#mars retrograde 2022
chinarosy · 2 years
Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022
Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022. On December 7th at 8:09 PM Pacific Time we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Horse with the Full Moon conjunct to Retrograde Mars.
On December 7th at 8:09 PM Pacific Time we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Horse with the Full Moon conjunct to Retrograde Mars. Audio Transcript: Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022 Podcast Episode: Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022 Horse Full Moon | December 7th Our Horse Full Moon delivers gifts and treasures with an rare conjunction. The Full Moon conjunct retrograde Mars for a…
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trippyskippy · 2 years
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Mars retrograde is around the corner (October 30). Learn how to stay mentally fit during this wild period that can feel like a roller coaster ride.
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mars direct in gemini • january 12, 2023
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mars has been retrograding since august, but is now stationed direct at 8° gemini on january 12, 2023. when mars stations direct, this is the end of the recalibration period for how + where mars is working in our lives. reflect on the last 2.5 months - how have your mindsets developed? how is your relationship with your toxic habits? have you learned to speak up for yourself more? what's your relationship like with the internet these days? mars has been working to bring us into alignment with our motives, our drive, and the way we execute when it comes to how we communicate, what we learn, and what we engage with on a mental basis. if you have been using this retrograde to your advantage, you may be being blessed with a more empowered mindset, toxic ties are being broken, you're no longer settling for less, and confidently exercising that throat chakra.
the focus here is organizing our spaces by filtering out what no longer serves where we're headed. this involves releasing friendships, abandoning spaces we no longer resonate with, doing a social media cleanse, and even deep cleaning our physical spaces since the state of our physical environment correlates with our mental environment. many people will be focusing more on health + wellness so if you've been called to upgrade your life in that sense, now is the time. we'll also be seeing more people getting irrational, aggressive, and competitive on the internet - mind your business + do not get lost in the sauce of social media competition. overall, this transit is here to help is realign with your long-term goals and creatively conjure up a way that we can be successful through our God-given talents. in order to attain success, we must overcome our fears of self-expression and no longer doubting our abilities.
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how to alchemize with mars direct:
learn to feel safe within our own body
i cannot stress this enough... mind your business!
create boundaries with social media
hang in spaces that motivate you
release the lazy, unfocused friends that you're still holding onto
speak up for yourself!
learn nu things
implement more healing hobbies
write more!
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: December 2022
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December is a "9" universal month [12 (December) + 6 (2022) = 18 = 1+8 = 9] in a "6" universal year. 9 is the number of endings and completions which is very appropriate for our last month in 2022. Additionally, this numerological energy works well with the astrological aspects of December which are all about evaluation and ending cycles.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Sagittarius, retrograde Mars in Gemini, Jupiter and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. By month's end, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus will have entered Capricorn and Jupiter will have entered Aries. Additionally, Mercury will have begun its fourth and final retrograde of the year and Neptune will have stationed direct.
All eyes will be on three major astrological energies: our deepening Mars retrograde, Mercury's final retrograde which will conjunct Venus and complete a cycle that has been ongoing all year, and Jupiter's re-entry across the astrological divide between Pisces (the last sign in the zodiac) and Aries (the first sign in the zodiac). We have things that need doing - and moreover - things that need ending and wrapping but - but retrograde Mars isn't going to make the doing easy for us.
The Nitty Gritty
As often happens with endings, there's little easy astrology during the month of December.
The week of December 1st has a lot of tough stuff to get through both before and after the demarcation of the change in months. Mercury and Venus, who are sitting conjunct one another in Sagittarius both oppose retrograde Mars in Gemini all week which means that the energy is going to be quick moving and personal. There may be a truth that needs to come forward and be examined (both Gemini and Sag are concerned with truthiness versus "the lie" in some way) but it is certainly not one that anybody wants to look at.
All of this is happening in t-square to retrograde Neptune in Pisces (a sign that seems to love being lied to) which will station direct on Saturday 12/03.
