#mars retrograde 2023
Mars retrograde is around the corner (October 30). Learn how to stay mentally fit during this wild period that can feel like a roller coaster ride.
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mars direct in gemini • january 12, 2023
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mars has been retrograding since august, but is now stationed direct at 8° gemini on january 12, 2023. when mars stations direct, this is the end of the recalibration period for how + where mars is working in our lives. reflect on the last 2.5 months - how have your mindsets developed? how is your relationship with your toxic habits? have you learned to speak up for yourself more? what's your relationship like with the internet these days? mars has been working to bring us into alignment with our motives, our drive, and the way we execute when it comes to how we communicate, what we learn, and what we engage with on a mental basis. if you have been using this retrograde to your advantage, you may be being blessed with a more empowered mindset, toxic ties are being broken, you're no longer settling for less, and confidently exercising that throat chakra.
the focus here is organizing our spaces by filtering out what no longer serves where we're headed. this involves releasing friendships, abandoning spaces we no longer resonate with, doing a social media cleanse, and even deep cleaning our physical spaces since the state of our physical environment correlates with our mental environment. many people will be focusing more on health + wellness so if you've been called to upgrade your life in that sense, now is the time. we'll also be seeing more people getting irrational, aggressive, and competitive on the internet - mind your business + do not get lost in the sauce of social media competition. overall, this transit is here to help is realign with your long-term goals and creatively conjure up a way that we can be successful through our God-given talents. in order to attain success, we must overcome our fears of self-expression and no longer doubting our abilities.
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how to alchemize with mars direct:
learn to feel safe within our own body
i cannot stress this enough... mind your business!
create boundaries with social media
hang in spaces that motivate you
release the lazy, unfocused friends that you're still holding onto
speak up for yourself!
learn nu things
implement more healing hobbies
write more!
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saturniandevil · 7 months
December 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's December forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. As you can see from the calendar, this is quite the busy month. I've put the recap at the end again for those interested in mundane astrology. Generally, it's about the October 28th lunar eclipse in Taurus.
We're entering the month off a Mars-Saturn square on November 25th, and Mercury has already entered his pre-retrograde shadow (during the rx he will go back to about 22 degrees of Sagittarius). There's been a Mars-Saturn square making motion grind to a halt, and though it present frustrations and delayed gratification, Mars-Saturn can also indicate perseverance and relentlessness.
December 1st - Mercury enters Capricorn The next day he sextiles Saturn, further activating that Saturn-Mars square. He'll retrograde back into Sagittarius later. Mercury will trine Jupiter in Taurus around the 7th-8th, and sextile Venus when she enters Scorpio, bringing us some helpful communication in the first half of the month. The second half will be very different, though, as he retrogrades and conjoins Mars--think explosive arguments or disrupted communication like in late October-early November. Do your careful planning and mapping while Mercury is constructive in Capricorn, as his regress into Sagittarius will bring have us acting recklessly out of necessity.
December 2nd & 3rd - Auspicious Elections (not pictured)
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The charts are both around 1:35AM local time and takes advantage of Mercury's application to a trine with Jupiter, before the chaos of retrograde & contacting Mars. It also takes advantage of the last bit of Venus in Libra.
On December 2nd, the chart has Libra rising with Venus in domicile in the first (whole sign) house. The Moon is in Leo, either applying to or just separating from a square with Jupiter, and trine the Sun in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This is a good Venus-related chart, for things that need to appeal aesthetically to others or unify people. As this is a night chart, Venus is also the sect benefic, and is especially equipped to help things build up and grow (plus she's in a position of strength in the first house). Venus elections are also good for design, getting back in touch with people & other social activities, and working together. Venus in Libra is especially good for bringing together two things that are at odds, whether it's disagreeing friends or disparate business endeavors. Although the degree of Venus isn't too important in timing this, Chris recommends trying to get the Midheaven around 5-6 degrees of Cancer, so that it sextiles Jupiter in the eighth house. The Moon rules the 10th house and is in the 11th house of friends, making this a good election for friends, groups, and social movements.
The 2nd is the primary election, but the 3rd has most of the same benefits. The Moon is later in Leo, now applying directly to a sextile with Venus, emphasizing her themes of unity and reconciliation as well as tying in the 11th house of groups & alliances even more strongly.
December 4th - Venus enters Scorpio Though in detriment here, Venus is opposite Jupiter in her sign (exact December 9th-10th, especially activated by a conjunction from the Moon), and this reception & contact bring forth more helpful qualities. She will also overtake slowing Mercury by sextile around December 10th-11th, bringing some reconciliation to our communications. However, the New Moon conjunct Mars will pose some challenges.
December 6th - Neptune stations direct
December 12th - New Moon in Sagittarius
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A close square to (newly direct) Neptune adds some nebulousness to the picture, and a loose conjunction from Mars to the lights, with Mercury stationing soon after, mean things may not go as planned. Mercury's configurations to the benefics seem hopeful, but we should expect some misalignment and miscommunication over the following weeks. Additionally, Mars's proximity to the Sun means he'll be coloring the next few nations with martial qualities. This New Moon sort of resets things for the month.
December 13th - Mercury stations retrograde The Moon enters Capricorn and conjoins Mercury soon after his station, which will further trigger or activate general Mercury retrograde significations.
