#marleigh mcmahon
packeverhart · 1 year
the day after the scotland mission, marleigh’s hospital room 
He isn’t sure how it happened. He isn’t sure how he let it happen. Some sweet faced mess of a boy talking to him — about Marleigh, about how Marleigh was doing, about how Liv knew him. A sweet faced mess of a boy telling him that yes, Marleigh had been hurt, but yes, Marleigh was going to be okay. 
“They’re alright — they’re going to be perfect,” He had been told, and he wasn’t sure why that felt like a gut punch in and off itself. “They’d want to see you, when they wake up.” He’s told, and that definitely feels like a gut punch too. So then Liv is being led, a thin hand on his arm, out of the waiting room and toward Marleigh McMahon’s hospital room. The boy — Sol, Sol LeRoux — seems daydream soft and fragile, shaken to the core, starved and destroyed. Liv isn’t sure how he can stay positive. He was one of the Aurors, one of the lost ones, one of the people Central Squad was supposed to be rescuing on this covert operation. And they had. Marleigh had rescued Sol. Sol sits him down, and Nomi Everhart is asleep in a chair in the corner, and Marleigh is asleep in a hospital bed. 
Marleigh looks half dead. Liv swallows against the terror of that. 
Liv doesn’t feel like he belongs here. It’s wrong — surely it’s wrong. He’s taking up space where someone else should be sitting, someone that Marleigh knows better or loves better, someone who hasn’t burdened Marleigh with as much as Liv has. 
Sol leaves him there, leaves him floundering in it. The doctors are demanding him — because he’s so hurt, he’s barely on his feet, and he’s still taking the time to care for everyone else. Sol leaves him there, so Liv waits. He waits, and waits, until the sun is rising and he starts to see Marleigh stir. 
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“You look like shit.” He says, voice rough, uncertain if Marleigh will even hear him. 
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theaurorfiles-npc · 4 years
monday morning, just before impeachment trial begins, outside marleigh’s apartment, @marleighmcmahon​
They knew this was coming before they even received the telekit message from Appius. It had been their intelligence that had gotten Marleigh McMahon in the hot water they were in in the first place, and now Appius was truly testing their loyalty by having them actually sit down and talk to the wix. 
Someone had to do it, and maybe in a way its better that its them. If it was someone Marleigh didn’t know, they could be in even worse trouble. But if its a friend, albeit one with loyalties that go against Marleigh’s plans, they may be able to help them in some way. The last thing they wanted was Marleigh to get themself in any worse trouble over all of this, and maybe- just maybe they could do some good here for once. 
When they drink the polyjuice that had been sent to them that morning, they’re sad to say they aren’t all that surprised. If the goal was to rattle Marleigh this face would certainly do it, even if the face was a decade or two younger than the one the wix likely remembered. Once the polyjuice had its taken effect, they go to New York City, to the address they know Marleigh to be at, and sit themselves on a bench directly in front of the building, their back to the door. 
With nothing to do but wait until Marleigh heads out of their apartment, they light up a cigarette, and smoke it in silence until they feel someone walking up behind them. 
“Take a seat, if you like,” they speak up, keeping their gaze on the street ahead of them, “or you can just stand there, it won’t matter to me none.” 
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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Below you will find the promotions earned from our most recent point round-up. All character bios will be updated. In-game, these promotions would have been given out the Friday after the Scotland Mission. 
Harlow Bishop: Promotion to Corporal 
Athena Falconer-Quinn: Promotion to Corporal 
Marleigh McMahon: Promotion to Corporal 
Hades Falconer-Quinn: Promotion to Corporal 
Cassandra Astor-Reyes: Promotion to Sergeant 
June Norwood: Promotion to Cadet 
Hadrian Vernier: Promotion to Officer
Eden Blue: Promotion to Officer
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theaurorfiles-awbn · 4 years
Marleigh McMahon gave Deliverance their kelpie STD and now *both* of them have to sit in the bath for 6 hours a day so their skin doesn't slough off
Merlin, what I would give to see that on tape.... 
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aurorbishop · 4 years
9am, cromwell’s wizarding bank, closed to @marleighmcmahon​
The heist case was an intriguing one, with enough little twists and turns it’d make any auror salivate at the prospects of it. Two robbed heiresses and a bank desperate for answers? This was the kind of case that’d look good on any resume. And maybe if their partner looked just as good on paper as the case itself, Harlow would have been a bit happier about it. Instead the scowl on their face is apparent the moment they step through the gilded doors of Cromwell’s, as their eyes land on Marleigh McMahon. 