If you are trying to maintain a lie or keep a secret, this is a week to lie low and say less. If you're looking for truth - whether terrestrial truth or something more esoteric and specific for you - this is a great week to do this week. This is a week to watch what you say. Tempers will be high and retrograde Mars in Gemini has zero off switch.
In the best of times, Gemini and Sagittarius can be great companions. Gemini wants to explore and Sagittarius can keep them moving. Sag wants to expand and Gemini can give them the knowledge to apply their relentless energies. These, unfortunately, may not be the best of times, though, as Mars is never particularly at ease in the mutable air sign of Gemini and is very out to lunch while retrograde in the sign of the twins. If you've got supplies of energy to get things done - get to it. But conflicts are more likely during this time than cooperation.
Neptune's energy is just likely to make things muddy. It may be difficult to feel seen or heard. This is break-up weather (hard aspects between Venus and Mars always are), so say it if you need to; but know the consequences of your actions BEFORE you take them. Some words cannot be unsaid so tread with care if you can.
The first full week of December is still fraught with retrograde Mars energy as the Sun makes an exact opposition to Mars on Thursday 12/08. This is definitely a day to lie low as egos will be high and tempers explosive. Additionally, both Mercury and Venus will both square off with Jupiter in Pisces before transitting into Capricorn (Mercury on 12/06 and Venus on 12/09). We may feel like we are out of luck and out of time.
The full moon at 16° Gemini on Wednesday 12/07 will be closely conjunct to retrograde Mars which isn't helping to cool down everybody's hot heads. Unless you like the flames, get out of the fire. This will be a powerful day to change your mind or take the first steps to change your life, but for little else. Avoid the person that you can't help but quarrel with if you can.
On Monday 12/12, our Sun in Sag makes a constricting sextile to Saturn in Aquarius and Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 08° Capricorn. We are being forced to face the consequences of our actions - perhaps the consequences of our impulses during the full moon from the week beforehand. Remember that every aspect that Mercury makes from the point it enters its shadow until it begins its retrograde will be repeated thrice - there are lessons here.
The only other significant aspect of the week is our Sun squaring off with Neptune in Sagittarius on Wednesday 12/14 which is just going to make the week feel weird and murky. Don't expect to get a lot done.
The energy will pick up again in the third week of December. On Tuesday 12/20, Jupiter re-enters Aries after its brief sojourn back into Pisces during its retrograde cycle. The next day our Sun enters Capricorn (Happy Winter Solstice!) and immediately forms a square with Jupiter. Luck energy will be high here, but I want to qualify that this doesn't mean "good" luck necessarily - luck goes in all directions. Aries wants to move and explore while Capricorn wants to solidify and maintain - there is often no common ground to be found between these two cardinal energies. If you pick a side (explore OR solidify) and luck is on your side, much could be done with this energy but it will take careful management.
There is a wild card in play as both Mercury and Venus make quick-moving trines to unpredictable Uranus in Taurus on either side of the Solstice (Mercury on Saturday 12/18 and Venus on 12/22) - Capricorn and Aries have seen a lot of action since 2020 and you may need a push to reevaluate and wrap up some of the events that it instigated in your life. It's worth noting that Mercury will form this trine to Uranus three times over its retrograde cycle showing us that something about the ways that we express our Mercurial natures must be revolutionized in some way. Our new moon at 01° Capricorn on Friday 12/23 will still be square with Jupiter in Aries - this is a day for a new start, for good or for ill. Channel the cardinal energy to get things done at this time but beware of being too stuck in your idea of where you are going.
The final week of December will be slow as Mercury will have stalled to a near standstill in anticipation of its retrograde on 12/29. This is business as usual - personal planet retrogrades are always felt both internally and externally in advance of the moments that they change course.