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn
December 22nd - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Sun (Cazimi) This occurs in at zero degrees of Capricorn and marks the halfway/turning point in the retrograde. Normally we'd expect to start figuring out what's wrong and begin heading out of the woods, but once in Sagittarius Mercury approaches a conjunction with Mars, changing the layout of our path. Sometimes looking to the past for actions will bring up old conflicts, or further investigation into a problem reveals that we have to rethink our entire approach.
December 23rd - Retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius Discussed above.
December 26th - Full Moon in Cancer
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Mercury at 25 Sagittarius and Mars at 23 bring even more heightened emotions than usual to this Full Moon (think tense communications). Neptune squaring Mercury and Mars adds further muddies the waters; expect a mix of hostility and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the Moon is in domicile and both lights form soft aspects to Jupiter, which Austin compares to a nice country breakfast. It's like getting an idyllic Christmas postcard along with some poisoned arrows. Being home for the holidays is comforting and familiar, but we may also fight with our relatives, perhaps over politics. A Neptune-Venus trine brings a dreamy, escapist quality to the lunation as well. This lunation will hit different people very differently. (Those with emphasis on the lights, Jupiter, or cardinal signs will do well, while those with strong mutable placements may feel strife, etc.)
December 27th - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Mars This is the second of three Mercury-Mars conjunctions, the first having been around the October eclipse in Scorpio, and the next one occurring in Capricorn during late January. Mercury will station direct at 22 degrees of Sagittarius on the first couple days of the New Year, and will be slowly chasing Mars for most of January.
December 29th - Venus enters Sagittarius This is a fairly big shift, as she immediately squares Saturn, dumping a bucket of ice water on our attempts to come together on New Year's Eve gatherings.
December 30th - Jupiter stations direct This station can be a positive turning point for anyone with important Taurus placements nearby. Austin points out that Jupiter's usually retrograde for about ⅓ of the year (he entered Taurus in May and stationed retrograde in September), giving us time to reevaluate things and see whether we've failed or succeeded. It's like a shock absorber as we traverse this bumpy road. We can try to stabilize things in the midst of a destructive world. The rapid growth and expansion we were feeling this summer may start to come back, visible in the part of your life corresponding to the house Taurus occupies in your chart. Strike while the Iron's hot, as we've got until May before Jupiter enters Gemini. Uranus is copresent in the sign and may remind us of previous Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions: unexpected growth, innovation, and benefits from out of the blue.
November Recap:
The last forecast was recorded days before a lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28th, which heralded several world events not discussed in the November forecast. In Palestine this coincided with the beginning of ground invasion and telecom blackout (Mercury-Mars involvement=severing of communication). Last month our hosts predicted the Venus-Mercury sextile would indicate brief diplomacy in this situation, and we saw the beginning of "humanitarian pauses" as well as negotiations around prisoner exchange. Chris wants to emphasize that more civilians have died in these two months in Gaza than in the entire Ukraine war, and predicts that larger geopolitical tensions are likely to rise as world leaders split with each other and their constituents over these events. He sees upcoming eclipses in 2025 as well as Uranus in Gemini (USA return) heralding possibility of larger global conflicts. Austin reiterates from last month that the North Node near Mars (as was the cast 10/28) indicates, in combat, using force madly beyond what is necessary or proportionate.
In US politics, Joe Biden has the Moon in early Taurus and thus the last eclipse cycle has been getting closer and closer to his natal moon, with 10/28 being the closest. Because it's in the 6th house our hosts had speculated about his health, but in this case it seems to have affected his work more (another 6th house topic), as his prospects for reelection have been plummeting. In early October the US House fired the Speaker of the House right on the last stretch of the US Pluto return, and eventually Mike Johnson was elected speaker on the 25th--born on a lunar eclipse and appointed to this office 3 days before another. This fits with Chris's findings lately that a person born on an eclipse will have other life events occur on them as well. Chris's concerns around the breakdown of US democracy with its Pluto return events seem well-founded, as Johnson had a significant part in trying to overturn Biden's election and is now third in line for the presidency, as well as in a critical role for the 2024 election.
Other eclipse stories: Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX infamy was found guilty of one of the largest US fraud operations during a Taurus (signifying money) eclipse. Matthew Perry of Friends fame passed away, who was born under and published his autobiography near a lunar eclipse as well.
On November 17th-18th there was an exact Sun-Mars conjunction (cazimi) in Scorpio, and in tech news the board of OpenAI fired the CEO/founder, described among business and tech circles as "closest thing to a boardroom assassination" they'd ever seen. Chris predicts Pluto reentering Aquarius in two months will indicate major developments in the use of AI technology. Pluto was in Aquarius earlier this year for a couple months, giving us a preview of the next 20 years (aside from a brief 2-month dip back into Capricorn next fall before leaving for good).
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elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: January 2023
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January is an “8” Universal Month [1 (January) + 7 (2023) = 8] in a “7” Universal Year.   8 is an upright infinity symbol, also known as the ouroboros; it represents that path that we travel in our lives and the cycles that we must endure - both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.   An 8-month represents the “whole package” - when the numerological energy of 8 is in the air, things tend to come full circle.   This is in alignment with the astrological energy of January where we end three retrograde cycles (Mercury, Mars, and Uranus). It is worth noting that the energy of January (and more specifically the energy of January 1st) sets the tone for the year ahead.   Our 7-year will likely be introspective and for many quite spiritual and our 8-month will allow us to bring all of these intense energies into perspective.   What goes up, must come down.   But what goes down will also, eventually, come back up. The Details
We begin January with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mars in Gemini, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces.   By month’s end, each of the three retrograde planets will have stationed direct ending retrograde season for the moment.   Additionally, the Sun will have entered Aquarius and Venus will have moved all the way through Aquarius and into Pisces.
