jfpbowie · 8 months
im not really sure how to use tumblr. but i would like it to be known that i just made out with marlene mckinnon
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smokedsaba · 4 years
Marlene marlene marlene MARLENEEEE
I assure you I dont want your man.
Marlene marlene marlene marleneee
Please just leave him as fast as you cannn
Im not sure if you are aware
He likes to steal my locks of hair
And tries to sneak into my work unseen
His voice is really such a pain
I dont want to see him again
And I dont want to compete with you
He’s always talking in his sleep
And frankly I think he’s just a creep
He’s crying and he never takes the blame
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for the super long ship meme ... marlene / evan
{ super long ship meme }
some of these are au for obvious reasons but anyYWAYY
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultationdef marlene i feel like
who’s the first to wake up in the morningevaannn he doesn’t sleep a lot
who would suggest a quickie in the morning before worklmao i feel like in their typical verse, evan would joke about it and marlene would hit him but like in an au when theyre ~together~ … both of THEM
who distracts the other from trying to work at homemarlene 100% 
who stays up until 2 readingevan i think? like he liked to read and i dont think marlene did SO 
who stares at their partner while they’re sleepingmarlene but she doesnt stare at him she draws things on his face smh
who asks to go get ice cream like a five year oldmarleneeeE
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of themok omg i feel like in a modern au, evan’s insta would be aesthetic af? like he’s a pretentious proud pureblood, he’s a slave for aesthetics! and marlene’s would just be like random things she likes/finds interesting maybe? so evan i think for this one?
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happywow deadass the both of them, evan would never admit it tho
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to themevaaannnn they have bets over who can pick the scariest movies and how long they can without being scared
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract themthis is definitely a thing marlene did in hogwarts??
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separatedhmmm both of them would i think? maybe marlene a bit more?
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they dosdkhsdhkds marlene 100% storms out because she cant take him being an utter asshole but i dont think evan’s cried even though he has definitely… come close
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite showsmarlene!! she forces evan to watch her trash tv too!
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling friskyi mean, neither of them but in an au, both of them
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the cari feel like this is v marlene? rip
who has more fun decorating the house during holidaysi think it would be marlene cos neither of them really had the Best childhood but evan is super emo and angsty and his house would always have decorated by house elves and christmas would just be another day for him but marlene would actually have fun with things like that?
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the otherwow evan af, marlene gives out to him like helllll
who plays with the others’ hair moreevan!!
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re boredmarlene cos she’s trying to wrestle and knock him to the ground lmaooo but i feel like in an au this is also marly!!
who tries to kiss the other as often as they canwow evan is allergic to affection so marlene in an au
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck upneither of them pout!! they flip and tell the other to shut up hell
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled upi mean neither lmao but in an au i see… both of them doing this? cos theyre terrible? 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have onemarlene forgets it and she makes evan holds it
who demands showering first in the morningsevan does cos marlene neva wakes up
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the morningsmarleneee af in an au 
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the gamesboth of them would prefer roller coasters i think? marlene would drag him to EVERY SINGLE ONE
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respondLMAO marlene i think? the texts would just keep getting more abusive and vulgar until he did
who always forgets to charge their phone overnightprobss marlene?? tho evan would neva leave his phone charging overnight!!
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pocketsumm i also see marlene doing this? but maybe evan too tbh
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they canagain, hes allergic to affection lmaooo but he enjoys her hugs so much stop this :///
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quietevan tells her to be quiet when hes working/doing something else? does she listen? definitely not
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fieryevans · 7 years
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[TEXT: Marls] I’ve decided I’m never getting drunk ever again.[TEXT: Marls] Because Drunk Lily can’t be trusted.[TEXT: Marls] And yes, I know drunk me just does what sober me wants but still??[TEXT: Marls] I mean, yes okay, I may have wanted to kiss James but I wouldn’t have. [TEXT: Marls] And I wish I bloody hadn’t because I have barely stopped thinking about it since. (Also remind me to tell you about the dream I had because it was weird)
[TEXT: Marls] Marleneee? Normally you’ve bombarded me by now. Where are youuu?
[TEXT: Asshole] Also the dream was nothing to do with you just in case you got your hopes up.[TEXT: James] And your new name on my phone is asshole :)
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