It is worth noting that at the moment Mercury stations retrograde, it will be exactly conjunct to our planet of love, comfort, and getting what we want Venus, and nearly conjunct to Pluto, our planet of death and transformation. This is significant because both Mercury and Venus both went retrograde simultaneously at the beginning of 2022 while conjunct to Pluto. This created a beautiful butterfly effect between what we want (Venus) and how we verbalize it (Mercury) which impacted the energy of the entire year.
Said another way, we still have some work to do. If all went well, we may have a better idea of the lessons we were meant to meet in 2022 but for many of us, they will likely carry on, at least through the beginning of the next year. If you're still lost on what lessons you are facing - you can look at your natal birth chart. Mercury's retrograde cycle will be from 08-24° Capricorn - what house/s does that fall in? Does it make any important aspects with your personal planets? These often offer hints as to how a particular transit will impact you specifically.
The Details
12/01 - Mercury in Sagittarius square retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Venis in Sagittarius opposed retrograde Mars in Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius 12/03 - Neptune stations direct 22° Pisces 12/04 - Venus in Sagittarius opposed Neptune in Pisces 12/06 - Mercury in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury enters Capricorn 12/07 - Full moon 16° Gemini 12/08 - Sun in Sagittarius opposed retrograde Mars in Pisces 12/09 - Venus in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces, Venus enters Capricorn 12/12 -Sun in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 08° Capricorn 12/14 - Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 12/17 - Mercury in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 12/20 - Jupiter enters Aries 12/21 - Sun enters Capricorn (Winter Solstice), Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries 12/22 - Venus in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 12/23 - New Moon 01° Capricorn 12/24 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 12/28 - Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 12/29 - Mercury stations retrograde 24° Capricorn, Mercury conjunct Venus 24° Capricorn
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saturniandevil · 2 years
December 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's December forecast. Today’s episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Aerin Fogel.
November Recap: Elon Musk's acquiring of Twitter happened in the aftermath of the October eclipse in Scorpio, with some of the biggest chaos bookended by the eclipses. The blue checkmark impersonations are fit with the Mars retrograde in Gemini, where we expect to see mischievous doppelgangers. Our hosts also connect deceptions to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in April casting political confusion and spreading illusions throughout the year. The Taurus eclipse in November coincided with the US midterm election, with results that may have wide-reaching effects. The collapse of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange also coincided exactly with the lunar eclipse in Taurus, a follow-up to the Taurus solar eclipse earlier this year, when the Luna cryptocurrency (which had some of the same shareholders) collapsed. This is also part of the larger Uranus in Taurus story, where currency and banking have seen abrupt and dramatic changes. Austin points out that the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses this year have highlighted differences in material (earth) and liquid (water) assets--inflation is when material goods are much more valuable compared to the liquid asset of money.
December 1st - Venus (♐) opposes Mars (♊Rx) All the inner planets will oppose retrograde Mars as they transit Sagittarius, though Mercury has cleared this aspect by the first of the month. The Sun’s opposition to Mars a week later represents the culmination and halfway point of the retrograde. Our broader knowledge is being funneled into something specific. Here’s the Mars retrograde graphic from Stella on Reddit:
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Mars retrograde in general connotes a bit of wild energy, and in Gemini may indicate shoulder/neck/upper back injuries specifically. This is also a time of harsh words, which can sometimes play out cathartically. Find the house(s) of your chart where Gemini falls to see which areas of life is affected for you personally. More about this in the December 7th Full Moon section.
December 3rd - Neptune (♓) stations direct This means an intensification of Neptune’s significations in Pisces. (A/N: think dissolution of the self, sacrifice, and idealistic dreams.)
December 6th - Mercury enters Capricorn Mercury has more impact that usual right now because he rules Mars in Gemini. In strategic, pessimistic Capricorn, Mercury prompts us to consider how the terrain has changed. He’s also going to retrograde in this sign at the end of the month and through much of January, prompting us to take stock of the game board and make a plan for success in the next round. More on this under Venus’s ingress and Mercury retrograde sections.