We may all feel a bit like we are Merlin or other famous time distortionists. Most of the strong aspects fall at the beginning of the month while both Mercury and Mars remain retrograde. Then, as we exit the retrogrades, things get less frantic. A lot of getting done is going to come due all at once but none of it will need doing. That isn't supposed to make sense.
The Nitty Gritty
To a greater or lesser degree, the energies of the first day of the year affect the entire year ahead.   So, as far as our time construct year of “2023” goes, it is worth taking a moment to carefully look at the transits specifically for 1/1/2023.   As mentioned above, we have a strong stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in play, and the exact conjunction between Venus and Pluto falls on the first.   Additionally, Mercury Mars, and Pluto are in retrograde motion.
I think that there is wisdom in reading the energies of Venus and Mars as a pair - even if you’re not personally into their roles as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, they still should be read as the “pull vs push” energies that affect us at all points in time.   Mars is currently very poorly placed while retrograde in Gemini - there is no push.   And Venus is being augmented by the deep chthonic energies of Pluto, the planet of death and resurrection.   This will give the entire year a bit of a dark feminine feel to it - this is the energy of the death goddess who is the earth herself, the feral energy of the “me too” movement, this is the energy of the howling fury on a cold and frigid night.   Here I predict that 2023 may not be the faint of heart but, as we live in “interesting times”, this should be expected.
With Pluto so strongly aspected on the first day of the year, one should expect that death will be a part of our lives throughout 2023; but I do not say that to scare you.   Pluto is more often the Death card in the tarot than a Grim Reaper figure.   Things change, whether you want them to or not.   It is when we can sit in observance of the change that we do not get so caught in its web.
As the first week of January (and the new year) progresses, things may just feel a bit strange. On Monday, retrograde Mercury makes a quick sextile with Neptune in Pisces: this is your high fog warning. Don't trust the sounds that you hear in the night, and so forth. Insert your favorite superstitions here as is appropriate to your culture. Venus enters Aquarius on Tuesday and immediately makes a sextile to Jupiter in Aries which will spice things up. We have a full moon in Cancer on Friday which lights up the sky with the Sun and Mercury in trine to Uranus in Taurus. The energy will be high, as is chance of all kinds.
Proceed with caution or enjoy it as fits your personality.
We're all pretty in it right about now. Capricorn feels a bit touchy about Uranus's recent squares with Saturn. There is a feeling of consequences in the air. We all have to pay up sooner or later.
Be aware of what you are saying this week. The Sun and Mercury have been moving towards each other since this Mercury retrograde began and they complete this conjunction on Saturday. That day is poorly aspected to do anything that involves mercurial pursuits of all kinds. Everybody is talking too much and not listening enough. People are out there looking to take offense. The energy will carry all the way through the weekend as Mercury makes an exact trine with Uranus on Sunday 1/8. Venus in Aquarius makes a trine to retrograde Mars in Gemini on Monday 1/9 which sounds like it should be nice, but I smell an argument. Mars in Gemini is furious about being forced to retrace his steps and Venus in Aquarius isn't holding back any harsh words. If yelling it out is helpful to you and yours, this day could be really cathartic. Watch out for those arguments between you and your closest. Yeah, that argument. You know the one.
If Mars actually shows up that Monday, it could be a really good day. It's a good day to get together with your favorite friends who like to play Scrabble, sing karaoke, or go to strange museums and learn something together. This is an air trine no matter whether Venus and Mars can get along so Monday 1/9 is a very auspicious day for air magic of all kinds. I just think that, in general, Mars in Gemini doesn't remember to show up in the best of times and Mars retrograde is not even on the same plane of existence, so how COULD they show up? It's not really Mars's fault here. On Thursday, Mars stations direct at 08° Gemini so by Monday he's already basically standing still. Whatever change you're feeling, it may need to wait a bit. Remember that Mars still has to retrace his way through his post retrograde shadow. Again, I get that feeling of consequence - this is a time to make right with whomever you owe things to. The Sun will be sextile to Neptune adding to the haze of it all.
The second weekend of January will also be quite Uranian as Venus in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel like the one final personalization of the lessons brought up by all of those Saturn-Uranus squares from 2021-2022. This energy will be quite liminal, use it if you know how. On Wednesday, 1/18 The Sun meets up in conjunction with Pluto at the end of Capricorn and Mercury stations direct at 08° Capricorn. Pay attention to what happens in and around that date. It's also worth noting that Mercury is in trine to the North Node during this as well. Check in with the messengers in your life - what do the people around you have to say?
On Friday 1/20, the Sun enters Aquarius and we have a new moon at 01° Aquarius on Saturday while Venus and Saturn also meet up at 22° Aquarius. It will be a very Aquarian weekend. Is that different from a very Uranian weekend? Time will tell. Venus may be harsh while she is conjunct to Saturn so hold your tongue if you can. Sometimes the nicest thing that you can do is not say anything at all.
Uranus stations direct on Sunday 1/22 at 15° Taurus. Uranus isn't quite square to either Saturn and Uranus of that early new moon but it will be felt all the same. That whole week is a week to play it safe - no more games of chance, please. The fourth week of January will be quieter. On Wednesday, 1/25, the Sun in Aquarius makes a sextile with Jupiter in Aries which is highly auspicious. It is a good day to have a good day. Enjoy yourself.
