.”
“From me? Mark, please? I’m not gonna kill her, I’m practically harmless.” Ethan threw his arms in the air, knocking his plastic cup off the table. “Okay, that was an accident.” He defended.
“Let’s drop it.” 
Later that night, Mark got a text from Y/n.
                                                    Sister Y/n
I got you something at CC today!! You better like it or else... 😈
                                                                                             Ooh! What is it?
It’s a surprise
Also I met THE Ethan Nestor today at comic con
                                                                                                       So I heard
                                                             My worst nightmare has come true
                                                        Also not fair! I want to know what it is
Does he know now?? 
You'll see what it is when you get it🙄
                                    Unfortunately, yes. Give it to me on Saturday bc I                                   
                                                                                          will be home then
Does this mean I can meet him?? again????
But like for real instead of coincidentally????
                                                                                                           Hell no
But Markyyyyyy :( 
Then you aren't getting your gift
                                                                                    Bro that’s so unfair😑
Not letting me meet Ethan is unfair
Can I pleeeeeeaaaase meet him
                                                         Why do you wanna meet him so bad?
he’s funny 
                                                                                          I’ll think about it...
Mark groaned as he set his phone down, rubbing his face with his hand.
“Whats wrong, honey?” Amy asked as she sat next to Mark on the couch.
“Y/n just texted. She wants to meet Ethan now.”
“Mark, I know you’re very concerned about Y/n, but what harm is going to come from her and Ethan meeting?” Amy began to rub his arm, hoping he would be less stressed.
“I don't know, but I wouldn't want to find out.”
“Mark, Ethan is one of your best friends. You would know is he had bad intentions, and I think it’s obvious he doesn't. Just think about it, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. I love you Amy.” 
“I love you too, Mark.”
A few weeks passed, and Ethan kept hinting at wanting to meet Y/n. He wanted to beg Mark, but didn't want to push it. Y/n knew she could push it, though. Every phone call they shared involved her asking if he had decided yet, to which Mark would tell her that his decision was no. This didn't deter Y/n, but it made her a feel like she was treading water. She felt like she was getting no where, but all her moments of bugging Mark had started to work. Mark mulled over the idea, and figured that his friends would have to meet Y/n at some point, but he wasn't going to plan for them to meet. 
“Okay, so there's been a change of plans.” Mark announced when he approached the table where Tyler and Ethan sat. “Sean has had some family stuff come up and he has to fly home early, so he won't be able to be in the video with us tomorrow.”
“What?” Tyler sighed.
“Nooo.” Ethan protested.
“I know it sucks.” Mark spoke.
“Who’s gonna fill in for him?” Tyler asked.
“Not a clue. Do you guys have any ideas?” Mark took a seat leaning his head on his hand.
The three of them sat in silence, brainstorming who would be fun and who was in town, then Ethan had an idea, but it was a longshot. His eyes widened as he sat straight up.
“What have you got, Ethan?” Mark inquired.
“Mark...” Ethan pleaded, and Mark immediately knew what he was implying.
“No. No way.”
“Mark, please? We don't have anyone else and you'll be here the whole time so nothing will happen.” Ethan reasoned.
“Ethan, no. Tyler, do you have any ideas?” Mark ignored Ethans disheartened face and puppy dog eyes, switching his focus to Tyler who looked confused as all hell.
“I mean, I was thinking about Wade but he’s out of town. I got no one.” Tyler responded, shrugging. 
“God dammit.” Mark sighed, slowly returning his defeated gaze to Ethan, making him perk up and eyes grow wide with hope. “You win, Ethan. I’ll go call her.” Mark stood up and pushed his chair in, grabbing his phone.
“Are you serious? Oh my god! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!” Ethan sprang up from his chair and wrapped his arms tightly around Mark, who just patted him on the back and rolled his eyes.
“Only because it’s our last option.” Mark said as he removed Ethans arms from around himself.
Mark disappeared into his room to call Y/n. Meanwhile, Ethan was overflowing with joy and excitement, explaining everything to Tyler.
For the people who asked for a part two: @busybeingtrash @kat-sukis-hoe @nyx2021 
should I turn this into a mini series?
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omgchuckyandgally · 8 years
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