December 7th - Full Moon at 15 degrees of Gemini
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Mars is conjunct this lunation at 16♊, with the lights are moving immediately towards their own aspects with him. In fact, Mars opposes the Sun within hours of the lunation. One signification is the “duderang”/men returning to people’s lives, and Aerin says to expect revelations as the lights illuminate Mars, whose conflicts may have been fuzzy from his square to Neptune.
Mars, especially in this sign, can be a contrarian: either playing devil’s advocate or a warrior refusing to enter the conflict. There’s an explosive berserker side and a side that leaves conflicts that aren’t serving us. Mars rx in Gemini also foreshadows the upcoming Uranus return of the USA, which enters large wars every time Uranus enters Gemini due to its own Gemini Mars. There have been significant tech layoffs as well; Mars is great for cutting things out. Physical associations with Mars include piercing or impact injuries and inflammation.
An idle Mars is a restless and destructive Mars, so it serves us well to channel Martial energy into something productive during his long trek through Gemini. Stagnant Mars is a fire waiting to happen, but at the same time we should be careful not to let the fire spread out of control. Get active, but don’t work out so hard you get injured. Children learn to say “No!” under their first Mars return--we may need to learn how and when to refuse. Is there even a prize if you win this fight? Be sure to consider tactics and strategy if you choose to engage. Gemini Mars can also manifest as being pulled in so many directions at once that we can’t move. Protests are another an outlet for Mars energy, which we’ve been seeing in the news.
December 8th - Sun opposes retrograde Mars Depending on your time zone, the Full Moon and Mars-Sun opposition likely occur on the same calendar day.
December 9th - Venus enters Capricorn Following Mercury’s ingress, Venus wants us to have value in the actions we take. We’re also now in the second half of the Mars retrograde, which makes it easier for us to take action. Most of Mars’s cards have been played already, so though the game continues, we can plan now that we know what we’re dealing with. See Mercury’s retrograde for details on Venus’s conjunction to Pluto later this month.
December 10th - Auspicious election of the month (not pictured)
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This occurs around 12:35PM local time. Adjust until the Ascendant is at about 27 degrees of Pisces, with Jupiter nearby at 29 degrees. This day chart takes advantage of Jupiter’s last days in Pisces for the next ~11 years. The Moon is in domicile in Cancer and resides in the 5th (whole sign) house--known as the Place of Good Fortune in Hellenistic astrology--and trines Jupiter. The Moon has long since left her conjunction to Mars and the Sun is separating from an opposition with Mars. Unfortunately Mars is angular in the 4th house of this chart, though he’s not directly on Imum Coeli, and he squares Jupiter, who’s in the superior position/overcoming him. Venus in the 11th house bodes well for friends and groups, and she’s close to the Midheaven as well.
Jupiter in a strong position says “Yes” to our endeavors, and this chart specifically is good for starting new classes and winning contests. Jupiter also rules the 10th house and the Sun in this chart, helping not just careers but any of our outwardly-visible pursuits.
December 14th - Sun square Neptune
December 20th - Jupiter reenters Aries He’ll revisit territory he already covered this year (early May to October). Think bold. Aries Jupiter facilitates us to take decisive action, although with Mars retrograde acting on impulse isn’t always the best choice. Overall this transit will give us energy and focus that we didn’t have while Mars was in Pisces (and near Neptune). Jupiter in Aries teaches us like a sports coach rather than the compassionate wisdom of Pisces. Look to the Aries house of your chart for where this emerges. Although we have an impulse to action, our shots may not be on target and require revision; the chain of rulership is: Jupiter in Aries ruled by a retrograde Mars, who in turn is ruled by a retrograde Mercury. We’ll be learning by trial and error. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act--sometimes we have to make mistakes in order to get it right.