Venus enters Pisces on 1/27 which will shift the mood from a lot of air to something a bit...wetter. We will probably be dehydrated AF so it may be a nice change. This is when you might finally see the waterworks that the explosions early in the month should have created. As I said, this whole month feels like walking backward.
If your experiences seem to happen out of time (and there's not a mental health reason that you are experiencing this, see also any other needed disclaimer here), know that you are right on time.
It's okay to take your time. This energy is dense and most people won't be able to see more than 5 ft of their own faces.
The big flex all month is going to be to look up and see that there are still other people around you. The big flex this month is going to be to stay in your heart as Venus in Aquarius whips up her wind storms. The big flex this month is going to be to stay present and in your body. Also, drink some water. So much air dries out the soul.
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dreamzandexperiences · 10 months
7 Powerful Retrogrades Are On The Way.
The retrogrades of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are expected to trigger a period of reflection and transformation in various aspects of our lives, guided by the principles of astrology.
Navigating the Impact of the 2023 Astrological Insights The celestial stage is set for a unique astrological phenomenon in the upcoming months, as seven planets are poised to undergo retrograde motion simultaneously. Prepare for the challenges that these cosmic shifts may bring. The retrogrades of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are expected to trigger a period of…
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middlenamesage · 1 year
We’ve been talking about this Venus retrograde for literally months and she still won’t actually be in retrograde motion for over another 2 weeks??!
A bit overhyped much?
And to be real, I tend to feel this way about how all retrogrades are treated in pop astrology, and especially the unnecessary doom placed on Mercury retrogrades. Most of the time ppl be thinking Mercury retrograde or some other retrograde is destroying their lives, when they don’t realize there are far more heavy hitting and personal transits they are going through. There’s a problem with this for two reasons:
1.) I don’t think retrogrades in general usually have nearly as much effect on most of us as eclipses, significant transits to our natal chart, and even just regular transits of the Moon in some cases (the mother🌝 closest to Earth who I would argue has us all under her thumb much more than we realize)! Yet “retrograde” is the blame buzzword in astrology circles for people who haven’t yet gone deep with astrology.
2.) I simply don’t think retrogrades have to even be a bad thing. What does it say about our culture that we see the chance to go inward and revisit dynamics of the past to create better dynamics for the future, as an ominous thing?? 🤔🤨 The type of introspective work that can accompany retrogrades (if you’re actually taking advantage of them!😀) can potentially be a little uncomfortable, and external things may not feel like they’re moving ahead as smoothly or straightforwardly as normal, but really retrogrades are a gift. Personally, I’m very grateful that Venus is coming back to the degree of my natal Venus THREE times this Summer, because these revisitings will be needed for the ways I’m trying to grow in Venus’s realm.
If I can impart one piece of wisdom on others, it’s not to view retrogrades with fear or dread. Go inside yourself and ask where YOU would like to grow, and see things differently. It also might be orienting to take into account that unless the retrograde is interacting in particularly personal ways with your natal chart, it may not even have much of any significant effect in your life. 🤷‍♀️
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symbolicliving · 10 months
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 23, 2023 to September 15, 2023. Sun in Virgo, Mars in Libra. NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscope August 21 to 27, 2023
Your NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscope is published every Monday. Thank you for sharing this horoscope with your friends.
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Last week, we had the New Moon in Leo. 
This week we have the Sun entering Virgo and Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo on the same day – August 23rd. We also have Mars in Virgo until the end of this week, when Mars enters Libra on August 27th.
And next week Uranus stations Retrograde in Taurus – August 28th.
Enjoy the NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscope for August 21 to 27, 2023.
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Mars is stationing Direct – here’s what it means for YOU
Mars is stationing Direct – here’s what it means for YOU
     Have you been feeling unmotivated about your goals? Or maybe you’ve felt like your ambitions have been at a perpetual standstill. Or, maybe, perhaps, you’ve felt lacking in energy and confidence, with an overall feeling of I’m-heading-nowhere?      Well, all that’s about to change. On Jan. 13, Mars, the planet of ego, energy and enterprise, stations direct in Gemini, halting its lengthy…
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satsangat · 2 years
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jyotishgher · 11 months
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
Mars in Virgo, Work love,
Mars, the action planet is in earthy, practical, perfectionist, hard-working Virgo July 10 at 7:40 am EDT- August 27 brings a drive to improve your health, and may trigger and irritates your upper digestion. Mars is desire, so the desire to eat better, be more responsible, organized and passionate for work, read more, be more intellectual, and of service to community, get a pet, and be humble are…
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chinarosy · 2 years
Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022
Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022. On December 7th at 8:09 PM Pacific Time we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Horse with the Full Moon conjunct to Retrograde Mars.
On December 7th at 8:09 PM Pacific Time we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Horse with the Full Moon conjunct to Retrograde Mars. Audio Transcript: Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022 Podcast Episode: Gift Horse Full Moon | December 2022 Horse Full Moon | December 7th Our Horse Full Moon delivers gifts and treasures with an rare conjunction. The Full Moon conjunct retrograde Mars for a…
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
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Mars Stationary Direct Jan. 12 2023 London UK 8:56 pm
Mars_SD 8degGemini08min
Among other things, note:
Mercury_R 10degCapricorn36min
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saturniandevil · 1 year
2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s 2023 Forecast_, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, Leisa Schaim and Diana Rose Parker. As a recap of previous events our hosts connect recent AI art controversies to Venus squaring Neptune (artists vs illusions), and predicts that the Pluto in Aquarius transit will intensify these debates. Saturn in late Aquarius has seen the first successful energy-emitting controlled nuclear fusion reaction, and Austin points out that new technologies often take around 30 years, or a complete Saturn cycle, to show up in everyday life.