The other auror aggravated them, that wasn’t a well kept secret to anyone in the office. They were loud and crass, and got away with far too much. Which on their own would make them a mild inconvenience for Harlow. But it was the fact that somehow despite it all, they were a good auror, that irritated them to no end. 
“McMahon,” they greet as they walk into the lobby, “did Eames finally figure out that you’ve been pretending to be on a case for the last week? Or did Langer just finally get fed up enough she tossed this case on your desk anyway?” 
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aurormonday · 4 years
central squad offices, morning, @marleighmcmahon
He almost throws the case file on Athena’s desk that morning when he sees it. A case about strange lights and alien conspiracy theories certainly sounded like the softballs he’d been given lately, but it’s the name typed above his that has him certain there was a mix up. After Racine and the absolute travesty that proved to be, he figured the likelihood of him and Marleigh ever working together again was incredibly low. Yet, when he looks back behind him, to Langer’s office, where she’s currently somehow even more busy than before, now quite literally working two jobs, she gives him an amused shrug when he finally catches her eye. 
He’s not certain if he has her to thank her, or a last ditch decision by Eames before he jumped ship, but he wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to work with Marleigh again, especially on a case that sounded as fun as this one was. Picking up the note Rory had left in the file, he heads to the bathroom, hoping to evade Marleigh before they get into the office that day as he does. Once the concealment is on, he’s pleased to see Marleigh has only recently sat down at their desk. 
Straightening his posture he walks over to them, “Excuse me,” he says as he nears their desk, crossing his arms and trying to look like every authority figure he’s had in his life as he does so. “I’m Bob Saget with human resources,” he greets gruffly, “and I’m here to investigate a rather serious- no, grave, matter at hand here.” 
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“It has come to our attention that you and another one of your squad members have been- how should I put this...” he trails off, as if he has to try to think of the term, “railing the gooddamn shit of each other, so to speak. Which you know, we just can’t have, especially when the sanctity of our dueling ring has been so thoroughly disgraced because of it,” he shakes his head, mournfully, “tell me, Mx. McMahon do you have anything to say for yourself?” 
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sxleroux · 4 years
Padre Island, where all those sea monster sightings are taking place, Mid-Morning, a bright and sunny day in March / @marleighmcmahon
Sol is a little conflicted about it all. A new Squad, new things to do, the idea of going out in the field again. He’s happy he made the decision to change. He’s happy that he can throw himself into a new environment here, surround himself with new faces who don’t understand intimately all the different ways Sol is broken over things. He can be the sunshine boy again, if he tries hard enough, and he’s not sure he’d be able to do that if he was still a floor up, surrounded by the same old people as before, with the same heavy burden of the same trauma. He was glad he made the change, but he was anxious about getting started again. Six months. It was a long time, to be out of comission. A long time to be hurt, caged, on the run. 
But he’s glad that his first trip out for Central Squad will be with Marleigh, probably the person that he trusts the most here, the person he feels like he knows the best. WIth Marleigh, he hopes that he can relax on this, he hopes that he can admit any strange feelings that come up, that they can both help each other.
Plus, Marleigh and Sea Monsters seems like a combinaton that could actually be fun. 
So Sol puts his concealment on, and grins at his new face. A strange body to slip in to, but one he can wear like some kind of second skin if he tries to, to ease himself back in to the lull of work once again. It makes him feel more positive already, ready to get out there and hit the beach, which he figured was as far away from Scotland as you could get. And its easy to fall into step beside Marleigh when the time comes, to grin up at them and their own new face. 
“You know what, I reckon this face suits you even better than your normal one. Oughta keep it, McMahon.” 
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savagexcamden · 4 years
later the same day, body for the protection of magical species offices // @theaurorfiles-npc​, @marleighmcmahon​
With the temporary unspoken truce that the connection with Margot had seemingly caused, the case feels significantly more manageable, less like something he wants to rush through, and more like a case should be, something to solve, and solve well. They head to MACUSA’s headquarters, to the floor where the Werewolf Relations Offices are housed, and in the absence of having to worry, for now at least, what McMahon might say or do, he does vaguely worry what it’s going to be like to speak with Molina. That relationship had been downright near hostile before his transformation, and after it had been strange, but not so bad, once he understood better the position they were in against their own will, understood that very little of what he had thought or said to them had been helpful in the slightest, suddenly in their position, too. 
It’s been decades since he’s seen anyone from his original squad, and time passing is a strange thing for him in that it doesn’t really mean anything, but he’s well aware that’s not the case for most people. So even though he knows not to expect the Jo Molina he had known years ago, it’s still a bit of a shock when they’re pointed towards their office, when he knocks on the slightly ajar door of their office and sees them, physically older than him now. But no matter what they look like, Camden can tell that he would’ve recognized them.