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn, squares Jupiter
December 23rd - New Moon in Capricorn This occurs soon after Jupiter’s ingress into Aries and emphasizes the Capricorn transits. (A/N: No chart and not much analysis from our hosts this time? So here is from astro-seek:)
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December 29th - Mercury retrograde This station happens right on top of Pluto and with Venus nearby. Mercury’s station is also very close to the degrees of Venus’s station last December and the Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter mega-conjunction in 2020. Thus Mercury’s retrograde will likely reintroduce discussions and re-litigate issues from those times.  We’ll likely discuss the secrets of those in power again, as well as scandals around women and sex, events like Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial during Venus’s rx last year. Venus-Pluto signifies intense power plays, manipulation and control in relationship, and the inverse of feeling completely isolated relationally. It’s going to be a heavy New Year’s Eve. Venus is often dragged to the underworld against her will, and we may go through difficult transformations. But remember, this intensification is temporary and ends soon after! Back to Mercury, you may want to delay your New Years’ resolutions until after he stations direct mid-January; Capricorn is a great place to write things in stone...once we get past all the revisions.
We’re also finally reaching the end of the Saturn-Uranus square that has been plaguing us since 2020--nearly three years! The fixed signs will get some relief next year as Saturn enters Pisces and the eclipses begin shifting to the Aries-Libra axis. But we’ll get more on that in the 2023 year ahead forecast...
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starcrazypie · 2 years
Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Driving in Reverse Gear
We've been living with Mars retrograde in Gemini since October 31st 2022, so how is it going? It seems like a wild ride so far...
We’ve been living with Mars retrograde in Gemini since October 31st, so the time seems right to ask, “How is it for you?” Before you answer, bear in mind that this is a long retrograde period. Mars has been in Gemini since August 21st 2022 and will leave on March 25th 2023 – and the retrograde period will not close until January 13th next year. I wrote about Mars in Gemini back in August to give…
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charlottematte · 2 years
Second half of this year was so bad I can’t wait for it to end!!!
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frvescent · 2 years
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taratarotgreene · 2 years
information snafu’s Mars retrograde until January 12
Hi everyone sorry I haven’t been writing as much. The Mars retrograde is really doing a number on me as it’s opposite my natal Mercury in Sagittarius so I am feeling it’s into snafu energies more than most people. If you also have planets from 7-26 GEMINI, SAGITTARIUS, VIRGO and PISCES you will be hit harder so try to prep as much as possible. An email from a year ago popped up that I had…
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
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Mars Stationary Retrograde Oct. 30, 2022 London UK 1:26 pm
Mars_SR 26degGemini37min opposes GC 27degSagittarius10min
Among other things, note:
Moon 14degCapricorn22min opposes Sirius 14degCancer24min
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chinarosy · 2 years
Rat Sun and Super New Moon | November 2022
Rat Sun and Super New Moon | November 2022. On November 22nd the Sun moves to the Rat sign and on the following day November 23rd at 2:57 PM Pacific Time Earth has a Rat Super New Moon.
On November 22nd the Sun moves to the Rat sign and on the following day November 23rd at 2:57 PM Pacific Time Earth has a Rat Super New Moon. Audio Transcript: Rat Sun Super New Moon | November 2022 Podcast Episode: Rat Sun Super New Moon | November 2022 Rat Sun | November 22nd The Sun moved into the sign of the Rat on November 22nd. Happy Solar return for all my Rats this is your month to…
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symbolicliving · 2 years
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martian-astro · 6 months
Solar return observations- Part 4
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(the panda in the back is me)
Aries ascendant is a very strong indicator of getting into sports that year, and I don't mean gym, I mean sports. (the year I had this, I started fencing and muay Thai, one of my friend had this in 2022 and she joined a basketball club)
So I have moon in pisces in 1st this year, and sometimes things get really overwhelming and swimming helps a lot. Just trust me on this one, if you have moon in cancer, pisces or scorpio, go for a swim.
I just saw that the year my sister got a dog, she had saturn in 6th house, it shows that you'll have to be responsible for an animal, may adopt a pet, and she had to take the dog on walks so even her health got a lot better.