Major Transits
Mars Retrograde -stations direct January 12th -egress to Taurus March 25th
Saturn from Aquarius -> Pisces -ingress March 7th -begins conjunction with Neptune In the writing previous runs of Saturn in Pisces have shown us influential fantasy worlds like those of Dune (without which there’d be no Star Wars) in the mid-1960s and A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) in the 1990s, as well as nonfiction like The Communist Manifesto in the 1840s. Saturn in Pisces has also shown up in drug news, such as the synthesis of LSD, which may connect to psychedelics starting to be legalized for therapeutic use today. If these significations seem Neptunian, that’s because Saturn is copresent with Neptune in this sign. They’ll be within orb in 2025 and '26, going exact in February of 2026. This sign will also be the Saturn return of Amazon and Fox News, and in biology that of the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep. In natal charts we have the examples of Robert Downey, Jr., whose Saturn return marked a turning point in his substance use issues and career, and Rachel Carson, a biologist whose book about the effects of pesticides in our world helped launch an environmentalist movement. In general we can expect “problems with chemicals.” Pisces wants us to all be one, but Saturn reminds us how one part is hurting people more than others.
How do you put boundaries on the boundless? You may feel like you’re floating, but even the ocean has a floor. Diana predicts we may see more collective grief over lost loved ones or what could have been during the height of the pandemic. It’s also worth noting that Saturn has been in his own domicile for the last few years. Now he’s ruled by Jupiter, who will be in a different sign every year, lending a different quality to Saturn’s transit.
Pluto in Aquarius (March 23rd - June 11th) A previous example of this transit is the Luddite movement against both the technology and labor conditions of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. Austin predicts this to weigh on the AI conversation and Diana brings up that the recent labor movement will also factor in. Chris reminds us that Pluto takes the tiniest things and blow them up to wide importance. Pluto in Aquarius coincided with the Hatian and French Revolutions as well.
Jupiter in Aries until May 16th -in Taurus for rest of the year -begins conjunction to Uranus Jupiter immediately squares Pluto (0♒) when he enters this sign. Jupiter-Pluto contacts have shown us billionaires further expanding their wealth and explosions of conspiracy theories in recent years. Revolutions and movements questioning the good of the people & basic needs will be especially relevant in Taurus. Jupiter predicts cultural waves in both art and politics, which will be especially relevant now that he’s ruled by Venus. Similarly, Diana hopes we see new food inventions such as advances with fake meats (M&M’s were invented during the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus). Jupiter will come in and confirm things that Uranus has been working on, such as the rising labor movement (40 hour work week was standardized under one). In this case, the innovation is rest.
Venus Retrograde in Leo (July 22nd - September 3rd)
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Venus transits are on cycles of about 8 years, so expect to revisit themes from around 2014. The US Supreme court legalizing same-sex marriage (conjunct Jupiter), and our podcast hosts started working together. Are any important relationships coming up on 8 years? (Austin, who met his wife and later got married on Venus in Leo, jokingly recommends waiting a full Venus cycle to commit). Shortly after entering Leo, Venus squares Jupiter and approaches Mars--but slows down and retrogrades before overcoming him (unlike in 2020). This retrograde is also tinged by a square to Uranus, though Jupiter’s copresence may stabilize things a bit. Sense of self will be a key theme here, especially in relationships. After the rx, when she enters Virgo early in October, where Saturn in Pisces will hit her like a cold bucket of water.
Eclipses shift from Taurus/Scorpio axis to Aries/Libra axis
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The Mars retrograde and direct station on the 12th hangs pretty heavily over this January. Mars is supercharged by the fact that royal star Aldebaran is nearby, which can bode better for personal charts than world news. However, keep in mind that the effects will move more slowly, and that a direct Mars is still a malefic--we march forward, but into battle just yet. Expect conclusions or major turning points in conflicts that began at the retrograde's start in early October. We'll still be seeing some cleanup as he enters the post shadow period (leaves degrees he retrograded over) on the 15th. Here's the graphic from Stella on Reddit:
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Mar's ruler Mercury is also retrograde going into January, and stations on the 18th. It's almost like Mars won't be fully direct until Mercury is too. It might not be fun to cut things off, but it's better than flailing around wildly with the knife. Once both these planets are direct, Jupiter in Aries will pick up a lot of momentum. The Mercury retrogrades this year will mainly occur in earth signs, so prepare to reevaluate the material realms in your life.
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It's also worth noting that the US Pluto return goes exact a few days before 2023 starts, and Pluto will return to these degrees when retrograding in September. With a conjunction to Mercury we can expect to see more disclosures around hidden information about those in power.
Speaking of outer planets, the Saturn (♒)-Uranus (♉) square that's been plaguing us for the past couple years will finally fade as we enter the year. The conflict of chaos & order over society and basic needs will finally fade. With Saturn in Pisces, no one's in control!