“Molina, it’s been a long time, good to see you. You smell the same,” he says, a hint of a joke. No need to reintroduce himself, nothing’s changed for him. “This is Corporal Marleigh McMahon, my partner on the Lake Worth case. Do you think you could spare a few minutes?”
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deliverancemayhew · 4 years
early morning, outside the auror headquarters in Milwaukee / @marleighmcmahon​
Liv had actually been surprised when he saw the case file on his desk before he left work yesterday, another case, another case with Marleigh McMahon. He had been surprised, but he had been kind of grateful too. It was easier to spend time around Marleigh these days, it was easier to work with them when he didn’t have to hide a single thing, when they had become one of the few people who knew every inch of him, all the pain in his past and every fucked up thing he thought about himself now. They knew that Liv was fucked up and broken, they knew that he deserved so much pain, but they liked him anyway and they actually wanted to be his friend. They were letting Liv cling on to them, even when it must have been occasionally annoying. 
Liv is excited that they’re working together again, because he’s determined to redeem himself for what happened in Midville, for the way that he had shut down and almost fulshed the entire case down the drain with his own fear and panic. Marleigh had a lot of slack to pick up during the latter half of that case, and Liv wanted to prove himself somehow, wanted to show Marleigh that he could get through this and actually be helpful, actually do his job and do it well enough to deserve his rank and his position. 
There were, of course, reasons to be worried about this case. It seemed unlikely that everything would be chill and cool with a kid who had been missing for more than two weeks already. Especailly someone from an apparently high risk position in life, getting wrapped up in things too big to understand. And there was the auror from New York to think of –– Deliverance almost hadn’t recognised the name, until the last second. Julián de la Cruz. That fucking prick. He’d been a snarky fuck back at the academy, and they’d gotten wrapped up in each other in ways that Liv almost hoped he wouldn’t have to explain to Marleigh. 
It seems like there isn’t much time to waste, and Liv makes plans with Marleigh to meet outside the Milwaukee division office first thing in the morning. That’s where Liv is now, waiting outside the doors and down the street a little bit, absentmindedly smoking as he waits for Marleigh to appear. He runs through the case over and over again in his head, and he’s just stubbing out the cigarette when he hears the pop of an apparition and shifts to look at Marleigh, shooting them a brief grin and raising a hand in a greeting. “I’ll never fuckin’ get used to this bright and early thing, boss.” He says, with a shake of his head, and takes a step closer to them so they can quickly go over stuff before they head out from here. “So, what’s the plan? Get the run down and then hit the streets to look for our missing kid?” 
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edenblue · 4 years
in the ballroom at the party, who knows when, time doesn’t exist        ( @deliverancemayhew​​. )
It seems the longer they are here, doing this work, and trying to learn to navigate this side of the world, the less control they have over their visions. It had come to feel so simple, once they had arrived in America, their energy focused enough that their Sight seemed to just naturally give them what they wanted. Now, though, something is changing. Frustrating, to feel so helpless in the work, without the easy guidance of the future, and even more frustrating, perhaps, to be given more and more visions of the people around them, while their own future remains empty.
Once the matched dance is finished, they’re back to watching everything curiously, drink in hand, ready to welcome whatever comes of the future tonight, at least. The issue is that to look around the room, and see faces from telling dreams, is not a comfortable thing. One, cornered by Marleigh McMahon in a sleek red suit, Eden finds themself looking for the other half of that problem, less with any intention to try to do anything about tonight, and more for understanding. They know him, after all, he’s helped them, before this, perhaps it’s their turn to help him.
Deliverance is easy to spot in such a striking outfit, clearly intentionally or not the other half to the problem. Drink in hand, they approach, smile on their lips.
“Ah, look at you, my little angel, positively radiant. Did you come on your own?” Eden asks, a purr in their voice, posing the question as something other than what it actually is.
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aurormontero · 4 years
mission barn, before athena returns, @marleighmcmahon​
It’s not too long after Jim informs them of the trap charmed into the portkey when more aurors show up, those who aren’t injured head back out to the manor, to help those who found themselves entrenched in battle, while those injured stayed behind. He tries to keep himself busy as he waits for Athena to get back, to give him a better idea of where his help was needed the most. He feels like at this stage the point is moot, considering how many aurors are still lost out there, but he made her a promise, and so he stays behind. Waiting anxiously for her return. 
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It’s as he waits when Marleigh McMahon’s group comes in, with the wix themself looking half dead and covered in blood as they’re brought into the barn and laid out on one of the hay bales Felicity has since set out to use as makeshift hospital beds. Abel hangs back at first, not wanting to crowd the wix as Felicity and one of the Mountain aurors discuss Marleigh’s injuries while she looks him over. 