Mars conjunct or in the same house as Venus Is another placement that I've been seeing in a lot of solar return charts this year. (the house that it's in tells you the area in which you are very passionate and loving, my sister has this in her 10th this year, and she's very focused on her career and is spending a lot of time in making a good portfolio)
Moon in 8th is a really good placement if you wanna pursue a career as a Psychologist, researcher, detective, etc. (if you've been studying it, and are looking for a job then you're more likely to get hired)
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Uranus in 2nd is a strong sign of starting to earn money unconventionally, my tarot reader friends all had this placement the year they started doing paid readings and tarot/astrology is not really considered to be a good career, so kind of taboo.
Jupiter in 5th is a good year to invest in the stock market (Jupiter shouldn't be in retrograde), one of my mother's friend had it this year and she gained a lot of money. (Just because you have it doesn't mean you should be irresponsible with your money, be smart)
Sun in 3rd is a good year to participate in clubs and if there's a leadership position open in school, college, or workplace, then sign up for it, and don't hesitate to express your opinions, if you're in college/school, then speak up in class, share your thoughts with your classmates, you won't regret it
Pluto in 8th is a painful placement, one of my very close friend has it this year and.... She's going through it. (She is unable to focus in class, her roommate is unhygienic, her boyfriend stole €600 from her and ran away, her parents asked her for her savings so they could keep it safe, she had €11,000 and they spent it all to send her brother to Canada.... Yeah) if you have this, I'm sorry, just take this 🫂, and DON'T TRUST ANYONE when you have it in your SR
Moon conjunct saturn can be the year when you become more mature, you learn how to control your emotions and deal with your problems like an adult. Many people start a new phase of their life when they have it, like moving out of your house, starting to live alone, earning money, entering the workforce, getting married and other life changing things can happen that year
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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elminx · 2 years
Contemplating Mars retrograde magic
As we (quickly) approach this month's Mars retrograde on 10/30, I have been trying to work out what (if anything) I want to do magically to ease my passage through what is considered to be a rough transit for pretty much the whole world.
During the last Mars retrograde cycle in Libra, I energized and charged carnelian with solar energy to keep me moving through the slow season. It worked pretty well as I remember, but I guess that it is time to consult my notes. With enchantments like that, I like to create an altar to the planet in question and charge both a standing piece of stone and one that I can either carry or wear throughout the retrograde to keep the magic on me at all times.
I gave the carnelian bracelet that I used in that ritual to a Leo client of mine a while back though, so I can't replicate the ritual exactly as before because I no longer have the right ingredients.
And is energy what I need?
There could be many ways to approach Mars retrograde magic. The retrograde is going to fuzz our pathways and fizzle out our forward momentum. You may need to go over past mistakes or implement corrections. Mars rules all the ways that you reach out into the world to take what you want - it is dominant masculine energy. Mars rules the sign Aries and co-rules the sign Scorpio with our planet of death and transformation, Pluto.
It's worth noting here that we are also about to experience a solar eclipse (new moon) in Scorpio immediately after its ruling planet goes retrograde.
Mars is the god of war but it's as likely to be war in the boardroom, or in the bedroom, as war in the more traditional sense. Where Mars is normally direct - you know where Mars stands; Mars in retrograde is sneaky and not afraid to do some behind-the-scenes deals to get what he wants.
Mars retrograde is a good time to be sneaky or do sneaky spells. Mars retrograde is a great time to break with tradition and go your own way. If you normally move before you make a plan (I'm looking at you, Aries), Mars retrograde may be a time to slow down and reassess. Or, conversely, it may be a time when you are so frustrated that you jump off track entirely just to run free.
No judgment here.
Personal planet retrogrades are hard. If you aren't somebody who feels it, you will almost inevitably have Others who do. Keep an eye on your very Marsian others - especially anybody with a personal planet in Aries or Scorpio and most especially people with Mars in Gemini.