We've got an electional chart for January 25, 2023 at about 7:20AM local time. Adjust until the rising is at about 5 degrees of Aquarius, putting the Sun right on the Ascendant. This is one of the last charts for great Saturn elections for the next 30 years or so, as he's in domicile, in the first house and of the favored sect. Great for technology, rapid communications, and endeavors that will start out slow but last for a long time. Venus in the first house will help smooth over the aesthetics of this election as well. Here is the circle chart for Denver below:
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Valentine's Day is a little weird with Moon opposite Mars, followed by a Venus-Neptune conjunction the next day and a Saturn-Sun conjunction even after, where emotional conflict runs into idealistic dreams, which is soon crushed by reality. The Full Moon on February 5th at 16 Leo close to Uranus at 15 Taurus activates the last of that waning Saturn-Uranus square, while the Saturn-Sun square on the 16th is the last Sun-Saturn conjunction in a Saturn-ruled sign for the next couple decades. We can clearly assess what's real and make a final inspection of the wreckage from Saturn-Uranus's stress-testing. Whatever made it through the Aquarius part of your chart has a lot of endurance.
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March calendar. 3/2 Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mercury to Pisces. 3/5 Saturn to Pisces, Virgo full moon. 3/15 Sun conjunct Neptune, 3/16 Venus to Taurus, 3/17 Sun conjunct Mercury. 3/19 Mercury to Aries, 3/20 Sun to Aries, 3/21 Aries New Moon. 3/23 Pluto to Aquarius, 3/25 Mars to Cancer, 3/28 Mercury conjunct Jupiter, 3/30 Venus conjunct Uranus.
March is a big, dynamic month full of shifts. Mars (♊) leaves the mutable signs alone and tags in Saturn (♓) to do so instead. Medieval and Arabic astrologers often counted the Sun's ingress into Aries as the start of the New Year for the world, which fits with this month bringing so many new beginnings. We're going to get two New Moons during Aries season, one of which is an eclipse, so expect a lot of Aries energy. Around the Ides of March we've got Mercury conjoining Neptune at 25 Pisces, then the Sun, with Mars at 25 Pisces squaring them, al while Venus in late Aries square Pluto in late Capricorn. These transits also highlight the third Mars-Neptune square of the latter's trek through Gemini--it's our last chance to reveal what's been murky before Mars leaves his shadow period and the sign of Gemini overall. Mars-Gemini gives us fighting words and Mars-Neptune gives us deception, so be careful where you step in the fog of war.
Mercury is doing pretty badly at the beginning of the month, being combust, squared by Mars, and stuck around Neptune--our intelligence reports will not be accurate or timely. The next week Pluto moves into Aquarius. Chris wonders if this may result in a mass disappearing of certain kinds of technology. This area of Aquarius has seen a lot of activity from Saturn and Jupiter in recent years, and Pluto will deepen those issues for a couple months before retrograding in the fall. Venus will conjoin Uranus on the degree of November's eclipse in Taurus, which can make relationships more exciting. Mars moves into Cancer, trining Saturn on the 29th-30th. It's not a particularly glorious place for Mars, but we're finally getting back to Mars as usual (direct). We may be sullen, but at least we're not shooting ourselves in the foot anymore.
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This month gives us eclipse season and the second Mercury retrograde of year. We also get a Jupiter-Sun cazimi in Aries, resetting the Jupiter cycle for the next year. The hybrid solar eclipse eclipse will be annular for some regions and total for others (visible over the South Pacific, mostly). Here are the eclipses for 2023:
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Both eclipse seasons go back and forth between the Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio axis as the nodes move. Additionally, the spring eclipses are in Mars-ruled signs with Mars in Cancer, while the fall eclipses are ruled by Venus in Virgo. Thus we're moving from one Mars-Venus axis to another, with the eclipse ruler in either fall or detriment. In personal charts, this will be highlighting two sets of houses for us all. Once April 19th or so comes around, we'll find ourselves between eclipses with Mercury retrograde and Jupiter joining the North Node--a bit of a hangover from the Uranus in Taurus issues we've been seeing. Definitely expect more shipping and supply chain issues. Mercury's retrograde cycle will continue through to the next month.
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The first of the month gives us the Mercury cazimi, which is a halfway point & turning point for the retrograde. With Pluto's station, we've got a lot of changes occurring in May. The eclipse is at 14 Scorpio, echoing the previous Uranus eclipse in November in Taurus. However, this is the final eclipse in Scorpio (though there's one more in Taurus) for the next few years. We'd expect the pressure to ease from fixed signs now that heavy-hitters are moving into mutable and cardinal signs, but the fixed signs are still feeling some residual effects for the first half of the year. Jupiter ingress will attempt to stabilize some of the trouble as he enters Taurus. His squaring Pluto and later Mars in Leo will bring some tension as well, though. Diana thinks of forest fires with Mars in Leo, with Pluto in Aquarius serving as a sudden gust of wind. Jupiter is on the North Node as well, who'll cooperate with Jovian money endeavors but not his loftier pursuits. Pay attention to which house of your chart Jupiter enters, as he may provide some stability to the rockiness we've been seeing in Taurus since the lunar eclipse in fall of 2021.
When Jupiter conjoined Pluto in 2020 there was a massive expansion of wealth for the already wealthy, and now with a square between the planets we could see a more proletarian version of wealth expanding (or at least some kind of struggle around it). Pluto's station in Aquarius should also give us a picture of his trek through this sign over the next decade or so. Conversations around control and manipulation of information may arise, which Chris connects to social media as one of the richest men in the world just bought a widely used website. Diana brings up that these apps are often intentionally designed to encourage addictive behavior, so Pluto's compulsions and obsessions and tendency to expose the dark underbelly will manifest in the tech world. We may see a contraction in tech, as issues of power and control over social networks and other large scale communications arise. Is this paranoia or rational fear?