“You did great, sunshine, really,” he hears Felicity tell the younger auror as Abel finally steps forward. “They wouldn’t have made it without your help.” The younger auror smiles at her compliment before pulling her into a hug, his shoulders sagging as she embraces him. 
Wanting to find out the state of his own coworker, he takes a seat on a wooden crate that’d been placed next to Marleigh’s makeshift bed. 
“Rought night?” He asks, his bloodied lip turning into a half smirk as his gaze sweeps down to look at the extent of Marleigh’s injuries. They look like something had torn into them, but then, remembering just whose camp they were assigned to head into, he assumes it was more likely a someone rather than a something. 
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emmyyaxley · 4 years
got the message loud and clear 😂 be careful don’t break your back. maybe we can get brunch w my dad this weekend and i can spill all the details, but i have to go do actual work now stop bothering me oldie
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ignatiusyaxley · 4 years
[Incoming Telekit Message] Officer Marleigh McMahon: starting a betting pool on who the blocked sender is, so far there's 10 galleons on eames and 5 on whitney you in?
What if it’s the government oversight woman? Trying to get us for improper use of telekits? It’s probably Eames, but also that’s way more interesting.
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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Rumored Messiah in Midville, Alabama 
Current Status: CLOSED
Lead Auror: Marleigh McMahon
Assisting Auror: Deliverance Mayhew 
Conclusion: With the assistance of Peggy St. Pierre, a  representative from the Department of Protective Services for No-Maj Born Children, aurors Marleigh McMahon and Deliverance Mayhew determined the town the Vallows resided in was not a safe place for Verity. Feeling confident that her family would be supportive of their daughter and her newfound magic, the entire family was relocated to a nearby town that would be much more welcoming of the young girl and her family. The case is now considered closed. 
Point Rewards:
Officer Marleigh McMahon (Lead)
+100 points for solving as lead, level two + 20 for helping relocate verity and her family
Resulting point rewards: +120
Cadet Officer Deliverance Mayhew (Assisting)
+90 points for solving as assisting, level two +20 for helping relocate verity and her family 
Resulting point rewards: +110
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snowbaron · 4 years
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D A N I E L   C H U R C H  /  A U R O R   C A D E T
AGE:  Twenty-Six
BLOODSTATUS: Halfblood (No-Maj Mother)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Agender, They/Them
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Werewolf bite scar on right thigh, walks with a cane due to a mild form of cerebral palsy, animated ocean scene tattoo on upper right arm. 
(+): Werewolf Abilities, Heightened Senses, Advanced Potions Knowledge
(-): Wandless Magic, Runes and Protection Wards, Unlikely to Still Have their Cane
BELIEVED LOCATION: Greyback Encampment
GUARDING DEATH EATER: Greyback’s Pack Members (Suggestions: x, x, x, x )
During one of their first missions with the Mountain Squad, Daniel was bitten alongside fellow auror Samantha Lindsey. 
They are believed to be at Greyback’s encampment, along with two other aurors. 
It is unlikely Greyback has allowed Daniel to keep their cane, so they may face some difficulties without it. 
Aurors Nomi Everhart, Jim Norwood, and Baron Snow have been tasked to extract the three aurors confirmed to be in Greyback’s Camp. Auror Marleigh McMahon will assist the aurors at Greyback’s Camp, before seeking out missing auror, Sol LeRoux.
Greyback’s Camp is located within the woods close to the Yaxley Manor. There are reportedly eight members of Greyback’s pack in the camp.
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nomieverhart · 4 years
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J O H N   L O C K T O N  /  A U R O R   S E R G E A N T
AGE:  Thirty-Five
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Snallygaster bite scar on right forearm. Missing top half of left pointer finger. Aries tattoo in center of upper back. 
(+): Magizoology, Physical Strength, No-Maj Studies
(-): Fierce Loyalty (auror unlikely to leave others behind, even if necessary), Doesn’t do Well Taking Orders from Others
BELIEVED LOCATION: Greyback’s Encampment 
ASSOCIATED DEATH EATER: Fenrir Greyback x, x
Father of two. 
Thirteen year veteran of the force. 
It is rumored he was bitten in the ambush by one of Greyback’s pack members. 
Aurors Nomi Everhart, Jim Norwood, and Baron Snow have been tasked to extract the three aurors confirmed to be in Greyback’s Camp. Auror Marleigh McMahon will assist the aurors at Greyback’s Camp, before seeking out missing auror, Sol LeRoux.
Greyback’s Camp is located within the woods close to the Yaxley Manor. There are reportedly eight members of Greyback’s pack in the camp.
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