Mars wasn't exactly comfortable in the sign of Gemini who just wants to move around, but generally does not really go anywhere, to begin with. Mars would like to get things done and Gemini is too busy reconsidering the myriad of options for the umpteenth time. This will be compounded by Mars' prolonged trine with Neptune in Pisces which adds an air of inanity, or mysticism - maybe both.
Ultimately, it will be okay but we will all have to wade through a lot of stuff before it feels that way.
Maybe the right spell for you right now is a mystical life preserver. (If that makes sense and you do that spell, send me an anon and tell me about it please)
As for me, I still think that I want to capture some of the energy of the light as most of the retrograde will take place around the dark days of winter and light will be very appreciated.
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saturniandevil · 2 years
November 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s November forecast.
October Recap: We’re entering the month of November just off a Scorpio solar eclipse on October 25th. In mundane astrology generally, the nodes have traditionally indicated mre dramatic rise and falls of people or groups in power. For example, the UK’s new prime minister was appointed on the day of the eclipse, and the coronation is planned for the next lunar eclipse in Scorpio next year--we may see more changes abound. Guest host Patrick Watson connects Liz Truss’s brief time in office to the ancient Babylonian practice of substituting someone else for the king during for the day of the eclipse so that person would take the brunt of it. Another leadership change during the eclipse was the ascension of Italy’s new prime minister. In celebrity news, Elon Musk was legally compelled to buy Twitter right after the eclipse, forming a bookend to his initial offer to buy it during the last pair of eclipses (and backtracking during the Mercury retrograde, which stationed 10/8). As a South Node eclipse a keyword is “release,” such as Kanye West (natal Sun in Gemini copresent with retrograde Mars) being released from a bunch of contracts after his hateful words on Twitter.
Other notable transits include Mercury’s direct station early in October and Biden’s pardoning of marijuana convictions on the 6th, as well as new legislation around legalizing other drugs. Austin connects Neptune in Pisces to this, as in the past decade we’ve seen substances like marijuana and psychedelics getting wider social acceptance, as well as the rise of the opioid crisis across the US. The DART mission changed an asteroid’s trajectory with a rocket the moment it was conjunct Mars. The attack on the Nordstream 2 pipeline (Russia to Europe) in the Baltic Sea occurred during Mercury retrograde and as Mars approached a square with Neptune--an explosion under the ocean disrupting a pipe/road/bridge. More Mars-Neptune squares are coming up, so Patrick warns we should expect to see more similar events.
Late October astrology: besides the eclipse, we’ll enter November with Saturn having just stationed direct on the 22nd (activating for the last time its 2+ year-long square to Uranus as it makes its way to Pisces), on the same day a once-in-a-century Sun-Venus cazimi in Libra, Jupiter returned to Pisces on the 27th, and Mars stationed retrograde on the 30th. Chris wonders if the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces lines up with financial predictions that inflation will likely worsen in countries around the world.
Early November: Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Scorpio Each of these planets will fill out a T-square to Uranus in Taurus (opposite) and Saturn in Aquarius(square). Venus’s recent cazimi (exact conjunction to Sun) in Libra (10/22) was part of some larger shifts, as Venus cazimis have been in Scorpio for the past century. Furthermore, there is a 250-year “star point cycle” of conjunctions occurring in particular signs, and this cycle will call back to the late 18th century, such as the founding of the United States (which is also having a Pluto return). We can think of Venus in Libra in the sense of government accords and social contracts--the attempts at harmony among people. Austin connects this change in cycle to the documentary Century of the Self, which documents the rise of individualist and psychoanalytic strategies by corporate and political powers during the 20th century (A/N: highly recommend! It’s free on YouTube in four 45-minute episodes or in an omnibus video). Scorpio is a more self-oriented sign (maintaining one’s security and independence), whereas Libra is more interested in relating to others and balancing the scales--perhaps we’ll see a cultural shift from Martial individualism to Venusian cooperation.