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Venus now enters sign in which she will retrograde, hinting at the territory we'll visit multiple times. She's approaching Mars and opposite Pluto, intensifying relationship dynamics. However she's also applying to Jupiter in her sign of Taurus, stabilizing things a little. Venus and Mars will square Uranus together before she retrogrades. Meanwhile Neptune and Saturn slow down and station, bringing emotional drag as they square our chipper Gemini Sun. When Saturn enters Cancer, the sextile to Jupiter in Taurus may bring some fertile clay for creative, sensitive, or peaceful endeavors. The overall energy is pretty loud and extroverted: if people find something distasteful, they won't be quiet about it! However, we may not see the stormy emotional undercurrents underneath this acting out.
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Venus will square Uranus at the beginning of this month, slowing down before going retrograde on the 22nd. Mercury enters Virgo, heightening the tension between Saturn (♓) and Mars (♊). Mars-Saturn squares in the fixed signs gave us new editions of a problem we already knew about (notably changes in lockdowns and restrictions during peaks of the pandemic in the US), but in mutable signs we may get introduced to new problems nearby. Either way, Saturn stonewalls Mars's impulses. Saturn and Mars get frustrated because one's hitting the gas while the other hits the brakes, but Venus stops the car entirely and starts driving in reverse towards unfinished business earlier in the trip. Pluto will also square the Nodes in Aries/Libra after regressing into Pluto. Chris points out that gay marriage was legalized in the US under Venus in Leo, so this retrograde may see challenges to Congress's recent Defense of Marriage Act. She's also stationing right next to Lilith and considering Pluto's activity, so Austin predicts abortion will come up again, as Lilith was right over the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
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Venus retrograde hangs over this month, although her cazimi on the 13th marks its halfway point. Inanna confronts her sister in the underworld and begins to get carried out. Venus emerges from under the beams right as she squares supportive Jupiter. Mercury begins to slow down and stations retrograde with Mars as a neighbor. Constructively, we can edit and cut things down, but interpersonally we may share harsh words. The Full Moon in Pisces will be tinged by Saturn's copresence, especially because it occurs on the degree on which Saturn stationed in June. We get a taste of what Pisces is going to feel like for the next few years, though Jupiter's sextile immediately after provides some support. It's soggy and wet, but we can grow things.
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Mercury is the only planet in domicile for the whole month: retrograde the first half and direct for the second. With exaltation in Virgo as well, he's at his loudest! Mars is also in Libra as we enter the month, approaching a square to Pluto and a conjunction to the South Node (Tail of the Dragon) towards the end of the month, as well as a sextile to Venus. The Aries Full Moon will be eventful as a result of all this Mars activity.
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We've got two eclipses this month as we revisit Pluto in Capricorn themes (including the founding of the US--think bones of the institutions that built the nation). Mars conjoins the South Node in the days preceding the eclipse, and squares Pluto days before he stations direct. Venus in Virgo makes us eager to critique, which is especially relevant to the US's upcoming elections season. The eclipses in Libra and Taurus will also bring major beginnings and endings to these areas of our charts. The solar eclipse at 21 Libra is a South node eclipse, which usually brings up things we've already dealt with--think "the unquiet dead." The Taurus eclipse right before Halloween has Mercury conjunct Mars opposite Jupiter. Mercury-Mars can be combative with piercing words. They will spitefully challenge the peace, stability, and excessive comfort Jupiter in Taurus has been trying to bring. However, this is the last of the fixed sign eclipses that started in 2021, bringing a major ending to that chapter of our lives. There's one more wild card with Jupiter approaching Uranus, but it's a more constructive energy, like finally being able to implement the changes we want.
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This new Moon is the first one for awhile that's not an eclipse, and Saturn's significations in Pisces should intensify as he stations direct. Venus in Libra sextile Mercury in Sagittarius will bring us some pleasant communications and decorum. "I didn't mean what I said when Mercury was conjunct Mars!" Mars's cazimi with the Sun acts like a coal nearby that's glowing with the potential for a fire that isn't burning right now--at least until he opposes Uranus, when the tension that's been building up may find an outlet. The Mars cazimi is also trine Neptune, which may add some ease.
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Mercury will station direct a few days after Jupiter--things will move forward at the end of the year. Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Taurus will be in mutual reception with each other, bringing the two goods to us after some brooding in Scorpio. During Venus in Scorpio we might get the kinds of fights started by someone misunderstanding what your words--you can't take back what you didn't say! The tight opposition to Jupiter at the beginning of Venus in Scorpio can be fun, if not particularly useful. A trine from Saturn can make Scorpio Venus's obsessions more productive.
And that's a wrap for 2023! Thanks for reading all of this (:
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eatingfood · 2 years
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theoccultz · 9 months
Yes way to random astro thoughtts ...
Posted: 22 sep ,2023
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🂱 Most of the famous celeb or people in general who have pluto 11th house placements are constantly spied upon regarding their love life, people are just invested & curious even if they don't know you there's always some gossip
-Usually its like a mystery because people with these placements value their privacy to the core .
🂱 Sagittarius moon are one of the most intuiative people and nobody talks about that ,saggis are literally known to blend with people ,they are easy to trust and their vibe check never lies ,they can easily figure you out .
🂱 12h as enemy sign is so overused ? Your moon in someone's 12th house is a healing placement fr ,they just get you , you cant hide anything from them ,they have similiar experiences as you
🂱Mercury mars /aspect: nothing can get under their skin lol
🂱 your partners sun in your 4h house ,they'll shine light on every uncomfortable truth you might be holding in and its triggering .
🂱 If your partner is a ........ rising and its falling in your north node -for eg (virgo n.n and virgo rising) its not always that this relationship is an end game its just these people will bring change in your life and you'll always learn something from them about "you" which will further help you shape what u need and dont need .
🂱If your partner's 1st house is ruled by mars or any other planets and its in conjuction with your mercury then this person will live in your mind rent free lol if its squares the confusion is just doubled as to why you are thinking about them -
🂱If it conjuct Venus then you'll be romanticising the most mundane things you'll just feel included in every aspects of their life , when there's squares its more like i'm confused as to where to take this relationship,what should i do, what shouldn't i ...but you'll always feel that push towards them of long-term.
🂱Scorpio moon and pisces moon have so much in common its insane , but why do these two moon sign always wants to analyse every little thing these people are just mystic.
🂱Virgo moon & leo moon are one of the most famous people existing fr they are literally known for something or another.
🂱Very common but the people who's prominent planet is falling in your 8th house : there's some sort of chemistry that cant be tamed its just there .
For eg: aries rising idealising the 8house aries person.
🂱5h person doesn't create envy in you its more like infatuation which can go far for some, usually you see parts of them that others dont seem to acknowledge.
🂱Lilith pluto/ aspects - uff there's always this one rumour spreaded by other people which is not true its like an illusion others cant seem to get through+ these people can feel misunderstood and underestimated.
🂱Any planet in retrograde fails to see their worth and it creates obstacles and that seems to be the main priority of an individual to establish in themselves whatever the characteristic of the house are .
It could be as big as.....
Foreg- pluto (r) feels under appreciated but the general public always see the opposite as in " i dont want to compliment their skills because they are alrdy so good at it" .
.......Or as small as
Saturn(r)- i dont want to approach this person they look intimidating they might dismiss me .
Or another example Neptune (r) person just nails every look and looks at the brighter side of the things , don't they realise how privileged they are? ...
.........Or it could be an inner struggle......
Chiron ( r ) i dont think so i can do it but hey aren't they alrdy good at so many things they pick up things a lot faster .
🂱Usually others cannot acknowledge it from your perspective its because there's illusion & confusions so there's assumptions as we all experience the intensity when the planet goes retrograde. Fogging the visions on many things.
🂱Uranus sextile pluto- their reputation is never consistent, people are always changing views abt them and mostly its positive because uranus is an outer planet its energy is once in a while unless its prominently conjucted with your sun or mars .
🂱Most of the Famous theorist's /personologist/ philosophers had prominent 4th house ,8house, Gemini placements.
(Geminis-truth seeker , thinkers ,idealist
4house - issues , others effect on your persona
8house - memories ,issues , dept / underlying causes.
So i found that interesting )
🂱Is it just me or anyone has noticed that moon square pluto always seem happy like a butterfly but their eyes reflect a different kind of pain like others can never guess what they are going through unless they reveal it by themselves .
>Celebs with this placement has always had their part of controversy which is unbelievable and it always include something or someone close who they associate the issues with ,whether its bullying of peers or abuse in the household. Noticed this with non celebs as well .
🂱Moon dom individuals - people feeling emotionally connected to you for no reason ,others are really drawn to them whether they know em or not . People being emotionally invested in your issues
🂱Mars dom individuals -people are just curious in general you guys show a lot of parts that's fascinating so everyone wants to know your business.
🂱Pluto dom individuals - others are intrigued by your presence,they cant seem to get enough of you because they cant put you in a box its trying to grasp a foreign feeling . Pluto dom seems to know abt life in general .
🂱Venus dom individuals- your energy just speaks for itself tbh ,these people look like they have been through hell and back and extracted the wisdom they received ,others want to learn from cause there's just so many things which draws others but usually its the liveliness and innerchild in you which is unafraid to express itself.
🂱Saturn dom individuals- Excellent in so many things its intimidating, these people have separate identities at a veey young age , its like things didn't broke you it made you stronger, they give me cult vibes tbh their influence is insane ,poised individuals fr .
🂱Uranus dom individuals-- my favourite, nothing can get under their skin ,they really live upto their names - they create a lot of things which is unthinkable to begin with i really love their attitude of defining things my way . They give me entrepreneur vibes... you Just always have to associate creativity with their name .
🂱Mars ascendant did you ever had some sort of leg surgery or just surgery in general? Just curious...
Why its always ♉ taurus who have this fresh vibe to their voice or i'll ruin you vibe or bambii voice idk how to describe it lmao but its always like this
🂱 too much squares in one's chart - these people are just controversial they have so many layers but the public is usually very critical of their little to little Actions . Its like they dont trust them or what but its honestly just projections. These people are not easily swayed by others opinions tbh they value themselves A LOT .
I'm guessing this people are contagious and alluring cause why there's so many weird obsessed delulu all up in their energy
🂱Trines in someone's chart is easy to get along with ,these people are liberal and relatable they just know how to navigate things through ,these people gives me popular loner vibes they be just so comfortable in their own world . They learn a lot through childhood experiences and expectations , they are kinda rebellious as well .
I can go on forever but this much lol𖤍
Ignore any mistakes didn't check through
Thank you for reading 🤘🏽
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