Themes of obscuring and brooding will be especially apparent this Scorpio season. Mercury and Venus will not be visible to the naked eye for most of the month, as they are too close to the Sun. Our simmering Scorpio Mercury thoughts will find a dramatic outlet in retrograde Gemini Mars, as the planets are in mutual reception. Similarly, our Venus-ruled frustrations may erupt through ruler Mars, though the causes may be subtle and unconscious. (A/N: Check the houses where Scorpio and Gemini fall in your chart to see where this pattern should emerge). A similar pattern in the fall of 2018 saw the #MeToo movement affecting election results and Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Venus in Scorpio can indicate finding beauty in unusual or morbid things, as well as obsession like in Phantom of the Opera.
November 8th - Lunar eclipse in Taurus, Sun-Mercury conjunction The eclipse is conjunct Uranus, and this is also the day of midterm elections in the US. Uranus likes to shake things up, stress-testing our foundations. Our hosts note that this is on Biden’s 6th-12th axis, wondering if there may be changes in his health or his employees, such as the cabinet. Additionally, considering the eclipse’s signification of changes in power, we may witness changes in the ruling party. A previous eclipse election was 1938, where Democrats came out in charge, but basically did away with the New Deal--perhaps emergency measures due to COVID will be cut even more dramatically. Uranus in Taurus is an apt indicator for bread riots, or may indicate further changes in light of Roe v. Wade’s overturning. Mercury conjunct the Sun means it’s changing sect on that day, further indicating changes in ruling parties.
November 13th-20th: Scorpio planets trine Jupiter in Pisces (not pictured) Venus will do so on the 13th-14th, Mercury the 15th, and Sun around the 20th.
November 13th - Electional Chart
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This chart takes advantage of the grand trine in water signs between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces, and the Moon in Cancer. Adjust the chart for just after 12:00 noon local time, with about 6° Aquarius rising. This is actually a Saturn election, with it in the first house, direct, in its domicile, and of the favored sect during the day. The Moon is in the 6th house (whole signs), but it’s applying to trines with the Scorpio planets & Midheaven in the 10th house, as well as a trine to Jupiter in Pisces in the 2nd house. This chart is good both for the self (1st house) and financial matters (2nd house). Venus is also within 2° of an exact trine with Jupiter, providing some bonification between the two. This may be a good time for the prudent allocation of resources for long-term benefit, especially financially.
November 16th - Venus enters Sagittarius This is the first of the planets to leave moody, underground Scorpio for loud and rambunctious Sagittarius.
November 17th - Mercury enters Sagittarius As planets enter Scorpio, they leave the T-square to Uranus and Saturn...
November 22nd - Sun enters Sagittarius ...and enter an opposition to Mars in Gemini. (see below)
November 23rd - New Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter stations Retrograde This is our first non-eclipse lunation in awhile, at 1° of Sagittarius. This lunation especially activates the Mars retrograde in Gemini, and as an opposition connotes loud arguments or reacting dramatically to things. Much of what was planned in shadow during the first half of the month will become clearer as the Sun and faster planets change signs. Mercury and Venus opposite Mars in Sagittarius-Gemini last coincided with the release of Thriller and one of Madonna’s music videos being banned by MTV. Think “scandalous works of culture.”
Thanksgiving on the 24th may have issues with heating considering the Mars rx (Patrick thinks of deep-fried turkey accidents), and as the author I think this probably bodes unwell for readers in the UK and Europe who are already facing an energy crisis as the days get colder.
Late November Astrology: Mercury opposite Mars on November 29th, signifying discordant communication such as arguments. November 30th: Venus opposes Mars. The Sun doesn’t oppose Mars until December, when we’ll see a full Moon conjunct Mars. However, Mars can give us courage. During this Mars retrograde over the next few months, we have a chance to evaluate what we’ve fought for in the past, as well as how and why. What’s worth fighting for, and what’s the best strategy to use?
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